Last updated: 2022-03-22
Checks: 6 1
Knit directory: Serreze-T1D_Workflow/
This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.2). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.
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absolute | relative |
/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/qc/workflowr/Serreze-T1D_Workflow | . |
Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.
The results in this page were generated with repository version 68dca64. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.
Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish
or wflow_git_commit
). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:
Ignored files:
Ignored: .DS_Store
Ignored: analysis/.DS_Store
Untracked files:
Untracked: data/GM_covar.csv
Untracked: data/bad_markers_all_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv
Untracked: data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.eoi1.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.pbs1.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.eoi.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.eoi1.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.pbs.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.pbs1.csv
Untracked: data/e.RData
Untracked: data/e_snpg_samqc_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/e_snpg_samqc_4.batches_bc.RData
Untracked: data/errors_ind_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/errors_ind_4.batches_bc.RData
Untracked: data/genetic_map.csv
Untracked: data/genotype_errors_marker_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/genotype_freq_marker_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/gm_allqc_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/gm_samqc_3.batches.RData
Untracked: data/gm_samqc_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/gm_samqc_4.batches_bc.RData
Untracked: data/gm_serreze.192.RData
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
Untracked: data/percent_missing_id_3.batches.RData
Untracked: data/percent_missing_id_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/percent_missing_id_4.batches_bc.RData
Untracked: data/percent_missing_marker_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/pheno.csv
Untracked: data/physical_map.csv
Untracked: data/qc_info_bad_sample_3.batches.RData
Untracked: data/qc_info_bad_sample_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/qc_info_bad_sample_4.batches_bc.RData
Untracked: data/remaining.markers_geno.freq.xlsx
Untracked: data/sample_geno.csv
Untracked: data/sample_geno_bc.csv
Untracked: data/serreze_probs.rds
Untracked: data/serreze_probs_allqc.rds
Untracked: data/summary.cg_3.batches.RData
Untracked: data/summary.cg_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/summary.cg_4.batches_bc.RData
Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.
These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/4.1.1_qtl.analysis_binary_ici.vs.eoi_snpsqc_dis_no-x_updated.Rmd
) and HTML (docs/4.1.1_qtl.analysis_binary_ici.vs.eoi_snpsqc_dis_no-x_updated.html
) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote
), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.
File | Version | Author | Date | Message |
Rmd | 68dca64 | Belinda Cornes | 2022-03-22 | updated ici.vs.eoi binary |
html | a4d66b5 | Belinda Cornes | 2022-03-15 | Build site. |
Rmd | 93afca9 | Belinda Cornes | 2022-03-15 | updated binary qtl |
We will load the data and subset indivials out that are in the groups of interest. We will create a binary phenotype from this (EOI ==0, ICI == 1).
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")
Total individuals 188
No. genotyped individuals 188
No. phenotyped individuals 188
No. with both geno & pheno 188
No. phenotypes 1
No. covariates 6
No. phenotype covariates 0
No. chromosomes 20
Total markers 131578
No. markers by chr:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9977 10005 7858 7589 7621 7758 7413 6472 6725 6396 7154 6137 6085
14 15 16 17 18 19 X
5981 5346 5019 5093 4607 3564 4778
#pr <- readRDS("data/serreze_probs_allqc.rds")
#pr <- readRDS("data/serreze_probs.rds")
##extracting animals with ici and eoi group status
miceinfo <- gm$covar[gm$covar$group == "EOI" | gm$covar$group == "ICI",]
69 92
mice.ids <- rownames(miceinfo)
gm <- gm[mice.ids]
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")
Total individuals 161
No. genotyped individuals 161
No. phenotyped individuals 161
No. with both geno & pheno 161
No. phenotypes 1
No. covariates 6
No. phenotype covariates 0
No. chromosomes 20
Total markers 131578
No. markers by chr:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9977 10005 7858 7589 7621 7758 7413 6472 6725 6396 7154 6137 6085
14 15 16 17 18 19 X
5981 5346 5019 5093 4607 3564 4778
69 92
gm$covar$ICI.vs.EOI <- ifelse(gm$covar$group == "EOI", 0, 1)
covars <- read_csv("data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv")
#removing any missing info
covars <- subset(covars, covars$ICI.vs.EOI!='')
[1] 161
69 92
#keeping only informative mice
gm <- gm[covars$Mouse.ID]
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")
Total individuals 161
No. genotyped individuals 161
No. phenotyped individuals 161
No. with both geno & pheno 161
No. phenotypes 1
No. covariates 7
No. phenotype covariates 0
No. chromosomes 20
Total markers 131578
No. markers by chr:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9977 10005 7858 7589 7621 7758 7413 6472 6725 6396 7154 6137 6085
14 15 16 17 18 19 X
5981 5346 5019 5093 4607 3564 4778
69 92
#pr.qc.ids <- pr
#for (i in 1:20){pr.qc.ids[[i]] = pr.qc.ids[[i]][covars$Mouse.ID,,]}
##dropping monomorphic markers within the dataset
g <-"cbind", gm$geno)
gf_mar <- t(apply(g, 2, function(a) table(factor(a, 1:2))/sum(a != 0)))
#gn_mar <- t(apply(g, 2, function(a) table(factor(a, 1:2))))
gf_mar <- gf_mar[gf_mar[,2] != "NaN",]
count <- rowSums(gf_mar <=0.05)
low_freq_df <- merge(,, by="row.names",all=T)
low_freq_df[] <- ''
low_freq_df <- low_freq_df[low_freq_df$count == 1,]
rownames(low_freq_df) <- low_freq_df$Row.names
low_freq <- find_markerpos(gm, rownames(low_freq_df))
low_freq$id <- rownames(low_freq)
[1] 99077
low_freq_bad <- merge(low_freq,low_freq_df, by="row.names",all=T)
names(low_freq_bad)[1] <- c("marker")
gf_mar <- gf_mar[gf_mar[,2] != "NaN",]
MAF <- apply(gf_mar, 1, function(x) min(x))
MAF <-
MAF$index <- 1:nrow(gf_mar)
gf_mar_maf <- merge(gf_mar,, by="row.names")
gf_mar_maf <- gf_mar_maf[order(gf_mar_maf$index),]
gfmar <- NULL
gfmar$gfmar_mar_0 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF==0)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_1 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.01)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_5 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.05)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_10 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.10)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_15 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.15)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_25 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.25)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_50 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.50)
gfmar$total_snps <- nrow(
gfmar <- t(
gfmar <-
gfmar$count <- gfmar$V1
gfmar[c(2)] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccccc"),linesep ="\\hline") %>%
kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = F) %>%
row_spec(8 ,bold=T,color= "white",background = "black")
count | |
gfmar_mar_0 | 89667 |
gfmar_mar_1 | 92615 |
gfmar_mar_5 | 99045 |
gfmar_mar_10 | 99502 |
gfmar_mar_15 | 99619 |
gfmar_mar_25 | 100097 |
gfmar_mar_50 | 131139 |
total_snps | 131578 |
gm_qc <- drop_markers(gm, low_freq_bad$marker)
gm_qc <- drop_nullmarkers(gm_qc)
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")
Total individuals 161
No. genotyped individuals 161
No. phenotyped individuals 161
No. with both geno & pheno 161
No. phenotypes 1
No. covariates 7
No. phenotype covariates 0
No. chromosomes 20
Total markers 32501
No. markers by chr:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2940 2853 2033 2045 1931 2041 1858 1677 1991 1208 2057 1387 1617 1685 1194 922
17 18 19 X
382 1073 1052 555
## dropping disproportionate markers
dismark <- read.csv("data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv")
[1] 32501
names(dismark)[1] <- c("marker")
dismark <- dismark[!dismark$Include,]
[1] 18736
gm_qc_dis <- drop_markers(gm_qc, dismark$marker)
gm_qc_dis <- drop_nullmarkers(gm_qc_dis)
gm = gm_qc_dis
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")
Total individuals 161
No. genotyped individuals 161
No. phenotyped individuals 161
No. with both geno & pheno 161
No. phenotypes 1
No. covariates 7
No. phenotype covariates 0
No. chromosomes 19
Total markers 13765
No. markers by chr:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17
2142 1860 1022 570 688 514 1060 294 772 205 718 11 1270 1105 490 291
18 19 X
494 208 51
markers <- marker_names(gm)
gmapdf <- read.csv("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/genetic_map.csv")
pmapdf <- read.csv("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/physical_map.csv")
mapdf <- merge(gmapdf,pmapdf, by=c("marker","chr"), all=T)
rownames(mapdf) <- mapdf$marker
mapdf <- mapdf[markers,]
names(mapdf) <- c('marker','chr','gmapdf','pmapdf')
mapdfnd <- mapdf[!duplicated(mapdf[c(2:3)]),]
pr.qc <- calc_genoprob(gm)
For each of the phenotype analyzed, permutations were used for each model to obtain genome-wide LOD significance threshold for p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.10, respectively, separately for X and automsomes (A).
The table shows the estimated significance thresholds from permutation test.
We also looked at the kinship to see how correlated each sample is. Kinship values between pairs of samples range between 0 (no relationship) and 1.0 (completely identical). The darker the colour the more indentical the pairs are.
#Xcovar <- get_x_covar(gm)
#addcovar = model.matrix(~Sex, data = covars)[,-1]
#K <- calc_kinship(pr.qc, type = "loco")
#K.overall <- calc_kinship(pr.qc, type = "overall")
kinship <- calc_kinship(pr.qc)
Version | Author | Date |
a4d66b5 | Belinda Cornes | 2022-03-15 |
#operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar$phenos, Xcovar=Xcovar, n_perm=2000)
#operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar$phenos, addcovar = addcovar, n_perm=2000)
#operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar$phenos, n_perm=2000)
operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar["ICI.vs.EOI"], model="binary", n_perm=1000, perm_Xsp=TRUE, chr_lengths=chr_lengths(gm$gmap))
summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1))))
names(summary_table) <- c("autosomes","X")
summary_table$significance.level <- rownames(summary_table)
rownames(summary_table) <- NULL
summary_table[c(3,1:2)] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
significance.level | autosomes | X |
0.01 | 3.823422 | 3.940546 |
0.05 | 3.071140 | 3.144630 |
0.1 | 2.715963 | 2.715963 |
The figures below show QTL maps for each phenotype
#out <- scan1(pr.qc, gm$covar["ICI.vs.EOI"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="binary")
out <- scan1(pr.qc, gm$covar["ICI.vs.EOI"], model="binary")
summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1))))
for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i], "_lod.png"))
#par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
plot(out, map, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i], " [positions in cM]"))
add_threshold(map, summary(operm,alpha=0.1), col = 'purple')
add_threshold(map, summary(operm, alpha=0.05), col = 'red')
add_threshold(map, summary(operm, alpha=0.01), col = 'blue')
#for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
# abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
# text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))
Version | Author | Date |
a4d66b5 | Belinda Cornes | 2022-03-15 |
The table below shows QTL peaks associated with the phenotype. We use the 95% threshold from the permutations to find peaks.
#peaks<-find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=3.6, drop=1.5, peakdrop=3)
#peaks <- find_peaks(out, gm$gmap,drop=1.5, peakdrop=3)
#peaks <- find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=3, peakdrop=1, drop=1)
#peaks <- find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, peakdrop=0.5, drop=0.5)
peaks <- find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=summary(operm,alpha=0.05)$A, thresholdX = summary(operm,alpha=0.05)$X, peakdrop=3, drop=1.5)
rownames(peaks) <- NULL
peaks[] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex | lodcolumn | chr | pos | lod | ci_lo | ci_hi |
1 | ICI.vs.EOI | 3 | 29.038 | 6.364394 | 21.228 | 35.891 |
1 | ICI.vs.EOI | 4 | 69.108 | 3.468241 | 63.399 | 82.840 |
#plot only peak chromosomes
for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i], "_lod.png"))
#par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
plot(out, map, chr = chrom, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i], " - chr", chrom, " [positions in cM]"))
add_threshold(map, summary(operm,alpha=0.1), col = 'purple')
add_threshold(map, summary(operm, alpha=0.05), col = 'red')
add_threshold(map, summary(operm, alpha=0.01), col = 'blue')
#for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
# abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
# text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))
for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
plot_lod_chr(out,gm$gmap, peaks$chr[i])
Version | Author | Date |
a4d66b5 | Belinda Cornes | 2022-03-15 |
print("peaks in MB positions")
[1] "peaks in MB positions"
peaks_mbl <- list()
#corresponding info in Mb
for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
lodindex <- peaks$lodindex[i]
lodcolumn <- peaks$lodcolumn[i]
chr <- peaks$chr[i]
lod <- peaks$lod[i]
pos <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$pos[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
ci_lo <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$ci_lo[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
ci_hi <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$ci_hi[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
peaks_mb=cbind(lodindex, lodcolumn, chr, pos, lod, ci_lo, ci_hi)
peaks_mbl[[i]] <- peaks_mb
peaks_mba <-, peaks_mbl)
peaks_mba <-
#peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")] <- sapply(peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")], as.numeric)
rownames(peaks_mba) <- NULL
peaks_mba[] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex | lodcolumn | chr | pos | lod | ci_lo | ci_hi |
1 | ICI.vs.EOI | 3 | 59.429352 | 6.36439381654824 | 48.232305 | 81.503929 |
1 | ICI.vs.EOI | 4 | 136.886057 | 3.46824068609622 | 130.092679 | 151.967752 |
for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i], "_lod.png"))
#par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
plot(out, map, chr = chrom, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i], " - chr", chrom, " [positions in MB]"))
add_threshold(map, summary(operm,alpha=0.1), col = 'purple')
add_threshold(map, summary(operm, alpha=0.05), col = 'red')
add_threshold(map, summary(operm, alpha=0.01), col = 'blue')
#for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
# abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
# text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))
for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
plot_lod_chr_mb(out,gm$pmap, peaks$chr[i])
## QTL effects
For each peak LOD location we give a list of gene
query_variants <- create_variant_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/cc_variants.sqlite")
query_genes <- create_gene_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/mouse_genes_mgi.sqlite")
for (i in 1){
#for (i in 1:1){
#Plot 1
marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
#g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
gp <- g[,marker]
gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
gp[gp==0] <- NA
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
#par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
plot_pxg(gp, gm$covar[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"mb (",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)
chr = peaks$chr[i]
# Plot 2
pr_sub <- pull_genoprobint(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr, c(peaks$ci_lo[i], peaks$ci_hi[i]))
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary")
#coeff_sub <- scan1coef(pr_sub[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary")
blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]])
blup_sub <- scan1blup(pr_sub[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]])
# gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff; positions in cM] )")
# )
# gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],"; 1.5 LOD drop interval [scan1coeff; positions in cM] ) ")
# )
gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup; positions in cM] )")
gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],"; 1.5 LOD drop interval [scan1blup; positions in cM] )")
#last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
#for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
#axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)
# Plot 3
#c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
#c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
#plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
# )
#plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
# )
##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
## axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)
#Table 1
chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]
genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)
rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"
#genesgss <-
#table <-
#genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")] %>%
#kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccccccc")) %>%
#kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) #%>%
#cat #%>%
#column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
#print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], escape = F,align = c("ccccccccccc")))
print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))
chr | type | start | stop | strand | ID | Name | Dbxref | gene_id | mgi_type | description |
3 | gene | 48.54642 | 48.57947 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826472 | Gm46835 | NCBI_Gene:108168915 | MGI:5826472 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46835 |
3 | gene | 48.60573 | 48.60910 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913582 | 1700018B24Rik | NCBI_Gene:66332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037910 | MGI:1913582 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700018B24 gene |
3 | gene | 48.74851 | 48.76095 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610418 | Gm37190 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102181 | MGI:5610418 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37190 |
3 | gene | 48.95472 | 48.95488 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453288 | Gm23511 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065018 | MGI:5453288 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23511 |
3 | gene | 49.06237 | 49.09636 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590574 | Gm31415 | NCBI_Gene:102633632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102263 | MGI:5590574 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31415 |
3 | gene | 49.13746 | 49.13853 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611047 | Gm37819 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104186 | MGI:5611047 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37819 |
3 | pseudogene | 49.20771 | 49.20807 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610912 | Gm37684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103027 | MGI:5610912 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37684 |
3 | gene | 49.32568 | 49.36736 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5295664 | Gm20557 | NCBI_Gene:329633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102679 | MGI:5295664 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20557 |
3 | pseudogene | 49.38115 | 49.38285 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643624 | Gm5846 | NCBI_Gene:545519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104309 | MGI:3643624 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5846 |
3 | pseudogene | 49.40082 | 49.46744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780091 | Gm9683 | NCBI_Gene:676568 | MGI:3780091 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9683 |
3 | gene | 49.49135 | 49.49148 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452257 | Gm22480 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084517 | MGI:5452257 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22480 |
3 | pseudogene | 49.53075 | 49.53131 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610652 | Gm37424 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104437 | MGI:5610652 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37424 |
3 | pseudogene | 49.60356 | 49.60388 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611489 | Gm38261 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102731 | MGI:5611489 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38261 |
3 | pseudogene | 49.60423 | 49.60447 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611316 | Gm38088 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103249 | MGI:5611316 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38088 |
3 | pseudogene | 49.63244 | 49.63297 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780498 | Gm2328 | NCBI_Gene:100039587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104134 | MGI:3780498 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2328 |
3 | pseudogene | 49.64348 | 49.64413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588900 | Gm29741 | NCBI_Gene:101055903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103568 | MGI:5588900 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29741 |
3 | gene | 49.65876 | 49.65887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452873 | Gm23096 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065381 | MGI:5452873 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23096 |
3 | gene | 49.74329 | 49.75738 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920423 | Pcdh18 | NCBI_Gene:73173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037892 | MGI:1920423 | protein coding gene | protocadherin 18 |
3 | pseudogene | 49.78043 | 49.78089 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610778 | Gm37550 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102943 | MGI:5610778 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37550 |
3 | gene | 49.89253 | 50.49909 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347355 | Slc7a11 | NCBI_Gene:26570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027737 | MGI:1347355 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 11 |
3 | gene | 50.00197 | 50.01078 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611082 | Gm37854 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102892 | MGI:5611082 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37854 |
3 | gene | 50.01177 | 50.02624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622927 | Gm40042 | NCBI_Gene:105244434 | MGI:5622927 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40042 |
3 | pseudogene | 50.02967 | 50.02999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611054 | Gm37826 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104457 | MGI:5611054 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37826 |
3 | pseudogene | 50.16666 | 50.16689 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610920 | Gm37692 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104349 | MGI:5610920 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37692 |
3 | pseudogene | 50.25485 | 50.25544 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780515 | Gm2345 | NCBI_Gene:100039628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102167 | MGI:3780515 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2345 |
3 | gene | 50.40028 | 50.40428 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610726 | Gm37498 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103907 | MGI:5610726 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37498 |
3 | gene | 50.51640 | 50.60731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643374 | Gm6209 | NCBI_Gene:621304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102715 | MGI:3643374 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 6209 |
3 | gene | 50.57519 | 50.57652 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923259 | 5830415G21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102895 | MGI:1923259 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5830415G21 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 50.59799 | 50.59850 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611465 | Gm38237 | NCBI_Gene:108168851,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103745 | MGI:5611465 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38237 |
3 | gene | 50.62435 | 50.62841 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610427 | Gm37199 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104068 | MGI:5610427 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37199 |
3 | gene | 50.67970 | 50.68340 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610689 | Gm37461 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104281 | MGI:5610689 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37461 |
3 | gene | 50.70690 | 50.71189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622928 | Gm40043 | NCBI_Gene:105244435 | MGI:5622928 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40043 |
3 | gene | 50.83858 | 50.83872 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454280 | Gm24503 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089079 | MGI:5454280 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24503 |
3 | gene | 50.88324 | 50.88889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610776 | Gm37548 | NCBI_Gene:105244436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103012 | MGI:5610776 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37548 |
3 | gene | 50.91889 | 50.92153 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611071 | Gm37843 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102614 | MGI:5611071 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37843 |
3 | gene | 50.96656 | 50.96677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2139603 | AA672641 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | expressed sequence AA672641 |
3 | gene | 50.97754 | 50.97881 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610437 | Gm37209 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103652 | MGI:5610437 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37209 |
3 | gene | 51.03335 | 51.04284 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594915 | Gm35756 | NCBI_Gene:102639442 | MGI:5594915 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35756 |
3 | gene | 51.05891 | 51.08934 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579936 | Gm29230 | NCBI_Gene:102639521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102067 | MGI:5579936 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29230 |
3 | gene | 51.10366 | 51.10517 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611474 | Gm38246 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103464 | MGI:5611474 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38246 |
3 | gene | 51.12669 | 51.12894 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595050 | Gm35891 | NCBI_Gene:102639626 | MGI:5595050 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35891 |
3 | gene | 51.21847 | 51.22033 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622929 | Gm40044 | NCBI_Gene:105244437 | MGI:5622929 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40044 |
3 | gene | 51.22445 | 51.25165 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109382 | Noct | NCBI_Gene:12457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023087 | MGI:109382 | protein coding gene | nocturnin |
3 | gene | 51.23192 | 51.23438 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611585 | Gm38357 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103313 | MGI:5611585 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38357 |
3 | gene | 51.25272 | 51.34092 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916507 | Elf2 | NCBI_Gene:69257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037174 | MGI:1916507 | protein coding gene | E74-like factor 2 |
3 | gene | 51.27676 | 51.27841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914996 | 4930577N17Rik | NCBI_Gene:67746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087440 | MGI:1914996 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930577N17 gene |
3 | gene | 51.29718 | 51.29724 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454059 | Gm24282 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077420 | MGI:5454059 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24282 |
3 | gene | 51.30249 | 51.30290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610627 | Gm37399 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104200 | MGI:5610627 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37399 |
3 | gene | 51.35835 | 51.35842 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4414019 | n-TPtgg7 | NCBI_Gene:102467437 | MGI:4414019 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA proline 7 (anticodon TGG) |
3 | gene | 51.35941 | 51.35948 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4414007 | n-TPagg5 | NCBI_Gene:102467366 | MGI:4414007 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA proline 5 (anticodon AGG) |
3 | pseudogene | 51.37022 | 51.37061 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610431 | Gm37203 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103654 | MGI:5610431 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37203 |
3 | gene | 51.37802 | 51.38632 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779459 | Gm5103 | NCBI_Gene:329636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102544 | MGI:3779459 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 5103 |
3 | gene | 51.38841 | 51.39674 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914999 | Mgarp | NCBI_Gene:67749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037161 | MGI:1914999 | protein coding gene | mitochondria localized glutamic acid rich protein |
3 | pseudogene | 51.40246 | 51.40320 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779852 | Gm9442 | NCBI_Gene:669130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104241 | MGI:3779852 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9442 |
3 | gene | 51.40468 | 51.40899 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913627 | Ndufc1 | NCBI_Gene:66377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037152 | MGI:1913627 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C1 |
3 | gene | 51.41515 | 51.47651 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922088 | Naa15 | NCBI_Gene:74838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063273 | MGI:1922088 | protein coding gene | N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 15, NatA auxiliary subunit |
3 | gene | 51.42361 | 51.42372 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610874 | Gm37646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103191 | MGI:5610874 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37646 |
3 | gene | 51.48233 | 51.48483 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611388 | Gm38160 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102775 | MGI:5611388 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38160 |
3 | gene | 51.48392 | 51.49623 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330805 | Rab33b | NCBI_Gene:19338,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027739 | MGI:1330805 | protein coding gene | RAB33B, member RAS oncogene family |
3 | gene | 51.48962 | 51.49282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611196 | Gm37968 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102570 | MGI:5611196 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37968 |
3 | gene | 51.51099 | 51.51430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595167 | Gm36008 | NCBI_Gene:102639777 | MGI:5595167 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36008 |
3 | gene | 51.51532 | 51.56088 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920501 | Setd7 | NCBI_Gene:73251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037111 | MGI:1920501 | protein coding gene | SET domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 7 |
3 | gene | 51.55754 | 51.55965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611428 | Gm38200 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102466 | MGI:5611428 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38200 |
3 | gene | 51.55976 | 51.56712 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923230 | 5031434O11Rik | NCBI_Gene:100039684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097885 | MGI:1923230 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5031434O11 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 51.57111 | 51.57142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611562 | Gm38334 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104001 | MGI:5611562 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38334 |
3 | gene | 51.58231 | 51.58285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918620 | 5430433H01Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104075 | MGI:1918620 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430433H01 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 51.63649 | 51.63705 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611475 | Gm38247 | NCBI_Gene:108168852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104166 | MGI:5611475 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38247 |
3 | gene | 51.66036 | 51.68268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2448481 | Mgst2 | NCBI_Gene:211666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074604 | MGI:2448481 | protein coding gene | microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2 |
3 | gene | 51.67280 | 51.67390 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610489 | Gm37261 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103527 | MGI:5610489 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37261 |
3 | gene | 51.68591 | 52.10509 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2389461 | Maml3 | NCBI_Gene:433586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061143 | MGI:2389461 | protein coding gene | mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 3 |
3 | gene | 51.69372 | 51.69509 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642905 | Gm10729 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074603 | MGI:3642905 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10729 |
3 | gene | 51.70772 | 51.71225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826440 | Gm46803 | NCBI_Gene:108168869 | MGI:5826440 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46803 |
3 | gene | 51.75712 | 51.76209 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610570 | Gm37342 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102732 | MGI:5610570 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37342 |
3 | gene | 51.81295 | 51.81931 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610457 | Gm37229 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102539 | MGI:5610457 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37229 |
3 | gene | 51.82891 | 51.82903 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422061 | n-R5s196 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065070 | MGI:4422061 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 196 |
3 | gene | 51.82939 | 51.83040 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920491 | 3110080O07Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103284 | MGI:1920491 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 3110080O07 gene |
3 | gene | 51.86735 | 51.86856 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611228 | Gm38000 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103484 | MGI:5611228 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38000 |
3 | gene | 51.87299 | 51.87584 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610903 | Gm37675 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102620 | MGI:5610903 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37675 |
3 | gene | 51.88428 | 51.88689 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611480 | Gm38252 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102786 | MGI:5611480 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38252 |
3 | pseudogene | 51.90699 | 51.90882 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708672 | Gm10728 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103701 | MGI:3708672 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10728 |
3 | gene | 51.98094 | 51.99007 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012274 | Gm20089 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104161 | MGI:5012274 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20089 |
3 | gene | 51.98763 | 51.98985 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611283 | Gm38055 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102147 | MGI:5611283 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38055 |
3 | gene | 51.99134 | 51.99196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610754 | Gm37526 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103784 | MGI:5610754 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37526 |
3 | gene | 52.00074 | 52.00402 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610693 | Gm37465 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102423 | MGI:5610693 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37465 |
3 | gene | 52.05729 | 52.06424 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444420 | C130089K02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104339 | MGI:2444420 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C130089K02 gene |
3 | gene | 52.07159 | 52.07339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921741 | 5430420F09Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102808 | MGI:1921741 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430420F09 gene |
3 | gene | 52.13405 | 52.22200 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610430 | Gm37202 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103655 | MGI:5610430 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37202 |
3 | gene | 52.17108 | 52.18013 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589233 | Gm30074 | NCBI_Gene:102631843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103726 | MGI:5589233 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30074 |
3 | gene | 52.18657 | 52.18796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611360 | Gm38132 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104055 | MGI:5611360 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38132 |
3 | gene | 52.19825 | 52.20049 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610398 | Gm37170 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103170 | MGI:5610398 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37170 |
3 | pseudogene | 52.23684 | 52.24694 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031232 | Olfr1398-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102510 | MGI:3031232 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1398, pseudogene 1 |
3 | gene | 52.23745 | 52.25650 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589284 | Gm30125 | NCBI_Gene:102631910 | MGI:5589284 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30125 |
3 | gene | 52.26834 | 52.35322 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1890077 | Foxo1 | NCBI_Gene:56458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044167 | MGI:1890077 | protein coding gene | forkhead box O1 |
3 | gene | 52.26843 | 52.26944 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141867 | Gm20402 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092405 | MGI:5141867 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20402 |
3 | gene | 52.28224 | 52.28431 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611262 | Gm38034 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102844 | MGI:5611262 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38034 |
3 | pseudogene | 52.42535 | 52.42573 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593462 | Gm34303 | NCBI_Gene:102637513 | MGI:5593462 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 34303 |
3 | pseudogene | 52.42541 | 52.42565 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611326 | Gm38098 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103454 | MGI:5611326 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38098 |
3 | gene | 52.46717 | 52.49327 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621422 | Gm38537 | NCBI_Gene:102641152 | MGI:5621422 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38537 |
3 | gene | 52.50277 | 52.55022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589332 | Gm30173 | NCBI_Gene:102631981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103965 | MGI:5589332 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30173 |
3 | gene | 52.58013 | 52.58907 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622932 | Gm40047 | NCBI_Gene:105244440 | MGI:5622932 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40047 |
3 | pseudogene | 52.61282 | 52.61402 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704216 | Gm10293 | NCBI_Gene:100039762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070490 | MGI:3704216 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 10293 |
3 | gene | 52.64989 | 52.70971 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589394 | Gm30235 | NCBI_Gene:102632062 | MGI:5589394 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30235 |
3 | gene | 52.72265 | 52.72275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452575 | Gm22798 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065926 | MGI:5452575 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22798 |
3 | gene | 52.73972 | 52.77666 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780614 | Gm2447 | NCBI_Gene:329639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102785 | MGI:3780614 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 2447 |
3 | gene | 52.78900 | 52.79781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589451 | Gm30292 | NCBI_Gene:102632139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104109 | MGI:5589451 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30292 |
3 | gene | 52.90676 | 52.92767 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434106 | Gm20750 | NCBI_Gene:622124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104401 | MGI:5434106 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20750 |
3 | gene | 52.93325 | 52.95628 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589510 | Gm30351 | NCBI_Gene:102632211 | MGI:5589510 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30351 |
3 | gene | 52.95618 | 52.95789 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589561 | Gm30402 | NCBI_Gene:102632287 | MGI:5589561 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30402 |
3 | pseudogene | 52.96005 | 52.96037 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610235 | Gm37007 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103886 | MGI:5610235 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37007 |
3 | gene | 52.98188 | 53.01724 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914792 | Cog6 | NCBI_Gene:67542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027742 | MGI:1914792 | protein coding gene | component of oligomeric golgi complex 6 |
3 | gene | 53.03858 | 53.04176 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663038 | Gm42901 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104850 | MGI:5663038 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 42901 |
3 | gene | 53.04153 | 53.26168 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920048 | Lhfp | NCBI_Gene:108927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048332 | MGI:1920048 | protein coding gene | lipoma HMGIC fusion partner |
3 | gene | 53.07216 | 53.07524 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663035 | Gm42898 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104828 | MGI:5663035 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 42898 |
3 | gene | 53.08322 | 53.08588 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663036 | Gm42899 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104687 | MGI:5663036 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 42899 |
3 | gene | 53.09900 | 53.10318 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443940 | C130075A20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104735 | MGI:2443940 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C130075A20 gene |
3 | gene | 53.10967 | 53.11012 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663941 | Gm43804 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104615 | MGI:5663941 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 43804 |
3 | gene | 53.11040 | 53.11341 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663940 | Gm43803 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104968 | MGI:5663940 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 43803 |
3 | gene | 53.11217 | 53.11299 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663942 | Gm43805 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105971 | MGI:5663942 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 43805 |
3 | pseudogene | 53.34649 | 53.34723 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663609 | Gm43472 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106660 | MGI:5663609 | pseudogene | predicted gene 43472 |
3 | gene | 53.39575 | 53.39850 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622933 | Gm40048 | NCBI_Gene:105244441 | MGI:5622933 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40048 |
3 | pseudogene | 53.40161 | 53.42457 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663608 | Gm43471 | NCBI_Gene:108168853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105397 | MGI:5663608 | pseudogene | predicted gene 43471 |
3 | gene | 53.44858 | 53.46333 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444520 | Nhlrc3 | NCBI_Gene:212114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042997 | MGI:2444520 | protein coding gene | NHL repeat containing 3 |
