Last updated: 2022-02-25
Checks: 5 2
Knit directory: Serreze-T1D_Workflow/
This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.2). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.
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The command set.seed(20220210)
was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.
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Using absolute paths to the files within your workflowr project makes it difficult for you and others to run your code on a different machine. Change the absolute path(s) below to the suggested relative path(s) to make your code more reproducible.
absolute | relative |
/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/qc/workflowr/Serreze-T1D_Workflow | . |
Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.
The results in this page were generated with repository version 2cccbf3. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.
Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish
or wflow_git_commit
). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:
Ignored files:
Ignored: .DS_Store
Untracked files:
Untracked: analysis/4.1.2_qtl.analysis_cont_age_ici.vs.eoi_snpsqc_pheno.corrected.cleaned_dis.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/4.1.2_qtl.analysis_cont_age_ici.vs.pbs_snpsqc_pheno.corrected.cleaned_dis.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/4.1.2_qtl.analysis_cont_rzage_ici.vs.eoi_snpsqc_pheno.corrected_dis.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/4.1.2_qtl.analysis_cont_rzage_ici.vs.pbs_snpsqc_pheno.corrected_dis.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/genotype.frequencies_ici.vs.eoi.Rmd
Untracked: analysis/genotype.frequencies_ici.vs.pbs.Rmd
Untracked: data/GM_covar.csv
Untracked: data/bad_markers_all_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv
Untracked: data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.eoi1.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.pbs1.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.eoi.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.eoi1.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.pbs.csv
Untracked: data/covar_corrected_ici.vs.pbs1.csv
Untracked: data/e.RData
Untracked: data/e_snpg_samqc_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/e_snpg_samqc_4.batches_bc.RData
Untracked: data/errors_ind_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/errors_ind_4.batches_bc.RData
Untracked: data/genetic_map.csv
Untracked: data/genotype_errors_marker_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/genotype_freq_marker_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/gm_allqc_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/gm_samqc_3.batches.RData
Untracked: data/gm_samqc_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/gm_samqc_4.batches_bc.RData
Untracked: data/gm_serreze.192.RData
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.eoi_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed.csv
Untracked: data/ici.vs.pbs_sample.genos_marker.freq_low.probs.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed.csv
Untracked: data/percent_missing_id_3.batches.RData
Untracked: data/percent_missing_id_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/percent_missing_id_4.batches_bc.RData
Untracked: data/percent_missing_marker_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/pheno.csv
Untracked: data/physical_map.csv
Untracked: data/qc_info_bad_sample_3.batches.RData
Untracked: data/qc_info_bad_sample_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/qc_info_bad_sample_4.batches_bc.RData
Untracked: data/remaining.markers_geno.freq.xlsx
Untracked: data/sample_geno.csv
Untracked: data/sample_geno_bc.csv
Untracked: data/serreze_probs.rds
Untracked: data/serreze_probs_allqc.rds
Untracked: data/summary.cg_3.batches.RData
Untracked: data/summary.cg_4.batches.RData
Untracked: data/summary.cg_4.batches_bc.RData
Unstaged changes:
Modified: analysis/index.Rmd
Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.
There are no past versions. Publish this analysis with wflow_publish()
to start tracking its development.
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")
Total individuals 188
No. genotyped individuals 188
No. phenotyped individuals 188
No. with both geno & pheno 188
No. phenotypes 1
No. covariates 6
No. phenotype covariates 0
No. chromosomes 20
Total markers 131578
No. markers by chr:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9977 10005 7858 7589 7621 7758 7413 6472 6725 6396 7154 6137 6085
14 15 16 17 18 19 X
5981 5346 5019 5093 4607 3564 4778
#pr <- readRDS("data/serreze_probs_allqc.rds")
#pr <- readRDS("data/serreze_probs.rds")
##extracting animals with ici and pbs group status
miceinfo <- gm$covar[gm$covar$group == "PBS" | gm$covar$group == "ICI",]
92 21
mice.ids <- rownames(miceinfo)
gm <- gm[mice.ids]
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")
Total individuals 113
No. genotyped individuals 113
No. phenotyped individuals 113
No. with both geno & pheno 113
No. phenotypes 1
No. covariates 6
No. phenotype covariates 0
No. chromosomes 20
Total markers 131578
No. markers by chr:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9977 10005 7858 7589 7621 7758 7413 6472 6725 6396 7154 6137 6085
14 15 16 17 18 19 X
5981 5346 5019 5093 4607 3564 4778
92 21
#bin_pheno <- NULL
#bin_pheno$PBS <- ifelse(gm$covar$group == "PBS", 1, 0)
#bin_pheno$ICI <- ifelse(gm$covar$group == "ICI", 1, 0)
#bin_pheno <-
#rownames(bin_pheno) <- rownames(gm$covar)
covars <- read_csv("data/covar_corrected.cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv")
#removing any missing info
covars <- subset(covars, covars$age.of.onset!='')
[1] 111
92 19
#keeping only informative mice
gm <- gm[covars$Mouse.ID]
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")
Total individuals 111
No. genotyped individuals 111
No. phenotyped individuals 111
No. with both geno & pheno 111
No. phenotypes 1
No. covariates 6
No. phenotype covariates 0
No. chromosomes 20
Total markers 131578
No. markers by chr:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9977 10005 7858 7589 7621 7758 7413 6472 6725 6396 7154 6137 6085
14 15 16 17 18 19 X
5981 5346 5019 5093 4607 3564 4778
92 19
#pr.qc.ids <- pr
#for (i in 1:20){pr.qc.ids[[i]] = pr.qc.ids[[i]][covars$Mouse.ID,,]}
query_variants <- create_variant_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/cc_variants.sqlite")
query_genes <- create_gene_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/mouse_genes_mgi.sqlite")
##dropping monomorphic markers within the dataset
g <-"cbind", gm$geno)
gf_mar <- t(apply(g, 2, function(a) table(factor(a, 1:2))/sum(a != 0)))
#gn_mar <- t(apply(g, 2, function(a) table(factor(a, 1:2))))
gf_mar <- gf_mar[gf_mar[,2] != "NaN",]
count <- rowSums(gf_mar <=0.05)
low_freq_df <- merge(,, by="row.names",all=T)
low_freq_df[] <- ''
low_freq_df <- low_freq_df[low_freq_df$count == 1,]
rownames(low_freq_df) <- low_freq_df$Row.names
low_freq <- find_markerpos(gm, rownames(low_freq_df))
low_freq$id <- rownames(low_freq)
[1] 98291
low_freq_bad <- merge(low_freq,low_freq_df, by="row.names",all=T)
names(low_freq_bad)[1] <- c("marker")
gf_mar <- gf_mar[gf_mar[,2] != "NaN",]
MAF <- apply(gf_mar, 1, function(x) min(x))
MAF <-
MAF$index <- 1:nrow(gf_mar)
gf_mar_maf <- merge(gf_mar,, by="row.names")
gf_mar_maf <- gf_mar_maf[order(gf_mar_maf$index),]
gfmar <- NULL
gfmar$gfmar_mar_0 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF==0)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_1 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.01)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_5 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.05)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_10 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.10)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_15 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.15)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_25 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.25)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_50 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.50)
gfmar$total_snps <- nrow(
gfmar <- t(
gfmar <-
gfmar$count <- gfmar$V1
gfmar[c(2)] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccccc"),linesep ="\\hline") %>%
kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = F) %>%
row_spec(8 ,bold=T,color= "white",background = "black")
count | |
gfmar_mar_0 | 89066 |
gfmar_mar_1 | 92622 |
gfmar_mar_5 | 98291 |
gfmar_mar_10 | 99502 |
gfmar_mar_15 | 99577 |
gfmar_mar_25 | 100282 |
gfmar_mar_50 | 131284 |
total_snps | 131578 |
gm_qc <- drop_markers(gm, low_freq_bad$marker)
gm_qc <- drop_nullmarkers(gm_qc)
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")
Total individuals 111
No. genotyped individuals 111
No. phenotyped individuals 111
No. with both geno & pheno 111
No. phenotypes 1
No. covariates 6
No. phenotype covariates 0
No. chromosomes 20
Total markers 33287
No. markers by chr:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
3003 2917 2085 2096 1976 2093 1908 1736 2047 1248 2099 1425 1653 1726 1100 974
17 18 19 X
418 1117 1079 587
## dropping disproportionate markers
dismark <- read.csv("data/ici.vs.pbs_marker.freq_low.geno.freq.removed_sample.outliers.removed_geno.ratio.csv")
[1] 33287
names(dismark)[1] <- c("marker")
dismark <- dismark[!dismark$Include,]
[1] 24572
gm_qc_dis <- drop_markers(gm_qc, dismark$marker)
gm_qc_dis <- drop_nullmarkers(gm_qc_dis)
gm = gm_qc_dis
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")
Total individuals 111
No. genotyped individuals 111
No. phenotyped individuals 111
No. with both geno & pheno 111
No. phenotypes 1
No. covariates 6
No. phenotype covariates 0
No. chromosomes 19
Total markers 8715
No. markers by chr:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17
307 1166 6 155 790 889 570 217 412 143 619 319 317 619 256 2
18 19 X
957 656 315
markers <- marker_names(gm)
gmapdf <- read.csv("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/genetic_map.csv")
pmapdf <- read.csv("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/physical_map.csv")
mapdf <- merge(gmapdf,pmapdf, by=c("marker","chr"), all=T)
rownames(mapdf) <- mapdf$marker
mapdf <- mapdf[markers,]
names(mapdf) <- c('marker','chr','gmapdf','pmapdf')
mapdfnd <- mapdf[!duplicated(mapdf[c(2:3)]),]
pr.qc <- calc_genoprob(gm)
covars$age.of.onset <- as.numeric(covars$age.of.onset)
Xcovar <- get_x_covar(gm)
addcovar = model.matrix(~ICI.vs.PBS, data = covars)[,-1]
#addcovar.i = model.matrix(~ICI.vs.PBS, data = covars)[,-1]
K <- calc_kinship(pr.qc, type = "loco")
K.overall <- calc_kinship(pr.qc, type = "overall")
kinship <- calc_kinship(pr.qc)
operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], model="normal", n_perm=10, perm_Xsp=TRUE, chr_lengths=chr_lengths(gm$gmap))
summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1))))
names(summary_table) <- c("autosomes","X")
summary_table$significance.level <- rownames(summary_table)
rownames(summary_table) <- NULL
summary_table[c(3,1:2)] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
significance.level | autosomes | X |
0.01 | 2.527988 | 2.824801 |
0.05 | 2.328871 | 2.589775 |
0.1 | 2.079528 | 2.285506 |
#summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1))))
for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i], "_lod.png"))
#par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
plot(out, gm$gmap, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i]," - ICI vs. PBS (no covariates)"))
#for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
# abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
# text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))
print("with no kinship")
[1] “with no kinship”
outf <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal")
print("with normal kinship")
[1] “with normal kinship”
outk <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", kinship=kinship)
print("with loco kinship")
[1] “with loco kinship”
out <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", kinship=K)
peaks<-find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=1, drop=1.5)
rownames(peaks) <- NULL
peaks[] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex | lodcolumn | chr | pos | lod | ci_lo | ci_hi |
1 | age.of.onset | 7 | 48.890 | 1.352227 | 8.836 | 89.134 |
1 | age.of.onset | 19 | 6.965 | 1.162845 | 3.158 | 56.378 |
peaks_mbl <- list()
#corresponding info in Mb
for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
lodindex <- peaks$lodindex[i]
lodcolumn <- peaks$lodcolumn[i]
chr <- as.character(peaks$chr[i])
lod <- peaks$lod[i]
mark <- find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=chr,pos=peaks$pos[i])
pos <- mapdf[mapdf$marker==mark,]$pmapdf
ci_lo <- mapdfnd$pmapdf[which(mapdfnd$gmapdf == peaks$ci_lo[i] & mapdfnd$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
ci_hi <- mapdfnd$pmapdf[which(mapdfnd$gmapdf == peaks$ci_hi[i] & mapdfnd$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
peaks_mb=cbind(lodindex, lodcolumn, chr, pos, lod, ci_lo, ci_hi)
peaks_mbl[[i]] <- peaks_mb
peaks_mba <-, peaks_mbl)
peaks_mba <-
#peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")] <- sapply(peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")], as.numeric)
rownames(peaks_mba) <- NULL
peaks_mba[] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex | lodcolumn | chr | pos | lod | ci_lo | ci_hi |
1 | age.of.onset | 7 | 87.460403 | 1.35222694436301 | 16.484657 | 145.321383 |
1 | age.of.onset | 19 | 10.661288 | 1.16284503062867 | 3.402767 | 60.05935 |
for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
#for (i in 1:1){
#Plot 1
marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
#g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
gp <- g[,marker]
gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
gp[gp==0] <- NA
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
#par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
plot_pxg(gp, covars[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)
chr = peaks$chr[i]
# Plot 2
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], kinship=K[[chr]])
blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], kinship=K[[chr]])
# gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff])")
# )
gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup])")
#last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
#for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
#axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)
# Plot 3
#c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
#c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
#plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
# )
#plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
# )
##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
## axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)
#Table 1
chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]
genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)
rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"
print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))
chr | type | start | stop | strand | ID | Name | Dbxref | gene_id | mgi_type | description |
7 | gene | 16.49372 | 16.61524 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929494 | Arhgap35 | NCBI_Gene:232906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058230 | MGI:1929494 | protein coding gene | Rho GTPase activating protein 35 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.49871 | 16.49958 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010011 | Gm17826 | NCBI_Gene:100384879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099423 | MGI:5010011 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17826 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.51440 | 16.51514 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010166 | Gm17981 | NCBI_Gene:100416225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101135 | MGI:5010166 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17981 |
7 | gene | 16.61382 | 16.63264 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580149 | Gm29443 | NCBI_Gene:102634559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100583 | MGI:5580149 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29443 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.61635 | 16.61647 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753165 | Gm44589 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108316 | MGI:5753165 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44589 |
7 | gene | 16.61863 | 16.61983 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580148 | Gm29442 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101008 | MGI:5580148 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29442 |
7 | gene | 16.62458 | 16.62468 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454485 | Gm24708 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064745 | MGI:5454485 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24708 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.64738 | 16.64779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588884 | Gm29725 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108610 | MGI:5588884 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29725 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.64895 | 16.65748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3610557 | Ceacam-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100038912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108307 | MGI:3610557 | pseudogene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 16.67133 | 16.67571 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141810 | Ceacam15 | NCBI_Gene:101434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078795 | MGI:2141810 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 15 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.69380 | 16.69439 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643592 | Gm8209 | NCBI_Gene:666641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108370 | MGI:3643592 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8209 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.71907 | 16.71993 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645853 | Gm5586 | NCBI_Gene:434127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108366 | MGI:3645853 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5586 |
7 | gene | 16.72193 | 16.72613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347247 | Ceacam9 | NCBI_Gene:26368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007209 | MGI:1347247 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 9 |
7 | gene | 16.73841 | 16.74929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141861 | Ap2s1 | NCBI_Gene:232910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008036 | MGI:2141861 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 2, sigma 1 subunit |
7 | gene | 16.78134 | 16.79827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105305 | Slc1a5 | NCBI_Gene:20514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001918 | MGI:105305 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 1 (neutral amino acid transporter), member 5 |
7 | gene | 16.78902 | 16.78933 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924695 | 9530015I06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530015I06 gene |
7 | gene | 16.80925 | 16.81679 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2447586 | Fkrp | NCBI_Gene:243853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048920 | MGI:2447586 | protein coding gene | fukutin related protein |
7 | gene | 16.81589 | 16.84093 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142346 | Strn4 | NCBI_Gene:97387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030374 | MGI:2142346 | protein coding gene | striatin, calmodulin binding protein 4 |
7 | gene | 16.84290 | 16.87046 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141917 | Prkd2 | NCBI_Gene:101540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041187 | MGI:2141917 | protein coding gene | protein kinase D2 |
7 | gene | 16.87134 | 16.87529 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2445112 | 9330104G04Rik | NCBI_Gene:320950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097842 | MGI:2445112 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330104G04 gene |
7 | gene | 16.87532 | 16.88746 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3654828 | Dact3 | NCBI_Gene:629378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078794 | MGI:3654828 | protein coding gene | dishevelled-binding antagonist of beta-catenin 3 |
7 | gene | 16.88941 | 16.89107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915219 | 2700080J24Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108671 | MGI:1915219 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2700080J24 gene |
7 | gene | 16.89174 | 16.89545 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109163 | Gng8 | NCBI_Gene:14709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063594 | MGI:109163 | protein coding gene | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 8 |
7 | gene | 16.90542 | 16.91090 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99535 | Ptgir | NCBI_Gene:19222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043017 | MGI:99535 | protein coding gene | prostaglandin I receptor (IP) |
7 | gene | 16.91538 | 16.92411 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103249 | Calm3 | NCBI_Gene:12315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019370 | MGI:103249 | protein coding gene | calmodulin 3 |
7 | gene | 16.92173 | 16.92354 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825609 | Gm45972 | NCBI_Gene:108167409 | MGI:5825609 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45972 |
7 | gene | 16.93031 | 16.93261 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591789 | Gm32630 | NCBI_Gene:102635240 | MGI:5591789 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32630 |
7 | gene | 16.93536 | 16.93546 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621302 | Gm38417 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene%2c 38417 |
7 | gene | 16.94468 | 16.94883 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645856 | Pnmal2 | NCBI_Gene:434128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070802 | MGI:3645856 | protein coding gene | PNMA-like 2 |
7 | gene | 16.94984 | 16.96461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918941 | Pnmal1 | NCBI_Gene:71691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041141 | MGI:1918941 | protein coding gene | PNMA-like 1 |
7 | gene | 16.95340 | 16.95350 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455592 | Gm25815 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064689 | MGI:5455592 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25815 |
7 | gene | 16.98309 | 16.98815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625257 | Gm42372 | NCBI_Gene:105247240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108348 | MGI:5625257 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 42372 |
7 | gene | 16.99271 | 16.99752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3612184 | Ccdc8 | NCBI_Gene:434130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041117 | MGI:3612184 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 8 |
7 | gene | 17.00464 | 17.02792 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102666 | Ppp5c | NCBI_Gene:19060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003099 | MGI:102666 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 5, catalytic subunit |
7 | gene | 17.03099 | 17.06243 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1859778 | Hif3a | NCBI_Gene:53417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004328 | MGI:1859778 | protein coding gene | hypoxia inducible factor 3, alpha subunit |
7 | gene | 17.05853 | 17.05944 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918871 | 4833404L02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108807 | MGI:1918871 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833404L02 gene |
7 | gene | 17.07404 | 17.13345 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347249 | Psg16 | NCBI_Gene:26436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066760 | MGI:1347249 | protein coding gene | pregnancy specific glycoprotein 16 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.07746 | 17.07916 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594857 | Gm35698 | NCBI_Gene:102639368 | MGI:5594857 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 35698 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.07819 | 17.07866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753795 | Gm45219 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108561 | MGI:5753795 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45219 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.13887 | 17.13947 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779715 | Gm7287 | NCBI_Gene:640145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108694 | MGI:3779715 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7287 |
7 | gene | 17.15020 | 17.16425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646296 | Ceacam3 | NCBI_Gene:384557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053228 | MGI:3646296 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.17360 | 17.17459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753608 | Gm45032 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108462 | MGI:5753608 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45032 |
7 | gene | 17.20348 | 17.21576 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891361 | Psg29 | NCBI_Gene:114872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023159 | MGI:1891361 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 29 |
7 | gene | 17.28765 | 17.37163 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591931 | Gm32772 | NCBI_Gene:102635433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108782 | MGI:5591931 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32772 |
7 | gene | 17.30680 | 17.31153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625258 | Gm42373 | NCBI_Gene:105247241 | MGI:5625258 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42373 |
7 | gene | 17.39276 | 17.52767 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592005 | Gm32846 | NCBI_Gene:102635538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108441 | MGI:5592005 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32846 |
7 | gene | 17.41598 | 17.41841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622442 | Gm39557 | NCBI_Gene:105243765 | MGI:5622442 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 39557 |
7 | gene | 17.58075 | 17.58437 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592268 | Gm33109 | NCBI_Gene:102635886 | MGI:5592268 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33109 |
7 | gene | 17.61077 | 17.61088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454297 | Gm24520 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096673 | MGI:5454297 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24520 |
7 | gene | 17.61817 | 17.61828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454845 | Gm25068 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094381 | MGI:5454845 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25068 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.61850 | 17.61934 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645206 | Gm5418 | NCBI_Gene:414361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108792 | MGI:3645206 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5418 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.63748 | 17.65148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779928 | Gm9519 | NCBI_Gene:671132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108654 | MGI:3779928 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9519 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.66240 | 17.66608 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825610 | Gm45973 | NCBI_Gene:108167410 | MGI:5825610 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 45973 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.67229 | 17.68206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347253 | Psg-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:232919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108558 | MGI:1347253 | pseudogene | pregnancy specific glycoprotein, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.68585 | 17.68631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753726 | Gm45150 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108638 | MGI:5753726 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45150 |
7 | gene | 17.71322 | 17.76115 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920500 | Ceacam5 | NCBI_Gene:73250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008789 | MGI:1920500 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 5 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.79253 | 17.79327 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645391 | Gm6065 | NCBI_Gene:606534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063830 | MGI:3645391 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6065 |
7 | gene | 17.79782 | 17.80000 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753725 | Gm45149 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108685 | MGI:5753725 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45149 |
7 | gene | 17.81263 | 17.81566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914334 | Ceacam14 | NCBI_Gene:67084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023185 | MGI:1914334 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 14 |
7 | gene | 17.87174 | 17.91904 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647191 | Gm5155 | NCBI_Gene:381852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078793 | MGI:3647191 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5155 |
7 | gene | 17.97212 | 17.97856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914246 | Ceacam11 | NCBI_Gene:66996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030368 | MGI:1914246 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 11 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.98981 | 17.99033 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010310 | Gm18125 | NCBI_Gene:100416462 | MGI:5010310 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18125 |
7 | gene | 18.00989 | 18.01922 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917035 | Ceacam13 | NCBI_Gene:69785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057195 | MGI:1917035 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 13 |
7 | gene | 18.01725 | 18.01735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452191 | Gm22414 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093207 | MGI:5452191 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22414 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.03848 | 18.03918 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645680 | Gm5322 | NCBI_Gene:384560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108331 | MGI:3645680 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5322 |
7 | gene | 18.06593 | 18.07799 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914565 | Ceacam12 | NCBI_Gene:67315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030366 | MGI:1914565 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 12 |
7 | gene | 18.07402 | 18.18695 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753189 | Gm44613 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108545 | MGI:5753189 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44613 |
7 | gene | 18.17649 | 18.18186 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685426 | Igfl3 | NCBI_Gene:232925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066756 | MGI:2685426 | protein coding gene | IGF-like family member 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.22972 | 18.23149 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779930 | Gm9521 | NCBI_Gene:671190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108798 | MGI:3779930 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9521 |
7 | gene | 18.24523 | 18.26609 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2179988 | Mill1 | NCBI_Gene:266815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054005 | MGI:2179988 | protein coding gene | MHC I like leukocyte 1 |
7 | gene | 18.31872 | 18.32720 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592785 | Gm33626 | NCBI_Gene:102636608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108374 | MGI:5592785 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33626 |
7 | gene | 18.34542 | 18.35504 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347251 | Psg18 | NCBI_Gene:26438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003505 | MGI:1347251 | protein coding gene | pregnancy specific glycoprotein 18 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.37436 | 18.37762 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648188 | Gm5997 | NCBI_Gene:546936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109235 | MGI:3648188 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5997 |
7 | gene | 18.39652 | 18.40086 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753680 | Gm45104 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109209 | MGI:5753680 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45104 |
7 | gene | 18.41784 | 18.41793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454492 | Gm24715 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076332 | MGI:5454492 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24715 |
7 | gene | 18.42254 | 18.43205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891360 | Psg28 | NCBI_Gene:114871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030373 | MGI:1891360 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 28 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.43566 | 18.43665 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753447 | Gm44871 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109264 | MGI:5753447 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44871 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.45234 | 18.45683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646690 | Gm8314 | NCBI_Gene:666831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108906 | MGI:3646690 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8314 |
7 | gene | 18.47458 | 18.48420 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891358 | Psg26 | NCBI_Gene:574429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070799 | MGI:1891358 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 26 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.49394 | 18.49492 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753732 | Gm45156 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109504 | MGI:5753732 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45156 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.50891 | 18.51174 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648786 | Gm4880 | NCBI_Gene:232930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109355 | MGI:3648786 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 4880 |
7 | gene | 18.51970 | 18.53227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891357 | Psg25 | NCBI_Gene:114868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070798 | MGI:1891357 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 25 |
7 | gene | 18.54909 | 18.54919 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455839 | Gm26062 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065313 | MGI:5455839 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26062 |
7 | gene | 18.55651 | 18.56731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891359 | Psg27 | NCBI_Gene:545925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070797 | MGI:1891359 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 27 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.57770 | 18.57902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011276 | Gm19091 | NCBI_Gene:100418238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109525 | MGI:5011276 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19091 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.57918 | 18.58016 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753233 | Gm44657 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109159 | MGI:5753233 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44657 |
7 | gene | 18.60634 | 18.61650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891355 | Psg23 | NCBI_Gene:56868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074359 | MGI:1891355 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 23 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.62669 | 18.62799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011277 | Gm19092 | NCBI_Gene:100418239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108992 | MGI:5011277 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19092 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.62816 | 18.62915 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753232 | Gm44656 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109053 | MGI:5753232 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44656 |
7 | gene | 18.64665 | 18.65673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891353 | Psg21 | NCBI_Gene:72242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070796 | MGI:1891353 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 21 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.66692 | 18.66796 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753230 | Gm44654 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109180 | MGI:5753230 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44654 |
7 | gene | 18.67411 | 18.68618 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891352 | Psg20 | NCBI_Gene:434540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063305 | MGI:1891352 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 20 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.68976 | 18.69115 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753231 | Gm44655 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109571 | MGI:5753231 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44655 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.71359 | 18.71377 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753139 | Gm44563 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108882 | MGI:5753139 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44563 |
7 | gene | 18.71805 | 18.72744 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891354 | Psg22 | NCBI_Gene:243862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044903 | MGI:1891354 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 22 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.73745 | 18.73763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753140 | Gm44564 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109292 | MGI:5753140 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44564 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.74055 | 18.74085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753142 | Gm44566 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108835 | MGI:5753142 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44566 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.74233 | 18.74361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753141 | Gm44565 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109023 | MGI:5753141 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44565 |
7 | gene | 18.74510 | 18.74521 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454241 | Gm24464 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096479 | MGI:5454241 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24464 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.76086 | 18.76112 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753137 | Gm44561 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109234 | MGI:5753137 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44561 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.78630 | 18.78941 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098279 | Sycp1-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:20958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109116 | MGI:1098279 | pseudogene | synaptonemal complex protein 1, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 18.78912 | 18.79854 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347252 | Psg19 | NCBI_Gene:26439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004542 | MGI:1347252 | protein coding gene | pregnancy specific glycoprotein 19 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.80093 | 18.80185 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011311 | Gm19126 | NCBI_Gene:100418298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109490 | MGI:5011311 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19126 |
7 | gene | 18.81394 | 18.82161 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347250 | Psg17 | NCBI_Gene:26437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004540 | MGI:1347250 | protein coding gene | pregnancy specific glycoprotein 17 |
7 | gene | 18.82279 | 18.82623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595203 | Gm36044 | NCBI_Gene:102639822 | MGI:5595203 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 36044 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.83162 | 18.83241 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011040 | Gm18855 | NCBI_Gene:100417834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108471 | MGI:5011040 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18855 |
7 | gene | 18.83996 | 18.86970 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2179989 | Mill2 | NCBI_Gene:243864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040987 | MGI:2179989 | protein coding gene | MHC I like leukocyte 2 |
7 | gene | 18.87133 | 18.89046 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345092 | Pglyrp1 | NCBI_Gene:21946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030413 | MGI:1345092 | protein coding gene | peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 |
7 | gene | 18.89088 | 18.91042 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685005 | Ccdc61 | NCBI_Gene:232933,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074358 | MGI:2685005 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 61 |
7 | gene | 18.92589 | 18.96532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104296 | Nova2 | NCBI_Gene:384569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030411 | MGI:104296 | protein coding gene | NOVA alternative splicing regulator 2 |
7 | gene | 18.95620 | 18.95754 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621837 | Gm38952 | NCBI_Gene:105242860 | MGI:5621837 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38952 |
7 | gene | 18.96242 | 18.96517 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477315 | Nova2os | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097038 | MGI:5477315 | lncRNA gene | NOVA alternative splicing regulator 2, opposite strand sequence |
7 | gene | 18.98740 | 18.98896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676627 | Nanos2 | NCBI_Gene:378430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051965 | MGI:2676627 | protein coding gene | nanos C2HC-type zinc finger 2 |
7 | gene | 18.98756 | 18.98832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753634 | Gm45058 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108428 | MGI:5753634 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45058 |
7 | gene | 18.98955 | 18.99277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704283 | Gm10676 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074355 | MGI:3704283 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10676 |
7 | gene | 18.99006 | 19.00177 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446472 | Mypop | NCBI_Gene:232934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048481 | MGI:2446472 | protein coding gene | Myb-related transcription factor, partner of profilin |
7 | gene | 18.99323 | 19.00122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3826523 | Mypopos | NCBI_Gene:102636709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086533 | MGI:3826523 | antisense lncRNA gene | Myb-related transcription factor, partner of profilin, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 19.00404 | 19.00678 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442159 | Irf2bp1 | NCBI_Gene:272359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044030 | MGI:2442159 | protein coding gene | interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 1 |
7 | gene | 19.01328 | 19.02354 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347477 | Foxa3 | NCBI_Gene:15377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040891 | MGI:1347477 | protein coding gene | forkhead box A3 |
7 | gene | 19.02435 | 19.05462 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915438 | Sympk | NCBI_Gene:68188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023118 | MGI:1915438 | protein coding gene | symplekin |
7 | gene | 19.05468 | 19.07445 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1927643 | Rsph6a | NCBI_Gene:83434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040866 | MGI:1927643 | protein coding gene | radial spoke head 6 homolog A (Chlamydomonas) |
7 | gene | 19.07609 | 19.08278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_94907 | Dmwd | NCBI_Gene:13401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030410 | MGI:94907 | protein coding gene | dystrophia myotonica-containing WD repeat motif |
7 | gene | 19.08383 | 19.09382 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_94906 | Dmpk | NCBI_Gene:13400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030409 | MGI:94906 | protein coding gene | dystrophia myotonica-protein kinase |
7 | gene | 19.08683 | 19.08689 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4834314 | Mir3100 | miRBase:MI0014092,NCBI_Gene:100526504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092659 | MGI:4834314 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3100 |
7 | gene | 19.09407 | 19.09855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106220 | Six5 | NCBI_Gene:20475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040841 | MGI:106220 | protein coding gene | sine oculis-related homeobox 5 |
7 | gene | 19.09890 | 19.11853 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647482 | Gm4969 | NCBI_Gene:243866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085601 | MGI:3647482 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4969 |
7 | gene | 19.11986 | 19.14017 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444918 | Fbxo46 | NCBI_Gene:243867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050428 | MGI:2444918 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 46 |
7 | gene | 19.13970 | 19.14929 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914619 | Qpctl | NCBI_Gene:67369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030407 | MGI:1914619 | protein coding gene | glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like |
7 | gene | 19.14972 | 19.15354 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98345 | Snrpd2 | NCBI_Gene:107686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040824 | MGI:98345 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 |
7 | gene | 19.15606 | 19.17025 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352753 | Gipr | NCBI_Gene:381853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030406 | MGI:1352753 | protein coding gene | gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor |
7 | gene | 19.16714 | 19.16968 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444974 | C130070B15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C130070B15 gene |
7 | gene | 19.17642 | 19.20648 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919455 | Eml2 | NCBI_Gene:72205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040811 | MGI:1919455 | protein coding gene | echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 2 |
7 | gene | 19.18146 | 19.18156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3619345 | Mir330 | miRBase:MI0000607,NCBI_Gene:724063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065543 | MGI:3619345 | miRNA gene | microRNA 330 |
7 | gene | 19.21250 | 19.22418 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441992 | Gpr4 | NCBI_Gene:319197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044317 | MGI:2441992 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 4 |
7 | gene | 19.22833 | 19.25654 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686271 | Opa3 | NCBI_Gene:403187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052214 | MGI:2686271 | protein coding gene | optic atrophy 3 |
7 | gene | 19.24213 | 19.24229 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454911 | Gm25134 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064580 | MGI:5454911 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25134 |
7 | gene | 19.24943 | 19.25655 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621384 | Gm38499 | NCBI_Gene:102637572 | MGI:5621384 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38499 |
7 | gene | 19.25693 | 19.27185 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109268 | Vasp | NCBI_Gene:22323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030403 | MGI:109268 | protein coding gene | vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein |
7 | gene | 19.25849 | 19.25974 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920627 | 1700058P15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089636 | MGI:1920627 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700058P15 gene |
7 | gene | 19.27680 | 19.28019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142330 | Ppm1n | NCBI_Gene:232941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030402 | MGI:2142330 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1N (putative) |
7 | gene | 19.28262 | 19.29616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107612 | Rtn2 | NCBI_Gene:20167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030401 | MGI:107612 | protein coding gene | reticulon 2 (Z-band associated protein) |
7 | gene | 19.29826 | 19.30079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477296 | Gm26802 | NCBI_Gene:105242862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097266 | MGI:5477296 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26802 |
7 | gene | 19.29894 | 19.30292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4414022 | n-TUtca2 | NA | NA | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA selenocysteine 2 (anticodon TCA) |
7 | gene | 19.30270 | 19.31023 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95575 | Fosb | NCBI_Gene:14282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003545 | MGI:95575 | protein coding gene | FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene B |
7 | gene | 19.32012 | 19.34251 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685688 | D830036C21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108854 | MGI:2685688 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D830036C21 gene |
7 | gene | 19.33313 | 19.33766 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753274 | Gm44698 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109366 | MGI:5753274 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44698 |
7 | gene | 19.33313 | 19.34068 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593592 | Gm34433 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene%2c 34433 |
7 | gene | 19.34442 | 19.35652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95412 | Ercc1 | NCBI_Gene:13870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003549 | MGI:95412 | protein coding gene | excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 1 |
7 | gene | 19.35601 | 19.35948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917583 | Cd3eap | NCBI_Gene:70333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047649 | MGI:1917583 | protein coding gene | CD3E antigen, epsilon polypeptide associated protein |
7 | gene | 19.35972 | 19.37854 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3525053 | Ppp1r13l | NCBI_Gene:333654,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040734 | MGI:3525053 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 13 like |
7 | gene | 19.38201 | 19.39569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95413 | Ercc2 | NCBI_Gene:13871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030400 | MGI:95413 | protein coding gene | excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 2 |
7 | gene | 19.38222 | 19.39272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477346 | Gm26852 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097231 | MGI:5477346 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26852 |
7 | gene | 19.38664 | 19.38672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3718510 | Mir343 | miRBase:MI0005494,NCBI_Gene:100124438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076315 | MGI:3718510 | miRNA gene | microRNA 343 |
7 | gene | 19.39444 | 19.40445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277971 | Klc3 | NCBI_Gene:232943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040714 | MGI:1277971 | protein coding gene | kinesin light chain 3 |
7 | gene | 19.40478 | 19.42284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88413 | Ckm | NCBI_Gene:12715,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030399 | MGI:88413 | protein coding gene | creatine kinase, muscle |
7 | gene | 19.40569 | 19.40831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621839 | Gm38954 | NCBI_Gene:105242863 | MGI:5621839 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38954 |
7 | gene | 19.41747 | 19.42142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3605623 | A930016O22Rik | NCBI_Gene:100503495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040705 | MGI:3605623 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A930016O22 gene |
7 | gene | 19.42478 | 19.45882 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920955 | Mark4 | NCBI_Gene:232944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030397 | MGI:1920955 | protein coding gene | MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinase 4 |
7 | gene | 19.46080 | 19.46093 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452876 | Gm23099 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065388 | MGI:5452876 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23099 |
7 | gene | 19.46315 | 19.49676 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921713 | Exoc3l2 | NCBI_Gene:74463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011263 | MGI:1921713 | protein coding gene | exocyst complex component 3-like 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 19.46823 | 19.46855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753743 | Gm45167 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109301 | MGI:5753743 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45167 |
7 | gene | 19.50449 | 19.50837 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2678952 | Bloc1s3 | NCBI_Gene:232946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057667 | MGI:2678952 | protein coding gene | biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex-1, subunit 3 |
7 | gene | 19.50840 | 19.51615 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914341 | Trappc6a | NCBI_Gene:67091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002043 | MGI:1914341 | protein coding gene | trafficking protein particle complex 6A |
7 | gene | 19.51624 | 19.52506 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916797 | Nkpd1 | NCBI_Gene:69547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060621 | MGI:1916797 | protein coding gene | NTPase, KAP family P-loop domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 19.53080 | 19.56308 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2687042 | Ppp1r37 | NCBI_Gene:232947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051403 | MGI:2687042 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 37 |
7 | gene | 19.56495 | 19.57759 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916981 | Gemin7 | NCBI_Gene:69731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044709 | MGI:1916981 | protein coding gene | gem nuclear organelle associated protein 7 |
7 | gene | 19.57729 | 19.58066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926956 | Zfp296 | NCBI_Gene:63872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011267 | MGI:1926956 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 296 |
7 | gene | 19.58103 | 19.60452 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1855695 | Clasrp | NCBI_Gene:53609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061028 | MGI:1855695 | protein coding gene | CLK4-associating serine/arginine rich protein |
7 | gene | 19.59729 | 19.60229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477384 | Gm26890 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097246 | MGI:5477384 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26890 |
7 | gene | 19.60622 | 19.62944 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103289 | Relb | NCBI_Gene:19698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002983 | MGI:103289 | protein coding gene | avian reticuloendotheliosis viral (v-rel) oncogene related B |
7 | gene | 19.63157 | 19.66503 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927155 | Clptm1 | NCBI_Gene:56457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002981 | MGI:1927155 | protein coding gene | cleft lip and palate associated transmembrane protein 1 |
7 | gene | 19.65264 | 19.65387 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441715 | 6430500G05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6430500G05 gene |
7 | gene | 19.67158 | 19.67794 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88054 | Apoc2 | NCBI_Gene:11813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002992 | MGI:88054 | protein coding gene | apolipoprotein C-II |
7 | gene | 19.67158 | 19.68146 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753381 | Gm44805 | NCBI_Gene:105886299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109350 | MGI:5753381 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 44805 |
7 | gene | 19.67808 | 19.68148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87878 | Apoc4 | NCBI_Gene:11425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074336 | MGI:87878 | protein coding gene | apolipoprotein C-IV |
7 | gene | 19.68948 | 19.69266 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88053 | Apoc1 | NCBI_Gene:11812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040564 | MGI:88053 | protein coding gene | apolipoprotein C-I |
7 | gene | 19.69611 | 19.69919 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88057 | Apoe | NCBI_Gene:11816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002985 | MGI:88057 | protein coding gene | apolipoprotein E |
7 | gene | 19.70131 | 19.71544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858259 | Tomm40 | NCBI_Gene:53333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002984 | MGI:1858259 | protein coding gene | translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 40 |
7 | gene | 19.71502 | 19.72173 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5141977 | Gm20512 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092381 | MGI:5141977 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20512 |
7 | gene | 19.71562 | 19.72015 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621840 | Gm38955 | NCBI_Gene:105242864 | MGI:5621840 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38955 |
7 | gene | 19.71664 | 19.75048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97822 | Nectin2 | NCBI_Gene:19294,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062300 | MGI:97822 | protein coding gene | nectin cell adhesion molecule 2 |
7 | gene | 19.74967 | 19.79039 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593903 | Gm34744 | NCBI_Gene:102638099 | MGI:5593903 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34744 |
7 | gene | 19.75613 | 19.77102 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929940 | Bcam | NCBI_Gene:57278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002980 | MGI:1929940 | protein coding gene | basal cell adhesion molecule |
7 | gene | 19.76091 | 19.76225 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753690 | Gm45114 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109136 | MGI:5753690 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45114 |
7 | gene | 19.77061 | 19.77540 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477094 | Gm26600 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097226 | MGI:5477094 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26600 |
7 | gene | 19.77888 | 19.79681 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1931457 | Cblc | NCBI_Gene:80794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040525 | MGI:1931457 | protein coding gene | Casitas B-lineage lymphoma c |
7 | gene | 19.80846 | 19.82277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88140 | Bcl3 | NCBI_Gene:12051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053175 | MGI:88140 | protein coding gene | B cell leukemia/lymphoma 3 |
7 | gene | 19.80961 | 19.81187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801805 | Gm16175 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087206 | MGI:3801805 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16175 |
7 | gene | 19.81498 | 19.81863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801857 | Gm16174 | NCBI_Gene:102638408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087593 | MGI:3801857 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16174 |
7 | gene | 19.83006 | 19.84761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594050 | Gm34891 | NCBI_Gene:102638293 | MGI:5594050 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34891 |
7 | gene | 19.84697 | 19.84761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753234 | Gm44658 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109424 | MGI:5753234 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44658 |
7 | gene | 19.85200 | 19.85835 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011530 | Gm19345 | NCBI_Gene:100502736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092216 | MGI:5011530 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 19345 |
7 | gene | 19.85210 | 19.87150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685615 | Ceacam16 | NCBI_Gene:330483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014686 | MGI:2685615 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 16 |
7 | gene | 19.86812 | 19.87144 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753235 | Gm44659 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109214 | MGI:5753235 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44659 |
7 | gene | 19.87574 | 19.88799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443001 | Ceacam19 | NCBI_Gene:319930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049848 | MGI:2443001 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 19 |
7 | gene | 19.89733 | 19.89980 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753236 | Gm44660 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108942 | MGI:5753236 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44660 |
7 | gene | 19.90358 | 19.92116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107741 | Pvr | NCBI_Gene:52118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040511 | MGI:107741 | protein coding gene | poliovirus receptor |
7 | pseudogene | 19.91183 | 19.91241 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802154 | Gm16184 | NCBI_Gene:100416336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089886 | MGI:3802154 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16184 |
7 | gene | 19.92073 | 19.92761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3826569 | Gm16251 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090075 | MGI:3826569 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16251 |
7 | gene | 19.93730 | 19.95077 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917330 | Igsf23 | NCBI_Gene:70080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040498 | MGI:1917330 | protein coding gene | immunoglobulin superfamily, member 23 |
7 | pseudogene | 19.94920 | 19.94957 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753227 | Gm44651 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109281 | MGI:5753227 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44651 |
7 | pseudogene | 19.95376 | 19.95462 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644288 | Rpl7a-ps8 | NCBI_Gene:243872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070778 | MGI:3644288 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L7A, pseudogene 8 |
7 | gene | 19.96535 | 19.99111 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918851 | Ceacam20 | NCBI_Gene:71601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070777 | MGI:1918851 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 20 |
7 | gene | 19.99139 | 20.07331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2675377 | Nlrp9b | NCBI_Gene:243874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060508 | MGI:2675377 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 9B |
7 | gene | 20.01008 | 20.01020 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422015 | n-R5s152 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070150 | MGI:4422015 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 152 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.01353 | 20.01393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645816 | Gm8432 | NCBI_Gene:667040 | MGI:3645816 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8432 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.07278 | 20.07332 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011062 | Gm18877 | NCBI_Gene:100417882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109103 | MGI:5011062 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18877 |
7 | gene | 20.09968 | 20.10310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649070 | Vmn1r91 | NCBI_Gene:667067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095201 | MGI:3649070 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 91 |
7 | gene | 20.12166 | 20.12258 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645807 | Gm16442 | NCBI_Gene:620401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096152 | MGI:3645807 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 16442 |
7 | gene | 20.13812 | 20.13909 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033490 | Vmn1r93 | NCBI_Gene:404290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096164 | MGI:3033490 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 93 |
7 | gene | 20.16746 | 20.16838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647287 | Vmn1r94 | NCBI_Gene:620537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094011 | MGI:3647287 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 94 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.18308 | 20.18323 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753174 | Gm44598 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109240 | MGI:5753174 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44598 |
7 | gene | 20.19371 | 20.19463 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3852449 | Vmn1r95 | NCBI_Gene:100312475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094735 | MGI:3852449 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, 95 |
7 | gene | 20.20468 | 20.20561 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647652 | Gm6164 | NCBI_Gene:620574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094298 | MGI:3647652 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6164 |
7 | gene | 20.23291 | 20.23383 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782683 | Gm4498 | NCBI_Gene:100043523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094757 | MGI:3782683 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4498 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.25829 | 20.25913 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010234 | Gm18049 | NCBI_Gene:100416337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109360 | MGI:5010234 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18049 |
7 | gene | 20.26045 | 20.26283 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649012 | Gm5890 | NCBI_Gene:545926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109166 | MGI:3649012 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5890 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.27071 | 20.27125 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010640 | Gm18455 | NCBI_Gene:100417216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109019 | MGI:5010640 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18455 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.28978 | 20.29033 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782686 | Gm4501 | NCBI_Gene:100043528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108843 | MGI:3782686 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4501 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.31102 | 20.33189 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825644 | Gm46007 | NCBI_Gene:108167475 | MGI:5825644 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46007 |
7 | gene | 20.33314 | 20.33406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782309 | Gm4133 | NCBI_Gene:100042964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095745 | MGI:3782309 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4133 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.35663 | 20.35892 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685498 | Vmn1r-ps79 | NCBI_Gene:100042966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094160 | MGI:2685498 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 79 |
7 | gene | 20.37449 | 20.37541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644398 | Gm5728 | NCBI_Gene:435949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095806 | MGI:3644398 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5728 |
7 | gene | 20.41794 | 20.41887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704284 | Vmn1r100 | NCBI_Gene:100043536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096386 | MGI:3704284 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 100 |
7 | gene | 20.44167 | 20.44259 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782311 | Vmn1r101 | NCBI_Gene:100042968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094545 | MGI:3782311 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 101 |
7 | gene | 20.47396 | 20.47492 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642641 | Gm10670 | NCBI_Gene:100042971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094762 | MGI:3642641 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10670 |
7 | gene | 20.50962 | 20.51053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647681 | Vmn1r103 | NCBI_Gene:667129,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096663 | MGI:3647681 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 103 |
7 | gene | 20.53384 | 20.53476 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644682 | Vmn1r104 | NCBI_Gene:667135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096903 | MGI:3644682 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 104 |
7 | gene | 20.54483 | 20.54576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644395 | Gm5726 | NCBI_Gene:435946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096761 | MGI:3644395 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5726 |
7 | gene | 20.57532 | 20.57624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782317 | Gm4141 | NCBI_Gene:100042976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095837 | MGI:3782317 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4141 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.59091 | 20.59172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010235 | Gm18050 | NCBI_Gene:100416338 | MGI:5010235 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18050 |
7 | gene | 20.59297 | 20.59902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782698 | Gm4513 | NCBI_Gene:101055864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109060 | MGI:3782698 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4513 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.60203 | 20.60257 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010641 | Gm18456 | NCBI_Gene:100417217 | MGI:5010641 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18456 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.61845 | 20.63794 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644911 | Gm8486 | NCBI_Gene:667156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109469 | MGI:3644911 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8486 |
7 | gene | 20.66892 | 20.66984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780017 | Vmn1r107 | NCBI_Gene:673977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095275 | MGI:3780017 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 107 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.68041 | 20.68134 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648089 | Vmn1r-ps71 | NCBI_Gene:667166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092487 | MGI:3648089 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 71 |
7 | gene | 20.70230 | 20.70322 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645811 | Vmn1r111 | NCBI_Gene:667292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095768 | MGI:3645811 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 111 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.72245 | 20.72326 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010237 | Gm18052 | NCBI_Gene:100416340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109138 | MGI:5010237 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18052 |
7 | gene | 20.72452 | 20.73062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642587 | Gm10668 | NCBI_Gene:100043566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095190 | MGI:3642587 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10668 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.73477 | 20.73528 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010643 | Gm18458 | NCBI_Gene:100417219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108834 | MGI:5010643 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18458 |
7 | gene | 20.77118 | 20.77208 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649076 | Vmn1r112 | NCBI_Gene:100043569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094284 | MGI:3649076 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 112 |
7 | gene | 20.78729 | 20.78821 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647303 | Vmn1r113 | NCBI_Gene:436135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091638 | MGI:3647303 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 113 |
7 | gene | 20.81122 | 20.81219 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642588 | Vmn1r114 | NCBI_Gene:100042996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094085 | MGI:3642588 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 114 |
7 | gene | 20.84410 | 20.84499 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645605 | Vmn1r115 | NCBI_Gene:667273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091435 | MGI:3645605 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 115 |
7 | gene | 20.87226 | 20.87318 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648873 | Vmn1r116 | NCBI_Gene:667268,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095973 | MGI:3648873 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 116 |
7 | gene | 20.88320 | 20.88412 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648880 | Vmn1r117 | NCBI_Gene:667262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096737 | MGI:3648880 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 117 |
7 | gene | 20.91143 | 20.91235 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645425 | Vmn1r118 | NCBI_Gene:667259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094589 | MGI:3645425 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 118 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.93684 | 20.93765 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010238 | Gm18053 | NCBI_Gene:100416341 | MGI:5010238 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18053 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.93925 | 20.94021 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782711 | Gm4526 | NCBI_Gene:100043574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099623 | MGI:3782711 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4526 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.94798 | 20.94852 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010644 | Gm18459 | NCBI_Gene:100417220 | MGI:5010644 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18459 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.96822 | 20.96877 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782713 | Gm4528 | NCBI_Gene:100043576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109272 | MGI:3782713 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4528 |
7 | gene | 20.98941 | 20.99283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825645 | Gm46008 | NCBI_Gene:108167476 | MGI:5825645 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 46008 |
7 | gene | 21.01153 | 21.01245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686293 | Vmn1r119 | NCBI_Gene:384696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094010 | MGI:2686293 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 119 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.03517 | 21.03729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782339 | Vmn1r-ps73 | NCBI_Gene:100043006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094501 | MGI:3782339 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 73 |
7 | gene | 21.05287 | 21.05378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647340 | Vmn1r120 | NCBI_Gene:435953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093986 | MGI:3647340 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 120 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.09211 | 21.09268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780015 | Vmn1r-ps74 | NCBI_Gene:673902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092616 | MGI:3780015 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 74 |
7 | gene | 21.09757 | 21.09851 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648662 | Vmn1r121 | NCBI_Gene:667240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094680 | MGI:3648662 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 121 |
7 | gene | 21.13321 | 21.13413 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647341 | Vmn1r122 | NCBI_Gene:435951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094001 | MGI:3647341 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 122 |
7 | gene | 21.16219 | 21.16311 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686292 | Vmn1r123 | NCBI_Gene:384695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094385 | MGI:2686292 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 123 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.18224 | 21.18306 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010239 | Gm18054 | NCBI_Gene:100416342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109269 | MGI:5010239 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18054 |
7 | gene | 21.18432 | 21.19042 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648211 | Gm5157 | NCBI_Gene:381937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101436 | MGI:3648211 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5157 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.19458 | 21.19512 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010645 | Gm18460 | NCBI_Gene:100417221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109000 | MGI:5010645 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18460 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.22966 | 21.23020 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782720 | Gm4536 | NCBI_Gene:100043588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109253 | MGI:3782720 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4536 |
7 | gene | 21.25969 | 21.26062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779910 | Vmn1r124 | NCBI_Gene:670764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094221 | MGI:3779910 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 124 |
7 | gene | 21.27218 | 21.27310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704112 | Vmn1r125 | NCBI_Gene:667215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095309 | MGI:3704112 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 125 |
7 | gene | 21.30050 | 21.30147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782346 | Vmn1r126 | NCBI_Gene:100043013,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096813 | MGI:3782346 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 126 |
7 | gene | 21.31894 | 21.31986 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779578 | Vmn1r127 | NCBI_Gene:621561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093890 | MGI:3779578 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 127 |
7 | gene | 21.34937 | 21.35030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643535 | Vmn1r128 | NCBI_Gene:667199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095758 | MGI:3643535 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 128 |
7 | gene | 21.36037 | 21.36129 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645471 | Vmn1r129 | NCBI_Gene:621510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094879 | MGI:3645471 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 129 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.39234 | 21.39326 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646444 | Vmn1r-ps75 | NCBI_Gene:667186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095185 | MGI:3646444 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 75 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.42455 | 21.42536 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010240 | Gm18055 | NCBI_Gene:100416343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109259 | MGI:5010240 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18055 |
7 | gene | 21.42586 | 21.43275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645601 | Gm6882 | NCBI_Gene:628475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109516 | MGI:3645601 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6882 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.43685 | 21.43739 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010646 | Gm18461 | NCBI_Gene:100417222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109380 | MGI:5010646 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18461 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.44577 | 21.46744 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782725 | Gm4541 | NCBI_Gene:100043595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108907 | MGI:3782725 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4541 |
7 | gene | 21.51178 | 21.51270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782726 | Vmn1r130 | NCBI_Gene:100043596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094208 | MGI:3782726 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 130 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.52328 | 21.52420 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646795 | Vmn1r-ps76 | NCBI_Gene:667358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096741 | MGI:3646795 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 76 |
7 | gene | 21.54517 | 21.54609 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782348 | Vmn1r131 | NCBI_Gene:100043016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093941 | MGI:3782348 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 131 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.56533 | 21.56613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010241 | Gm18056 | NCBI_Gene:100416344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108879 | MGI:5010241 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18056 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.56767 | 21.56870 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782729 | Gm4545 | NCBI_Gene:100043602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101076 | MGI:3782729 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4545 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.57765 | 21.57819 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010647 | Gm18462 | NCBI_Gene:100417223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109300 | MGI:5010647 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18462 |
7 | gene | 21.61275 | 21.61515 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647009 | Vmn1r132 | NCBI_Gene:100043604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074322 | MGI:3647009 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 132 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.67036 | 21.67642 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646559 | Gm8600 | NCBI_Gene:667378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101280 | MGI:3646559 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8600 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.68540 | 21.68594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010648 | Gm18463 | NCBI_Gene:100417224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109557 | MGI:5010648 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18463 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.72043 | 21.72097 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782732 | Gm4548 | NCBI_Gene:100043607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109276 | MGI:3782732 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4548 |
7 | gene | 21.76053 | 21.76148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782351 | Gm4175 | NCBI_Gene:100043019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096513 | MGI:3782351 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4175 |
7 | gene | 21.79581 | 21.79673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782353 | Gm4177 | NCBI_Gene:100043025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096760 | MGI:3782353 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4177 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.81348 | 21.81362 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753130 | Gm44554 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109569 | MGI:5753130 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44554 |
7 | gene | 21.83235 | 21.83327 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648167 | Vmn1r135 | NCBI_Gene:667404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095064 | MGI:3648167 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 135 |
7 | gene | 21.84334 | 21.84427 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644396 | Gm5725 | NCBI_Gene:435940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095191 | MGI:3644396 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5725 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.87536 | 21.87734 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647529 | Vmn1r-ps77 | NCBI_Gene:100043026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092506 | MGI:3647529 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 77 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.90734 | 21.90817 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010242 | Gm18057 | NCBI_Gene:100416345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109092 | MGI:5010242 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18057 |
7 | gene | 21.90866 | 21.92129 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649014 | Gm5891 | NCBI_Gene:545929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095976 | MGI:3649014 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5891 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.91964 | 21.92019 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010649 | Gm18464 | NCBI_Gene:100417225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108853 | MGI:5010649 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18464 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.92858 | 21.95643 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645113 | Gm16443 | NCBI_Gene:667421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109405 | MGI:3645113 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16443 |
7 | gene | 21.99459 | 21.99551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782735 | Vmn1r137 | NCBI_Gene:100043614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095962 | MGI:3782735 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 137 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.00608 | 22.00701 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647675 | Vmn1r-ps78 | NCBI_Gene:667431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095287 | MGI:3647675 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 78 |
7 | gene | 22.02798 | 22.02890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782355 | Vmn1r138 | NCBI_Gene:100043029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095163 | MGI:3782355 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 138 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.04812 | 22.04894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010243 | Gm18058 | NCBI_Gene:100416346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109263 | MGI:5010243 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18058 |
7 | gene | 22.05020 | 22.05630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644439 | Gm6176 | NCBI_Gene:620736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096283 | MGI:3644439 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6176 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.06044 | 22.06095 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010650 | Gm18465 | NCBI_Gene:100417226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109041 | MGI:5010650 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18465 |
7 | gene | 22.06906 | 22.09791 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644494 | Vmn1r139 | NCBI_Gene:667444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074311 | MGI:3644494 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 139 |
7 | gene | 22.11732 | 22.11825 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647461 | Gm16451 | NCBI_Gene:100043033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096304 | MGI:3647461 | protein coding gene | predicted pseudogene 16451 |
7 | gene | 22.13378 | 22.13474 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704285 | Gm10666 | NCBI_Gene:100043037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096348 | MGI:3704285 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10666 |
7 | gene | 22.16312 | 22.16403 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644264 | Vmn1r142 | NCBI_Gene:667464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095273 | MGI:3644264 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 142 |
7 | gene | 22.18938 | 22.19030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644289 | Vmn1r143 | NCBI_Gene:667469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096071 | MGI:3644289 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 143 |
7 | gene | 22.20034 | 22.20126 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647206 | Gm8653 | NCBI_Gene:667472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094981 | MGI:3647206 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8653 |
7 | gene | 22.22856 | 22.22948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644807 | Gm8453 | NCBI_Gene:667094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094149 | MGI:3644807 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8453 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.25396 | 22.25478 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010244 | Gm18059 | NCBI_Gene:100416347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109411 | MGI:5010244 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18059 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.25639 | 22.25734 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782741 | Gm4557 | NCBI_Gene:100043625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101948 | MGI:3782741 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4557 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.26636 | 22.26691 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010651 | Gm18466 | NCBI_Gene:100417227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109444 | MGI:5010651 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18466 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.28544 | 22.28599 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782742 | Gm4558 | NCBI_Gene:100043626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108944 | MGI:3782742 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4558 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.30668 | 22.32755 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825646 | Gm46009 | NCBI_Gene:108167477 | MGI:5825646 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46009 |
7 | gene | 22.32879 | 22.32972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782363 | Gm4187 | NCBI_Gene:100043043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093871 | MGI:3782363 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4187 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.35243 | 22.35340 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782368 | Vmn1r-ps70 | NCBI_Gene:100043048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095816 | MGI:3782368 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 70 |
7 | gene | 22.37012 | 22.37104 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645692 | Gm8660 | NCBI_Gene:667485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093917 | MGI:3645692 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8660 |
7 | gene | 22.41223 | 22.41467 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033483 | Vmn1r148 | NCBI_Gene:81011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095543 | MGI:3033483 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 148 |
7 | gene | 22.43731 | 22.43823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782370 | Vmn1r149 | NCBI_Gene:100043051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094542 | MGI:3782370 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 149 |
7 | gene | 22.46311 | 22.46408 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642415 | Gm10665 | NCBI_Gene:100043058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096871 | MGI:3642415 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10665 |
7 | gene | 22.49876 | 22.49968 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644394 | Vmn1r151 | NCBI_Gene:435947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093853 | MGI:3644394 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 151 |
7 | gene | 22.52297 | 22.52389 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643438 | Vmn1r152 | NCBI_Gene:667504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095383 | MGI:3643438 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 152 |
7 | gene | 22.53396 | 22.53489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646576 | Gm8677 | NCBI_Gene:667512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094748 | MGI:3646576 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8677 |
7 | gene | 22.56442 | 22.56534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782378 | Gm4201 | NCBI_Gene:100043061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095984 | MGI:3782378 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4201 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.58002 | 22.58083 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010245 | Gm18060 | NCBI_Gene:100416348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109043 | MGI:5010245 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18060 |
7 | gene | 22.58208 | 22.58813 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782749 | Gm4565 | NCBI_Gene:100043638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109396 | MGI:3782749 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4565 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.59113 | 22.59167 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010652 | Gm18467 | NCBI_Gene:100417228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109567 | MGI:5010652 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18467 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.60755 | 22.62705 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643678 | Gm8685 | NCBI_Gene:667527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109247 | MGI:3643678 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8685 |
7 | gene | 22.65802 | 22.65894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646821 | Vmn1r155 | NCBI_Gene:667530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094905 | MGI:3646821 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 155 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.66946 | 22.67043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646819 | Vmn1r-ps80 | NCBI_Gene:667536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092547 | MGI:3646819 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 80 |
7 | gene | 22.69140 | 22.69232 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642968 | Gm8693 | NCBI_Gene:667543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095081 | MGI:3642968 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8693 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.71154 | 22.71235 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010246 | Gm18061 | NCBI_Gene:100416349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109169 | MGI:5010246 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18061 |
7 | gene | 22.71360 | 22.71971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3809658 | Gm4567 | NCBI_Gene:100043645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095363 | MGI:3809658 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4567 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.72386 | 22.72437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010653 | Gm18468 | NCBI_Gene:100417229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109546 | MGI:5010653 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18468 |
7 | gene | 22.76170 | 22.76259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646139 | Vmn1r157 | NCBI_Gene:667551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095619 | MGI:3646139 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 157 |
7 | gene | 22.78986 | 22.79078 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646143 | Vmn1r158 | NCBI_Gene:100043067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094700 | MGI:3646143 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 158 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.80635 | 22.80847 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3809198 | Gm4207 | NCBI_Gene:100043069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100654 | MGI:3809198 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4207 |
7 | gene | 22.84269 | 22.84361 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642763 | Vmn1r159 | NCBI_Gene:670857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095931 | MGI:3642763 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 159 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.85742 | 22.85757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753401 | Gm44825 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108922 | MGI:5753401 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44825 |
7 | gene | 22.87122 | 22.87215 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779564 | Vmn1r160 | NCBI_Gene:620758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094931 | MGI:3779564 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 160 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.89123 | 22.89227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012085 | Gm19900 | NCBI_Gene:100503796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109514 | MGI:5012085 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19900 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.89355 | 22.89961 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646358 | Gm8708 | NCBI_Gene:667570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102023 | MGI:3646358 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8708 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.90859 | 22.90913 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010654 | Gm18469 | NCBI_Gene:100417230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109072 | MGI:5010654 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18469 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.94363 | 22.94417 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782757 | Gm4574 | NCBI_Gene:100043658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109345 | MGI:3782757 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4574 |
7 | gene | 22.98371 | 22.98467 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782390 | Gm4214 | NCBI_Gene:100043079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092297 | MGI:3782390 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4214 |
7 | gene | 23.01901 | 23.01992 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782392 | Gm4216 | NCBI_Gene:100043083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094532 | MGI:3782392 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4216 |
7 | gene | 23.05554 | 23.05646 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644349 | Vmn1r163 | NCBI_Gene:667586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094934 | MGI:3644349 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 163 |
7 | gene | 23.06653 | 23.06746 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647550 | Gm8720 | NCBI_Gene:667599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096601 | MGI:3647550 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8720 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.09855 | 23.10053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647759 | Gm16456 | NCBI_Gene:100043086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094684 | MGI:3647759 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16456 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.13055 | 23.13135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010247 | Gm18062 | NCBI_Gene:100416350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109098 | MGI:5010247 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18062 |
7 | gene | 23.13185 | 23.14448 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642760 | Gm10662 | NCBI_Gene:100043665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095683 | MGI:3642760 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10662 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.14283 | 23.14337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010655 | Gm18470 | NCBI_Gene:100417231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109085 | MGI:5010655 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18470 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.16687 | 23.18636 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644568 | Gm8728 | NCBI_Gene:667616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109535 | MGI:3644568 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8728 |
7 | gene | 23.21733 | 23.21825 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782762 | Vmn1r165 | NCBI_Gene:100043667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095358 | MGI:3782762 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 165 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.22883 | 23.22976 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647939 | Vmn1r-ps83 | NCBI_Gene:667623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092462 | MGI:3647939 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 83 |
7 | gene | 23.25076 | 23.25168 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782396 | Vmn1r166 | NCBI_Gene:100043088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096073 | MGI:3782396 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 166 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.27073 | 23.27154 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010248 | Gm18063 | NCBI_Gene:100416351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109024 | MGI:5010248 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18063 |
7 | gene | 23.27279 | 23.27890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647238 | Gm6902 | NCBI_Gene:628664,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094682 | MGI:3647238 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6902 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.28302 | 23.28356 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010656 | Gm18471 | NCBI_Gene:100417232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109425 | MGI:5010656 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18471 |
7 | gene | 23.30119 | 23.36228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3056600 | Nlrp4e | NCBI_Gene:446099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045693 | MGI:3056600 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 4E |
7 | pseudogene | 23.35709 | 23.35878 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779503 | Krt8-ps | NCBI_Gene:434261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109325 | MGI:3779503 | pseudogene | keratin 8, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 23.38589 | 23.44192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345193 | Nlrp5 | NCBI_Gene:23968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015721 | MGI:1345193 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 5 |
7 | gene | 23.40700 | 23.40711 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454973 | Gm25196 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095946 | MGI:5454973 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25196 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.44629 | 23.44690 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010783 | Gm18598 | NCBI_Gene:100417412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108946 | MGI:5010783 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18598 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.44758 | 23.44816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010491 | Gm18306 | NCBI_Gene:100416896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109477 | MGI:5010491 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18306 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.48637 | 23.48730 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782403 | Vmn1r-ps84 | NCBI_Gene:100043095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092496 | MGI:3782403 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 84 |
7 | gene | 23.50365 | 23.50721 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644421 | Vmn1r167 | NCBI_Gene:622032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090715 | MGI:3644421 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 167 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.52616 | 23.52696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644117 | Gm8745 | NCBI_Gene:667651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108936 | MGI:3644117 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8745 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.53545 | 23.53642 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010380 | Gm18195 | NCBI_Gene:100416688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109182 | MGI:5010380 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18195 |
7 | gene | 23.53973 | 23.54745 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704286 | Vmn1r168 | NCBI_Gene:100043101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074291 | MGI:3704286 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 168 |
7 | gene | 23.57553 | 23.57885 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782408 | Vmn1r169 | NCBI_Gene:100043103,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094602 | MGI:3782408 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 169 |
7 | gene | 23.60618 | 23.60709 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644326 | Vmn1r170 | NCBI_Gene:546944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094187 | MGI:3644326 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 170 |
7 | gene | 23.63072 | 23.63437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033476 | Vmn1r171 | NCBI_Gene:81012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062483 | MGI:3033476 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 171 |
7 | gene | 23.65832 | 23.66845 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033478 | Vmn1r172 | NCBI_Gene:81010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035523 | MGI:3033478 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 172 |
7 | gene | 23.70070 | 23.71101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645760 | Vmn1r173 | NCBI_Gene:545934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115021 | MGI:3645760 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 173 |
7 | gene | 23.75227 | 23.76240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033491 | Vmn1r174 | NCBI_Gene:404291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090411 | MGI:3033491 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 174 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.77836 | 23.77925 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648935 | Vmn1r-ps85 | NCBI_Gene:384573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092629 | MGI:3648935 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 85 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.78659 | 23.78747 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5009944 | Gm17780 | NCBI_Gene:100047529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109318 | MGI:5009944 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17780 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.80087 | 23.80128 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753152 | Gm44576 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109310 | MGI:5753152 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44576 |
7 | gene | 23.80718 | 23.81064 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648367 | Vmn1r175 | NCBI_Gene:622222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095632 | MGI:3648367 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 175 |
7 | gene | 23.83384 | 23.83737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3809206 | Vmn1r176 | NCBI_Gene:546943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096859 | MGI:3809206 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 176 |
7 | gene | 23.86552 | 23.86645 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033481 | Vmn1r177 | NCBI_Gene:384572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057513 | MGI:3033481 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 177 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.87080 | 23.87178 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010391 | Gm18206 | NCBI_Gene:100416699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109210 | MGI:5010391 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18206 |
7 | gene | 23.89201 | 23.89562 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033482 | Vmn1r178 | NCBI_Gene:232959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062598 | MGI:3033482 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 178 |
7 | gene | 23.92698 | 23.93624 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033486 | Vmn1r179 | NCBI_Gene:404286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046924 | MGI:3033486 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 179 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.94665 | 23.94729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704287 | Gm10175 | NCBI_Gene:100043121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066724 | MGI:3704287 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10175 |
7 | gene | 23.95063 | 23.95569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033485 | Vmn1r180 | NCBI_Gene:232962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092473 | MGI:3033485 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 180 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.96508 | 23.96568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648933 | Gm5324 | NCBI_Gene:384575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109065 | MGI:3648933 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5324 |
7 | gene | 23.97462 | 23.98814 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033489 | Vmn1r181 | NCBI_Gene:404289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097425 | MGI:3033489 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 181 |
7 | gene | 24.00169 | 24.00506 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033488 | V1rd19 | NCBI_Gene:404287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092456 | MGI:3033488 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, D19 |
7 | gene | 24.00309 | 24.00425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033487 | V1rd18 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor%2c D18 |
7 | gene | 24.05325 | 24.06355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033484 | Vmn1r183 | NCBI_Gene:209824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118318 | MGI:3033484 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 183 |
7 | gene | 24.05423 | 24.07790 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595853 | Gm36694 | NCBI_Gene:102640682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108613 | MGI:5595853 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36694 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.06383 | 24.06417 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644252 | Ptma-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:622446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095331 | MGI:3644252 | pseudogene | prothymosin alpha, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.07391 | 24.07797 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753519 | Gm44943 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108960 | MGI:5753519 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44943 |
7 | gene | 24.08190 | 24.10771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923701 | Zfp180 | NCBI_Gene:210135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057101 | MGI:1923701 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 180 |
7 | gene | 24.11190 | 24.12795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929115 | Zfp112 | NCBI_Gene:57745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052675 | MGI:1929115 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 112 |
7 | gene | 24.11245 | 24.11660 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753369 | Gm44793 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108703 | MGI:5753369 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44793 |
7 | gene | 24.13093 | 24.14324 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929117 | Zfp235 | NCBI_Gene:56525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047603 | MGI:1929117 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 235 |
7 | gene | 24.17502 | 24.18319 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3037815 | Zfp114 | NCBI_Gene:232966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068962 | MGI:3037815 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 114 |
7 | gene | 24.19321 | 24.21144 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929114 | Zfp111 | NCBI_Gene:56707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087598 | MGI:1929114 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 111 |
7 | gene | 24.21313 | 24.21439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753372 | Gm44796 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108361 | MGI:5753372 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44796 |
7 | gene | 24.22757 | 24.23760 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929099 | Zfp109 | NCBI_Gene:56869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074283 | MGI:1929099 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 109 |
7 | gene | 24.25473 | 24.26244 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891198 | Zfp108 | NCBI_Gene:54678,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030486 | MGI:1891198 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 108 |
7 | gene | 24.26798 | 24.27779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107611 | Zfp93 | NCBI_Gene:22755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055305 | MGI:107611 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 93 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.28729 | 24.28864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010311 | Gm18126 | NCBI_Gene:100416463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118477 | MGI:5010311 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18126 |
7 | gene | 24.28831 | 24.28931 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6324748 | Gm50477 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118444 | MGI:6324748 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50477 |
7 | gene | 24.29104 | 24.30252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99663 | Zfp61 | NCBI_Gene:22719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050605 | MGI:99663 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 61 |
7 | gene | 24.30170 | 24.32026 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107610 | Zfp94 | NCBI_Gene:22756,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074282 | MGI:107610 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 94 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.31666 | 24.31950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753089 | Gm44513 | NCBI_Gene:108167470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108567 | MGI:5753089 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44513 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.32000 | 24.32278 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705590 | Gm15465 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082802 | MGI:3705590 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15465 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.32698 | 24.32790 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010167 | Gm17982 | NCBI_Gene:100416226 | MGI:5010167 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17982 |
7 | gene | 24.33308 | 24.33396 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916551 | Tescl | NCBI_Gene:69301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055826 | MGI:1916551 | protein coding gene | tescalcin-like |
7 | gene | 24.33634 | 24.33647 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530974 | Gm27592 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088354 | MGI:5530974 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27592 |
7 | gene | 24.34920 | 24.35511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924192 | Lypd5 | NCBI_Gene:76942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030484 | MGI:1924192 | protein coding gene | Ly6/Plaur domain containing 5 |
7 | gene | 24.35507 | 24.35587 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621849 | Gm38964 | NCBI_Gene:105242876 | MGI:5621849 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38964 |
7 | gene | 24.36982 | 24.38669 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277957 | Kcnn4 | NCBI_Gene:16534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054342 | MGI:1277957 | protein coding gene | potassium intermediate/small conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily N, member 4 |
7 | gene | 24.39960 | 24.42278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919247 | Smg9 | NCBI_Gene:71997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002210 | MGI:1919247 | protein coding gene | smg-9 homolog, nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor (C. elegans) |
7 | gene | 24.43192 | 24.45230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685948 | Irgc1 | NCBI_Gene:210145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062028 | MGI:2685948 | protein coding gene | immunity-related GTPase family, cinema 1 |
7 | gene | 24.44799 | 24.45134 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595318 | Gm36159 | NCBI_Gene:102639971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108360 | MGI:5595318 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36159 |
7 | gene | 24.46094 | 24.47597 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97612 | Plaur | NCBI_Gene:18793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046223 | MGI:97612 | protein coding gene | plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor |
7 | gene | 24.48202 | 24.50454 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2449088 | Cadm4 | NCBI_Gene:260299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054793 | MGI:2449088 | protein coding gene | cell adhesion molecule 4 |
7 | gene | 24.50701 | 24.51568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916463 | Zfp428 | NCBI_Gene:232969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064264 | MGI:1916463 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 428 |
7 | gene | 24.51048 | 24.51245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6275428 | Gm50092 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117477 | MGI:6275428 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 50092 |
7 | gene | 24.53065 | 24.53860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2667176 | Irgq | NCBI_Gene:210146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041037 | MGI:2667176 | protein coding gene | immunity-related GTPase family, Q |
7 | gene | 24.54165 | 24.54662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3615324 | Pinlyp | NCBI_Gene:641361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011632 | MGI:3615324 | protein coding gene | phospholipase A2 inhibitor and LY6/PLAUR domain containing |
7 | gene | 24.54629 | 24.57344 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99137 | Xrcc1 | NCBI_Gene:22594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051768 | MGI:99137 | protein coding gene | X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 1 |
7 | gene | 24.58384 | 24.58774 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141921 | Zfp575 | NCBI_Gene:101544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066721 | MGI:2141921 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 575 |
7 | gene | 24.58754 | 24.60892 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913321 | Ethe1 | NCBI_Gene:66071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064254 | MGI:1913321 | protein coding gene | ethylmalonic encephalopathy 1 |
7 | gene | 24.61028 | 24.62930 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642959 | Phldb3 | NCBI_Gene:232970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074277 | MGI:3642959 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology like domain, family B, member 3 |
7 | gene | 24.62019 | 24.63842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477044 | Gm26550 | NCBI_Gene:102640044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097215 | MGI:5477044 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26550 |
7 | gene | 24.63655 | 24.64112 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919684 | Lypd3 | NCBI_Gene:72434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057454 | MGI:1919684 | protein coding gene | Ly6/Plaur domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 24.66129 | 24.66311 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782781 | Gm4598 | NCBI_Gene:100043706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108470 | MGI:3782781 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4598 |
7 | gene | 24.66673 | 24.66697 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925735 | 2200007N16Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108787 | MGI:1925735 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2200007N16 gene |
7 | gene | 24.66801 | 24.67667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930791 | Tex101 | NCBI_Gene:56746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062773 | MGI:1930791 | protein coding gene | testis expressed gene 101 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.68431 | 24.68464 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753547 | Gm44971 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108768 | MGI:5753547 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44971 |
7 | gene | 24.68791 | 24.69522 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685942 | Gm1096 | NCBI_Gene:381959 | MGI:2685942 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 1096 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.70634 | 24.70667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595935 | Gm36776 | NCBI_Gene:102640793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108430 | MGI:5595935 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 36776 |
7 | gene | 24.70922 | 24.71454 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681843 | Lypd10 | NCBI_Gene:232972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045587 | MGI:2681843 | protein coding gene | Ly6/PLAUR domain containing 10 |
7 | gene | 24.71459 | 24.72693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643098 | Lypd11 | NCBI_Gene:210155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058717 | MGI:3643098 | protein coding gene | Ly6/PLAUR domain containing 11 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.72972 | 24.73013 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753548 | Gm44972 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108404 | MGI:5753548 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44972 |
7 | gene | 24.74398 | 24.76033 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916141 | Cd177 | NCBI_Gene:68891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052212 | MGI:1916141 | protein coding gene | CD177 antigen |
7 | gene | 24.77717 | 24.78466 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347248 | Ceacam10 | NCBI_Gene:26366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054169 | MGI:1347248 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 10 |
7 | gene | 24.81880 | 24.84027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645761 | Gm5893 | NCBI_Gene:545936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011350 | MGI:3645761 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 5893 |
7 | gene | 24.84045 | 24.84052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3629769 | Gt(pU21)105Imeg | NA | NA | unclassified gene | gene trap 105%2c Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics |
7 | gene | 24.85380 | 24.85478 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621850 | Gm38965 | NCBI_Gene:105242877 | MGI:5621850 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38965 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.86090 | 24.86147 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010392 | Gm18207 | NCBI_Gene:100416700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108302 | MGI:5010392 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18207 |
7 | gene | 24.86220 | 24.86270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704288 | Gm9844 | NCBI_Gene:100043712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091955 | MGI:3704288 | protein coding gene | predicted pseudogene 9844 |
7 | gene | 24.86462 | 24.86994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2687054 | Lypd4 | NCBI_Gene:232973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062732 | MGI:2687054 | protein coding gene | Ly6/Plaur domain containing 4 |
7 | gene | 24.86983 | 24.87766 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918491 | Dmrtc2 | NCBI_Gene:71241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011349 | MGI:1918491 | protein coding gene | doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor like family C2 |
7 | gene | 24.87575 | 24.88455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621851 | Gm38966 | NCBI_Gene:105242878 | MGI:5621851 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38966 |
7 | gene | 24.88437 | 24.88981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333780 | Rps19 | NCBI_Gene:20085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040952 | MGI:1333780 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S19 |
7 | gene | 24.89738 | 24.90220 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101774 | Cd79a | NCBI_Gene:12518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003379 | MGI:101774 | protein coding gene | CD79A antigen (immunoglobulin-associated alpha) |
7 | gene | 24.90291 | 24.92659 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353510 | Arhgef1 | NCBI_Gene:16801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040940 | MGI:1353510 | protein coding gene | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1 |
7 | gene | 24.92696 | 24.94450 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642958 | Gm4881 | NCBI_Gene:232974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108367 | MGI:3642958 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4881 |
