Last updated: 2022-03-09

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: Serreze-T1D_Workflow/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.2). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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The command set.seed(20220210) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

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/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/qc/workflowr/Serreze-T1D_Workflow .

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.

The results in this page were generated with repository version 46d3df1. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .DS_Store
    Ignored:    analysis/.DS_Store

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  data/GM_covar.csv
    Untracked:  data/bad_markers_all_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.eoi1.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.pbs1.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.eoi.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.eoi1.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.pbs.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.pbs1.csv
    Untracked:  data/e.RData
    Untracked:  data/e_snpg_samqc_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/e_snpg_samqc_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/errors_ind_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/errors_ind_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/genetic_map.csv
    Untracked:  data/genotype_errors_marker_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/genotype_freq_marker_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_allqc_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_samqc_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_samqc_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_samqc_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_serreze.192.RData
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_id_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_id_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_id_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_marker_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/pheno.csv
    Untracked:  data/physical_map.csv
    Untracked:  data/qc_info_bad_sample_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/qc_info_bad_sample_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/qc_info_bad_sample_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/remaining.markers_geno.freq.xlsx
    Untracked:  data/sample_geno.csv
    Untracked:  data/sample_geno_bc.csv
    Untracked:  data/serreze_probs.rds
    Untracked:  data/serreze_probs_allqc.rds
    Untracked:  data/summary.cg_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/summary.cg_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/summary.cg_4.batches_bc.RData

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/4.1.1_qtl.analysis_binary_ici.vs.pbs_snpsqc_dis_no-x.Rmd) and HTML (docs/4.1.1_qtl.analysis_binary_ici.vs.pbs_snpsqc_dis_no-x.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 46d3df1 Belinda Cornes 2022-03-09 no xcovar or kinship

Data Information

Loading Data

We will load the data and subset indivials out that are in the groups of interest. We will create a binary phenotype from this (PBS ==0, ICI == 1).


Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals               188
No. genotyped individuals       188
No. phenotyped individuals      188
No. with both geno & pheno      188

No. phenotypes                    1
No. covariates                    6
No. phenotype covariates          0

No. chromosomes                  20
Total markers                131578

No. markers by chr:
    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13 
 9977 10005  7858  7589  7621  7758  7413  6472  6725  6396  7154  6137  6085 
   14    15    16    17    18    19     X 
 5981  5346  5019  5093  4607  3564  4778 
#pr <- readRDS("data/serreze_probs_allqc.rds")
#pr <- readRDS("data/serreze_probs.rds")

##extracting animals with ici and pbs group status
miceinfo <- gm$covar[gm$covar$group == "PBS" | gm$covar$group == "ICI",]

 92  21 
mice.ids <- rownames(miceinfo)

gm <- gm[mice.ids]
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals               113
No. genotyped individuals       113
No. phenotyped individuals      113
No. with both geno & pheno      113

No. phenotypes                    1
No. covariates                    6
No. phenotype covariates          0

No. chromosomes                  20
Total markers                131578

No. markers by chr:
    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13 
 9977 10005  7858  7589  7621  7758  7413  6472  6725  6396  7154  6137  6085 
   14    15    16    17    18    19     X 
 5981  5346  5019  5093  4607  3564  4778 

 92  21 
gm$covar$ICI.vs.PBS <- ifelse(gm$covar$group == "PBS", 0, 1)

covars <- read_csv("data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv")
#removing any missing info
covars <- subset(covars, covars$ICI.vs.PBS!='')
[1] 113

 92  21 
#keeping only informative mice
gm <- gm[covars$Mouse.ID]
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals               113
No. genotyped individuals       113
No. phenotyped individuals      113
No. with both geno & pheno      113

No. phenotypes                    1
No. covariates                    7
No. phenotype covariates          0

No. chromosomes                  20
Total markers                131578

No. markers by chr:
    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13 
 9977 10005  7858  7589  7621  7758  7413  6472  6725  6396  7154  6137  6085 
   14    15    16    17    18    19     X 
 5981  5346  5019  5093  4607  3564  4778 

 92  21 
#pr.qc.ids <- pr
#for (i in 1:20){pr.qc.ids[[i]] = pr.qc.ids[[i]][covars$Mouse.ID,,]}

##dropping monomorphic markers within the dataset

g <-"cbind", gm$geno)

gf_mar <- t(apply(g, 2, function(a) table(factor(a, 1:2))/sum(a != 0)))
#gn_mar <- t(apply(g, 2, function(a) table(factor(a, 1:2))))

gf_mar <- gf_mar[gf_mar[,2] != "NaN",]

count <- rowSums(gf_mar <=0.05)
low_freq_df <- merge(,, by="row.names",all=T)
low_freq_df[] <- ''
low_freq_df <- low_freq_df[low_freq_df$count == 1,]
rownames(low_freq_df) <- low_freq_df$Row.names

low_freq <- find_markerpos(gm, rownames(low_freq_df))
low_freq$id <- rownames(low_freq)

[1] 98210
low_freq_bad <- merge(low_freq,low_freq_df, by="row.names",all=T)
names(low_freq_bad)[1] <- c("marker")

gf_mar <- gf_mar[gf_mar[,2] != "NaN",]
MAF <- apply(gf_mar, 1, function(x) min(x))
MAF <-
MAF$index <- 1:nrow(gf_mar)
gf_mar_maf <- merge(gf_mar,, by="row.names")
gf_mar_maf <- gf_mar_maf[order(gf_mar_maf$index),]

gfmar <- NULL
gfmar$gfmar_mar_0 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF==0)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_1 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.01)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_5 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.05)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_10 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.10)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_15 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.15)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_25 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.25)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_50 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.50)
gfmar$total_snps <- nrow(

gfmar <- t(
gfmar <-
gfmar$count <- gfmar$V1

gfmar[c(2)] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccccc"),linesep ="\\hline") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = F)  %>%
  row_spec(8 ,bold=T,color= "white",background = "black")
gfmar_mar_0 89064
gfmar_mar_1 92616
gfmar_mar_5 98209
gfmar_mar_10 99489
gfmar_mar_15 99575
gfmar_mar_25 100325
gfmar_mar_50 131283
total_snps 131578
gm_qc <- drop_markers(gm, low_freq_bad$marker)
gm_qc <- drop_nullmarkers(gm_qc)

Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals              113
No. genotyped individuals      113
No. phenotyped individuals     113
No. with both geno & pheno     113

No. phenotypes                   1
No. covariates                   7
No. phenotype covariates         0

No. chromosomes                 20
Total markers                33368

No. markers by chr:
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16 
3009 2925 2089 2103 1982 2099 1915 1739 2050 1253 2102 1428 1656 1728 1101  977 
  17   18   19    X 
 422 1118 1084  588 
## dropping disproportionate markers
dismark <- read.csv("data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv")
[1] 33368
names(dismark)[1] <- c("marker")
dismark <- dismark[!dismark$Include,]
[1] 24442
gm_qc_dis <- drop_markers(gm_qc, dismark$marker)
gm_qc_dis <- drop_nullmarkers(gm_qc_dis)

gm = gm_qc_dis
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals             113
No. genotyped individuals     113
No. phenotyped individuals    113
No. with both geno & pheno    113

No. phenotypes                  1
No. covariates                  7
No. phenotype covariates        0

No. chromosomes                19
Total markers                8926

No. markers by chr:
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   16   17 
 281 1238    5  177  775  979  558  220  394  146  554  308  307  899  203    2 
  18   19    X 
 867  688  325 
markers <- marker_names(gm)
gmapdf <- read.csv("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/genetic_map.csv")
pmapdf <- read.csv("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/physical_map.csv")
mapdf <- merge(gmapdf,pmapdf, by=c("marker","chr"), all=T)
rownames(mapdf) <- mapdf$marker
mapdf <- mapdf[markers,]
names(mapdf) <- c('marker','chr','gmapdf','pmapdf')
mapdfnd <- mapdf[!duplicated(mapdf[c(2:3)]),]

pr.qc <- calc_genoprob(gm)

Genome-wide scan

For each of the phenotype analyzed, permutations were used for each model to obtain genome-wide LOD significance threshold for p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.10, respectively, separately for X and automsomes (A).

The table shows the estimated significance thresholds from permutation test.

We also looked at the kinship to see how correlated each sample is. Kinship values between pairs of samples range between 0 (no relationship) and 1.0 (completely identical). The darker the colour the more indentical the pairs are.

#Xcovar <- get_x_covar(gm)
#addcovar = model.matrix(~Sex, data = covars)[,-1]

#K <- calc_kinship(pr.qc, type = "loco")
#K.overall <- calc_kinship(pr.qc, type = "overall")
kinship <- calc_kinship(pr.qc)

#operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar$phenos, Xcovar=Xcovar, n_perm=2000)
#operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar$phenos, addcovar = addcovar, n_perm=2000)
#operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar$phenos, n_perm=2000)
operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, gm$covar["ICI.vs.PBS"], model="binary", n_perm=10, perm_Xsp=TRUE, chr_lengths=chr_lengths(gm$gmap))

summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01,  0.05, 0.1))))
names(summary_table) <- c("autosomes","X")
summary_table$significance.level <- rownames(summary_table)

rownames(summary_table) <- NULL

summary_table[c(3,1:2)] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
significance.level autosomes X
0.01 3.627618 2.988905
0.05 3.575311 2.763922
0.1 3.509791 2.470624

The figures below show QTL maps for each phenotype

#out <- scan1(pr.qc, gm$covar["ICI.vs.PBS"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="binary")
out <- scan1(pr.qc, gm$covar["ICI.vs.PBS"], model="binary")

#summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01,  0.05, 0.1))))

  for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
    #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i],  "_lod.png"))
    #par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
    ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
    plot(out, gm$gmap, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
    legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
    title(main = colnames(out)[i])
    #for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
    #  abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
    #  text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))


LOD peaks

The table below shows QTL peaks associated with the phenotype. We use the 95% threshold from the permutations to find peaks.

peaks<-find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=1.5, drop=1.5)

rownames(peaks) <- NULL
peaks[] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod ci_lo ci_hi
1 ICI.vs.PBS 19 3.956 1.654726 3.158 38.082
peaks_mbl <- list()
#corresponding info in Mb
for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
  lodindex <- peaks$lodindex[i]
  lodcolumn <- peaks$lodcolumn[i]
  chr <- as.character(peaks$chr[i])
  lod <- peaks$lod[i]
  mark <- find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=chr,pos=peaks$pos[i])
  pos <- mapdf[mapdf$marker==mark,]$pmapdf
  ci_lo <- mapdfnd$pmapdf[which(mapdfnd$gmapdf == peaks$ci_lo[i] & mapdfnd$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  ci_hi <- mapdfnd$pmapdf[which(mapdfnd$gmapdf == peaks$ci_hi[i] & mapdfnd$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  peaks_mb=cbind(lodindex, lodcolumn, chr, pos, lod, ci_lo, ci_hi)
  peaks_mbl[[i]] <- peaks_mb
peaks_mba <-, peaks_mbl)
peaks_mba <-
#peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")] <- sapply(peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")], as.numeric)

rownames(peaks_mba) <- NULL
peaks_mba[] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod ci_lo ci_hi
1 ICI.vs.PBS 19 4.262698 1.65472578904673 3.402767 44.701763

QTL effects

For each peak LOD location we give a list of gene

query_variants <- create_variant_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/cc_variants.sqlite")
query_genes <- create_gene_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/mouse_genes_mgi.sqlite")

for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
#for (i in 1:1){
  #Plot 1
  marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
  #g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
  gp <- g[,marker]
  gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
  gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
  gp[gp==0] <- NA
  #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
  #par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
  plot_pxg(gp, gm$covar[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
  title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)

  chr = peaks$chr[i]

# Plot 2
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
  coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary")
  blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]])
  #     gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff])")
  #     )

       gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
       bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
       main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup])")
  #last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
  #for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  #axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

 # Plot 3
  #c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  #c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], gm$covar[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  #plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  #plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  ##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
  ##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  ##  axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

  #Table 1
  chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]

  genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)

  rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
  genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"

  #genesgss <- 
  #table <- 
  #genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")] %>%
  #kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccccccc")) %>%
  #kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) #%>% 
  #cat #%>%
  #column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
  #print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], escape = F,align = c("ccccccccccc")))

  print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))