3 | gene | 53.45262 | 53.45805 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801870 | Gm16206 | NCBI_Gene:102632669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085174 | MGI:3801870 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16206 |
3 | gene | 53.46367 | 53.48175 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919933 | Proser1 | NCBI_Gene:212127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049504 | MGI:1919933 | protein coding gene | proline and serine rich 1 |
3 | gene | 53.48865 | 53.50850 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2388072 | Stoml3 | NCBI_Gene:229277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027744 | MGI:2388072 | protein coding gene | stomatin (Epb7.2)-like 3 |
3 | gene | 53.50893 | 53.51010 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924132 | 6430500D05Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105481 | MGI:1924132 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6430500D05 gene |
3 | gene | 53.51200 | 53.51213 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453452 | Gm23675 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087936 | MGI:5453452 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23675 |
3 | gene | 53.51394 | 53.65736 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444465 | Frem2 | NCBI_Gene:242022,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037016 | MGI:2444465 | protein coding gene | Fras1 related extracellular matrix protein 2 |
3 | pseudogene | 53.66666 | 53.66739 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648425 | Gm6073 | NCBI_Gene:606547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105840 | MGI:3648425 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6073 |
3 | pseudogene | 53.69237 | 53.69292 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649038 | Gm6204 | NCBI_Gene:621155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105879 | MGI:3649038 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6204 |
3 | gene | 53.70304 | 53.73576 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589894 | Gm30735 | NCBI_Gene:102632743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105168 | MGI:5589894 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30735 |
3 | gene | 53.73622 | 53.73783 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642187 | Gm10727 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105444 | MGI:3642187 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10727 |
3 | gene | 53.75673 | 53.77295 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443105 | C820005J03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106270 | MGI:2443105 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C820005J03 gene |
3 | gene | 53.84341 | 53.84351 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454628 | Gm24851 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088653 | MGI:5454628 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24851 |
3 | gene | 53.84509 | 53.84528 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779200 | Gm10985 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078742 | MGI:3779200 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10985 |
3 | gene | 53.85338 | 53.86383 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915140 | Ufm1 | NCBI_Gene:67890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027746 | MGI:1915140 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 |
3 | gene | 53.92484 | 53.94353 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590185 | Gm31026 | NCBI_Gene:102633119,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106577 | MGI:5590185 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31026 |
3 | pseudogene | 54.02115 | 54.02195 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645533 | Gm8109 | NCBI_Gene:666444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103155 | MGI:3645533 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8109 |
3 | pseudogene | 54.02988 | 54.03041 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010203 | Gm18018 | NCBI_Gene:100416282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105067 | MGI:5010203 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18018 |
3 | gene | 54.15604 | 54.31847 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109525 | Trpc4 | NCBI_Gene:22066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027748 | MGI:109525 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 4 |
3 | gene | 54.35927 | 54.39104 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926321 | Postn | NCBI_Gene:50706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027750 | MGI:1926321 | protein coding gene | periostin, osteoblast specific factor |
3 | gene | 54.35966 | 54.36101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590254 | Gm31095 | NCBI_Gene:102633208 | MGI:5590254 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31095 |
3 | pseudogene | 54.48141 | 54.48293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645731 | Gm5641 | NCBI_Gene:434807,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069014 | MGI:3645731 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5641 |
3 | gene | 54.48856 | 54.53489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590313 | Gm31154 | NCBI_Gene:102633293 | MGI:5590313 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31154 |
3 | gene | 54.59055 | 54.60139 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622935 | Gm40050 | NCBI_Gene:105244443 | MGI:5622935 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40050 |
3 | gene | 54.63144 | 54.63463 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477172 | Gm26678 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097599 | MGI:5477172 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26678 |
3 | pseudogene | 54.63288 | 54.63457 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588285 | B020017C02Rik | NCBI_Gene:100503708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104831 | MGI:3588285 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA B020017C02 gene |
3 | gene | 54.69276 | 54.72877 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929651 | Supt20 | NCBI_Gene:56790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027751 | MGI:1929651 | protein coding gene | SPT20 SAGA complex component |
3 | gene | 54.71318 | 54.71435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439427 | Gm21958 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094487 | MGI:5439427 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 21958 |
3 | gene | 54.72868 | 54.73539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916889 | Exosc8 | NCBI_Gene:69639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027752 | MGI:1916889 | protein coding gene | exosome component 8 |
3 | gene | 54.73554 | 54.75132 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913498 | Alg5 | NCBI_Gene:66248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036632 | MGI:1913498 | protein coding gene | asparagine-linked glycosylation 5 (dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase) |
3 | gene | 54.75545 | 54.80166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859993 | Smad9 | NCBI_Gene:55994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027796 | MGI:1859993 | protein coding gene | SMAD family member 9 |
3 | gene | 54.80311 | 54.80779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2180854 | Rfxap | NCBI_Gene:170767,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036615 | MGI:2180854 | protein coding gene | regulatory factor X-associated protein |
3 | pseudogene | 54.80997 | 54.81140 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708673 | Gm10254 | NCBI_Gene:545524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069011 | MGI:3708673 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10254 |
3 | gene | 54.89707 | 54.91589 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3607715 | Sertm1 | NCBI_Gene:329641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056306 | MGI:3607715 | protein coding gene | serine rich and transmembrane domain containing 1 |
3 | gene | 54.91602 | 54.95326 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590517 | Gm31358 | NCBI_Gene:102633562 | MGI:5590517 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31358 |
3 | gene | 55.04547 | 55.05550 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108042 | Ccna1 | NCBI_Gene:12427,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027793 | MGI:108042 | protein coding gene | cyclin A1 |
3 | gene | 55.05524 | 55.08400 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918220 | 4931419H13Rik | NCBI_Gene:70970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106589 | MGI:1918220 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931419H13 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 55.05735 | 55.05766 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663692 | Gm43555 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105977 | MGI:5663692 | pseudogene | predicted gene 43555 |
3 | gene | 55.11207 | 55.13733 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2139806 | Spg20 | NCBI_Gene:229285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036580 | MGI:2139806 | protein coding gene | spastic paraplegia 20, spartin (Troyer syndrome) homolog (human) |
3 | gene | 55.13734 | 55.17525 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444356 | Ccdc169 | NCBI_Gene:320604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048655 | MGI:2444356 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 169 |
3 | gene | 55.16231 | 55.16243 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451806 | Gm22029 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080590 | MGI:5451806 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22029 |
3 | gene | 55.18203 | 55.20996 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921684 | Sohlh2 | NCBI_Gene:74434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027794 | MGI:1921684 | protein coding gene | spermatogenesis and oogenesis specific basic helix-loop-helix 2 |
3 | gene | 55.24236 | 55.53907 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330861 | Dclk1 | NCBI_Gene:13175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027797 | MGI:1330861 | protein coding gene | doublecortin-like kinase 1 |
3 | gene | 55.29094 | 55.29194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924494 | 9430012M22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430012M22 gene |
3 | gene | 55.30532 | 55.30542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454909 | Gm25132 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064586 | MGI:5454909 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25132 |
3 | gene | 55.33084 | 55.33297 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012002 | Gm19817 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105302 | MGI:5012002 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 19817 |
3 | gene | 55.35240 | 55.38079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622936 | Gm40051 | NCBI_Gene:105244444 | MGI:5622936 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40051 |
3 | gene | 55.37746 | 55.40312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5662746 | Gm42609 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105975 | MGI:5662746 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 42609 |
3 | gene | 55.39181 | 55.40420 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642047 | Gm9831 | NCBI_Gene:101056032 | MGI:3642047 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9831 |
3 | gene | 55.46198 | 55.47221 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439423 | Gm21954 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094962 | MGI:5439423 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 21954 |
3 | gene | 55.47609 | 55.48162 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590602 | Gm31443 | NCBI_Gene:102633676 | MGI:5590602 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31443 |
3 | gene | 55.48379 | 55.48718 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5662744 | Gm42607 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106354 | MGI:5662744 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 42607 |
3 | gene | 55.51757 | 55.51959 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5662745 | Gm42608 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106651 | MGI:5662745 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 42608 |
3 | gene | 55.54045 | 55.54338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590955 | Gm31796 | NCBI_Gene:102634140 | MGI:5590955 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31796 |
3 | gene | 55.54354 | 55.54855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455181 | Gm25404 | NCBI_Gene:102634218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064904 | MGI:5455181 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25404 |
3 | gene | 55.57492 | 55.57727 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663685 | Gm43548 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105627 | MGI:5663685 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 43548 |
3 | gene | 55.57811 | 55.58273 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663686 | Gm43549 | NCBI_Gene:108168870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106334 | MGI:5663686 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 43549 |
3 | gene | 55.62519 | 56.18427 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347075 | Nbea | NCBI_Gene:26422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027799 | MGI:1347075 | protein coding gene | neurobeachin |
3 | gene | 55.70589 | 55.71565 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826441 | Gm46804 | NCBI_Gene:108168871 | MGI:5826441 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46804 |
3 | gene | 55.72593 | 55.72844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3609650 | D430004P15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | Riken cDNA D430004P15 gene |
3 | gene | 55.77534 | 55.78795 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3698047 | 9630024C22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9630024C22 gene |
3 | gene | 55.78251 | 55.78529 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333773 | Mab21l1 | NCBI_Gene:17116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056947 | MGI:1333773 | protein coding gene | mab-21-like 1 |
3 | gene | 55.83367 | 55.83446 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924979 | 6720451E02Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6720451E02 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 55.84710 | 55.84840 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918432 | 4933417G07Rik | NCBI_Gene:71182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106572 | MGI:1918432 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 4933417G07 gene |
3 | gene | 55.85525 | 55.85615 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926125 | B230206L23Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B230206L23 gene |
3 | gene | 55.88327 | 56.00032 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591073 | Gm31914 | NCBI_Gene:102634293 | MGI:5591073 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31914 |
3 | gene | 55.89031 | 55.93670 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663513 | Gm43376 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104677 | MGI:5663513 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 43376 |
3 | gene | 55.95678 | 55.95691 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452561 | Gm22784 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077276 | MGI:5452561 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22784 |
3 | gene | 56.01492 | 56.01717 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5662977 | Gm42840 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104938 | MGI:5662977 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 42840 |
3 | gene | 56.12316 | 56.12616 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5662979 | Gm42842 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106211 | MGI:5662979 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 42842 |
3 | gene | 56.12860 | 56.13053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5662978 | Gm42841 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106528 | MGI:5662978 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 42841 |
3 | gene | 56.16395 | 56.16757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5662980 | Gm42843 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105293 | MGI:5662980 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 42843 |
3 | gene | 56.21791 | 56.22124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622937 | Gm40052 | NCBI_Gene:105244445 | MGI:5622937 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40052 |
3 | gene | 56.25590 | 56.26994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622938 | Gm40053 | NCBI_Gene:105244446 | MGI:5622938 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40053 |
3 | gene | 56.34703 | 56.35755 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622939 | Gm40054 | NCBI_Gene:105244447 | MGI:5622939 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40054 |
3 | gene | 56.35224 | 56.35230 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102792 | Mcptl | NA | NA | protein coding gene | mast cell protease-like |
3 | gene | 56.43600 | 56.43875 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591336 | Gm32177 | NCBI_Gene:102634641 | MGI:5591336 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32177 |
3 | gene | 56.44528 | 56.44541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455504 | Gm25727 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077710 | MGI:5455504 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25727 |
3 | gene | 56.69842 | 56.70506 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591396 | Gm32237 | NCBI_Gene:102634719 | MGI:5591396 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32237 |
3 | pseudogene | 56.82832 | 56.82884 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780790 | Gm2622 | NCBI_Gene:100040139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105113 | MGI:3780790 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2622 |
3 | gene | 56.88806 | 56.89133 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588185 | F830104G03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA F830104G03 gene |
3 | gene | 57.05415 | 57.05428 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452046 | Gm22269 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077190 | MGI:5452046 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22269 |
3 | pseudogene | 57.13549 | 57.13683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3805962 | Gm8177 | NCBI_Gene:666585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097366 | MGI:3805962 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8177 |
3 | gene | 57.22772 | 57.22918 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918389 | 4933408K01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933408K01 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 57.24925 | 57.24950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663561 | Gm43424 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106286 | MGI:5663561 | pseudogene | predicted gene 43424 |
3 | pseudogene | 57.27174 | 57.27237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010845 | Gm18660 | NCBI_Gene:100417512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104534 | MGI:5010845 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18660 |
3 | gene | 57.28561 | 57.30199 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104678 | Tm4sf1 | NCBI_Gene:17112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027800 | MGI:104678 | protein coding gene | transmembrane 4 superfamily member 1 |
3 | pseudogene | 57.36225 | 57.36361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646382 | Gm5276 | NCBI_Gene:383862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105452 | MGI:3646382 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5276 |
3 | gene | 57.37929 | 57.39455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591526 | Gm32367 | NCBI_Gene:102634892 | MGI:5591526 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32367 |
3 | gene | 57.42531 | 57.44168 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385173 | Tm4sf4 | NCBI_Gene:229302,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027801 | MGI:2385173 | protein coding gene | transmembrane 4 superfamily member 4 |
3 | gene | 57.45564 | 57.57591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917649 | Wwtr1 | NCBI_Gene:97064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027803 | MGI:1917649 | protein coding gene | WW domain containing transcription regulator 1 |
3 | pseudogene | 57.52655 | 57.53048 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802068 | Gm16016 | NCBI_Gene:105244448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083538 | MGI:3802068 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16016 |
3 | gene | 57.61259 | 57.62736 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477165 | Gm26671 | NCBI_Gene:102635136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097339 | MGI:5477165 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26671 |
3 | gene | 57.61661 | 57.61672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530798 | Mir6377 | miRBase:MI0021907,NCBI_Gene:102465197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098401 | MGI:5530798 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6377 |
3 | gene | 57.63688 | 57.64084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663574 | Gm43437 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104965 | MGI:5663574 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 43437 |
3 | gene | 57.63768 | 57.64073 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826442 | Gm46805 | NCBI_Gene:108168872 | MGI:5826442 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46805 |
3 | gene | 57.64435 | 57.65172 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098806 | Commd2 | NCBI_Gene:52245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036513 | MGI:1098806 | protein coding gene | COMM domain containing 2 |
3 | gene | 57.65440 | 57.65558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140033 | BB187690 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105389 | MGI:2140033 | unclassified gene | expressed sequence BB187690 |
3 | gene | 57.65739 | 57.69280 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685256 | Ankub1 | NCBI_Gene:242037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074591 | MGI:2685256 | protein coding gene | ankrin repeat and ubiquitin domain containing 1 |
3 | gene | 57.69618 | 57.69748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663235 | Gm43098 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106635 | MGI:5663235 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 43098 |
3 | pseudogene | 57.71777 | 57.71832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648319 | Gm6394 | NCBI_Gene:623114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104623 | MGI:3648319 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6394 |
3 | gene | 57.73604 | 57.83543 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346341 | Rnf13 | NCBI_Gene:24017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036503 | MGI:1346341 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 13 |
3 | pseudogene | 57.76582 | 57.76667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780052 | Gm9645 | NCBI_Gene:675537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106421 | MGI:3780052 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9645 |
3 | pseudogene | 57.80976 | 57.81027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010136 | Gm17951 | NCBI_Gene:100416165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106006 | MGI:5010136 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17951 |
3 | gene | 57.82159 | 57.82240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925970 | D530035G10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D530035G10 gene |
3 | gene | 57.84190 | 57.84808 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97550 | Pfn2 | NCBI_Gene:18645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027805 | MGI:97550 | protein coding gene | profilin 2 |
3 | gene | 57.92209 | 57.92219 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454308 | Gm24531 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088570 | MGI:5454308 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24531 |
3 | pseudogene | 57.94292 | 57.94315 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5662648 | Gm42511 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104730 | MGI:5662648 | pseudogene | predicted gene 42511 |
3 | gene | 57.94911 | 57.97883 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591912 | Gm32753 | NCBI_Gene:102635402 | MGI:5591912 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32753 |
3 | gene | 57.95198 | 58.03171 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622940 | Gm40055 | NCBI_Gene:105244449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105003 | MGI:5622940 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40055 |
3 | pseudogene | 57.96219 | 57.96337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011052 | Gm18867 | NCBI_Gene:100417858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106246 | MGI:5011052 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18867 |
3 | gene | 58.07972 | 58.08183 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5662650 | Gm42513 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105065 | MGI:5662650 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 42513 |
3 | gene | 58.08960 | 58.16235 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622941 | Gm40056 | NCBI_Gene:105244450 | MGI:5622941 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40056 |
3 | pseudogene | 58.10256 | 58.10430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643179 | Gm5537 | NCBI_Gene:433594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069008 | MGI:3643179 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5537 |
3 | gene | 58.11705 | 58.16762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925506 | 4921539H07Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104586 | MGI:1925506 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921539H07 gene |
3 | gene | 58.14171 | 58.16381 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915100 | 1700007F19Rik | NCBI_Gene:67850,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100666 | MGI:1915100 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700007F19 gene |
3 | gene | 58.21192 | 58.21337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622942 | Gm40057 | NCBI_Gene:105244451 | MGI:5622942 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40057 |
3 | gene | 58.29025 | 58.29036 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455943 | Gm26166 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065722 | MGI:5455943 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26166 |
3 | gene | 58.30186 | 58.31762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592006 | Gm32847 | NCBI_Gene:102635539 | MGI:5592006 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32847 |
3 | pseudogene | 58.31494 | 58.31531 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663867 | Gm43730 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106176 | MGI:5663867 | pseudogene | predicted gene 43730 |
3 | pseudogene | 58.40465 | 58.40512 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012313 | Gm20128 | NCBI_Gene:100504238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105154 | MGI:5012313 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20128 |
3 | gene | 58.41472 | 58.46679 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919283 | Tsc22d2 | NCBI_Gene:72033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027806 | MGI:1919283 | protein coding gene | TSC22 domain family, member 2 |
3 | gene | 58.43268 | 58.43301 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1338064 | Gdap9 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | ganglioside-induced differentiation-associated-protein 9 |
3 | gene | 58.51982 | 58.52589 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_92638 | Serp1 | NCBI_Gene:28146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027808 | MGI:92638 | protein coding gene | stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1 |
3 | gene | 58.52582 | 58.55750 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098684 | Eif2a | NCBI_Gene:229317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027810 | MGI:1098684 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A |
3 | gene | 58.52693 | 58.52812 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925148 | 6720482G16Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106553 | MGI:1925148 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6720482G16 gene |
3 | gene | 58.57664 | 58.59354 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916477 | Selenot | NCBI_Gene:69227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075700 | MGI:1916477 | protein coding gene | selenoprotein T |
3 | gene | 58.61630 | 58.63721 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588212 | Erich6 | NCBI_Gene:545527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070471 | MGI:3588212 | protein coding gene | glutamate rich 6 |
3 | gene | 58.63671 | 58.63749 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826443 | Gm46806 | NCBI_Gene:108168873 | MGI:5826443 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46806 |
3 | pseudogene | 58.65204 | 58.65404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779790 | Gm8234 | NCBI_Gene:666680,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105021 | MGI:3779790 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8234 |
3 | pseudogene | 58.66547 | 58.66664 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2139888 | AU022133 | NCBI_Gene:100417266,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105336 | MGI:2139888 | pseudogene | expressed sequence AU022133 |
3 | gene | 58.67494 | 58.69244 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108062 | Siah2 | NCBI_Gene:20439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036432 | MGI:108062 | protein coding gene | siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 |
3 | gene | 58.69259 | 58.79733 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923132 | 4930593A02Rik | NCBI_Gene:71301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097725 | MGI:1923132 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930593A02 gene |
3 | gene | 58.69756 | 58.69867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925070 | A930028O11Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105226 | MGI:1925070 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930028O11 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 58.76149 | 58.76275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592251 | Gm33092 | NCBI_Gene:102635856 | MGI:5592251 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33092 |
3 | pseudogene | 58.78841 | 58.82231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140018 | Mindy4b-ps | NCBI_Gene:100040293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101860 | MGI:2140018 | pseudogene | MINDY lysine 48 deubiquitinase 4B, pseudogene |
3 | gene | 58.82499 | 58.83590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622944 | Gm40059 | NCBI_Gene:105244453 | MGI:5622944 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40059 |
3 | gene | 58.84210 | 58.86675 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622945 | Gm40060 | NCBI_Gene:105244454 | MGI:5622945 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40060 |
3 | gene | 58.84403 | 58.88534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2388124 | Clrn1 | NCBI_Gene:229320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043850 | MGI:2388124 | protein coding gene | clarin 1 |
3 | gene | 58.97563 | 58.97573 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452268 | Gm22491 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087815 | MGI:5452268 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22491 |
3 | gene | 58.97886 | 58.97903 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455349 | Gm25572 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088152 | MGI:5455349 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25572 |
3 | pseudogene | 58.98713 | 58.98786 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642685 | Rpl13-ps6 | NCBI_Gene:100040416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059776 | MGI:3642685 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L13, pseudogene 6 |
3 | gene | 59.00162 | 59.00169 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531175 | Gm27793 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099052 | MGI:5531175 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27793 |
3 | gene | 59.00247 | 59.00616 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663707 | Gm43570 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105945 | MGI:5663707 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 43570 |
3 | gene | 59.00559 | 59.31868 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2139916 | Med12l | NCBI_Gene:329650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056476 | MGI:2139916 | protein coding gene | mediator complex subunit 12-like |
3 | gene | 59.09645 | 59.10182 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442043 | Gpr171 | NCBI_Gene:229323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050075 | MGI:2442043 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 171 |
3 | gene | 59.11386 | 59.15362 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2155705 | P2ry14 | NCBI_Gene:140795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036381 | MGI:2155705 | protein coding gene | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 14 |
3 | gene | 59.14630 | 59.15363 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444074 | F630111L10Rik | NCBI_Gene:320463 | MGI:2444074 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA F630111L10 gene |
3 | gene | 59.17890 | 59.19547 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1934133 | Gpr87 | NCBI_Gene:84111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051431 | MGI:1934133 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 87 |
3 | gene | 59.20789 | 59.21088 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921441 | P2ry13 | NCBI_Gene:74191,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036362 | MGI:1921441 | protein coding gene | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 13 |
3 | gene | 59.21627 | 59.26301 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918089 | P2ry12 | NCBI_Gene:70839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036353 | MGI:1918089 | protein coding gene | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 12 |
3 | gene | 59.26979 | 59.27131 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663726 | Gm43589 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104550 | MGI:5663726 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 43589 |
3 | gene | 59.31674 | 59.34444 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923481 | Igsf10 | NCBI_Gene:242050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036334 | MGI:1923481 | protein coding gene | immunoglobulin superfamily, member 10 |
3 | gene | 59.34427 | 59.35117 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611414 | Gm38186 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103668 | MGI:5611414 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38186 |
3 | pseudogene | 59.42453 | 59.42476 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610943 | Gm37715 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102247 | MGI:5610943 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37715 |
3 | pseudogene | 59.43154 | 59.43335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648019 | Gm8276 | NCBI_Gene:666756,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102550 | MGI:3648019 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8276 |
3 | pseudogene | 59.46967 | 59.47409 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611516 | Gm38288 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103211 | MGI:5611516 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38288 |
3 | gene | 59.47493 | 59.47500 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4414092 | n-TVcac1 | NCBI_Gene:102467620 | MGI:4414092 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA valine 1 (anticodon CAC) |
3 | pseudogene | 59.48302 | 59.48329 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610999 | Gm37771 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104038 | MGI:5610999 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37771 |
3 | pseudogene | 59.50558 | 59.53523 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644725 | Gm4856 | NCBI_Gene:229330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103598 | MGI:3644725 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4856 |
3 | pseudogene | 59.60245 | 59.63576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644280 | Gm5709 | NCBI_Gene:435732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095128 | MGI:3644280 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5709 |
3 | gene | 59.66286 | 59.66528 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611154 | Gm37926 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102480 | MGI:5611154 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37926 |
3 | gene | 59.72979 | 59.75240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779495 | Aadacl2fm2 | NCBI_Gene:433597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090527 | MGI:3779495 | protein coding gene | AADACL2 family member 2 |
3 | pseudogene | 59.73675 | 59.73686 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611436 | Gm38208 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104471 | MGI:5611436 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38208 |
3 | pseudogene | 59.73718 | 59.73732 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610807 | Gm37579 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102390 | MGI:5610807 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37579 |
3 | pseudogene | 59.76721 | 59.76891 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644451 | Gm5539 | NCBI_Gene:433598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103986 | MGI:3644451 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5539 |
3 | gene | 59.77781 | 59.84682 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921922 | 4930449A18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074589 | MGI:1921922 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930449A18 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 59.78322 | 59.78863 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780925 | Gm2756 | NCBI_Gene:100040407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102757 | MGI:3780925 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2756 |
3 | gene | 59.83837 | 59.84682 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4361133 | Gm16527 | NCBI_Gene:669780 | MGI:4361133 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 16527 |
3 | gene | 59.86105 | 59.87731 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643798 | Aadacl2fm3 | NCBI_Gene:666803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095522 | MGI:3643798 | protein coding gene | AADACL2 family member 3 |
3 | gene | 59.92521 | 59.93795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028051 | Aadacl2fm1 | NCBI_Gene:229333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036951 | MGI:3028051 | protein coding gene | AADACL2 family member 1 |
3 | pseudogene | 59.95231 | 59.97359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819177 | Gm9696 | NCBI_Gene:676914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070465 | MGI:3819177 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9696 |
3 | gene | 60.00674 | 60.02542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646333 | Aadacl2 | NCBI_Gene:639634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091376 | MGI:3646333 | protein coding gene | arylacetamide deacetylase like 2 |
3 | pseudogene | 60.02036 | 60.02087 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010612 | Gm18427 | NCBI_Gene:100417154,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103177 | MGI:5010612 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18427 |
3 | gene | 60.02572 | 60.04016 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915008 | Aadac | NCBI_Gene:67758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027761 | MGI:1915008 | protein coding gene | arylacetamide deacetylase |
3 | gene | 60.08187 | 60.08757 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1934135 | Sucnr1 | NCBI_Gene:84112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027762 | MGI:1934135 | protein coding gene | succinate receptor 1 |
3 | gene | 60.12764 | 60.12775 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454159 | Gm24382 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084647 | MGI:5454159 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24382 |
3 | gene | 60.29342 | 60.30941 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592809 | Gm33650 | NCBI_Gene:102636642 | MGI:5592809 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33650 |
3 | pseudogene | 60.34219 | 60.34309 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779880 | Tgif1-ps | NCBI_Gene:669823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107270 | MGI:3779880 | pseudogene | TGFB-induced factor homeobox 1, pseudogene |
3 | gene | 60.47279 | 60.62975 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928482 | Mbnl1 | NCBI_Gene:56758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027763 | MGI:1928482 | protein coding gene | muscleblind like splicing factor 1 |
3 | gene | 60.53575 | 60.53974 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610817 | Gm37589 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104235 | MGI:5610817 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37589 |
3 | gene | 60.57770 | 60.58136 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012001 | Gm19816 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene%2c 19816 |
3 | gene | 60.60438 | 60.60776 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610716 | Gm37488 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104125 | MGI:5610716 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37488 |
3 | pseudogene | 60.73763 | 60.73779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611508 | Gm38280 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104337 | MGI:5611508 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38280 |
3 | pseudogene | 60.76958 | 60.77164 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592866 | Gm33707 | NCBI_Gene:102636711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102298 | MGI:5592866 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33707 |
3 | gene | 60.78148 | 61.00379 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610263 | Gm37035 | NCBI_Gene:105244455,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102564 | MGI:5610263 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37035 |
3 | gene | 60.78836 | 60.79473 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611554 | Gm38326 | NCBI_Gene:102642162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103587 | MGI:5611554 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38326 |
3 | pseudogene | 60.86071 | 60.86109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610213 | Gm36985 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102490 | MGI:5610213 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 36985 |
3 | pseudogene | 60.87700 | 60.87884 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644852 | Gm8325 | NCBI_Gene:666853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027694 | MGI:3644852 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 8325 |
3 | gene | 61.00279 | 61.00898 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105049 | P2ry1 | NCBI_Gene:18441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027765 | MGI:105049 | protein coding gene | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 1 |
3 | pseudogene | 61.29116 | 61.29145 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610947 | Gm37719 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102242 | MGI:5610947 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37719 |
3 | pseudogene | 61.32849 | 61.32923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012086 | Gm19901 | NCBI_Gene:100503798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102667 | MGI:5012086 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19901 |
3 | gene | 61.35855 | 61.36190 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610924 | Gm37696 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103473 | MGI:5610924 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37696 |
3 | gene | 61.36164 | 61.36870 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921262 | Rap2b | NCBI_Gene:74012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036894 | MGI:1921262 | protein coding gene | RAP2B, member of RAS oncogene family |
3 | gene | 61.36225 | 61.36595 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3697707 | B430305J03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053706 | MGI:3697707 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA B430305J03 gene |
3 | gene | 61.39215 | 61.41303 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622946 | Gm40061 | NCBI_Gene:105244456 | MGI:5622946 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40061 |
3 | pseudogene | 61.46166 | 61.46288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643135 | Gm8349 | NCBI_Gene:666891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098208 | MGI:3643135 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8349 |
3 | pseudogene | 62.06754 | 62.06979 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780107 | Gm9700 | NCBI_Gene:676965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104489 | MGI:3780107 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9700 |
3 | gene | 62.12321 | 62.12356 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610632 | Gm37404 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103322 | MGI:5610632 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37404 |
3 | gene | 62.33752 | 62.34053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704218 | 9330121J05Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103502 | MGI:3704218 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330121J05 gene |
