Last updated: 2022-03-22

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: Serreze-T1D_Workflow/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.2). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/qc/workflowr/Serreze-T1D_Workflow .

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.

The results in this page were generated with repository version 68dca64. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .DS_Store
    Ignored:    analysis/.DS_Store

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  data/GM_covar.csv
    Untracked:  data/bad_markers_all_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.eoi1.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.pbs1.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.eoi.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.eoi1.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.pbs.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.pbs1.csv
    Untracked:  data/e.RData
    Untracked:  data/e_snpg_samqc_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/e_snpg_samqc_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/errors_ind_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/errors_ind_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/genetic_map.csv
    Untracked:  data/genotype_errors_marker_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/genotype_freq_marker_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_allqc_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_samqc_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_samqc_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_samqc_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_serreze.192.RData
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_id_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_id_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_id_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_marker_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/pheno.csv
    Untracked:  data/physical_map.csv
    Untracked:  data/qc_info_bad_sample_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/qc_info_bad_sample_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/qc_info_bad_sample_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/remaining.markers_geno.freq.xlsx
    Untracked:  data/sample_geno.csv
    Untracked:  data/sample_geno_bc.csv
    Untracked:  data/serreze_probs.rds
    Untracked:  data/serreze_probs_allqc.rds
    Untracked:  data/summary.cg_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/summary.cg_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/summary.cg_4.batches_bc.RData

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/4.1.1_qtl.analysis_binary_ici.vs.eoi_snpsqc_dis_no-x_updated.Rmd) and HTML (docs/4.1.1_qtl.analysis_binary_ici.vs.eoi_snpsqc_dis_no-x_updated.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 68dca64 Belinda Cornes 2022-03-22 updated ici.vs.eoi binary
html a4d66b5 Belinda Cornes 2022-03-15 Build site.
Rmd 93afca9 Belinda Cornes 2022-03-15 updated binary qtl

Data Information

Loading Data

We will load the data and subset indivials out that are in the groups of interest. We will create a binary phenotype from this (EOI ==0, ICI == 1).


Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals               188
No. genotyped individuals       188
No. phenotyped individuals      188
No. with both geno & pheno      188

No. phenotypes                    1
No. covariates                    6
No. phenotype covariates          0

No. chromosomes                  20
Total markers                131578

No. markers by chr:
    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13 
 9977 10005  7858  7589  7621  7758  7413  6472  6725  6396  7154  6137  6085 
   14    15    16    17    18    19     X 
 5981  5346  5019  5093  4607  3564  4778 
#pr <- readRDS("data/serreze_probs_allqc.rds")
#pr <- readRDS("data/serreze_probs.rds")

##extracting animals with ici and eoi group status
miceinfo <- gm$covar[gm$covar$group == "EOI" | gm$covar$group == "ICI",]

 69  92 
mice.ids <- rownames(miceinfo)

gm <- gm[mice.ids]
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals               161
No. genotyped individuals       161
No. phenotyped individuals      161
No. with both geno & pheno      161

No. phenotypes                    1
No. covariates                    6
No. phenotype covariates          0

No. chromosomes                  20
Total markers                131578

No. markers by chr:
    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13 
 9977 10005  7858  7589  7621  7758  7413  6472  6725  6396  7154  6137  6085 
   14    15    16    17    18    19     X 
 5981  5346  5019  5093  4607  3564  4778 

 69  92 
gm$covar$ICI.vs.EOI <- ifelse(gm$covar$group == "EOI", 0, 1)

covars <- read_csv("data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv")
#removing any missing info
covars <- subset(covars, covars$ICI.vs.EOI!='')
[1] 161

 69  92 
#keeping only informative mice
gm <- gm[covars$Mouse.ID]
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals               161
No. genotyped individuals       161
No. phenotyped individuals      161
No. with both geno & pheno      161

No. phenotypes                    1
No. covariates                    7
No. phenotype covariates          0

No. chromosomes                  20
Total markers                131578

No. markers by chr:
    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13 
 9977 10005  7858  7589  7621  7758  7413  6472  6725  6396  7154  6137  6085 
   14    15    16    17    18    19     X 
 5981  5346  5019  5093  4607  3564  4778 

 69  92 
#pr.qc.ids <- pr
#for (i in 1:20){pr.qc.ids[[i]] = pr.qc.ids[[i]][covars$Mouse.ID,,]}

##dropping monomorphic markers within the dataset

g <-"cbind", gm$geno)

gf_mar <- t(apply(g, 2, function(a) table(factor(a, 1:2))/sum(a != 0)))
#gn_mar <- t(apply(g, 2, function(a) table(factor(a, 1:2))))

gf_mar <- gf_mar[gf_mar[,2] != "NaN",]

count <- rowSums(gf_mar <=0.05)
low_freq_df <- merge(,, by="row.names",all=T)
low_freq_df[] <- ''
low_freq_df <- low_freq_df[low_freq_df$count == 1,]
rownames(low_freq_df) <- low_freq_df$Row.names

low_freq <- find_markerpos(gm, rownames(low_freq_df))
low_freq$id <- rownames(low_freq)

[1] 99077
low_freq_bad <- merge(low_freq,low_freq_df, by="row.names",all=T)
names(low_freq_bad)[1] <- c("marker")

gf_mar <- gf_mar[gf_mar[,2] != "NaN",]
MAF <- apply(gf_mar, 1, function(x) min(x))
MAF <-
MAF$index <- 1:nrow(gf_mar)
gf_mar_maf <- merge(gf_mar,, by="row.names")
gf_mar_maf <- gf_mar_maf[order(gf_mar_maf$index),]

gfmar <- NULL
gfmar$gfmar_mar_0 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF==0)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_1 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.01)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_5 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.05)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_10 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.10)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_15 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.15)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_25 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.25)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_50 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.50)
gfmar$total_snps <- nrow(

gfmar <- t(
gfmar <-
gfmar$count <- gfmar$V1

gfmar[c(2)] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccccc"),linesep ="\\hline") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = F)  %>%
  row_spec(8 ,bold=T,color= "white",background = "black")
gfmar_mar_0 89667
gfmar_mar_1 92615
gfmar_mar_5 99045
gfmar_mar_10 99502
gfmar_mar_15 99619
gfmar_mar_25 100097
gfmar_mar_50 131139
total_snps 131578
gm_qc <- drop_markers(gm, low_freq_bad$marker)
gm_qc <- drop_nullmarkers(gm_qc)

Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals              161
No. genotyped individuals      161
No. phenotyped individuals     161
No. with both geno & pheno     161

No. phenotypes                   1
No. covariates                   7
No. phenotype covariates         0

No. chromosomes                 20
Total markers                32501

No. markers by chr:
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16 
2940 2853 2033 2045 1931 2041 1858 1677 1991 1208 2057 1387 1617 1685 1194  922 
  17   18   19    X 
 382 1073 1052  555 
## dropping disproportionate markers
dismark <- read.csv("data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv")
[1] 32501
names(dismark)[1] <- c("marker")
dismark <- dismark[!dismark$Include,]
[1] 18736
gm_qc_dis <- drop_markers(gm_qc, dismark$marker)
gm_qc_dis <- drop_nullmarkers(gm_qc_dis)

gm = gm_qc_dis
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals              161
No. genotyped individuals      161
No. phenotyped individuals     161
No. with both geno & pheno     161

No. phenotypes                   1
No. covariates                   7
No. phenotype covariates         0

No. chromosomes                 19
Total markers                13765

No. markers by chr:
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   16   17 
2142 1860 1022  570  688  514 1060  294  772  205  718   11 1270 1105  490  291 
  18   19    X 
 494  208   51 
markers <- marker_names(gm)
gmapdf <- read.csv("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/genetic_map.csv")
pmapdf <- read.csv("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/physical_map.csv")
mapdf <- merge(gmapdf,pmapdf, by=c("marker","chr"), all=T)
rownames(mapdf) <- mapdf$marker
mapdf <- mapdf[markers,]
names(mapdf) <- c('marker','chr','gmapdf','pmapdf')
mapdfnd <- mapdf[!duplicated(mapdf[c(2:3)]),]

pr.qc <- calc_genoprob(gm)

Genome-wide scan

For each of the phenotype analyzed, permutations were used for each model to obtain genome-wide LOD significance threshold for p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.10, respectively, separately for X and automsomes (A).

The table shows the estimated significance thresholds from permutation test.

We also looked at the kinship to see how correlated each sample is. Kinship values between pairs of samples range between 0 (no relationship) and 1.0 (completely identical). The darker the colour the more indentical the pairs are.

#Xcovar <- get_x_covar(gm)
#addcovar = model.matrix(~Sex, data = covars)[,-1]

#K <- calc_kinship(pr.qc, type = "loco")
#K.overall <- calc_kinship(pr.qc, type = "overall")
kinship <- calc_kinship(pr.qc)

Version Author Date
a4d66b5 Belinda Cornes 2022-03-15
#operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar$phenos, Xcovar=Xcovar, n_perm=2000)
#operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar$phenos, addcovar = addcovar, n_perm=2000)
#operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar$phenos, n_perm=2000)
operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar["ICI.vs.EOI"], model="binary", n_perm=1000, perm_Xsp=TRUE, chr_lengths=chr_lengths(gm$gmap))

summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01,  0.05, 0.1))))
names(summary_table) <- c("autosomes","X")
summary_table$significance.level <- rownames(summary_table)

rownames(summary_table) <- NULL

summary_table[c(3,1:2)] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
significance.level autosomes X
0.01 3.823422 3.940546
0.05 3.071140 3.144630
0.1 2.715963 2.715963

The figures below show QTL maps for each phenotype

#out <- scan1(pr.qc, gm$covar["ICI.vs.EOI"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="binary")
out <- scan1(pr.qc, gm$covar["ICI.vs.EOI"], model="binary")

summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01,  0.05, 0.1))))

  for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
    #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i],  "_lod.png"))
    #par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
    ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
    plot(out, map, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
    legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
    title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i], " [positions in cM]"))
    add_threshold(map,  summary(operm,alpha=0.1), col = 'purple')
    add_threshold(map,  summary(operm, alpha=0.05), col = 'red')
    add_threshold(map,  summary(operm, alpha=0.01), col = 'blue')
    #for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
    #  abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
    #  text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))


Version Author Date
a4d66b5 Belinda Cornes 2022-03-15

LOD peaks

The table below shows QTL peaks associated with the phenotype. We use the 95% threshold from the permutations to find peaks.

#peaks<-find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=3.6, drop=1.5, peakdrop=3)
#peaks <- find_peaks(out, gm$gmap,drop=1.5, peakdrop=3)
#peaks <- find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=3, peakdrop=1, drop=1)
#peaks <- find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, peakdrop=0.5, drop=0.5)
peaks <- find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=summary(operm,alpha=0.05)$A, thresholdX = summary(operm,alpha=0.05)$X, peakdrop=3, drop=1.5)

rownames(peaks) <- NULL
peaks[] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod ci_lo ci_hi
1 ICI.vs.EOI 3 29.038 6.364394 21.228 35.891
1 ICI.vs.EOI 4 69.108 3.468241 63.399 82.840
#plot only peak chromosomes

  for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
    #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i],  "_lod.png"))
    #par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
    ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
    plot(out, map, chr = chrom, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
    legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
    title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i], " - chr", chrom, " [positions in cM]"))
    add_threshold(map,  summary(operm,alpha=0.1), col = 'purple')
    add_threshold(map,  summary(operm, alpha=0.05), col = 'red')
    add_threshold(map,  summary(operm, alpha=0.01), col = 'blue')
    #for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
    #  abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
    #  text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))

for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
  plot_lod_chr(out,gm$gmap, peaks$chr[i])

Version Author Date
a4d66b5 Belinda Cornes 2022-03-15

print("peaks in MB positions")
[1] "peaks in MB positions"
peaks_mbl <- list()
#corresponding info in Mb
for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
  lodindex <- peaks$lodindex[i]
  lodcolumn <- peaks$lodcolumn[i]
  chr <- peaks$chr[i]
  lod <- peaks$lod[i]
  pos <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$pos[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  ci_lo <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$ci_lo[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  ci_hi <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$ci_hi[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  peaks_mb=cbind(lodindex, lodcolumn, chr, pos, lod, ci_lo, ci_hi)
  peaks_mbl[[i]] <- peaks_mb
peaks_mba <-, peaks_mbl)
peaks_mba <-
#peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")] <- sapply(peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")], as.numeric)

rownames(peaks_mba) <- NULL
peaks_mba[] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod ci_lo ci_hi
1 ICI.vs.EOI 3 59.429352 6.36439381654824 48.232305 81.503929
1 ICI.vs.EOI 4 136.886057 3.46824068609622 130.092679 151.967752
  for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
    #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i],  "_lod.png"))
    #par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
    ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
    plot(out, map, chr = chrom, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
    legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
    title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i], " - chr", chrom, " [positions in MB]"))
    add_threshold(map,  summary(operm,alpha=0.1), col = 'purple')
    add_threshold(map,  summary(operm, alpha=0.05), col = 'red')
    add_threshold(map,  summary(operm, alpha=0.01), col = 'blue')
    #for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
    #  abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
    #  text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))

for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
  plot_lod_chr_mb(out,gm$pmap, peaks$chr[i])

## QTL effects

For each peak LOD location we give a list of gene

Chromsome 3

query_variants <- create_variant_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/cc_variants.sqlite")
query_genes <- create_gene_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/mouse_genes_mgi.sqlite")

for (i in 1){
#for (i in 1:1){
  #Plot 1
  marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
  #g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
  gp <- g[,marker]
  gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
  gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
  gp[gp==0] <- NA
  #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
  #par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
  plot_pxg(gp, gm$covar[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
  title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"mb (",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)

  chr = peaks$chr[i]

# Plot 2
  pr_sub <- pull_genoprobint(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr, c(peaks$ci_lo[i], peaks$ci_hi[i]))
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary")
  #coeff_sub <- scan1coef(pr_sub[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary")
  blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]])
  blup_sub <- scan1blup(pr_sub[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]])

  #     gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff; positions in cM] )")
  #     )

  #     gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],"; 1.5 LOD drop interval [scan1coeff; positions in cM] ) ")
  #     )

       gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
       bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
       main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup; positions in cM] )")

       gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
       bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
       main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],"; 1.5 LOD drop interval [scan1blup; positions in cM] )")

  #last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
  #for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  #axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

 # Plot 3
  #c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  #c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  #plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  #plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  ##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
  ##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  ##  axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

  #Table 1
  chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]

  genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)

  rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
  genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"

  #genesgss <- 
  #table <- 
  #genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")] %>%
  #kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccccccc")) %>%
  #kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) #%>% 
  #cat #%>%
  #column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
  #print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], escape = F,align = c("ccccccccccc")))

  print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))