chr type start stop strand ID Name Dbxref gene_id mgi_type description
19 gene 3.388857 3.407823 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1340029 Tesmin NCBI_Gene:17771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024905 MGI:1340029 protein coding gene testis expressed metallothionein like
19 gene 3.409915 3.414544 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95637 Gal NCBI_Gene:14419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024907 MGI:95637 protein coding gene galanin and GMAP prepropeptide
19 gene 3.454928 3.575749 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921807 Ppp6r3 NCBI_Gene:52036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024908 MGI:1921807 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunit 3
19 gene 3.486090 3.488014 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6098329 Gm48696 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114315 MGI:6098329 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48696
19 gene 3.490309 3.490413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453717 Gm23940 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075908 MGI:5453717 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23940
19 gene 3.527104 3.528613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6098308 Gm48683 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114302 MGI:6098308 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48683
19 pseudogene 3.567551 3.568448 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011390 Gm19205 NCBI_Gene:100418426 MGI:5011390 pseudogene predicted gene, 19205
19 gene 3.576263 3.576335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413682 n-TAagc9 NCBI_Gene:102467450 MGI:4413682 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA alanine 9 (anticodon AGC)
19 gene 3.584825 3.686564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1278315 Lrp5 NCBI_Gene:16973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024913 MGI:1278315 protein coding gene low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5
19 gene 3.686410 3.692435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595831 Gm36672 NCBI_Gene:102640658 MGI:5595831 protein coding gene predicted gene, 36672
19 gene 3.689236 3.708226 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595767 Gm36608 NCBI_Gene:102640578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118249 MGI:5595767 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36608
19 gene 3.708293 3.717882 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919306 1810055G02Rik NCBI_Gene:72056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035372 MGI:1919306 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1810055G02 gene
19 gene 3.712777 3.744426 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595946 Gm36787 NCBI_Gene:102640806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117739 MGI:5595946 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36787
19 gene 3.719885 3.721369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5596030 Gm36871 NCBI_Gene:102640924 MGI:5596030 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36871
19 pseudogene 3.730432 3.731047 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780310 Gm2141 NCBI_Gene:100039289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118231 MGI:3780310 pseudogene predicted gene 2141
19 pseudogene 3.732094 3.732340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303269 Gm50374 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118096 MGI:6303269 pseudogene predicted gene, 50374
19 gene 3.740225 3.742537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303270 Gm50375 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117773 MGI:6303270 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50375
19 gene 3.765976 3.818303 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444557 Kmt5b NCBI_Gene:225888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045098 MGI:2444557 protein coding gene lysine methyltransferase 5B
19 gene 3.798615 3.852419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801953 Gm16066 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082848 MGI:3801953 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16066
19 pseudogene 3.821562 3.822389 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011394 Gm19209 NCBI_Gene:100418430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117779 MGI:5011394 pseudogene predicted gene, 19209
19 gene 3.851585 3.894369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107760 Chka NCBI_Gene:12660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024843 MGI:107760 protein coding gene choline kinase alpha
19 gene 3.863568 3.867673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303282 Gm50383 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117912 MGI:6303282 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50383
19 gene 3.896050 3.907133 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1350931 Tcirg1 NCBI_Gene:27060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001750 MGI:1350931 protein coding gene T cell, immune regulator 1, ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 protein A3
19 gene 3.908863 3.912774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385079 Ndufs8 NCBI_Gene:225887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059734 MGI:2385079 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S8
19 gene 3.913491 3.930860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914939 Aldh3b1 NCBI_Gene:67689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024885 MGI:1914939 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B1
19 gene 3.919391 3.920826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624944 Gm42059 NCBI_Gene:105246837 MGI:5624944 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42059
19 gene 3.923864 3.924975 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589005 Gm29846 NCBI_Gene:102631533 MGI:5589005 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29846
19 pseudogene 3.931795 3.932090 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303191 Gm50327 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118129 MGI:6303191 pseudogene predicted gene, 50327
19 gene 3.935186 3.949340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859307 Unc93b1 NCBI_Gene:54445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036908 MGI:1859307 protein coding gene unc-93 homolog B1, TLR signaling regulator
19 gene 3.958645 3.972419 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920708 Aldh3b3 NCBI_Gene:73458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037263 MGI:1920708 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B3
19 gene 3.972328 3.981665 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147613 Aldh3b2 NCBI_Gene:621603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075296 MGI:2147613 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B2
19 gene 3.986570 3.990007 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918920 Acy3 NCBI_Gene:71670,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024866 MGI:1918920 protein coding gene aspartoacylase (aminoacylase) 3
19 gene 3.992752 3.999828 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1261436 Tbx10 NCBI_Gene:109575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037477 MGI:1261436 protein coding gene T-box 10
19 gene 3.999548 4.000542 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921038 4833408A19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118132 MGI:1921038 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4833408A19 gene
19 gene 4.000580 4.002103 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913637 Nudt8 NCBI_Gene:66387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110949 MGI:1913637 protein coding gene nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 8
19 gene 4.000626 4.005816 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155029 Gm49405 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024869 MGI:6155029 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49405
19 gene 4.000758 4.001232 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826559 Gm16312 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086107 MGI:3826559 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16312
19 gene 4.003313 4.007005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926250 Doc2g NCBI_Gene:60425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024871 MGI:1926250 protein coding gene double C2, gamma
19 gene 4.007384 4.012806 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107851 Ndufv1 NCBI_Gene:17995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037916 MGI:107851 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit V1
19 gene 4.035407 4.037985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95865 Gstp1 NCBI_Gene:14870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060803 MGI:95865 protein coding gene glutathione S-transferase, pi 1
19 gene 4.040285 4.046023 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95864 Gstp2 NCBI_Gene:14869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038155 MGI:95864 protein coding gene glutathione S-transferase, pi 2
19 gene 4.057470 4.059588 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385078 Gstp3 NCBI_Gene:225884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058216 MGI:2385078 protein coding gene glutathione S-transferase pi 3
19 gene 4.067251 4.071445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624945 Gm42060 NCBI_Gene:105246838 MGI:5624945 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42060
19 gene 4.078297 4.078512 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453704 Gm23927 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104921 MGI:5453704 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23927
19 gene 4.081469 4.087340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352749 Cabp2 NCBI_Gene:29866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024857 MGI:1352749 protein coding gene calcium binding protein 2
19 gene 4.096894 4.099019 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098779 Cdk2ap2 NCBI_Gene:52004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024856 MGI:1098779 protein coding gene CDK2-associated protein 2
19 gene 4.099998 4.113965 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1197524 Pitpnm1 NCBI_Gene:18739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024851 MGI:1197524 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, membrane-associated 1
19 gene 4.113756 4.127234 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109622 Aip NCBI_Gene:11632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024847 MGI:109622 protein coding gene aryl-hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein
19 gene 4.125934 4.132307 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914240 Tmem134 NCBI_Gene:66990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024845 MGI:1914240 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 134
19 gene 4.135423 4.144033 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920910 Cabp4 NCBI_Gene:73660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024842 MGI:1920910 protein coding gene calcium binding protein 4
19 gene 4.139787 4.145741 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685519 Gpr152 NCBI_Gene:269053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044724 MGI:2685519 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 152
19 gene 4.148612 4.154035 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345963 Coro1b NCBI_Gene:23789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024835 MGI:1345963 protein coding gene coronin, actin binding protein 1B
19 gene 4.153604 4.156751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97811 Ptprcap NCBI_Gene:19265,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045826 MGI:97811 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C polypeptide-associated protein
19 gene 4.153991 4.163387 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927343 Rps6kb2 NCBI_Gene:58988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024830 MGI:1927343 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 2
19 gene 4.164324 4.175677 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147595 Carns1 NCBI_Gene:107239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075289 MGI:2147595 protein coding gene carnosine synthase 1
19 gene 4.168742 4.191047 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303033 Gm50230 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117905 MGI:6303033 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50230
19 gene 4.169566 4.174287 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937186 Gm17552 NCBI_Gene:102631780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097233 MGI:4937186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17552
19 gene 4.183411 4.191284 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922072 Tbc1d10c NCBI_Gene:108995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040247 MGI:1922072 protein coding gene TBC1 domain family, member 10c
19 gene 4.192065 4.195420 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103016 Ppp1ca NCBI_Gene:19045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040385 MGI:103016 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit alpha
19 gene 4.192109 4.192782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303067 Gm50251 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117839 MGI:6303067 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50251
19 gene 4.195196 4.201662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1328356 Rad9a NCBI_Gene:19367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024824 MGI:1328356 protein coding gene RAD9 checkpoint clamp component A
19 gene 4.201706 4.203240 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589241 Gm30082 NCBI_Gene:102631855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118245 MGI:5589241 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30082
19 gene 4.214238 4.223505 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930088 Clcf1 NCBI_Gene:56708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040663 MGI:1930088 protein coding gene cardiotrophin-like cytokine factor 1
19 gene 4.214238 4.233634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825565 Gm45928 NCBI_Gene:105948585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117873 MGI:5825565 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45928
19 gene 4.215402 4.215488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455892 Gm26115 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093346 MGI:5455892 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26115
19 gene 4.231893 4.233634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916995 Pold4 NCBI_Gene:69745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024854 MGI:1916995 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA-directed), delta 4
19 gene 4.254031 4.257651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925555 1500032F14Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117718 MGI:1925555 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1500032F14 gene
19 gene 4.261668 4.269180 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2683546 Ssh3 NCBI_Gene:245857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034616 MGI:2683546 protein coding gene slingshot protein phosphatase 3
19 gene 4.263818 4.263878 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531101 Mir6985 miRBase:MI0022833,NCBI_Gene:102465595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099290 MGI:5531101 miRNA gene microRNA 6985
19 gene 4.270180 4.283137 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915673 Ankrd13d NCBI_Gene:68423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005986 MGI:1915673 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 13 family, member D
19 gene 4.273987 4.275643 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302910 Gm50152 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118344 MGI:6302910 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50152
19 gene 4.285999 4.306222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87940 Grk2 NCBI_Gene:110355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024858 MGI:87940 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2
19 gene 4.314419 4.398596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354736 Kdm2a NCBI_Gene:225876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054611 MGI:1354736 protein coding gene lysine (K)-specific demethylase 2A
19 gene 4.397714 4.399821 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3588259 9430078G10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430078G10 gene
19 gene 4.425457 4.439432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108446 Rhod NCBI_Gene:11854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041845 MGI:108446 protein coding gene ras homolog family member D
19 gene 4.439003 4.448973 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441838 A930001C03Rik NCBI_Gene:319314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087132 MGI:2441838 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930001C03 gene
19 gene 4.445908 4.477447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2159601 Syt12 NCBI_Gene:171180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049303 MGI:2159601 protein coding gene synaptotagmin XII
19 gene 4.496788 4.498583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917111 2010003K11Rik NCBI_Gene:69861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042041 MGI:1917111 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2010003K11 gene
19 gene 4.510472 4.621752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97520 Pcx NCBI_Gene:18563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024892 MGI:97520 protein coding gene pyruvate carboxylase
19 gene 4.611784 4.615667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385612 Lrfn4 NCBI_Gene:225875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045045 MGI:2385612 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 4
19 gene 4.622551 4.625641 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1336895 Rce1 NCBI_Gene:19671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024889 MGI:1336895 protein coding gene Ras converting CAAX endopeptidase 1
19 gene 4.623898 4.623955 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531091 Mir6986 miRBase:MI0022834,NCBI_Gene:102466780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098346 MGI:5531091 miRNA gene microRNA 6986
19 gene 4.625395 4.629857 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921792 9030625N01Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9030625N01 gene
19 gene 4.625734 4.698776 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685806 Gm960 NCBI_Gene:381196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071691 MGI:2685806 protein coding gene predicted gene 960
19 pseudogene 4.680115 4.680616 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303266 Gm50372 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117746 MGI:6303266 pseudogene predicted gene, 50372
19 gene 4.711167 4.752360 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1313261 Sptbn2 NCBI_Gene:20743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067889 MGI:1313261 protein coding gene spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 2
19 gene 4.711651 4.720886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624946 Gm42061 NCBI_Gene:105246839 MGI:5624946 protein coding gene predicted gene, 42061
19 gene 4.742913 4.811634 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439461 Gm21992 NCBI_Gene:102902673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096370 MGI:5439461 protein coding gene predicted gene 21992
19 gene 4.752883 4.767065 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913954 Rbm4b NCBI_Gene:66704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033760 MGI:1913954 protein coding gene RNA binding motif protein 4B
19 gene 4.762103 4.765171 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610434 Gm37206 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103651 MGI:5610434 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37206
19 pseudogene 4.778072 4.778697 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011288 Gm19103 NCBI_Gene:100418257 MGI:5011288 pseudogene predicted gene, 19103
19 gene 4.784293 4.794009 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100865 Rbm4 NCBI_Gene:19653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094936 MGI:1100865 protein coding gene RNA binding motif protein 4
19 gene 4.794720 4.795956 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918634 5430440L12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430440L12 gene
19 gene 4.800566 4.811634 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929092 Rbm14 NCBI_Gene:56275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006456 MGI:1929092 protein coding gene RNA binding motif protein 14
19 gene 4.801512 4.805784 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434008 Gm21844 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095913 MGI:5434008 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 21844
19 gene 4.825366 4.839332 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333783 Ccs NCBI_Gene:12460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034108 MGI:1333783 protein coding gene copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase
19 gene 4.839366 4.842528 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3026882 Ccdc87 NCBI_Gene:399599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067872 MGI:3026882 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 87
19 gene 4.855129 4.860918 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861434 Ctsf NCBI_Gene:56464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083282 MGI:1861434 protein coding gene cathepsin F
19 gene 4.861216 4.877909 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99678 Actn3 NCBI_Gene:11474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006457 MGI:99678 protein coding gene actinin alpha 3
19 gene 4.878668 4.885397 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917855 Zdhhc24 NCBI_Gene:70605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006463 MGI:1917855 protein coding gene zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 24
19 gene 4.886878 4.906628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277215 Bbs1 NCBI_Gene:52028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006464 MGI:1277215 protein coding gene Bardet-Biedl syndrome 1 (human)
19 gene 4.904673 4.904782 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455111 Gm25334 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088661 MGI:5455111 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25334
19 gene 4.907229 4.928287 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922471 Dpp3 NCBI_Gene:75221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063904 MGI:1922471 protein coding gene dipeptidylpeptidase 3
19 gene 4.929717 4.943127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924963 Peli3 NCBI_Gene:240518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024901 MGI:1924963 protein coding gene pellino 3
19 gene 4.962147 4.966999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2137215 Mrpl11 NCBI_Gene:66419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024902 MGI:2137215 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L11
19 gene 4.984353 5.001929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2664186 Npas4 NCBI_Gene:225872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045903 MGI:2664186 protein coding gene neuronal PAS domain protein 4
19 pseudogene 5.009385 5.009799 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303281 Gm50382 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117723 MGI:6303281 pseudogene predicted gene, 50382
19 gene 5.017356 5.021765 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624948 Gm42063 NCBI_Gene:105246841 MGI:5624948 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42063
19 gene 5.023860 5.031972 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345278 Slc29a2 NCBI_Gene:13340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024891 MGI:1345278 protein coding gene solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 2
19 gene 5.037817 5.038805 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589740 Gm30581 NCBI_Gene:102632530 MGI:5589740 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30581
19 gene 5.038304 5.038385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4414040 n-TSgct6 NCBI_Gene:102467380 MGI:4414040 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA serine 6 (anticodon GCT)
19 gene 5.038826 5.041134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919680 B4gat1 NCBI_Gene:108902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047379 MGI:1919680 protein coding gene beta-1,4-glucuronyltransferase 1
19 gene 5.038891 5.049912 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303291 Gm50388 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117789 MGI:6303291 protein coding gene predicted gene, 50388
19 gene 5.041232 5.049917 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2388804 Brms1 NCBI_Gene:107392,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080268 MGI:2388804 protein coding gene breast cancer metastasis-suppressor 1
19 gene 5.050019 5.057072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385695 Rin1 NCBI_Gene:225870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024883 MGI:2385695 protein coding gene Ras and Rab interactor 1
19 gene 5.068078 5.070682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917695 Cd248 NCBI_Gene:70445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056481 MGI:1917695 protein coding gene CD248 antigen, endosialin
19 gene 5.070830 5.072120 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589786 Gm30627 NCBI_Gene:102632593 MGI:5589786 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30627
19 gene 5.070859 5.085531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147713 Tmem151a NCBI_Gene:381199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061451 MGI:2147713 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 151A
19 gene 5.072130 5.075259 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826295 Gm46658 NCBI_Gene:108168419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117893 MGI:5826295 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46658
19 gene 5.088538 5.092881 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915340 Yif1a NCBI_Gene:68090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024875 MGI:1915340 protein coding gene Yip1 interacting factor homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
19 gene 5.092868 5.098521 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277225 Cnih2 NCBI_Gene:12794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024873 MGI:1277225 protein coding gene cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 2
19 gene 5.099205 5.107072 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923558 Rab1b NCBI_Gene:76308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024870 MGI:1923558 protein coding gene RAB1B, member RAS oncogene family
19 gene 5.107746 5.118573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107953 Klc2 NCBI_Gene:16594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024862 MGI:107953 protein coding gene kinesin light chain 2
19 gene 5.118038 5.119329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704489 Gm10817 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117710 MGI:3704489 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10817
19 gene 5.118844 5.126127 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589999 Gm30840 NCBI_Gene:102632878 MGI:5589999 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30840
19 pseudogene 5.131740 5.132972 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779478 Gm5242 NCBI_Gene:383424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117729 MGI:3779478 pseudogene predicted gene 5242
19 gene 5.133158 5.273119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277113 Pacs1 NCBI_Gene:107975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024855 MGI:1277113 protein coding gene phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1
19 gene 5.201198 5.201303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530850 Gm27468 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098803 MGI:5530850 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27468
19 pseudogene 5.258750 5.258962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302964 Gm50189 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118104 MGI:6302964 pseudogene predicted gene, 50189
19 gene 5.273921 5.295457 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441856 Sf3b2 NCBI_Gene:319322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024853 MGI:2441856 protein coding gene splicing factor 3b, subunit 2
19 gene 5.295196 5.296028 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302985 Gm50203 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118243 MGI:6302985 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50203
19 gene 5.298331 5.308739 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3617843 Gal3st3 NCBI_Gene:545276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047658 MGI:3617843 protein coding gene galactose-3-O-sulfotransferase 3
19 gene 5.305873 5.307416 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624949 Gm42064 NCBI_Gene:105246843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118263 MGI:5624949 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42064
19 pseudogene 5.321606 5.321798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302994 Gm50208 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118009 MGI:6302994 pseudogene predicted gene, 50208
19 pseudogene 5.324014 5.325823 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645420 Gm7074 NCBI_Gene:631868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117807 MGI:3645420 pseudogene predicted gene 7074
19 gene 5.334032 5.335433 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5792253 Catsper1au NA NA antisense lncRNA gene Catsper1 antisense upstream transcript
19 gene 5.335602 5.344281 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2179947 Catsper1 NCBI_Gene:225865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038498 MGI:2179947 protein coding gene cation channel, sperm associated 1
19 gene 5.344705 5.349574 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920970 Cst6 NCBI_Gene:73720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024846 MGI:1920970 protein coding gene cystatin E/M
19 gene 5.364633 5.367168 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346330 Banf1 NCBI_Gene:23825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024844 MGI:1346330 protein coding gene barrier to autointegration factor 1
19 gene 5.366741 5.371526 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917110 Eif1ad NCBI_Gene:69860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024841 MGI:1917110 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A domain containing
19 gene 5.377523 5.389304 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1309453 Sart1 NCBI_Gene:20227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039148 MGI:1309453 protein coding gene squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T cells 1
19 gene 5.388336 5.390069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041222 D330050I16Rik NCBI_Gene:414115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117959 MGI:3041222 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D330050I16 gene
19 gene 5.390047 5.402534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925556 Tsga10ip NCBI_Gene:78306,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039330 MGI:1925556 protein coding gene testis specific 10 interacting protein
19 gene 5.406740 5.422847 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922181 4930481A15Rik NCBI_Gene:74931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086938 MGI:1922181 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930481A15 gene
19 pseudogene 5.415382 5.415811 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649011 Gm6293 NCBI_Gene:102633050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051133 MGI:3649011 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6293
19 gene 5.422804 5.424979 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913806 Drap1 NCBI_Gene:66556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024914 MGI:1913806 protein coding gene Dr1 associated protein 1 (negative cofactor 2 alpha)
19 gene 5.425144 5.427317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147598 AI837181 NCBI_Gene:107242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047423 MGI:2147598 protein coding gene expressed sequence AI837181
19 gene 5.435900 5.435965 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302848 Gm50111 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088909 MGI:6302848 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 50111
19 pseudogene 5.435929 5.436800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455209 Gm25432 NCBI_Gene:102635008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117771 MGI:5455209 pseudogene predicted gene, 25432
19 pseudogene 5.439246 5.439521 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590229 Gm31070 NCBI_Gene:102633178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117845 MGI:5590229 pseudogene predicted gene, 31070
19 gene 5.447547 5.455946 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107179 Fosl1 NCBI_Gene:14283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024912 MGI:107179 protein coding gene fos-like antigen 1
19 gene 5.453163 5.457894 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147607 Ccdc85b NCBI_Gene:240514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095098 MGI:2147607 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 85B
19 gene 5.460600 5.465052 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926233 Fibp NCBI_Gene:58249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024911 MGI:1926233 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor (acidic) intracellular binding protein
19 gene 5.465043 5.470389 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338045 Ctsw NCBI_Gene:13041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024910 MGI:1338045 protein coding gene cathepsin W
19 gene 5.473954 5.482517 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891209 Efemp2 NCBI_Gene:58859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024909 MGI:1891209 protein coding gene epidermal growth factor-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 2
19 gene 5.482345 5.488410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918961 Mus81 NCBI_Gene:71711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024906 MGI:1918961 protein coding gene MUS81 structure-specific endonuclease subunit
19 gene 5.488744 5.489198 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920664 1700061A03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117966 MGI:1920664 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700061A03 gene
19 gene 5.490455 5.495201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101757 Cfl1 NCBI_Gene:12631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056201 MGI:101757 protein coding gene cofilin 1, non-muscle
19 gene 5.492235 5.510696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444704 Snx32 NCBI_Gene:225861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056185 MGI:2444704 protein coding gene sorting nexin 32
19 gene 5.502767 5.503787 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922805 1700020D05Rik NCBI_Gene:75555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100937 MGI:1922805 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700020D05 gene
19 pseudogene 5.510783 5.550374 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590325 Gm31166 NCBI_Gene:102633307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109695 MGI:5590325 pseudogene predicted gene, 31166
19 gene 5.549136 5.560646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1330290 Ovol1 NCBI_Gene:18426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024922 MGI:1330290 protein coding gene ovo like zinc finger 1
19 gene 5.560250 5.571262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685808 Ap5b1 NCBI_Gene:381201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049562 MGI:2685808 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 5, beta 1 subunit
19 gene 5.560260 5.561677 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923763 1810058N15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117861 MGI:1923763 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810058N15 gene
19 gene 5.601873 5.607019 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915459 Rnaseh2c NCBI_Gene:68209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024925 MGI:1915459 protein coding gene ribonuclease H2, subunit C
19 gene 5.603014 5.610237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1932051 Kat5 NCBI_Gene:81601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024926 MGI:1932051 protein coding gene K(lysine) acetyltransferase 5
19 gene 5.637440 5.648131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103290 Rela NCBI_Gene:19697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024927 MGI:103290 protein coding gene v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (avian)
19 gene 5.651185 5.663839 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107576 Sipa1 NCBI_Gene:20469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056917 MGI:107576 protein coding gene signal-induced proliferation associated gene 1
19 gene 5.664635 5.688908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861733 Pcnx3 NCBI_Gene:104401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054874 MGI:1861733 protein coding gene pecanex homolog 3
19 gene 5.679004 5.679076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531273 Mir6987 miRBase:MI0022835,NCBI_Gene:102465596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098568 MGI:5531273 miRNA gene microRNA 6987
19 gene 5.688740 5.702865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346880 Map3k11 NCBI_Gene:26403,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004054 MGI:1346880 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 11
19 gene 5.689236 5.690010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303171 Gm50315 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118077 MGI:6303171 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50315
19 gene 5.704367 5.707406 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341841 Kcnk7 NCBI_Gene:16530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024936 MGI:1341841 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily K, member 7
19 gene 5.707369 5.726461 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612340 Ehbp1l1 NCBI_Gene:114601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024937 MGI:3612340 protein coding gene EH domain binding protein 1-like 1
19 gene 5.727206 5.731627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414958 Gm16538 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089766 MGI:4414958 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16538
19 gene 5.728087 5.729666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106595 Fam89b NCBI_Gene:17826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024939 MGI:106595 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 89, member B
19 gene 5.728088 5.731713 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303289 Gm50387 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118125 MGI:6303289 protein coding gene predicted gene, 50387
19 gene 5.730303 5.731732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913482 Znrd2 NCBI_Gene:56390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079478 MGI:1913482 protein coding gene zinc ribbon domain containing 2
19 gene 5.738405 5.740762 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642330 Gm10815 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10815
19 gene 5.740904 5.758532 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1101355 Ltbp3 NCBI_Gene:16998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024940 MGI:1101355 protein coding gene latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 3
19 gene 5.758351 5.771419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1931787 Scyl1 NCBI_Gene:78891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024941 MGI:1931787 protein coding gene SCY1-like 1 (S. cerevisiae)
19 gene 5.795690 5.802672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919539 Malat1 NCBI_Gene:72289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092341 MGI:1919539 lncRNA gene metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (non-coding RNA)
19 gene 5.799000 5.799085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531076 Gm27694 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098462 MGI:5531076 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27694
19 gene 5.801941 5.802393 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610604 Gm37376 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102349 MGI:5610604 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37376
19 gene 5.824652 5.824707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531084 Gm27702 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098865 MGI:5531084 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27702
19 gene 5.824708 5.845480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914211 Neat1 NCBI_Gene:66961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092274 MGI:1914211 lncRNA gene nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding)
19 gene 5.844286 5.844437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530915 Gm27533 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098543 MGI:5530915 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27533
19 gene 5.844638 5.844747 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530887 Gm27505 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098974 MGI:5530887 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27505
19 gene 5.844916 5.845037 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531388 Gm28006 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098986 MGI:5531388 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 28006
19 gene 5.845623 5.851388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704490 Frmd8os NCBI_Gene:69595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043488 MGI:3704490 antisense lncRNA gene FERM domain containing 8, opposite strand
19 gene 5.849702 5.875274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914707 Frmd8 NCBI_Gene:67457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024816 MGI:1914707 protein coding gene FERM domain containing 8
19 gene 5.877799 5.885878 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147731 Slc25a45 NCBI_Gene:107375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024818 MGI:2147731 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25, member 45
19 gene 5.891138 5.895169 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2681860 Tigd3 NCBI_Gene:332359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044390 MGI:2681860 protein coding gene tigger transposable element derived 3
19 gene 5.896516 5.913010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109529 Dpf2 NCBI_Gene:19708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024826 MGI:109529 protein coding gene D4, zinc and double PHD fingers family 2
19 gene 5.912822 5.914831 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624952 Gm42067 NCBI_Gene:105246846,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110156 MGI:5624952 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42067
19 gene 5.915636 5.924816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929744 Cdc42ep2 NCBI_Gene:104252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045664 MGI:1929744 protein coding gene CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 2
19 gene 5.940542 5.964216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99690 Pola2 NCBI_Gene:18969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024833 MGI:99690 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA directed), alpha 2
19 gene 5.970234 5.986143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685809 Slc22a20 NCBI_Gene:381203,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037451 MGI:2685809 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 20
19 gene 5.970486 5.984846 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590878 Gm31719 NCBI_Gene:102634035 MGI:5590878 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31719
19 gene 5.988545 6.015897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88263 Capn1 NCBI_Gene:12333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024942 MGI:88263 protein coding gene calpain 1
19 gene 6.012620 6.018462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642580 Gm10814 NCBI_Gene:100502985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097404 MGI:3642580 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10814
19 pseudogene 6.027533 6.028401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011690 Gm19505 NCBI_Gene:100503014,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118194 MGI:5011690 pseudogene predicted gene, 19505
19 pseudogene 6.044442 6.044897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644144 Gm8034 NCBI_Gene:666300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094281 MGI:3644144 pseudogene predicted gene 8034
19 gene 6.045060 6.047019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925963 D530017H19Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA D530017H19 gene
19 gene 6.046576 6.053718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921376 Syvn1 NCBI_Gene:74126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024807 MGI:1921376 protein coding gene synovial apoptosis inhibitor 1, synoviolin
19 gene 6.051334 6.051392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530975 Mir6988 miRBase:MI0022836,NCBI_Gene:102465597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098928 MGI:5530975 miRNA gene microRNA 6988
19 gene 6.053622 6.057785 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108180 Mrpl49 NCBI_Gene:18120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007338 MGI:108180 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L49
19 gene 6.057844 6.059524 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102547 Fau NCBI_Gene:14109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038274 MGI:102547 protein coding gene Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus (FBR-MuSV) ubiquitously expressed (fox derived)
19 gene 6.061192 6.062472 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352481 Znhit2 NCBI_Gene:29805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075227 MGI:1352481 protein coding gene zinc finger, HIT domain containing 2
19 gene 6.062821 6.068373 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920416 Tm7sf2 NCBI_Gene:73166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024799 MGI:1920416 protein coding gene transmembrane 7 superfamily member 2
19 gene 6.067842 6.077231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915755 Vps51 NCBI_Gene:68505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024797 MGI:1915755 protein coding gene VPS51 GARP complex subunit
19 gene 6.076945 6.082256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579080 Gm28374 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100621 MGI:5579080 protein coding gene predicted gene 28374
19 gene 6.077884 6.080788 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3690536 Tmem262 NCBI_Gene:433215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047733 MGI:3690536 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 262
19 gene 6.080757 6.084956 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891017 Zfpl1 NCBI_Gene:81909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024792 MGI:1891017 protein coding gene zinc finger like protein 1
19 gene 6.084983 6.091777 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915099 Cdca5 NCBI_Gene:67849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024791 MGI:1915099 protein coding gene cell division cycle associated 5
19 gene 6.093724 6.098241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685396 Gm550 NCBI_Gene:225852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117666 MGI:2685396 protein coding gene predicted gene 550