3 | gene | 62.33834 | 62.46222 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918053 | Arhgef26 | NCBI_Gene:622434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036885 | MGI:1918053 | protein coding gene | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 26 |
3 | gene | 62.34139 | 62.35052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593082 | Gm33923 | NCBI_Gene:102637008 | MGI:5593082 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33923 |
3 | gene | 62.46801 | 62.50703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919412 | Dhx36 | NCBI_Gene:72162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027770 | MGI:1919412 | protein coding gene | DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 36 |
3 | gene | 62.52908 | 62.60544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443628 | Gpr149 | NCBI_Gene:229357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043441 | MGI:2443628 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 149 |
3 | gene | 62.60493 | 62.76393 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593207 | Gm34048 | NCBI_Gene:102637165 | MGI:5593207 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34048 |
3 | pseudogene | 62.76144 | 62.76202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010567 | Gm18382 | NCBI_Gene:100417044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103764 | MGI:5010567 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18382 |
3 | gene | 62.77198 | 62.86064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622947 | Gm40062 | NCBI_Gene:105244457 | MGI:5622947 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40062 |
3 | gene | 62.86768 | 62.88900 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622948 | Gm40063 | NCBI_Gene:105244458 | MGI:5622948 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40063 |
3 | pseudogene | 62.92376 | 62.92426 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780108 | Gm9701 | NCBI_Gene:676984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063001 | MGI:3780108 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9701 |
3 | gene | 63.15222 | 63.15236 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452210 | Gm22433 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089175 | MGI:5452210 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22433 |
3 | pseudogene | 63.17311 | 63.17386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645001 | Gm8388 | NCBI_Gene:666967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102270 | MGI:3645001 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8388 |
3 | gene | 63.23282 | 63.24545 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622949 | Gm40064 | NCBI_Gene:105244459 | MGI:5622949 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40064 |
3 | gene | 63.24154 | 63.38603 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97004 | Mme | NCBI_Gene:17380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027820 | MGI:97004 | protein coding gene | membrane metallo endopeptidase |
3 | gene | 63.43925 | 63.45790 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593399 | Gm34240 | NCBI_Gene:102637430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104336 | MGI:5593399 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34240 |
3 | gene | 63.48110 | 63.48391 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593461 | Strit1 | NCBI_Gene:102637511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103476 | MGI:5593461 | protein coding gene | small transmembrane regulator of ion transport 1 |
3 | gene | 63.48388 | 63.48437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610507 | Gm37279 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102883 | MGI:5610507 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37279 |
3 | gene | 63.48899 | 63.48910 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454723 | Gm24946 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088957 | MGI:5454723 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24946 |
3 | gene | 63.69620 | 63.89972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2683547 | Plch1 | NCBI_Gene:269437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036834 | MGI:2683547 | protein coding gene | phospholipase C, eta 1 |
3 | gene | 63.77021 | 63.77031 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453277 | Gm23500 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088360 | MGI:5453277 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23500 |
3 | gene | 63.79610 | 63.83685 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826444 | Gm46807 | NCBI_Gene:108168874 | MGI:5826444 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46807 |
3 | pseudogene | 63.82579 | 63.82644 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802047 | Gm16162 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090131 | MGI:3802047 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16162 |
3 | pseudogene | 63.84312 | 63.84407 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801947 | Gm16129 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085290 | MGI:3801947 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16129 |
3 | pseudogene | 63.90543 | 63.90573 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593538 | Gm34379 | NCBI_Gene:102637617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103905 | MGI:5593538 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 34379 |
3 | gene | 63.91468 | 63.92947 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3607716 | E130311K13Rik | NCBI_Gene:329659,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048581 | MGI:3607716 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA E130311K13 gene |
3 | gene | 63.93351 | 63.96477 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1332247 | Slc33a1 | NCBI_Gene:11416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027822 | MGI:1332247 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 33 (acetyl-CoA transporter), member 1 |
3 | gene | 63.96363 | 63.96866 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477344 | Gm26850 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097724 | MGI:5477344 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26850 |
3 | gene | 63.96482 | 64.02258 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2448526 | Gmps | NCBI_Gene:229363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027823 | MGI:2448526 | protein coding gene | guanine monophosphate synthetase |
3 | pseudogene | 64.05303 | 64.05561 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757653 | Vmn2r-ps3 | NCBI_Gene:100124546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090303 | MGI:3757653 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 3 |
3 | gene | 64.07977 | 64.22085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645892 | Vmn2r1 | NCBI_Gene:56544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027824 | MGI:3645892 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 1 |
3 | gene | 64.10963 | 64.10974 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5451942 | Gm22165 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089039 | MGI:5451942 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22165 |
3 | gene | 64.11528 | 64.17092 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757666 | Vmn2r2 | NCBI_Gene:100125586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043897 | MGI:3757666 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 2 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.16339 | 64.16385 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779465 | Gm5139 | NCBI_Gene:380739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093447 | MGI:3779465 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5139 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.19557 | 64.21368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010479 | Gm18294 | NCBI_Gene:100416861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093416 | MGI:5010479 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18294 |
3 | gene | 64.23373 | 64.23546 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593621 | Gm34462 | NCBI_Gene:102637724 | MGI:5593621 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34462 |
3 | gene | 64.25722 | 64.28971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643995 | Vmn2r3 | NCBI_Gene:637004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091572 | MGI:3643995 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 3 |
3 | gene | 64.27582 | 64.27619 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1345615 | Ifld3 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | induced in fatty liver dystrophy 3 |
3 | gene | 64.31841 | 64.31856 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453674 | Gm23897 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088735 | MGI:5453674 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23897 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.32866 | 64.33285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757669 | Vmn2r-ps4 | NCBI_Gene:100124547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093503 | MGI:3757669 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 4 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.33956 | 64.35772 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645404 | Vmn2r-ps5 | NCBI_Gene:667031,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091967 | MGI:3645404 | polymorphic pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 5 |
3 | gene | 64.38304 | 64.41537 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648229 | Vmn2r4 | NCBI_Gene:637053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092049 | MGI:3648229 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 4 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.43688 | 64.43829 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757678 | Vmn2r-ps6 | NCBI_Gene:100124548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093395 | MGI:3757678 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 6 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.44260 | 64.44397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757679 | Vmn2r-ps7 | NCBI_Gene:672951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093546 | MGI:3757679 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 7 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.44797 | 64.46009 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5313103 | Gm20656 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093671 | MGI:5313103 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20656 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.47702 | 64.47932 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757680 | Vmn2r-ps8 | NCBI_Gene:100124549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094482 | MGI:3757680 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 8 |
3 | gene | 64.48861 | 64.50984 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649074 | Vmn2r5 | NCBI_Gene:667060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068999 | MGI:3649074 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 5 |
3 | gene | 64.53131 | 64.56583 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649068 | Vmn2r6 | NCBI_Gene:667069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090581 | MGI:3649068 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 6 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.59152 | 64.59290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757686 | Vmn2r-ps9 | NCBI_Gene:100124550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093699 | MGI:3757686 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 9 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.59691 | 64.60577 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5313104 | Gm20657 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093484 | MGI:5313104 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20657 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.60043 | 64.60114 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781218 | Gm3040 | NCBI_Gene:100416170 | MGI:3781218 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3040 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.62169 | 64.62399 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757943 | Vmn2r-ps10 | NCBI_Gene:100124554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095107 | MGI:3757943 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 10 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.63257 | 64.84474 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441682 | Vmn2r-ps11 | NCBI_Gene:319210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093434 | MGI:2441682 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 11 |
3 | gene | 64.63286 | 64.84474 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504054 | Gm26939 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097538 | MGI:5504054 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26939 |
3 | gene | 64.68504 | 64.84476 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441693 | Vmn2r7 | NCBI_Gene:319217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062200 | MGI:2441693 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 7 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.74475 | 64.74564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757944 | Vmn2r-ps12 | NCBI_Gene:100125273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093474 | MGI:3757944 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 12 |
3 | gene | 64.89447 | 64.89460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454999 | Gm25222 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088824 | MGI:5454999 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25222 |
3 | pseudogene | 64.89885 | 64.89976 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757946 | Vmn2r-ps13 | NCBI_Gene:670110,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093767 | MGI:3757946 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 13 |
3 | gene | 64.94905 | 65.37823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109155 | Kcnab1 | NCBI_Gene:16497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027827 | MGI:109155 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta member 1 |
3 | gene | 64.94922 | 65.22370 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611276 | Gm38048 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102437 | MGI:5611276 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38048 |
3 | gene | 65.13306 | 65.30268 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443553 | A330015K06Rik | NCBI_Gene:102637797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104093 | MGI:2443553 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A330015K06 gene |
3 | gene | 65.32402 | 65.34943 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442748 | A730090N16Rik | NCBI_Gene:319798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090120 | MGI:2442748 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A730090N16 gene |
3 | gene | 65.37965 | 65.39262 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914687 | Ssr3 | NCBI_Gene:67437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027828 | MGI:1914687 | protein coding gene | signal sequence receptor, gamma |
3 | pseudogene | 65.39332 | 65.39629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644824 | Gm5540 | NCBI_Gene:433604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048916 | MGI:3644824 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5540 |
3 | gene | 65.44941 | 65.47981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593735 | Gm34576 | NCBI_Gene:102637876 | MGI:5593735 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34576 |
3 | gene | 65.49409 | 65.49563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593939 | Gm34780 | NCBI_Gene:102638146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103513 | MGI:5593939 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34780 |
3 | gene | 65.49517 | 65.51729 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622951 | Gm40066 | NCBI_Gene:105244461 | MGI:5622951 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40066 |
3 | pseudogene | 65.50628 | 65.50664 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610237 | Gm37009 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103880 | MGI:5610237 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37009 |
3 | gene | 65.50646 | 65.52004 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621388 | Gm38503 | NCBI_Gene:102637953 | MGI:5621388 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38503 |
3 | gene | 65.50726 | 65.52941 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918254 | 4931440P22Rik | NCBI_Gene:71004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074580 | MGI:1918254 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931440P22 gene |
3 | gene | 65.52570 | 65.52579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452056 | Gm22279 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087825 | MGI:5452056 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22279 |
3 | gene | 65.52841 | 65.55552 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2159210 | Tiparp | NCBI_Gene:99929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034640 | MGI:2159210 | protein coding gene | TCDD-inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase |
3 | gene | 65.57522 | 65.58085 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594083 | Gm34924 | NCBI_Gene:102638334 | MGI:5594083 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34924 |
3 | pseudogene | 65.61350 | 65.61532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648046 | Gm5847 | NCBI_Gene:545530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082280 | MGI:3648046 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5847 |
3 | pseudogene | 65.61537 | 65.61617 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611461 | Gm38233 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103294 | MGI:5611461 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38233 |
3 | gene | 65.65929 | 65.65943 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531019 | Mir8120 | miRBase:MI0026052,NCBI_Gene:102465905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098944 | MGI:5531019 | miRNA gene | microRNA 8120 |
3 | gene | 65.65954 | 65.83248 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645902 | Lekr1 | NCBI_Gene:624866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074579 | MGI:3645902 | protein coding gene | leucine, glutamate and lysine rich 1 |
3 | gene | 65.67839 | 65.68088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611004 | Gm37776 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104037 | MGI:5611004 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37776 |
3 | gene | 65.77151 | 65.77162 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455532 | Gm25755 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065330 | MGI:5455532 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25755 |
3 | gene | 65.82912 | 65.87228 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610587 | Gm37359 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103620 | MGI:5610587 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37359 |
3 | gene | 65.86327 | 65.86483 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610359 | Gm37131 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103440 | MGI:5610359 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37131 |
3 | gene | 65.92610 | 65.92828 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594198 | Gm35039 | NCBI_Gene:102638487 | MGI:5594198 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35039 |
3 | pseudogene | 65.93349 | 65.93391 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610265 | Gm37037 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102566 | MGI:5610265 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37037 |
3 | gene | 65.94591 | 65.95839 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922664 | Ccnl1 | NCBI_Gene:56706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027829 | MGI:1922664 | protein coding gene | cyclin L1 |
3 | gene | 65.95776 | 65.96204 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610533 | Gm37305 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103041 | MGI:5610533 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37305 |
3 | pseudogene | 65.96873 | 65.97028 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594265 | Gm35106 | NCBI_Gene:105244463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102914 | MGI:5594265 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 35106 |
3 | gene | 65.96991 | 65.97192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610306 | Gm37078 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102652 | MGI:5610306 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37078 |
3 | pseudogene | 65.98716 | 65.98975 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011209 | Gm19024 | NCBI_Gene:100418133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103641 | MGI:5011209 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19024 |
3 | pseudogene | 66.02950 | 66.03152 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643872 | Gm6546 | NCBI_Gene:625048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103369 | MGI:3643872 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6546 |
3 | gene | 66.05356 | 66.29707 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920039 | Veph1 | NCBI_Gene:72789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027831 | MGI:1920039 | protein coding gene | ventricular zone expressed PH domain-containing 1 |
3 | gene | 66.08668 | 66.08779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611050 | Gm37822 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104189 | MGI:5611050 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37822 |
3 | gene | 66.08811 | 66.08826 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456219 | Gm26442 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064522 | MGI:5456219 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26442 |
3 | pseudogene | 66.09981 | 66.10006 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610201 | Gm36973 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104307 | MGI:5610201 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 36973 |
3 | pseudogene | 66.12840 | 66.12975 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98800 | Tpi-rs2 | NCBI_Gene:111205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097968 | MGI:98800 | pseudogene | triosephosphate isomerase related sequence 2 |
3 | pseudogene | 66.19109 | 66.19124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610558 | Gm37330 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103208 | MGI:5610558 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37330 |
3 | gene | 66.21989 | 66.22581 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104641 | Ptx3 | NCBI_Gene:19288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027832 | MGI:104641 | protein coding gene | pentraxin related gene |
3 | pseudogene | 66.36454 | 66.36463 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6275305 | Gm50014 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117623 | MGI:6275305 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50014 |
3 | gene | 66.37430 | 66.38810 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594343 | Gm35184 | NCBI_Gene:102638679 | MGI:5594343 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35184 |
3 | gene | 66.40041 | 66.40607 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594395 | Gm35236 | NCBI_Gene:102638746 | MGI:5594395 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35236 |
3 | pseudogene | 66.56278 | 66.56355 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010137 | Gm17952 | NCBI_Gene:100416166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103600 | MGI:5010137 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17952 |
3 | pseudogene | 66.88235 | 66.88314 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646021 | Gm6555 | NCBI_Gene:625115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103700 | MGI:3646021 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6555 |
3 | pseudogene | 66.90736 | 66.90777 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611584 | Gm38356 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103318 | MGI:5611584 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38356 |
3 | pseudogene | 66.95354 | 66.95386 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663653 | Gm43516 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105794 | MGI:5663653 | pseudogene | predicted gene 43516 |
3 | gene | 66.97172 | 66.98177 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201673 | Shox2 | NCBI_Gene:20429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027833 | MGI:1201673 | protein coding gene | short stature homeobox 2 |
3 | gene | 66.98139 | 67.35840 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914130 | Rsrc1 | NCBI_Gene:66880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034544 | MGI:1914130 | protein coding gene | arginine/serine-rich coiled-coil 1 |
3 | gene | 67.05596 | 67.05606 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452072 | Gm22295 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065245 | MGI:5452072 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22295 |
3 | gene | 67.36546 | 67.37516 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4937036 | Gm17402 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090408 | MGI:4937036 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 17402 |
3 | gene | 67.37410 | 67.40000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1341819 | Mlf1 | NCBI_Gene:17349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048416 | MGI:1341819 | protein coding gene | myeloid leukemia factor 1 |
3 | gene | 67.43010 | 67.47653 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107339 | Gfm1 | NCBI_Gene:28030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027774 | MGI:107339 | protein coding gene | G elongation factor, mitochondrial 1 |
3 | gene | 67.45800 | 67.46393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107633 | Lxn | NCBI_Gene:17035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047557 | MGI:107633 | protein coding gene | latexin |
3 | gene | 67.47698 | 67.47882 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5662705 | Gm42568 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103703 | MGI:5662705 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 42568 |
3 | gene | 67.47889 | 67.51552 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924461 | Rarres1 | NCBI_Gene:109222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049404 | MGI:1924461 | protein coding gene | retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 1 |
3 | gene | 67.51567 | 67.51966 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622952 | Gm40067 | NCBI_Gene:105244464 | MGI:5622952 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40067 |
3 | gene | 67.52266 | 67.55343 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594458 | Gm35299 | NCBI_Gene:102638825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103718 | MGI:5594458 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35299 |
3 | gene | 67.57057 | 67.57282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921179 | 4930402C01Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104382 | MGI:1921179 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930402C01 gene |
3 | gene | 67.57316 | 67.57329 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455696 | Gm25919 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077459 | MGI:5455696 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25919 |
3 | gene | 67.58274 | 67.60424 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914118 | Mfsd1 | NCBI_Gene:66868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027775 | MGI:1914118 | protein coding gene | major facilitator superfamily domain containing 1 |
3 | pseudogene | 67.60575 | 67.60785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648243 | Gm8515 | NCBI_Gene:667207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103206 | MGI:3648243 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8515 |
3 | pseudogene | 67.61978 | 67.62073 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685258 | Gm412 | NCBI_Gene:208424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103606 | MGI:2685258 | pseudogene | predicted gene 412 |
3 | pseudogene | 67.68436 | 67.68475 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610829 | Gm37601 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102746 | MGI:5610829 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37601 |
3 | pseudogene | 67.74197 | 67.74330 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010902 | Gm18717 | NCBI_Gene:100417618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104477 | MGI:5010902 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18717 |
3 | gene | 67.75360 | 67.75565 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594566 | Gm35407 | NCBI_Gene:102638975 | MGI:5594566 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35407 |
3 | gene | 67.75566 | 67.76628 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622953 | Gm40068 | NCBI_Gene:105244465 | MGI:5622953 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40068 |
3 | gene | 67.89222 | 68.05659 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644166 | Iqcj | NCBI_Gene:208426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051777 | MGI:3644166 | protein coding gene | IQ motif containing J |
3 | gene | 67.89222 | 68.62648 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439400 | Iqschfp | NCBI_Gene:100505386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102422 | MGI:5439400 | protein coding gene | Iqcj and Schip1 fusion protein |
3 | gene | 68.06480 | 68.62648 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353557 | Schip1 | NCBI_Gene:30953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027777 | MGI:1353557 | protein coding gene | schwannomin interacting protein 1 |
3 | pseudogene | 68.30377 | 68.31036 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648047 | Gm5848 | NCBI_Gene:545531 | MGI:3648047 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5848 |
3 | pseudogene | 68.33319 | 68.33378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642851 | Gm10292 | NCBI_Gene:631379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102846 | MGI:3642851 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10292 |
3 | gene | 68.40778 | 68.41470 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641783 | Gm10723 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103345 | MGI:3641783 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10723 |
3 | gene | 68.54752 | 68.54771 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451850 | Gm22073 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084617 | MGI:5451850 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22073 |
3 | gene | 68.69064 | 68.69855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96539 | Il12a | NCBI_Gene:16159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027776 | MGI:96539 | protein coding gene | interleukin 12a |
3 | pseudogene | 68.73314 | 68.73808 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3708676 | Gm10040 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058360 | MGI:3708676 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10040 |
3 | gene | 68.75991 | 68.76143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922468 | 4930535E02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102677 | MGI:1922468 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930535E02 gene |
3 | gene | 68.76136 | 68.76267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594743 | Gm35584 | NCBI_Gene:102639225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102936 | MGI:5594743 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35584 |
3 | pseudogene | 68.84608 | 68.84741 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644317 | Gm7270 | NCBI_Gene:639530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102853 | MGI:3644317 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7270 |
3 | gene | 68.86792 | 68.87027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4937275 | Gm17641 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091272 | MGI:4937275 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 17641 |
3 | gene | 68.86959 | 68.87216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915975 | 1110032F04Rik | NCBI_Gene:68725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046999 | MGI:1915975 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110032F04 gene |
3 | gene | 68.89250 | 69.00464 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915509 | Ift80 | NCBI_Gene:68259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027778 | MGI:1915509 | protein coding gene | intraflagellar transport 80 |
3 | pseudogene | 68.90017 | 68.90045 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5313136 | Gm20689 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093384 | MGI:5313136 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20689 |
3 | pseudogene | 68.90181 | 68.90216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5313137 | Gm20690 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093730,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103007 | MGI:5313137 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20690 |
3 | pseudogene | 68.90216 | 68.90278 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010773 | Gm18588 | NCBI_Gene:100417394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093402 | MGI:5010773 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18588 |
3 | pseudogene | 68.90382 | 68.90415 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5313138 | Gm20691 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093505 | MGI:5313138 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20691 |
3 | gene | 68.91650 | 68.91732 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6097561 | Gm48183 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111756 | MGI:6097561 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 48183 |
3 | gene | 69.00474 | 69.03462 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917349 | Smc4 | NCBI_Gene:70099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034349 | MGI:1917349 | protein coding gene | structural maintenance of chromosomes 4 |
3 | gene | 69.00977 | 69.00983 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676842 | Mir15b | miRBase:MI0000140,NCBI_Gene:387175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065580 | MGI:2676842 | miRNA gene | microRNA 15b |
3 | gene | 69.00990 | 69.01000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3618690 | Mir16-2 | miRBase:MI0000566,NCBI_Gene:723949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065606 | MGI:3618690 | miRNA gene | microRNA 16-2 |
3 | gene | 69.03529 | 69.04640 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914199 | Trim59 | NCBI_Gene:66949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034317 | MGI:1914199 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 59 |
3 | gene | 69.06065 | 69.06525 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442898 | 9630025H16Rik | NCBI_Gene:105244467 | MGI:2442898 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9630025H16 gene |
3 | gene | 69.06715 | 69.12711 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100848 | Kpna4 | NCBI_Gene:16649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027782 | MGI:1100848 | protein coding gene | karyopherin (importin) alpha 4 |
3 | gene | 69.08510 | 69.08545 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451786 | Gm22009 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089417 | MGI:5451786 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22009 |
3 | gene | 69.11974 | 69.12272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610786 | Gm37558 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103094 | MGI:5610786 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37558 |
3 | gene | 69.13123 | 69.15718 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686493 | Gm1647 | NCBI_Gene:381452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094763 | MGI:2686493 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 1647 |
3 | gene | 69.22242 | 69.22362 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918869 | Arl14 | NCBI_Gene:71619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098207 | MGI:1918869 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosylation factor-like 14 |
3 | gene | 69.25461 | 69.26383 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622955 | Gm40070 | NCBI_Gene:105244468 | MGI:5622955 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40070 |
3 | gene | 69.31686 | 69.56080 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2139740 | Ppm1l | NCBI_Gene:242083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027784 | MGI:2139740 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1 (formerly 2C)-like |
3 | gene | 69.31816 | 69.31929 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920514 | 1700037N05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700037N05 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 69.32001 | 69.32062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4938041 | Gm17214 | NCBI_Gene:100416279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091315 | MGI:4938041 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17214 |
3 | pseudogene | 69.33519 | 69.33579 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4938039 | Gm17212 | NCBI_Gene:100416280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090941 | MGI:4938039 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17212 |
3 | gene | 69.37640 | 69.38370 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443158 | A330078L11Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A330078L11 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 69.43101 | 69.43238 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4938040 | Gm17213 | NCBI_Gene:100417908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090743 | MGI:4938040 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17213 |
3 | pseudogene | 69.56624 | 69.56747 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644126 | Gm8565 | NCBI_Gene:667309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098006 | MGI:3644126 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8565 |
3 | gene | 69.57392 | 69.59896 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1349405 | B3galnt1 | NCBI_Gene:26879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043300 | MGI:1349405 | protein coding gene | UDP-GalNAc:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosaminyltransferase, polypeptide 1 |
3 | pseudogene | 69.66177 | 69.66216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610608 | Gm37380 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102342 | MGI:5610608 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37380 |
3 | gene | 69.68547 | 69.68558 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455398 | Gm25621 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087848 | MGI:5455398 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 25621 |
3 | pseudogene | 69.71694 | 69.71744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98039 | Rpl32-ps | NCBI_Gene:19952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068969 | MGI:98039 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L32, pseudogene |
3 | gene | 69.72199 | 69.75637 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2140103 | Nmd3 | NCBI_Gene:97112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027787 | MGI:2140103 | protein coding gene | NMD3 ribosome export adaptor |
3 | gene | 69.75311 | 69.75637 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442565 | 9530051E23Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530051E23 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 69.80846 | 69.80902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011240 | Gm19055 | NCBI_Gene:100418175 | MGI:5011240 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19055 |
3 | gene | 69.81954 | 69.85994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913433 | Sptssb | NCBI_Gene:66183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043461 | MGI:1913433 | protein coding gene | serine palmitoyltransferase, small subunit B |
3 | gene | 69.88247 | 69.88411 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594976 | Gm35817 | NCBI_Gene:102639522 | MGI:5594976 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35817 |
3 | pseudogene | 69.95481 | 69.95568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010080 | Gm17895 | NCBI_Gene:100416058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103549 | MGI:5010080 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17895 |
3 | gene | 69.96232 | 69.96245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453261 | Gm23484 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077366 | MGI:5453261 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23484 |
3 | pseudogene | 69.96328 | 69.96347 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611012 | Gm37784 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102525 | MGI:5611012 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37784 |
3 | gene | 70.00761 | 70.02871 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685260 | Otol1 | NCBI_Gene:229389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027788 | MGI:2685260 | protein coding gene | otolin 1 |
3 | pseudogene | 70.05975 | 70.06047 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610909 | Gm37681 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103020 | MGI:5610909 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37681 |
3 | pseudogene | 70.11625 | 70.11653 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610813 | Gm37585 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103113 | MGI:5610813 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37585 |
3 | gene | 70.22875 | 70.22887 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453254 | Gm23477 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089507 | MGI:5453254 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23477 |
3 | pseudogene | 70.41328 | 70.41388 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644892 | Gm6631 | NCBI_Gene:625868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102663 | MGI:3644892 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6631 |
3 | pseudogene | 70.56626 | 70.56730 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610441 | Gm37213 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104023 | MGI:5610441 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37213 |
3 | pseudogene | 70.68909 | 70.68938 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642422 | Gm10780 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074877 | MGI:3642422 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10780 |
3 | gene | 70.77238 | 70.80729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643829 | Gm6634 | NCBI_Gene:625901,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097252 | MGI:3643829 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 6634 |
3 | pseudogene | 71.40104 | 71.40155 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646556 | Gm8599 | NCBI_Gene:108168916,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102666 | MGI:3646556 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8599 |
3 | pseudogene | 71.46523 | 71.46567 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611533 | Gm38305 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103396 | MGI:5611533 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38305 |
3 | pseudogene | 71.67252 | 71.67712 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011379 | Gm19194 | NCBI_Gene:100418413,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103815 | MGI:5011379 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19194 |
3 | pseudogene | 71.85918 | 71.86015 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643186 | Gm8604 | NCBI_Gene:667385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098189 | MGI:3643186 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8604 |
3 | pseudogene | 71.89484 | 71.89499 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610845 | Gm37617 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103465 | MGI:5610845 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37617 |
3 | pseudogene | 72.00992 | 72.01046 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010416 | Gm18231 | NCBI_Gene:100416754 | MGI:5010416 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18231 |
3 | pseudogene | 72.05000 | 72.05062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781529 | Gm3351 | NCBI_Gene:100041459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103279 | MGI:3781529 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3351 |
3 | pseudogene | 72.18074 | 72.18095 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610831 | Gm37603 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103859 | MGI:5610831 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37603 |
3 | gene | 72.31294 | 72.31303 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530847 | Gm27465 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098869 | MGI:5530847 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27465 |
3 | pseudogene | 72.60384 | 72.60435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611129 | Gm37901 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103078 | MGI:5611129 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37901 |
3 | gene | 72.73783 | 72.73798 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452228 | Gm22451 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084752 | MGI:5452228 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22451 |
3 | gene | 72.88855 | 72.96786 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917233 | Sis | NCBI_Gene:69983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027790 | MGI:1917233 | protein coding gene | sucrase isomaltase (alpha-glucosidase) |
3 | gene | 73.04197 | 73.04384 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610284 | Gm37056 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102753 | MGI:5610284 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37056 |
3 | gene | 73.04725 | 73.05788 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2679447 | Slitrk3 | NCBI_Gene:386750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048304 | MGI:2679447 | protein coding gene | SLIT and NTRK-like family, member 3 |
3 | gene | 73.06632 | 73.59483 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5434110 | Gm20754 | NCBI_Gene:626082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103428 | MGI:5434110 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20754 |