chr type start stop strand ID Name Dbxref gene_id mgi_type description
3 gene 48.54642 48.57947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826472 Gm46835 NCBI_Gene:108168915 MGI:5826472 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46835
3 gene 48.60573 48.60910 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913582 1700018B24Rik NCBI_Gene:66332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037910 MGI:1913582 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700018B24 gene
3 gene 48.74851 48.76095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610418 Gm37190 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102181 MGI:5610418 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37190
3 gene 48.95472 48.95488 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453288 Gm23511 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065018 MGI:5453288 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23511
3 gene 49.06237 49.09636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590574 Gm31415 NCBI_Gene:102633632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102263 MGI:5590574 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31415
3 gene 49.13746 49.13853 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611047 Gm37819 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104186 MGI:5611047 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37819
3 pseudogene 49.20771 49.20807 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610912 Gm37684 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103027 MGI:5610912 pseudogene predicted gene, 37684
3 gene 49.32568 49.36736 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5295664 Gm20557 NCBI_Gene:329633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102679 MGI:5295664 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20557
3 pseudogene 49.38115 49.38285 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643624 Gm5846 NCBI_Gene:545519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104309 MGI:3643624 pseudogene predicted gene 5846
3 pseudogene 49.40082 49.46744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780091 Gm9683 NCBI_Gene:676568 MGI:3780091 pseudogene predicted gene 9683
3 gene 49.49135 49.49148 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452257 Gm22480 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084517 MGI:5452257 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22480
3 pseudogene 49.53075 49.53131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610652 Gm37424 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104437 MGI:5610652 pseudogene predicted gene, 37424
3 pseudogene 49.60356 49.60388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611489 Gm38261 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102731 MGI:5611489 pseudogene predicted gene, 38261
3 pseudogene 49.60423 49.60447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611316 Gm38088 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103249 MGI:5611316 pseudogene predicted gene, 38088
3 pseudogene 49.63244 49.63297 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780498 Gm2328 NCBI_Gene:100039587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104134 MGI:3780498 pseudogene predicted gene 2328
3 pseudogene 49.64348 49.64413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588900 Gm29741 NCBI_Gene:101055903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103568 MGI:5588900 pseudogene predicted gene, 29741
3 gene 49.65876 49.65887 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452873 Gm23096 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065381 MGI:5452873 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23096
3 gene 49.74329 49.75738 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920423 Pcdh18 NCBI_Gene:73173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037892 MGI:1920423 protein coding gene protocadherin 18
3 pseudogene 49.78043 49.78089 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610778 Gm37550 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102943 MGI:5610778 pseudogene predicted gene, 37550
3 gene 49.89253 50.49909 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347355 Slc7a11 NCBI_Gene:26570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027737 MGI:1347355 protein coding gene solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 11
3 gene 50.00197 50.01078 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611082 Gm37854 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102892 MGI:5611082 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37854
3 gene 50.01177 50.02624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622927 Gm40042 NCBI_Gene:105244434 MGI:5622927 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40042
3 pseudogene 50.02967 50.02999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611054 Gm37826 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104457 MGI:5611054 pseudogene predicted gene, 37826
3 pseudogene 50.16666 50.16689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610920 Gm37692 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104349 MGI:5610920 pseudogene predicted gene, 37692
3 pseudogene 50.25485 50.25544 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780515 Gm2345 NCBI_Gene:100039628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102167 MGI:3780515 pseudogene predicted gene 2345
3 gene 50.40028 50.40428 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610726 Gm37498 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103907 MGI:5610726 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37498
3 gene 50.51640 50.60731 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643374 Gm6209 NCBI_Gene:621304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102715 MGI:3643374 lncRNA gene predicted gene 6209
3 gene 50.57519 50.57652 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923259 5830415G21Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102895 MGI:1923259 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5830415G21 gene
3 pseudogene 50.59799 50.59850 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611465 Gm38237 NCBI_Gene:108168851,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103745 MGI:5611465 pseudogene predicted gene, 38237
3 gene 50.62435 50.62841 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610427 Gm37199 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104068 MGI:5610427 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37199
3 gene 50.67970 50.68340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610689 Gm37461 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104281 MGI:5610689 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37461
3 gene 50.70690 50.71189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622928 Gm40043 NCBI_Gene:105244435 MGI:5622928 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40043
3 gene 50.83858 50.83872 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454280 Gm24503 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089079 MGI:5454280 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24503
3 gene 50.88324 50.88889 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610776 Gm37548 NCBI_Gene:105244436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103012 MGI:5610776 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37548
3 gene 50.91889 50.92153 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611071 Gm37843 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102614 MGI:5611071 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37843
3 gene 50.96656 50.96677 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2139603 AA672641 NA NA unclassified gene expressed sequence AA672641
3 gene 50.97754 50.97881 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610437 Gm37209 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103652 MGI:5610437 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37209
3 gene 51.03335 51.04284 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594915 Gm35756 NCBI_Gene:102639442 MGI:5594915 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35756
3 gene 51.05891 51.08934 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579936 Gm29230 NCBI_Gene:102639521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102067 MGI:5579936 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29230
3 gene 51.10366 51.10517 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611474 Gm38246 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103464 MGI:5611474 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38246
3 gene 51.12669 51.12894 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595050 Gm35891 NCBI_Gene:102639626 MGI:5595050 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35891
3 gene 51.21847 51.22033 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622929 Gm40044 NCBI_Gene:105244437 MGI:5622929 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40044
3 gene 51.22445 51.25165 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109382 Noct NCBI_Gene:12457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023087 MGI:109382 protein coding gene nocturnin
3 gene 51.23192 51.23438 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611585 Gm38357 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103313 MGI:5611585 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38357
3 gene 51.25272 51.34092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916507 Elf2 NCBI_Gene:69257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037174 MGI:1916507 protein coding gene E74-like factor 2
3 gene 51.27676 51.27841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914996 4930577N17Rik NCBI_Gene:67746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087440 MGI:1914996 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930577N17 gene
3 gene 51.29718 51.29724 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454059 Gm24282 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077420 MGI:5454059 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24282
3 gene 51.30249 51.30290 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610627 Gm37399 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104200 MGI:5610627 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37399
3 gene 51.35835 51.35842 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414019 n-TPtgg7 NCBI_Gene:102467437 MGI:4414019 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA proline 7 (anticodon TGG)
3 gene 51.35941 51.35948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414007 n-TPagg5 NCBI_Gene:102467366 MGI:4414007 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA proline 5 (anticodon AGG)
3 pseudogene 51.37022 51.37061 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610431 Gm37203 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103654 MGI:5610431 pseudogene predicted gene, 37203
3 gene 51.37802 51.38632 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779459 Gm5103 NCBI_Gene:329636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102544 MGI:3779459 lncRNA gene predicted gene 5103
3 gene 51.38841 51.39674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914999 Mgarp NCBI_Gene:67749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037161 MGI:1914999 protein coding gene mitochondria localized glutamic acid rich protein
3 pseudogene 51.40246 51.40320 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779852 Gm9442 NCBI_Gene:669130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104241 MGI:3779852 pseudogene predicted gene 9442
3 gene 51.40468 51.40899 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913627 Ndufc1 NCBI_Gene:66377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037152 MGI:1913627 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C1
3 gene 51.41515 51.47651 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922088 Naa15 NCBI_Gene:74838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063273 MGI:1922088 protein coding gene N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 15, NatA auxiliary subunit
3 gene 51.42361 51.42372 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610874 Gm37646 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103191 MGI:5610874 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37646
3 gene 51.48233 51.48483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611388 Gm38160 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102775 MGI:5611388 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38160
3 gene 51.48392 51.49623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330805 Rab33b NCBI_Gene:19338,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027739 MGI:1330805 protein coding gene RAB33B, member RAS oncogene family
3 gene 51.48962 51.49282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611196 Gm37968 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102570 MGI:5611196 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37968
3 gene 51.51099 51.51430 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595167 Gm36008 NCBI_Gene:102639777 MGI:5595167 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36008
3 gene 51.51532 51.56088 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920501 Setd7 NCBI_Gene:73251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037111 MGI:1920501 protein coding gene SET domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 7
3 gene 51.55754 51.55965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611428 Gm38200 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102466 MGI:5611428 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38200
3 gene 51.55976 51.56712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923230 5031434O11Rik NCBI_Gene:100039684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097885 MGI:1923230 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5031434O11 gene
3 pseudogene 51.57111 51.57142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611562 Gm38334 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104001 MGI:5611562 pseudogene predicted gene, 38334
3 gene 51.58231 51.58285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918620 5430433H01Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104075 MGI:1918620 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430433H01 gene
3 pseudogene 51.63649 51.63705 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611475 Gm38247 NCBI_Gene:108168852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104166 MGI:5611475 pseudogene predicted gene, 38247
3 gene 51.66036 51.68268 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2448481 Mgst2 NCBI_Gene:211666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074604 MGI:2448481 protein coding gene microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2
3 gene 51.67280 51.67390 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610489 Gm37261 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103527 MGI:5610489 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37261
3 gene 51.68591 52.10509 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2389461 Maml3 NCBI_Gene:433586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061143 MGI:2389461 protein coding gene mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 3
3 gene 51.69372 51.69509 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642905 Gm10729 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074603 MGI:3642905 protein coding gene predicted gene 10729
3 gene 51.70772 51.71225 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826440 Gm46803 NCBI_Gene:108168869 MGI:5826440 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46803
3 gene 51.75712 51.76209 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610570 Gm37342 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102732 MGI:5610570 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37342
3 gene 51.81295 51.81931 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610457 Gm37229 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102539 MGI:5610457 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37229
3 gene 51.82891 51.82903 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4422061 n-R5s196 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065070 MGI:4422061 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 196
3 gene 51.82939 51.83040 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920491 3110080O07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103284 MGI:1920491 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3110080O07 gene
3 gene 51.86735 51.86856 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611228 Gm38000 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103484 MGI:5611228 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38000
3 gene 51.87299 51.87584 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610903 Gm37675 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102620 MGI:5610903 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37675
3 gene 51.88428 51.88689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611480 Gm38252 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102786 MGI:5611480 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38252
3 pseudogene 51.90699 51.90882 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3708672 Gm10728 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103701 MGI:3708672 pseudogene predicted gene 10728
3 gene 51.98094 51.99007 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012274 Gm20089 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104161 MGI:5012274 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20089
3 gene 51.98763 51.98985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611283 Gm38055 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102147 MGI:5611283 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38055
3 gene 51.99134 51.99196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610754 Gm37526 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103784 MGI:5610754 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37526
3 gene 52.00074 52.00402 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610693 Gm37465 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102423 MGI:5610693 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37465
3 gene 52.05729 52.06424 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444420 C130089K02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104339 MGI:2444420 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130089K02 gene
3 gene 52.07159 52.07339 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921741 5430420F09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102808 MGI:1921741 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430420F09 gene
3 gene 52.13405 52.22200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610430 Gm37202 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103655 MGI:5610430 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37202
3 gene 52.17108 52.18013 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589233 Gm30074 NCBI_Gene:102631843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103726 MGI:5589233 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30074
3 gene 52.18657 52.18796 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611360 Gm38132 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104055 MGI:5611360 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38132
3 gene 52.19825 52.20049 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610398 Gm37170 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103170 MGI:5610398 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37170
3 pseudogene 52.23684 52.24694 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031232 Olfr1398-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102510 MGI:3031232 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1398, pseudogene 1
3 gene 52.23745 52.25650 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589284 Gm30125 NCBI_Gene:102631910 MGI:5589284 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30125
3 gene 52.26834 52.35322 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890077 Foxo1 NCBI_Gene:56458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044167 MGI:1890077 protein coding gene forkhead box O1
3 gene 52.26843 52.26944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141867 Gm20402 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092405 MGI:5141867 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20402
3 gene 52.28224 52.28431 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611262 Gm38034 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102844 MGI:5611262 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38034
3 pseudogene 52.42535 52.42573 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593462 Gm34303 NCBI_Gene:102637513 MGI:5593462 pseudogene predicted gene, 34303
3 pseudogene 52.42541 52.42565 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611326 Gm38098 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103454 MGI:5611326 pseudogene predicted gene, 38098
3 gene 52.46717 52.49327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621422 Gm38537 NCBI_Gene:102641152 MGI:5621422 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38537
3 gene 52.50277 52.55022 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589332 Gm30173 NCBI_Gene:102631981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103965 MGI:5589332 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30173
3 gene 52.58013 52.58907 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622932 Gm40047 NCBI_Gene:105244440 MGI:5622932 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40047
3 pseudogene 52.61282 52.61402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704216 Gm10293 NCBI_Gene:100039762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070490 MGI:3704216 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10293
3 gene 52.64989 52.70971 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589394 Gm30235 NCBI_Gene:102632062 MGI:5589394 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30235
3 gene 52.72265 52.72275 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452575 Gm22798 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065926 MGI:5452575 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22798
3 gene 52.73972 52.77666 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780614 Gm2447 NCBI_Gene:329639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102785 MGI:3780614 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2447
3 gene 52.78900 52.79781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589451 Gm30292 NCBI_Gene:102632139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104109 MGI:5589451 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30292
3 gene 52.90676 52.92767 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434106 Gm20750 NCBI_Gene:622124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104401 MGI:5434106 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20750
3 gene 52.93325 52.95628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589510 Gm30351 NCBI_Gene:102632211 MGI:5589510 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30351
3 gene 52.95618 52.95789 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589561 Gm30402 NCBI_Gene:102632287 MGI:5589561 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30402
3 pseudogene 52.96005 52.96037 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610235 Gm37007 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103886 MGI:5610235 pseudogene predicted gene, 37007
3 gene 52.98188 53.01724 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914792 Cog6 NCBI_Gene:67542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027742 MGI:1914792 protein coding gene component of oligomeric golgi complex 6
3 gene 53.03858 53.04176 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663038 Gm42901 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104850 MGI:5663038 lncRNA gene predicted gene 42901
3 gene 53.04153 53.26168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920048 Lhfp NCBI_Gene:108927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048332 MGI:1920048 protein coding gene lipoma HMGIC fusion partner
3 gene 53.07216 53.07524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663035 Gm42898 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104828 MGI:5663035 unclassified gene predicted gene 42898
3 gene 53.08322 53.08588 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663036 Gm42899 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104687 MGI:5663036 unclassified gene predicted gene 42899
3 gene 53.09900 53.10318 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443940 C130075A20Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104735 MGI:2443940 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130075A20 gene
3 gene 53.10967 53.11012 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663941 Gm43804 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104615 MGI:5663941 unclassified gene predicted gene 43804
3 gene 53.11040 53.11341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663940 Gm43803 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104968 MGI:5663940 lncRNA gene predicted gene 43803
3 gene 53.11217 53.11299 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663942 Gm43805 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105971 MGI:5663942 unclassified gene predicted gene 43805
3 pseudogene 53.34649 53.34723 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663609 Gm43472 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106660 MGI:5663609 pseudogene predicted gene 43472
3 gene 53.39575 53.39850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622933 Gm40048 NCBI_Gene:105244441 MGI:5622933 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40048
3 pseudogene 53.40161 53.42457 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663608 Gm43471 NCBI_Gene:108168853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105397 MGI:5663608 pseudogene predicted gene 43471
3 gene 53.44858 53.46333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444520 Nhlrc3 NCBI_Gene:212114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042997 MGI:2444520 protein coding gene NHL repeat containing 3
3 gene 53.45262 53.45805 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801870 Gm16206 NCBI_Gene:102632669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085174 MGI:3801870 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16206
3 gene 53.46367 53.48175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919933 Proser1 NCBI_Gene:212127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049504 MGI:1919933 protein coding gene proline and serine rich 1
3 gene 53.48865 53.50850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2388072 Stoml3 NCBI_Gene:229277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027744 MGI:2388072 protein coding gene stomatin (Epb7.2)-like 3
3 gene 53.50893 53.51010 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924132 6430500D05Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105481 MGI:1924132 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6430500D05 gene
3 gene 53.51200 53.51213 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453452 Gm23675 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087936 MGI:5453452 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23675
3 gene 53.51394 53.65736 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444465 Frem2 NCBI_Gene:242022,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037016 MGI:2444465 protein coding gene Fras1 related extracellular matrix protein 2
3 pseudogene 53.66666 53.66739 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648425 Gm6073 NCBI_Gene:606547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105840 MGI:3648425 pseudogene predicted gene 6073
3 pseudogene 53.69237 53.69292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649038 Gm6204 NCBI_Gene:621155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105879 MGI:3649038 pseudogene predicted gene 6204
3 gene 53.70304 53.73576 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589894 Gm30735 NCBI_Gene:102632743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105168 MGI:5589894 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30735
3 gene 53.73622 53.73783 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642187 Gm10727 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105444 MGI:3642187 unclassified gene predicted gene 10727
3 gene 53.75673 53.77295 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443105 C820005J03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106270 MGI:2443105 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C820005J03 gene
3 gene 53.84341 53.84351 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454628 Gm24851 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088653 MGI:5454628 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24851
3 gene 53.84509 53.84528 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779200 Gm10985 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078742 MGI:3779200 protein coding gene predicted gene 10985
3 gene 53.85338 53.86383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915140 Ufm1 NCBI_Gene:67890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027746 MGI:1915140 protein coding gene ubiquitin-fold modifier 1
3 gene 53.92484 53.94353 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590185 Gm31026 NCBI_Gene:102633119,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106577 MGI:5590185 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31026
3 pseudogene 54.02115 54.02195 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645533 Gm8109 NCBI_Gene:666444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103155 MGI:3645533 pseudogene predicted gene 8109
3 pseudogene 54.02988 54.03041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010203 Gm18018 NCBI_Gene:100416282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105067 MGI:5010203 pseudogene predicted gene, 18018
3 gene 54.15604 54.31847 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109525 Trpc4 NCBI_Gene:22066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027748 MGI:109525 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 4
3 gene 54.35927 54.39104 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926321 Postn NCBI_Gene:50706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027750 MGI:1926321 protein coding gene periostin, osteoblast specific factor
3 gene 54.35966 54.36101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590254 Gm31095 NCBI_Gene:102633208 MGI:5590254 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31095
3 pseudogene 54.48141 54.48293 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645731 Gm5641 NCBI_Gene:434807,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069014 MGI:3645731 pseudogene predicted gene 5641
3 gene 54.48856 54.53489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590313 Gm31154 NCBI_Gene:102633293 MGI:5590313 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31154
3 gene 54.59055 54.60139 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622935 Gm40050 NCBI_Gene:105244443 MGI:5622935 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40050
3 gene 54.63144 54.63463 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477172 Gm26678 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097599 MGI:5477172 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26678
3 pseudogene 54.63288 54.63457 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588285 B020017C02Rik NCBI_Gene:100503708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104831 MGI:3588285 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA B020017C02 gene
3 gene 54.69276 54.72877 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929651 Supt20 NCBI_Gene:56790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027751 MGI:1929651 protein coding gene SPT20 SAGA complex component
3 gene 54.71318 54.71435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439427 Gm21958 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094487 MGI:5439427 protein coding gene predicted gene, 21958
3 gene 54.72868 54.73539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916889 Exosc8 NCBI_Gene:69639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027752 MGI:1916889 protein coding gene exosome component 8
3 gene 54.73554 54.75132 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913498 Alg5 NCBI_Gene:66248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036632 MGI:1913498 protein coding gene asparagine-linked glycosylation 5 (dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase)
3 gene 54.75545 54.80166 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859993 Smad9 NCBI_Gene:55994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027796 MGI:1859993 protein coding gene SMAD family member 9
3 gene 54.80311 54.80779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2180854 Rfxap NCBI_Gene:170767,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036615 MGI:2180854 protein coding gene regulatory factor X-associated protein
3 pseudogene 54.80997 54.81140 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3708673 Gm10254 NCBI_Gene:545524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069011 MGI:3708673 pseudogene predicted gene 10254
3 gene 54.89707 54.91589 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3607715 Sertm1 NCBI_Gene:329641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056306 MGI:3607715 protein coding gene serine rich and transmembrane domain containing 1
3 gene 54.91602 54.95326 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590517 Gm31358 NCBI_Gene:102633562 MGI:5590517 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31358
3 gene 55.04547 55.05550 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108042 Ccna1 NCBI_Gene:12427,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027793 MGI:108042 protein coding gene cyclin A1
3 gene 55.05524 55.08400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918220 4931419H13Rik NCBI_Gene:70970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106589 MGI:1918220 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4931419H13 gene
3 pseudogene 55.05735 55.05766 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663692 Gm43555 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105977 MGI:5663692 pseudogene predicted gene 43555
3 gene 55.11207 55.13733 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2139806 Spg20 NCBI_Gene:229285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036580 MGI:2139806 protein coding gene spastic paraplegia 20, spartin (Troyer syndrome) homolog (human)
3 gene 55.13734 55.17525 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444356 Ccdc169 NCBI_Gene:320604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048655 MGI:2444356 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 169
3 gene 55.16231 55.16243 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451806 Gm22029 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080590 MGI:5451806 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22029
3 gene 55.18203 55.20996 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921684 Sohlh2 NCBI_Gene:74434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027794 MGI:1921684 protein coding gene spermatogenesis and oogenesis specific basic helix-loop-helix 2
3 gene 55.24236 55.53907 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330861 Dclk1 NCBI_Gene:13175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027797 MGI:1330861 protein coding gene doublecortin-like kinase 1
3 gene 55.29094 55.29194 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924494 9430012M22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430012M22 gene
3 gene 55.30532 55.30542 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454909 Gm25132 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064586 MGI:5454909 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25132
3 gene 55.33084 55.33297 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012002 Gm19817 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105302 MGI:5012002 unclassified gene predicted gene, 19817
3 gene 55.35240 55.38079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622936 Gm40051 NCBI_Gene:105244444 MGI:5622936 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40051
3 gene 55.37746 55.40312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5662746 Gm42609 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105975 MGI:5662746 lncRNA gene predicted gene 42609
3 gene 55.39181 55.40420 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642047 Gm9831 NCBI_Gene:101056032 MGI:3642047 protein coding gene predicted gene 9831
3 gene 55.46198 55.47221 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439423 Gm21954 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094962 MGI:5439423 protein coding gene predicted gene, 21954
3 gene 55.47609 55.48162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590602 Gm31443 NCBI_Gene:102633676 MGI:5590602 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31443
3 gene 55.48379 55.48718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5662744 Gm42607 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106354 MGI:5662744 unclassified gene predicted gene 42607
3 gene 55.51757 55.51959 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5662745 Gm42608 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106651 MGI:5662745 unclassified gene predicted gene 42608
3 gene 55.54045 55.54338 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590955 Gm31796 NCBI_Gene:102634140 MGI:5590955 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31796
3 gene 55.54354 55.54855 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455181 Gm25404 NCBI_Gene:102634218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064904 MGI:5455181 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25404
3 gene 55.57492 55.57727 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663685 Gm43548 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105627 MGI:5663685 unclassified gene predicted gene 43548
3 gene 55.57811 55.58273 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663686 Gm43549 NCBI_Gene:108168870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106334 MGI:5663686 lncRNA gene predicted gene 43549
3 gene 55.62519 56.18427 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347075 Nbea NCBI_Gene:26422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027799 MGI:1347075 protein coding gene neurobeachin
3 gene 55.70589 55.71565 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826441 Gm46804 NCBI_Gene:108168871 MGI:5826441 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46804
3 gene 55.72593 55.72844 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3609650 D430004P15Rik NA NA unclassified gene Riken cDNA D430004P15 gene
3 gene 55.77534 55.78795 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3698047 9630024C22Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9630024C22 gene
3 gene 55.78251 55.78529 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333773 Mab21l1 NCBI_Gene:17116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056947 MGI:1333773 protein coding gene mab-21-like 1
3 gene 55.83367 55.83446 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924979 6720451E02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6720451E02 gene
3 pseudogene 55.84710 55.84840 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918432 4933417G07Rik NCBI_Gene:71182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106572 MGI:1918432 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 4933417G07 gene
3 gene 55.85525 55.85615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926125 B230206L23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230206L23 gene
3 gene 55.88327 56.00032 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591073 Gm31914 NCBI_Gene:102634293 MGI:5591073 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31914
3 gene 55.89031 55.93670 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663513 Gm43376 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104677 MGI:5663513 lncRNA gene predicted gene 43376
3 gene 55.95678 55.95691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452561 Gm22784 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077276 MGI:5452561 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22784
3 gene 56.01492 56.01717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5662977 Gm42840 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104938 MGI:5662977 unclassified gene predicted gene 42840
3 gene 56.12316 56.12616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5662979 Gm42842 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106211 MGI:5662979 unclassified gene predicted gene 42842
3 gene 56.12860 56.13053 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5662978 Gm42841 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106528 MGI:5662978 unclassified gene predicted gene 42841
3 gene 56.16395 56.16757 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5662980 Gm42843 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105293 MGI:5662980 unclassified gene predicted gene 42843
3 gene 56.21791 56.22124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622937 Gm40052 NCBI_Gene:105244445 MGI:5622937 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40052
3 gene 56.25590 56.26994 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622938 Gm40053 NCBI_Gene:105244446 MGI:5622938 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40053
3 gene 56.34703 56.35755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622939 Gm40054 NCBI_Gene:105244447 MGI:5622939 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40054
3 gene 56.35224 56.35230 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102792 Mcptl NA NA protein coding gene mast cell protease-like
3 gene 56.43600 56.43875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591336 Gm32177 NCBI_Gene:102634641 MGI:5591336 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32177
3 gene 56.44528 56.44541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455504 Gm25727 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077710 MGI:5455504 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25727
3 gene 56.69842 56.70506 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591396 Gm32237 NCBI_Gene:102634719 MGI:5591396 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32237
3 pseudogene 56.82832 56.82884 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780790 Gm2622 NCBI_Gene:100040139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105113 MGI:3780790 pseudogene predicted gene 2622
3 gene 56.88806 56.89133 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588185 F830104G03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA F830104G03 gene
3 gene 57.05415 57.05428 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452046 Gm22269 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077190 MGI:5452046 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22269
3 pseudogene 57.13549 57.13683 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3805962 Gm8177 NCBI_Gene:666585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097366 MGI:3805962 pseudogene predicted gene 8177
3 gene 57.22772 57.22918 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918389 4933408K01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933408K01 gene
3 pseudogene 57.24925 57.24950 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663561 Gm43424 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106286 MGI:5663561 pseudogene predicted gene 43424
3 pseudogene 57.27174 57.27237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010845 Gm18660 NCBI_Gene:100417512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104534 MGI:5010845 pseudogene predicted gene, 18660
3 gene 57.28561 57.30199 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104678 Tm4sf1 NCBI_Gene:17112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027800 MGI:104678 protein coding gene transmembrane 4 superfamily member 1
3 pseudogene 57.36225 57.36361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646382 Gm5276 NCBI_Gene:383862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105452 MGI:3646382 pseudogene predicted gene 5276
3 gene 57.37929 57.39455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591526 Gm32367 NCBI_Gene:102634892 MGI:5591526 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32367
3 gene 57.42531 57.44168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385173 Tm4sf4 NCBI_Gene:229302,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027801 MGI:2385173 protein coding gene transmembrane 4 superfamily member 4
3 gene 57.45564 57.57591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917649 Wwtr1 NCBI_Gene:97064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027803 MGI:1917649 protein coding gene WW domain containing transcription regulator 1
3 pseudogene 57.52655 57.53048 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802068 Gm16016 NCBI_Gene:105244448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083538 MGI:3802068 pseudogene predicted gene 16016
3 gene 57.61259 57.62736 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477165 Gm26671 NCBI_Gene:102635136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097339 MGI:5477165 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26671
3 gene 57.61661 57.61672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530798 Mir6377 miRBase:MI0021907,NCBI_Gene:102465197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098401 MGI:5530798 miRNA gene microRNA 6377
3 gene 57.63688 57.64084 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663574 Gm43437 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104965 MGI:5663574 unclassified gene predicted gene 43437
3 gene 57.63768 57.64073 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826442 Gm46805 NCBI_Gene:108168872 MGI:5826442 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46805
3 gene 57.64435 57.65172 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098806 Commd2 NCBI_Gene:52245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036513 MGI:1098806 protein coding gene COMM domain containing 2
3 gene 57.65440 57.65558 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2140033 BB187690 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105389 MGI:2140033 unclassified gene expressed sequence BB187690
3 gene 57.65739 57.69280 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685256 Ankub1 NCBI_Gene:242037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074591 MGI:2685256 protein coding gene ankrin repeat and ubiquitin domain containing 1
3 gene 57.69618 57.69748 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663235 Gm43098 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106635 MGI:5663235 unclassified gene predicted gene 43098
3 pseudogene 57.71777 57.71832 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648319 Gm6394 NCBI_Gene:623114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104623 MGI:3648319 pseudogene predicted gene 6394
3 gene 57.73604 57.83543 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346341 Rnf13 NCBI_Gene:24017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036503 MGI:1346341 protein coding gene ring finger protein 13
3 pseudogene 57.76582 57.76667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780052 Gm9645 NCBI_Gene:675537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106421 MGI:3780052 pseudogene predicted gene 9645
3 pseudogene 57.80976 57.81027 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010136 Gm17951 NCBI_Gene:100416165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106006 MGI:5010136 pseudogene predicted gene, 17951
3 gene 57.82159 57.82240 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925970 D530035G10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D530035G10 gene
3 gene 57.84190 57.84808 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97550 Pfn2 NCBI_Gene:18645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027805 MGI:97550 protein coding gene profilin 2
3 gene 57.92209 57.92219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454308 Gm24531 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088570 MGI:5454308 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24531
3 pseudogene 57.94292 57.94315 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5662648 Gm42511 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104730 MGI:5662648 pseudogene predicted gene 42511
3 gene 57.94911 57.97883 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591912 Gm32753 NCBI_Gene:102635402 MGI:5591912 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32753
3 gene 57.95198 58.03171 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622940 Gm40055 NCBI_Gene:105244449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105003 MGI:5622940 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40055
3 pseudogene 57.96219 57.96337 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011052 Gm18867 NCBI_Gene:100417858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106246 MGI:5011052 pseudogene predicted gene, 18867
3 gene 58.07972 58.08183 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5662650 Gm42513 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105065 MGI:5662650 unclassified gene predicted gene 42513
3 gene 58.08960 58.16235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622941 Gm40056 NCBI_Gene:105244450 MGI:5622941 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40056
3 pseudogene 58.10256 58.10430 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643179 Gm5537 NCBI_Gene:433594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069008 MGI:3643179 pseudogene predicted gene 5537
3 gene 58.11705 58.16762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925506 4921539H07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104586 MGI:1925506 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4921539H07 gene
3 gene 58.14171 58.16381 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915100 1700007F19Rik NCBI_Gene:67850,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100666 MGI:1915100 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700007F19 gene
3 gene 58.21192 58.21337 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622942 Gm40057 NCBI_Gene:105244451 MGI:5622942 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40057
3 gene 58.29025 58.29036 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455943 Gm26166 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065722 MGI:5455943 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26166
3 gene 58.30186 58.31762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592006 Gm32847 NCBI_Gene:102635539 MGI:5592006 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32847
3 pseudogene 58.31494 58.31531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663867 Gm43730 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106176 MGI:5663867 pseudogene predicted gene 43730
3 pseudogene 58.40465 58.40512 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012313 Gm20128 NCBI_Gene:100504238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105154 MGI:5012313 pseudogene predicted gene, 20128
3 gene 58.41472 58.46679 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919283 Tsc22d2 NCBI_Gene:72033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027806 MGI:1919283 protein coding gene TSC22 domain family, member 2
3 gene 58.43268 58.43301 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1338064 Gdap9 NA NA unclassified gene ganglioside-induced differentiation-associated-protein 9
3 gene 58.51982 58.52589 negative MGI_C57BL6J_92638 Serp1 NCBI_Gene:28146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027808 MGI:92638 protein coding gene stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1
3 gene 58.52582 58.55750 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098684 Eif2a NCBI_Gene:229317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027810 MGI:1098684 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A
3 gene 58.52693 58.52812 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925148 6720482G16Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106553 MGI:1925148 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6720482G16 gene
3 gene 58.57664 58.59354 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916477 Selenot NCBI_Gene:69227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075700 MGI:1916477 protein coding gene selenoprotein T
3 gene 58.61630 58.63721 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588212 Erich6 NCBI_Gene:545527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070471 MGI:3588212 protein coding gene glutamate rich 6
3 gene 58.63671 58.63749 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826443 Gm46806 NCBI_Gene:108168873 MGI:5826443 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46806
3 pseudogene 58.65204 58.65404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779790 Gm8234 NCBI_Gene:666680,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105021 MGI:3779790 pseudogene predicted gene 8234
3 pseudogene 58.66547 58.66664 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2139888 AU022133 NCBI_Gene:100417266,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105336 MGI:2139888 pseudogene expressed sequence AU022133
3 gene 58.67494 58.69244 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108062 Siah2 NCBI_Gene:20439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036432 MGI:108062 protein coding gene siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
3 gene 58.69259 58.79733 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923132 4930593A02Rik NCBI_Gene:71301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097725 MGI:1923132 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930593A02 gene
3 gene 58.69756 58.69867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925070 A930028O11Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105226 MGI:1925070 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930028O11 gene
3 pseudogene 58.76149 58.76275 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592251 Gm33092 NCBI_Gene:102635856 MGI:5592251 pseudogene predicted gene, 33092
3 pseudogene 58.78841 58.82231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2140018 Mindy4b-ps NCBI_Gene:100040293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101860 MGI:2140018 pseudogene MINDY lysine 48 deubiquitinase 4B, pseudogene
3 gene 58.82499 58.83590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622944 Gm40059 NCBI_Gene:105244453 MGI:5622944 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40059
3 gene 58.84210 58.86675 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622945 Gm40060 NCBI_Gene:105244454 MGI:5622945 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40060
3 gene 58.84403 58.88534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2388124 Clrn1 NCBI_Gene:229320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043850 MGI:2388124 protein coding gene clarin 1
3 gene 58.97563 58.97573 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452268 Gm22491 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087815 MGI:5452268 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22491
3 gene 58.97886 58.97903 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455349 Gm25572 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088152 MGI:5455349 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25572
3 pseudogene 58.98713 58.98786 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642685 Rpl13-ps6 NCBI_Gene:100040416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059776 MGI:3642685 pseudogene ribosomal protein L13, pseudogene 6
3 gene 59.00162 59.00169 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531175 Gm27793 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099052 MGI:5531175 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27793
3 gene 59.00247 59.00616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663707 Gm43570 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105945 MGI:5663707 lncRNA gene predicted gene 43570
3 gene 59.00559 59.31868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2139916 Med12l NCBI_Gene:329650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056476 MGI:2139916 protein coding gene mediator complex subunit 12-like
3 gene 59.09645 59.10182 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442043 Gpr171 NCBI_Gene:229323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050075 MGI:2442043 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 171
3 gene 59.11386 59.15362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2155705 P2ry14 NCBI_Gene:140795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036381 MGI:2155705 protein coding gene purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 14
3 gene 59.14630 59.15363 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444074 F630111L10Rik NCBI_Gene:320463 MGI:2444074 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA F630111L10 gene
3 gene 59.17890 59.19547 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1934133 Gpr87 NCBI_Gene:84111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051431 MGI:1934133 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 87
3 gene 59.20789 59.21088 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921441 P2ry13 NCBI_Gene:74191,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036362 MGI:1921441 protein coding gene purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 13
3 gene 59.21627 59.26301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918089 P2ry12 NCBI_Gene:70839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036353 MGI:1918089 protein coding gene purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 12
3 gene 59.26979 59.27131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663726 Gm43589 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104550 MGI:5663726 unclassified gene predicted gene 43589
3 gene 59.31674 59.34444 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923481 Igsf10 NCBI_Gene:242050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036334 MGI:1923481 protein coding gene immunoglobulin superfamily, member 10
3 gene 59.34427 59.35117 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611414 Gm38186 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103668 MGI:5611414 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38186
3 pseudogene 59.42453 59.42476 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610943 Gm37715 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102247 MGI:5610943 pseudogene predicted gene, 37715
3 pseudogene 59.43154 59.43335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648019 Gm8276 NCBI_Gene:666756,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102550 MGI:3648019 pseudogene predicted gene 8276
3 pseudogene 59.46967 59.47409 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611516 Gm38288 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103211 MGI:5611516 pseudogene predicted gene, 38288
3 gene 59.47493 59.47500 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4414092 n-TVcac1 NCBI_Gene:102467620 MGI:4414092 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA valine 1 (anticodon CAC)
3 pseudogene 59.48302 59.48329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610999 Gm37771 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104038 MGI:5610999 pseudogene predicted gene, 37771
3 pseudogene 59.50558 59.53523 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644725 Gm4856 NCBI_Gene:229330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103598 MGI:3644725 pseudogene predicted gene 4856
3 pseudogene 59.60245 59.63576 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644280 Gm5709 NCBI_Gene:435732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095128 MGI:3644280 pseudogene predicted gene 5709
3 gene 59.66286 59.66528 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611154 Gm37926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102480 MGI:5611154 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37926
3 gene 59.72979 59.75240 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779495 Aadacl2fm2 NCBI_Gene:433597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090527 MGI:3779495 protein coding gene AADACL2 family member 2
3 pseudogene 59.73675 59.73686 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611436 Gm38208 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104471 MGI:5611436 pseudogene predicted gene, 38208
3 pseudogene 59.73718 59.73732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610807 Gm37579 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102390 MGI:5610807 pseudogene predicted gene, 37579
3 pseudogene 59.76721 59.76891 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644451 Gm5539 NCBI_Gene:433598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103986 MGI:3644451 pseudogene predicted gene 5539
3 gene 59.77781 59.84682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921922 4930449A18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074589 MGI:1921922 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930449A18 gene
3 pseudogene 59.78322 59.78863 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780925 Gm2756 NCBI_Gene:100040407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102757 MGI:3780925 pseudogene predicted gene 2756
3 gene 59.83837 59.84682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4361133 Gm16527 NCBI_Gene:669780 MGI:4361133 protein coding gene predicted gene, 16527
3 gene 59.86105 59.87731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643798 Aadacl2fm3 NCBI_Gene:666803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095522 MGI:3643798 protein coding gene AADACL2 family member 3
3 gene 59.92521 59.93795 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028051 Aadacl2fm1 NCBI_Gene:229333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036951 MGI:3028051 protein coding gene AADACL2 family member 1
3 pseudogene 59.95231 59.97359 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819177 Gm9696 NCBI_Gene:676914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070465 MGI:3819177 pseudogene predicted gene 9696
3 gene 60.00674 60.02542 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646333 Aadacl2 NCBI_Gene:639634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091376 MGI:3646333 protein coding gene arylacetamide deacetylase like 2
3 pseudogene 60.02036 60.02087 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010612 Gm18427 NCBI_Gene:100417154,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103177 MGI:5010612 pseudogene predicted gene, 18427
3 gene 60.02572 60.04016 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915008 Aadac NCBI_Gene:67758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027761 MGI:1915008 protein coding gene arylacetamide deacetylase
3 gene 60.08187 60.08757 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1934135 Sucnr1 NCBI_Gene:84112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027762 MGI:1934135 protein coding gene succinate receptor 1
3 gene 60.12764 60.12775 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454159 Gm24382 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084647 MGI:5454159 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24382
3 gene 60.29342 60.30941 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592809 Gm33650 NCBI_Gene:102636642 MGI:5592809 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33650
3 pseudogene 60.34219 60.34309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779880 Tgif1-ps NCBI_Gene:669823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107270 MGI:3779880 pseudogene TGFB-induced factor homeobox 1, pseudogene
3 gene 60.47279 60.62975 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928482 Mbnl1 NCBI_Gene:56758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027763 MGI:1928482 protein coding gene muscleblind like splicing factor 1
3 gene 60.53575 60.53974 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610817 Gm37589 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104235 MGI:5610817 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37589
3 gene 60.57770 60.58136 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012001 Gm19816 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene%2c 19816
3 gene 60.60438 60.60776 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610716 Gm37488 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104125 MGI:5610716 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37488
3 pseudogene 60.73763 60.73779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611508 Gm38280 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104337 MGI:5611508 pseudogene predicted gene, 38280
3 pseudogene 60.76958 60.77164 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592866 Gm33707 NCBI_Gene:102636711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102298 MGI:5592866 pseudogene predicted gene, 33707
3 gene 60.78148 61.00379 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610263 Gm37035 NCBI_Gene:105244455,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102564 MGI:5610263 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37035
3 gene 60.78836 60.79473 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611554 Gm38326 NCBI_Gene:102642162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103587 MGI:5611554 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38326
3 pseudogene 60.86071 60.86109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610213 Gm36985 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102490 MGI:5610213 pseudogene predicted gene, 36985