19 gene 6.105782 6.115792 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685810 Naaladl1 NCBI_Gene:381204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054999 MGI:2685810 protein coding gene N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like 1
19 gene 6.116000 6.118650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913656 Sac3d1 NCBI_Gene:66406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024790 MGI:1913656 protein coding gene SAC3 domain containing 1
19 gene 6.119399 6.132563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916274 Snx15 NCBI_Gene:69024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024787 MGI:1916274 protein coding gene sorting nexin 15
19 gene 6.134374 6.141548 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928393 Arl2 NCBI_Gene:56327,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024944 MGI:1928393 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2
19 gene 6.140983 6.172476 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921731 Batf2 NCBI_Gene:74481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039699 MGI:1921731 protein coding gene basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like 2
19 gene 6.144732 6.144851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421753 n-R5s19 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084742 MGI:4421753 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 19
19 pseudogene 6.152666 6.153712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648472 Gm5510 NCBI_Gene:433216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083458 MGI:3648472 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5510
19 gene 6.184328 6.225885 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923913 Majin NCBI_Gene:622554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024786 MGI:1923913 protein coding gene membrane anchored junction protein
19 gene 6.226380 6.227768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2156541 Gpha2 NCBI_Gene:170458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024784 MGI:2156541 protein coding gene glycoprotein hormone alpha 2
19 gene 6.227765 6.235872 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2388480 Ppp2r5b NCBI_Gene:225849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024777 MGI:2388480 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B’, beta
19 gene 6.241664 6.262335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916291 Atg2a NCBI_Gene:329015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024773 MGI:1916291 protein coding gene autophagy related 2A
19 gene 6.264643 6.264728 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3618738 Mir194-2 miRBase:MI0000733,NCBI_Gene:723957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065582 MGI:3618738 miRNA gene microRNA 194-2
19 gene 6.264844 6.264932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676856 Mir192 miRBase:MI0000551,NCBI_Gene:387187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065523 MGI:2676856 miRNA gene microRNA 192
19 gene 6.268794 6.276607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705162 Gm14963 NCBI_Gene:105246847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085196 MGI:3705162 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14963
19 gene 6.276725 6.300096 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341878 Ehd1 NCBI_Gene:13660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024772 MGI:1341878 protein coding gene EH-domain containing 1
19 gene 6.306456 6.325653 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2652845 Cdc42bpg NCBI_Gene:240505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024769 MGI:2652845 protein coding gene CDC42 binding protein kinase gamma (DMPK-like)
19 pseudogene 6.331054 6.331453 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302977 Gm50198 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117681 MGI:6302977 pseudogene predicted gene, 50198
19 gene 6.334979 6.340894 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1316736 Men1 NCBI_Gene:17283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024947 MGI:1316736 protein coding gene multiple endocrine neoplasia 1
19 gene 6.341117 6.355619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346883 Map4k2 NCBI_Gene:26412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024948 MGI:1346883 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2
19 gene 6.346480 6.346544 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531267 Mir6989 miRBase:MI0022837,NCBI_Gene:102465598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099230 MGI:5531267 miRNA gene microRNA 6989
19 gene 6.355473 6.363759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705223 Gm14966 NCBI_Gene:102634533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079467 MGI:3705223 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14966
19 gene 6.363279 6.378038 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1095403 Sf1 NCBI_Gene:22668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024949 MGI:1095403 protein coding gene splicing factor 1
19 gene 6.384399 6.398464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97830 Pygm NCBI_Gene:19309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032648 MGI:97830 protein coding gene muscle glycogen phosphorylase
19 gene 6.399008 6.415216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333849 Rasgrp2 NCBI_Gene:19395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032946 MGI:1333849 protein coding gene RAS, guanyl releasing protein 2
19 gene 6.409400 6.418659 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705214 Gm14965 NCBI_Gene:105246848,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084876 MGI:3705214 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14965
19 gene 6.418731 6.544169 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096362 Nrxn2 NCBI_Gene:18190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033768 MGI:1096362 protein coding gene neurexin II
19 gene 6.457419 6.460107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302908 Gm50151 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117897 MGI:6302908 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50151
19 gene 6.530711 6.532011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641621 Gm14964 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052188 MGI:3641621 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14964
19 gene 6.535845 6.543070 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1195269 Slc22a12 NCBI_Gene:20521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061742 MGI:1195269 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic anion/cation transporter), member 12
19 gene 6.563780 6.563905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456237 Gm26460 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092802 MGI:5456237 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26460
19 gene 6.567126 6.578552 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591404 Gm32245 NCBI_Gene:102634732 MGI:5591404 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32245
19 pseudogene 6.569080 6.575362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303367 Gm50435 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118062 MGI:6303367 pseudogene predicted gene, 50435
19 pseudogene 6.592099 6.593339 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3768540 Hmgb1-ps4 NCBI_Gene:629372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084221 MGI:3768540 pseudogene high mobility group box 1, pseudogene 4
19 gene 6.617671 6.674548 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924061 2410152P15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084825 MGI:1924061 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2410152P15 gene
19 gene 6.645687 6.647172 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705315 Gm14968 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085285 MGI:3705315 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14968
19 gene 6.829084 6.840989 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930076 Rps6ka4 NCBI_Gene:56613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024952 MGI:1930076 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 4
19 gene 6.829886 6.829944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4950413 Mir5046 miRBase:MI0017931,NCBI_Gene:100628576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104884 MGI:4950413 miRNA gene microRNA 5046
19 gene 6.844623 6.858333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925567 Ccdc88b NCBI_Gene:78317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047810 MGI:1925567 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 88B
19 gene 6.906697 6.910106 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859821 Prdx5 NCBI_Gene:54683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024953 MGI:1859821 protein coding gene peroxiredoxin 5
19 gene 6.909698 6.911049 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914924 Trmt112 NCBI_Gene:67674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038812 MGI:1914924 protein coding gene tRNA methyltransferase 11-2
19 gene 6.910977 6.922048 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346831 Esrra NCBI_Gene:26379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024955 MGI:1346831 protein coding gene estrogen related receptor, alpha
19 gene 6.914196 6.914286 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531108 Mir6990 miRBase:MI0022838,NCBI_Gene:102466213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098413 MGI:5531108 miRNA gene microRNA 6990
19 gene 6.922371 6.925380 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914327 Catsperz NCBI_Gene:67077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050623 MGI:1914327 protein coding gene cation channel sperm associated auxiliary subunit zeta
19 gene 6.923966 6.934772 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1298234 Kcnk4 NCBI_Gene:16528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024957 MGI:1298234 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily K, member 4
19 gene 6.927166 6.929518 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826283 Gm46646 NCBI_Gene:108168407 MGI:5826283 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46646
19 gene 6.938057 6.942480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147529 Gpr137 NCBI_Gene:107173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024958 MGI:2147529 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 137
19 gene 6.941861 6.951905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096330 Bad NCBI_Gene:12015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024959 MGI:1096330 protein coding gene BCL2-associated agonist of cell death
19 pseudogene 6.945071 6.945620 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011238 Gm19053 NCBI_Gene:100418171 MGI:5011238 pseudogene predicted gene, 19053
19 gene 6.952325 6.976470 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104778 Plcb3 NCBI_Gene:18797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024960 MGI:104778 protein coding gene phospholipase C, beta 3
19 gene 6.974968 6.977324 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107682 Ppp1r14b NCBI_Gene:18938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056612 MGI:107682 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 14B
19 gene 6.977739 6.980501 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95542 Fkbp2 NCBI_Gene:14227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056629 MGI:95542 protein coding gene FK506 binding protein 2
19 gene 6.980528 6.984168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624688 Gm41803 NCBI_Gene:105246528 MGI:5624688 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41803
19 gene 6.982472 6.987651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106199 Vegfb NCBI_Gene:22340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024962 MGI:106199 protein coding gene vascular endothelial growth factor B
19 gene 6.987911 6.992697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927346 Dnajc4 NCBI_Gene:57431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024963 MGI:1927346 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C4
19 gene 6.992674 6.993046 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594997 Gm35838 NCBI_Gene:102639551 MGI:5594997 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35838
19 gene 6.993018 6.996117 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915573 Nudt22 NCBI_Gene:68323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037349 MGI:1915573 protein coding gene nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 22
19 gene 6.996131 6.999048 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333115 Trpt1 NCBI_Gene:107328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047656 MGI:1333115 protein coding gene tRNA phosphotransferase 1
19 gene 6.998958 7.019469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147790 Fermt3 NCBI_Gene:108101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024965 MGI:2147790 protein coding gene fermitin family member 3
19 gene 7.020696 7.040026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109130 Stip1 NCBI_Gene:20867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024966 MGI:109130 protein coding gene stress-induced phosphoprotein 1
19 gene 7.056713 7.198062 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147583 Macrod1 NCBI_Gene:107227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036278 MGI:2147583 protein coding gene MACRO domain containing 1
19 gene 7.084710 7.090741 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917744 5730409K12Rik NCBI_Gene:70494 MGI:1917744 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5730409K12 gene
19 gene 7.087464 7.166030 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3026647 Flrt1 NCBI_Gene:396184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047787 MGI:3026647 protein coding gene fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 1
19 gene 7.131506 7.136039 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621506 Gm38621 NCBI_Gene:102642633 MGI:5621506 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38621
19 gene 7.198202 7.206316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147616 Otub1 NCBI_Gene:107260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024767 MGI:2147616 protein coding gene OTU domain, ubiquitin aldehyde binding 1
19 gene 7.215153 7.217616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105959 Cox8a NCBI_Gene:12868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035885 MGI:105959 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 8A
19 gene 7.225668 7.241222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918249 Naa40 NCBI_Gene:70999,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024764 MGI:1918249 protein coding gene N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 40, NatD catalytic subunit
19 gene 7.246709 7.246812 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451890 Gm22113 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096774 MGI:5451890 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22113
19 gene 7.259941 7.260061 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453774 Gm23997 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088680 MGI:5453774 rRNA gene predicted gene, 23997
19 gene 7.267325 7.275225 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859854 Rcor2 NCBI_Gene:104383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024968 MGI:1859854 protein coding gene REST corepressor 2
19 gene 7.275396 7.341867 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99638 Mark2 NCBI_Gene:13728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024969 MGI:99638 protein coding gene MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinase 2
19 gene 7.297654 7.304528 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4938054 Gm17227 NCBI_Gene:102639888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091558 MGI:4938054 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17227
19 gene 7.324971 7.327376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441993 D830016O14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D830016O14 gene
19 gene 7.354078 7.383051 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147611 Spindoc NCBI_Gene:68229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024970 MGI:2147611 protein coding gene spindlin interactor and repressor of chromatin binding
19 gene 7.364515 7.370240 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303036 Gm50232 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117743 MGI:6303036 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50232
19 gene 7.370339 7.372580 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826284 Gm46647 NCBI_Gene:108168408 MGI:5826284 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46647
19 gene 7.382537 7.383561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915479 1700105P06Rik NCBI_Gene:654802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099923 MGI:1915479 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700105P06 gene
19 pseudogene 7.397442 7.399173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643959 Rab11b-ps2 NCBI_Gene:665419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095690 MGI:3643959 pseudogene RAB11B, member RAS oncogene family, pseudogene 2
19 pseudogene 7.402834 7.403431 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011027 Gm18842 NCBI_Gene:100417810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118297 MGI:5011027 pseudogene predicted gene, 18842
19 gene 7.417625 7.425904 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919667 2700081O15Rik NCBI_Gene:108899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053080 MGI:1919667 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2700081O15 gene
19 gene 7.422573 7.422642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531348 Mir6991 miRBase:MI0022839,NCBI_Gene:102466781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098293 MGI:5531348 miRNA gene microRNA 6991
19 gene 7.425895 7.483291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1339970 Rtn3 NCBI_Gene:20168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024758 MGI:1339970 protein coding gene reticulon 3
19 gene 7.465335 7.469619 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444344 A830039H05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A830039H05 gene
19 gene 7.472709 7.476413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443568 A830080L01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A830080L01 gene
19 gene 7.494026 7.539674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924270 Atl3 NCBI_Gene:109168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024759 MGI:1924270 protein coding gene atlastin GTPase 3
19 gene 7.557433 7.588545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2179715 Plaat3 NCBI_Gene:225845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060675 MGI:2179715 protein coding gene phospholipase A and acyltransferase 3
19 gene 7.596656 7.607237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929094 Lgals12 NCBI_Gene:56072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024972 MGI:1929094 protein coding gene lectin, galactose binding, soluble 12
19 gene 7.612541 7.639642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913977 Plaat5 NCBI_Gene:66727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024973 MGI:1913977 protein coding gene phospholipase A and acyltransferase 5
19 pseudogene 7.668271 7.669148 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644508 Gm16437 NCBI_Gene:433217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024761 MGI:3644508 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 16437
19 gene 7.673061 7.711310 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442751 Slc22a19 NCBI_Gene:207151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024757 MGI:2442751 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 19
19 pseudogene 7.695899 7.697016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801808 Gm15967 NCBI_Gene:100418172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083160 MGI:3801808 pseudogene predicted gene 15967
19 pseudogene 7.703903 7.705127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801809 Gm15968 NCBI_Gene:100416946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081596 MGI:3801809 pseudogene predicted gene 15968
19 pseudogene 7.727182 7.727673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647695 Gm8157 NCBI_Gene:666543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117937 MGI:3647695 pseudogene predicted gene 8157
19 pseudogene 7.729370 7.729953 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010729 Gm18544 NCBI_Gene:100417341 MGI:5010729 pseudogene predicted gene, 18544
19 gene 7.780468 7.802669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385316 Slc22a26 NCBI_Gene:236149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053303 MGI:2385316 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 26
19 pseudogene 7.806297 7.848669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646592 Gm7096 NCBI_Gene:100534290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118312 MGI:3646592 pseudogene predicted gene 7096
19 gene 7.864388 7.966595 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3042283 Slc22a27 NCBI_Gene:171405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067656 MGI:3042283 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22, member 27
19 gene 7.959530 7.959638 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454728 Gm24951 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076136 MGI:5454728 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24951
19 pseudogene 7.959743 7.961107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779569 Gm6192 NCBI_Gene:620946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118220 MGI:3779569 pseudogene predicted gene 6192
19 pseudogene 7.975735 7.978339 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643067 Gm6386 NCBI_Gene:623030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118036 MGI:3643067 pseudogene predicted gene 6386
19 gene 8.019555 8.034088 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925675 9530053H05Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9530053H05 gene
19 gene 8.062209 8.131982 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645714 Slc22a28 NCBI_Gene:434674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063590 MGI:3645714 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22, member 28
19 gene 8.160165 8.253522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3605624 Slc22a29 NCBI_Gene:236293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075044 MGI:3605624 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22. member 29
19 gene 8.251312 8.317179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624689 Gm41804 NCBI_Gene:105246529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118280 MGI:5624689 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41804
19 pseudogene 8.255938 8.257662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644446 Gm7105 NCBI_Gene:633120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118345 MGI:3644446 pseudogene predicted gene 7105
19 pseudogene 8.272397 8.275004 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643112 Gm8184 NCBI_Gene:666601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117877 MGI:3643112 pseudogene predicted gene 8184
19 gene 8.335371 8.405111 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442750 Slc22a30 NCBI_Gene:319800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052562 MGI:2442750 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22, member 30
19 pseudogene 8.473313 8.541800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779786 Gm8189 NCBI_Gene:100534389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110298 MGI:3779786 pseudogene predicted gene 8189
19 pseudogene 8.588211 8.589292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646016 Gm6425 NCBI_Gene:623402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086174 MGI:3646016 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6425
19 gene 8.591254 8.611835 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336187 Slc22a8 NCBI_Gene:19879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063796 MGI:1336187 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 8
19 gene 8.611932 8.621184 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595553 Gm36394 NCBI_Gene:102640287 MGI:5595553 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36394
19 gene 8.617996 8.628299 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892001 Slc22a6 NCBI_Gene:18399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024650 MGI:892001 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 6
19 gene 8.651796 8.663335 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028064 9830166K06Rik NCBI_Gene:402757,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117763 MGI:3028064 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9830166K06 gene
19 gene 8.663789 8.683606 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88396 Chrm1 NCBI_Gene:12669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032773 MGI:88396 protein coding gene cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1, CNS
19 gene 8.681835 8.682163 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452597 Gm22820 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087830 MGI:5452597 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22820
19 gene 8.706882 8.723369 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96955 Slc3a2 NCBI_Gene:17254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010095 MGI:96955 protein coding gene solute carrier family 3 (activators of dibasic and neutral amino acid transport), member 2
19 gene 8.723475 8.726443 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3763743 Snhg1 NCBI_Gene:83673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108414 MGI:3763743 lncRNA gene small nucleolar RNA host gene 1
19 gene 8.723993 8.724064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455632 Gm25855 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064721 MGI:5455632 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25855
19 gene 8.724251 8.724325 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455671 Gm25894 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065392 MGI:5455671 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25894
19 gene 8.724531 8.724602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454229 Gm24452 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065281 MGI:5454229 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24452
19 gene 8.724868 8.724943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454230 Gm24453 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065280 MGI:5454230 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24453
19 gene 8.725092 8.725156 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452521 Gm22744 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065378 MGI:5452521 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22744
19 gene 8.725341 8.725409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452457 Gm22680 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065782 MGI:5452457 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22680
19 gene 8.725594 8.725660 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453023 Gm23246 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065305 MGI:5453023 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23246
19 gene 8.725866 8.725991 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933385 Snord22 NCBI_Gene:100127111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065087 MGI:1933385 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 22
19 gene 8.735804 8.740624 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147427 Wdr74 NCBI_Gene:107071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042729 MGI:2147427 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 74
19 gene 8.740718 8.741225 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921557 1700092M07Rik NCBI_Gene:74307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090840 MGI:1921557 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700092M07 gene
19 gene 8.741413 8.756069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928483 Stx5a NCBI_Gene:56389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010110 MGI:1928483 protein coding gene syntaxin 5A
19 gene 8.742971 8.743079 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531288 Mir6992 miRBase:MI0022840,NCBI_Gene:102465599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098844 MGI:5531288 miRNA gene microRNA 6992
19 gene 8.754789 8.756969 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916695 1700023D09Rik NCBI_Gene:102640359 MGI:1916695 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700023D09 gene
19 gene 8.757073 8.770922 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1858330 Nxf1 NCBI_Gene:53319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010097 MGI:1858330 protein coding gene nuclear RNA export factor 1
19 gene 8.770996 8.772475 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914086 Tmem223 NCBI_Gene:66836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117924 MGI:1914086 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 223
19 gene 8.772522 8.774467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914956 Tmem179b NCBI_Gene:67706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118346 MGI:1914956 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 179B
19 gene 8.774354 8.786417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444957 Taf6l NCBI_Gene:225895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003680 MGI:2444957 protein coding gene TATA-box binding protein associated factor 6 like
19 pseudogene 8.774485 8.776962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780685 Gm2518 NCBI_Gene:100039957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118261 MGI:3780685 pseudogene predicted gene 2518
19 pseudogene 8.790085 8.790464 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302874 Gm50131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118305 MGI:6302874 pseudogene predicted gene, 50131
19 gene 8.793127 8.798577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914960 Polr2g NCBI_Gene:67710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071662 MGI:1914960 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide G
19 gene 8.801979 8.804854 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922541 Zbtb3 NCBI_Gene:75291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071661 MGI:1922541 protein coding gene zinc finger and BTB domain containing 3
19 gene 8.809066 8.819455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917637 Ttc9c NCBI_Gene:70387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071660 MGI:1917637 protein coding gene tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9C
19 gene 8.819401 8.834143 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915943 Hnrnpul2 NCBI_Gene:68693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071659 MGI:1915943 protein coding gene heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 2
19 gene 8.829773 8.841137 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302888 Gm50139 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118124 MGI:6302888 protein coding gene predicted gene, 50139
19 gene 8.836929 8.839246 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102704 Gng3 NCBI_Gene:14704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071658 MGI:102704 protein coding gene guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 3
19 gene 8.837467 8.848683 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298392 Bscl2 NCBI_Gene:14705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071657 MGI:1298392 protein coding gene Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy 2 (seipin)
19 gene 8.850194 8.853914 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916102 Lrrn4cl NCBI_Gene:68852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071656 MGI:1916102 protein coding gene LRRN4 C-terminal like
19 gene 8.871496 8.875863 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289301 Ubxn1 NCBI_Gene:225896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071655 MGI:1289301 protein coding gene UBX domain protein 1
19 gene 8.880014 8.880933 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147553 Uqcc3 NCBI_Gene:107197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071654 MGI:2147553 protein coding gene ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex assembly factor 3
19 gene 8.883732 8.892627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5516029 Lbhd1 NCBI_Gene:102308570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096740 MGI:5516029 protein coding gene LBH domain containing 1
19 gene 8.883930 8.887258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155026 Gm49403 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116166 MGI:6155026 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49403
19 gene 8.888387 8.888770 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914781 5730408K05Rik NCBI_Gene:67531 MGI:1914781 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5730408K05 gene
19 gene 8.888538 8.888685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455599 Snora57 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070167 MGI:5455599 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 57
19 gene 8.888699 8.888774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4950461 Mir5136 miRBase:MI0018048,NCBI_Gene:100628605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093314 MGI:4950461 miRNA gene microRNA 5136
19 gene 8.888853 8.890881 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913526 1810009A15Rik NCBI_Gene:66276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071653 MGI:1913526 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1810009A15 gene
19 gene 8.888926 8.895227 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155046 Gm49416 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116347 MGI:6155046 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49416
19 gene 8.892987 8.897890 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923578 Ints5 NCBI_Gene:109077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071652 MGI:1923578 protein coding gene integrator complex subunit 5
19 gene 8.898057 8.916742 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1097667 Ganab NCBI_Gene:14376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071650 MGI:1097667 protein coding gene alpha glucosidase 2 alpha neutral subunit
19 gene 8.918937 8.921842 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595788 Gm36629 NCBI_Gene:102640604 MGI:5595788 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36629
19 gene 8.920374 8.927236 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919977 B3gat3 NCBI_Gene:72727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071649 MGI:1919977 protein coding gene beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (glucuronosyltransferase I)
19 gene 8.927382 8.929356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97998 Rom1 NCBI_Gene:19881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071648 MGI:97998 protein coding gene rod outer segment membrane protein 1
19 gene 8.929552 8.941582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2387612 Eml3 NCBI_Gene:225898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071647 MGI:2387612 protein coding gene echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 3
19 gene 8.936755 8.940896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704491 Gm10353 NCBI_Gene:102640526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114220 MGI:3704491 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10353
19 gene 8.941875 8.952303 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346340 Mta2 NCBI_Gene:23942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071646 MGI:1346340 protein coding gene metastasis-associated gene family, member 2
19 gene 8.953847 8.966210 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917294 Tut1 NCBI_Gene:70044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071645 MGI:1917294 protein coding gene terminal uridylyl transferase 1, U6 snRNA-specific
19 gene 8.967041 8.978479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914410 Eef1g NCBI_Gene:67160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071644 MGI:1914410 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma
19 gene 8.989121 9.076935 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1316648 Ahnak NCBI_Gene:66395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069833 MGI:1316648 protein coding gene AHNAK nucleoprotein (desmoyokin)
19 gene 9.083636 9.087958 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98919 Scgb1a1 NCBI_Gene:22287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024653 MGI:98919 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1 (uteroglobin)
19 gene 9.099766 9.102711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624690 Gm41805 NCBI_Gene:105246530 MGI:5624690 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41805
19 gene 9.109868 9.135636 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913764 Asrgl1 NCBI_Gene:66514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024654 MGI:1913764 protein coding gene asparaginase like 1
19 gene 9.135157 9.279175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642669 Gm9750 NCBI_Gene:105246531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024658 MGI:3642669 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9750
19 gene 9.185225 9.187019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621541 Gm38656 NCBI_Gene:102643088 MGI:5621541 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38656
19 pseudogene 9.216311 9.216995 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644748 Gm6252 NCBI_Gene:621699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117804 MGI:3644748 pseudogene predicted gene 6252
19 gene 9.234897 9.234978 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454320 Gm24543 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077055 MGI:5454320 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24543
19 pseudogene 9.283238 9.284495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97505 Pcna-ps2 NCBI_Gene:18540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067608 MGI:97505 pseudogene proliferating cell nuclear antigen pseudogene 2
19 pseudogene 9.323219 9.339986 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780785 Gm2617 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101398 MGI:3780785 pseudogene predicted gene 2617
19 pseudogene 9.557606 9.559248 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3586869 Stxbp3-ps NCBI_Gene:619371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071640 MGI:3586869 pseudogene syntaxin-binding protein 3, pseudogene
19 pseudogene 9.605121 9.614034 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579937 Gm29231 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096818 MGI:5579937 pseudogene predicted gene 29231
19 pseudogene 9.606968 9.608500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779598 Gm6445 NCBI_Gene:623688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100141 MGI:3779598 pseudogene predicted gene 6445
19 pseudogene 9.827117 9.827236 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303180 Gm50320 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117756 MGI:6303180 pseudogene predicted gene, 50320
19 gene 9.828899 9.836897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303181 Gm50321 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118383 MGI:6303181 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50321
19 gene 9.847435 9.852808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780828 Scgb2a2 NCBI_Gene:102639117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096872 MGI:3780828 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2A, member 2
19 gene 9.855319 9.855422 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452146 Gm22369 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076370 MGI:5452146 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22369
19 gene 9.864924 9.868995 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303183 Gm50322 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118138 MGI:6303183 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50322
19 gene 9.872296 9.899551 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1313288 Incenp NCBI_Gene:16319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024660 MGI:1313288 protein coding gene inner centromere protein
19 pseudogene 9.888477 9.889169 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011239 Gm19054 NCBI_Gene:100418173 MGI:5011239 pseudogene predicted gene, 19054
19 gene 9.897500 9.898707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303187 Gm50324 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118325 MGI:6303187 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50324
19 gene 9.899690 9.902661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303216 Gm50340 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118100 MGI:6303216 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50340
19 gene 9.908158 9.908278 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454261 Gm24484 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080659 MGI:5454261 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24484
19 gene 9.924510 9.947628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596072 Gm36913 NCBI_Gene:102640980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118008 MGI:5596072 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36913
19 pseudogene 9.937669 9.937833 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303221 Gm50343 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118065 MGI:6303221 pseudogene predicted gene, 50343
19 gene 9.939266 9.940652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303223 Gm50345 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118183 MGI:6303223 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50345
19 gene 9.941349 9.942832 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303225 Gm50346 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118123 MGI:6303225 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50346
19 gene 9.970121 9.971605 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624691 Gm41806 NCBI_Gene:105246532 MGI:5624691 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41806
19 gene 9.980598 9.985111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95588 Fth1 NCBI_Gene:14319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024661 MGI:95588 protein coding gene ferritin heavy polypeptide 1
19 gene 9.985172 10.001633 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346332 Best1 NCBI_Gene:24115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037418 MGI:1346332 protein coding gene bestrophin 1
19 gene 10.001669 10.038380 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922010 Rab3il1 NCBI_Gene:74760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024663 MGI:1922010 protein coding gene RAB3A interacting protein (rabin3)-like 1
19 gene 10.040855 10.060110 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928740 Fads3 NCBI_Gene:60527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024664 MGI:1928740 protein coding gene fatty acid desaturase 3
19 gene 10.046264 10.047940 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589076 Gm29917 NCBI_Gene:102631622 MGI:5589076 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29917
19 gene 10.062765 10.101746 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930079 Fads2 NCBI_Gene:56473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024665 MGI:1930079 protein coding gene fatty acid desaturase 2
19 pseudogene 10.175854 10.176161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303246 Gm50359 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117700 MGI:6303246 pseudogene predicted gene, 50359
19 gene 10.182888 10.196877 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923517 Fads1 NCBI_Gene:76267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010663 MGI:1923517 protein coding gene fatty acid desaturase 1
19 gene 10.191375 10.191439 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531024 Mir6993 miRBase:MI0022841,NCBI_Gene:102465600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098363 MGI:5531024 miRNA gene microRNA 6993
19 gene 10.198368 10.202384 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704492 Gm10143 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064032 MGI:3704492 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10143
19 gene 10.199132 10.204187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102779 Fen1 NCBI_Gene:14156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024742 MGI:102779 protein coding gene flap structure specific endonuclease 1
19 gene 10.204014 10.207824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916288 Tmem258 NCBI_Gene:69038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036372 MGI:1916288 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 258
19 gene 10.208271 10.240781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684944 Myrf NCBI_Gene:225908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036098 MGI:2684944 protein coding gene myelin regulatory factor
19 gene 10.245265 10.304877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2677061 Dagla NCBI_Gene:269060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035735 MGI:2677061 protein coding gene diacylglycerol lipase, alpha
19 gene 10.290223 10.296440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589201 Gm30042 NCBI_Gene:102631796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118330 MGI:5589201 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30042
19 gene 10.362065 10.366277 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589422 Gm30263 NCBI_Gene:102632100 MGI:5589422 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30263
19 gene 10.388781 10.453181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859545 Syt7 NCBI_Gene:54525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024743 MGI:1859545 protein coding gene synaptotagmin VII
19 gene 10.389130 10.391735 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477353 Gm26859 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097862 MGI:5477353 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26859
19 gene 10.439897 10.442652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303093 Gm50268 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118310 MGI:6303093 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50268
19 gene 10.455371 10.457473 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685551 Lrrc10b NCBI_Gene:278795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090291 MGI:2685551 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 10B
19 gene 10.474235 10.491452 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915002 Ppp1r32 NCBI_Gene:67752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035179 MGI:1915002 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 32
19 gene 10.500512 10.526142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913322 Sdhaf2 NCBI_Gene:66072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024668 MGI:1913322 protein coding gene succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 2
19 gene 10.525244 10.547735 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917826 Cpsf7 NCBI_Gene:269061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034820 MGI:1917826 protein coding gene cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 7
19 gene 10.533865 10.556303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920020 Tmem216 NCBI_Gene:68642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024667 MGI:1920020 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 216
19 gene 10.570478 10.577386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920232 Tmem138 NCBI_Gene:72982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024666 MGI:1920232 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 138
19 gene 10.573512 10.576545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302988 Gm50205 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117955 MGI:6302988 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50205
19 gene 10.577157 10.595961 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686925 Cyb561a3 NCBI_Gene:225912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034445 MGI:2686925 protein coding gene cytochrome b561 family, member A3