3 | gene | 73.14685 | 73.14696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454321 | Gm24544 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077050 | MGI:5454321 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24544 |
3 | gene | 73.16409 | 73.16621 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610953 | Gm37725 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102916 | MGI:5610953 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37725 |
3 | gene | 73.20770 | 73.20800 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452315 | Gm22538 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088794 | MGI:5452315 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22538 |
3 | gene | 73.32943 | 73.47001 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611581 | Gm38353 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102820 | MGI:5611581 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38353 |
3 | gene | 73.35121 | 73.48165 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921943 | 4930509J09Rik | NCBI_Gene:74693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102362 | MGI:1921943 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930509J09 gene |
3 | gene | 73.63581 | 73.70844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_894278 | Bche | NCBI_Gene:12038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027792 | MGI:894278 | protein coding gene | butyrylcholinesterase |
3 | pseudogene | 73.93305 | 73.93412 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644686 | Gm8625 | NCBI_Gene:667425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102859 | MGI:3644686 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8625 |
3 | gene | 74.00922 | 74.01728 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012541 | Gm20356 | NCBI_Gene:100504692,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104096 | MGI:5012541 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20356 |
3 | gene | 74.10541 | 74.12645 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595228 | Gm36069 | NCBI_Gene:102639855 | MGI:5595228 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36069 |
3 | pseudogene | 74.24226 | 74.29687 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779552 | Gm6098 | NCBI_Gene:100861784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096400 | MGI:3779552 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6098 |
3 | pseudogene | 74.32353 | 74.32399 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610278 | Gm37050 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104227 | MGI:5610278 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37050 |
3 | pseudogene | 74.81472 | 74.81534 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647458 | Gm8643 | NCBI_Gene:108168917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102809 | MGI:3647458 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8643 |
3 | gene | 75.02240 | 75.02461 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610692 | Gm37464 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102420 | MGI:5610692 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37464 |
3 | gene | 75.03790 | 75.16505 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2674085 | Zbbx | NCBI_Gene:213234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034151 | MGI:2674085 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, B-box domain containing |
3 | gene | 75.16506 | 75.20808 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622956 | Gm40071 | NCBI_Gene:105244469 | MGI:5622956 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40071 |
3 | gene | 75.24236 | 75.27008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915181 | Serpini2 | NCBI_Gene:67931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034139 | MGI:1915181 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade I, member 2 |
3 | gene | 75.27393 | 75.48216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645287 | Wdr49 | NCBI_Gene:213248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104301 | MGI:3645287 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 49 |
3 | pseudogene | 75.39132 | 75.39264 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010021 | Gm17836 | NCBI_Gene:100415953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103444 | MGI:5010021 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17836 |
3 | gene | 75.51649 | 75.55686 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928396 | Pdcd10 | NCBI_Gene:56426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027835 | MGI:1928396 | protein coding gene | programmed cell death 10 |
3 | gene | 75.55753 | 75.64350 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1194506 | Serpini1 | NCBI_Gene:20713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027834 | MGI:1194506 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade I, member 1 |
3 | gene | 75.61935 | 75.62336 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610900 | Gm37672 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102625 | MGI:5610900 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37672 |
3 | gene | 75.64744 | 75.65573 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916443 | Platr10 | NCBI_Gene:69193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099370 | MGI:1916443 | lncRNA gene | pluripotency associated transcript 10 |
3 | gene | 75.69895 | 75.69946 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610421 | Gm37193 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102188 | MGI:5610421 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37193 |
3 | gene | 75.71479 | 75.71492 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455623 | Gm25846 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088638 | MGI:5455623 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25846 |
3 | gene | 75.74820 | 75.78765 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579839 | Gm29133 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100962 | MGI:5579839 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 29133 |
3 | gene | 75.87508 | 75.95695 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920374 | Golim4 | NCBI_Gene:73124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034109 | MGI:1920374 | protein coding gene | golgi integral membrane protein 4 |
3 | gene | 75.95212 | 75.95430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610913 | Gm37685 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103024 | MGI:5610913 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37685 |
3 | gene | 75.95610 | 76.00114 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610484 | Gm37256 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104448 | MGI:5610484 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37256 |
3 | pseudogene | 76.04092 | 76.04172 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010613 | Gm18428 | NCBI_Gene:100417155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104223 | MGI:5010613 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18428 |
3 | gene | 76.07427 | 76.71002 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442179 | Fstl5 | NCBI_Gene:213262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034098 | MGI:2442179 | protein coding gene | follistatin-like 5 |
3 | gene | 76.54669 | 76.55025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611125 | Gm37897 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103920 | MGI:5611125 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37897 |
3 | pseudogene | 76.82206 | 76.82240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610518 | Gm37290 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103702 | MGI:5610518 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37290 |
3 | pseudogene | 76.88450 | 76.88533 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011416 | Gm19231 | NCBI_Gene:100418471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102216 | MGI:5011416 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19231 |
3 | gene | 77.10521 | 77.10528 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453421 | Gm23644 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088481 | MGI:5453421 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23644 |
3 | pseudogene | 77.56081 | 77.56394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2674154 | Dnmt3a-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:445261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102489 | MGI:2674154 | pseudogene | DNA methyltransferase 3A, pseudogene 1 |
3 | gene | 77.56496 | 77.57134 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611034 | Gm37806 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103849 | MGI:5611034 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37806 |
3 | pseudogene | 77.69137 | 77.69223 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010480 | Gm18295 | NCBI_Gene:100416866 | MGI:5010480 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18295 |
3 | gene | 77.70289 | 77.70439 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611423 | Gm38195 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102872 | MGI:5611423 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38195 |
3 | pseudogene | 77.87278 | 77.87315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610804 | Gm37576 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102393 | MGI:5610804 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37576 |
3 | pseudogene | 77.96138 | 77.96280 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010904 | Gm18719 | NCBI_Gene:100417620,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105026 | MGI:5010904 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18719 |
3 | pseudogene | 78.00646 | 78.00698 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648953 | Gm6677 | NCBI_Gene:626461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103312 | MGI:3648953 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6677 |
3 | pseudogene | 78.08583 | 78.08740 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643677 | Gm8684 | NCBI_Gene:667526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102637 | MGI:3643677 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8684 |
3 | pseudogene | 78.13446 | 78.13558 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645908 | Gm6680 | NCBI_Gene:626479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103817 | MGI:3645908 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6680 |
3 | gene | 78.40430 | 78.40594 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663463 | Gm43326 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104782 | MGI:5663463 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 43326 |
3 | gene | 78.40616 | 78.41077 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595447 | Gm36288 | NCBI_Gene:102640153 | MGI:5595447 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36288 |
3 | pseudogene | 78.48658 | 78.48868 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705708 | Gm15442 | NCBI_Gene:100041691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084370 | MGI:3705708 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15442 |
3 | pseudogene | 78.75862 | 78.75946 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011137 | Gm18952 | NCBI_Gene:100418022,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102341 | MGI:5011137 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18952 |
3 | gene | 78.78973 | 78.79223 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595500 | Gm36341 | NCBI_Gene:102640221 | MGI:5595500 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36341 |
3 | gene | 78.84222 | 78.84257 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454526 | Gm24749 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088463 | MGI:5454526 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24749 |
3 | pseudogene | 78.86489 | 78.86557 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010138 | Gm17953 | NCBI_Gene:100416167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102438 | MGI:5010138 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17953 |
3 | pseudogene | 78.89183 | 78.89247 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646590 | Gm5277 | NCBI_Gene:383883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091361 | MGI:3646590 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5277 |
3 | pseudogene | 78.91724 | 78.91846 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641638 | Gm10291 | NCBI_Gene:100041748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070443 | MGI:3641638 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 10291 |
3 | gene | 78.91846 | 78.93631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621427 | Gm38542 | NCBI_Gene:102641233 | MGI:5621427 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38542 |
3 | pseudogene | 78.96549 | 78.96715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704220 | Gm9762 | NCBI_Gene:100041766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037096 | MGI:3704220 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 9762 |
3 | gene | 78.97992 | 78.98005 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453217 | Gm23440 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077487 | MGI:5453217 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23440 |
3 | gene | 79.06251 | 79.28724 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2659071 | Rapgef2 | NCBI_Gene:76089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062232 | MGI:2659071 | protein coding gene | Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 |
3 | gene | 79.19637 | 79.19648 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453927 | Gm24150 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064693 | MGI:5453927 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24150 |
3 | gene | 79.21292 | 79.25391 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918174 | 4921511C10Rik | NCBI_Gene:70924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104585 | MGI:1918174 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921511C10 gene |
3 | gene | 79.23228 | 79.23413 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443462 | B930012P20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B930012P20 gene |
3 | gene | 79.28717 | 79.28985 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686494 | 6430573P05Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102545 | MGI:2686494 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6430573P05 gene |
3 | gene | 79.33420 | 79.33658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622957 | Gm40072 | NCBI_Gene:105244470 | MGI:5622957 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40072 |
3 | gene | 79.33666 | 79.46413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4936993 | Gm17359 | NCBI_Gene:100233207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091685 | MGI:4936993 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 17359 |
3 | gene | 79.45597 | 79.56780 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2683054 | Fnip2 | NCBI_Gene:329679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061175 | MGI:2683054 | protein coding gene | folliculin interacting protein 2 |
3 | gene | 79.50979 | 79.51210 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595601 | Gm36442 | NCBI_Gene:102640362 | MGI:5595601 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36442 |
3 | gene | 79.55131 | 79.55219 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781690 | Gm3513 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089746 | MGI:3781690 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 3513 |
3 | gene | 79.56819 | 79.57332 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923129 | 4930589L23Rik | NCBI_Gene:75879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068957 | MGI:1923129 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930589L23 gene |
3 | pseudogene | 79.58259 | 79.58323 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594226 | Gm35067 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103564 | MGI:5594226 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 35067 |
3 | gene | 79.59134 | 79.60365 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914988 | Ppid | NCBI_Gene:67738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027804 | MGI:1914988 | protein coding gene | peptidylprolyl isomerase D (cyclophilin D) |
3 | gene | 79.60379 | 79.62950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106100 | Etfdh | NCBI_Gene:66841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027809 | MGI:106100 | protein coding gene | electron transferring flavoprotein, dehydrogenase |
3 | gene | 79.61054 | 79.61183 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611201 | Gm37973 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102370 | MGI:5611201 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37973 |
3 | gene | 79.62908 | 79.63282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923189 | 4930579G24Rik | NCBI_Gene:75939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027811 | MGI:1923189 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930579G24 gene |
3 | gene | 79.64160 | 79.73795 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2682211 | Rxfp1 | NCBI_Gene:381489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034009 | MGI:2682211 | protein coding gene | relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 1 |
3 | gene | 79.67337 | 79.67688 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504099 | Gm26984 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098204 | MGI:5504099 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26984 |
3 | gene | 79.81256 | 79.85279 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917902 | Tmem144 | NCBI_Gene:70652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027956 | MGI:1917902 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 144 |
3 | gene | 79.83493 | 79.83504 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456197 | Gm26420 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077461 | MGI:5456197 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26420 |
3 | gene | 79.85287 | 79.85666 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622958 | Gm40073 | NCBI_Gene:105244471 | MGI:5622958 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40073 |
3 | gene | 79.85929 | 79.88681 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595728 | Gm36569 | NCBI_Gene:102640530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102191 | MGI:5595728 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36569 |
3 | gene | 79.88447 | 79.94628 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915909 | Gask1b | NCBI_Gene:68659,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027955 | MGI:1915909 | protein coding gene | golgi associated kinase 1B |
3 | gene | 80.05489 | 80.21309 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685464 | A330069K06Rik | NCBI_Gene:213544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103181 | MGI:2685464 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A330069K06 gene |
3 | gene | 80.05987 | 80.10161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622959 | Gm40074 | NCBI_Gene:105244472 | MGI:5622959 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40074 |
3 | pseudogene | 80.08808 | 80.08916 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011251 | Gm19066 | NCBI_Gene:100418193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103193 | MGI:5011251 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19066 |
3 | gene | 80.13413 | 80.13646 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663976 | Gm43839 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105307 | MGI:5663976 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 43839 |
3 | pseudogene | 80.19448 | 80.19463 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611523 | Gm38295 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103154 | MGI:5611523 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38295 |
3 | gene | 80.20249 | 80.20560 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611120 | Gm37892 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103929 | MGI:5611120 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37892 |
3 | gene | 80.28512 | 80.33459 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611199 | Gm37971 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102379 | MGI:5611199 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37971 |
3 | pseudogene | 80.39935 | 80.39967 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644992 | Gm6706 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087123 | MGI:3644992 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6706 |
3 | gene | 80.68145 | 80.80320 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95809 | Gria2 | NCBI_Gene:14800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033981 | MGI:95809 | protein coding gene | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA2 (alpha 2) |
3 | gene | 80.69220 | 80.69231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455526 | Gm25749 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093226 | MGI:5455526 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25749 |
3 | gene | 80.84315 | 80.84355 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920346 | 2900092N11Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900092N11 gene |
3 | gene | 80.84360 | 80.91366 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95751 | Glrb | NCBI_Gene:14658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028020 | MGI:95751 | protein coding gene | glycine receptor, beta subunit |
3 | pseudogene | 80.88509 | 80.88699 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010730 | Gm18545 | NCBI_Gene:100417342 | MGI:5010730 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18545 |
3 | gene | 80.96296 | 80.97163 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5662605 | Gm42468 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105092 | MGI:5662605 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 42468 |
3 | pseudogene | 80.99156 | 81.00159 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588967 | Gm29808 | NCBI_Gene:101056241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103419 | MGI:5588967 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29808 |
3 | gene | 81.03295 | 81.03377 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5662613 | Gm42476 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106293 | MGI:5662613 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 42476 |
3 | gene | 81.03589 | 81.21404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859631 | Pdgfc | NCBI_Gene:54635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028019 | MGI:1859631 | protein coding gene | platelet-derived growth factor, C polypeptide |
3 | gene | 81.03741 | 81.04044 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801866 | Gm16000 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085106 | MGI:3801866 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16000 |
3 | pseudogene | 81.40529 | 81.40557 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610528 | Gm37300 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102223 | MGI:5610528 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37300 |
query_variants <- create_variant_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/cc_variants.sqlite")
query_genes <- create_gene_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/mouse_genes_mgi.sqlite")
for (i in 2){
#for (i in 1:1){
#Plot 1
marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
#g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
gp <- g[,marker]
gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
gp[gp==0] <- NA
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
#par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
plot_pxg(gp, gm$covar[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"mb (",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)
chr = peaks$chr[i]
# Plot 2
pr_sub <- pull_genoprobint(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr, c(peaks$ci_lo[i], peaks$ci_hi[i]))
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary")
#coeff_sub <- scan1coef(pr_sub[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary")
blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]])
blup_sub <- scan1blup(pr_sub[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]])
# gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff; positions in cM] )")
# )
# gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],"; 1.5 LOD drop interval [scan1coeff; positions in cM] ) ")
# )
gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup; positions in cM] )")
gm$gmap, columns=1:2,
bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos: ", peaks$pos[i], "cM /",peaks_mba$pos[i],"MB\n(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],"; 1.5 LOD drop interval [scan1blup; positions in cM] )")
#last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
#for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
#axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)
# Plot 3
#c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
#c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
#plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
# )
#plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
# )
##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
## axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)
#Table 1
chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]
genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)
rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"
#genesgss <-
#table <-
#genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")] %>%
#kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccccccc")) %>%
#kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) #%>%
#cat #%>%
#column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
#print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], escape = F,align = c("ccccccccccc")))
print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))
chr | type | start | stop | strand | ID | Name | Dbxref | gene_id | mgi_type | description |
4 | gene | 130.0474 | 130.0993 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1095396 | Col16a1 | NCBI_Gene:107581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040690 | MGI:1095396 | protein coding gene | collagen, type XVI, alpha 1 |
4 | gene | 130.1026 | 130.1281 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915148 | Pef1 | NCBI_Gene:67898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028779 | MGI:1915148 | protein coding gene | penta-EF hand domain containing 1 |
4 | gene | 130.1055 | 130.1083 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623143 | Gm40258 | NCBI_Gene:105244699 | MGI:5623143 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40258 |
4 | gene | 130.1302 | 130.1397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385650 | Hcrtr1 | NCBI_Gene:230777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028778 | MGI:2385650 | protein coding gene | hypocretin (orexin) receptor 1 |
4 | gene | 130.1440 | 130.1489 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623144 | Gm40259 | NCBI_Gene:105244700 | MGI:5623144 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40259 |
4 | gene | 130.1645 | 130.1751 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2137617 | Tinagl1 | NCBI_Gene:94242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028776 | MGI:2137617 | protein coding gene | tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like 1 |
4 | gene | 130.2090 | 130.2224 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685699 | Ldc1 | NCBI_Gene:332942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023120 | MGI:2685699 | protein coding gene | leucine decarboxylase 1 |
4 | gene | 130.2366 | 130.2491 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826361 | Gm46724 | NCBI_Gene:108168712 | MGI:5826361 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46724 |
4 | gene | 130.2535 | 130.2792 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919132 | Serinc2 | NCBI_Gene:230779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023232 | MGI:1919132 | protein coding gene | serine incorporator 2 |
4 | gene | 130.2757 | 130.2809 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594116 | Gm34957 | NCBI_Gene:102638376 | MGI:5594116 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34957 |
4 | gene | 130.2912 | 130.3087 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642427 | Gm10570 | NCBI_Gene:102638454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073752 | MGI:3642427 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10570 |
4 | gene | 130.3086 | 130.3155 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95476 | Fabp3 | NCBI_Gene:14077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028773 | MGI:95476 | protein coding gene | fatty acid binding protein 3, muscle and heart |
4 | gene | 130.3154 | 130.3600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919955 | Zcchc17 | NCBI_Gene:619605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028772 | MGI:1919955 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 17 |
4 | gene | 130.3177 | 130.3333 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594233 | Gm35074 | NCBI_Gene:102638533 | MGI:5594233 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35074 |
4 | gene | 130.3601 | 130.3900 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913835 | Snrnp40 | NCBI_Gene:66585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074088 | MGI:1913835 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 40 (U5) |
4 | gene | 130.3710 | 130.3720 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922417 | 4930527F18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930527F18 gene |
4 | gene | 130.3799 | 130.3808 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920110 | 2900017G11Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900017G11 gene |
4 | gene | 130.5301 | 130.5742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914399 | Nkain1 | NCBI_Gene:67149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078532 | MGI:1914399 | protein coding gene | Na+/K+ transporting ATPase interacting 1 |
4 | gene | 130.5723 | 130.5731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916206 | 1500006G06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1500006G06 gene |
4 | gene | 130.6633 | 130.7816 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1931749 | Pum1 | NCBI_Gene:80912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028580 | MGI:1931749 | protein coding gene | pumilio RNA-binding family member 1 |
4 | gene | 130.7097 | 130.7105 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919888 | 2810017D21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2810017D21 gene |
4 | gene | 130.7496 | 130.7497 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819558 | Snord85 | NCBI_Gene:100217460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065196 | MGI:3819558 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 85 |
4 | gene | 130.7586 | 130.7624 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650041 | Gm12971 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087449 | MGI:3650041 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12971 |
4 | gene | 130.7663 | 130.7664 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453868 | Gm24091 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093793 | MGI:5453868 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24091 |
4 | gene | 130.7748 | 130.7792 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477010 | Gm26516 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097158 | MGI:5477010 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26516 |
4 | gene | 130.7757 | 130.7758 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453488 | Gm23711 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095119 | MGI:5453488 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23711 |
4 | gene | 130.7845 | 130.7880 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650043 | Gm12972 | NCBI_Gene:108168710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086548 | MGI:3650043 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12972 |
4 | gene | 130.7925 | 130.8263 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1349163 | Sdc3 | NCBI_Gene:20970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025743 | MGI:1349163 | protein coding gene | syndecan 3 |
4 | gene | 130.8116 | 130.8123 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650040 | Gm12970 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087451 | MGI:3650040 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12970 |
4 | gene | 130.8244 | 130.8263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477210 | Gm26716 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097224 | MGI:5477210 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26716 |
4 | gene | 130.8278 | 130.8342 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625201 | Gm42316 | NCBI_Gene:105247171 | MGI:5625201 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42316 |
4 | gene | 130.8578 | 130.8579 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452437 | Gm22660 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077381 | MGI:5452437 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22660 |
4 | gene | 130.8710 | 130.8729 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594453 | Gm35294 | NCBI_Gene:102638819 | MGI:5594453 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35294 |
4 | gene | 130.9061 | 130.9146 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621484 | Gm38599 | NCBI_Gene:102642196 | MGI:5621484 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38599 |
4 | gene | 130.9129 | 130.9361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108046 | Laptm5 | NCBI_Gene:16792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028581 | MGI:108046 | protein coding gene | lysosomal-associated protein transmembrane 5 |
4 | gene | 130.9444 | 130.9555 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106591 | Matn1 | NCBI_Gene:17180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040533 | MGI:106591 | protein coding gene | matrilin 1, cartilage matrix protein |
4 | gene | 130.9747 | 131.0013 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650042 | Gm12973 | NCBI_Gene:108168713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085804 | MGI:3650042 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12973 |
4 | gene | 131.0008 | 131.0105 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925085 | A930031H19Rik | NCBI_Gene:77835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086262 | MGI:1925085 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A930031H19 gene |
4 | gene | 131.0639 | 131.0656 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625202 | Gm42317 | NCBI_Gene:105247172 | MGI:5625202 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42317 |
4 | gene | 131.0757 | 131.0803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594641 | Gm35482 | NCBI_Gene:102639082 | MGI:5594641 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35482 |
4 | gene | 131.1563 | 131.1627 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625203 | Gm42318 | NCBI_Gene:105247173 | MGI:5625203 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42318 |
4 | gene | 131.2393 | 131.2394 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455038 | Gm25261 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088041 | MGI:5455038 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25261 |
4 | gene | 131.4091 | 131.4283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594793 | Gm35634 | NCBI_Gene:102639287 | MGI:5594793 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35634 |
4 | gene | 131.4563 | 131.4826 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826360 | Gm46723 | NCBI_Gene:108168711 | MGI:5826360 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46723 |
4 | gene | 131.4584 | 131.4855 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594938 | Gm35779 | NCBI_Gene:102639475 | MGI:5594938 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35779 |
4 | gene | 131.4872 | 131.5055 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685677 | Gm831 | NCBI_Gene:329950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078531 | MGI:2685677 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 831 |
4 | gene | 131.6174 | 131.6351 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625205 | Gm42320 | NCBI_Gene:105247175 | MGI:5625205 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42320 |
4 | gene | 131.6470 | 131.6778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650901 | Gm12962 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087171 | MGI:3650901 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12962 |
4 | gene | 131.6471 | 131.7105 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625206 | Gm42321 | NCBI_Gene:105247176 | MGI:5625206 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42321 |
4 | gene | 131.6946 | 131.7105 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3802056 | Gm16080 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086856 | MGI:3802056 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16080 |
4 | gene | 131.7685 | 131.8383 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1321151 | Ptpru | NCBI_Gene:19273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028909 | MGI:1321151 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, U |
4 | gene | 131.8434 | 131.8678 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1349441 | Mecr | NCBI_Gene:26922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028910 | MGI:1349441 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase |
4 | gene | 131.8736 | 131.9017 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1890577 | Srsf4 | NCBI_Gene:57317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028911 | MGI:1890577 | protein coding gene | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 4 |
4 | gene | 131.8786 | 131.8832 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442442 | A930004J17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102602 | MGI:2442442 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930004J17 gene |
4 | gene | 131.8879 | 131.8894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918083 | 4733401A01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4733401A01 gene |
4 | gene | 131.8995 | 131.9200 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3702644 | Gm12992 | NCBI_Gene:545681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085667 | MGI:3702644 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12992 |
4 | pseudogene | 131.9027 | 131.9033 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705382 | Gm12978 | NCBI_Gene:100418326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083013 | MGI:3705382 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12978 |
4 | gene | 131.9200 | 131.9240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646343 | Tmem200b | NCBI_Gene:623230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070720 | MGI:3646343 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 200B |
4 | gene | 131.9208 | 131.9215 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6324745 | Gm50475 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118394 | MGI:6324745 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50475 |
4 | gene | 131.9234 | 132.0756 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95401 | Epb41 | NCBI_Gene:269587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028906 | MGI:95401 | protein coding gene | erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 |
4 | gene | 131.9922 | 131.9923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530827 | Gm27445 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098577 | MGI:5530827 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27445 |
4 | gene | 132.0482 | 132.0490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649474 | Gm13063 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084869 | MGI:3649474 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13063 |
4 | gene | 132.0495 | 132.0498 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595316 | Gm36157 | NCBI_Gene:102639968 | MGI:5595316 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36157 |
4 | gene | 132.0747 | 132.0770 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641670 | Gm10300 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070717 | MGI:3641670 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10300 |
4 | pseudogene | 132.0939 | 132.0943 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650812 | Gm13214 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083368 | MGI:3650812 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13214 |
4 | gene | 132.1048 | 132.1094 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610939 | Gm37711 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102796 | MGI:5610939 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37711 |
4 | gene | 132.1077 | 132.1445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97438 | Oprd1 | NCBI_Gene:18386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050511 | MGI:97438 | protein coding gene | opioid receptor, delta 1 |
4 | gene | 132.1253 | 132.1253 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413695 | n-TAcgc3 | NCBI_Gene:102467236 | MGI:4413695 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA alanine 3 (anticodon CGC) |
4 | pseudogene | 132.1484 | 132.1489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650813 | Gm13215 | NCBI_Gene:664894,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081394 | MGI:3650813 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13215 |
4 | gene | 132.1849 | 132.2123 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444233 | Ythdf2 | NCBI_Gene:213541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040025 | MGI:2444233 | protein coding gene | YTH N6-methyladenosine RNA binding protein 2 |
4 | gene | 132.2184 | 132.2185 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451810 | Gm22033 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080597 | MGI:5451810 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22033 |
4 | pseudogene | 132.2199 | 132.2206 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3652187 | Rps15a-ps4 | NCBI_Gene:664903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083757 | MGI:3652187 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S15A, pseudogene 4 |
4 | gene | 132.2210 | 132.2616 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2135604 | Gmeb1 | NCBI_Gene:56809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028901 | MGI:2135604 | protein coding gene | glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 1 |
4 | pseudogene | 132.2447 | 132.2460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651953 | Gm13252 | NCBI_Gene:105247177,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084105 | MGI:3651953 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13252 |
4 | gene | 132.2605 | 132.2688 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579580 | Gm28874 | NCBI_Gene:102640216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100813 | MGI:5579580 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28874 |
4 | gene | 132.2701 | 132.2702 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579578 | Gm28872 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099937 | MGI:5579578 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28872 |
4 | gene | 132.2701 | 132.2702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2148804 | Rnu11 | NCBI_Gene:353373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077323 | MGI:2148804 | snRNA gene | U11 small nuclear RNA |
4 | gene | 132.2741 | 132.2743 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3629726 | Gt(pU21)115Imeg | NA | NA | unclassified gene | gene trap 115%2c Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics |
4 | gene | 132.2744 | 132.2958 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913714 | Taf12 | NCBI_Gene:66464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028899 | MGI:1913714 | protein coding gene | TATA-box binding protein associated factor 12 |
4 | gene | 132.3004 | 132.3034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441753 | Rab42 | NCBI_Gene:242681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089687 | MGI:2441753 | protein coding gene | RAB42, member RAS oncogene family |
4 | gene | 132.3086 | 132.3110 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916721 | Snhg12 | NCBI_Gene:100039864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086290 | MGI:1916721 | lncRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA host gene 12 |
4 | gene | 132.3095 | 132.3096 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4361141 | Snora16a | NCBI_Gene:100310813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105911 | MGI:4361141 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 16A |
4 | gene | 132.3099 | 132.3101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819506 | Snora44 | NCBI_Gene:100217418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064604 | MGI:3819506 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 44 |
4 | gene | 132.3102 | 132.3104 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819510 | Snora61 | NCBI_Gene:100217440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064949 | MGI:3819510 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 61 |
4 | gene | 132.3107 | 132.3108 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819570 | Snord99 | NCBI_Gene:100217437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080615 | MGI:3819570 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 99 |
4 | gene | 132.3118 | 132.3295 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919037 | Trnau1ap | NCBI_Gene:71787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028898 | MGI:1919037 | protein coding gene | tRNA selenocysteine 1 associated protein 1 |
4 | gene | 132.3319 | 132.3536 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913989 | Rcc1 | NCBI_Gene:100088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028896 | MGI:1913989 | protein coding gene | regulator of chromosome condensation 1 |
4 | gene | 132.3480 | 132.3537 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684817 | Snhg3 | NCBI_Gene:399101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085241 | MGI:2684817 | lncRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA host gene 3 |
4 | gene | 132.3518 | 132.3534 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4936934 | Gm17300 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091021 | MGI:4936934 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 17300 |
4 | gene | 132.3523 | 132.3525 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4360049 | Snora73b | NCBI_Gene:100306945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065353 | MGI:4360049 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 73b |