3 pseudogene 60.87700 60.87884 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644852 Gm8325 NCBI_Gene:666853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027694 MGI:3644852 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 8325
3 gene 61.00279 61.00898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105049 P2ry1 NCBI_Gene:18441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027765 MGI:105049 protein coding gene purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 1
3 pseudogene 61.29116 61.29145 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610947 Gm37719 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102242 MGI:5610947 pseudogene predicted gene, 37719
3 pseudogene 61.32849 61.32923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012086 Gm19901 NCBI_Gene:100503798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102667 MGI:5012086 pseudogene predicted gene, 19901
3 gene 61.35855 61.36190 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610924 Gm37696 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103473 MGI:5610924 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37696
3 gene 61.36164 61.36870 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921262 Rap2b NCBI_Gene:74012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036894 MGI:1921262 protein coding gene RAP2B, member of RAS oncogene family
3 gene 61.36225 61.36595 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3697707 B430305J03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053706 MGI:3697707 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA B430305J03 gene
3 gene 61.39215 61.41303 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622946 Gm40061 NCBI_Gene:105244456 MGI:5622946 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40061
3 pseudogene 61.46166 61.46288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643135 Gm8349 NCBI_Gene:666891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098208 MGI:3643135 pseudogene predicted gene 8349
3 pseudogene 62.06754 62.06979 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780107 Gm9700 NCBI_Gene:676965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104489 MGI:3780107 pseudogene predicted gene 9700
3 gene 62.12321 62.12356 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610632 Gm37404 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103322 MGI:5610632 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37404
3 gene 62.33752 62.34053 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704218 9330121J05Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103502 MGI:3704218 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330121J05 gene
3 gene 62.33834 62.46222 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918053 Arhgef26 NCBI_Gene:622434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036885 MGI:1918053 protein coding gene Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 26
3 gene 62.34139 62.35052 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593082 Gm33923 NCBI_Gene:102637008 MGI:5593082 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33923
3 gene 62.46801 62.50703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919412 Dhx36 NCBI_Gene:72162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027770 MGI:1919412 protein coding gene DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 36
3 gene 62.52908 62.60544 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443628 Gpr149 NCBI_Gene:229357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043441 MGI:2443628 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 149
3 gene 62.60493 62.76393 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593207 Gm34048 NCBI_Gene:102637165 MGI:5593207 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34048
3 pseudogene 62.76144 62.76202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010567 Gm18382 NCBI_Gene:100417044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103764 MGI:5010567 pseudogene predicted gene, 18382
3 gene 62.77198 62.86064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622947 Gm40062 NCBI_Gene:105244457 MGI:5622947 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40062
3 gene 62.86768 62.88900 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622948 Gm40063 NCBI_Gene:105244458 MGI:5622948 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40063
3 pseudogene 62.92376 62.92426 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780108 Gm9701 NCBI_Gene:676984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063001 MGI:3780108 pseudogene predicted gene 9701
3 gene 63.15222 63.15236 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452210 Gm22433 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089175 MGI:5452210 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22433
3 pseudogene 63.17311 63.17386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645001 Gm8388 NCBI_Gene:666967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102270 MGI:3645001 pseudogene predicted gene 8388
3 gene 63.23282 63.24545 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622949 Gm40064 NCBI_Gene:105244459 MGI:5622949 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40064
3 gene 63.24154 63.38603 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97004 Mme NCBI_Gene:17380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027820 MGI:97004 protein coding gene membrane metallo endopeptidase
3 gene 63.43925 63.45790 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593399 Gm34240 NCBI_Gene:102637430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104336 MGI:5593399 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34240
3 gene 63.48110 63.48391 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593461 Strit1 NCBI_Gene:102637511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103476 MGI:5593461 protein coding gene small transmembrane regulator of ion transport 1
3 gene 63.48388 63.48437 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610507 Gm37279 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102883 MGI:5610507 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37279
3 gene 63.48899 63.48910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454723 Gm24946 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088957 MGI:5454723 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24946
3 gene 63.69620 63.89972 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2683547 Plch1 NCBI_Gene:269437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036834 MGI:2683547 protein coding gene phospholipase C, eta 1
3 gene 63.77021 63.77031 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453277 Gm23500 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088360 MGI:5453277 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23500
3 gene 63.79610 63.83685 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826444 Gm46807 NCBI_Gene:108168874 MGI:5826444 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46807
3 pseudogene 63.82579 63.82644 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802047 Gm16162 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090131 MGI:3802047 pseudogene predicted gene 16162
3 pseudogene 63.84312 63.84407 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801947 Gm16129 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085290 MGI:3801947 pseudogene predicted gene 16129
3 pseudogene 63.90543 63.90573 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593538 Gm34379 NCBI_Gene:102637617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103905 MGI:5593538 pseudogene predicted gene, 34379
3 gene 63.91468 63.92947 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3607716 E130311K13Rik NCBI_Gene:329659,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048581 MGI:3607716 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA E130311K13 gene
3 gene 63.93351 63.96477 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1332247 Slc33a1 NCBI_Gene:11416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027822 MGI:1332247 protein coding gene solute carrier family 33 (acetyl-CoA transporter), member 1
3 gene 63.96363 63.96866 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477344 Gm26850 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097724 MGI:5477344 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26850
3 gene 63.96482 64.02258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2448526 Gmps NCBI_Gene:229363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027823 MGI:2448526 protein coding gene guanine monophosphate synthetase
3 pseudogene 64.05303 64.05561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757653 Vmn2r-ps3 NCBI_Gene:100124546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090303 MGI:3757653 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 3
3 gene 64.07977 64.22085 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645892 Vmn2r1 NCBI_Gene:56544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027824 MGI:3645892 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 1
3 gene 64.10963 64.10974 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451942 Gm22165 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089039 MGI:5451942 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22165
3 gene 64.11528 64.17092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757666 Vmn2r2 NCBI_Gene:100125586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043897 MGI:3757666 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 2
3 pseudogene 64.16339 64.16385 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779465 Gm5139 NCBI_Gene:380739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093447 MGI:3779465 pseudogene predicted gene 5139
3 pseudogene 64.19557 64.21368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010479 Gm18294 NCBI_Gene:100416861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093416 MGI:5010479 pseudogene predicted gene, 18294
3 gene 64.23373 64.23546 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593621 Gm34462 NCBI_Gene:102637724 MGI:5593621 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34462
3 gene 64.25722 64.28971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643995 Vmn2r3 NCBI_Gene:637004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091572 MGI:3643995 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 3
3 gene 64.27582 64.27619 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1345615 Ifld3 NA NA unclassified gene induced in fatty liver dystrophy 3
3 gene 64.31841 64.31856 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453674 Gm23897 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088735 MGI:5453674 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23897
3 pseudogene 64.32866 64.33285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757669 Vmn2r-ps4 NCBI_Gene:100124547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093503 MGI:3757669 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 4
3 pseudogene 64.33956 64.35772 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645404 Vmn2r-ps5 NCBI_Gene:667031,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091967 MGI:3645404 polymorphic pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 5
3 gene 64.38304 64.41537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648229 Vmn2r4 NCBI_Gene:637053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092049 MGI:3648229 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 4
3 pseudogene 64.43688 64.43829 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757678 Vmn2r-ps6 NCBI_Gene:100124548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093395 MGI:3757678 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 6
3 pseudogene 64.44260 64.44397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757679 Vmn2r-ps7 NCBI_Gene:672951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093546 MGI:3757679 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 7
3 pseudogene 64.44797 64.46009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313103 Gm20656 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093671 MGI:5313103 pseudogene predicted gene 20656
3 pseudogene 64.47702 64.47932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757680 Vmn2r-ps8 NCBI_Gene:100124549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094482 MGI:3757680 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 8
3 gene 64.48861 64.50984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649074 Vmn2r5 NCBI_Gene:667060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068999 MGI:3649074 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 5
3 gene 64.53131 64.56583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649068 Vmn2r6 NCBI_Gene:667069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090581 MGI:3649068 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 6
3 pseudogene 64.59152 64.59290 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757686 Vmn2r-ps9 NCBI_Gene:100124550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093699 MGI:3757686 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 9
3 pseudogene 64.59691 64.60577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313104 Gm20657 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093484 MGI:5313104 pseudogene predicted gene 20657
3 pseudogene 64.60043 64.60114 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781218 Gm3040 NCBI_Gene:100416170 MGI:3781218 pseudogene predicted gene 3040
3 pseudogene 64.62169 64.62399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757943 Vmn2r-ps10 NCBI_Gene:100124554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095107 MGI:3757943 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 10
3 pseudogene 64.63257 64.84474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441682 Vmn2r-ps11 NCBI_Gene:319210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093434 MGI:2441682 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 11
3 gene 64.63286 64.84474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504054 Gm26939 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097538 MGI:5504054 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26939
3 gene 64.68504 64.84476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441693 Vmn2r7 NCBI_Gene:319217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062200 MGI:2441693 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 7
3 pseudogene 64.74475 64.74564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757944 Vmn2r-ps12 NCBI_Gene:100125273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093474 MGI:3757944 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 12
3 gene 64.89447 64.89460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454999 Gm25222 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088824 MGI:5454999 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25222
3 pseudogene 64.89885 64.89976 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757946 Vmn2r-ps13 NCBI_Gene:670110,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093767 MGI:3757946 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 13
3 gene 64.94905 65.37823 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109155 Kcnab1 NCBI_Gene:16497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027827 MGI:109155 protein coding gene potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta member 1
3 gene 64.94922 65.22370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611276 Gm38048 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102437 MGI:5611276 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38048
3 gene 65.13306 65.30268 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443553 A330015K06Rik NCBI_Gene:102637797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104093 MGI:2443553 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330015K06 gene
3 gene 65.32402 65.34943 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442748 A730090N16Rik NCBI_Gene:319798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090120 MGI:2442748 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A730090N16 gene
3 gene 65.37965 65.39262 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914687 Ssr3 NCBI_Gene:67437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027828 MGI:1914687 protein coding gene signal sequence receptor, gamma
3 pseudogene 65.39332 65.39629 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644824 Gm5540 NCBI_Gene:433604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048916 MGI:3644824 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5540
3 gene 65.44941 65.47981 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593735 Gm34576 NCBI_Gene:102637876 MGI:5593735 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34576
3 gene 65.49409 65.49563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593939 Gm34780 NCBI_Gene:102638146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103513 MGI:5593939 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34780
3 gene 65.49517 65.51729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622951 Gm40066 NCBI_Gene:105244461 MGI:5622951 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40066
3 pseudogene 65.50628 65.50664 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610237 Gm37009 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103880 MGI:5610237 pseudogene predicted gene, 37009
3 gene 65.50646 65.52004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621388 Gm38503 NCBI_Gene:102637953 MGI:5621388 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38503
3 gene 65.50726 65.52941 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918254 4931440P22Rik NCBI_Gene:71004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074580 MGI:1918254 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4931440P22 gene
3 gene 65.52570 65.52579 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452056 Gm22279 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087825 MGI:5452056 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22279
3 gene 65.52841 65.55552 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159210 Tiparp NCBI_Gene:99929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034640 MGI:2159210 protein coding gene TCDD-inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase
3 gene 65.57522 65.58085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594083 Gm34924 NCBI_Gene:102638334 MGI:5594083 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34924
3 pseudogene 65.61350 65.61532 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648046 Gm5847 NCBI_Gene:545530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082280 MGI:3648046 pseudogene predicted gene 5847
3 pseudogene 65.61537 65.61617 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611461 Gm38233 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103294 MGI:5611461 pseudogene predicted gene, 38233
3 gene 65.65929 65.65943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531019 Mir8120 miRBase:MI0026052,NCBI_Gene:102465905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098944 MGI:5531019 miRNA gene microRNA 8120
3 gene 65.65954 65.83248 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645902 Lekr1 NCBI_Gene:624866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074579 MGI:3645902 protein coding gene leucine, glutamate and lysine rich 1
3 gene 65.67839 65.68088 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611004 Gm37776 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104037 MGI:5611004 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37776
3 gene 65.77151 65.77162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455532 Gm25755 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065330 MGI:5455532 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25755
3 gene 65.82912 65.87228 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610587 Gm37359 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103620 MGI:5610587 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37359
3 gene 65.86327 65.86483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610359 Gm37131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103440 MGI:5610359 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37131
3 gene 65.92610 65.92828 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594198 Gm35039 NCBI_Gene:102638487 MGI:5594198 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35039
3 pseudogene 65.93349 65.93391 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610265 Gm37037 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102566 MGI:5610265 pseudogene predicted gene, 37037
3 gene 65.94591 65.95839 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922664 Ccnl1 NCBI_Gene:56706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027829 MGI:1922664 protein coding gene cyclin L1
3 gene 65.95776 65.96204 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610533 Gm37305 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103041 MGI:5610533 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37305
3 pseudogene 65.96873 65.97028 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594265 Gm35106 NCBI_Gene:105244463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102914 MGI:5594265 pseudogene predicted gene, 35106
3 gene 65.96991 65.97192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610306 Gm37078 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102652 MGI:5610306 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37078
3 pseudogene 65.98716 65.98975 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011209 Gm19024 NCBI_Gene:100418133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103641 MGI:5011209 pseudogene predicted gene, 19024
3 pseudogene 66.02950 66.03152 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643872 Gm6546 NCBI_Gene:625048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103369 MGI:3643872 pseudogene predicted gene 6546
3 gene 66.05356 66.29707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920039 Veph1 NCBI_Gene:72789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027831 MGI:1920039 protein coding gene ventricular zone expressed PH domain-containing 1
3 gene 66.08668 66.08779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611050 Gm37822 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104189 MGI:5611050 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37822
3 gene 66.08811 66.08826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456219 Gm26442 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064522 MGI:5456219 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26442
3 pseudogene 66.09981 66.10006 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610201 Gm36973 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104307 MGI:5610201 pseudogene predicted gene, 36973
3 pseudogene 66.12840 66.12975 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98800 Tpi-rs2 NCBI_Gene:111205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097968 MGI:98800 pseudogene triosephosphate isomerase related sequence 2
3 pseudogene 66.19109 66.19124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610558 Gm37330 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103208 MGI:5610558 pseudogene predicted gene, 37330
3 gene 66.21989 66.22581 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104641 Ptx3 NCBI_Gene:19288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027832 MGI:104641 protein coding gene pentraxin related gene
3 pseudogene 66.36454 66.36463 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6275305 Gm50014 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117623 MGI:6275305 pseudogene predicted gene, 50014
3 gene 66.37430 66.38810 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594343 Gm35184 NCBI_Gene:102638679 MGI:5594343 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35184
3 gene 66.40041 66.40607 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594395 Gm35236 NCBI_Gene:102638746 MGI:5594395 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35236
3 pseudogene 66.56278 66.56355 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010137 Gm17952 NCBI_Gene:100416166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103600 MGI:5010137 pseudogene predicted gene, 17952
3 pseudogene 66.88235 66.88314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646021 Gm6555 NCBI_Gene:625115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103700 MGI:3646021 pseudogene predicted gene 6555
3 pseudogene 66.90736 66.90777 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611584 Gm38356 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103318 MGI:5611584 pseudogene predicted gene, 38356
3 pseudogene 66.95354 66.95386 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663653 Gm43516 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105794 MGI:5663653 pseudogene predicted gene 43516
3 gene 66.97172 66.98177 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1201673 Shox2 NCBI_Gene:20429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027833 MGI:1201673 protein coding gene short stature homeobox 2
3 gene 66.98139 67.35840 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914130 Rsrc1 NCBI_Gene:66880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034544 MGI:1914130 protein coding gene arginine/serine-rich coiled-coil 1
3 gene 67.05596 67.05606 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452072 Gm22295 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065245 MGI:5452072 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22295
3 gene 67.36546 67.37516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937036 Gm17402 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090408 MGI:4937036 protein coding gene predicted gene, 17402
3 gene 67.37410 67.40000 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341819 Mlf1 NCBI_Gene:17349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048416 MGI:1341819 protein coding gene myeloid leukemia factor 1
3 gene 67.43010 67.47653 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107339 Gfm1 NCBI_Gene:28030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027774 MGI:107339 protein coding gene G elongation factor, mitochondrial 1
3 gene 67.45800 67.46393 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107633 Lxn NCBI_Gene:17035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047557 MGI:107633 protein coding gene latexin
3 gene 67.47698 67.47882 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5662705 Gm42568 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103703 MGI:5662705 unclassified gene predicted gene 42568
3 gene 67.47889 67.51552 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924461 Rarres1 NCBI_Gene:109222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049404 MGI:1924461 protein coding gene retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 1
3 gene 67.51567 67.51966 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622952 Gm40067 NCBI_Gene:105244464 MGI:5622952 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40067
3 gene 67.52266 67.55343 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594458 Gm35299 NCBI_Gene:102638825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103718 MGI:5594458 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35299
3 gene 67.57057 67.57282 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921179 4930402C01Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104382 MGI:1921179 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930402C01 gene
3 gene 67.57316 67.57329 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455696 Gm25919 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077459 MGI:5455696 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25919
3 gene 67.58274 67.60424 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914118 Mfsd1 NCBI_Gene:66868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027775 MGI:1914118 protein coding gene major facilitator superfamily domain containing 1
3 pseudogene 67.60575 67.60785 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648243 Gm8515 NCBI_Gene:667207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103206 MGI:3648243 pseudogene predicted gene 8515
3 pseudogene 67.61978 67.62073 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685258 Gm412 NCBI_Gene:208424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103606 MGI:2685258 pseudogene predicted gene 412
3 pseudogene 67.68436 67.68475 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610829 Gm37601 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102746 MGI:5610829 pseudogene predicted gene, 37601
3 pseudogene 67.74197 67.74330 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010902 Gm18717 NCBI_Gene:100417618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104477 MGI:5010902 pseudogene predicted gene, 18717
3 gene 67.75360 67.75565 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594566 Gm35407 NCBI_Gene:102638975 MGI:5594566 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35407
3 gene 67.75566 67.76628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622953 Gm40068 NCBI_Gene:105244465 MGI:5622953 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40068
3 gene 67.89222 68.05659 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644166 Iqcj NCBI_Gene:208426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051777 MGI:3644166 protein coding gene IQ motif containing J
3 gene 67.89222 68.62648 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439400 Iqschfp NCBI_Gene:100505386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102422 MGI:5439400 protein coding gene Iqcj and Schip1 fusion protein
3 gene 68.06480 68.62648 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1353557 Schip1 NCBI_Gene:30953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027777 MGI:1353557 protein coding gene schwannomin interacting protein 1
3 pseudogene 68.30377 68.31036 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648047 Gm5848 NCBI_Gene:545531 MGI:3648047 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5848
3 pseudogene 68.33319 68.33378 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642851 Gm10292 NCBI_Gene:631379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102846 MGI:3642851 pseudogene predicted gene 10292
3 gene 68.40778 68.41470 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641783 Gm10723 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103345 MGI:3641783 unclassified gene predicted gene 10723
3 gene 68.54752 68.54771 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451850 Gm22073 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084617 MGI:5451850 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22073
3 gene 68.69064 68.69855 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96539 Il12a NCBI_Gene:16159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027776 MGI:96539 protein coding gene interleukin 12a
3 pseudogene 68.73314 68.73808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3708676 Gm10040 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058360 MGI:3708676 pseudogene predicted gene 10040
3 gene 68.75991 68.76143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922468 4930535E02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102677 MGI:1922468 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930535E02 gene
3 gene 68.76136 68.76267 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594743 Gm35584 NCBI_Gene:102639225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102936 MGI:5594743 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35584
3 pseudogene 68.84608 68.84741 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644317 Gm7270 NCBI_Gene:639530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102853 MGI:3644317 pseudogene predicted gene 7270
3 gene 68.86792 68.87027 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937275 Gm17641 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091272 MGI:4937275 protein coding gene predicted gene, 17641
3 gene 68.86959 68.87216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915975 1110032F04Rik NCBI_Gene:68725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046999 MGI:1915975 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1110032F04 gene
3 gene 68.89250 69.00464 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915509 Ift80 NCBI_Gene:68259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027778 MGI:1915509 protein coding gene intraflagellar transport 80
3 pseudogene 68.90017 68.90045 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313136 Gm20689 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093384 MGI:5313136 pseudogene predicted gene 20689
3 pseudogene 68.90181 68.90216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313137 Gm20690 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093730,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103007 MGI:5313137 pseudogene predicted gene 20690
3 pseudogene 68.90216 68.90278 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010773 Gm18588 NCBI_Gene:100417394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093402 MGI:5010773 pseudogene predicted gene, 18588
3 pseudogene 68.90382 68.90415 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313138 Gm20691 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093505 MGI:5313138 pseudogene predicted gene 20691
3 gene 68.91650 68.91732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6097561 Gm48183 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111756 MGI:6097561 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48183
3 gene 69.00474 69.03462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917349 Smc4 NCBI_Gene:70099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034349 MGI:1917349 protein coding gene structural maintenance of chromosomes 4
3 gene 69.00977 69.00983 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676842 Mir15b miRBase:MI0000140,NCBI_Gene:387175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065580 MGI:2676842 miRNA gene microRNA 15b
3 gene 69.00990 69.01000 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3618690 Mir16-2 miRBase:MI0000566,NCBI_Gene:723949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065606 MGI:3618690 miRNA gene microRNA 16-2
3 gene 69.03529 69.04640 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914199 Trim59 NCBI_Gene:66949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034317 MGI:1914199 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 59
3 gene 69.06065 69.06525 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442898 9630025H16Rik NCBI_Gene:105244467 MGI:2442898 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9630025H16 gene
3 gene 69.06715 69.12711 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100848 Kpna4 NCBI_Gene:16649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027782 MGI:1100848 protein coding gene karyopherin (importin) alpha 4
3 gene 69.08510 69.08545 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451786 Gm22009 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089417 MGI:5451786 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22009
3 gene 69.11974 69.12272 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610786 Gm37558 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103094 MGI:5610786 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37558
3 gene 69.13123 69.15718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686493 Gm1647 NCBI_Gene:381452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094763 MGI:2686493 lncRNA gene predicted gene 1647
3 gene 69.22242 69.22362 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918869 Arl14 NCBI_Gene:71619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098207 MGI:1918869 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor-like 14
3 gene 69.25461 69.26383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622955 Gm40070 NCBI_Gene:105244468 MGI:5622955 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40070
3 gene 69.31686 69.56080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2139740 Ppm1l NCBI_Gene:242083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027784 MGI:2139740 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1 (formerly 2C)-like
3 gene 69.31816 69.31929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920514 1700037N05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700037N05 gene
3 pseudogene 69.32001 69.32062 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4938041 Gm17214 NCBI_Gene:100416279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091315 MGI:4938041 pseudogene predicted gene 17214
3 pseudogene 69.33519 69.33579 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4938039 Gm17212 NCBI_Gene:100416280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090941 MGI:4938039 pseudogene predicted gene 17212
3 gene 69.37640 69.38370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443158 A330078L11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A330078L11 gene
3 pseudogene 69.43101 69.43238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4938040 Gm17213 NCBI_Gene:100417908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090743 MGI:4938040 pseudogene predicted gene 17213
3 pseudogene 69.56624 69.56747 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644126 Gm8565 NCBI_Gene:667309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098006 MGI:3644126 pseudogene predicted gene 8565
3 gene 69.57392 69.59896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349405 B3galnt1 NCBI_Gene:26879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043300 MGI:1349405 protein coding gene UDP-GalNAc:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosaminyltransferase, polypeptide 1
3 pseudogene 69.66177 69.66216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610608 Gm37380 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102342 MGI:5610608 pseudogene predicted gene, 37380
3 gene 69.68547 69.68558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455398 Gm25621 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087848 MGI:5455398 rRNA gene predicted gene, 25621
3 pseudogene 69.71694 69.71744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98039 Rpl32-ps NCBI_Gene:19952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068969 MGI:98039 pseudogene ribosomal protein L32, pseudogene
3 gene 69.72199 69.75637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2140103 Nmd3 NCBI_Gene:97112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027787 MGI:2140103 protein coding gene NMD3 ribosome export adaptor
3 gene 69.75311 69.75637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442565 9530051E23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530051E23 gene
3 pseudogene 69.80846 69.80902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011240 Gm19055 NCBI_Gene:100418175 MGI:5011240 pseudogene predicted gene, 19055
3 gene 69.81954 69.85994 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913433 Sptssb NCBI_Gene:66183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043461 MGI:1913433 protein coding gene serine palmitoyltransferase, small subunit B
3 gene 69.88247 69.88411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594976 Gm35817 NCBI_Gene:102639522 MGI:5594976 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35817
3 pseudogene 69.95481 69.95568 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010080 Gm17895 NCBI_Gene:100416058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103549 MGI:5010080 pseudogene predicted gene, 17895
3 gene 69.96232 69.96245 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453261 Gm23484 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077366 MGI:5453261 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23484
3 pseudogene 69.96328 69.96347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611012 Gm37784 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102525 MGI:5611012 pseudogene predicted gene, 37784
3 gene 70.00761 70.02871 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685260 Otol1 NCBI_Gene:229389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027788 MGI:2685260 protein coding gene otolin 1
3 pseudogene 70.05975 70.06047 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610909 Gm37681 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103020 MGI:5610909 pseudogene predicted gene, 37681
3 pseudogene 70.11625 70.11653 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610813 Gm37585 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103113 MGI:5610813 pseudogene predicted gene, 37585
3 gene 70.22875 70.22887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453254 Gm23477 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089507 MGI:5453254 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23477
3 pseudogene 70.41328 70.41388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644892 Gm6631 NCBI_Gene:625868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102663 MGI:3644892 pseudogene predicted gene 6631
3 pseudogene 70.56626 70.56730 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610441 Gm37213 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104023 MGI:5610441 pseudogene predicted gene, 37213
3 pseudogene 70.68909 70.68938 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642422 Gm10780 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074877 MGI:3642422 pseudogene predicted gene 10780
3 gene 70.77238 70.80729 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643829 Gm6634 NCBI_Gene:625901,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097252 MGI:3643829 lncRNA gene predicted gene 6634
3 pseudogene 71.40104 71.40155 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646556 Gm8599 NCBI_Gene:108168916,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102666 MGI:3646556 pseudogene predicted gene 8599
3 pseudogene 71.46523 71.46567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611533 Gm38305 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103396 MGI:5611533 pseudogene predicted gene, 38305
3 pseudogene 71.67252 71.67712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011379 Gm19194 NCBI_Gene:100418413,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103815 MGI:5011379 pseudogene predicted gene, 19194
3 pseudogene 71.85918 71.86015 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643186 Gm8604 NCBI_Gene:667385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098189 MGI:3643186 pseudogene predicted gene 8604
3 pseudogene 71.89484 71.89499 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610845 Gm37617 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103465 MGI:5610845 pseudogene predicted gene, 37617
3 pseudogene 72.00992 72.01046 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010416 Gm18231 NCBI_Gene:100416754 MGI:5010416 pseudogene predicted gene, 18231
3 pseudogene 72.05000 72.05062 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781529 Gm3351 NCBI_Gene:100041459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103279 MGI:3781529 pseudogene predicted gene 3351
3 pseudogene 72.18074 72.18095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610831 Gm37603 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103859 MGI:5610831 pseudogene predicted gene, 37603
3 gene 72.31294 72.31303 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530847 Gm27465 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098869 MGI:5530847 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27465
3 pseudogene 72.60384 72.60435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611129 Gm37901 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103078 MGI:5611129 pseudogene predicted gene, 37901
3 gene 72.73783 72.73798 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452228 Gm22451 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084752 MGI:5452228 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22451
3 gene 72.88855 72.96786 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917233 Sis NCBI_Gene:69983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027790 MGI:1917233 protein coding gene sucrase isomaltase (alpha-glucosidase)
3 gene 73.04197 73.04384 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610284 Gm37056 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102753 MGI:5610284 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37056
3 gene 73.04725 73.05788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2679447 Slitrk3 NCBI_Gene:386750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048304 MGI:2679447 protein coding gene SLIT and NTRK-like family, member 3
3 gene 73.06632 73.59483 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434110 Gm20754 NCBI_Gene:626082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103428 MGI:5434110 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20754
3 gene 73.14685 73.14696 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454321 Gm24544 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077050 MGI:5454321 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24544
3 gene 73.16409 73.16621 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610953 Gm37725 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102916 MGI:5610953 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37725
3 gene 73.20770 73.20800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452315 Gm22538 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088794 MGI:5452315 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22538
3 gene 73.32943 73.47001 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611581 Gm38353 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102820 MGI:5611581 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38353
3 gene 73.35121 73.48165 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921943 4930509J09Rik NCBI_Gene:74693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102362 MGI:1921943 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930509J09 gene
3 gene 73.63581 73.70844 negative MGI_C57BL6J_894278 Bche NCBI_Gene:12038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027792 MGI:894278 protein coding gene butyrylcholinesterase
3 pseudogene 73.93305 73.93412 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644686 Gm8625 NCBI_Gene:667425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102859 MGI:3644686 pseudogene predicted gene 8625
3 gene 74.00922 74.01728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012541 Gm20356 NCBI_Gene:100504692,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104096 MGI:5012541 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20356
3 gene 74.10541 74.12645 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595228 Gm36069 NCBI_Gene:102639855 MGI:5595228 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36069
3 pseudogene 74.24226 74.29687 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779552 Gm6098 NCBI_Gene:100861784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096400 MGI:3779552 pseudogene predicted gene 6098
3 pseudogene 74.32353 74.32399 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610278 Gm37050 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104227 MGI:5610278 pseudogene predicted gene, 37050
3 pseudogene 74.81472 74.81534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647458 Gm8643 NCBI_Gene:108168917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102809 MGI:3647458 pseudogene predicted gene 8643
3 gene 75.02240 75.02461 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610692 Gm37464 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102420 MGI:5610692 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37464
3 gene 75.03790 75.16505 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2674085 Zbbx NCBI_Gene:213234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034151 MGI:2674085 protein coding gene zinc finger, B-box domain containing
3 gene 75.16506 75.20808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622956 Gm40071 NCBI_Gene:105244469 MGI:5622956 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40071
3 gene 75.24236 75.27008 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915181 Serpini2 NCBI_Gene:67931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034139 MGI:1915181 protein coding gene serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade I, member 2
3 gene 75.27393 75.48216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645287 Wdr49 NCBI_Gene:213248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104301 MGI:3645287 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 49
3 pseudogene 75.39132 75.39264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010021 Gm17836 NCBI_Gene:100415953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103444 MGI:5010021 pseudogene predicted gene, 17836
3 gene 75.51649 75.55686 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928396 Pdcd10 NCBI_Gene:56426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027835 MGI:1928396 protein coding gene programmed cell death 10
3 gene 75.55753 75.64350 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1194506 Serpini1 NCBI_Gene:20713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027834 MGI:1194506 protein coding gene serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade I, member 1
3 gene 75.61935 75.62336 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610900 Gm37672 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102625 MGI:5610900 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37672
3 gene 75.64744 75.65573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916443 Platr10 NCBI_Gene:69193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099370 MGI:1916443 lncRNA gene pluripotency associated transcript 10
3 gene 75.69895 75.69946 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610421 Gm37193 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102188 MGI:5610421 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37193
3 gene 75.71479 75.71492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455623 Gm25846 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088638 MGI:5455623 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25846
3 gene 75.74820 75.78765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579839 Gm29133 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100962 MGI:5579839 protein coding gene predicted gene 29133
3 gene 75.87508 75.95695 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920374 Golim4 NCBI_Gene:73124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034109 MGI:1920374 protein coding gene golgi integral membrane protein 4
3 gene 75.95212 75.95430 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610913 Gm37685 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103024 MGI:5610913 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37685
3 gene 75.95610 76.00114 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610484 Gm37256 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104448 MGI:5610484 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37256
3 pseudogene 76.04092 76.04172 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010613 Gm18428 NCBI_Gene:100417155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104223 MGI:5010613 pseudogene predicted gene, 18428
3 gene 76.07427 76.71002 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442179 Fstl5 NCBI_Gene:213262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034098 MGI:2442179 protein coding gene follistatin-like 5
3 gene 76.54669 76.55025 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611125 Gm37897 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103920 MGI:5611125 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37897
3 pseudogene 76.82206 76.82240 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610518 Gm37290 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103702 MGI:5610518 pseudogene predicted gene, 37290
3 pseudogene 76.88450 76.88533 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011416 Gm19231 NCBI_Gene:100418471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102216 MGI:5011416 pseudogene predicted gene, 19231
3 gene 77.10521 77.10528 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453421 Gm23644 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088481 MGI:5453421 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23644
3 pseudogene 77.56081 77.56394 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2674154 Dnmt3a-ps1 NCBI_Gene:445261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102489 MGI:2674154 pseudogene DNA methyltransferase 3A, pseudogene 1
3 gene 77.56496 77.57134 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611034 Gm37806 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103849 MGI:5611034 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37806
3 pseudogene 77.69137 77.69223 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010480 Gm18295 NCBI_Gene:100416866 MGI:5010480 pseudogene predicted gene, 18295
3 gene 77.70289 77.70439 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611423 Gm38195 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102872 MGI:5611423 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38195
3 pseudogene 77.87278 77.87315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610804 Gm37576 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102393 MGI:5610804 pseudogene predicted gene, 37576
3 pseudogene 77.96138 77.96280 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010904 Gm18719 NCBI_Gene:100417620,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105026 MGI:5010904 pseudogene predicted gene, 18719
3 pseudogene 78.00646 78.00698 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648953 Gm6677 NCBI_Gene:626461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103312 MGI:3648953 pseudogene predicted gene 6677
3 pseudogene 78.08583 78.08740 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643677 Gm8684 NCBI_Gene:667526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102637 MGI:3643677 pseudogene predicted gene 8684
3 pseudogene 78.13446 78.13558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645908 Gm6680 NCBI_Gene:626479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103817 MGI:3645908 pseudogene predicted gene 6680
3 gene 78.40430 78.40594 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5663463 Gm43326 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104782 MGI:5663463 unclassified gene predicted gene 43326
3 gene 78.40616 78.41077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595447 Gm36288 NCBI_Gene:102640153 MGI:5595447 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36288
3 pseudogene 78.48658 78.48868 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705708 Gm15442 NCBI_Gene:100041691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084370 MGI:3705708 pseudogene predicted gene 15442
3 pseudogene 78.75862 78.75946 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011137 Gm18952 NCBI_Gene:100418022,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102341 MGI:5011137 pseudogene predicted gene, 18952
3 gene 78.78973 78.79223 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595500 Gm36341 NCBI_Gene:102640221 MGI:5595500 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36341
3 gene 78.84222 78.84257 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454526 Gm24749 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088463 MGI:5454526 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24749
3 pseudogene 78.86489 78.86557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010138 Gm17953 NCBI_Gene:100416167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102438 MGI:5010138 pseudogene predicted gene, 17953
3 pseudogene 78.89183 78.89247 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646590 Gm5277 NCBI_Gene:383883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091361 MGI:3646590 pseudogene predicted gene 5277
3 pseudogene 78.91724 78.91846 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641638 Gm10291 NCBI_Gene:100041748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070443 MGI:3641638 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10291
3 gene 78.91846 78.93631 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621427 Gm38542 NCBI_Gene:102641233 MGI:5621427 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38542
3 pseudogene 78.96549 78.96715 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704220 Gm9762 NCBI_Gene:100041766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037096 MGI:3704220 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 9762
3 gene 78.97992 78.98005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453217 Gm23440 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077487 MGI:5453217 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23440
3 gene 79.06251 79.28724 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2659071 Rapgef2 NCBI_Gene:76089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062232 MGI:2659071 protein coding gene Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2
3 gene 79.19637 79.19648 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453927 Gm24150 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064693 MGI:5453927 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24150
3 gene 79.21292 79.25391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918174 4921511C10Rik NCBI_Gene:70924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104585 MGI:1918174 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4921511C10 gene
3 gene 79.23228 79.23413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443462 B930012P20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B930012P20 gene
3 gene 79.28717 79.28985 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686494 6430573P05Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102545 MGI:2686494 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6430573P05 gene
3 gene 79.33420 79.33658 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622957 Gm40072 NCBI_Gene:105244470 MGI:5622957 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40072
3 gene 79.33666 79.46413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4936993 Gm17359 NCBI_Gene:100233207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091685 MGI:4936993 protein coding gene predicted gene, 17359
3 gene 79.45597 79.56780 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2683054 Fnip2 NCBI_Gene:329679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061175 MGI:2683054 protein coding gene folliculin interacting protein 2
3 gene 79.50979 79.51210 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595601 Gm36442 NCBI_Gene:102640362 MGI:5595601 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36442
3 gene 79.55131 79.55219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781690 Gm3513 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089746 MGI:3781690 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3513
3 gene 79.56819 79.57332 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923129 4930589L23Rik NCBI_Gene:75879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068957 MGI:1923129 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930589L23 gene
3 pseudogene 79.58259 79.58323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594226 Gm35067 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103564 MGI:5594226 pseudogene predicted gene, 35067
3 gene 79.59134 79.60365 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914988 Ppid NCBI_Gene:67738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027804 MGI:1914988 protein coding gene peptidylprolyl isomerase D (cyclophilin D)
3 gene 79.60379 79.62950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106100 Etfdh NCBI_Gene:66841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027809 MGI:106100 protein coding gene electron transferring flavoprotein, dehydrogenase
3 gene 79.61054 79.61183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611201 Gm37973 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102370 MGI:5611201 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37973
3 gene 79.62908 79.63282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923189 4930579G24Rik NCBI_Gene:75939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027811 MGI:1923189 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930579G24 gene
3 gene 79.64160 79.73795 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2682211 Rxfp1 NCBI_Gene:381489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034009 MGI:2682211 protein coding gene relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 1
3 gene 79.67337 79.67688 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504099 Gm26984 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098204 MGI:5504099 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26984
3 gene 79.81256 79.85279 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917902 Tmem144 NCBI_Gene:70652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027956 MGI:1917902 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 144
3 gene 79.83493 79.83504 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456197 Gm26420 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077461 MGI:5456197 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26420
3 gene 79.85287 79.85666 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622958 Gm40073 NCBI_Gene:105244471 MGI:5622958 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40073
3 gene 79.85929 79.88681 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595728 Gm36569 NCBI_Gene:102640530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102191 MGI:5595728 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36569
3 gene 79.88447 79.94628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915909 Gask1b NCBI_Gene:68659,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027955 MGI:1915909 protein coding gene golgi associated kinase 1B
3 gene 80.05489 80.21309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685464 A330069K06Rik NCBI_Gene:213544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103181 MGI:2685464 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330069K06 gene
3 gene 80.05987 80.10161 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622959 Gm40074 NCBI_Gene:105244472 MGI:5622959 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40074
3 pseudogene 80.08808 80.08916 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011251 Gm19066 NCBI_Gene:100418193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103193 MGI:5011251 pseudogene predicted gene, 19066
3 gene 80.13413 80.13646 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663976 Gm43839 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105307 MGI:5663976 unclassified gene predicted gene 43839
3 pseudogene 80.19448 80.19463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611523 Gm38295 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103154 MGI:5611523 pseudogene predicted gene, 38295
3 gene 80.20249 80.20560 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611120 Gm37892 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103929 MGI:5611120 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37892
3 gene 80.28512 80.33459 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611199 Gm37971 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102379 MGI:5611199 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37971
3 pseudogene 80.39935 80.39967 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644992 Gm6706 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087123 MGI:3644992 pseudogene predicted gene 6706
3 gene 80.68145 80.80320 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95809 Gria2 NCBI_Gene:14800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033981 MGI:95809 protein coding gene glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA2 (alpha 2)
3 gene 80.69220 80.69231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455526 Gm25749 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093226 MGI:5455526 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25749
3 gene 80.84315 80.84355 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920346 2900092N11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900092N11 gene
3 gene 80.84360 80.91366 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95751 Glrb NCBI_Gene:14658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028020 MGI:95751 protein coding gene glycine receptor, beta subunit
3 pseudogene 80.88509 80.88699 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010730 Gm18545 NCBI_Gene:100417342 MGI:5010730 pseudogene predicted gene, 18545
3 gene 80.96296 80.97163 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5662605 Gm42468 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105092 MGI:5662605 lncRNA gene predicted gene 42468
3 pseudogene 80.99156 81.00159 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588967 Gm29808 NCBI_Gene:101056241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103419 MGI:5588967 pseudogene predicted gene, 29808
3 gene 81.03295 81.03377 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5662613 Gm42476 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106293 MGI:5662613 lncRNA gene predicted gene 42476
3 gene 81.03589 81.21404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859631 Pdgfc NCBI_Gene:54635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028019 MGI:1859631 protein coding gene platelet-derived growth factor, C polypeptide
3 gene 81.03741 81.04044 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801866 Gm16000 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085106 MGI:3801866 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16000
3 pseudogene 81.40529 81.40557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610528 Gm37300 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102223 MGI:5610528 pseudogene predicted gene, 37300