19 gene 10.587791 10.605654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385084 Tkfc NCBI_Gene:225913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034371 MGI:2385084 protein coding gene triokinase, FMN cyclase
19 gene 10.605327 10.629822 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1202384 Ddb1 NCBI_Gene:13194,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024740 MGI:1202384 protein coding gene damage specific DNA binding protein 1
19 gene 10.634213 10.666213 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919018 Vwce NCBI_Gene:71768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043789 MGI:1919018 protein coding gene von Willebrand factor C and EGF domains
19 gene 10.645690 10.648053 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922346 4930524O05Rik NCBI_Gene:75096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118392 MGI:1922346 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930524O05 gene
19 gene 10.668956 10.678071 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915935 Pga5 NCBI_Gene:58803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024738 MGI:1915935 protein coding gene pepsinogen 5, group I
19 gene 10.684793 10.685558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919555 2210404E10Rik NCBI_Gene:72305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114772 MGI:1919555 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2210404E10 gene
19 gene 10.688728 10.714628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147661 Vps37c NCBI_Gene:107305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048832 MGI:2147661 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 37C
19 gene 10.717116 10.739026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88340 Cd5 NCBI_Gene:12507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024669 MGI:88340 protein coding gene CD5 antigen
19 gene 10.740947 10.786043 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685520 A430093F15Rik NCBI_Gene:403202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067577 MGI:2685520 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A430093F15 gene
19 gene 10.789339 10.830063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103566 Cd6 NCBI_Gene:12511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024670 MGI:103566 protein coding gene CD6 antigen
19 gene 10.839727 10.859362 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929691 Slc15a3 NCBI_Gene:65221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024737 MGI:1929691 protein coding gene solute carrier family 15, member 3
19 gene 10.840163 10.841762 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641658 Gm10802 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118027 MGI:3641658 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10802
19 gene 10.857822 10.869940 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147810 Tmem132a NCBI_Gene:98170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024736 MGI:2147810 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 132A
19 gene 10.870657 10.882001 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915789 Tmem109 NCBI_Gene:68539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034659 MGI:1915789 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 109
19 gene 10.895231 10.909559 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106247 Prpf19 NCBI_Gene:28000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024735 MGI:106247 protein coding gene pre-mRNA processing factor 19
19 gene 10.914287 10.920632 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103073 Zp1 NCBI_Gene:22786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024734 MGI:103073 protein coding gene zona pellucida glycoprotein 1
19 gene 10.927861 10.942511 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330275 Ptgdr2 NCBI_Gene:14764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034117 MGI:1330275 protein coding gene prostaglandin D2 receptor 2
19 gene 10.941481 10.949266 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277220 Ccdc86 NCBI_Gene:108673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024732 MGI:1277220 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 86
19 gene 10.962289 10.974725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917076 Ms4a10 NCBI_Gene:69826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024731 MGI:1917076 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 10
19 gene 10.978303 10.993518 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3617853 Ms4a15 NCBI_Gene:545279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067571 MGI:3617853 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 15
19 gene 10.997024 11.018031 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923252 Ms4a18 NCBI_Gene:76002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094584 MGI:1923252 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 18
19 gene 11.035415 11.037635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579053 Gm28347 NCBI_Gene:102632179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101264 MGI:5579053 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28347
19 gene 11.047612 11.055808 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147706 AW112010 NCBI_Gene:107350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075010 MGI:2147706 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AW112010
19 gene 11.067471 11.081103 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927657 Ms4a8a NCBI_Gene:64381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024730 MGI:1927657 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 8A
19 pseudogene 11.090596 11.092077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685182 Gm336 NCBI_Gene:240539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101439 MGI:2685182 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 336
19 gene 11.096814 11.130889 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916619 1700017D01Rik NCBI_Gene:69369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024729 MGI:1916619 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700017D01 gene
19 pseudogene 11.121344 11.122425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645570 Gm6501 NCBI_Gene:624395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099998 MGI:3645570 pseudogene predicted gene 6501
19 gene 11.139662 11.165628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916666 1700025F22Rik NCBI_Gene:69416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024728 MGI:1916666 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700025F22 gene
19 gene 11.169418 11.196934 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920716 Ms4a13 NCBI_Gene:73466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057240 MGI:1920716 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 13
19 gene 11.196817 11.299886 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922388 4930526L06Rik NCBI_Gene:75138,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097091 MGI:1922388 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930526L06 gene
19 gene 11.214082 11.232482 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685812 Ms4a12 NCBI_Gene:381213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101031 MGI:2685812 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 12
19 gene 11.249675 11.266241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88321 Ms4a1 NCBI_Gene:12482,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024673 MGI:88321 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 1
19 gene 11.273238 11.283895 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2670985 Ms4a5 NCBI_Gene:269063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054523 MGI:2670985 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 5
19 gene 11.301249 11.315875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686122 Ms4a14 NCBI_Gene:383435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099398 MGI:2686122 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 14
19 gene 11.321039 11.336146 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918846 Ms4a7 NCBI_Gene:109225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024672 MGI:1918846 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 7
19 gene 11.362278 11.363890 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579641 Gm28935 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100392 MGI:5579641 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28935
19 gene 11.375488 11.392915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643932 Ms4a4a NCBI_Gene:666907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101389 MGI:3643932 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4A
19 pseudogene 11.403948 11.405004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646968 Gm5692 NCBI_Gene:435588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101024 MGI:3646968 pseudogene predicted gene 5692
19 gene 11.404717 11.427246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1927656 Ms4a4c NCBI_Gene:64380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024675 MGI:1927656 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4C
19 pseudogene 11.438029 11.438832 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779492 Gm5511 NCBI_Gene:433221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100615 MGI:3779492 pseudogene predicted gene 5511
19 gene 11.443553 11.467055 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913083 Ms4a4b NCBI_Gene:60361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056290 MGI:1913083 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4B
19 gene 11.469041 11.487069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385644 Ms4a6c NCBI_Gene:73656,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079419 MGI:2385644 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 6C
19 gene 11.470166 11.484578 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3035348 BE692007 NCBI_Gene:100504727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099757 MGI:3035348 lncRNA gene expressed sequence BE692007
19 gene 11.485938 11.512577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645380 Gm8369 NCBI_Gene:666926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058470 MGI:3645380 protein coding gene predicted gene 8369
19 gene 11.516211 11.516953 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011446 Gm19261 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100529 MGI:5011446 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19261
19 gene 11.516512 11.531256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917024 Ms4a6b NCBI_Gene:69774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024677 MGI:1917024 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 6B
19 gene 11.536801 11.558467 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913857 Ms4a4d NCBI_Gene:66607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024678 MGI:1913857 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4D
19 pseudogene 11.569439 11.573112 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641904 Gm10212 NCBI_Gene:101055836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067555 MGI:3641904 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10212
19 gene 11.582826 11.584357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611503 Gm38275 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104088 MGI:5611503 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38275
19 gene 11.586604 11.604849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916024 Ms4a6d NCBI_Gene:68774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024679 MGI:1916024 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 6D
19 gene 11.607389 11.607438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454376 Gm24599 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088598 MGI:5454376 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24599
19 gene 11.615517 11.623790 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95495 Ms4a2 NCBI_Gene:14126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024680 MGI:95495 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 2
19 gene 11.629496 11.640851 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2158468 Ms4a3 NCBI_Gene:170813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024681 MGI:2158468 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 3
19 gene 11.647279 11.660559 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684945 Oosp2 NCBI_Gene:225922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055895 MGI:2684945 protein coding gene oocyte secreted protein 2
19 gene 11.667460 11.691150 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2149290 Oosp1 NCBI_Gene:170834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041857 MGI:2149290 protein coding gene oocyte secreted protein 1
19 gene 11.695041 11.695179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455960 Gm26183 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088310 MGI:5455960 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26183
19 gene 11.695267 11.695342 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455220 Gm25443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089625 MGI:5455220 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25443
19 gene 11.697055 11.711874 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684943 Oosp3 NCBI_Gene:225923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055933 MGI:2684943 protein coding gene oocyte secreted protein 3
19 pseudogene 11.703309 11.704101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011409 Gm19224 NCBI_Gene:100418458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100918 MGI:5011409 pseudogene predicted gene, 19224
19 gene 11.747543 11.763447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1202394 Cblif NCBI_Gene:14603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024682 MGI:1202394 protein coding gene cobalamin binding intrinsic factor
19 gene 11.760943 11.763189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826292 Gm46655 NCBI_Gene:108168416 MGI:5826292 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46655
19 gene 11.770391 11.774960 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2137219 Mrpl16 NCBI_Gene:94063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024683 MGI:2137219 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L16
19 gene 11.775118 11.819886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103077 Stx3 NCBI_Gene:20908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041488 MGI:103077 protein coding gene syntaxin 3
19 gene 11.818245 11.831258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624695 Gm41810 NA NA lncRNA gene predicted gene%2c 41810
19 gene 11.826803 11.839219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031251 Olfr1417 NCBI_Gene:258938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048292 MGI:3031251 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1417
19 gene 11.852587 11.861066 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031252 Olfr1418 NCBI_Gene:258227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060556 MGI:3031252 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1418
19 pseudogene 11.864436 11.864634 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753695 Gm45119 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108966 MGI:5753695 pseudogene predicted gene 45119
19 gene 11.868613 11.875106 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031253 Olfr1419 NCBI_Gene:257938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067545 MGI:3031253 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1419
19 pseudogene 11.876645 11.878668 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643502 Gm6365 NCBI_Gene:622845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051548 MGI:3643502 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6365
19 gene 11.886565 11.898079 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031254 Olfr1420 NCBI_Gene:258405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060878 MGI:3031254 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1420
19 gene 11.895522 11.912231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590251 Gm31092 NCBI_Gene:102633205 MGI:5590251 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31092
19 gene 11.912399 11.945096 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147679 Patl1 NCBI_Gene:225929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046139 MGI:2147679 protein coding gene protein associated with topoisomerase II homolog 1 (yeast)
19 gene 11.923728 11.923800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5562752 Mir6994 miRBase:MI0022842,NCBI_Gene:102465601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104979 MGI:5562752 miRNA gene microRNA 6994
19 gene 11.933495 11.933628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452049 Gm22272 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077227 MGI:5452049 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22272
19 pseudogene 11.958619 11.958994 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826280 Gm46643 NCBI_Gene:108168403 MGI:5826280 pseudogene predicted gene, 46643
19 gene 11.965844 11.994114 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97447 Osbp NCBI_Gene:76303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024687 MGI:97447 protein coding gene oxysterol binding protein
19 gene 12.002236 12.002308 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414001 n-TFgaa6 NCBI_Gene:102467583 MGI:4414001 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA pheylalanine 6 (anticodon GAA)
19 gene 12.006039 12.006111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413976 n-TKctt29 NCBI_Gene:102467572 MGI:4413976 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 29 (anticodon TTT)
19 gene 12.008545 12.008617 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413997 n-TFgaa2 NCBI_Gene:102467361 MGI:4413997 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA pheylalanine 2 (anticodon GAA)
19 gene 12.009696 12.009768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413977 n-TKctt30 NCBI_Gene:102467353 MGI:4413977 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 30 (anticodon TTT)
19 gene 12.010115 12.018404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590310 Gm31151 NCBI_Gene:102633290 MGI:5590310 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31151
19 gene 12.011086 12.011168 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413944 n-TLtaa4 NCBI_Gene:102467632 MGI:4413944 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA leucine 4 (anticodon TAA)
19 gene 12.011588 12.011673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413734 n-TRtct1 NCBI_Gene:102467472 MGI:4413734 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA arginine 1 (anticodon TCT)
19 gene 12.011931 12.012003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414104 n-TVtac1 NCBI_Gene:102467626 MGI:4414104 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA valine 1 (anticodon TAC)
19 gene 12.012266 12.012338 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414105 n-TVtac2 NCBI_Gene:102467409 MGI:4414105 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA valine 2 (anticodon TAC)
19 pseudogene 12.020175 12.020403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031255 Olfr1421-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109030 MGI:3031255 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1421, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 12.020505 12.020562 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753691 Gm45115 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109047 MGI:5753691 pseudogene predicted gene 45115
19 pseudogene 12.020614 12.021763 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031256 Olfr1422-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108947 MGI:3031256 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1422, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 12.026646 12.026920 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753692 Gm45116 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109223 MGI:5753692 pseudogene predicted gene 45116
19 gene 12.031787 12.041317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031257 Olfr1423 NCBI_Gene:258675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067529 MGI:3031257 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1423
19 pseudogene 12.037731 12.037824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753435 Gm44859 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109417 MGI:5753435 pseudogene predicted gene 44859
19 gene 12.058624 12.062682 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031258 Olfr1424 NCBI_Gene:258676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067528 MGI:3031258 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1424
19 gene 12.073234 12.077731 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031259 Olfr1425 NCBI_Gene:258155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067526 MGI:3031259 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1425
19 gene 12.086746 12.092013 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031260 Olfr1426 NCBI_Gene:258805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044994 MGI:3031260 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1426
19 gene 12.098006 12.103334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031261 Olfr1427 NCBI_Gene:258674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067525 MGI:3031261 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1427
19 gene 12.107716 12.115897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031262 Olfr1428 NCBI_Gene:258673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067524 MGI:3031262 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1428
19 gene 12.117996 12.123203 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2153205 Olfr76 NCBI_Gene:258677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067522 MGI:2153205 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 76
19 pseudogene 12.164424 12.170112 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031389 Olfr1555-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108889 MGI:3031389 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1555, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 12.177607 12.178523 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031264 Olfr1430-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109410 MGI:3031264 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1430, pseudogene 1
19 gene 12.200634 12.212191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031265 Olfr1431 NCBI_Gene:258409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094133 MGI:3031265 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1431
19 gene 12.227755 12.232596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031266 Olfr1432 NCBI_Gene:257961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109022 MGI:3031266 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1432
19 gene 12.240721 12.241659 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030096 Olfr262 NCBI_Gene:258683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067519 MGI:3030096 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 262
19 pseudogene 12.247491 12.247646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477358 Gm26864 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097646 MGI:5477358 pseudogene predicted gene, 26864
19 gene 12.261032 12.270387 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030069 Olfr235 NCBI_Gene:258681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060049 MGI:3030069 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 235
19 pseudogene 12.273011 12.275157 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5009988 Gm17802 NCBI_Gene:100286833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118093 MGI:5009988 pseudogene predicted gene, 17802
19 gene 12.279854 12.285626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031268 Olfr1434 NCBI_Gene:258680,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095640 MGI:3031268 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1434
19 pseudogene 12.289854 12.290306 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031269 Olfr1435-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109433 MGI:3031269 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1435, pseudogene 1
19 gene 12.298183 12.299130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031270 Olfr1436 NCBI_Gene:258682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067513 MGI:3031270 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1436
19 pseudogene 12.314874 12.315027 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753434 Gm44858 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109229 MGI:5753434 pseudogene predicted gene 44858
19 gene 12.319207 12.325101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031271 Olfr1437 NCBI_Gene:258117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096436 MGI:3031271 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1437
19 pseudogene 12.329422 12.335910 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031272 Olfr1438-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109328 MGI:3031272 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1438, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 12.339738 12.341142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031273 Olfr1439-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109007 MGI:3031273 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1439, pseudogene 1
19 gene 12.387279 12.401584 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031274 Olfr1440 NCBI_Gene:258679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046650 MGI:3031274 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1440
19 gene 12.417433 12.423569 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031275 Olfr1441 NCBI_Gene:258678,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050815 MGI:3031275 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1441
19 gene 12.427905 12.432110 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1860266 Pfpl NCBI_Gene:56093,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040065 MGI:1860266 protein coding gene pore forming protein-like
19 gene 12.460709 12.465285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333743 Mpeg1 NCBI_Gene:17476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046805 MGI:1333743 protein coding gene macrophage expressed gene 1
19 gene 12.466329 12.502201 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2672905 Dtx4 NCBI_Gene:207521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039982 MGI:2672905 protein coding gene deltex 4, E3 ubiquitin ligase
19 gene 12.517915 12.596566 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3698434 A330040F15Rik NCBI_Gene:74333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086213 MGI:3698434 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330040F15 gene
19 gene 12.517921 12.524338 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590367 Gm31208 NCBI_Gene:102633365 MGI:5590367 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31208
19 gene 12.519800 12.523576 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096066 Gm47243 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114644 MGI:6096066 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47243
19 pseudogene 12.528755 12.530540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643874 Gm6545 NCBI_Gene:625046,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111118 MGI:3643874 pseudogene predicted gene 6545
19 gene 12.539588 12.540823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6096064 Gm47242 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114761 MGI:6096064 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47242
19 gene 12.545740 12.589769 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915508 Fam111a NCBI_Gene:107373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024691 MGI:1915508 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 111, member A
19 pseudogene 12.568188 12.568836 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826552 Gm16274 NCBI_Gene:100418049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084836 MGI:3826552 pseudogene predicted gene 16274
19 gene 12.595749 12.598309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921583 4122401K19Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4122401K19 gene
19 gene 12.599974 12.628251 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643569 Gm4952 NCBI_Gene:240549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071633 MGI:3643569 protein coding gene predicted gene 4952
19 gene 12.633308 12.653911 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147502 Glyat NCBI_Gene:107146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063683 MGI:2147502 protein coding gene glycine-N-acyltransferase
19 gene 12.665255 12.665361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454298 Gm24521 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065892 MGI:5454298 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24521
19 gene 12.670439 12.677277 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031276 Olfr1442 NCBI_Gene:258692,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044441 MGI:3031276 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1442
19 gene 12.678112 12.683851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031277 Olfr1443 NCBI_Gene:258693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045030 MGI:3031277 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1443
19 pseudogene 12.681771 12.681915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6215285 Gm49772 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109309 MGI:6215285 pseudogene predicted gene, 49772
19 gene 12.695786 12.719902 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928492 Keg1 NCBI_Gene:64697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024694 MGI:1928492 protein coding gene kidney expressed gene 1
19 gene 12.706055 12.721247 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802141 Gm15962 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084981 MGI:3802141 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15962
19 pseudogene 12.713227 12.713948 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010728 Gm18543 NCBI_Gene:100417340 MGI:5010728 pseudogene predicted gene, 18543
19 gene 12.763528 12.765632 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88439 Cntf NCBI_Gene:12803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079415 MGI:88439 protein coding gene ciliary neurotrophic factor
19 gene 12.763528 12.796123 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3845910 Gm44505 NCBI_Gene:664779 MGI:3845910 lncRNA gene predicted readthrough transcript (NMD candidate), 44505
19 gene 12.763660 12.796126 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104854 Zfp91 NCBI_Gene:109910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024695 MGI:104854 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 91
19 gene 12.796193 12.833808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147677 Lpxn NCBI_Gene:107321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024696 MGI:2147677 protein coding gene leupaxin
19 gene 12.846682 12.847424 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646958 Gm5244 NCBI_Gene:383436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091014 MGI:3646958 protein coding gene predicted pseudogene 5244
19 gene 12.857283 12.863440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031278 Olfr1444 NCBI_Gene:258697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046272 MGI:3031278 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1444
19 gene 12.883855 12.884855 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031279 Olfr1445 NCBI_Gene:258694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045126 MGI:3031279 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1445
19 gene 12.888266 12.893524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031280 Olfr1446 NCBI_Gene:258699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057817 MGI:3031280 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1446
19 gene 12.899434 12.903743 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031281 Olfr1447 NCBI_Gene:258698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060303 MGI:3031281 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1447
19 pseudogene 12.905231 12.906993 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645436 Gm5512 NCBI_Gene:433224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000112693 MGI:3645436 pseudogene predicted gene 5512
19 gene 12.916661 12.924419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031282 Olfr1448 NCBI_Gene:258696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048456 MGI:3031282 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1448
19 gene 12.930840 12.935752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031283 Olfr1449 NCBI_Gene:258300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049498 MGI:3031283 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1449
19 gene 12.950258 12.956406 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031284 Olfr1450 NCBI_Gene:258368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062892 MGI:3031284 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1450
19 gene 12.995014 13.000417 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031285 Olfr1451 NCBI_Gene:258700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046913 MGI:3031285 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1451
19 pseudogene 13.011704 13.012668 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011317 Gm19132 NCBI_Gene:100418307 MGI:5011317 pseudogene predicted gene, 19132
19 pseudogene 13.016225 13.017149 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031286 Olfr1452-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109148 MGI:3031286 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 1452, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.027404 13.028327 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031287 Olfr1453 NCBI_Gene:258695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094755 MGI:3031287 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1453
19 gene 13.060610 13.067157 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031288 Olfr1454 NCBI_Gene:258687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094986 MGI:3031288 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1454
19 pseudogene 13.068904 13.069677 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031289 Olfr1455-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109126 MGI:3031289 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1455, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.078637 13.079335 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031290 Olfr1456-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404516,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067482 MGI:3031290 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1456, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.093379 13.097891 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031291 Olfr1457 NCBI_Gene:258568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061637 MGI:3031291 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1457
19 gene 13.101593 13.106775 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031292 Olfr1458 NCBI_Gene:667271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062844 MGI:3031292 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1458
19 gene 13.138021 13.149549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031293 Olfr1459 NCBI_Gene:258684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057503 MGI:3031293 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1459
19 pseudogene 13.158191 13.159316 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031294 Olfr1460-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109415 MGI:3031294 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1460, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.163000 13.168130 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031295 Olfr1461 NCBI_Gene:258299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045883 MGI:3031295 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1461
19 gene 13.185734 13.193775 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031296 Olfr1462 NCBI_Gene:258688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094721 MGI:3031296 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1462
19 gene 13.231328 13.236400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031297 Olfr1463 NCBI_Gene:258120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096365 MGI:3031297 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1463
19 pseudogene 13.282134 13.283056 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031298 Olfr1464-ps1 NCBI_Gene:667300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109100 MGI:3031298 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 1464, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.301001 13.301107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452220 Gm22443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064824 MGI:5452220 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22443
19 gene 13.312768 13.315541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031299 Olfr1465 NCBI_Gene:258121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062199 MGI:3031299 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1465
19 gene 13.338862 13.343572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031300 Olfr1466 NCBI_Gene:258689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096485 MGI:3031300 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1466
19 gene 13.362236 13.368054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031301 Olfr1467 NCBI_Gene:258686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049015 MGI:3031301 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1467
19 pseudogene 13.371854 13.376066 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031302 Olfr1468-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258192,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109544 MGI:3031302 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 1468, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.403157 13.403640 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753425 Gm44849 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108881 MGI:5753425 pseudogene predicted gene 44849
19 gene 13.407849 13.414540 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031303 Olfr1469 NCBI_Gene:258690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063777 MGI:3031303 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1469
19 pseudogene 13.434147 13.435095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031304 Olfr1470-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258119,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109230 MGI:3031304 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1470, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.443409 13.451527 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031305 Olfr1471 NCBI_Gene:258231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096320 MGI:3031305 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1471
19 gene 13.453280 13.456086 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031306 Olfr1472 NCBI_Gene:258685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095189 MGI:3031306 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1472
19 pseudogene 13.462678 13.463635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031307 Olfr1473-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109573 MGI:3031307 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1473, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.469565 13.472157 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031308 Olfr1474 NCBI_Gene:258123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096273 MGI:3031308 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1474
19 gene 13.479252 13.480196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031309 Olfr1475 NCBI_Gene:258298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096708 MGI:3031309 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1475
19 pseudogene 13.488309 13.488741 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031310 Olfr1476-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404517,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109189 MGI:3031310 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1476, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.500546 13.506192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031311 Olfr1477 NCBI_Gene:258691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071629 MGI:3031311 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1477
19 pseudogene 13.505325 13.505715 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031312 Olfr1478-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109184 MGI:3031312 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1478, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.511433 13.511931 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031313 Olfr1479-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108887 MGI:3031313 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1479, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.512553 13.515138 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781367 Gm3188 NCBI_Gene:100041185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118174 MGI:3781367 pseudogene predicted gene 3188
19 gene 13.527913 13.531275 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031314 Olfr1480 NCBI_Gene:404339,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095484 MGI:3031314 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1480
19 pseudogene 13.535390 13.535725 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031315 Olfr1481-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108945 MGI:3031315 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1481, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.563036 13.563213 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031316 Olfr1482-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109319 MGI:3031316 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1482, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.566758 13.567178 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031317 Olfr1483-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404522,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108974 MGI:3031317 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1483, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.583511 13.588832 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031318 Olfr1484 NCBI_Gene:258288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096289 MGI:3031318 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1484
19 pseudogene 13.588290 13.588659 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031319 Olfr1485-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109496 MGI:3031319 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1485, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.593860 13.594231 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031320 Olfr1486-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109343 MGI:3031320 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1486, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.595018 13.596063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779948 Gm9538 NCBI_Gene:671653 MGI:3779948 pseudogene predicted gene 9538
19 gene 13.599660 13.599768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452100 Gm22323 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094077 MGI:5452100 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22323
19 gene 13.604999 13.605107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453708 Gm23931 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096298 MGI:5453708 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23931
19 gene 13.617375 13.623072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031321 Olfr1487 NCBI_Gene:258629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094846 MGI:3031321 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1487
19 pseudogene 13.625625 13.625944 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031322 Olfr1488-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109285 MGI:3031322 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1488, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.631621 13.643987 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031323 Olfr1489 NCBI_Gene:258628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045678 MGI:3031323 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1489
19 gene 13.635583 13.635714 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453901 Gm24124 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077291 MGI:5453901 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24124
19 gene 13.651091 13.659545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031324 Olfr1490 NCBI_Gene:258098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061387 MGI:3031324 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1490
19 gene 13.697268 13.706127 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031325 Olfr1491 NCBI_Gene:258342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051156 MGI:3031325 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1491
19 pseudogene 13.718013 13.718877 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031326 Olfr1492-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109527 MGI:3031326 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1492, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.723278 13.727983 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031327 Olfr1493-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109520 MGI:3031327 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1493, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.739728 13.750479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031328 Olfr1494 NCBI_Gene:258992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050865 MGI:3031328 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1494
19 gene 13.764606 13.770248 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031329 Olfr1495 NCBI_Gene:258341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047207 MGI:3031329 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1495
19 gene 13.777878 13.782920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031330 Olfr1496 NCBI_Gene:258991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048356 MGI:3031330 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1496
19 pseudogene 13.791965 13.792514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011403 Gm19218 NCBI_Gene:100418446 MGI:5011403 pseudogene predicted gene, 19218
19 gene 13.794324 13.798202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031331 Olfr1497 NCBI_Gene:258736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044040 MGI:3031331 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1497
19 pseudogene 13.804428 13.806257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031332 Olfr1498-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109530 MGI:3031332 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1498, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.814275 13.819447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031333 Olfr1499 NCBI_Gene:258792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045395 MGI:3031333 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1499
19 gene 13.826882 13.830488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031334 Olfr1500 NCBI_Gene:258097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054526 MGI:3031334 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1500
19 gene 13.835033 13.850692 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031335 Olfr1501 NCBI_Gene:258626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057270 MGI:3031335 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1501
19 gene 13.861795 13.862745 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031336 Olfr1502 NCBI_Gene:258793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056858 MGI:3031336 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1502