7 | gene | 24.95352 | 24.95448 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595968 | Gm36809 | NCBI_Gene:102640835 | MGI:5595968 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36809 |
7 | gene | 24.95492 | 24.95824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753546 | Gm44970 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108675 | MGI:5753546 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44970 |
7 | gene | 24.96975 | 24.97275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201692 | Rabac1 | NCBI_Gene:14470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003380 | MGI:1201692 | protein coding gene | Rab acceptor 1 (prenylated) |
7 | gene | 24.97001 | 24.97008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530851 | Mir7046 | miRBase:MI0022895,NCBI_Gene:102465633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098802 | MGI:5530851 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7046 |
7 | gene | 24.97817 | 25.00596 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88107 | Atp1a3 | NCBI_Gene:232975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040907 | MGI:88107 | protein coding gene | ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 3 polypeptide |
7 | gene | 24.98760 | 24.98767 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530652 | Mir7047 | miRBase:MI0022896,NCBI_Gene:102465634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099258 | MGI:5530652 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7047 |
7 | gene | 25.00985 | 25.07237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95818 | Grik5 | NCBI_Gene:14809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003378 | MGI:95818 | protein coding gene | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 5 (gamma 2) |
7 | gene | 25.07257 | 25.08349 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442951 | Zfp574 | NCBI_Gene:232976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045252 | MGI:2442951 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 574 |
7 | gene | 25.08734 | 25.17999 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_101897 | Pou2f2 | NCBI_Gene:18987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008496 | MGI:101897 | protein coding gene | POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2 |
7 | gene | 25.09707 | 25.09718 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531190 | Mir6537 | miRBase:MI0022353,NCBI_Gene:102465968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098441 | MGI:5531190 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6537 |
7 | gene | 25.15246 | 25.15663 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3687343 | D930028M14Rik | NCBI_Gene:434147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074274 | MGI:3687343 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930028M14 gene |
7 | gene | 25.19992 | 25.22061 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914629 | Dedd2 | NCBI_Gene:67379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054499 | MGI:1914629 | protein coding gene | death effector domain-containing DNA binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 25.21767 | 25.21773 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530656 | Mir7048 | miRBase:MI0022897,NCBI_Gene:102466794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098325 | MGI:5530656 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7048 |
7 | gene | 25.21937 | 25.22093 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918501 | 4933430L12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108523 | MGI:1918501 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933430L12 gene |
7 | gene | 25.21985 | 25.22788 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2445181 | Zfp526 | NCBI_Gene:210172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046541 | MGI:2445181 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 526 |
7 | gene | 25.22826 | 25.23785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2152453 | Gsk3a | NCBI_Gene:606496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057177 | MGI:2152453 | protein coding gene | glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha |
7 | gene | 25.22869 | 25.23026 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924374 | 9130221H12Rik | NCBI_Gene:77124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090330 | MGI:1924374 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130221H12 gene |
7 | gene | 25.24256 | 25.25076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109637 | Erf | NCBI_Gene:13875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040857 | MGI:109637 | protein coding gene | Ets2 repressor factor |
7 | gene | 25.26766 | 25.29416 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918972 | Cic | NCBI_Gene:71722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005442 | MGI:1918972 | protein coding gene | capicua transcriptional repressor |
7 | gene | 25.26776 | 25.27083 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825611 | Gm45974 | NCBI_Gene:108167411 | MGI:5825611 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45974 |
7 | gene | 25.29505 | 25.29799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108414 | Pafah1b3 | NCBI_Gene:18476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005447 | MGI:108414 | protein coding gene | platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, subunit 3 |
7 | gene | 25.30136 | 25.30414 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648539 | Prr19 | NCBI_Gene:623131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058741 | MGI:3648539 | protein coding gene | proline rich 19 |
7 | gene | 25.30599 | 25.31620 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3607779 | Tmem145 | NCBI_Gene:330485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043843 | MGI:3607779 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 145 |
7 | gene | 25.31674 | 25.36592 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446294 | Megf8 | NCBI_Gene:269878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045039 | MGI:2446294 | protein coding gene | multiple EGF-like-domains 8 |
7 | gene | 25.36762 | 25.36972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919633 | Cnfn | NCBI_Gene:72383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063651 | MGI:1919633 | protein coding gene | cornifelin |
7 | gene | 25.37682 | 25.56642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3603586 | 4732471J01Rik | NCBI_Gene:654804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053714 | MGI:3603586 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4732471J01 gene |
7 | gene | 25.37953 | 25.39871 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96790 | Lipe | NCBI_Gene:16890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003123 | MGI:96790 | protein coding gene | lipase, hormone sensitive |
7 | gene | 25.38864 | 25.38956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621853 | Gm38968 | NCBI_Gene:105242880 | MGI:5621853 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38968 |
7 | gene | 25.40005 | 25.41289 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2387642 | Cxcl17 | NCBI_Gene:232983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060188 | MGI:2387642 | protein coding gene | chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 17 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.41838 | 25.41984 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645641 | Gm5587 | NCBI_Gene:434148,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108518 | MGI:3645641 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5587 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.42059 | 25.42306 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434304 | Gm20949 | NCBI_Gene:100417596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108503 | MGI:5434304 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20949 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.44215 | 25.44346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782941 | Gm15495 | NCBI_Gene:100418005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081732 | MGI:3782941 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15495 |
7 | gene | 25.46170 | 25.47762 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347245 | Ceacam1 | NCBI_Gene:26365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074272 | MGI:1347245 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 |
7 | gene | 25.48319 | 25.48685 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621852 | Gm38967 | NCBI_Gene:105242879 | MGI:5621852 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38967 |
7 | gene | 25.51604 | 25.54000 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347246 | Ceacam2 | NCBI_Gene:26367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054385 | MGI:1347246 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 2 |
7 | gene | 25.57638 | 25.57839 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589077 | Gm29918 | NCBI_Gene:102631623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108579 | MGI:5589077 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29918 |
7 | gene | 25.58382 | 25.59523 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621454 | Gm38569 | NCBI_Gene:102641661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108553 | MGI:5621454 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38569 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.59928 | 25.60195 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782790 | Gm4607 | NCBI_Gene:108167491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108304 | MGI:3782790 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4607 |
7 | gene | 25.61462 | 25.61589 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646269 | Erich4 | NCBI_Gene:632778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074261 | MGI:3646269 | protein coding gene | glutamate rich 4 |
7 | gene | 25.61867 | 25.61952 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621854 | Gm38969 | NCBI_Gene:105242881 | MGI:5621854 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38969 |
7 | gene | 25.61941 | 25.62555 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913599 | Dmac2 | NCBI_Gene:66349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057229 | MGI:1913599 | protein coding gene | distal membrane arm assembly complex 2 |
7 | gene | 25.62665 | 25.63510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385269 | B3gnt8 | NCBI_Gene:232984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059479 | MGI:2385269 | protein coding gene | UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 8 |
7 | gene | 25.62985 | 25.65898 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107701 | Bckdha | NCBI_Gene:12039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060376 | MGI:107701 | protein coding gene | branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase E1, alpha polypeptide |
7 | gene | 25.65048 | 25.65114 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926124 | B230201I24Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B230201I24 gene |
7 | gene | 25.65915 | 25.67137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107889 | Exosc5 | NCBI_Gene:27998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061286 | MGI:107889 | protein coding gene | exosome component 5 |
7 | gene | 25.66914 | 25.67957 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443589 | Tmem91 | NCBI_Gene:320208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061702 | MGI:2443589 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 91 |
7 | gene | 25.67967 | 25.68656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2387643 | B9d2 | NCBI_Gene:232987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063439 | MGI:2387643 | protein coding gene | B9 protein domain 2 |
7 | gene | 25.68700 | 25.70508 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98725 | Tgfb1 | NCBI_Gene:21803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002603 | MGI:98725 | protein coding gene | transforming growth factor, beta 1 |
7 | gene | 25.71111 | 25.71982 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196455 | Ccdc97 | NCBI_Gene:52132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002608 | MGI:1196455 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 97 |
7 | gene | 25.72116 | 25.75624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443517 | Hnrnpul1 | NCBI_Gene:232989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040725 | MGI:2443517 | protein coding gene | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 1 |
7 | gene | 25.75650 | 25.78873 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347244 | Axl | NCBI_Gene:26362,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002602 | MGI:1347244 | protein coding gene | AXL receptor tyrosine kinase |
7 | pseudogene | 25.79215 | 25.80300 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588922 | Gm29763 | NCBI_Gene:101056023,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108767 | MGI:5588922 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29763 |
7 | gene | 25.80248 | 25.81691 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921384 | Cyp2s1 | NCBI_Gene:74134,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040703 | MGI:1921384 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily s, polypeptide 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.81018 | 25.81046 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753802 | Gm45226 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108691 | MGI:5753802 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45226 |
7 | gene | 25.81665 | 25.82065 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477201 | Gm26707 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097017 | MGI:5477201 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26707 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.82854 | 25.82890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782796 | Gm4613 | NCBI_Gene:100043732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090467 | MGI:3782796 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4613 |
7 | gene | 25.82863 | 25.82873 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454642 | Gm24865 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076445 | MGI:5454642 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24865 |
7 | gene | 25.83795 | 25.83996 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825652 | Gm46015 | NCBI_Gene:108167492 | MGI:5825652 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46015 |
7 | gene | 25.86014 | 25.86988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589305 | Gm30146 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108415 | MGI:5589305 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30146 |
7 | gene | 25.86895 | 25.86905 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453698 | Gm23921 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092999 | MGI:5453698 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23921 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.87533 | 25.87568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753804 | Gm45228 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108809 | MGI:5753804 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45228 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.88200 | 25.88583 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648424 | Gm6434 | NCBI_Gene:101055953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091233 | MGI:3648424 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6434 |
7 | gene | 25.89762 | 25.92662 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88598 | Cyp2b10 | NCBI_Gene:13088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030483 | MGI:88598 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 10 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.95023 | 25.98845 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3716993 | Cyp2b28-ps | NCBI_Gene:232993 | MGI:3716993 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 28, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 25.95025 | 25.95042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753803 | Gm45227 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108552 | MGI:5753803 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45227 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.98150 | 25.98846 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753801 | Gm45225 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108589 | MGI:5753801 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45225 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.00461 | 26.02891 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643081 | Cyp2b27-ps | NCBI_Gene:667957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108606 | MGI:3643081 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 27, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 26.00989 | 26.01239 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652842 | BC026762 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108413 | MGI:2652842 | lncRNA gene | cDNA sequence BC026762 |
7 | gene | 26.06150 | 26.09620 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88599 | Cyp2b13 | NCBI_Gene:13089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040583 | MGI:88599 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 13 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.07181 | 26.07575 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645710 | Rnf170-ps | NCBI_Gene:668047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101800 | MGI:3645710 | pseudogene | ring finger protein 170, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 26.09956 | 26.10032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589079 | Gm29920 | NCBI_Gene:102631625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108342 | MGI:5589079 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29920 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.13475 | 26.14859 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648075 | Cyp2b26-ps | NCBI_Gene:100503967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108544 | MGI:3648075 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 26, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 26.17334 | 26.21066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88600 | Cyp2b9 | NCBI_Gene:13094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040660 | MGI:88600 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 9 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.24590 | 26.24796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646241 | Gm8902 | NCBI_Gene:667968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092464 | MGI:3646241 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8902 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.25508 | 26.25563 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3852450 | Vmn1r-ps86 | NCBI_Gene:100312515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092514 | MGI:3852450 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 86 |
7 | gene | 26.26033 | 26.27062 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3852451 | Vmn1r184 | NCBI_Gene:100312477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046130 | MGI:3852451 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, 184 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.29238 | 26.29277 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753540 | Gm44964 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108698 | MGI:5753540 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44964 |
7 | gene | 26.30442 | 26.30729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625260 | Gm42375 | NCBI_Gene:105247243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108431 | MGI:5625260 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42375 |
7 | gene | 26.30717 | 26.31509 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88596 | Cyp2a4 | NCBI_Gene:13086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074254 | MGI:88596 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 4 |
7 | gene | 26.32247 | 26.40370 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028627 | Nlrp9c | NCBI_Gene:330490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040614 | MGI:3028627 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 9C |
7 | gene | 26.43511 | 26.47614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443697 | Nlrp4a | NCBI_Gene:243880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040601 | MGI:2443697 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 4A |
7 | gene | 26.53118 | 26.53129 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455724 | Gm25947 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094866 | MGI:5455724 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25947 |
7 | gene | 26.53502 | 26.57561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2675292 | Nlrp9a | NCBI_Gene:233001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054102 | MGI:2675292 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 9A |
7 | gene | 26.60764 | 26.61846 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2159634 | Vmn1r185 | NCBI_Gene:171265,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091924 | MGI:2159634 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 185 |
7 | gene | 26.66523 | 26.68644 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646735 | Cyp2b23 | NCBI_Gene:243881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040650 | MGI:3646735 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 23 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.73846 | 26.74590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753610 | Gm45034 | NCBI_Gene:108167478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108692 | MGI:5753610 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45034 |
7 | gene | 26.75714 | 26.77263 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107303 | Cyp2b19 | NCBI_Gene:13090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066704 | MGI:107303 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 19 |
7 | gene | 26.80889 | 26.82120 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109612 | Cyp2g1 | NCBI_Gene:13108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049685 | MGI:109612 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily g, polypeptide 1 |
7 | gene | 26.83531 | 26.84355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88597 | Cyp2a5 | NCBI_Gene:13087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005547 | MGI:88597 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 5 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.91738 | 26.95255 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647278 | Cyp2a21-ps | NCBI_Gene:330491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108487 | MGI:3647278 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 21, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 26.91877 | 26.91935 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010230 | Api5-ps | NCBI_Gene:100416331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108731 | MGI:5010230 | pseudogene | apoptosis inhibitor 5, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 26.93163 | 26.93941 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648316 | Cyp2a22 | NCBI_Gene:233005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091867 | MGI:3648316 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 22 |
7 | gene | 27.02908 | 27.03738 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105055 | Cyp2a12 | NCBI_Gene:13085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060407 | MGI:105055 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 12 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.04685 | 27.04771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782467 | Gm4290 | NCBI_Gene:100043199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108637 | MGI:3782467 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4290 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.04850 | 27.04904 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6324753 | Gm50480 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118450 | MGI:6324753 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50480 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.06051 | 27.06782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588913 | Gm29754 | NCBI_Gene:101055972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108682 | MGI:5588913 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29754 |
7 | gene | 27.11991 | 27.13366 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88608 | Cyp2f2 | NCBI_Gene:13107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052974 | MGI:88608 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily f, polypeptide 2 |
7 | gene | 27.12448 | 27.13067 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801875 | Gm15883 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086868 | MGI:3801875 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15883 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.14839 | 27.14864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753216 | Gm44640 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108306 | MGI:5753216 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44640 |
7 | gene | 27.15371 | 27.15867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686296 | Cyp2t4 | NCBI_Gene:384724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078787 | MGI:2686296 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily t, polypeptide 4 |
7 | gene | 27.15866 | 27.16680 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1932287 | Egln2 | NCBI_Gene:112406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058709 | MGI:1932287 | protein coding gene | egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 2 |
7 | gene | 27.16842 | 27.17890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105071 | Rab4b | NCBI_Gene:19342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053291 | MGI:105071 | protein coding gene | RAB4B, member RAS oncogene family |
7 | gene | 27.16843 | 27.18109 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439452 | Gm21983 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095538 | MGI:5439452 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 21983 |
7 | gene | 27.17601 | 27.17609 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834315 | Mir3101 | miRBase:MI0014093,NCBI_Gene:100526505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093348 | MGI:4834315 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3101 |
7 | gene | 27.17974 | 27.18116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109615 | Mia | NCBI_Gene:12587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089661 | MGI:109615 | protein coding gene | melanoma inhibitory activity |
7 | gene | 27.18700 | 27.19627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1855690 | Snrpa | NCBI_Gene:53607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061479 | MGI:1855690 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A |
7 | gene | 27.19578 | 27.21019 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041247 | BC024978 | NCBI_Gene:414069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078786 | MGI:3041247 | protein coding gene | cDNA sequence BC024978 |
7 | gene | 27.20554 | 27.20566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783364 | Mir1191 | miRBase:MI0006296,NCBI_Gene:100316839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080533 | MGI:3783364 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1191 |
7 | gene | 27.20573 | 27.20612 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915934 | 1110035D15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110035D15 gene |
7 | gene | 27.20717 | 27.22866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442554 | Itpkc | NCBI_Gene:233011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003752 | MGI:2442554 | protein coding gene | inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase C |
7 | gene | 27.22861 | 27.25795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924139 | Coq8b | NCBI_Gene:76889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003762 | MGI:1924139 | protein coding gene | coenzyme Q8B |
7 | gene | 27.24926 | 27.25793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783016 | Gm15567 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084974 | MGI:3783016 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15567 |
7 | gene | 27.25218 | 27.26225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753217 | Gm44641 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108378 | MGI:5753217 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44641 |
7 | gene | 27.25843 | 27.28215 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_894702 | Numbl | NCBI_Gene:18223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063160 | MGI:894702 | protein coding gene | numb-like |
7 | pseudogene | 27.27176 | 27.27239 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783018 | Gm15570 | NCBI_Gene:100416332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083622 | MGI:3783018 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15570 |
7 | gene | 27.28218 | 27.28313 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925864 | 9530041E20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530041E20 gene |
7 | gene | 27.30514 | 27.33971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1321395 | Ltbp4 | NCBI_Gene:108075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040488 | MGI:1321395 | protein coding gene | latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4 |
7 | gene | 27.32980 | 27.33681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589702 | Gm30543 | NCBI_Gene:102632481 | MGI:5589702 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30543 |
7 | gene | 27.34213 | 27.35602 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385803 | Shkbp1 | NCBI_Gene:192192,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089832 | MGI:2385803 | protein coding gene | Sh3kbp1 binding protein 1 |
7 | gene | 27.35265 | 27.35742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141944 | Gm20479 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092367 | MGI:5141944 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 20479 |
7 | gene | 27.35638 | 27.44770 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890574 | Sptbn4 | NCBI_Gene:80297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011751 | MGI:1890574 | protein coding gene | spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 4 |
7 | gene | 27.43314 | 27.43437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753500 | Gm44924 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108416 | MGI:5753500 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44924 |
7 | gene | 27.44798 | 27.46614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385271 | Blvrb | NCBI_Gene:233016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040466 | MGI:2385271 | protein coding gene | biliverdin reductase B (flavin reductase (NADPH)) |
7 | pseudogene | 27.46889 | 27.47062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645709 | Pgam1-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:668045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082016 | MGI:3645709 | pseudogene | phosphoglycerate mutase 1, pseudogene 2 |
7 | gene | 27.47377 | 27.47736 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2180697 | Sertad3 | NCBI_Gene:170742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055200 | MGI:2180697 | protein coding gene | SERTA domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 27.48052 | 27.48684 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621857 | Gm38972 | NCBI_Gene:105242886 | MGI:5621857 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38972 |
7 | gene | 27.48691 | 27.49032 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913438 | Sertad1 | NCBI_Gene:55942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008384 | MGI:1913438 | protein coding gene | SERTA domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 27.49930 | 27.52021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108176 | Prx | NCBI_Gene:19153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053198 | MGI:108176 | protein coding gene | periaxin |
7 | gene | 27.50272 | 27.50812 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782989 | Gm15541 | NCBI_Gene:105242887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087371 | MGI:3782989 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15541 |
7 | gene | 27.52326 | 27.53118 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685008 | Hipk4 | NCBI_Gene:233020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040424 | MGI:2685008 | protein coding gene | homeodomain interacting protein kinase 4 |
7 | gene | 27.53165 | 27.55322 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333782 | Pld3 | NCBI_Gene:18807,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003363 | MGI:1333782 | protein coding gene | phospholipase D family, member 3 |
7 | gene | 27.55323 | 27.58210 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913617 | 2310022A10Rik | NCBI_Gene:66367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049643 | MGI:1913617 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310022A10 gene |
7 | gene | 27.55654 | 27.55950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825612 | Gm45975 | NCBI_Gene:108167412 | MGI:5825612 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 45975 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.58841 | 27.58895 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010231 | Gm18046 | NCBI_Gene:100416333 | MGI:5010231 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18046 |
7 | gene | 27.59155 | 27.64083 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104874 | Akt2 | NCBI_Gene:11652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004056 | MGI:104874 | protein coding gene | thymoma viral proto-oncogene 2 |
7 | gene | 27.64919 | 27.65368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621858 | Gm38973 | NCBI_Gene:105242888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108592 | MGI:5621858 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38973 |
7 | gene | 27.65392 | 27.65735 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920282 | Ttc9b | NCBI_Gene:73032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007944 | MGI:1920282 | protein coding gene | tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9B |
7 | gene | 27.65638 | 27.67461 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346879 | Map3k10 | NCBI_Gene:269881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040390 | MGI:1346879 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 10 |
7 | gene | 27.67093 | 27.67178 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923940 | 1500037F05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1500037F05 gene |
7 | gene | 27.67466 | 27.67784 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753260 | Gm44684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108520 | MGI:5753260 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44684 |
7 | gene | 27.67466 | 27.70648 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2148237 | Zfp607b | NCBI_Gene:112415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057093 | MGI:2148237 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 607B |
7 | gene | 27.67883 | 27.69021 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825613 | Gm45976 | NCBI_Gene:108167413 | MGI:5825613 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45976 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.70972 | 27.71051 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2156868 | Phf5b-ps | NCBI_Gene:260344 | MGI:2156868 | pseudogene | PHD finger protein 5B, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 27.73139 | 27.75370 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99207 | Zfp60 | NCBI_Gene:22718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037640 | MGI:99207 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 60 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.76567 | 27.77097 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3797981 | Gm10046 | NCBI_Gene:100043229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109143 | MGI:3797981 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10046 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.78438 | 27.79548 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588969 | Gm29810 | NCBI_Gene:101056270 | MGI:5588969 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29810 |
7 | gene | 27.80421 | 27.82292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918413 | Zfp626 | NCBI_Gene:71163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030604 | MGI:1918413 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 626 |
7 | gene | 27.83858 | 27.85677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99206 | Zfp59 | NCBI_Gene:22717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078779 | MGI:99206 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 59 |
7 | gene | 27.85753 | 27.90306 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3584526 | Zfp607a | NCBI_Gene:545938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000020420 | MGI:3584526 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 607A |
7 | pseudogene | 27.88240 | 27.88462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3029152 | Prkcz2 | NCBI_Gene:404705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108314 | MGI:3029152 | pseudogene | protein kinase C, zeta 2 |
7 | gene | 27.90739 | 27.92946 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920680 | Zfp974 | NCBI_Gene:73430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070709 | MGI:1920680 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 974 |
7 | gene | 27.92538 | 27.92738 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621605 | Gm38720 | NCBI_Gene:105242528 | MGI:5621605 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38720 |
7 | gene | 27.92755 | 27.93100 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477385 | Gm26891 | NCBI_Gene:105247244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097455 | MGI:5477385 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26891 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.94890 | 27.94982 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704290 | Gm10651 | NCBI_Gene:100043771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074243 | MGI:3704290 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 10651 |
7 | gene | 27.95913 | 27.97917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444764 | Zfp780b | NCBI_Gene:338354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063047 | MGI:2444764 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 780B |
7 | pseudogene | 27.98286 | 27.98381 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3852452 | Vmn1r-ps87 | NCBI_Gene:100312516 | MGI:3852452 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 87 |
7 | gene | 27.98447 | 28.01438 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3036281 | Zfp850 | NCBI_Gene:100043772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096916 | MGI:3036281 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 850 |
7 | pseudogene | 28.02246 | 28.02614 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825662 | Gm46025 | NCBI_Gene:108167509 | MGI:5825662 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46025 |
7 | gene | 28.04170 | 28.05010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346093 | Psmc4 | NCBI_Gene:23996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030603 | MGI:1346093 | protein coding gene | proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 4 |
7 | gene | 28.05473 | 28.05584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753320 | Gm44744 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109262 | MGI:5753320 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44744 |
7 | gene | 28.07124 | 28.12086 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444336 | Fcgbp | NCBI_Gene:215384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047730 | MGI:2444336 | protein coding gene | Fc fragment of IgG binding protein |
7 | pseudogene | 28.09331 | 28.14751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439377 | Gm21925 | NCBI_Gene:100416055 | MGI:5439377 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21925 |
7 | gene | 28.09966 | 28.10249 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3809041 | Gm10935 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10935 |
7 | gene | 28.12325 | 28.12336 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454133 | Gm24356 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064793 | MGI:5454133 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24356 |
7 | gene | 28.12947 | 28.16481 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442118 | 9530053A07Rik | NCBI_Gene:319482,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078776 | MGI:2442118 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530053A07 gene |
7 | gene | 28.14609 | 28.14850 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621861 | Gm38976 | NCBI_Gene:105242892 | MGI:5621861 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38976 |
7 | gene | 28.16727 | 28.16967 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590183 | Gm31024 | NCBI_Gene:105242891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109015 | MGI:5590183 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31024 |
7 | gene | 28.16971 | 28.17927 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95486 | Fbl | NCBI_Gene:14113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046865 | MGI:95486 | protein coding gene | fibrillarin |
7 | gene | 28.17947 | 28.19791 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330302 | Dyrk1b | NCBI_Gene:13549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002409 | MGI:1330302 | protein coding gene | dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1b |
7 | gene | 28.22636 | 28.22865 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753587 | Gm45011 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108968 | MGI:5753587 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45011 |
7 | pseudogene | 28.23565 | 28.23615 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010857 | Gm18672 | NCBI_Gene:100417535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109502 | MGI:5010857 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18672 |
7 | gene | 28.24302 | 28.24375 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621476 | Gm38591 | NCBI_Gene:102642006 | MGI:5621476 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38591 |
7 | gene | 28.26788 | 28.26927 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681174 | Eid2 | NCBI_Gene:386655,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046058 | MGI:2681174 | protein coding gene | EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 2 |
7 | gene | 28.27771 | 28.28013 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924095 | Eid2b | NCBI_Gene:434156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070705 | MGI:1924095 | protein coding gene | EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 2B |
7 | gene | 28.28465 | 28.29119 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3608324 | Selenov | NCBI_Gene:280621,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046750 | MGI:3608324 | protein coding gene | selenoprotein V |
7 | gene | 28.29355 | 28.30224 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1096877 | Dll3 | NCBI_Gene:13389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003436 | MGI:1096877 | protein coding gene | delta like canonical Notch ligand 3 |
7 | gene | 28.30552 | 28.31207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913775 | Timm50 | NCBI_Gene:66525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003438 | MGI:1913775 | protein coding gene | translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 50 |
7 | gene | 28.31489 | 28.33880 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1202400 | Supt5 | NCBI_Gene:20924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003435 | MGI:1202400 | protein coding gene | suppressor of Ty 5, DSIF elongation factor subunit |
7 | gene | 28.31490 | 28.31887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753285 | Gm44709 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109168 | MGI:5753285 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44709 |
7 | gene | 28.35065 | 28.35316 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98118 | Rps16 | NCBI_Gene:20055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037563 | MGI:98118 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S16 |
7 | gene | 28.35151 | 28.35163 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439844 | AF357399 | NCBI_Gene:100302567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077711 | MGI:5439844 | snoRNA gene | snoRNA AF357399 |
7 | gene | 28.35960 | 28.37269 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141874 | Plekhg2 | NCBI_Gene:101497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037552 | MGI:2141874 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 2 |
7 | gene | 28.37300 | 28.37309 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413917 | n-TIaat16 | NCBI_Gene:102467548 | MGI:4413917 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA isoleucine 16 (anticodon TAT) |
7 | gene | 28.37678 | 28.38025 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99180 | Zfp36 | NCBI_Gene:22695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044786 | MGI:99180 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 36 |
7 | gene | 28.37898 | 28.39251 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753286 | Gm44710 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109455 | MGI:5753286 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44710 |
7 | gene | 28.38525 | 28.39271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914474 | Med29 | NCBI_Gene:67224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003444 | MGI:1914474 | protein coding gene | mediator complex subunit 29 |
7 | gene | 28.39295 | 28.39939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923988 | Paf1 | NCBI_Gene:54624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003437 | MGI:1923988 | protein coding gene | Paf1, RNA polymerase II complex component |
7 | gene | 28.39952 | 28.59814 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2448542 | Samd4b | NCBI_Gene:233033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109336 | MGI:2448542 | protein coding gene | sterile alpha motif domain containing 4B |
7 | gene | 28.43661 | 28.43695 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923971 | 1700085B13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700085B13 gene |
7 | gene | 28.43745 | 28.44823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1927135 | Gmfg | NCBI_Gene:63986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060791 | MGI:1927135 | protein coding gene | glia maturation factor, gamma |
7 | gene | 28.45198 | 28.46824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2136810 | Lrfn1 | NCBI_Gene:80749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030600 | MGI:2136810 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 28.47728 | 28.47987 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646789 | Gm6518 | NCBI_Gene:624672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109201 | MGI:3646789 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6518 |
7 | pseudogene | 28.49255 | 28.49771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917251 | 1700028B04Rik | NCBI_Gene:70001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099417 | MGI:1917251 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 1700028B04 gene |
7 | gene | 28.50878 | 28.51053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647279 | Ifnl2 | NCBI_Gene:330496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059128 | MGI:3647279 | protein coding gene | interferon lambda 2 |
7 | gene | 28.52283 | 28.52440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2450574 | Ifnl3 | NCBI_Gene:338374,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060747 | MGI:2450574 | protein coding gene | interferon lambda 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 28.53471 | 28.53566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012065 | Gm19880 | NCBI_Gene:100503763,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108925 | MGI:5012065 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19880 |
7 | gene | 28.54088 | 28.54221 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915666 | Sycn | NCBI_Gene:68416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084174 | MGI:1915666 | protein coding gene | syncollin |
7 | gene | 28.54360 | 28.54725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685009 | Nccrp1 | NCBI_Gene:233038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047586 | MGI:2685009 | protein coding gene | non-specific cytotoxic cell receptor protein 1 homolog (zebrafish) |
7 | gene | 28.54777 | 28.55023 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621862 | Gm38977 | NCBI_Gene:105242893 | MGI:5621862 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38977 |
7 | gene | 28.55882 | 28.59819 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917834 | Pak4 | NCBI_Gene:70584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030602 | MGI:1917834 | protein coding gene | p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 4 |
7 | gene | 28.56093 | 28.56098 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530659 | Mir7049 | miRBase:MI0022898,NCBI_Gene:102466795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098558 | MGI:5530659 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7049 |
7 | gene | 28.60763 | 28.63135 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142121 | Acp7 | NCBI_Gene:101744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037469 | MGI:2142121 | protein coding gene | acid phosphatase 7, tartrate resistant |
7 | gene | 28.62925 | 28.68194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753194 | Gm44618 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108905 | MGI:5753194 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44618 |
7 | gene | 28.64044 | 28.64567 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753193 | Gm44617 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108865 | MGI:5753193 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44617 |
7 | gene | 28.69279 | 28.69934 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685007 | Fbxo27 | NCBI_Gene:233040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037463 | MGI:2685007 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 27 |
7 | gene | 28.71675 | 28.73814 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1354707 | Fbxo17 | NCBI_Gene:50760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030598 | MGI:1354707 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 17 |
7 | gene | 28.73964 | 28.74190 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346333 | Mrps12 | NCBI_Gene:24030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045948 | MGI:1346333 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein S12 |
7 | gene | 28.74197 | 28.75388 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919234 | Sars2 | NCBI_Gene:71984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070699 | MGI:1919234 | protein coding gene | seryl-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase 2 |
7 | gene | 28.75532 | 28.75897 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645242 | Ccer2 | NCBI_Gene:100504112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096257 | MGI:3645242 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil glutamate-rich protein 2 |
7 | gene | 28.75825 | 28.76751 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104752 | Nfkbib | NCBI_Gene:18036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030595 | MGI:104752 | protein coding gene | nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells inhibitor, beta |
7 | gene | 28.76666 | 28.78867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1927664 | Sirt2 | NCBI_Gene:64383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015149 | MGI:1927664 | protein coding gene | sirtuin 2 |
7 | gene | 28.77490 | 28.78151 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012082 | Gm19897 | NCBI_Gene:100503790 | MGI:5012082 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19897 |
7 | gene | 28.78885 | 28.79896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444024 | Rinl | NCBI_Gene:320435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051735 | MGI:2444024 | protein coding gene | Ras and Rab interactor-like |
7 | gene | 28.79399 | 28.79406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413971 | n-TKctt24 | NCBI_Gene:102467570 | MGI:4413971 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 24 (anticodon TTT) |
7 | gene | 28.80854 | 28.82227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104816 | Hnrnpl | NCBI_Gene:15388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015165 | MGI:104816 | protein coding gene | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L |
7 | gene | 28.80930 | 28.81050 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753278 | Gm44702 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109420 | MGI:5753278 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44702 |
7 | gene | 28.82522 | 28.83225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858208 | Ech1 | NCBI_Gene:51798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053898 | MGI:1858208 | protein coding gene | enoyl coenzyme A hydratase 1, peroxisomal |
7 | gene | 28.83318 | 28.84171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107536 | Lgals4 | NCBI_Gene:16855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053964 | MGI:107536 | protein coding gene | lectin, galactose binding, soluble 4 |
7 | gene | 28.85959 | 28.87633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642037 | Gm10648 | NCBI_Gene:100038382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108930 | MGI:3642037 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10648 |
7 | gene | 28.86385 | 28.86629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1316742 | Lgals7 | NCBI_Gene:16858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053522 | MGI:1316742 | protein coding gene | lectin, galactose binding, soluble 7 |
7 | gene | 28.88142 | 28.89359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891369 | Capn12 | NCBI_Gene:60594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054083 | MGI:1891369 | protein coding gene | calpain 12 |
7 | gene | 28.88713 | 28.88848 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753276 | Gm44700 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109307 | MGI:5753276 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44700 |
7 | gene | 28.89325 | 28.96235 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890773 | Actn4 | NCBI_Gene:60595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054808 | MGI:1890773 | protein coding gene | actinin alpha 4 |
7 | gene | 28.92095 | 28.94353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753275 | Gm44699 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109314 | MGI:5753275 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44699 |
7 | gene | 28.92742 | 28.93212 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621863 | Gm38978 | NCBI_Gene:105242894 | MGI:5621863 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38978 |
7 | gene | 28.97137 | 28.98189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921080 | Eif3k | NCBI_Gene:73830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053565 | MGI:1921080 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit K |
7 | gene | 28.98205 | 29.00328 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346882 | Map4k1 | NCBI_Gene:26411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037337 | MGI:1346882 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 1 |
7 | gene | 29.00334 | 29.12518 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99659 | Ryr1 | NCBI_Gene:20190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030592 | MGI:99659 | protein coding gene | ryanodine receptor 1, skeletal muscle |
7 | gene | 29.02902 | 29.03025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621864 | Gm38979 | NCBI_Gene:105242895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109017 | MGI:5621864 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38979 |
7 | gene | 29.04563 | 29.04569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5690800 | Gm44408 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105563 | MGI:5690800 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 44408 |
7 | gene | 29.07160 | 29.08114 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477098 | Gm26604 | NCBI_Gene:233045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097079 | MGI:5477098 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26604 |
7 | gene | 29.08364 | 29.08369 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3837208 | Mir1963 | miRBase:MI0009960,NCBI_Gene:100316710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089219 | MGI:3837208 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1963 |
7 | gene | 29.13485 | 29.15396 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2386851 | Rasgrp4 | NCBI_Gene:233046,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030589 | MGI:2386851 | protein coding gene | RAS guanyl releasing protein 4 |
7 | gene | 29.13844 | 29.14031 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3826590 | Gm16282 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090009 | MGI:3826590 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16282 |
7 | gene | 29.15251 | 29.15636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921083 | Fam98c | NCBI_Gene:73833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030590 | MGI:1921083 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 98, member C |
7 | gene | 29.15568 | 29.15692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915936 | 1110035H17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099098 | MGI:1915936 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110035H17 gene |
7 | gene | 29.15727 | 29.17041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142186 | Spred3 | NCBI_Gene:101809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037239 | MGI:2142186 | protein coding gene | sprouty-related EVH1 domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 29.17021 | 29.17398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2181461 | Ggn | NCBI_Gene:243897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031493 | MGI:2181461 | protein coding gene | gametogenetin |
7 | gene | 29.17419 | 29.18070 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1888669 | Psmd8 | NCBI_Gene:57296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030591 | MGI:1888669 | protein coding gene | proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 8 |
7 | gene | 29.18132 | 29.21563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443617 | Catsperg1 | NCBI_Gene:320225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049676 | MGI:2443617 | protein coding gene | cation channel sperm associated auxiliary subunit gamma 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.18304 | 29.18338 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937940 | Gm17113 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061115 | MGI:4937940 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17113 |
7 | gene | 29.22193 | 29.23252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891291 | Kcnk6 | NCBI_Gene:52150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046410 | MGI:1891291 | protein coding gene | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily K, member 6 |
7 | gene | 29.23648 | 29.24760 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924504 | Yif1b | NCBI_Gene:77254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030588 | MGI:1924504 | protein coding gene | Yip1 interacting factor homolog B (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 29.24656 | 29.24847 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919525 | 2200002D01Rik | NCBI_Gene:72275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030587 | MGI:1919525 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2200002D01 gene |
7 | gene | 29.25632 | 29.28207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338031 | Spint2 | NCBI_Gene:20733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074227 | MGI:1338031 | protein coding gene | serine protease inhibitor, Kunitz type 2 |
7 | gene | 29.28358 | 29.28836 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825614 | Gm45977 | NCBI_Gene:108167414 | MGI:5825614 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45977 |
7 | gene | 29.28931 | 29.29380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1931139 | Ppp1r14a | NCBI_Gene:68458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037166 | MGI:1931139 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 14A |
7 | gene | 29.30395 | 29.31824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1352748 | Dpf1 | NCBI_Gene:29861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030584 | MGI:1352748 | protein coding gene | D4, zinc and double PHD fingers family 1 |
7 | gene | 29.31677 | 29.31940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753208 | Gm44632 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109351 | MGI:5753208 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44632 |
7 | gene | 29.32037 | 29.51907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921456 | Sipa1l3 | NCBI_Gene:74206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030583 | MGI:1921456 | protein coding gene | signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.51907 | 29.53805 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2149781 | 4932431P20Rik | NCBI_Gene:114675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074224 | MGI:2149781 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 4932431P20 gene |
7 | gene | 29.55216 | 29.55303 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922463 | 4930544L20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930544L20 gene |
7 | gene | 29.55347 | 29.55563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621867 | Gm38982 | NCBI_Gene:105242898 | MGI:5621867 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38982 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.55662 | 29.58217 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045259 | 4930432E11Rik | NCBI_Gene:243900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046958 | MGI:3045259 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 4930432E11 gene |
7 | gene | 29.56037 | 29.56282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580032 | Gm29326 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100400 | MGI:5580032 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29326 |
7 | gene | 29.56890 | 29.57393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028066 | A330087D11Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100111 | MGI:3028066 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A330087D11 gene |
7 | gene | 29.57888 | 29.57983 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045241 | 6330444E15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330444E15 gene |
7 | gene | 29.61948 | 29.62258 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825615 | Gm45978 | NCBI_Gene:108167415 | MGI:5825615 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 45978 |
7 | gene | 29.65716 | 29.65728 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422016 | n-R5s153 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065385 | MGI:4422016 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 153 |
7 | gene | 29.69722 | 29.72705 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923968 | Catsperg2 | NCBI_Gene:76718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049123 | MGI:1923968 | protein coding gene | cation channel sperm associated auxiliary subunit gamma 2 |
7 | gene | 29.73732 | 29.73742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452880 | Gm23103 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065659 | MGI:5452880 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23103 |
7 | gene | 29.76379 | 29.76842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621868 | Gm38983 | NCBI_Gene:105242900 | MGI:5621868 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38983 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.76444 | 29.76466 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753530 | Gm44954 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109205 | MGI:5753530 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44954 |
7 | gene | 29.76855 | 29.78142 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107780 | Zfp84 | NCBI_Gene:74352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046185 | MGI:107780 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 84 |
7 | gene | 29.77329 | 29.77338 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3837209 | Mir1964 | miRBase:MI0009961,NCBI_Gene:100316711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089139 | MGI:3837209 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1964 |
7 | gene | 29.78395 | 29.79470 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99178 | Zfp30 | NCBI_Gene:22693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047473 | MGI:99178 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 30 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.79823 | 29.80012 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643038 | Gm6579 | NCBI_Gene:625349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109565 | MGI:3643038 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6579 |
7 | gene | 29.81601 | 29.83204 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923431 | Zfp790 | NCBI_Gene:233056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011427 | MGI:1923431 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 790 |
7 | gene | 29.83362 | 29.85375 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446235 | Zfp940 | NCBI_Gene:233057,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050855 | MGI:2446235 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 940 |
7 | gene | 29.85309 | 29.85899 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477048 | Gm26554 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097809 | MGI:5477048 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26554 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.85564 | 29.85606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4938026 | Gm17199 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090331 | MGI:4938026 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17199 |
7 | gene | 29.85997 | 29.87730 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444666 | Zfp420 | NCBI_Gene:233058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058402 | MGI:2444666 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 420 |
7 | gene | 29.89016 | 29.89259 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920133 | 2900035I09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900035I09 gene |
7 | gene | 29.89333 | 29.90657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99174 | Zfp27 | NCBI_Gene:22689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062040 | MGI:99174 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 27 |
7 | gene | 29.90651 | 29.90657 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531343 | Mir7668 | miRBase:MI0025008,NCBI_Gene:102465770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098873 | MGI:5531343 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7668 |
7 | gene | 29.90822 | 29.91681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920979 | Zfp383 | NCBI_Gene:73729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099689 | MGI:1920979 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 383 |
7 | gene | 29.92698 | 29.93041 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753449 | Gm44873 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109105 | MGI:5753449 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44873 |
7 | gene | 29.93081 | 29.95444 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107784 | Zfp74 | NCBI_Gene:72723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059975 | MGI:107784 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 74 |
7 | gene | 29.95362 | 29.96966 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442417 | C230062I16Rik | NCBI_Gene:625421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063623 | MGI:2442417 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C230062I16 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 29.96510 | 29.96565 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642393 | Mif-ps | NCBI_Gene:100043796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083669 | MGI:3642393 | pseudogene | macrophage migration inhibitory factor, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 29.97060 | 29.98376 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590894 | Gm31735 | NCBI_Gene:102634056 | MGI:5590894 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31735 |
7 | gene | 29.98396 | 30.02828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142347 | Zfp568 | NCBI_Gene:243905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074221 | MGI:2142347 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 568 |
7 | gene | 30.03636 | 30.05194 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99160 | Zfp14 | NCBI_Gene:243906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053985 | MGI:99160 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 14 |
7 | gene | 30.05449 | 30.07290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890753 | Zfp82 | NCBI_Gene:330502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098022 | MGI:1890753 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 82 |
7 | gene | 30.05603 | 30.09041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504035 | Gm26920 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058447 | MGI:5504035 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 26920 |
7 | gene | 30.07734 | 30.09053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919806 | Zfp566 | NCBI_Gene:72556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078768 | MGI:1919806 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 566 |
7 | pseudogene | 30.08547 | 30.08589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753448 | Gm44872 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109218 | MGI:5753448 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44872 |
7 | gene | 30.09478 | 30.10762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347071 | Zfp260 | NCBI_Gene:26466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049421 | MGI:1347071 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 260 |
7 | gene | 30.09681 | 30.09792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441795 | A430042F24Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A430042F24 gene |
7 | gene | 30.10084 | 30.10093 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453145 | Gm23368 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093495 | MGI:5453145 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23368 |
7 | gene | 30.12157 | 30.14076 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3588204 | Zfp382 | NCBI_Gene:233060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074220 | MGI:3588204 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 382 |
7 | gene | 30.13991 | 30.14075 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921104 | 4930428B01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930428B01 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 30.15140 | 30.15293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779203 | Gm10988 | NCBI_Gene:100416701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108926 | MGI:3779203 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10988 |
7 | gene | 30.16049 | 30.16978 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347092 | Zfp146 | NCBI_Gene:26465,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037029 | MGI:1347092 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 146 |
7 | gene | 30.16049 | 30.16078 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3026990 | 8430406M14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 8430406M14 gene |
7 | gene | 30.16988 | 30.18232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644651 | Gm5113 | NCBI_Gene:330503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066647 | MGI:3644651 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5113 |
7 | gene | 30.18414 | 30.18608 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1316714 | Cox7a1 | NCBI_Gene:12865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074218 | MGI:1316714 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A1 |
7 | gene | 30.18694 | 30.19881 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88266 | Capns1 | NCBI_Gene:12336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001794 | MGI:88266 | protein coding gene | calpain, small subunit 1 |
7 | gene | 30.19395 | 30.20089 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477304 | Gm26810 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097817 | MGI:5477304 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26810 |
7 | pseudogene | 30.21263 | 30.21274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753176 | Gm44600 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109142 | MGI:5753176 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44600 |
7 | gene | 30.22413 | 30.23227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913661 | Tbcb | NCBI_Gene:66411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006095 | MGI:1913661 | protein coding gene | tubulin folding cofactor B |
7 | gene | 30.23195 | 30.23339 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917170 | Polr2i | NCBI_Gene:69920,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019738 | MGI:1917170 | protein coding gene | polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide I |
7 | gene | 30.23330 | 30.23719 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2388075 | Ovol3 | NCBI_Gene:381867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100512 | MGI:2388075 | protein coding gene | ovo like zinc finger 3 |
7 | gene | 30.24014 | 30.28042 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923696 | Wdr62 | NCBI_Gene:233064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037020 | MGI:1923696 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 62 |
7 | pseudogene | 30.26318 | 30.26366 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644977 | Rps12-ps5 | NCBI_Gene:668354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081565 | MGI:3644977 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S12, pseudogene 5 |
7 | gene | 30.28009 | 30.29024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922879 | Thap8 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013928 | MGI:1922879 | protein coding gene | THAP domain containing 8 |
7 | gene | 30.29168 | 30.30837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923936 | Clip3 | NCBI_Gene:76686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013921 | MGI:1923936 | protein coding gene | CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein 3 |
7 | gene | 30.30872 | 30.31430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142037 | Alkbh6 | NCBI_Gene:233065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042831 | MGI:2142037 | protein coding gene | alkB homolog 6 |
7 | gene | 30.31152 | 30.31189 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454534 | Gm24757 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093571 | MGI:5454534 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24757 |
7 | gene | 30.31481 | 30.31905 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141950 | Syne4 | NCBI_Gene:233066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019737 | MGI:2141950 | protein coding gene | spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope family member 4 |
7 | gene | 30.32141 | 30.32390 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915582 | Sdhaf1 | NCBI_Gene:68332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074211 | MGI:1915582 | protein coding gene | succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 1 |
7 | gene | 30.32174 | 30.32347 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3767226 | E130208F15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074210 | MGI:3767226 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA E130208F15 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 30.33480 | 30.33520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6324756 | Gm50483 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118440 | MGI:6324756 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50483 |
7 | gene | 30.34660 | 30.35395 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925421 | 4930479H17Rik | NCBI_Gene:78171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109049 | MGI:1925421 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930479H17 gene |
7 | gene | 30.35549 | 30.36277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442512 | Lrfn3 | NCBI_Gene:233067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036957 | MGI:2442512 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 30.35673 | 30.35692 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455036 | Gm25259 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064982 | MGI:5455036 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25259 |
7 | gene | 30.39240 | 30.39864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625261 | Gm42376 | NCBI_Gene:105247245 | MGI:5625261 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42376 |
7 | gene | 30.41092 | 30.41371 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591188 | Gm32029 | NCBI_Gene:102634448 | MGI:5591188 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32029 |
7 | gene | 30.41376 | 30.41758 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277211 | Tyrobp | NCBI_Gene:22177,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030579 | MGI:1277211 | protein coding gene | TYRO protein tyrosine kinase binding protein |
7 | gene | 30.41771 | 30.41985 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1344360 | Hcst | NCBI_Gene:23900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064109 | MGI:1344360 | protein coding gene | hematopoietic cell signal transducer |
7 | gene | 30.42173 | 30.42875 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041243 | Nfkbid | NCBI_Gene:243910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036931 | MGI:3041243 | protein coding gene | nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells inhibitor, delta |
7 | pseudogene | 30.43071 | 30.43285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589805 | Gm30646 | NCBI_Gene:102632619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109467 | MGI:5589805 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 30646 |
7 | gene | 30.43498 | 30.44560 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88046 | Aplp1 | NCBI_Gene:11803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006651 | MGI:88046 | protein coding gene | amyloid beta (A4) precursor-like protein 1 |
7 | gene | 30.44753 | 30.45769 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442334 | Kirrel2 | NCBI_Gene:243911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036915 | MGI:2442334 | protein coding gene | kirre like nephrin family adhesion molecule 2 |
7 | gene | 30.45470 | 30.45562 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825616 | Gm45979 | NCBI_Gene:108167417 | MGI:5825616 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45979 |
7 | gene | 30.45821 | 30.48861 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859637 | Nphs1 | NCBI_Gene:54631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006649 | MGI:1859637 | protein coding gene | nephrosis 1, nephrin |
7 | gene | 30.46216 | 30.46559 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2675468 | Nphs1os | NCBI_Gene:445267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087009 | MGI:2675468 | antisense lncRNA gene | nephrosis 1 homolog, nephrin, opposite strand |
7 | pseudogene | 30.48466 | 30.48518 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780139 | Rps12-ps4 | NCBI_Gene:100034728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109509 | MGI:3780139 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S12, pseudogene 4 |
7 | gene | 30.49359 | 30.51340 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929093 | Prodh2 | NCBI_Gene:56189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036892 | MGI:1929093 | protein coding gene | proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 2 |
7 | gene | 30.51512 | 30.52219 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685928 | Arhgap33os | NCBI_Gene:100504207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062132 | MGI:2685928 | antisense lncRNA gene | Rho GTPase activating protein 33, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 30.52222 | 30.53509 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2673998 | Arhgap33 | NCBI_Gene:233071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036882 | MGI:2673998 | protein coding gene | Rho GTPase activating protein 33 |
7 | gene | 30.53913 | 30.55244 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2681861 | Proser3 | NCBI_Gene:333193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036864 | MGI:2681861 | protein coding gene | proline and serine rich 3 |
7 | gene | 30.53967 | 30.53986 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915470 | 1700019A23Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109102 | MGI:1915470 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700019A23 gene |
7 | gene | 30.55218 | 30.55544 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685325 | Hspb6 | NCBI_Gene:243912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036854 | MGI:2685325 | protein coding gene | heat shock protein, alpha-crystallin-related, B6 |
7 | gene | 30.55283 | 30.55290 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621555 | Gm38670 | NCBI_Gene:104795949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106236 | MGI:5621555 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 38670 |
7 | gene | 30.55544 | 30.55984 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922910 | Lin37 | NCBI_Gene:75660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036845 | MGI:1922910 | protein coding gene | lin-37 homolog (C. elegans) |
7 | gene | 30.56186 | 30.56363 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913590 | Psenen | NCBI_Gene:66340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036835 | MGI:1913590 | protein coding gene | presenilin enhancer gamma secretase subunit |
7 | gene | 30.56330 | 30.56536 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2678374 | U2af1l4 | NCBI_Gene:233073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078765 | MGI:2678374 | protein coding gene | U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1-like 4 |
7 | gene | 30.56334 | 30.56796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6121629 | Gm49396 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109378 | MGI:6121629 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49396 |
7 | gene | 30.56543 | 30.56796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3655979 | Igflr1 | NCBI_Gene:101883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036826 | MGI:3655979 | protein coding gene | IGF-like family receptor 1 |
7 | gene | 30.56885 | 30.58873 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109565 | Kmt2b | NCBI_Gene:75410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006307 | MGI:109565 | protein coding gene | lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2B |
7 | gene | 30.58890 | 30.59152 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591241 | Gm32082 | NCBI_Gene:102634521 | MGI:5591241 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32082 |
7 | gene | 30.58938 | 30.58944 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530661 | Mir3569 | miRBase:MI0025014,NCBI_Gene:102465774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098553 | MGI:5530661 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3569 |
7 | gene | 30.58968 | 30.60282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891838 | Zbtb32 | NCBI_Gene:58206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006310 | MGI:1891838 | protein coding gene | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 32 |
7 | gene | 30.60309 | 30.61285 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98911 | Upk1a | NCBI_Gene:109637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006313 | MGI:98911 | protein coding gene | uroplakin 1A |
7 | gene | 30.61686 | 30.62615 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107460 | Cox6b1 | NCBI_Gene:110323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036751 | MGI:107460 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase, subunit 6B1 |
7 | gene | 30.63362 | 30.63651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99253 | Etv2 | NCBI_Gene:14008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006311 | MGI:99253 | protein coding gene | ets variant 2 |
7 | gene | 30.63663 | 30.63841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924278 | 4921520E09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921520E09 gene |
7 | gene | 30.64100 | 30.65032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915285 | Rbm42 | NCBI_Gene:68035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036733 | MGI:1915285 | protein coding gene | RNA binding motif protein 42 |
7 | gene | 30.64100 | 30.66494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439451 | Gm21982 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094365 | MGI:5439451 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 21982 |
7 | gene | 30.65038 | 30.65271 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477104 | Gm26610 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097674 | MGI:5477104 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26610 |
7 | gene | 30.65371 | 30.66499 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919159 | Haus5 | NCBI_Gene:71909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078762 | MGI:1919159 | protein coding gene | HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 5 |
7 | gene | 30.67072 | 30.67160 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922177 | Pmis2 | NCBI_Gene:74927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049761 | MGI:1922177 | protein coding gene | PMIS2 transmembrane protein |
7 | gene | 30.69889 | 30.71030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916397 | 2200002J24Rik | NCBI_Gene:69147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013083 | MGI:1916397 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2200002J24 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 30.70974 | 30.71026 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643348 | Gm4883 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066620 | MGI:3643348 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4883 |
7 | gene | 30.71221 | 30.72553 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88113 | Atp4a | NCBI_Gene:11944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005553 | MGI:88113 | protein coding gene | ATPase, H+/K+ exchanging, gastric, alpha polypeptide |
7 | gene | 30.72770 | 30.72954 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915011 | Tmem147 | NCBI_Gene:69804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006315 | MGI:1915011 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 147 |
7 | gene | 30.72958 | 30.75613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642392 | Tmem147os | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109224 | MGI:3642392 | antisense lncRNA gene | transmembrane protein 147, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 30.72978 | 30.74479 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95653 | Gapdhs | NCBI_Gene:14447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061099 | MGI:95653 | protein coding gene | glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, spermatogenic |
7 | gene | 30.73765 | 30.74844 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504050 | Gm26935 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098146 | MGI:5504050 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26935 |
7 | gene | 30.74897 | 30.75613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446326 | Sbsn | NCBI_Gene:282619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046056 | MGI:2446326 | protein coding gene | suprabasin |
7 | gene | 30.76372 | 30.78107 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920962 | Dmkn | NCBI_Gene:73712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060962 | MGI:1920962 | protein coding gene | dermokine |
7 | gene | 30.78790 | 30.79110 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928282 | Krtdap | NCBI_Gene:64661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074199 | MGI:1928282 | protein coding gene | keratinocyte differentiation associated protein |
7 | gene | 30.81803 | 30.82378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441731 | Ffar2 | NCBI_Gene:233079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051314 | MGI:2441731 | protein coding gene | free fatty acid receptor 2 |
7 | gene | 30.82030 | 30.82859 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591395 | Gm32236 | NCBI_Gene:102634718 | MGI:5591395 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32236 |
7 | gene | 30.85433 | 30.85618 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685324 | Ffar3 | NCBI_Gene:233080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019429 | MGI:2685324 | protein coding gene | free fatty acid receptor 3 |
7 | gene | 30.85739 | 30.86156 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684079 | Ffar1 | NCBI_Gene:233081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044453 | MGI:2684079 | protein coding gene | free fatty acid receptor 1 |
7 | gene | 30.86540 | 30.88034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88322 | Cd22 | NCBI_Gene:12483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030577 | MGI:88322 | protein coding gene | CD22 antigen |
7 | gene | 30.87273 | 30.87333 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580145 | Gm29439 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101029 | MGI:5580145 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29439 |
7 | gene | 30.88195 | 30.88645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098716 | D7Ertd128e | NCBI_Gene:52222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100029 | MGI:1098716 | lncRNA gene | DNA segment, Chr 7, ERATO Doi 128, expressed |
7 | gene | 30.89917 | 30.91492 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96912 | Mag | NCBI_Gene:17136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036634 | MGI:96912 | protein coding gene | myelin-associated glycoprotein |
7 | gene | 30.91698 | 30.94682 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753238 | Gm44662 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108546 | MGI:5753238 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44662 |
7 | gene | 30.92237 | 30.92468 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2153530 | Hamp2 | NCBI_Gene:66438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056978 | MGI:2153530 | protein coding gene | hepcidin antimicrobial peptide 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 30.92593 | 30.92715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2153531 | Usf2-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:140554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108352 | MGI:2153531 | pseudogene | upstream transcription factor 2, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 30.94237 | 30.94403 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933533 | Hamp | NCBI_Gene:84506,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050440 | MGI:1933533 | protein coding gene | hepcidin antimicrobial peptide |
7 | gene | 30.94525 | 30.95737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99961 | Usf2 | NCBI_Gene:22282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058239 | MGI:99961 | protein coding gene | upstream transcription factor 2 |
7 | gene | 30.95583 | 30.95800 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937904 | Gm17077 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090357 | MGI:4937904 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17077 |
7 | gene | 30.95691 | 30.96162 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782854 | Gm4673 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097750 | MGI:3782854 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4673 |
7 | gene | 30.95777 | 30.97347 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927471 | Lsr | NCBI_Gene:54135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001247 | MGI:1927471 | protein coding gene | lipolysis stimulated lipoprotein receptor |
7 | gene | 30.97379 | 30.98973 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923665 | Fam187b | NCBI_Gene:76415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046826 | MGI:1923665 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 187, member B |
7 | pseudogene | 30.98549 | 30.98634 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010381 | Gm18196 | NCBI_Gene:100416689 | MGI:5010381 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18196 |
7 | gene | 30.98979 | 31.02900 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625262 | Gm42377 | NCBI_Gene:105247246 | MGI:5625262 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42377 |
7 | gene | 31.03272 | 31.04248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201785 | Fxyd5 | NCBI_Gene:18301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009687 | MGI:1201785 | protein coding gene | FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 5 |
7 | gene | 31.03652 | 31.05771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621869 | Gm38984 | NCBI_Gene:105242901 | MGI:5621869 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38984 |
7 | gene | 31.04026 | 31.04032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530960 | Mir7050 | miRBase:MI0022899,NCBI_Gene:102465635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098783 | MGI:5530960 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7050 |
7 | gene | 31.04251 | 31.05147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1889006 | Fxyd7 | NCBI_Gene:57780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036578 | MGI:1889006 | protein coding gene | FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 7 |
7 | gene | 31.05168 | 31.05720 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1889273 | Fxyd1 | NCBI_Gene:56188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036570 | MGI:1889273 | protein coding gene | FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 1 |
7 | gene | 31.05882 | 31.07093 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2180197 | Lgi4 | NCBI_Gene:243914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036560 | MGI:2180197 | protein coding gene | leucine-rich repeat LGI family, member 4 |
7 | gene | 31.06817 | 31.07670 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107497 | Fxyd3 | NCBI_Gene:17178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057092 | MGI:107497 | protein coding gene | FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 3 |
7 | gene | 31.09873 | 31.11533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196620 | Hpn | NCBI_Gene:15451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001249 | MGI:1196620 | protein coding gene | hepsin |
7 | gene | 31.11652 | 31.12703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98247 | Scn1b | NCBI_Gene:20266,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019194 | MGI:98247 | protein coding gene | sodium channel, voltage-gated, type I, beta |
7 | gene | 31.13013 | 31.15594 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105490 | Gramd1a | NCBI_Gene:52857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001248 | MGI:105490 | protein coding gene | GRAM domain containing 1A |
7 | gene | 31.14953 | 31.15271 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045288 | G630030J09Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097149 | MGI:3045288 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA G630030J09 gene |
7 | gene | 31.15567 | 31.17064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648835 | Gm10640 | NCBI_Gene:100038516,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100985 | MGI:3648835 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10640 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.18204 | 31.18282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779979 | Gm9569 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099536 | MGI:3779979 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9569 |
7 | gene | 31.20836 | 31.20911 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610520 | Gm37292 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104113 | MGI:5610520 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37292 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.25589 | 31.25628 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578743 | Scgb1b1-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099357 | MGI:5578743 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 1, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 31.26374 | 31.26593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782857 | Scgb2b1 | NCBI_Gene:100043827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101554 | MGI:3782857 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 1 |
7 | gene | 31.29051 | 31.30498 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3042579 | Scgb2b2 | NCBI_Gene:381970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036521 | MGI:3042579 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 2 |
7 | gene | 31.29052 | 31.29182 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930867 | Scgb1b2 | NCBI_Gene:57426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062556 | MGI:1930867 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 2 |
7 | gene | 31.35904 | 31.36207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782547 | Scgb2b3 | NCBI_Gene:100043326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078754 | MGI:3782547 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 3 |
7 | gene | 31.37559 | 31.37692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644233 | Scgb1b3 | NCBI_Gene:384585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095257 | MGI:3644233 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.39958 | 31.40318 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578756 | Scgb2b4-ps | NCBI_Gene:102632742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101325 | MGI:5578756 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 4, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.40968 | 31.41006 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578745 | Scgb1b4-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100358 | MGI:5578745 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 4, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.44382 | 31.44421 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5581333 | Scgb1b28-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101658 | MGI:5581333 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 28, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.47094 | 31.47140 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580198 | Gm29492 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099795 | MGI:5580198 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29492 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.50019 | 31.50144 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578757 | Scgb2b5-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100754 | MGI:5578757 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 5, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.50744 | 31.50783 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578746 | Scgb1b5-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101065 | MGI:5578746 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 5, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.54504 | 31.54681 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578752 | Scgb2b28-ps | NCBI_Gene:108167493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099598 | MGI:5578752 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 28, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.60328 | 31.60381 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644328 | Rpl23a-ps8 | NCBI_Gene:546947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100734 | MGI:3644328 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 8 |
7 | gene | 31.61774 | 31.61953 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011792 | Scgb2b6 | NCBI_Gene:100503242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102002 | MGI:5011792 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 6 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.62560 | 31.62679 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780117 | Scgb1b6-ps | NCBI_Gene:108167494,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100639 | MGI:3780117 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 6, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.65234 | 31.65297 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782558 | Gm4373 | NCBI_Gene:100043337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101545 | MGI:3782558 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4373 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.67958 | 31.68011 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644329 | Rpl23a-ps9 | NCBI_Gene:546949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102041 | MGI:3644329 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 9 |
7 | gene | 31.70378 | 31.70576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782864 | Scgb2b7 | NCBI_Gene:100043836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094053 | MGI:3782864 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 7 |
7 | gene | 31.71267 | 31.71398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643480 | Scgb1b7 | NCBI_Gene:626305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078759 | MGI:3643480 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 7 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.74417 | 31.74539 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647353 | Gm9114 | NCBI_Gene:668342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101371 | MGI:3647353 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9114 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.76695 | 31.76742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580333 | Gm29627 | NCBI_Gene:102635284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100517 | MGI:5580333 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29627 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.77878 | 31.78056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578758 | Scgb2b8-ps | NCBI_Gene:102632971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099961 | MGI:5578758 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 8, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.78828 | 31.78946 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578747 | Scgb1b8-ps | NCBI_Gene:102635172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099612 | MGI:5578747 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 8, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.81709 | 31.81831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646884 | Gm6669 | NCBI_Gene:626358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099344 | MGI:3646884 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6669 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.87902 | 31.88024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644974 | Gm9120 | NCBI_Gene:668351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101807 | MGI:3644974 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9120 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.89651 | 31.89694 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5435028 | Gm21673 | NCBI_Gene:102635398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101765 | MGI:5435028 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21673 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.91523 | 31.91738 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578759 | Scgb2b9-ps | NCBI_Gene:102635511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101270 | MGI:5578759 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 9, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.92434 | 31.92473 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578748 | Scgb1b9-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101248 | MGI:5578748 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 9, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.93502 | 31.93843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825647 | Gm46010 | NCBI_Gene:108167480 | MGI:5825647 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46010 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.97210 | 31.97257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647426 | Gm5329 | NCBI_Gene:102633076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100926 | MGI:3647426 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5329 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.01303 | 32.01480 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578753 | Scgb2b29-ps | NCBI_Gene:102635608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101039 | MGI:5578753 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 29, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.05901 | 32.06021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648386 | Gm9127 | NCBI_Gene:668361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101777 | MGI:3648386 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9127 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.07359 | 32.07378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579968 | Gm29262 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101025 | MGI:5579968 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29262 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.07388 | 32.07434 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579969 | Gm29263 | NCBI_Gene:101056012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099396 | MGI:5579969 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29263 |
7 | gene | 32.09200 | 32.09394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643785 | Scgb2b10 | NCBI_Gene:624584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099826 | MGI:3643785 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 10 |
7 | gene | 32.10085 | 32.10217 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782569 | Scgb1b10 | NCBI_Gene:102635992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099581 | MGI:3782569 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 10 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.13666 | 32.13719 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645318 | Rpl23a-ps10 | NCBI_Gene:546951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101327 | MGI:3645318 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 10 |
7 | gene | 32.14624 | 32.14803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646832 | Scgb2b30 | NCBI_Gene:626740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099673 | MGI:3646832 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 30 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.17170 | 32.17290 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645182 | Gm9135 | NCBI_Gene:668371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098013 | MGI:3645182 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9135 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.20226 | 32.20240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578962 | Gm28256 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101824 | MGI:5578962 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28256 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.20249 | 32.20296 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578963 | Gm28257 | NCBI_Gene:668377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101504 | MGI:5578963 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28257 |
7 | gene | 32.20917 | 32.21115 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782867 | Scgb2b11 | NCBI_Gene:100043842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099729 | MGI:3782867 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 11 |
7 | gene | 32.22284 | 32.22416 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5581331 | Scgb1b11 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101638 | MGI:5581331 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 11 |
7 | gene | 32.32529 | 32.32724 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645177 | Scgb2b12 | NCBI_Gene:668379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097982 | MGI:3645177 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 12 |
7 | gene | 32.33418 | 32.33550 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645736 | Scgb1b12 | NCBI_Gene:668381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101520 | MGI:3645736 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 12 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.35891 | 32.36008 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644769 | Gm9142 | NCBI_Gene:668386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099394 | MGI:3644769 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9142 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.38824 | 32.38841 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579568 | Gm28862 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100657 | MGI:5579568 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28862 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.38847 | 32.38899 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646618 | Rpl23a-ps11 | NCBI_Gene:626373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100513 | MGI:3646618 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 11 |
7 | gene | 32.44154 | 32.44284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644231 | Scgb1b29 | NCBI_Gene:384589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078757 | MGI:3644231 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 29 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.47323 | 32.47445 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646192 | Gm9146 | NCBI_Gene:668393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098185 | MGI:3646192 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9146 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.49564 | 32.49611 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649164 | Gm5116 | NCBI_Gene:101056169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100751 | MGI:3649164 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5116 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.50750 | 32.50928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578749 | Scgb2b13-ps | NCBI_Gene:102633333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100386 | MGI:5578749 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 13, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.51701 | 32.51819 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578739 | Scgb1b13-ps | NCBI_Gene:102636609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100949 | MGI:5578739 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 13, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.54574 | 32.54696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647424 | Gm5327 | NCBI_Gene:384591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094827 | MGI:3647424 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5327 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.60480 | 32.60602 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646183 | Gm9149 | NCBI_Gene:668398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098205 | MGI:3646183 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9149 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.62226 | 32.62270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5434490 | Gm21135 | NCBI_Gene:100861685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101312 | MGI:5434490 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21135 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.64765 | 32.64980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578750 | Scgb2b14-ps | NCBI_Gene:102636816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099932 | MGI:5578750 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 14, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.65677 | 32.65716 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578740 | Scgb1b14-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099905 | MGI:5578740 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 14, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 32.69025 | 32.69037 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454543 | Gm24766 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096274 | MGI:5454543 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24766 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.70447 | 32.70494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647682 | Gm5058 | NCBI_Gene:270499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100613 | MGI:3647682 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5058 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.70503 | 32.70515 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580135 | Gm29429 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100577 | MGI:5580135 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29429 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.74529 | 32.74706 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578754 | Scgb2b31-ps | NCBI_Gene:102636925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100903 | MGI:5578754 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 31, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.79148 | 32.79268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782583 | Gm4398 | NCBI_Gene:100043373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097952 | MGI:3782583 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4398 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.80613 | 32.80627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580138 | Gm29432 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099549 | MGI:5580138 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29432 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.80637 | 32.80683 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579114 | Gm28408 | NCBI_Gene:101056033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099821 | MGI:5579114 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28408 |
7 | gene | 32.82768 | 32.82966 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644904 | Scgb2b15 | NCBI_Gene:624439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097972 | MGI:3644904 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 15 |
7 | gene | 32.83655 | 32.83787 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782584 | Scgb1b15 | NCBI_Gene:102637163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101232 | MGI:3782584 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 15 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.87454 | 32.87669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578751 | Scgb2b16-ps | NCBI_Gene:102637284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100443 | MGI:5578751 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 16, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.88365 | 32.88405 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578741 | Scgb1b16-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101185 | MGI:5578741 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 16, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 32.91715 | 32.91727 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455594 | Gm25817 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096142 | MGI:5455594 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25817 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.93137 | 32.93184 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647266 | Gm9156 | NCBI_Gene:668411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100324 | MGI:3647266 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9156 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.93192 | 32.93203 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579115 | Gm28409 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100471 | MGI:5579115 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28409 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.97220 | 32.97396 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578755 | Scgb2b32-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101296 | MGI:5578755 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 32, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.01838 | 33.01958 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782590 | Gm4405 | NCBI_Gene:100043386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101486 | MGI:3782590 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4405 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.03304 | 33.03317 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579089 | Gm28383 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101375 | MGI:5579089 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28383 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.03327 | 33.03374 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579090 | Gm28384 | NCBI_Gene:101056051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101974 | MGI:5579090 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28384 |
7 | gene | 33.05458 | 33.05656 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647697 | Scgb2b17 | NCBI_Gene:668526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098094 | MGI:3647697 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 17 |
7 | gene | 33.06345 | 33.06477 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3809666 | Scgb1b17 | NCBI_Gene:102637615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099898 | MGI:3809666 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 17 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.10187 | 33.10201 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579698 | Gm28992 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101927 | MGI:5579698 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28992 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.10209 | 33.10262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645824 | Rpl23a-ps7 | NCBI_Gene:270234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101137 | MGI:3645824 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 7 |
7 | gene | 33.11167 | 33.11346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643719 | Scgb2b33 | NCBI_Gene:668419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101487 | MGI:3643719 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 33 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.13710 | 33.13831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646870 | Gm9162 | NCBI_Gene:668422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098044 | MGI:3646870 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9162 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.16497 | 33.16511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579265 | Gm28559 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100904 | MGI:5579265 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28559 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.16521 | 33.16568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647537 | Gm6003 | NCBI_Gene:102637838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101427 | MGI:3647537 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6003 |
7 | gene | 33.17189 | 33.17386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782872 | Scgb2b18 | NCBI_Gene:100043856,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100058 | MGI:3782872 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 18 |
7 | gene | 33.18557 | 33.18687 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578742 | Scgb1b18 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101401 | MGI:5578742 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 18 |
7 | gene | 33.27837 | 33.28034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648809 | Scgb2b19 | NCBI_Gene:545947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096467 | MGI:3648809 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 19 |
7 | gene | 33.28729 | 33.28861 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646447 | Scgb1b19 | NCBI_Gene:434676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095232 | MGI:3646447 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 19 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.31213 | 33.31330 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643941 | Gm9167 | NCBI_Gene:668431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096102 | MGI:3643941 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9167 |
7 | gene | 33.36434 | 33.36632 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3514009 | Scgb2b20 | NCBI_Gene:494519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094305 | MGI:3514009 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 20 |
7 | gene | 33.37323 | 33.37456 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779681 | Scgb1b20 | NCBI_Gene:545948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094978 | MGI:3779681 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 20 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.40280 | 33.40402 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644172 | Gm5732 | NCBI_Gene:435963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098080 | MGI:3644172 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5732 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.42344 | 33.42357 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579500 | Gm28794 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101027 | MGI:5579500 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28794 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.42367 | 33.42415 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644173 | Gm5731 | NCBI_Gene:435962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099578 | MGI:3644173 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5731 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.44302 | 33.44567 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012314 | Scgb1b34-ps | NCBI_Gene:100504241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101975 | MGI:5012314 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 34, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 33.51848 | 33.52046 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648283 | Scgb2b21 | NCBI_Gene:626970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099900 | MGI:3648283 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 21 |
7 | gene | 33.52738 | 33.52856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782875 | Scgb1b21 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095487 | MGI:3782875 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 21 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.56725 | 33.56971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649644 | Gm12770 | NCBI_Gene:102633800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083568 | MGI:3649644 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12770 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.56816 | 33.56829 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649635 | Gm12771 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081155 | MGI:3649635 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12771 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.60426 | 33.60605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649641 | Scgb2b22-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083381 | MGI:3649641 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 22, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.61462 | 33.61581 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649636 | Scgb1b22-ps | NCBI_Gene:108167495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079892 | MGI:3649636 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 22, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.62515 | 33.65328 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2655747 | Scgb2b23-ps | NCBI_Gene:353109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083896 | MGI:2655747 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 23, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.63516 | 33.63553 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650279 | Scgb1b23-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079893 | MGI:3650279 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 23, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 33.65344 | 33.65927 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649978 | Gm12763 | NCBI_Gene:105242906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085312 | MGI:3649978 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12763 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.69726 | 33.69778 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649973 | Rpl23a-ps12 | NCBI_Gene:668440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094079 | MGI:3649973 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 12 |
7 | gene | 33.73719 | 33.73931 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2655741 | Scgb2b24 | NCBI_Gene:233090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046438 | MGI:2655741 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 24 |
7 | gene | 33.74380 | 33.74510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649643 | Scgb1b24 | NCBI_Gene:100043860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078753 | MGI:3649643 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 24 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.78082 | 33.78154 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650361 | Gm12782 | NCBI_Gene:100418006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081714 | MGI:3650361 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12782 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.79531 | 33.79613 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579320 | Gm28614 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101183 | MGI:5579320 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28614 |
7 | gene | 33.80812 | 33.80823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456220 | Gm26443 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094428 | MGI:5456220 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 26443 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.84494 | 33.84569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649642 | Gm12768 | NCBI_Gene:100416702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081510 | MGI:3649642 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12768 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.85306 | 33.85482 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649900 | Scgb2b25-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084296 | MGI:3649900 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 25, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.86792 | 33.86920 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578744 | Scgb1b25-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100743 | MGI:5578744 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 25, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.87927 | 33.88022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649706 | Gm12757 | NCBI_Gene:635803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081317 | MGI:3649706 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12757 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.90328 | 33.90412 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579321 | Gm28615 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101203 | MGI:5579321 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28615 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.93726 | 33.93824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650638 | Gm12765 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083085 | MGI:3650638 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12765 |
7 | gene | 33.94300 | 33.94504 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87864 | Scgb2b26 | NCBI_Gene:110187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066586 | MGI:87864 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 26 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.95880 | 33.95999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649711 | Scgb1b26-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083942 | MGI:3649711 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 26, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.98631 | 33.98638 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578890 | Gm28184 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101159 | MGI:5578890 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28184 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.99700 | 33.99759 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649904 | Gm12773 | NCBI_Gene:100416703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081962 | MGI:3649904 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12773 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.99790 | 34.00706 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649708 | Gm12755 | NCBI_Gene:100043865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081768 | MGI:3649708 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12755 |