Chromsome 4

query_variants <- create_variant_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/cc_variants.sqlite")
query_genes <- create_gene_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/mouse_genes_mgi.sqlite")

for (i in 2){
#for (i in 1:1){
  #Plot 1
  marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
  #g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
  gp <- g[,marker]
  gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
  gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
  gp[gp==0] <- NA
  #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
  #par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
  plot_pxg(gp, gm$covar[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
  title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"mb (",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)

  chr = peaks$chr[i]

# Plot 2
  pr_sub <- pull_genoprobint(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr, c(peaks$ci_lo[i], peaks$ci_hi[i]))
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary")
  #coeff_sub <- scan1coef(pr_sub[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary")
  blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]])
  blup_sub <- scan1blup(pr_sub[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]])

  #     gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff; positions in cM] )")
  #     )

  #     gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],"; 1.5 LOD drop interval [scan1coeff; positions in cM] ) ")
  #     )

       gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
       bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
       main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup; positions in cM] )")

       gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
       bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
       main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],"; 1.5 LOD drop interval [scan1blup; positions in cM] )")

  #last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
  #for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  #axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

 # Plot 3
  #c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  #c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  #plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  #plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  ##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
  ##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  ##  axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

  #Table 1
  chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]

  genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)

  rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
  genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"

  #genesgss <- 
  #table <- 
  #genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")] %>%
  #kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccccccc")) %>%
  #kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) #%>% 
  #cat #%>%
  #column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
  #print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], escape = F,align = c("ccccccccccc")))

  print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))