19 pseudogene 13.877451 13.878253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031337 Olfr1503-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058078 MGI:3031337 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1503, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.886920 13.897928 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031338 Olfr1504 NCBI_Gene:258627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059105 MGI:3031338 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1504
19 gene 13.913530 13.921866 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031339 Olfr1505 NCBI_Gene:258151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062314 MGI:3031339 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1505
19 pseudogene 13.938563 13.939288 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761697 Vmn2r-ps135 NCBI_Gene:100124582 MGI:3761697 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 135
19 pseudogene 14.017583 14.018371 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504108 Gm26993 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098074 MGI:5504108 pseudogene predicted gene, 26993
19 gene 14.083631 14.084378 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922297 4930504B16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930504B16 gene
19 gene 14.090247 14.096731 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590490 Gm31331 NCBI_Gene:102633524 MGI:5590490 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31331
19 gene 14.397487 14.435950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647677 Gm8630 NCBI_Gene:667433 MGI:3647677 unclassified gene predicted gene 8630
19 gene 14.448072 14.598183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104633 Tle4 NCBI_Gene:21888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024642 MGI:104633 protein coding gene transducin-like enhancer of split 4
19 gene 14.564458 14.566993 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590600 Gm31441 NCBI_Gene:102633674 MGI:5590600 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31441
19 gene 14.658667 14.658933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611225 Gm37997 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103488 MGI:5611225 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37997
19 gene 14.718358 14.718480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455803 Gm26026 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084675 MGI:5455803 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26026
19 pseudogene 14.959002 14.960782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645437 Gm5513 NCBI_Gene:433225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063586 MGI:3645437 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5513
19 pseudogene 15.193521 15.194233 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647037 Gm7159 NCBI_Gene:635497 MGI:3647037 pseudogene predicted gene 7159
19 gene 15.290167 15.340387 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826282 Gm46645 NCBI_Gene:108168406 MGI:5826282 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46645
19 pseudogene 15.362335 15.362870 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104962 Pomc-ps1 NCBI_Gene:18977 MGI:104962 pseudogene pro-opiomelanocortin, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 15.458964 15.459672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011482 Selenok-ps3 NCBI_Gene:100502633 MGI:5011482 pseudogene selenoprotein K, pseudogene 3
19 gene 15.599131 15.632101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590753 Gm31594 NCBI_Gene:102633870 MGI:5590753 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31594
19 gene 15.636548 15.662923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826302 Gm46665 NCBI_Gene:108168427 MGI:5826302 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46665
19 gene 15.659946 15.664346 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590892 Gm31733 NCBI_Gene:102634054 MGI:5590892 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31733
19 gene 15.680004 15.680110 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454096 Gm24319 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094850 MGI:5454096 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24319
19 gene 15.803058 15.807653 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303228 Gm50348 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117995 MGI:6303228 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50348
19 gene 15.904678 15.947337 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2183441 Psat1 NCBI_Gene:107272,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024640 MGI:2183441 protein coding gene phosphoserine aminotransferase 1
19 pseudogene 15.943610 15.944165 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781507 Gm3329 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090147 MGI:3781507 pseudogene predicted gene 3329
19 gene 15.955770 15.985016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924386 Cep78 NCBI_Gene:208518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041491 MGI:1924386 protein coding gene centrosomal protein 78
19 gene 15.985075 16.010912 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041192 C130060C02Rik NCBI_Gene:100502653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097557 MGI:3041192 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C130060C02 gene
19 pseudogene 16.025451 16.025762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646957 Rpl37-ps1 NCBI_Gene:383438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117711 MGI:3646957 pseudogene ribosomal protein 37, pseudogene 1
19 gene 16.064113 16.090591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591185 Gm32026 NCBI_Gene:102634445 MGI:5591185 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32026
19 gene 16.132831 16.387463 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95776 Gnaq NCBI_Gene:14682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024639 MGI:95776 protein coding gene guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha q polypeptide
19 pseudogene 16.164098 16.170458 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442009 E030024N20Rik NCBI_Gene:595139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057990 MGI:2442009 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA E030024N20 gene
19 pseudogene 16.266432 16.267635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642135 Gm10819 NCBI_Gene:624438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075268 MGI:3642135 pseudogene predicted gene 10819
19 pseudogene 16.277779 16.278974 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937895 Gm17068 NCBI_Gene:100158259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078528 MGI:4937895 pseudogene predicted gene 17068
19 gene 16.314892 16.315004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531410 Mir496b miRBase:MI0021942,NCBI_Gene:102465218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098718 MGI:5531410 miRNA gene microRNA 496b
19 pseudogene 16.413431 16.414290 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011497 Gm19312 NCBI_Gene:100502667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118142 MGI:5011497 pseudogene predicted gene, 19312
19 gene 16.415826 16.422829 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303250 Gm50362 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118033 MGI:6303250 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50362
19 gene 16.435667 16.610820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95769 Gna14 NCBI_Gene:14675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024697 MGI:95769 protein coding gene guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha 14
19 pseudogene 16.477107 16.491122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643833 Gm8222 NCBI_Gene:666665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117699 MGI:3643833 pseudogene predicted gene 8222
19 pseudogene 16.572160 16.572468 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303252 Gm50363 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118023 MGI:6303252 pseudogene predicted gene, 50363
19 gene 16.580085 16.583462 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624696 Gm41811 NCBI_Gene:105246537 MGI:5624696 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41811
19 gene 16.612196 16.614869 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442532 E230008J23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E230008J23 gene
19 gene 16.615366 16.781878 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444304 Vps13a NCBI_Gene:271564,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046230 MGI:2444304 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 13A
19 pseudogene 16.715686 16.716289 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591415 Gm32256 NCBI_Gene:102634749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114931 MGI:5591415 pseudogene predicted gene, 32256
19 pseudogene 16.780547 16.781103 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3708646 Gm9806 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046388 MGI:3708646 pseudogene predicted gene 9806
19 gene 16.871092 16.925014 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591500 Gm32341 NCBI_Gene:102634857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118126 MGI:5591500 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32341
19 gene 16.872316 16.873830 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347468 Foxb2 NCBI_Gene:14240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056829 MGI:1347468 protein coding gene forkhead box B2
19 gene 16.955670 17.223932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925004 Prune2 NCBI_Gene:353211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039126 MGI:1925004 protein coding gene prune homolog 2
19 gene 17.056781 17.057187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531352 Gm27970 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098298 MGI:5531352 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27970
19 gene 17.060137 17.060397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531178 Gm27796 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099316 MGI:5531178 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27796
19 gene 17.238047 17.240669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303107 Gm50276 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117941 MGI:6303107 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50276
19 gene 17.244010 17.256488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303109 Gm50277 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118367 MGI:6303109 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50277
19 pseudogene 17.265984 17.266338 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303114 Gm50280 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117946 MGI:6303114 pseudogene predicted gene, 50280
19 gene 17.326141 17.372844 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95676 Gcnt1 NCBI_Gene:14537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038843 MGI:95676 protein coding gene glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 1, core 2
19 gene 17.394043 17.401349 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914688 Rfk NCBI_Gene:54391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024712 MGI:1914688 protein coding gene riboflavin kinase
19 gene 17.432314 17.837632 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97515 Pcsk5 NCBI_Gene:18552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024713 MGI:97515 protein coding gene proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5
19 gene 17.536046 17.555945 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624698 Gm41813 NCBI_Gene:105246539 MGI:5624698 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41813
19 gene 17.573784 17.580645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624697 Gm41812 NCBI_Gene:105246538 MGI:5624697 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41812
19 gene 17.632559 17.633491 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925784 C430005N20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C430005N20 gene
19 pseudogene 17.692763 17.693534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010004 Gm17819 NCBI_Gene:100310868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118270 MGI:5010004 pseudogene predicted gene, 17819
19 gene 17.865317 17.865419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452657 Gm22880 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088370 MGI:5452657 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22880
19 gene 17.873829 17.893500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302952 Gm50181 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118079 MGI:6302952 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50181
19 gene 17.891959 17.892051 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452840 Gm23063 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076305 MGI:5452840 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23063
19 pseudogene 17.926557 17.928613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2388571 Eef1a1-ps1 NCBI_Gene:235503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117822 MGI:2388571 pseudogene eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1, pseudogene 1
19 gene 17.928111 17.928226 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452838 Gm23061 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076303 MGI:5452838 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23061
19 gene 18.028111 18.040803 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302954 Gm50182 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117687 MGI:6302954 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50182
19 pseudogene 18.205148 18.205795 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010795 Gm18610 NCBI_Gene:100417435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117774 MGI:5010795 pseudogene predicted gene, 18610
19 pseudogene 18.480076 18.480748 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302956 Gm50183 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118192 MGI:6302956 pseudogene predicted gene, 50183
19 gene 18.516137 18.631823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_700012 Ostf1 NCBI_Gene:20409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024725 MGI:700012 protein coding gene osteoclast stimulating factor 1
19 pseudogene 18.565138 18.565755 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779480 Rpl29-ps6 NCBI_Gene:383440 MGI:3779480 pseudogene ribosomal protein L29, pseudogene 6
19 pseudogene 18.581455 18.582228 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647615 Gm8250 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080783 MGI:3647615 pseudogene predicted gene 8250
19 gene 18.627447 18.627921 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147638 1110034N17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1110034N17 gene
19 gene 18.631950 18.652428 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147434 Nmrk1 NCBI_Gene:225994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037847 MGI:2147434 protein coding gene nicotinamide riboside kinase 1
19 gene 18.670734 18.707201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914633 Carnmt1 NCBI_Gene:67383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024726 MGI:1914633 protein coding gene carnosine N-methyltransferase 1
19 gene 18.705798 18.707200 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918901 4930447K04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930447K04 gene
19 gene 18.712849 18.718429 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3583960 D030056L22Rik NCBI_Gene:225995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047044 MGI:3583960 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA D030056L22 gene
19 gene 18.730177 18.892521 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2675603 Trpm6 NCBI_Gene:225997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024727 MGI:2675603 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 6
19 gene 18.731873 18.732776 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302983 Gm50202 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117878 MGI:6302983 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50202
19 gene 18.732741 18.732904 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453015 Gm23238 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064941 MGI:5453015 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23238
19 gene 18.736739 18.749516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624699 Gm41814 NCBI_Gene:105246540 MGI:5624699 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41814
19 gene 18.776746 18.776961 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453967 Gm24190 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088601 MGI:5453967 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24190
19 gene 18.930605 19.111196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1343464 Rorb NCBI_Gene:225998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036192 MGI:1343464 protein coding gene RAR-related orphan receptor beta
19 gene 19.244035 19.276348 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303001 Gm50212 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117909 MGI:6303001 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50212
19 gene 19.275899 19.276030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455214 Gm25437 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088907 MGI:5455214 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25437
19 gene 19.276471 19.319651 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624700 Gm41815 NCBI_Gene:105246541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118109 MGI:5624700 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41815
19 gene 19.821035 19.979149 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591628 Gm32469 NCBI_Gene:102635029 MGI:5591628 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32469
19 gene 19.871432 19.876563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303008 Gm50216 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118167 MGI:6303008 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50216
19 gene 20.005940 20.060758 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781903 Gm3728 NCBI_Gene:100042218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118150 MGI:3781903 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3728
19 gene 20.033504 20.033635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452461 Gm22684 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064783 MGI:5452461 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22684
19 gene 20.117385 20.283256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591788 Gm32629 NCBI_Gene:102635239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118067 MGI:5591788 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32629
19 gene 20.324856 20.444883 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916244 1500015L24Rik NCBI_Gene:68994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094732 MGI:1916244 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1500015L24 gene
19 gene 20.373428 20.390944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96819 Anxa1 NCBI_Gene:16952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024659 MGI:96819 protein coding gene annexin A1
19 gene 20.410544 20.552330 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443493 C730002L08Rik NCBI_Gene:320155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114469 MGI:2443493 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C730002L08 gene
19 gene 20.424651 20.435261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591848 Gm32689 NCBI_Gene:102635317 MGI:5591848 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32689
19 gene 20.437754 20.441386 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624701 Gm41816 NCBI_Gene:105246542 MGI:5624701 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41816
19 gene 20.492715 20.556410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443348 E030003E18Rik NCBI_Gene:320092 MGI:2443348 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E030003E18 gene
19 gene 20.492715 20.643465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1353450 Aldh1a1 NCBI_Gene:11668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053279 MGI:1353450 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A1
19 gene 20.583524 20.585067 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917662 2900002J02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900002J02 gene
19 pseudogene 20.585913 20.586826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643522 Gm6684 NCBI_Gene:626549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047168 MGI:3643522 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6684
19 gene 20.689467 20.690527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641948 C730037M02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C730037M02 gene
19 gene 20.692953 20.727562 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347050 Aldh1a7 NCBI_Gene:26358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024747 MGI:1347050 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A7
19 gene 20.783456 21.037147 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2151016 Tmc1 NCBI_Gene:13409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024749 MGI:2151016 protein coding gene transmembrane channel-like gene family 1
19 gene 20.922392 20.954762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591909 Gm32750 NCBI_Gene:102635397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118293 MGI:5591909 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32750
19 gene 20.956541 20.961920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624702 Gm41817 NCBI_Gene:105246543 MGI:5624702 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41817
19 gene 21.104502 21.107157 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922604 4930554I06Rik NCBI_Gene:75354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118047 MGI:1922604 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930554I06 gene
19 gene 21.121191 21.125705 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781949 Gm3775 NCBI_Gene:100042294 MGI:3781949 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3775
19 gene 21.138695 21.146597 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592138 Gm32979 NCBI_Gene:102635711 MGI:5592138 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32979
19 gene 21.165087 21.210686 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825555 Gm45918 NCBI_Gene:105242408 MGI:5825555 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45918
19 gene 21.208477 21.211973 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303041 Gm50236 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118090 MGI:6303041 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50236
19 pseudogene 21.261976 21.263212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303054 Gm50243 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118044 MGI:6303054 pseudogene predicted gene, 50243
19 gene 21.271891 21.286840 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1278334 Zfand5 NCBI_Gene:22682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024750 MGI:1278334 protein coding gene zinc finger, AN1-type domain 5
19 gene 21.293946 21.295010 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916228 1500002I01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1500002I01 gene
19 gene 21.310376 21.313283 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303075 Gm50255 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118342 MGI:6303075 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50255
19 gene 21.391307 21.473445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95678 Gda NCBI_Gene:14544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058624 MGI:95678 protein coding gene guanine deaminase
19 gene 21.487932 21.488152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917501 2010105D22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2010105D22 gene
19 gene 21.552204 21.557867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781620 Gm3443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079382 MGI:3781620 protein coding gene predicted gene 3443
19 gene 21.577760 21.596179 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621371 Gm38486 NCBI_Gene:102636055 MGI:5621371 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38486
19 gene 21.581202 21.652976 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913456 1110059E24Rik NCBI_Gene:66206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035171 MGI:1913456 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1110059E24 gene
19 gene 21.653185 21.685638 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917816 Abhd17b NCBI_Gene:226016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047368 MGI:1917816 protein coding gene abhydrolase domain containing 17B
19 gene 21.657796 21.661573 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923222 5033423O07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5033423O07 gene
19 gene 21.663158 21.666018 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2445142 B230378D16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230378D16 gene
19 gene 21.689292 21.691115 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028050 C130076G22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130076G22 gene
19 gene 21.713818 21.732331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624703 Gm41818 NCBI_Gene:105246544 MGI:5624703 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41818
19 pseudogene 21.729270 21.729745 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302871 Gm50129 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118055 MGI:6302871 pseudogene predicted gene, 50129
19 gene 21.777511 21.858360 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890373 Cemip2 NCBI_Gene:83921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024754 MGI:1890373 protein coding gene cell migration inducing hyaluronidase 2
19 gene 21.831451 21.833756 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302872 Gm50130 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118021 MGI:6302872 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50130
19 pseudogene 21.837571 21.838711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011136 Gm18951 NCBI_Gene:100418019 MGI:5011136 pseudogene predicted gene, 18951
19 pseudogene 21.937283 21.938567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645435 Gm5514 NCBI_Gene:433229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045104 MGI:3645435 pseudogene predicted gene 5514
19 gene 21.941978 21.950889 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302877 Gm50133 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118237 MGI:6302877 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50133
19 gene 21.992573 22.021016 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624704 Gm41819 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118273 MGI:5624704 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41819
19 gene 21.997331 22.000152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302879 Gm50134 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118226 MGI:6302879 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50134
19 gene 22.137798 22.995410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443101 Trpm3 NCBI_Gene:226025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052387 MGI:2443101 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 3
19 gene 22.235521 22.235618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452283 Gm22506 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088558 MGI:5452283 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22506
19 pseudogene 22.254745 22.262751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592914 Gm33755 NCBI_Gene:102636778 MGI:5592914 pseudogene predicted gene, 33755
19 gene 22.436276 22.455241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5520994 Gm27151 NCBI_Gene:102641617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098739 MGI:5520994 lncRNA gene predicted gene 27151
19 pseudogene 22.441007 22.443653 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648670 Nsa2-ps1 NCBI_Gene:433230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118353 MGI:3648670 pseudogene NSA2 ribosome biogenesis homolog, pseudogene 1
19 gene 22.509995 22.517465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592808 Gm33649 NCBI_Gene:102636640 MGI:5592808 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33649
19 gene 22.552662 22.555198 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925993 9630005C17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9630005C17 gene
19 gene 22.750605 22.750672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676879 Mir204 miRBase:MI0000247,NCBI_Gene:387200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065507 MGI:2676879 miRNA gene microRNA 204
19 gene 22.776821 22.778324 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920165 2900017F05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900017F05 gene
19 gene 22.978230 23.075924 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924860 C330002G04Rik NCBI_Gene:77610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097930 MGI:1924860 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C330002G04 gene
19 gene 23.061454 23.064032 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302882 Gm50136 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118155 MGI:6302882 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50136
19 gene 23.134498 23.137111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915498 2410080I02Rik NCBI_Gene:102636896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044387 MGI:1915498 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2410080I02 gene
19 gene 23.141226 23.168134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333856 Klf9 NCBI_Gene:16601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033863 MGI:1333856 protein coding gene Kruppel-like factor 9
19 gene 23.149431 23.149551 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783365 Mir1192 miRBase:MI0006297,NCBI_Gene:100316672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080626 MGI:3783365 miRNA gene microRNA 1192
19 gene 23.206441 23.273914 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385088 Smc5 NCBI_Gene:226026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024943 MGI:2385088 protein coding gene structural maintenance of chromosomes 5
19 gene 23.273925 23.274359 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593109 Gm33950 NCBI_Gene:102637041 MGI:5593109 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33950
19 gene 23.282096 23.309919 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624706 Gm41821 NCBI_Gene:105246547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117837 MGI:5624706 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41821
19 gene 23.296329 23.296435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454040 Gm24263 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096249 MGI:5454040 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24263
19 gene 23.302609 23.448498 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918988 Mamdc2 NCBI_Gene:71738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033207 MGI:1918988 protein coding gene MAM domain containing 2
19 gene 23.418343 23.430928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303381 Gm50445 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118092 MGI:6303381 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50445
19 pseudogene 23.437256 23.437727 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303379 Gm50443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117850 MGI:6303379 pseudogene predicted gene, 50443
19 gene 23.496764 23.523052 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593171 Gm34012 NCBI_Gene:102637119 MGI:5593171 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34012
19 gene 23.558753 23.652812 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914733 1700028P14Rik NCBI_Gene:67483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033053 MGI:1914733 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700028P14 gene
19 pseudogene 23.605898 23.606279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303347 Gm50422 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117944 MGI:6303347 pseudogene predicted gene, 50422
19 pseudogene 23.616904 23.620368 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779903 Gm9493 NCBI_Gene:102638448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044424 MGI:3779903 pseudogene predicted gene 9493
19 gene 23.643409 23.643510 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451921 Gm22144 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088027 MGI:5451921 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22144
19 pseudogene 23.666591 23.667583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434897 Gm21542 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098010 MGI:5434897 pseudogene predicted gene, 21542
19 pseudogene 23.675811 23.676735 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646907 Gm6563 NCBI_Gene:625193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051255 MGI:3646907 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6563
19 gene 23.686898 23.732885 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921875 Ptar1 NCBI_Gene:72351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074925 MGI:1921875 protein coding gene protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 1
19 gene 23.723279 23.725034 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641836 Gm9938 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 9938
19 gene 23.728707 23.731661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920060 2810455D13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2810455D13 gene
19 gene 23.745502 23.748001 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303146 Gm50299 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117685 MGI:6303146 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50299
19 gene 23.758806 23.949598 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1860297 Apba1 NCBI_Gene:319924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024897 MGI:1860297 protein coding gene amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein binding, family A, member 1
19 pseudogene 23.800538 23.800817 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303148 Gm50300 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118287 MGI:6303148 pseudogene predicted gene, 50300
19 gene 23.870740 23.871826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925097 B230104F01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230104F01 gene
19 gene 23.905122 23.917546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593235 Gm34076 NCBI_Gene:102637203 MGI:5593235 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34076
19 gene 23.929825 23.941594 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303149 Gm50301 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118340 MGI:6303149 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50301
19 gene 23.972750 24.031272 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685813 Fam189a2 NCBI_Gene:381217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071604 MGI:2685813 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 189, member A2
19 pseudogene 24.004780 24.005008 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303156 Gm50305 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117820 MGI:6303156 pseudogene predicted gene, 50305
19 gene 24.044383 24.047157 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624708 Gm41823 NCBI_Gene:105246549 MGI:5624708 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41823
19 gene 24.064793 24.066452 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922771 1700021P04Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096796 MGI:1922771 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700021P04 gene
19 gene 24.080931 24.090765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624709 Gm41824 NCBI_Gene:105246550 MGI:5624709 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41824
19 gene 24.094502 24.225130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341872 Tjp2 NCBI_Gene:21873,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024812 MGI:1341872 protein coding gene tight junction protein 2
19 pseudogene 24.146897 24.147224 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303163 Gm50310 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118277 MGI:6303163 pseudogene predicted gene, 50310
19 pseudogene 24.154070 24.154601 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303160 Gm50308 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118371 MGI:6303160 pseudogene predicted gene, 50308
19 gene 24.261453 24.280605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1096879 Fxn NCBI_Gene:14297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059363 MGI:1096879 protein coding gene frataxin
19 pseudogene 24.289000 24.290908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646651 Gm8789 NCBI_Gene:667743 MGI:3646651 pseudogene predicted gene 8789
19 pseudogene 24.289716 24.290826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801728 Gm16216 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082107 MGI:3801728 pseudogene predicted gene 16216
19 gene 24.294794 24.555872 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107930 Pip5k1b NCBI_Gene:18719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024867 MGI:107930 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type 1 beta
19 gene 24.298838 24.300938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782025 Gm3853 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 3853
19 gene 24.413789 24.430694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922106 Pip5k1bos NCBI_Gene:102637283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085003 MGI:1922106 antisense lncRNA gene phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type 1 beta, opposite strand
19 gene 24.475779 24.477474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915284 Fam122a NCBI_Gene:68034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074922 MGI:1915284 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 122, member A
19 gene 24.541198 24.541455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641847 E860004J03Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA E860004J03 gene
19 gene 24.556352 24.557228 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303218 Gm50341 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117979 MGI:6303218 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50341
19 gene 24.674008 24.682233 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3583948 Tmem252 NCBI_Gene:226040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048572 MGI:3583948 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 252
19 gene 24.678261 24.861855 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925668 Pgm5 NCBI_Gene:226041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041731 MGI:1925668 protein coding gene phosphoglucomutase 5
19 pseudogene 24.692233 24.693391 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5009986 Gm17800 NCBI_Gene:100158260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097950 MGI:5009986 pseudogene predicted gene, 17800
19 gene 24.706836 24.713712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621466 Gm38581 NCBI_Gene:102641855 MGI:5621466 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38581
19 pseudogene 24.856196 24.856457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303220 Gm50342 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117934 MGI:6303220 pseudogene predicted gene, 50342
19 pseudogene 24.875686 24.876875 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704493 Gm10053 NCBI_Gene:672195,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058927 MGI:3704493 pseudogene predicted gene 10053
19 gene 24.898965 24.901309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347467 Foxd4 NCBI_Gene:14237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051490 MGI:1347467 protein coding gene forkhead box D4
19 gene 24.919916 24.961616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385089 Cbwd1 NCBI_Gene:226043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024878 MGI:2385089 protein coding gene COBW domain containing 1
19 gene 24.942235 24.942303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562753 Mir3084-1 miRBase:MI0014047,NCBI_Gene:100526521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104890 MGI:5562753 miRNA gene microRNA 3084-1
19 gene 24.942236 24.942367 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453435 Gm23658 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095097 MGI:5453435 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23658
19 gene 24.999511 25.202432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921396 Dock8 NCBI_Gene:76088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052085 MGI:1921396 protein coding gene dedicator of cytokinesis 8
19 gene 25.033108 25.033578 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782046 Ndufb4b NCBI_Gene:100042503 MGI:3782046 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B4B
19 gene 25.092866 25.097404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593394 Gm34235 NCBI_Gene:102637425 MGI:5593394 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34235
19 gene 25.153231 25.155877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593345 Gm34186 NCBI_Gene:102637351 MGI:5593345 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34186
19 gene 25.166085 25.166216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454029 Gm24252 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065634 MGI:5454029 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24252
19 gene 25.236732 25.434497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147707 Kank1 NCBI_Gene:107351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032702 MGI:2147707 protein coding gene KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1
19 pseudogene 25.346409 25.347243 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593591 Gm34432 NCBI_Gene:102637686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118238 MGI:5593591 pseudogene predicted gene, 34432
19 gene 25.453960 25.454063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455984 Gm26207 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064843 MGI:5455984 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26207
19 pseudogene 25.493833 25.496716 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646471 Gm5249 NCBI_Gene:383474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117720 MGI:3646471 pseudogene predicted gene 5249
19 gene 25.505618 25.604329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1354733 Dmrt1 NCBI_Gene:50796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024837 MGI:1354733 protein coding gene doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 1
19 gene 25.610246 25.623921 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2449470 Dmrt3 NCBI_Gene:240590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042372 MGI:2449470 protein coding gene doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 3
19 gene 25.671134 25.672253 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919653 2610016A17Rik NCBI_Gene:100503074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101089 MGI:1919653 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2610016A17 gene
19 gene 25.672389 25.679013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330307 Dmrt2 NCBI_Gene:226049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048138 MGI:1330307 protein coding gene doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 2
19 gene 25.775487 25.946975 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593675 Gm34516 NCBI_Gene:102637794 MGI:5593675 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34516
19 pseudogene 25.795612 25.796825 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647098 Gm8825 NCBI_Gene:667806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098105 MGI:3647098 pseudogene predicted gene 8825
19 gene 26.030730 26.046626 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920683 1700048O14Rik NCBI_Gene:73433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118016 MGI:1920683 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700048O14 gene
19 gene 26.246024 26.249930 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303272 Gm50376 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117950 MGI:6303272 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50376
19 gene 26.260369 26.260493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454953 Gm25176 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084589 MGI:5454953 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25176
19 gene 26.277846 26.308707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303274 Gm50377 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118005 MGI:6303274 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50377
19 gene 26.462344 26.467779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303276 Gm50378 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117707 MGI:6303276 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50378
19 gene 26.482315 26.509084 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593967 Gm34808 NCBI_Gene:102638185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118001 MGI:5593967 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34808
19 gene 26.510339 26.527796 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624713 Gm41828 NCBI_Gene:105246554 MGI:5624713 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41828
19 pseudogene 26.530752 26.530929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303278 Gm50379 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117803 MGI:6303278 pseudogene predicted gene, 50379
19 gene 26.572996 26.584672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6098469 Gm48775 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114682 MGI:6098469 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48775
19 gene 26.605050 26.778322 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99603 Smarca2 NCBI_Gene:67155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024921 MGI:99603 protein coding gene SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2
19 gene 26.620749 26.623419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313063 Gm20616 NCBI_Gene:102638259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093628 MGI:5313063 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20616
19 gene 26.768801 26.823907 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918192 4931403E22Rik NCBI_Gene:70942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093772 MGI:1918192 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4931403E22 gene
19 pseudogene 26.802040 26.803219 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010565 Gm18380 NCBI_Gene:100417041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118331 MGI:5010565 pseudogene predicted gene, 18380
19 gene 26.823866 26.872509 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826285 Gm46648 NCBI_Gene:108168409 MGI:5826285 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46648
19 gene 26.885881 26.888647 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685661 Gm815 NCBI_Gene:329047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074913 MGI:2685661 protein coding gene predicted gene 815
19 pseudogene 27.025981 27.026314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302862 Gm50121 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118313 MGI:6302862 pseudogene predicted gene, 50121
19 gene 27.101951 27.316698 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594597 Gm35438 NCBI_Gene:102639019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118209 MGI:5594597 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35438
19 gene 27.216484 27.254231 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98935 Vldlr NCBI_Gene:22359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024924 MGI:98935 protein coding gene very low density lipoprotein receptor
19 gene 27.260735 27.262323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782090 Gm3916 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 3916
19 gene 27.260735 27.262323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302852 Gm50114 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117692 MGI:6302852 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50114
19 gene 27.312632 27.321729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594427 Gm35268 NCBI_Gene:102638787 MGI:5594427 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35268