7 | gene | 34.01192 | 34.01394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87863 | Scgb2b27 | NCBI_Gene:233099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066584 | MGI:87863 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 27 |
7 | gene | 34.02148 | 34.02288 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_87862 | Scgb1b27 | NCBI_Gene:11354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066583 | MGI:87862 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 27 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.03641 | 34.03743 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649974 | Gm12760 | NCBI_Gene:105242907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083434 | MGI:3649974 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12760 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.06856 | 34.06870 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649897 | Gm12779 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080947 | MGI:3649897 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12779 |
7 | gene | 34.09477 | 34.10084 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649901 | Scgb1b30 | NCBI_Gene:100043868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078752 | MGI:3649901 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 30 |
7 | gene | 34.10954 | 34.13332 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141920 | Wtip | NCBI_Gene:101543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036459 | MGI:2141920 | protein coding gene | WT1-interacting protein |
7 | gene | 34.14069 | 34.16960 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858313 | Uba2 | NCBI_Gene:50995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052997 | MGI:1858313 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.17571 | 34.17608 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649899 | Gm12778 | NCBI_Gene:108167496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081491 | MGI:3649899 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12778 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.17676 | 34.18000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649566 | Gm12783 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081161 | MGI:3649566 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12783 |
7 | gene | 34.18450 | 34.19669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915329 | Pdcd2l | NCBI_Gene:68079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002635 | MGI:1915329 | protein coding gene | programmed cell death 2-like |
7 | gene | 34.20133 | 34.23034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95797 | Gpi1 | NCBI_Gene:14751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036427 | MGI:95797 | protein coding gene | glucose phosphate isomerase 1 |
7 | gene | 34.22476 | 34.23024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477256 | Gm26762 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097660 | MGI:5477256 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26762 |
7 | gene | 34.23042 | 34.23410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649976 | Gm12762 | NCBI_Gene:105247247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086526 | MGI:3649976 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12762 |
7 | gene | 34.23329 | 34.24021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3702543 | Gm12758 | NCBI_Gene:100126229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085105 | MGI:3702543 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12758 |
7 | gene | 34.23671 | 34.31358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924311 | 4931406P16Rik | NCBI_Gene:233103,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066571 | MGI:1924311 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931406P16 gene |
7 | gene | 34.25025 | 34.25135 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3039599 | BC060293 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108737 | MGI:3039599 | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence BC060293 |
7 | gene | 34.25104 | 34.25149 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649053 | Gm6096 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078380 | MGI:3649053 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6096 |
7 | gene | 34.34464 | 34.39332 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914320 | Lsm14a | NCBI_Gene:67070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066568 | MGI:1914320 | protein coding gene | LSM14A mRNA processing body assembly factor |
7 | gene | 34.36270 | 34.36533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753143 | Gm44567 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108447 | MGI:5753143 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44567 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.38128 | 34.38524 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650283 | Gm12774 | NCBI_Gene:102638639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082684 | MGI:3650283 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12774 |
7 | gene | 34.38867 | 34.39478 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649980 | Gm12764 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086184 | MGI:3649980 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12764 |
7 | gene | 34.38973 | 34.39361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917385 | 2310043P16Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108732 | MGI:1917385 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310043P16 gene |
7 | gene | 34.43814 | 34.52088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652050 | Gm12766 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085124 | MGI:3652050 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12766 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.49542 | 34.49607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649896 | Gm12780 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081863 | MGI:3649896 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12780 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.50103 | 34.50141 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590868 | Gm31709 | NCBI_Gene:102634024 | MGI:5590868 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31709 |
7 | gene | 34.52234 | 34.54706 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594456 | Gm35297 | NCBI_Gene:102638822 | MGI:5594456 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35297 |
7 | gene | 34.54447 | 34.58169 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650358 | Gm12784 | NCBI_Gene:102638744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086631 | MGI:3650358 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12784 |
7 | gene | 34.62943 | 34.63156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594537 | Gm35378 | NCBI_Gene:102638938 | MGI:5594537 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35378 |
7 | gene | 34.63700 | 34.63771 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753413 | Gm44837 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108723 | MGI:5753413 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44837 |
7 | gene | 34.63901 | 34.65673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385276 | Kctd15 | NCBI_Gene:233107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030499 | MGI:2385276 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 15 |
7 | gene | 34.65318 | 34.66120 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649569 | Gm12781 | NCBI_Gene:102639020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085923 | MGI:3649569 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12781 |
7 | gene | 34.66541 | 34.67400 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649709 | Gm12756 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087127 | MGI:3649709 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12756 |
7 | gene | 34.67447 | 34.81271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916197 | Chst8 | NCBI_Gene:68947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060402 | MGI:1916197 | protein coding gene | carbohydrate sulfotransferase 8 |
7 | gene | 34.81299 | 34.84418 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621872 | Gm38987 | NCBI_Gene:105242908 | MGI:5621872 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38987 |
7 | gene | 34.91238 | 35.04471 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97542 | Pepd | NCBI_Gene:18624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063931 | MGI:97542 | protein coding gene | peptidase D |
7 | gene | 34.94386 | 34.94398 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455699 | Gm25922 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077469 | MGI:5455699 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25922 |
7 | gene | 34.98335 | 34.99011 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594693 | Gm35534 | NCBI_Gene:102639154 | MGI:5594693 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35534 |
7 | gene | 35.02105 | 35.02921 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594643 | Gm35484 | NCBI_Gene:102639084 | MGI:5594643 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35484 |
7 | gene | 35.04642 | 35.05657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104982 | Cebpg | NCBI_Gene:12611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056216 | MGI:104982 | protein coding gene | CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), gamma |
7 | gene | 35.05140 | 35.05254 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753412 | Gm44836 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108486 | MGI:5753412 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44836 |
7 | gene | 35.05298 | 35.05359 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753670 | Gm45094 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108753 | MGI:5753670 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45094 |
7 | gene | 35.05603 | 35.05638 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753671 | Gm45095 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108333 | MGI:5753671 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45095 |
7 | gene | 35.05726 | 35.06673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753672 | Gm45096 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108739 | MGI:5753672 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45096 |
7 | gene | 35.08191 | 35.08198 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454810 | Gm25033 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093153 | MGI:5454810 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25033 |
7 | gene | 35.08611 | 35.09663 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594770 | Gm35611 | NCBI_Gene:102639258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108657 | MGI:5594770 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35611 |
7 | gene | 35.10182 | 35.10194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452312 | Gm22535 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088799 | MGI:5452312 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 22535 |
7 | gene | 35.11804 | 35.11960 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753667 | Gm45091 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108624 | MGI:5753667 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45091 |
7 | gene | 35.11929 | 35.12193 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99480 | Cebpa | NCBI_Gene:12606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034957 | MGI:99480 | protein coding gene | CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), alpha |
7 | gene | 35.12890 | 35.14243 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594883 | Gm35724 | NCBI_Gene:102639398 | MGI:5594883 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35724 |
7 | gene | 35.13455 | 35.14229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594824 | Gm35665 | NCBI_Gene:102639328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108575 | MGI:5594824 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35665 |
7 | gene | 35.15256 | 35.15826 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595048 | Gm35889 | NCBI_Gene:102639624 | MGI:5595048 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35889 |
7 | gene | 35.16334 | 35.17379 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621873 | Gm38988 | NCBI_Gene:105242909 | MGI:5621873 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38988 |
7 | gene | 35.18635 | 35.20112 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858261 | Slc7a10 | NCBI_Gene:53896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030495 | MGI:1858261 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 10 |
7 | gene | 35.20003 | 35.21550 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3584516 | Lrp3 | NCBI_Gene:435965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001802 | MGI:3584516 | protein coding gene | low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 3 |
7 | gene | 35.21724 | 35.21736 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454282 | Gm24505 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088307 | MGI:5454282 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24505 |
7 | gene | 35.23239 | 35.23481 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621874 | Gm38989 | NCBI_Gene:105242910 | MGI:5621874 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38989 |
7 | gene | 35.23477 | 35.23484 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4414056 | n-TTagt9 | NCBI_Gene:102467387 | MGI:4414056 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA threonine 9 (anticodon AGT) |
7 | gene | 35.23614 | 35.27649 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686275 | Wdr88 | NCBI_Gene:384605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118454 | MGI:2686275 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 88 |
7 | gene | 35.27654 | 35.31844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914721 | Gpatch1 | NCBI_Gene:67471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063808 | MGI:1914721 | protein coding gene | G patch domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 35.28249 | 35.28325 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753212 | Gm44636 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108704 | MGI:5753212 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44636 |
7 | gene | 35.33417 | 35.39229 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1289234 | Rhpn2 | NCBI_Gene:52428,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030494 | MGI:1289234 | protein coding gene | rhophilin, Rho GTPase binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 35.39215 | 35.39684 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142208 | Faap24 | NCBI_Gene:101831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030493 | MGI:2142208 | protein coding gene | Fanconi anemia core complex associated protein 24 |
7 | gene | 35.39700 | 35.43983 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919390 | Cep89 | NCBI_Gene:72140,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023072 | MGI:1919390 | protein coding gene | centrosomal protein 89 |
7 | gene | 35.41505 | 35.44865 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625263 | Gm42378 | NCBI_Gene:105247248 | MGI:5625263 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42378 |
7 | pseudogene | 35.44257 | 35.44524 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010439 | Gm18254 | NCBI_Gene:100416792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100776 | MGI:5010439 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18254 |
7 | gene | 35.44873 | 35.46604 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353656 | Slc7a9 | NCBI_Gene:30962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030492 | MGI:1353656 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 9 |
7 | gene | 35.46694 | 35.53816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919231 | Tdrd12 | NCBI_Gene:71981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030491 | MGI:1919231 | protein coding gene | tudor domain containing 12 |
7 | pseudogene | 35.49746 | 35.49972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010743 | Gm18558 | NCBI_Gene:100417358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100068 | MGI:5010743 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18558 |
7 | gene | 35.54718 | 35.55630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_94203 | Nudt19 | NCBI_Gene:110959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034875 | MGI:94203 | protein coding gene | nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 19 |
7 | gene | 35.55537 | 35.55694 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704291 | B230322F03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097509 | MGI:3704291 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230322F03 gene |
7 | gene | 35.57899 | 35.58558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384418 | Rgs9bp | NCBI_Gene:243923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056043 | MGI:2384418 | protein coding gene | regulator of G-protein signalling 9 binding protein |
7 | gene | 35.58623 | 35.63924 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444103 | Ankrd27 | NCBI_Gene:245886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034867 | MGI:2444103 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 27 (VPS9 domain) |
7 | gene | 35.64198 | 35.64752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913538 | Pdcd5 | NCBI_Gene:56330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030417 | MGI:1913538 | protein coding gene | programmed cell death 5 |
7 | gene | 35.65890 | 35.66034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625264 | Gm42379 | NCBI_Gene:105247249 | MGI:5625264 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42379 |
7 | gene | 35.68516 | 35.75445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443952 | Dpy19l3 | NCBI_Gene:233115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043671 | MGI:2443952 | protein coding gene | dpy-19-like 3 (C. elegans) |
7 | gene | 35.77234 | 35.80300 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916378 | Zfp507 | NCBI_Gene:668501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044452 | MGI:1916378 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 507 |
7 | gene | 35.77238 | 35.77917 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477284 | Gm26790 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096990 | MGI:5477284 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26790 |
7 | gene | 35.80259 | 35.83807 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925797 | E130304I02Rik | NCBI_Gene:78547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044997 | MGI:1925797 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E130304I02 gene |
7 | gene | 35.83826 | 35.83957 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579220 | Gm28514 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100387 | MGI:5579220 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28514 |
7 | gene | 35.91987 | 35.92309 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595393 | Gm36234 | NCBI_Gene:102640079 | MGI:5595393 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36234 |
7 | gene | 35.95365 | 35.96093 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621875 | Gm38990 | NCBI_Gene:105242911 | MGI:5621875 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38990 |
7 | gene | 36.04360 | 36.05270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595445 | Gm36286 | NCBI_Gene:102640151 | MGI:5595445 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36286 |
7 | gene | 36.07624 | 36.10230 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621876 | Gm38991 | NCBI_Gene:105242912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108711 | MGI:5621876 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38991 |
7 | pseudogene | 36.11824 | 36.11886 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641818 | Rpl17-ps9 | NCBI_Gene:100043872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066543 | MGI:3641818 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L17, pseudogene 9 |
7 | gene | 36.15377 | 36.15801 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595499 | Gm36340 | NCBI_Gene:102640220 | MGI:5595499 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36340 |
7 | gene | 36.17130 | 36.18921 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825653 | Gm46016 | NCBI_Gene:108167497 | MGI:5825653 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46016 |
7 | pseudogene | 36.23427 | 36.23547 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648971 | Gm9211 | NCBI_Gene:668507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098016 | MGI:3648971 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9211 |
7 | gene | 36.30251 | 36.30262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453069 | Gm23292 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093359 | MGI:5453069 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23292 |
7 | gene | 36.43061 | 36.43070 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455024 | Gm25247 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093216 | MGI:5455024 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25247 |
7 | gene | 36.53852 | 36.54302 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621877 | Gm38992 | NCBI_Gene:105242913 | MGI:5621877 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38992 |
7 | gene | 36.56874 | 36.57310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579835 | Gm29129 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101965 | MGI:5579835 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29129 |
7 | gene | 36.59714 | 36.60386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595579 | Gm36420 | NCBI_Gene:102640326 | MGI:5595579 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36420 |
7 | gene | 36.62649 | 36.64917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621878 | Gm38993 | NCBI_Gene:105242914 | MGI:5621878 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38993 |
7 | gene | 36.65254 | 36.69728 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595881 | Gm36722 | NCBI_Gene:102640722 | MGI:5595881 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36722 |
7 | gene | 36.69544 | 36.69636 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611513 | Gm38285 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104330 | MGI:5611513 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38285 |
7 | gene | 36.69774 | 36.77355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442819 | Tshz3 | NCBI_Gene:243931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000021217 | MGI:2442819 | protein coding gene | teashirt zinc finger family member 3 |
7 | gene | 36.71017 | 36.71133 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610680 | Gm37452 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103882 | MGI:5610680 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37452 |
7 | gene | 36.72185 | 36.72585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611568 | Gm38340 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102516 | MGI:5611568 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38340 |
7 | gene | 36.72718 | 36.72956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442139 | E230020A03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104420 | MGI:2442139 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E230020A03 gene |
7 | gene | 36.73302 | 36.73456 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611055 | Gm37827 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104454 | MGI:5611055 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37827 |
7 | gene | 36.75120 | 36.75147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454327 | Gm24550 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089273 | MGI:5454327 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24550 |
7 | gene | 36.91416 | 36.91740 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595815 | Gm36656 | NCBI_Gene:102640640 | MGI:5595815 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36656 |
7 | gene | 36.91900 | 36.92219 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595726 | Gm36567 | NCBI_Gene:102640528 | MGI:5595726 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36567 |
7 | gene | 36.93611 | 36.96146 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595623 | Gm36464 | NCBI_Gene:102640395 | MGI:5595623 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36464 |
7 | gene | 37.09280 | 37.11282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595989 | Gm36830 | NCBI_Gene:102640863 | MGI:5595989 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36830 |
7 | gene | 37.11999 | 37.12869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578784 | Gm28078 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101342 | MGI:5578784 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28078 |
7 | gene | 37.12986 | 37.14038 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578782 | Gm28076 | NCBI_Gene:102640984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100616 | MGI:5578782 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28076 |
7 | gene | 37.14041 | 37.15684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578781 | Gm28075 | NCBI_Gene:102631556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100905 | MGI:5578781 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28075 |
7 | gene | 37.17208 | 37.17345 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621879 | Gm38994 | NCBI_Gene:105242917 | MGI:5621879 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38994 |
7 | gene | 37.20314 | 37.20445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589078 | Gm29919 | NCBI_Gene:102631624 | MGI:5589078 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29919 |
7 | gene | 37.20576 | 37.20860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621880 | Gm38995 | NCBI_Gene:105242918 | MGI:5621880 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38995 |
7 | gene | 37.29317 | 37.30041 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621324 | Gm38439 | NCBI_Gene:102631767 | MGI:5621324 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38439 |
7 | gene | 37.29926 | 37.30523 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578783 | Gm28077 | NCBI_Gene:102631842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099715 | MGI:5578783 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28077 |
7 | gene | 37.31790 | 37.32110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804883 | Gm45768 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108434 | MGI:5804883 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45768 |
7 | gene | 37.31802 | 37.77417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926102 | Zfp536 | NCBI_Gene:243937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043456 | MGI:1926102 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 536 |
7 | gene | 37.32097 | 37.32789 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589703 | Gm30544 | NCBI_Gene:102632482 | MGI:5589703 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30544 |
7 | gene | 37.32798 | 37.32992 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589642 | Gm30483 | NCBI_Gene:105242920 | MGI:5589642 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30483 |
7 | gene | 37.36543 | 37.36663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924988 | 6720469O03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108507 | MGI:1924988 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6720469O03 gene |
7 | gene | 37.46512 | 37.46742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753382 | Gm44806 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108790 | MGI:5753382 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44806 |
7 | gene | 37.51705 | 37.51785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753458 | Gm44882 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108330 | MGI:5753458 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44882 |
7 | gene | 37.65938 | 37.66264 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753459 | Gm44883 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108572 | MGI:5753459 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44883 |
7 | gene | 37.66980 | 37.67235 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914891 | 4930505M18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093540 | MGI:1914891 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930505M18 gene |
7 | gene | 37.82424 | 37.82435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452079 | Gm22302 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064591 | MGI:5452079 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22302 |
7 | gene | 37.95999 | 38.02358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1342294 | Uri1 | NCBI_Gene:19777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030421 | MGI:1342294 | protein coding gene | URI1, prefoldin-like chaperone |
7 | gene | 38.03316 | 38.06243 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589843 | Gm30684 | NCBI_Gene:102632668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108726 | MGI:5589843 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30684 |
7 | gene | 38.05932 | 38.09776 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589930 | Gm30771 | NCBI_Gene:102632789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108334 | MGI:5589930 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30771 |
7 | gene | 38.09798 | 38.10753 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88316 | Ccne1 | NCBI_Gene:12447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002068 | MGI:88316 | protein coding gene | cyclin E1 |
7 | gene | 38.14187 | 38.14415 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590071 | Gm30912 | NCBI_Gene:102632970 | MGI:5590071 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30912 |
7 | gene | 38.17661 | 38.17667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451980 | Gm22203 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089230 | MGI:5451980 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22203 |
7 | gene | 38.18256 | 38.19646 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925824 | D530033B14Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108332 | MGI:1925824 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D530033B14 gene |
7 | gene | 38.18322 | 38.19757 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919494 | 1600014C10Rik | NCBI_Gene:72244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054676 | MGI:1919494 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1600014C10 gene |
7 | gene | 38.21697 | 38.22802 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919537 | Plekhf1 | NCBI_Gene:72287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074170 | MGI:1919537 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family F (with FYVE domain) member 1 |
7 | gene | 38.26200 | 38.27142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913411 | Pop4 | NCBI_Gene:66161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030423 | MGI:1913411 | protein coding gene | processing of precursor 4, ribonuclease P/MRP family, (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 38.27141 | 38.33353 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753343 | Gm44767 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108749 | MGI:5753343 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44767 |
7 | gene | 38.27688 | 38.44322 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579159 | Gm28453 | NCBI_Gene:545951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101708 | MGI:5579159 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28453 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.29364 | 38.29698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579287 | Gm28581 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101410 | MGI:5579287 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28581 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.31094 | 38.31663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648318 | Gm9220 | NCBI_Gene:668519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101548 | MGI:3648318 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9220 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.36598 | 38.36787 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782635 | Gm4451 | NCBI_Gene:100043464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100374 | MGI:3782635 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4451 |
7 | gene | 38.38035 | 38.38045 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452415 | Gm22638 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094848 | MGI:5452415 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22638 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.39817 | 38.40805 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645331 | Gm6818 | NCBI_Gene:627975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102073 | MGI:3645331 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6818 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.42873 | 38.43205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579289 | Gm28583 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099781 | MGI:5579289 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28583 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.44645 | 38.45255 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644762 | Gm6605 | NCBI_Gene:100861663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094920 | MGI:3644762 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6605 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.48797 | 38.50520 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647711 | Gm6819 | NCBI_Gene:627983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099846 | MGI:3647711 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6819 |
7 | gene | 38.50043 | 38.53730 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579793 | Gm29087 | NCBI_Gene:102633799,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100169 | MGI:5579793 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29087 |
7 | gene | 38.51814 | 38.52819 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648692 | Gm5591 | NCBI_Gene:434171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060565 | MGI:3648692 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5591 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.56700 | 38.57307 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782638 | Gm4454 | NCBI_Gene:100043467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099765 | MGI:3782638 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4454 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.60189 | 38.60657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434105 | Gm20749 | NCBI_Gene:546957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101847 | MGI:5434105 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20749 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.60666 | 38.60688 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579792 | Gm29086 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100810 | MGI:5579792 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29086 |
7 | gene | 38.61315 | 38.61325 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455063 | Gm25286 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095537 | MGI:5455063 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25286 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.71989 | 38.72561 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434470 | Gm21115 | NCBI_Gene:105242401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100841 | MGI:5434470 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21115 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.76241 | 38.77030 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434631 | Gm21276 | NCBI_Gene:100861861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094233 | MGI:5434631 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21276 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.77859 | 38.78607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434477 | Gm21122 | NCBI_Gene:100861672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100788 | MGI:5434477 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21122 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.78616 | 38.78639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579791 | Gm29085 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099772 | MGI:5579791 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29085 |
7 | gene | 38.79163 | 38.86181 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916590 | 1700010N08Rik | NCBI_Gene:105247250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101855 | MGI:1916590 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700010N08 gene |
7 | gene | 38.79264 | 38.79274 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454574 | Gm24797 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094419 | MGI:5454574 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24797 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.81606 | 38.82616 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434484 | Gm21129 | NCBI_Gene:100861679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101470 | MGI:5434484 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21129 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.86408 | 38.87008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434491 | Gm21136 | NCBI_Gene:100861686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099981 | MGI:5434491 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21136 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.90189 | 38.90932 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434497 | Gm21142 | NCBI_Gene:100861694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096277 | MGI:5434497 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21142 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.91756 | 38.92220 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434507 | Gm21152 | NCBI_Gene:100861705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101023 | MGI:5434507 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21152 |
7 | gene | 38.92777 | 38.97993 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591269 | Gm32110 | NCBI_Gene:102634560 | MGI:5591269 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32110 |
7 | gene | 38.92878 | 38.92888 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455448 | Gm25671 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095053 | MGI:5455448 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25671 |
7 | gene | 38.95227 | 38.96240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645553 | Gm6833 | NCBI_Gene:628058 | MGI:3645553 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6833 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.95321 | 38.95697 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579157 | Gm28451 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101035 | MGI:5579157 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28451 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.13784 | 39.13980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780151 | Gm1982 | NCBI_Gene:100038955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101703 | MGI:3780151 | pseudogene | predicted gene 1982 |
7 | gene | 39.14649 | 39.20589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592226 | Gm33067 | NCBI_Gene:102635822 | MGI:5592226 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33067 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.17004 | 39.17980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780157 | Gm1988 | NCBI_Gene:100038967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101454 | MGI:3780157 | pseudogene | predicted gene 1988 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.21916 | 39.22527 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779556 | Gm6124 | NCBI_Gene:620018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102017 | MGI:3779556 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6124 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.25717 | 39.26441 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646111 | Gm16387 | NCBI_Gene:100038914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097653 | MGI:3646111 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16387 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.27374 | 39.27741 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644713 | Gm9226 | NCBI_Gene:668531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099951 | MGI:3644713 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9226 |
7 | gene | 39.28297 | 39.35469 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592541 | Gm33382 | NCBI_Gene:102636268 | MGI:5592541 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33382 |
7 | gene | 39.28398 | 39.28408 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453084 | Gm23307 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096181 | MGI:5453084 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23307 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.30819 | 39.31763 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579964 | Gm29258 | NCBI_Gene:102636497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100112 | MGI:5579964 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29258 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.35809 | 39.40268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011016 | Gm18831 | NCBI_Gene:100417794 | MGI:5011016 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18831 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.36241 | 39.36867 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646449 | Gm9271 | NCBI_Gene:668618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100721 | MGI:3646449 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9271 |
7 | gene | 39.40729 | 39.41316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647631 | Gm5114 | NCBI_Gene:330513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053742 | MGI:3647631 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5114 |
7 | gene | 39.43151 | 39.43161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530819 | Gm27437 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098777 | MGI:5530819 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27437 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.44498 | 39.45014 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645451 | Gm5590 | NCBI_Gene:434168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046372 | MGI:3645451 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5590 |
7 | gene | 39.44952 | 39.47743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3036240 | Zfp939 | NCBI_Gene:233147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030424 | MGI:3036240 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 939 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.48740 | 39.50050 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579161 | Gm28455 | NCBI_Gene:101056047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100490 | MGI:5579161 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28455 |
7 | gene | 39.51777 | 39.54042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917477 | Zfp619 | NCBI_Gene:70227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068959 | MGI:1917477 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 619 |
7 | gene | 39.54206 | 39.58059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593148 | Gm33989 | NCBI_Gene:102637087 | MGI:5593148 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 33989 |
7 | gene | 39.54254 | 39.54491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753149 | Gm44573 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104150 | MGI:5753149 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44573 |
7 | gene | 39.54440 | 39.58059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610722 | Gm37494 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108621 | MGI:5610722 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37494 |
7 | gene | 39.56785 | 39.56830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646468 | Gm4790 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4790 |
7 | gene | 39.57444 | 39.57623 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923398 | 6230415J03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6230415J03 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 39.58317 | 39.58376 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010168 | Gm17983 | NCBI_Gene:100416227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099934 | MGI:5010168 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17983 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.58851 | 39.59170 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3805010 | Gm2058 | NCBI_Gene:100039133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074903 | MGI:3805010 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2058 |
7 | gene | 39.58852 | 39.59168 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477020 | Gm26526 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096980 | MGI:5477020 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26526 |
7 | gene | 39.63039 | 39.63050 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456104 | Gm26327 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070236 | MGI:5456104 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26327 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.66237 | 39.66622 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780190 | Gm2021 | NCBI_Gene:108167481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100912 | MGI:3780190 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2021 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.73984 | 39.74072 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648549 | Gm9230 | NCBI_Gene:668540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101901 | MGI:3648549 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9230 |
7 | gene | 39.78809 | 39.79769 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804954 | Gm45839 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110135 | MGI:5804954 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45839 |
7 | gene | 39.78923 | 39.91097 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925412 | 4930435C17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102085 | MGI:1925412 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930435C17 gene |
7 | gene | 39.79097 | 39.79774 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925461 | 4930558N11Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100431 | MGI:1925461 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930558N11 gene |
7 | gene | 39.79125 | 39.79425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610530 | Gm37302 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102227 | MGI:5610530 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37302 |
7 | gene | 39.86353 | 39.87069 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593211 | Gm34052 | NCBI_Gene:102637169 | MGI:5593211 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34052 |
7 | gene | 39.86913 | 39.97832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753568 | Gm44992 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109083 | MGI:5753568 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44992 |
7 | gene | 40.07740 | 40.08068 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611427 | Gm38199 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102464 | MGI:5611427 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38199 |
7 | pseudogene | 40.19089 | 40.19135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643618 | Gm6851 | NCBI_Gene:105247253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056836 | MGI:3643618 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6851 |
7 | gene | 40.26270 | 40.26975 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918300 | 4933404I11Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101153 | MGI:1918300 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933404I11 gene |
7 | gene | 40.29587 | 40.30382 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621881 | Gm38996 | NCBI_Gene:105242922 | MGI:5621881 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38996 |
7 | gene | 40.36345 | 40.36372 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454687 | Gm24910 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087914 | MGI:5454687 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24910 |
7 | gene | 40.37330 | 40.46924 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579513 | Gm28807 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100650 | MGI:5579513 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28807 |
7 | gene | 40.47316 | 40.47489 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918088 | 4921507H08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921507H08 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 40.63940 | 40.63983 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6324734 | Gm50466 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118476 | MGI:6324734 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50466 |
7 | gene | 40.67474 | 40.69127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918279 | 4933402C06Rik | NCBI_Gene:71029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102004 | MGI:1918279 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933402C06 gene |
7 | gene | 40.81848 | 40.90094 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443592 | A230077H06Rik | NCBI_Gene:320210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100600 | MGI:2443592 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230077H06 gene |
7 | gene | 40.82062 | 40.82111 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753584 | Gm45008 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108672 | MGI:5753584 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45008 |
7 | gene | 40.87654 | 40.88578 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579013 | Gm28307 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101643 | MGI:5579013 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28307 |
7 | gene | 40.87966 | 40.87974 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455561 | Gm25784 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084473 | MGI:5455561 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25784 |
7 | gene | 40.89833 | 40.93059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914525 | Vstm2b | NCBI_Gene:58188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039257 | MGI:1914525 | protein coding gene | V-set and transmembrane domain containing 2B |
7 | pseudogene | 40.96992 | 40.97454 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579999 | Gm29293 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099768 | MGI:5579999 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29293 |
7 | gene | 40.98754 | 40.99544 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685327 | 4930433I11Rik | NCBI_Gene:243944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091692 | MGI:2685327 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930433I11 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 40.98965 | 40.99038 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753747 | Gm45171 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108397 | MGI:5753747 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45171 |
7 | gene | 41.01079 | 41.03262 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621882 | Gm38997 | NCBI_Gene:105242923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108364 | MGI:5621882 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38997 |
7 | gene | 41.03272 | 41.04530 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649090 | Gm4884 | NCBI_Gene:233164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048312 | MGI:3649090 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4884 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.04866 | 41.04885 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5828831 | Topbp1-ps2 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100732 | MGI:5828831 | pseudogene | topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 1, pseudogene 2 |
7 | gene | 41.05730 | 41.05860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753748 | Gm45172 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108661 | MGI:5753748 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45172 |
7 | gene | 41.06062 | 41.08984 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924251 | 1700110I07Rik | NCBI_Gene:77001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108490 | MGI:1924251 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700110I07 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 41.06756 | 41.06837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578767 | Gm28061 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102113 | MGI:5578767 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28061 |
7 | gene | 41.07762 | 41.07802 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753415 | Gm44839 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108619 | MGI:5753415 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44839 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.08985 | 41.09964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644761 | Gm9239 | NCBI_Gene:668555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101195 | MGI:3644761 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9239 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.12122 | 41.12590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647709 | Gm6820 | NCBI_Gene:627987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101650 | MGI:3647709 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6820 |
7 | gene | 41.12865 | 41.28422 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753324 | Gm44748 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108754 | MGI:5753324 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44748 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.15366 | 41.15929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780298 | Gm2128 | NCBI_Gene:100039269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078737 | MGI:3780298 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2128 |
7 | gene | 41.15384 | 41.29018 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648691 | Gm5592 | NCBI_Gene:434172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072259 | MGI:3648691 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5592 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.16378 | 41.16396 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578766 | Gm28060 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100376 | MGI:5578766 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28060 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.18375 | 41.18709 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579373 | Gm28667 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099657 | MGI:5579373 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28667 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.19111 | 41.19214 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645545 | Gm5896 | NCBI_Gene:545955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099979 | MGI:3645545 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5896 |
7 | gene | 41.20319 | 41.21003 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593970 | Gm34811 | NCBI_Gene:102638189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108395 | MGI:5593970 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34811 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.21002 | 41.21964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646160 | Gm6866 | NCBI_Gene:628304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101196 | MGI:3646160 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6866 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.23338 | 41.25160 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648328 | Gm9244 | NCBI_Gene:668561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049062 | MGI:3648328 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9244 |
7 | gene | 41.23429 | 41.23541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804806 | Gm45691 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108779 | MGI:5804806 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45691 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.27360 | 41.27440 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753096 | Gm44520 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108340 | MGI:5753096 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44520 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.29341 | 41.32052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578765 | Topbp1-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:108167498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099511 | MGI:5578765 | pseudogene | topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 1, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.30434 | 41.30768 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780276 | Gm2108 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092031 | MGI:3780276 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2108 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.32539 | 41.32843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5009973 | Gm17791 | NCBI_Gene:100126099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101449 | MGI:5009973 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17791 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.33538 | 41.33887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648324 | Gm9246 | NCBI_Gene:668565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082080 | MGI:3648324 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9246 |
7 | gene | 41.37292 | 41.39338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142079 | AI987944 | NCBI_Gene:233168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056383 | MGI:2142079 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence AI987944 |
7 | gene | 41.39370 | 41.39745 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937929 | Gm17102 | NCBI_Gene:102638296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091864 | MGI:4937929 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17102 |
7 | gene | 41.39594 | 41.44870 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3703084 | Vmn2r57 | NCBI_Gene:269902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066537 | MGI:3703084 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 57 |
7 | gene | 41.39938 | 41.49942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141914 | Gm20449 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092592 | MGI:5141914 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 20449 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.46765 | 41.46787 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753097 | Gm44521 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108312 | MGI:5753097 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44521 |
7 | gene | 41.47887 | 41.49989 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142212 | AW146154 | NCBI_Gene:101835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074166 | MGI:2142212 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence AW146154 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.49035 | 41.49172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641891 | Gm15470 | NCBI_Gene:100039375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083500 | MGI:3641891 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15470 |
7 | gene | 41.54558 | 41.57366 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643456 | Gm6871 | NCBI_Gene:102642386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090744 | MGI:3643456 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6871 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.57328 | 41.57375 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4938044 | Gm17217 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090341 | MGI:4938044 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17217 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.59489 | 41.59673 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753654 | Gm45078 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108482 | MGI:5753654 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45078 |
7 | gene | 41.59923 | 41.62853 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922662 | 2610021A01Rik | NCBI_Gene:668572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091474 | MGI:1922662 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2610021A01 gene |
7 | gene | 41.63273 | 41.65153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914857 | Zfp788 | NCBI_Gene:67607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074165 | MGI:1914857 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 788 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.66639 | 41.66821 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645130 | Gm9252 | NCBI_Gene:668576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091401 | MGI:3645130 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9252 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.66798 | 41.72719 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351350 | Vmn2r-ps54 | NCBI_Gene:75835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074164 | MGI:1351350 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 54 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.66861 | 41.66931 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643699 | Gm6872 | NCBI_Gene:628372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091004 | MGI:3643699 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6872 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.68225 | 41.68339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645134 | Cd9-ps | NCBI_Gene:668579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092193 | MGI:3645134 | pseudogene | Cd9 antigen, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 41.72228 | 41.72260 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757982 | Vmn2r-ps55 | NCBI_Gene:100124555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092538 | MGI:3757982 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 55 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.74471 | 41.77291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757983 | Vmn2r-ps56 | NCBI_Gene:628403,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092451 | MGI:3757983 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 56 |
7 | gene | 41.83581 | 41.87271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647877 | Vmn2r58 | NCBI_Gene:628422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090383 | MGI:3647877 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 58 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.93753 | 41.98093 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351346 | Vmn2r-ps57 | NCBI_Gene:110931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092328 | MGI:1351346 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 57 |
7 | gene | 42.01128 | 42.05902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643747 | Vmn2r59 | NCBI_Gene:628444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092032 | MGI:3643747 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 59 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.02072 | 42.02200 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648695 | Hmgb1-ps7 | NCBI_Gene:434174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092281 | MGI:3648695 | pseudogene | high-mobility group high mobility group box 1, pseudogene 7 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.04786 | 42.05034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647435 | Gm7224 | NCBI_Gene:637913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083623 | MGI:3647435 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7224 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.10577 | 42.10730 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648694 | Ccnb1-ps | NCBI_Gene:434175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048574 | MGI:3648694 | pseudogene | cyclin B1, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 42.10777 | 42.19621 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647050 | Vmn2r60 | NCBI_Gene:637898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090619 | MGI:3647050 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 60 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.12501 | 42.12622 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780479 | Gm2308 | NCBI_Gene:100039556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092257 | MGI:3780479 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2308 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.25630 | 42.25642 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753095 | Gm44519 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108562 | MGI:5753095 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44519 |
7 | gene | 42.26005 | 42.30076 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351347 | Vmn2r61 | NCBI_Gene:637873,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090967 | MGI:1351347 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 61 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.30308 | 42.30334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757988 | Vmn2r-ps58 | NCBI_Gene:100124556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092370 | MGI:3757988 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 58 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.35370 | 42.35800 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648693 | Gm5594 | NCBI_Gene:100534301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092411 | MGI:3648693 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5594 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.37846 | 42.37870 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757989 | Vmn2r-ps59 | NCBI_Gene:100124557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092382 | MGI:3757989 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 59 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.42983 | 42.43072 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757993 | Vmn2r-ps60 | NCBI_Gene:628490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070621 | MGI:3757993 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 60 |
7 | gene | 42.44546 | 42.44813 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918412 | 4933421I07Rik | NCBI_Gene:71162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030463 | MGI:1918412 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933421I07 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 42.46489 | 42.46537 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649086 | Gm6887 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092301 | MGI:3649086 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6887 |
7 | gene | 42.47339 | 42.50575 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3584269 | Zfp141 | NCBI_Gene:434178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092416 | MGI:3584269 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 141 |
7 | gene | 42.48131 | 42.48234 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918854 | 9130413E14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130413E14 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 42.48877 | 42.48911 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011431 | Gm19246 | NCBI_Gene:100462739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092505 | MGI:5011431 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19246 |
7 | gene | 42.50583 | 42.51027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594512 | Gm35353 | NCBI_Gene:102638902 | MGI:5594512 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35353 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.50760 | 42.50933 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753099 | Gm44523 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108491 | MGI:5753099 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44523 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.51823 | 42.52192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825617 | Gm45980 | NCBI_Gene:108167418 | MGI:5825617 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 45980 |
7 | gene | 42.56141 | 42.57823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753573 | Gm44997 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108446 | MGI:5753573 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44997 |
7 | gene | 42.57754 | 42.64489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3036263 | Zfp976 | NCBI_Gene:208111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074158 | MGI:3036263 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 976 |
7 | gene | 42.57840 | 42.57973 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434383 | Gm21028 | NCBI_Gene:100534316,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094462 | MGI:5434383 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 21028 |
7 | gene | 42.57978 | 42.59255 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645327 | Zfp977 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092335 | MGI:3645327 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 977 |
7 | gene | 42.60516 | 42.60527 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454715 | Gm24938 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076180 | MGI:5454715 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24938 |
7 | gene | 42.66011 | 42.69274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648690 | Zfp975 | NCBI_Gene:434179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069727 | MGI:3648690 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 975 |
7 | gene | 42.69286 | 42.69779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621883 | Gm38998 | NCBI_Gene:105242926 | MGI:5621883 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38998 |
7 | gene | 42.70504 | 42.72702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4937894 | Gm17067 | NCBI_Gene:101056115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091594 | MGI:4937894 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 17067 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.73441 | 42.73492 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010313 | Gm18128 | NCBI_Gene:100416478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092554 | MGI:5010313 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18128 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.75037 | 42.75256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644564 | Gm6004 | NCBI_Gene:546965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092238 | MGI:3644564 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6004 |
7 | gene | 42.76405 | 42.79353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757994 | Vmn2r62 | NCBI_Gene:546964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091926 | MGI:3757994 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 62 |
7 | gene | 42.81683 | 42.86723 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780549 | Gm2381 | NCBI_Gene:100039706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092225 | MGI:3780549 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 2381 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.87856 | 42.88067 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648273 | Gm7211 | NCBI_Gene:637572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092191 | MGI:3648273 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7211 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.88599 | 42.89256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825661 | Gm46024 | NCBI_Gene:108167508 | MGI:5825661 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46024 |
7 | gene | 42.89671 | 42.93382 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647107 | Vmn2r63 | NCBI_Gene:435975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090751 | MGI:3647107 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 63 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.95172 | 42.95221 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643305 | Gm9266 | NCBI_Gene:668606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080892 | MGI:3643305 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9266 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.95352 | 42.95441 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648888 | Gm9294 | NCBI_Gene:668668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044609 | MGI:3648888 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 9294 |
7 | gene | 42.95835 | 42.95846 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453033 | Gm23256 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076190 | MGI:5453033 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23256 |
7 | gene | 43.01877 | 43.04811 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646456 | Vmn2r126 | NCBI_Gene:668612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091528 | MGI:3646456 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 126 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.06067 | 43.06101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753114 | Gm44538 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108666 | MGI:5753114 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44538 |
7 | gene | 43.07804 | 43.09938 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5009932 | Gm17768 | NCBI_Gene:100045125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107181 | MGI:5009932 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 17768 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.08210 | 43.08266 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648821 | Rpl18a-ps4 | NCBI_Gene:385199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108492 | MGI:3648821 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L18A, pseudogene 4 |
7 | gene | 43.09972 | 43.09984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642306 | Gm10351 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071952 | MGI:3642306 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10351 |
7 | gene | 43.11423 | 43.19211 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642994 | Zfp936 | NCBI_Gene:668620,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064194 | MGI:3642994 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 936 |
7 | gene | 43.15316 | 43.15541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825648 | Gm46011 | NCBI_Gene:108167482 | MGI:5825648 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 46011 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.15581 | 43.15665 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010393 | Gm18208 | NCBI_Gene:100416704 | MGI:5010393 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18208 |
7 | gene | 43.20435 | 43.20446 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452484 | Gm22707 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077022 | MGI:5452484 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22707 |
7 | gene | 43.21404 | 43.22725 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3796554 | EU599041 | NCBI_Gene:100170401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074887 | MGI:3796554 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence EU599041 |
7 | gene | 43.25374 | 43.26564 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594747 | Gm35588 | NCBI_Gene:102639229 | MGI:5594747 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 35588 |
7 | gene | 43.29620 | 43.31331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917180 | Zfp715 | NCBI_Gene:69930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012640 | MGI:1917180 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 715 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.34455 | 43.34479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753115 | Gm44539 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108300 | MGI:5753115 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44539 |
7 | gene | 43.35134 | 43.35953 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681107 | Siglecf | NCBI_Gene:233186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039013 | MGI:2681107 | protein coding gene | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin F |
7 | pseudogene | 43.38768 | 43.38794 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642777 | Gm10298 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070606 | MGI:3642777 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10298 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.39453 | 43.39526 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753116 | Gm44540 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108775 | MGI:5753116 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44540 |
7 | gene | 43.40819 | 43.41836 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443630 | Siglecg | NCBI_Gene:243958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030468 | MGI:2443630 | protein coding gene | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin G |
7 | gene | 43.42764 | 43.42984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621884 | Gm38999 | NCBI_Gene:105242927 | MGI:5621884 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38999 |
7 | gene | 43.42767 | 43.43600 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104698 | Lim2 | NCBI_Gene:233187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093639 | MGI:104698 | protein coding gene | lens intrinsic membrane protein 2 |
7 | gene | 43.43707 | 43.43825 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1931250 | Nkg7 | NCBI_Gene:72310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004612 | MGI:1931250 | protein coding gene | natural killer cell group 7 sequence |
7 | gene | 43.43919 | 43.44348 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921526 | Cldnd2 | NCBI_Gene:74276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038973 | MGI:1921526 | protein coding gene | claudin domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 43.44407 | 43.45780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106098 | Etfb | NCBI_Gene:110826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004610 | MGI:106098 | protein coding gene | electron transferring flavoprotein, beta polypeptide |
7 | gene | 43.44413 | 43.46359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753809 | Etfbl | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107482 | MGI:5753809 | protein coding gene | electron transferring flavoprotein, beta polypeptide like |
7 | gene | 43.44807 | 43.44855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753392 | Gm44816 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108618 | MGI:5753392 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44816 |
7 | gene | 43.45750 | 43.45757 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531067 | Mir7051 | miRBase:MI0022900,NCBI_Gene:102465636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099210 | MGI:5531067 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7051 |
7 | gene | 43.46150 | 43.46417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621885 | Gm39000 | NCBI_Gene:105242928 | MGI:5621885 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39000 |
7 | gene | 43.46306 | 43.47202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922940 | Vsig10l | NCBI_Gene:75690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070604 | MGI:1922940 | protein coding gene | V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 like |
7 | gene | 43.47290 | 43.49007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686277 | Iglon5 | NCBI_Gene:210094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013367 | MGI:2686277 | protein coding gene | IgLON family member 5 |
7 | gene | 43.49204 | 43.50597 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921304 | 4931406B18Rik | NCBI_Gene:74054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013353 | MGI:1921304 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931406B18 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 43.50692 | 43.50753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646238 | Gm9278 | NCBI_Gene:668630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108438 | MGI:3646238 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9278 |
7 | gene | 43.51116 | 43.51908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780678 | Gm2511 | NCBI_Gene:100039946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108695 | MGI:3780678 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 2511 |
7 | gene | 43.52422 | 43.54443 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99440 | Cd33 | NCBI_Gene:12489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004609 | MGI:99440 | protein coding gene | CD33 antigen |
7 | gene | 43.56132 | 43.56168 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753394 | Gm44818 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108411 | MGI:5753394 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44818 |
7 | gene | 43.56220 | 43.57614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652821 | Zfp658 | NCBI_Gene:210104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056592 | MGI:2652821 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 658 |
7 | gene | 43.57955 | 43.59371 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444708 | Zfp719 | NCBI_Gene:210105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030469 | MGI:2444708 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 719 |
7 | gene | 43.60690 | 43.61910 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921650 | Zfp819 | NCBI_Gene:74400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055102 | MGI:1921650 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 819 |
7 | gene | 43.63467 | 43.64930 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919681 | Ceacam18 | NCBI_Gene:72431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030472 | MGI:1919681 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 18 |
7 | gene | 43.65107 | 43.66018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1932475 | Siglece | NCBI_Gene:83382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030474 | MGI:1932475 | protein coding gene | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin E |
7 | gene | 43.66926 | 43.67188 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595705 | Gm36546 | NCBI_Gene:102640502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108783 | MGI:5595705 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36546 |
7 | gene | 43.67198 | 43.67830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385277 | Ctu1 | NCBI_Gene:233189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038888 | MGI:2385277 | protein coding gene | cytosolic thiouridylase subunit 1 |
7 | gene | 43.68088 | 43.69554 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2447564 | Klk14 | NCBI_Gene:317653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044737 | MGI:2447564 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 14 |
7 | gene | 43.69264 | 43.69310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753393 | Gm44817 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108734 | MGI:5753393 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44817 |
7 | gene | 43.69521 | 43.79796 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916779 | 2310002F09Rik | NCBI_Gene:100504720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097178 | MGI:1916779 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310002F09 gene |
7 | gene | 43.71257 | 43.72786 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3615275 | Klk13 | NCBI_Gene:626834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054046 | MGI:3615275 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 13 |
7 | gene | 43.71599 | 43.71642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753390 | Gm44814 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108588 | MGI:5753390 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44814 |
7 | gene | 43.76866 | 43.77470 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916761 | Klk12 | NCBI_Gene:69511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044430 | MGI:1916761 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 12 |
7 | gene | 43.77460 | 43.77926 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929977 | Klk11 | NCBI_Gene:56538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067616 | MGI:1929977 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 11 |
7 | gene | 43.78104 | 43.78541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916790 | Klk10 | NCBI_Gene:69540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030693 | MGI:1916790 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 10 |
7 | gene | 43.79159 | 43.79676 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921082 | Klk9 | NCBI_Gene:101533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047884 | MGI:1921082 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 9 |
7 | gene | 43.79758 | 43.80383 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1343327 | Klk8 | NCBI_Gene:259277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064023 | MGI:1343327 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 8 |
7 | gene | 43.81129 | 43.81639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346336 | Klk7 | NCBI_Gene:23993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030713 | MGI:1346336 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 7 (chymotryptic, stratum corneum) |
7 | gene | 43.82450 | 43.83203 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1343166 | Klk6 | NCBI_Gene:19144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050063 | MGI:1343166 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 6 |
7 | gene | 43.83416 | 43.85118 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915918 | Klk5 | NCBI_Gene:68668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074155 | MGI:1915918 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 5 |
7 | gene | 43.85609 | 43.85741 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753283 | Gm44707 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108781 | MGI:5753283 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44707 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.86388 | 43.86419 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753749 | Gm45173 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108527 | MGI:5753749 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45173 |
7 | gene | 43.88116 | 43.88580 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861379 | Klk4 | NCBI_Gene:56640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006948 | MGI:1861379 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 4 (prostase, enamel matrix, prostate) |
7 | pseudogene | 43.91517 | 43.92187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892028 | Klk2-ps | NCBI_Gene:16603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108444 | MGI:892028 | pseudogene | kallikrein-related peptidase 2, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 43.92941 | 43.93985 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2447533 | Klk15 | NCBI_Gene:317652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055193 | MGI:2447533 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 15 |
7 | gene | 43.93806 | 43.97657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753332 | Gm44756 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108432 | MGI:5753332 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44756 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.94266 | 43.94593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892027 | Klk1b7-ps | NCBI_Gene:16604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060161 | MGI:892027 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b7, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 43.94625 | 43.94889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753521 | Gm44945 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108323 | MGI:5753521 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44945 |
7 | gene | 43.95066 | 43.95494 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892018 | Klk1b8 | NCBI_Gene:16624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063089 | MGI:892018 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b8 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.95878 | 43.96300 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892029 | Klk1b2-ps | NCBI_Gene:16602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108651 | MGI:892029 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b2, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 43.96675 | 43.97132 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892019 | Klk1b1 | NCBI_Gene:16623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063133 | MGI:892019 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b1 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.97225 | 43.97429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753774 | Gm45198 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108746 | MGI:5753774 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45198 |
7 | gene | 43.97606 | 43.98038 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95293 | Klk1b9 | NCBI_Gene:13648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059042 | MGI:95293 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b9 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.98073 | 43.99413 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753711 | Gm45135 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108730 | MGI:5753711 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45135 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.98777 | 43.99209 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892026 | Klk1b10-ps | NCBI_Gene:16605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108602 | MGI:892026 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b10, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 43.99588 | 43.99988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892023 | Klk1b11 | NCBI_Gene:16613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044485 | MGI:892023 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b11 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.00080 | 44.00286 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753771 | Gm45195 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108794 | MGI:5753771 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45195 |
7 | gene | 44.00462 | 44.10658 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892022 | Klk1b21 | NCBI_Gene:16616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066516 | MGI:892022 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b21 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.00464 | 44.00893 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892025 | Klk1b12-ps | NCBI_Gene:110971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108539 | MGI:892025 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b12, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 44.01217 | 44.01697 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891981 | Klk1b26 | NCBI_Gene:16618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053719 | MGI:891981 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related petidase b26 |
7 | gene | 44.01270 | 44.01697 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95292 | Egfbp2 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | epidermal growth factor binding protein type B |
7 | pseudogene | 44.02082 | 44.02158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892024 | Klk1b18-ps | NCBI_Gene:16609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108759 | MGI:892024 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b18, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 44.02794 | 44.02915 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891986 | Klk1b28-ps | NCBI_Gene:108165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108339 | MGI:891986 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b28, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 44.04127 | 44.04353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753772 | Gm45196 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108328 | MGI:5753772 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45196 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.04516 | 44.04848 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891985 | Klk1b19-ps | NCBI_Gene:668647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108440 | MGI:891985 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b19, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 44.05229 | 44.05671 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891980 | Klk1b27 | NCBI_Gene:16619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063177 | MGI:891980 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b27 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.06985 | 44.07001 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753773 | Gm45197 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108538 | MGI:5753773 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45197 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.07180 | 44.07605 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891983 | Klk1b14-ps | NCBI_Gene:16614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108400 | MGI:891983 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b14, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 44.07675 | 44.07905 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753602 | Gm45026 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108498 | MGI:5753602 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45026 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.09616 | 44.09855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891987 | Klk1b15-ps | NCBI_Gene:16607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108406 | MGI:891987 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b15, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 44.09936 | 44.09951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753701 | Gm45125 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108517 | MGI:5753701 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45125 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.10710 | 44.10968 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753703 | Gm45127 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108301 | MGI:5753703 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45127 |
7 | gene | 44.11267 | 44.11692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95291 | Klk1b22 | NCBI_Gene:13646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060177 | MGI:95291 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b22 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.11749 | 44.11980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753702 | Gm45126 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108796 | MGI:5753702 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45126 |
7 | gene | 44.12225 | 44.14161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891982 | Klk1b16 | NCBI_Gene:16615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038968 | MGI:891982 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b16 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.12326 | 44.13554 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753698 | Gm45122 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108403 | MGI:5753698 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45122 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.13264 | 44.13347 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891984 | Klk1b23-ps | NCBI_Gene:108164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108797 | MGI:891984 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b23, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 44.15684 | 44.15779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753712 | Gm45136 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108774 | MGI:5753712 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45136 |
7 | gene | 44.18823 | 44.19246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892021 | Klk1b24 | NCBI_Gene:16617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063713 | MGI:892021 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b24 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.19319 | 44.19563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753355 | Gm44779 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108727 | MGI:5753355 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44779 |
7 | gene | 44.19819 | 44.20235 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97322 | Klk1b3 | NCBI_Gene:18050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066515 | MGI:97322 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b3 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.20270 | 44.20429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753181 | Gm44605 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108459 | MGI:5753181 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44605 |
7 | gene | 44.20743 | 44.21175 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97320 | Klk1b4 | NCBI_Gene:18048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066513 | MGI:97320 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related pepidase b4 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.21207 | 44.21472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753710 | Gm45134 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108679 | MGI:5753710 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45134 |
7 | gene | 44.21594 | 44.22070 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892020 | Klk1b5 | NCBI_Gene:16622,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066512 | MGI:892020 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b5 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.22101 | 44.24666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647742 | Gm10109 | NCBI_Gene:638411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062073 | MGI:3647742 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10109 |
7 | gene | 44.22536 | 44.22962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102850 | Klk1 | NCBI_Gene:16612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063903 | MGI:102850 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1 |
7 | gene | 44.22981 | 44.24670 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917254 | 1700028J19Rik | NCBI_Gene:70004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038782 | MGI:1917254 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700028J19 gene |
7 | gene | 44.23618 | 44.24431 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5596023 | Gm36864 | NCBI_Gene:102640913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108622 | MGI:5596023 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 36864 |
7 | gene | 44.23975 | 44.24003 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455163 | Gm25386 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088439 | MGI:5455163 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25386 |
7 | gene | 44.24672 | 44.25232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914226 | 2410002F23Rik | NCBI_Gene:668661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045411 | MGI:1914226 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2410002F23 gene |
7 | gene | 44.24673 | 44.26272 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579202 | Gm28496 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101166 | MGI:5579202 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28496 |
7 | gene | 44.24809 | 44.24818 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456024 | Gm26247 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080352 | MGI:5456024 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26247 |
7 | gene | 44.24985 | 44.24994 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819561 | Snord88c | NCBI_Gene:100217434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096296 | MGI:3819561 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 88C |
7 | gene | 44.25014 | 44.25022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819560 | Snord88a | NCBI_Gene:100217433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095472 | MGI:3819560 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 88A |
7 | gene | 44.25045 | 44.25054 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453768 | Gm23991 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080683 | MGI:5453768 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23991 |
7 | gene | 44.25201 | 44.26135 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644563 | Acp4 | NCBI_Gene:100503991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012777 | MGI:3644563 | protein coding gene | acid phosphatase 4 |
7 | gene | 44.26135 | 44.26374 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782964 | Gm15517 | NCBI_Gene:628854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087376 | MGI:3782964 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 15517 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.26762 | 44.27316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011090 | Gm18905 | NCBI_Gene:102632142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108705 | MGI:5011090 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18905 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.28143 | 44.28240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010492 | Gm18307 | NCBI_Gene:100416897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108343 | MGI:5010492 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18307 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.29613 | 44.30165 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647237 | Gm7238 | NCBI_Gene:638453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108512 | MGI:3647237 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7238 |
7 | gene | 44.30269 | 44.30696 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1298219 | Clec11a | NCBI_Gene:20256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004473 | MGI:1298219 | protein coding gene | C-type lectin domain family 11, member a |
7 | gene | 44.30790 | 44.36057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3613677 | Shank1 | NCBI_Gene:243961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038738 | MGI:3613677 | protein coding gene | SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 1 |
7 | gene | 44.31475 | 44.31491 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753333 | Gm44757 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108719 | MGI:5753333 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44757 |
7 | gene | 44.36004 | 44.38582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916599 | 1700008O03Rik | NCBI_Gene:69349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008028 | MGI:1916599 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700008O03 gene |
7 | gene | 44.36256 | 44.36329 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753356 | Gm44780 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108509 | MGI:5753356 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44780 |
7 | gene | 44.37450 | 44.37590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621886 | Gm39001 | NCBI_Gene:105242929 | MGI:5621886 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39001 |
7 | gene | 44.37889 | 44.38582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441852 | B230219N05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B230219N05 gene |
7 | gene | 44.38410 | 44.40019 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99665 | Syt3 | NCBI_Gene:20981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030731 | MGI:99665 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin III |
7 | gene | 44.38640 | 44.38915 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753700 | Gm45124 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108372 | MGI:5753700 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45124 |
7 | gene | 44.42059 | 44.43193 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621887 | Gm39002 | NCBI_Gene:105242930 | MGI:5621887 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 39002 |
7 | gene | 44.42902 | 44.46335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3027390 | Lrrc4b | NCBI_Gene:272381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047085 | MGI:3027390 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 4B |
7 | gene | 44.44689 | 44.45182 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621888 | Gm39003 | NCBI_Gene:105242931 | MGI:5621888 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39003 |
7 | gene | 44.46539 | 44.46776 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915602 | Aspdh | NCBI_Gene:68352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038704 | MGI:1915602 | protein coding gene | aspartate dehydrogenase domain containing |
7 | gene | 44.46798 | 44.47166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913374 | Josd2 | NCBI_Gene:66124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038695 | MGI:1913374 | protein coding gene | Josephin domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 44.47035 | 44.47041 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530965 | Mir7052 | miRBase:MI0022901,NCBI_Gene:102465637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098661 | MGI:5530965 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7052 |
7 | gene | 44.47354 | 44.48614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918618 | 5430431A17Rik | NCBI_Gene:71368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108322 | MGI:1918618 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430431A17 gene |
7 | gene | 44.48994 | 44.49653 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916933 | Emc10 | NCBI_Gene:69683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008140 | MGI:1916933 | protein coding gene | ER membrane protein complex subunit 10 |
7 | gene | 44.49658 | 44.50427 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922788 | Fam71e1 | NCBI_Gene:75538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051113 | MGI:1922788 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 71, member E1 |
7 | gene | 44.49724 | 44.49772 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925387 | 4921540A03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921540A03 gene |
7 | gene | 44.50169 | 44.50427 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753222 | Gm44646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108607 | MGI:5753222 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44646 |
7 | gene | 44.50170 | 44.52472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1336170 | Mybpc2 | NCBI_Gene:233199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038670 | MGI:1336170 | protein coding gene | myosin binding protein C, fast-type |
7 | gene | 44.52599 | 44.53209 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_892986 | Spib | NCBI_Gene:272382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008193 | MGI:892986 | protein coding gene | Spi-B transcription factor (Spi-1/PU.1 related) |
7 | gene | 44.53274 | 44.54885 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97741 | Pold1 | NCBI_Gene:18971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038644 | MGI:97741 | protein coding gene | polymerase (DNA directed), delta 1, catalytic subunit |
7 | gene | 44.53811 | 44.53818 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530885 | Mir7053 | miRBase:MI0022902,NCBI_Gene:102466796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099330 | MGI:5530885 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7053 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.54515 | 44.54548 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753409 | Gm44833 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109236 | MGI:5753409 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44833 |
7 | gene | 44.54962 | 44.55397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352463 | Nr1h2 | NCBI_Gene:22260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060601 | MGI:1352463 | protein coding gene | nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 2 |
7 | gene | 44.57238 | 44.58686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109365 | Napsa | NCBI_Gene:16541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002204 | MGI:109365 | protein coding gene | napsin A aspartic peptidase |
7 | gene | 44.57997 | 44.59062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705202 | Gm15396 | NCBI_Gene:102632404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109491 | MGI:3705202 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15396 |
7 | gene | 44.58738 | 44.59037 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825618 | Gm45981 | NCBI_Gene:108167420 | MGI:5825618 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45981 |
7 | gene | 44.59066 | 44.60475 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96669 | Kcnc3 | NCBI_Gene:16504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062785 | MGI:96669 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 3 |
7 | gene | 44.59358 | 44.59588 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753408 | Gm44832 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108832 | MGI:5753408 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44832 |
7 | gene | 44.60580 | 44.67084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919210 | Myh14 | NCBI_Gene:71960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030739 | MGI:1919210 | protein coding gene | myosin, heavy polypeptide 14 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.64542 | 44.64635 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010441 | Gm18256 | NCBI_Gene:100416794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109352 | MGI:5010441 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18256 |
7 | gene | 44.66815 | 44.67824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916828 | 2310016G11Rik | NCBI_Gene:69578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070574 | MGI:1916828 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310016G11 gene |
7 | gene | 44.70870 | 44.71984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922760 | Izumo2 | NCBI_Gene:75510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066500 | MGI:1922760 | protein coding gene | IZUMO family member 2 |
7 | gene | 44.73148 | 44.75105 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442697 | Zfp473 | NCBI_Gene:243963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048012 | MGI:2442697 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 473 |
7 | gene | 44.74841 | 44.77752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2182465 | Vrk3 | NCBI_Gene:101568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002205 | MGI:2182465 | protein coding gene | vaccinia related kinase 3 |
7 | gene | 44.77286 | 44.77497 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443209 | A130002D19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A130002D19 gene |
7 | gene | 44.78866 | 44.79108 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588950 | Gm29791 | NCBI_Gene:101056178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109227 | MGI:5588950 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29791 |
7 | gene | 44.81226 | 44.81666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141857 | Atf5 | NCBI_Gene:107503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038539 | MGI:2141857 | protein coding gene | activating transcription factor 5 |
7 | gene | 44.81609 | 44.83184 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351500 | Nup62 | NCBI_Gene:18226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109511 | MGI:1351500 | protein coding gene | nucleoporin 62 |
7 | gene | 44.81637 | 44.84080 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439399 | Il4i1b | NCBI_Gene:100328588 | MGI:5439399 | protein coding gene | interleukin 4 induced 1B |
7 | gene | 44.81639 | 44.84081 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109552 | Il4i1 | NCBI_Gene:14204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074141 | MGI:109552 | protein coding gene | interleukin 4 induced 1 |
7 | gene | 44.83462 | 44.84908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2449973 | Tbc1d17 | NCBI_Gene:233204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038520 | MGI:2449973 | protein coding gene | TBC1 domain family, member 17 |
7 | gene | 44.84899 | 44.85542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914855 | Akt1s1 | NCBI_Gene:67605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011096 | MGI:1914855 | protein coding gene | AKT1 substrate 1 (proline-rich) |
7 | gene | 44.84970 | 44.84977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3629685 | Mir707 | miRBase:MI0004691,NCBI_Gene:735269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076051 | MGI:3629685 | miRNA gene | microRNA 707 |
7 | gene | 44.85648 | 44.86299 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891698 | Pnkp | NCBI_Gene:59047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002963 | MGI:1891698 | protein coding gene | polynucleotide kinase 3’- phosphatase |
7 | gene | 44.86307 | 44.87049 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933946 | Ptov1 | NCBI_Gene:84113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038502 | MGI:1933946 | protein coding gene | prostate tumor over expressed gene 1 |
7 | gene | 44.87676 | 44.89271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922863 | Med25 | NCBI_Gene:75613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002968 | MGI:1922863 | protein coding gene | mediator complex subunit 25 |
7 | gene | 44.89431 | 44.89810 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106455 | D7Bwg0826e | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109198 | MGI:106455 | unclassified gene | DNA segment, Chr 7, Brigham %26 Women’s Genetics 0826 expressed |
7 | gene | 44.89608 | 44.90263 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917550 | Fuz | NCBI_Gene:70300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011658 | MGI:1917550 | protein coding gene | fuzzy planar cell polarity protein |
7 | gene | 44.90037 | 44.92950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_101921 | Ap2a1 | NCBI_Gene:11771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060279 | MGI:101921 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 1 subunit |
7 | gene | 44.90614 | 44.90743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590187 | Gm31028 | NCBI_Gene:102633121 | MGI:5590187 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31028 |
7 | gene | 44.92958 | 44.95804 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347560 | Tsks | NCBI_Gene:22116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059891 | MGI:1347560 | protein coding gene | testis-specific serine kinase substrate |
7 | gene | 44.95848 | 44.97485 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446526 | Cpt1c | NCBI_Gene:78070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007783 | MGI:2446526 | protein coding gene | carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1c |
7 | gene | 44.97043 | 44.97430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925320 | 6530437J22Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109111 | MGI:1925320 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6530437J22 gene |
7 | gene | 44.97599 | 44.98657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107846 | Prmt1 | NCBI_Gene:15469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109324 | MGI:107846 | protein coding gene | protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 44.98690 | 44.99460 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782994 | Gm15545 | NCBI_Gene:100502630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087138 | MGI:3782994 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15545 |
7 | gene | 44.99122 | 44.99871 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922986 | Bcl2l12 | NCBI_Gene:75736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003190 | MGI:1922986 | protein coding gene | BCL2-like 12 (proline rich) |
7 | gene | 44.99765 | 45.00285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859179 | Irf3 | NCBI_Gene:54131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003184 | MGI:1859179 | protein coding gene | interferon regulatory factor 3 |
7 | gene | 45.00295 | 45.01636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141980 | Scaf1 | NCBI_Gene:233208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038406 | MGI:2141980 | protein coding gene | SR-related CTD-associated factor 1 |
7 | gene | 45.01243 | 45.01249 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530939 | Mir7054 | miRBase:MI0022903,NCBI_Gene:102466218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098839 | MGI:5530939 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7054 |
7 | gene | 45.01640 | 45.01769 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825619 | Gm45982 | NCBI_Gene:108167421 | MGI:5825619 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45982 |
7 | gene | 45.01796 | 45.02165 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98179 | Rras | NCBI_Gene:20130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038387 | MGI:98179 | protein coding gene | related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene |
7 | gene | 45.02756 | 45.05288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2679002 | Prr12 | NCBI_Gene:233210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046574 | MGI:2679002 | protein coding gene | proline rich 12 |
7 | gene | 45.05358 | 45.06288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929596 | Prrg2 | NCBI_Gene:65116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007837 | MGI:1929596 | protein coding gene | proline-rich Gla (G-carboxyglutamic acid) polypeptide 2 |
7 | gene | 45.06243 | 45.07850 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913644 | Nosip | NCBI_Gene:66394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003421 | MGI:1913644 | protein coding gene | nitric oxide synthase interacting protein |
7 | gene | 45.08291 | 45.09226 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277122 | Rcn3 | NCBI_Gene:52377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019539 | MGI:1277122 | protein coding gene | reticulocalbin 3, EF-hand calcium binding domain |
7 | gene | 45.09141 | 45.09832 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791505 | Gm45669 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109947 | MGI:5791505 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45669 |
7 | gene | 45.09299 | 45.10385 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103017 | Fcgrt | NCBI_Gene:14132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003420 | MGI:103017 | protein coding gene | Fc receptor, IgG, alpha chain transporter |
7 | gene | 45.12176 | 45.12182 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676835 | Mir150 | miRBase:MI0000172,NCBI_Gene:387168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065495 | MGI:2676835 | miRNA gene | microRNA 150 |
7 | gene | 45.12192 | 45.12414 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791388 | Gm45552 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110279 | MGI:5791388 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45552 |
7 | gene | 45.12238 | 45.12444 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351329 | Rps11 | NCBI_Gene:27207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003429 | MGI:1351329 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S11 |
7 | gene | 45.12302 | 45.12311 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351321 | Snord35b | NCBI_Gene:27212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064767 | MGI:1351321 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 35B |
7 | gene | 45.12556 | 45.12876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351455 | Rpl13a | NCBI_Gene:22121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074129 | MGI:1351455 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein L13A |
7 | gene | 45.12592 | 45.13623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804828 | Gm45713 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089989 | MGI:5804828 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45713 |
7 | gene | 45.12635 | 45.12644 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351319 | Snord35a | NCBI_Gene:27211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065818 | MGI:1351319 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 35A |
7 | gene | 45.12660 | 45.12667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351325 | Snord34 | NCBI_Gene:27210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065878 | MGI:1351325 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 34 |
7 | gene | 45.12686 | 45.12695 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351323 | Snord33 | NCBI_Gene:27208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065628 | MGI:1351323 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 33 |
7 | gene | 45.12692 | 45.12699 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4950446 | Mir5121 | miRBase:MI0018030,NCBI_Gene:100628629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105913 | MGI:4950446 | miRNA gene | microRNA 5121 |
7 | gene | 45.12738 | 45.12746 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351324 | Snord32a | NCBI_Gene:27209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065219 | MGI:1351324 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 32A |
7 | gene | 45.12979 | 45.13649 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95560 | Flt3l | NCBI_Gene:14256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110206 | MGI:95560 | protein coding gene | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand |
7 | gene | 45.14068 | 45.15458 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916998 | Aldh16a1 | NCBI_Gene:69748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007833 | MGI:1916998 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase 16 family, member A1 |
7 | gene | 45.15430 | 45.16007 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916095 | Pih1d1 | NCBI_Gene:68845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003423 | MGI:1916095 | protein coding gene | PIH1 domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 45.16392 | 45.17614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920211 | Slc17a7 | NCBI_Gene:72961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070570 | MGI:1920211 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7 |
7 | gene | 45.17330 | 45.17336 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5562777 | Mir7055 | miRBase:MI0022904,NCBI_Gene:102465638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106470 | MGI:5562777 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7055 |
7 | gene | 45.17635 | 45.17960 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685427 | Gfy | NCBI_Gene:100039953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095276 | MGI:2685427 | protein coding gene | golgi-associated olfactory signaling regulator |
7 | gene | 45.17654 | 45.18184 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2152297 | Pth2 | NCBI_Gene:114640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038300 | MGI:2152297 | protein coding gene | parathyroid hormone 2 |
7 | gene | 45.18362 | 45.20493 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2687329 | Ccdc155 | NCBI_Gene:384619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038292 | MGI:2687329 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 155 |
7 | gene | 45.18893 | 45.19149 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590256 | Gm31097 | NCBI_Gene:102633211 | MGI:5590256 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31097 |
7 | gene | 45.20752 | 45.21260 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354963 | Dkkl1 | NCBI_Gene:50722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030792 | MGI:1354963 | protein coding gene | dickkopf-like 1 |
7 | gene | 45.21575 | 45.23364 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104904 | Tead2 | NCBI_Gene:21677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030796 | MGI:104904 | protein coding gene | TEA domain family member 2 |
7 | gene | 45.23363 | 45.23923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88330 | Cd37 | NCBI_Gene:12493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030798 | MGI:88330 | protein coding gene | CD37 antigen |
7 | gene | 45.24075 | 45.27337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685930 | Slc6a16 | NCBI_Gene:381884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094152 | MGI:2685930 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 6, member 16 |
7 | gene | 45.25445 | 45.25455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453362 | Gm23585 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088281 | MGI:5453362 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23585 |
7 | gene | 45.27733 | 45.28900 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923963 | Slc6a21 | NCBI_Gene:76713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070568 | MGI:1923963 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 6 member 21 |
7 | gene | 45.29916 | 45.30236 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621891 | Gm39006 | NCBI_Gene:105242934 | MGI:5621891 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39006 |
7 | gene | 45.30263 | 45.33407 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915917 | Trpm4 | NCBI_Gene:68667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038260 | MGI:1915917 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 4 |
7 | pseudogene | 45.32496 | 45.32565 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3710579 | Rpl14-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100040970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046721 | MGI:3710579 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L14, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 45.33527 | 45.33897 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96226 | Hrc | NCBI_Gene:15464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038239 | MGI:96226 | protein coding gene | histidine rich calcium binding protein |
7 | gene | 45.33912 | 45.36702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924037 | Ppfia3 | NCBI_Gene:76787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003863 | MGI:1924037 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, f polypeptide (PTPRF), interacting protein (liprin), alpha 3 |
7 | gene | 45.36616 | 45.36795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1860766 | Mtag2 | NCBI_Gene:50994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091510 | MGI:1860766 | lncRNA gene | metastasis associated gene 2 |
7 | gene | 45.36789 | 45.37058 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1330858 | Lin7b | NCBI_Gene:22342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003872 | MGI:1330858 | protein coding gene | lin-7 homolog B (C. elegans) |
7 | gene | 45.36818 | 45.36870 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791455 | Gm45619 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110070 | MGI:5791455 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45619 |
7 | gene | 45.37645 | 45.39574 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98341 | Snrnp70 | NCBI_Gene:20637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063511 | MGI:98341 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70 (U1) |
7 | gene | 45.38853 | 45.38868 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452255 | Gm22478 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084519 | MGI:5452255 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22478 |
7 | gene | 45.40565 | 45.41138 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96664 | Kcna7 | NCBI_Gene:16495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038201 | MGI:96664 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 7 |
7 | gene | 45.41369 | 45.41718 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97381 | Ntf5 | NCBI_Gene:78405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074121 | MGI:97381 | protein coding gene | neurotrophin 5 |
7 | gene | 45.41747 | 45.42190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96782 | Lhb | NCBI_Gene:16866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100916 | MGI:96782 | protein coding gene | luteinizing hormone beta |
7 | gene | 45.42176 | 45.43810 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1342299 | Ruvbl2 | NCBI_Gene:20174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003868 | MGI:1342299 | protein coding gene | RuvB-like protein 2 |
7 | gene | 45.43484 | 45.45662 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101805 | Gys1 | NCBI_Gene:14936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003865 | MGI:101805 | protein coding gene | glycogen synthase 1, muscle |
7 | gene | 45.45794 | 45.45989 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95589 | Ftl1 | NCBI_Gene:14325,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050708 | MGI:95589 | protein coding gene | ferritin light polypeptide 1 |
7 | gene | 45.45809 | 45.45820 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451910 | Gm22133 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076036 | MGI:5451910 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22133 |