chr type start stop strand ID Name Dbxref gene_id mgi_type description
4 gene 130.0474 130.0993 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1095396 Col16a1 NCBI_Gene:107581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040690 MGI:1095396 protein coding gene collagen, type XVI, alpha 1
4 gene 130.1026 130.1281 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915148 Pef1 NCBI_Gene:67898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028779 MGI:1915148 protein coding gene penta-EF hand domain containing 1
4 gene 130.1055 130.1083 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5623143 Gm40258 NCBI_Gene:105244699 MGI:5623143 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40258
4 gene 130.1302 130.1397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385650 Hcrtr1 NCBI_Gene:230777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028778 MGI:2385650 protein coding gene hypocretin (orexin) receptor 1
4 gene 130.1440 130.1489 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5623144 Gm40259 NCBI_Gene:105244700 MGI:5623144 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40259
4 gene 130.1645 130.1751 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2137617 Tinagl1 NCBI_Gene:94242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028776 MGI:2137617 protein coding gene tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like 1
4 gene 130.2090 130.2224 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685699 Ldc1 NCBI_Gene:332942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023120 MGI:2685699 protein coding gene leucine decarboxylase 1
4 gene 130.2366 130.2491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826361 Gm46724 NCBI_Gene:108168712 MGI:5826361 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46724
4 gene 130.2535 130.2792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919132 Serinc2 NCBI_Gene:230779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023232 MGI:1919132 protein coding gene serine incorporator 2
4 gene 130.2757 130.2809 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594116 Gm34957 NCBI_Gene:102638376 MGI:5594116 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34957
4 gene 130.2912 130.3087 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642427 Gm10570 NCBI_Gene:102638454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073752 MGI:3642427 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10570
4 gene 130.3086 130.3155 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95476 Fabp3 NCBI_Gene:14077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028773 MGI:95476 protein coding gene fatty acid binding protein 3, muscle and heart
4 gene 130.3154 130.3600 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919955 Zcchc17 NCBI_Gene:619605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028772 MGI:1919955 protein coding gene zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 17
4 gene 130.3177 130.3333 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594233 Gm35074 NCBI_Gene:102638533 MGI:5594233 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35074
4 gene 130.3601 130.3900 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913835 Snrnp40 NCBI_Gene:66585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074088 MGI:1913835 protein coding gene small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 40 (U5)
4 gene 130.3710 130.3720 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922417 4930527F18Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930527F18 gene
4 gene 130.3799 130.3808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920110 2900017G11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900017G11 gene
4 gene 130.5301 130.5742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914399 Nkain1 NCBI_Gene:67149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078532 MGI:1914399 protein coding gene Na+/K+ transporting ATPase interacting 1
4 gene 130.5723 130.5731 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916206 1500006G06Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1500006G06 gene
4 gene 130.6633 130.7816 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1931749 Pum1 NCBI_Gene:80912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028580 MGI:1931749 protein coding gene pumilio RNA-binding family member 1
4 gene 130.7097 130.7105 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919888 2810017D21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2810017D21 gene
4 gene 130.7496 130.7497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819558 Snord85 NCBI_Gene:100217460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065196 MGI:3819558 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 85
4 gene 130.7586 130.7624 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650041 Gm12971 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087449 MGI:3650041 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12971
4 gene 130.7663 130.7664 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453868 Gm24091 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093793 MGI:5453868 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24091
4 gene 130.7748 130.7792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477010 Gm26516 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097158 MGI:5477010 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26516
4 gene 130.7757 130.7758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453488 Gm23711 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095119 MGI:5453488 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23711
4 gene 130.7845 130.7880 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650043 Gm12972 NCBI_Gene:108168710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086548 MGI:3650043 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12972
4 gene 130.7925 130.8263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349163 Sdc3 NCBI_Gene:20970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025743 MGI:1349163 protein coding gene syndecan 3
4 gene 130.8116 130.8123 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650040 Gm12970 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087451 MGI:3650040 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12970
4 gene 130.8244 130.8263 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477210 Gm26716 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097224 MGI:5477210 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26716
4 gene 130.8278 130.8342 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625201 Gm42316 NCBI_Gene:105247171 MGI:5625201 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42316
4 gene 130.8578 130.8579 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452437 Gm22660 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077381 MGI:5452437 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22660
4 gene 130.8710 130.8729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594453 Gm35294 NCBI_Gene:102638819 MGI:5594453 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35294
4 gene 130.9061 130.9146 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621484 Gm38599 NCBI_Gene:102642196 MGI:5621484 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38599
4 gene 130.9129 130.9361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108046 Laptm5 NCBI_Gene:16792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028581 MGI:108046 protein coding gene lysosomal-associated protein transmembrane 5
4 gene 130.9444 130.9555 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106591 Matn1 NCBI_Gene:17180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040533 MGI:106591 protein coding gene matrilin 1, cartilage matrix protein
4 gene 130.9747 131.0013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650042 Gm12973 NCBI_Gene:108168713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085804 MGI:3650042 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12973
4 gene 131.0008 131.0105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925085 A930031H19Rik NCBI_Gene:77835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086262 MGI:1925085 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930031H19 gene
4 gene 131.0639 131.0656 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625202 Gm42317 NCBI_Gene:105247172 MGI:5625202 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42317
4 gene 131.0757 131.0803 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594641 Gm35482 NCBI_Gene:102639082 MGI:5594641 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35482
4 gene 131.1563 131.1627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625203 Gm42318 NCBI_Gene:105247173 MGI:5625203 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42318
4 gene 131.2393 131.2394 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455038 Gm25261 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088041 MGI:5455038 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25261
4 gene 131.4091 131.4283 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594793 Gm35634 NCBI_Gene:102639287 MGI:5594793 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35634
4 gene 131.4563 131.4826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826360 Gm46723 NCBI_Gene:108168711 MGI:5826360 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46723
4 gene 131.4584 131.4855 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594938 Gm35779 NCBI_Gene:102639475 MGI:5594938 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35779
4 gene 131.4872 131.5055 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685677 Gm831 NCBI_Gene:329950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078531 MGI:2685677 lncRNA gene predicted gene 831
4 gene 131.6174 131.6351 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625205 Gm42320 NCBI_Gene:105247175 MGI:5625205 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42320
4 gene 131.6470 131.6778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650901 Gm12962 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087171 MGI:3650901 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12962
4 gene 131.6471 131.7105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625206 Gm42321 NCBI_Gene:105247176 MGI:5625206 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42321
4 gene 131.6946 131.7105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802056 Gm16080 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086856 MGI:3802056 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16080
4 gene 131.7685 131.8383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1321151 Ptpru NCBI_Gene:19273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028909 MGI:1321151 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, U
4 gene 131.8434 131.8678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349441 Mecr NCBI_Gene:26922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028910 MGI:1349441 protein coding gene mitochondrial trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase
4 gene 131.8736 131.9017 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890577 Srsf4 NCBI_Gene:57317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028911 MGI:1890577 protein coding gene serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 4
4 gene 131.8786 131.8832 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442442 A930004J17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102602 MGI:2442442 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930004J17 gene
4 gene 131.8879 131.8894 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918083 4733401A01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4733401A01 gene
4 gene 131.8995 131.9200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3702644 Gm12992 NCBI_Gene:545681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085667 MGI:3702644 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12992
4 pseudogene 131.9027 131.9033 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705382 Gm12978 NCBI_Gene:100418326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083013 MGI:3705382 pseudogene predicted gene 12978
4 gene 131.9200 131.9240 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646343 Tmem200b NCBI_Gene:623230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070720 MGI:3646343 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 200B
4 gene 131.9208 131.9215 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6324745 Gm50475 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118394 MGI:6324745 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50475
4 gene 131.9234 132.0756 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95401 Epb41 NCBI_Gene:269587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028906 MGI:95401 protein coding gene erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1
4 gene 131.9922 131.9923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530827 Gm27445 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098577 MGI:5530827 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27445
4 gene 132.0482 132.0490 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649474 Gm13063 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084869 MGI:3649474 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13063
4 gene 132.0495 132.0498 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595316 Gm36157 NCBI_Gene:102639968 MGI:5595316 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36157
4 gene 132.0747 132.0770 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641670 Gm10300 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070717 MGI:3641670 protein coding gene predicted gene 10300
4 pseudogene 132.0939 132.0943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650812 Gm13214 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083368 MGI:3650812 pseudogene predicted gene 13214
4 gene 132.1048 132.1094 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610939 Gm37711 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102796 MGI:5610939 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37711
4 gene 132.1077 132.1445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97438 Oprd1 NCBI_Gene:18386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050511 MGI:97438 protein coding gene opioid receptor, delta 1
4 gene 132.1253 132.1253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413695 n-TAcgc3 NCBI_Gene:102467236 MGI:4413695 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA alanine 3 (anticodon CGC)
4 pseudogene 132.1484 132.1489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650813 Gm13215 NCBI_Gene:664894,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081394 MGI:3650813 pseudogene predicted gene 13215
4 gene 132.1849 132.2123 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444233 Ythdf2 NCBI_Gene:213541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040025 MGI:2444233 protein coding gene YTH N6-methyladenosine RNA binding protein 2
4 gene 132.2184 132.2185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451810 Gm22033 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080597 MGI:5451810 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22033
4 pseudogene 132.2199 132.2206 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3652187 Rps15a-ps4 NCBI_Gene:664903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083757 MGI:3652187 pseudogene ribosomal protein S15A, pseudogene 4
4 gene 132.2210 132.2616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2135604 Gmeb1 NCBI_Gene:56809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028901 MGI:2135604 protein coding gene glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 1
4 pseudogene 132.2447 132.2460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651953 Gm13252 NCBI_Gene:105247177,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084105 MGI:3651953 pseudogene predicted gene 13252
4 gene 132.2605 132.2688 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579580 Gm28874 NCBI_Gene:102640216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100813 MGI:5579580 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28874
4 gene 132.2701 132.2702 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579578 Gm28872 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099937 MGI:5579578 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28872
4 gene 132.2701 132.2702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2148804 Rnu11 NCBI_Gene:353373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077323 MGI:2148804 snRNA gene U11 small nuclear RNA
4 gene 132.2741 132.2743 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3629726 Gt(pU21)115Imeg NA NA unclassified gene gene trap 115%2c Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics
4 gene 132.2744 132.2958 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913714 Taf12 NCBI_Gene:66464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028899 MGI:1913714 protein coding gene TATA-box binding protein associated factor 12
4 gene 132.3004 132.3034 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441753 Rab42 NCBI_Gene:242681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089687 MGI:2441753 protein coding gene RAB42, member RAS oncogene family
4 gene 132.3086 132.3110 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916721 Snhg12 NCBI_Gene:100039864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086290 MGI:1916721 lncRNA gene small nucleolar RNA host gene 12
4 gene 132.3095 132.3096 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4361141 Snora16a NCBI_Gene:100310813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105911 MGI:4361141 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 16A
4 gene 132.3099 132.3101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819506 Snora44 NCBI_Gene:100217418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064604 MGI:3819506 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 44
4 gene 132.3102 132.3104 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819510 Snora61 NCBI_Gene:100217440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064949 MGI:3819510 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 61
4 gene 132.3107 132.3108 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819570 Snord99 NCBI_Gene:100217437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080615 MGI:3819570 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 99
4 gene 132.3118 132.3295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919037 Trnau1ap NCBI_Gene:71787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028898 MGI:1919037 protein coding gene tRNA selenocysteine 1 associated protein 1
4 gene 132.3319 132.3536 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913989 Rcc1 NCBI_Gene:100088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028896 MGI:1913989 protein coding gene regulator of chromosome condensation 1
4 gene 132.3480 132.3537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684817 Snhg3 NCBI_Gene:399101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085241 MGI:2684817 lncRNA gene small nucleolar RNA host gene 3
4 gene 132.3518 132.3534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4936934 Gm17300 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091021 MGI:4936934 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17300
4 gene 132.3523 132.3525 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4360049 Snora73b NCBI_Gene:100306945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065353 MGI:4360049 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 73b
4 gene 132.3528 132.3530 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4360046 Snora73a NCBI_Gene:100306944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064387 MGI:4360046 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 73a
4 gene 132.3559 132.4225 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2140327 Phactr4 NCBI_Gene:100169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066043 MGI:2140327 protein coding gene phosphatase and actin regulator 4
4 gene 132.4083 132.4084 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455484 Gm25707 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096350 MGI:5455484 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25707
4 gene 132.4420 132.4421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452832 Gm23055 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064739 MGI:5452832 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23055
4 gene 132.4587 132.4639 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914469 Med18 NCBI_Gene:67219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066042 MGI:1914469 protein coding gene mediator complex subunit 18
4 gene 132.4920 132.5105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2651874 Sesn2 NCBI_Gene:230784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028893 MGI:2651874 protein coding gene sestrin 2
4 gene 132.5036 132.5096 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651528 Gm12981 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086997 MGI:3651528 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12981
4 gene 132.5160 132.5161 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413681 n-TAagc8 NCBI_Gene:102467230 MGI:4413681 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA alanine 8 (anticodon AGC)
4 gene 132.5306 132.5354 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196457 Atpif1 NCBI_Gene:11983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054428 MGI:1196457 protein coding gene ATPase inhibitory factor 1
4 gene 132.5327 132.5336 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651167 Gm12999 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087352 MGI:3651167 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12999
4 gene 132.5356 132.5537 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915848 Dnajc8 NCBI_Gene:68598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054405 MGI:1915848 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C8
4 gene 132.5471 132.5472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454539 Gm24762 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065623 MGI:5454539 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24762
4 gene 132.5641 132.5827 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106066 Ptafr NCBI_Gene:19204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056529 MGI:106066 protein coding gene platelet-activating factor receptor
4 gene 132.6390 132.7248 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109339 Eya3 NCBI_Gene:14050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028886 MGI:109339 protein coding gene EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 3
4 gene 132.6391 132.6403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923270 5830409B07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5830409B07 gene
4 gene 132.7249 132.7326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685877 Xkr8 NCBI_Gene:381560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037752 MGI:2685877 protein coding gene X-linked Kx blood group related 8
4 gene 132.7330 132.7573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916022 Smpdl3b NCBI_Gene:100340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028885 MGI:1916022 protein coding gene sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase, acid-like 3B
4 gene 132.7683 132.7788 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1339939 Rpa2 NCBI_Gene:19891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028884 MGI:1339939 protein coding gene replication protein A2
4 gene 132.7818 132.7964 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446213 Themis2 NCBI_Gene:230787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037731 MGI:2446213 protein coding gene thymocyte selection associated family member 2
4 pseudogene 132.8020 132.8023 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651775 Gm13022 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081647 MGI:3651775 pseudogene predicted gene 13022
4 gene 132.8269 132.8432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2140494 Ppp1r8 NCBI_Gene:100336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028882 MGI:2140494 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 8
4 gene 132.8384 132.8385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452544 Gm22767 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088990 MGI:5452544 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22767
4 gene 132.8535 132.8845 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1931027 Stx12 NCBI_Gene:100226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028879 MGI:1931027 protein coding gene syntaxin 12
4 gene 132.8822 132.8833 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924875 C530007A02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C530007A02 gene
4 pseudogene 132.8848 132.8866 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649305 Gm13033 NCBI_Gene:100038703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083816 MGI:3649305 pseudogene predicted gene 13033
4 gene 132.8992 132.9231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385211 Fam76a NCBI_Gene:230789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028878 MGI:2385211 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 76, member A
4 gene 132.9312 132.9313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454690 Gm24913 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087911 MGI:5454690 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24913
4 gene 132.9484 132.9607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595677 Gm36518 NCBI_Gene:102640462 MGI:5595677 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36518
4 gene 132.9741 133.0019 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95527 Fgr NCBI_Gene:14191,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028874 MGI:95527 protein coding gene FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase
4 gene 133.0027 133.0082 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595758 Gm36599 NCBI_Gene:102640565 MGI:5595758 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36599
4 gene 133.0113 133.0781 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444218 Ahdc1 NCBI_Gene:230793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037692 MGI:2444218 protein coding gene AT hook, DNA binding motif, containing 1
4 gene 133.0834 133.0891 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477109 Gm26615 NCBI_Gene:102640635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097088 MGI:5477109 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26615
4 gene 133.1145 133.1146 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413870 n-TGgcc1 NCBI_Gene:102467429 MGI:4413870 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA glycine 1 (anticodon GCC)
4 gene 133.1305 133.1998 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098641 Wasf2 NCBI_Gene:242687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028868 MGI:1098641 protein coding gene WAS protein family, member 2
4 gene 133.1714 133.1717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454413 Gm24636 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089298 MGI:5454413 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24636
4 gene 133.1957 133.1957 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531327 Mir7017 miRBase:MI0022866,NCBI_Gene:102466215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099202 MGI:5531327 miRNA gene microRNA 7017
4 gene 133.2093 133.2125 negative MGI_C57BL6J_101908 Gpr3 NCBI_Gene:14748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049649 MGI:101908 protein coding gene G-protein coupled receptor 3
4 gene 133.2121 133.2246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916905 Cd164l2 NCBI_Gene:69655,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028865 MGI:1916905 protein coding gene CD164 sialomucin-like 2
4 pseudogene 133.2315 133.2393 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3510254 Fcnc-ps NCBI_Gene:493918 MGI:3510254 pseudogene ficolin C pseudogene
4 gene 133.2397 133.2529 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1855691 Map3k6 NCBI_Gene:53608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028862 MGI:1855691 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6
4 gene 133.2531 133.2631 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933365 Sytl1 NCBI_Gene:269589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028860 MGI:1933365 protein coding gene synaptotagmin-like 1
4 gene 133.2660 133.2778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098568 Tmem222 NCBI_Gene:52174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028857 MGI:1098568 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 222
4 pseudogene 133.2809 133.2813 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3700962 Gm13259 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083241 MGI:3700962 pseudogene predicted gene 13259
4 gene 133.2925 133.3535 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685541 Wdtc1 NCBI_Gene:230796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037622 MGI:2685541 protein coding gene WD and tetratricopeptide repeats 1
4 gene 133.2925 133.2928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781803 Gm3627 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 3627
4 gene 133.3697 133.4237 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102462 Slc9a1 NCBI_Gene:20544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028854 MGI:102462 protein coding gene solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 1
4 gene 133.3698 133.3699 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4950447 Mir5122 miRBase:MI0018031,NCBI_Gene:100628620,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092745 MGI:4950447 miRNA gene microRNA 5122
4 gene 133.4327 133.4349 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920802 1700091J24Rik NCBI_Gene:105247178 MGI:1920802 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700091J24 gene
4 gene 133.4371 133.4404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625207 Gm42322 NCBI_Gene:105247179 MGI:5625207 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42322
4 gene 133.4794 133.4852 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651057 Gm13257 NCBI_Gene:102640829,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086850 MGI:3651057 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13257
4 gene 133.4801 133.4879 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2140500 Tent5b NCBI_Gene:100342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046694 MGI:2140500 protein coding gene terminal nucleotidyltransferase 5B
4 gene 133.4911 133.4992 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916789 Trnp1 NCBI_Gene:69539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056596 MGI:1916789 protein coding gene TMF1-regulated nuclear protein 1
4 gene 133.5129 133.5223 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625208 Gm42323 NCBI_Gene:105247180 MGI:5625208 protein coding gene predicted gene, 42323
4 gene 133.5189 133.5308 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916323 Kdf1 NCBI_Gene:69073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037600 MGI:1916323 protein coding gene keratinocyte differentiation factor 1
4 gene 133.5325 133.5460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106014 Nudc NCBI_Gene:18221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028851 MGI:106014 protein coding gene nudC nuclear distribution protein
4 gene 133.5534 133.5567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346344 Nr0b2 NCBI_Gene:23957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037583 MGI:1346344 protein coding gene nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 2
4 gene 133.5588 133.5589 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452935 Gm23158 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093886 MGI:5452935 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23158
4 gene 133.5747 133.5842 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442492 Gpatch3 NCBI_Gene:242691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028850 MGI:2442492 protein coding gene G patch domain containing 3
4 gene 133.5844 133.5917 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2140368 Gpn2 NCBI_Gene:100210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028848 MGI:2140368 protein coding gene GPN-loop GTPase 2
4 gene 133.5949 133.5960 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625209 Gm42324 NCBI_Gene:105247181 MGI:5625209 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42324
4 gene 133.6006 133.6022 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891831 Sfn NCBI_Gene:55948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047281 MGI:1891831 protein coding gene stratifin
4 gene 133.6047 133.6502 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3527792 Zdhhc18 NCBI_Gene:503610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037553 MGI:3527792 protein coding gene zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 18
4 pseudogene 133.6381 133.6506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651606 Gm13213 NCBI_Gene:545683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083885 MGI:3651606 pseudogene predicted gene 13213
4 gene 133.6540 133.6543 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452439 Gm22662 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093031 MGI:5452439 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22662
4 gene 133.6599 133.6732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442480 Pigv NCBI_Gene:230801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043257 MGI:2442480 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class V
4 gene 133.6727 133.6732 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920565 1700041L08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700041L08 gene
4 gene 133.6790 133.7568 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1935147 Arid1a NCBI_Gene:93760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007880 MGI:1935147 protein coding gene AT rich interactive domain 1A (SWI-like)
4 gene 133.7171 133.7171 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562763 Mir7227 miRBase:MI0023722,NCBI_Gene:102465707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104566 MGI:5562763 miRNA gene microRNA 7227
4 gene 133.7681 133.7754 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589178 Gm30019 NCBI_Gene:102631762 MGI:5589178 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30019
4 gene 133.7750 133.7813 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589101 Gm29942 NCBI_Gene:102631659 MGI:5589101 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29942
4 gene 133.7920 133.8215 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593455 Gm34296 NCBI_Gene:102637505 MGI:5593455 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34296
4 gene 133.7976 133.7977 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455047 Gm25270 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084555 MGI:5455047 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25270
4 gene 133.8152 133.8216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650037 Gm12974 NCBI_Gene:105247182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084789 MGI:3650037 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12974
4 gene 133.8473 133.8878 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104558 Rps6ka1 NCBI_Gene:20111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003644 MGI:104558 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S6 kinase polypeptide 1
4 gene 133.8716 133.8772 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650699 Gm12977 NCBI_Gene:102631939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085009 MGI:3650699 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12977
4 pseudogene 133.8829 133.8831 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651383 Gm12985 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080946 MGI:3651383 pseudogene predicted gene 12985
4 gene 133.8834 133.8835 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452300 Gm22523 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089321 MGI:5452300 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22523
4 gene 133.9110 133.9114 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921148 4930429E23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930429E23 gene
4 gene 133.9647 133.9686 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96136 Hmgn2 NCBI_Gene:15331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003038 MGI:96136 protein coding gene high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 2
4 gene 133.9690 134.0009 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914672 Dhdds NCBI_Gene:67422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012117 MGI:1914672 protein coding gene dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase
4 gene 134.0033 134.0192 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1890546 Lin28a NCBI_Gene:83557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050966 MGI:1890546 protein coding gene lin-28 homolog A (C. elegans)
4 gene 134.0034 134.0049 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3710625 Gm10299 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10299
4 gene 134.0181 134.0199 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650259 Gm13061 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087288 MGI:3650259 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13061
4 gene 134.0512 134.0590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650254 Zfp683 NCBI_Gene:100503878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049410 MGI:3650254 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 683
4 gene 134.0607 134.0925 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1334463 Crybg2 NCBI_Gene:230806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012123 MGI:1334463 protein coding gene crystallin beta-gamma domain containing 2
4 gene 134.0824 134.0951 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346088 Cd52 NCBI_Gene:23833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000682 MGI:1346088 protein coding gene CD52 antigen
4 gene 134.1025 134.1276 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914836 Ubxn11 NCBI_Gene:67586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012126 MGI:1914836 protein coding gene UBX domain protein 11
4 gene 134.1274 134.1288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920973 Sh3bgrl3 NCBI_Gene:73723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028843 MGI:1920973 protein coding gene SH3 domain binding glutamic acid-rich protein-like 3
4 gene 134.1299 134.1871 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917262 Cep85 NCBI_Gene:70012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037443 MGI:1917262 protein coding gene centrosomal protein 85
4 gene 134.1600 134.1641 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826531 Gm46894 NCBI_Gene:108169013 MGI:5826531 protein coding gene predicted gene, 46894
4 gene 134.1678 134.1679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531001 Gm27619 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098693 MGI:5531001 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 27619
4 gene 134.1908 134.2030 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3702974 Gm7534 NCBI_Gene:665186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073747 MGI:3702974 protein coding gene predicted gene 7534
4 pseudogene 134.1998 134.2002 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651062 Gm13131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081772 MGI:3651062 pseudogene predicted gene 13131
4 gene 134.2120 134.2274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3043288 Catsper4 NCBI_Gene:329954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048003 MGI:3043288 protein coding gene cation channel, sperm associated 4
4 gene 134.2280 134.2384 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2670958 Cnksr1 NCBI_Gene:194231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028841 MGI:2670958 protein coding gene connector enhancer of kinase suppressor of Ras 1
4 gene 134.2433 134.2456 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915290 Zfp593 NCBI_Gene:68040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028840 MGI:1915290 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 593
4 gene 134.2437 134.2459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3528958 E130218I03Rik NCBI_Gene:77490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086322 MGI:3528958 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E130218I03 gene
4 gene 134.2469 134.2500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589350 Gm30191 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108398 MGI:5589350 protein coding gene predicted gene, 30191
4 gene 134.2511 134.2662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919940 Grrp1 NCBI_Gene:72690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050105 MGI:1919940 protein coding gene glycine/arginine rich protein 1
4 gene 134.2558 134.2657 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625210 Gm42325 NCBI_Gene:105247183 MGI:5625210 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42325
4 gene 134.2750 134.2879 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385213 Pdik1l NCBI_Gene:230809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050890 MGI:2385213 protein coding gene PDLIM1 interacting kinase 1 like
4 gene 134.3151 134.3296 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447992 Trim63 NCBI_Gene:433766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028834 MGI:2447992 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 63
4 pseudogene 134.3355 134.3358 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3652269 Gm13195 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083065 MGI:3652269 pseudogene predicted gene 13195
4 gene 134.3430 134.3545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106637 Slc30a2 NCBI_Gene:230810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028836 MGI:106637 protein coding gene solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 2
4 gene 134.3564 134.3838 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888742 Extl1 NCBI_Gene:56219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028838 MGI:1888742 protein coding gene exostoses (multiple)-like 1
4 gene 134.3849 134.3870 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779501 Gm5589 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 5589
4 gene 134.3963 134.4274 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2140321 Pafah2 NCBI_Gene:100163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037366 MGI:2140321 protein coding gene platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 2
4 gene 134.4337 134.4483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589612 Gm30453 NCBI_Gene:102632361 MGI:5589612 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30453
4 gene 134.4488 134.4502 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916659 1700021N21Rik NCBI_Gene:69409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087343 MGI:1916659 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700021N21 gene
4 gene 134.4683 134.4738 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96739 Stmn1 NCBI_Gene:16765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028832 MGI:96739 protein coding gene stathmin 1
4 gene 134.4684 134.4685 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453411 Gm23634 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092812 MGI:5453411 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23634
4 pseudogene 134.4932 134.4940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650425 Gm13250 NCBI_Gene:100416260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083001 MGI:3650425 pseudogene predicted gene 13250
4 gene 134.4967 134.5102 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919154 Paqr7 NCBI_Gene:71904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037348 MGI:1919154 protein coding gene progestin and adipoQ receptor family member VII
4 gene 134.5110 134.5239 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917135 Aunip NCBI_Gene:69885,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078521 MGI:1917135 protein coding gene aurora kinase A and ninein interacting protein
4 gene 134.5256 134.5354 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924074 Mtfr1l NCBI_Gene:76824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046671 MGI:1924074 protein coding gene mitochondrial fission regulator 1-like
4 gene 134.5379 134.5522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2151208 Selenon NCBI_Gene:74777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050989 MGI:2151208 protein coding gene selenoprotein N
4 gene 134.5617 134.7043 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446214 Man1c1 NCBI_Gene:230815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037306 MGI:2446214 protein coding gene mannosidase, alpha, class 1C, member 1
4 gene 134.5677 134.5679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531374 Mir6403 miRBase:MI0021939,NCBI_Gene:102465216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099289 MGI:5531374 miRNA gene microRNA 6403
4 gene 134.5914 134.5950 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625211 Gm42326 NCBI_Gene:105247184 MGI:5625211 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42326
4 gene 134.7416 134.7680 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2140175 Ldlrap1 NCBI_Gene:100017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037295 MGI:2140175 protein coding gene low density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein 1
4 gene 134.8028 134.8536 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913396 Maco1 NCBI_Gene:66146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028826 MGI:1913396 protein coding gene macoilin 1
4 gene 134.8645 134.8962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1202882 Rhd NCBI_Gene:19746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028825 MGI:1202882 protein coding gene Rh blood group, D antigen
4 gene 134.8978 134.9150 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919067 Tmem50a NCBI_Gene:71817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028822 MGI:1919067 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 50A
4 gene 134.9236 134.9277 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106498 Rsrp1 NCBI_Gene:27981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037266 MGI:106498 protein coding gene arginine/serine rich protein 1
4 gene 134.9309 134.9375 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915842 Syf2 NCBI_Gene:68592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028821 MGI:1915842 protein coding gene SYF2 homolog, RNA splicing factor (S. cerevisiae)
4 gene 135.0437 135.0514 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625212 Gm42327 NCBI_Gene:105247185 MGI:5625212 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42327
4 gene 135.1182 135.1204 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801903 Gm16225 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086884 MGI:3801903 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16225
4 gene 135.1206 135.1780 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102672 Runx3 NCBI_Gene:12399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070691 MGI:102672 protein coding gene runt related transcription factor 3
4 gene 135.1434 135.1443 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801902 Gm16224 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084986 MGI:3801902 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16224
4 gene 135.2140 135.2728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352754 Clic4 NCBI_Gene:29876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037242 MGI:1352754 protein coding gene chloride intracellular channel 4 (mitochondrial)
4 gene 135.2831 135.2891 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589926 Gm30767 NCBI_Gene:102632783 MGI:5589926 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30767
4 pseudogene 135.2903 135.2907 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651378 Gm12983 NCBI_Gene:676072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087270 MGI:3651378 pseudogene predicted gene 12983
4 gene 135.2966 135.2994 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589860 Gm30701 NCBI_Gene:102632698 MGI:5589860 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30701
4 gene 135.3073 135.3095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651384 Gm12984 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085002 MGI:3651384 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12984
4 pseudogene 135.3078 135.3080 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651381 Gm12982 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082833 MGI:3651381 pseudogene predicted gene 12982
4 gene 135.3205 135.3533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858303 Srrm1 NCBI_Gene:51796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028809 MGI:1858303 protein coding gene serine/arginine repetitive matrix 1
4 gene 135.3696 135.3983 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444888 Ncmap NCBI_Gene:230822,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043924 MGI:2444888 protein coding gene noncompact myelin associated protein
4 pseudogene 135.3772 135.3772 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651750 Gm12991 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084032 MGI:3651750 pseudogene predicted gene 12991
4 pseudogene 135.4032 135.4037 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651107 Gm12990 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081136 MGI:3651107 pseudogene predicted gene 12990
4 gene 135.4123 135.4339 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858220 Rcan3 NCBI_Gene:53902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059713 MGI:1858220 protein coding gene regulator of calcineurin 3
4 gene 135.4166 135.4166 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3629655 Mir700 miRBase:MI0004684,NCBI_Gene:735285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076123 MGI:3629655 miRNA gene microRNA 700
4 gene 135.4207 135.4278 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589981 Gm30822 NCBI_Gene:102632859 MGI:5589981 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30822
4 gene 135.4301 135.4308 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801882 Gm15979 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087016 MGI:3801882 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15979
4 gene 135.4454 135.4950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921802 Nipal3 NCBI_Gene:74552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028803 MGI:1921802 protein coding gene NIPA-like domain containing 3
4 gene 135.4509 135.4512 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610498 Gm37270 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103955 MGI:5610498 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37270
4 gene 135.4948 135.5378 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926056 Stpg1 NCBI_Gene:78806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028801 MGI:1926056 protein coding gene sperm tail PG rich repeat containing 1
4 gene 135.5124 135.5125 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455094 Gm25317 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080474 MGI:5455094 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25317
4 gene 135.5419 135.5736 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2655333 Grhl3 NCBI_Gene:230824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037188 MGI:2655333 protein coding gene grainyhead like transcription factor 3
4 gene 135.5736 135.5802 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590047 Gm30888 NCBI_Gene:102632942 MGI:5590047 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30888
4 gene 135.5837 135.5838 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452883 Gm23106 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088179 MGI:5452883 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23106
4 gene 135.6267 135.6302 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913597 1700029M20Rik NCBI_Gene:73937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086788 MGI:1913597 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700029M20 gene
4 gene 135.6503 135.6540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590100 Gm30941 NCBI_Gene:102633011 MGI:5590100 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30941
4 gene 135.6863 135.7082 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2429859 Ifnlr1 NCBI_Gene:242700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062157 MGI:2429859 protein coding gene interferon lambda receptor 1
4 pseudogene 135.7157 135.7167 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3652245 Gm12989 NCBI_Gene:100418217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083678 MGI:3652245 pseudogene predicted gene 12989
4 gene 135.7282 135.7554 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2663588 Il22ra1 NCBI_Gene:230828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037157 MGI:2663588 protein coding gene interleukin 22 receptor, alpha 1
4 pseudogene 135.7556 135.7568 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650876 Gm12988 NCBI_Gene:665334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082743 MGI:3650876 pseudogene predicted gene 12988
4 gene 135.7588 135.8156 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685280 Myom3 NCBI_Gene:242702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037139 MGI:2685280 protein coding gene myomesin family, member 3
4 pseudogene 135.8537 135.8542 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650940 Gm13000 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081672 MGI:3650940 pseudogene predicted gene 13000
4 gene 135.8557 135.8699 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333805 Srsf10 NCBI_Gene:14105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028676 MGI:1333805 protein coding gene serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 10
4 gene 135.8709 135.8739 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106512 Pnrc2 NCBI_Gene:52830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028675 MGI:106512 protein coding gene proline-rich nuclear receptor coactivator 2
4 pseudogene 135.8913 135.8915 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651355 Gm13006 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083430 MGI:3651355 pseudogene predicted gene 13006
4 gene 135.8952 135.9202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104650 Cnr2 NCBI_Gene:12802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062585 MGI:104650 protein coding gene cannabinoid receptor 2 (macrophage)
4 gene 135.9207 135.9403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95593 Fuca1 NCBI_Gene:71665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028673 MGI:95593 protein coding gene fucosidase, alpha-L- 1, tissue
4 gene 135.9464 135.9626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96158 Hmgcl NCBI_Gene:15356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028672 MGI:96158 protein coding gene 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A lyase
4 gene 135.9637 135.9682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921496 Gale NCBI_Gene:74246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028671 MGI:1921496 protein coding gene galactose-4-epimerase, UDP
4 gene 135.9682 135.9726 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347000 Lypla2 NCBI_Gene:26394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028670 MGI:1347000 protein coding gene lysophospholipase 2
4 gene 135.9755 135.9873 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913443 Pithd1 NCBI_Gene:66193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028669 MGI:1913443 protein coding gene PITH (C-terminal proteasome-interacting domain of thioredoxin-like) domain containing 1
4 pseudogene 135.9975 135.9979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649722 Gm13007 NCBI_Gene:669445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083852 MGI:3649722 pseudogene predicted gene 13007
4 gene 136.0034 136.0218 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351315 Eloa NCBI_Gene:27224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028668 MGI:1351315 protein coding gene elongin A
4 gene 136.0036 136.0109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3702670 Gm13008 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085714 MGI:3702670 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13008
4 gene 136.0181 136.0185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454139 Gm24362 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097995 MGI:5454139 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 24362
4 gene 136.0283 136.0534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914275 Rpl11 NCBI_Gene:67025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059291 MGI:1914275 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L11
4 pseudogene 136.0745 136.0750 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651086 Gm13009 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082877 MGI:3651086 pseudogene predicted gene 13009
4 gene 136.1375 136.1376 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455778 Gm26001 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088614 MGI:5455778 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26001
4 gene 136.1386 136.1434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625214 Gm42329 NCBI_Gene:105247187 MGI:5625214 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42329
4 gene 136.1435 136.1458 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96398 Id3 NCBI_Gene:15903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007872 MGI:96398 protein coding gene inhibitor of DNA binding 3
4 gene 136.1723 136.1961 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096341 E2f2 NCBI_Gene:242705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018983 MGI:1096341 protein coding gene E2F transcription factor 2
4 gene 136.2063 136.2466 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684986 Asap3 NCBI_Gene:230837,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036995 MGI:2684986 protein coding gene ArfGAP with SH3 domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3
4 gene 136.2145 136.2166 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441962 D230019A03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D230019A03 gene
4 gene 136.2477 136.2749 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1196908 Tcea3 NCBI_Gene:21401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001604 MGI:1196908 protein coding gene transcription elongation factor A (SII), 3
4 gene 136.2842 136.2939 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99192 Zfp46 NCBI_Gene:22704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051351 MGI:99192 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 46
4 pseudogene 136.3074 136.3079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650319 Gm13013 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081330 MGI:3650319 pseudogene predicted gene 13013
4 gene 136.3109 136.3594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891692 Hnrnpr NCBI_Gene:74326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066037 MGI:1891692 protein coding gene heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R
4 gene 136.3478 136.3494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504137 Gm27022 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098155 MGI:5504137 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 27022
4 gene 136.3503 136.3594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918848 9130020K20Rik NCBI_Gene:105247188 MGI:1918848 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9130020K20 gene
4 gene 136.3558 136.3594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937022 Gm17388 NA NA lncRNA gene predicted gene%2c 17388
4 gene 136.3875 136.3890 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590454 Gm31295 NCBI_Gene:102633481 MGI:5590454 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31295
4 gene 136.4235 136.4444 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96276 Htr1d NCBI_Gene:15552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070687 MGI:96276 protein coding gene 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1D
4 gene 136.4623 136.4640 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443447 6030445D17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066178 MGI:2443447 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 6030445D17 gene
4 gene 136.4697 136.5548 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107629 Luzp1 NCBI_Gene:269593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001089 MGI:107629 protein coding gene leucine zipper protein 1
4 gene 136.5505 136.6028 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196256 Kdm1a NCBI_Gene:99982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036940 MGI:1196256 protein coding gene lysine (K)-specific demethylase 1A
4 pseudogene 136.5842 136.5847 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649751 Gm12987 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082711 MGI:3649751 pseudogene predicted gene 12987