4 | gene | 132.3528 | 132.3530 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4360046 | Snora73a | NCBI_Gene:100306944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064387 | MGI:4360046 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 73a |
4 | gene | 132.3559 | 132.4225 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140327 | Phactr4 | NCBI_Gene:100169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066043 | MGI:2140327 | protein coding gene | phosphatase and actin regulator 4 |
4 | gene | 132.4083 | 132.4084 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455484 | Gm25707 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096350 | MGI:5455484 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25707 |
4 | gene | 132.4420 | 132.4421 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452832 | Gm23055 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064739 | MGI:5452832 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23055 |
4 | gene | 132.4587 | 132.4639 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914469 | Med18 | NCBI_Gene:67219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066042 | MGI:1914469 | protein coding gene | mediator complex subunit 18 |
4 | gene | 132.4920 | 132.5105 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2651874 | Sesn2 | NCBI_Gene:230784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028893 | MGI:2651874 | protein coding gene | sestrin 2 |
4 | gene | 132.5036 | 132.5096 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651528 | Gm12981 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086997 | MGI:3651528 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12981 |
4 | gene | 132.5160 | 132.5161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413681 | n-TAagc8 | NCBI_Gene:102467230 | MGI:4413681 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA alanine 8 (anticodon AGC) |
4 | gene | 132.5306 | 132.5354 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196457 | Atpif1 | NCBI_Gene:11983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054428 | MGI:1196457 | protein coding gene | ATPase inhibitory factor 1 |
4 | gene | 132.5327 | 132.5336 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651167 | Gm12999 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087352 | MGI:3651167 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12999 |
4 | gene | 132.5356 | 132.5537 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915848 | Dnajc8 | NCBI_Gene:68598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054405 | MGI:1915848 | protein coding gene | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C8 |
4 | gene | 132.5471 | 132.5472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454539 | Gm24762 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065623 | MGI:5454539 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24762 |
4 | gene | 132.5641 | 132.5827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106066 | Ptafr | NCBI_Gene:19204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056529 | MGI:106066 | protein coding gene | platelet-activating factor receptor |
4 | gene | 132.6390 | 132.7248 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109339 | Eya3 | NCBI_Gene:14050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028886 | MGI:109339 | protein coding gene | EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 3 |
4 | gene | 132.6391 | 132.6403 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923270 | 5830409B07Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5830409B07 gene |
4 | gene | 132.7249 | 132.7326 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685877 | Xkr8 | NCBI_Gene:381560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037752 | MGI:2685877 | protein coding gene | X-linked Kx blood group related 8 |
4 | gene | 132.7330 | 132.7573 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916022 | Smpdl3b | NCBI_Gene:100340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028885 | MGI:1916022 | protein coding gene | sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase, acid-like 3B |
4 | gene | 132.7683 | 132.7788 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1339939 | Rpa2 | NCBI_Gene:19891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028884 | MGI:1339939 | protein coding gene | replication protein A2 |
4 | gene | 132.7818 | 132.7964 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446213 | Themis2 | NCBI_Gene:230787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037731 | MGI:2446213 | protein coding gene | thymocyte selection associated family member 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 132.8020 | 132.8023 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651775 | Gm13022 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081647 | MGI:3651775 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13022 |
4 | gene | 132.8269 | 132.8432 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140494 | Ppp1r8 | NCBI_Gene:100336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028882 | MGI:2140494 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 8 |
4 | gene | 132.8384 | 132.8385 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452544 | Gm22767 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088990 | MGI:5452544 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22767 |
4 | gene | 132.8535 | 132.8845 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1931027 | Stx12 | NCBI_Gene:100226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028879 | MGI:1931027 | protein coding gene | syntaxin 12 |
4 | gene | 132.8822 | 132.8833 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924875 | C530007A02Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C530007A02 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 132.8848 | 132.8866 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649305 | Gm13033 | NCBI_Gene:100038703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083816 | MGI:3649305 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13033 |
4 | gene | 132.8992 | 132.9231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385211 | Fam76a | NCBI_Gene:230789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028878 | MGI:2385211 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 76, member A |
4 | gene | 132.9312 | 132.9313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454690 | Gm24913 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087911 | MGI:5454690 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24913 |
4 | gene | 132.9484 | 132.9607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595677 | Gm36518 | NCBI_Gene:102640462 | MGI:5595677 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36518 |
4 | gene | 132.9741 | 133.0019 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95527 | Fgr | NCBI_Gene:14191,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028874 | MGI:95527 | protein coding gene | FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase |
4 | gene | 133.0027 | 133.0082 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595758 | Gm36599 | NCBI_Gene:102640565 | MGI:5595758 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36599 |
4 | gene | 133.0113 | 133.0781 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444218 | Ahdc1 | NCBI_Gene:230793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037692 | MGI:2444218 | protein coding gene | AT hook, DNA binding motif, containing 1 |
4 | gene | 133.0834 | 133.0891 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477109 | Gm26615 | NCBI_Gene:102640635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097088 | MGI:5477109 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26615 |
4 | gene | 133.1145 | 133.1146 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413870 | n-TGgcc1 | NCBI_Gene:102467429 | MGI:4413870 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA glycine 1 (anticodon GCC) |
4 | gene | 133.1305 | 133.1998 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098641 | Wasf2 | NCBI_Gene:242687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028868 | MGI:1098641 | protein coding gene | WAS protein family, member 2 |
4 | gene | 133.1714 | 133.1717 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454413 | Gm24636 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089298 | MGI:5454413 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24636 |
4 | gene | 133.1957 | 133.1957 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531327 | Mir7017 | miRBase:MI0022866,NCBI_Gene:102466215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099202 | MGI:5531327 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7017 |
4 | gene | 133.2093 | 133.2125 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_101908 | Gpr3 | NCBI_Gene:14748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049649 | MGI:101908 | protein coding gene | G-protein coupled receptor 3 |
4 | gene | 133.2121 | 133.2246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916905 | Cd164l2 | NCBI_Gene:69655,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028865 | MGI:1916905 | protein coding gene | CD164 sialomucin-like 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 133.2315 | 133.2393 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3510254 | Fcnc-ps | NCBI_Gene:493918 | MGI:3510254 | pseudogene | ficolin C pseudogene |
4 | gene | 133.2397 | 133.2529 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1855691 | Map3k6 | NCBI_Gene:53608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028862 | MGI:1855691 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6 |
4 | gene | 133.2531 | 133.2631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933365 | Sytl1 | NCBI_Gene:269589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028860 | MGI:1933365 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin-like 1 |
4 | gene | 133.2660 | 133.2778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098568 | Tmem222 | NCBI_Gene:52174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028857 | MGI:1098568 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 222 |
4 | pseudogene | 133.2809 | 133.2813 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3700962 | Gm13259 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083241 | MGI:3700962 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13259 |
4 | gene | 133.2925 | 133.3535 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685541 | Wdtc1 | NCBI_Gene:230796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037622 | MGI:2685541 | protein coding gene | WD and tetratricopeptide repeats 1 |
4 | gene | 133.2925 | 133.2928 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781803 | Gm3627 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 3627 |
4 | gene | 133.3697 | 133.4237 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102462 | Slc9a1 | NCBI_Gene:20544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028854 | MGI:102462 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 1 |
4 | gene | 133.3698 | 133.3699 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4950447 | Mir5122 | miRBase:MI0018031,NCBI_Gene:100628620,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092745 | MGI:4950447 | miRNA gene | microRNA 5122 |
4 | gene | 133.4327 | 133.4349 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920802 | 1700091J24Rik | NCBI_Gene:105247178 | MGI:1920802 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700091J24 gene |
4 | gene | 133.4371 | 133.4404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625207 | Gm42322 | NCBI_Gene:105247179 | MGI:5625207 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42322 |
4 | gene | 133.4794 | 133.4852 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651057 | Gm13257 | NCBI_Gene:102640829,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086850 | MGI:3651057 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13257 |
4 | gene | 133.4801 | 133.4879 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2140500 | Tent5b | NCBI_Gene:100342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046694 | MGI:2140500 | protein coding gene | terminal nucleotidyltransferase 5B |
4 | gene | 133.4911 | 133.4992 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916789 | Trnp1 | NCBI_Gene:69539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056596 | MGI:1916789 | protein coding gene | TMF1-regulated nuclear protein 1 |
4 | gene | 133.5129 | 133.5223 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625208 | Gm42323 | NCBI_Gene:105247180 | MGI:5625208 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 42323 |
4 | gene | 133.5189 | 133.5308 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916323 | Kdf1 | NCBI_Gene:69073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037600 | MGI:1916323 | protein coding gene | keratinocyte differentiation factor 1 |
4 | gene | 133.5325 | 133.5460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106014 | Nudc | NCBI_Gene:18221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028851 | MGI:106014 | protein coding gene | nudC nuclear distribution protein |
4 | gene | 133.5534 | 133.5567 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346344 | Nr0b2 | NCBI_Gene:23957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037583 | MGI:1346344 | protein coding gene | nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 2 |
4 | gene | 133.5588 | 133.5589 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452935 | Gm23158 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093886 | MGI:5452935 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23158 |
4 | gene | 133.5747 | 133.5842 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442492 | Gpatch3 | NCBI_Gene:242691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028850 | MGI:2442492 | protein coding gene | G patch domain containing 3 |
4 | gene | 133.5844 | 133.5917 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2140368 | Gpn2 | NCBI_Gene:100210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028848 | MGI:2140368 | protein coding gene | GPN-loop GTPase 2 |
4 | gene | 133.5949 | 133.5960 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625209 | Gm42324 | NCBI_Gene:105247181 | MGI:5625209 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42324 |
4 | gene | 133.6006 | 133.6022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891831 | Sfn | NCBI_Gene:55948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047281 | MGI:1891831 | protein coding gene | stratifin |
4 | gene | 133.6047 | 133.6502 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3527792 | Zdhhc18 | NCBI_Gene:503610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037553 | MGI:3527792 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 18 |
4 | pseudogene | 133.6381 | 133.6506 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651606 | Gm13213 | NCBI_Gene:545683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083885 | MGI:3651606 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13213 |
4 | gene | 133.6540 | 133.6543 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452439 | Gm22662 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093031 | MGI:5452439 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22662 |
4 | gene | 133.6599 | 133.6732 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442480 | Pigv | NCBI_Gene:230801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043257 | MGI:2442480 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class V |
4 | gene | 133.6727 | 133.6732 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920565 | 1700041L08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700041L08 gene |
4 | gene | 133.6790 | 133.7568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1935147 | Arid1a | NCBI_Gene:93760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007880 | MGI:1935147 | protein coding gene | AT rich interactive domain 1A (SWI-like) |
4 | gene | 133.7171 | 133.7171 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5562763 | Mir7227 | miRBase:MI0023722,NCBI_Gene:102465707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104566 | MGI:5562763 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7227 |
4 | gene | 133.7681 | 133.7754 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589178 | Gm30019 | NCBI_Gene:102631762 | MGI:5589178 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30019 |
4 | gene | 133.7750 | 133.7813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589101 | Gm29942 | NCBI_Gene:102631659 | MGI:5589101 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29942 |
4 | gene | 133.7920 | 133.8215 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593455 | Gm34296 | NCBI_Gene:102637505 | MGI:5593455 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34296 |
4 | gene | 133.7976 | 133.7977 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455047 | Gm25270 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084555 | MGI:5455047 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25270 |
4 | gene | 133.8152 | 133.8216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650037 | Gm12974 | NCBI_Gene:105247182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084789 | MGI:3650037 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12974 |
4 | gene | 133.8473 | 133.8878 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104558 | Rps6ka1 | NCBI_Gene:20111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003644 | MGI:104558 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S6 kinase polypeptide 1 |
4 | gene | 133.8716 | 133.8772 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650699 | Gm12977 | NCBI_Gene:102631939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085009 | MGI:3650699 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12977 |
4 | pseudogene | 133.8829 | 133.8831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651383 | Gm12985 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080946 | MGI:3651383 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12985 |
4 | gene | 133.8834 | 133.8835 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452300 | Gm22523 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089321 | MGI:5452300 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22523 |
4 | gene | 133.9110 | 133.9114 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921148 | 4930429E23Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930429E23 gene |
4 | gene | 133.9647 | 133.9686 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96136 | Hmgn2 | NCBI_Gene:15331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003038 | MGI:96136 | protein coding gene | high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 2 |
4 | gene | 133.9690 | 134.0009 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914672 | Dhdds | NCBI_Gene:67422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012117 | MGI:1914672 | protein coding gene | dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase |
4 | gene | 134.0033 | 134.0192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890546 | Lin28a | NCBI_Gene:83557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050966 | MGI:1890546 | protein coding gene | lin-28 homolog A (C. elegans) |
4 | gene | 134.0034 | 134.0049 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3710625 | Gm10299 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10299 |
4 | gene | 134.0181 | 134.0199 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650259 | Gm13061 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087288 | MGI:3650259 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13061 |
4 | gene | 134.0512 | 134.0590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650254 | Zfp683 | NCBI_Gene:100503878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049410 | MGI:3650254 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 683 |
4 | gene | 134.0607 | 134.0925 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1334463 | Crybg2 | NCBI_Gene:230806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012123 | MGI:1334463 | protein coding gene | crystallin beta-gamma domain containing 2 |
4 | gene | 134.0824 | 134.0951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346088 | Cd52 | NCBI_Gene:23833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000682 | MGI:1346088 | protein coding gene | CD52 antigen |
4 | gene | 134.1025 | 134.1276 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914836 | Ubxn11 | NCBI_Gene:67586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012126 | MGI:1914836 | protein coding gene | UBX domain protein 11 |
4 | gene | 134.1274 | 134.1288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920973 | Sh3bgrl3 | NCBI_Gene:73723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028843 | MGI:1920973 | protein coding gene | SH3 domain binding glutamic acid-rich protein-like 3 |
4 | gene | 134.1299 | 134.1871 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917262 | Cep85 | NCBI_Gene:70012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037443 | MGI:1917262 | protein coding gene | centrosomal protein 85 |
4 | gene | 134.1600 | 134.1641 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826531 | Gm46894 | NCBI_Gene:108169013 | MGI:5826531 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 46894 |
4 | gene | 134.1678 | 134.1679 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531001 | Gm27619 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098693 | MGI:5531001 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 27619 |
4 | gene | 134.1908 | 134.2030 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3702974 | Gm7534 | NCBI_Gene:665186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073747 | MGI:3702974 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 7534 |
4 | pseudogene | 134.1998 | 134.2002 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651062 | Gm13131 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081772 | MGI:3651062 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13131 |
4 | gene | 134.2120 | 134.2274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3043288 | Catsper4 | NCBI_Gene:329954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048003 | MGI:3043288 | protein coding gene | cation channel, sperm associated 4 |
4 | gene | 134.2280 | 134.2384 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2670958 | Cnksr1 | NCBI_Gene:194231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028841 | MGI:2670958 | protein coding gene | connector enhancer of kinase suppressor of Ras 1 |
4 | gene | 134.2433 | 134.2456 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915290 | Zfp593 | NCBI_Gene:68040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028840 | MGI:1915290 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 593 |
4 | gene | 134.2437 | 134.2459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3528958 | E130218I03Rik | NCBI_Gene:77490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086322 | MGI:3528958 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E130218I03 gene |
4 | gene | 134.2469 | 134.2500 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589350 | Gm30191 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108398 | MGI:5589350 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 30191 |
4 | gene | 134.2511 | 134.2662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919940 | Grrp1 | NCBI_Gene:72690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050105 | MGI:1919940 | protein coding gene | glycine/arginine rich protein 1 |
4 | gene | 134.2558 | 134.2657 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625210 | Gm42325 | NCBI_Gene:105247183 | MGI:5625210 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42325 |
4 | gene | 134.2750 | 134.2879 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385213 | Pdik1l | NCBI_Gene:230809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050890 | MGI:2385213 | protein coding gene | PDLIM1 interacting kinase 1 like |
4 | gene | 134.3151 | 134.3296 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2447992 | Trim63 | NCBI_Gene:433766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028834 | MGI:2447992 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 63 |
4 | pseudogene | 134.3355 | 134.3358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3652269 | Gm13195 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083065 | MGI:3652269 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13195 |
4 | gene | 134.3430 | 134.3545 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106637 | Slc30a2 | NCBI_Gene:230810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028836 | MGI:106637 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 2 |
4 | gene | 134.3564 | 134.3838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1888742 | Extl1 | NCBI_Gene:56219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028838 | MGI:1888742 | protein coding gene | exostoses (multiple)-like 1 |
4 | gene | 134.3849 | 134.3870 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779501 | Gm5589 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 5589 |
4 | gene | 134.3963 | 134.4274 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2140321 | Pafah2 | NCBI_Gene:100163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037366 | MGI:2140321 | protein coding gene | platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 2 |
4 | gene | 134.4337 | 134.4483 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589612 | Gm30453 | NCBI_Gene:102632361 | MGI:5589612 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30453 |
4 | gene | 134.4488 | 134.4502 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916659 | 1700021N21Rik | NCBI_Gene:69409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087343 | MGI:1916659 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700021N21 gene |
4 | gene | 134.4683 | 134.4738 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96739 | Stmn1 | NCBI_Gene:16765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028832 | MGI:96739 | protein coding gene | stathmin 1 |
4 | gene | 134.4684 | 134.4685 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453411 | Gm23634 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092812 | MGI:5453411 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23634 |
4 | pseudogene | 134.4932 | 134.4940 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650425 | Gm13250 | NCBI_Gene:100416260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083001 | MGI:3650425 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13250 |
4 | gene | 134.4967 | 134.5102 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919154 | Paqr7 | NCBI_Gene:71904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037348 | MGI:1919154 | protein coding gene | progestin and adipoQ receptor family member VII |
4 | gene | 134.5110 | 134.5239 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917135 | Aunip | NCBI_Gene:69885,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078521 | MGI:1917135 | protein coding gene | aurora kinase A and ninein interacting protein |
4 | gene | 134.5256 | 134.5354 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924074 | Mtfr1l | NCBI_Gene:76824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046671 | MGI:1924074 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial fission regulator 1-like |
4 | gene | 134.5379 | 134.5522 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2151208 | Selenon | NCBI_Gene:74777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050989 | MGI:2151208 | protein coding gene | selenoprotein N |
4 | gene | 134.5617 | 134.7043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446214 | Man1c1 | NCBI_Gene:230815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037306 | MGI:2446214 | protein coding gene | mannosidase, alpha, class 1C, member 1 |
4 | gene | 134.5677 | 134.5679 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531374 | Mir6403 | miRBase:MI0021939,NCBI_Gene:102465216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099289 | MGI:5531374 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6403 |
4 | gene | 134.5914 | 134.5950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625211 | Gm42326 | NCBI_Gene:105247184 | MGI:5625211 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42326 |
4 | gene | 134.7416 | 134.7680 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140175 | Ldlrap1 | NCBI_Gene:100017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037295 | MGI:2140175 | protein coding gene | low density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein 1 |
4 | gene | 134.8028 | 134.8536 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913396 | Maco1 | NCBI_Gene:66146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028826 | MGI:1913396 | protein coding gene | macoilin 1 |
4 | gene | 134.8645 | 134.8962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1202882 | Rhd | NCBI_Gene:19746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028825 | MGI:1202882 | protein coding gene | Rh blood group, D antigen |
4 | gene | 134.8978 | 134.9150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919067 | Tmem50a | NCBI_Gene:71817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028822 | MGI:1919067 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 50A |
4 | gene | 134.9236 | 134.9277 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106498 | Rsrp1 | NCBI_Gene:27981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037266 | MGI:106498 | protein coding gene | arginine/serine rich protein 1 |
4 | gene | 134.9309 | 134.9375 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915842 | Syf2 | NCBI_Gene:68592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028821 | MGI:1915842 | protein coding gene | SYF2 homolog, RNA splicing factor (S. cerevisiae) |
4 | gene | 135.0437 | 135.0514 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625212 | Gm42327 | NCBI_Gene:105247185 | MGI:5625212 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42327 |
4 | gene | 135.1182 | 135.1204 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801903 | Gm16225 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086884 | MGI:3801903 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16225 |
4 | gene | 135.1206 | 135.1780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102672 | Runx3 | NCBI_Gene:12399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070691 | MGI:102672 | protein coding gene | runt related transcription factor 3 |
4 | gene | 135.1434 | 135.1443 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801902 | Gm16224 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084986 | MGI:3801902 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16224 |
4 | gene | 135.2140 | 135.2728 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352754 | Clic4 | NCBI_Gene:29876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037242 | MGI:1352754 | protein coding gene | chloride intracellular channel 4 (mitochondrial) |
4 | gene | 135.2831 | 135.2891 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589926 | Gm30767 | NCBI_Gene:102632783 | MGI:5589926 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30767 |
4 | pseudogene | 135.2903 | 135.2907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651378 | Gm12983 | NCBI_Gene:676072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087270 | MGI:3651378 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12983 |
4 | gene | 135.2966 | 135.2994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589860 | Gm30701 | NCBI_Gene:102632698 | MGI:5589860 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30701 |
4 | gene | 135.3073 | 135.3095 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651384 | Gm12984 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085002 | MGI:3651384 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12984 |
4 | pseudogene | 135.3078 | 135.3080 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651381 | Gm12982 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082833 | MGI:3651381 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12982 |
4 | gene | 135.3205 | 135.3533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858303 | Srrm1 | NCBI_Gene:51796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028809 | MGI:1858303 | protein coding gene | serine/arginine repetitive matrix 1 |
4 | gene | 135.3696 | 135.3983 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444888 | Ncmap | NCBI_Gene:230822,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043924 | MGI:2444888 | protein coding gene | noncompact myelin associated protein |
4 | pseudogene | 135.3772 | 135.3772 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651750 | Gm12991 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084032 | MGI:3651750 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12991 |
4 | pseudogene | 135.4032 | 135.4037 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651107 | Gm12990 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081136 | MGI:3651107 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12990 |
4 | gene | 135.4123 | 135.4339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858220 | Rcan3 | NCBI_Gene:53902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059713 | MGI:1858220 | protein coding gene | regulator of calcineurin 3 |
4 | gene | 135.4166 | 135.4166 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3629655 | Mir700 | miRBase:MI0004684,NCBI_Gene:735285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076123 | MGI:3629655 | miRNA gene | microRNA 700 |
4 | gene | 135.4207 | 135.4278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589981 | Gm30822 | NCBI_Gene:102632859 | MGI:5589981 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30822 |
4 | gene | 135.4301 | 135.4308 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801882 | Gm15979 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087016 | MGI:3801882 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15979 |
4 | gene | 135.4454 | 135.4950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921802 | Nipal3 | NCBI_Gene:74552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028803 | MGI:1921802 | protein coding gene | NIPA-like domain containing 3 |
4 | gene | 135.4509 | 135.4512 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610498 | Gm37270 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103955 | MGI:5610498 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37270 |
4 | gene | 135.4948 | 135.5378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926056 | Stpg1 | NCBI_Gene:78806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028801 | MGI:1926056 | protein coding gene | sperm tail PG rich repeat containing 1 |
4 | gene | 135.5124 | 135.5125 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455094 | Gm25317 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080474 | MGI:5455094 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25317 |
4 | gene | 135.5419 | 135.5736 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2655333 | Grhl3 | NCBI_Gene:230824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037188 | MGI:2655333 | protein coding gene | grainyhead like transcription factor 3 |
4 | gene | 135.5736 | 135.5802 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590047 | Gm30888 | NCBI_Gene:102632942 | MGI:5590047 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30888 |
4 | gene | 135.5837 | 135.5838 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452883 | Gm23106 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088179 | MGI:5452883 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23106 |
4 | gene | 135.6267 | 135.6302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913597 | 1700029M20Rik | NCBI_Gene:73937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086788 | MGI:1913597 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700029M20 gene |
4 | gene | 135.6503 | 135.6540 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590100 | Gm30941 | NCBI_Gene:102633011 | MGI:5590100 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30941 |
4 | gene | 135.6863 | 135.7082 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2429859 | Ifnlr1 | NCBI_Gene:242700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062157 | MGI:2429859 | protein coding gene | interferon lambda receptor 1 |
4 | pseudogene | 135.7157 | 135.7167 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3652245 | Gm12989 | NCBI_Gene:100418217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083678 | MGI:3652245 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12989 |
4 | gene | 135.7282 | 135.7554 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2663588 | Il22ra1 | NCBI_Gene:230828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037157 | MGI:2663588 | protein coding gene | interleukin 22 receptor, alpha 1 |
4 | pseudogene | 135.7556 | 135.7568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650876 | Gm12988 | NCBI_Gene:665334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082743 | MGI:3650876 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12988 |
4 | gene | 135.7588 | 135.8156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685280 | Myom3 | NCBI_Gene:242702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037139 | MGI:2685280 | protein coding gene | myomesin family, member 3 |
4 | pseudogene | 135.8537 | 135.8542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650940 | Gm13000 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081672 | MGI:3650940 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13000 |
4 | gene | 135.8557 | 135.8699 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333805 | Srsf10 | NCBI_Gene:14105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028676 | MGI:1333805 | protein coding gene | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 10 |
4 | gene | 135.8709 | 135.8739 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106512 | Pnrc2 | NCBI_Gene:52830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028675 | MGI:106512 | protein coding gene | proline-rich nuclear receptor coactivator 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 135.8913 | 135.8915 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651355 | Gm13006 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083430 | MGI:3651355 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13006 |
4 | gene | 135.8952 | 135.9202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104650 | Cnr2 | NCBI_Gene:12802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062585 | MGI:104650 | protein coding gene | cannabinoid receptor 2 (macrophage) |
4 | gene | 135.9207 | 135.9403 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95593 | Fuca1 | NCBI_Gene:71665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028673 | MGI:95593 | protein coding gene | fucosidase, alpha-L- 1, tissue |
4 | gene | 135.9464 | 135.9626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96158 | Hmgcl | NCBI_Gene:15356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028672 | MGI:96158 | protein coding gene | 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A lyase |
4 | gene | 135.9637 | 135.9682 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921496 | Gale | NCBI_Gene:74246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028671 | MGI:1921496 | protein coding gene | galactose-4-epimerase, UDP |
4 | gene | 135.9682 | 135.9726 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347000 | Lypla2 | NCBI_Gene:26394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028670 | MGI:1347000 | protein coding gene | lysophospholipase 2 |
4 | gene | 135.9755 | 135.9873 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913443 | Pithd1 | NCBI_Gene:66193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028669 | MGI:1913443 | protein coding gene | PITH (C-terminal proteasome-interacting domain of thioredoxin-like) domain containing 1 |
4 | pseudogene | 135.9975 | 135.9979 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649722 | Gm13007 | NCBI_Gene:669445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083852 | MGI:3649722 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13007 |
4 | gene | 136.0034 | 136.0218 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351315 | Eloa | NCBI_Gene:27224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028668 | MGI:1351315 | protein coding gene | elongin A |
4 | gene | 136.0036 | 136.0109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3702670 | Gm13008 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085714 | MGI:3702670 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13008 |
4 | gene | 136.0181 | 136.0185 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454139 | Gm24362 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097995 | MGI:5454139 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 24362 |
4 | gene | 136.0283 | 136.0534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914275 | Rpl11 | NCBI_Gene:67025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059291 | MGI:1914275 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein L11 |
4 | pseudogene | 136.0745 | 136.0750 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651086 | Gm13009 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082877 | MGI:3651086 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13009 |
4 | gene | 136.1375 | 136.1376 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455778 | Gm26001 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088614 | MGI:5455778 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26001 |
4 | gene | 136.1386 | 136.1434 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625214 | Gm42329 | NCBI_Gene:105247187 | MGI:5625214 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42329 |
4 | gene | 136.1435 | 136.1458 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96398 | Id3 | NCBI_Gene:15903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007872 | MGI:96398 | protein coding gene | inhibitor of DNA binding 3 |
4 | gene | 136.1723 | 136.1961 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096341 | E2f2 | NCBI_Gene:242705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018983 | MGI:1096341 | protein coding gene | E2F transcription factor 2 |
4 | gene | 136.2063 | 136.2466 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2684986 | Asap3 | NCBI_Gene:230837,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036995 | MGI:2684986 | protein coding gene | ArfGAP with SH3 domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3 |
4 | gene | 136.2145 | 136.2166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441962 | D230019A03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D230019A03 gene |
4 | gene | 136.2477 | 136.2749 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1196908 | Tcea3 | NCBI_Gene:21401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001604 | MGI:1196908 | protein coding gene | transcription elongation factor A (SII), 3 |
4 | gene | 136.2842 | 136.2939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99192 | Zfp46 | NCBI_Gene:22704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051351 | MGI:99192 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 46 |
4 | pseudogene | 136.3074 | 136.3079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650319 | Gm13013 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081330 | MGI:3650319 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13013 |
4 | gene | 136.3109 | 136.3594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891692 | Hnrnpr | NCBI_Gene:74326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066037 | MGI:1891692 | protein coding gene | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R |
4 | gene | 136.3478 | 136.3494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504137 | Gm27022 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098155 | MGI:5504137 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 27022 |
4 | gene | 136.3503 | 136.3594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918848 | 9130020K20Rik | NCBI_Gene:105247188 | MGI:1918848 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130020K20 gene |
4 | gene | 136.3558 | 136.3594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937022 | Gm17388 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene%2c 17388 |
4 | gene | 136.3875 | 136.3890 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590454 | Gm31295 | NCBI_Gene:102633481 | MGI:5590454 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31295 |
4 | gene | 136.4235 | 136.4444 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96276 | Htr1d | NCBI_Gene:15552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070687 | MGI:96276 | protein coding gene | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1D |
4 | gene | 136.4623 | 136.4640 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443447 | 6030445D17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066178 | MGI:2443447 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030445D17 gene |
4 | gene | 136.4697 | 136.5548 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107629 | Luzp1 | NCBI_Gene:269593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001089 | MGI:107629 | protein coding gene | leucine zipper protein 1 |
4 | gene | 136.5505 | 136.6028 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196256 | Kdm1a | NCBI_Gene:99982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036940 | MGI:1196256 | protein coding gene | lysine (K)-specific demethylase 1A |
4 | pseudogene | 136.5842 | 136.5847 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649751 | Gm12987 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082711 | MGI:3649751 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12987 |
4 | gene | 136.6069 | 136.6133 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914913 | Tex46 | NCBI_Gene:67663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036921 | MGI:1914913 | protein coding gene | testis expressed 46 |
4 | pseudogene | 136.6088 | 136.6099 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651584 | Gm12986 | NCBI_Gene:433770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083054 | MGI:3651584 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12986 |
4 | gene | 136.6098 | 136.6099 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451957 | Gm22180 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092747 | MGI:5451957 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22180 |
4 | gene | 136.6226 | 136.6398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2448566 | Lactbl1 | NCBI_Gene:242707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070683 | MGI:2448566 | protein coding gene | lactamase, beta-like 1 |
4 | gene | 136.6396 | 136.6421 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610811 | Gm37583 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103119 | MGI:5610811 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37583 |