7 | gene | 45.45947 | 45.46030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704292 | Gm10252 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110350 | MGI:3704292 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10252 |
7 | gene | 45.46169 | 45.46820 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99702 | Bax | NCBI_Gene:12028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003873 | MGI:99702 | protein coding gene | BCL2-associated X protein |
7 | gene | 45.46598 | 45.48681 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804923 | Gm45808 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109926 | MGI:5804923 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45808 |
7 | gene | 45.47099 | 45.48887 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919005 | Dhdh | NCBI_Gene:71755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011382 | MGI:1919005 | protein coding gene | dihydrodiol dehydrogenase (dimeric) |
7 | gene | 45.48188 | 45.52363 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861600 | Tulp2 | NCBI_Gene:56734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023467 | MGI:1861600 | protein coding gene | tubby-like protein 2 |
7 | gene | 45.49046 | 45.51041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97388 | Nucb1 | NCBI_Gene:18220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030824 | MGI:97388 | protein coding gene | nucleobindin 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 45.51236 | 45.51257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791314 | Gm45478 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110387 | MGI:5791314 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45478 |
7 | gene | 45.52292 | 45.52627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927072 | Ppp1r15a | NCBI_Gene:17872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040435 | MGI:1927072 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 15A |
7 | gene | 45.52633 | 45.55423 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916467 | Plekha4 | NCBI_Gene:69217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040428 | MGI:1916467 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A (phosphoinositide binding specific) member 4 |
7 | gene | 45.55053 | 45.55161 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791400 | Gm45564 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110144 | MGI:5791400 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45564 |
7 | gene | 45.55486 | 45.56775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913315 | Hsd17b14 | NCBI_Gene:66065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030825 | MGI:1913315 | protein coding gene | hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 14 |
7 | gene | 45.56779 | 45.57533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918911 | 0610005C13Rik | NCBI_Gene:71661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109644 | MGI:1918911 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 0610005C13 gene |
7 | gene | 45.56976 | 45.58971 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1276534 | Bcat2 | NCBI_Gene:12036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030826 | MGI:1276534 | protein coding gene | branched chain aminotransferase 2, mitochondrial |
7 | gene | 45.59553 | 45.60355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590638 | Gm31479 | NCBI_Gene:102633721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109632 | MGI:5590638 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31479 |
7 | gene | 45.61389 | 45.61935 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1861377 | Fgf21 | NCBI_Gene:56636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030827 | MGI:1861377 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor 21 |
7 | gene | 45.61727 | 45.62106 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109375 | Fut1 | NCBI_Gene:14343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008461 | MGI:109375 | protein coding gene | fucosyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 45.62181 | 45.62882 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920706 | Izumo1 | NCBI_Gene:73456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064158 | MGI:1920706 | protein coding gene | izumo sperm-egg fusion 1 |
7 | gene | 45.62749 | 45.63909 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917153 | Rasip1 | NCBI_Gene:69903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044562 | MGI:1917153 | protein coding gene | Ras interacting protein 1 |
7 | gene | 45.63066 | 45.63308 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791273 | Gm45437 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109998 | MGI:5791273 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45437 |
7 | gene | 45.63567 | 45.63877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3696869 | A030001D20Rik | NCBI_Gene:100126243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110357 | MGI:3696869 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A030001D20 gene |
7 | gene | 45.63919 | 45.64821 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921740 | Mamstr | NCBI_Gene:74490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042918 | MGI:1921740 | protein coding gene | MEF2 activating motif and SAP domain containing transcriptional regulator |
7 | gene | 45.64859 | 45.66639 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109374 | Fut2 | NCBI_Gene:14344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055978 | MGI:109374 | protein coding gene | fucosyltransferase 2 |
7 | gene | 45.65905 | 45.66582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621893 | Gm39008 | NCBI_Gene:105242936 | MGI:5621893 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39008 |
7 | gene | 45.66631 | 45.67762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621892 | Gm39007 | NCBI_Gene:105242935 | MGI:5621892 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39007 |
7 | gene | 45.67769 | 45.69440 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928893 | Sec1 | NCBI_Gene:56546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040364 | MGI:1928893 | protein coding gene | secretory blood group 1 |
7 | gene | 45.68402 | 45.69456 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685330 | Ntn5 | NCBI_Gene:243967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070564 | MGI:2685330 | protein coding gene | netrin 5 |
7 | gene | 45.69979 | 45.70468 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1336193 | Car11 | NCBI_Gene:12348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003273 | MGI:1336193 | protein coding gene | carbonic anhydrase 11 |
7 | gene | 45.70509 | 45.71020 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_94866 | Dbp | NCBI_Gene:13170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059824 | MGI:94866 | protein coding gene | D site albumin promoter binding protein |
7 | gene | 45.70946 | 45.71800 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1861380 | Sphk2 | NCBI_Gene:56632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057342 | MGI:1861380 | protein coding gene | sphingosine kinase 2 |
7 | gene | 45.71546 | 45.72084 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98003 | Rpl18 | NCBI_Gene:19899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059070 | MGI:98003 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein L18 |
7 | gene | 45.72117 | 45.78467 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926342 | Sult2b1 | NCBI_Gene:54200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003271 | MGI:1926342 | protein coding gene | sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 2B, member 1 |
7 | gene | 45.72121 | 45.72949 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921063 | Fam83e | NCBI_Gene:73813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054161 | MGI:1921063 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 83, member E |
7 | gene | 45.72511 | 45.72582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916613 | Spaca4 | NCBI_Gene:69363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070563 | MGI:1916613 | protein coding gene | sperm acrosome associated 4 |
7 | gene | 45.74204 | 45.75085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590756 | Gm31597 | NCBI_Gene:102633874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109602 | MGI:5590756 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31597 |
7 | gene | 45.76535 | 45.77579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621894 | Gm39009 | NCBI_Gene:105242937 | MGI:5621894 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39009 |
7 | gene | 45.78371 | 45.80689 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039582 | Lmtk3 | NCBI_Gene:381983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062044 | MGI:3039582 | protein coding gene | lemur tyrosine kinase 3 |
7 | gene | 45.80664 | 45.81458 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1334255 | Cyth2 | NCBI_Gene:19158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003269 | MGI:1334255 | protein coding gene | cytohesin 2 |
7 | gene | 45.81402 | 45.81492 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791280 | Gm45444 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110197 | MGI:5791280 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45444 |
7 | gene | 45.81645 | 45.82478 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384820 | Kcnj14 | NCBI_Gene:211480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058743 | MGI:2384820 | protein coding gene | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 14 |
7 | gene | 45.82522 | 45.83099 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141989 | Grwd1 | NCBI_Gene:101612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053801 | MGI:2141989 | protein coding gene | glutamate-rich WD repeat containing 1 |
7 | gene | 45.83089 | 45.83525 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791277 | Gm45441 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110020 | MGI:5791277 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45441 |
7 | gene | 45.83188 | 45.87838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95823 | Grin2d | NCBI_Gene:14814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002771 | MGI:95823 | protein coding gene | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA2D (epsilon 4) |
7 | gene | 45.87277 | 45.88373 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915387 | Kdelr1 | NCBI_Gene:68137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002778 | MGI:1915387 | protein coding gene | KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 1 |
7 | gene | 45.87555 | 45.87563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451875 | Gm22098 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088555 | MGI:5451875 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22098 |
7 | gene | 45.88464 | 45.89674 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928903 | Syngr4 | NCBI_Gene:58867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040231 | MGI:1928903 | protein coding gene | synaptogyrin 4 |
7 | gene | 45.89694 | 45.91742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917459 | Tmem143 | NCBI_Gene:70209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002781 | MGI:1917459 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 143 |
7 | gene | 45.91802 | 45.92143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098729 | Emp3 | NCBI_Gene:13732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040212 | MGI:1098729 | protein coding gene | epithelial membrane protein 3 |
7 | gene | 45.92222 | 45.92417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791278 | Gm45442 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110208 | MGI:5791278 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45442 |
7 | gene | 45.92316 | 45.94896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446120 | Ccdc114 | NCBI_Gene:211535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040189 | MGI:2446120 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 114 |
7 | pseudogene | 45.93379 | 45.93428 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780120 | Gm9712 | NCBI_Gene:677321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109673 | MGI:3780120 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9712 |
7 | gene | 45.96349 | 45.97122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825620 | Gm45983 | NCBI_Gene:108167424 | MGI:5825620 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45983 |
7 | gene | 45.96755 | 46.03049 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351634 | Abcc6 | NCBI_Gene:27421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030834 | MGI:1351634 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 6 |
7 | pseudogene | 45.97241 | 45.97399 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791510 | Gm45674 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109702 | MGI:5791510 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45674 |
7 | gene | 46.03370 | 46.08421 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385850 | Nomo1 | NCBI_Gene:211548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030835 | MGI:2385850 | protein coding gene | nodal modulator 1 |
7 | gene | 46.04158 | 46.04242 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621895 | Gm39010 | NCBI_Gene:105242938 | MGI:5621895 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39010 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.09190 | 46.09296 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010891 | Gm18706 | NCBI_Gene:100417597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109882 | MGI:5010891 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18706 |
7 | gene | 46.09395 | 46.10087 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107501 | Kcnj11 | NCBI_Gene:16514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096146 | MGI:107501 | protein coding gene | potassium inwardly rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 11 |
7 | gene | 46.10452 | 46.18004 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352629 | Abcc8 | NCBI_Gene:20927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040136 | MGI:1352629 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 8 |
7 | gene | 46.11154 | 46.11208 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791323 | Gm45487 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110146 | MGI:5791323 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45487 |
7 | gene | 46.12335 | 46.13057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791322 | Gm45486 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110240 | MGI:5791322 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45486 |
7 | gene | 46.19535 | 46.23850 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919338 | Ush1c | NCBI_Gene:72088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030838 | MGI:1919338 | protein coding gene | USH1 protein network component harmonin |
7 | gene | 46.20455 | 46.20820 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642591 | Gm9860 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110060 | MGI:3642591 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 9860 |
7 | gene | 46.24099 | 46.31143 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1202064 | Otog | NCBI_Gene:18419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009487 | MGI:1202064 | protein coding gene | otogelin |
7 | gene | 46.34577 | 46.34937 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914183 | 1700025L06Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109962 | MGI:1914183 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700025L06 gene |
7 | gene | 46.37140 | 46.37249 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825560 | Gm45923 | NCBI_Gene:105447647 | MGI:5825560 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45923 |
7 | gene | 46.37647 | 46.37910 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97275 | Myod1 | NCBI_Gene:17927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009471 | MGI:97275 | protein coding gene | myogenic differentiation 1 |
7 | gene | 46.39646 | 46.43871 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96667 | Kcnc1 | NCBI_Gene:16502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058975 | MGI:96667 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 1 |
7 | gene | 46.44038 | 46.44071 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923976 | 1700121F22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700121F22 gene |
7 | gene | 46.44124 | 46.44218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825621 | Gm45984 | NCBI_Gene:108167425 | MGI:5825621 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45984 |
7 | gene | 46.44315 | 46.63981 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351630 | Sergef | NCBI_Gene:27414,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030839 | MGI:1351630 | protein coding gene | secretion regulating guanine nucleotide exchange factor |
7 | gene | 46.45041 | 46.45052 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452746 | Gm22969 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094229 | MGI:5452746 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22969 |
7 | gene | 46.51145 | 46.51278 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791147 | Gm45311 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110316 | MGI:5791147 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45311 |
7 | gene | 46.56130 | 46.57820 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783140 | Gm15700 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087492 | MGI:3783140 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15700 |
7 | gene | 46.56145 | 46.56173 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791146 | Gm45310 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110272 | MGI:5791146 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45310 |
7 | gene | 46.64464 | 46.67254 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98796 | Tph1 | NCBI_Gene:21990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040046 | MGI:98796 | protein coding gene | tryptophan hydroxylase 1 |
7 | gene | 46.68284 | 46.68538 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791465 | Gm45629 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110010 | MGI:5791465 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45629 |
7 | gene | 46.68611 | 46.71069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926185 | Saal1 | NCBI_Gene:78935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006763 | MGI:1926185 | protein coding gene | serum amyloid A-like 1 |
7 | gene | 46.71200 | 46.71570 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98223 | Saa3 | NCBI_Gene:20210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040026 | MGI:98223 | protein coding gene | serum amyloid A 3 |
7 | gene | 46.71889 | 46.72132 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591041 | Gm31882 | NCBI_Gene:102634252 | MGI:5591041 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31882 |
7 | gene | 46.72800 | 46.73260 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98224 | Saa4 | NCBI_Gene:20211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040017 | MGI:98224 | protein coding gene | serum amyloid A 4 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.73469 | 46.73667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108518 | Saa-ps | NCBI_Gene:20207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109624 | MGI:108518 | pseudogene | serum amyloid A, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 46.74050 | 46.74307 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98221 | Saa1 | NCBI_Gene:20208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074115 | MGI:98221 | protein coding gene | serum amyloid A 1 |
7 | gene | 46.75177 | 46.75431 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98222 | Saa2 | NCBI_Gene:20209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057465 | MGI:98222 | protein coding gene | serum amyloid A 2 |
7 | gene | 46.76047 | 46.79606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2180307 | Hps5 | NCBI_Gene:246694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014418 | MGI:2180307 | protein coding gene | HPS5, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 2 |
7 | gene | 46.78475 | 46.78555 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791145 | Gm45309 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110087 | MGI:5791145 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45309 |
7 | gene | 46.79609 | 46.82380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277216 | Gtf2h1 | NCBI_Gene:14884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006599 | MGI:1277216 | protein coding gene | general transcription factor II H, polypeptide 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.82017 | 46.82150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643262 | Gm9392 | NCBI_Gene:668838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087298 | MGI:3643262 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 9392 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.83242 | 46.83933 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647739 | Gm5331 | NCBI_Gene:384622 | MGI:3647739 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5331 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.83246 | 46.83288 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791144 | Gm45308 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109663 | MGI:5791144 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45308 |
7 | gene | 46.84148 | 46.85563 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96759 | Ldha | NCBI_Gene:16828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063229 | MGI:96759 | protein coding gene | lactate dehydrogenase A |
7 | gene | 46.85551 | 46.86123 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621896 | Gm39011 | NCBI_Gene:105242939 | MGI:5621896 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39011 |
7 | gene | 46.86120 | 46.87814 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96764 | Ldhc | NCBI_Gene:16833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030851 | MGI:96764 | protein coding gene | lactate dehydrogenase C |
7 | gene | 46.88895 | 46.91997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106581 | Tsg101 | NCBI_Gene:22088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014402 | MGI:106581 | protein coding gene | tumor susceptibility gene 101 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.91599 | 46.91626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791464 | Gm45628 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110213 | MGI:5791464 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45628 |
7 | gene | 46.92322 | 46.95853 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1860490 | Uevld | NCBI_Gene:54122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043262 | MGI:1860490 | protein coding gene | UEV and lactate/malate dehyrogenase domains |
7 | gene | 46.92781 | 46.92942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804852 | Gm45737 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109231 | MGI:5804852 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45737 |
7 | gene | 46.95754 | 46.97030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621897 | Gm39012 | NCBI_Gene:105242940 | MGI:5621897 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39012 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.96715 | 46.96762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011433 | Gm19248 | NCBI_Gene:100462932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110416 | MGI:5011433 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19248 |
7 | gene | 46.96771 | 46.97591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142361 | C86187 | NCBI_Gene:97402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110001 | MGI:2142361 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence C86187 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.97528 | 46.97577 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591100 | Gm31941 | NCBI_Gene:102634334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109637 | MGI:5591100 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31941 |
7 | gene | 46.97663 | 46.98780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642801 | Gm9999 | NCBI_Gene:629141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056509 | MGI:3642801 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9999 |
7 | gene | 46.99040 | 47.00841 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142062 | Spty2d1 | NCBI_Gene:101685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049516 | MGI:2142062 | protein coding gene | SPT2 chromatin protein domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 47.00808 | 47.00901 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591190 | Gm32031 | NCBI_Gene:102634450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109118 | MGI:5591190 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32031 |
7 | gene | 47.04989 | 47.05030 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791310 | Gm45474 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109634 | MGI:5791310 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45474 |
7 | gene | 47.05060 | 47.05478 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915143 | Tmem86a | NCBI_Gene:67893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010307 | MGI:1915143 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 86A |
7 | pseudogene | 47.05735 | 47.07563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593086 | LOC102637012 | NCBI_Gene:102637012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111473 | MGI:5593086 | pseudogene | immunoglobulin superfamily member 22-like |
7 | gene | 47.07780 | 47.13370 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97807 | Ptpn5 | NCBI_Gene:19259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030854 | MGI:97807 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 5 |
7 | gene | 47.08317 | 47.08322 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531078 | Mir7056 | miRBase:MI0022905,NCBI_Gene:102465639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098960 | MGI:5531078 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7056 |
7 | gene | 47.10871 | 47.12599 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651179 | Gm14377 | NCBI_Gene:102634561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109501 | MGI:3651179 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14377 |
7 | gene | 47.14216 | 47.14432 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753545 | Gm44969 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109200 | MGI:5753545 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44969 |
7 | gene | 47.18571 | 47.20492 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033107 | Mrgpra6 | NCBI_Gene:381886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052303 | MGI:3033107 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A6 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.21268 | 47.21341 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010532 | Gm18347 | NCBI_Gene:100416984 | MGI:5010532 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18347 |
7 | gene | 47.23486 | 47.25285 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033148 | Mrgpra9 | NCBI_Gene:668725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074111 | MGI:3033148 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A9 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.30933 | 47.31034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685506 | Mrgprx3-ps | NCBI_Gene:100502859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099560 | MGI:2685506 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member X3, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 47.33487 | 47.35424 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033095 | Mrgpra1 | NCBI_Gene:233221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050650 | MGI:3033095 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A1 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.34945 | 47.34989 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753661 | Gm45085 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109164 | MGI:5753661 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45085 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.39062 | 47.39107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580185 | Gm29479 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100470 | MGI:5580185 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29479 |
7 | gene | 47.41383 | 47.41394 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455103 | Gm25326 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095085 | MGI:5455103 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25326 |
7 | gene | 47.42632 | 47.45217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3821888 | Mrgpra2a | NCBI_Gene:668727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093973 | MGI:3821888 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A2A |
7 | gene | 47.46380 | 47.52886 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033098 | Mrgpra2b | NCBI_Gene:235712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096719 | MGI:3033098 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A2B |
7 | pseudogene | 47.50245 | 47.53178 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779706 | Gm7255 | NCBI_Gene:638950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101780 | MGI:3779706 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7255 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.53919 | 47.54025 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033197 | Mrgprc4-ps | NCBI_Gene:404257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101944 | MGI:3033197 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member C4, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 47.55537 | 47.55631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780126 | Gm9717 | NCBI_Gene:677457 | MGI:3780126 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9717 |
7 | gene | 47.55538 | 47.55629 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033168 | Mrgpra14 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101664 | MGI:3033168 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A14 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.56532 | 47.56630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644993 | Gm9322 | NCBI_Gene:668729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099659 | MGI:3644993 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9322 |
7 | gene | 47.58895 | 47.60137 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684085 | Mrgpra3 | NCBI_Gene:233222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078698 | MGI:2684085 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A3 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.61132 | 47.61237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033136 | Mrgprc1-ps | NCBI_Gene:269921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100665 | MGI:3033136 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member C1, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 47.66809 | 47.66882 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780876 | Gm2707 | NCBI_Gene:100040314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101087 | MGI:3780876 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2707 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.70866 | 47.70888 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578994 | Gm28288 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101817 | MGI:5578994 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28288 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.71850 | 47.71955 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033196 | Mrgprc3-ps | NCBI_Gene:404256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099603 | MGI:3033196 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member C3, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 47.73300 | 47.73394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642992 | Gm5733 | NCBI_Gene:435977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101739 | MGI:3642992 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5733 |
7 | gene | 47.75272 | 47.75283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452204 | Gm22427 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077110 | MGI:5452204 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22427 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.76283 | 47.76368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010533 | Gm18348 | NCBI_Gene:100416987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100920 | MGI:5010533 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18348 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.77572 | 47.77621 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580269 | Gm29563 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102109 | MGI:5580269 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29563 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.80998 | 47.81137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033141 | Mrgprc7-ps | NCBI_Gene:404255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102068 | MGI:3033141 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member C7, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 47.82288 | 47.83936 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033174 | Mrgpra16 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR%2c member A16 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.82334 | 47.82427 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010534 | Gm18349 | NCBI_Gene:100416988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102128 | MGI:5010534 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18349 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.87108 | 47.87253 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033177 | Mrgpra18-ps | NCBI_Gene:404262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101622 | MGI:3033177 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member A18, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 47.88653 | 47.88757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010535 | Gm18350 | NCBI_Gene:100416990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101101 | MGI:5010535 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18350 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.91532 | 47.91626 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647104 | Gm5734 | NCBI_Gene:435978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101759 | MGI:3647104 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5734 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.96668 | 47.96825 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033137 | Mrgprc2-ps | NCBI_Gene:404254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101906 | MGI:3033137 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member C2, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 47.98079 | 47.98230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033100 | Mrgpra4 | NCBI_Gene:235854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067173 | MGI:3033100 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A4 |
7 | gene | 48.02097 | 48.02760 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033139 | Mrgprx1 | NCBI_Gene:404242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070552 | MGI:3033139 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member X1 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.06362 | 48.06498 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033123 | Mrgprb7-ps | NCBI_Gene:404252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101063 | MGI:3033123 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member B7, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 48.09512 | 48.09539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579372 | Gm28666 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102003 | MGI:5579372 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28666 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.09647 | 48.09742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033192 | Mrgprb12-ps | NCBI_Gene:404264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101900 | MGI:3033192 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member B12, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 48.10885 | 48.10973 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010536 | Gm18351 | NCBI_Gene:100416993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102100 | MGI:5010536 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18351 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.11677 | 48.11744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579371 | Gm28665 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101352 | MGI:5579371 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28665 |
7 | gene | 48.13842 | 48.13856 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925576 | 2700078K13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2700078K13 gene |
7 | gene | 48.16798 | 48.16902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033121 | Mrgprb5 | NCBI_Gene:404239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070551 | MGI:3033121 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B5 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.18180 | 48.18314 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010537 | Gm18352 | NCBI_Gene:100416994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101543 | MGI:5010537 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18352 |
7 | gene | 48.19807 | 48.19929 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033119 | Mrgprb4 | NCBI_Gene:233230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070550 | MGI:3033119 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B4 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.22020 | 48.22084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504065 | Gm26950 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097955 | MGI:5504065 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 26950 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.29319 | 48.29482 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010541 | Gm18356 | NCBI_Gene:100417005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099952 | MGI:5010541 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18356 |
7 | gene | 48.31130 | 48.31232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033193 | Mrgprb13 | NCBI_Gene:620137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099620 | MGI:3033193 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B13 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.36392 | 48.36450 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010542 | Gm18357 | NCBI_Gene:100417006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100687 | MGI:5010542 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18357 |
7 | gene | 48.38853 | 48.38965 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033134 | Mrgprb8 | NCBI_Gene:404240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050870 | MGI:3033134 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B8 |
7 | gene | 48.44411 | 48.45634 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033115 | Mrgprb1 | NCBI_Gene:233231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070547 | MGI:3033115 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B1 |
7 | gene | 48.47862 | 48.49932 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588270 | Mrgprx2 | NCBI_Gene:243978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074109 | MGI:3588270 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member X2 |
7 | gene | 48.55096 | 48.55809 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441674 | Mrgprb2 | NCBI_Gene:243979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050425 | MGI:2441674 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B2 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.59066 | 48.59198 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033133 | Mrgprb9-ps | NCBI_Gene:404253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101362 | MGI:3033133 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member B9, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 48.60955 | 48.61043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010538 | Gm18353 | NCBI_Gene:100416995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100250 | MGI:5010538 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18353 |
7 | gene | 48.64280 | 48.64381 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033117 | Mrgprb3 | NCBI_Gene:404238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070546 | MGI:3033117 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B3 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.68462 | 48.68561 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033189 | Mrgprb11-ps | NCBI_Gene:639116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099889 | MGI:3033189 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member B11, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 48.72015 | 48.74819 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753662 | Gm45086 | NCBI_Gene:108167426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109170 | MGI:5753662 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45086 |
7 | gene | 48.75514 | 48.76832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591422 | Gm32263 | NCBI_Gene:102634757 | MGI:5591422 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32263 |
7 | gene | 48.78900 | 48.82744 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919227 | Zdhhc13 | NCBI_Gene:243983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030471 | MGI:1919227 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 13 |
7 | gene | 48.79630 | 48.79941 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753617 | Gm45041 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109317 | MGI:5753617 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45041 |
7 | gene | 48.83040 | 48.84805 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1330824 | Csrp3 | NCBI_Gene:13009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030470 | MGI:1330824 | protein coding gene | cysteine and glycine-rich protein 3 |
7 | gene | 48.86643 | 48.88207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922038 | E2f8 | NCBI_Gene:108961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046179 | MGI:1922038 | protein coding gene | E2F transcription factor 8 |
7 | gene | 48.87796 | 48.91304 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780956 | Gm2788 | NCBI_Gene:108167326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085995 | MGI:3780956 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 2788 |
7 | gene | 48.89368 | 48.91006 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791118 | Gm45282 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110093 | MGI:5791118 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45282 |
7 | gene | 48.90872 | 49.61009 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2183691 | Nav2 | NCBI_Gene:78286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052512 | MGI:2183691 | protein coding gene | neuron navigator 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.93951 | 48.94014 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010744 | Gm18559 | NCBI_Gene:100417360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109507 | MGI:5010744 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18559 |
7 | pseudogene | 49.06244 | 49.06258 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753783 | Gm45207 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109068 | MGI:5753783 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45207 |
7 | gene | 49.07327 | 49.09323 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592008 | Gm32849 | NCBI_Gene:102635541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109203 | MGI:5592008 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32849 |
7 | gene | 49.12194 | 49.16558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921817 | 9130015G15Rik | NCBI_Gene:108167511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108950 | MGI:1921817 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130015G15 gene |
7 | gene | 49.19554 | 49.19912 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610841 | Gm37613 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103834 | MGI:5610841 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37613 |
7 | gene | 49.34609 | 49.34908 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753489 | Gm44913 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109051 | MGI:5753489 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44913 |
7 | gene | 49.46971 | 49.47171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611287 | Gm38059 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102148 | MGI:5611287 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38059 |
7 | gene | 49.55389 | 49.55673 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2445080 | E430014L09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E430014L09 gene |
7 | gene | 49.56180 | 49.56369 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591853 | Gm32694 | NCBI_Gene:102635323 | MGI:5591853 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32694 |
7 | gene | 49.63150 | 49.63685 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_94867 | Dbx1 | NCBI_Gene:13172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030507 | MGI:94867 | protein coding gene | developing brain homeobox 1 |
7 | gene | 49.63986 | 49.64899 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825622 | Gm45985 | NCBI_Gene:108167427 | MGI:5825622 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45985 |
7 | gene | 49.75285 | 49.75616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592121 | Gm32962 | NCBI_Gene:102635687 | MGI:5592121 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32962 |
7 | gene | 49.75904 | 49.77836 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859271 | Htatip2 | NCBI_Gene:53415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039745 | MGI:1859271 | protein coding gene | HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2 |
7 | gene | 49.76363 | 49.77016 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825623 | Gm45986 | NCBI_Gene:108167428 | MGI:5825623 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45986 |
7 | gene | 49.77835 | 49.85827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919224 | Prmt3 | NCBI_Gene:71974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030505 | MGI:1919224 | protein coding gene | protein arginine N-methyltransferase 3 |
7 | gene | 49.79596 | 49.79671 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925801 | 5430407F15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430407F15 gene |
7 | gene | 49.81420 | 49.82059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753398 | Gm44822 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109154 | MGI:5753398 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44822 |
7 | gene | 49.85616 | 49.85760 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477350 | Gm26856 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097864 | MGI:5477350 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26856 |
7 | gene | 49.86125 | 49.86637 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924768 | 9330179C17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330179C17 gene |
7 | gene | 49.90697 | 49.96386 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105090 | Slc6a5 | NCBI_Gene:104245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039728 | MGI:105090 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine), member 5 |
7 | gene | 49.97486 | 50.86661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443902 | Nell1 | NCBI_Gene:338352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055409 | MGI:2443902 | protein coding gene | NEL-like 1 |
7 | gene | 50.51731 | 50.57597 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920765 | Nell1os | NCBI_Gene:73515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085265 | MGI:1920765 | antisense lncRNA gene | NEL-like 1, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 50.59919 | 50.60053 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142174 | 4933405O20Rik | NCBI_Gene:243996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084234 | MGI:2142174 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933405O20 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 50.94054 | 50.94315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645198 | Gm9343 | NCBI_Gene:100534340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109409 | MGI:3645198 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9343 |
7 | pseudogene | 50.94929 | 50.95190 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434387 | Gm21032 | NCBI_Gene:100534341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108958 | MGI:5434387 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21032 |
7 | pseudogene | 50.95803 | 50.96065 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434388 | Gm21033 | NCBI_Gene:100534342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109494 | MGI:5434388 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21033 |
7 | pseudogene | 50.96679 | 50.96940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434389 | Gm21034 | NCBI_Gene:100534343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109476 | MGI:5434389 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21034 |
7 | pseudogene | 50.97554 | 50.97816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434390 | Gm21035 | NCBI_Gene:100534344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109172 | MGI:5434390 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21035 |
7 | pseudogene | 50.98429 | 50.98691 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434391 | Gm21036 | NCBI_Gene:100534345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109173 | MGI:5434391 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21036 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.15281 | 51.15542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434392 | Gm21037 | NCBI_Gene:100534346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109202 | MGI:5434392 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21037 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.17048 | 51.17715 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648411 | Gm16478 | NCBI_Gene:434186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108963 | MGI:3648411 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 16478 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.39483 | 51.39495 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753578 | Gm45002 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109443 | MGI:5753578 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45002 |
7 | gene | 51.44189 | 51.44407 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592174 | Gm33015 | NCBI_Gene:102635758 | MGI:5592174 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33015 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.45799 | 51.45856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647598 | Gm9354 | NCBI_Gene:668779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109059 | MGI:3647598 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9354 |
7 | gene | 51.49680 | 51.57032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592349 | Gm33190 | NCBI_Gene:102635994 | MGI:5592349 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33190 |
7 | gene | 51.51002 | 51.59871 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3576659 | Ano5 | NCBI_Gene:233246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055489 | MGI:3576659 | protein coding gene | anoctamin 5 |
7 | gene | 51.62139 | 51.62432 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592295 | Gm33136 | NCBI_Gene:108167429 | MGI:5592295 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33136 |
7 | gene | 51.62183 | 51.67113 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2156052 | Slc17a6 | NCBI_Gene:140919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030500 | MGI:2156052 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6 |
7 | gene | 51.63173 | 51.63265 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753648 | Gm45072 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109437 | MGI:5753648 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45072 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.69791 | 51.69898 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625287 | Gm42402 | NCBI_Gene:105247274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109331 | MGI:5625287 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 42402 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.74665 | 51.74790 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644851 | Gm7336 | NCBI_Gene:654473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078636 | MGI:3644851 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7336 |
7 | gene | 51.75080 | 51.77273 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580002 | Gm29296 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102124 | MGI:5580002 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29296 |
7 | gene | 51.77298 | 51.77778 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592449 | Gm33290 | NCBI_Gene:102636136 | MGI:5592449 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33290 |
7 | gene | 51.85030 | 51.85282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753577 | Gm45001 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108842 | MGI:5753577 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45001 |
7 | gene | 51.85558 | 51.86005 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753811 | Gm45235 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108957 | MGI:5753811 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45235 |
7 | gene | 51.86058 | 51.86227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3689889 | Fancf | NCBI_Gene:100040608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092118 | MGI:3689889 | protein coding gene | Fanconi anemia, complementation group F |
7 | gene | 51.86201 | 51.99500 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95657 | Gas2 | NCBI_Gene:14453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030498 | MGI:95657 | protein coding gene | growth arrest specific 2 |
7 | gene | 51.99716 | 52.00602 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922994 | Svip | NCBI_Gene:75744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074093 | MGI:1922994 | protein coding gene | small VCP/p97-interacting protein |
7 | gene | 52.01168 | 52.01573 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922779 | 1700015G11Rik | NCBI_Gene:100503036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094445 | MGI:1922779 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700015G11 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 52.02206 | 52.02965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643913 | Gm9357 | NCBI_Gene:668783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109526 | MGI:3643913 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9357 |
7 | gene | 52.07542 | 52.07558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451988 | Gm22211 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088722 | MGI:5451988 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22211 |
7 | pseudogene | 52.21996 | 52.22044 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753259 | Gm44683 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109026 | MGI:5753259 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44683 |
7 | pseudogene | 52.41145 | 52.41197 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012259 | Gm20074 | NCBI_Gene:100504123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109099 | MGI:5012259 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20074 |
7 | pseudogene | 52.75542 | 52.75583 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646422 | Gm6181 | NCBI_Gene:620782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074092 | MGI:3646422 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6181 |
7 | gene | 52.88759 | 52.97700 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593057 | Gm33898 | NCBI_Gene:102636974 | MGI:5593057 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33898 |
7 | gene | 52.92707 | 52.92718 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452221 | Gm22444 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070203 | MGI:5452221 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22444 |
7 | pseudogene | 52.99027 | 52.99100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011091 | Gm18906 | NCBI_Gene:100417931 | MGI:5011091 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18906 |
7 | gene | 53.63080 | 53.66079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593149 | Gm33990 | NCBI_Gene:102637088 | MGI:5593149 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33990 |
7 | pseudogene | 53.80327 | 53.80414 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643911 | Gm9362 | NCBI_Gene:668789 | MGI:3643911 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9362 |
7 | gene | 53.89176 | 53.89189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531364 | Mir6238 | miRBase:MI0021585,NCBI_Gene:102466619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099176 | MGI:5531364 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6238 |
7 | gene | 53.99594 | 53.99856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753258 | Gm44682 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109312 | MGI:5753258 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44682 |
7 | gene | 54.00847 | 54.00858 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531303 | Gm27921 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099089 | MGI:5531303 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27921 |
7 | gene | 54.21317 | 54.21339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455733 | Gm25956 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092856 | MGI:5455733 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25956 |
7 | pseudogene | 54.41191 | 54.41252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647650 | Gm5776 | NCBI_Gene:497028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099647 | MGI:3647650 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5776 |
7 | pseudogene | 54.57106 | 54.62498 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645757 | Gm6290 | NCBI_Gene:622146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109050 | MGI:3645757 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6290 |
7 | gene | 54.83519 | 55.26889 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1889615 | Luzp2 | NCBI_Gene:233271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063297 | MGI:1889615 | protein coding gene | leucine zipper protein 2 |
7 | gene | 54.87611 | 54.87765 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753471 | Gm44895 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108474 | MGI:5753471 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44895 |
7 | gene | 54.88312 | 54.88446 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753473 | Gm44897 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108665 | MGI:5753473 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44897 |
7 | gene | 54.93178 | 54.93255 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753472 | Gm44896 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108581 | MGI:5753472 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44896 |
7 | gene | 55.02504 | 55.02721 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753470 | Gm44894 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108756 | MGI:5753470 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44894 |
7 | gene | 55.08860 | 55.08999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921844 | 4833421K07Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108519 | MGI:1921844 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833421K07 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 55.24214 | 55.24394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010023 | Gm17838 | NCBI_Gene:100415957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108326 | MGI:5010023 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17838 |
7 | gene | 55.24393 | 55.24404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453893 | Gm24116 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077163 | MGI:5453893 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24116 |
7 | gene | 55.27338 | 55.27670 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621899 | Gm39014 | NCBI_Gene:105242943 | MGI:5621899 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39014 |
7 | gene | 55.27594 | 55.27816 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753474 | Gm44898 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108325 | MGI:5753474 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44898 |
7 | pseudogene | 55.46207 | 55.46261 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647838 | Gm9367 | NCBI_Gene:668796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108744 | MGI:3647838 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9367 |
7 | pseudogene | 55.63645 | 55.63681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753191 | Gm44615 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108363 | MGI:5753191 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44615 |
7 | gene | 55.70215 | 55.70222 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456259 | Gm26482 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088640 | MGI:5456259 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26482 |
7 | gene | 55.76509 | 55.76862 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621900 | Gm39015 | NCBI_Gene:105242944 | MGI:5621900 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39015 |
7 | gene | 55.76814 | 55.77893 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443256 | Siglech | NCBI_Gene:233274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051504 | MGI:2443256 | protein coding gene | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin H |
7 | gene | 55.79413 | 55.83168 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2178836 | Tubgcp5 | NCBI_Gene:233276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033790 | MGI:2178836 | protein coding gene | tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 5 |
7 | gene | 55.84175 | 55.93263 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1338801 | Cyfip1 | NCBI_Gene:20430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030447 | MGI:1338801 | protein coding gene | cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 55.90260 | 55.90331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010092 | Gm17907 | NCBI_Gene:100416076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092526 | MGI:5010092 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17907 |
7 | gene | 55.92718 | 55.92891 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753192 | Gm44616 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108701 | MGI:5753192 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44616 |
7 | gene | 55.93127 | 55.96249 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913918 | Nipa2 | NCBI_Gene:93790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030452 | MGI:1913918 | protein coding gene | non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 2 homolog (human) |
7 | gene | 55.96253 | 55.98087 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444856 | A230056P14Rik | NCBI_Gene:320845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087178 | MGI:2444856 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230056P14 gene |
7 | gene | 55.97352 | 55.97484 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753085 | Gm44509 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108358 | MGI:5753085 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44509 |
7 | gene | 55.97757 | 56.01995 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442058 | Nipa1 | NCBI_Gene:233280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047037 | MGI:2442058 | protein coding gene | non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 1 homolog (human) |
7 | gene | 55.97993 | 55.98085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802176 | Gm15888 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085927 | MGI:3802176 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15888 |
7 | gene | 55.98807 | 55.99328 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621901 | Gm39016 | NCBI_Gene:105242945 | MGI:5621901 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39016 |
7 | gene | 55.99401 | 55.99517 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753084 | Gm44508 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108640 | MGI:5753084 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44508 |
7 | gene | 56.01295 | 56.01748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753086 | Gm44510 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108443 | MGI:5753086 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44510 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.01393 | 56.01443 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783241 | Rps12l1 | NCBI_Gene:672959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078087 | MGI:3783241 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S12-like 1 |
7 | gene | 56.03835 | 56.05008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593280 | Gm34121 | NCBI_Gene:102637256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108659 | MGI:5593280 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34121 |
7 | gene | 56.05015 | 56.23180 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103234 | Herc2 | NCBI_Gene:15204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030451 | MGI:103234 | protein coding gene | HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.21636 | 56.21725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011372 | Gm19187 | NCBI_Gene:100418404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108347 | MGI:5011372 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19187 |
7 | gene | 56.23959 | 56.53652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97454 | Oca2 | NCBI_Gene:18431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030450 | MGI:97454 | protein coding gene | oculocutaneous albinism II |
7 | gene | 56.24219 | 56.24315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753082 | Gm44506 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108773 | MGI:5753082 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44506 |
7 | gene | 56.56020 | 56.56025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442797 | F630003A18Rik | NA | NA | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA F630003A18 gene |
7 | gene | 56.71646 | 56.71712 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781173 | Gm2995 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 2995 |
7 | gene | 56.71646 | 57.38722 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95624 | Gabrg3 | NCBI_Gene:14407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055026 | MGI:95624 | protein coding gene | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit gamma 3 |
7 | gene | 56.71647 | 56.71776 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917966 | 6330406O05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330406O05 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 56.74827 | 56.74929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753555 | Gm44979 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108488 | MGI:5753555 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44979 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.80461 | 56.80546 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010169 | Gm17984 | NCBI_Gene:100416228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108647 | MGI:5010169 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17984 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.83800 | 56.83826 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753552 | Gm44976 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108586 | MGI:5753552 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44976 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.85543 | 56.85585 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753553 | Gm44977 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108450 | MGI:5753553 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44977 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.87901 | 56.87961 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010172 | Gm17987 | NCBI_Gene:100416232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108556 | MGI:5010172 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17987 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.02602 | 57.02753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010827 | Gm18642 | NCBI_Gene:100417488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108377 | MGI:5010827 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18642 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.05518 | 57.05645 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010493 | Gm18308 | NCBI_Gene:100416898 | MGI:5010493 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18308 |
7 | gene | 57.27632 | 57.28165 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621902 | Gm39017 | NCBI_Gene:105242946 | MGI:5621902 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39017 |
7 | gene | 57.38727 | 57.40994 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642695 | Gm9962 | NCBI_Gene:791383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055048 | MGI:3642695 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9962 |
7 | gene | 57.40767 | 57.51010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95617 | Gabra5 | NCBI_Gene:110886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055078 | MGI:95617 | protein coding gene | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit alpha 5 |
7 | gene | 57.41969 | 57.82880 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95621 | Gabrb3 | NCBI_Gene:14402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033676 | MGI:95621 | protein coding gene | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit beta 3 |
7 | gene | 57.51964 | 57.59041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625270 | Gm42385 | NCBI_Gene:105247256 | MGI:5625270 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42385 |
7 | gene | 57.58106 | 57.58116 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531328 | Mir6389 | miRBase:MI0021922,NCBI_Gene:102466156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099203 | MGI:5531328 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6389 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.71891 | 57.71916 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753429 | Gm44853 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109439 | MGI:5753429 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44853 |
7 | gene | 57.77543 | 57.77766 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753284 | Gm44708 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108597 | MGI:5753284 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44708 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.87799 | 57.88131 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646954 | Gm5596 | NCBI_Gene:434189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109086 | MGI:3646954 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5596 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.89470 | 57.89641 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593431 | Gm34272 | NCBI_Gene:102637470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109475 | MGI:5593431 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 34272 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.89995 | 57.90069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010312 | Gm18127 | NCBI_Gene:100416464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109339 | MGI:5010312 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18127 |
7 | gene | 58.00520 | 58.00534 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453688 | Gm23911 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077784 | MGI:5453688 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23911 |
7 | gene | 58.14810 | 58.14823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456065 | Gm26288 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077356 | MGI:5456065 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26288 |
7 | gene | 58.39932 | 58.39939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413860 | n-TEttc7 | NCBI_Gene:108167516 | MGI:4413860 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA glutamic acid 7 (anticodon TTC) |
7 | pseudogene | 58.51816 | 58.51853 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753428 | Gm44852 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109348 | MGI:5753428 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44852 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.55492 | 58.55532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753733 | Gm45157 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108877 | MGI:5753733 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45157 |
7 | gene | 58.65614 | 58.83024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330809 | Atp10a | NCBI_Gene:11982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025324 | MGI:1330809 | protein coding gene | ATPase, class V, type 10A |
7 | gene | 58.67542 | 58.67616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753512 | Gm44936 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109393 | MGI:5753512 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44936 |
7 | gene | 58.70673 | 58.74034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621904 | Gm39019 | NCBI_Gene:105242948 | MGI:5621904 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39019 |
7 | gene | 58.72020 | 58.72289 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753513 | Gm44937 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109434 | MGI:5753513 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44937 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.83679 | 58.83794 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643254 | Gm6226 | NCBI_Gene:621446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086926 | MGI:3643254 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6226 |
7 | gene | 58.84255 | 59.08192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621905 | Gm39020 | NCBI_Gene:105242949 | MGI:5621905 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39020 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.92656 | 58.92779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753514 | Gm44938 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109261 | MGI:5753514 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44938 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.94893 | 58.94956 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010638 | Gm18453 | NCBI_Gene:100417211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109252 | MGI:5010638 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18453 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.95158 | 58.95218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643026 | Gm9373 | NCBI_Gene:668811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108909 | MGI:3643026 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9373 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.97024 | 58.97140 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643024 | Gm9375 | NCBI_Gene:668813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109221 | MGI:3643024 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9375 |
7 | pseudogene | 59.10914 | 59.10950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753765 | Gm45189 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108838 | MGI:5753765 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45189 |
7 | pseudogene | 59.10992 | 59.11054 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643022 | Gm9377 | NCBI_Gene:668815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108902 | MGI:3643022 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9377 |
7 | pseudogene | 59.17153 | 59.17191 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753319 | Gm44743 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109308 | MGI:5753319 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44743 |
7 | gene | 59.20239 | 59.20380 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753318 | Gm44742 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109332 | MGI:5753318 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44742 |
7 | gene | 59.22385 | 59.25479 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442217 | 9330162G02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109536 | MGI:2442217 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330162G02 gene |
7 | gene | 59.22875 | 59.31154 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105098 | Ube3a | NCBI_Gene:22215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025326 | MGI:105098 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin protein ligase E3A |
7 | gene | 59.25885 | 59.26020 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753138 | Gm44562 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109362 | MGI:5753138 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44562 |
7 | gene | 59.26292 | 59.26393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753135 | Gm44559 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108943 | MGI:5753135 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44559 |
7 | gene | 59.28605 | 59.28917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753136 | Gm44560 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108880 | MGI:5753136 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44560 |
7 | gene | 59.29252 | 59.29310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753406 | Gm44830 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108886 | MGI:5753406 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44830 |
7 | gene | 59.30792 | 59.97576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1289201 | Snhg14 | NCBI_Gene:52480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100826 | MGI:1289201 | lncRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA host gene 14 |
7 | gene | 59.31863 | 59.32182 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753405 | Gm44829 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109157 | MGI:5753405 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44829 |
7 | gene | 59.32732 | 59.33119 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925005 | A230103L15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109122 | MGI:1925005 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230103L15 gene |
7 | gene | 59.34223 | 59.34229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455276 | Gm25499 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077615 | MGI:5455276 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25499 |
7 | gene | 59.34407 | 59.34415 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454743 | Gm24966 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064377 | MGI:5454743 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24966 |
7 | gene | 59.34734 | 59.34742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452273 | Gm22496 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077681 | MGI:5452273 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22496 |
7 | gene | 59.34768 | 59.34776 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455425 | Gm25648 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094095 | MGI:5455425 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25648 |
7 | gene | 59.34954 | 59.34961 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454083 | Gm24306 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094465 | MGI:5454083 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24306 |
7 | gene | 59.35141 | 59.35149 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455711 | Gm25934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094476 | MGI:5455711 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25934 |
7 | gene | 59.35328 | 59.35336 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454933 | Gm25156 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094068 | MGI:5454933 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25156 |
7 | gene | 59.35515 | 59.35523 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456265 | Gm26488 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096387 | MGI:5456265 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26488 |
7 | gene | 59.35702 | 59.35710 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453997 | Gm24220 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094631 | MGI:5453997 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24220 |
7 | gene | 59.35889 | 59.35897 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454430 | Gm24653 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094034 | MGI:5454430 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24653 |
7 | gene | 59.36076 | 59.36084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454746 | Gm24969 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096046 | MGI:5454746 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24969 |
7 | gene | 59.36263 | 59.36271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454194 | Gm24417 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095425 | MGI:5454194 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24417 |
7 | gene | 59.36450 | 59.36457 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454898 | Gm25121 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094883 | MGI:5454898 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25121 |
7 | gene | 59.36637 | 59.36644 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454434 | Gm24657 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094038 | MGI:5454434 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24657 |
7 | gene | 59.36824 | 59.36831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456007 | Gm26230 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094508 | MGI:5456007 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26230 |
7 | gene | 59.37011 | 59.37018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453699 | Gm23922 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095418 | MGI:5453699 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23922 |
7 | gene | 59.37197 | 59.37205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455091 | Gm25314 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095739 | MGI:5455091 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25314 |
7 | gene | 59.37384 | 59.37392 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455873 | Gm26096 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095342 | MGI:5455873 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26096 |
7 | gene | 59.37571 | 59.37579 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452773 | Gm22996 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096799 | MGI:5452773 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22996 |
7 | gene | 59.37758 | 59.37766 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456276 | Gm26499 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093997 | MGI:5456276 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26499 |
7 | gene | 59.37945 | 59.37953 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455423 | Gm25646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096496 | MGI:5455423 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25646 |
7 | gene | 59.38608 | 59.38616 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456275 | Gm26498 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093994 | MGI:5456275 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26498 |
7 | gene | 59.38795 | 59.38803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453437 | Gm23660 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095091 | MGI:5453437 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23660 |
7 | gene | 59.38982 | 59.38990 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453710 | Gm23933 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096291 | MGI:5453710 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23933 |
7 | gene | 59.39169 | 59.39177 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454639 | Gm24862 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093981 | MGI:5454639 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24862 |
7 | gene | 59.39356 | 59.39364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454643 | Gm24866 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096913 | MGI:5454643 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24866 |
7 | gene | 59.40533 | 59.40541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452125 | Gm22348 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095031 | MGI:5452125 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22348 |
7 | gene | 59.40720 | 59.40727 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456243 | Gm26466 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095713 | MGI:5456243 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26466 |
7 | gene | 59.40906 | 59.40914 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454576 | Gm24799 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093824 | MGI:5454576 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24799 |
7 | gene | 59.41093 | 59.41101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453865 | Gm24088 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095491 | MGI:5453865 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24088 |
7 | gene | 59.41280 | 59.41288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455240 | Gm25463 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095310 | MGI:5455240 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25463 |
7 | gene | 59.41409 | 59.41417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455006 | Gm25229 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094565 | MGI:5455006 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25229 |
7 | gene | 59.41559 | 59.41567 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454305 | Gm24528 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095911 | MGI:5454305 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24528 |
7 | gene | 59.41746 | 59.41754 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453133 | Gm23356 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094723 | MGI:5453133 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23356 |
7 | gene | 59.41932 | 59.41940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455226 | Gm25449 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095828 | MGI:5455226 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25449 |
7 | gene | 59.42119 | 59.42126 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454649 | Gm24872 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094667 | MGI:5454649 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24872 |
7 | gene | 59.42305 | 59.42313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456114 | Gm26337 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096328 | MGI:5456114 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26337 |
7 | gene | 59.42492 | 59.42500 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452922 | Gm23145 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093830 | MGI:5452922 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23145 |
7 | gene | 59.42679 | 59.42687 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451907 | Gm22130 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096430 | MGI:5451907 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22130 |
7 | gene | 59.42867 | 59.42874 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455765 | Gm25988 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096683 | MGI:5455765 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25988 |
7 | gene | 59.43054 | 59.43061 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454998 | Gm25221 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094548 | MGI:5454998 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25221 |
7 | gene | 59.43241 | 59.43248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456166 | Gm26389 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094919 | MGI:5456166 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26389 |
7 | gene | 59.43428 | 59.43435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453248 | Gm23471 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094059 | MGI:5453248 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23471 |
7 | gene | 59.43615 | 59.43623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454897 | Gm25120 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094888 | MGI:5454897 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25120 |
7 | gene | 59.43802 | 59.43810 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454195 | Gm24418 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095428 | MGI:5454195 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24418 |
7 | gene | 59.43989 | 59.43997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453464 | Gm23687 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096390 | MGI:5453464 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23687 |
7 | gene | 59.44176 | 59.44184 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452170 | Gm22393 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094550 | MGI:5452170 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22393 |
7 | gene | 59.44363 | 59.44371 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454416 | Gm24639 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096161 | MGI:5454416 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24639 |
7 | gene | 59.44550 | 59.44558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454343 | Gm24566 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094513 | MGI:5454343 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24566 |
7 | gene | 59.44737 | 59.44745 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451888 | Gm22111 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095372 | MGI:5451888 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22111 |
7 | gene | 59.44924 | 59.44932 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452853 | Gm23076 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094610 | MGI:5452853 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23076 |
7 | gene | 59.45112 | 59.45119 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455651 | Gm25874 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094604 | MGI:5455651 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25874 |
7 | gene | 59.45298 | 59.45306 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454865 | Gm25088 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096811 | MGI:5454865 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25088 |
7 | gene | 59.45486 | 59.45493 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452287 | Gm22510 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096048 | MGI:5452287 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22510 |
7 | gene | 59.45882 | 59.45888 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454760 | Gm24983 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077645 | MGI:5454760 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24983 |
7 | gene | 59.46068 | 59.46075 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453804 | Gm24027 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096648 | MGI:5453804 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24027 |
7 | gene | 59.46255 | 59.46263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452301 | Gm22524 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094625 | MGI:5452301 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22524 |
7 | gene | 59.46442 | 59.46450 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452407 | Gm22630 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095581 | MGI:5452407 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22630 |
7 | gene | 59.46629 | 59.46637 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455518 | Gm25741 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094538 | MGI:5455518 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25741 |
7 | gene | 59.46816 | 59.46824 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455836 | Gm26059 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094364 | MGI:5455836 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26059 |
7 | gene | 59.47003 | 59.47011 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454952 | Gm25175 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095009 | MGI:5454952 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25175 |
7 | gene | 59.47190 | 59.47198 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452288 | Gm22511 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096041 | MGI:5452288 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22511 |
7 | gene | 59.47378 | 59.47385 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454854 | Gm25077 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095476 | MGI:5454854 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25077 |
7 | gene | 59.47562 | 59.47570 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452611 | Gm22834 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093943 | MGI:5452611 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22834 |
7 | gene | 59.47749 | 59.47757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454703 | Gm24926 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094308 | MGI:5454703 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24926 |
7 | gene | 59.47935 | 59.47942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455977 | Gm26200 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096605 | MGI:5455977 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26200 |
7 | gene | 59.48122 | 59.48130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452409 | Gm22632 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093860 | MGI:5452409 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22632 |
7 | gene | 59.48307 | 59.48315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453031 | Gm23254 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075726 | MGI:5453031 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23254 |
7 | gene | 59.48495 | 59.48503 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456167 | Gm26390 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094917 | MGI:5456167 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26390 |
7 | gene | 59.48682 | 59.48690 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456143 | Gm26366 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094587 | MGI:5456143 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26366 |
7 | gene | 59.48869 | 59.48877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456113 | Gm26336 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096324 | MGI:5456113 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26336 |
7 | gene | 59.49056 | 59.49064 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456060 | Gm26283 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094049 | MGI:5456060 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26283 |
7 | gene | 59.49243 | 59.49251 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454875 | Gm25098 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095671 | MGI:5454875 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25098 |
7 | gene | 59.49430 | 59.49438 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454479 | Gm24702 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095997 | MGI:5454479 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24702 |
7 | gene | 59.49617 | 59.49625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456209 | Gm26432 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095885 | MGI:5456209 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26432 |
7 | gene | 59.49804 | 59.49812 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455239 | Gm25462 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095314 | MGI:5455239 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25462 |
7 | gene | 59.50720 | 59.50728 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454272 | Gm24495 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093958 | MGI:5454272 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24495 |
7 | gene | 59.50907 | 59.50915 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455300 | Gm25523 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094765 | MGI:5455300 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25523 |
7 | gene | 59.51093 | 59.51101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452032 | Gm22255 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096281 | MGI:5452032 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22255 |
7 | gene | 59.51279 | 59.51287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453226 | Gm23449 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094213 | MGI:5453226 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23449 |
7 | gene | 59.51467 | 59.51474 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453087 | Gm23310 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096454 | MGI:5453087 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23310 |
7 | gene | 59.51654 | 59.51662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455238 | Gm25461 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093870 | MGI:5455238 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25461 |
7 | gene | 59.51841 | 59.51849 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454087 | Gm24310 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093854 | MGI:5454087 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24310 |
7 | gene | 59.52028 | 59.52036 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452686 | Gm22909 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094524 | MGI:5452686 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22909 |
7 | gene | 59.52216 | 59.52223 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455600 | Gm25823 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094099 | MGI:5455600 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25823 |
7 | gene | 59.52403 | 59.52410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455424 | Gm25647 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094093 | MGI:5455424 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25647 |
7 | gene | 59.52590 | 59.52598 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452029 | Gm22252 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096287 | MGI:5452029 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22252 |
7 | gene | 59.52777 | 59.52785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456169 | Gm26392 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094912 | MGI:5456169 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26392 |
7 | gene | 59.52964 | 59.52972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453996 | Gm24219 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094636 | MGI:5453996 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24219 |
7 | gene | 59.53151 | 59.53159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455007 | Gm25230 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094567 | MGI:5455007 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25230 |
7 | gene | 59.53339 | 59.53346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452404 | Gm22627 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094458 | MGI:5452404 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22627 |
7 | gene | 59.53526 | 59.53533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454362 | Gm24585 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095628 | MGI:5454362 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24585 |
7 | gene | 59.53713 | 59.53721 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453082 | Gm23305 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096185 | MGI:5453082 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23305 |
7 | gene | 59.53900 | 59.53908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453983 | Gm24206 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096447 | MGI:5453983 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24206 |
7 | gene | 59.54087 | 59.54095 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454862 | Gm25085 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096814 | MGI:5454862 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25085 |
7 | gene | 59.54274 | 59.54282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454986 | Gm25209 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096306 | MGI:5454986 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25209 |
7 | gene | 59.54462 | 59.54469 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453459 | Gm23682 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096067 | MGI:5453459 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23682 |
7 | gene | 59.54649 | 59.54657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454431 | Gm24654 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094032 | MGI:5454431 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24654 |
7 | gene | 59.54836 | 59.54844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456111 | Gm26334 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096090 | MGI:5456111 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26334 |
7 | gene | 59.55024 | 59.55032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455519 | Gm25742 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096595 | MGI:5455519 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25742 |
7 | gene | 59.55211 | 59.55219 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455362 | Gm25585 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095402 | MGI:5455362 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25585 |
7 | gene | 59.55398 | 59.55406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455617 | Gm25840 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095764 | MGI:5455617 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25840 |
7 | gene | 59.55585 | 59.55593 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454866 | Gm25089 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075968 | MGI:5454866 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25089 |
7 | gene | 59.55773 | 59.55781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453817 | Gm24040 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095924 | MGI:5453817 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24040 |
7 | gene | 59.55960 | 59.55968 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451827 | Gm22050 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094998 | MGI:5451827 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22050 |
7 | gene | 59.56147 | 59.56155 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453063 | Gm23286 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095357 | MGI:5453063 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23286 |
7 | gene | 59.56334 | 59.56342 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453798 | Gm24021 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095021 | MGI:5453798 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24021 |
7 | gene | 59.56522 | 59.56530 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452051 | Gm22274 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095660 | MGI:5452051 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22274 |
7 | gene | 59.56709 | 59.56717 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454429 | Gm24652 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094037 | MGI:5454429 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24652 |
7 | gene | 59.56896 | 59.56904 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453395 | Gm23618 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094438 | MGI:5453395 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23618 |
7 | gene | 59.57084 | 59.57091 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453465 | Gm23688 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096392 | MGI:5453465 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23688 |
7 | gene | 59.57271 | 59.57279 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454347 | Gm24570 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096821 | MGI:5454347 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24570 |
7 | gene | 59.57458 | 59.57466 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456244 | Gm26467 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095714 | MGI:5456244 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26467 |
7 | gene | 59.57645 | 59.57653 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454971 | Gm25194 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095945 | MGI:5454971 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25194 |
7 | gene | 59.57832 | 59.57840 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452417 | Gm22640 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094847 | MGI:5452417 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22640 |
7 | gene | 59.58019 | 59.58027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454729 | Gm24952 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094148 | MGI:5454729 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24952 |
7 | gene | 59.58206 | 59.58214 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454864 | Gm25087 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096812 | MGI:5454864 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25087 |
7 | gene | 59.58393 | 59.58401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453721 | Gm23944 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094129 | MGI:5453721 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23944 |
7 | gene | 59.58581 | 59.58588 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452406 | Gm22629 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095587 | MGI:5452406 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22629 |
7 | gene | 59.58768 | 59.58775 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456151 | Gm26374 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095182 | MGI:5456151 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26374 |
7 | gene | 59.58955 | 59.58963 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456061 | Gm26284 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094048 | MGI:5456061 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26284 |
7 | gene | 59.59142 | 59.59150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455229 | Gm25452 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094442 | MGI:5455229 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25452 |
7 | gene | 59.59329 | 59.59337 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455761 | Gm25984 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096028 | MGI:5455761 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25984 |
7 | gene | 59.59517 | 59.59524 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454923 | Gm25146 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096136 | MGI:5454923 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25146 |
7 | gene | 59.59703 | 59.59711 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454536 | Gm24759 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094922 | MGI:5454536 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24759 |
7 | gene | 59.59890 | 59.59898 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453877 | Gm24100 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096565 | MGI:5453877 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24100 |
7 | gene | 59.60078 | 59.60085 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452030 | Gm22253 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096285 | MGI:5452030 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22253 |
7 | gene | 59.60265 | 59.60272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454794 | Gm25017 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094753 | MGI:5454794 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25017 |
7 | gene | 59.60452 | 59.60460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453352 | Gm23575 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094903 | MGI:5453352 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23575 |
7 | gene | 59.60639 | 59.60647 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452168 | Gm22391 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094554 | MGI:5452168 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22391 |
7 | gene | 59.60826 | 59.60834 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452226 | Gm22449 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095501 | MGI:5452226 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22449 |
7 | gene | 59.61013 | 59.61021 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453914 | Gm24137 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095511 | MGI:5453914 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24137 |
7 | gene | 59.61201 | 59.61208 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452689 | Gm22912 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094522 | MGI:5452689 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22912 |
7 | gene | 59.61388 | 59.61395 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455487 | Gm25710 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096359 | MGI:5455487 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25710 |
7 | gene | 59.61574 | 59.61582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456211 | Gm26434 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094283 | MGI:5456211 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26434 |
7 | gene | 59.61761 | 59.61769 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453337 | Gm23560 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095220 | MGI:5453337 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23560 |
7 | gene | 59.61902 | 59.61910 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455647 | Gm25870 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094609 | MGI:5455647 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25870 |
7 | gene | 59.61916 | 59.67888 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_892030 | Ipw | NCBI_Gene:16353 | MGI:892030 | lncRNA gene | imprinted gene in the Prader-Willi syndrome region |
7 | gene | 59.62769 | 59.63068 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753407 | Gm44831 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109575 | MGI:5753407 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44831 |
7 | gene | 59.67346 | 59.67355 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453639 | Gm23862 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093929 | MGI:5453639 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23862 |
7 | gene | 59.67599 | 59.67608 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456281 | Gm26504 | NCBI_Gene:64243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096019 | MGI:5456281 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26504 |
7 | gene | 59.67851 | 59.67860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452062 | Gm22285 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094890 | MGI:5452062 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22285 |
7 | gene | 59.68106 | 59.68115 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451908 | Gm22131 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096431 | MGI:5451908 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22131 |
7 | gene | 59.68359 | 59.68368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453930 | Gm24153 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096159 | MGI:5453930 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24153 |
7 | gene | 59.69322 | 59.69331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456142 | Gm26365 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094581 | MGI:5456142 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26365 |
7 | gene | 59.69574 | 59.69584 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454386 | Gm24609 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094236 | MGI:5454386 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24609 |
7 | gene | 59.69831 | 59.69840 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454041 | Gm24264 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096248 | MGI:5454041 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24264 |
7 | gene | 59.70088 | 59.70097 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454932 | Gm25155 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094069 | MGI:5454932 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25155 |
7 | gene | 59.70343 | 59.70352 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455593 | Gm25816 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096148 | MGI:5455593 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25816 |
7 | gene | 59.70597 | 59.70606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452918 | Gm23141 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094407 | MGI:5452918 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23141 |
7 | gene | 59.70847 | 59.70856 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453544 | Gm23767 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095734 | MGI:5453544 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23767 |
7 | gene | 59.71101 | 59.71110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452194 | Gm22417 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094960 | MGI:5452194 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22417 |
7 | gene | 59.71353 | 59.71363 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452361 | Gm22584 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096231 | MGI:5452361 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22584 |
7 | gene | 59.71606 | 59.71615 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456047 | Gm26270 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096110 | MGI:5456047 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26270 |
7 | gene | 59.71859 | 59.71868 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452866 | Gm23089 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096502 | MGI:5452866 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23089 |
7 | gene | 59.72113 | 59.72122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454488 | Gm24711 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096082 | MGI:5454488 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24711 |
7 | gene | 59.72364 | 59.72374 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455965 | Gm26188 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095060 | MGI:5455965 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26188 |
7 | gene | 59.72616 | 59.72625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453042 | Gm23265 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094150 | MGI:5453042 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23265 |
7 | gene | 59.72868 | 59.72877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454295 | Gm24518 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096677 | MGI:5454295 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24518 |
7 | gene | 59.73122 | 59.73132 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455721 | Gm25944 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096057 | MGI:5455721 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25944 |
7 | gene | 59.73377 | 59.73386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452824 | Gm23047 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096305 | MGI:5452824 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23047 |
7 | gene | 59.73631 | 59.73641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453730 | Gm23953 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095389 | MGI:5453730 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23953 |
7 | gene | 59.73885 | 59.73894 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456109 | Gm26332 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096095 | MGI:5456109 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26332 |
7 | gene | 59.74137 | 59.74147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455809 | Gm26032 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095155 | MGI:5455809 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26032 |
7 | gene | 59.74391 | 59.74401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452640 | Gm22863 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096660 | MGI:5452640 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22863 |
7 | gene | 59.74643 | 59.74652 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454395 | Gm24618 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095542 | MGI:5454395 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24618 |
7 | gene | 59.74896 | 59.74905 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451823 | Gm22046 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094994 | MGI:5451823 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22046 |
7 | gene | 59.75149 | 59.75158 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454537 | Gm24760 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094923 | MGI:5454537 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24760 |
7 | gene | 59.75400 | 59.75409 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455127 | Gm25350 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096070 | MGI:5455127 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25350 |
7 | gene | 59.75651 | 59.75661 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456279 | Gm26502 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096017 | MGI:5456279 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26502 |
7 | gene | 59.75903 | 59.75912 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453090 | Gm23313 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096865 | MGI:5453090 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23313 |
7 | gene | 59.76155 | 59.76165 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455248 | Gm25471 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094837 | MGI:5455248 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25471 |
7 | gene | 59.76409 | 59.76418 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452553 | Gm22776 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094109 | MGI:5452553 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22776 |
7 | gene | 59.76661 | 59.76670 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453223 | Gm23446 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094218 | MGI:5453223 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23446 |
7 | gene | 59.76914 | 59.76923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454987 | Gm25210 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096302 | MGI:5454987 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25210 |
7 | gene | 59.77166 | 59.77175 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451905 | Gm22128 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095100 | MGI:5451905 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22128 |
7 | gene | 59.77419 | 59.77428 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452628 | Gm22851 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095045 | MGI:5452628 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22851 |
7 | gene | 59.77672 | 59.77682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454851 | Gm25074 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095479 | MGI:5454851 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25074 |
7 | gene | 59.77925 | 59.77934 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454934 | Gm25157 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094060 | MGI:5454934 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25157 |
7 | gene | 59.78178 | 59.78187 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452408 | Gm22631 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093869 | MGI:5452408 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22631 |
7 | gene | 59.78429 | 59.78439 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455251 | Gm25474 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094831 | MGI:5455251 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25474 |
7 | gene | 59.78682 | 59.78691 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452718 | Gm22941 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095639 | MGI:5452718 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22941 |
7 | gene | 59.78933 | 59.78942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456023 | Gm26246 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095618 | MGI:5456023 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26246 |
7 | gene | 59.79184 | 59.79194 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451824 | Gm22047 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094997 | MGI:5451824 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22047 |
7 | gene | 59.79436 | 59.79445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455374 | Gm25597 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096845 | MGI:5455374 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25597 |
7 | gene | 59.79691 | 59.79700 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455874 | Gm26097 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095349 | MGI:5455874 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26097 |
7 | gene | 59.79944 | 59.79954 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452035 | Gm22258 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096868 | MGI:5452035 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22258 |
7 | gene | 59.80196 | 59.80205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455978 | Gm26201 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096604 | MGI:5455978 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26201 |
7 | gene | 59.80447 | 59.80456 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453396 | Gm23619 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093802 | MGI:5453396 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23619 |
7 | gene | 59.80700 | 59.80709 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452589 | Gm22812 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096462 | MGI:5452589 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22812 |
7 | gene | 59.85921 | 59.85931 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456210 | Gm26433 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094287 | MGI:5456210 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26433 |
7 | gene | 59.86173 | 59.86182 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453134 | Snord116l17 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093974 | MGI:5453134 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 17 |
7 | gene | 59.86424 | 59.86433 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455392 | Gm25615 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095641 | MGI:5455392 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25615 |
7 | gene | 59.86679 | 59.86688 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451887 | Snord116l16 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095374 | MGI:5451887 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 16 |
7 | gene | 59.86933 | 59.86942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453501 | Snord116l15 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094987 | MGI:5453501 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 15 |
7 | gene | 59.87186 | 59.87196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451965 | Snord116l14 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094389 | MGI:5451965 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 14 |
7 | gene | 59.87438 | 59.87447 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453326 | Snord116l13 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094573 | MGI:5453326 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 13 |
7 | gene | 59.87693 | 59.87703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927533 | Snord116l2 | NCBI_Gene:64245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096759 | MGI:1927533 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 2 |
7 | gene | 59.87946 | 59.87955 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927539 | Snord116l8 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095458 | MGI:1927539 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 8 |
7 | gene | 59.88199 | 59.88208 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927538 | Snord116l7 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096313 | MGI:1927538 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 7 |
7 | gene | 59.88450 | 59.88459 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927537 | Snord116l6 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096190 | MGI:1927537 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 6 |
7 | gene | 59.88706 | 59.88715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927536 | Snord116l5 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094039 | MGI:1927536 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 5 |
7 | gene | 59.88959 | 59.88969 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927535 | Snord116l4 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093971 | MGI:1927535 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 4 |
7 | gene | 59.89211 | 59.89220 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927534 | Snord116l3 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094599 | MGI:1927534 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 3 |
7 | gene | 59.89462 | 59.89471 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927532 | Snord116l1 | NCBI_Gene:64244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096475 | MGI:1927532 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 1 |
7 | gene | 59.89716 | 59.89725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927540 | Snord116l9 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096634 | MGI:1927540 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 9 |
7 | gene | 59.89969 | 59.89978 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453473 | Snord116l10 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094642 | MGI:5453473 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 10 |
7 | gene | 59.90221 | 59.90231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455871 | Snord116l11 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095691 | MGI:5455871 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 11 |
7 | gene | 59.90476 | 59.90485 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452066 | Snord116l12 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094274 | MGI:5452066 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 12 |
7 | gene | 59.92303 | 59.92312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452150 | Gm22373 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077772 | MGI:5452150 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22373 |
7 | gene | 59.97415 | 60.00506 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5613898 | Gm38393 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000948 | MGI:5613898 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38393 |
7 | gene | 59.97881 | 59.97887 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3819546 | Snord64 | NCBI_Gene:100217429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077191 | MGI:3819546 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 64 |
7 | gene | 59.98088 | 59.98094 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4358283 | Snord107 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089375 | MGI:4358283 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 107 |
7 | gene | 59.98250 | 60.14022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98347 | Snrpn | NCBI_Gene:20646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102252 | MGI:98347 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N |
7 | gene | 59.98250 | 60.00516 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891236 | Snurf | NCBI_Gene:84704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102627 | MGI:1891236 | protein coding gene | SNRPN upstream reading frame |
7 | pseudogene | 60.12405 | 60.13441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011093 | Gm18908 | NCBI_Gene:108167430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108937 | MGI:5011093 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18908 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.15543 | 60.15683 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646404 | Gm7367 | NCBI_Gene:664849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047370 | MGI:3646404 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 7367 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.27281 | 60.28021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010314 | Gm18129 | NCBI_Gene:100416479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109451 | MGI:5010314 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18129 |
7 | gene | 60.28010 | 60.28462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621906 | Gm39021 | NCBI_Gene:105242956 | MGI:5621906 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39021 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.29318 | 60.29409 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589355 | Gm30196 | NCBI_Gene:102632017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109220 | MGI:5589355 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 30196 |