4 gene 136.6069 136.6133 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914913 Tex46 NCBI_Gene:67663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036921 MGI:1914913 protein coding gene testis expressed 46
4 pseudogene 136.6088 136.6099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651584 Gm12986 NCBI_Gene:433770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083054 MGI:3651584 pseudogene predicted gene 12986
4 gene 136.6098 136.6099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451957 Gm22180 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092747 MGI:5451957 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22180
4 gene 136.6226 136.6398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2448566 Lactbl1 NCBI_Gene:242707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070683 MGI:2448566 protein coding gene lactamase, beta-like 1
4 gene 136.6396 136.6421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610811 Gm37583 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103119 MGI:5610811 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37583
4 gene 136.6475 136.8360 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99611 Ephb2 NCBI_Gene:13844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028664 MGI:99611 protein coding gene Eph receptor B2
4 gene 136.8360 136.8421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590695 Gm31536 NCBI_Gene:102633796 MGI:5590695 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31536
4 gene 136.8801 136.8862 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88224 C1qb NCBI_Gene:12260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036905 MGI:88224 protein coding gene complement component 1, q subcomponent, beta polypeptide
4 gene 136.8898 136.8931 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88225 C1qc NCBI_Gene:12262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036896 MGI:88225 protein coding gene complement component 1, q subcomponent, C chain
4 gene 136.8959 136.8988 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88223 C1qa NCBI_Gene:12259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036887 MGI:88223 protein coding gene complement component 1, q subcomponent, alpha polypeptide
4 gene 136.9294 136.9568 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109378 Epha8 NCBI_Gene:13842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028661 MGI:109378 protein coding gene Eph receptor A8
4 gene 136.9797 137.0494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2682254 Zbtb40 NCBI_Gene:230848,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060862 MGI:2682254 protein coding gene zinc finger and BTB domain containing 40
4 gene 137.0257 137.0258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453611 Gm23834 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077624 MGI:5453611 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23834
4 gene 137.0766 137.0951 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590807 Gm31648 NCBI_Gene:102633949 MGI:5590807 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31648
4 gene 137.1167 137.1183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3702655 Gm13001 NCBI_Gene:102634021,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087417 MGI:3702655 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13001
4 gene 137.1167 137.1176 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921513 1700037C06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085542 MGI:1921513 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700037C06 gene
4 gene 137.1395 137.1425 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590921 Gm31762 NCBI_Gene:102634099 MGI:5590921 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31762
4 gene 137.1591 137.1651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650099 Gm13003 NCBI_Gene:100503595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085833 MGI:3650099 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13003
4 gene 137.1713 137.1781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826509 Gm46872 NCBI_Gene:108168981 MGI:5826509 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46872
4 gene 137.1840 137.1841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455176 Gm25399 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093294 MGI:5455176 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25399
4 gene 137.1841 137.1841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453040 Gm23263 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092848 MGI:5453040 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23263
4 gene 137.1841 137.2528 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590979 Gm31820 NCBI_Gene:102634171 MGI:5590979 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31820
4 pseudogene 137.2190 137.2204 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650102 Gm13005 NCBI_Gene:100047000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080806 MGI:3650102 pseudogene predicted gene 13005
4 pseudogene 137.2226 137.2233 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650101 Gm13002 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082149 MGI:3650101 pseudogene predicted gene 13002
4 gene 137.2775 137.2997 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98957 Wnt4 NCBI_Gene:22417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036856 MGI:98957 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4
4 gene 137.3197 137.3578 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106211 Cdc42 NCBI_Gene:12540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006699 MGI:106211 protein coding gene cell division cycle 42
4 gene 137.3256 137.3256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455549 Gm25772 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089199 MGI:5455549 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25772
4 gene 137.3364 137.3401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441797 A430061O12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A430061O12 gene
4 gene 137.3873 137.3884 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917225 2810405F17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101493 MGI:1917225 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2810405F17 gene
4 pseudogene 137.3953 137.3957 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650100 Rpl31-ps10 NCBI_Gene:665533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070667 MGI:3650100 pseudogene ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 10
4 gene 137.4016 137.4098 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651647 Cela3a NCBI_Gene:242711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078520 MGI:3651647 protein coding gene chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member 3A
4 gene 137.4210 137.4305 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915118 Cela3b NCBI_Gene:67868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023433 MGI:1915118 protein coding gene chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member 3B
4 gene 137.4366 137.4671 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651180 Gm13010 NCBI_Gene:105247191,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086845 MGI:3651180 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13010
4 gene 137.4533 137.4555 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916630 1700013G24Rik NCBI_Gene:69380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041399 MGI:1916630 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700013G24 gene
4 gene 137.4688 137.5706 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96257 Hspg2 NCBI_Gene:15530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028763 MGI:96257 protein coding gene perlecan (heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2)
4 gene 137.5383 137.5384 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530988 Mir7018 miRBase:MI0022867,NCBI_Gene:102465616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099134 MGI:5530988 miRNA gene microRNA 7018
4 gene 137.5707 137.5824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588210 Ldlrad2 NCBI_Gene:435811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094035 MGI:3588210 protein coding gene low density lipoprotein receptor class A domain containing 2
4 gene 137.5938 137.6585 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2158502 Usp48 NCBI_Gene:170707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043411 MGI:2158502 protein coding gene ubiquitin specific peptidase 48
4 gene 137.6647 137.7299 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109338 Rap1gap NCBI_Gene:110351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041351 MGI:109338 protein coding gene Rap1 GTPase-activating protein
4 gene 137.6970 137.7074 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917058 Rap1gapos NCBI_Gene:69808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087476 MGI:1917058 antisense lncRNA gene RAP1 GTPase activating protein, opposite strand
4 gene 137.7417 137.7964 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87983 Alpl NCBI_Gene:11647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028766 MGI:87983 protein coding gene alkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney
4 gene 137.8063 137.8120 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591238 Gm32079 NCBI_Gene:102634516 MGI:5591238 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32079
4 gene 137.8622 137.9652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1101357 Ece1 NCBI_Gene:230857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057530 MGI:1101357 protein coding gene endothelin converting enzyme 1
4 gene 137.8820 137.8839 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3652270 Gm13012 NCBI_Gene:102634683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085823 MGI:3652270 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13012
4 gene 137.9154 137.9155 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921862 4833410I11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833410I11 gene
4 gene 137.9918 137.9923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3035105 BE691133 NA NA unclassified gene expressed sequence BE691133
4 gene 137.9930 138.2085 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923935 Eif4g3 NCBI_Gene:230861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028760 MGI:1923935 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma, 3
4 gene 137.9942 138.0279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591553 Gm32394 NCBI_Gene:102634927 MGI:5591553 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32394
4 gene 138.0140 138.0184 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3611235 8030494B02Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene Riken cDNA 8030494B02 gene
4 gene 138.1376 138.1385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920813 1700095J12Rik NCBI_Gene:73563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084804 MGI:1920813 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700095J12 gene
4 gene 138.1632 138.1633 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531049 Mir6399 miRBase:MI0021935,NCBI_Gene:102466907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098513 MGI:5531049 miRNA gene microRNA 6399
4 gene 138.2157 138.2162 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916844 2310026L22Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078519 MGI:1916844 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310026L22 gene
4 gene 138.2163 138.2447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109369 Hp1bp3 NCBI_Gene:15441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028759 MGI:109369 protein coding gene heterochromatin protein 1, binding protein 3
4 gene 138.2504 138.2613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446215 Sh2d5 NCBI_Gene:230863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045349 MGI:2446215 protein coding gene SH2 domain containing 5
4 gene 138.2504 138.3020 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098229 Kif17 NCBI_Gene:16559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028758 MGI:1098229 protein coding gene kinesin family member 17
4 gene 138.3047 138.3126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1194508 Ddost NCBI_Gene:13200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028757 MGI:1194508 protein coding gene dolichyl-di-phosphooligosaccharide-protein glycotransferase
4 gene 138.3134 138.3263 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916193 Pink1 NCBI_Gene:68943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028756 MGI:1916193 protein coding gene PTEN induced putative kinase 1
4 gene 138.3161 138.3162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531329 Mir7019 miRBase:MI0022868,NCBI_Gene:102466788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099200 MGI:5531329 miRNA gene microRNA 7019
4 gene 138.3260 138.3261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531028 Gm27646 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098364 MGI:5531028 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27646
4 gene 138.3384 138.3683 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919519 Cda NCBI_Gene:72269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028755 MGI:1919519 protein coding gene cytidine deaminase
4 gene 138.3941 138.3965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651622 Fam43b NCBI_Gene:625638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078235 MGI:3651622 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 43, member B
4 gene 138.3952 138.3977 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1931024 AB041806 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046109 MGI:1931024 lncRNA gene hypothetical protein, MNCb-2457
4 pseudogene 138.4257 138.4260 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649580 Rpl38-ps1 NCBI_Gene:625646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083326 MGI:3649580 pseudogene ribosomal protein L38, pseudogene 1
4 gene 138.4347 138.4423 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915600 Mul1 NCBI_Gene:68350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041241 MGI:1915600 protein coding gene mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase activator of NFKB 1
4 gene 138.4543 138.4601 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913509 Camk2n1 NCBI_Gene:66259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046447 MGI:1913509 protein coding gene calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor 1
4 gene 138.4976 138.5285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591708 Gm32549 NCBI_Gene:102635131 MGI:5591708 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32549
4 gene 138.5642 138.6359 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922968 Vwa5b1 NCBI_Gene:75718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028753 MGI:1922968 protein coding gene von Willebrand factor A domain containing 5B1
4 gene 138.5876 138.5877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452738 Gm22961 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088589 MGI:5452738 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22961
4 gene 138.6390 138.6576 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591821 Gm32662 NCBI_Gene:102635281 MGI:5591821 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32662
4 gene 138.6775 138.7117 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591929 Gm32770 NCBI_Gene:102635431 MGI:5591929 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32770
4 gene 138.6778 138.6782 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914908 4930563F15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930563F15 gene
4 gene 138.7098 138.7384 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443123 Ubxn10 NCBI_Gene:212190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043621 MGI:2443123 protein coding gene UBX domain protein 10
4 gene 138.7248 138.7461 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106638 Pla2g2c NCBI_Gene:18781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028750 MGI:106638 protein coding gene phospholipase A2, group IIC
4 gene 138.7505 138.7576 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349661 Pla2g2f NCBI_Gene:26971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028749 MGI:1349661 protein coding gene phospholipase A2, group IIF
4 gene 138.7614 138.7697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625217 Gm42332 NCBI_Gene:105247193 MGI:5625217 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42332
4 gene 138.7725 138.7802 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592030 Gm32871 NCBI_Gene:102635577 MGI:5592030 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32871
4 gene 138.7757 138.7821 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341796 Pla2g2d NCBI_Gene:18782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041202 MGI:1341796 protein coding gene phospholipase A2, group IID
4 gene 138.7992 138.8635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_101899 Pla2g5 NCBI_Gene:18784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041193 MGI:101899 protein coding gene phospholipase A2, group V
4 gene 138.8274 138.8275 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455057 Gm25280 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087894 MGI:5455057 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25280
4 pseudogene 138.8319 138.8352 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104642 Pla2g2a NCBI_Gene:18780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058908 MGI:104642 polymorphic pseudogene phospholipase A2, group IIA (platelets, synovial fluid)
4 gene 138.8635 138.8686 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592089 Gm32930 NCBI_Gene:102635643 MGI:5592089 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32930
4 gene 138.8710 138.8740 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651765 Gm13030 NCBI_Gene:105734733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078518 MGI:3651765 protein coding gene predicted gene 13030
4 gene 138.8779 138.8828 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349660 Pla2g2e NCBI_Gene:26970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028751 MGI:1349660 protein coding gene phospholipase A2, group IIE
4 gene 138.8911 138.9140 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920412 Otud3 NCBI_Gene:73162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041161 MGI:1920412 protein coding gene OTU domain containing 3
4 pseudogene 138.9352 138.9357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010282 Gm18097 NCBI_Gene:100416403 MGI:5010282 pseudogene predicted gene, 18097
4 gene 138.9364 138.9386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592170 Gm33011 NCBI_Gene:102635752 MGI:5592170 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33011
4 gene 138.9619 138.9647 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625218 Gm42333 NCBI_Gene:105247194 MGI:5625218 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42333
4 gene 138.9671 138.9684 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914075 Rnf186 NCBI_Gene:66825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070661 MGI:1914075 protein coding gene ring finger protein 186
4 gene 138.9721 139.0592 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924306 Tmco4 NCBI_Gene:77056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041143 MGI:1924306 protein coding gene transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 4
4 gene 139.0032 139.0196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592373 Gm33214 NCBI_Gene:102636025 MGI:5592373 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33214
4 gene 139.0597 139.0756 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196627 Htr6 NCBI_Gene:15565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028747 MGI:1196627 protein coding gene 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 6
4 gene 139.0749 139.0772 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791369 Gm45533 NCBI_Gene:108168960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110296 MGI:5791369 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45533
4 gene 139.0823 139.0930 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104591 Nbl1 NCBI_Gene:17965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041120 MGI:104591 protein coding gene NBL1, DAN family BMP antagonist
4 gene 139.1018 139.1311 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913628 Micos10 NCBI_Gene:433771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050608 MGI:1913628 protein coding gene mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system subunit 10
4 gene 139.1341 139.1653 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592463 Gm33304 NCBI_Gene:102636159 MGI:5592463 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33304
4 pseudogene 139.1502 139.1508 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935164 Hspe1-ps4 NCBI_Gene:93751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083238 MGI:1935164 pseudogene heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin 10), pseudogene 4
4 gene 139.1754 139.1807 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650322 Gm16287 NCBI_Gene:100038595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073739 MGI:3650322 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16287
4 gene 139.1922 139.1927 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925704 9530077C14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530077C14 gene
4 gene 139.1929 139.2918 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104652 Capzb NCBI_Gene:12345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028745 MGI:104652 protein coding gene capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line, beta
4 gene 139.2940 139.3107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384837 Pqlc2 NCBI_Gene:212555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028744 MGI:2384837 protein coding gene PQ loop repeat containing 2
4 gene 139.3107 139.3188 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107796 Akr7a5 NCBI_Gene:110198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028743 MGI:107796 protein coding gene aldo-keto reductase family 7, member A5 (aflatoxin aldehyde reductase)
4 gene 139.3382 139.3383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455509 Gm25732 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092909 MGI:5455509 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25732
4 gene 139.3383 139.3384 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454022 Gm24245 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087943 MGI:5454022 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24245
4 pseudogene 139.3422 139.3433 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3652310 Gm13019 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083404 MGI:3652310 pseudogene predicted gene 13019
4 pseudogene 139.3444 139.3463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100505 Ccnd3-ps NCBI_Gene:626000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080708 MGI:1100505 pseudogene cyclin D3, pseudogene
4 gene 139.3474 139.3526 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917152 Mrto4 NCBI_Gene:69902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028741 MGI:1917152 protein coding gene mRNA turnover 4, ribosome maturation factor
4 gene 139.3526 139.3787 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443696 Emc1 NCBI_Gene:230866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078517 MGI:2443696 protein coding gene ER membrane protein complex subunit 1
4 gene 139.3526 139.4896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916366 Ubr4 NCBI_Gene:69116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066036 MGI:1916366 protein coding gene ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 4
4 gene 139.3765 139.3804 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919807 2700016F22Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097731 MGI:1919807 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2700016F22 gene
4 gene 139.4305 139.4306 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4414084 n-TVaac1 NCBI_Gene:102467443 MGI:4414084 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA valine 1 (anticodon AAC)
4 gene 139.5305 139.6204 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2140675 Iffo2 NCBI_Gene:212632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041025 MGI:2140675 protein coding gene intermediate filament family orphan 2
4 gene 139.5889 139.5890 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455348 Gm25571 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094359 MGI:5455348 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25571
4 gene 139.6032 139.6627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439438 Gm21969 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094439 MGI:5439438 protein coding gene predicted gene 21969
4 gene 139.6229 139.6497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443883 Aldh4a1 NCBI_Gene:212647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028737 MGI:2443883 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family, member A1
4 gene 139.6440 139.6441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531141 Mir7020 miRBase:MI0022869,NCBI_Gene:102465617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098569 MGI:5531141 miRNA gene microRNA 7020
4 gene 139.6535 139.6703 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933546 Tas1r2 NCBI_Gene:83770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028738 MGI:1933546 protein coding gene taste receptor, type 1, member 2
4 gene 139.7350 139.7357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625219 Gm42334 NCBI_Gene:105247195 MGI:5625219 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42334
4 gene 139.7371 139.8335 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97491 Pax7 NCBI_Gene:18509,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028736 MGI:97491 protein coding gene paired box 7
4 gene 139.8331 139.8529 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826510 Gm46873 NCBI_Gene:108168982 MGI:5826510 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46873
4 gene 139.9105 139.9344 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686513 Gm1667 NCBI_Gene:102636380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087646 MGI:2686513 lncRNA gene predicted gene 1667
4 gene 139.9233 139.9332 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651504 Gm13028 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087628 MGI:3651504 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13028
4 gene 139.9261 139.9435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918485 4933427I22Rik NCBI_Gene:71235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085928 MGI:1918485 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933427I22 gene
4 gene 139.9602 139.9680 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444612 Klhdc7a NCBI_Gene:242721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078234 MGI:2444612 protein coding gene kelch domain containing 7A
4 gene 139.9675 139.9676 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4358926 Mir2139 miRBase:MI0010752,NCBI_Gene:100316727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089294 MGI:4358926 miRNA gene microRNA 2139
4 gene 140.0268 140.2469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2681842 Igsf21 NCBI_Gene:230868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040972 MGI:2681842 protein coding gene immunoglobulin superfamily, member 21
4 gene 140.1086 140.1450 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651764 Gm13029 NCBI_Gene:102636673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086164 MGI:3651764 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13029
4 gene 140.1319 140.1334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651912 Gm13027 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085968 MGI:3651912 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13027
4 gene 140.2185 140.2225 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592701 Gm33542 NCBI_Gene:102636490 MGI:5592701 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33542
4 gene 140.3207 140.3233 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642724 Gm9867 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103107 MGI:3642724 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9867
4 gene 140.3234 140.3305 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593054 Gm33895 NCBI_Gene:102636971 MGI:5593054 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33895
4 gene 140.3554 140.3619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593233 Gm34074 NCBI_Gene:102637201 MGI:5593233 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34074
4 gene 140.3805 140.3864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650527 Gm13016 NCBI_Gene:329970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087084 MGI:3650527 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13016
4 gene 140.3904 140.3969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650528 Gm13017 NCBI_Gene:102637278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086960 MGI:3650528 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13017
4 gene 140.4225 140.4319 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649637 Gm13021 NCBI_Gene:102637389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086437 MGI:3649637 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13021
4 gene 140.4380 140.4613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650881 Gm13026 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085047 MGI:3650881 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13026
4 pseudogene 140.4458 140.4462 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6324716 Gm50453 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118416 MGI:6324716 pseudogene predicted gene, 50453
4 gene 140.5145 140.6660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920004 Arhgef10l NCBI_Gene:72754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040964 MGI:1920004 protein coding gene Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 10-like
4 gene 140.6051 140.6066 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625220 Gm42335 NCBI_Gene:105247196 MGI:5625220 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42335
4 gene 140.6797 140.6863 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650883 Gm13025 NCBI_Gene:102637546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086159 MGI:3650883 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13025
4 gene 140.6927 140.6928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452822 Gm23045 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095878 MGI:5452822 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23045
4 gene 140.7005 140.7232 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919784 Rcc2 NCBI_Gene:108911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040945 MGI:1919784 protein coding gene regulator of chromosome condensation 2
4 gene 140.7170 140.7171 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455728 Gm25951 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093071 MGI:5455728 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25951
4 gene 140.7274 140.7426 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2655198 Padi6 NCBI_Gene:242726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040935 MGI:2655198 protein coding gene peptidyl arginine deiminase, type VI
4 gene 140.7455 140.7742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338898 Padi4 NCBI_Gene:18602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025330 MGI:1338898 protein coding gene peptidyl arginine deiminase, type IV
4 gene 140.7854 140.8106 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338891 Padi3 NCBI_Gene:18601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025328 MGI:1338891 protein coding gene peptidyl arginine deiminase, type III
4 gene 140.8110 140.8175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3702685 Gm13032 NCBI_Gene:100049161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085918 MGI:3702685 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13032
4 gene 140.8130 140.8458 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338893 Padi1 NCBI_Gene:18599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025329 MGI:1338893 protein coding gene peptidyl arginine deiminase, type I
4 gene 140.8727 140.8781 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922378 4930515B02Rik NCBI_Gene:75128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087045 MGI:1922378 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930515B02 gene
4 gene 140.9063 140.9526 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1338892 Padi2 NCBI_Gene:18600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028927 MGI:1338892 protein coding gene peptidyl arginine deiminase, type II
4 gene 140.9090 140.9103 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826356 Gm46719 NCBI_Gene:108168688 MGI:5826356 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46719
4 gene 140.9187 140.9188 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456003 Gm26226 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064443 MGI:5456003 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26226
4 gene 140.9272 140.9321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593534 Gm34375 NCBI_Gene:102637611 MGI:5593534 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34375
4 gene 140.9477 140.9579 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3702680 Gm13031 NCBI_Gene:100126227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087698 MGI:3702680 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13031
4 gene 140.9604 140.9613 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593590 Gm34431 NCBI_Gene:102637683 MGI:5593590 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34431
4 gene 140.9612 140.9792 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914930 Sdhb NCBI_Gene:67680,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009863 MGI:1914930 protein coding gene succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit B, iron sulfur (Ip)
4 gene 140.9869 141.0077 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922022 Atp13a2 NCBI_Gene:74772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036622 MGI:1922022 protein coding gene ATPase type 13A2
4 gene 141.0104 141.0160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99559 Mfap2 NCBI_Gene:17150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060572 MGI:99559 protein coding gene microfibrillar-associated protein 2
4 gene 141.0166 141.0606 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3529431 Crocc NCBI_Gene:230872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040860 MGI:3529431 protein coding gene ciliary rootlet coiled-coil, rootletin
4 gene 141.0665 141.0784 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913397 Necap2 NCBI_Gene:66147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028923 MGI:1913397 protein coding gene NECAP endocytosis associated 2
4 pseudogene 141.0848 141.0857 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651114 Gm13047 NCBI_Gene:638991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082246 MGI:3651114 pseudogene predicted gene 13047
4 gene 141.0883 141.1128 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3607787 Spata21 NCBI_Gene:329972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045004 MGI:3607787 protein coding gene spermatogenesis associated 21
4 gene 141.1130 141.1398 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098672 Szrd1 NCBI_Gene:213491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040842 MGI:1098672 protein coding gene SUZ RNA binding domain containing 1
4 gene 141.1157 141.1181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704238 4921514A10Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097620 MGI:3704238 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4921514A10 gene
4 gene 141.1479 141.2041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924992 Fbxo42 NCBI_Gene:213499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028920 MGI:1924992 protein coding gene F-box protein 42
4 gene 141.2137 141.2268 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923416 Cplane2 NCBI_Gene:76166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073733 MGI:1923416 protein coding gene ciliogenesis and planar polarity effector 2
4 gene 141.2382 141.2395 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641643 C630004L07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103366 MGI:3641643 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C630004L07 gene
4 gene 141.2395 141.2579 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925912 Arhgef19 NCBI_Gene:213649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028919 MGI:1925912 protein coding gene Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 19
4 gene 141.2618 141.2660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649999 Gm13055 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085774 MGI:3649999 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13055
4 gene 141.2784 141.2798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650725 Gm13056 NCBI_Gene:100503810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085395 MGI:3650725 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13056
4 gene 141.3012 141.3294 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95278 Epha2 NCBI_Gene:13836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006445 MGI:95278 protein coding gene Eph receptor A2
4 gene 141.3462 141.3462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455467 Gm25690 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093180 MGI:5455467 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25690
4 gene 141.3478 141.3509 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651959 Gm13074 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085836 MGI:3651959 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13074
4 pseudogene 141.3569 141.3571 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651957 Gm13076 NCBI_Gene:102637915,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084238 MGI:3651957 pseudogene predicted gene 13076
4 gene 141.3682 141.3842 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685539 Fam131c NCBI_Gene:277743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006218 MGI:2685539 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 131, member C
4 gene 141.3846 141.3987 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1329026 Clcnka NCBI_Gene:12733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033770 MGI:1329026 protein coding gene chloride channel, voltage-sensitive Ka
4 gene 141.3988 141.4112 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651958 Gm13075 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086061 MGI:3651958 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13075
4 gene 141.3998 141.4006 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593852 Gm34693 NCBI_Gene:102638025 MGI:5593852 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34693
4 gene 141.4044 141.4160 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930643 Clcnkb NCBI_Gene:56365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006216 MGI:1930643 protein coding gene chloride channel, voltage-sensitive Kb
4 gene 141.4208 141.4253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352494 Hspb7 NCBI_Gene:29818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006221 MGI:1352494 protein coding gene heat shock protein family, member 7 (cardiovascular)
4 gene 141.4327 141.4361 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685540 Srarp NCBI_Gene:277744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070637 MGI:2685540 protein coding gene steroid receptor associated and regulated protein
4 gene 141.4440 141.4447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625222 Gm42337 NCBI_Gene:105247198 MGI:5625222 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42337
4 gene 141.4447 141.4679 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107410 Zbtb17 NCBI_Gene:22642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006215 MGI:107410 protein coding gene zinc finger and BTB domain containing 17
4 gene 141.4679 141.5386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891706 Spen NCBI_Gene:56381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040761 MGI:1891706 protein coding gene spen family transcription repressor
4 gene 141.5355 141.5374 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782299 Gm4123 NCBI_Gene:100042951 MGI:3782299 unclassified gene predicted gene 4123
4 gene 141.5392 141.5436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443748 B830004H01Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA B830004H01 gene
4 gene 141.5462 141.5483 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444063 B330016D10Rik NCBI_Gene:320456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048406 MGI:2444063 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B330016D10 gene
4 gene 141.5761 141.6061 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921452 Fblim1 NCBI_Gene:74202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006219 MGI:1921452 protein coding gene filamin binding LIM protein 1
4 gene 141.6134 141.6186 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384869 Tmem82 NCBI_Gene:213989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043085 MGI:2384869 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 82
4 gene 141.6140 141.6156 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2140323 AI507597 NCBI_Gene:100165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073731 MGI:2140323 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AI507597
4 gene 141.6188 141.6240 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686215 Slc25a34 NCBI_Gene:384071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040740 MGI:2686215 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25, member 34
4 gene 141.6257 141.6649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916832 Plekhm2 NCBI_Gene:69582,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028917 MGI:1916832 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology domain containing, family M (with RUN domain) member 2
4 gene 141.6521 141.6549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921207 4930451G21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930451G21 gene
4 gene 141.6775 141.7234 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917244 Ddi2 NCBI_Gene:68817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078515 MGI:1917244 protein coding gene DNA-damage inducible protein 2
4 gene 141.6836 141.6857 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3526447 Rsc1a1 NCBI_Gene:69994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040715 MGI:3526447 protein coding gene regulatory solute carrier protein, family 1, member 1
4 gene 141.7295 141.7438 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594022 Gm34863 NCBI_Gene:102638257 MGI:5594022 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34863
4 gene 141.7467 141.7593 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923236 Agmat NCBI_Gene:75986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040706 MGI:1923236 protein coding gene agmatine ureohydrolase (agmatinase)
4 gene 141.7602 141.7909 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442146 Dnajc16 NCBI_Gene:214063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040697 MGI:2442146 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C16
4 gene 141.7936 141.8160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277950 Casp9 NCBI_Gene:12371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028914 MGI:1277950 protein coding gene caspase 9
4 gene 141.8150 141.8262 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95316 Cela2a NCBI_Gene:13706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058579 MGI:95316 protein coding gene chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member 2A
4 gene 141.8150 141.8464 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923951 Ctrc NCBI_Gene:76701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062478 MGI:1923951 protein coding gene chymotrypsin C (caldecrin)
4 gene 141.8443 141.8470 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916389 Ctrcos NCBI_Gene:69139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086818 MGI:1916389 antisense lncRNA gene chymotrypsin C (caldecrin), opposite strand
4 gene 141.8483 141.8585 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594193 Gm35034 NCBI_Gene:108168984 MGI:5594193 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35034
4 gene 141.8581 141.8749 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106504 Efhd2 NCBI_Gene:27984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040659 MGI:106504 protein coding gene EF hand domain containing 2
4 gene 141.8757 141.8770 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580073 Gm29367 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100396 MGI:5580073 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29367
4 gene 141.8797 141.8856 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826511 Gm46874 NCBI_Gene:108168983 MGI:5826511 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46874
4 gene 141.8813 141.9003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651870 Fhad1os2 NCBI_Gene:102638933,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085922 MGI:3651870 antisense lncRNA gene forkhead-associated (FHA) phosphopeptide binding domain 1, opposite strand 2
4 gene 141.8904 142.0151 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920323 Fhad1 NCBI_Gene:329977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051435 MGI:1920323 protein coding gene forkhead-associated (FHA) phosphopeptide binding domain 1
4 gene 141.9099 141.9159 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625223 Gm42338 NCBI_Gene:105247199 MGI:5625223 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42338
4 gene 141.9209 141.9328 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594454 Gm35295 NCBI_Gene:102638820 MGI:5594454 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35295
4 pseudogene 141.9768 141.9773 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650255 Gm13059 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081079 MGI:3650255 pseudogene predicted gene 13059
4 gene 141.9830 141.9868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649995 Fhad1os1 NCBI_Gene:545691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085424 MGI:3649995 antisense lncRNA gene forkhead-associated (FHA) phosphopeptide binding domain 1, opposite strand 1
4 gene 142.0179 142.0290 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926167 4930455G09Rik NCBI_Gene:78917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085761 MGI:1926167 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930455G09 gene
4 gene 142.0310 142.0846 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384874 Tmem51 NCBI_Gene:214359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040616 MGI:2384874 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 51
4 gene 142.0429 142.0486 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651989 Gm13053 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085574 MGI:3651989 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13053
4 gene 142.0840 142.0881 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642733 Tmem51os1 NCBI_Gene:100038693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073728 MGI:3642733 antisense lncRNA gene Tmem51 opposite strand 1
4 gene 142.1024 142.2394 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918779 Kazn NCBI_Gene:71529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040606 MGI:1918779 protein coding gene kazrin, periplakin interacting protein
4 gene 142.1267 142.1282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594740 Gm35581 NCBI_Gene:102639222 MGI:5594740 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35581
4 gene 142.1806 142.1841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649476 Gm13062 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087525 MGI:3649476 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13062
4 gene 142.2394 142.2426 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594690 Gm35531 NCBI_Gene:102639151 MGI:5594690 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35531
4 gene 142.2557 142.2561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920742 1700085G17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700085G17 gene
4 gene 142.3078 142.3465 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651990 Gm13052 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085816 MGI:3651990 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13052
4 gene 142.3487 142.3610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826512 Gm46875 NCBI_Gene:108168985 MGI:5826512 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46875
4 gene 142.4071 142.4143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625224 Gm42339 NCBI_Gene:105247200 MGI:5625224 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42339
4 gene 142.4217 142.4230 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3665284 C030029H13Rik NA NA unclassified gene Riken cDNA C030029H13 gene
4 gene 142.4956 142.4996 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594911 Gm35752 NCBI_Gene:102639438 MGI:5594911 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35752
4 gene 142.5984 143.0748 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917975 6330411D24Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110067 MGI:1917975 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6330411D24 gene
4 gene 142.6317 142.6354 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625227 Gm42342 NCBI_Gene:105247203 MGI:5625227 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42342
4 gene 142.6418 142.6631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625225 Gm42340 NCBI_Gene:105247201 MGI:5625225 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42340
4 gene 142.6434 142.6476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625226 Gm42341 NCBI_Gene:105247202 MGI:5625226 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42341
4 gene 142.7908 142.7910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610852 Gm37624 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103678 MGI:5610852 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37624
4 gene 143.1027 143.1063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926077 5830426C09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5830426C09 gene
4 gene 143.1074 143.2130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107628 Prdm2 NCBI_Gene:110593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057637 MGI:107628 protein coding gene PR domain containing 2, with ZNF domain
4 gene 143.1361 143.1362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562764 Mir7021 miRBase:MI0022870,NCBI_Gene:102465618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106597 MGI:5562764 miRNA gene microRNA 7021
4 pseudogene 143.1526 143.1530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650684 Gm13038 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081838 MGI:3650684 pseudogene predicted gene 13038
4 pseudogene 143.1666 143.1674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649997 Gm13039 NCBI_Gene:100384872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083826 MGI:3649997 pseudogene predicted gene 13039
4 gene 143.2041 143.2042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451816 Gm22039 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087903 MGI:5451816 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22039
4 gene 143.2120 143.2150 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646960 Gm6687 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 6687
4 pseudogene 143.2420 143.2434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650664 Eef2-ps2 NCBI_Gene:433776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082575 MGI:3650664 pseudogene eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2, pseudogene 2
4 gene 143.2674 143.2996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103098 Pdpn NCBI_Gene:14726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028583 MGI:103098 protein coding gene podoplanin
4 gene 143.3404 143.3407 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456090 Gm26313 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088395 MGI:5456090 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 26313
4 gene 143.3465 143.3710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442845 Lrrc38 NCBI_Gene:242735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028584 MGI:2442845 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 38
4 pseudogene 143.3895 143.3905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651262 Anp32b-ps1 NCBI_Gene:621961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081792 MGI:3651262 pseudogene Bacidic (leucine-rich) nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family, member B, pseudogene 1
4 gene 143.3944 143.4002 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890541 Pramel1 NCBI_Gene:83491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041805 MGI:1890541 protein coding gene preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma-like 1
4 pseudogene 143.4023 143.4034 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649502 Gm13045 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082407 MGI:3649502 pseudogene predicted gene 13045
4 gene 143.4123 143.4211 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2140473 Pramef8 NCBI_Gene:242736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046862 MGI:2140473 protein coding gene PRAME family member 8
4 gene 143.4372 143.4503 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684051 Oog4 NCBI_Gene:242737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047799 MGI:2684051 protein coding gene oogenesin 4
4 pseudogene 143.4568 143.4606 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651155 Gm13042 NCBI_Gene:666015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083930 MGI:3651155 pseudogene predicted gene 13042
4 pseudogene 143.4643 143.4648 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649503 Gm13046 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084059 MGI:3649503 pseudogene predicted gene 13046
4 pseudogene 143.4994 143.5025 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649499 Gm13041 NCBI_Gene:626700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083403 MGI:3649499 pseudogene predicted gene 13041
4 gene 143.5113 143.5178 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649500 Gm13043 NCBI_Gene:545693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095409 MGI:3649500 protein coding gene predicted gene 13043
4 gene 143.5360 143.5425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649498 Gm13040 NCBI_Gene:100040854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070616 MGI:3649498 protein coding gene predicted gene 13040
4 gene 143.5517 143.5582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649690 Gm13057 NCBI_Gene:100040861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096154 MGI:3649690 protein coding gene predicted gene 13057
4 gene 143.5517 143.5738 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3525148 BC080695 NCBI_Gene:329986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070618 MGI:3525148 protein coding gene cDNA sequence BC080695
4 pseudogene 143.5950 143.6010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650002 Gm13058 NCBI_Gene:666049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081523 MGI:3650002 pseudogene predicted gene 13058
4 pseudogene 143.6116 143.6122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650235 Gm13080 NCBI_Gene:100044633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044377 MGI:3650235 pseudogene predicted gene 13080
4 gene 143.6150 143.6187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650232 Gm13083 NCBI_Gene:279185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066688 MGI:3650232 protein coding gene predicted gene 13083
4 gene 143.6538 143.6606 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649971 Gm13088 NCBI_Gene:277668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078513 MGI:3649971 protein coding gene predicted gene 13088
4 pseudogene 143.6631 143.6638 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650236 Gm13085 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084351 MGI:3650236 pseudogene predicted gene 13085
4 pseudogene 143.6711 143.6736 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650233 Gm13082 NCBI_Gene:100040924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081227 MGI:3650233 pseudogene predicted gene 13082
4 pseudogene 143.6819 143.6853 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826498 Gm46861 NCBI_Gene:108168961 MGI:5826498 pseudogene predicted gene, 46861
4 gene 143.6965 143.7027 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649972 Gm13089 NCBI_Gene:277667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070617 MGI:3649972 protein coding gene predicted gene 13089
4 gene 143.7195 143.7292 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650231 Gm13078 NCBI_Gene:277666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046435 MGI:3650231 protein coding gene predicted gene 13078
4 pseudogene 143.7353 143.7356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649970 Gm13087 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082717 MGI:3649970 pseudogene predicted gene 13087
4 pseudogene 143.7458 143.7514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650234 Gm13081 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082030 MGI:3650234 pseudogene predicted gene 13081
4 gene 143.7893 143.7956 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650478 Gm13023 NCBI_Gene:194227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066031 MGI:3650478 protein coding gene predicted gene 13023
4 gene 143.8092 143.8161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650237 Gm13084 NCBI_Gene:381569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059218 MGI:3650237 protein coding gene predicted gene 13084
4 gene 143.8465 143.8536 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650203 Gm13103 NCBI_Gene:194225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029451 MGI:3650203 protein coding gene predicted gene 13103
4 gene 143.8942 143.9004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649940 Pramef6 NCBI_Gene:195555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078512 MGI:3649940 protein coding gene PRAME family member 6
4 pseudogene 143.9138 143.9167 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650205 Gm13100 NCBI_Gene:194224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083749 MGI:3650205 pseudogene predicted gene 13100
4 pseudogene 143.9285 143.9308 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651761 Gm13106 NCBI_Gene:108169006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084123 MGI:3651761 pseudogene predicted gene 13106
4 gene 143.9482 143.9510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649968 Pramef25 NCBI_Gene:329984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078511 MGI:3649968 protein coding gene PRAME family member 25
4 gene 143.9641 143.9669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650204 Gm13101 NCBI_Gene:626922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078510 MGI:3650204 protein coding gene predicted gene 13101
4 gene 143.9911 143.9944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650199 Pramef17 NCBI_Gene:626943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078509 MGI:3650199 protein coding gene PRAME family member 17
4 pseudogene 144.0336 144.0356 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650198 Gm13108 NCBI_Gene:100534283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083456 MGI:3650198 pseudogene predicted gene 13108
4 pseudogene 144.0410 144.0425 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650202 Gm13104 NCBI_Gene:436146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095987 MGI:3650202 pseudogene predicted gene 13104
4 gene 144.0591 144.0693 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2156377 Pramel4 NCBI_Gene:347710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073724 MGI:2156377 protein coding gene preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma like 4
4 gene 144.0874 144.0909 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625252 Gm42367 NCBI_Gene:108168962 MGI:5625252 protein coding gene predicted gene, 42367
4 gene 144.0999 144.1101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3703005 Gm13102 NCBI_Gene:100041077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073723 MGI:3703005 protein coding gene predicted gene 13102
4 gene 144.1576 144.1627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684047 Oog3 NCBI_Gene:100012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050810 MGI:2684047 protein coding gene oogenesin 3