19 gene 27.322061 27.337179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2670981 Kcnv2 NCBI_Gene:240595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047298 MGI:2670981 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily V, member 2
19 gene 27.344725 27.373932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594713 Gm35554 NCBI_Gene:102639185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117752 MGI:5594713 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35554
19 pseudogene 27.366072 27.366567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302851 Gm50113 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117705 MGI:6302851 pseudogene predicted gene, 50113
19 gene 27.388698 27.429908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106253 Pum3 NCBI_Gene:52874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041360 MGI:106253 protein coding gene pumilio RNA-binding family member 3
19 gene 27.430037 27.432631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147728 C030016D13Rik NCBI_Gene:107372 MGI:2147728 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C030016D13 gene
19 pseudogene 27.512508 27.513279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302831 Gm50101 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118072 MGI:6302831 pseudogene predicted gene, 50101
19 gene 27.666428 27.668494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594856 Gm35697 NCBI_Gene:102639367 MGI:5594856 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35697
19 gene 27.703876 27.704007 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454559 Gm24782 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088266 MGI:5454559 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24782
19 gene 27.761721 28.011693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106582 Rfx3 NCBI_Gene:19726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040929 MGI:106582 protein coding gene regulatory factor X, 3 (influences HLA class II expression)
19 pseudogene 27.858058 27.858497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647318 Gm8412 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092617 MGI:3647318 pseudogene predicted gene 8412
19 pseudogene 27.961274 27.962110 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010079 Gm17894 NCBI_Gene:100416057 MGI:5010079 pseudogene predicted gene, 17894
19 gene 27.994197 27.995693 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5141872 Gm20407 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092182 MGI:5141872 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20407
19 pseudogene 28.033455 28.034153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648671 Gm5517 NCBI_Gene:433235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117788 MGI:3648671 pseudogene predicted gene 5517
19 gene 28.088856 28.089764 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578934 Gm28228 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101084 MGI:5578934 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28228
19 pseudogene 28.145864 28.146319 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594940 Gm35781 NCBI_Gene:102639477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117862 MGI:5594940 pseudogene predicted gene, 35781
19 gene 28.258851 28.680265 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444289 Glis3 NCBI_Gene:226075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052942 MGI:2444289 protein coding gene GLIS family zinc finger 3
19 gene 28.362542 28.365815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595025 Gm35866 NCBI_Gene:102639589 MGI:5595025 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35866
19 gene 28.580533 28.583294 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921702 4933413C19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089952 MGI:1921702 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933413C19 gene
19 gene 28.678224 28.720027 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443529 D930032P07Rik NCBI_Gene:320176,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097735 MGI:2443529 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D930032P07 gene
19 pseudogene 28.742123 28.742568 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643316 Rps15a-ps2 NCBI_Gene:434460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067351 MGI:3643316 pseudogene ribosomal protein S15A, pseudogene 2
19 gene 28.760033 28.788185 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595081 Gm35922 NCBI_Gene:102639664 MGI:5595081 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35922
19 pseudogene 28.762865 28.763539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646480 Gm6788 NCBI_Gene:627788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090737 MGI:3646480 pseudogene predicted gene 6788
19 pseudogene 28.812406 28.813202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504057 Gm26942 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098069 MGI:5504057 pseudogene predicted gene, 26942
19 gene 28.835049 28.913960 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105083 Slc1a1 NCBI_Gene:20510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024935 MGI:105083 protein coding gene solute carrier family 1 (neuronal/epithelial high affinity glutamate transporter, system Xag), member 1
19 pseudogene 28.862012 28.863766 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648836 Gm5822 NCBI_Gene:545262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089993 MGI:3648836 pseudogene predicted gene 5822
19 gene 28.893042 28.968356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918036 4430402I18Rik NCBI_Gene:381218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064202 MGI:1918036 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4430402I18 gene
19 gene 28.963920 28.966811 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921661 Plpp6 NCBI_Gene:74411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040105 MGI:1921661 protein coding gene phospholipid phosphatase 6
19 pseudogene 28.973039 28.974077 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781797 Gm3621 NCBI_Gene:100042006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118165 MGI:3781797 pseudogene predicted gene 3621
19 pseudogene 28.974550 28.975633 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643046 Gm4844 NCBI_Gene:226086 MGI:3643046 pseudogene predicted gene 4844
19 gene 28.990318 29.026681 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914322 Cdc37l1 NCBI_Gene:67072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024780 MGI:1914322 protein coding gene cell division cycle 37-like 1
19 gene 28.995379 29.048091 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1860835 Ak3 NCBI_Gene:56248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024782 MGI:1860835 protein coding gene adenylate kinase 3
19 pseudogene 29.003343 29.003875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704242 Gm10136 NCBI_Gene:672214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063754 MGI:3704242 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10136
19 gene 29.046245 29.048729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914579 1700018L02Rik NCBI_Gene:67329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100075 MGI:1914579 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700018L02 gene
19 gene 29.067301 29.069503 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642802 Gm9895 NCBI_Gene:100503337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118038 MGI:3642802 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9895
19 pseudogene 29.087603 29.090255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303352 Gm50425 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118320 MGI:6303352 pseudogene predicted gene, 50425
19 gene 29.101375 29.143929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913275 Rcl1 NCBI_Gene:59028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024785 MGI:1913275 protein coding gene RNA terminal phosphate cyclase-like 1
19 gene 29.135279 29.135375 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3618696 Mir101b miRBase:MI0000649,NCBI_Gene:724062,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065556 MGI:3618696 miRNA gene microRNA 101b
19 gene 29.147630 29.149431 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642922 Gm9883 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 9883
19 pseudogene 29.160000 29.161262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648673 Gm5518 NCBI_Gene:433238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068466 MGI:3648673 pseudogene predicted gene 5518
19 gene 29.238057 29.242703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624714 Gm41829 NCBI_Gene:105246555 MGI:5624714 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41829
19 gene 29.251708 29.313080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96629 Jak2 NCBI_Gene:16452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024789 MGI:96629 protein coding gene Janus kinase 2
19 gene 29.321344 29.325356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351595 Insl6 NCBI_Gene:27356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050957 MGI:1351595 protein coding gene insulin-like 6
19 gene 29.331170 29.334670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97931 Rln1 NCBI_Gene:19773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039097 MGI:97931 protein coding gene relaxin 1
19 gene 29.348599 29.367390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915009 Plgrkt NCBI_Gene:67759,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016495 MGI:1915009 protein coding gene plasminogen receptor, C-terminal lysine transmembrane protein
19 gene 29.367438 29.388095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926446 Cd274 NCBI_Gene:60533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016496 MGI:1926446 protein coding gene CD274 antigen
19 gene 29.373417 29.385383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595202 Gm36043 NCBI_Gene:102639821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117964 MGI:5595202 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36043
19 gene 29.410919 29.472927 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930125 Pdcd1lg2 NCBI_Gene:58205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016498 MGI:1930125 protein coding gene programmed cell death 1 ligand 2
19 gene 29.464750 29.523159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925029 A930007I19Rik NCBI_Gene:77779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097855 MGI:1925029 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930007I19 gene
19 gene 29.522282 29.606829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924893 Ric1 NCBI_Gene:226089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038658 MGI:1924893 protein coding gene RAB6A GEF complex partner 1
19 gene 29.608214 29.648510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106250 Ermp1 NCBI_Gene:226090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046324 MGI:106250 protein coding gene endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1
19 gene 29.682177 29.684238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595285 Gm36126 NCBI_Gene:102639928 MGI:5595285 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36126
19 gene 29.697541 29.708634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108454 Mlana NCBI_Gene:77836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024806 MGI:108454 protein coding gene melan-A
19 gene 29.714402 29.808053 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444398 9930021J03Rik NCBI_Gene:240613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046138 MGI:2444398 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9930021J03 gene
19 gene 29.806663 29.810096 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303267 Gm50373 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118251 MGI:6303267 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50373
19 gene 29.808108 29.812974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2683212 Ranbp6 NCBI_Gene:240614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074909 MGI:2683212 protein coding gene RAN binding protein 6
19 gene 29.838453 29.927333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624717 Gm41832 NCBI_Gene:105246558 MGI:5624717 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41832
19 pseudogene 29.874191 29.875217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303279 Gm50380 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117883 MGI:6303279 pseudogene predicted gene, 50380
19 gene 29.877449 29.884689 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595368 Gm36209 NCBI_Gene:102640041 MGI:5595368 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36209
19 gene 29.893703 29.896235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624716 Gm41831 NCBI_Gene:105246557 MGI:5624716 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41831
19 gene 29.925114 29.960718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924375 Il33 NCBI_Gene:77125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024810 MGI:1924375 protein coding gene interleukin 33
19 gene 29.986099 29.986264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455823 Gm26046 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087937 MGI:5455823 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26046
19 gene 30.003790 30.006020 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913995 Trpd52l3 NCBI_Gene:66745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024815 MGI:1913995 protein coding gene tumor protein D52-like 3
19 gene 30.030435 30.093726 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923718 Uhrf2 NCBI_Gene:109113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024817 MGI:1923718 protein coding gene ubiquitin-like, containing PHD and RING finger domains 2
19 gene 30.098441 30.175441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341155 Gldc NCBI_Gene:104174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024827 MGI:1341155 protein coding gene glycine decarboxylase
19 pseudogene 30.160620 30.161030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644512 Rpl31-ps20 NCBI_Gene:625917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058607 MGI:3644512 pseudogene ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 20
19 gene 30.164751 30.165769 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924689 9530025L08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530025L08 gene
19 gene 30.232906 30.239687 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96924 Mbl2 NCBI_Gene:17195,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024863 MGI:96924 protein coding gene mannose-binding lectin (protein C) 2
19 gene 30.261441 30.261517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453885 Gm24108 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093236 MGI:5453885 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24108
19 gene 30.264880 30.265160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454660 Gm24883 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089016 MGI:5454660 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24883
19 pseudogene 30.352005 30.355618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595165 Gm36006 NCBI_Gene:102639775 MGI:5595165 pseudogene predicted gene, 36006
19 gene 30.358217 30.360680 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920607 1700048J15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700048J15 gene
19 gene 30.371465 30.395327 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595478 Gm36319 NCBI_Gene:102640191 MGI:5595478 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36319
19 pseudogene 30.490703 30.491363 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010070 Gm17885 NCBI_Gene:100416039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118374 MGI:5010070 pseudogene predicted gene, 17885
19 pseudogene 30.531476 30.531929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303088 Gm50264 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117953 MGI:6303088 pseudogene predicted gene, 50264
19 pseudogene 30.538876 30.539679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645534 Ppp1r2-ps3 NCBI_Gene:546723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058816 MGI:3645534 pseudogene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 2, pseudogene 3
19 gene 30.545863 30.549665 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1329040 Dkk1 NCBI_Gene:13380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024868 MGI:1329040 protein coding gene dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1
19 gene 30.564487 31.765309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108174 Prkg1 NCBI_Gene:19091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052920 MGI:108174 protein coding gene protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I
19 gene 30.704081 30.704398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453203 Gm23426 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084432 MGI:5453203 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23426
19 pseudogene 30.878834 30.879352 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011208 Gm19023 NCBI_Gene:100418132 MGI:5011208 pseudogene predicted gene, 19023
19 pseudogene 30.930380 30.930962 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648551 Gm6642 NCBI_Gene:625995 MGI:3648551 pseudogene predicted gene 6642
19 gene 31.082837 31.087069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1932622 Cstf2t NCBI_Gene:83410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053536 MGI:1932622 protein coding gene cleavage stimulation factor, 3’ pre-RNA subunit 2, tau
19 pseudogene 31.112546 31.113095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303091 Gm50266 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118011 MGI:6303091 pseudogene predicted gene, 50266
19 gene 31.127685 31.137532 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624719 Gm41834 NCBI_Gene:105246560 MGI:5624719 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41834
19 gene 31.196484 31.197357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920156 2900042A17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900042A17 gene
19 gene 31.213543 31.216396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925353 8430431K14Rik NCBI_Gene:78103 MGI:1925353 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 8430431K14 gene
19 gene 31.505322 31.507369 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921789 9030425L15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9030425L15 gene
19 gene 31.542570 31.550540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442795 9330185G11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9330185G11 gene
19 gene 31.868755 31.952365 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917115 A1cf NCBI_Gene:69865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052595 MGI:1917115 protein coding gene APOBEC1 complementation factor
19 pseudogene 31.913644 31.914916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011426 Gm19241 NCBI_Gene:100418483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114443 MGI:5011426 pseudogene predicted gene, 19241
19 gene 31.950084 31.952361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918870 9130016M20Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118366 MGI:1918870 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9130016M20 gene
19 gene 31.982597 32.108242 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859310 Asah2 NCBI_Gene:54447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024887 MGI:1859310 protein coding gene N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase 2
19 pseudogene 32.073335 32.074926 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645706 Gm8943 NCBI_Gene:668042 MGI:3645706 pseudogene predicted gene 8943
19 gene 32.122727 32.389714 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444110 Sgms1 NCBI_Gene:208449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040451 MGI:2444110 protein coding gene sphingomyelin synthase 1
19 gene 32.204182 32.209273 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302997 Gm50210 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118064 MGI:6302997 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50210
19 gene 32.389216 32.391190 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914438 2700046G09Rik NCBI_Gene:67188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097787 MGI:1914438 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2700046G09 gene
19 pseudogene 32.423192 32.423582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621501 Gm38616 NCBI_Gene:102642581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118355 MGI:5621501 pseudogene predicted gene, 38616
19 pseudogene 32.439941 32.441024 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779973 Gm9563 NCBI_Gene:672490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118329 MGI:3779973 pseudogene predicted gene 9563
19 pseudogene 32.465865 32.466578 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642682 Rpl9-ps6 NCBI_Gene:100042823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062456 MGI:3642682 pseudogene ribosomal protein L9, pseudogene 6
19 gene 32.470601 32.483595 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826296 Gm46659 NCBI_Gene:108168420 MGI:5826296 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46659
19 gene 32.485769 32.515370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336159 Minpp1 NCBI_Gene:17330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024896 MGI:1336159 protein coding gene multiple inositol polyphosphate histidine phosphatase 1
19 gene 32.543347 32.563611 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595578 Gm36419 NCBI_Gene:102640323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118168 MGI:5595578 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36419
19 gene 32.595645 32.667187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330223 Papss2 NCBI_Gene:23972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024899 MGI:1330223 protein coding gene 3’-phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulfate synthase 2
19 pseudogene 32.658479 32.660200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595651 Gm36492 NCBI_Gene:102640429 MGI:5595651 pseudogene predicted gene, 36492
19 gene 32.671638 32.739786 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915229 Atad1 NCBI_Gene:67979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013662 MGI:1915229 protein coding gene ATPase family, AAA domain containing 1
19 gene 32.754378 32.756612 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595725 Gm36566 NCBI_Gene:102640527 MGI:5595725 protein coding gene predicted gene, 36566
19 gene 32.757497 32.826160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109583 Pten NCBI_Gene:19211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013663 MGI:109583 protein coding gene phosphatase and tensin homolog
19 gene 32.933345 32.939008 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595933 Gm36774 NCBI_Gene:102640791 MGI:5595933 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36774
19 gene 32.959987 32.976159 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5596073 Gm36914 NCBI_Gene:102640981 MGI:5596073 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36914
19 gene 32.966066 32.980390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596019 Gm36860 NCBI_Gene:102640908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117664 MGI:5596019 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36860
19 gene 32.969950 32.970308 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452259 Gm22482 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084512 MGI:5452259 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22482
19 gene 33.039471 33.074928 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624720 Gm41835 NCBI_Gene:105246561 MGI:5624720 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41835
19 gene 33.070072 33.102167 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589022 Gm29863 NCBI_Gene:102631554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117914 MGI:5589022 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29863
19 gene 33.122647 33.134819 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589105 Gm29946 NCBI_Gene:102631663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118196 MGI:5589105 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29946
19 pseudogene 33.137744 33.392295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915045 Rnls NCBI_Gene:67795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071573 MGI:1915045 polymorphic pseudogene renalase, FAD-dependent amine oxidase
19 gene 33.157112 33.157201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4950409 Mir3970 miRBase:MI0016980,NCBI_Gene:100628575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106278 MGI:4950409 miRNA gene microRNA 3970
19 pseudogene 33.353066 33.354120 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010027 Gm17842 NCBI_Gene:100415967 MGI:5010027 pseudogene predicted gene, 17842
19 gene 33.392253 33.392745 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914484 2810449D17Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2810449D17 gene
19 gene 33.392433 33.420370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589157 Gm29998 NCBI_Gene:102631731 MGI:5589157 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29998
19 pseudogene 33.405917 33.420642 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779701 Gm7237 NCBI_Gene:638381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087112 MGI:3779701 pseudogene predicted gene 7237
19 pseudogene 33.447613 33.447798 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011909 Gm19724 NCBI_Gene:102631943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118289 MGI:5011909 pseudogene predicted gene, 19724
19 pseudogene 33.459609 33.473191 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648531 Lipo5 NCBI_Gene:668095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086875 MGI:3648531 pseudogene lipase, member O5
19 gene 33.498037 33.517780 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779637 Lipo4 NCBI_Gene:628236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079344 MGI:3779637 protein coding gene lipase, member O4
19 pseudogene 33.550198 33.550397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303038 Gm50233 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118121 MGI:6303038 pseudogene predicted gene, 50233
19 gene 33.555160 33.761951 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147592 Lipo3 NCBI_Gene:381236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024766 MGI:2147592 protein coding gene lipase, member O3
19 gene 33.589971 33.590999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916554 1700001A13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700001A13 gene
19 gene 33.592607 33.592713 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530822 Gm27440 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098770 MGI:5530822 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27440
19 gene 33.612707 33.625252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647649 Gm8978 NCBI_Gene:668106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086812 MGI:3647649 protein coding gene predicted gene 8978
19 pseudogene 33.668266 33.668463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011940 Gm19755 NCBI_Gene:102632180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118360 MGI:5011940 pseudogene predicted gene, 19755
19 pseudogene 33.673329 33.673928 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010478 Gm18293 NCBI_Gene:100416852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117667 MGI:5010478 pseudogene predicted gene, 18293
19 pseudogene 33.674073 33.688481 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644463 Gm8980 NCBI_Gene:668112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085924 MGI:3644463 pseudogene predicted gene 8980
19 gene 33.719670 33.762109 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644466 Lipo2 NCBI_Gene:101055671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087303 MGI:3644466 protein coding gene lipase, member O2
19 gene 33.775498 33.787459 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647308 Lipo1 NCBI_Gene:329055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079342 MGI:3647308 protein coding gene lipase, member O1
19 pseudogene 33.822897 33.826711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645618 Gm5519 NCBI_Gene:433241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037603 MGI:3645618 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5519
19 pseudogene 33.838827 33.842598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647410 Gm8988 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085934 MGI:3647410 pseudogene predicted gene 8988
19 pseudogene 33.853164 33.872207 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302861 Gm50120 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117821 MGI:6302861 pseudogene predicted gene, 50120
19 gene 33.954235 33.954341 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452872 Gm23095 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065380 MGI:5452872 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23095
19 gene 33.961187 33.976813 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914967 Lipf NCBI_Gene:67717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024768 MGI:1914967 protein coding gene lipase, gastric
19 gene 34.008254 34.047903 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2679259 Lipk NCBI_Gene:240633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024771 MGI:2679259 protein coding gene lipase, family member K
19 gene 34.056140 34.058360 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590459 Gm31300 NCBI_Gene:102633486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118302 MGI:5590459 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31300
19 gene 34.067058 34.085946 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917416 Lipn NCBI_Gene:70166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024770 MGI:1917416 protein coding gene lipase, family member N
19 gene 34.068931 34.069054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453111 Gm23334 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080678 MGI:5453111 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23334
19 gene 34.100933 34.122687 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926003 Lipm NCBI_Gene:78753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056078 MGI:1926003 protein coding gene lipase, family member M
19 gene 34.121469 34.166053 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277101 Ankrd22 NCBI_Gene:52024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024774 MGI:1277101 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 22
19 gene 34.192186 34.240333 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923880 Stambpl1 NCBI_Gene:76630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024776 MGI:1923880 protein coding gene STAM binding protein like 1
19 gene 34.240336 34.255590 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87909 Acta2 NCBI_Gene:11475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035783 MGI:87909 protein coding gene actin, alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta
19 gene 34.256636 34.278225 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590514 Gm31355 NCBI_Gene:102633559 MGI:5590514 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31355
19 pseudogene 34.284280 34.284537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303047 Gm50239 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118066 MGI:6303047 pseudogene predicted gene, 50239
19 gene 34.290659 34.327775 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95484 Fas NCBI_Gene:14102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024778 MGI:95484 protein coding gene Fas (TNF receptor superfamily member 6)
19 gene 34.294137 34.294295 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531200 Gm27818 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098670 MGI:5531200 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27818
19 gene 34.395647 34.395755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452837 Gm23060 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076300 MGI:5452837 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23060
19 gene 34.473778 34.475164 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333869 Ch25h NCBI_Gene:12642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050370 MGI:1333869 protein coding gene cholesterol 25-hydroxylase
19 gene 34.474808 34.481546 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477396 Gm26902 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097558 MGI:5477396 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26902
19 gene 34.492316 34.527474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96789 Lipa NCBI_Gene:16889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024781 MGI:96789 protein coding gene lysosomal acid lipase A
19 gene 34.543288 34.544729 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590576 Gm31417 NCBI_Gene:102633635 MGI:5590576 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31417
19 pseudogene 34.549264 34.549392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303079 Gm50257 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118048 MGI:6303079 pseudogene predicted gene, 50257
19 gene 34.550549 34.576534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99449 Ifit2 NCBI_Gene:15958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045932 MGI:99449 protein coding gene interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2
19 gene 34.583142 34.588982 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1101055 Ifit3 NCBI_Gene:15959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074896 MGI:1101055 protein coding gene interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3
19 gene 34.592888 34.662997 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650685 Ifit1bl1 NCBI_Gene:667373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079339 MGI:3650685 protein coding gene interferon induced protein with tetratricpeptide repeats 1B like 1
19 gene 34.607540 34.613409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3698419 Ifit3b NCBI_Gene:667370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062488 MGI:3698419 protein coding gene interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3B
19 gene 34.617049 34.640743 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2148249 Ifit1bl2 NCBI_Gene:112419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067297 MGI:2148249 protein coding gene interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1B like 2
19 pseudogene 34.623630 34.624804 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010061 Cnn2-ps NCBI_Gene:100416023,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118260 MGI:5010061 pseudogene calponin2, pseudogene
19 gene 34.640871 34.650009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99450 Ifit1 NCBI_Gene:15957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034459 MGI:99450 protein coding gene interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1
19 gene 34.668401 34.747823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147716 Slc16a12 NCBI_Gene:240638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009378 MGI:2147716 protein coding gene solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 12
19 pseudogene 34.682183 34.684822 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826291 Gm46654 NCBI_Gene:108168415 MGI:5826291 pseudogene predicted gene, 46654
19 pseudogene 34.710008 34.711016 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010610 Gm18425 NCBI_Gene:100417152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118098 MGI:5010610 pseudogene predicted gene, 18425
19 gene 34.750510 34.750613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530858 Gm27476 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098742 MGI:5530858 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27476
19 pseudogene 34.773881 34.774451 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302944 Gm50173 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118083 MGI:6302944 pseudogene predicted gene, 50173
19 gene 34.796178 34.796338 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451859 Gm22082 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088212 MGI:5451859 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22082
19 pseudogene 34.804262 34.804759 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302856 Gm50116 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117945 MGI:6302856 pseudogene predicted gene, 50116
19 gene 34.806935 34.879593 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922985 Pank1 NCBI_Gene:75735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033610 MGI:1922985 protein coding gene pantothenate kinase 1
19 gene 34.820687 34.820773 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3619063 Mir107 miRBase:MI0000684,NCBI_Gene:723826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065594 MGI:3619063 miRNA gene microRNA 107
19 gene 34.922341 34.975750 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444576 Kif20b NCBI_Gene:240641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024795 MGI:2444576 protein coding gene kinesin family member 20B
19 gene 34.965396 34.965469 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3837023 Mir1950 miRBase:MI0009941,NCBI_Gene:100316775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089151 MGI:3837023 miRNA gene microRNA 1950
19 pseudogene 35.051830 35.052744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643322 Gm5248 NCBI_Gene:383464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101966 MGI:3643322 pseudogene predicted gene 5248
19 gene 35.054465 35.083440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302884 Gm50137 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117865 MGI:6302884 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50137
19 gene 35.117283 35.133451 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302890 Gm50140 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117973 MGI:6302890 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50140
19 gene 35.151913 35.156629 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590727 Gm31568 NCBI_Gene:102633838 MGI:5590727 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31568
19 gene 35.203235 35.203366 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453783 Gm24006 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089087 MGI:5453783 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24006
19 gene 35.276453 35.276522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452852 Gm23075 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093373 MGI:5452852 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23075
19 gene 35.605674 35.605804 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452630 Gm22853 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092715 MGI:5452630 rRNA gene predicted gene, 22853
19 gene 35.700349 35.766127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624721 Gm41836 NCBI_Gene:105246562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118212 MGI:5624721 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41836
19 gene 35.759933 35.760065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455388 Gm25611 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077205 MGI:5455388 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25611
19 gene 35.835217 35.924735 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028035 A830019P07Rik NCBI_Gene:329056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094707 MGI:3028035 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A830019P07 gene
19 pseudogene 35.870079 35.870772 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010111 Gm17926 NCBI_Gene:100416119 MGI:5010111 pseudogene predicted gene, 17926
19 gene 35.958415 36.058287 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99841 Htr7 NCBI_Gene:15566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024798 MGI:99841 protein coding gene 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 7
19 gene 36.083689 36.104777 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859683 Rpp30 NCBI_Gene:54364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024800 MGI:1859683 protein coding gene ribonuclease P/MRP 30 subunit
19 gene 36.111961 36.120099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1097717 Ankrd1 NCBI_Gene:107765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024803 MGI:1097717 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 1 (cardiac muscle)
19 gene 36.182580 36.221676 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591240 Gm32081 NCBI_Gene:102634520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117998 MGI:5591240 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32081
19 gene 36.215016 36.264437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591186 Gm32027 NCBI_Gene:102634446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117990 MGI:5591186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32027
19 gene 36.235979 36.243323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826301 Gm46664 NCBI_Gene:108168426 MGI:5826301 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46664
19 gene 36.251727 36.256336 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302902 Gm50147 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118032 MGI:6302902 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50147
19 pseudogene 36.339044 36.339931 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011345 Gm19160 NCBI_Gene:100418358 MGI:5011345 pseudogene predicted gene, 19160
19 gene 36.347440 36.460970 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923505 Pcgf5 NCBI_Gene:76073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024805 MGI:1923505 protein coding gene polycomb group ring finger 5
19 gene 36.347614 36.348298 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6096874 Gm47735 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114859 MGI:6096874 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47735
19 pseudogene 36.361343 36.361811 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096932 Gm47773 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114285 MGI:6096932 pseudogene predicted gene, 47773
19 gene 36.384792 36.384897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452947 Gm23170 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087783 MGI:5452947 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23170
19 pseudogene 36.404404 36.406211 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647150 Gm9042 NCBI_Gene:668201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114409 MGI:3647150 pseudogene predicted gene 9042
19 gene 36.448992 36.451157 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642424 F530104D19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114235 MGI:3642424 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA F530104D19 gene
19 gene 36.533923 36.538802 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591302 Gm32143 NCBI_Gene:102634602 MGI:5591302 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32143
19 gene 36.552925 36.553977 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624723 Gm41838 NCBI_Gene:105246565 MGI:5624723 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41838
19 gene 36.554053 36.621135 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442663 Hectd2 NCBI_Gene:226098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041180 MGI:2442663 protein coding gene HECT domain E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
19 gene 36.614052 36.705641 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919243 Hectd2os NCBI_Gene:668215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087579 MGI:1919243 antisense lncRNA gene Hectd2, opposite strand
19 gene 36.731731 36.736653 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858229 Ppp1r3c NCBI_Gene:53412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067279 MGI:1858229 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 3C
19 pseudogene 36.818648 36.818930 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302850 Gm50112 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117938 MGI:6302850 pseudogene predicted gene, 50112
19 gene 36.834230 36.893477 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921743 Tnks2 NCBI_Gene:74493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024811 MGI:1921743 protein coding gene tankyrase, TRF1-interacting ankyrin-related ADP-ribose polymerase 2
19 gene 36.917550 36.919615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919764 Fgfbp3 NCBI_Gene:72514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047632 MGI:1919764 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor binding protein 3
19 gene 36.926079 37.014057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147538 Btaf1 NCBI_Gene:107182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040565 MGI:2147538 protein coding gene B-TFIID TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1
19 gene 37.019341 37.208601 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443075 Cpeb3 NCBI_Gene:208922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039652 MGI:2443075 protein coding gene cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3
19 gene 37.149085 37.149162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452491 Gm22714 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080544 MGI:5452491 ribozyme gene predicted gene, 22714
19 gene 37.173843 37.196541 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443002 A330032B11Rik NCBI_Gene:319931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097591 MGI:2443002 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330032B11 gene
19 gene 37.179186 37.179291 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453695 Gm23918 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092994 MGI:5453695 rRNA gene predicted gene, 23918
19 gene 37.207527 37.224457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915207 March5 NCBI_Gene:69104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023307 MGI:1915207 protein coding gene membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 5
19 gene 37.233382 37.233484 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455045 Gm25268 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089143 MGI:5455045 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25268
19 pseudogene 37.233603 37.234560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643992 Gm9056 NCBI_Gene:668230 MGI:3643992 pseudogene predicted gene 9056
19 gene 37.258423 37.264095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924309 4931408D14Rik NCBI_Gene:77059 MGI:1924309 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4931408D14 gene
19 gene 37.268741 37.337852 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96412 Ide NCBI_Gene:15925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056999 MGI:96412 protein coding gene insulin degrading enzyme
19 pseudogene 37.295093 37.295837 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782343 Rpl10-ps6 NCBI_Gene:100043010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080885 MGI:3782343 pseudogene ribosomal protein L10, pseudogene 6
19 gene 37.376403 37.421859 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098231 Kif11 NCBI_Gene:16551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012443 MGI:1098231 protein coding gene kinesin family member 11
19 pseudogene 37.388339 37.389495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648745 Gm8663 NCBI_Gene:667490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117988 MGI:3648745 pseudogene predicted gene 8663
19 pseudogene 37.413424 37.413878 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826286 Gm46649 NCBI_Gene:108168410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118211 MGI:5826286 pseudogene predicted gene, 46649
19 gene 37.432909 37.434656 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611573 Gm38345 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102353 MGI:5611573 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38345
19 gene 37.434810 37.440731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96086 Hhex NCBI_Gene:15242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024986 MGI:96086 protein coding gene hematopoietically expressed homeobox
19 gene 37.463746 37.463851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452803 Gm23026 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089397 MGI:5452803 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23026