7 | gene | 60.43769 | 60.44404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625279 | Gm42394 | NCBI_Gene:105247266 | MGI:5625279 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42394 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.55531 | 60.64797 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781377 | Gm3198 | NCBI_Gene:102637921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109447 | MGI:3781377 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3198 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.75336 | 60.75401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642512 | Gm10297 | NCBI_Gene:100041211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109222 | MGI:3642512 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 10297 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.75487 | 60.76125 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648361 | Gm7394 | NCBI_Gene:105242952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109533 | MGI:3648361 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7394 |
7 | gene | 60.83360 | 60.92294 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588888 | Gm29729 | NCBI_Gene:101055840 | MGI:5588888 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29729 |
7 | gene | 60.85653 | 60.85726 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920404 | 3110018A10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 3110018A10 gene |
7 | gene | 60.91555 | 60.92291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753220 | Gm44644 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109121 | MGI:5753220 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44644 |
7 | gene | 60.92292 | 60.96138 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753219 | Gm44643 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108867 | MGI:5753219 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44643 |
7 | gene | 60.92315 | 60.96146 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589988 | Gm30829 | NCBI_Gene:102632867 | MGI:5589988 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30829 |
7 | gene | 61.01026 | 61.31172 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644205 | A230006K03Rik | NCBI_Gene:27493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068151 | MGI:3644205 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230006K03 gene |
7 | gene | 61.09043 | 61.16158 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621336 | Gm38451 | NCBI_Gene:102633165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108917 | MGI:5621336 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38451 |
7 | gene | 61.19707 | 61.31177 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590604 | Gm31445 | NCBI_Gene:102633679 | MGI:5590604 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 31445 |
7 | gene | 61.32964 | 61.33624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590811 | Gm31652 | NCBI_Gene:102633955 | MGI:5590811 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31652 |
7 | gene | 61.52941 | 61.61533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442668 | B230209E15Rik | NCBI_Gene:319752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109006 | MGI:2442668 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230209E15 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 61.54853 | 61.54977 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643295 | Ube2nl | NCBI_Gene:620934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059585 | MGI:3643295 | pseudogene | ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N-like |
7 | gene | 61.67383 | 61.67391 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455310 | Gm25533 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093101 | MGI:5455310 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25533 |
7 | gene | 61.68151 | 61.68159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453739 | Gm23962 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096076 | MGI:5453739 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23962 |
7 | gene | 61.68312 | 61.68319 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834228 | Mir344d-1 | miRBase:MI0004524,NCBI_Gene:100526544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092847 | MGI:4834228 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344d-1 |
7 | gene | 61.68527 | 61.68535 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834229 | Mir344d-2 | miRBase:MI0004619,NCBI_Gene:100526531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096893 | MGI:4834229 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344d-2 |
7 | gene | 61.70452 | 61.92869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442922 | A230057D06Rik | NCBI_Gene:319893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109394 | MGI:2442922 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230057D06 gene |
7 | gene | 61.70659 | 61.70667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453267 | Gm23490 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095010 | MGI:5453267 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23490 |
7 | gene | 61.70871 | 61.70877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452243 | Gm22466 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093019 | MGI:5452243 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22466 |
7 | gene | 61.72625 | 61.72633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834220 | Mir344d-3 | miRBase:MI0004227,NCBI_Gene:100526543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095292 | MGI:4834220 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344d-3 |
7 | gene | 61.73369 | 61.73378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453694 | Gm23917 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092997 | MGI:5453694 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23917 |
7 | gene | 61.73554 | 61.73560 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834316 | Mir344e | miRBase:MI0014094,NCBI_Gene:100526541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077869 | MGI:4834316 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344e |
7 | gene | 61.73935 | 61.73941 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454202 | Mir344h-1 | miRBase:MI0019196,NCBI_Gene:100885840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094173 | MGI:5454202 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344h-1 |
7 | gene | 61.74237 | 61.74242 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453086 | Mir344h-2 | miRBase:MI0019197,NCBI_Gene:100885841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096189 | MGI:5453086 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344h-2 |
7 | gene | 61.75047 | 61.75054 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453650 | Gm23873 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093170 | MGI:5453650 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23873 |
7 | gene | 61.75144 | 61.75369 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444347 | 6330444A18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330444A18 gene |
7 | gene | 61.79052 | 61.79058 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834317 | Mir344b | miRBase:MI0014095,NCBI_Gene:100526558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092921 | MGI:4834317 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344b |
7 | gene | 61.83731 | 61.83740 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834318 | Mir344c | miRBase:MI0014096,NCBI_Gene:100526506,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077107 | MGI:4834318 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344c |
7 | gene | 61.86041 | 61.86296 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444892 | A230077L10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A230077L10 gene |
7 | gene | 61.87777 | 61.87786 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3619359 | Mir344 | miRBase:MI0000630,NCBI_Gene:723931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065568 | MGI:3619359 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344 |
7 | pseudogene | 61.88297 | 61.88361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011217 | Gm19032 | NCBI_Gene:100418144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109465 | MGI:5011217 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19032 |
7 | gene | 61.93014 | 61.98236 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443193 | A330076H08Rik | NCBI_Gene:320026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109321 | MGI:2443193 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A330076H08 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 61.93824 | 61.93948 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781435 | Gm3257 | NCBI_Gene:108167431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109178 | MGI:3781435 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3257 |
7 | gene | 61.94003 | 61.94011 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3718513 | Mir344-2 | miRBase:MI0005495,NCBI_Gene:100124439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093187 | MGI:3718513 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344-2 |
7 | gene | 61.98229 | 61.98236 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834319 | Mir344g | miRBase:MI0014097,NCBI_Gene:100526507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092850 | MGI:4834319 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344g |
7 | gene | 62.03663 | 62.03674 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453208 | Gm23431 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077194 | MGI:5453208 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23431 |
7 | gene | 62.04618 | 62.04625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834320 | Mir344f | miRBase:MI0014098,NCBI_Gene:100526527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093108 | MGI:4834320 | miRNA gene | microRNA Mir344f |
7 | pseudogene | 62.05596 | 62.05693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010657 | Gm18472 | NCBI_Gene:100417233 | MGI:5010657 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18472 |
7 | gene | 62.07872 | 62.07881 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454700 | Gm24923 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094304 | MGI:5454700 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24923 |
7 | gene | 62.08522 | 62.08531 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455808 | Mir344i | miRBase:MI0019317,NCBI_Gene:100885843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095154 | MGI:5455808 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344i |
7 | gene | 62.09451 | 62.27911 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647139 | Gm9801 | NCBI_Gene:330552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045813 | MGI:3647139 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9801 |
7 | gene | 62.27254 | 62.27985 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591017 | Gm31858 | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene%2c 31858 |
7 | gene | 62.29739 | 62.30992 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625280 | Gm42395 | NCBI_Gene:105247267 | MGI:5625280 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42395 |
7 | gene | 62.33779 | 62.42382 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591220 | Gm32061 | NCBI_Gene:102634490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108986 | MGI:5591220 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32061 |
7 | gene | 62.34657 | 62.35026 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97290 | Ndn | NCBI_Gene:17984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033585 | MGI:97290 | protein coding gene | necdin |
7 | gene | 62.37698 | 62.38164 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351648 | Magel2 | NCBI_Gene:27385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056972 | MGI:1351648 | protein coding gene | melanoma antigen, family L, 2 |
7 | gene | 62.41759 | 62.42014 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2181178 | Mkrn3 | NCBI_Gene:22652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070527 | MGI:2181178 | protein coding gene | makorin, ring finger protein, 3 |
7 | gene | 62.46187 | 62.46451 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351637 | Peg12 | NCBI_Gene:27412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070526 | MGI:1351637 | protein coding gene | paternally expressed 12 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.47624 | 62.47671 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2153586 | Atp5l-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:140551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072460 | MGI:2153586 | pseudogene | ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit G, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.57732 | 62.57822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757996 | Vmn2r-ps61 | NCBI_Gene:665038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108928 | MGI:3757996 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 61 |
7 | gene | 62.61166 | 62.61178 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452271 | Gm22494 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077683 | MGI:5452271 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22494 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.65851 | 62.66219 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825663 | Gm46026 | NCBI_Gene:108167510 | MGI:5825663 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46026 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.68340 | 62.68469 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779855 | Gm9445 | NCBI_Gene:669222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109204 | MGI:3779855 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9445 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.75123 | 62.75212 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644550 | Gm5333 | NCBI_Gene:384631 | MGI:3644550 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5333 |
7 | gene | 62.77842 | 62.82367 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644757 | A26c2 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109344 | MGI:3644757 | protein coding gene | ANKRD26-like family C, member 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.78225 | 62.78315 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591270 | Gm32111 | NCBI_Gene:102634562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109289 | MGI:5591270 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 32111 |
7 | gene | 63.09869 | 63.21257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99779 | Chrna7 | NCBI_Gene:11441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030525 | MGI:99779 | protein coding gene | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 7 |
7 | gene | 63.13416 | 63.13629 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753317 | Gm44741 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109057 | MGI:5753317 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44741 |
7 | gene | 63.34469 | 63.44453 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924881 | 4930554H23Rik | NCBI_Gene:77631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097682 | MGI:1924881 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930554H23 gene |
7 | gene | 63.44474 | 63.76623 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2158505 | Otud7a | NCBI_Gene:170711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033510 | MGI:2158505 | protein coding gene | OTU domain containing 7A |
7 | pseudogene | 63.54248 | 63.54585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644921 | Gm5898 | NCBI_Gene:545971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081788 | MGI:3644921 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5898 |
7 | gene | 63.58592 | 63.58602 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452005 | Gm22228 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087989 | MGI:5452005 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22228 |
7 | pseudogene | 63.60602 | 63.60665 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781485 | Gm3307 | NCBI_Gene:100041386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093751 | MGI:3781485 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3307 |
7 | pseudogene | 63.73698 | 63.73749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010989 | Gm18804 | NCBI_Gene:100417749 | MGI:5010989 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18804 |
7 | gene | 63.76587 | 63.76623 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753294 | Gm44718 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108421 | MGI:5753294 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44718 |
7 | pseudogene | 63.81078 | 63.81138 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645480 | Gm7482 | NCBI_Gene:665083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108700 | MGI:3645480 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7482 |
7 | gene | 63.82324 | 63.85269 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621908 | Gm39023 | NCBI_Gene:105242959 | MGI:5621908 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39023 |
7 | pseudogene | 63.82698 | 63.82724 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753296 | Gm44720 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108629 | MGI:5753296 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44720 |
7 | gene | 63.87306 | 63.87697 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591504 | Gm32345 | NCBI_Gene:102634862 | MGI:5591504 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32345 |
7 | gene | 63.88635 | 63.93892 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354948 | Klf13 | NCBI_Gene:50794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052040 | MGI:1354948 | protein coding gene | Kruppel-like factor 13 |
7 | gene | 63.89639 | 63.90054 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5521095 | Gm27252 | NCBI_Gene:102634962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098708 | MGI:5521095 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 27252 |
7 | gene | 63.90172 | 63.90919 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825624 | Gm45987 | NCBI_Gene:108167433 | MGI:5825624 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45987 |
7 | gene | 63.91686 | 63.92103 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686543 | E030018B13Rik | NCBI_Gene:381994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095061 | MGI:2686543 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA E030018B13 gene |
7 | gene | 63.94868 | 63.95021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753203 | Gm44627 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108418 | MGI:5753203 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44627 |
7 | gene | 63.95639 | 63.95936 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621909 | Gm39024 | NCBI_Gene:105242960 | MGI:5621909 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39024 |
7 | gene | 63.96224 | 63.96774 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753628 | Gm45052 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108313 | MGI:5753628 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45052 |
7 | gene | 63.98623 | 64.02476 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591792 | Gm32633 | NCBI_Gene:102635243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108393 | MGI:5591792 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32633 |
7 | gene | 64.03425 | 64.04083 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753630 | Gm45054 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108469 | MGI:5753630 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45054 |
7 | gene | 64.05729 | 64.05781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592061 | Gm32902 | NCBI_Gene:102635612 | MGI:5592061 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32902 |
7 | gene | 64.05760 | 64.06880 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5313117 | Gm20670 | NCBI_Gene:102635542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108620 | MGI:5313117 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20670 |
7 | gene | 64.13087 | 64.13437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825625 | Gm45988 | NCBI_Gene:108167434 | MGI:5825625 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 45988 |
7 | gene | 64.15384 | 64.26977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330305 | Trpm1 | NCBI_Gene:17364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030523 | MGI:1330305 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 1 |
7 | gene | 64.20209 | 64.20252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753298 | Gm44722 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108645 | MGI:5753298 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44722 |
7 | gene | 64.20581 | 64.20591 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676887 | Mir211 | miRBase:MI0000708,NCBI_Gene:387207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065585 | MGI:2676887 | miRNA gene | microRNA 211 |
7 | gene | 64.21319 | 64.21334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753295 | Gm44719 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108770 | MGI:5753295 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44719 |
7 | gene | 64.24998 | 64.25010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531128 | Mir6416 | miRBase:MI0021954,NCBI_Gene:102465226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098910 | MGI:5531128 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6416 |
7 | gene | 64.28380 | 64.28440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753341 | Gm44765 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108422 | MGI:5753341 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44765 |
7 | gene | 64.28481 | 64.28821 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753788 | Gm45212 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108472 | MGI:5753788 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45212 |
7 | gene | 64.28765 | 64.34081 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142292 | Mtmr10 | NCBI_Gene:233315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030522 | MGI:2142292 | protein coding gene | myotubularin related protein 10 |
7 | gene | 64.33755 | 64.34596 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141922 | Gm20457 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092187 | MGI:5141922 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20457 |
7 | gene | 64.34598 | 64.37414 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045266 | Fan1 | NCBI_Gene:330554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033458 | MGI:3045266 | protein coding gene | FANCD2/FANCI-associated nuclease 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 64.35678 | 64.35748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010115 | Gm17930 | NCBI_Gene:100416128 | MGI:5010115 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17930 |
7 | gene | 64.37653 | 64.39227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915223 | Mphosph10 | NCBI_Gene:67973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030521 | MGI:1915223 | protein coding gene | M-phase phosphoprotein 10 (U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein) |
7 | gene | 64.39261 | 64.41213 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920974 | Mcee | NCBI_Gene:73724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033429 | MGI:1920974 | protein coding gene | methylmalonyl CoA epimerase |
7 | gene | 64.50171 | 64.75388 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1261791 | Apba2 | NCBI_Gene:11784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030519 | MGI:1261791 | protein coding gene | amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 |
7 | gene | 64.51531 | 64.51591 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753658 | Gm45082 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108384 | MGI:5753658 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45082 |
7 | gene | 64.52943 | 64.52990 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753297 | Gm44721 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108721 | MGI:5753297 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44721 |
7 | gene | 64.75609 | 65.15657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917888 | Fam189a1 | NCBI_Gene:70638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030518 | MGI:1917888 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 189, member A1 |
7 | gene | 64.86705 | 64.87304 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913897 | Nsmce3 | NCBI_Gene:66647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070520 | MGI:1913897 | protein coding gene | NSE3 homolog, SMC5-SMC6 complex component |
7 | gene | 64.95650 | 64.95658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455026 | Gm25249 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093212 | MGI:5455026 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25249 |
7 | gene | 65.05210 | 65.05496 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592122 | Gm32963 | NCBI_Gene:102635688 | MGI:5592122 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32963 |
7 | pseudogene | 65.17064 | 65.17190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010093 | Gm17908 | NCBI_Gene:100416077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108745 | MGI:5010093 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17908 |
7 | pseudogene | 65.17348 | 65.17423 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010103 | Gm17918 | NCBI_Gene:100416106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108445 | MGI:5010103 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17918 |
7 | gene | 65.21281 | 65.21345 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922851 | 1810049I09Rik | NCBI_Gene:75601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108587 | MGI:1922851 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810049I09 gene |
7 | gene | 65.29617 | 65.52781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98759 | Tjp1 | NCBI_Gene:21872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030516 | MGI:98759 | protein coding gene | tight junction protein 1 |
7 | gene | 65.33132 | 65.33430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441948 | D130061D10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D130061D10 gene |
7 | gene | 65.36637 | 65.36678 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753370 | Gm44794 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108338 | MGI:5753370 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44794 |
7 | gene | 65.37164 | 65.37440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592227 | Gm33068 | NCBI_Gene:102635823 | MGI:5592227 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33068 |
7 | pseudogene | 65.40185 | 65.40216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753371 | Gm44795 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108541 | MGI:5753371 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44795 |
7 | gene | 65.47959 | 65.48122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753368 | Gm44792 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108533 | MGI:5753368 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44792 |
7 | pseudogene | 65.58000 | 65.63591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644883 | Gm7546 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086232 | MGI:3644883 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7546 |
7 | gene | 65.58203 | 65.61935 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039598 | BC046251 | NCBI_Gene:407810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086662 | MGI:3039598 | lncRNA gene | cDNA sequence BC046251 |
7 | gene | 65.64490 | 65.69209 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444486 | Tarsl2 | NCBI_Gene:272396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030515 | MGI:2444486 | protein coding gene | threonyl-tRNA synthetase-like 2 |
7 | gene | 65.69006 | 65.69316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592393 | Gm33234 | NCBI_Gene:102636057 | MGI:5592393 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33234 |
7 | gene | 65.69117 | 65.70191 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915884 | Tm2d3 | NCBI_Gene:68634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078681 | MGI:1915884 | protein coding gene | TM2 domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 65.74106 | 65.74386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642550 | Gm10624 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10624 |
7 | pseudogene | 65.78481 | 65.78631 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648704 | Gm7551 | NCBI_Gene:665241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068480 | MGI:3648704 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7551 |
7 | gene | 65.80311 | 65.80645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920875 | 1810008I18Rik | NCBI_Gene:100503969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100094 | MGI:1920875 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810008I18 gene |
7 | gene | 65.85854 | 65.86217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5313131 | Gm20684 | NCBI_Gene:102641467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093405 | MGI:5313131 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20684 |
7 | gene | 65.86173 | 66.05039 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102897 | Pcsk6 | NCBI_Gene:18553,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030513 | MGI:102897 | protein coding gene | proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 6 |
7 | gene | 66.04360 | 66.06227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753789 | Gm45213 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108793 | MGI:5753789 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45213 |
7 | gene | 66.05900 | 66.07459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916231 | Snrpa1 | NCBI_Gene:68981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030512 | MGI:1916231 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A’ |
7 | gene | 66.07890 | 66.07947 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753657 | Gm45081 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108777 | MGI:5753657 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45081 |
7 | gene | 66.07965 | 66.08940 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95994 | Selenos | NCBI_Gene:109815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075701 | MGI:95994 | protein coding gene | selenoprotein S |
7 | gene | 66.10952 | 66.17312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477321 | Gm26827 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097634 | MGI:5477321 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26827 |
7 | gene | 66.10952 | 66.17380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681120 | Chsy1 | NCBI_Gene:269941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032640 | MGI:2681120 | protein coding gene | chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 |
7 | gene | 66.11930 | 66.11940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452819 | Gm23042 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065800 | MGI:5452819 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23042 |
7 | pseudogene | 66.12695 | 66.12770 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011173 | Gm18988 | NCBI_Gene:100418080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108699 | MGI:5011173 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18988 |
7 | pseudogene | 66.19056 | 66.19084 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753656 | Gm45080 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108686 | MGI:5753656 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45080 |
7 | gene | 66.22691 | 66.38835 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142227 | Lrrk1 | NCBI_Gene:233328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015133 | MGI:2142227 | protein coding gene | leucine-rich repeat kinase 1 |
7 | gene | 66.25477 | 66.27780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592601 | Gm33442 | NCBI_Gene:102636350 | MGI:5592601 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33442 |
7 | gene | 66.28173 | 66.28743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825626 | Gm45989 | NCBI_Gene:108167435 | MGI:5825626 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45989 |
7 | gene | 66.30920 | 66.31250 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753328 | Gm44752 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109119 | MGI:5753328 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44752 |
7 | gene | 66.36590 | 66.38631 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779185 | Gm10974 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078677 | MGI:3779185 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10974 |
7 | gene | 66.37039 | 66.37048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453734 | Gm23957 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087834 | MGI:5453734 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 23957 |
7 | gene | 66.38167 | 66.38172 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530932 | Mir7057 | miRBase:MI0022906,NCBI_Gene:102465640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098353 | MGI:5530932 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7057 |
7 | gene | 66.39089 | 66.42752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1861722 | Aldh1a3 | NCBI_Gene:56847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015134 | MGI:1861722 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A3 |
7 | gene | 66.42865 | 66.43049 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592674 | Gm33515 | NCBI_Gene:102636455 | MGI:5592674 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33515 |
7 | gene | 66.44160 | 66.44425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753329 | Gm44753 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109114 | MGI:5753329 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44753 |
7 | pseudogene | 66.56523 | 66.56562 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753330 | Gm44754 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109330 | MGI:5753330 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44754 |
7 | gene | 66.58076 | 66.58587 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592729 | Gm33570 | NCBI_Gene:102636528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109039 | MGI:5592729 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33570 |
7 | gene | 66.61532 | 66.61915 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753186 | Gm44610 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109249 | MGI:5753186 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44610 |
7 | gene | 66.64457 | 66.68965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2152835 | Asb7 | NCBI_Gene:117589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030509 | MGI:2152835 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 7 |
7 | gene | 66.68977 | 66.71726 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919885 | Lins1 | NCBI_Gene:72635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053091 | MGI:1919885 | protein coding gene | lines homolog 1 |
7 | gene | 66.72312 | 66.72378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753674 | Gm45098 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109133 | MGI:5753674 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45098 |
7 | gene | 66.73310 | 66.82369 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681008 | Cers3 | NCBI_Gene:545975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030510 | MGI:2681008 | protein coding gene | ceramide synthase 3 |
7 | gene | 66.73780 | 66.74044 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642294 | Gm10623 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108846 | MGI:3642294 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10623 |
7 | gene | 66.82668 | 66.83979 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592786 | Gm33627 | NCBI_Gene:102636611 | MGI:5592786 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33627 |
7 | gene | 66.83974 | 67.15317 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3588195 | Adamts17 | NCBI_Gene:233332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058145 | MGI:3588195 | protein coding gene | a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 17 |
7 | gene | 66.95982 | 66.96192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753331 | Gm44755 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109079 | MGI:5753331 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44755 |
7 | pseudogene | 66.99397 | 66.99443 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753185 | Gm44609 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108873 | MGI:5753185 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44609 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.08284 | 67.08375 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010094 | Gm17909 | NCBI_Gene:100416078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108833 | MGI:5010094 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17909 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.18010 | 67.18033 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753677 | Gm45101 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109273 | MGI:5753677 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45101 |
7 | gene | 67.20408 | 67.22254 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923878 | 1700112J16Rik | NCBI_Gene:76628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097527 | MGI:1923878 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700112J16 gene |
7 | gene | 67.22254 | 67.30733 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922349 | Lysmd4 | NCBI_Gene:75099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043831 | MGI:1922349 | protein coding gene | LysM, putative peptidoglycan-binding, domain containing 4 |
7 | gene | 67.23116 | 67.37300 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99532 | Mef2a | NCBI_Gene:17258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030557 | MGI:99532 | protein coding gene | myocyte enhancer factor 2A |
7 | gene | 67.26891 | 67.27224 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753243 | Gm44667 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109539 | MGI:5753243 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44667 |
7 | gene | 67.36772 | 67.37098 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753244 | Gm44668 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109363 | MGI:5753244 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44668 |
7 | gene | 67.42890 | 67.44393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593085 | Gm33926 | NCBI_Gene:102637011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109329 | MGI:5593085 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33926 |
7 | gene | 67.48801 | 67.52279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621910 | Gm39025 | NCBI_Gene:108167436 | MGI:5621910 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39025 |
7 | gene | 67.51341 | 67.64533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915689 | Lrrc28 | NCBI_Gene:67867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030556 | MGI:1915689 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 28 |
7 | gene | 67.52434 | 67.54359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593238 | Gm34079 | NCBI_Gene:102637206 | MGI:5593238 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34079 |
7 | gene | 67.57057 | 67.57070 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453010 | Gm23233 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087926 | MGI:5453010 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23233 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.59232 | 67.59521 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592142 | Gm32983 | NCBI_Gene:102635717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109342 | MGI:5592142 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 32983 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.63777 | 67.63815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753676 | Gm45100 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109558 | MGI:5753676 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45100 |
7 | gene | 67.64732 | 67.76291 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914259 | Ttc23 | NCBI_Gene:67009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030555 | MGI:1914259 | protein coding gene | tetratricopeptide repeat domain 23 |
7 | gene | 67.67933 | 67.68130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753245 | Gm44669 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109115 | MGI:5753245 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44669 |
7 | gene | 67.71149 | 67.71718 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593299 | Gm34140 | NCBI_Gene:102637289 | MGI:5593299 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34140 |
7 | gene | 67.73016 | 67.75974 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2661187 | Synm | NCBI_Gene:233335,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030554 | MGI:2661187 | protein coding gene | synemin, intermediate filament protein |
7 | gene | 67.75932 | 67.76017 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753678 | Gm45102 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108871 | MGI:5753678 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45102 |
7 | gene | 67.77841 | 67.77853 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453621 | Gm23844 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080609 | MGI:5453621 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23844 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.78278 | 67.78378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779751 | Gm7583 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097981 | MGI:3779751 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7583 |
7 | gene | 67.78454 | 67.80414 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921154 | 4833412C05Rik | NCBI_Gene:73904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097697 | MGI:1921154 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833412C05 gene |
7 | gene | 67.80158 | 67.83128 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593509 | Gm34350 | NCBI_Gene:102637575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109464 | MGI:5593509 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34350 |
7 | gene | 67.83229 | 67.84987 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621912 | Gm39027 | NCBI_Gene:105242964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109193 | MGI:5621912 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39027 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.88620 | 67.88658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753242 | Gm44666 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109152 | MGI:5753242 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44666 |
7 | gene | 67.95183 | 68.23367 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96433 | Igf1r | NCBI_Gene:16001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005533 | MGI:96433 | protein coding gene | insulin-like growth factor I receptor |
7 | gene | 68.10670 | 68.11335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443927 | D930030O05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930030O05 gene |
7 | gene | 68.23645 | 68.26448 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925694 | Pgpep1l | NCBI_Gene:78444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030553 | MGI:1925694 | protein coding gene | pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like |
7 | gene | 68.26634 | 68.27659 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801721 | Gm16157 | NCBI_Gene:100504026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086628 | MGI:3801721 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16157 |
7 | gene | 68.27384 | 68.36309 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644026 | Fam169b | NCBI_Gene:434197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074071 | MGI:3644026 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 169, member B |
7 | gene | 68.31597 | 68.31703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921043 | 4930405G09Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109453 | MGI:1921043 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930405G09 gene |
7 | gene | 68.33299 | 68.33553 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753464 | Gm44888 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109096 | MGI:5753464 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44888 |
7 | gene | 68.33867 | 68.35358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801750 | Gm16158 | NCBI_Gene:105242966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086410 | MGI:3801750 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16158 |
7 | gene | 68.38478 | 68.39203 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753465 | Gm44889 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109458 | MGI:5753465 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44889 |
7 | gene | 68.41740 | 68.42736 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918494 | 4933436H12Rik | NCBI_Gene:71244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108924 | MGI:1918494 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933436H12 gene |
7 | gene | 68.42921 | 68.49090 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593708 | Gm34549 | NCBI_Gene:102637842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108828 | MGI:5593708 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34549 |
7 | gene | 68.43937 | 68.44172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753462 | Gm44886 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109298 | MGI:5753462 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44886 |
7 | pseudogene | 68.59868 | 68.59885 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753463 | Gm44887 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109375 | MGI:5753463 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44887 |
7 | pseudogene | 68.61846 | 68.62001 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644545 | Gm5334 | NCBI_Gene:384639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094854 | MGI:3644545 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5334 |
7 | gene | 68.71917 | 68.72647 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753268 | Gm44692 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108876 | MGI:5753268 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44692 |
7 | gene | 68.73699 | 68.74924 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913662 | Arrdc4 | NCBI_Gene:66412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042659 | MGI:1913662 | protein coding gene | arrestin domain containing 4 |
7 | gene | 68.79232 | 68.81869 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593771 | Gm34612 | NCBI_Gene:102637920 | MGI:5593771 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34612 |
7 | gene | 68.84214 | 68.91602 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593823 | Gm34664 | NCBI_Gene:102637987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109407 | MGI:5593823 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34664 |
7 | gene | 68.95210 | 68.95224 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453572 | Gm23795 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065940 | MGI:5453572 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23795 |
7 | gene | 68.98940 | 69.00817 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753267 | Gm44691 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109524 | MGI:5753267 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44691 |
7 | gene | 69.05674 | 69.07929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593941 | Gm34782 | NCBI_Gene:102638148 | MGI:5593941 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34782 |
7 | gene | 69.05682 | 69.06476 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621914 | Gm39029 | NCBI_Gene:105242967 | MGI:5621914 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39029 |
7 | pseudogene | 69.20987 | 69.21109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647517 | Gm5342 | NCBI_Gene:384741,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098017 | MGI:3647517 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5342 |
7 | pseudogene | 69.25960 | 69.25986 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753109 | Gm44533 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109400 | MGI:5753109 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44533 |
7 | gene | 69.35437 | 69.40020 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593997 | Gm34838 | NCBI_Gene:102638227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110028 | MGI:5593997 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34838 |
7 | gene | 69.47537 | 69.49104 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621469 | Gm38584 | NCBI_Gene:102641929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109153 | MGI:5621469 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38584 |
7 | gene | 69.49609 | 69.55067 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921046 | 4930402F11Rik | NCBI_Gene:73796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108885 | MGI:1921046 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930402F11 gene |
7 | gene | 69.49858 | 69.49868 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453592 | Gm23815 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065165 | MGI:5453592 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23815 |
7 | gene | 69.57971 | 69.58284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753111 | Gm44535 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109412 | MGI:5753111 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44535 |
7 | pseudogene | 69.60584 | 69.62697 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643954 | Gm7627 | NCBI_Gene:665410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098246 | MGI:3643954 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7627 |
7 | gene | 69.79912 | 69.80174 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594368 | Gm35209 | NCBI_Gene:102638715 | MGI:5594368 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35209 |
7 | pseudogene | 69.88398 | 69.88436 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753266 | Gm44690 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109373 | MGI:5753266 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44690 |
7 | gene | 69.94890 | 69.95036 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918357 | 4933423L19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108821 | MGI:1918357 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933423L19 gene |
7 | gene | 69.95778 | 69.95790 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453897 | Gm24120 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077166 | MGI:5453897 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24120 |
7 | gene | 70.17887 | 70.33785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588842 | Gm29683 | NCBI_Gene:624549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109097 | MGI:5588842 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29683 |
7 | gene | 70.20284 | 70.20723 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594430 | Gm35271 | NCBI_Gene:102638792 | MGI:5594430 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35271 |
7 | gene | 70.20730 | 70.21319 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594484 | Gm35325 | NCBI_Gene:102638863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109280 | MGI:5594484 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35325 |
7 | gene | 70.24897 | 70.24978 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580033 | Gm29327 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099387 | MGI:5580033 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29327 |
7 | gene | 70.34142 | 70.35124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621915 | Gm39030 | NCBI_Gene:105242968 | MGI:5621915 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39030 |
7 | gene | 70.34524 | 70.34581 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753522 | Gm44946 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109361 | MGI:5753522 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44946 |
7 | gene | 70.34755 | 70.34770 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753524 | Gm44948 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109364 | MGI:5753524 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44948 |
7 | gene | 70.35194 | 70.36675 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352452 | Nr2f2 | NCBI_Gene:11819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030551 | MGI:1352452 | protein coding gene | nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2 |
7 | gene | 70.36491 | 70.48997 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3604353 | B130024G19Rik | NCBI_Gene:434198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100005 | MGI:3604353 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B130024G19 gene |
7 | gene | 70.37202 | 70.38841 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578964 | Gm28258 | NCBI_Gene:102639158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101559 | MGI:5578964 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28258 |
7 | gene | 70.42091 | 70.45322 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753108 | Gm44532 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108869 | MGI:5753108 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44532 |
7 | pseudogene | 70.49084 | 70.49206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648032 | Gm7656 | NCBI_Gene:665486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097991 | MGI:3648032 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7656 |
7 | gene | 70.53122 | 70.53145 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753387 | Gm44811 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108899 | MGI:5753387 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44811 |
7 | gene | 70.54887 | 70.55492 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595001 | Gm35842 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109028 | MGI:5595001 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35842 |
7 | gene | 70.56287 | 70.58590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753388 | Gm44812 | NCBI_Gene:108167437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109021 | MGI:5753388 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44812 |
7 | gene | 70.57132 | 70.57441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753389 | Gm44813 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108836 | MGI:5753389 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44813 |
7 | gene | 70.58645 | 70.58944 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595053 | Gm35894 | NCBI_Gene:102639629 | MGI:5595053 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35894 |
7 | gene | 70.59289 | 70.59388 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753385 | Gm44809 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109018 | MGI:5753385 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44809 |
7 | gene | 70.63861 | 70.63992 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753384 | Gm44808 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109294 | MGI:5753384 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44808 |
7 | gene | 70.70812 | 70.71647 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621916 | Gm39031 | NCBI_Gene:105242969 | MGI:5621916 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39031 |
7 | gene | 70.75242 | 70.75250 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454657 | Gm24880 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089401 | MGI:5454657 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 24880 |
7 | gene | 70.80204 | 70.81145 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621917 | Gm39032 | NCBI_Gene:105242970 | MGI:5621917 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39032 |
7 | gene | 70.87091 | 71.07335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625282 | Gm42397 | NCBI_Gene:105247269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109532 | MGI:5625282 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42397 |
7 | pseudogene | 70.91252 | 70.93398 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593942 | Gm34783 | NCBI_Gene:102638149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109454 | MGI:5593942 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 34783 |
7 | gene | 71.03205 | 71.03542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825627 | Gm45990 | NCBI_Gene:108167438 | MGI:5825627 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45990 |
7 | gene | 71.08843 | 71.11654 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595170 | Gm36011 | NCBI_Gene:102639780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109003 | MGI:5595170 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36011 |
7 | gene | 71.09100 | 71.12359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621918 | Gm39033 | NCBI_Gene:105242971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109161 | MGI:5621918 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39033 |
7 | gene | 71.15423 | 71.18686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595230 | Gm36071 | NCBI_Gene:102639857 | MGI:5595230 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36071 |
7 | gene | 71.21705 | 71.22441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925130 | 6030442E23Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100664 | MGI:1925130 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030442E23 gene |
7 | gene | 71.23465 | 71.26547 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595371 | Gm36212 | NCBI_Gene:102640046 | MGI:5595371 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36212 |
7 | gene | 71.26427 | 71.37997 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580034 | Gm29328 | NCBI_Gene:108167439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099853 | MGI:5580034 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29328 |
7 | gene | 71.28241 | 71.28758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621919 | Gm39034 | NCBI_Gene:105242972 | MGI:5621919 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39034 |
7 | gene | 71.33149 | 71.33404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753642 | Gm45066 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109548 | MGI:5753642 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45066 |
7 | pseudogene | 71.33236 | 71.33292 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708755 | Gm10172 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066697 | MGI:3708755 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10172 |
7 | gene | 71.34896 | 71.35148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642770 | Gm10295 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10295 |
7 | gene | 71.35145 | 71.39127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580001 | Gm29295 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099558 | MGI:5580001 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29295 |
7 | gene | 71.37301 | 71.37965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595419 | Gm36260 | NCBI_Gene:102640113 | MGI:5595419 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36260 |
7 | gene | 71.68178 | 71.68845 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753265 | Gm44689 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108978 | MGI:5753265 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44689 |
7 | pseudogene | 71.69669 | 71.69740 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648706 | Gm7675 | NCBI_Gene:665535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108972 | MGI:3648706 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7675 |
7 | gene | 71.70608 | 71.70661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753264 | Gm44688 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109388 | MGI:5753264 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44688 |
7 | pseudogene | 71.71780 | 71.71837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010173 | Gm17988 | NCBI_Gene:100416233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108982 | MGI:5010173 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17988 |
7 | gene | 71.90969 | 71.93919 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925406 | 4930441H08Rik | NCBI_Gene:78156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108669 | MGI:1925406 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930441H08 gene |
7 | gene | 71.94752 | 71.96202 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595792 | Gm36633 | NCBI_Gene:102640608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108480 | MGI:5595792 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36633 |
7 | gene | 71.96117 | 72.02732 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922701 | 1700011C11Rik | NCBI_Gene:75451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108800 | MGI:1922701 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700011C11 gene |
7 | gene | 72.07783 | 72.30661 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685335 | Mctp2 | NCBI_Gene:244049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032776 | MGI:2685335 | protein coding gene | multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2 |
7 | gene | 72.11046 | 72.11860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595855 | Gm36696 | NCBI_Gene:102640684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108427 | MGI:5595855 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36696 |
7 | gene | 72.15609 | 72.15713 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804830 | Gm45715 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108493 | MGI:5804830 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45715 |
7 | gene | 72.30686 | 72.32334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621920 | Gm39035 | NCBI_Gene:105242973 | MGI:5621920 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39035 |
7 | gene | 72.60199 | 72.60249 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610848 | Gm37620 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103673 | MGI:5610848 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37620 |
7 | gene | 72.63721 | 72.63752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579451 | Gm28745 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100138 | MGI:5579451 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28745 |
7 | pseudogene | 72.64875 | 72.64934 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642871 | Rpl17-ps10 | NCBI_Gene:100042880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081895 | MGI:3642871 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L17, pseudogene 10 |
7 | gene | 72.66802 | 72.66836 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579450 | Gm28744 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100670 | MGI:5579450 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28744 |
7 | pseudogene | 72.67282 | 72.67460 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648525 | Kansl2-ps | NCBI_Gene:233391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097530 | MGI:3648525 | pseudogene | KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 2, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 72.71243 | 72.71364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649138 | Gm7693 | NCBI_Gene:665570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098195 | MGI:3649138 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7693 |
7 | gene | 72.74557 | 72.82665 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5596024 | Gm36865 | NCBI_Gene:102640914 | MGI:5596024 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36865 |
7 | pseudogene | 72.98895 | 72.99016 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647920 | Gm5335 | NCBI_Gene:384643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098035 | MGI:3647920 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5335 |
7 | gene | 73.08942 | 73.09262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753301 | Gm44725 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108329 | MGI:5753301 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44725 |
7 | gene | 73.09775 | 73.10207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779609 | Gm6567 | NCBI_Gene:625243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108383 | MGI:3779609 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 6567 |
7 | gene | 73.12445 | 73.12656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918487 | 4933435G04Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108345 | MGI:1918487 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933435G04 gene |
7 | gene | 73.18361 | 73.19243 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012268 | Gm20083 | NCBI_Gene:100504141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108778 | MGI:5012268 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20083 |
7 | gene | 73.18501 | 73.18539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579452 | Gm28746 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101843 | MGI:5579452 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28746 |
7 | gene | 73.20186 | 73.23869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589234 | Gm30075 | NCBI_Gene:102631845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108513 | MGI:5589234 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30075 |
7 | gene | 73.31038 | 73.31519 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921147 | 4930429H19Rik | NCBI_Gene:100505025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108530 | MGI:1921147 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930429H19 gene |
7 | gene | 73.31381 | 73.37577 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442718 | A730056A06Rik | NCBI_Gene:319783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097756 | MGI:2442718 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A730056A06 gene |
7 | gene | 73.37551 | 73.41990 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2679262 | Rgma | NCBI_Gene:244058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070509 | MGI:2679262 | protein coding gene | repulsive guidance molecule family member A |
7 | gene | 73.40435 | 73.40642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753334 | Gm44758 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108678 | MGI:5753334 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44758 |
7 | gene | 73.42225 | 73.42390 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753221 | Gm44645 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108601 | MGI:5753221 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44645 |
7 | gene | 73.42664 | 73.54183 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2448567 | Chd2 | NCBI_Gene:244059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078671 | MGI:2448567 | protein coding gene | chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 73.45860 | 73.46063 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753129 | Gm44553 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108741 | MGI:5753129 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44553 |
7 | gene | 73.49800 | 73.49925 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753128 | Gm44552 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108319 | MGI:5753128 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44552 |
7 | gene | 73.52727 | 73.52872 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028079 | C130083A15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108812 | MGI:3028079 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C130083A15 gene |
7 | gene | 73.53801 | 73.55480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753262 | Gm44686 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108563 | MGI:5753262 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44686 |
7 | gene | 73.53920 | 73.55840 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916420 | 1810026B05Rik | NCBI_Gene:69170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101970 | MGI:1916420 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810026B05 gene |
7 | gene | 73.58329 | 73.60874 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589308 | Gm30149 | NCBI_Gene:102631948 | MGI:5589308 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30149 |
7 | gene | 73.60280 | 73.60411 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621921 | Gm39036 | NCBI_Gene:105242975 | MGI:5621921 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39036 |
7 | gene | 73.60895 | 73.61463 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753310 | Gm44734 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108724 | MGI:5753310 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44734 |
7 | gene | 73.61739 | 73.61970 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644623 | Gm7710 | NCBI_Gene:665610 | MGI:3644623 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 7710 |
7 | gene | 73.62670 | 73.62744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753314 | Gm44738 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108497 | MGI:5753314 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44738 |
7 | gene | 73.63062 | 73.63809 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753313 | Gm44737 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108311 | MGI:5753313 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44737 |
7 | gene | 73.64598 | 73.64609 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455953 | Gm26176 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065729 | MGI:5455953 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26176 |
7 | gene | 73.66205 | 73.66230 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452797 | Gm23020 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089391 | MGI:5452797 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23020 |
7 | gene | 73.67030 | 73.67239 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753312 | Gm44736 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108550 | MGI:5753312 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44736 |
7 | gene | 73.67688 | 73.67830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753315 | Gm44739 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108473 | MGI:5753315 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44739 |
7 | pseudogene | 73.68549 | 73.68660 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643321 | Gm4971 | NCBI_Gene:244061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108337 | MGI:3643321 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4971 |
7 | pseudogene | 73.68824 | 73.68917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010990 | Gm18805 | NCBI_Gene:100417750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108485 | MGI:5010990 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18805 |
7 | pseudogene | 73.70618 | 73.70654 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753583 | Gm45007 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108687 | MGI:5753583 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45007 |
7 | gene | 73.73793 | 73.74102 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443692 | A830073O21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091890 | MGI:2443692 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A830073O21 gene |
7 | gene | 73.74030 | 73.77692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3698178 | Fam174b | NCBI_Gene:100038347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078670 | MGI:3698178 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 174, member B |
7 | gene | 73.75459 | 73.75474 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753581 | Gm45005 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108412 | MGI:5753581 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45005 |
7 | gene | 73.78052 | 73.78415 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589395 | Gm30236 | NCBI_Gene:102632064 | MGI:5589395 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30236 |
7 | gene | 73.78143 | 73.81650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708756 | Gm10619 | NCBI_Gene:100579147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074067 | MGI:3708756 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10619 |
7 | pseudogene | 73.78844 | 73.78912 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010858 | Gm18673 | NCBI_Gene:100417538 | MGI:5010858 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18673 |
7 | gene | 73.79760 | 73.79829 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753582 | Gm45006 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108548 | MGI:5753582 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45006 |
7 | gene | 73.81655 | 73.83890 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5434624 | Gm21269 | NCBI_Gene:100861851,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108448 | MGI:5434624 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 21269 |
7 | gene | 73.81959 | 73.81964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5562778 | Mir7234 | miRBase:MI0023729,NCBI_Gene:102465712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105381 | MGI:5562778 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7234 |
7 | pseudogene | 73.83015 | 73.83281 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010442 | Gm18257 | NCBI_Gene:100416795 | MGI:5010442 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18257 |
7 | gene | 73.93912 | 74.01373 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106020 | St8sia2 | NCBI_Gene:20450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025789 | MGI:106020 | protein coding gene | ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 2 |
7 | gene | 73.94538 | 73.94753 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753579 | Gm45003 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108375 | MGI:5753579 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45003 |
7 | gene | 73.94842 | 73.95804 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611371 | Gm38143 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102384 | MGI:5611371 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38143 |
7 | gene | 74.03463 | 74.04374 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753580 | Gm45004 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108725 | MGI:5753580 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45004 |
7 | gene | 74.23556 | 74.23566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530841 | Gm27459 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098303 | MGI:5530841 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27459 |
7 | gene | 74.27542 | 74.55478 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351867 | Slco3a1 | NCBI_Gene:108116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025790 | MGI:1351867 | protein coding gene | solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 3a1 |
7 | gene | 74.39270 | 74.41123 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646746 | Gm7580 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085161 | MGI:3646746 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 7580 |
7 | gene | 74.53668 | 74.53779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012300 | Gm20115 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene%2c 20115 |
7 | gene | 74.54283 | 74.54411 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443904 | A430057L12Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A430057L12 gene |
7 | gene | 74.55472 | 74.55672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642374 | Gm10618 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10618 |
7 | gene | 74.62625 | 74.62751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621922 | Gm39037 | NCBI_Gene:105242976 | MGI:5621922 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39037 |
7 | gene | 74.69603 | 74.71926 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589543 | Gm30384 | NCBI_Gene:102632257 | MGI:5589543 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30384 |
7 | pseudogene | 74.69986 | 74.70089 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647356 | Gm7726 | NCBI_Gene:100534317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108570 | MGI:3647356 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7726 |
7 | pseudogene | 74.71419 | 74.71483 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010494 | Gm18309 | NCBI_Gene:100416899 | MGI:5010494 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18309 |
7 | gene | 74.76599 | 74.77124 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589618 | Gm30459 | NCBI_Gene:102632369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108468 | MGI:5589618 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30459 |
7 | gene | 74.81881 | 74.85381 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923503 | 0610006L08Rik | NCBI_Gene:76253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108652 | MGI:1923503 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 0610006L08 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 74.85127 | 74.85140 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753479 | Gm44903 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108642 | MGI:5753479 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44903 |
7 | pseudogene | 74.88626 | 74.88707 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753478 | Gm44902 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108716 | MGI:5753478 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44902 |
7 | gene | 74.96235 | 74.96270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452103 | Gm22326 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089522 | MGI:5452103 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22326 |
7 | gene | 75.03019 | 75.07517 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922455 | 4930533N22Rik | NCBI_Gene:75205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108803 | MGI:1922455 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930533N22 gene |
7 | gene | 75.11489 | 75.30926 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927338 | Sv2b | NCBI_Gene:64176,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053025 | MGI:1927338 | protein coding gene | synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2 b |
7 | gene | 75.27509 | 75.27541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454635 | Gm24858 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088683 | MGI:5454635 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24858 |
7 | gene | 75.30870 | 75.33142 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916204 | 1500012K07Rik | NCBI_Gene:68954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097247 | MGI:1916204 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1500012K07 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 75.36603 | 75.36636 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642846 | Gm10161 | NCBI_Gene:100042171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069196 | MGI:3642846 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 10161 |
7 | pseudogene | 75.42086 | 75.42114 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753538 | Gm44962 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108590 | MGI:5753538 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44962 |
7 | gene | 75.42708 | 75.43744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825654 | Gm46017 | NCBI_Gene:108167499 | MGI:5825654 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46017 |
7 | gene | 75.45551 | 75.75461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676556 | Akap13 | NCBI_Gene:75547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066406 | MGI:2676556 | protein coding gene | A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13 |
7 | gene | 75.48200 | 75.48339 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753410 | Gm44834 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108542 | MGI:5753410 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44834 |
7 | gene | 75.48486 | 75.48649 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753271 | Gm44695 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108560 | MGI:5753271 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44695 |
7 | gene | 75.56061 | 75.56379 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753411 | Gm44835 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108557 | MGI:5753411 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44835 |
7 | gene | 75.66887 | 75.66896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455059 | Gm25282 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087896 | MGI:5455059 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25282 |
7 | gene | 75.70789 | 75.70918 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753270 | Gm44694 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108633 | MGI:5753270 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44694 |
7 | gene | 75.75726 | 75.75737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453028 | Gm23251 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076961 | MGI:5453028 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23251 |
7 | gene | 75.76904 | 75.78218 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142134 | AU020206 | NCBI_Gene:108167440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097415 | MGI:2142134 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence AU020206 |
7 | pseudogene | 75.78403 | 75.78438 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477223 | Gm26729 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097116 | MGI:5477223 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 26729 |
7 | gene | 75.84831 | 75.87413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2668031 | Klhl25 | NCBI_Gene:207952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055652 | MGI:2668031 | protein coding gene | kelch-like 25 |
7 | gene | 76.00082 | 76.00288 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753715 | Gm45139 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108495 | MGI:5753715 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45139 |
7 | gene | 76.05409 | 76.05674 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753787 | Gm45211 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108467 | MGI:5753787 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45211 |
7 | gene | 76.22959 | 77.12470 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646469 | Agbl1 | NCBI_Gene:244071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025754 | MGI:3646469 | protein coding gene | ATP/GTP binding protein-like 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 76.24475 | 76.24601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779502 | Gm5597 | NCBI_Gene:434200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098009 | MGI:3779502 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5597 |
7 | gene | 76.35971 | 76.36866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589933 | Gm30774 | NCBI_Gene:102632794 | MGI:5589933 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30774 |
7 | pseudogene | 76.37516 | 76.37662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592228 | Gm33069 | NCBI_Gene:102635824 | MGI:5592228 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33069 |
7 | gene | 76.61106 | 76.61201 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923979 | 2310001K20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108514 | MGI:1923979 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310001K20 gene |
7 | gene | 76.69814 | 76.69972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753786 | Gm45210 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108771 | MGI:5753786 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45210 |
7 | pseudogene | 77.29849 | 77.29900 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753455 | Gm44879 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108611 | MGI:5753455 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44879 |
7 | gene | 77.41257 | 77.41343 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753184 | Gm44608 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108324 | MGI:5753184 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44608 |
7 | pseudogene | 77.77603 | 77.77678 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010859 | Gm18674 | NCBI_Gene:100417539 | MGI:5010859 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18674 |
7 | gene | 77.91014 | 77.91032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453016 | Gm23239 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064940 | MGI:5453016 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23239 |
7 | gene | 78.02654 | 78.02664 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5690750 | Gm44358 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104817 | MGI:5690750 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 44358 |
7 | pseudogene | 78.16195 | 78.16542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825649 | Gm46012 | NCBI_Gene:108167483 | MGI:5825649 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46012 |
7 | gene | 78.17596 | 78.73801 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97385 | Ntrk3 | NCBI_Gene:18213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059146 | MGI:97385 | protein coding gene | neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 3 |
7 | gene | 78.17597 | 78.17882 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3041176 | A330068G13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A330068G13 gene |
7 | gene | 78.21161 | 78.21270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753183 | Gm44607 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108630 | MGI:5753183 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44607 |
7 | gene | 78.25430 | 78.25542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918125 | 4921513I08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108788 | MGI:1918125 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921513I08 gene |
7 | gene | 78.55285 | 78.57560 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621923 | Gm39038 | NCBI_Gene:105242978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108390 | MGI:5621923 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39038 |
7 | gene | 78.57883 | 78.58104 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641726 | Gm9885 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052629 | MGI:3641726 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9885 |
7 | gene | 78.58107 | 78.71822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3041232 | E430016F16Rik | NCBI_Gene:414121 | MGI:3041232 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E430016F16 gene |
7 | gene | 78.72747 | 78.73464 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590051 | Gm30892 | NCBI_Gene:102632946 | MGI:5590051 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30892 |
7 | gene | 78.77524 | 78.78353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914558 | Mrpl46 | NCBI_Gene:67308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030612 | MGI:1914558 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L46 |
7 | gene | 78.77729 | 78.77837 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753635 | Gm45059 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108536 | MGI:5753635 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45059 |
7 | gene | 78.78312 | 78.79299 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915244 | Mrps11 | NCBI_Gene:67994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030611 | MGI:1915244 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11 |
7 | gene | 78.81829 | 78.82066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923923 | 5330411O13Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108603 | MGI:1923923 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5330411O13 gene |
7 | gene | 78.82155 | 78.84737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923625 | Det1 | NCBI_Gene:76375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030610 | MGI:1923625 | protein coding gene | de-etiolated homolog 1 (Arabidopsis) |
7 | gene | 78.84725 | 78.84753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922714 | 1700011D18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108791 | MGI:1922714 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700011D18 gene |
7 | gene | 78.85549 | 78.85844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753306 | Gm44730 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108385 | MGI:5753306 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44730 |
7 | gene | 78.88828 | 78.88837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3619437 | Mir7-2 | miRBase:MI0000729,NCBI_Gene:723884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065609 | MGI:3619437 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7-2 |
7 | gene | 78.89378 | 78.89578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621924 | Gm39039 | NCBI_Gene:105242979 | MGI:5621924 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39039 |
7 | gene | 78.89585 | 78.91121 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915298 | Aen | NCBI_Gene:68048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030609 | MGI:1915298 | protein coding gene | apoptosis enhancing nuclease |
7 | gene | 78.91342 | 78.92040 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928895 | Isg20 | NCBI_Gene:57444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039236 | MGI:1928895 | protein coding gene | interferon-stimulated protein |
7 | gene | 78.92225 | 78.92389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753391 | Gm44815 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108670 | MGI:5753391 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44815 |
7 | gene | 78.93895 | 78.95453 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590372 | Gm31213 | NCBI_Gene:102633372 | MGI:5590372 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31213 |
7 | gene | 79.01805 | 79.05332 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477127 | Gm26633 | NCBI_Gene:102633600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097441 | MGI:5477127 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26633 |
7 | gene | 79.05320 | 79.11510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99602 | Acan | NCBI_Gene:11595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030607 | MGI:99602 | protein coding gene | aggrecan |
7 | gene | 79.11510 | 79.13329 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914916 | Hapln3 | NCBI_Gene:67666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030606 | MGI:1914916 | protein coding gene | hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 3 |
7 | gene | 79.13377 | 79.14906 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102768 | Mfge8 | NCBI_Gene:17304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030605 | MGI:102768 | protein coding gene | milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein |
7 | gene | 79.24382 | 79.24758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621925 | Gm39040 | NCBI_Gene:105242980 | MGI:5621925 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39040 |
7 | gene | 79.27168 | 79.27313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590669 | Gm31510 | NCBI_Gene:102633760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108387 | MGI:5590669 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31510 |
7 | gene | 79.27320 | 79.36551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914344 | Abhd2 | NCBI_Gene:54608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039202 | MGI:1914344 | protein coding gene | abhydrolase domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 79.27777 | 79.28078 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753215 | Gm44639 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108521 | MGI:5753215 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44639 |
7 | gene | 79.29895 | 79.30293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621926 | Gm39041 | NCBI_Gene:105242981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108460 | MGI:5621926 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39041 |
7 | gene | 79.35249 | 79.35274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454001 | Gm24224 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089453 | MGI:5454001 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24224 |
7 | gene | 79.37486 | 79.38705 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97930 | Rlbp1 | NCBI_Gene:19771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039194 | MGI:97930 | protein coding gene | retinaldehyde binding protein 1 |
7 | gene | 79.39193 | 79.45027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384790 | Fanci | NCBI_Gene:208836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039187 | MGI:2384790 | protein coding gene | Fanconi anemia, complementation group I |
7 | gene | 79.39650 | 79.39913 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590812 | Gm31653 | NCBI_Gene:102633956 | MGI:5590812 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31653 |
7 | pseudogene | 79.41126 | 79.41261 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3802069 | Gm16017 | NCBI_Gene:102633841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082400 | MGI:3802069 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16017 |
7 | gene | 79.44623 | 79.46636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196389 | Polg | NCBI_Gene:18975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039176 | MGI:1196389 | protein coding gene | polymerase (DNA directed), gamma |
7 | gene | 79.46641 | 79.46854 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642103 | Gm10616 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108599 | MGI:3642103 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10616 |
7 | gene | 79.46642 | 79.46649 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413732 | n-TRtcg5 | NCBI_Gene:102467252 | MGI:4413732 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA arginine 5 (anticodon TCG) |
7 | gene | 79.50003 | 79.53440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142071 | Mir9-3hg | NCBI_Gene:101694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097023 | MGI:2142071 | lncRNA gene | Mir9-3 host gene |
7 | gene | 79.50526 | 79.50535 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3619443 | Mir9-3 | miRBase:MI0000721,NCBI_Gene:723968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093238 | MGI:3619443 | miRNA gene | microRNA 9-3 |
7 | gene | 79.51036 | 79.51140 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028065 | A330074H02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102995 | MGI:3028065 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A330074H02 gene |
7 | gene | 79.51292 | 79.51326 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925652 | 2900037B21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103663 | MGI:1925652 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900037B21 gene |
7 | gene | 79.51688 | 79.51876 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610836 | Gm37608 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103831 | MGI:5610836 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37608 |
7 | gene | 79.53574 | 79.56003 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594199 | Gm35040 | NCBI_Gene:102638488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108616 | MGI:5594199 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35040 |
7 | gene | 79.54284 | 79.55062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590899 | Gm31740 | NCBI_Gene:102634064 | MGI:5590899 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31740 |
7 | gene | 79.57775 | 79.57908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753744 | Gm45168 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108373 | MGI:5753744 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45168 |
7 | gene | 79.58665 | 79.59261 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753745 | Gm45169 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108776 | MGI:5753745 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45169 |
7 | gene | 79.59336 | 79.61766 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1888517 | Rhcg | NCBI_Gene:56315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030549 | MGI:1888517 | protein coding gene | Rhesus blood group-associated C glycoprotein |
7 | gene | 79.60201 | 79.60368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753746 | Gm45170 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108318 | MGI:5753746 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45170 |
7 | pseudogene | 79.63470 | 79.63596 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010025 | Gm17840 | NCBI_Gene:100415959 | MGI:5010025 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17840 |
7 | gene | 79.66020 | 79.69815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924261 | Ticrr | NCBI_Gene:77011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046591 | MGI:1924261 | protein coding gene | TOPBP1-interacting checkpoint and replication regulator |
7 | gene | 79.69810 | 79.71577 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098239 | Kif7 | NCBI_Gene:16576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050382 | MGI:1098239 | protein coding gene | kinesin family member 7 |
7 | gene | 79.71028 | 79.71236 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3696417 | 9330171B17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039133 | MGI:3696417 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330171B17 gene |
7 | gene | 79.72022 | 79.73290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890505 | Plin1 | NCBI_Gene:103968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030546 | MGI:1890505 | protein coding gene | perilipin 1 |
7 | gene | 79.73596 | 79.74313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338788 | Pex11a | NCBI_Gene:18631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030545 | MGI:1338788 | protein coding gene | peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 alpha |
7 | gene | 79.74068 | 79.74202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753282 | Gm44706 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108425 | MGI:5753282 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44706 |
7 | gene | 79.74316 | 79.78595 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646885 | Wdr93 | NCBI_Gene:626359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039099 | MGI:3646885 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 93 |
7 | pseudogene | 79.79018 | 79.79064 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753281 | Gm44705 | NCBI_Gene:108167500,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108506 | MGI:5753281 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44705 |
7 | gene | 79.79224 | 79.79379 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107785 | Mesp1 | NCBI_Gene:17292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030544 | MGI:107785 | protein coding gene | mesoderm posterior 1 |
7 | gene | 79.81073 | 79.81344 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096325 | Mesp2 | NCBI_Gene:17293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030543 | MGI:1096325 | protein coding gene | mesoderm posterior 2 |
7 | gene | 79.82180 | 79.86106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5000466 | Anpep | NCBI_Gene:16790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039062 | MGI:5000466 | protein coding gene | alanyl (membrane) aminopeptidase |
7 | gene | 79.83059 | 79.83187 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753550 | Gm44974 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108476 | MGI:5753550 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44974 |
7 | gene | 79.87533 | 79.92065 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1337060 | Ap3s2 | NCBI_Gene:11778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063801 | MGI:1337060 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 3, sigma 2 subunit |
7 | gene | 79.91694 | 79.92064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477140 | Gm26646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097685 | MGI:5477140 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26646 |
7 | gene | 79.92072 | 79.92252 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918589 | 5430400D12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097699 | MGI:1918589 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430400D12 gene |
7 | gene | 79.92257 | 79.92487 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753526 | Gm44950 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108350 | MGI:5753526 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44950 |
7 | gene | 79.92536 | 79.93536 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917670 | Arpin | NCBI_Gene:70420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039043 | MGI:1917670 | protein coding gene | actin-related protein 2/3 complex inhibitor |
7 | gene | 79.93552 | 79.93901 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591125 | Gm31966 | NCBI_Gene:102634366 | MGI:5591125 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31966 |
7 | gene | 79.94919 | 79.94928 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454318 | Gm24541 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077059 | MGI:5454318 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24541 |
7 | gene | 80.02481 | 80.09417 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921747 | Zfp710 | NCBI_Gene:209225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048897 | MGI:1921747 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 710 |
7 | gene | 80.03670 | 80.03873 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753527 | Gm44951 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108365 | MGI:5753527 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44951 |
7 | gene | 80.06271 | 80.07527 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434414 | Gm21057 | NCBI_Gene:100859962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108714 | MGI:5434414 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 21057 |
7 | gene | 80.08898 | 80.09043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753525 | Gm44949 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108655 | MGI:5753525 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44949 |
7 | gene | 80.09485 | 80.11584 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96414 | Idh2 | NCBI_Gene:269951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030541 | MGI:96414 | protein coding gene | isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial |
7 | gene | 80.11080 | 80.11263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753779 | Gm45203 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108494 | MGI:5753779 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45203 |
7 | gene | 80.15517 | 80.15677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753778 | Gm45202 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108757 | MGI:5753778 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45202 |
7 | gene | 80.18684 | 80.22665 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107559 | Sema4b | NCBI_Gene:20352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030539 | MGI:107559 | protein coding gene | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4B |
7 | gene | 80.20939 | 80.21168 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753782 | Gm45206 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108389 | MGI:5753782 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45206 |
7 | gene | 80.22715 | 80.23281 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1344418 | Cib1 | NCBI_Gene:23991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030538 | MGI:1344418 | protein coding gene | calcium and integrin binding 1 (calmyrin) |
7 | gene | 80.23287 | 80.24206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443429 | Gdpgp1 | NCBI_Gene:269952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050973 | MGI:2443429 | protein coding gene | GDP-D-glucose phosphorylase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 80.23768 | 80.23794 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782951 | Gm15504 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082954 | MGI:3782951 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15504 |
7 | gene | 80.24638 | 80.26082 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920845 | Ttll13 | NCBI_Gene:269954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045467 | MGI:1920845 | protein coding gene | tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 13 |
7 | gene | 80.26122 | 80.26538 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933212 | Ngrn | NCBI_Gene:83485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047084 | MGI:1933212 | protein coding gene | neugrin, neurite outgrowth associated |
7 | gene | 80.26963 | 80.29175 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446237 | Vps33b | NCBI_Gene:233405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030534 | MGI:2446237 | protein coding gene | vacuolar protein sorting 33B |
7 | gene | 80.29323 | 80.32470 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444156 | Rccd1 | NCBI_Gene:269955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038930 | MGI:2444156 | protein coding gene | RCC1 domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 80.29445 | 80.31626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858961 | Prc1 | NCBI_Gene:233406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038943 | MGI:1858961 | protein coding gene | protein regulator of cytokinesis 1 |
7 | gene | 80.29773 | 80.29962 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917985 | 6330403N20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097912 | MGI:1917985 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330403N20 gene |
7 | gene | 80.32529 | 80.34100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142246 | Unc45a | NCBI_Gene:101869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030533 | MGI:2142246 | protein coding gene | unc-45 myosin chaperone A |
7 | gene | 80.34307 | 80.35055 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915945 | Hddc3 | NCBI_Gene:68695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030532 | MGI:1915945 | protein coding gene | HD domain containing 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 80.34408 | 80.34799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010495 | Gm18310 | NCBI_Gene:100416900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108555 | MGI:5010495 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18310 |
7 | gene | 80.34910 | 80.37149 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2150656 | Man2a2 | NCBI_Gene:140481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038886 | MGI:2150656 | protein coding gene | mannosidase 2, alpha 2 |
7 | gene | 80.37776 | 80.38795 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95514 | Fes | NCBI_Gene:14159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053158 | MGI:95514 | protein coding gene | feline sarcoma oncogene |
7 | gene | 80.38859 | 80.40544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97513 | Furin | NCBI_Gene:18550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030530 | MGI:97513 | protein coding gene | furin (paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme) |
7 | gene | 80.40427 | 80.40658 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753427 | Gm44851 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108436 | MGI:5753427 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44851 |
7 | pseudogene | 80.42921 | 80.43074 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782993 | Gm15544 | NCBI_Gene:384647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081664 | MGI:3782993 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15544 |
7 | gene | 80.45473 | 80.53515 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1328362 | Blm | NCBI_Gene:12144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030528 | MGI:1328362 | protein coding gene | Bloom syndrome, RecQ like helicase |
7 | pseudogene | 80.50656 | 80.50827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4936891 | Ndufab1-ps | NCBI_Gene:102634451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091989 | MGI:4936891 | pseudogene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit AB1b |
7 | gene | 80.54316 | 80.55607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625283 | Gm42398 | NCBI_Gene:105247270 | MGI:5625283 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42398 |
7 | gene | 80.58663 | 80.68894 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917711 | Crtc3 | NCBI_Gene:70461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030527 | MGI:1917711 | protein coding gene | CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3 |
7 | gene | 80.60324 | 80.60378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753507 | Gm44931 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108643 | MGI:5753507 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44931 |
7 | gene | 80.63602 | 80.64438 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802014 | Gm15880 | NCBI_Gene:100504375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084821 | MGI:3802014 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15880 |
7 | gene | 80.71158 | 80.82597 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352757 | Iqgap1 | NCBI_Gene:29875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030536 | MGI:1352757 | protein coding gene | IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1 |
7 | gene | 80.75182 | 80.75861 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753225 | Gm44649 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108321 | MGI:5753225 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44649 |
7 | pseudogene | 80.75345 | 80.75409 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010577 | Gm18392 | NCBI_Gene:100417062 | MGI:5010577 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18392 |
7 | gene | 80.86074 | 80.87868 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99176 | Zscan2 | NCBI_Gene:22691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038797 | MGI:99176 | protein coding gene | zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 80.89072 | 80.90127 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919218 | Wdr73 | NCBI_Gene:71968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025722 | MGI:1919218 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 73 |
7 | gene | 80.89369 | 80.89435 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591271 | Gm32112 | NCBI_Gene:102634563 | MGI:5591271 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32112 |
7 | gene | 80.90223 | 80.91368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915289 | Nmb | NCBI_Gene:68039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025723 | MGI:1915289 | protein coding gene | neuromedin B |
7 | gene | 80.90489 | 80.94778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929464 | Sec11a | NCBI_Gene:56529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025724 | MGI:1929464 | protein coding gene | SEC11 homolog A, signal peptidase complex subunit |
7 | pseudogene | 80.90783 | 80.90815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801768 | Gm16171 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081372 | MGI:3801768 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16171 |
7 | gene | 80.91037 | 80.91417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804833 | Gm45718 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109390 | MGI:5804833 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45718 |
7 | gene | 80.95641 | 80.98143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591337 | Gm32178 | NCBI_Gene:102634642 | MGI:5591337 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32178 |
7 | pseudogene | 80.97988 | 80.98129 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010967 | Gm18782 | NCBI_Gene:100417720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109367 | MGI:5010967 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18782 |
7 | gene | 80.98085 | 80.99341 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753475 | Gm44899 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109008 | MGI:5753475 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44899 |
7 | gene | 80.99368 | 81.04516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443541 | Zfp592 | NCBI_Gene:233410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005621 | MGI:2443541 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 592 |
7 | gene | 80.99468 | 80.99531 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753543 | Gm44967 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109302 | MGI:5753543 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44967 |
7 | gene | 81.05747 | 81.10561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2151224 | Alpk3 | NCBI_Gene:116904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038763 | MGI:2151224 | protein coding gene | alpha-kinase 3 |
7 | gene | 81.05911 | 81.06631 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801726 | Platr32 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085194 | MGI:3801726 | lncRNA gene | pluripotency associated transcript 32 |
7 | gene | 81.11327 | 81.17042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3605073 | Slc28a1 | NCBI_Gene:434203,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025726 | MGI:3605073 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 28 (sodium-coupled nucleoside transporter), member 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 81.16127 | 81.16175 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648526 | Ndufs6b | NCBI_Gene:623286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083820 | MGI:3648526 | pseudogene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S6B |
7 | gene | 81.20501 | 81.21088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753544 | Gm44968 | NCBI_Gene:108167441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109323 | MGI:5753544 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44968 |
7 | gene | 81.21219 | 81.21317 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921473 | 1700023D08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700023D08 gene |
7 | gene | 81.21360 | 81.33453 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277116 | Pde8a | NCBI_Gene:18584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025584 | MGI:1277116 | protein coding gene | phosphodiesterase 8A |
7 | pseudogene | 81.22206 | 81.22289 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648560 | Gm7180 | NCBI_Gene:636544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083774 | MGI:3648560 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 7180 |
7 | gene | 81.34273 | 81.34525 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1309526 | Rps17 | NCBI_Gene:20068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061787 | MGI:1309526 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S17 |
7 | gene | 81.34703 | 81.45694 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108442 | Cpeb1 | NCBI_Gene:12877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025586 | MGI:108442 | protein coding gene | cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 81.38871 | 81.38962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011107 | Gm18922 | NCBI_Gene:100417965 | MGI:5011107 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18922 |
7 | pseudogene | 81.44590 | 81.44673 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783074 | Rpl7a-ps9 | NCBI_Gene:623355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081747 | MGI:3783074 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L7A, pseudogene 9 |
7 | gene | 81.45589 | 81.45801 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922988 | Cpeb1os1 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109401 | MGI:1922988 | unclassified gene | cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1, opposite strand 1 |
7 | gene | 81.46040 | 81.49404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100869 | Ap3b2 | NCBI_Gene:11775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062444 | MGI:1100869 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 3, beta 2 subunit |
7 | gene | 81.49427 | 81.49837 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3510776 | BC048679 | NCBI_Gene:210321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061877 | MGI:3510776 | protein coding gene | cDNA sequence BC048679 |
7 | gene | 81.50130 | 81.50518 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825628 | Gm45991 | NCBI_Gene:108167442 | MGI:5825628 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45991 |
7 | gene | 81.52355 | 81.53150 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920242 | 2900076A07Rik | NCBI_Gene:100504421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097277 | MGI:1920242 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900076A07 gene |
7 | gene | 81.52985 | 81.52999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3837345 | Mir1839 | miRBase:MI0009991,NCBI_Gene:100316717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093107 | MGI:3837345 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1839 |
7 | gene | 81.53031 | 81.53252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611057 | Gm37829 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104453 | MGI:5611057 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37829 |
7 | gene | 81.53331 | 81.56698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444310 | Fsd2 | NCBI_Gene:244091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038663 | MGI:2444310 | protein coding gene | fibronectin type III and SPRY domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 81.57122 | 81.59684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142282 | Whamm | NCBI_Gene:434204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045795 | MGI:2142282 | protein coding gene | WAS protein homolog associated with actin, golgi membranes and microtubules |
7 | gene | 81.59089 | 81.59203 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804813 | Gm45698 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109428 | MGI:5804813 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45698 |
7 | gene | 81.60048 | 81.70753 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347354 | Homer2 | NCBI_Gene:26557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025813 | MGI:1347354 | protein coding gene | homer scaffolding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 81.61011 | 81.61417 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753146 | Gm44570 | NCBI_Gene:108167443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109194 | MGI:5753146 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44570 |
7 | gene | 81.66973 | 81.66984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455926 | Gm26149 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088057 | MGI:5455926 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26149 |
7 | gene | 81.70815 | 81.71687 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591738 | Gm32579 | NCBI_Gene:102635176 | MGI:5591738 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32579 |
7 | gene | 81.73140 | 81.73763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625285 | Gm42400 | NCBI_Gene:105247272 | MGI:5625285 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42400 |
7 | pseudogene | 81.74235 | 81.74432 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010991 | Gm18806 | NCBI_Gene:100417751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109519 | MGI:5010991 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18806 |
7 | gene | 81.76292 | 81.76949 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914398 | Ramac | NCBI_Gene:67148,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038646 | MGI:1914398 | protein coding gene | RNA guanine-7 methyltransferase activating subunit |
7 | gene | 81.78028 | 81.79047 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914540 | 3110040N11Rik | NCBI_Gene:67290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025102 | MGI:1914540 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 3110040N11 gene |
7 | gene | 81.78948 | 81.79469 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753592 | Gm45016 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109485 | MGI:5753592 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45016 |
7 | gene | 81.78974 | 81.79032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804960 | Gm45845 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109427 | MGI:5804960 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45845 |
7 | gene | 81.79207 | 81.82950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933765 | Btbd1 | NCBI_Gene:83962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025103 | MGI:1933765 | protein coding gene | BTB (POZ) domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 81.83166 | 81.84906 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591854 | Gm32695 | NCBI_Gene:102635324 | MGI:5591854 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32695 |
7 | gene | 81.85553 | 81.85579 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642884 | Gm10160 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066378 | MGI:3642884 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10160 |
7 | gene | 81.85900 | 81.88443 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933209 | Tm6sf1 | NCBI_Gene:107769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038623 | MGI:1933209 | protein coding gene | transmembrane 6 superfamily member 1 |
7 | gene | 81.86029 | 81.86253 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753590 | Gm45014 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109110 | MGI:5753590 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45014 |
7 | gene | 81.87420 | 81.87652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804982 | Gm45867 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109243 | MGI:5804982 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45867 |
7 | gene | 81.88125 | 81.93447 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352760 | Hdgfl3 | NCBI_Gene:29877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025104 | MGI:1352760 | protein coding gene | HDGF like 3 |
7 | gene | 81.91894 | 81.92035 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753664 | Gm45088 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109090 | MGI:5753664 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45088 |
7 | gene | 81.93407 | 82.01593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825650 | Gm46013 | NCBI_Gene:108167484 | MGI:5825650 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 46013 |
7 | gene | 81.96571 | 81.96583 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455684 | Gm25907 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089111 | MGI:5455684 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25907 |
7 | gene | 81.96666 | 81.99230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1097164 | Bnc1 | NCBI_Gene:12173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025105 | MGI:1097164 | protein coding gene | basonuclin 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 81.99200 | 81.99262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921157 | 4833418N17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052779 | MGI:1921157 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 4833418N17 gene |
7 | gene | 82.07039 | 82.08176 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5434100 | Gm20744 | NCBI_Gene:434205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109145 | MGI:5434100 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20744 |
7 | gene | 82.11577 | 82.12043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753632 | Gm45056 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108987 | MGI:5753632 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45056 |
7 | gene | 82.11983 | 82.16172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592009 | Gm32850 | NCBI_Gene:102635543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108868 | MGI:5592009 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32850 |
7 | gene | 82.15588 | 82.15702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753666 | Gm45090 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108845 | MGI:5753666 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45090 |
7 | gene | 82.17266 | 82.17470 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753665 | Gm45089 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109140 | MGI:5753665 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45089 |
7 | gene | 82.17384 | 82.30742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_700011 | Sh3gl3 | NCBI_Gene:20408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030638 | MGI:700011 | protein coding gene | SH3-domain GRB2-like 3 |
7 | gene | 82.23620 | 82.25466 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592062 | Gm32903 | NCBI_Gene:102635613 | MGI:5592062 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32903 |
7 | gene | 82.33539 | 82.61445 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028499 | Adamtsl3 | NCBI_Gene:269959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070469 | MGI:3028499 | protein coding gene | ADAMTS-like 3 |
7 | gene | 82.34227 | 82.34334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753495 | Gm44919 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109479 | MGI:5753495 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44919 |
7 | gene | 82.63296 | 82.64857 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914618 | Saxo2 | NCBI_Gene:330577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038570 | MGI:1914618 | protein coding gene | stabilizer of axonemal microtubules 2 |
7 | gene | 82.64861 | 82.77785 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141969 | Efl1 | NCBI_Gene:101592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038563 | MGI:2141969 | protein coding gene | elongation factor like GTPase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 82.67755 | 82.67807 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753493 | Gm44917 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108855 | MGI:5753493 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44917 |
7 | gene | 82.69540 | 82.69827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804922 | Gm45807 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108991 | MGI:5804922 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45807 |
7 | gene | 82.70846 | 82.70882 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918844 | 9130009I01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130009I01 gene |
7 | gene | 82.71559 | 82.71779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753492 | Gm44916 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108984 | MGI:5753492 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44916 |
7 | gene | 82.74335 | 82.75564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921308 | 4933406J10Rik | NCBI_Gene:77800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086690 | MGI:1921308 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933406J10 gene |
7 | gene | 82.75487 | 82.75498 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422017 | n-R5s154 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084462 | MGI:4422017 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 154 |
7 | gene | 82.81090 | 82.82344 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588955 | Gm29796 | NCBI_Gene:101056204 | MGI:5588955 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29796 |
7 | gene | 82.83139 | 82.86707 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595743 | Gm36584 | NCBI_Gene:102640547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109383 | MGI:5595743 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36584 |
7 | gene | 82.85013 | 82.86158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916583 | 1700010L04Rik | NCBI_Gene:619808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030636 | MGI:1916583 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700010L04 gene |
7 | gene | 82.86733 | 82.87158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918252 | Mex3b | NCBI_Gene:108797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057706 | MGI:1918252 | protein coding gene | mex3 RNA binding family member B |
7 | gene | 82.93794 | 82.97139 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918535 | 4933430H16Rik | NCBI_Gene:71285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109106 | MGI:1918535 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933430H16 gene |
7 | gene | 82.94539 | 82.95132 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825629 | Gm45992 | NCBI_Gene:108167444 | MGI:5825629 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45992 |
7 | pseudogene | 82.96639 | 82.96731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643615 | Gm6112 | NCBI_Gene:619909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109541 | MGI:3643615 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6112 |
7 | gene | 82.99483 | 82.99497 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452711 | Gm22934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077149 | MGI:5452711 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22934 |
7 | gene | 83.03738 | 83.04817 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595976 | Gm36817 | NCBI_Gene:102640848 | MGI:5595976 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36817 |
7 | gene | 83.06178 | 83.17943 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3687211 | A530021J07Rik | NCBI_Gene:330578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053528 | MGI:3687211 | lncRNA gene | Riken cDNA A530021J07 gene |