4 | gene | 136.6475 | 136.8360 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99611 | Ephb2 | NCBI_Gene:13844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028664 | MGI:99611 | protein coding gene | Eph receptor B2 |
4 | gene | 136.8360 | 136.8421 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590695 | Gm31536 | NCBI_Gene:102633796 | MGI:5590695 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31536 |
4 | gene | 136.8801 | 136.8862 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88224 | C1qb | NCBI_Gene:12260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036905 | MGI:88224 | protein coding gene | complement component 1, q subcomponent, beta polypeptide |
4 | gene | 136.8898 | 136.8931 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88225 | C1qc | NCBI_Gene:12262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036896 | MGI:88225 | protein coding gene | complement component 1, q subcomponent, C chain |
4 | gene | 136.8959 | 136.8988 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88223 | C1qa | NCBI_Gene:12259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036887 | MGI:88223 | protein coding gene | complement component 1, q subcomponent, alpha polypeptide |
4 | gene | 136.9294 | 136.9568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109378 | Epha8 | NCBI_Gene:13842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028661 | MGI:109378 | protein coding gene | Eph receptor A8 |
4 | gene | 136.9797 | 137.0494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2682254 | Zbtb40 | NCBI_Gene:230848,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060862 | MGI:2682254 | protein coding gene | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 40 |
4 | gene | 137.0257 | 137.0258 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453611 | Gm23834 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077624 | MGI:5453611 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23834 |
4 | gene | 137.0766 | 137.0951 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590807 | Gm31648 | NCBI_Gene:102633949 | MGI:5590807 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31648 |
4 | gene | 137.1167 | 137.1183 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3702655 | Gm13001 | NCBI_Gene:102634021,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087417 | MGI:3702655 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13001 |
4 | gene | 137.1167 | 137.1176 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921513 | 1700037C06Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085542 | MGI:1921513 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700037C06 gene |
4 | gene | 137.1395 | 137.1425 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590921 | Gm31762 | NCBI_Gene:102634099 | MGI:5590921 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31762 |
4 | gene | 137.1591 | 137.1651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650099 | Gm13003 | NCBI_Gene:100503595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085833 | MGI:3650099 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13003 |
4 | gene | 137.1713 | 137.1781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826509 | Gm46872 | NCBI_Gene:108168981 | MGI:5826509 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46872 |
4 | gene | 137.1840 | 137.1841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455176 | Gm25399 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093294 | MGI:5455176 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25399 |
4 | gene | 137.1841 | 137.1841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453040 | Gm23263 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092848 | MGI:5453040 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23263 |
4 | gene | 137.1841 | 137.2528 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590979 | Gm31820 | NCBI_Gene:102634171 | MGI:5590979 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31820 |
4 | pseudogene | 137.2190 | 137.2204 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650102 | Gm13005 | NCBI_Gene:100047000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080806 | MGI:3650102 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13005 |
4 | pseudogene | 137.2226 | 137.2233 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650101 | Gm13002 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082149 | MGI:3650101 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13002 |
4 | gene | 137.2775 | 137.2997 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98957 | Wnt4 | NCBI_Gene:22417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036856 | MGI:98957 | protein coding gene | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4 |
4 | gene | 137.3197 | 137.3578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106211 | Cdc42 | NCBI_Gene:12540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006699 | MGI:106211 | protein coding gene | cell division cycle 42 |
4 | gene | 137.3256 | 137.3256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455549 | Gm25772 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089199 | MGI:5455549 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25772 |
4 | gene | 137.3364 | 137.3401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441797 | A430061O12Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A430061O12 gene |
4 | gene | 137.3873 | 137.3884 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917225 | 2810405F17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101493 | MGI:1917225 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2810405F17 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 137.3953 | 137.3957 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650100 | Rpl31-ps10 | NCBI_Gene:665533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070667 | MGI:3650100 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 10 |
4 | gene | 137.4016 | 137.4098 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651647 | Cela3a | NCBI_Gene:242711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078520 | MGI:3651647 | protein coding gene | chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member 3A |
4 | gene | 137.4210 | 137.4305 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915118 | Cela3b | NCBI_Gene:67868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023433 | MGI:1915118 | protein coding gene | chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member 3B |
4 | gene | 137.4366 | 137.4671 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651180 | Gm13010 | NCBI_Gene:105247191,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086845 | MGI:3651180 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13010 |
4 | gene | 137.4533 | 137.4555 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916630 | 1700013G24Rik | NCBI_Gene:69380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041399 | MGI:1916630 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700013G24 gene |
4 | gene | 137.4688 | 137.5706 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96257 | Hspg2 | NCBI_Gene:15530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028763 | MGI:96257 | protein coding gene | perlecan (heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2) |
4 | gene | 137.5383 | 137.5384 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530988 | Mir7018 | miRBase:MI0022867,NCBI_Gene:102465616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099134 | MGI:5530988 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7018 |
4 | gene | 137.5707 | 137.5824 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588210 | Ldlrad2 | NCBI_Gene:435811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094035 | MGI:3588210 | protein coding gene | low density lipoprotein receptor class A domain containing 2 |
4 | gene | 137.5938 | 137.6585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2158502 | Usp48 | NCBI_Gene:170707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043411 | MGI:2158502 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 48 |
4 | gene | 137.6647 | 137.7299 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109338 | Rap1gap | NCBI_Gene:110351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041351 | MGI:109338 | protein coding gene | Rap1 GTPase-activating protein |
4 | gene | 137.6970 | 137.7074 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917058 | Rap1gapos | NCBI_Gene:69808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087476 | MGI:1917058 | antisense lncRNA gene | RAP1 GTPase activating protein, opposite strand |
4 | gene | 137.7417 | 137.7964 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87983 | Alpl | NCBI_Gene:11647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028766 | MGI:87983 | protein coding gene | alkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney |
4 | gene | 137.8063 | 137.8120 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591238 | Gm32079 | NCBI_Gene:102634516 | MGI:5591238 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32079 |
4 | gene | 137.8622 | 137.9652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1101357 | Ece1 | NCBI_Gene:230857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057530 | MGI:1101357 | protein coding gene | endothelin converting enzyme 1 |
4 | gene | 137.8820 | 137.8839 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3652270 | Gm13012 | NCBI_Gene:102634683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085823 | MGI:3652270 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13012 |
4 | gene | 137.9154 | 137.9155 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921862 | 4833410I11Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833410I11 gene |
4 | gene | 137.9918 | 137.9923 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3035105 | BE691133 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | expressed sequence BE691133 |
4 | gene | 137.9930 | 138.2085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923935 | Eif4g3 | NCBI_Gene:230861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028760 | MGI:1923935 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma, 3 |
4 | gene | 137.9942 | 138.0279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591553 | Gm32394 | NCBI_Gene:102634927 | MGI:5591553 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32394 |
4 | gene | 138.0140 | 138.0184 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3611235 | 8030494B02Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | Riken cDNA 8030494B02 gene |
4 | gene | 138.1376 | 138.1385 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920813 | 1700095J12Rik | NCBI_Gene:73563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084804 | MGI:1920813 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700095J12 gene |
4 | gene | 138.1632 | 138.1633 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531049 | Mir6399 | miRBase:MI0021935,NCBI_Gene:102466907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098513 | MGI:5531049 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6399 |
4 | gene | 138.2157 | 138.2162 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916844 | 2310026L22Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078519 | MGI:1916844 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310026L22 gene |
4 | gene | 138.2163 | 138.2447 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109369 | Hp1bp3 | NCBI_Gene:15441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028759 | MGI:109369 | protein coding gene | heterochromatin protein 1, binding protein 3 |
4 | gene | 138.2504 | 138.2613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446215 | Sh2d5 | NCBI_Gene:230863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045349 | MGI:2446215 | protein coding gene | SH2 domain containing 5 |
4 | gene | 138.2504 | 138.3020 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098229 | Kif17 | NCBI_Gene:16559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028758 | MGI:1098229 | protein coding gene | kinesin family member 17 |
4 | gene | 138.3047 | 138.3126 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1194508 | Ddost | NCBI_Gene:13200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028757 | MGI:1194508 | protein coding gene | dolichyl-di-phosphooligosaccharide-protein glycotransferase |
4 | gene | 138.3134 | 138.3263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916193 | Pink1 | NCBI_Gene:68943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028756 | MGI:1916193 | protein coding gene | PTEN induced putative kinase 1 |
4 | gene | 138.3161 | 138.3162 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531329 | Mir7019 | miRBase:MI0022868,NCBI_Gene:102466788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099200 | MGI:5531329 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7019 |
4 | gene | 138.3260 | 138.3261 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531028 | Gm27646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098364 | MGI:5531028 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27646 |
4 | gene | 138.3384 | 138.3683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919519 | Cda | NCBI_Gene:72269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028755 | MGI:1919519 | protein coding gene | cytidine deaminase |
4 | gene | 138.3941 | 138.3965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651622 | Fam43b | NCBI_Gene:625638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078235 | MGI:3651622 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 43, member B |
4 | gene | 138.3952 | 138.3977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1931024 | AB041806 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046109 | MGI:1931024 | lncRNA gene | hypothetical protein, MNCb-2457 |
4 | pseudogene | 138.4257 | 138.4260 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649580 | Rpl38-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:625646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083326 | MGI:3649580 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L38, pseudogene 1 |
4 | gene | 138.4347 | 138.4423 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915600 | Mul1 | NCBI_Gene:68350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041241 | MGI:1915600 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase activator of NFKB 1 |
4 | gene | 138.4543 | 138.4601 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913509 | Camk2n1 | NCBI_Gene:66259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046447 | MGI:1913509 | protein coding gene | calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor 1 |
4 | gene | 138.4976 | 138.5285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591708 | Gm32549 | NCBI_Gene:102635131 | MGI:5591708 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32549 |
4 | gene | 138.5642 | 138.6359 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922968 | Vwa5b1 | NCBI_Gene:75718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028753 | MGI:1922968 | protein coding gene | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 5B1 |
4 | gene | 138.5876 | 138.5877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452738 | Gm22961 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088589 | MGI:5452738 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22961 |
4 | gene | 138.6390 | 138.6576 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591821 | Gm32662 | NCBI_Gene:102635281 | MGI:5591821 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32662 |
4 | gene | 138.6775 | 138.7117 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591929 | Gm32770 | NCBI_Gene:102635431 | MGI:5591929 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32770 |
4 | gene | 138.6778 | 138.6782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914908 | 4930563F15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930563F15 gene |
4 | gene | 138.7098 | 138.7384 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443123 | Ubxn10 | NCBI_Gene:212190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043621 | MGI:2443123 | protein coding gene | UBX domain protein 10 |
4 | gene | 138.7248 | 138.7461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106638 | Pla2g2c | NCBI_Gene:18781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028750 | MGI:106638 | protein coding gene | phospholipase A2, group IIC |
4 | gene | 138.7505 | 138.7576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1349661 | Pla2g2f | NCBI_Gene:26971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028749 | MGI:1349661 | protein coding gene | phospholipase A2, group IIF |
4 | gene | 138.7614 | 138.7697 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625217 | Gm42332 | NCBI_Gene:105247193 | MGI:5625217 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42332 |
4 | gene | 138.7725 | 138.7802 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592030 | Gm32871 | NCBI_Gene:102635577 | MGI:5592030 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32871 |
4 | gene | 138.7757 | 138.7821 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1341796 | Pla2g2d | NCBI_Gene:18782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041202 | MGI:1341796 | protein coding gene | phospholipase A2, group IID |
4 | gene | 138.7992 | 138.8635 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_101899 | Pla2g5 | NCBI_Gene:18784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041193 | MGI:101899 | protein coding gene | phospholipase A2, group V |
4 | gene | 138.8274 | 138.8275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455057 | Gm25280 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087894 | MGI:5455057 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25280 |
4 | pseudogene | 138.8319 | 138.8352 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104642 | Pla2g2a | NCBI_Gene:18780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058908 | MGI:104642 | polymorphic pseudogene | phospholipase A2, group IIA (platelets, synovial fluid) |
4 | gene | 138.8635 | 138.8686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592089 | Gm32930 | NCBI_Gene:102635643 | MGI:5592089 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32930 |
4 | gene | 138.8710 | 138.8740 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651765 | Gm13030 | NCBI_Gene:105734733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078518 | MGI:3651765 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13030 |
4 | gene | 138.8779 | 138.8828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1349660 | Pla2g2e | NCBI_Gene:26970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028751 | MGI:1349660 | protein coding gene | phospholipase A2, group IIE |
4 | gene | 138.8911 | 138.9140 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920412 | Otud3 | NCBI_Gene:73162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041161 | MGI:1920412 | protein coding gene | OTU domain containing 3 |
4 | pseudogene | 138.9352 | 138.9357 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010282 | Gm18097 | NCBI_Gene:100416403 | MGI:5010282 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18097 |
4 | gene | 138.9364 | 138.9386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592170 | Gm33011 | NCBI_Gene:102635752 | MGI:5592170 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33011 |
4 | gene | 138.9619 | 138.9647 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625218 | Gm42333 | NCBI_Gene:105247194 | MGI:5625218 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42333 |
4 | gene | 138.9671 | 138.9684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914075 | Rnf186 | NCBI_Gene:66825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070661 | MGI:1914075 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 186 |
4 | gene | 138.9721 | 139.0592 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924306 | Tmco4 | NCBI_Gene:77056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041143 | MGI:1924306 | protein coding gene | transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 4 |
4 | gene | 139.0032 | 139.0196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592373 | Gm33214 | NCBI_Gene:102636025 | MGI:5592373 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33214 |
4 | gene | 139.0597 | 139.0756 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196627 | Htr6 | NCBI_Gene:15565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028747 | MGI:1196627 | protein coding gene | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 6 |
4 | gene | 139.0749 | 139.0772 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791369 | Gm45533 | NCBI_Gene:108168960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110296 | MGI:5791369 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45533 |
4 | gene | 139.0823 | 139.0930 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104591 | Nbl1 | NCBI_Gene:17965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041120 | MGI:104591 | protein coding gene | NBL1, DAN family BMP antagonist |
4 | gene | 139.1018 | 139.1311 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913628 | Micos10 | NCBI_Gene:433771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050608 | MGI:1913628 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system subunit 10 |
4 | gene | 139.1341 | 139.1653 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592463 | Gm33304 | NCBI_Gene:102636159 | MGI:5592463 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33304 |
4 | pseudogene | 139.1502 | 139.1508 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1935164 | Hspe1-ps4 | NCBI_Gene:93751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083238 | MGI:1935164 | pseudogene | heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin 10), pseudogene 4 |
4 | gene | 139.1754 | 139.1807 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650322 | Gm16287 | NCBI_Gene:100038595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073739 | MGI:3650322 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16287 |
4 | gene | 139.1922 | 139.1927 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925704 | 9530077C14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530077C14 gene |
4 | gene | 139.1929 | 139.2918 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104652 | Capzb | NCBI_Gene:12345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028745 | MGI:104652 | protein coding gene | capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line, beta |
4 | gene | 139.2940 | 139.3107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384837 | Pqlc2 | NCBI_Gene:212555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028744 | MGI:2384837 | protein coding gene | PQ loop repeat containing 2 |
4 | gene | 139.3107 | 139.3188 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107796 | Akr7a5 | NCBI_Gene:110198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028743 | MGI:107796 | protein coding gene | aldo-keto reductase family 7, member A5 (aflatoxin aldehyde reductase) |
4 | gene | 139.3382 | 139.3383 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455509 | Gm25732 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092909 | MGI:5455509 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25732 |
4 | gene | 139.3383 | 139.3384 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454022 | Gm24245 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087943 | MGI:5454022 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24245 |
4 | pseudogene | 139.3422 | 139.3433 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652310 | Gm13019 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083404 | MGI:3652310 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13019 |
4 | pseudogene | 139.3444 | 139.3463 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100505 | Ccnd3-ps | NCBI_Gene:626000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080708 | MGI:1100505 | pseudogene | cyclin D3, pseudogene |
4 | gene | 139.3474 | 139.3526 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917152 | Mrto4 | NCBI_Gene:69902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028741 | MGI:1917152 | protein coding gene | mRNA turnover 4, ribosome maturation factor |
4 | gene | 139.3526 | 139.3787 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443696 | Emc1 | NCBI_Gene:230866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078517 | MGI:2443696 | protein coding gene | ER membrane protein complex subunit 1 |
4 | gene | 139.3526 | 139.4896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916366 | Ubr4 | NCBI_Gene:69116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066036 | MGI:1916366 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 4 |
4 | gene | 139.3765 | 139.3804 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919807 | 2700016F22Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097731 | MGI:1919807 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2700016F22 gene |
4 | gene | 139.4305 | 139.4306 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4414084 | n-TVaac1 | NCBI_Gene:102467443 | MGI:4414084 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA valine 1 (anticodon AAC) |
4 | gene | 139.5305 | 139.6204 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2140675 | Iffo2 | NCBI_Gene:212632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041025 | MGI:2140675 | protein coding gene | intermediate filament family orphan 2 |
4 | gene | 139.5889 | 139.5890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455348 | Gm25571 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094359 | MGI:5455348 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25571 |
4 | gene | 139.6032 | 139.6627 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439438 | Gm21969 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094439 | MGI:5439438 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 21969 |
4 | gene | 139.6229 | 139.6497 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443883 | Aldh4a1 | NCBI_Gene:212647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028737 | MGI:2443883 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family, member A1 |
4 | gene | 139.6440 | 139.6441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531141 | Mir7020 | miRBase:MI0022869,NCBI_Gene:102465617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098569 | MGI:5531141 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7020 |
4 | gene | 139.6535 | 139.6703 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933546 | Tas1r2 | NCBI_Gene:83770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028738 | MGI:1933546 | protein coding gene | taste receptor, type 1, member 2 |
4 | gene | 139.7350 | 139.7357 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625219 | Gm42334 | NCBI_Gene:105247195 | MGI:5625219 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42334 |
4 | gene | 139.7371 | 139.8335 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97491 | Pax7 | NCBI_Gene:18509,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028736 | MGI:97491 | protein coding gene | paired box 7 |
4 | gene | 139.8331 | 139.8529 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826510 | Gm46873 | NCBI_Gene:108168982 | MGI:5826510 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46873 |
4 | gene | 139.9105 | 139.9344 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686513 | Gm1667 | NCBI_Gene:102636380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087646 | MGI:2686513 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 1667 |
4 | gene | 139.9233 | 139.9332 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651504 | Gm13028 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087628 | MGI:3651504 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13028 |
4 | gene | 139.9261 | 139.9435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918485 | 4933427I22Rik | NCBI_Gene:71235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085928 | MGI:1918485 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933427I22 gene |
4 | gene | 139.9602 | 139.9680 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444612 | Klhdc7a | NCBI_Gene:242721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078234 | MGI:2444612 | protein coding gene | kelch domain containing 7A |
4 | gene | 139.9675 | 139.9676 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4358926 | Mir2139 | miRBase:MI0010752,NCBI_Gene:100316727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089294 | MGI:4358926 | miRNA gene | microRNA 2139 |
4 | gene | 140.0268 | 140.2469 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2681842 | Igsf21 | NCBI_Gene:230868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040972 | MGI:2681842 | protein coding gene | immunoglobulin superfamily, member 21 |
4 | gene | 140.1086 | 140.1450 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651764 | Gm13029 | NCBI_Gene:102636673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086164 | MGI:3651764 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13029 |
4 | gene | 140.1319 | 140.1334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651912 | Gm13027 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085968 | MGI:3651912 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13027 |
4 | gene | 140.2185 | 140.2225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592701 | Gm33542 | NCBI_Gene:102636490 | MGI:5592701 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33542 |
4 | gene | 140.3207 | 140.3233 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642724 | Gm9867 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103107 | MGI:3642724 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9867 |
4 | gene | 140.3234 | 140.3305 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593054 | Gm33895 | NCBI_Gene:102636971 | MGI:5593054 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33895 |
4 | gene | 140.3554 | 140.3619 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593233 | Gm34074 | NCBI_Gene:102637201 | MGI:5593233 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34074 |
4 | gene | 140.3805 | 140.3864 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650527 | Gm13016 | NCBI_Gene:329970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087084 | MGI:3650527 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13016 |
4 | gene | 140.3904 | 140.3969 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650528 | Gm13017 | NCBI_Gene:102637278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086960 | MGI:3650528 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13017 |
4 | gene | 140.4225 | 140.4319 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649637 | Gm13021 | NCBI_Gene:102637389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086437 | MGI:3649637 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13021 |
4 | gene | 140.4380 | 140.4613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650881 | Gm13026 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085047 | MGI:3650881 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13026 |
4 | pseudogene | 140.4458 | 140.4462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6324716 | Gm50453 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118416 | MGI:6324716 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50453 |
4 | gene | 140.5145 | 140.6660 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920004 | Arhgef10l | NCBI_Gene:72754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040964 | MGI:1920004 | protein coding gene | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 10-like |
4 | gene | 140.6051 | 140.6066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625220 | Gm42335 | NCBI_Gene:105247196 | MGI:5625220 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42335 |
4 | gene | 140.6797 | 140.6863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650883 | Gm13025 | NCBI_Gene:102637546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086159 | MGI:3650883 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13025 |
4 | gene | 140.6927 | 140.6928 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452822 | Gm23045 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095878 | MGI:5452822 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23045 |
4 | gene | 140.7005 | 140.7232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919784 | Rcc2 | NCBI_Gene:108911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040945 | MGI:1919784 | protein coding gene | regulator of chromosome condensation 2 |
4 | gene | 140.7170 | 140.7171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455728 | Gm25951 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093071 | MGI:5455728 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25951 |
4 | gene | 140.7274 | 140.7426 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2655198 | Padi6 | NCBI_Gene:242726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040935 | MGI:2655198 | protein coding gene | peptidyl arginine deiminase, type VI |
4 | gene | 140.7455 | 140.7742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338898 | Padi4 | NCBI_Gene:18602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025330 | MGI:1338898 | protein coding gene | peptidyl arginine deiminase, type IV |
4 | gene | 140.7854 | 140.8106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338891 | Padi3 | NCBI_Gene:18601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025328 | MGI:1338891 | protein coding gene | peptidyl arginine deiminase, type III |
4 | gene | 140.8110 | 140.8175 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3702685 | Gm13032 | NCBI_Gene:100049161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085918 | MGI:3702685 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13032 |
4 | gene | 140.8130 | 140.8458 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338893 | Padi1 | NCBI_Gene:18599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025329 | MGI:1338893 | protein coding gene | peptidyl arginine deiminase, type I |
4 | gene | 140.8727 | 140.8781 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922378 | 4930515B02Rik | NCBI_Gene:75128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087045 | MGI:1922378 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930515B02 gene |
4 | gene | 140.9063 | 140.9526 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1338892 | Padi2 | NCBI_Gene:18600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028927 | MGI:1338892 | protein coding gene | peptidyl arginine deiminase, type II |
4 | gene | 140.9090 | 140.9103 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826356 | Gm46719 | NCBI_Gene:108168688 | MGI:5826356 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46719 |
4 | gene | 140.9187 | 140.9188 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456003 | Gm26226 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064443 | MGI:5456003 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26226 |
4 | gene | 140.9272 | 140.9321 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593534 | Gm34375 | NCBI_Gene:102637611 | MGI:5593534 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34375 |
4 | gene | 140.9477 | 140.9579 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3702680 | Gm13031 | NCBI_Gene:100126227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087698 | MGI:3702680 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13031 |
4 | gene | 140.9604 | 140.9613 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593590 | Gm34431 | NCBI_Gene:102637683 | MGI:5593590 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34431 |
4 | gene | 140.9612 | 140.9792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914930 | Sdhb | NCBI_Gene:67680,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009863 | MGI:1914930 | protein coding gene | succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit B, iron sulfur (Ip) |
4 | gene | 140.9869 | 141.0077 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922022 | Atp13a2 | NCBI_Gene:74772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036622 | MGI:1922022 | protein coding gene | ATPase type 13A2 |
4 | gene | 141.0104 | 141.0160 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99559 | Mfap2 | NCBI_Gene:17150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060572 | MGI:99559 | protein coding gene | microfibrillar-associated protein 2 |
4 | gene | 141.0166 | 141.0606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3529431 | Crocc | NCBI_Gene:230872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040860 | MGI:3529431 | protein coding gene | ciliary rootlet coiled-coil, rootletin |
4 | gene | 141.0665 | 141.0784 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913397 | Necap2 | NCBI_Gene:66147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028923 | MGI:1913397 | protein coding gene | NECAP endocytosis associated 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 141.0848 | 141.0857 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651114 | Gm13047 | NCBI_Gene:638991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082246 | MGI:3651114 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13047 |
4 | gene | 141.0883 | 141.1128 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3607787 | Spata21 | NCBI_Gene:329972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045004 | MGI:3607787 | protein coding gene | spermatogenesis associated 21 |
4 | gene | 141.1130 | 141.1398 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098672 | Szrd1 | NCBI_Gene:213491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040842 | MGI:1098672 | protein coding gene | SUZ RNA binding domain containing 1 |
4 | gene | 141.1157 | 141.1181 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704238 | 4921514A10Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097620 | MGI:3704238 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921514A10 gene |
4 | gene | 141.1479 | 141.2041 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924992 | Fbxo42 | NCBI_Gene:213499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028920 | MGI:1924992 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 42 |
4 | gene | 141.2137 | 141.2268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923416 | Cplane2 | NCBI_Gene:76166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073733 | MGI:1923416 | protein coding gene | ciliogenesis and planar polarity effector 2 |
4 | gene | 141.2382 | 141.2395 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641643 | C630004L07Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103366 | MGI:3641643 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C630004L07 gene |
4 | gene | 141.2395 | 141.2579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925912 | Arhgef19 | NCBI_Gene:213649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028919 | MGI:1925912 | protein coding gene | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 19 |
4 | gene | 141.2618 | 141.2660 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649999 | Gm13055 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085774 | MGI:3649999 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13055 |
4 | gene | 141.2784 | 141.2798 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650725 | Gm13056 | NCBI_Gene:100503810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085395 | MGI:3650725 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13056 |
4 | gene | 141.3012 | 141.3294 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95278 | Epha2 | NCBI_Gene:13836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006445 | MGI:95278 | protein coding gene | Eph receptor A2 |
4 | gene | 141.3462 | 141.3462 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455467 | Gm25690 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093180 | MGI:5455467 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25690 |
4 | gene | 141.3478 | 141.3509 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651959 | Gm13074 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085836 | MGI:3651959 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13074 |
4 | pseudogene | 141.3569 | 141.3571 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651957 | Gm13076 | NCBI_Gene:102637915,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084238 | MGI:3651957 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13076 |
4 | gene | 141.3682 | 141.3842 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685539 | Fam131c | NCBI_Gene:277743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006218 | MGI:2685539 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 131, member C |
4 | gene | 141.3846 | 141.3987 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1329026 | Clcnka | NCBI_Gene:12733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033770 | MGI:1329026 | protein coding gene | chloride channel, voltage-sensitive Ka |
4 | gene | 141.3988 | 141.4112 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651958 | Gm13075 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086061 | MGI:3651958 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13075 |
4 | gene | 141.3998 | 141.4006 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593852 | Gm34693 | NCBI_Gene:102638025 | MGI:5593852 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34693 |
4 | gene | 141.4044 | 141.4160 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930643 | Clcnkb | NCBI_Gene:56365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006216 | MGI:1930643 | protein coding gene | chloride channel, voltage-sensitive Kb |
4 | gene | 141.4208 | 141.4253 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1352494 | Hspb7 | NCBI_Gene:29818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006221 | MGI:1352494 | protein coding gene | heat shock protein family, member 7 (cardiovascular) |
4 | gene | 141.4327 | 141.4361 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685540 | Srarp | NCBI_Gene:277744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070637 | MGI:2685540 | protein coding gene | steroid receptor associated and regulated protein |
4 | gene | 141.4440 | 141.4447 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625222 | Gm42337 | NCBI_Gene:105247198 | MGI:5625222 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42337 |
4 | gene | 141.4447 | 141.4679 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107410 | Zbtb17 | NCBI_Gene:22642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006215 | MGI:107410 | protein coding gene | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 17 |
4 | gene | 141.4679 | 141.5386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891706 | Spen | NCBI_Gene:56381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040761 | MGI:1891706 | protein coding gene | spen family transcription repressor |
4 | gene | 141.5355 | 141.5374 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782299 | Gm4123 | NCBI_Gene:100042951 | MGI:3782299 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 4123 |
4 | gene | 141.5392 | 141.5436 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443748 | B830004H01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B830004H01 gene |
4 | gene | 141.5462 | 141.5483 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444063 | B330016D10Rik | NCBI_Gene:320456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048406 | MGI:2444063 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B330016D10 gene |
4 | gene | 141.5761 | 141.6061 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921452 | Fblim1 | NCBI_Gene:74202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006219 | MGI:1921452 | protein coding gene | filamin binding LIM protein 1 |
4 | gene | 141.6134 | 141.6186 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384869 | Tmem82 | NCBI_Gene:213989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043085 | MGI:2384869 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 82 |
4 | gene | 141.6140 | 141.6156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2140323 | AI507597 | NCBI_Gene:100165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073731 | MGI:2140323 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence AI507597 |
4 | gene | 141.6188 | 141.6240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686215 | Slc25a34 | NCBI_Gene:384071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040740 | MGI:2686215 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 25, member 34 |
4 | gene | 141.6257 | 141.6649 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916832 | Plekhm2 | NCBI_Gene:69582,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028917 | MGI:1916832 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family M (with RUN domain) member 2 |
4 | gene | 141.6521 | 141.6549 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921207 | 4930451G21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930451G21 gene |
4 | gene | 141.6775 | 141.7234 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917244 | Ddi2 | NCBI_Gene:68817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078515 | MGI:1917244 | protein coding gene | DNA-damage inducible protein 2 |
4 | gene | 141.6836 | 141.6857 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3526447 | Rsc1a1 | NCBI_Gene:69994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040715 | MGI:3526447 | protein coding gene | regulatory solute carrier protein, family 1, member 1 |
4 | gene | 141.7295 | 141.7438 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594022 | Gm34863 | NCBI_Gene:102638257 | MGI:5594022 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34863 |
4 | gene | 141.7467 | 141.7593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923236 | Agmat | NCBI_Gene:75986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040706 | MGI:1923236 | protein coding gene | agmatine ureohydrolase (agmatinase) |
4 | gene | 141.7602 | 141.7909 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442146 | Dnajc16 | NCBI_Gene:214063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040697 | MGI:2442146 | protein coding gene | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C16 |
4 | gene | 141.7936 | 141.8160 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277950 | Casp9 | NCBI_Gene:12371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028914 | MGI:1277950 | protein coding gene | caspase 9 |
4 | gene | 141.8150 | 141.8262 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95316 | Cela2a | NCBI_Gene:13706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058579 | MGI:95316 | protein coding gene | chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member 2A |
4 | gene | 141.8150 | 141.8464 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923951 | Ctrc | NCBI_Gene:76701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062478 | MGI:1923951 | protein coding gene | chymotrypsin C (caldecrin) |
4 | gene | 141.8443 | 141.8470 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916389 | Ctrcos | NCBI_Gene:69139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086818 | MGI:1916389 | antisense lncRNA gene | chymotrypsin C (caldecrin), opposite strand |
