============================================================================================== Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of Differential Expression and ALternative Splicing (HBA-DEALS) ============================================================================================== HBA-DEALS simultaneously characterizes differential expression and splicing in cohorts. HBA-DEALS is based on a hierarchical Bayesian model of the absolute expression levels of the gene and its isoforms. HBA-DEALS assumes that the data are available from *n* RNA-seq samples and that the sequence reads have been mapped to isoforms. The *n* samples are divided into two cohorts *n1* and *n2* (e.g., cases and controls). The output of any isoform quantification tool, including but not limited to `Salmon `_, `RSEM `_, `Kallisto `_, and `StringTie `_, can be used as the input for HBA-DEALS. .. figure:: /img/hbadeals.png :width: 70% :align: center This documentation explains how to setup and run HBA-DEALS. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: setup cohort transcriptome hbadeals