19 gene 37.465253 37.471834 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925890 1700122C19Rik NCBI_Gene:78640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117800 MGI:1925890 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700122C19 gene
19 gene 37.493599 37.495964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591453 Gm32294 NCBI_Gene:102634793 MGI:5591453 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32294
19 gene 37.536763 37.684059 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351611 Exoc6 NCBI_Gene:107371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053799 MGI:1351611 protein coding gene exocyst complex component 6
19 gene 37.545104 37.546314 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624727 Gm41842 NCBI_Gene:105246569 MGI:5624727 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41842
19 gene 37.677387 37.697564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591501 Gm32342 NCBI_Gene:102634858 MGI:5591501 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32342
19 gene 37.685195 37.693398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2679699 Cyp26c1 NCBI_Gene:546726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062432 MGI:2679699 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily c, polypeptide 1
19 gene 37.697732 37.701536 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096359 Cyp26a1 NCBI_Gene:13082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024987 MGI:1096359 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily a, polypeptide 1
19 pseudogene 37.722761 37.723516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647635 Gm9066 NCBI_Gene:668248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117989 MGI:3647635 pseudogene predicted gene 9066
19 pseudogene 37.784259 37.785765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644658 Gm9067 NCBI_Gene:668251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117939 MGI:3644658 pseudogene predicted gene 9067
19 pseudogene 37.870267 37.872256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647440 Gm4757 NCBI_Gene:209281,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118115 MGI:3647440 pseudogene predicted gene 4757
19 gene 37.899036 38.043577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919192 Myof NCBI_Gene:226101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048612 MGI:1919192 protein coding gene myoferlin
19 gene 38.051774 38.054528 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588250 I830134H01Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069554 MGI:3588250 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA I830134H01 gene
19 gene 38.054981 38.074425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921357 Cep55 NCBI_Gene:74107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024989 MGI:1921357 protein coding gene centrosomal protein 55
19 gene 38.071929 38.072053 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453077 Gm23300 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064646 MGI:5453077 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23300
19 gene 38.097071 38.114263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147577 Ffar4 NCBI_Gene:107221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054200 MGI:2147577 protein coding gene free fatty acid receptor 4
19 gene 38.116620 38.125321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97879 Rbp4 NCBI_Gene:19662,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024990 MGI:97879 protein coding gene retinol binding protein 4, plasma
19 gene 38.125754 38.134496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591599 Gm32440 NCBI_Gene:102634991 MGI:5591599 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32440
19 gene 38.132781 38.183958 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105956 Pde6c NCBI_Gene:110855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024992 MGI:105956 protein coding gene phosphodiesterase 6C, cGMP specific, cone, alpha prime
19 gene 38.188477 38.224517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917817 Fra10ac1 NCBI_Gene:70567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054237 MGI:1917817 protein coding gene FRA10AC1 homolog (human)
19 gene 38.257836 38.260793 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591733 Gm32574 NCBI_Gene:102635170 MGI:5591733 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32574
19 gene 38.257928 38.263285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591650 Gm32491 NCBI_Gene:102635059 MGI:5591650 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32491
19 gene 38.264535 38.272565 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591930 Gm32771 NCBI_Gene:102635432 MGI:5591930 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32771
19 gene 38.264536 38.312214 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861691 Lgi1 NCBI_Gene:56839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067242 MGI:1861691 protein coding gene leucine-rich repeat LGI family, member 1
19 pseudogene 38.287951 38.288224 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302892 Gm50141 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118242 MGI:6302892 pseudogene predicted gene, 50141
19 gene 38.300083 38.315270 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5662860 Gm42723 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105709 MGI:5662860 lncRNA gene predicted gene 42723
19 gene 38.311058 38.327048 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641826 Gm9886 NCBI_Gene:105246571 MGI:3641826 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9886
19 pseudogene 38.342179 38.342614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302907 Gm50150 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118381 MGI:6302907 pseudogene predicted gene, 50150
19 gene 38.348636 38.350079 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592119 Gm32960 NCBI_Gene:102635685 MGI:5592119 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32960
19 gene 38.352239 38.358506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592195 Gm33036 NCBI_Gene:102635788 MGI:5592195 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33036
19 gene 38.379292 38.381215 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624729 Gm41844 NCBI_Gene:105246572 MGI:5624729 protein coding gene predicted gene, 41844
19 pseudogene 38.384566 38.385514 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302915 Gm50155 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117920 MGI:6302915 pseudogene predicted gene, 50155
19 pseudogene 38.386963 38.388161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011121 Gm18936 NCBI_Gene:100417987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118335 MGI:5011121 pseudogene predicted gene, 18936
19 gene 38.395980 38.405610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444789 Slc35g1 NCBI_Gene:240660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044026 MGI:2444789 protein coding gene solute carrier family 35, member G1
19 gene 38.458585 38.463554 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826303 Gm46666 NCBI_Gene:108168429 MGI:5826303 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46666
19 gene 38.473120 38.473202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454707 Gm24930 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088940 MGI:5454707 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24930
19 gene 38.481109 38.785105 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921305 Plce1 NCBI_Gene:74055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024998 MGI:1921305 protein coding gene phospholipase C, epsilon 1
19 pseudogene 38.703444 38.704438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644350 Gm8717 NCBI_Gene:667587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117935 MGI:3644350 pseudogene predicted gene 8717
19 gene 38.748760 38.752645 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579697 Gm28991 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101079 MGI:5579697 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28991
19 gene 38.788121 38.819950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1932610 Noc3l NCBI_Gene:57753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024999 MGI:1932610 protein coding gene NOC3 like DNA replication regulator
19 gene 38.836579 38.919923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2384803 Tbc1d12 NCBI_Gene:209478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048720 MGI:2384803 protein coding gene TBC1D12: TBC1 domain family, member 12
19 gene 38.885242 38.885361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455615 Gm25838 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089545 MGI:5455615 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25838
19 gene 38.930915 38.971051 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106209 Hells NCBI_Gene:15201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025001 MGI:106209 protein coding gene helicase, lymphoid specific
19 pseudogene 38.976647 39.003627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3716994 Cyp2c52-ps NCBI_Gene:209753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114610 MGI:3716994 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 52, pseudogene
19 gene 39.006938 39.042693 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919332 Cyp2c55 NCBI_Gene:72082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025002 MGI:1919332 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 55
19 gene 39.007026 39.007089 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453577 Gm23800 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093303 MGI:5453577 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23800
19 pseudogene 39.052630 39.054824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782048 Gm3875 NCBI_Gene:100042507 MGI:3782048 pseudogene predicted gene 3875
19 gene 39.061006 39.093948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919553 Cyp2c65 NCBI_Gene:72303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067231 MGI:1919553 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 65
19 gene 39.113898 39.187072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917138 Cyp2c66 NCBI_Gene:69888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067229 MGI:1917138 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 66
19 pseudogene 39.229254 39.274985 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646306 Cyp2c53-ps NCBI_Gene:638988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093610 MGI:3646306 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 53-ps
19 gene 39.269405 39.330713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103238 Cyp2c29 NCBI_Gene:13095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003053 MGI:103238 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 29
19 pseudogene 39.347367 39.360403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3721925 Cyp2c72-ps NCBI_Gene:100125395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118146 MGI:3721925 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 72, pseudogene
19 gene 39.389556 39.463089 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1306819 Cyp2c38 NCBI_Gene:13097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032808 MGI:1306819 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 38
19 gene 39.510822 39.568529 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1306818 Cyp2c39 NCBI_Gene:13098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025003 MGI:1306818 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 39
19 gene 39.608842 39.649079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612288 Cyp2c67 NCBI_Gene:545288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062624 MGI:3612288 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 67
19 gene 39.688834 39.741101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612287 Cyp2c68 NCBI_Gene:433247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074882 MGI:3612287 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 68
19 gene 39.767071 39.812814 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1306815 Cyp2c40 NCBI_Gene:13099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025004 MGI:1306815 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 40
19 gene 39.842660 39.886799 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3721049 Cyp2c69 NCBI_Gene:100043108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092008 MGI:3721049 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 69
19 pseudogene 39.928044 39.952861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3721924 Cyp2c71-ps NCBI_Gene:100125394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117738 MGI:3721924 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 71, pseudogene
19 gene 39.992424 40.012243 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1306806 Cyp2c37 NCBI_Gene:13096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042248 MGI:1306806 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2. subfamily c, polypeptide 37
19 gene 40.037940 40.073845 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642960 Cyp2c54 NCBI_Gene:404195,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067225 MGI:3642960 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 54
19 gene 40.089679 40.113955 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147497 Cyp2c50 NCBI_Gene:107141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054827 MGI:2147497 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 50
19 gene 40.153353 40.187333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385878 Cyp2c70 NCBI_Gene:226105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060613 MGI:2385878 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 70
19 pseudogene 40.189990 40.194415 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647389 Gm5827 NCBI_Gene:545289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117785 MGI:3647389 pseudogene predicted gene 5827
19 pseudogene 40.212364 40.213575 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645079 Gm16470 NCBI_Gene:676923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098091 MGI:3645079 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 16470
19 gene 40.221173 40.271842 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1860611 Pdlim1 NCBI_Gene:54132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055044 MGI:1860611 protein coding gene PDZ and LIM domain 1 (elfin)
19 gene 40.271701 40.274454 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624730 Gm41845 NCBI_Gene:105246573 MGI:5624730 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41845
19 pseudogene 40.280951 40.282794 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643821 Gm5693 NCBI_Gene:435599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117793 MGI:3643821 pseudogene predicted gene 5693
19 gene 40.292040 40.513874 negative MGI_C57BL6J_700014 Sorbs1 NCBI_Gene:20411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025006 MGI:700014 protein coding gene sorbin and SH3 domain containing 1
19 gene 40.297820 40.299555 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925688 A930028N01Rik NCBI_Gene:78438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114796 MGI:1925688 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930028N01 gene
19 gene 40.416249 40.416870 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925672 9530039L23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530039L23 gene
19 gene 40.458213 40.458965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642414 3010085J16Rik NA NA protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 3010085J16 gene
19 gene 40.472755 40.474430 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917735 5730409N24Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5730409N24 gene
19 gene 40.474599 40.476539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918838 9130009M17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9130009M17 gene
19 gene 40.550257 40.588463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888908 Aldh18a1 NCBI_Gene:56454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025007 MGI:1888908 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family, member A1
19 pseudogene 40.558919 40.561755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779625 Gm15801 NCBI_Gene:627166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096592 MGI:3779625 pseudogene predicted gene 15801
19 gene 40.588535 40.594862 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5504157 Gm27042 NCBI_Gene:102636239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097792 MGI:5504157 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 27042
19 gene 40.596446 40.612281 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914840 Tctn3 NCBI_Gene:67590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025008 MGI:1914840 protein coding gene tectonic family member 3
19 gene 40.611601 40.612996 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3712488 E130009M23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E130009M23 gene
19 gene 40.612366 40.741602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102805 Entpd1 NCBI_Gene:12495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048120 MGI:102805 protein coding gene ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1
19 pseudogene 40.615886 40.616758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801732 Gm16027 NCBI_Gene:100417906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090041 MGI:3801732 pseudogene predicted gene 16027
19 pseudogene 40.621776 40.624599 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646027 Gm8783 NCBI_Gene:667723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094388 MGI:3646027 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 8783
19 gene 40.644146 40.654035 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302875 Gm50132 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117952 MGI:6302875 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50132
19 gene 40.658272 40.661201 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592464 Gm33305 NCBI_Gene:102636161 MGI:5592464 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33305
19 gene 40.729437 40.731663 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624731 Gm41846 NCBI_Gene:105246574 MGI:5624731 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41846
19 gene 40.748753 40.829057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645359 Cc2d2b NCBI_Gene:668310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108929 MGI:3645359 protein coding gene coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 2B
19 gene 40.816765 40.818268 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592641 Gm33482 NCBI_Gene:102636408 MGI:5592641 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33482
19 gene 40.830522 40.831855 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645360 Gm9099 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 9099
19 gene 40.831279 40.848572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443297 Ccnj NCBI_Gene:240665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025010 MGI:2443297 protein coding gene cyclin J
19 gene 40.868304 40.882639 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686464 E030044B06Rik NCBI_Gene:381223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097740 MGI:2686464 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E030044B06 gene
19 gene 40.893933 40.917947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919922 Zfp518a NCBI_Gene:72672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049164 MGI:1919922 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 518A
19 gene 40.894687 40.898391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3053211 E130314M14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E130314M14 gene
19 gene 40.894703 40.894789 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530789 Mir8092 miRBase:MI0026019,NCBI_Gene:102466881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099118 MGI:5530789 miRNA gene microRNA 8092
19 gene 40.928927 40.994535 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96878 Blnk NCBI_Gene:17060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061132 MGI:96878 protein coding gene B cell linker
19 gene 41.004815 41.014643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926115 C330026H20Rik NCBI_Gene:100861913 MGI:1926115 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C330026H20 gene
19 gene 41.009103 41.011703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443821 A130015J22Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A130015J22 gene
19 pseudogene 41.017683 41.020295 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782446 Gm4269 NCBI_Gene:105246575 MGI:3782446 pseudogene predicted gene 4269
19 gene 41.029275 41.059525 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98659 Dntt NCBI_Gene:21673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025014 MGI:98659 protein coding gene deoxynucleotidyltransferase, terminal
19 gene 41.061710 41.077113 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2657025 Opalin NCBI_Gene:226115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050121 MGI:2657025 protein coding gene oligodendrocytic myelin paranodal and inner loop protein
19 gene 41.080940 41.210848 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346044 Tll2 NCBI_Gene:24087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025013 MGI:1346044 protein coding gene tolloid-like 2
19 gene 41.210842 41.264004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914262 Tm9sf3 NCBI_Gene:107358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025016 MGI:1914262 protein coding gene transmembrane 9 superfamily member 3
19 gene 41.259566 41.263709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826288 Gm46651 NCBI_Gene:108168412 MGI:5826288 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46651
19 gene 41.264112 41.265030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922881 1700008F19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700008F19 gene
19 gene 41.272377 41.385102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933177 Pik3ap1 NCBI_Gene:83490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025017 MGI:1933177 protein coding gene phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1
19 gene 41.443382 41.445082 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593110 Gm33951 NCBI_Gene:102637042 MGI:5593110 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33951
19 pseudogene 41.459783 41.461451 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704496 Gm9788 NCBI_Gene:100043167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044065 MGI:3704496 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 9788
19 gene 41.481254 41.482185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917137 2010100M03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2010100M03 gene
19 gene 41.482583 41.596161 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443930 Lcor NCBI_Gene:212391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025019 MGI:2443930 protein coding gene ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor
19 gene 41.525252 41.526961 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648734 Morf4l1b NCBI_Gene:627352 MGI:3648734 protein coding gene mortality factor 4 like 1B
19 gene 41.575867 41.589383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685186 Gm340 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 340
19 gene 41.588651 41.588789 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530957 Mir8091 miRBase:MI0026018,NCBI_Gene:102465884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098286 MGI:5530957 miRNA gene microRNA 8091
19 gene 41.593363 41.596158 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147586 AI606181 NA NA protein coding gene expressed sequence AI606181
19 gene 41.597824 41.747540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1315203 Slit1 NCBI_Gene:20562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025020 MGI:1315203 protein coding gene slit guidance ligand 1
19 gene 41.691154 41.702436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593275 Gm34116 NCBI_Gene:102637251 MGI:5593275 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34116
19 gene 41.744804 41.745053 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452378 Gm22601 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088220 MGI:5452378 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22601
19 gene 41.746961 41.750097 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011609 Gm19424 NCBI_Gene:100502871 MGI:5011609 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19424
19 gene 41.766588 41.802084 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918335 Arhgap19 NCBI_Gene:71085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025154 MGI:1918335 protein coding gene Rho GTPase activating protein 19
19 gene 41.807949 41.819642 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624732 Gm41847 NCBI_Gene:105246576 MGI:5624732 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41847
19 gene 41.829970 41.832583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109450 Frat1 NCBI_Gene:14296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067199 MGI:109450 protein coding gene frequently rearranged in advanced T cell lymphomas
19 gene 41.845972 41.848132 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2673967 Frat2 NCBI_Gene:212398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047604 MGI:2673967 protein coding gene frequently rearranged in advanced T cell lymphomas 2
19 gene 41.862851 41.896173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147437 Rrp12 NCBI_Gene:107094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035049 MGI:2147437 protein coding gene ribosomal RNA processing 12 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
19 pseudogene 41.900999 41.903231 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826281 Gm46644 NCBI_Gene:108168404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117675 MGI:5826281 pseudogene predicted gene, 46644
19 gene 41.911871 41.918665 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97552 Pgam1 NCBI_Gene:18648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011752 MGI:97552 protein coding gene phosphoglycerate mutase 1
19 gene 41.919650 41.922399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443824 B130024M06Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA B130024M06 gene
19 gene 41.922292 41.933423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913833 Exosc1 NCBI_Gene:66583,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034321 MGI:1913833 protein coding gene exosome component 1
19 gene 41.933472 41.944104 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921418 Zdhhc16 NCBI_Gene:74168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025157 MGI:1921418 protein coding gene zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 16
19 gene 41.941086 41.981165 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919449 Mms19 NCBI_Gene:72199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025159 MGI:1919449 protein coding gene MMS19 cytosolic iron-sulfur assembly component
19 gene 41.972105 41.974522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443381 B130065D12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B130065D12 gene
19 gene 41.975188 41.975286 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452890 Gm23113 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089102 MGI:5452890 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23113
19 gene 41.981763 42.034650 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385092 Ubtd1 NCBI_Gene:226122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025171 MGI:2385092 protein coding gene ubiquitin domain containing 1
19 gene 41.986563 41.990400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443153 E130107B13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E130107B13 gene
19 gene 42.035918 42.045111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861447 Ankrd2 NCBI_Gene:56642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025172 MGI:1861447 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 2 (stretch responsive muscle)
19 gene 42.045610 42.070953 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914682 Hoga1 NCBI_Gene:67432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025176 MGI:1914682 protein coding gene 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 1
19 gene 42.052228 42.053628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914015 4933411K16Rik NCBI_Gene:66765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090369 MGI:1914015 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4933411K16 gene
19 gene 42.074939 42.086370 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2449568 Morn4 NCBI_Gene:226123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049670 MGI:2449568 protein coding gene MORN repeat containing 4
19 gene 42.090145 42.122218 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1934031 Pi4k2a NCBI_Gene:84095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025178 MGI:1934031 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 alpha
19 gene 42.123273 42.129059 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916784 Avpi1 NCBI_Gene:69534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018821 MGI:1916784 protein coding gene arginine vasopressin-induced 1
19 gene 42.147389 42.151703 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147570 Marveld1 NCBI_Gene:277010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044345 MGI:2147570 protein coding gene MARVEL (membrane-associating) domain containing 1
19 pseudogene 42.159631 42.160768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647230 Gm6937 NCBI_Gene:628994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117856 MGI:3647230 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6937
19 gene 42.163951 42.194593 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919602 Zfyve27 NCBI_Gene:319740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018820 MGI:1919602 protein coding gene zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 27
19 gene 42.197971 42.202252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1860298 Sfrp5 NCBI_Gene:54612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018822 MGI:1860298 protein coding gene secreted frizzled-related sequence protein 5
19 gene 42.247574 42.270348 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918396 Golga7b NCBI_Gene:71146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042532 MGI:1918396 protein coding gene golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 7B
19 gene 42.268287 42.431822 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920082 Crtac1 NCBI_Gene:72832,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042401 MGI:1920082 protein coding gene cartilage acidic protein 1
19 gene 42.274964 42.275062 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456116 Gm26339 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076323 MGI:5456116 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26339
19 gene 42.276887 42.314626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593506 Gm34347 NCBI_Gene:102637571 MGI:5593506 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34347
19 gene 42.280082 42.280170 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834259 Mir3085 miRBase:MI0014048,NCBI_Gene:100526549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093234 MGI:4834259 miRNA gene microRNA 3085
19 pseudogene 42.378991 42.379101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302957 Gm50184 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117706 MGI:6302957 pseudogene predicted gene, 50184
19 gene 42.387741 42.397551 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624733 Gm41848 NCBI_Gene:105246577 MGI:5624733 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41848
19 gene 42.402212 42.414246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593458 Gm34299 NCBI_Gene:102637508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117728 MGI:5593458 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34299
19 gene 42.444057 42.448376 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624734 Gm41849 NCBI_Gene:105246578 MGI:5624734 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41849
19 gene 42.483124 42.486499 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624735 Gm41850 NCBI_Gene:105246579 MGI:5624735 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41850
19 gene 42.509119 42.512197 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624736 Gm41851 NCBI_Gene:105246580 MGI:5624736 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41851
19 gene 42.518315 42.592343 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1196316 R3hcc1l NCBI_Gene:52013,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025184 MGI:1196316 protein coding gene R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1 like
19 gene 42.536850 42.563108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4414961 Gm16541 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090117 MGI:4414961 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16541
19 gene 42.551570 42.552164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926126 B230214N19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230214N19 gene
19 gene 42.566036 42.567962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924199 2810404I24Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2810404I24 gene
19 gene 42.592279 42.612813 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914823 Loxl4 NCBI_Gene:67573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025185 MGI:1914823 protein coding gene lysyl oxidase-like 4
19 gene 42.699777 42.699902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454993 Gm25216 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077768 MGI:5454993 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25216
19 gene 42.725857 42.752824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921830 Pyroxd2 NCBI_Gene:74580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060224 MGI:1921830 protein coding gene pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 2
19 gene 42.745691 42.752329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011622 Gm19437 NCBI_Gene:102637646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118354 MGI:5011622 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19437
19 gene 42.755105 42.779996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2177763 Hps1 NCBI_Gene:192236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025188 MGI:2177763 protein coding gene HPS1, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 3 subunit 1
19 gene 42.778653 42.781574 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802128 Gm16244 NCBI_Gene:102637720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090235 MGI:3802128 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16244
19 gene 42.786539 43.388455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685814 Hpse2 NCBI_Gene:545291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074852 MGI:2685814 protein coding gene heparanase 2
19 gene 43.160795 43.160902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451912 Gm22135 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089377 MGI:5451912 rRNA gene predicted gene, 22135
19 gene 43.266936 43.277654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593676 Gm34517 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117880 MGI:5593676 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34517
19 pseudogene 43.278429 43.279303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010564 Gm18379 NCBI_Gene:100417040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117682 MGI:5010564 pseudogene predicted gene, 18379
19 pseudogene 43.280776 43.284225 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647201 Gm6776 NCBI_Gene:627624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047509 MGI:3647201 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6776
19 gene 43.386283 43.387399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918806 8430434A19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 8430434A19 gene
19 gene 43.424826 43.427960 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621453 Gm38568 NCBI_Gene:102641642 MGI:5621453 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38568
19 gene 43.434610 43.440460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6097198 Gm47936 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114742 MGI:6097198 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47936
19 gene 43.440350 43.497213 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891366 Cnnm1 NCBI_Gene:83674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025189 MGI:1891366 protein coding gene cyclin M1
19 gene 43.457444 43.469758 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6097201 Gm47938 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114721 MGI:6097201 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47938
19 gene 43.499752 43.524605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95791 Got1 NCBI_Gene:14718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025190 MGI:95791 protein coding gene glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1, soluble
19 gene 43.528312 43.566029 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302970 Gm50194 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118221 MGI:6302970 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50194
19 pseudogene 43.544183 43.544962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011364 Gm19179 NCBI_Gene:100418390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118308 MGI:5011364 pseudogene predicted gene, 19179
19 gene 43.545927 43.573357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593795 Gm34636 NCBI_Gene:102637951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117991 MGI:5593795 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34636
19 gene 43.609077 43.610717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141932 Gm20467 NCBI_Gene:102638028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092250 MGI:5141932 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20467
19 gene 43.610832 43.611890 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826293 Gm46656 NCBI_Gene:108168417 MGI:5826293 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46656
19 gene 43.612325 43.615892 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97348 Nkx2-3 NCBI_Gene:18089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044220 MGI:97348 protein coding gene NK2 homeobox 3
19 gene 43.622446 43.622560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452423 Gm22646 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092871 MGI:5452423 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22646
19 gene 43.637372 43.642404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782492 Gm4311 NCBI_Gene:100043245 MGI:3782492 unclassified gene predicted gene 4311
19 gene 43.645554 43.655630 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594081 Gm34922 NCBI_Gene:102638332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118236 MGI:5594081 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34922
19 gene 43.663801 43.675510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2180509 Slc25a28 NCBI_Gene:246696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040414 MGI:2180509 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25, member 28
19 gene 43.675178 43.677176 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2652856 BC037704 NCBI_Gene:100502982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117698 MGI:2652856 lncRNA gene cDNA sequence BC037704
19 gene 43.689672 43.733853 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2135885 Entpd7 NCBI_Gene:93685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025192 MGI:2135885 protein coding gene ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7
19 gene 43.733254 43.753000 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920112 Cox15 NCBI_Gene:226139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040018 MGI:1920112 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 15
19 gene 43.752996 43.768638 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913638 Cutc NCBI_Gene:66388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025193 MGI:1913638 protein coding gene cutC copper transporter
19 gene 43.782192 43.840740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352447 Abcc2 NCBI_Gene:12780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025194 MGI:1352447 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 2
19 gene 43.838803 43.840845 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642139 Gm10768 NCBI_Gene:100038628 MGI:3642139 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10768
19 gene 43.846815 43.940323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917352 Dnmbp NCBI_Gene:71972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025195 MGI:1917352 protein coding gene dynamin binding protein
19 gene 43.857245 43.857351 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454177 Gm24400 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088490 MGI:5454177 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24400
19 gene 43.920473 43.927928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303010 Gm50217 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118000 MGI:6303010 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50217
19 gene 43.932316 43.932432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421755 n-R5s21 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084641 MGI:4421755 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 21
19 gene 43.940037 43.940920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920770 1700084K02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700084K02 gene
19 gene 43.956307 43.986556 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2135874 Cpn1 NCBI_Gene:93721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025196 MGI:2135874 protein coding gene carboxypeptidase N, polypeptide 1
19 gene 44.005022 44.029256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888897 Cyp2c23 NCBI_Gene:226143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025197 MGI:1888897 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 23
19 gene 44.034943 44.070494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2387613 Erlin1 NCBI_Gene:226144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025198 MGI:2387613 protein coding gene ER lipid raft associated 1
19 pseudogene 44.052234 44.052736 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010415 Gm18230 NCBI_Gene:100416753 MGI:5010415 pseudogene predicted gene, 18230
19 gene 44.073334 44.107509 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99484 Chuk NCBI_Gene:12675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025199 MGI:99484 protein coding gene conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase
19 gene 44.108637 44.135876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919752 Cwf19l1 NCBI_Gene:72502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025200 MGI:1919752 protein coding gene CWF19-like 1, cell cycle control (S. pombe)
19 gene 44.113979 44.114124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454113 Gm24336 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077391 MGI:5454113 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24336
19 gene 44.139246 44.146470 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920939 Bloc1s2 NCBI_Gene:73689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057506 MGI:1920939 protein coding gene biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex-1, subunit 2
19 gene 44.147637 44.249352 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352448 Pkd2l1 NCBI_Gene:329064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037578 MGI:1352448 protein coding gene polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1
19 gene 44.203269 44.244016 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1353437 Scd3 NCBI_Gene:30049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025202 MGI:1353437 protein coding gene stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 3
19 gene 44.225796 44.246570 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303185 Gm50323 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117900 MGI:6303185 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50323
19 pseudogene 44.252517 44.261446 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643963 Gm6951 NCBI_Gene:629152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118217 MGI:3643963 pseudogene predicted gene 6951
19 gene 44.272137 44.278228 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594342 Gm35183 NCBI_Gene:102638677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117958 MGI:5594342 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35183
19 gene 44.282343 44.283697 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624738 Gm41853 NCBI_Gene:105246582 MGI:5624738 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41853
19 gene 44.293674 44.306864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98240 Scd2 NCBI_Gene:20250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025203 MGI:98240 protein coding gene stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 2
19 gene 44.303171 44.303231 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4950434 Mir5114 miRBase:MI0018023,NCBI_Gene:100628619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093315 MGI:4950434 miRNA gene microRNA 5114
19 gene 44.313772 44.317329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303204 Gm50334 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117957 MGI:6303204 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50334
19 gene 44.333092 44.346743 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2670997 Scd4 NCBI_Gene:329065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050195 MGI:2670997 protein coding gene stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 4
19 gene 44.394450 44.407879 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98239 Scd1 NCBI_Gene:20249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037071 MGI:98239 protein coding gene stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 1
19 gene 44.419610 44.437886 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303210 Gm50337 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118076 MGI:6303210 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50337
19 gene 44.453017 44.459853 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594565 Gm35406 NCBI_Gene:102638973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117796 MGI:5594565 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35406
19 gene 44.493472 44.514273 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109485 Wnt8b NCBI_Gene:22423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036961 MGI:109485 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 8B
19 gene 44.516957 44.545864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685187 Sec31b NCBI_Gene:240667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051984 MGI:2685187 protein coding gene Sec31 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
19 gene 44.543722 44.552831 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5142003 Gm20538 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091471 MGI:5142003 protein coding gene predicted gene 20538
19 gene 44.548572 44.555442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914514 Ndufb8 NCBI_Gene:67264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025204 MGI:1914514 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B8
19 gene 44.562850 44.576274 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442345 Hif1an NCBI_Gene:319594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036450 MGI:2442345 protein coding gene hypoxia-inducible factor 1, alpha subunit inhibitor
19 gene 44.614740 44.646879 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594619 Gm35460 NCBI_Gene:102639056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117911 MGI:5594619 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35460
19 gene 44.672417 44.674865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624739 Gm41854 NCBI_Gene:105246583 MGI:5624739 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41854
19 gene 44.685753 44.695460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477138 Gm26644 NCBI_Gene:102639186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097683 MGI:5477138 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26644