4 | gene | 141.8483 | 141.8585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594193 | Gm35034 | NCBI_Gene:108168984 | MGI:5594193 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35034 |
4 | gene | 141.8581 | 141.8749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106504 | Efhd2 | NCBI_Gene:27984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040659 | MGI:106504 | protein coding gene | EF hand domain containing 2 |
4 | gene | 141.8757 | 141.8770 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580073 | Gm29367 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100396 | MGI:5580073 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29367 |
4 | gene | 141.8797 | 141.8856 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826511 | Gm46874 | NCBI_Gene:108168983 | MGI:5826511 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46874 |
4 | gene | 141.8813 | 141.9003 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651870 | Fhad1os2 | NCBI_Gene:102638933,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085922 | MGI:3651870 | antisense lncRNA gene | forkhead-associated (FHA) phosphopeptide binding domain 1, opposite strand 2 |
4 | gene | 141.8904 | 142.0151 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920323 | Fhad1 | NCBI_Gene:329977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051435 | MGI:1920323 | protein coding gene | forkhead-associated (FHA) phosphopeptide binding domain 1 |
4 | gene | 141.9099 | 141.9159 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625223 | Gm42338 | NCBI_Gene:105247199 | MGI:5625223 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42338 |
4 | gene | 141.9209 | 141.9328 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594454 | Gm35295 | NCBI_Gene:102638820 | MGI:5594454 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35295 |
4 | pseudogene | 141.9768 | 141.9773 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650255 | Gm13059 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081079 | MGI:3650255 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13059 |
4 | gene | 141.9830 | 141.9868 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649995 | Fhad1os1 | NCBI_Gene:545691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085424 | MGI:3649995 | antisense lncRNA gene | forkhead-associated (FHA) phosphopeptide binding domain 1, opposite strand 1 |
4 | gene | 142.0179 | 142.0290 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926167 | 4930455G09Rik | NCBI_Gene:78917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085761 | MGI:1926167 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930455G09 gene |
4 | gene | 142.0310 | 142.0846 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384874 | Tmem51 | NCBI_Gene:214359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040616 | MGI:2384874 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 51 |
4 | gene | 142.0429 | 142.0486 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651989 | Gm13053 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085574 | MGI:3651989 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13053 |
4 | gene | 142.0840 | 142.0881 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642733 | Tmem51os1 | NCBI_Gene:100038693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073728 | MGI:3642733 | antisense lncRNA gene | Tmem51 opposite strand 1 |
4 | gene | 142.1024 | 142.2394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918779 | Kazn | NCBI_Gene:71529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040606 | MGI:1918779 | protein coding gene | kazrin, periplakin interacting protein |
4 | gene | 142.1267 | 142.1282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594740 | Gm35581 | NCBI_Gene:102639222 | MGI:5594740 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35581 |
4 | gene | 142.1806 | 142.1841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649476 | Gm13062 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087525 | MGI:3649476 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13062 |
4 | gene | 142.2394 | 142.2426 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594690 | Gm35531 | NCBI_Gene:102639151 | MGI:5594690 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35531 |
4 | gene | 142.2557 | 142.2561 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920742 | 1700085G17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700085G17 gene |
4 | gene | 142.3078 | 142.3465 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651990 | Gm13052 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085816 | MGI:3651990 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13052 |
4 | gene | 142.3487 | 142.3610 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826512 | Gm46875 | NCBI_Gene:108168985 | MGI:5826512 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46875 |
4 | gene | 142.4071 | 142.4143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625224 | Gm42339 | NCBI_Gene:105247200 | MGI:5625224 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42339 |
4 | gene | 142.4217 | 142.4230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3665284 | C030029H13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | Riken cDNA C030029H13 gene |
4 | gene | 142.4956 | 142.4996 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594911 | Gm35752 | NCBI_Gene:102639438 | MGI:5594911 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35752 |
4 | gene | 142.5984 | 143.0748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917975 | 6330411D24Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110067 | MGI:1917975 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330411D24 gene |
4 | gene | 142.6317 | 142.6354 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625227 | Gm42342 | NCBI_Gene:105247203 | MGI:5625227 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42342 |
4 | gene | 142.6418 | 142.6631 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625225 | Gm42340 | NCBI_Gene:105247201 | MGI:5625225 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42340 |
4 | gene | 142.6434 | 142.6476 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625226 | Gm42341 | NCBI_Gene:105247202 | MGI:5625226 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42341 |
4 | gene | 142.7908 | 142.7910 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610852 | Gm37624 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103678 | MGI:5610852 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37624 |
4 | gene | 143.1027 | 143.1063 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926077 | 5830426C09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5830426C09 gene |
4 | gene | 143.1074 | 143.2130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107628 | Prdm2 | NCBI_Gene:110593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057637 | MGI:107628 | protein coding gene | PR domain containing 2, with ZNF domain |
4 | gene | 143.1361 | 143.1362 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5562764 | Mir7021 | miRBase:MI0022870,NCBI_Gene:102465618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106597 | MGI:5562764 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7021 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.1526 | 143.1530 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650684 | Gm13038 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081838 | MGI:3650684 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13038 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.1666 | 143.1674 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649997 | Gm13039 | NCBI_Gene:100384872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083826 | MGI:3649997 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13039 |
4 | gene | 143.2041 | 143.2042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5451816 | Gm22039 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087903 | MGI:5451816 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22039 |
4 | gene | 143.2120 | 143.2150 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646960 | Gm6687 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6687 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.2420 | 143.2434 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650664 | Eef2-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:433776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082575 | MGI:3650664 | pseudogene | eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2, pseudogene 2 |
4 | gene | 143.2674 | 143.2996 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103098 | Pdpn | NCBI_Gene:14726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028583 | MGI:103098 | protein coding gene | podoplanin |
4 | gene | 143.3404 | 143.3407 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456090 | Gm26313 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088395 | MGI:5456090 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 26313 |
4 | gene | 143.3465 | 143.3710 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442845 | Lrrc38 | NCBI_Gene:242735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028584 | MGI:2442845 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 38 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.3895 | 143.3905 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651262 | Anp32b-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:621961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081792 | MGI:3651262 | pseudogene | Bacidic (leucine-rich) nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family, member B, pseudogene 1 |
4 | gene | 143.3944 | 143.4002 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1890541 | Pramel1 | NCBI_Gene:83491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041805 | MGI:1890541 | protein coding gene | preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma-like 1 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.4023 | 143.4034 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649502 | Gm13045 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082407 | MGI:3649502 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13045 |
4 | gene | 143.4123 | 143.4211 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2140473 | Pramef8 | NCBI_Gene:242736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046862 | MGI:2140473 | protein coding gene | PRAME family member 8 |
4 | gene | 143.4372 | 143.4503 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684051 | Oog4 | NCBI_Gene:242737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047799 | MGI:2684051 | protein coding gene | oogenesin 4 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.4568 | 143.4606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651155 | Gm13042 | NCBI_Gene:666015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083930 | MGI:3651155 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13042 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.4643 | 143.4648 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649503 | Gm13046 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084059 | MGI:3649503 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13046 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.4994 | 143.5025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649499 | Gm13041 | NCBI_Gene:626700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083403 | MGI:3649499 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13041 |
4 | gene | 143.5113 | 143.5178 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649500 | Gm13043 | NCBI_Gene:545693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095409 | MGI:3649500 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13043 |
4 | gene | 143.5360 | 143.5425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649498 | Gm13040 | NCBI_Gene:100040854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070616 | MGI:3649498 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13040 |
4 | gene | 143.5517 | 143.5582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649690 | Gm13057 | NCBI_Gene:100040861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096154 | MGI:3649690 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13057 |
4 | gene | 143.5517 | 143.5738 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3525148 | BC080695 | NCBI_Gene:329986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070618 | MGI:3525148 | protein coding gene | cDNA sequence BC080695 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.5950 | 143.6010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650002 | Gm13058 | NCBI_Gene:666049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081523 | MGI:3650002 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13058 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.6116 | 143.6122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650235 | Gm13080 | NCBI_Gene:100044633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044377 | MGI:3650235 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13080 |
4 | gene | 143.6150 | 143.6187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650232 | Gm13083 | NCBI_Gene:279185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066688 | MGI:3650232 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13083 |
4 | gene | 143.6538 | 143.6606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649971 | Gm13088 | NCBI_Gene:277668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078513 | MGI:3649971 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13088 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.6631 | 143.6638 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650236 | Gm13085 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084351 | MGI:3650236 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13085 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.6711 | 143.6736 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650233 | Gm13082 | NCBI_Gene:100040924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081227 | MGI:3650233 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13082 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.6819 | 143.6853 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826498 | Gm46861 | NCBI_Gene:108168961 | MGI:5826498 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46861 |
4 | gene | 143.6965 | 143.7027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649972 | Gm13089 | NCBI_Gene:277667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070617 | MGI:3649972 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13089 |
4 | gene | 143.7195 | 143.7292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650231 | Gm13078 | NCBI_Gene:277666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046435 | MGI:3650231 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13078 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.7353 | 143.7356 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649970 | Gm13087 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082717 | MGI:3649970 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13087 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.7458 | 143.7514 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650234 | Gm13081 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082030 | MGI:3650234 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13081 |
4 | gene | 143.7893 | 143.7956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650478 | Gm13023 | NCBI_Gene:194227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066031 | MGI:3650478 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13023 |
4 | gene | 143.8092 | 143.8161 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650237 | Gm13084 | NCBI_Gene:381569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059218 | MGI:3650237 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13084 |
4 | gene | 143.8465 | 143.8536 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650203 | Gm13103 | NCBI_Gene:194225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029451 | MGI:3650203 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13103 |
4 | gene | 143.8942 | 143.9004 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649940 | Pramef6 | NCBI_Gene:195555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078512 | MGI:3649940 | protein coding gene | PRAME family member 6 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.9138 | 143.9167 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650205 | Gm13100 | NCBI_Gene:194224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083749 | MGI:3650205 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13100 |
4 | pseudogene | 143.9285 | 143.9308 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651761 | Gm13106 | NCBI_Gene:108169006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084123 | MGI:3651761 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13106 |
4 | gene | 143.9482 | 143.9510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649968 | Pramef25 | NCBI_Gene:329984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078511 | MGI:3649968 | protein coding gene | PRAME family member 25 |
4 | gene | 143.9641 | 143.9669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650204 | Gm13101 | NCBI_Gene:626922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078510 | MGI:3650204 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13101 |
4 | gene | 143.9911 | 143.9944 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650199 | Pramef17 | NCBI_Gene:626943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078509 | MGI:3650199 | protein coding gene | PRAME family member 17 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.0336 | 144.0356 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650198 | Gm13108 | NCBI_Gene:100534283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083456 | MGI:3650198 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13108 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.0410 | 144.0425 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650202 | Gm13104 | NCBI_Gene:436146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095987 | MGI:3650202 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13104 |
4 | gene | 144.0591 | 144.0693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2156377 | Pramel4 | NCBI_Gene:347710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073724 | MGI:2156377 | protein coding gene | preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma like 4 |
4 | gene | 144.0874 | 144.0909 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625252 | Gm42367 | NCBI_Gene:108168962 | MGI:5625252 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 42367 |
4 | gene | 144.0999 | 144.1101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3703005 | Gm13102 | NCBI_Gene:100041077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073723 | MGI:3703005 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13102 |
4 | gene | 144.1576 | 144.1627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684047 | Oog3 | NCBI_Gene:100012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050810 | MGI:2684047 | protein coding gene | oogenesin 3 |
4 | gene | 144.1907 | 144.1969 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2684035 | Oog2 | NCBI_Gene:381570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066030 | MGI:2684035 | protein coding gene | oogenesin 2 |
4 | gene | 144.2068 | 144.2133 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140708 | C87977 | NCBI_Gene:97187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046262 | MGI:2140708 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence C87977 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.2478 | 144.2483 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651473 | Gm13123 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083708 | MGI:3651473 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13123 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.2557 | 144.2576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434367 | Gm21012 | NCBI_Gene:100534281 | MGI:5434367 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21012 |
4 | gene | 144.2706 | 144.2805 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2156389 | Pramel5 | NCBI_Gene:384077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036749 | MGI:2156389 | protein coding gene | preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma like 5 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.2967 | 144.2981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651691 | Gm13120 | NCBI_Gene:666150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095960 | MGI:3651691 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13120 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.3030 | 144.3049 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651258 | Gm13130 | NCBI_Gene:100534282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080943 | MGI:3651258 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13130 |
4 | gene | 144.3302 | 144.3335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651261 | Gm13128 | NCBI_Gene:626995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078508 | MGI:3651261 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13128 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.3456 | 144.3460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651474 | Gm13122 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084312 | MGI:3651474 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13122 |
4 | gene | 144.3579 | 144.3644 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651680 | Gm13119 | NCBI_Gene:433779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070619 | MGI:3651680 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13119 |
4 | gene | 144.3728 | 144.3779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3712553 | Pramef20 | NCBI_Gene:627009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073721 | MGI:3712553 | protein coding gene | PRAME family member 20 |
4 | gene | 144.3917 | 144.4085 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924882 | Pramef12 | NCBI_Gene:77632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028591 | MGI:1924882 | protein coding gene | PRAME family member 12 |
4 | gene | 144.4049 | 144.4063 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925973 | Pramef12os | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028590 | MGI:1925973 | antisense lncRNA gene | PRAME family member 12, opposite strand |
4 | gene | 144.4182 | 144.4388 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916614 | 1700012P22Rik | NCBI_Gene:69364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028589 | MGI:1916614 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700012P22 gene |
4 | gene | 144.4512 | 144.4536 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642412 | Gm9944 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095213 | MGI:3642412 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9944 |
4 | gene | 144.4538 | 144.4638 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685281 | Aadacl3 | NCBI_Gene:230883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078507 | MGI:2685281 | protein coding gene | arylacetamide deacetylase like 3 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.4984 | 144.4989 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651681 | Gm13118 | NCBI_Gene:100417902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082835 | MGI:3651681 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13118 |
4 | gene | 144.5198 | 144.5294 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685880 | Aadacl4fm1 | NCBI_Gene:381572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028593 | MGI:2685880 | protein coding gene | AADACL4 family member 1 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.5264 | 144.5270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650486 | Gm13121 | NCBI_Gene:100041232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083390 | MGI:3650486 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13121 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.5454 | 144.5486 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651475 | Gm13126 | NCBI_Gene:666194,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082418 | MGI:3651475 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13126 |
4 | gene | 144.5550 | 144.5651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3652194 | Aadacl4fm2 | NCBI_Gene:627085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078506 | MGI:3652194 | protein coding gene | AADACL4 family member 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.5871 | 144.5890 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651260 | Gm13127 | NCBI_Gene:666215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070610 | MGI:3651260 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13127 |
4 | gene | 144.6137 | 144.6234 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650257 | Aadacl4 | NCBI_Gene:435815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070609 | MGI:3650257 | protein coding gene | arylacetamide deacetylase like 4 |
4 | gene | 144.6699 | 144.6864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685282 | Aadacl4fm4 | NCBI_Gene:230890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078505 | MGI:2685282 | protein coding gene | AADACL4 family member 4 |
4 | gene | 144.7032 | 144.7215 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650721 | AAdacl4fm3 | NCBI_Gene:546849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041735 | MGI:3650721 | protein coding gene | AADACL4 family member 3 |
4 | gene | 144.7656 | 144.7658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455715 | Gm25938 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077327 | MGI:5455715 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25938 |
4 | gene | 144.7772 | 144.7866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685284 | Aadacl4fm5 | NCBI_Gene:329993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078504 | MGI:2685284 | protein coding gene | AADACL4 family member 5 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.7918 | 144.7928 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859808 | Prdx2-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:666242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083998 | MGI:1859808 | pseudogene | peroxiredoxin 2, pseudogene 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 144.8113 | 144.8120 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826527 | Gm46890 | NCBI_Gene:108169007 | MGI:5826527 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46890 |
4 | gene | 144.8554 | 144.8987 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826513 | Gm46876 | NCBI_Gene:108168986 | MGI:5826513 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46876 |
4 | gene | 144.8926 | 144.9282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1315215 | Dhrs3 | NCBI_Gene:20148,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066026 | MGI:1315215 | protein coding gene | dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 3 |
4 | gene | 144.9047 | 145.1954 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2448530 | Vps13d | NCBI_Gene:230895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000020220 | MGI:2448530 | protein coding gene | vacuolar protein sorting 13D |
4 | gene | 144.9386 | 144.9542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625229 | Gm42344 | NCBI_Gene:105247205 | MGI:5625229 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42344 |
4 | gene | 144.9572 | 144.9588 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611302 | Gm38074 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103911 | MGI:5611302 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38074 |
4 | gene | 144.9634 | 144.9656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595476 | Gm36317 | NCBI_Gene:102640189 | MGI:5595476 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36317 |
4 | gene | 145.1450 | 145.1510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625228 | Gm42343 | NCBI_Gene:105247204 | MGI:5625228 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42343 |
4 | gene | 145.2124 | 145.2469 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1314883 | Tnfrsf1b | NCBI_Gene:21938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028599 | MGI:1314883 | protein coding gene | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1b |
4 | gene | 145.2486 | 145.2650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595392 | Gm36233 | NCBI_Gene:102640078 | MGI:5595392 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36233 |
4 | gene | 145.2671 | 145.3152 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99908 | Tnfrsf8 | NCBI_Gene:21941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028602 | MGI:99908 | protein coding gene | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 8 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.3909 | 145.3917 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650678 | Gm13024 | NCBI_Gene:666282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082758 | MGI:3650678 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13024 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.4043 | 145.4044 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652162 | Gm13224 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084272 | MGI:3652162 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13224 |
4 | gene | 145.4102 | 145.4498 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651931 | Platr16 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085101 | MGI:3651931 | lncRNA gene | pluripotency associated transcript 16 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.4334 | 145.4508 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625231 | Gm42346 | NCBI_Gene:105247207 | MGI:5625231 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 42346 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.4467 | 145.4509 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651934 | Gm13230 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082082 | MGI:3651934 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13230 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.4556 | 145.4564 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652163 | Gm13223 | NCBI_Gene:100418367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083081 | MGI:3652163 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13223 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.4642 | 145.4680 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443330 | Smarca5-ps | NCBI_Gene:545700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052912 | MGI:2443330 | pseudogene | SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin depenent ragulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 5, pseudogene |
4 | pseudogene | 145.4690 | 145.4716 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651933 | Gm13229 | NCBI_Gene:102634135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087076 | MGI:3651933 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13229 |
4 | gene | 145.5108 | 145.5392 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652161 | Zfp990 | NCBI_Gene:101056073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078503 | MGI:3652161 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 990 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.5605 | 145.5609 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439447 | Gm21978 | NCBI_Gene:100125275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096864 | MGI:5439447 | pseudogene | predicted gene 21978 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.5745 | 145.5752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651932 | Gm13228 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082352 | MGI:3651932 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13228 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.5769 | 145.5773 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651282 | Gm13226 | NCBI_Gene:545701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083454 | MGI:3651282 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13226 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.5790 | 145.5792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652164 | Gm13222 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080732 | MGI:3652164 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13222 |
4 | gene | 145.5852 | 145.6253 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651014 | Gm13212 | NCBI_Gene:433801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078502 | MGI:3651014 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13212 |
4 | gene | 145.6020 | 145.7124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477257 | Gm26763 | NCBI_Gene:102633440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097661 | MGI:5477257 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26763 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.6325 | 145.6333 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649926 | Gm13234 | NCBI_Gene:666334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083562 | MGI:3649926 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13234 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.6412 | 145.6445 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649243 | Gm13231 | NCBI_Gene:545703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081885 | MGI:3649243 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13231 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.6467 | 145.6472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649659 | Gm13249 | NCBI_Gene:384081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095517 | MGI:3649659 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13249 |
4 | gene | 145.6707 | 145.7044 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3712454 | Zfp980 | NCBI_Gene:100041379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058186 | MGI:3712454 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 980 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.6898 | 145.6905 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650779 | Gm13239 | NCBI_Gene:666349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082615 | MGI:3650779 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13239 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.7017 | 145.7760 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761370 | Vmn2r-ps15 | NCBI_Gene:100125279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094177 | MGI:3761370 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 15 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.7294 | 145.7304 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649252 | Gm13232 | NCBI_Gene:666351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084279 | MGI:3649252 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13232 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.7457 | 145.7474 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650036 | Gm13244 | NCBI_Gene:100534387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082334 | MGI:3650036 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13244 |
4 | gene | 145.7629 | 145.7650 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705163 | Gm13236 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087513 | MGI:3705163 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13236 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.7743 | 145.7753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649654 | Gm13243 | NCBI_Gene:100417615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094417 | MGI:3649654 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13243 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.7895 | 145.8320 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917255 | Znf41-ps | NCBI_Gene:70005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084350 | MGI:1917255 | pseudogene | ZNF41, pseudogene |
4 | pseudogene | 145.8372 | 145.8380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652104 | Gm13238 | NCBI_Gene:236069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096233 | MGI:3652104 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13238 |
4 | pseudogene | 145.8435 | 145.8447 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649657 | Gm13246 | NCBI_Gene:102633201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083235 | MGI:3649657 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13246 |
4 | gene | 145.8688 | 145.9000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649925 | Zfp986 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078500 | MGI:3649925 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 986 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.0588 | 146.0595 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650250 | Gm13036 | NCBI_Gene:100418368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081595 | MGI:3650250 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13036 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.0675 | 146.0709 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650252 | Gm13034 | NCBI_Gene:627585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082195 | MGI:3650252 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13034 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.0732 | 146.0737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650251 | Gm13035 | NCBI_Gene:102637947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083733 | MGI:3650251 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13035 |
4 | gene | 146.0973 | 146.1266 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3702694 | Zfp987 | NCBI_Gene:626316,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066009 | MGI:3702694 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 987 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.1247 | 146.2649 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761372 | Vmn2r-ps17 | NCBI_Gene:434514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095096 | MGI:3761372 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 17 |
4 | gene | 146.1535 | 147.0250 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477067 | Gm26573 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096958 | MGI:5477067 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26573 |
4 | gene | 146.1568 | 146.1988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705222 | Zfp600 | NCBI_Gene:667666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066007 | MGI:3705222 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 600 |
4 | gene | 146.1675 | 146.2643 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650210 | Gm13165 | NCBI_Gene:105247209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086654 | MGI:3650210 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13165 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.1781 | 146.1788 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651095 | Gm13170 | NCBI_Gene:626480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081522 | MGI:3651095 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13170 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.2239 | 146.2248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650208 | Gm13167 | NCBI_Gene:666474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081671 | MGI:3650208 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13167 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.2400 | 146.2416 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651793 | Gm13169 | NCBI_Gene:100534388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084127 | MGI:3651793 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13169 |
4 | gene | 146.2518 | 146.2784 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705130 | Gm13166 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085525 | MGI:3705130 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13166 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.2636 | 146.2642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650212 | Gm13168 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081460 | MGI:3650212 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13168 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.4451 | 146.6055 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761371 | Vmn2r-ps16 | NCBI_Gene:100125280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095460 | MGI:3761371 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 16 |
4 | gene | 146.4490 | 146.4703 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3700963 | Zfp992 | NCBI_Gene:433791,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070605 | MGI:3700963 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 992 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.4748 | 146.4782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649920 | Gm13241 | NCBI_Gene:433790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073716 | MGI:3649920 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13241 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.4807 | 146.4809 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649656 | Gm13245 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081998 | MGI:3649656 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13245 |
4 | gene | 146.5020 | 146.5394 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3700965 | Zfp981 | NCBI_Gene:100041433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056300 | MGI:3700965 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 981 |
4 | gene | 146.5091 | 146.5118 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477374 | Gm26880 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096979 | MGI:5477374 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26880 |
4 | gene | 146.5190 | 146.5469 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914774 | 1700095A21Rik | NCBI_Gene:67524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086046 | MGI:1914774 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700095A21 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 146.5642 | 146.5652 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649924 | Gm13237 | NCBI_Gene:666390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095865 | MGI:3649924 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13237 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.5800 | 146.5833 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649253 | Gm13233 | NCBI_Gene:100534386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083038 | MGI:3649253 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13233 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.6038 | 146.6048 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650771 | Gm13240 | NCBI_Gene:100417614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096366 | MGI:3650771 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13240 |
4 | gene | 146.6109 | 146.6584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3713585 | Zfp993 | NCBI_Gene:100503000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063245 | MGI:3713585 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 993 |
4 | gene | 146.7278 | 146.7298 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589840 | Gm30681 | NCBI_Gene:102632663 | MGI:5589840 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30681 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.7496 | 146.7505 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434231 | Gm20875 | NCBI_Gene:100041490 | MGI:5434231 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20875 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.8166 | 146.8217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826533 | Gm46896 | NCBI_Gene:108169015 | MGI:5826533 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46896 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.8289 | 146.8382 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434437 | Gm21082 | NCBI_Gene:100861620 | MGI:5434437 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21082 |
4 | gene | 146.8917 | 146.9096 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434766 | Gm21411 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045699 | MGI:5434766 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 21411 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.9324 | 146.9336 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5434116 | Gm20760 | NCBI_Gene:631415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093919 | MGI:5434116 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20760 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.9423 | 146.9460 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649297 | Gm13140 | NCBI_Gene:626288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083027 | MGI:3649297 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13140 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.9481 | 146.9485 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651738 | Gm13149 | NCBI_Gene:102631940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081260 | MGI:3651738 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13149 |
4 | gene | 146.9720 | 146.9908 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651739 | Zfp989 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086147 | MGI:3651739 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 989 |
4 | pseudogene | 146.9977 | 147.0028 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826532 | Gm46895 | NCBI_Gene:108169014 | MGI:5826532 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46895 |
4 | gene | 147.0182 | 147.4922 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444536 | C230088H06Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097168 | MGI:2444536 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C230088H06 gene |
4 | gene | 147.0219 | 147.0608 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1328322 | Rex2 | NCBI_Gene:100043034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067919 | MGI:1328322 | protein coding gene | reduced expression 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.0406 | 147.0414 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651987 | Gm13153 | NCBI_Gene:100417333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083704 | MGI:3651987 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13153 |
4 | gene | 147.0634 | 147.0684 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918520 | 4933438K21Rik | NCBI_Gene:71270,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093617 | MGI:1918520 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933438K21 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 147.0862 | 147.0870 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649984 | Gm13160 | NCBI_Gene:666514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094017 | MGI:3649984 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13160 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.1023 | 147.1040 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651745 | Gm13142 | NCBI_Gene:100041561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081405 | MGI:3651745 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13142 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.1253 | 147.1258 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701119 | Gm13162 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082779 | MGI:3701119 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 13162 |