7 | gene | 83.17857 | 83.20159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925322 | 5930435M05Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108861 | MGI:1925322 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5930435M05 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 83.23454 | 83.23488 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753421 | Gm44845 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109335 | MGI:5753421 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44845 |
7 | gene | 83.32774 | 83.36943 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753300 | Gm44724 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109506 | MGI:5753300 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44724 |
7 | gene | 83.34127 | 83.38319 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589135 | Gm29976 | NCBI_Gene:102631706 | MGI:5589135 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29976 |
7 | gene | 83.37914 | 83.38314 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753299 | Gm44723 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109013 | MGI:5753299 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44723 |
7 | pseudogene | 83.41198 | 83.41459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643208 | Gm7957 | NCBI_Gene:100534347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108831 | MGI:3643208 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7957 |
7 | gene | 83.47171 | 83.48547 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753567 | Gm44991 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109042 | MGI:5753567 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44991 |
7 | gene | 83.53619 | 83.55070 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642045 | Gm10610 | NCBI_Gene:100038384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094841 | MGI:3642045 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10610 |
7 | gene | 83.58429 | 83.62685 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2669033 | Tmc3 | NCBI_Gene:233424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038540 | MGI:2669033 | protein coding gene | transmembrane channel-like gene family 3 |
7 | gene | 83.59660 | 83.63193 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4439562 | Gm16638 | NCBI_Gene:102631889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087088 | MGI:4439562 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16638 |
7 | gene | 83.63196 | 83.65313 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2156765 | Stard5 | NCBI_Gene:170460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046027 | MGI:2156765 | protein coding gene | StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 5 |
7 | gene | 83.63337 | 83.63582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804953 | Gm45838 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108825 | MGI:5804953 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45838 |
7 | gene | 83.64283 | 83.74627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1270855 | Il16 | NCBI_Gene:16170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001741 | MGI:1270855 | protein coding gene | interleukin 16 |
7 | gene | 83.65958 | 83.66096 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917415 | 2310044K18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085080 | MGI:1917415 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310044K18 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 83.71089 | 83.71191 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933203 | Phgdh-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:83494,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109290 | MGI:1933203 | pseudogene | 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 83.75588 | 83.75779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646150 | Gm7964 | NCBI_Gene:666170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063902 | MGI:3646150 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7964 |
7 | gene | 83.77410 | 83.79802 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922806 | Cfap161 | NCBI_Gene:75556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011154 | MGI:1922806 | protein coding gene | cilia and flagella associated protein 161 |
7 | gene | 83.80042 | 83.83460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753569 | Gm44993 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109248 | MGI:5753569 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44993 |
7 | gene | 83.81408 | 83.83835 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621928 | Gm39043 | NCBI_Gene:105242985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109450 | MGI:5621928 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39043 |
7 | pseudogene | 83.86418 | 83.86553 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920329 | 3110009M11Rik | NCBI_Gene:73079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109163 | MGI:1920329 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 3110009M11 gene |
7 | gene | 83.86678 | 83.86878 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753107 | Gm44531 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109552 | MGI:5753107 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44531 |
7 | gene | 83.87436 | 83.87792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753106 | Gm44530 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109452 | MGI:5753106 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44530 |
7 | gene | 83.87987 | 83.88434 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891420 | Tlnrd1 | NCBI_Gene:80889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070462 | MGI:1891420 | protein coding gene | talin rod domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 83.88395 | 83.88519 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916829 | 2310034P14Rik | NCBI_Gene:69579 | MGI:1916829 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310034P14 gene |
7 | gene | 83.88447 | 83.90153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891421 | Mesd | NCBI_Gene:67943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038503 | MGI:1891421 | protein coding gene | mesoderm development LRP chaperone |
7 | gene | 83.89226 | 83.89640 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6155171 | Gm49493 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108878 | MGI:6155171 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 49493 |
7 | gene | 83.93286 | 84.08669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443629 | Cemip | NCBI_Gene:80982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052353 | MGI:2443629 | protein coding gene | cell migration inducing protein, hyaluronan binding |
7 | gene | 83.97018 | 84.02474 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589599 | Gm30440 | NCBI_Gene:102632341 | MGI:5589599 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30440 |
7 | gene | 84.10936 | 84.15189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917428 | Abhd17c | NCBI_Gene:70178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038459 | MGI:1917428 | protein coding gene | abhydrolase domain containing 17C |
7 | gene | 84.15199 | 84.26650 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477202 | Gm26708 | NCBI_Gene:102633347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097016 | MGI:5477202 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26708 |
7 | gene | 84.15395 | 84.16491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621929 | Gm39044 | NCBI_Gene:105242986 | MGI:5621929 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39044 |
7 | gene | 84.17056 | 84.17072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5451954 | Gm22177 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092743 | MGI:5451954 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22177 |
7 | gene | 84.20818 | 84.21051 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753402 | Gm44826 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109381 | MGI:5753402 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44826 |
7 | gene | 84.22683 | 84.23292 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753403 | Gm44827 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109091 | MGI:5753403 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44827 |
7 | gene | 84.24627 | 84.41019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107188 | Arnt2 | NCBI_Gene:11864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015709 | MGI:107188 | protein coding gene | aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 |
7 | gene | 84.32331 | 84.32341 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455567 | Gm25790 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065227 | MGI:5455567 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25790 |
7 | gene | 84.33450 | 84.34787 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590032 | Gm30873 | NCBI_Gene:102632922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109341 | MGI:5590032 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30873 |
7 | gene | 84.41135 | 84.41737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621930 | Gm39045 | NCBI_Gene:105242987 | MGI:5621930 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39045 |
7 | gene | 84.43028 | 84.45707 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590443 | Gm31284 | NCBI_Gene:102633466 | MGI:5590443 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31284 |
7 | gene | 84.43599 | 84.43923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753509 | Gm44933 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108864 | MGI:5753509 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44933 |
7 | gene | 84.44283 | 84.44455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753751 | Gm45175 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109347 | MGI:5753751 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45175 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.48188 | 84.48269 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010056 | Gm17871 | NCBI_Gene:100416013 | MGI:5010056 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17871 |
7 | gene | 84.52895 | 84.58353 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780284 | Gm2115 | NCBI_Gene:100039239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097789 | MGI:3780284 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 2115 |
7 | gene | 84.55419 | 84.55725 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753750 | Gm45174 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109422 | MGI:5753750 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45174 |
7 | gene | 84.57572 | 84.57584 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753504 | Gm44928 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109513 | MGI:5753504 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44928 |
7 | gene | 84.58516 | 84.60672 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95482 | Fah | NCBI_Gene:14085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030630 | MGI:95482 | protein coding gene | fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase |
7 | gene | 84.61377 | 84.68996 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929510 | Zfand6 | NCBI_Gene:65098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030629 | MGI:1929510 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, AN1-type domain 6 |
7 | gene | 84.68964 | 84.77905 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919745 | 2610206C17Rik | NCBI_Gene:72495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085236 | MGI:1919745 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2610206C17 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 84.80103 | 84.80404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011143 | Gm18958 | NCBI_Gene:100418081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092429 | MGI:5011143 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18958 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.81039 | 84.81143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757998 | Vmn2r-ps62 | NCBI_Gene:100124558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092217 | MGI:3757998 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 62 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.83436 | 84.84169 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643981 | Gm6155 | NCBI_Gene:620480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068629 | MGI:3643981 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6155 |
7 | gene | 84.85355 | 84.85961 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030125 | Olfr291 | NCBI_Gene:258410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070460 | MGI:3030125 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 291 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.87820 | 84.87837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757999 | Vmn2r-ps63 | NCBI_Gene:100124559 | MGI:3757999 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 63 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.87912 | 84.88466 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645629 | Gm8018 | NCBI_Gene:100418036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092425 | MGI:3645629 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8018 |
7 | gene | 84.91308 | 84.92086 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030124 | Olfr290 | NCBI_Gene:258411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070459 | MGI:3030124 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 290 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.91938 | 84.92050 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010745 | Gm18560 | NCBI_Gene:100417361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092214 | MGI:5010745 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18560 |
7 | gene | 84.93556 | 84.96412 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642776 | Vmn2r65 | NCBI_Gene:100009609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066372 | MGI:3642776 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 65 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.94845 | 84.94927 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010170 | Gm17985 | NCBI_Gene:100416229 | MGI:5010170 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17985 |
7 | gene | 84.98537 | 85.01227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588220 | Vmn2r66 | NCBI_Gene:233437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094950 | MGI:3588220 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 66 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.03403 | 85.03455 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3758005 | Vmn2r-ps64 | NCBI_Gene:100124560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092530 | MGI:3758005 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 64 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.04177 | 85.04200 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3758007 | Vmn2r-ps65 | NCBI_Gene:100124561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092422 | MGI:3758007 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 65 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.05308 | 85.07094 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3758012 | Vmn2r-ps66 | NCBI_Gene:620641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092621 | MGI:3758012 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 66 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.08395 | 85.08437 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761308 | Vmn2r-ps67 | NCBI_Gene:100124562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092211 | MGI:3761308 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 67 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.08877 | 85.09124 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010543 | Gm18358 | NCBI_Gene:100417008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092199 | MGI:5010543 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18358 |
7 | gene | 85.12697 | 85.15600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643129 | Vmn2r67 | NCBI_Gene:620672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095664 | MGI:3643129 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 67 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.19220 | 85.19317 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761309 | Vmn2r-ps68 | NCBI_Gene:620683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092259 | MGI:3761309 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 68 |
7 | gene | 85.22114 | 85.23778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648297 | Vmn2r68 | NCBI_Gene:620697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096861 | MGI:3648297 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 68 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.26069 | 85.26133 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141879 | Gm20414 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092562 | MGI:5141879 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20414 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.28816 | 85.28961 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141880 | Gm20415 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092313 | MGI:5141880 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20415 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.30395 | 85.34289 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761310 | Vmn2r-ps69 | NCBI_Gene:670926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090773 | MGI:3761310 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 69 |
7 | gene | 85.39383 | 85.41592 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761311 | Vmn2r69 | NCBI_Gene:330581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091006 | MGI:3761311 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 69 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.47696 | 85.48202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010544 | Gm18359 | NCBI_Gene:100417009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092256 | MGI:5010544 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18359 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.48179 | 85.54732 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010545 | Gm18360 | NCBI_Gene:100417010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092467 | MGI:5010545 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18360 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.50130 | 85.50513 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753154 | Gm44578 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108857 | MGI:5753154 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44578 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.51185 | 85.51215 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761313 | Vmn2r-ps70 | NCBI_Gene:100124563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092431 | MGI:3761313 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 70 |
7 | gene | 85.54841 | 85.56919 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761314 | Vmn2r70 | NCBI_Gene:670940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090806 | MGI:3761314 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 70 |
7 | gene | 85.56309 | 85.62468 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646472 | Vmn2r71 | NCBI_Gene:233445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091205 | MGI:3646472 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 71 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.57467 | 85.58234 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761316 | Vmn2r-ps71 | NCBI_Gene:100124564 | MGI:3761316 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 71 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.58965 | 85.59056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761317 | Vmn2r-ps72 | NCBI_Gene:666358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092533 | MGI:3761317 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 72 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.69636 | 85.71321 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761318 | Vmn2r-ps73 | NCBI_Gene:100125321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092567 | MGI:3761318 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 73 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.71226 | 85.71314 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761319 | Vmn2r-ps74 | NCBI_Gene:666361 | MGI:3761319 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 74 |
7 | gene | 85.73594 | 85.75510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647591 | Vmn2r72 | NCBI_Gene:244114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051877 | MGI:3647591 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 72 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.78502 | 85.78567 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010964 | Gm18779 | NCBI_Gene:100417717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092426 | MGI:5010964 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18779 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.78817 | 85.78965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010539 | Gm18354 | NCBI_Gene:100416998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092410 | MGI:5010539 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18354 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.79831 | 85.79896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761320 | Vmn2r-ps75 | NCBI_Gene:100124565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092179 | MGI:3761320 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 75 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.81545 | 85.81619 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761321 | Vmn2r-ps76 | NCBI_Gene:100124566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092307 | MGI:3761321 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 76 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.82191 | 85.82226 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761322 | Vmn2r-ps77 | NCBI_Gene:100124567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092287 | MGI:3761322 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 77 |
7 | gene | 85.85067 | 85.87627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646433 | Vmn2r73 | NCBI_Gene:620928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070458 | MGI:3646433 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 73 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.88444 | 85.88479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761323 | Vmn2r-ps78 | NCBI_Gene:100124568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092440 | MGI:3761323 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 78 |
7 | gene | 85.94461 | 85.96163 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643877 | Vmn2r74 | NCBI_Gene:546980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090774 | MGI:3643877 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 74 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.96702 | 85.96739 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761324 | Vmn2r-ps79 | NCBI_Gene:100124569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092263 | MGI:3761324 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 79 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.98687 | 85.99962 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761325 | Vmn2r-ps80 | NCBI_Gene:666382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092529 | MGI:3761325 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 80 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.02669 | 86.02761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761326 | Vmn2r-ps81 | NCBI_Gene:637652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092608 | MGI:3761326 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 81 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.05324 | 86.06346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761327 | Vmn2r-ps82 | NCBI_Gene:637667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092330 | MGI:3761327 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 82 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.07315 | 86.08378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761328 | Vmn2r-ps83 | NCBI_Gene:666418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092357 | MGI:3761328 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 83 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.12633 | 86.12729 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761329 | Vmn2r-ps84 | NCBI_Gene:100039471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092532 | MGI:3761329 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 84 |
7 | gene | 86.14529 | 86.17178 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648311 | Vmn2r75 | NCBI_Gene:546981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090436 | MGI:3648311 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 75 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.18120 | 86.18214 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761330 | Vmn2r-ps85 | NCBI_Gene:100124570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092587 | MGI:3761330 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 85 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.18568 | 86.18660 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761331 | Vmn2r-ps86 | NCBI_Gene:621096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092419 | MGI:3761331 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 86 |
7 | gene | 86.20202 | 86.24631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761332 | Vmn2r76 | NCBI_Gene:675969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091239 | MGI:3761332 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 76 |
7 | gene | 86.26849 | 86.27717 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030144 | Olfr310 | NCBI_Gene:258222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057540 | MGI:3030144 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 310 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.29864 | 86.29889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141945 | Gm20480 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092197 | MGI:5141945 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20480 |
7 | gene | 86.29866 | 86.29876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452969 | Gm23192 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076389 | MGI:5452969 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23192 |
7 | gene | 86.30447 | 86.31371 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030143 | Olfr309 | NCBI_Gene:258196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054054 | MGI:3030143 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 309 |
7 | gene | 86.31822 | 86.32563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030142 | Olfr308 | NCBI_Gene:258614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054498 | MGI:3030142 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 308 |
7 | gene | 86.33218 | 86.33759 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030141 | Olfr307 | NCBI_Gene:258610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055610 | MGI:3030141 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 307 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.35298 | 86.35372 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030140 | Olfr306-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092388 | MGI:3030140 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 306, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 86.36085 | 86.36693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030139 | Olfr305 | NCBI_Gene:258609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055571 | MGI:3030139 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 305 |
7 | gene | 86.38566 | 86.38666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030138 | Olfr304 | NCBI_Gene:258089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062426 | MGI:3030138 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 304 |
7 | gene | 86.39181 | 86.39779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030137 | Olfr303 | NCBI_Gene:258612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039608 | MGI:3030137 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 303 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.40277 | 86.40282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791377 | Gm45541 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110039 | MGI:5791377 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45541 |
7 | gene | 86.40385 | 86.41402 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030135 | Olfr301 | NCBI_Gene:257958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061549 | MGI:3030135 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 301 |
7 | gene | 86.41236 | 86.41255 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030136 | Olfr302 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 302 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.43591 | 86.44526 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030134 | Olfr300-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092401 | MGI:3030134 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 300, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 86.45992 | 86.46956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030133 | Olfr299 | NCBI_Gene:257929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000020168 | MGI:3030133 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 299 |
7 | gene | 86.48632 | 86.49248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030132 | Olfr298 | NCBI_Gene:257905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062878 | MGI:3030132 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 298 |
7 | gene | 86.51997 | 86.52850 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030131 | Olfr297 | NCBI_Gene:258611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057067 | MGI:3030131 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 297 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.54197 | 86.54816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010104 | Gm17919 | NCBI_Gene:100416107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092293 | MGI:5010104 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17919 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.55948 | 86.56268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030130 | Olfr296-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092372 | MGI:3030130 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 296, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 86.58386 | 86.59113 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030129 | Olfr295 | NCBI_Gene:258850,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059319 | MGI:3030129 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 295 |
7 | gene | 86.61564 | 86.61664 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030128 | Olfr294 | NCBI_Gene:257904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062042 | MGI:3030128 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 294 |
7 | gene | 86.64906 | 86.66604 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030127 | Olfr293 | NCBI_Gene:257906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063394 | MGI:3030127 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 293 |
7 | gene | 86.68833 | 86.69751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030126 | Olfr292 | NCBI_Gene:258613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060688 | MGI:3030126 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 292 |
7 | gene | 86.71898 | 86.77605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858193 | Folh1 | NCBI_Gene:53320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001773 | MGI:1858193 | protein coding gene | folate hydrolase 1 |
7 | gene | 86.79503 | 86.81514 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643879 | Vmn2r77 | NCBI_Gene:546983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090949 | MGI:3643879 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 77 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.85933 | 86.88579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761334 | Vmn2r-ps87 | NCBI_Gene:637881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092195 | MGI:3761334 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 87 |
7 | gene | 86.89030 | 86.89774 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621932 | Gm39047 | NCBI_Gene:105242991 | MGI:5621932 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39047 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.90698 | 86.90793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011388 | Gm19203 | NCBI_Gene:100418423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092376 | MGI:5011388 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19203 |
7 | gene | 86.91509 | 86.95531 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761335 | Vmn2r78 | NCBI_Gene:637896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091962 | MGI:3761335 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 78 |
7 | gene | 86.99612 | 87.04494 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646882 | Vmn2r79 | NCBI_Gene:621430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090362 | MGI:3646882 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 79 |
7 | gene | 87.11887 | 87.12098 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753501 | Gm44925 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109334 | MGI:5753501 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44925 |
7 | pseudogene | 87.24201 | 87.24291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646402 | Gm6230 | NCBI_Gene:621477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108816 | MGI:3646402 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6230 |
7 | gene | 87.24610 | 87.39871 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1354184 | Nox4 | NCBI_Gene:50490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030562 | MGI:1354184 | protein coding gene | NADPH oxidase 4 |
7 | gene | 87.42477 | 87.49351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98880 | Tyr | NCBI_Gene:22173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004651 | MGI:98880 | protein coding gene | tyrosinase |
7 | gene | 87.58398 | 88.13506 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351342 | Grm5 | NCBI_Gene:108071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049583 | MGI:1351342 | protein coding gene | glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5 |
7 | gene | 87.58651 | 87.58672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924639 | C030032F19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C030032F19 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 87.69782 | 87.69911 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010639 | Gm18454 | NCBI_Gene:100417212 | MGI:5010639 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18454 |
7 | gene | 87.77257 | 87.77439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753502 | Gm44926 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108983 | MGI:5753502 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44926 |
7 | gene | 87.89075 | 87.89146 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753503 | Gm44927 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108893 | MGI:5753503 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44927 |
7 | gene | 88.06306 | 88.06629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753424 | Gm44848 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109461 | MGI:5753424 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44848 |
7 | gene | 88.08281 | 88.08480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753423 | Gm44847 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108890 | MGI:5753423 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44847 |
7 | gene | 88.08719 | 88.08725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454026 | Gm24249 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087947 | MGI:5454026 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24249 |
7 | gene | 88.11916 | 88.12240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753422 | Gm44846 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108993 | MGI:5753422 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44846 |
7 | gene | 88.27802 | 88.31586 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109553 | Ctsc | NCBI_Gene:13032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030560 | MGI:109553 | protein coding gene | cathepsin C |
7 | gene | 88.27879 | 88.28353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477016 | Gm26522 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097423 | MGI:5477016 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26522 |
7 | gene | 88.31148 | 88.31586 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753327 | Gm44751 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109244 | MGI:5753327 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44751 |
7 | gene | 88.34397 | 88.34410 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455122 | Gm25345 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077693 | MGI:5455122 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25345 |
7 | gene | 88.34815 | 88.34906 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924892 | C330001P17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C330001P17 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 88.34931 | 88.35659 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780575 | Gm2407 | NCBI_Gene:100039756 | MGI:3780575 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2407 |
7 | gene | 88.43027 | 88.49157 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919683 | Rab38 | NCBI_Gene:72433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030559 | MGI:1919683 | protein coding gene | RAB38, member RAS oncogene family |
7 | pseudogene | 88.44867 | 88.44923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783103 | Gm15661 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080748 | MGI:3783103 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15661 |
7 | pseudogene | 88.53040 | 88.53092 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704295 | Rps13-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:100039924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069972 | MGI:3704295 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S13, pseudogene 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 88.57167 | 88.57286 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643325 | Gm8183 | NCBI_Gene:666598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098174 | MGI:3643325 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8183 |
7 | pseudogene | 88.78192 | 88.78240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648708 | Gm6240 | NCBI_Gene:621562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109135 | MGI:3648708 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6240 |
7 | gene | 88.85304 | 88.86489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753720 | Gm45144 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109278 | MGI:5753720 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45144 |
7 | gene | 89.13971 | 89.40427 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920009 | Tmem135 | NCBI_Gene:72759,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039428 | MGI:1920009 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 135 |
7 | gene | 89.21511 | 89.21710 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753280 | Gm44704 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109576 | MGI:5753280 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44704 |
7 | gene | 89.29119 | 89.29130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454436 | Gm24659 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094780 | MGI:5454436 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24659 |
7 | gene | 89.29575 | 89.29586 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451948 | Gm22171 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096631 | MGI:5451948 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22171 |
7 | gene | 89.33837 | 89.34629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753571 | Gm44995 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109327 | MGI:5753571 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44995 |
7 | gene | 89.38834 | 89.39132 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753572 | Gm44996 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109199 | MGI:5753572 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44996 |
7 | gene | 89.40435 | 89.41313 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108520 | Fzd4 | NCBI_Gene:14366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049791 | MGI:108520 | protein coding gene | frizzled class receptor 4 |
7 | gene | 89.42631 | 89.44193 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141898 | AI314278 | NCBI_Gene:101521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109311 | MGI:2141898 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence AI314278 |
7 | gene | 89.50778 | 89.52724 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923703 | Prss23 | NCBI_Gene:76453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039405 | MGI:1923703 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 23 |
7 | gene | 89.51001 | 89.51187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916654 | Prss23os | NCBI_Gene:108167445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030623 | MGI:1916654 | antisense lncRNA gene | protease, serine 23, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 89.55237 | 89.56808 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753640 | Gm45064 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108875 | MGI:5753640 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45064 |
7 | pseudogene | 89.60769 | 89.60889 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780714 | Gm2546 | NCBI_Gene:100040001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098019 | MGI:3780714 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2546 |
7 | gene | 89.63210 | 89.63312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642744 | A230065N10Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092071 | MGI:3642744 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230065N10 gene |
7 | gene | 89.63220 | 89.85436 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916679 | Me3 | NCBI_Gene:109264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030621 | MGI:1916679 | protein coding gene | malic enzyme 3, NADP(+)-dependent, mitochondrial |
7 | pseudogene | 89.76141 | 89.76217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783186 | Gm15744 | NCBI_Gene:100502804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089938 | MGI:3783186 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15744 |
7 | gene | 89.82722 | 89.82856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804908 | Gm45793 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109150 | MGI:5804908 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45793 |
7 | gene | 89.86615 | 89.90363 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918134 | Ccdc81 | NCBI_Gene:70884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039391 | MGI:1918134 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 81 |
7 | gene | 89.91753 | 89.94122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96738 | Hikeshi | NCBI_Gene:67669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062797 | MGI:96738 | protein coding gene | heat shock protein nuclear import factor |
7 | gene | 89.95465 | 89.98142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95286 | Eed | NCBI_Gene:13626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030619 | MGI:95286 | protein coding gene | embryonic ectoderm development |
7 | gene | 89.96499 | 89.96539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753696 | Gm45120 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109038 | MGI:5753696 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45120 |
7 | gene | 89.98072 | 90.04907 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442580 | E230029C05Rik | NCBI_Gene:319711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097585 | MGI:2442580 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E230029C05 gene |
7 | gene | 90.03057 | 90.03292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753436 | Gm44860 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109245 | MGI:5753436 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44860 |
7 | gene | 90.04270 | 90.04392 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753437 | Gm44861 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108897 | MGI:5753437 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44861 |
7 | gene | 90.04343 | 90.04752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825630 | Gm45993 | NCBI_Gene:108167446 | MGI:5825630 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45993 |
7 | gene | 90.05537 | 90.06351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591323 | Gm32164 | NCBI_Gene:102634625 | MGI:5591323 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32164 |
7 | pseudogene | 90.10722 | 90.10809 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644965 | Gm5341 | NCBI_Gene:384719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062235 | MGI:3644965 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5341 |
7 | gene | 90.12482 | 90.12998 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925579 | 2310010J17Rik | NCBI_Gene:78329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097162 | MGI:1925579 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310010J17 gene |
7 | gene | 90.13021 | 90.21346 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385902 | Picalm | NCBI_Gene:233489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039361 | MGI:2385902 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein |
7 | gene | 90.13249 | 90.13763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753799 | Gm45223 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109429 | MGI:5753799 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45223 |
7 | gene | 90.14595 | 90.15025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753798 | Gm45222 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109498 | MGI:5753798 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45222 |
7 | gene | 90.18593 | 90.18820 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753797 | Gm45221 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109005 | MGI:5753797 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45221 |
7 | gene | 90.20128 | 90.20379 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753796 | Gm45220 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109279 | MGI:5753796 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45220 |
7 | gene | 90.22350 | 90.26578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918255 | Ccdc83 | NCBI_Gene:75338,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030617 | MGI:1918255 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 83 |
7 | gene | 90.29373 | 90.29385 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422018 | n-R5s155 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084480 | MGI:4422018 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 155 |
7 | gene | 90.30221 | 90.41072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933366 | Sytl2 | NCBI_Gene:83671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030616 | MGI:1933366 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin-like 2 |
7 | gene | 90.42631 | 90.42867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917304 | Ccdc89 | NCBI_Gene:70054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044362 | MGI:1917304 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 89 |
7 | gene | 90.44273 | 90.44838 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2675296 | Crebzf | NCBI_Gene:233490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051451 | MGI:2675296 | protein coding gene | CREB/ATF bZIP transcription factor |
7 | gene | 90.45070 | 90.45723 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913521 | Tmem126a | NCBI_Gene:66271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030615 | MGI:1913521 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 126A |
7 | gene | 90.45725 | 90.45888 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753483 | Gm44907 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109216 | MGI:5753483 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44907 |
7 | gene | 90.46744 | 90.47600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915722 | Tmem126b | NCBI_Gene:68472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030614 | MGI:1915722 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 126B |
7 | gene | 90.47618 | 92.44925 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1344351 | Dlg2 | NCBI_Gene:23859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052572 | MGI:1344351 | protein coding gene | discs large MAGUK scaffold protein 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 90.81154 | 90.81216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753738 | Gm45162 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109074 | MGI:5753738 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45162 |
7 | gene | 90.87160 | 90.87278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924466 | A930002H02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109242 | MGI:1924466 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930002H02 gene |
7 | gene | 90.88544 | 90.88771 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753737 | Gm45161 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109431 | MGI:5753737 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45161 |
7 | gene | 90.88707 | 90.94005 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753735 | Gm45159 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109125 | MGI:5753735 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45159 |
7 | gene | 90.99531 | 90.99942 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753754 | Gm45178 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109562 | MGI:5753754 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45178 |
7 | gene | 91.01574 | 91.01630 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621933 | Gm39048 | NCBI_Gene:105242994 | MGI:5621933 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39048 |
7 | gene | 91.04900 | 91.05334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753755 | Gm45179 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108956 | MGI:5753755 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45179 |
7 | gene | 91.12300 | 91.12321 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530852 | Gm27470 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098805 | MGI:5530852 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27470 |
7 | gene | 91.12635 | 91.12655 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531042 | Gm27660 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099001 | MGI:5531042 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27660 |
7 | gene | 91.13184 | 91.13594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753752 | Gm45176 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109239 | MGI:5753752 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45176 |
7 | gene | 91.13996 | 91.14227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753753 | Gm45177 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108819 | MGI:5753753 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45177 |
7 | gene | 91.15860 | 91.16100 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753758 | Gm45182 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109387 | MGI:5753758 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45182 |
7 | gene | 91.24299 | 91.24310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454329 | Gm24552 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089271 | MGI:5454329 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24552 |
7 | gene | 91.30469 | 91.30619 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753759 | Gm45183 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109353 | MGI:5753759 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45183 |
7 | gene | 91.34002 | 91.34279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753254 | Gm44678 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108920 | MGI:5753254 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44678 |
7 | gene | 91.39258 | 91.39269 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451857 | Gm22080 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088216 | MGI:5451857 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22080 |
7 | gene | 91.51911 | 91.52202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753255 | Gm44679 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109320 | MGI:5753255 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44679 |
7 | gene | 91.56437 | 91.56729 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753251 | Gm44675 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109370 | MGI:5753251 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44675 |
7 | gene | 91.60896 | 91.61201 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753252 | Gm44676 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109217 | MGI:5753252 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44676 |
7 | gene | 91.62727 | 91.63101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753253 | Gm44677 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109505 | MGI:5753253 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44677 |
7 | gene | 91.63524 | 91.63815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753256 | Gm44680 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109044 | MGI:5753256 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44680 |
7 | gene | 91.64771 | 91.64855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753257 | Gm44681 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109256 | MGI:5753257 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44681 |
7 | gene | 91.66715 | 91.66729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453705 | Gm23928 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064403 | MGI:5453705 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23928 |
7 | gene | 91.68947 | 91.69021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924862 | C030038I04Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109037 | MGI:1924862 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C030038I04 gene |
7 | gene | 91.81617 | 91.81955 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753706 | Gm45130 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109481 | MGI:5753706 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45130 |
7 | gene | 91.90806 | 91.91029 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753705 | Gm45129 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108953 | MGI:5753705 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45129 |
7 | gene | 91.93277 | 91.96076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591512 | Gm32353 | NCBI_Gene:102634874 | MGI:5591512 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32353 |
7 | gene | 92.06459 | 92.06717 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753707 | Gm45131 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109191 | MGI:5753707 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45131 |
7 | gene | 92.08109 | 92.08254 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918245 | 4931412I15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108826 | MGI:1918245 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931412I15 gene |
7 | gene | 92.09221 | 92.11951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923095 | 4930567K12Rik | NCBI_Gene:75845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109382 | MGI:1923095 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930567K12 gene |
7 | gene | 92.40818 | 92.41137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926094 | B230206I08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109574 | MGI:1926094 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B230206I08 gene |
7 | gene | 92.43117 | 92.43385 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753777 | Gm45201 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109031 | MGI:5753777 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45201 |
7 | pseudogene | 92.46923 | 92.47823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590650 | Gm31491 | NCBI_Gene:102633738 | MGI:5590650 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31491 |
7 | gene | 92.56115 | 92.58229 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913615 | Ccdc90b | NCBI_Gene:66365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030613 | MGI:1913615 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 90B |
7 | gene | 92.58172 | 92.63714 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921095 | Ankrd42 | NCBI_Gene:73845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041343 | MGI:1921095 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 42 |
7 | gene | 92.63719 | 92.64830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504059 | Gm26944 | NCBI_Gene:102635071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098066 | MGI:5504059 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26944 |
7 | gene | 92.63721 | 92.63753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610236 | Gm37008 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103887 | MGI:5610236 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37008 |
7 | gene | 92.63995 | 92.64378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443259 | 6430511E19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102555 | MGI:2443259 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6430511E19 gene |
7 | gene | 92.64354 | 92.67005 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919579 | Pcf11 | NCBI_Gene:74737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041328 | MGI:1919579 | protein coding gene | PCF11 cleavage and polyadenylation factor subunit |
7 | pseudogene | 92.69368 | 92.69791 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780719 | Gm2551 | NCBI_Gene:100040007 | MGI:3780719 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2551 |
7 | gene | 92.70677 | 92.70828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753775 | Gm45199 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109395 | MGI:5753775 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45199 |
7 | gene | 92.72984 | 92.73375 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504096 | Gm26981 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098041 | MGI:5504096 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26981 |
7 | gene | 92.73417 | 92.74147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915436 | 4632427E13Rik | NCBI_Gene:666737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074024 | MGI:1915436 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4632427E13 gene |
7 | gene | 92.74160 | 92.84453 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923235 | Rab30 | NCBI_Gene:75985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030643 | MGI:1923235 | protein coding gene | RAB30, member RAS oncogene family |
7 | gene | 92.77850 | 92.77942 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753776 | Gm45200 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109257 | MGI:5753776 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45200 |
7 | gene | 92.82056 | 92.82077 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917506 | 2010107C10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2010107C10 gene |
7 | gene | 92.85752 | 92.87429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921291 | Ddias | NCBI_Gene:74041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030641 | MGI:1921291 | protein coding gene | DNA damage-induced apoptosis suppressor |
7 | gene | 92.87447 | 92.93458 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919711 | Prcp | NCBI_Gene:72461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061119 | MGI:1919711 | protein coding gene | prolylcarboxypeptidase (angiotensinase C) |
7 | gene | 92.87743 | 92.88999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623333 | Gm40448 | NCBI_Gene:105244926 | MGI:5623333 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40448 |
7 | gene | 92.90218 | 92.90287 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925814 | 9530078K11Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109268 | MGI:1925814 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530078K11 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 92.97925 | 93.00654 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590822 | Gm31663 | NCBI_Gene:102633966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108994 | MGI:5590822 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31663 |
7 | gene | 93.00698 | 93.10479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477356 | Gm26862 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097644 | MGI:5477356 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26862 |
7 | gene | 93.05208 | 93.08103 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641747 | Gm9934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054061 | MGI:3641747 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9934 |
7 | gene | 93.07986 | 93.08187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1930951 | Fam181b | NCBI_Gene:58238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051515 | MGI:1930951 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 181, member B |
7 | gene | 93.14785 | 93.14797 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455637 | Gm25860 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088877 | MGI:5455637 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25860 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.16883 | 93.17267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753291 | Gm44715 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109196 | MGI:5753291 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44715 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.17898 | 93.18418 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704296 | Gm15501 | NCBI_Gene:100040298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087412 | MGI:3704296 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 15501 |
7 | gene | 93.29070 | 93.32395 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753523 | Gm44947 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109175 | MGI:5753523 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44947 |
7 | gene | 93.36168 | 93.38086 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753613 | Gm45037 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109315 | MGI:5753613 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45037 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.52306 | 93.52690 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753614 | Gm45038 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109195 | MGI:5753614 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45038 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.56494 | 93.56570 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645456 | Gm8285 | NCBI_Gene:666783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109077 | MGI:3645456 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8285 |
7 | gene | 93.60484 | 93.60832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753615 | Gm45039 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109226 | MGI:5753615 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45039 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.66024 | 93.66056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5052079 | Bc1-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:12031,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109440 | MGI:5052079 | pseudogene | brain cytoplasmic RNA 1, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.84690 | 93.84783 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010382 | Gm18197 | NCBI_Gene:100416690 | MGI:5010382 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18197 |
7 | gene | 94.04250 | 95.32643 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591806 | Gm32647 | NCBI_Gene:102635262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108532 | MGI:5591806 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32647 |
7 | pseudogene | 94.19642 | 94.19756 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643908 | Gm5899 | NCBI_Gene:545982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096033 | MGI:3643908 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5899 |
7 | gene | 94.36898 | 94.37257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753177 | Gm44601 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108315 | MGI:5753177 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44601 |
7 | pseudogene | 94.47558 | 94.47571 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753178 | Gm44602 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108516 | MGI:5753178 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44602 |
7 | pseudogene | 94.60182 | 94.60263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011946 | Gm19761 | NCBI_Gene:100503542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108433 | MGI:5011946 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19761 |
7 | gene | 95.17186 | 95.17216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453661 | Gm23884 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084636 | MGI:5453661 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23884 |
7 | gene | 95.44235 | 95.44246 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455461 | Gm25684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065875 | MGI:5455461 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25684 |
7 | pseudogene | 95.46191 | 95.46356 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643545 | Gm8309 | NCBI_Gene:666823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108786 | MGI:3643545 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8309 |
7 | pseudogene | 95.47495 | 95.47531 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753179 | Gm44603 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108429 | MGI:5753179 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44603 |
7 | gene | 95.77545 | 95.78117 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621934 | Gm39049 | NCBI_Gene:105242997 | MGI:5621934 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39049 |
7 | pseudogene | 95.91275 | 95.91339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648478 | Gm5037 | NCBI_Gene:260347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108628 | MGI:3648478 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5037 |
7 | gene | 95.95821 | 95.96161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641871 | Gm9966 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9966 |
7 | gene | 96.17124 | 96.91109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2447063 | Tenm4 | NCBI_Gene:23966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048078 | MGI:2447063 | protein coding gene | teneurin transmembrane protein 4 |
7 | pseudogene | 96.20239 | 96.20364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646693 | Gm8319 | NCBI_Gene:666836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108528 | MGI:3646693 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8319 |
7 | gene | 96.24942 | 96.24953 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3629686 | Mir708 | miRBase:MI0004692,NCBI_Gene:735284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076143 | MGI:3629686 | miRNA gene | microRNA 708 |
7 | gene | 96.30567 | 96.30576 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531311 | Mir6394 | miRBase:MI0021928,NCBI_Gene:102465210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099030 | MGI:5531311 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6394 |
7 | gene | 96.33948 | 96.34196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705100 | Gm15412 | NCBI_Gene:670727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085751 | MGI:3705100 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15412 |
7 | pseudogene | 96.43482 | 96.43675 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647437 | Rps11-ps5 | NCBI_Gene:102635492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082780 | MGI:3647437 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S11, pseudogene 5 |
7 | gene | 96.58581 | 96.58691 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924457 | 8030425K09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 8030425K09 gene |
7 | gene | 96.59665 | 96.62907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705307 | Gm15414 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085792 | MGI:3705307 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15414 |
7 | gene | 96.79143 | 96.80155 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642665 | Gm15413 | NCBI_Gene:791381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053049 | MGI:3642665 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15413 |
7 | gene | 96.81243 | 96.81749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705308 | Gm15416 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085443 | MGI:3705308 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15416 |
7 | gene | 96.81387 | 96.81831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753209 | Gm44633 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108635 | MGI:5753209 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44633 |
7 | gene | 96.86329 | 96.86338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455489 | Gm25712 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089259 | MGI:5455489 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 25712 |
7 | gene | 96.90683 | 96.94703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3713275 | Gm15415 | NA | NA | antisense lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15415 |
7 | gene | 96.90683 | 96.95189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3697433 | C230038L03Rik | NCBI_Gene:108167512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085560 | MGI:3697433 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C230038L03 gene |
7 | gene | 96.91999 | 96.92010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452003 | Gm22226 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087980 | MGI:5452003 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22226 |
7 | gene | 96.95150 | 97.06476 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142075 | Nars2 | NCBI_Gene:244141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018995 | MGI:2142075 | protein coding gene | asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase 2 (mitochondrial)(putative) |
7 | gene | 97.08159 | 97.30895 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333854 | Gab2 | NCBI_Gene:14389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004508 | MGI:1333854 | protein coding gene | growth factor receptor bound protein 2-associated protein 2 |
7 | gene | 97.30938 | 97.33229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685339 | Usp35 | NCBI_Gene:244144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035713 | MGI:2685339 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 35 |
7 | gene | 97.33232 | 97.35022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643121 | Kctd21 | NCBI_Gene:622320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044952 | MGI:3643121 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 21 |
7 | gene | 97.37159 | 97.39218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141959 | Alg8 | NCBI_Gene:381903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035704 | MGI:2141959 | protein coding gene | asparagine-linked glycosylation 8 (alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase) |
7 | gene | 97.40000 | 97.40780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1344370 | Ndufc2 | NCBI_Gene:68197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030647 | MGI:1344370 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C2 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.40614 | 97.40633 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802033 | Gm16053 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083974 | MGI:3802033 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16053 |
7 | gene | 97.41293 | 97.41773 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109126 | Thrsp | NCBI_Gene:21835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035686 | MGI:109126 | protein coding gene | thyroid hormone responsive |
7 | gene | 97.41865 | 97.42014 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592104 | Gm32945 | NCBI_Gene:102635665 | MGI:5592104 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32945 |
7 | gene | 97.43638 | 97.45956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1289222 | Kctd14 | NCBI_Gene:233529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051727 | MGI:1289222 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 14 |
7 | gene | 97.45527 | 97.45671 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028073 | 7030407A21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 7030407A21 gene |
7 | gene | 97.48095 | 97.54140 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917164 | Ints4 | NCBI_Gene:101861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025133 | MGI:1917164 | protein coding gene | integrator complex subunit 4 |
7 | gene | 97.52181 | 97.52192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454189 | Gm24412 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065360 | MGI:5454189 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24412 |
7 | gene | 97.55033 | 97.57951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913523 | Aamdc | NCBI_Gene:66273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035642 | MGI:1913523 | protein coding gene | adipogenesis associated Mth938 domain containing |
7 | gene | 97.57977 | 97.69278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2682305 | Rsf1 | NCBI_Gene:233532,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035623 | MGI:2682305 | protein coding gene | remodeling and spacing factor 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.59149 | 97.59245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010024 | Ywhaq-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100415958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108405 | MGI:5010024 | pseudogene | tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein theta, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.59484 | 97.59544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010232 | Rpl15-ps5 | NCBI_Gene:100416334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108442 | MGI:5010232 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L15, pseudogene 5 |
7 | gene | 97.59835 | 97.64511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922698 | Rsf1os1 | NCBI_Gene:75448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086433 | MGI:1922698 | antisense lncRNA gene | remodeling and spacing factor 1, opposite strand 1 |
7 | gene | 97.64900 | 97.65232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441926 | C920008N22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C920008N22 gene |
7 | gene | 97.65001 | 97.69683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642179 | Rsf1os2 | NCBI_Gene:102641859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086993 | MGI:3642179 | antisense lncRNA gene | remodeling and spacing factor 1, opposite strand 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.65428 | 97.65475 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753762 | Gm45186 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108547 | MGI:5753762 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45186 |
7 | gene | 97.69663 | 97.72080 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109638 | Clns1a | NCBI_Gene:12729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025439 | MGI:109638 | protein coding gene | chloride channel, nucleotide-sensitive, 1A |
7 | gene | 97.72084 | 97.72292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642272 | Gm9990 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9990 |
7 | gene | 97.72401 | 97.73829 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913583 | Aqp11 | NCBI_Gene:66333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042797 | MGI:1913583 | protein coding gene | aquaporin 11 |
7 | gene | 97.75932 | 97.80116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621935 | Gm39050 | NCBI_Gene:105243000 | MGI:5621935 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39050 |
7 | gene | 97.78854 | 97.91238 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1339975 | Pak1 | NCBI_Gene:18479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030774 | MGI:1339975 | protein coding gene | p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.91824 | 97.91863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753166 | Gm44590 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108424 | MGI:5753166 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44590 |
7 | gene | 97.91994 | 98.04966 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3606573 | Gdpd4 | NCBI_Gene:233537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035582 | MGI:3606573 | protein coding gene | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 4 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.98456 | 97.98539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011389 | Gm19204 | NCBI_Gene:100418424 | MGI:5011389 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19204 |
7 | gene | 98.05105 | 98.11952 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104510 | Myo7a | NCBI_Gene:17921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030761 | MGI:104510 | protein coding gene | myosin VIIA |
7 | gene | 98.12156 | 98.17827 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100859 | Capn5 | NCBI_Gene:12337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035547 | MGI:1100859 | protein coding gene | calpain 5 |
7 | gene | 98.14336 | 98.14550 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97436 | Omp | NCBI_Gene:18378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074006 | MGI:97436 | protein coding gene | olfactory marker protein |
7 | gene | 98.17719 | 98.18480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4439862 | Gm16938 | NCBI_Gene:330599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097749 | MGI:4439862 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16938 |
7 | gene | 98.19241 | 98.19948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3039603 | B3gnt6 | NCBI_Gene:272411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074004 | MGI:3039603 | protein coding gene | UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 6 (core 3 synthase) |
7 | gene | 98.20639 | 98.21038 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142310 | E230006M18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E230006M18 gene |
7 | gene | 98.20639 | 98.32121 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913440 | Acer3 | NCBI_Gene:66190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030760 | MGI:1913440 | protein coding gene | alkaline ceramidase 3 |
7 | gene | 98.35067 | 98.36139 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443855 | Tsku | NCBI_Gene:244152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049580 | MGI:2443855 | protein coding gene | tsukushi, small leucine rich proteoglycan |
7 | gene | 98.36699 | 98.41980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753083 | Gm44507 | NCBI_Gene:108167447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108449 | MGI:5753083 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44507 |
7 | gene | 98.43348 | 98.43795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621938 | Gm39053 | NCBI_Gene:105243003 | MGI:5621938 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39053 |
7 | pseudogene | 98.43721 | 98.43752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753556 | Gm44980 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108346 | MGI:5753556 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44980 |
7 | gene | 98.44042 | 98.47748 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106030 | Gucy2d | NCBI_Gene:14918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074003 | MGI:106030 | protein coding gene | guanylate cyclase 2d |
7 | pseudogene | 98.45509 | 98.45568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781104 | Gm2926 | NCBI_Gene:100040721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108764 | MGI:3781104 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2926 |
7 | pseudogene | 98.46513 | 98.46648 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753554 | Gm44978 | NCBI_Gene:108167471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108508 | MGI:5753554 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44978 |
7 | gene | 98.48126 | 98.48622 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621473 | Gm38588 | NCBI_Gene:102641966 | MGI:5621473 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38588 |
7 | gene | 98.48928 | 98.50218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_93882 | Lrrc32 | NCBI_Gene:434215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090958 | MGI:93882 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 32 |
7 | gene | 98.50259 | 98.50665 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592553 | Gm33394 | NCBI_Gene:102636286 | MGI:5592553 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33394 |
7 | gene | 98.50695 | 98.50712 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452817 | Gm23040 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065803 | MGI:5452817 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23040 |
7 | gene | 98.54332 | 98.56299 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442837 | A630091E08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055446 | MGI:2442837 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A630091E08 gene |
7 | gene | 98.58713 | 98.65956 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924203 | Emsy | NCBI_Gene:233545,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035401 | MGI:1924203 | protein coding gene | EMSY, BRCA2-interacting transcriptional repressor |
7 | gene | 98.65620 | 98.65783 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923090 | 4930558N01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930558N01 gene |
7 | gene | 98.67811 | 98.68065 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753708 | Gm45132 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109101 | MGI:5753708 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45132 |
7 | gene | 98.68233 | 98.70293 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782954 | Gm15506 | NCBI_Gene:100040769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086477 | MGI:3782954 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15506 |
7 | gene | 98.70310 | 98.71806 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920231 | Thap12 | NCBI_Gene:72981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030753 | MGI:1920231 | protein coding gene | THAP domain containing 12 |
7 | gene | 98.71950 | 98.72876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011841 | Gm19656 | NCBI_Gene:105243004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109149 | MGI:5011841 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19656 |
7 | gene | 98.73475 | 98.73508 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753510 | Gm44934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108988 | MGI:5753510 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44934 |
7 | pseudogene | 98.76148 | 98.76194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011435 | Gm19250 | NCBI_Gene:100462934 | MGI:5011435 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19250 |
7 | gene | 98.76302 | 98.76984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592879 | Gm33720 | NCBI_Gene:102636728 | MGI:5592879 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33720 |
7 | gene | 98.81542 | 98.81549 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4414020 | n-TPtgg8 | NCBI_Gene:102467371 | MGI:4414020 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA proline 8 (anticodon TGG) |
7 | gene | 98.81568 | 98.81575 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4414009 | n-TPagg7 | NCBI_Gene:102467367 | MGI:4414009 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA proline 7 (anticodon AGG) |
7 | gene | 98.81613 | 98.82193 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621939 | Gm39054 | NCBI_Gene:105243005 | MGI:5621939 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39054 |
7 | gene | 98.83066 | 98.83606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592929 | Gm33770 | NCBI_Gene:102636798 | MGI:5592929 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33770 |
7 | gene | 98.83492 | 98.85519 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101948 | Wnt11 | NCBI_Gene:22411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015957 | MGI:101948 | protein coding gene | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 11 |
7 | pseudogene | 98.85473 | 98.85510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648175 | Gm8398 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091496 | MGI:3648175 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8398 |
7 | gene | 98.86926 | 98.87663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592986 | Gm33827 | NCBI_Gene:102636877 | MGI:5592986 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33827 |
7 | gene | 98.88502 | 99.14117 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925860 | Uvrag | NCBI_Gene:78610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035354 | MGI:1925860 | protein coding gene | UV radiation resistance associated gene |
7 | gene | 98.89522 | 98.90649 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647698 | Gm8149 | NCBI_Gene:666529 | MGI:3647698 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 8149 |
7 | gene | 98.89593 | 98.89955 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753764 | Gm45188 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109282 | MGI:5753764 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45188 |
7 | gene | 98.90427 | 98.90806 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753763 | Gm45187 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109130 | MGI:5753763 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45187 |
7 | gene | 98.90659 | 98.91100 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621940 | Gm39055 | NCBI_Gene:105243006 | MGI:5621940 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39055 |
7 | gene | 98.93589 | 98.93601 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453256 | Gm23479 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089501 | MGI:5453256 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23479 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.08946 | 99.09088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593041 | Gm33882 | NCBI_Gene:102636953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109492 | MGI:5593041 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33882 |
7 | gene | 99.12207 | 99.12346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753551 | Gm44975 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109073 | MGI:5753551 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44975 |
7 | gene | 99.14159 | 99.14200 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753761 | Gm45185 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109468 | MGI:5753761 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45185 |
7 | gene | 99.15366 | 99.18272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915050 | Dgat2 | NCBI_Gene:67800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030747 | MGI:1915050 | protein coding gene | diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 |
7 | gene | 99.20237 | 99.22708 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753588 | Gm45012 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109052 | MGI:5753588 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45012 |
7 | gene | 99.21908 | 99.23862 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2663253 | Mogat2 | NCBI_Gene:233549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052396 | MGI:2663253 | protein coding gene | monoacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.24757 | 99.24897 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011128 | Gm18943 | NCBI_Gene:100418007,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109472 | MGI:5011128 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18943 |
7 | gene | 99.25151 | 99.25519 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593221 | Gm34062 | NCBI_Gene:102637185 | MGI:5593221 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34062 |
7 | gene | 99.26048 | 99.26722 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477199 | Gm26705 | NCBI_Gene:381967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097015 | MGI:5477199 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26705 |
7 | gene | 99.26718 | 99.33714 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1201690 | Map6 | NCBI_Gene:17760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055407 | MGI:1201690 | protein coding gene | microtubule-associated protein 6 |
7 | gene | 99.30027 | 99.30449 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623334 | Gm40449 | NCBI_Gene:105244927 | MGI:5623334 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40449 |
7 | gene | 99.32120 | 99.32246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791427 | Gm45591 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109460 | MGI:5791427 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45591 |
7 | gene | 99.34538 | 99.35324 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88283 | Serpinh1 | NCBI_Gene:12406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070436 | MGI:88283 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade H, member 1 |
7 | gene | 99.38141 | 99.46188 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686926 | Gdpd5 | NCBI_Gene:233552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035314 | MGI:2686926 | protein coding gene | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 5 |
7 | gene | 99.46600 | 99.47402 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919434 | Klhl35 | NCBI_Gene:72184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035298 | MGI:1919434 | protein coding gene | kelch-like 35 |
7 | gene | 99.47790 | 99.48374 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1350917 | Rps3 | NCBI_Gene:27050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030744 | MGI:1350917 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S3 |
7 | gene | 99.47956 | 99.47971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779515 | Snord15b | NCBI_Gene:449631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064966 | MGI:3779515 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 14B |
7 | gene | 99.48279 | 99.48293 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645887 | Snord15a | NCBI_Gene:449630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065822 | MGI:3645887 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 15A |
7 | gene | 99.49772 | 99.49782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422019 | n-R5s156 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065311 | MGI:4422019 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 156 |
7 | gene | 99.50046 | 99.50594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621941 | Gm39056 | NCBI_Gene:105243007 | MGI:5621941 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39056 |
7 | gene | 99.51165 | 99.51715 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623335 | Gm40450 | NCBI_Gene:105244928 | MGI:5623335 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40450 |
7 | gene | 99.51664 | 99.52964 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593331 | Gm34172 | NCBI_Gene:102637333 | MGI:5593331 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34172 |
7 | gene | 99.53547 | 99.60677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99473 | Arrb1 | NCBI_Gene:109689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018909 | MGI:99473 | protein coding gene | arrestin, beta 1 |
7 | gene | 99.54390 | 99.54397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413843 | n-TEctc3 | NCBI_Gene:102467644 | MGI:4413843 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA glutamic acid 3 (anticodon CTC) |
7 | gene | 99.55227 | 99.55236 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3619338 | Mir326 | miRBase:MI0000598,NCBI_Gene:723840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065571 | MGI:3619338 | miRNA gene | microRNA 326 |
7 | gene | 99.56812 | 99.57084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753490 | Gm44914 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108850 | MGI:5753490 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44914 |
7 | gene | 99.62407 | 99.62710 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646425 | Tpbgl | NCBI_Gene:100503386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096606 | MGI:3646425 | protein coding gene | trophoblast glycoprotein-like |
7 | gene | 99.62594 | 99.63171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642596 | Gm10605 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097974 | MGI:3642596 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10605 |
7 | gene | 99.65369 | 99.65382 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455186 | Gm25409 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065698 | MGI:5455186 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25409 |
7 | gene | 99.65780 | 99.71134 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351872 | Slco2b1 | NCBI_Gene:101488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030737 | MGI:1351872 | protein coding gene | solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 2b1 |
7 | gene | 99.66013 | 99.66750 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783079 | Gm15635 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085095 | MGI:3783079 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15635 |
7 | gene | 99.69303 | 99.71423 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593439 | Gm34280 | NCBI_Gene:102637485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109559 | MGI:5593439 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34280 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.72521 | 99.72538 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753127 | Gm44551 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108965 | MGI:5753127 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44551 |
7 | gene | 99.73027 | 99.73640 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030354 | Olfr520 | NCBI_Gene:259066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073998 | MGI:3030354 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 520 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.74021 | 99.74079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011367 | Gm19182 | NCBI_Gene:100418394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109275 | MGI:5011367 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19182 |
7 | gene | 99.76351 | 99.76932 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030355 | Olfr521 | NCBI_Gene:258353,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073997 | MGI:3030355 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 521 |
7 | gene | 99.78000 | 99.78154 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045385 | F730035P03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053360 | MGI:3045385 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA F730035P03 gene |
7 | gene | 99.81144 | 99.82842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1355305 | Neu3 | NCBI_Gene:50877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035239 | MGI:1355305 | protein coding gene | neuraminidase 3 |
7 | gene | 99.83757 | 99.87034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913874 | Spcs2 | NCBI_Gene:66624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035227 | MGI:1913874 | protein coding gene | signal peptidase complex subunit 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 99.85912 | 99.91782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2181647 | Xrra1 | NCBI_Gene:446101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035211 | MGI:2181647 | protein coding gene | X-ray radiation resistance associated 1 |
7 | gene | 99.87067 | 99.91738 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621290 | Gm38405 | NCBI_Gene:233561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109002 | MGI:5621290 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38405 |
7 | gene | 99.90019 | 99.90416 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924443 | A930030B08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108985 | MGI:1924443 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930030B08 gene |
7 | gene | 99.92025 | 99.98069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920257 | Rnf169 | NCBI_Gene:108937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058761 | MGI:1920257 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 169 |
7 | gene | 99.92965 | 99.93229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643844 | Gm5115 | NCBI_Gene:330602 | MGI:3643844 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 5115 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.94506 | 99.94572 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011144 | Gm18959 | NCBI_Gene:100418037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108823 | MGI:5011144 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18959 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.99677 | 99.99741 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010116 | Gm17931 | NCBI_Gene:100416129,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109384 | MGI:5010116 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17931 |
7 | gene | 100.00617 | 100.03473 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916371 | Chrdl2 | NCBI_Gene:69121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030732 | MGI:1916371 | protein coding gene | chordin-like 2 |
7 | gene | 100.08211 | 100.12157 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915217 | Pold3 | NCBI_Gene:67967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030726 | MGI:1915217 | protein coding gene | polymerase (DNA-directed), delta 3, accessory subunit |
7 | gene | 100.13188 | 100.13749 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593919 | Gm34760 | NCBI_Gene:102638122 | MGI:5593919 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34760 |
7 | gene | 100.15928 | 100.16137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914414 | Lipt2 | NCBI_Gene:67164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030725 | MGI:1914414 | protein coding gene | lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase 2 (putative) |
7 | gene | 100.16332 | 100.17116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621942 | Gm39057 | NCBI_Gene:105243008 | MGI:5621942 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39057 |
7 | gene | 100.17142 | 100.22721 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593980 | Gm34821 | NCBI_Gene:102638204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109186 | MGI:5593980 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34821 |
7 | gene | 100.17650 | 100.18487 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891124 | Kcne3 | NCBI_Gene:57442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035165 | MGI:1891124 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage-gated channel, Isk-related subfamily, gene 3 |
7 | gene | 100.18926 | 100.19267 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825631 | Gm45994 | NCBI_Gene:108167448 | MGI:5825631 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45994 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.19710 | 100.19835 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779664 | Gm7067 | NCBI_Gene:631577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109435 | MGI:3779664 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7067 |
7 | gene | 100.20078 | 100.22721 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594036 | Gm34877 | NCBI_Gene:102638275 | MGI:5594036 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34877 |
7 | gene | 100.22728 | 100.27887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918224 | Pgm2l1 | NCBI_Gene:70974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030729 | MGI:1918224 | protein coding gene | phosphoglucomutase 2-like 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.26454 | 100.26556 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106627 | Gpx2-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:14777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089987 | MGI:106627 | pseudogene | glutathione peroxidase 2, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 100.28549 | 100.31970 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444049 | P4ha3 | NCBI_Gene:320452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051048 | MGI:2444049 | protein coding gene | procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase (proline 4-hydroxylase), alpha polypeptide III |
7 | gene | 100.32674 | 100.37231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919840 | Ppme1 | NCBI_Gene:72590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030718 | MGI:1919840 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase methylesterase 1 |
7 | gene | 100.37223 | 100.47016 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142166 | C2cd3 | NCBI_Gene:277939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047248 | MGI:2142166 | protein coding gene | C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.38159 | 100.38231 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753147 | Gm44571 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109046 | MGI:5753147 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44571 |
7 | gene | 100.44674 | 100.47485 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642592 | Gm10603 | NCBI_Gene:100038497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099137 | MGI:3642592 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10603 |
7 | gene | 100.45846 | 100.45941 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610944 | Gm37716 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102241 | MGI:5610944 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37716 |
7 | gene | 100.47299 | 100.48643 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1099787 | Ucp3 | NCBI_Gene:22229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032942 | MGI:1099787 | protein coding gene | uncoupling protein 3 (mitochondrial, proton carrier) |
7 | gene | 100.49334 | 100.50202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109354 | Ucp2 | NCBI_Gene:22228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033685 | MGI:109354 | protein coding gene | uncoupling protein 2 (mitochondrial, proton carrier) |
7 | gene | 100.50172 | 100.51496 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916637 | Dnajb13 | NCBI_Gene:69387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030708 | MGI:1916637 | protein coding gene | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B13 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.52398 | 100.52467 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644490 | Gm8463 | NCBI_Gene:667112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109560 | MGI:3644490 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8463 |
7 | gene | 100.53559 | 100.53698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621943 | Gm39058 | NCBI_Gene:105243010 | MGI:5621943 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39058 |
7 | gene | 100.53707 | 100.54037 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915435 | Coa4 | NCBI_Gene:68185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044881 | MGI:1915435 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 4 |
7 | gene | 100.54135 | 100.54412 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621944 | Gm39059 | NCBI_Gene:105243011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109123 | MGI:5621944 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39059 |
7 | gene | 100.54574 | 100.54779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028054 | D630004N19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D630004N19 gene |
7 | gene | 100.54575 | 100.60830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1289321 | Mrpl48 | NCBI_Gene:52443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030706 | MGI:1289321 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L48 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.57192 | 100.57225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753224 | Gm44648 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108990 | MGI:5753224 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44648 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.57841 | 100.58064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783125 | Cox20b | NCBI_Gene:108167449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081359 | MGI:3783125 | pseudogene | cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 20B |
7 | gene | 100.60741 | 100.64127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_894313 | Rab6a | NCBI_Gene:19346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030704 | MGI:894313 | protein coding gene | RAB6A, member RAS oncogene family |
7 | gene | 100.61877 | 100.62126 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442194 | D930046H04Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930046H04 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 100.62452 | 100.62495 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650372 | Gm14382 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082210 | MGI:3650372 | pseudogene | predicted gene 14382 |
7 | gene | 100.64289 | 100.66241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351469 | Plekhb1 | NCBI_Gene:27276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030701 | MGI:1351469 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family B (evectins) member 1 |
7 | gene | 100.67499 | 100.67814 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594241 | Gm35082 | NCBI_Gene:102638545,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108866 | MGI:5594241 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35082 |
7 | gene | 100.70664 | 100.84166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442372 | Fam168a | NCBI_Gene:319604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029461 | MGI:2442372 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 168, member A |
7 | pseudogene | 100.73805 | 100.73863 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753785 | Gm45209 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109035 | MGI:5753785 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45209 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.76062 | 100.76182 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781379 | Gm3200 | NCBI_Gene:100041204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097388 | MGI:3781379 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 3200 |
7 | gene | 100.81135 | 100.81264 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753529 | Gm44953 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109109 | MGI:5753529 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44953 |
7 | gene | 100.84585 | 100.86348 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443373 | Relt | NCBI_Gene:320100,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008318 | MGI:2443373 | protein coding gene | RELT tumor necrosis factor receptor |
7 | gene | 100.86975 | 100.93216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2673002 | Arhgef17 | NCBI_Gene:207212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032875 | MGI:2673002 | protein coding gene | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 17 |
7 | gene | 100.88231 | 100.88241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834321 | Mir3102 | miRBase:MI0014099,NCBI_Gene:100526508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093296 | MGI:4834321 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3102 |
7 | gene | 100.93763 | 100.97550 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2673874 | P2ry6 | NCBI_Gene:233571,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048779 | MGI:2673874 | protein coding gene | pyrimidinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 6 |
7 | gene | 100.95082 | 100.95156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753121 | Gm44545 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109132 | MGI:5753121 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44545 |
7 | gene | 100.99657 | 101.01287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105107 | P2ry2 | NCBI_Gene:18442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032860 | MGI:105107 | protein coding gene | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.01862 | 101.01887 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753646 | Gm45070 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108895 | MGI:5753646 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45070 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.06122 | 101.06148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645951 | Gm5735 | NCBI_Gene:435996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109171 | MGI:3645951 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5735 |
7 | gene | 101.09286 | 101.28441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2448475 | Fchsd2 | NCBI_Gene:207278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030691 | MGI:2448475 | protein coding gene | FCH and double SH3 domains 2 |
7 | gene | 101.11355 | 101.11780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442785 | 6030496E16Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030496E16 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 101.15460 | 101.15514 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643600 | Gm6341 | NCBI_Gene:622673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083121 | MGI:3643600 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6341 |
7 | gene | 101.20767 | 101.21103 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3026972 | 6430502G17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6430502G17 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 101.23822 | 101.23928 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096209 | Gm47324 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111425 | MGI:6096209 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 47324 |
7 | gene | 101.26303 | 101.30227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920933 | Atg16l2 | NCBI_Gene:73683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047767 | MGI:1920933 | protein coding gene | autophagy related 16-like 2 (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 101.31709 | 101.34663 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1860093 | Stard10 | NCBI_Gene:56018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030688 | MGI:1860093 | protein coding gene | START domain containing 10 |
7 | gene | 101.31772 | 101.32623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141941 | Gm20476 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092364 | MGI:5141941 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20476 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.33813 | 101.33847 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791180 | Gm45344 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110099 | MGI:5791180 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45344 |
7 | gene | 101.34691 | 101.34798 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791456 | Gm45620 | NCBI_Gene:108167329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110239 | MGI:5791456 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45620 |
7 | gene | 101.34765 | 101.41259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916960 | Arap1 | NCBI_Gene:69710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032812 | MGI:1916960 | protein coding gene | ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 |
7 | gene | 101.34821 | 101.35542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594378 | Gm35219 | NCBI_Gene:102638725 | MGI:5594378 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35219 |
7 | gene | 101.35127 | 101.35444 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791384 | Gm45548 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109656 | MGI:5791384 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45548 |
7 | gene | 101.41089 | 101.51282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804952 | Gm45837 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030653 | MGI:5804952 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45837 |
7 | gene | 101.42169 | 101.51283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446107 | Pde2a | NCBI_Gene:207728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110195 | MGI:2446107 | protein coding gene | phosphodiesterase 2A, cGMP-stimulated |
7 | gene | 101.47538 | 101.47544 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676824 | Mir139 | miRBase:MI0000693,NCBI_Gene:387157,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065446 | MGI:2676824 | miRNA gene | microRNA 139 |
7 | gene | 101.51819 | 101.53866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594522 | Gm35363 | NCBI_Gene:102638917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110301 | MGI:5594522 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35363 |
7 | gene | 101.54787 | 101.55746 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011950 | Gm19765 | NCBI_Gene:102638993 | MGI:5011950 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19765 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.55245 | 101.56087 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107546 | Art2a | NCBI_Gene:11871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092517 | MGI:107546 | polymorphic pseudogene | ADP-ribosyltransferase 2a |
7 | pseudogene | 101.57342 | 101.57436 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644555 | Gm7027 | NCBI_Gene:630138,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067121 | MGI:3644555 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7027 |
7 | gene | 101.57573 | 101.58560 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107545 | Art2b | NCBI_Gene:11872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030651 | MGI:107545 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosyltransferase 2b |
7 | gene | 101.58159 | 101.58283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825632 | Gm45995 | NCBI_Gene:108167451 | MGI:5825632 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45995 |
7 | gene | 101.66359 | 101.79551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1100517 | Clpb | NCBI_Gene:20480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001829 | MGI:1100517 | protein coding gene | ClpB caseinolytic peptidase B |
7 | pseudogene | 101.79054 | 101.79085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791216 | Gm45380 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110360 | MGI:5791216 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45380 |
7 | gene | 101.81831 | 101.82273 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106633 | Phox2a | NCBI_Gene:11859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007946 | MGI:106633 | protein coding gene | paired-like homeobox 2a |
7 | gene | 101.82263 | 101.83823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333787 | Inppl1 | NCBI_Gene:16332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032737 | MGI:1333787 | protein coding gene | inositol polyphosphate phosphatase-like 1 |
7 | gene | 101.83650 | 101.84453 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3708759 | Gm10602 | NCBI_Gene:102639173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073985 | MGI:3708759 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10602 |
7 | gene | 101.83999 | 101.85719 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95569 | Folr2 | NCBI_Gene:14276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032725 | MGI:95569 | protein coding gene | folate receptor 2 (fetal) |
7 | pseudogene | 101.85296 | 101.85328 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791155 | Gm45319 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110295 | MGI:5791155 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45319 |
7 | gene | 101.85833 | 101.87079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95568 | Folr1 | NCBI_Gene:14275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001827 | MGI:95568 | protein coding gene | folate receptor 1 (adult) |
7 | gene | 101.86371 | 101.90185 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922680 | Anapc15 | NCBI_Gene:75430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030649 | MGI:1922680 | protein coding gene | anaphase prompoting complex C subunit 15 |
7 | gene | 101.87086 | 101.87958 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594756 | Gm35597 | NCBI_Gene:102639241 | MGI:5594756 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35597 |
7 | gene | 101.88118 | 101.88128 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452432 | Gm22655 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093388 | MGI:5452432 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22655 |
7 | gene | 101.89837 | 101.90641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3769724 | Tomt | NCBI_Gene:791260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078630 | MGI:3769724 | protein coding gene | transmembrane O-methyltransferase |
7 | gene | 101.90584 | 101.92668 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913758 | Lamtor1 | NCBI_Gene:66508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030842 | MGI:1913758 | protein coding gene | late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 1 |
7 | gene | 101.91298 | 101.93392 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916608 | Lrrc51 | NCBI_Gene:69358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064307 | MGI:1916608 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 51 |
7 | gene | 101.93400 | 102.01496 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443665 | Numa1 | NCBI_Gene:101706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066306 | MGI:2443665 | protein coding gene | nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.94596 | 101.94651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779801 | Gm8523 | NCBI_Gene:100417414,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110150 | MGI:3779801 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8523 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.95697 | 101.95728 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791148 | Gm45312 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109872 | MGI:5791148 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45312 |
7 | gene | 101.97966 | 101.98229 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444705 | C030040A22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C030040A22 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 101.98008 | 101.98026 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791149 | Gm45313 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110287 | MGI:5791149 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45313 |
7 | gene | 101.98867 | 101.99095 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621946 | Gm39061 | NCBI_Gene:105243016 | MGI:5621946 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39061 |
7 | gene | 102.01489 | 102.01869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333800 | Il18bp | NCBI_Gene:16068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070427 | MGI:1333800 | protein coding gene | interleukin 18 binding protein |
7 | gene | 102.01914 | 102.07244 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922462 | Rnf121 | NCBI_Gene:75212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070426 | MGI:1922462 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 121 |
7 | gene | 102.06549 | 102.08376 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5546359 | Xndc1 | NCBI_Gene:102443350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099481 | MGI:5546359 | protein coding gene | Xrcc1 N-terminal domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 102.06549 | 102.09686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5546370 | Xntrpc | NCBI_Gene:102443351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070425 | MGI:5546370 | protein coding gene | Xndc1-transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 2 readthrough |
7 | gene | 102.08312 | 102.09686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109527 | Trpc2 | NCBI_Gene:22064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100254 | MGI:109527 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 2 |
7 | gene | 102.09688 | 102.10949 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107948 | Art5 | NCBI_Gene:11875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070424 | MGI:107948 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosyltransferase 5 |
7 | gene | 102.10171 | 102.11393 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107511 | Art1 | NCBI_Gene:11870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030996 | MGI:107511 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 102.11126 | 102.11698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3609260 | Chrna10 | NCBI_Gene:504186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066279 | MGI:3609260 | protein coding gene | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 10 |
7 | gene | 102.11339 | 102.12206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621947 | Gm39062 | NCBI_Gene:105243018 | MGI:5621947 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39062 |
7 | gene | 102.11940 | 102.21019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109404 | Nup98 | NCBI_Gene:269966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063550 | MGI:109404 | protein coding gene | nucleoporin 98 |
7 | gene | 102.21021 | 102.23857 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385286 | Pgap2 | NCBI_Gene:233575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030990 | MGI:2385286 | protein coding gene | post-GPI attachment to proteins 2 |
7 | gene | 102.23912 | 102.25605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928370 | Rhog | NCBI_Gene:56212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073982 | MGI:1928370 | protein coding gene | ras homolog family member G |
7 | gene | 102.26151 | 102.43732 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107476 | Stim1 | NCBI_Gene:20866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030987 | MGI:107476 | protein coding gene | stromal interaction molecule 1 |
7 | gene | 102.36097 | 102.36348 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443525 | A630057J21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A630057J21 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 102.37750 | 102.37834 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010440 | Gm18255 | NCBI_Gene:100416793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110175 | MGI:5010440 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18255 |
7 | gene | 102.44169 | 102.46977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98180 | Rrm1 | NCBI_Gene:20133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030978 | MGI:98180 | protein coding gene | ribonucleotide reductase M1 |
7 | gene | 102.45825 | 102.45926 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791235 | Gm45399 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109940 | MGI:5791235 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45399 |
7 | gene | 102.47046 | 102.47668 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825633 | Gm45996 | NCBI_Gene:108167452 | MGI:5825633 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45996 |
7 | gene | 102.47658 | 102.48168 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030377 | Olfr543 | NCBI_Gene:257947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044814 | MGI:3030377 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 543 |
7 | gene | 102.48203 | 102.48831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030378 | Olfr544 | NCBI_Gene:257926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043925 | MGI:3030378 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 544 |
7 | gene | 102.49147 | 102.49957 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030379 | Olfr545 | NCBI_Gene:258837,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044824 | MGI:3030379 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 545 |
7 | gene | 102.49227 | 102.49372 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039577 | BC049285 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence BC049285 |
7 | gene | 102.50548 | 102.50642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621512 | Gm38627 | NCBI_Gene:102642720 | MGI:5621512 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38627 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.52035 | 102.52106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649082 | Gm8556 | NCBI_Gene:667284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109822 | MGI:3649082 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8556 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.52069 | 102.52166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030380 | Olfr546-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109906 | MGI:3030380 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 546, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.53475 | 102.53569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030381 | Olfr547 | NCBI_Gene:259083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073979 | MGI:3030381 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 547 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.54090 | 102.54589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030382 | Olfr548-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073978 | MGI:3030382 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 548, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.54987 | 102.55584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030383 | Olfr549 | NCBI_Gene:259105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073977 | MGI:3030383 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 549 |
7 | gene | 102.55792 | 102.56549 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106657 | Trim21 | NCBI_Gene:20821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030966 | MGI:106657 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 21 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.56848 | 102.56973 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645143 | Gm5339 | NCBI_Gene:384699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109756 | MGI:3645143 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5339 |
7 | gene | 102.57143 | 102.58301 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030384 | Olfr550 | NCBI_Gene:259108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073975 | MGI:3030384 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 550 |
7 | gene | 102.58351 | 102.59189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030385 | Olfr551 | NCBI_Gene:258750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073974 | MGI:3030385 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 551 |
7 | gene | 102.59777 | 102.60813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030386 | Olfr552 | NCBI_Gene:259106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073973 | MGI:3030386 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 552 |
7 | gene | 102.61128 | 102.61822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030387 | Olfr553 | NCBI_Gene:233578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073972 | MGI:3030387 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 553 |
7 | gene | 102.63843 | 102.64256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030388 | Olfr554 | NCBI_Gene:258322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073971 | MGI:3030388 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 554 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.64763 | 102.64822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781174 | Gm2996 | NCBI_Gene:100040840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110251 | MGI:3781174 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2996 |
7 | gene | 102.65882 | 102.65977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030389 | Olfr555 | NCBI_Gene:259107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073970 | MGI:3030389 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 555 |
7 | gene | 102.66490 | 102.67327 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030390 | Olfr556 | NCBI_Gene:258749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073969 | MGI:3030390 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 556 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.67654 | 102.67669 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791523 | Gm45687 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110352 | MGI:5791523 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45687 |
7 | gene | 102.67758 | 102.68733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142077 | Trim68 | NCBI_Gene:101700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073968 | MGI:2142077 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 68 |