4 gene 144.1907 144.1969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684035 Oog2 NCBI_Gene:381570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066030 MGI:2684035 protein coding gene oogenesin 2
4 gene 144.2068 144.2133 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2140708 C87977 NCBI_Gene:97187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046262 MGI:2140708 protein coding gene expressed sequence C87977
4 pseudogene 144.2478 144.2483 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651473 Gm13123 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083708 MGI:3651473 pseudogene predicted gene 13123
4 pseudogene 144.2557 144.2576 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434367 Gm21012 NCBI_Gene:100534281 MGI:5434367 pseudogene predicted gene, 21012
4 gene 144.2706 144.2805 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2156389 Pramel5 NCBI_Gene:384077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036749 MGI:2156389 protein coding gene preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma like 5
4 pseudogene 144.2967 144.2981 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651691 Gm13120 NCBI_Gene:666150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095960 MGI:3651691 pseudogene predicted gene 13120
4 pseudogene 144.3030 144.3049 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651258 Gm13130 NCBI_Gene:100534282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080943 MGI:3651258 pseudogene predicted gene 13130
4 gene 144.3302 144.3335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651261 Gm13128 NCBI_Gene:626995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078508 MGI:3651261 protein coding gene predicted gene 13128
4 pseudogene 144.3456 144.3460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651474 Gm13122 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084312 MGI:3651474 pseudogene predicted gene 13122
4 gene 144.3579 144.3644 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651680 Gm13119 NCBI_Gene:433779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070619 MGI:3651680 protein coding gene predicted gene 13119
4 gene 144.3728 144.3779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3712553 Pramef20 NCBI_Gene:627009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073721 MGI:3712553 protein coding gene PRAME family member 20
4 gene 144.3917 144.4085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924882 Pramef12 NCBI_Gene:77632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028591 MGI:1924882 protein coding gene PRAME family member 12
4 gene 144.4049 144.4063 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925973 Pramef12os ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028590 MGI:1925973 antisense lncRNA gene PRAME family member 12, opposite strand
4 gene 144.4182 144.4388 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916614 1700012P22Rik NCBI_Gene:69364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028589 MGI:1916614 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700012P22 gene
4 gene 144.4512 144.4536 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642412 Gm9944 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095213 MGI:3642412 protein coding gene predicted gene 9944
4 gene 144.4538 144.4638 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685281 Aadacl3 NCBI_Gene:230883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078507 MGI:2685281 protein coding gene arylacetamide deacetylase like 3
4 pseudogene 144.4984 144.4989 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651681 Gm13118 NCBI_Gene:100417902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082835 MGI:3651681 pseudogene predicted gene 13118
4 gene 144.5198 144.5294 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685880 Aadacl4fm1 NCBI_Gene:381572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028593 MGI:2685880 protein coding gene AADACL4 family member 1
4 pseudogene 144.5264 144.5270 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650486 Gm13121 NCBI_Gene:100041232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083390 MGI:3650486 pseudogene predicted gene 13121
4 pseudogene 144.5454 144.5486 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651475 Gm13126 NCBI_Gene:666194,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082418 MGI:3651475 pseudogene predicted gene 13126
4 gene 144.5550 144.5651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3652194 Aadacl4fm2 NCBI_Gene:627085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078506 MGI:3652194 protein coding gene AADACL4 family member 2
4 pseudogene 144.5871 144.5890 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651260 Gm13127 NCBI_Gene:666215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070610 MGI:3651260 pseudogene predicted gene 13127
4 gene 144.6137 144.6234 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650257 Aadacl4 NCBI_Gene:435815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070609 MGI:3650257 protein coding gene arylacetamide deacetylase like 4
4 gene 144.6699 144.6864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685282 Aadacl4fm4 NCBI_Gene:230890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078505 MGI:2685282 protein coding gene AADACL4 family member 4
4 gene 144.7032 144.7215 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650721 AAdacl4fm3 NCBI_Gene:546849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041735 MGI:3650721 protein coding gene AADACL4 family member 3
4 gene 144.7656 144.7658 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455715 Gm25938 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077327 MGI:5455715 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25938
4 gene 144.7772 144.7866 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685284 Aadacl4fm5 NCBI_Gene:329993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078504 MGI:2685284 protein coding gene AADACL4 family member 5
4 pseudogene 144.7918 144.7928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859808 Prdx2-ps2 NCBI_Gene:666242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083998 MGI:1859808 pseudogene peroxiredoxin 2, pseudogene 2
4 pseudogene 144.8113 144.8120 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826527 Gm46890 NCBI_Gene:108169007 MGI:5826527 pseudogene predicted gene, 46890
4 gene 144.8554 144.8987 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826513 Gm46876 NCBI_Gene:108168986 MGI:5826513 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46876
4 gene 144.8926 144.9282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1315215 Dhrs3 NCBI_Gene:20148,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066026 MGI:1315215 protein coding gene dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 3
4 gene 144.9047 145.1954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2448530 Vps13d NCBI_Gene:230895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000020220 MGI:2448530 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 13D
4 gene 144.9386 144.9542 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625229 Gm42344 NCBI_Gene:105247205 MGI:5625229 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42344
4 gene 144.9572 144.9588 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611302 Gm38074 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103911 MGI:5611302 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38074
4 gene 144.9634 144.9656 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595476 Gm36317 NCBI_Gene:102640189 MGI:5595476 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36317
4 gene 145.1450 145.1510 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625228 Gm42343 NCBI_Gene:105247204 MGI:5625228 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42343
4 gene 145.2124 145.2469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1314883 Tnfrsf1b NCBI_Gene:21938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028599 MGI:1314883 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1b
4 gene 145.2486 145.2650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595392 Gm36233 NCBI_Gene:102640078 MGI:5595392 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36233
4 gene 145.2671 145.3152 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99908 Tnfrsf8 NCBI_Gene:21941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028602 MGI:99908 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 8
4 pseudogene 145.3909 145.3917 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650678 Gm13024 NCBI_Gene:666282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082758 MGI:3650678 pseudogene predicted gene 13024
4 pseudogene 145.4043 145.4044 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3652162 Gm13224 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084272 MGI:3652162 pseudogene predicted gene 13224
4 gene 145.4102 145.4498 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651931 Platr16 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085101 MGI:3651931 lncRNA gene pluripotency associated transcript 16
4 pseudogene 145.4334 145.4508 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625231 Gm42346 NCBI_Gene:105247207 MGI:5625231 pseudogene predicted gene, 42346
4 pseudogene 145.4467 145.4509 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651934 Gm13230 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082082 MGI:3651934 pseudogene predicted gene 13230
4 pseudogene 145.4556 145.4564 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3652163 Gm13223 NCBI_Gene:100418367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083081 MGI:3652163 pseudogene predicted gene 13223
4 pseudogene 145.4642 145.4680 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443330 Smarca5-ps NCBI_Gene:545700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052912 MGI:2443330 pseudogene SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin depenent ragulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 5, pseudogene
4 pseudogene 145.4690 145.4716 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651933 Gm13229 NCBI_Gene:102634135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087076 MGI:3651933 pseudogene predicted gene 13229
4 gene 145.5108 145.5392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3652161 Zfp990 NCBI_Gene:101056073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078503 MGI:3652161 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 990
4 pseudogene 145.5605 145.5609 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439447 Gm21978 NCBI_Gene:100125275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096864 MGI:5439447 pseudogene predicted gene 21978
4 pseudogene 145.5745 145.5752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651932 Gm13228 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082352 MGI:3651932 pseudogene predicted gene 13228
4 pseudogene 145.5769 145.5773 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651282 Gm13226 NCBI_Gene:545701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083454 MGI:3651282 pseudogene predicted gene 13226
4 pseudogene 145.5790 145.5792 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3652164 Gm13222 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080732 MGI:3652164 pseudogene predicted gene 13222
4 gene 145.5852 145.6253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651014 Gm13212 NCBI_Gene:433801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078502 MGI:3651014 protein coding gene predicted gene 13212
4 gene 145.6020 145.7124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477257 Gm26763 NCBI_Gene:102633440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097661 MGI:5477257 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26763
4 pseudogene 145.6325 145.6333 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649926 Gm13234 NCBI_Gene:666334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083562 MGI:3649926 pseudogene predicted gene 13234
4 pseudogene 145.6412 145.6445 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649243 Gm13231 NCBI_Gene:545703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081885 MGI:3649243 pseudogene predicted gene 13231
4 pseudogene 145.6467 145.6472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649659 Gm13249 NCBI_Gene:384081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095517 MGI:3649659 pseudogene predicted gene 13249
4 gene 145.6707 145.7044 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3712454 Zfp980 NCBI_Gene:100041379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058186 MGI:3712454 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 980
4 pseudogene 145.6898 145.6905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650779 Gm13239 NCBI_Gene:666349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082615 MGI:3650779 pseudogene predicted gene 13239
4 pseudogene 145.7017 145.7760 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761370 Vmn2r-ps15 NCBI_Gene:100125279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094177 MGI:3761370 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 15
4 pseudogene 145.7294 145.7304 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649252 Gm13232 NCBI_Gene:666351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084279 MGI:3649252 pseudogene predicted gene 13232
4 pseudogene 145.7457 145.7474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650036 Gm13244 NCBI_Gene:100534387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082334 MGI:3650036 pseudogene predicted gene 13244
4 gene 145.7629 145.7650 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705163 Gm13236 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087513 MGI:3705163 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13236
4 pseudogene 145.7743 145.7753 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649654 Gm13243 NCBI_Gene:100417615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094417 MGI:3649654 pseudogene predicted gene 13243
4 pseudogene 145.7895 145.8320 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917255 Znf41-ps NCBI_Gene:70005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084350 MGI:1917255 pseudogene ZNF41, pseudogene
4 pseudogene 145.8372 145.8380 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3652104 Gm13238 NCBI_Gene:236069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096233 MGI:3652104 pseudogene predicted gene 13238
4 pseudogene 145.8435 145.8447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649657 Gm13246 NCBI_Gene:102633201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083235 MGI:3649657 pseudogene predicted gene 13246
4 gene 145.8688 145.9000 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649925 Zfp986 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078500 MGI:3649925 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 986
4 pseudogene 146.0588 146.0595 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650250 Gm13036 NCBI_Gene:100418368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081595 MGI:3650250 pseudogene predicted gene 13036
4 pseudogene 146.0675 146.0709 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650252 Gm13034 NCBI_Gene:627585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082195 MGI:3650252 pseudogene predicted gene 13034
4 pseudogene 146.0732 146.0737 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650251 Gm13035 NCBI_Gene:102637947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083733 MGI:3650251 pseudogene predicted gene 13035
4 gene 146.0973 146.1266 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3702694 Zfp987 NCBI_Gene:626316,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066009 MGI:3702694 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 987
4 pseudogene 146.1247 146.2649 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761372 Vmn2r-ps17 NCBI_Gene:434514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095096 MGI:3761372 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 17
4 gene 146.1535 147.0250 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477067 Gm26573 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096958 MGI:5477067 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26573
4 gene 146.1568 146.1988 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705222 Zfp600 NCBI_Gene:667666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066007 MGI:3705222 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 600
4 gene 146.1675 146.2643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650210 Gm13165 NCBI_Gene:105247209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086654 MGI:3650210 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13165
4 pseudogene 146.1781 146.1788 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651095 Gm13170 NCBI_Gene:626480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081522 MGI:3651095 pseudogene predicted gene 13170
4 pseudogene 146.2239 146.2248 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650208 Gm13167 NCBI_Gene:666474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081671 MGI:3650208 pseudogene predicted gene 13167
4 pseudogene 146.2400 146.2416 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651793 Gm13169 NCBI_Gene:100534388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084127 MGI:3651793 pseudogene predicted gene 13169
4 gene 146.2518 146.2784 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705130 Gm13166 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085525 MGI:3705130 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13166
4 pseudogene 146.2636 146.2642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650212 Gm13168 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081460 MGI:3650212 pseudogene predicted gene 13168
4 pseudogene 146.4451 146.6055 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761371 Vmn2r-ps16 NCBI_Gene:100125280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095460 MGI:3761371 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 16
4 gene 146.4490 146.4703 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3700963 Zfp992 NCBI_Gene:433791,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070605 MGI:3700963 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 992
4 pseudogene 146.4748 146.4782 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649920 Gm13241 NCBI_Gene:433790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073716 MGI:3649920 pseudogene predicted gene 13241
4 pseudogene 146.4807 146.4809 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649656 Gm13245 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081998 MGI:3649656 pseudogene predicted gene 13245
4 gene 146.5020 146.5394 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3700965 Zfp981 NCBI_Gene:100041433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056300 MGI:3700965 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 981
4 gene 146.5091 146.5118 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477374 Gm26880 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096979 MGI:5477374 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26880
4 gene 146.5190 146.5469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914774 1700095A21Rik NCBI_Gene:67524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086046 MGI:1914774 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700095A21 gene
4 pseudogene 146.5642 146.5652 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649924 Gm13237 NCBI_Gene:666390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095865 MGI:3649924 pseudogene predicted gene 13237
4 pseudogene 146.5800 146.5833 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649253 Gm13233 NCBI_Gene:100534386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083038 MGI:3649253 pseudogene predicted gene 13233
4 pseudogene 146.6038 146.6048 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650771 Gm13240 NCBI_Gene:100417614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096366 MGI:3650771 pseudogene predicted gene 13240
4 gene 146.6109 146.6584 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3713585 Zfp993 NCBI_Gene:100503000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063245 MGI:3713585 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 993
4 gene 146.7278 146.7298 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589840 Gm30681 NCBI_Gene:102632663 MGI:5589840 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30681
4 pseudogene 146.7496 146.7505 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434231 Gm20875 NCBI_Gene:100041490 MGI:5434231 pseudogene predicted gene, 20875
4 pseudogene 146.8166 146.8217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826533 Gm46896 NCBI_Gene:108169015 MGI:5826533 pseudogene predicted gene, 46896
4 pseudogene 146.8289 146.8382 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434437 Gm21082 NCBI_Gene:100861620 MGI:5434437 pseudogene predicted gene, 21082
4 gene 146.8917 146.9096 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434766 Gm21411 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045699 MGI:5434766 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 21411
4 pseudogene 146.9324 146.9336 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434116 Gm20760 NCBI_Gene:631415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093919 MGI:5434116 pseudogene predicted gene, 20760
4 pseudogene 146.9423 146.9460 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649297 Gm13140 NCBI_Gene:626288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083027 MGI:3649297 pseudogene predicted gene 13140
4 pseudogene 146.9481 146.9485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651738 Gm13149 NCBI_Gene:102631940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081260 MGI:3651738 pseudogene predicted gene 13149
4 gene 146.9720 146.9908 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651739 Zfp989 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086147 MGI:3651739 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 989
4 pseudogene 146.9977 147.0028 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826532 Gm46895 NCBI_Gene:108169014 MGI:5826532 pseudogene predicted gene, 46895
4 gene 147.0182 147.4922 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444536 C230088H06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097168 MGI:2444536 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C230088H06 gene
4 gene 147.0219 147.0608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1328322 Rex2 NCBI_Gene:100043034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067919 MGI:1328322 protein coding gene reduced expression 2
4 pseudogene 147.0406 147.0414 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651987 Gm13153 NCBI_Gene:100417333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083704 MGI:3651987 pseudogene predicted gene 13153
4 gene 147.0634 147.0684 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918520 4933438K21Rik NCBI_Gene:71270,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093617 MGI:1918520 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933438K21 gene
4 pseudogene 147.0862 147.0870 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649984 Gm13160 NCBI_Gene:666514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094017 MGI:3649984 pseudogene predicted gene 13160
4 pseudogene 147.1023 147.1040 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651745 Gm13142 NCBI_Gene:100041561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081405 MGI:3651745 pseudogene predicted gene 13142
4 pseudogene 147.1253 147.1258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3701119 Gm13162 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082779 MGI:3701119 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 13162
4 gene 147.1253 147.3926 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3701123 Zfp978 NCBI_Gene:108168963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078497 MGI:3701123 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 978
4 pseudogene 147.1261 147.1265 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761373 Vmn2r-ps18 NCBI_Gene:100124576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094849 MGI:3761373 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 18
4 gene 147.1320 147.1806 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3701604 Zfp991 NCBI_Gene:666532,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067916 MGI:3701604 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 991
4 gene 147.1363 147.4570 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477118 Gm26624 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097122 MGI:5477118 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26624
4 pseudogene 147.1877 147.1885 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651742 Gm13146 NCBI_Gene:384087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095054 MGI:3651742 pseudogene predicted gene 13146
4 pseudogene 147.1941 147.1952 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651199 Gm13163 NCBI_Gene:102631726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082176 MGI:3651199 pseudogene predicted gene 13163
4 gene 147.2219 147.2263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625253 Gm42368 NCBI_Gene:105247234 MGI:5625253 protein coding gene predicted gene, 42368
4 pseudogene 147.2303 147.2593 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651740 Gm13147 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087207 MGI:3651740 pseudogene predicted gene 13147
4 pseudogene 147.2674 147.2684 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649982 Gm13158 NCBI_Gene:102640977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081627 MGI:3649982 pseudogene predicted gene 13158
4 pseudogene 147.2756 147.2793 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650404 Gm13135 NCBI_Gene:545716,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082925 MGI:3650404 pseudogene predicted gene 13135
4 pseudogene 147.2814 147.2819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651743 Gm13144 NCBI_Gene:666574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094318 MGI:3651743 pseudogene predicted gene 13144
4 gene 147.3057 147.3337 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651985 Zfp988 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078498 MGI:3651985 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 988
4 pseudogene 147.3789 147.3798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646475 Gm8178 NCBI_Gene:666588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096354 MGI:3646475 pseudogene predicted gene 8178
4 gene 147.3972 147.3997 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925446 4930546J17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930546J17 gene
4 gene 147.3998 147.4076 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826534 Gm46897 NCBI_Gene:108169016 MGI:5826534 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46897
4 gene 147.4117 147.4135 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826535 Gm46898 NCBI_Gene:108169017 MGI:5826535 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46898
4 pseudogene 147.4430 147.4440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650656 Gm13161 NCBI_Gene:100861575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082248 MGI:3650656 pseudogene predicted gene 13161
4 pseudogene 147.4443 147.4446 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761374 Vmn2r-ps19 NCBI_Gene:100125283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093975 MGI:3761374 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 19
4 gene 147.4924 147.5135 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3701121 Zfp982 NCBI_Gene:195531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078496 MGI:3701121 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 982
4 pseudogene 147.5205 147.5209 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801908 Gm15951 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081301 MGI:3801908 pseudogene predicted gene 15951
4 pseudogene 147.5215 147.5219 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761375 Vmn2r-ps20 NCBI_Gene:100125298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096440 MGI:3761375 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 20
4 pseudogene 147.5277 147.5282 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651744 Gm13141 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082599 MGI:3651744 pseudogene predicted gene 13141
4 gene 147.5402 147.5435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642127 Gm16503 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 16503
4 gene 147.5533 147.5852 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651986 Zfp985 NCBI_Gene:433804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065999 MGI:3651986 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 985
4 gene 147.6119 147.6425 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2148252 Zfp979 NCBI_Gene:112422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066000 MGI:2148252 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 979
4 pseudogene 147.6240 147.6249 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651982 Gm13155 NCBI_Gene:666618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096065 MGI:3651982 pseudogene predicted gene 13155
4 gene 147.6685 147.6709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802078 Gm16211 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086130 MGI:3802078 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16211
4 gene 147.6735 147.7026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650650 Zfp534 NCBI_Gene:100503584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062518 MGI:3650650 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 534
4 pseudogene 147.7328 147.7331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649289 Gm13137 NCBI_Gene:666640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096521 MGI:3649289 pseudogene predicted gene 13137
4 pseudogene 147.7353 147.7390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649290 Gm13136 NCBI_Gene:194189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081179 MGI:3649290 pseudogene predicted gene 13136
4 pseudogene 147.7455 147.7466 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651741 Gm13148 NCBI_Gene:666652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083642 MGI:3651741 pseudogene predicted gene 13148
4 gene 147.7540 147.8098 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651978 Zfp984 NCBI_Gene:100041677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078495 MGI:3651978 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 984
4 gene 147.7823 147.8098 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313154 Gm20707 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093594 MGI:5313154 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20707
4 pseudogene 147.8218 147.8222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3701125 Rps19-ps3 NCBI_Gene:277692,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080059 MGI:3701125 pseudogene ribosomal protein S19, pseudogene 3
4 gene 147.8230 147.8485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922865 Zfp933 NCBI_Gene:242747,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059423 MGI:1922865 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 933
4 gene 147.8608 147.8688 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106506 Miip NCBI_Gene:28010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029022 MGI:106506 protein coding gene migration and invasion inhibitory protein
4 gene 147.8690 147.8704 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95595 Fv1 NCBI_Gene:14349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070583 MGI:95595 protein coding gene Friend virus susceptibility 1
4 gene 147.8736 147.9049 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442230 Mfn2 NCBI_Gene:170731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029020 MGI:2442230 protein coding gene mitofusin 2
4 pseudogene 147.8937 147.8940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651983 Gm13156 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083340 MGI:3651983 pseudogene predicted gene 13156
4 gene 147.9098 147.9368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99907 Plod1 NCBI_Gene:18822,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019055 MGI:99907 protein coding gene procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 1
4 gene 147.9409 147.9473 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924284 2510039O18Rik NCBI_Gene:77034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044496 MGI:1924284 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2510039O18 gene
4 gene 147.9858 147.9872 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97368 Nppb NCBI_Gene:18158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029019 MGI:97368 protein coding gene natriuretic peptide type B
4 gene 148.0007 148.0021 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97367 Nppa NCBI_Gene:230899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041616 MGI:97367 protein coding gene natriuretic peptide type A
4 gene 148.0011 148.0040 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3702728 Gm13054 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086806 MGI:3702728 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13054
4 gene 148.0043 148.0389 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347049 Clcn6 NCBI_Gene:26372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029016 MGI:1347049 protein coding gene chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 6
4 pseudogene 148.0316 148.0323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651232 Gm13207 NCBI_Gene:100418092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083473 MGI:3651232 pseudogene predicted gene 13207
4 gene 148.0383 148.0596 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106639 Mthfr NCBI_Gene:17769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029009 MGI:106639 protein coding gene methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
4 gene 148.0580 148.0765 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649941 Gm13201 NCBI_Gene:102634746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078494 MGI:3649941 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13201
4 pseudogene 148.0680 148.0686 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649942 Chchd2-ps NCBI_Gene:433806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094320 MGI:3649942 pseudogene coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 2, pseudogene
4 gene 148.0771 148.0881 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1339977 Agtrap NCBI_Gene:11610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029007 MGI:1339977 protein coding gene angiotensin II, type I receptor-associated protein
4 gene 148.0984 148.1311 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917683 Draxin NCBI_Gene:70433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029005 MGI:1917683 protein coding gene dorsal inhibitory axon guidance protein
4 gene 148.1303 148.1457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919140 Mad2l2 NCBI_Gene:71890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029003 MGI:1919140 protein coding gene MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 2
4 gene 148.1457 148.1521 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354743 Fbxo6 NCBI_Gene:50762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055401 MGI:1354743 protein coding gene F-box protein 6
4 gene 148.1469 148.1470 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530673 Mir7022 miRBase:MI0022871,NCBI_Gene:102465619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099043 MGI:5530673 miRNA gene microRNA 7022
4 gene 148.1528 148.1605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354744 Fbxo44 NCBI_Gene:230903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029001 MGI:1354744 protein coding gene F-box protein 44
4 gene 148.1602 148.1664 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446216 Fbxo2 NCBI_Gene:230904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041556 MGI:2446216 protein coding gene F-box protein 2
4 gene 148.2081 148.2148 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591762 Gm32603 NCBI_Gene:102635206 MGI:5591762 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32603
4 gene 148.2364 148.2880 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444403 Disp3 NCBI_Gene:242748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041544 MGI:2444403 protein coding gene dispatched RND transporter family member 3
4 gene 148.3069 148.3166 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651440 Gm13206 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087027 MGI:3651440 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13206
4 gene 148.3564 148.3595 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650195 Gm13200 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086326 MGI:3650195 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13200
4 gene 148.4345 148.4448 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918957 Ubiad1 NCBI_Gene:71707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047719 MGI:1918957 protein coding gene UbiA prenyltransferase domain containing 1
4 gene 148.4433 148.4435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453080 Gm23303 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064648 MGI:5453080 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23303
4 gene 148.4486 148.5577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928394 Mtor NCBI_Gene:56717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028991 MGI:1928394 protein coding gene mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase
4 gene 148.4952 148.5005 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3605801 Angptl7 NCBI_Gene:654812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028989 MGI:3605801 protein coding gene angiopoietin-like 7
4 gene 148.5391 148.5392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453779 Gm24002 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089081 MGI:5453779 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24002
4 gene 148.5557 148.5558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453095 Gm23318 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088625 MGI:5453095 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23318
4 gene 148.5584 148.5824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1355322 Exosc10 NCBI_Gene:50912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000017264 MGI:1355322 protein coding gene exosome component 10
4 pseudogene 148.5691 148.5699 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651444 Gm13204 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082860 MGI:3651444 pseudogene predicted gene 13204
4 gene 148.5847 148.5860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651228 Gm13209 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087217 MGI:3651228 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13209
4 gene 148.5915 148.5950 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102690 Srm NCBI_Gene:20810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006442 MGI:102690 protein coding gene spermidine synthase
4 gene 148.5949 148.6155 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330832 Masp2 NCBI_Gene:17175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028979 MGI:1330832 protein coding gene mannan-binding lectin serine peptidase 2
4 gene 148.6124 148.6270 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2387629 Tardbp NCBI_Gene:230908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041459 MGI:2387629 protein coding gene TAR DNA binding protein
4 gene 148.6433 148.6770 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685418 Gm572 NCBI_Gene:230909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070577 MGI:2685418 protein coding gene predicted gene 572
4 gene 148.7137 148.7166 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651445 Gm13203 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087273 MGI:3651445 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13203
4 gene 148.7449 148.7474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592056 Gm32897 NCBI_Gene:102635606 MGI:5592056 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32897
4 gene 148.7798 148.7849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625235 Gm42350 NCBI_Gene:105247212 MGI:5625235 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42350
4 gene 148.8044 148.9549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1196251 Casz1 NCBI_Gene:69743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028977 MGI:1196251 protein coding gene castor zinc finger 1
4 gene 148.8651 148.8675 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625237 Gm42352 NCBI_Gene:105247214 MGI:5625237 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42352
4 gene 148.9135 148.9143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801757 Gm15969 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086766 MGI:3801757 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15969
4 gene 148.9475 148.9497 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3700976 Gm13205 NCBI_Gene:108168987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086606 MGI:3700976 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13205
4 gene 148.9575 148.9919 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937856 Gm17029 NCBI_Gene:102635786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086740 MGI:4937856 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17029
4 gene 148.9605 149.0999 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927868 Pex14 NCBI_Gene:56273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028975 MGI:1927868 protein coding gene peroxisomal biogenesis factor 14
4 gene 148.9970 149.0030 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625236 Gm42351 NCBI_Gene:105247213 MGI:5625236 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42351
4 pseudogene 149.0963 149.0969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779916 Gm9506 NCBI_Gene:670864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081086 MGI:3779916 pseudogene predicted gene 9506
4 gene 149.0989 149.0998 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826359 Gm46722 NCBI_Gene:108168707 MGI:5826359 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46722
4 gene 149.1041 149.1207 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1196227 Dffa NCBI_Gene:13347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028974 MGI:1196227 protein coding gene DNA fragmentation factor, alpha subunit
4 gene 149.1250 149.1268 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109538 Cort NCBI_Gene:12854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028971 MGI:109538 protein coding gene cortistatin
4 gene 149.1271 149.1376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917178 Cenps NCBI_Gene:69928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073705 MGI:1917178 protein coding gene centromere protein S
4 pseudogene 149.1424 149.1435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651234 Rpsa-ps12 NCBI_Gene:666774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080746 MGI:3651234 pseudogene ribosomal protein SA, pseudogene 12
4 gene 149.1500 149.1668 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97553 Pgd NCBI_Gene:110208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028961 MGI:97553 protein coding gene phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
4 gene 149.1763 149.3077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108426 Kif1b NCBI_Gene:16561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063077 MGI:108426 protein coding gene kinesin family member 1B
4 gene 149.2552 149.2567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3026951 6720462K09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6720462K09 gene
4 gene 149.3284 149.4267 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927086 Ube4b NCBI_Gene:63958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028960 MGI:1927086 protein coding gene ubiquitination factor E4B
4 gene 149.3346 149.3359 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921560 Ube4bos3 NCBI_Gene:74310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085286 MGI:1921560 antisense lncRNA gene ubiquitination factor E4B, opposite strand 3
4 gene 149.3381 149.3385 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651969 Ube4bos2 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085807 MGI:3651969 antisense lncRNA gene ubiquitination factor E4B, opposite strand 2
4 gene 149.3479 149.3653 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925072 Ube4bos1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085819 MGI:1925072 antisense lncRNA gene ubiquitination factor E4B, opposite strand 1
4 gene 149.4497 149.4665 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1890409 Rbp7 NCBI_Gene:63954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028996 MGI:1890409 protein coding gene retinol binding protein 7, cellular
4 pseudogene 149.4573 149.4579 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651720 Trmt112-ps2 NCBI_Gene:627985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070572 MGI:3651720 pseudogene tRNA methyltransferase 11-2, pseudogene 2
4 gene 149.4676 149.4852 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913704 Nmnat1 NCBI_Gene:66454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028992 MGI:1913704 protein coding gene nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 1
4 gene 149.4774 149.4843 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3701129 Tmem274 NCBI_Gene:102636051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087198 MGI:3701129 protein coding gene transmembrame protein 274
4 gene 149.4852 149.4967 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916401 Lzic NCBI_Gene:69151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028990 MGI:1916401 protein coding gene leucine zipper and CTNNBIP1 domain containing
4 pseudogene 149.5006 149.5010 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651971 Gm13071 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083811 MGI:3651971 pseudogene predicted gene 13071
4 gene 149.5047 149.5052 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920314 2900080M03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900080M03 gene
4 gene 149.5172 149.5173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454158 Gm24381 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084646 MGI:5454158 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24381
4 gene 149.5182 149.5664 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915756 Ctnnbip1 NCBI_Gene:67087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028988 MGI:1915756 protein coding gene catenin beta interacting protein 1
4 gene 149.5379 149.5379 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454968 Mir5616 miRBase:MI0019184,NCBI_Gene:100885828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093403 MGI:5454968 miRNA gene microRNA 5616
4 gene 149.5656 149.5678 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3701131 Gm13066 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086949 MGI:3701131 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13066
4 gene 149.5727 149.5740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925218 A930041D05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930041D05 gene
4 gene 149.5865 149.6489 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929895 Clstn1 NCBI_Gene:65945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039953 MGI:1929895 protein coding gene calsyntenin 1
4 gene 149.6492 149.7026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098211 Pik3cd NCBI_Gene:18707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039936 MGI:1098211 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta
4 gene 149.6555 149.6556 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531294 Mir7023 miRBase:MI0022872,NCBI_Gene:102465983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098580 MGI:5531294 miRNA gene microRNA 7023
4 gene 149.7154 149.7381 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196277 Tmem201 NCBI_Gene:230917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044700 MGI:1196277 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 201
4 gene 149.7440 149.7743 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917806 Slc25a33 NCBI_Gene:70556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028982 MGI:1917806 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25, member 33
4 gene 149.7485 149.7496 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651967 Gm13068 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085403 MGI:3651967 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13068
4 gene 149.7763 149.7833 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802067 Gm16188 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085368 MGI:3802067 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16188
4 gene 149.7784 149.7810 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651721 Gm13073 NCBI_Gene:105247217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084807 MGI:3651721 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13073
4 gene 149.7907 149.8025 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625239 Gm42354 NCBI_Gene:105247218 MGI:5625239 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42354
4 pseudogene 149.7933 149.7934 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651736 Gm13065 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081601 MGI:3651736 pseudogene predicted gene 13065
4 pseudogene 149.8147 149.8152 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651735 Gm13064 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083173 MGI:3651735 pseudogene predicted gene 13064
4 gene 149.8177 149.8178 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4422058 n-R5s193 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064798 MGI:4422058 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 193
4 gene 149.8178 149.8178 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096167 Gm47301 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106221 MGI:6096167 miRNA gene predicted gene, 47301
4 gene 149.8963 149.9550 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921896 Spsb1 NCBI_Gene:74646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039911 MGI:1921896 protein coding gene splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 1
4 gene 149.9021 149.9081 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651970 Gm13070 NCBI_Gene:105247219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086767 MGI:3651970 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13070
4 gene 149.9795 150.0090 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2140356 H6pd NCBI_Gene:100198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028980 MGI:2140356 protein coding gene hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (glucose 1-dehydrogenase)
4 gene 150.0294 150.0587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651968 Gm13067 NCBI_Gene:102636131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086665 MGI:3651968 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13067
4 gene 150.0685 150.0686 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619363 Mir34a miRBase:MI0000584,NCBI_Gene:723848,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065493 MGI:3619363 miRNA gene microRNA 34a
4 gene 150.0685 150.0710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611023 Gm37795 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102813 MGI:5611023 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37795
4 gene 150.0874 150.1059 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442046 Gpr157 NCBI_Gene:269604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047875 MGI:2442046 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 157
4 gene 150.1139 150.1193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650866 Gm13093 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087094 MGI:3650866 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13093
4 gene 150.1193 150.1442 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928369 Slc2a5 NCBI_Gene:56485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028976 MGI:1928369 protein coding gene solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 5
4 gene 150.1488 150.1689 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650865 Slc2a7 NCBI_Gene:435818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062064 MGI:3650865 protein coding gene solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 7
4 gene 150.1870 150.2013 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333786 Car6 NCBI_Gene:12353,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028972 MGI:1333786 protein coding gene carbonic anhydrase 6
4 pseudogene 150.2280 150.2284 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650867 Gm13094 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082140 MGI:3650867 pseudogene predicted gene 13094
4 gene 150.2367 150.2489 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95393 Eno1 NCBI_Gene:13806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063524 MGI:95393 protein coding gene enolase 1, alpha non-neuron
4 gene 150.2592 150.2629 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592574 Gm33415 NCBI_Gene:102636312 MGI:5592574 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33415
4 gene 150.2816 150.6220 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2683486 Rere NCBI_Gene:68703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039852 MGI:2683486 protein coding gene arginine glutamic acid dipeptide (RE) repeats
4 pseudogene 150.3151 150.3156 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649661 Gm13092 NCBI_Gene:102638183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085787 MGI:3649661 pseudogene predicted gene 13092
4 gene 150.3212 150.3213 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452986 Gm23209 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089292 MGI:5452986 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23209
4 gene 150.3287 150.3342 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443638 D030004A10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D030004A10 gene
4 gene 150.4163 150.4180 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442500 E230012J19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E230012J19 gene
4 gene 150.4780 150.4802 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442856 9430064G09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430064G09 gene
4 gene 150.5119 150.5164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625240 Gm42355 NCBI_Gene:105247220 MGI:5625240 protein coding gene predicted gene, 42355
4 gene 150.5669 150.5685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649653 Gm13091 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085213 MGI:3649653 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13091
4 gene 150.6286 150.6522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2653235 Slc45a1 NCBI_Gene:242773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039838 MGI:2653235 protein coding gene solute carrier family 45, member 1
4 gene 150.6682 150.6788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802017 Gm16079 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085869 MGI:3802017 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16079
4 gene 150.7045 150.7391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595759 Gm36600 NCBI_Gene:102640566 MGI:5595759 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36600
4 gene 150.7762 150.8182 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595965 Gm36806 NCBI_Gene:102640831 MGI:5595965 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36806
4 gene 150.8077 150.8097 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625241 Gm42356 NCBI_Gene:105247221 MGI:5625241 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42356
4 gene 150.8257 150.8396 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650887 Gm13049 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085097 MGI:3650887 lncRNA gene predicted gene 13049
4 gene 150.8282 150.8549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920598 1700045H11Rik NCBI_Gene:73348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078492 MGI:1920598 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700045H11 gene
4 pseudogene 150.8471 150.8475 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650886 Rps15a-ps3 NCBI_Gene:108168715,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084314 MGI:3650886 pseudogene ribosomal protein S15A, pseudogene 3
4 gene 150.8538 150.8689 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921405 Errfi1 NCBI_Gene:74155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028967 MGI:1921405 protein coding gene ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1
4 gene 150.8971 150.9144 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2135637 Park7 NCBI_Gene:57320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028964 MGI:2135637 protein coding gene Parkinson disease (autosomal recessive, early onset) 7
4 gene 150.9146 150.9461 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1101059 Tnfrsf9 NCBI_Gene:21942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028965 MGI:1101059 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 9
4 gene 150.9173 151.8619 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2140230 Camta1 NCBI_Gene:100072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014592 MGI:2140230 protein coding gene calmodulin binding transcription activator 1
4 gene 150.9647 150.9649 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453182 Gm23405 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064476 MGI:5453182 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23405
4 gene 150.9656 150.9809 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589279 Gm30120 NCBI_Gene:102631903 MGI:5589279 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30120
4 gene 150.9786 150.9800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924312 5330422M15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5330422M15 gene
4 gene 150.9970 151.0447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277134 Per3 NCBI_Gene:18628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028957 MGI:1277134 protein coding gene period circadian clock 3
4 gene 150.9971 151.0018 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346329 Uts2 NCBI_Gene:24111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028963 MGI:1346329 protein coding gene urotensin 2
4 gene 151.0448 151.0591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621414 Gm38529 NCBI_Gene:102641068 MGI:5621414 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38529
4 gene 151.0473 151.0580 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1321389 Vamp3 NCBI_Gene:22319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028955 MGI:1321389 protein coding gene vesicle-associated membrane protein 3
4 gene 151.0890 151.0918 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650445 Gm13090 NCBI_Gene:105704528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078491 MGI:3650445 protein coding gene predicted gene 13090
4 gene 151.0934 151.1057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826536 Gm46899 NCBI_Gene:108169018 MGI:5826536 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46899
4 gene 151.2160 151.2223 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589581 Gm30422 NCBI_Gene:102632317 MGI:5589581 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30422
4 gene 151.2224 151.2334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825597 Gm45960 NCBI_Gene:108167361 MGI:5825597 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45960
4 gene 151.3765 151.3796 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914998 4930589P08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085593 MGI:1914998 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930589P08 gene
4 gene 151.4552 151.4577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589503 Gm30344 NCBI_Gene:102632204 MGI:5589503 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30344
4 gene 151.6386 151.7233 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621327 Gm38442 NCBI_Gene:102632096 MGI:5621327 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38442
4 gene 151.8406 151.8678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625242 Gm42357 NCBI_Gene:105247222 MGI:5625242 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42357
4 gene 151.8623 151.8633 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925157 9230110K08Rik NCBI_Gene:102631977 MGI:1925157 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9230110K08 gene
4 gene 151.9160 151.9164 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610369 Gm37141 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104142 MGI:5610369 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37141
4 gene 151.9324 151.9329 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920975 1110001D16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1110001D16 gene
4 gene 151.9337 151.9821 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443386 Dnajc11 NCBI_Gene:230935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039768 MGI:2443386 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C11

