A Full-Stack annotation application to generate data for disease and associated ontologies.


Java 11


Requirements for development


Setup the database

First, open the database console.

sudo mysql -u root

Then create the database poet, a user (e.g. poetdev), and grant poetdev the privileges for the poet database.

> create database poet;
> create user 'poetdev'@localhost identified by 'password1';
> grant all privileges on poet.* to 'poetdev'@localhost;
> flush privileges;

Replace password1 with a better choice.

Configure datasources under, replace username and password with the credentials from the previous step:

Initalize Data (~30min)

` ./gradlew bootRun –args=”–initializePoet=true” `

Run the app

Open in two terminals

Run Server

` ./gradle bootRun `

Run Client src/main/poet

` cd src/main/poet; npm run start `

Navigate to http://localhost:4200/, endpoints will be served at http://localhost:8080/api/v1/

Unit & Functional Testing Before Deployment

` ./gradlew test_release `

Building For Deployment

Test Environment Internal Only

` ./gradlew bootWar -Dspring.profiles.active=stage `

Production Environment Deployment ` ./gradlew bootWar -Dspring.profiles.active=production `


Michael iimpulse Gargano