7 | gene | 102.68545 | 102.68622 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791363 | Gm45527 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109618 | MGI:5791363 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45527 |
7 | gene | 102.69591 | 102.70071 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030391 | Olfr557 | NCBI_Gene:258358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073967 | MGI:3030391 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 557 |
7 | gene | 102.70221 | 102.71206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030392 | Olfr558 | NCBI_Gene:259097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070423 | MGI:3030392 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 558 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.71138 | 102.71148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791524 | Gm45688 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110376 | MGI:5791524 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45688 |
7 | gene | 102.71215 | 102.71907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109302 | Olfr33 | NCBI_Gene:18332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066273 | MGI:109302 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 33 |
7 | gene | 102.72321 | 102.72749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030393 | Olfr559 | NCBI_Gene:259116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066272 | MGI:3030393 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 559 |
7 | gene | 102.73458 | 102.73471 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453987 | Gm24210 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088888 | MGI:5453987 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24210 |
7 | gene | 102.73851 | 102.75947 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2157548 | Olfr78 | NCBI_Gene:170639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043366 | MGI:2157548 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 78 |
7 | gene | 102.75182 | 102.75937 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030394 | Olfr560 | NCBI_Gene:259117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110008 | MGI:3030394 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 560 |
7 | gene | 102.77122 | 102.77686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030395 | Olfr561 | NCBI_Gene:259096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073966 | MGI:3030395 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 561 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.78148 | 102.78243 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030396 | Olfr562-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:259090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110122 | MGI:3030396 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 562, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.79125 | 102.79234 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030397 | Olfr563-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:259157,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110074 | MGI:3030397 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 563, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.80348 | 102.80443 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030398 | Olfr564 | NCBI_Gene:258356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048469 | MGI:3030398 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 564 |
7 | gene | 102.81331 | 102.90171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030404 | Olfr570 | NCBI_Gene:259114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073964 | MGI:3030404 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 570 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.81755 | 102.81849 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030399 | Olfr565-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109596 | MGI:3030399 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 565, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.85534 | 102.85877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030400 | Olfr566 | NCBI_Gene:258168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060888 | MGI:3030400 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 566 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.86116 | 102.86129 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791525 | Gm45689 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110152 | MGI:5791525 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45689 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.86392 | 102.86478 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030401 | Olfr567-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258140,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109878 | MGI:3030401 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 567, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.87712 | 102.87806 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030402 | Olfr568 | NCBI_Gene:259095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073965 | MGI:3030402 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 568 |
7 | gene | 102.88371 | 102.89567 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030403 | Olfr569 | NCBI_Gene:259092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062142 | MGI:3030403 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 569 |
7 | gene | 102.90509 | 102.91754 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030405 | Olfr571 | NCBI_Gene:259089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043310 | MGI:3030405 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 571 |
7 | gene | 102.92441 | 102.92861 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030406 | Olfr572 | NCBI_Gene:259093,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073963 | MGI:3030406 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 572 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.94164 | 102.94258 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030407 | Olfr573-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052785 | MGI:3030407 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 573, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.94847 | 102.94951 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030408 | Olfr574 | NCBI_Gene:258357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045824 | MGI:3030408 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 574 |
7 | gene | 102.95227 | 102.95878 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030409 | Olfr575 | NCBI_Gene:259118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066269 | MGI:3030409 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 575 |
7 | gene | 102.96266 | 102.97516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030410 | Olfr576 | NCBI_Gene:258248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073962 | MGI:3030410 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 576 |
7 | gene | 102.97118 | 102.97594 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030411 | Olfr577 | NCBI_Gene:259113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043354 | MGI:3030411 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 577 |
7 | gene | 102.98161 | 102.98932 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030412 | Olfr578 | NCBI_Gene:259119,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045792 | MGI:3030412 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 578 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.99893 | 102.99975 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031361 | Olfr1527-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:259158 | MGI:3031361 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1527, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.00461 | 103.00520 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030413 | Olfr579-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258141 | MGI:3030413 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 579, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.01314 | 103.01449 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030414 | Olfr580-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110143 | MGI:3030414 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 580, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.02909 | 103.02965 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030415 | Olfr581-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109845 | MGI:3030415 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 581, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.03802 | 103.04404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030416 | Olfr582 | NCBI_Gene:259055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073961 | MGI:3030416 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 582 |
7 | gene | 103.05130 | 103.05226 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030417 | Olfr583 | NCBI_Gene:258752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073960 | MGI:3030417 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 583 |
7 | gene | 103.08188 | 103.08831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030418 | Olfr584 | NCBI_Gene:259056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073959 | MGI:3030418 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 584 |
7 | gene | 103.09772 | 103.09875 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030419 | Olfr585 | NCBI_Gene:259091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078080 | MGI:3030419 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 585 |
7 | gene | 103.11840 | 103.12564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030420 | Olfr586 | NCBI_Gene:259115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066268 | MGI:3030420 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 586 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.13438 | 103.13532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030421 | Olfr587-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080891 | MGI:3030421 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 587, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.13574 | 103.13604 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705492 | Gm15120 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082714 | MGI:3705492 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15120 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.14088 | 103.14786 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030422 | Olfr588-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:259094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084262 | MGI:3030422 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 588, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.14799 | 103.14867 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705687 | Gm15116 | NCBI_Gene:100417214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083254 | MGI:3705687 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15116 |
7 | gene | 103.15479 | 103.15636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030423 | Olfr589 | NCBI_Gene:259054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051362 | MGI:3030423 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 589 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.16585 | 103.16675 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030424 | Olfr590-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084356 | MGI:3030424 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 590, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.16707 | 103.17834 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030425 | Olfr591 | NCBI_Gene:258139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057461 | MGI:3030425 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 591 |
7 | gene | 103.18480 | 103.19297 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030426 | Olfr592 | NCBI_Gene:404317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073956 | MGI:3030426 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 592 |
7 | gene | 103.21186 | 103.21285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030427 | Olfr593 | NCBI_Gene:258378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073955 | MGI:3030427 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 593 |
7 | gene | 103.21700 | 103.22231 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030428 | Olfr594 | NCBI_Gene:258246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073954 | MGI:3030428 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 594 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.23563 | 103.23659 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030429 | Olfr595-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083383 | MGI:3030429 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 595, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.24974 | 103.25250 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3051372 | Usp17ld | NCBI_Gene:384701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057321 | MGI:3051372 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like D |
7 | gene | 103.26088 | 103.26100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454948 | Gm25171 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095000 | MGI:5454948 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25171 |
7 | gene | 103.26712 | 103.26723 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453327 | Gm23550 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094572 | MGI:5453327 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23550 |
7 | gene | 103.27155 | 103.27187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453750 | Gm23973 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065254 | MGI:5453750 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23973 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.29700 | 103.30042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825651 | Gm46014 | NCBI_Gene:108167486 | MGI:5825651 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46014 |
7 | gene | 103.30565 | 103.31278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030430 | Olfr596 | NCBI_Gene:100041187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073953 | MGI:3030430 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 596 |
7 | gene | 103.31632 | 103.32280 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030431 | Olfr597 | NCBI_Gene:258135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073952 | MGI:3030431 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 597 |
7 | gene | 103.32357 | 103.32989 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030432 | Olfr598 | NCBI_Gene:257975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073951 | MGI:3030432 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 598 |
7 | gene | 103.33592 | 103.33956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030433 | Olfr599 | NCBI_Gene:258726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073950 | MGI:3030433 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 599 |
7 | gene | 103.34348 | 103.34967 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030434 | Olfr600 | NCBI_Gene:259048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045540 | MGI:3030434 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 600 |
7 | gene | 103.35709 | 103.36266 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030435 | Olfr601 | NCBI_Gene:258311,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109951 | MGI:3030435 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 601 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.36752 | 103.37244 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030436 | Olfr602-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082739 | MGI:3030436 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 602, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.38306 | 103.38618 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030437 | Olfr603 | NCBI_Gene:259073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059874 | MGI:3030437 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 603 |
7 | gene | 103.41507 | 103.41988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107698 | Usp17lc | NCBI_Gene:13532,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058976 | MGI:107698 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like C |
7 | gene | 103.41581 | 103.41593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455551 | Gm25774 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080367 | MGI:5455551 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25774 |
7 | gene | 103.44041 | 103.44544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030439 | Olfr605 | NCBI_Gene:258156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109659 | MGI:3030439 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 605 |
7 | gene | 103.44905 | 103.45353 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030440 | Olfr606 | NCBI_Gene:259098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073949 | MGI:3030440 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 606 |
7 | gene | 103.45553 | 103.46415 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030441 | Olfr607 | NCBI_Gene:546989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081945 | MGI:3030441 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 607 |
7 | gene | 103.46988 | 103.47136 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030442 | Olfr608 | NCBI_Gene:258751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073948 | MGI:3030442 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 608 |
7 | gene | 103.49003 | 103.49806 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030443 | Olfr609 | NCBI_Gene:259086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046396 | MGI:3030443 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 609 |
7 | gene | 103.50538 | 103.51212 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030444 | Olfr610 | NCBI_Gene:259085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045584 | MGI:3030444 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 610 |
7 | gene | 103.51646 | 103.52085 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030445 | Olfr611 | NCBI_Gene:258722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096584 | MGI:3030445 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 611 |
7 | gene | 103.53722 | 103.54272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030446 | Olfr612 | NCBI_Gene:545985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094119 | MGI:3030446 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 612 |
7 | gene | 103.54807 | 103.55551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030447 | Olfr613 | NCBI_Gene:259104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078624 | MGI:3030447 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 613 |
7 | gene | 103.55608 | 103.56380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030449 | Olfr615 | NCBI_Gene:259084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073947 | MGI:3030449 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 615 |
7 | gene | 103.56375 | 103.56914 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030450 | Olfr616 | NCBI_Gene:259103,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047544 | MGI:3030450 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 616 |
7 | gene | 103.57306 | 103.58679 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030451 | Olfr617 | NCBI_Gene:258838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073946 | MGI:3030451 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 617 |
7 | gene | 103.58127 | 103.58138 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456283 | Gm26506 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096906 | MGI:5456283 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 26506 |
7 | gene | 103.59010 | 103.60045 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030452 | Olfr618 | NCBI_Gene:259049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073945 | MGI:3030452 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 618 |
7 | gene | 103.60058 | 103.60486 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030453 | Olfr619 | NCBI_Gene:259080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073944 | MGI:3030453 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 619 |
7 | gene | 103.60489 | 103.61253 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030454 | Olfr620 | NCBI_Gene:258808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045132 | MGI:3030454 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 620 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.62902 | 103.62996 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030455 | Olfr621-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:667639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081315 | MGI:3030455 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 621, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.63845 | 103.64270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030456 | Olfr622 | NCBI_Gene:259087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050085 | MGI:3030456 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 622 |
7 | gene | 103.65770 | 103.66370 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030457 | Olfr623 | NCBI_Gene:259126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099687 | MGI:3030457 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 623 |
7 | gene | 103.66546 | 103.67119 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030458 | Olfr624 | NCBI_Gene:258189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045780 | MGI:3030458 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 624 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.68272 | 103.68368 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030459 | Olfr625-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073943 | MGI:3030459 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 625, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.69157 | 103.69212 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030460 | Olfr626-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081038 | MGI:3030460 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 626, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.69958 | 103.70075 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030094 | Olfr260-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082077 | MGI:3030094 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 260, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.71467 | 103.72117 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030077 | Olfr243 | NCBI_Gene:436002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094822 | MGI:3030077 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 243 |
7 | gene | 103.73037 | 103.73332 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030462 | Olfr628 | NCBI_Gene:259159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096516 | MGI:3030462 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 628 |
7 | gene | 103.73977 | 103.74494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030463 | Olfr629 | NCBI_Gene:258818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047545 | MGI:3030463 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 629 |
7 | gene | 103.75348 | 103.75735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030464 | Olfr630 | NCBI_Gene:259102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050281 | MGI:3030464 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 630 |
7 | gene | 103.76581 | 103.77159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341789 | Olfr69 | NCBI_Gene:18370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058662 | MGI:1341789 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 69 |
7 | gene | 103.77436 | 103.77970 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341790 | Olfr68 | NCBI_Gene:18369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061626 | MGI:1341790 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 68 |
7 | gene | 103.78459 | 103.79183 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341911 | Olfr67 | NCBI_Gene:18368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047535 | MGI:1341911 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 67 |
7 | gene | 103.81252 | 103.81400 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5474850 | Hbb-bt | NCBI_Gene:101488143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073940 | MGI:5474850 | protein coding gene | hemoglobin, beta adult t chain |
7 | gene | 103.82652 | 103.82810 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5474852 | Hbb-bs | NCBI_Gene:100503605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052305 | MGI:5474852 | protein coding gene | hemoglobin, beta adult s chain |
7 | pseudogene | 103.82959 | 103.82996 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642219 | Gm15115 | NCBI_Gene:108167487,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083967 | MGI:3642219 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15115 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.83263 | 103.83373 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96026 | Hbb-bh3 | NCBI_Gene:15134,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083216 | MGI:96026 | pseudogene | hemoglobin beta, pseudogene bh3 |
7 | gene | 103.83880 | 103.84073 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96025 | Hbb-bh2 | NCBI_Gene:436003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078621 | MGI:96025 | protein coding gene | hemoglobin beta, bh2 |
7 | gene | 103.84164 | 103.84316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96024 | Hbb-bh1 | NCBI_Gene:15132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052217 | MGI:96024 | protein coding gene | hemoglobin Z, beta-like embryonic chain |
7 | pseudogene | 103.85002 | 103.85015 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96023 | Hbb-bh0 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085700 | MGI:96023 | pseudogene | hemoglobin, beta, pseudogene bh0 |
7 | gene | 103.85175 | 103.85322 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96027 | Hbb-y | NCBI_Gene:15135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052187 | MGI:96027 | protein coding gene | hemoglobin Y, beta-like embryonic chain |
7 | gene | 103.87944 | 103.88625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341906 | Olfr66 | NCBI_Gene:18367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058200 | MGI:1341906 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 66 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.88257 | 103.88310 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3709029 | Dnajc19-ps | NCBI_Gene:100503724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083854 | MGI:3709029 | pseudogene | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C19, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 103.88948 | 103.89449 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341900 | Olfr64 | NCBI_Gene:18366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063615 | MGI:1341900 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 64 |
7 | gene | 103.90349 | 103.90865 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1341910 | Olfr65 | NCBI_Gene:18365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110259 | MGI:1341910 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 65 |
7 | gene | 103.91506 | 103.93067 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030465 | Olfr631 | NCBI_Gene:258961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042219 | MGI:3030465 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 631 |
7 | gene | 103.93435 | 103.94058 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030466 | Olfr632 | NCBI_Gene:259123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073938 | MGI:3030466 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 632 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.93975 | 103.93991 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791491 | Gm45655 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109837 | MGI:5791491 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45655 |
7 | gene | 103.94444 | 103.94896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030467 | Olfr633 | NCBI_Gene:258351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073937 | MGI:3030467 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 633 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.95641 | 103.95737 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030468 | Olfr634-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080751 | MGI:3030468 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 634, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.97115 | 103.98754 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030469 | Olfr635 | NCBI_Gene:259122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094520 | MGI:3030469 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 635 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.97336 | 103.97711 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645929 | Gm4886 | NCBI_Gene:233614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082281 | MGI:3645929 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4886 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.98910 | 103.99004 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030470 | Olfr636-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055621 | MGI:3030470 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 636, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.99598 | 103.99664 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030471 | Olfr637-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084236 | MGI:3030471 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 637, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.99875 | 104.00436 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030472 | Olfr638 | NCBI_Gene:259124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094063 | MGI:3030472 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 638 |
7 | gene | 103.99880 | 104.13741 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030477 | Olfr643 | NCBI_Gene:259081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109824 | MGI:3030477 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 643 |
7 | gene | 104.00623 | 104.01730 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030473 | Olfr639 | NCBI_Gene:259088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066263 | MGI:3030473 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 639 |
7 | gene | 104.01869 | 104.02557 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030474 | Olfr640 | NCBI_Gene:258819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066262 | MGI:3030474 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 640 |
7 | gene | 104.03544 | 104.04207 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030475 | Olfr641 | NCBI_Gene:259075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073932 | MGI:3030475 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 641 |
7 | gene | 104.04653 | 104.05267 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030476 | Olfr642 | NCBI_Gene:258326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049797 | MGI:3030476 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 642 |
7 | gene | 104.05360 | 104.06145 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924125 | 4930516K23Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090219 | MGI:1924125 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930516K23 gene |
7 | gene | 104.06629 | 104.07187 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030478 | Olfr644 | NCBI_Gene:259125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110012 | MGI:3030478 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 644 |
7 | gene | 104.08179 | 104.08546 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030479 | Olfr645 | NCBI_Gene:258247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051340 | MGI:3030479 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 645 |
7 | gene | 104.09732 | 104.10977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030480 | Olfr646 | NCBI_Gene:259058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073931 | MGI:3030480 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 646 |
7 | gene | 104.12791 | 104.12983 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918230 | Ubqln5 | NCBI_Gene:70980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055643 | MGI:1918230 | protein coding gene | ubiquilin 5 |
7 | gene | 104.14062 | 104.14332 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045291 | Ubqln3 | NCBI_Gene:244178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051618 | MGI:3045291 | protein coding gene | ubiquilin 3 |
7 | gene | 104.14826 | 104.15056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685336 | Ubqlnl | NCBI_Gene:244179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051437 | MGI:2685336 | protein coding gene | ubiquilin-like |
7 | gene | 104.15301 | 104.16483 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443346 | Olfm5 | NCBI_Gene:244180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044265 | MGI:2443346 | protein coding gene | olfactomedin 5 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.16738 | 104.16834 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030481 | Olfr647-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083513 | MGI:3030481 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 647, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 104.17760 | 104.18339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030482 | Olfr648 | NCBI_Gene:258746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042909 | MGI:3030482 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 648 |
7 | gene | 104.18899 | 104.19598 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030483 | Olfr649 | NCBI_Gene:259057,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044899 | MGI:3030483 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 649 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.20344 | 104.20786 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030484 | Olfr650-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081859 | MGI:3030484 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 650, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 104.21878 | 104.23515 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2137352 | Trim6 | NCBI_Gene:94088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072244 | MGI:2137352 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 6 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.22159 | 104.22298 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648748 | Gm8667 | NCBI_Gene:667497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109712 | MGI:3648748 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8667 |
7 | gene | 104.24444 | 104.26224 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2137359 | Trim34a | NCBI_Gene:94094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056144 | MGI:2137359 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 34A |
7 | gene | 104.26147 | 104.26217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6096073 | Gm47248 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111737 | MGI:6096073 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 47248 |
7 | gene | 104.26339 | 104.28842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646853 | Trim5 | NCBI_Gene:667823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060441 | MGI:3646853 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 5 |
7 | gene | 104.26468 | 104.26479 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454623 | Gm24846 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088658 | MGI:5454623 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24846 |
7 | gene | 104.26522 | 104.26590 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4821182 | Trim12b | NA | NA | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 12B |
7 | gene | 104.29989 | 104.31585 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923931 | Trim12a | NCBI_Gene:76681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066258 | MGI:1923931 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 12A |
7 | gene | 104.31051 | 104.31106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925028 | A430102O06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A430102O06 gene |
7 | gene | 104.31502 | 104.32484 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705170 | Gm15133 | NCBI_Gene:622070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087175 | MGI:3705170 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15133 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.31907 | 104.32018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5009952 | Gm17788 | NCBI_Gene:100048312 | MGI:5009952 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17788 |
7 | gene | 104.32947 | 104.33691 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4821264 | Trim34b | NCBI_Gene:434218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090215 | MGI:4821264 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 34B |
7 | gene | 104.33875 | 104.35336 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4821183 | Trim12c | NCBI_Gene:319236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057143 | MGI:4821183 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 12C |
7 | gene | 104.34009 | 104.34019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531377 | Gm27995 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098399 | MGI:5531377 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 27995 |
7 | gene | 104.35182 | 104.35575 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595589 | Gm36430 | NCBI_Gene:102640341 | MGI:5595589 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36430 |
7 | gene | 104.35538 | 104.36988 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4821256 | Trim30b | NCBI_Gene:244183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052749 | MGI:4821256 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 30B |
7 | gene | 104.35540 | 104.36988 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621410 | Gm38525 | NCBI_Gene:102640171 | MGI:5621410 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38525 |
7 | gene | 104.35616 | 104.36269 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825634 | Gm45997 | NCBI_Gene:108167453 | MGI:5825634 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45997 |
7 | gene | 104.37912 | 104.40085 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4821257 | Trim30c | NCBI_Gene:434219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078616 | MGI:4821257 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 30C |
7 | pseudogene | 104.40540 | 104.40653 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791307 | Gm45471 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110114 | MGI:5791307 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45471 |
7 | gene | 104.40902 | 104.46519 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98178 | Trim30a | NCBI_Gene:20128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030921 | MGI:98178 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 30A |
7 | gene | 104.42327 | 104.42338 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455182 | Gm25405 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064907 | MGI:5455182 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25405 |
7 | gene | 104.47001 | 104.50785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3035181 | Trim30d | NCBI_Gene:209387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057596 | MGI:3035181 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 30D |
7 | pseudogene | 104.49906 | 104.50215 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643716 | Gm16464 | NCBI_Gene:672495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082154 | MGI:3643716 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16464 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.52861 | 104.52909 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643499 | Gm6574 | NCBI_Gene:625305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083248 | MGI:3643499 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6574 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.53296 | 104.53536 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4821258 | Trim30e-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:625321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073929 | MGI:4821258 | pseudogene | tripartite motif-containing 30E, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 104.55013 | 104.55442 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030485 | Olfr651 | NCBI_Gene:258809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073928 | MGI:3030485 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 651 |
7 | gene | 104.56090 | 104.56863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030486 | Olfr652 | NCBI_Gene:259050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073927 | MGI:3030486 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 652 |
7 | gene | 104.57731 | 104.58412 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030487 | Olfr653 | NCBI_Gene:57250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073926 | MGI:3030487 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 653 |
7 | gene | 104.58702 | 104.59072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030488 | Olfr654 | NCBI_Gene:258377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073925 | MGI:3030488 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 654 |
7 | gene | 104.59530 | 104.60178 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030489 | Olfr655 | NCBI_Gene:258817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051182 | MGI:3030489 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 655 |
7 | gene | 104.61396 | 104.62160 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030490 | Olfr656 | NCBI_Gene:259078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073924 | MGI:3030490 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 656 |
7 | gene | 104.62479 | 104.63748 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030491 | Olfr657 | NCBI_Gene:258309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073923 | MGI:3030491 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 657 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.63411 | 104.63462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588865 | Gm29706 | NCBI_Gene:101055662 | MGI:5588865 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29706 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.63464 | 104.63522 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010596 | Gm18411 | NCBI_Gene:100417128 | MGI:5010596 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18411 |
7 | gene | 104.64288 | 104.64731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030492 | Olfr658 | NCBI_Gene:259051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070421 | MGI:3030492 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 658 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.64725 | 104.65321 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3582591 | Usp17le-ps | NCBI_Gene:667882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082084 | MGI:3582591 | pseudogene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like E, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 104.66675 | 104.67495 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030493 | Olfr659 | NCBI_Gene:259052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073922 | MGI:3030493 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 659 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.67872 | 104.67909 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030494 | Olfr660-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081694 | MGI:3030494 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 660, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 104.68650 | 104.69135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030495 | Olfr661 | NCBI_Gene:258743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073920 | MGI:3030495 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 661 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.69230 | 104.69343 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644209 | Gm6593 | NCBI_Gene:625495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109821 | MGI:3644209 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6593 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.70021 | 104.70065 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030496 | Olfr662-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404413,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109832 | MGI:3030496 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 662, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.70357 | 104.70460 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030497 | Olfr663 | NCBI_Gene:257914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109806 | MGI:3030497 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 663 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.73338 | 104.73436 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030498 | Olfr664 | NCBI_Gene:667918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051885 | MGI:3030498 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 664 |
7 | gene | 104.76796 | 104.77747 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107697 | Usp17le | NCBI_Gene:625530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043073 | MGI:107697 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like E |
7 | pseudogene | 104.82115 | 104.82228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645730 | Gm4887 | NCBI_Gene:233637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086229 | MGI:3645730 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4887 |
7 | gene | 104.84026 | 104.84260 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3051498 | Usp17lb | NCBI_Gene:381944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062369 | MGI:3051498 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like B |
7 | gene | 104.85701 | 104.86267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107699 | Usp17la | NCBI_Gene:13531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054568 | MGI:107699 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like A |
7 | gene | 104.86799 | 104.87177 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791392 | Gm45556 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109641 | MGI:5791392 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45556 |
7 | gene | 104.87803 | 104.88291 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030499 | Olfr665 | NCBI_Gene:258810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073917 | MGI:3030499 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 665 |
7 | gene | 104.89182 | 104.89595 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030500 | Olfr666 | NCBI_Gene:259100,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063582 | MGI:3030500 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 666 |
7 | gene | 104.90875 | 104.91334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791108 | Gm45272 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109734 | MGI:5791108 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45272 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.91101 | 104.91138 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791111 | Gm45275 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110330 | MGI:5791111 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45275 |
7 | gene | 104.91474 | 104.92148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030501 | Olfr667 | NCBI_Gene:259062,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056782 | MGI:3030501 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 667 |
7 | gene | 104.92229 | 104.92806 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030502 | Olfr668 | NCBI_Gene:259061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057770 | MGI:3030502 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 668 |
7 | gene | 104.93424 | 104.94048 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030503 | Olfr669 | NCBI_Gene:259045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073916 | MGI:3030503 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 669 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.94297 | 104.94325 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791109 | Gm45273 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110284 | MGI:5791109 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45273 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.94918 | 104.95043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643907 | Gm5900 | NCBI_Gene:545987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094685 | MGI:3643907 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5900 |
7 | gene | 104.95711 | 104.96262 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030504 | Olfr670 | NCBI_Gene:384703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044705 | MGI:3030504 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 670 |
7 | gene | 104.97248 | 104.97913 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030505 | Olfr671 | NCBI_Gene:257910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094531 | MGI:3030505 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 671 |
7 | gene | 104.99576 | 105.00203 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030506 | Olfr672 | NCBI_Gene:258755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051172 | MGI:3030506 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 672 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.00422 | 105.00517 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030507 | Olfr673-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110041 | MGI:3030507 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 673, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.00631 | 105.00726 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030508 | Olfr674-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109671 | MGI:3030508 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 674, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 105.02137 | 105.02846 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030509 | Olfr675 | NCBI_Gene:258147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096773 | MGI:3030509 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 675 |
7 | gene | 105.03157 | 105.03775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030510 | Olfr676 | NCBI_Gene:259099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073915 | MGI:3030510 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 676 |
7 | gene | 105.05137 | 105.05901 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030511 | Olfr677 | NCBI_Gene:258355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073914 | MGI:3030511 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 677 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.06023 | 105.06087 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646463 | Gm8913 | NCBI_Gene:667987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109676 | MGI:3646463 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8913 |
7 | gene | 105.06448 | 105.07164 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030512 | Olfr678 | NCBI_Gene:258753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073913 | MGI:3030512 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 678 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.07692 | 105.07818 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010174 | Gm17989 | NCBI_Gene:100416234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109972 | MGI:5010174 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17989 |
7 | gene | 105.07843 | 105.08008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791393 | Gm45557 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110293 | MGI:5791393 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45557 |
7 | gene | 105.08120 | 105.09064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030513 | Olfr679 | NCBI_Gene:259046,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096029 | MGI:3030513 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 679 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.09070 | 105.09282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030514 | Olfr680-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041885 | MGI:3030514 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 680, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.10603 | 105.10782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010175 | Gm17990 | NCBI_Gene:100416235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110117 | MGI:5010175 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17990 |
7 | gene | 105.10831 | 105.11020 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791394 | Gm45558 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109742 | MGI:5791394 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45558 |
7 | gene | 105.11684 | 105.12552 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030515 | Olfr681 | NCBI_Gene:404318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095248 | MGI:3030515 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 681 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.12637 | 105.12843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030516 | Olfr682-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059768 | MGI:3030516 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 682, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 105.14084 | 105.14701 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030517 | Olfr683 | NCBI_Gene:259047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044120 | MGI:3030517 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 683 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.14541 | 105.14555 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791210 | Gm45374 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109918 | MGI:5791210 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45374 |
7 | gene | 105.15469 | 105.16365 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030518 | Olfr684 | NCBI_Gene:244187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047225 | MGI:3030518 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 684 |
7 | gene | 105.17842 | 105.18601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030519 | Olfr685 | NCBI_Gene:258160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047794 | MGI:3030519 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 685 |
7 | gene | 105.20186 | 105.20749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030520 | Olfr686 | NCBI_Gene:259072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048425 | MGI:3030520 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 686 |
7 | gene | 105.22772 | 105.27654 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030521 | Olfr687 | NCBI_Gene:668035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073908 | MGI:3030521 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 687 |
7 | gene | 105.28809 | 105.28906 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030522 | Olfr688 | NCBI_Gene:259161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073909 | MGI:3030522 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 688 |
7 | gene | 105.31117 | 105.31966 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030523 | Olfr689 | NCBI_Gene:258745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073907 | MGI:3030523 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 689 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.32666 | 105.32721 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791167 | Gm45331 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110265 | MGI:5791167 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45331 |
7 | gene | 105.32823 | 105.33410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030524 | Olfr690 | NCBI_Gene:56860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050266 | MGI:3030524 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 690 |
7 | gene | 105.33551 | 105.34227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030525 | Olfr691 | NCBI_Gene:259063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043948 | MGI:3030525 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 691 |
7 | gene | 105.36823 | 105.36935 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030526 | Olfr692 | NCBI_Gene:258352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073906 | MGI:3030526 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 692 |
7 | gene | 105.37121 | 105.40005 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921599 | Fam160a2 | NCBI_Gene:74349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044465 | MGI:1921599 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 160, member A2 |
7 | gene | 105.37504 | 105.37838 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643909 | Gm5901 | NCBI_Gene:100503879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078611 | MGI:3643909 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5901 |
7 | gene | 105.39745 | 105.40910 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2664099 | Cnga4 | NCBI_Gene:233649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030897 | MGI:2664099 | protein coding gene | cyclic nucleotide gated channel alpha 4 |
7 | gene | 105.40031 | 105.40189 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5805000 | Gm45885 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110366 | MGI:5805000 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45885 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.41270 | 105.41544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643689 | Gm4972 | NCBI_Gene:244189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109609 | MGI:3643689 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4972 |
7 | gene | 105.42556 | 105.47090 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99479 | Cckbr | NCBI_Gene:12426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030898 | MGI:99479 | protein coding gene | cholecystokinin B receptor |
7 | gene | 105.48008 | 105.48230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923422 | Cavin3 | NCBI_Gene:109042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037060 | MGI:1923422 | protein coding gene | caveolae associated 3 |
7 | gene | 105.48193 | 105.48324 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791503 | Gm45667 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109735 | MGI:5791503 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45667 |
7 | gene | 105.48264 | 105.52267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5596006 | Gm36847 | NCBI_Gene:102640889 | MGI:5596006 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36847 |
7 | gene | 105.54490 | 105.55428 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621948 | Gm39063 | NCBI_Gene:105243022 | MGI:5621948 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39063 |
7 | gene | 105.55436 | 105.55839 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98325 | Smpd1 | NCBI_Gene:20597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037049 | MGI:98325 | protein coding gene | sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1, acid lysosomal |
7 | gene | 105.55846 | 105.58192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107765 | Apbb1 | NCBI_Gene:11785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037032 | MGI:107765 | protein coding gene | amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1 |
7 | gene | 105.59161 | 105.60014 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105112 | Hpx | NCBI_Gene:15458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030895 | MGI:105112 | protein coding gene | hemopexin |
7 | gene | 105.60446 | 105.63357 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1860040 | Trim3 | NCBI_Gene:55992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036989 | MGI:1860040 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 3 |
7 | gene | 105.62282 | 105.62470 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791468 | Gm45632 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110077 | MGI:5791468 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45632 |
7 | gene | 105.63420 | 105.64042 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924182 | Arfip2 | NCBI_Gene:76932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030881 | MGI:1924182 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosylation factor interacting protein 2 |
7 | gene | 105.64006 | 105.65699 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1315196 | Timm10b | NCBI_Gene:14356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089847 | MGI:1315196 | protein coding gene | translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 10B |
7 | gene | 105.64055 | 105.68444 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804914 | Gm45799 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110234 | MGI:5804914 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45799 |
7 | gene | 105.64234 | 105.64248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452281 | Gm22504 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064897 | MGI:5452281 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22504 |
7 | gene | 105.65081 | 105.72180 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924755 | Dnhd1 | NCBI_Gene:77505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030882 | MGI:1924755 | protein coding gene | dynein heavy chain domain 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.69004 | 105.69058 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704298 | Mrps36-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:100042811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081911 | MGI:3704298 | pseudogene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein S36, pseudogene 2 |
7 | gene | 105.73173 | 105.73739 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914251 | Rrp8 | NCBI_Gene:101867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030888 | MGI:1914251 | protein coding gene | ribosomal RNA processing 8, methyltransferase, homolog (yeast) |
7 | gene | 105.73659 | 105.74292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1195267 | Ilk | NCBI_Gene:16202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030890 | MGI:1195267 | protein coding gene | integrin linked kinase |
7 | gene | 105.73939 | 105.74438 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346320 | Taf10 | NCBI_Gene:24075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043866 | MGI:1346320 | protein coding gene | TATA-box binding protein associated factor 10 |
7 | gene | 105.74481 | 105.75228 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1336194 | Tpp1 | NCBI_Gene:12751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030894 | MGI:1336194 | protein coding gene | tripeptidyl peptidase I |
7 | gene | 105.75299 | 105.78832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685011 | Dchs1 | NCBI_Gene:233651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036862 | MGI:2685011 | protein coding gene | dachsous cadherin related 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.76232 | 105.86365 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783089 | Gm15645 | NCBI_Gene:626055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086414 | MGI:3783089 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15645 |
7 | gene | 105.80321 | 105.81110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351608 | Mrpl17 | NCBI_Gene:27397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030879 | MGI:1351608 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L17 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.82326 | 105.85601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924950 | 9130208D14Rik | NCBI_Gene:77700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086513 | MGI:1924950 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 9130208D14 gene |
7 | gene | 105.82326 | 105.82381 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5805027 | Gm45912 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109685 | MGI:5805027 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45912 |
7 | gene | 105.88530 | 105.88687 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791520 | Gm45684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110141 | MGI:5791520 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45684 |
7 | gene | 105.89512 | 105.95397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782245 | Gm4070 | NCBI_Gene:100042856,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078606 | MGI:3782245 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4070 |
7 | gene | 105.90157 | 106.09334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5313110 | Gm20663 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093378 | MGI:5313110 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20663 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.92434 | 105.92869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011037 | Gm18852 | NCBI_Gene:100417829,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099241 | MGI:5011037 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18852 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.03817 | 106.03920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5521071 | Gm27228 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099276 | MGI:5521071 | pseudogene | predicted gene 27228 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.07573 | 106.08405 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3703149 | Gm8979 | NCBI_Gene:668108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095649 | MGI:3703149 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8979 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.09121 | 106.09247 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5520992 | Gm27149 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098426 | MGI:5520992 | pseudogene | predicted gene 27149 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.12317 | 106.12473 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644465 | Gm8982 | NCBI_Gene:668117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098987 | MGI:3644465 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8982 |
7 | gene | 106.15654 | 106.21534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921808 | Gvin1 | NCBI_Gene:74558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045868 | MGI:1921808 | protein coding gene | GTPase, very large interferon inducible 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.18574 | 106.19010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011038 | Gm18853 | NCBI_Gene:100417831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098934 | MGI:5011038 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18853 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.28645 | 106.28748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5520993 | Gm27150 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098945 | MGI:5520993 | pseudogene | predicted gene 27150 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.32240 | 106.33069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704114 | Gm8989 | NCBI_Gene:668128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095457 | MGI:3704114 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8989 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.41785 | 106.44107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647753 | Gm4759 | NCBI_Gene:209380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053541 | MGI:3647753 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4759 |
7 | gene | 106.42671 | 106.42685 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452149 | Gm22372 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077777 | MGI:5452149 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22372 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.50389 | 106.52920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644223 | Gm8995 | NCBI_Gene:668139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063286 | MGI:3644223 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8995 |
7 | gene | 106.56104 | 106.56793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621950 | Gm39065 | NCBI_Gene:105243024 | MGI:5621950 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39065 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.59555 | 106.64465 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3584360 | Gm1966 | NCBI_Gene:434223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073902 | MGI:3584360 | pseudogene | predicted gene 1966 |
7 | gene | 106.67500 | 106.68058 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030527 | Olfr693 | NCBI_Gene:258445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051680 | MGI:3030527 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 693 |
7 | gene | 106.68498 | 106.69181 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030528 | Olfr694 | NCBI_Gene:258444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064223 | MGI:3030528 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 694 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.68500 | 106.68520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753433 | Gm44857 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109011 | MGI:5753433 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44857 |
7 | gene | 106.71103 | 106.71640 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030529 | Olfr695 | NCBI_Gene:258591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108948 | MGI:3030529 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 695 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.72885 | 106.72982 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030530 | Olfr696-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109365 | MGI:3030530 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 696, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 106.74083 | 106.74244 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030531 | Olfr697 | NCBI_Gene:258592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051591 | MGI:3030531 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 697 |
7 | gene | 106.74989 | 106.75540 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030532 | Olfr698 | NCBI_Gene:258595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059087 | MGI:3030532 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 698 |
7 | gene | 106.78796 | 106.79320 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030533 | Olfr699 | NCBI_Gene:258180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096714 | MGI:3030533 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 699 |
7 | gene | 106.80540 | 106.80883 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030534 | Olfr700 | NCBI_Gene:258593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094493 | MGI:3030534 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 700 |
7 | gene | 106.80993 | 106.81410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914885 | 4930458B22Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109861 | MGI:1914885 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930458B22 gene |
7 | gene | 106.81413 | 106.82147 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030535 | Olfr701 | NCBI_Gene:66786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036744 | MGI:3030535 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 701 |
7 | gene | 106.82349 | 106.83389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030536 | Olfr702 | NCBI_Gene:258590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056863 | MGI:3030536 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 702 |
7 | gene | 106.84336 | 106.84621 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030537 | Olfr703 | NCBI_Gene:258589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073901 | MGI:3030537 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 703 |
7 | gene | 106.86319 | 106.87092 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030538 | Olfr704 | NCBI_Gene:257902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073900 | MGI:3030538 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 704 |
7 | gene | 106.87187 | 106.87689 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030539 | Olfr705 | NCBI_Gene:259034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109058 | MGI:3030539 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 705 |
7 | gene | 106.88259 | 106.88816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030540 | Olfr706 | NCBI_Gene:258350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109354 | MGI:3030540 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 706 |
7 | gene | 106.89045 | 106.90124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030541 | Olfr707 | NCBI_Gene:194433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069390 | MGI:3030541 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 707 |
7 | gene | 106.90800 | 106.91626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031366 | Olfr1532-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073899 | MGI:3031366 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1532, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.92287 | 106.93222 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030543 | Olfr709-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062553 | MGI:3030543 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 709, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 106.94391 | 106.94831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030544 | Olfr710 | NCBI_Gene:258594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045581 | MGI:3030544 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 710 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.95223 | 106.95267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753158 | Gm44582 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108933 | MGI:5753158 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44582 |
7 | gene | 106.95325 | 106.96394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104713 | Olfr6 | NCBI_Gene:233670,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036647 | MGI:104713 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 6 |
7 | gene | 106.96969 | 106.97545 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030545 | Olfr711 | NCBI_Gene:259037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045013 | MGI:3030545 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 711 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.98832 | 106.98967 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030546 | Olfr712-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109246 | MGI:3030546 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 712, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 106.99540 | 107.00607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97432 | Olfr2 | NCBI_Gene:18317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070417 | MGI:97432 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 2 |
7 | gene | 107.03117 | 107.04099 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030547 | Olfr713 | NCBI_Gene:259036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073898 | MGI:3030547 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 713 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.06867 | 107.06989 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010176 | Gm17991 | NCBI_Gene:100416236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108862 | MGI:5010176 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17991 |
7 | gene | 107.07098 | 107.07780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030548 | Olfr714 | NCBI_Gene:259035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049674 | MGI:3030548 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 714 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.07526 | 107.07564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753599 | Gm45023 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109391 | MGI:5753599 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45023 |
7 | gene | 107.09322 | 107.09981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109148 | Olfr17 | NCBI_Gene:18314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073897 | MGI:109148 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 17 |
7 | gene | 107.10375 | 107.11037 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647188 | Olfr715b | NCBI_Gene:384732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062987 | MGI:3647188 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 715B |
7 | gene | 107.11339 | 107.12782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804983 | Gm45868 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110209 | MGI:5804983 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45868 |
7 | gene | 107.12527 | 107.13108 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030549 | Olfr715 | NCBI_Gene:258776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060503 | MGI:3030549 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 715 |
7 | gene | 107.12743 | 107.19810 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924108 | Nlrp14 | NCBI_Gene:76858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016626 | MGI:1924108 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 14 |
7 | gene | 107.13833 | 107.15058 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030550 | Olfr716 | NCBI_Gene:258597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073896 | MGI:3030550 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 716 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.19873 | 107.20025 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781939 | Gm3765 | NCBI_Gene:100042278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086261 | MGI:3781939 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3765 |
7 | gene | 107.20455 | 107.20587 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918906 | 4930513L20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930513L20 gene |
7 | gene | 107.20945 | 107.21092 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923822 | Rbmxl2 | NCBI_Gene:76572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073894 | MGI:1923822 | protein coding gene | RNA binding motif protein, X-linked-like 2 |
7 | gene | 107.24302 | 107.30040 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645719 | Platr28 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057215 | MGI:3645719 | lncRNA gene | pluripotency associated transcript 28 |
7 | gene | 107.31965 | 107.31976 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454709 | Gm24932 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076951 | MGI:5454709 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24932 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.36577 | 107.36704 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011218 | Gm19033 | NCBI_Gene:100418145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109078 | MGI:5011218 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19033 |
7 | gene | 107.37071 | 107.54866 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926373 | Syt9 | NCBI_Gene:60510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062542 | MGI:1926373 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin IX |
7 | gene | 107.51753 | 107.51955 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925052 | A930026C06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930026C06 gene |
7 | gene | 107.56743 | 107.59136 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2679264 | Olfml1 | NCBI_Gene:244198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051041 | MGI:2679264 | protein coding gene | olfactomedin-like 1 |
7 | gene | 107.59295 | 107.59351 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753349 | Gm44773 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109374 | MGI:5753349 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44773 |
7 | gene | 107.59505 | 107.74858 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_894649 | Ppfibp2 | NCBI_Gene:19024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036528 | MGI:894649 | protein coding gene | PTPRF interacting protein, binding protein 2 (liprin beta 2) |
7 | gene | 107.62397 | 107.62516 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923929 | 5330417H12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049740 | MGI:1923929 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5330417H12 gene |
7 | gene | 107.71973 | 107.72440 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918337 | 4933409K08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933409K08 gene |
7 | gene | 107.74845 | 107.75820 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444415 | Cyb5r2 | NCBI_Gene:320635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048065 | MGI:2444415 | protein coding gene | cytochrome b5 reductase 2 |
7 | gene | 107.78091 | 107.78645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753616 | Gm45040 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109402 | MGI:5753616 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45040 |
7 | gene | 107.78154 | 107.80121 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045251 | Ovch2 | NCBI_Gene:244199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048236 | MGI:3045251 | protein coding gene | ovochymase 2 |
7 | gene | 107.81226 | 107.81634 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030301 | Olfr467 | NCBI_Gene:257919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066242 | MGI:3030301 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 467 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.81622 | 107.81708 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030302 | Olfr468-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109192 | MGI:3030302 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 468, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 107.82057 | 107.82554 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030303 | Olfr469 | NCBI_Gene:258418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095910 | MGI:3030303 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 469 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.84051 | 107.84086 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643924 | Gm5002 | NCBI_Gene:257773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108863 | MGI:3643924 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5002 |
7 | gene | 107.84291 | 107.84749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030304 | Olfr470 | NCBI_Gene:258417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109542 | MGI:3030304 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 470 |
7 | gene | 107.84746 | 107.86256 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030305 | Olfr471 | NCBI_Gene:626674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109788 | MGI:3030305 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 471 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.86297 | 107.86398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642344 | Gm10156 | NCBI_Gene:626661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066245 | MGI:3642344 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10156 |
7 | gene | 107.89790 | 107.90776 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030306 | Olfr472 | NCBI_Gene:258770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073893 | MGI:3030306 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 472 |
7 | gene | 107.93045 | 107.93566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030307 | Olfr473 | NCBI_Gene:258771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095212 | MGI:3030307 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 473 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.95134 | 107.95236 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779859 | Gm9449 | NCBI_Gene:669301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108892 | MGI:3779859 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9449 |
7 | gene | 107.95464 | 107.95557 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030308 | Olfr474 | NCBI_Gene:258488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094197 | MGI:3030308 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 474 |
7 | gene | 107.96480 | 107.96951 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030310 | Olfr476 | NCBI_Gene:258926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095301 | MGI:3030310 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 476 |
7 | gene | 107.98669 | 107.99272 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030311 | Olfr477 | NCBI_Gene:258928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096151 | MGI:3030311 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 477 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.01898 | 108.01970 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643910 | Gm6702 | NCBI_Gene:606539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108844 | MGI:3643910 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6702 |
7 | gene | 108.02997 | 108.03399 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030312 | Olfr478 | NCBI_Gene:258729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094426 | MGI:3030312 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 478 |
7 | gene | 108.05069 | 108.05678 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030313 | Olfr479 | NCBI_Gene:257891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043855 | MGI:3030313 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 479 |
7 | gene | 108.06488 | 108.06735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030314 | Olfr480 | NCBI_Gene:56861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063120 | MGI:3030314 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 480 |
7 | gene | 108.07985 | 108.08582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030315 | Olfr481 | NCBI_Gene:258927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054236 | MGI:3030315 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 481 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.08186 | 108.08214 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791211 | Gm45375 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109670 | MGI:5791211 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45375 |
7 | gene | 108.09300 | 108.09759 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030316 | Olfr482 | NCBI_Gene:258728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059031 | MGI:3030316 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 482 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.09321 | 108.09457 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782376 | Gm4199 | NCBI_Gene:100043059 | MGI:3782376 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4199 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.09413 | 108.09449 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753446 | Gm44870 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109484 | MGI:5753446 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44870 |
7 | gene | 108.10085 | 108.10594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030317 | Olfr483 | NCBI_Gene:258730,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078118 | MGI:3030317 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 483 |
7 | gene | 108.12047 | 108.12053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455201 | Gm25424 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088237 | MGI:5455201 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25424 |
7 | gene | 108.12069 | 108.12745 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030318 | Olfr484 | NCBI_Gene:258492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110171 | MGI:3030318 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 484 |
7 | gene | 108.15892 | 108.15987 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030319 | Olfr485 | NCBI_Gene:258041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108995 | MGI:3030319 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 485 |
7 | gene | 108.17180 | 108.17274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030320 | Olfr486 | NCBI_Gene:258489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096068 | MGI:3030320 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 486 |
7 | gene | 108.18460 | 108.18573 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621951 | Gm39066 | NCBI_Gene:105243025 | MGI:5621951 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39066 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.20314 | 108.20379 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011129 | Gm18944 | NCBI_Gene:100418009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108916 | MGI:5011129 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18944 |
7 | gene | 108.20887 | 108.21464 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030321 | Olfr487 | NCBI_Gene:258042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095929 | MGI:3030321 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 487 |
7 | gene | 108.25162 | 108.25835 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030322 | Olfr488 | NCBI_Gene:258727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096465 | MGI:3030322 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 488 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.26953 | 108.27035 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647052 | Gm6007 | NCBI_Gene:546990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109174 | MGI:3647052 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6007 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.27675 | 108.27771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030323 | Olfr489-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109639 | MGI:3030323 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 489, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 108.28589 | 108.28893 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030324 | Olfr490 | NCBI_Gene:258491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109884 | MGI:3030324 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 490 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.30789 | 108.30830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753170 | Gm44594 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109004 | MGI:5753170 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44594 |
7 | gene | 108.31345 | 108.31883 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030325 | Olfr491 | NCBI_Gene:258731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094612 | MGI:3030325 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 491 |
7 | gene | 108.32273 | 108.32367 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030326 | Olfr492 | NCBI_Gene:258490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109497 | MGI:3030326 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 492 |
7 | gene | 108.34604 | 108.34698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030327 | Olfr493 | NCBI_Gene:258307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093980 | MGI:3030327 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 493 |
7 | gene | 108.36534 | 108.36844 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030328 | Olfr494 | NCBI_Gene:258732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109631 | MGI:3030328 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 494 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.38764 | 108.38785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791228 | Gm45392 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109934 | MGI:5791228 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45392 |
7 | gene | 108.39317 | 108.39751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030329 | Olfr495 | NCBI_Gene:258361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110253 | MGI:3030329 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 495 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.41710 | 108.41803 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030330 | Olfr496-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109426 | MGI:3030330 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 496, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 108.42042 | 108.42491 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030331 | Olfr497 | NCBI_Gene:258733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095239 | MGI:3030331 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 497 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.45898 | 108.45933 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753187 | Gm44611 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109081 | MGI:5753187 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44611 |
7 | gene | 108.46533 | 108.46758 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030332 | Olfr498 | NCBI_Gene:258304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096679 | MGI:3030332 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 498 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.47574 | 108.47741 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030333 | Olfr499-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109213 | MGI:3030333 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 499, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.48591 | 108.48686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030334 | Olfr500-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108939 | MGI:3030334 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 500, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.50806 | 108.50900 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030335 | Olfr501-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110204 | MGI:3030335 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 501, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 108.52083 | 108.52506 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030336 | Olfr502 | NCBI_Gene:258734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058014 | MGI:3030336 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 502 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.52740 | 108.52907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645491 | Gm5053 | NCBI_Gene:269980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109250 | MGI:3645491 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5053 |
7 | gene | 108.54453 | 108.54550 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030337 | Olfr503 | NCBI_Gene:259143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060759 | MGI:3030337 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 503 |
7 | gene | 108.56484 | 108.56579 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030338 | Olfr504 | NCBI_Gene:258163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060105 | MGI:3030338 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 504 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.56625 | 108.56683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010595 | Gm18410 | NCBI_Gene:100417127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109306 | MGI:5010595 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18410 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.56685 | 108.56737 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753441 | Gm44865 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108837 | MGI:5753441 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44865 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.57406 | 108.57542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030339 | Olfr505-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108998 | MGI:3030339 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 505, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.57903 | 108.58149 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011312 | Gm19127 | NCBI_Gene:100418299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109471 | MGI:5011312 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19127 |
7 | gene | 108.61079 | 108.61534 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030340 | Olfr506 | NCBI_Gene:258215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058244 | MGI:3030340 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 506 |
7 | gene | 108.62181 | 108.62276 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030341 | Olfr507 | NCBI_Gene:258738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061000 | MGI:3030341 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 507 |
7 | gene | 108.62999 | 108.63163 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030342 | Olfr508 | NCBI_Gene:258769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063764 | MGI:3030342 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 508 |
7 | gene | 108.64434 | 108.65191 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030343 | Olfr509 | NCBI_Gene:258369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049280 | MGI:3030343 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 509 |
7 | gene | 108.66642 | 108.67026 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030344 | Olfr510 | NCBI_Gene:258308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096209 | MGI:3030344 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 510 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.69611 | 108.69652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030345 | Olfr511-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109070 | MGI:3030345 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 511, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 108.71332 | 108.71438 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030346 | Olfr512 | NCBI_Gene:258719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056946 | MGI:3030346 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 512 |
7 | gene | 108.75097 | 108.75680 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030347 | Olfr513 | NCBI_Gene:258718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051200 | MGI:3030347 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 513 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.79500 | 108.79516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753808 | Gm45232 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109207 | MGI:5753808 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45232 |
7 | gene | 108.82506 | 108.82600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030348 | Olfr514 | NCBI_Gene:258721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066241 | MGI:3030348 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 514 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.84324 | 108.84358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030349 | Olfr515-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109406 | MGI:3030349 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 515, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 108.84479 | 108.85053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030350 | Olfr516 | NCBI_Gene:258720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062434 | MGI:3030350 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 516 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.86542 | 108.86650 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010177 | Gm17992 | NCBI_Gene:100416237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109553 | MGI:5010177 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17992 |
7 | gene | 108.86721 | 108.87238 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030351 | Olfr517 | NCBI_Gene:258136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066240 | MGI:3030351 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 517 |
7 | gene | 108.88019 | 108.88501 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030352 | Olfr518 | NCBI_Gene:258303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046431 | MGI:3030352 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 518 |
7 | gene | 108.89346 | 108.89442 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030353 | Olfr519 | NCBI_Gene:277935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066239 | MGI:3030353 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 519 |
7 | gene | 108.92185 | 108.93018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444084 | Nlrp10 | NCBI_Gene:244202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049709 | MGI:2444084 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 10 |
7 | gene | 108.93442 | 108.94295 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913335 | Eif3f | NCBI_Gene:66085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031029 | MGI:1913335 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit F |
7 | gene | 108.95034 | 109.03446 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2651573 | Tub | NCBI_Gene:22141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031028 | MGI:2651573 | protein coding gene | tubby bipartite transcription factor |
7 | gene | 108.95066 | 108.96153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041253 | BC049265 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence BC049265 |
7 | gene | 108.95075 | 108.96153 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477093 | Gm26599 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097220 | MGI:5477093 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26599 |
7 | gene | 108.95416 | 108.95526 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621952 | Gm39067 | NCBI_Gene:105243026 | MGI:5621952 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39067 |
7 | gene | 108.96968 | 108.99208 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591468 | Gm32309 | NCBI_Gene:102634811 | MGI:5591468 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32309 |
7 | gene | 109.03427 | 109.08337 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443887 | Ric3 | NCBI_Gene:320360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048330 | MGI:2443887 | protein coding gene | RIC3 acetylcholine receptor chaperone |
7 | gene | 109.07614 | 109.07624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455227 | Gm25450 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094199 | MGI:5455227 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25450 |
7 | gene | 109.13856 | 109.17534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102812 | Lmo1 | NCBI_Gene:109594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036111 | MGI:102812 | protein coding gene | LIM domain only 1 |
7 | gene | 109.14263 | 109.15256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753357 | Gm44781 | NCBI_Gene:108167455,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109107 | MGI:5753357 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44781 |
7 | gene | 109.20830 | 109.22420 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753600 | Gm45024 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109001 | MGI:5753600 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45024 |
7 | gene | 109.25293 | 109.25699 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591722 | Gm32563 | NCBI_Gene:102635152 | MGI:5591722 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32563 |
7 | gene | 109.27921 | 109.43908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2152419 | Stk33 | NCBI_Gene:117229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031027 | MGI:2152419 | protein coding gene | serine/threonine kinase 33 |
7 | pseudogene | 109.38736 | 109.38889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648833 | Gm9105 | NCBI_Gene:668320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081370 | MGI:3648833 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9105 |
7 | gene | 109.43862 | 109.44490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921543 | 1700095J03Rik | NCBI_Gene:74293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085407 | MGI:1921543 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700095J03 gene |
7 | gene | 109.44900 | 109.51676 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2152406 | Trim66 | NCBI_Gene:330627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031026 | MGI:2152406 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 66 |
7 | gene | 109.49410 | 109.49511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918500 | 4933428C20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933428C20 gene |
7 | gene | 109.51915 | 109.52237 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347076 | Rpl27a | NCBI_Gene:26451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046364 | MGI:1347076 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein L27A |
7 | gene | 109.52012 | 109.52025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819498 | Snora3 | NCBI_Gene:100302499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065016 | MGI:3819498 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 3 |
7 | gene | 109.52125 | 109.52137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096133 | Gm47284 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105232 | MGI:6096133 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 47284 |
7 | gene | 109.52128 | 109.52141 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454665 | Gm24888 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077575 | MGI:5454665 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24888 |
7 | gene | 109.52391 | 109.70362 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108517 | St5 | NCBI_Gene:76954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031024 | MGI:108517 | protein coding gene | suppression of tumorigenicity 5 |
7 | gene | 109.69952 | 109.70361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753440 | Gm44864 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109499 | MGI:5753440 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44864 |
7 | gene | 109.70367 | 109.71219 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041226 | Akip1 | NCBI_Gene:57373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031023 | MGI:3041226 | protein coding gene | A kinase (PRKA) interacting protein 1 |
7 | gene | 109.71218 | 109.72393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928824 | BC051019 | NCBI_Gene:57355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031022 | MGI:1928824 | protein coding gene | cDNA sequence BC051019 |
7 | gene | 109.72746 | 109.73173 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928820 | Ascl3 | NCBI_Gene:56787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035951 | MGI:1928820 | protein coding gene | achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 3 |
7 | gene | 109.73583 | 109.75288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915254 | Tmem9b | NCBI_Gene:56786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031021 | MGI:1915254 | protein coding gene | TMEM9 domain family, member B |
7 | pseudogene | 109.75232 | 109.75528 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921136 | 4930431P19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109147 | MGI:1921136 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 4930431P19 gene |
7 | gene | 109.75805 | 109.78203 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925843 | Nrip3 | NCBI_Gene:78593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034825 | MGI:1925843 | protein coding gene | nuclear receptor interacting protein 3 |
7 | gene | 109.77461 | 109.77472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452599 | Gm22822 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094713 | MGI:5452599 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22822 |
7 | gene | 109.79868 | 109.86568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928765 | Scube2 | NCBI_Gene:56788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007279 | MGI:1928765 | protein coding gene | signal peptide, CUB domain, EGF-like 2 |
7 | gene | 109.84478 | 109.84724 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104521 | Phxr5 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | per-hexamer repeat gene 5 |
7 | gene | 109.89378 | 109.96047 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201681 | Dennd5a | NCBI_Gene:19347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035901 | MGI:1201681 | protein coding gene | DENN/MADD domain containing 5A |
7 | gene | 109.97219 | 109.98693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1289225 | Tmem41b | NCBI_Gene:233724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047554 | MGI:1289225 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 41B |
7 | gene | 109.98808 | 109.98813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454619 | Gm24842 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089306 | MGI:5454619 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24842 |
7 | gene | 109.99838 | 110.15120 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917031 | 1600010M07Rik | NCBI_Gene:69781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101585 | MGI:1917031 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1600010M07 gene |
7 | gene | 110.00358 | 110.00372 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452877 | Gm23100 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065389 | MGI:5452877 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23100 |
7 | gene | 110.01825 | 110.05661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2152414 | Ipo7 | NCBI_Gene:233726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066232 | MGI:2152414 | protein coding gene | importin 7 |
7 | gene | 110.02321 | 110.02334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455413 | Gm25636 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064600 | MGI:5455413 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25636 |
7 | gene | 110.04636 | 110.04655 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819494 | Snora23 | NCBI_Gene:100379145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064451 | MGI:3819494 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 23 |
7 | gene | 110.05799 | 110.06132 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3034216 | AA474408 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073867 | MGI:3034216 | unclassified gene | expressed sequence AA474408 |
7 | gene | 110.06122 | 110.09540 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277969 | Zfp143 | NCBI_Gene:20841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061079 | MGI:1277969 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 143 |
7 | gene | 110.11886 | 110.12002 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107300 | D7Wsu130e | NA | NA | unclassified gene | DNA segment%2c Chr 7%2c Wayne State University 130%2c expressed |
7 | gene | 110.11999 | 110.12174 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804934 | Gm45819 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109904 | MGI:5804934 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45819 |
7 | gene | 110.12198 | 110.14330 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103075 | Wee1 | NCBI_Gene:22390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031016 | MGI:103075 | protein coding gene | WEE 1 homolog 1 (S. pombe) |
7 | gene | 110.22170 | 110.28351 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1298390 | Swap70 | NCBI_Gene:20947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031015 | MGI:1298390 | protein coding gene | SWA-70 protein |
7 | gene | 110.27778 | 110.28153 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791351 | Gm45515 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109799 | MGI:5791351 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45515 |
7 | gene | 110.28550 | 110.28914 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592020 | Gm32861 | NCBI_Gene:102635559 | MGI:5592020 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32861 |
7 | pseudogene | 110.30199 | 110.30796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648395 | Gm9132 | NCBI_Gene:100862242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110102 | MGI:3648395 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9132 |
7 | gene | 110.30801 | 110.61495 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921831 | Sbf2 | NCBI_Gene:319934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038371 | MGI:1921831 | protein coding gene | SET binding factor 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 110.42504 | 110.42560 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647641 | Gm9064 | NCBI_Gene:668246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091117 | MGI:3647641 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9064 |
7 | pseudogene | 110.51739 | 110.52721 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3809877 | Gm10087 | NCBI_Gene:102633269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060777 | MGI:3809877 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10087 |
7 | pseudogene | 110.52207 | 110.52266 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4938046 | Gm17219 | NCBI_Gene:100417540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090855 | MGI:4938046 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17219 |
7 | gene | 110.59895 | 110.60292 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825664 | Gm46027 | NCBI_Gene:108167513 | MGI:5825664 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46027 |
7 | gene | 110.62628 | 110.63936 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579569 | Gm28863 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099803 | MGI:5579569 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28863 |
7 | gene | 110.62766 | 110.62982 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108058 | Adm | NCBI_Gene:11535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030790 | MGI:108058 | protein coding gene | adrenomedullin |
7 | gene | 110.69016 | 110.69973 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434478 | Gm21123 | NCBI_Gene:100861673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109700 | MGI:5434478 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 21123 |
7 | pseudogene | 110.71204 | 110.71349 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011092 | Gm18907 | NCBI_Gene:100417932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109749 | MGI:5011092 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18907 |
7 | gene | 110.73966 | 110.74350 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621953 | Gm39068 | NCBI_Gene:105243027 | MGI:5621953 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39068 |
7 | gene | 110.76577 | 110.76959 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588258 | B430319F04Rik | NCBI_Gene:619306,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110062 | MGI:3588258 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B430319F04 gene |
7 | gene | 110.76793 | 110.81241 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096344 | Ampd3 | NCBI_Gene:11717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005686 | MGI:1096344 | protein coding gene | adenosine monophosphate deaminase 3 |
7 | gene | 110.77927 | 110.78280 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621954 | Gm39069 | NCBI_Gene:105243028 | MGI:5621954 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39069 |
7 | gene | 110.79947 | 110.84446 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914400 | Rnf141 | NCBI_Gene:67150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030788 | MGI:1914400 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 141 |
7 | gene | 110.80248 | 110.80259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096129 | Gm47282 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106468 | MGI:6096129 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 47282 |
7 | gene | 110.85061 | 110.86324 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2136348 | Lyve1 | NCBI_Gene:114332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030787 | MGI:2136348 | protein coding gene | lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1 |
7 | gene | 110.86826 | 110.98291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338023 | Mrvi1 | NCBI_Gene:17540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005611 | MGI:1338023 | protein coding gene | MRV integration site 1 |
7 | gene | 110.90498 | 110.90585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3840146 | Gm16336 | NCBI_Gene:100504184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087160 | MGI:3840146 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16336 |
7 | gene | 111.02895 | 111.05638 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109345 | Ctr9 | NCBI_Gene:22083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005609 | MGI:109345 | protein coding gene | CTR9 homolog, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component |
7 | gene | 111.06775 | 111.08303 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109207 | Eif4g2 | NCBI_Gene:13690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005610 | MGI:109207 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4, gamma 2 |
7 | gene | 111.07606 | 111.07623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453039 | Gm23262 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088948 | MGI:5453039 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23262 |
7 | gene | 111.08306 | 111.12268 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922729 | 1700012D14Rik | NCBI_Gene:75479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110424 | MGI:1922729 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700012D14 gene |
7 | gene | 111.09011 | 111.09282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791214 | Gm45378 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110326 | MGI:5791214 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45378 |
7 | gene | 111.21037 | 111.22100 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592257 | Gm33098 | NCBI_Gene:102635869 | MGI:5592257 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33098 |
7 | gene | 111.28291 | 111.28568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592304 | Gm33145 | NCBI_Gene:102635934 | MGI:5592304 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33145 |
7 | gene | 111.36630 | 111.39561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918577 | 5430402P08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109808 | MGI:1918577 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430402P08 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 111.38669 | 111.38733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644750 | Gm5338 | NCBI_Gene:384658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109867 | MGI:3644750 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5338 |
7 | gene | 111.47166 | 111.78007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446239 | Galnt18 | NCBI_Gene:233733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038296 | MGI:2446239 | protein coding gene | polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 18 |
7 | gene | 111.79292 | 111.79301 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455564 | Gm25787 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077902 | MGI:5455564 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25787 |
7 | pseudogene | 111.85793 | 111.85855 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791424 | Gm45588 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110065 | MGI:5791424 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45588 |
7 | gene | 111.94718 | 111.94733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453122 | Gm23345 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065751 | MGI:5453122 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23345 |
7 | gene | 112.00978 | 112.01247 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592363 | Gm33204 | NCBI_Gene:102636009 | MGI:5592363 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33204 |
7 | gene | 112.02195 | 112.02349 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782134 | Gm3960 | NCBI_Gene:100042678 | MGI:3782134 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 3960 |
7 | gene | 112.02348 | 112.11166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922246 | Usp47 | NCBI_Gene:74996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059263 | MGI:1922246 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 47 |
7 | gene | 112.11602 | 112.15912 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354952 | Dkk3 | NCBI_Gene:50781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030772 | MGI:1354952 | protein coding gene | dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 3 |
7 | gene | 112.18683 | 112.18785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621956 | Gm39071 | NCBI_Gene:105243030 | MGI:5621956 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39071 |
7 | gene | 112.19956 | 112.20399 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621955 | Gm39070 | NCBI_Gene:105243029 | MGI:5621955 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39070 |
7 | gene | 112.21694 | 112.21783 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592406 | Gm33247 | NCBI_Gene:102636075 | MGI:5592406 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33247 |
7 | gene | 112.22584 | 112.41311 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444947 | Mical2 | NCBI_Gene:320878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038244 | MGI:2444947 | protein coding gene | microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 112.36831 | 112.41310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918127 | Micalcl | NCBI_Gene:100504195 | MGI:1918127 | protein coding gene | MICAL C-terminal like |
7 | gene | 112.42750 | 112.59169 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1931144 | Parva | NCBI_Gene:57342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030770 | MGI:1931144 | protein coding gene | parvin, alpha |
7 | gene | 112.45957 | 112.46591 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825635 | Gm45998 | NCBI_Gene:108167456 | MGI:5825635 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45998 |
7 | gene | 112.52663 | 112.53631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2445046 | Parvaos | NCBI_Gene:102636183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085049 | MGI:2445046 | antisense lncRNA gene | parvin, alpha, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 112.59653 | 112.68008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916875 | 2310014F06Rik | NCBI_Gene:69625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085945 | MGI:1916875 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310014F06 gene |
7 | gene | 112.61810 | 112.61822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453931 | Gm24154 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093002 | MGI:5453931 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24154 |
7 | pseudogene | 112.65278 | 112.65340 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791309 | Gm45473 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109611 | MGI:5791309 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45473 |
7 | gene | 112.66846 | 112.67226 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623336 | Gm40451 | NCBI_Gene:105244929 | MGI:5623336 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40451 |
7 | gene | 112.67932 | 112.90681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101876 | Tead1 | NCBI_Gene:21676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055320 | MGI:101876 | protein coding gene | TEA domain family member 1 |
7 | gene | 112.71395 | 112.71408 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5690854 | Gm44462 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106046 | MGI:5690854 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 44462 |
7 | gene | 112.95396 | 112.95746 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925998 | Rassf10 | NCBI_Gene:78748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098132 | MGI:1925998 | protein coding gene | Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family (N-terminal) member 10 |
7 | pseudogene | 112.97205 | 112.97290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644531 | Gm5599 | NCBI_Gene:434227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110109 | MGI:3644531 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5599 |
7 | gene | 112.98336 | 113.01089 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592745 | Gm33586 | NCBI_Gene:102636550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110207 | MGI:5592745 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33586 |
7 | gene | 112.99429 | 113.00498 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592686 | Gm33527 | NCBI_Gene:102636470 | MGI:5592686 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33527 |
7 | gene | 113.04890 | 113.05077 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623337 | Gm40452 | NCBI_Gene:105244930 | MGI:5623337 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40452 |
7 | gene | 113.10017 | 113.14202 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922489 | 4930543E12Rik | NCBI_Gene:75239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110009 | MGI:1922489 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930543E12 gene |
7 | gene | 113.11970 | 113.11981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453439 | Gm23662 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088671 | MGI:5453439 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 23662 |
7 | gene | 113.15160 | 113.15762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592818 | Gm33659 | NCBI_Gene:102636654 | MGI:5592818 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33659 |
7 | gene | 113.17847 | 113.31413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096381 | Arntl | NCBI_Gene:11865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055116 | MGI:1096381 | protein coding gene | aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like |
7 | gene | 113.24359 | 113.26290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592880 | Gm33721 | NCBI_Gene:102636729 | MGI:5592880 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33721 |
7 | gene | 113.29294 | 113.29534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791191 | Gm45355 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109959 | MGI:5791191 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45355 |
7 | gene | 113.31563 | 113.37111 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916065 | Btbd10 | NCBI_Gene:68815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038187 | MGI:1916065 | protein coding gene | BTB (POZ) domain containing 10 |
7 | pseudogene | 113.32426 | 113.32466 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801929 | Gm15994 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082183 | MGI:3801929 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15994 |
7 | gene | 113.38558 | 113.38867 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97799 | Pth | NCBI_Gene:19226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059077 | MGI:97799 | protein coding gene | parathyroid hormone |
7 | pseudogene | 113.42037 | 113.42109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791450 | Gm45614 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110262 | MGI:5791450 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45614 |
7 | pseudogene | 113.44834 | 113.44892 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010965 | Gm18780 | NCBI_Gene:100417718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109779 | MGI:5010965 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18780 |
7 | gene | 113.51383 | 113.57151 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914670 | Far1 | NCBI_Gene:67420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030759 | MGI:1914670 | protein coding gene | fatty acyl CoA reductase 1 |
7 | gene | 113.53049 | 113.56499 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916545 | Far1os | NCBI_Gene:69295,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084984 | MGI:1916545 | antisense lncRNA gene | fatty acyl CoA reductase 1, opposite strand |
7 | pseudogene | 113.59277 | 113.59382 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592987 | Gm33828 | NCBI_Gene:102636878 | MGI:5592987 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33828 |
7 | pseudogene | 113.59286 | 113.59302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791448 | Gm45612 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109968 | MGI:5791448 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45612 |
7 | gene | 113.66692 | 113.66702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453477 | Gm23700 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089467 | MGI:5453477 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23700 |
7 | gene | 113.66963 | 113.68466 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621957 | Gm39072 | NCBI_Gene:105243031 | MGI:5621957 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39072 |
7 | gene | 113.70089 | 113.71100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645703 | Gm5600 | NCBI_Gene:108167501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073862 | MGI:3645703 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 5600 |
7 | gene | 113.72965 | 113.75217 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580213 | Gm29507 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101755 | MGI:5580213 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29507 |
7 | gene | 113.76600 | 114.04337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385287 | Spon1 | NCBI_Gene:233744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038156 | MGI:2385287 | protein coding gene | spondin 1, (f-spondin) extracellular matrix protein |
7 | gene | 114.04678 | 114.11778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914172 | Rras2 | NCBI_Gene:66922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055723 | MGI:1914172 | protein coding gene | related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene 2 |
7 | gene | 114.08690 | 114.08836 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791451 | Gm45615 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110248 | MGI:5791451 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45615 |