Multi-qtl (genoprobs, haley knott regression method)

detach("package:qtl2", unload=TRUE)

cross <- qtl::read.cross("csv", file = "/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/gm_qtl.csv",alleles=c("A","B"))
 --Read the following data:
     161  individuals
     13765  markers
     3  phenotypes
 --Cross type: bc 
cross <- qtl::jittermap(cross)


    No. individuals:    161 

    No. phenotypes:     3 
    Percent phenotyped: 100 100 100 

    No. chromosomes:    19 
        Autosomes:      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 
        X chr:          X 

    Total markers:      13765 
    No. markers:        2142 1860 1022 570 688 514 1060 294 772 205 718 11 1270 
                        1105 490 291 494 208 51 
    Percent genotyped:  99.5 
    Genotypes (%):    
          Autosomes:    AA:49.9  AB:50.1 
       X chromosome:    AA:51.8  AB:48.2 
fitqtl.d1 = cross

qc <- c(3, 4)
qp <- c(29.03815, 69.1085558)
#fitqtl.d1 <- subset(fitqtl.d1, chr=qc)
fitqtl.d1 <- qtl::calc.genoprob(fitqtl.d1)
qtl <- qtl::makeqtl(fitqtl.d1, qc, qp, what="prob")

# fit an additive QTL model
lod.add.1 <- qtl::fitqtl(fitqtl.d1, pheno.col="ICI.vs.EOI", qtl, formula=y~Q1+Q2,method="hk", model="binary", get.ests=FALSE)

        fitqtl summary

Method: Haley-Knott regression 
Model:  binary phenotype
Number of observations : 161 

Full model result
Model formula: y ~ Q1 + Q2 

      df      LOD     %var Pvalue(Chi2)
Model  2 8.608288 21.82557 2.464407e-09

Drop one QTL at a time ANOVA table: 
       df   LOD   %var Pvalue(Chi2)    
3@29.0  1 5.140 12.381     1.14e-06 ***
4@69.1  1 2.244  5.182      0.00131 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# fit model with 2 interacting QTLs interacting
lod.1 <- qtl::fitqtl(fitqtl.d1, pheno.col="ICI.vs.EOI", qtl, formula=y~Q1*Q2, method="hk", model="binary", get.ests=FALSE)

        fitqtl summary

Method: Haley-Knott regression 
Model:  binary phenotype
Number of observations : 161 

Full model result
Model formula: y ~ Q1 + Q2 + Q1:Q2 

      df      LOD     %var Pvalue(Chi2)
Model  3 10.09943 25.08974 4.419161e-10

Drop one QTL at a time ANOVA table: 
              df   LOD   %var Pvalue(Chi2)    
3@29.0         2 6.631 15.646     2.34e-07 ***
4@69.1         2 3.735  8.446     0.000184 ***
3@29.0:4@69.1  1 1.491  3.264     0.008780 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# fit the model including sex as an interacting covariate
Sex <- data.frame(Sex=pull.pheno(fitqtl.d1, "sex"))

# additive model <- qtl::fitqtl(fitqtl.d1, pheno.col="ICI.vs.EOI", qtl, formula=y~Q1+Q2+Sex, cov=Sex, method="hk", model="binary", get.ests=FALSE)

        fitqtl summary

Method: Haley-Knott regression 
Model:  binary phenotype
Number of observations : 161 

Full model result
Model formula: y ~ Q1 + Q2 + Sex 

      df      LOD     %var Pvalue(Chi2)
Model  3 8.608288 21.82557 1.268533e-08

Drop one QTL at a time ANOVA table: 
       df   LOD   %var Pvalue(Chi2)    
3@29.0  1 5.140 12.381     1.14e-06 ***
4@69.1  1 2.244  5.182      0.00131 ** 
Sex     1 0.000  0.000      1.00000    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#interactive model <- qtl::fitqtl(fitqtl.d1, pheno.col="ICI.vs.EOI", qtl, formula=y~Q1*Q2*Sex, cov=Sex, method="hk", model="binary", get.ests=FALSE)

        fitqtl summary

Method: Haley-Knott regression 
Model:  binary phenotype
Number of observations : 161 

Full model result
Model formula: y ~ Q1 + Q2 + Sex + Q1:Q2 + Q1:Sex + Q2:Sex + Q1:Q2:Sex 

      df      LOD     %var Pvalue(Chi2)
Model  7 10.09943 25.08974 6.956532e-08

Drop one QTL at a time ANOVA table: 
                  df   LOD   %var Pvalue(Chi2)    
3@29.0             4 6.631 15.646      3.8e-06 ***
4@69.1             4 3.735  8.446      0.00177 ** 
Sex                4 0.000  0.000      1.00000    
3@29.0:4@69.1      2 1.491  3.264      0.03227 *  
3@29.0:Sex         2 0.000  0.000      1.00000    
4@69.1:Sex         2 0.000  0.000      1.00000    
3@29.0:4@69.1:Sex  1 0.000  0.000      1.00000    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] qtl_1.46-2        abind_1.4-5       reshape2_1.4.4    ggplot2_3.3.5    
 [5] tibble_3.1.2      psych_2.0.7       readxl_1.3.1      cluster_2.1.0    
 [9] dplyr_1.0.8       optparse_1.6.6    rhdf5_2.28.1      mclust_5.4.6     
[13] tidyr_1.0.2       data.table_1.14.0 knitr_1.33        kableExtra_1.1.0 
[17] workflowr_1.6.2  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] httr_1.4.1        bit64_4.0.5       viridisLite_0.4.0 assertthat_0.2.1 
 [5] highr_0.9         blob_1.2.1        cellranger_1.1.0  yaml_2.2.1       
 [9] pillar_1.6.1      RSQLite_2.2.7     backports_1.2.1   lattice_0.20-38  
[13] glue_1.4.2        digest_0.6.27     promises_1.1.0    rvest_0.3.5      
[17] colorspace_2.0-2  htmltools_0.5.1.1 httpuv_1.5.2      plyr_1.8.6       
[21] pkgconfig_2.0.3   purrr_0.3.4       scales_1.1.1      webshot_0.5.2    
[25] whisker_0.4       getopt_1.20.3     later_1.0.0       git2r_0.26.1     
[29] generics_0.0.2    ellipsis_0.3.2    cachem_1.0.5      withr_2.4.2      
[33] cli_3.0.0         mnormt_1.5-7      magrittr_2.0.1    crayon_1.4.1     
[37] memoise_2.0.0     evaluate_0.14     fs_1.4.1          fansi_0.5.0      
[41] nlme_3.1-142      xml2_1.3.1        tools_3.6.2       hms_0.5.3        
[45] lifecycle_1.0.1   stringr_1.4.0     Rhdf5lib_1.6.3    munsell_0.5.0    
[49] compiler_3.6.2    rlang_1.0.2       grid_3.6.2        rstudioapi_0.13  
[53] rmarkdown_2.1     gtable_0.3.0      DBI_1.1.1         R6_2.5.0         
[57] fastmap_1.1.0     bit_4.0.4         utf8_1.2.1        rprojroot_1.3-2  
[61] readr_1.3.1       stringi_1.7.2     parallel_3.6.2    Rcpp_1.0.7       
[65] vctrs_0.3.8       tidyselect_1.1.2  xfun_0.24