R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] abind_1.4-5       qtl2_0.22         reshape2_1.4.4    ggplot2_3.3.5    
 [5] tibble_3.1.2      psych_2.0.7       readxl_1.3.1      cluster_2.1.0    
 [9] dplyr_0.8.5       optparse_1.6.6    rhdf5_2.28.1      mclust_5.4.6     
[13] tidyr_1.0.2       data.table_1.14.0 knitr_1.33        kableExtra_1.1.0 
[17] workflowr_1.6.2  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] httr_1.4.1        bit64_4.0.5       viridisLite_0.4.0 assertthat_0.2.1 
 [5] highr_0.9         blob_1.2.1        cellranger_1.1.0  yaml_2.2.1       
 [9] pillar_1.6.1      RSQLite_2.2.7     backports_1.2.1   lattice_0.20-38  
[13] glue_1.4.2        digest_0.6.27     promises_1.1.0    rvest_0.3.5      
[17] colorspace_2.0-2  htmltools_0.5.1.1 httpuv_1.5.2      plyr_1.8.6       
[21] pkgconfig_2.0.3   purrr_0.3.4       scales_1.1.1      webshot_0.5.2    
[25] whisker_0.4       getopt_1.20.3     later_1.0.0       git2r_0.26.1     
[29] ellipsis_0.3.2    cachem_1.0.5      withr_2.4.2       mnormt_1.5-7     
[33] magrittr_2.0.1    crayon_1.4.1      memoise_2.0.0     evaluate_0.14    
[37] fs_1.4.1          fansi_0.5.0       nlme_3.1-142      xml2_1.3.1       
[41] tools_3.6.2       hms_0.5.3         lifecycle_1.0.0   stringr_1.4.0    
[45] Rhdf5lib_1.6.3    munsell_0.5.0     compiler_3.6.2    rlang_0.4.11     
[49] grid_3.6.2        rstudioapi_0.13   rmarkdown_2.1     gtable_0.3.0     
[53] DBI_1.1.1         R6_2.5.0          fastmap_1.1.0     bit_4.0.4        
[57] utf8_1.2.1        rprojroot_1.3-2   readr_1.3.1       stringi_1.7.2    
[61] parallel_3.6.2    Rcpp_1.0.7        vctrs_0.3.8       tidyselect_1.0.0 
[65] xfun_0.24