4 | gene | 147.1253 | 147.3926 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701123 | Zfp978 | NCBI_Gene:108168963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078497 | MGI:3701123 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 978 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.1261 | 147.1265 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761373 | Vmn2r-ps18 | NCBI_Gene:100124576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094849 | MGI:3761373 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 18 |
4 | gene | 147.1320 | 147.1806 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701604 | Zfp991 | NCBI_Gene:666532,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067916 | MGI:3701604 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 991 |
4 | gene | 147.1363 | 147.4570 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477118 | Gm26624 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097122 | MGI:5477118 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26624 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.1877 | 147.1885 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651742 | Gm13146 | NCBI_Gene:384087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095054 | MGI:3651742 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13146 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.1941 | 147.1952 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651199 | Gm13163 | NCBI_Gene:102631726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082176 | MGI:3651199 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13163 |
4 | gene | 147.2219 | 147.2263 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625253 | Gm42368 | NCBI_Gene:105247234 | MGI:5625253 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 42368 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.2303 | 147.2593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651740 | Gm13147 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087207 | MGI:3651740 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13147 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.2674 | 147.2684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649982 | Gm13158 | NCBI_Gene:102640977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081627 | MGI:3649982 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13158 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.2756 | 147.2793 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650404 | Gm13135 | NCBI_Gene:545716,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082925 | MGI:3650404 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13135 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.2814 | 147.2819 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651743 | Gm13144 | NCBI_Gene:666574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094318 | MGI:3651743 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13144 |
4 | gene | 147.3057 | 147.3337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651985 | Zfp988 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078498 | MGI:3651985 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 988 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.3789 | 147.3798 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646475 | Gm8178 | NCBI_Gene:666588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096354 | MGI:3646475 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8178 |
4 | gene | 147.3972 | 147.3997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925446 | 4930546J17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930546J17 gene |
4 | gene | 147.3998 | 147.4076 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826534 | Gm46897 | NCBI_Gene:108169016 | MGI:5826534 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46897 |
4 | gene | 147.4117 | 147.4135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826535 | Gm46898 | NCBI_Gene:108169017 | MGI:5826535 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46898 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.4430 | 147.4440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650656 | Gm13161 | NCBI_Gene:100861575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082248 | MGI:3650656 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13161 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.4443 | 147.4446 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761374 | Vmn2r-ps19 | NCBI_Gene:100125283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093975 | MGI:3761374 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 19 |
4 | gene | 147.4924 | 147.5135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701121 | Zfp982 | NCBI_Gene:195531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078496 | MGI:3701121 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 982 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.5205 | 147.5209 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801908 | Gm15951 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081301 | MGI:3801908 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15951 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.5215 | 147.5219 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761375 | Vmn2r-ps20 | NCBI_Gene:100125298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096440 | MGI:3761375 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 20 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.5277 | 147.5282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651744 | Gm13141 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082599 | MGI:3651744 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13141 |
4 | gene | 147.5402 | 147.5435 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642127 | Gm16503 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 16503 |
4 | gene | 147.5533 | 147.5852 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651986 | Zfp985 | NCBI_Gene:433804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065999 | MGI:3651986 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 985 |
4 | gene | 147.6119 | 147.6425 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2148252 | Zfp979 | NCBI_Gene:112422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066000 | MGI:2148252 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 979 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.6240 | 147.6249 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651982 | Gm13155 | NCBI_Gene:666618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096065 | MGI:3651982 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13155 |
4 | gene | 147.6685 | 147.6709 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3802078 | Gm16211 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086130 | MGI:3802078 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16211 |
4 | gene | 147.6735 | 147.7026 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650650 | Zfp534 | NCBI_Gene:100503584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062518 | MGI:3650650 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 534 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.7328 | 147.7331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649289 | Gm13137 | NCBI_Gene:666640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096521 | MGI:3649289 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13137 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.7353 | 147.7390 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649290 | Gm13136 | NCBI_Gene:194189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081179 | MGI:3649290 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13136 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.7455 | 147.7466 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651741 | Gm13148 | NCBI_Gene:666652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083642 | MGI:3651741 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13148 |
4 | gene | 147.7540 | 147.8098 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651978 | Zfp984 | NCBI_Gene:100041677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078495 | MGI:3651978 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 984 |
4 | gene | 147.7823 | 147.8098 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5313154 | Gm20707 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093594 | MGI:5313154 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20707 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.8218 | 147.8222 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3701125 | Rps19-ps3 | NCBI_Gene:277692,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080059 | MGI:3701125 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S19, pseudogene 3 |
4 | gene | 147.8230 | 147.8485 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922865 | Zfp933 | NCBI_Gene:242747,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059423 | MGI:1922865 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 933 |
4 | gene | 147.8608 | 147.8688 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106506 | Miip | NCBI_Gene:28010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029022 | MGI:106506 | protein coding gene | migration and invasion inhibitory protein |
4 | gene | 147.8690 | 147.8704 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95595 | Fv1 | NCBI_Gene:14349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070583 | MGI:95595 | protein coding gene | Friend virus susceptibility 1 |
4 | gene | 147.8736 | 147.9049 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442230 | Mfn2 | NCBI_Gene:170731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029020 | MGI:2442230 | protein coding gene | mitofusin 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 147.8937 | 147.8940 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651983 | Gm13156 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083340 | MGI:3651983 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13156 |
4 | gene | 147.9098 | 147.9368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99907 | Plod1 | NCBI_Gene:18822,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019055 | MGI:99907 | protein coding gene | procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 1 |
4 | gene | 147.9409 | 147.9473 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924284 | 2510039O18Rik | NCBI_Gene:77034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044496 | MGI:1924284 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2510039O18 gene |
4 | gene | 147.9858 | 147.9872 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97368 | Nppb | NCBI_Gene:18158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029019 | MGI:97368 | protein coding gene | natriuretic peptide type B |
4 | gene | 148.0007 | 148.0021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97367 | Nppa | NCBI_Gene:230899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041616 | MGI:97367 | protein coding gene | natriuretic peptide type A |
4 | gene | 148.0011 | 148.0040 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3702728 | Gm13054 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086806 | MGI:3702728 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13054 |
4 | gene | 148.0043 | 148.0389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347049 | Clcn6 | NCBI_Gene:26372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029016 | MGI:1347049 | protein coding gene | chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 6 |
4 | pseudogene | 148.0316 | 148.0323 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651232 | Gm13207 | NCBI_Gene:100418092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083473 | MGI:3651232 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13207 |
4 | gene | 148.0383 | 148.0596 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106639 | Mthfr | NCBI_Gene:17769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029009 | MGI:106639 | protein coding gene | methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase |
4 | gene | 148.0580 | 148.0765 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649941 | Gm13201 | NCBI_Gene:102634746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078494 | MGI:3649941 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13201 |
4 | pseudogene | 148.0680 | 148.0686 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649942 | Chchd2-ps | NCBI_Gene:433806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094320 | MGI:3649942 | pseudogene | coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 2, pseudogene |
4 | gene | 148.0771 | 148.0881 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1339977 | Agtrap | NCBI_Gene:11610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029007 | MGI:1339977 | protein coding gene | angiotensin II, type I receptor-associated protein |
4 | gene | 148.0984 | 148.1311 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917683 | Draxin | NCBI_Gene:70433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029005 | MGI:1917683 | protein coding gene | dorsal inhibitory axon guidance protein |
4 | gene | 148.1303 | 148.1457 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919140 | Mad2l2 | NCBI_Gene:71890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029003 | MGI:1919140 | protein coding gene | MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 2 |
4 | gene | 148.1457 | 148.1521 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354743 | Fbxo6 | NCBI_Gene:50762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055401 | MGI:1354743 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 6 |
4 | gene | 148.1469 | 148.1470 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530673 | Mir7022 | miRBase:MI0022871,NCBI_Gene:102465619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099043 | MGI:5530673 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7022 |
4 | gene | 148.1528 | 148.1605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354744 | Fbxo44 | NCBI_Gene:230903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029001 | MGI:1354744 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 44 |
4 | gene | 148.1602 | 148.1664 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446216 | Fbxo2 | NCBI_Gene:230904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041556 | MGI:2446216 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 2 |
4 | gene | 148.2081 | 148.2148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591762 | Gm32603 | NCBI_Gene:102635206 | MGI:5591762 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32603 |
4 | gene | 148.2364 | 148.2880 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444403 | Disp3 | NCBI_Gene:242748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041544 | MGI:2444403 | protein coding gene | dispatched RND transporter family member 3 |
4 | gene | 148.3069 | 148.3166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651440 | Gm13206 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087027 | MGI:3651440 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13206 |
4 | gene | 148.3564 | 148.3595 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650195 | Gm13200 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086326 | MGI:3650195 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13200 |
4 | gene | 148.4345 | 148.4448 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918957 | Ubiad1 | NCBI_Gene:71707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047719 | MGI:1918957 | protein coding gene | UbiA prenyltransferase domain containing 1 |
4 | gene | 148.4433 | 148.4435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453080 | Gm23303 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064648 | MGI:5453080 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23303 |
4 | gene | 148.4486 | 148.5577 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928394 | Mtor | NCBI_Gene:56717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028991 | MGI:1928394 | protein coding gene | mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase |
4 | gene | 148.4952 | 148.5005 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3605801 | Angptl7 | NCBI_Gene:654812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028989 | MGI:3605801 | protein coding gene | angiopoietin-like 7 |
4 | gene | 148.5391 | 148.5392 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453779 | Gm24002 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089081 | MGI:5453779 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24002 |
4 | gene | 148.5557 | 148.5558 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453095 | Gm23318 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088625 | MGI:5453095 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23318 |
4 | gene | 148.5584 | 148.5824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1355322 | Exosc10 | NCBI_Gene:50912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000017264 | MGI:1355322 | protein coding gene | exosome component 10 |
4 | pseudogene | 148.5691 | 148.5699 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651444 | Gm13204 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082860 | MGI:3651444 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13204 |
4 | gene | 148.5847 | 148.5860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651228 | Gm13209 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087217 | MGI:3651228 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13209 |
4 | gene | 148.5915 | 148.5950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102690 | Srm | NCBI_Gene:20810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006442 | MGI:102690 | protein coding gene | spermidine synthase |
4 | gene | 148.5949 | 148.6155 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330832 | Masp2 | NCBI_Gene:17175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028979 | MGI:1330832 | protein coding gene | mannan-binding lectin serine peptidase 2 |
4 | gene | 148.6124 | 148.6270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2387629 | Tardbp | NCBI_Gene:230908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041459 | MGI:2387629 | protein coding gene | TAR DNA binding protein |
4 | gene | 148.6433 | 148.6770 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685418 | Gm572 | NCBI_Gene:230909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070577 | MGI:2685418 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 572 |
4 | gene | 148.7137 | 148.7166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651445 | Gm13203 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087273 | MGI:3651445 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13203 |
4 | gene | 148.7449 | 148.7474 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592056 | Gm32897 | NCBI_Gene:102635606 | MGI:5592056 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32897 |
4 | gene | 148.7798 | 148.7849 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625235 | Gm42350 | NCBI_Gene:105247212 | MGI:5625235 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42350 |
4 | gene | 148.8044 | 148.9549 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1196251 | Casz1 | NCBI_Gene:69743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028977 | MGI:1196251 | protein coding gene | castor zinc finger 1 |
4 | gene | 148.8651 | 148.8675 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625237 | Gm42352 | NCBI_Gene:105247214 | MGI:5625237 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42352 |
4 | gene | 148.9135 | 148.9143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801757 | Gm15969 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086766 | MGI:3801757 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15969 |
4 | gene | 148.9475 | 148.9497 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3700976 | Gm13205 | NCBI_Gene:108168987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086606 | MGI:3700976 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13205 |
4 | gene | 148.9575 | 148.9919 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937856 | Gm17029 | NCBI_Gene:102635786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086740 | MGI:4937856 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17029 |
4 | gene | 148.9605 | 149.0999 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927868 | Pex14 | NCBI_Gene:56273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028975 | MGI:1927868 | protein coding gene | peroxisomal biogenesis factor 14 |
4 | gene | 148.9970 | 149.0030 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625236 | Gm42351 | NCBI_Gene:105247213 | MGI:5625236 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42351 |
4 | pseudogene | 149.0963 | 149.0969 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779916 | Gm9506 | NCBI_Gene:670864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081086 | MGI:3779916 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9506 |
4 | gene | 149.0989 | 149.0998 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826359 | Gm46722 | NCBI_Gene:108168707 | MGI:5826359 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46722 |
4 | gene | 149.1041 | 149.1207 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1196227 | Dffa | NCBI_Gene:13347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028974 | MGI:1196227 | protein coding gene | DNA fragmentation factor, alpha subunit |
4 | gene | 149.1250 | 149.1268 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109538 | Cort | NCBI_Gene:12854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028971 | MGI:109538 | protein coding gene | cortistatin |
4 | gene | 149.1271 | 149.1376 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917178 | Cenps | NCBI_Gene:69928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073705 | MGI:1917178 | protein coding gene | centromere protein S |
4 | pseudogene | 149.1424 | 149.1435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651234 | Rpsa-ps12 | NCBI_Gene:666774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080746 | MGI:3651234 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein SA, pseudogene 12 |
4 | gene | 149.1500 | 149.1668 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97553 | Pgd | NCBI_Gene:110208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028961 | MGI:97553 | protein coding gene | phosphogluconate dehydrogenase |
4 | gene | 149.1763 | 149.3077 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108426 | Kif1b | NCBI_Gene:16561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063077 | MGI:108426 | protein coding gene | kinesin family member 1B |
4 | gene | 149.2552 | 149.2567 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3026951 | 6720462K09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6720462K09 gene |
4 | gene | 149.3284 | 149.4267 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927086 | Ube4b | NCBI_Gene:63958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028960 | MGI:1927086 | protein coding gene | ubiquitination factor E4B |
4 | gene | 149.3346 | 149.3359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921560 | Ube4bos3 | NCBI_Gene:74310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085286 | MGI:1921560 | antisense lncRNA gene | ubiquitination factor E4B, opposite strand 3 |
4 | gene | 149.3381 | 149.3385 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651969 | Ube4bos2 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085807 | MGI:3651969 | antisense lncRNA gene | ubiquitination factor E4B, opposite strand 2 |
4 | gene | 149.3479 | 149.3653 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925072 | Ube4bos1 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085819 | MGI:1925072 | antisense lncRNA gene | ubiquitination factor E4B, opposite strand 1 |
4 | gene | 149.4497 | 149.4665 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890409 | Rbp7 | NCBI_Gene:63954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028996 | MGI:1890409 | protein coding gene | retinol binding protein 7, cellular |
4 | pseudogene | 149.4573 | 149.4579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651720 | Trmt112-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:627985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070572 | MGI:3651720 | pseudogene | tRNA methyltransferase 11-2, pseudogene 2 |
4 | gene | 149.4676 | 149.4852 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913704 | Nmnat1 | NCBI_Gene:66454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028992 | MGI:1913704 | protein coding gene | nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 1 |
4 | gene | 149.4774 | 149.4843 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701129 | Tmem274 | NCBI_Gene:102636051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087198 | MGI:3701129 | protein coding gene | transmembrame protein 274 |
4 | gene | 149.4852 | 149.4967 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916401 | Lzic | NCBI_Gene:69151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028990 | MGI:1916401 | protein coding gene | leucine zipper and CTNNBIP1 domain containing |
4 | pseudogene | 149.5006 | 149.5010 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651971 | Gm13071 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083811 | MGI:3651971 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13071 |
4 | gene | 149.5047 | 149.5052 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920314 | 2900080M03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900080M03 gene |
4 | gene | 149.5172 | 149.5173 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454158 | Gm24381 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084646 | MGI:5454158 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24381 |
4 | gene | 149.5182 | 149.5664 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915756 | Ctnnbip1 | NCBI_Gene:67087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028988 | MGI:1915756 | protein coding gene | catenin beta interacting protein 1 |
4 | gene | 149.5379 | 149.5379 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454968 | Mir5616 | miRBase:MI0019184,NCBI_Gene:100885828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093403 | MGI:5454968 | miRNA gene | microRNA 5616 |
4 | gene | 149.5656 | 149.5678 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3701131 | Gm13066 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086949 | MGI:3701131 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13066 |
4 | gene | 149.5727 | 149.5740 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925218 | A930041D05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930041D05 gene |
4 | gene | 149.5865 | 149.6489 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929895 | Clstn1 | NCBI_Gene:65945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039953 | MGI:1929895 | protein coding gene | calsyntenin 1 |
4 | gene | 149.6492 | 149.7026 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098211 | Pik3cd | NCBI_Gene:18707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039936 | MGI:1098211 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit delta |
4 | gene | 149.6555 | 149.6556 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531294 | Mir7023 | miRBase:MI0022872,NCBI_Gene:102465983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098580 | MGI:5531294 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7023 |
4 | gene | 149.7154 | 149.7381 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196277 | Tmem201 | NCBI_Gene:230917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044700 | MGI:1196277 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 201 |
4 | gene | 149.7440 | 149.7743 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917806 | Slc25a33 | NCBI_Gene:70556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028982 | MGI:1917806 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 25, member 33 |
4 | gene | 149.7485 | 149.7496 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651967 | Gm13068 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085403 | MGI:3651967 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13068 |
4 | gene | 149.7763 | 149.7833 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802067 | Gm16188 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085368 | MGI:3802067 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16188 |
4 | gene | 149.7784 | 149.7810 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651721 | Gm13073 | NCBI_Gene:105247217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084807 | MGI:3651721 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13073 |
4 | gene | 149.7907 | 149.8025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625239 | Gm42354 | NCBI_Gene:105247218 | MGI:5625239 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42354 |
4 | pseudogene | 149.7933 | 149.7934 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651736 | Gm13065 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081601 | MGI:3651736 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13065 |
4 | pseudogene | 149.8147 | 149.8152 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651735 | Gm13064 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083173 | MGI:3651735 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13064 |
4 | gene | 149.8177 | 149.8178 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422058 | n-R5s193 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064798 | MGI:4422058 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 193 |
4 | gene | 149.8178 | 149.8178 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096167 | Gm47301 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106221 | MGI:6096167 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 47301 |
4 | gene | 149.8963 | 149.9550 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921896 | Spsb1 | NCBI_Gene:74646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039911 | MGI:1921896 | protein coding gene | splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 1 |
4 | gene | 149.9021 | 149.9081 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651970 | Gm13070 | NCBI_Gene:105247219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086767 | MGI:3651970 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13070 |
4 | gene | 149.9795 | 150.0090 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140356 | H6pd | NCBI_Gene:100198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028980 | MGI:2140356 | protein coding gene | hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (glucose 1-dehydrogenase) |
4 | gene | 150.0294 | 150.0587 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651968 | Gm13067 | NCBI_Gene:102636131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086665 | MGI:3651968 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13067 |
4 | gene | 150.0685 | 150.0686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3619363 | Mir34a | miRBase:MI0000584,NCBI_Gene:723848,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065493 | MGI:3619363 | miRNA gene | microRNA 34a |
4 | gene | 150.0685 | 150.0710 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611023 | Gm37795 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102813 | MGI:5611023 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37795 |
4 | gene | 150.0874 | 150.1059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442046 | Gpr157 | NCBI_Gene:269604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047875 | MGI:2442046 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 157 |
4 | gene | 150.1139 | 150.1193 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650866 | Gm13093 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087094 | MGI:3650866 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13093 |
4 | gene | 150.1193 | 150.1442 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928369 | Slc2a5 | NCBI_Gene:56485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028976 | MGI:1928369 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 5 |
4 | gene | 150.1488 | 150.1689 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650865 | Slc2a7 | NCBI_Gene:435818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062064 | MGI:3650865 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 7 |
4 | gene | 150.1870 | 150.2013 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333786 | Car6 | NCBI_Gene:12353,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028972 | MGI:1333786 | protein coding gene | carbonic anhydrase 6 |
4 | pseudogene | 150.2280 | 150.2284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650867 | Gm13094 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082140 | MGI:3650867 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13094 |
4 | gene | 150.2367 | 150.2489 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95393 | Eno1 | NCBI_Gene:13806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063524 | MGI:95393 | protein coding gene | enolase 1, alpha non-neuron |
4 | gene | 150.2592 | 150.2629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592574 | Gm33415 | NCBI_Gene:102636312 | MGI:5592574 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33415 |
4 | gene | 150.2816 | 150.6220 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2683486 | Rere | NCBI_Gene:68703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039852 | MGI:2683486 | protein coding gene | arginine glutamic acid dipeptide (RE) repeats |
4 | pseudogene | 150.3151 | 150.3156 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649661 | Gm13092 | NCBI_Gene:102638183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085787 | MGI:3649661 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13092 |
4 | gene | 150.3212 | 150.3213 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452986 | Gm23209 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089292 | MGI:5452986 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23209 |
4 | gene | 150.3287 | 150.3342 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443638 | D030004A10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D030004A10 gene |
4 | gene | 150.4163 | 150.4180 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442500 | E230012J19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E230012J19 gene |
4 | gene | 150.4780 | 150.4802 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442856 | 9430064G09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430064G09 gene |
4 | gene | 150.5119 | 150.5164 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625240 | Gm42355 | NCBI_Gene:105247220 | MGI:5625240 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 42355 |
4 | gene | 150.5669 | 150.5685 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649653 | Gm13091 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085213 | MGI:3649653 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13091 |
4 | gene | 150.6286 | 150.6522 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2653235 | Slc45a1 | NCBI_Gene:242773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039838 | MGI:2653235 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 45, member 1 |
4 | gene | 150.6682 | 150.6788 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3802017 | Gm16079 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085869 | MGI:3802017 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16079 |
4 | gene | 150.7045 | 150.7391 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595759 | Gm36600 | NCBI_Gene:102640566 | MGI:5595759 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36600 |
4 | gene | 150.7762 | 150.8182 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595965 | Gm36806 | NCBI_Gene:102640831 | MGI:5595965 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36806 |
4 | gene | 150.8077 | 150.8097 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625241 | Gm42356 | NCBI_Gene:105247221 | MGI:5625241 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42356 |
4 | gene | 150.8257 | 150.8396 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650887 | Gm13049 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085097 | MGI:3650887 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13049 |
4 | gene | 150.8282 | 150.8549 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920598 | 1700045H11Rik | NCBI_Gene:73348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078492 | MGI:1920598 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700045H11 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 150.8471 | 150.8475 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650886 | Rps15a-ps3 | NCBI_Gene:108168715,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084314 | MGI:3650886 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S15A, pseudogene 3 |
4 | gene | 150.8538 | 150.8689 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921405 | Errfi1 | NCBI_Gene:74155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028967 | MGI:1921405 | protein coding gene | ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 |
4 | gene | 150.8971 | 150.9144 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2135637 | Park7 | NCBI_Gene:57320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028964 | MGI:2135637 | protein coding gene | Parkinson disease (autosomal recessive, early onset) 7 |
4 | gene | 150.9146 | 150.9461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1101059 | Tnfrsf9 | NCBI_Gene:21942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028965 | MGI:1101059 | protein coding gene | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 9 |
4 | gene | 150.9173 | 151.8619 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140230 | Camta1 | NCBI_Gene:100072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014592 | MGI:2140230 | protein coding gene | calmodulin binding transcription activator 1 |
4 | gene | 150.9647 | 150.9649 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453182 | Gm23405 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064476 | MGI:5453182 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23405 |
4 | gene | 150.9656 | 150.9809 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589279 | Gm30120 | NCBI_Gene:102631903 | MGI:5589279 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30120 |
4 | gene | 150.9786 | 150.9800 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924312 | 5330422M15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5330422M15 gene |
4 | gene | 150.9970 | 151.0447 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277134 | Per3 | NCBI_Gene:18628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028957 | MGI:1277134 | protein coding gene | period circadian clock 3 |
4 | gene | 150.9971 | 151.0018 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346329 | Uts2 | NCBI_Gene:24111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028963 | MGI:1346329 | protein coding gene | urotensin 2 |
4 | gene | 151.0448 | 151.0591 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621414 | Gm38529 | NCBI_Gene:102641068 | MGI:5621414 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38529 |
4 | gene | 151.0473 | 151.0580 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1321389 | Vamp3 | NCBI_Gene:22319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028955 | MGI:1321389 | protein coding gene | vesicle-associated membrane protein 3 |
4 | gene | 151.0890 | 151.0918 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650445 | Gm13090 | NCBI_Gene:105704528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078491 | MGI:3650445 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13090 |
4 | gene | 151.0934 | 151.1057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826536 | Gm46899 | NCBI_Gene:108169018 | MGI:5826536 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46899 |
4 | gene | 151.2160 | 151.2223 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589581 | Gm30422 | NCBI_Gene:102632317 | MGI:5589581 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30422 |
4 | gene | 151.2224 | 151.2334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825597 | Gm45960 | NCBI_Gene:108167361 | MGI:5825597 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45960 |
4 | gene | 151.3765 | 151.3796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914998 | 4930589P08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085593 | MGI:1914998 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930589P08 gene |
4 | gene | 151.4552 | 151.4577 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589503 | Gm30344 | NCBI_Gene:102632204 | MGI:5589503 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30344 |
4 | gene | 151.6386 | 151.7233 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621327 | Gm38442 | NCBI_Gene:102632096 | MGI:5621327 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38442 |
4 | gene | 151.8406 | 151.8678 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625242 | Gm42357 | NCBI_Gene:105247222 | MGI:5625242 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42357 |
4 | gene | 151.8623 | 151.8633 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925157 | 9230110K08Rik | NCBI_Gene:102631977 | MGI:1925157 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9230110K08 gene |
4 | gene | 151.9160 | 151.9164 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610369 | Gm37141 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104142 | MGI:5610369 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37141 |
4 | gene | 151.9324 | 151.9329 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920975 | 1110001D16Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110001D16 gene |
4 | gene | 151.9337 | 151.9821 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443386 | Dnajc11 | NCBI_Gene:230935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039768 | MGI:2443386 | protein coding gene | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C11 |
detach("package:qtl2", unload=TRUE)
cross <- qtl::read.cross("csv", file = "/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/gm_qtl.csv",alleles=c("A","B"))
--Read the following data:
161 individuals
13765 markers
3 phenotypes
--Cross type: bc
cross <- qtl::jittermap(cross)
No. individuals: 161
No. phenotypes: 3
Percent phenotyped: 100 100 100
No. chromosomes: 19
Autosomes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19
X chr: X
Total markers: 13765
No. markers: 2142 1860 1022 570 688 514 1060 294 772 205 718 11 1270
1105 490 291 494 208 51
Percent genotyped: 99.5
Genotypes (%):
Autosomes: AA:49.9 AB:50.1
X chromosome: AA:51.8 AB:48.2
fitqtl.d1 = cross
qc <- c(3, 4)
qp <- c(29.03815, 69.1085558)
#fitqtl.d1 <- subset(fitqtl.d1, chr=qc)
fitqtl.d1 <- qtl::calc.genoprob(fitqtl.d1)
qtl <- qtl::makeqtl(fitqtl.d1, qc, qp, what="prob")
# fit an additive QTL model
lod.add.1 <- qtl::fitqtl(fitqtl.d1, pheno.col="ICI.vs.EOI", qtl, formula=y~Q1+Q2,method="hk", model="binary", get.ests=FALSE)
fitqtl summary
Method: Haley-Knott regression
Model: binary phenotype
Number of observations : 161
Full model result
Model formula: y ~ Q1 + Q2
df LOD %var Pvalue(Chi2)
Model 2 8.608288 21.82557 2.464407e-09
Drop one QTL at a time ANOVA table:
df LOD %var Pvalue(Chi2)
3@29.0 1 5.140 12.381 1.14e-06 ***
4@69.1 1 2.244 5.182 0.00131 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# fit model with 2 interacting QTLs interacting
lod.1 <- qtl::fitqtl(fitqtl.d1, pheno.col="ICI.vs.EOI", qtl, formula=y~Q1*Q2, method="hk", model="binary", get.ests=FALSE)
fitqtl summary
Method: Haley-Knott regression
Model: binary phenotype
Number of observations : 161
Full model result
Model formula: y ~ Q1 + Q2 + Q1:Q2
df LOD %var Pvalue(Chi2)
Model 3 10.09943 25.08974 4.419161e-10
Drop one QTL at a time ANOVA table:
df LOD %var Pvalue(Chi2)
3@29.0 2 6.631 15.646 2.34e-07 ***
4@69.1 2 3.735 8.446 0.000184 ***
3@29.0:4@69.1 1 1.491 3.264 0.008780 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# fit the model including sex as an interacting covariate
Sex <- data.frame(Sex=pull.pheno(fitqtl.d1, "sex"))
# additive model <- qtl::fitqtl(fitqtl.d1, pheno.col="ICI.vs.EOI", qtl, formula=y~Q1+Q2+Sex, cov=Sex, method="hk", model="binary", get.ests=FALSE)
fitqtl summary
Method: Haley-Knott regression
Model: binary phenotype
Number of observations : 161
Full model result
Model formula: y ~ Q1 + Q2 + Sex
df LOD %var Pvalue(Chi2)
Model 3 8.608288 21.82557 1.268533e-08
Drop one QTL at a time ANOVA table:
df LOD %var Pvalue(Chi2)
3@29.0 1 5.140 12.381 1.14e-06 ***
4@69.1 1 2.244 5.182 0.00131 **
Sex 1 0.000 0.000 1.00000
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#interactive model <- qtl::fitqtl(fitqtl.d1, pheno.col="ICI.vs.EOI", qtl, formula=y~Q1*Q2*Sex, cov=Sex, method="hk", model="binary", get.ests=FALSE)
fitqtl summary
Method: Haley-Knott regression
Model: binary phenotype
Number of observations : 161
Full model result
Model formula: y ~ Q1 + Q2 + Sex + Q1:Q2 + Q1:Sex + Q2:Sex + Q1:Q2:Sex
df LOD %var Pvalue(Chi2)
Model 7 10.09943 25.08974 6.956532e-08
Drop one QTL at a time ANOVA table:
df LOD %var Pvalue(Chi2)
3@29.0 4 6.631 15.646 3.8e-06 ***
4@69.1 4 3.735 8.446 0.00177 **
Sex 4 0.000 0.000 1.00000
3@29.0:4@69.1 2 1.491 3.264 0.03227 *
3@29.0:Sex 2 0.000 0.000 1.00000
4@69.1:Sex 2 0.000 0.000 1.00000
3@29.0:4@69.1:Sex 1 0.000 0.000 1.00000
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] qtl_1.46-2 abind_1.4-5 reshape2_1.4.4 ggplot2_3.3.5
[5] tibble_3.1.2 psych_2.0.7 readxl_1.3.1 cluster_2.1.0
[9] dplyr_1.0.8 optparse_1.6.6 rhdf5_2.28.1 mclust_5.4.6
[13] tidyr_1.0.2 data.table_1.14.0 knitr_1.33 kableExtra_1.1.0
[17] workflowr_1.6.2
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] httr_1.4.1 bit64_4.0.5 viridisLite_0.4.0 assertthat_0.2.1
[5] highr_0.9 blob_1.2.1 cellranger_1.1.0 yaml_2.2.1
[9] pillar_1.6.1 RSQLite_2.2.7 backports_1.2.1 lattice_0.20-38
[13] glue_1.4.2 digest_0.6.27 promises_1.1.0 rvest_0.3.5
[17] colorspace_2.0-2 htmltools_0.5.1.1 httpuv_1.5.2 plyr_1.8.6
[21] pkgconfig_2.0.3 purrr_0.3.4 scales_1.1.1 webshot_0.5.2
[25] whisker_0.4 getopt_1.20.3 later_1.0.0 git2r_0.26.1
[29] generics_0.0.2 ellipsis_0.3.2 cachem_1.0.5 withr_2.4.2
[33] cli_3.0.0 mnormt_1.5-7 magrittr_2.0.1 crayon_1.4.1
[37] memoise_2.0.0 evaluate_0.14 fs_1.4.1 fansi_0.5.0
[41] nlme_3.1-142 xml2_1.3.1 tools_3.6.2 hms_0.5.3
[45] lifecycle_1.0.1 stringr_1.4.0 Rhdf5lib_1.6.3 munsell_0.5.0
[49] compiler_3.6.2 rlang_1.0.2 grid_3.6.2 rstudioapi_0.13
[53] rmarkdown_2.1 gtable_0.3.0 DBI_1.1.1 R6_2.5.0
[57] fastmap_1.1.0 bit_4.0.4 utf8_1.2.1 rprojroot_1.3-2
[61] readr_1.3.1 stringi_1.7.2 parallel_3.6.2 Rcpp_1.0.7
[65] vctrs_0.3.8 tidyselect_1.1.2 xfun_0.24