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This element is used to represent classes (terms) from ontologies, and is used in many places throughout the Phenopacket standard. It is a simple, two element message that represents the identifier and the label of an ontology class.

Data model

Field Type Multiplicity Description
id string 1..1 a CURIE-style identifier e.g., MP:0013414. REQUIRED
label string 1..1 human-readable class name e.g., decreased myeloid cell number in bone marrow. REQUIRED


    id: "MP:0013414"
    label: "decreased myeloid cell number in bone marrow"


  • id

The ID SHALL be a CURIE-style identifier, e.g., HP:0100024, MP:0001284, UBERON:0001690. In order that the class is resolvable, it MUST reference the namespace prefix of a :ref:rstresource named in the MetaData message.

  • label

The the human-readable label for the concept. This MUST match the ID in the ontology referenced by the namespace prefix in a :ref:rstresource named in the MetaData.