7 | pseudogene | 114.20863 | 114.20909 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791290 | Gm45454 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110407 | MGI:5791290 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45454 |
7 | gene | 114.21556 | 114.25471 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917599 | Copb1 | NCBI_Gene:70349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030754 | MGI:1917599 | protein coding gene | coatomer protein complex, subunit beta 1 |
7 | gene | 114.26455 | 114.27612 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347005 | Psma1 | NCBI_Gene:26440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030751 | MGI:1347005 | protein coding gene | proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type 1 |
7 | gene | 114.31548 | 114.41516 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918295 | 4933406I18Rik | NCBI_Gene:71045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087475 | MGI:1918295 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933406I18 gene |
7 | gene | 114.36434 | 114.36522 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925198 | A930016I07Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930016I07 gene |
7 | gene | 114.41189 | 114.53925 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333863 | Pde3b | NCBI_Gene:18576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030671 | MGI:1333863 | protein coding gene | phosphodiesterase 3B, cGMP-inhibited |
7 | gene | 114.46405 | 114.46589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593333 | Gm34174 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene%2c 34174 |
7 | gene | 114.54968 | 114.56562 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2449771 | Cyp2r1 | NCBI_Gene:244209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030670 | MGI:2449771 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily r, polypeptide 1 |
7 | gene | 114.62590 | 114.63646 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2151253 | Calca | NCBI_Gene:12310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030669 | MGI:2151253 | protein coding gene | calcitonin/calcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha |
7 | pseudogene | 114.69850 | 114.69965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010784 | Gm18599 | NCBI_Gene:100417415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108349 | MGI:5010784 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18599 |
7 | pseudogene | 114.70522 | 114.70624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782947 | Gm15500 | NCBI_Gene:100043295,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086583 | MGI:3782947 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 15500 |
7 | gene | 114.71655 | 114.72337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2151254 | Calcb | NCBI_Gene:116903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030666 | MGI:2151254 | protein coding gene | calcitonin-related polypeptide, beta |
7 | gene | 114.74368 | 114.85038 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917942 | Insc | NCBI_Gene:233752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048782 | MGI:1917942 | protein coding gene | INSC spindle orientation adaptor protein |
7 | gene | 114.83238 | 114.83251 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454759 | Gm24982 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077644 | MGI:5454759 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24982 |
7 | gene | 114.85134 | 114.85457 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753593 | Gm45017 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108683 | MGI:5753593 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45017 |
7 | pseudogene | 114.92685 | 114.92778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648347 | Rps4l-ps | NCBI_Gene:627967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046411 | MGI:3648347 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S4-like, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 114.93654 | 114.93686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452446 | Gm22669 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089348 | MGI:5452446 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22669 |
7 | gene | 114.94212 | 114.94850 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753596 | Gm45020 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108419 | MGI:5753596 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45020 |
7 | gene | 114.94865 | 114.98397 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142163 | A730082K24Rik | NCBI_Gene:101786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108379 | MGI:2142163 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A730082K24 gene |
7 | gene | 115.01477 | 115.06682 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593384 | Gm34225 | NCBI_Gene:102637410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108722 | MGI:5593384 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34225 |
7 | gene | 115.13243 | 115.17120 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593441 | Gm34282 | NCBI_Gene:102637487 | MGI:5593441 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34282 |
7 | pseudogene | 115.17199 | 115.17269 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644393 | Rpl19-ps10 | NCBI_Gene:668472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108401 | MGI:3644393 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L19, pseudogene 10 |
7 | gene | 115.17227 | 115.17235 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531066 | Gm27684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099211 | MGI:5531066 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27684 |
7 | gene | 115.39218 | 115.39830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825636 | Gm45999 | NCBI_Gene:108167457 | MGI:5825636 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45999 |
7 | gene | 115.47087 | 116.04114 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98368 | Sox6 | NCBI_Gene:20679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051910 | MGI:98368 | protein coding gene | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6 |
7 | gene | 115.99527 | 116.01414 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753601 | Gm45025 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108489 | MGI:5753601 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45025 |
7 | gene | 116.03175 | 116.03255 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915719 | Sox6os | NCBI_Gene:68469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030664 | MGI:1915719 | antisense lncRNA gene | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 116.03940 | 116.10521 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929274 | 1110004F10Rik | NCBI_Gene:56372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030663 | MGI:1929274 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110004F10 gene |
7 | gene | 116.08176 | 116.09316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916600 | 1700003G18Rik | NCBI_Gene:69350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087621 | MGI:1916600 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700003G18 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 116.08286 | 116.08463 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782538 | Gm4353 | NCBI_Gene:100043313,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091900 | MGI:3782538 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4353 |
7 | gene | 116.12349 | 116.30838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2445094 | Plekha7 | NCBI_Gene:233765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045659 | MGI:2445094 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A member 7 |
7 | gene | 116.28150 | 116.29148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753443 | Gm44867 | NCBI_Gene:108167458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108650 | MGI:5753443 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44867 |
7 | gene | 116.33151 | 116.33419 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915302 | Rps13 | NCBI_Gene:68052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090862 | MGI:1915302 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S13 |
7 | gene | 116.33317 | 116.33326 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3851608 | Snord14a | NCBI_Gene:100302592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064741 | MGI:3851608 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 14A |
7 | gene | 116.33424 | 116.34818 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641651 | Gm10589 | NCBI_Gene:102637815 | MGI:3641651 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10589 |
7 | gene | 116.33425 | 116.33863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753353 | Gm44777 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108738 | MGI:5753353 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44777 |
7 | gene | 116.33727 | 116.44360 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1203729 | Pik3c2a | NCBI_Gene:18704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030660 | MGI:1203729 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 2 alpha |
7 | gene | 116.39655 | 116.39972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753609 | Gm45033 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108500 | MGI:5753609 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45033 |
7 | gene | 116.40985 | 116.41080 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924901 | C430039J01Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108359 | MGI:1924901 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C430039J01 gene |
7 | gene | 116.43478 | 116.43693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623338 | Gm40453 | NCBI_Gene:105244931 | MGI:5623338 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 40453 |
7 | gene | 116.44357 | 116.44432 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142184 | AV356131 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108461 | MGI:2142184 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence AV356131 |
7 | pseudogene | 116.49194 | 116.49241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591835 | Gm32676 | NCBI_Gene:102635299 | MGI:5591835 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 32676 |
7 | pseudogene | 116.49212 | 116.49240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753607 | Gm45031 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108566 | MGI:5753607 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45031 |
7 | gene | 116.50435 | 116.54059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858179 | Nucb2 | NCBI_Gene:53322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030659 | MGI:1858179 | protein coding gene | nucleobindin 2 |
7 | gene | 116.54366 | 116.54575 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753727 | Gm45151 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108736 | MGI:5753727 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45151 |
7 | gene | 116.54686 | 116.54936 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442534 | 4732496C06Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108456 | MGI:2442534 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4732496C06 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 116.59805 | 116.59850 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647588 | Gm9197 | NCBI_Gene:668485 | MGI:3647588 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9197 |
7 | gene | 116.62512 | 116.62524 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422020 | n-R5s157 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084492 | MGI:4422020 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 157 |
7 | gene | 116.65788 | 116.66516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825655 | Gm46018 | NCBI_Gene:108167502 | MGI:5825655 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46018 |
7 | gene | 116.69138 | 116.69149 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455200 | Gm25423 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088234 | MGI:5455200 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25423 |
7 | gene | 116.71768 | 116.72613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621959 | Gm39074 | NCBI_Gene:105243037 | MGI:5621959 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39074 |
7 | gene | 116.72628 | 116.73231 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825585 | Gm45948 | NCBI_Gene:108167337 | MGI:5825585 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45948 |
7 | pseudogene | 116.80362 | 116.80450 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647051 | Gm6008 | NCBI_Gene:546993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108740 | MGI:3647051 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6008 |
7 | pseudogene | 116.82443 | 116.82585 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782551 | Gm4366 | NCBI_Gene:100043330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107383 | MGI:3782551 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4366 |
7 | gene | 116.95259 | 116.95270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455831 | Gm26054 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064971 | MGI:5455831 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26054 |
7 | gene | 117.22862 | 117.32367 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621960 | Gm39075 | NCBI_Gene:105243038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108303 | MGI:5621960 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39075 |
7 | gene | 117.38098 | 117.67358 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2451073 | Xylt1 | NCBI_Gene:233781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030657 | MGI:2451073 | protein coding gene | xylosyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 117.38186 | 117.38376 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753729 | Gm45153 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108693 | MGI:5753729 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45153 |
7 | gene | 117.71938 | 117.75920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593921 | Gm34762 | NCBI_Gene:102638124 | MGI:5593921 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34762 |
7 | gene | 117.77679 | 117.77690 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453840 | Gm24063 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088116 | MGI:5453840 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24063 |
7 | gene | 117.84994 | 117.85134 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593981 | Gm34822 | NCBI_Gene:102638205 | MGI:5593981 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34822 |
7 | gene | 118.05056 | 118.05984 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594037 | Gm34878 | NCBI_Gene:102638277 | MGI:5594037 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34878 |
7 | gene | 118.10437 | 118.11619 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2389091 | Rps15a | NCBI_Gene:267019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008683 | MGI:2389091 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S15A |
7 | gene | 118.11889 | 118.12966 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858943 | Arl6ip1 | NCBI_Gene:54208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030654 | MGI:1858943 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 1 |
7 | gene | 118.13131 | 118.24367 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919742 | Smg1 | NCBI_Gene:233789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030655 | MGI:1919742 | protein coding gene | SMG1 homolog, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinase (C. elegans) |
7 | gene | 118.15348 | 118.15361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455460 | Gm25683 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065874 | MGI:5455460 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25683 |
7 | gene | 118.18096 | 118.18237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623339 | Gm40454 | NCBI_Gene:105244932 | MGI:5623339 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40454 |
7 | gene | 118.22940 | 118.23136 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753660 | Gm45084 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109045 | MGI:5753660 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45084 |
7 | gene | 118.24386 | 118.24555 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914995 | 4930583K01Rik | NCBI_Gene:67745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055159 | MGI:1914995 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930583K01 gene |
7 | gene | 118.25948 | 118.28042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594158 | Gm34999 | NCBI_Gene:102638428 | MGI:5594158 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34999 |
7 | gene | 118.27329 | 118.27536 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753731 | Gm45155 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108980 | MGI:5753731 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45155 |
7 | gene | 118.27986 | 118.27997 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453006 | Gm23229 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087922 | MGI:5453006 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23229 |
7 | gene | 118.32310 | 118.32865 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594242 | Gm35083 | NCBI_Gene:102638546 | MGI:5594242 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 35083 |
7 | gene | 118.32923 | 118.33260 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594468 | Gm35309 | NCBI_Gene:102638841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108856 | MGI:5594468 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35309 |
7 | gene | 118.35817 | 118.37007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591925 | Gm32766 | NCBI_Gene:102635420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118412 | MGI:5591925 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 32766 |
7 | gene | 118.38071 | 118.44891 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104966 | Syt17 | NCBI_Gene:110058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058420 | MGI:104966 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin XVII |
7 | gene | 118.48050 | 118.48335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753228 | Gm44652 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109167 | MGI:5753228 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44652 |
7 | gene | 118.48511 | 118.49197 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442416 | Itpripl2 | NCBI_Gene:319622,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095115 | MGI:2442416 | protein coding gene | inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor interacting protein-like 2 |
7 | gene | 118.50966 | 118.53336 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107207 | Coq7 | NCBI_Gene:12850,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030652 | MGI:107207 | protein coding gene | demethyl-Q 7 |
7 | gene | 118.53584 | 118.58479 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443317 | Tmc7 | NCBI_Gene:209760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042246 | MGI:2443317 | protein coding gene | transmembrane channel-like gene family 7 |
7 | gene | 118.59185 | 118.59684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686541 | B230311B06Rik | NCBI_Gene:381914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109284 | MGI:2686541 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230311B06 gene |
7 | gene | 118.59730 | 118.67509 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921674 | Tmc5 | NCBI_Gene:74424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030650 | MGI:1921674 | protein coding gene | transmembrane channel-like gene family 5 |
7 | gene | 118.68855 | 118.68877 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753812 | Gm45236 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109357 | MGI:5753812 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45236 |
7 | gene | 118.68855 | 118.70578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891827 | Gde1 | NCBI_Gene:56209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033917 | MGI:1891827 | protein coding gene | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase 1 |
7 | gene | 118.71251 | 118.73702 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141942 | Ccp110 | NCBI_Gene:101565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033904 | MGI:2141942 | protein coding gene | centriolar coiled coil protein 110 |
7 | gene | 118.74020 | 118.84297 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918767 | Vps35l | NCBI_Gene:71517,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030982 | MGI:1918767 | protein coding gene | VPS35 endosomal protein sorting factor like |
7 | gene | 118.74045 | 118.74118 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916677 | 1700016B15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108979 | MGI:1916677 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700016B15 gene |
7 | gene | 118.76802 | 118.76859 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753125 | Gm44549 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109303 | MGI:5753125 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44549 |
7 | gene | 118.78514 | 118.78720 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753126 | Gm44550 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109379 | MGI:5753126 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44550 |
7 | gene | 118.83257 | 118.83268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455924 | Gm26147 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077667 | MGI:5455924 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26147 |
7 | gene | 118.84222 | 118.85625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913606 | Knop1 | NCBI_Gene:66356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030980 | MGI:1913606 | protein coding gene | lysine rich nucleolar protein 1 |
7 | gene | 118.85575 | 118.97265 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3612188 | Iqck | NCBI_Gene:434232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073856 | MGI:3612188 | protein coding gene | IQ motif containing K |
7 | gene | 118.96767 | 118.96969 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753339 | Gm44763 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109517 | MGI:5753339 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44763 |
7 | gene | 118.97204 | 118.99521 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927596 | Gprc5b | NCBI_Gene:64297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008734 | MGI:1927596 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B |
7 | gene | 118.98504 | 118.98860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621961 | Gm39076 | NCBI_Gene:105243040 | MGI:5621961 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39076 |
7 | gene | 119.14075 | 119.18460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685341 | Gpr139 | NCBI_Gene:209776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066197 | MGI:2685341 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 139 |
7 | pseudogene | 119.30125 | 119.30171 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782258 | Gm4083 | NCBI_Gene:100042871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108921 | MGI:3782258 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4083 |
7 | gene | 119.30612 | 119.30625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453098 | Gm23321 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077653 | MGI:5453098 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23321 |
7 | gene | 119.44254 | 119.45928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914383 | Gp2 | NCBI_Gene:67133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030954 | MGI:1914383 | protein coding gene | glycoprotein 2 (zymogen granule membrane) |
7 | gene | 119.46271 | 119.47928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102674 | Umod | NCBI_Gene:22242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030963 | MGI:102674 | protein coding gene | uromodulin |
7 | gene | 119.46282 | 119.47248 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753164 | Gm44588 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109254 | MGI:5753164 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44588 |
7 | gene | 119.48659 | 119.52862 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919080 | Pdilt | NCBI_Gene:71830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030968 | MGI:1919080 | protein coding gene | protein disulfide isomerase-like, testis expressed |
7 | gene | 119.49868 | 119.50128 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610746 | Gm37518 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103258 | MGI:5610746 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37518 |
7 | gene | 119.51200 | 119.51430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504082 | Gm26967 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098014 | MGI:5504082 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26967 |
7 | gene | 119.51946 | 119.54555 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444086 | Acsm5 | NCBI_Gene:272428,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030972 | MGI:2444086 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 5 |
7 | gene | 119.55434 | 119.60069 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385289 | Acsm2 | NCBI_Gene:233799,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030945 | MGI:2385289 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 2 |
7 | gene | 119.60084 | 119.60483 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621963 | Gm39078 | NCBI_Gene:105243042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109478 | MGI:5621963 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39078 |
7 | gene | 119.60703 | 119.66251 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2152200 | Acsm1 | NCBI_Gene:117147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033533 | MGI:2152200 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 1 |
7 | gene | 119.60768 | 119.64347 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012135 | Gm19950 | NCBI_Gene:100503901,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109093 | MGI:5012135 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19950 |
7 | gene | 119.61069 | 119.62044 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621964 | Gm39079 | NCBI_Gene:105243043 | MGI:5621964 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39079 |
7 | gene | 119.62652 | 119.63106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804907 | Gm45792 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108884 | MGI:5804907 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45792 |
7 | gene | 119.69003 | 119.71457 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681844 | Acsm4 | NCBI_Gene:233801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047026 | MGI:2681844 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 4 |
7 | gene | 119.71509 | 119.72361 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444479 | Thumpd1 | NCBI_Gene:233802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030942 | MGI:2444479 | protein coding gene | THUMP domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 119.72081 | 119.73576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753442 | Gm44866 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109233 | MGI:5753442 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44866 |
7 | gene | 119.73080 | 119.73943 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621965 | Gm39080 | NCBI_Gene:105243044 | MGI:5621965 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39080 |
7 | pseudogene | 119.73989 | 119.74224 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647492 | Ppp1ccb | NCBI_Gene:434233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100153 | MGI:3647492 | pseudogene | protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit gamma B |
7 | pseudogene | 119.74280 | 119.74541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012148 | Gm19963 | NCBI_Gene:100503918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109404 | MGI:5012148 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19963 |
7 | pseudogene | 119.75268 | 119.75283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753542 | Gm44966 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108915 | MGI:5753542 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44966 |
7 | gene | 119.76088 | 119.78751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99538 | Acsm3 | NCBI_Gene:20216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030935 | MGI:99538 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 3 |
7 | gene | 119.76868 | 119.79406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918401 | Eri2 | NCBI_Gene:71151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030929 | MGI:1918401 | protein coding gene | exoribonuclease 2 |
7 | gene | 119.79401 | 119.88270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919402 | Rexo5 | NCBI_Gene:434234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030924 | MGI:1919402 | protein coding gene | RNA exonuclease 5 |
7 | gene | 119.85280 | 119.89630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2679003 | Dcun1d3 | NCBI_Gene:233805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048787 | MGI:2679003 | protein coding gene | DCN1, defective in cullin neddylation 1, domain containing 3 (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 119.89580 | 119.95696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921169 | Lyrm1 | NCBI_Gene:73919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030922 | MGI:1921169 | protein coding gene | LYR motif containing 1 |
7 | gene | 119.89669 | 119.89837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922137 | 4930456J16Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930456J16 gene |
7 | gene | 119.92267 | 120.09568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2683040 | Dnah3 | NCBI_Gene:381917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052273 | MGI:2683040 | protein coding gene | dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 3 |
7 | gene | 119.96634 | 119.99475 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623340 | Gm40455 | NCBI_Gene:105244933 | MGI:5623340 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40455 |
7 | gene | 119.96982 | 119.96992 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454994 | Gm25217 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088172 | MGI:5454994 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25217 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.06448 | 120.06503 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010171 | Gm17986 | NCBI_Gene:100416230 | MGI:5010171 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17986 |
7 | gene | 120.10161 | 120.10321 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923088 | 4930560O18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109445 | MGI:1923088 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930560O18 gene |
7 | gene | 120.10235 | 120.12099 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925752 | Tmem159 | NCBI_Gene:233806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030917 | MGI:1925752 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 159 |
7 | gene | 120.12677 | 120.14541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99214 | Zp2 | NCBI_Gene:22787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030911 | MGI:99214 | protein coding gene | zona pellucida glycoprotein 2 |
7 | gene | 120.15611 | 120.16600 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922323 | 4930505K13Rik | NCBI_Gene:75073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109414 | MGI:1922323 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930505K13 gene |
7 | gene | 120.17386 | 120.18559 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919324 | Anks4b | NCBI_Gene:72074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030909 | MGI:1919324 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 4B |
7 | gene | 120.18638 | 120.20211 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102675 | Crym | NCBI_Gene:12971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030905 | MGI:102675 | protein coding gene | crystallin, mu |
7 | gene | 120.20389 | 120.32535 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2388708 | Abca14 | NCBI_Gene:67928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062017 | MGI:2388708 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 14 |
7 | gene | 120.32849 | 120.40769 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2388709 | Abca15 | NCBI_Gene:320631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054746 | MGI:2388709 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 15 |
7 | gene | 120.40965 | 120.54489 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2388711 | Abca16 | NCBI_Gene:233810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051900 | MGI:2388711 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 16 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.50466 | 120.51377 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647914 | Gm9165 | NCBI_Gene:668429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109326 | MGI:3647914 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9165 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.55316 | 120.55700 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644715 | Gm16475 | NCBI_Gene:546994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109578 | MGI:3644715 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 16475 |
7 | gene | 120.57936 | 120.58259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825656 | Gm46019 | NCBI_Gene:108167503 | MGI:5825656 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46019 |
7 | gene | 120.58260 | 120.58982 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825657 | Gm46020 | NCBI_Gene:108167504 | MGI:5825657 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46020 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.58796 | 120.58842 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782281 | Gm4105 | NCBI_Gene:100042914 | MGI:3782281 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4105 |
7 | gene | 120.59077 | 120.62977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592075 | Gm32916 | NCBI_Gene:102635628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109113 | MGI:5592075 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32916 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.59762 | 120.59847 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925802 | E130201H02Rik | NCBI_Gene:78552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044141 | MGI:1925802 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA E130201H02 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 120.62424 | 120.62457 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779699 | Gm7226 | NCBI_Gene:102640172 | MGI:3779699 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7226 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.62425 | 120.62441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753689 | Gm45113 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108911 | MGI:5753689 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45113 |
7 | gene | 120.62976 | 120.63489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753688 | Gm45112 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109304 | MGI:5753688 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45112 |
7 | gene | 120.63518 | 120.65952 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914253 | Uqcrc2 | NCBI_Gene:67003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030884 | MGI:1914253 | protein coding gene | ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase core protein 2 |
7 | gene | 120.65873 | 120.67756 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915233 | Pdzd9 | NCBI_Gene:67983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030887 | MGI:1915233 | protein coding gene | PDZ domain containing 9 |
7 | gene | 120.67030 | 120.67590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923170 | 4930588G17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108935 | MGI:1923170 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930588G17 gene |
7 | gene | 120.67344 | 120.67757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918818 | 9030407P20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097343 | MGI:1918818 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9030407P20 gene |
7 | gene | 120.67762 | 120.73485 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446240 | Mosmo | NCBI_Gene:233812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046096 | MGI:2446240 | protein coding gene | modulator of smoothened |
7 | gene | 120.73569 | 120.80574 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041229 | Vwa3a | NCBI_Gene:233813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030889 | MGI:3041229 | protein coding gene | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 3A |
7 | gene | 120.73646 | 120.73996 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753237 | Gm44661 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108830 | MGI:5753237 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44661 |
7 | gene | 120.81236 | 120.83190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645276 | Gm5737 | NCBI_Gene:436008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109392 | MGI:3645276 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5737 |
7 | gene | 120.83548 | 120.83556 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413945 | n-TLtag1 | NCBI_Gene:102467559 | MGI:4413945 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA leucine 1 (anticodon TAG) |
7 | gene | 120.84113 | 120.84264 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595608 | Gm36449 | NCBI_Gene:102640377 | MGI:5595608 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36449 |
7 | gene | 120.84283 | 120.90745 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1195261 | Eef2k | NCBI_Gene:13631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035064 | MGI:1195261 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase |
7 | gene | 120.86551 | 120.88030 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783215 | Gm15774 | NCBI_Gene:105243045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085118 | MGI:3783215 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15774 |
7 | gene | 120.89070 | 120.89101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753623 | Gm45047 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109337 | MGI:5753623 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45047 |
7 | gene | 120.91752 | 120.91760 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413922 | n-TLaag4 | NCBI_Gene:102467415 | MGI:4413922 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA leucine 4 (anticodon AAG) |
7 | gene | 120.91774 | 120.94743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1349452 | Polr3e | NCBI_Gene:26939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030880 | MGI:1349452 | protein coding gene | polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide E |
7 | gene | 120.95704 | 120.98231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100885 | Cdr2 | NCBI_Gene:12585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030878 | MGI:1100885 | protein coding gene | cerebellar degeneration-related 2 |
7 | gene | 120.98244 | 121.01479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921716 | Mfsd13b | NCBI_Gene:74466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030877 | MGI:1921716 | protein coding gene | major facilitator superfamily domain containing 13B |
7 | pseudogene | 121.01493 | 121.01568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648545 | Gm9234 | NCBI_Gene:668548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058050 | MGI:3648545 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 9234 |
7 | gene | 121.02436 | 121.02446 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455701 | Gm25924 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088935 | MGI:5455701 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25924 |
7 | gene | 121.03279 | 121.07833 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914862 | Mettl9 | NCBI_Gene:59052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030876 | MGI:1914862 | protein coding gene | methyltransferase like 9 |
7 | gene | 121.03325 | 121.03510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642311 | Gm9905 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053358 | MGI:3642311 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9905 |
7 | pseudogene | 121.03711 | 121.04027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644168 | Gm9179 | NCBI_Gene:102640624 | MGI:3644168 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9179 |
7 | gene | 121.03914 | 121.04355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753713 | Gm45137 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109206 | MGI:5753713 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45137 |
7 | gene | 121.04034 | 121.04048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531373 | Gm27991 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099280 | MGI:5531373 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 27991 |
7 | gene | 121.05235 | 121.05632 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753477 | Gm44901 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108954 | MGI:5753477 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44901 |
7 | gene | 121.06285 | 121.06396 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917383 | 2210406H18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109036 | MGI:1917383 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2210406H18 gene |
7 | gene | 121.06407 | 121.07480 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891393 | Igsf6 | NCBI_Gene:80719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035004 | MGI:1891393 | protein coding gene | immunoglobulin superfamily, member 6 |
7 | gene | 121.08165 | 121.16310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2149209 | Otoa | NCBI_Gene:246190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034990 | MGI:2149209 | protein coding gene | otoancorin |
7 | pseudogene | 121.22325 | 121.22399 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645305 | Gm9240 | NCBI_Gene:668556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108502 | MGI:3645305 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9240 |
7 | gene | 121.25736 | 121.29585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753655 | Gm45079 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108627 | MGI:5753655 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45079 |
7 | gene | 121.25876 | 121.25939 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922207 | 4930486N12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108697 | MGI:1922207 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930486N12 gene |
7 | gene | 121.31297 | 121.39310 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595895 | Gm36736 | NCBI_Gene:102640740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108351 | MGI:5595895 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36736 |
7 | gene | 121.39161 | 121.50177 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333802 | Hs3st2 | NCBI_Gene:195646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046321 | MGI:1333802 | protein coding gene | heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 2 |
7 | gene | 121.46884 | 121.60933 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918562 | 4933432K03Rik | NCBI_Gene:75793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108811 | MGI:1918562 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933432K03 gene |
7 | gene | 121.47995 | 121.54024 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621966 | Gm39081 | NCBI_Gene:105243046 | MGI:5621966 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39081 |
7 | gene | 121.58990 | 121.59159 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916657 | 1700025J12Rik | NCBI_Gene:69407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108409 | MGI:1916657 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700025J12 gene |
7 | gene | 121.64202 | 121.70786 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923429 | Usp31 | NCBI_Gene:76179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063317 | MGI:1923429 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 31 |
7 | gene | 121.70708 | 121.70801 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923863 | 1700069B07Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053081 | MGI:1923863 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700069B07 gene |
7 | gene | 121.73442 | 121.76848 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104695 | Scnn1g | NCBI_Gene:20278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000216 | MGI:104695 | protein coding gene | sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 gamma |
7 | gene | 121.76845 | 121.77784 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5596007 | Gm36848 | NCBI_Gene:102640890 | MGI:5596007 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36848 |
7 | gene | 121.83745 | 121.83907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753316 | Gm44740 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108410 | MGI:5753316 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44740 |
7 | gene | 121.86504 | 121.91873 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104696 | Scnn1b | NCBI_Gene:20277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030873 | MGI:104696 | protein coding gene | sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 beta |
7 | gene | 121.87936 | 121.98171 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685013 | Cog7 | NCBI_Gene:233824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034951 | MGI:2685013 | protein coding gene | component of oligomeric golgi complex 7 |
7 | gene | 121.98176 | 121.98912 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753563 | Gm44987 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108511 | MGI:5753563 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44987 |
7 | gene | 121.98672 | 122.02122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921355 | Gga2 | NCBI_Gene:74105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030872 | MGI:1921355 | protein coding gene | golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 122.03416 | 122.06726 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914667 | Ears2 | NCBI_Gene:67417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030871 | MGI:1914667 | protein coding gene | glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial |
7 | gene | 122.06718 | 122.08220 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107301 | Ubfd1 | NCBI_Gene:28018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030870 | MGI:107301 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin family domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 122.08540 | 122.10189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917566 | Ndufab1 | NCBI_Gene:70316,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030869 | MGI:1917566 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit AB1 |
7 | gene | 122.09608 | 122.09891 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753562 | Gm44986 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108573 | MGI:5753562 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44986 |
7 | gene | 122.10726 | 122.13299 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3040695 | Palb2 | NCBI_Gene:233826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044702 | MGI:3040695 | protein coding gene | partner and localizer of BRCA2 |
7 | pseudogene | 122.12974 | 122.13271 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3840124 | Gm16326 | NCBI_Gene:102631495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089631 | MGI:3840124 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16326 |
7 | gene | 122.13304 | 122.14904 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891689 | Dctn5 | NCBI_Gene:59288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030868 | MGI:1891689 | protein coding gene | dynactin 5 |
7 | gene | 122.13901 | 122.15940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705099 | Gm15489 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086942 | MGI:3705099 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15489 |
7 | gene | 122.15944 | 122.16988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97621 | Plk1 | NCBI_Gene:18817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030867 | MGI:97621 | protein coding gene | polo like kinase 1 |
7 | gene | 122.16703 | 122.16804 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753561 | Gm44985 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108688 | MGI:5753561 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44985 |
7 | gene | 122.16989 | 122.18623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1349436 | Ern2 | NCBI_Gene:26918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030866 | MGI:1349436 | protein coding gene | endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to nucleus signalling 2 |
7 | gene | 122.20862 | 122.22282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917511 | Chp2 | NCBI_Gene:70261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030865 | MGI:1917511 | protein coding gene | calcineurin-like EF hand protein 2 |
7 | gene | 122.23526 | 122.24423 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589062 | Gm29903 | NCBI_Gene:102631606 | MGI:5589062 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29903 |
7 | pseudogene | 122.24930 | 122.25002 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589136 | Gm29977 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108708 | MGI:5589136 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29977 |
7 | gene | 122.26509 | 122.26520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453391 | Gm23614 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064532 | MGI:5453391 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23614 |
7 | gene | 122.26747 | 122.27387 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589218 | Gm30059 | NCBI_Gene:102631818 | MGI:5589218 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30059 |
7 | gene | 122.28875 | 122.63440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97596 | Prkcb | NCBI_Gene:18751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052889 | MGI:97596 | protein coding gene | protein kinase C, beta |
7 | gene | 122.31306 | 122.31850 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753767 | Gm45191 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108752 | MGI:5753767 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45191 |
7 | gene | 122.36200 | 122.36378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753240 | Gm44664 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108522 | MGI:5753240 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44664 |
7 | gene | 122.40246 | 122.40560 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753239 | Gm44663 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108317 | MGI:5753239 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44663 |
7 | pseudogene | 122.44200 | 122.44342 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650926 | Gm14388 | NCBI_Gene:668486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084230 | MGI:3650926 | pseudogene | predicted gene 14388 |
7 | gene | 122.44686 | 122.44713 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456191 | Gm26414 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088299 | MGI:5456191 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 26414 |
7 | gene | 122.46344 | 122.46616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753321 | Gm44745 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108455 | MGI:5753321 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44745 |
7 | pseudogene | 122.48418 | 122.48442 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650925 | Gm14389 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087520 | MGI:3650925 | pseudogene | predicted gene 14389 |
7 | gene | 122.59094 | 122.59228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753322 | Gm44746 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108341 | MGI:5753322 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44746 |
7 | gene | 122.67049 | 122.76939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859165 | Cacng3 | NCBI_Gene:54376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066189 | MGI:1859165 | protein coding gene | calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 3 |
7 | gene | 122.70029 | 122.70192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753325 | Gm44749 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108718 | MGI:5753325 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44749 |
7 | pseudogene | 122.83796 | 122.83829 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588918 | Gm29759 | NCBI_Gene:101055996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108529 | MGI:5588918 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29759 |
7 | gene | 122.92451 | 122.93579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621967 | Gm39082 | NCBI_Gene:105243048 | MGI:5621967 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39082 |
7 | gene | 122.93584 | 122.94036 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621968 | Gm39083 | NCBI_Gene:105243049 | MGI:5621968 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39083 |
7 | gene | 122.96569 | 123.00257 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_894835 | Rbbp6 | NCBI_Gene:19647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030779 | MGI:894835 | protein coding gene | retinoblastoma binding protein 6, ubiquitin ligase |
7 | gene | 122.96906 | 122.97046 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921201 | 4930413G21Rik | NCBI_Gene:73951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108452 | MGI:1921201 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930413G21 gene |
7 | gene | 122.99535 | 122.99593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012459 | Gm20274 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108551 | MGI:5012459 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20274 |
7 | pseudogene | 123.01007 | 123.01062 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644964 | Gm6905 | NCBI_Gene:628696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108396 | MGI:3644964 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6905 |
7 | gene | 123.03110 | 123.19530 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385292 | Tnrc6a | NCBI_Gene:233833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052707 | MGI:2385292 | protein coding gene | trinucleotide repeat containing 6a |
7 | gene | 123.03137 | 123.16968 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804961 | Gm45846 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110230 | MGI:5804961 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45846 |
7 | gene | 123.03141 | 123.06830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804962 | Gm45847 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109814 | MGI:5804962 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45847 |
7 | gene | 123.07559 | 123.10072 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621969 | Gm39084 | NCBI_Gene:105243050 | MGI:5621969 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39084 |
7 | gene | 123.21475 | 123.27439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919316 | Slc5a11 | NCBI_Gene:233836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030769 | MGI:1919316 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 5 (sodium/glucose cotransporter), member 11 |
7 | gene | 123.27915 | 123.37003 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917747 | Arhgap17 | NCBI_Gene:70497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030766 | MGI:1917747 | protein coding gene | Rho GTPase activating protein 17 |
7 | gene | 123.36978 | 123.43036 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353593 | Lcmt1 | NCBI_Gene:30949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030763 | MGI:1353593 | protein coding gene | leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 123.38267 | 123.38277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453336 | Gm23559 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088449 | MGI:5453336 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23559 |
7 | gene | 123.46229 | 123.46800 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1195271 | Aqp8 | NCBI_Gene:11833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030762 | MGI:1195271 | protein coding gene | aquaporin 8 |
7 | gene | 123.47538 | 123.50313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444060 | Zkscan2 | NCBI_Gene:210162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030757 | MGI:2444060 | protein coding gene | zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 2 |
7 | gene | 123.59202 | 123.63976 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589494 | Gm30335 | NCBI_Gene:102632195 | MGI:5589494 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30335 |
7 | gene | 123.94210 | 123.94221 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453565 | Gm23788 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084484 | MGI:5453565 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23788 |
7 | gene | 123.95896 | 123.96877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504089 | Gm26974 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098160 | MGI:5504089 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26974 |
7 | gene | 123.97105 | 123.98345 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504155 | Gm27040 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098129 | MGI:5504155 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 27040 |
7 | gene | 123.98287 | 124.39899 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333792 | Hs3st4 | NCBI_Gene:628779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078591 | MGI:1333792 | protein coding gene | heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 4 |
7 | gene | 124.14628 | 124.14641 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455536 | Gm25759 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077176 | MGI:5455536 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25759 |
7 | gene | 124.18672 | 124.29027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3708108 | Gm15338 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085899 | MGI:3708108 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15338 |
7 | gene | 124.18673 | 124.18713 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925453 | 4930551E15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930551E15 gene |
7 | gene | 124.34455 | 124.34872 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642912 | Gm16496 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 16496 |
7 | gene | 124.47654 | 124.49430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705108 | Gm15339 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085892 | MGI:3705108 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15339 |
7 | gene | 124.49291 | 124.49305 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452945 | Gm23168 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087781 | MGI:5452945 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23168 |
7 | gene | 124.62567 | 124.70893 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920326 | 3100003L05Rik | NCBI_Gene:73076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086254 | MGI:1920326 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 3100003L05 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 124.69938 | 124.70007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011193 | Gm19008 | NCBI_Gene:100418115 | MGI:5011193 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19008 |
7 | gene | 124.90761 | 124.91442 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753668 | Gm45092 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108623 | MGI:5753668 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45092 |
7 | gene | 124.91581 | 124.91620 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915977 | 1110032L06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110032L06 gene |
7 | gene | 125.06703 | 125.06949 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753669 | Gm45093 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108407 | MGI:5753669 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45093 |
7 | pseudogene | 125.07535 | 125.07650 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95754 | Glud-ps | NCBI_Gene:104277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108799 | MGI:95754 | pseudogene | glutamate dehydrogenase, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 125.21042 | 125.21692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589660 | Gm30501 | NCBI_Gene:102632426 | MGI:5589660 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30501 |
7 | pseudogene | 125.21945 | 125.21989 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439426 | Gm21957 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073844 | MGI:5439426 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21957 |
7 | gene | 125.28402 | 125.34979 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918458 | 4933440M02Rik | NCBI_Gene:71208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045928 | MGI:1918458 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933440M02 gene |
7 | gene | 125.31666 | 125.32368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825637 | Gm46000 | NCBI_Gene:108167459 | MGI:5825637 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46000 |
7 | gene | 125.31836 | 125.31952 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922457 | 4930533L02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104236 | MGI:1922457 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930533L02 gene |
7 | gene | 125.33312 | 125.33368 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621970 | Gm39085 | NCBI_Gene:105243052 | MGI:5621970 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39085 |
7 | gene | 125.36886 | 125.37101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923111 | 4930571K23Rik | NCBI_Gene:75861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090457 | MGI:1923111 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930571K23 gene |
7 | gene | 125.39798 | 125.40581 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589719 | Gm30560 | NCBI_Gene:102632502 | MGI:5589719 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30560 |
7 | gene | 125.41699 | 125.42889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589876 | Gm30717 | NCBI_Gene:102632721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108814 | MGI:5589876 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30717 |
7 | gene | 125.44445 | 125.46365 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924285 | Kdm8 | NCBI_Gene:77035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030752 | MGI:1924285 | protein coding gene | lysine (K)-specific demethylase 8 |
7 | gene | 125.46764 | 125.49160 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914961 | Nsmce1 | NCBI_Gene:67711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030750 | MGI:1914961 | protein coding gene | NSE1 homolog, SMC5-SMC6 complex component |
7 | gene | 125.49156 | 125.49306 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918140 | 4921524M04Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921524M04 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 125.54727 | 125.54860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643455 | Gm4973 | NCBI_Gene:244214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108615 | MGI:3643455 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4973 |
7 | gene | 125.55177 | 125.55206 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2151102 | A430106F20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A430106F20 gene |
7 | gene | 125.55212 | 125.57947 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105367 | Il4ra | NCBI_Gene:16190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030748 | MGI:105367 | protein coding gene | interleukin 4 receptor, alpha |
7 | gene | 125.57078 | 125.57212 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753452 | Gm44876 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108524 | MGI:5753452 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44876 |
7 | gene | 125.60325 | 125.63357 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1890475 | Il21r | NCBI_Gene:60504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030745 | MGI:1890475 | protein coding gene | interleukin 21 receptor |
7 | gene | 125.64095 | 125.70778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107887 | Gtf3c1 | NCBI_Gene:233863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032777 | MGI:107887 | protein coding gene | general transcription factor III C 1 |
7 | gene | 125.70786 | 125.87480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442760 | D430042O09Rik | NCBI_Gene:233865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032743 | MGI:2442760 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA D430042O09 gene |
7 | gene | 125.71084 | 125.71331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925204 | A930012M21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930012M21 gene |
7 | gene | 125.87841 | 126.08277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685483 | Gsg1l | NCBI_Gene:269994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046182 | MGI:2685483 | protein coding gene | GSG1-like |
7 | gene | 126.06291 | 126.06445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753450 | Gm44874 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108376 | MGI:5753450 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44874 |
7 | gene | 126.09195 | 126.09471 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589966 | Gm30807 | NCBI_Gene:102632839 | MGI:5589966 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30807 |
7 | gene | 126.10171 | 126.20052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2429950 | Xpo6 | NCBI_Gene:74204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000131 | MGI:2429950 | protein coding gene | exportin 6 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.16403 | 126.16840 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937964 | Gm17137 | NCBI_Gene:100417489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090559 | MGI:4937964 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17137 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.17612 | 126.17653 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937963 | Gm17136 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057945 | MGI:4937963 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17136 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.21488 | 126.21556 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011323 | Gm19138 | NCBI_Gene:100418320 | MGI:5011323 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19138 |
7 | gene | 126.22425 | 126.24824 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923978 | 1700123J17Rik | NCBI_Gene:76728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108676 | MGI:1923978 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700123J17 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 126.24238 | 126.24263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753279 | Gm44703 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108309 | MGI:5753279 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44703 |
7 | gene | 126.24840 | 126.29502 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2135937 | Sbk1 | NCBI_Gene:104175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042978 | MGI:2135937 | protein coding gene | SH3-binding kinase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.29939 | 126.29994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642914 | Gm10155 | NCBI_Gene:100043495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066180 | MGI:3642914 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10155 |
7 | gene | 126.33704 | 126.35605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590087 | Gm30928 | NCBI_Gene:102632993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108417 | MGI:5590087 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30928 |
7 | gene | 126.36382 | 126.36959 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1342293 | Lat | NCBI_Gene:16797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030742 | MGI:1342293 | protein coding gene | linker for activation of T cells |
7 | gene | 126.36797 | 126.36804 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531148 | Mir7058 | miRBase:MI0022907,NCBI_Gene:102466797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099017 | MGI:5531148 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7058 |
7 | gene | 126.37006 | 126.37793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920908 | Spns1 | NCBI_Gene:73658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030741 | MGI:1920908 | protein coding gene | spinster homolog 1 |
7 | gene | 126.38285 | 126.39726 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1329015 | Nfatc2ip | NCBI_Gene:18020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030722 | MGI:1329015 | protein coding gene | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 2 interacting protein |
7 | gene | 126.39586 | 126.39775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753717 | Gm45141 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108420 | MGI:5753717 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45141 |
7 | gene | 126.40845 | 126.41514 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88319 | Cd19 | NCBI_Gene:12478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030724 | MGI:88319 | protein coding gene | CD19 antigen |
7 | gene | 126.42843 | 126.44925 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917564 | Rabep2 | NCBI_Gene:70314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030727 | MGI:1917564 | protein coding gene | rabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 2 |
7 | gene | 126.44586 | 126.46311 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105058 | Atp2a1 | NCBI_Gene:11937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030730 | MGI:105058 | protein coding gene | ATPase, Ca++ transporting, cardiac muscle, fast twitch 1 |
7 | gene | 126.46699 | 126.47542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201407 | Sh2b1 | NCBI_Gene:20399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030733 | MGI:1201407 | protein coding gene | SH2B adaptor protein 1 |
7 | gene | 126.47519 | 126.47625 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924851 | C530001K22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C530001K22 gene |
7 | gene | 126.48434 | 126.48651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825638 | Gm46001 | NCBI_Gene:108167460 | MGI:5825638 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46001 |
7 | gene | 126.48735 | 126.49073 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923686 | Tufm | NCBI_Gene:233870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073838 | MGI:1923686 | protein coding gene | Tu translation elongation factor, mitochondrial |
7 | gene | 126.49171 | 126.50364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446242 | Atxn2l | NCBI_Gene:233871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032637 | MGI:2446242 | protein coding gene | ataxin 2-like |
7 | gene | 126.50235 | 126.53201 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921926 | 4930456A14Rik | NCBI_Gene:105243053 | MGI:1921926 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930456A14 gene |
7 | gene | 126.54645 | 126.56641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926966 | Eif3c | NCBI_Gene:56347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030738 | MGI:1926966 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit C |
7 | gene | 126.56387 | 126.56398 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454373 | Gm24596 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084453 | MGI:5454373 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24596 |
7 | gene | 126.56592 | 126.56686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642131 | G730046D07Rik | NA | NA | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA G730046D07 gene |
7 | gene | 126.56704 | 126.56715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455356 | Gm25579 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065341 | MGI:5455356 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25579 |
7 | gene | 126.57121 | 126.58582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107537 | Cln3 | NCBI_Gene:12752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030720 | MGI:107537 | protein coding gene | ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal 3, juvenile (Batten, Spielmeyer-Vogt disease) |
7 | gene | 126.57947 | 126.57953 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530916 | Mir7059 | miRBase:MI0022908,NCBI_Gene:102465641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098540 | MGI:5530916 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7059 |
7 | gene | 126.58491 | 126.58911 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2176230 | Apobr | NCBI_Gene:171504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042759 | MGI:2176230 | protein coding gene | apolipoprotein B receptor |
7 | gene | 126.58901 | 126.59502 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384409 | Il27 | NCBI_Gene:246779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044701 | MGI:2384409 | protein coding gene | interleukin 27 |
7 | gene | 126.61558 | 126.61848 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621971 | Gm39086 | NCBI_Gene:105243054 | MGI:5621971 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39086 |
7 | gene | 126.62177 | 126.63518 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621972 | Gm39087 | NCBI_Gene:105243055 | MGI:5621972 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39087 |
7 | gene | 126.62325 | 126.63086 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891834 | Nupr1 | NCBI_Gene:56312,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030717 | MGI:1891834 | protein coding gene | nuclear protein transcription regulator 1 |
7 | gene | 126.64854 | 126.64959 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3698051 | 2510046G10Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066175 | MGI:3698051 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2510046G10 gene |
7 | gene | 126.64930 | 126.67293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922815 | Sgf29 | NCBI_Gene:75565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030714 | MGI:1922815 | protein coding gene | SAGA complex associated factor 29 |
7 | gene | 126.66796 | 126.66915 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442005 | D930031A20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930031A20 gene |
7 | gene | 126.67287 | 126.69043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102896 | Sult1a1 | NCBI_Gene:20887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030711 | MGI:102896 | protein coding gene | sulfotransferase family 1A, phenol-preferring, member 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.68746 | 126.69003 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782976 | Gm6939 | NCBI_Gene:629029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082922 | MGI:3782976 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6939 |
7 | gene | 126.68893 | 126.69578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915220 | Slx1b | NCBI_Gene:75764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059772 | MGI:1915220 | protein coding gene | SLX1 structure-specific endonuclease subunit homolog B (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 126.69540 | 126.69980 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913412 | Bola2 | NCBI_Gene:66162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047721 | MGI:1913412 | protein coding gene | bolA-like 2 (E. coli) |
7 | gene | 126.69977 | 126.70779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1345961 | Coro1a | NCBI_Gene:12721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030707 | MGI:1345961 | protein coding gene | coronin, actin binding protein 1A |
7 | pseudogene | 126.72394 | 126.72441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109488 | Snrp1c-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:20631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108357 | MGI:109488 | pseudogene | U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 1C, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 126.74063 | 126.74218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921243 | 4930448A20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108382 | MGI:1921243 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930448A20 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 126.74268 | 126.74291 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753400 | Gm44824 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108554 | MGI:5753400 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44824 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.74956 | 126.74992 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753431 | Gm44855 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108649 | MGI:5753431 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44855 |
7 | gene | 126.75960 | 126.76582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346859 | Mapk3 | NCBI_Gene:26417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063065 | MGI:1346859 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 |
7 | gene | 126.76633 | 126.77565 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915866 | Gdpd3 | NCBI_Gene:68616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030703 | MGI:1915866 | protein coding gene | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 126.76808 | 126.77682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704300 | Gm9967 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055323 | MGI:3704300 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9967 |
7 | gene | 126.77696 | 126.78051 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913340 | Ypel3 | NCBI_Gene:66090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042675 | MGI:1913340 | protein coding gene | yippee like 3 |
7 | gene | 126.78148 | 126.78556 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102539 | Tbx6 | NCBI_Gene:21389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030699 | MGI:102539 | protein coding gene | T-box 6 |
7 | gene | 126.78587 | 126.79250 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891763 | Ppp4c | NCBI_Gene:56420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030697 | MGI:1891763 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 4, catalytic subunit |
7 | gene | 126.79523 | 126.80951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87994 | Aldoa | NCBI_Gene:11674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114515 | MGI:87994 | protein coding gene | aldolase A, fructose-bisphosphate |
7 | gene | 126.79767 | 126.83022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916202 | Fam57b | NCBI_Gene:68952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058966 | MGI:1916202 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 57, member B |
7 | gene | 126.79977 | 126.79988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028037 | 2900046D03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900046D03 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 126.80626 | 126.80656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753432 | Gm44856 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108423 | MGI:5753432 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44856 |
7 | gene | 126.83047 | 126.83164 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925368 | 4930451I11Rik | NCBI_Gene:78118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045989 | MGI:1925368 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930451I11 gene |
7 | gene | 126.83721 | 126.84639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753430 | Gm44854 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108583 | MGI:5753430 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44854 |
7 | gene | 126.84699 | 126.85271 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109446 | Doc2a | NCBI_Gene:13446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052301 | MGI:109446 | protein coding gene | double C2, alpha |
7 | gene | 126.85096 | 126.86238 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141881 | Ino80e | NCBI_Gene:233875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030689 | MGI:2141881 | protein coding gene | INO80 complex subunit E |
7 | gene | 126.86197 | 126.86538 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142364 | Hirip3 | NCBI_Gene:233876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042606 | MGI:2142364 | protein coding gene | HIRA interacting protein 3 |
7 | gene | 126.86568 | 126.88630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915919 | Taok2 | NCBI_Gene:381921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059981 | MGI:1915919 | protein coding gene | TAO kinase 2 |
7 | gene | 126.88617 | 126.92868 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915992 | Tmem219 | NCBI_Gene:68742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060538 | MGI:1915992 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 219 |
7 | gene | 126.89162 | 126.89724 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5313097 | Gm20650 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093768 | MGI:5313097 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20650 |
7 | gene | 126.91572 | 126.91583 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453222 | Gm23445 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064734 | MGI:5453222 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23445 |
7 | gene | 126.92884 | 126.94790 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923739 | Kctd13 | NCBI_Gene:233877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030685 | MGI:1923739 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 13 |
7 | gene | 126.93889 | 126.94064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753311 | Gm44735 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108543 | MGI:5753311 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44735 |
7 | gene | 126.94214 | 126.95287 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439453 | Gm21984 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095334 | MGI:5439453 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 21984 |
7 | gene | 126.94557 | 126.95032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685014 | Asphd1 | NCBI_Gene:233879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046378 | MGI:2685014 | protein coding gene | aspartate beta-hydroxylase domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 126.95044 | 126.97061 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385295 | Sez6l2 | NCBI_Gene:233878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030683 | MGI:2385295 | protein coding gene | seizure related 6 homolog like 2 |
7 | gene | 126.97172 | 126.97617 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443610 | Cdiptos | NCBI_Gene:381922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097075 | MGI:2443610 | protein coding gene | CDIP transferase, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 126.97591 | 126.98050 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105491 | Cdipt | NCBI_Gene:52858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030682 | MGI:105491 | protein coding gene | CDP-diacylglycerol–inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase (phosphatidylinositol synthase) |
7 | gene | 126.98686 | 127.01462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925638 | Mvp | NCBI_Gene:78388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030681 | MGI:1925638 | protein coding gene | major vault protein |
7 | gene | 127.00148 | 127.01648 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141883 | Pagr1b | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092534 | MGI:5141883 | protein coding gene | PAXIP1 associated glutamate rich protein 1B |
7 | gene | 127.01503 | 127.01735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914528 | Pagr1a | NCBI_Gene:67278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030680 | MGI:1914528 | protein coding gene | PAXIP1 associated glutamate rich protein 1A |
7 | gene | 127.01505 | 127.02110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5662879 | Gm42742 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107068 | MGI:5662879 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 42742 |
7 | gene | 127.01753 | 127.02121 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916267 | Prrt2 | NCBI_Gene:69017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045114 | MGI:1916267 | protein coding gene | proline-rich transmembrane protein 2 |
7 | gene | 127.02145 | 127.02704 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338823 | Maz | NCBI_Gene:17188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030678 | MGI:1338823 | protein coding gene | MYC-associated zinc finger protein (purine-binding transcription factor) |
7 | gene | 127.02773 | 127.04247 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109233 | Kif22 | NCBI_Gene:110033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030677 | MGI:109233 | protein coding gene | kinesin family member 22 |
7 | gene | 127.03147 | 127.03529 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590908 | Gm31749 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108617 | MGI:5590908 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31749 |
7 | gene | 127.04611 | 127.04636 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455110 | Gm25333 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088660 | MGI:5455110 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25333 |
7 | gene | 127.04716 | 127.04725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5690735 | Gm44343 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106521 | MGI:5690735 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 44343 |
7 | gene | 127.05016 | 127.08733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916286 | Zg16 | NCBI_Gene:69036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049350 | MGI:1916286 | protein coding gene | zymogen granule protein 16 |
7 | gene | 127.06846 | 127.07104 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753515 | Gm44939 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108327 | MGI:5753515 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44939 |
7 | gene | 127.07948 | 127.07959 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452524 | Gm22747 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064429 | MGI:5452524 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22747 |
7 | gene | 127.09077 | 127.09405 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141979 | AI467606 | NCBI_Gene:101602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045165 | MGI:2141979 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence AI467606 |
7 | gene | 127.10711 | 127.12223 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914625 | Qprt | NCBI_Gene:67375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030674 | MGI:1914625 | protein coding gene | quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase |
7 | gene | 127.12363 | 127.14461 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98384 | Spn | NCBI_Gene:20737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051457 | MGI:98384 | protein coding gene | sialophorin |
7 | pseudogene | 127.15507 | 127.15601 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010746 | Gm18561 | NCBI_Gene:100417362,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108362 | MGI:5010746 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18561 |
7 | gene | 127.17196 | 127.17320 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753516 | Gm44940 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108717 | MGI:5753516 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44940 |
7 | gene | 127.19103 | 127.19124 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455512 | Gm25735 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092905 | MGI:5455512 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25735 |
7 | gene | 127.19166 | 127.19608 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917483 | Cd2bp2 | NCBI_Gene:70233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042502 | MGI:1917483 | protein coding gene | CD2 cytoplasmic tail binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 127.19746 | 127.20847 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915699 | Tbc1d10b | NCBI_Gene:68449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042492 | MGI:1915699 | protein coding gene | TBC1 domain family, member 10b |
7 | gene | 127.20885 | 127.21430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97273 | Mylpf | NCBI_Gene:17907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030672 | MGI:97273 | protein coding gene | myosin light chain, phosphorylatable, fast skeletal muscle |
7 | gene | 127.21444 | 127.23313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858916 | Sept1 | NCBI_Gene:54204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000486 | MGI:1858916 | protein coding gene | septin 1 |
7 | gene | 127.23242 | 127.23313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3809207 | Gm4532 | NCBI_Gene:100043580 | MGI:3809207 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4532 |
7 | gene | 127.23306 | 127.23818 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384725 | Zfp553 | NCBI_Gene:233887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045598 | MGI:2384725 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 553 |
7 | gene | 127.24427 | 127.25481 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442050 | Zfp771 | NCBI_Gene:244216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054716 | MGI:2442050 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 771 |
7 | gene | 127.25696 | 127.26071 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913672 | Dctpp1 | NCBI_Gene:66422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042462 | MGI:1913672 | protein coding gene | dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 |
7 | gene | 127.27188 | 127.27406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108388 | Sephs2 | NCBI_Gene:20768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049091 | MGI:108388 | protein coding gene | selenophosphate synthetase 2 |
7 | gene | 127.27326 | 127.27532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753305 | Gm44729 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108806 | MGI:5753305 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44729 |
7 | pseudogene | 127.28600 | 127.28647 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4937145 | Gm17511 | NCBI_Gene:100502641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090460 | MGI:4937145 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17511 |
7 | gene | 127.28773 | 127.29190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591056 | Gm31897 | NCBI_Gene:102634273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108760 | MGI:5591056 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31897 |
7 | gene | 127.29623 | 127.33514 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96606 | Itgal | NCBI_Gene:16408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030830 | MGI:96606 | protein coding gene | integrin alpha L |
7 | gene | 127.34279 | 127.34559 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384582 | Zfp768 | NCBI_Gene:233890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047371 | MGI:2384582 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 768 |
7 | gene | 127.37254 | 127.37605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443581 | Zfp747 | NCBI_Gene:269997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054381 | MGI:2443581 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 747 |
7 | gene | 127.37976 | 127.40683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443580 | Zfp764 | NCBI_Gene:233893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045757 | MGI:2443580 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 764 |
7 | gene | 127.38226 | 127.38717 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926171 | 9130019O22Rik | NCBI_Gene:78921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030823 | MGI:1926171 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130019O22 gene |
7 | gene | 127.38967 | 127.39366 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141981 | E430018J23Rik | NCBI_Gene:101604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078580 | MGI:2141981 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA E430018J23 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 127.39789 | 127.39902 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926284 | Smt3h2-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:100043590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074184 | MGI:1926284 | pseudogene | SMT3 suppressor of mif two 3 homolog 2, pseudogene 2 (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | pseudogene | 127.41075 | 127.41100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592239 | Gm33080 | NCBI_Gene:102635839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108663 | MGI:5592239 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33080 |
7 | gene | 127.41896 | 127.42364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916484 | Zfp688 | NCBI_Gene:69234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045251 | MGI:1916484 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 688 |
7 | gene | 127.43442 | 127.43939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753760 | Gm45184 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108483 | MGI:5753760 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45184 |
7 | gene | 127.44214 | 127.44916 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918381 | Zfp689 | NCBI_Gene:71131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048921 | MGI:1918381 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 689 |
7 | gene | 127.44864 | 127.46124 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3590645 | B130055M24Rik | NCBI_Gene:654803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086502 | MGI:3590645 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B130055M24 gene |
7 | gene | 127.45547 | 127.45687 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753686 | Gm45110 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108465 | MGI:5753686 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45110 |
7 | gene | 127.45961 | 127.47677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384565 | Prr14 | NCBI_Gene:233895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030822 | MGI:2384565 | protein coding gene | proline rich 14 |
7 | gene | 127.47750 | 127.49181 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104648 | Fbrs | NCBI_Gene:14123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042423 | MGI:104648 | protein coding gene | fibrosin |
7 | gene | 127.48925 | 127.48939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530897 | Mir7060 | miRBase:MI0022909,NCBI_Gene:102465642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098267 | MGI:5530897 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7060 |
7 | gene | 127.49084 | 127.49093 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096121 | Gm47278 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105918 | MGI:6096121 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 47278 |
7 | gene | 127.51044 | 127.51287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916610 | 1700008J07Rik | NCBI_Gene:629159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101225 | MGI:1916610 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700008J07 gene |
7 | gene | 127.51198 | 127.56122 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444036 | Srcap | NCBI_Gene:100043597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053877 | MGI:2444036 | protein coding gene | Snf2-related CREBBP activator protein |
7 | gene | 127.51958 | 127.56705 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5662852 | Gm42715 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107023 | MGI:5662852 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 42715 |
7 | gene | 127.52787 | 127.52800 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819499 | Snora30 | NCBI_Gene:100217442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065259 | MGI:3819499 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 30 |
7 | gene | 127.55914 | 127.57312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578904 | Gm28198 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101845 | MGI:5578904 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28198 |
7 | gene | 127.56122 | 127.56694 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5613213 | Tmem265 | NCBI_Gene:105180375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106715 | MGI:5613213 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 265 |
7 | gene | 127.57334 | 127.58331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916211 | Phkg2 | NCBI_Gene:68961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030815 | MGI:1916211 | protein coding gene | phosphorylase kinase, gamma 2 (testis) |
7 | gene | 127.57602 | 127.57924 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825665 | Gm46028 | NCBI_Gene:108167514 | MGI:5825665 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46028 |
7 | gene | 127.58238 | 127.58861 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685012 | Ccdc189 | NCBI_Gene:233899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057176 | MGI:2685012 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 189 |
7 | gene | 127.58870 | 127.60480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142048 | Rnf40 | NCBI_Gene:233900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030816 | MGI:2142048 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 40 |
7 | gene | 127.59042 | 127.59590 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753335 | Gm44759 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108677 | MGI:5753335 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44759 |
7 | gene | 127.60390 | 127.60444 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915482 | 1700120K04Rik | NCBI_Gene:68232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099579 | MGI:1915482 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700120K04 gene |
7 | gene | 127.60703 | 127.61580 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444524 | Zfp629 | NCBI_Gene:320683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045639 | MGI:2444524 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 629 |
7 | gene | 127.64790 | 127.65141 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621974 | Gm39089 | NCBI_Gene:105243057 | MGI:5621974 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39089 |
7 | gene | 127.65706 | 127.65823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753336 | Gm44760 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108766 | MGI:5753336 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44760 |
7 | gene | 127.66145 | 127.70894 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1332237 | Bcl7c | NCBI_Gene:12055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030814 | MGI:1332237 | protein coding gene | B cell CLL/lymphoma 7C |
7 | gene | 127.69093 | 127.70164 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621975 | Gm39090 | NCBI_Gene:105243058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108801 | MGI:5621975 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39090 |
7 | gene | 127.70849 | 127.70856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3691607 | Mir762 | miRBase:MI0004215,NCBI_Gene:791073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076454 | MGI:3691607 | miRNA gene | microRNA 762 |
7 | gene | 127.71270 | 127.71819 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105115 | Ctf1 | NCBI_Gene:13019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042340 | MGI:105115 | protein coding gene | cardiotrophin 1 |
7 | gene | 127.71811 | 127.73217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684607 | Ctf2 | NCBI_Gene:244218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060034 | MGI:2684607 | protein coding gene | cardiotrophin 2 |
7 | gene | 127.74396 | 127.76948 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039600 | Fbxl19 | NCBI_Gene:233902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030811 | MGI:3039600 | protein coding gene | F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 19 |
7 | gene | 127.76981 | 127.77515 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039586 | Orai3 | NCBI_Gene:269999,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043964 | MGI:3039586 | protein coding gene | ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 3 |
7 | gene | 127.77610 | 127.80012 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446244 | Setd1a | NCBI_Gene:233904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042308 | MGI:2446244 | protein coding gene | SET domain containing 1A |
7 | gene | 127.78561 | 127.80380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6121614 | Gm49388 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108815 | MGI:6121614 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49388 |
7 | gene | 127.80009 | 127.80276 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704302 | 9430064I24Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108402 | MGI:3704302 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430064I24 gene |
7 | gene | 127.80060 | 127.80380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141879 | Hsd3b7 | NCBI_Gene:101502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042289 | MGI:2141879 | protein coding gene | hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 7 |
7 | gene | 127.80390 | 127.82455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930705 | Stx1b | NCBI_Gene:56216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030806 | MGI:1930705 | protein coding gene | syntaxin 1B |
7 | gene | 127.81215 | 127.81351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753780 | Gm45204 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108808 | MGI:5753780 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45204 |
7 | gene | 127.82429 | 127.85099 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_893577 | Stx4a | NCBI_Gene:20909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030805 | MGI:893577 | protein coding gene | syntaxin 4A (placental) |
7 | gene | 127.86304 | 127.87683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442943 | Zfp668 | NCBI_Gene:244219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049728 | MGI:2442943 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 668 |
7 | gene | 127.87622 | 127.88600 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3665412 | Zfp646 | NCBI_Gene:233905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049739 | MGI:3665412 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 646 |
7 | gene | 127.88544 | 127.89296 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2652890 | Prss53 | NCBI_Gene:330657,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044139 | MGI:2652890 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 53 |
7 | gene | 127.88623 | 127.89545 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439443 | Gm21974 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030804 | MGI:5439443 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 21974 |
7 | gene | 127.89306 | 127.89562 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106442 | Vkorc1 | NCBI_Gene:27973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096145 | MGI:106442 | protein coding gene | vitamin K epoxide reductase complex, subunit 1 |
7 | gene | 127.89757 | 127.89828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924252 | 2200002A13Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108479 | MGI:1924252 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2200002A13 gene |
7 | gene | 127.90407 | 127.91022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1276121 | Bckdk | NCBI_Gene:12041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030802 | MGI:1276121 | protein coding gene | branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase |
7 | gene | 127.91252 | 127.92584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915023 | Kat8 | NCBI_Gene:67773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030801 | MGI:1915023 | protein coding gene | K(lysine) acetyltransferase 8 |
7 | gene | 127.92572 | 127.93015 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923810 | Prss8 | NCBI_Gene:76560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030800 | MGI:1923810 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 8 (prostasin) |
7 | gene | 127.93264 | 127.94673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924863 | Prss36 | NCBI_Gene:77613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070371 | MGI:1924863 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 36 |
7 | gene | 127.96679 | 127.98570 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353633 | Fus | NCBI_Gene:233908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030795 | MGI:1353633 | protein coding gene | fused in sarcoma |
7 | gene | 127.98257 | 127.98488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477184 | Gm26690 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097751 | MGI:5477184 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26690 |
7 | gene | 127.98440 | 127.98488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442200 | B230325K18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230325K18 gene |
7 | gene | 127.98971 | 127.99387 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1931465 | Pycard | NCBI_Gene:66824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030793 | MGI:1931465 | protein coding gene | PYD and CARD domain containing |
7 | gene | 127.99327 | 127.99660 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753781 | Gm45205 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108353 | MGI:5753781 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45205 |
7 | gene | 128.00190 | 128.00519 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782982 | Gm15533 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087530 | MGI:3782982 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15533 |
7 | gene | 128.00342 | 128.01139 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3612190 | Trim72 | NCBI_Gene:434246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042828 | MGI:3612190 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 72 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.01288 | 128.01324 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011551 | Gm19366 | NCBI_Gene:100502780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108437 | MGI:5011551 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19366 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.01566 | 128.01727 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648290 | Gm5738 | NCBI_Gene:436010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108696 | MGI:3648290 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5738 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.04125 | 128.04239 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648098 | Gm9299 | NCBI_Gene:668675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108381 | MGI:3648098 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9299 |
7 | gene | 128.06170 | 128.06186 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452586 | Gm22809 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064677 | MGI:5452586 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22809 |
7 | gene | 128.06264 | 128.11849 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96607 | Itgam | NCBI_Gene:16409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030786 | MGI:96607 | protein coding gene | integrin alpha M |
7 | gene | 128.06268 | 128.12816 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6121583 | Gm49368 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108596 | MGI:6121583 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49368 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.12638 | 128.12721 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804815 | Gm45700 | NCBI_Gene:108167515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108578 | MGI:5804815 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45700 |
7 | gene | 128.12953 | 128.15066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96609 | Itgax | NCBI_Gene:16411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030789 | MGI:96609 | protein coding gene | integrin alpha X |
7 | pseudogene | 128.15381 | 128.15927 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010016 | Gm17831 | NCBI_Gene:100415813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108729 | MGI:5010016 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17831 |
7 | gene | 128.15438 | 128.22382 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3578624 | Itgad | NCBI_Gene:381924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070369 | MGI:3578624 | protein coding gene | integrin, alpha D |
7 | gene | 128.18177 | 128.18410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621976 | Gm39091 | NCBI_Gene:105243059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108531 | MGI:5621976 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39091 |
7 | gene | 128.19205 | 128.20333 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918223 | 4931431B13Rik | NCBI_Gene:70973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108354 | MGI:1918223 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931431B13 gene |
7 | gene | 128.20543 | 128.20639 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104649 | Cox6a2 | NCBI_Gene:12862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030785 | MGI:104649 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A2 |
7 | gene | 128.21562 | 128.22079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753426 | Gm44850 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108604 | MGI:5753426 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44850 |
7 | gene | 128.23445 | 128.23803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442738 | 9130023H24Rik | NCBI_Gene:100043133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062944 | MGI:2442738 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130023H24 gene |
7 | gene | 128.23734 | 128.24510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384586 | Armc5 | NCBI_Gene:233912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042178 | MGI:2384586 | protein coding gene | armadillo repeat containing 5 |
7 | gene | 128.24680 | 128.25570 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102784 | Tgfb1i1 | NCBI_Gene:21804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030782 | MGI:102784 | protein coding gene | transforming growth factor beta 1 induced transcript 1 |
7 | gene | 128.26566 | 128.27243 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2181411 | Slc5a2 | NCBI_Gene:246787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030781 | MGI:2181411 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 5 (sodium/glucose cotransporter), member 2 |
7 | gene | 128.27138 | 128.29817 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384572 | BC017158 | NCBI_Gene:233913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030780 | MGI:2384572 | protein coding gene | cDNA sequence BC017158 |
7 | gene | 128.28837 | 128.28843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834322 | Mir3103 | miRBase:MI0014100,NCBI_Gene:100526559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093215 | MGI:4834322 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3103 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.31478 | 128.34106 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644024 | Gm6916 | NCBI_Gene:628781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108608 | MGI:3644024 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6916 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.32981 | 128.33000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753226 | Gm44650 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108636 | MGI:5753226 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44650 |
7 | gene | 128.34431 | 128.34785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591866 | Gm32707 | NCBI_Gene:102635344 | MGI:5591866 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32707 |
7 | gene | 128.35879 | 128.36701 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621977 | Gm39092 | NCBI_Gene:105243060 | MGI:5621977 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39092 |
7 | gene | 128.37362 | 128.41920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915115 | Rgs10 | NCBI_Gene:67865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030844 | MGI:1915115 | protein coding gene | regulator of G-protein signalling 10 |
7 | gene | 128.40897 | 128.41234 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782950 | Gm15503 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084964 | MGI:3782950 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15503 |
7 | gene | 128.42994 | 128.43782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591924 | Gm32765 | NCBI_Gene:102635419 | MGI:5591924 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32765 |
7 | gene | 128.43977 | 128.46172 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107913 | Tial1 | NCBI_Gene:21843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030846 | MGI:107913 | protein coding gene | Tia1 cytotoxic granule-associated RNA binding protein-like 1 |
7 | gene | 128.46179 | 128.47557 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591975 | Gm32816 | NCBI_Gene:102635493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108668 | MGI:5591975 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32816 |
7 | gene | 128.47801 | 128.47814 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454142 | Gm24365 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093125 | MGI:5454142 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24365 |
7 | gene | 128.48794 | 128.50019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623342 | Gm40457 | NCBI_Gene:105244935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108626 | MGI:5623342 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40457 |
7 | gene | 128.52256 | 128.52315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918169 | 4921520J07Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921520J07 gene |
7 | gene | 128.52358 | 128.54698 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1352493 | Bag3 | NCBI_Gene:29810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030847 | MGI:1352493 | protein coding gene | BCL2-associated athanogene 3 |
7 | gene | 128.53893 | 128.53954 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917710 | 2610306O10Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108614 | MGI:1917710 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2610306O10 gene |
7 | gene | 128.59093 | 128.59334 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753697 | Gm45121 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108795 | MGI:5753697 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45121 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.59577 | 128.59630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644893 | Gm7258 | NCBI_Gene:639030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096557 | MGI:3644893 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7258 |
7 | gene | 128.61078 | 128.69644 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141867 | Inpp5f | NCBI_Gene:101490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042105 | MGI:2141867 | protein coding gene | inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase F |
7 | pseudogene | 128.68854 | 128.68882 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663717 | Gm43580 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107062 | MGI:5663717 | pseudogene | predicted gene 43580 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.69269 | 128.69320 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801992 | Gm16044 | NCBI_Gene:100417490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081339 | MGI:3801992 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16044 |
7 | gene | 128.69644 | 128.74050 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920977 | Mcmbp | NCBI_Gene:210711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048170 | MGI:1920977 | protein coding gene | minichromosome maintenance complex binding protein |
7 | gene | 128.72105 | 128.72204 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753249 | Gm44673 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108388 | MGI:5753249 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44673 |
7 | gene | 128.72839 | 128.72952 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753250 | Gm44674 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108648 | MGI:5753250 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44674 |
7 | gene | 128.73420 | 128.73430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453560 | Gm23783 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088566 | MGI:5453560 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23783 |
7 | gene | 128.74418 | 128.74528 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753248 | Gm44672 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108720 | MGI:5753248 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44672 |
7 | gene | 128.74486 | 128.78484 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2450915 | Sec23ip | NCBI_Gene:207352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055319 | MGI:2450915 | protein coding gene | Sec23 interacting protein |
7 | gene | 128.77485 | 128.77496 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422021 | n-R5s158 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077283 | MGI:4422021 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 158 |
7 | gene | 128.79519 | 128.92801 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592043 | Gm32884 | NCBI_Gene:102635592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108600 | MGI:5592043 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32884 |
7 | gene | 128.82635 | 128.82647 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455555 | Gm25778 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080363 | MGI:5455555 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25778 |
7 | gene | 128.84306 | 128.84537 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621978 | Gm39093 | NCBI_Gene:105243062 | MGI:5621978 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39093 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.99734 | 128.99802 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643845 | Gm4768 | NCBI_Gene:210714,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108540 | MGI:3643845 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4768 |
7 | pseudogene | 129.05427 | 129.05510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782436 | Gm4259 | NCBI_Gene:100043144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108785 | MGI:3782436 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4259 |
7 | gene | 129.25702 | 129.39141 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685936 | Plpp4 | NCBI_Gene:381925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070366 | MGI:2685936 | protein coding gene | phospholipid phosphatase 4 |
7 | gene | 129.39810 | 129.40330 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592186 | Gm33027 | NCBI_Gene:102635775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108713 | MGI:5592186 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33027 |
7 | gene | 129.59171 | 129.63574 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920230 | Wdr11 | NCBI_Gene:207425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042055 | MGI:1920230 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 11 |
7 | gene | 129.64413 | 129.65808 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592281 | Gm33122 | NCBI_Gene:102635904 | MGI:5592281 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33122 |
7 | gene | 129.65810 | 129.73165 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621979 | Gm39094 | NCBI_Gene:105243063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108580 | MGI:5621979 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39094 |
7 | gene | 129.66741 | 129.69396 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592407 | Gm33248 | NCBI_Gene:102636076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108481 | MGI:5592407 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33248 |
7 | gene | 129.76393 | 129.76465 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592557 | Gm33398 | NCBI_Gene:102636290 | MGI:5592557 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33398 |
7 | gene | 129.76478 | 129.79303 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592482 | Gm33323 | NCBI_Gene:102636184 | MGI:5592482 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33323 |
7 | gene | 129.81085 | 129.82380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621980 | Gm39095 | NCBI_Gene:105243064 | MGI:5621980 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39095 |
7 | gene | 129.83305 | 129.85378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753354 | Gm44778 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108576 | MGI:5753354 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44778 |
7 | gene | 129.91772 | 129.92472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921540 | 1700102J08Rik | NCBI_Gene:74290 | MGI:1921540 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700102J08 gene |
7 | gene | 129.96216 | 129.97867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782442 | Gm4265 | NCBI_Gene:100043150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108504 | MGI:3782442 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4265 |
7 | gene | 130.03509 | 130.03520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453624 | Gm23847 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065763 | MGI:5453624 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23847 |
7 | gene | 130.08654 | 130.09491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621981 | Gm39096 | NCBI_Gene:105243065 | MGI:5621981 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39096 |
7 | gene | 130.16245 | 133.12335 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95523 | Fgfr2 | NCBI_Gene:14183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030849 | MGI:95523 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 |
7 | gene | 130.27326 | 130.31554 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592714 | Gm33555 | NCBI_Gene:102636510 | MGI:5592714 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33555 |
7 | gene | 130.30965 | 130.31594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592766 | Gm33607 | NCBI_Gene:102636585 | MGI:5592766 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33607 |
7 | gene | 130.32607 | 130.34076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592820 | Gm33661 | NCBI_Gene:102636656 | MGI:5592820 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33661 |
7 | gene | 130.33488 | 130.33740 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621982 | Gm39097 | NCBI_Gene:105243066 | MGI:5621982 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39097 |
7 | pseudogene | 130.34352 | 130.35440 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644470 | Gm5903 | NCBI_Gene:546005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082988 | MGI:3644470 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5903 |
7 | gene | 130.37477 | 130.38295 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592930 | Gm33771 | NCBI_Gene:102636799 | MGI:5592930 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33771 |
7 | gene | 130.39149 | 130.52127 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333870 | Ate1 | NCBI_Gene:11907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030850 | MGI:1333870 | protein coding gene | arginyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 130.39833 | 130.39863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920695 | 1700048C15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700048C15 gene |
7 | gene | 130.45601 | 130.45767 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804834 | Gm45719 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108940 | MGI:5804834 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45719 |
7 | pseudogene | 130.51966 | 130.52971 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782452 | Gm4275 | NCBI_Gene:102636907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099422 | MGI:3782452 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4275 |
7 | gene | 130.52085 | 130.52127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753223 | Gm44647 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109016 | MGI:5753223 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44647 |
7 | gene | 130.52725 | 130.52733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531266 | Gm27884 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099232 | MGI:5531266 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27884 |
7 | gene | 130.53252 | 130.57312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915122 | Nsmce4a | NCBI_Gene:67872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040331 | MGI:1915122 | protein coding gene | NSE4 homolog A, SMC5-SMC6 complex component |
7 | gene | 130.55301 | 130.76771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928899 | Tacc2 | NCBI_Gene:57752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030852 | MGI:1928899 | protein coding gene | transforming, acidic coiled-coil containing protein 2 |
7 | gene | 130.60195 | 130.61949 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593524 | Gm34365 | NCBI_Gene:102637598 | MGI:5593524 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34365 |
7 | gene | 130.64456 | 130.64593 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621983 | Gm39098 | NCBI_Gene:105243067 | MGI:5621983 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39098 |
7 | gene | 130.65313 | 130.65439 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922358 | 4930513N20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109225 | MGI:1922358 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930513N20 gene |
7 | gene | 130.70250 | 130.72852 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593442 | Gm34283 | NCBI_Gene:102637489 | MGI:5593442 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34283 |
7 | pseudogene | 130.76695 | 130.77413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779553 | Gm6108 | NCBI_Gene:108167461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109104 | MGI:3779553 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6108 |
7 | gene | 130.77064 | 130.77265 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2149837 | Etos1 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050189 | MGI:2149837 | lncRNA gene | ectopic ossification 1 |
7 | gene | 130.77407 | 130.82590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045247 | Btbd16 | NCBI_Gene:330660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040298 | MGI:3045247 | protein coding gene | BTB (POZ) domain containing 16 |
7 | gene | 130.86056 | 130.91331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442213 | Plekha1 | NCBI_Gene:101476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040268 | MGI:2442213 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A (phosphoinositide binding specific) member 1 |
7 | gene | 130.86129 | 130.86633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645136 | Gm5602 | NCBI_Gene:434249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086108 | MGI:3645136 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 5602 |
7 | gene | 130.90827 | 130.90833 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5562779 | Mir7061 | miRBase:MI0022910,NCBI_Gene:102466219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104914 | MGI:5562779 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7061 |
7 | gene | 130.93611 | 130.98566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929076 | Htra1 | NCBI_Gene:56213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006205 | MGI:1929076 | protein coding gene | HtrA serine peptidase 1 |
7 | gene | 131.03205 | 131.12163 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106210 | Dmbt1 | NCBI_Gene:12945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047517 | MGI:106210 | protein coding gene | deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 |
7 | gene | 131.13771 | 131.14631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914681 | 4933402N03Rik | NCBI_Gene:233918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013668 | MGI:1914681 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933402N03 gene |
7 | gene | 131.14644 | 131.15058 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916745 | 1700029B22Rik | NCBI_Gene:69495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100759 | MGI:1916745 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700029B22 gene |
7 | gene | 131.17440 | 131.30645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918645 | Cdcp3 | NCBI_Gene:71395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006204 | MGI:1918645 | protein coding gene | CUB domain containing protein 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.26266 | 131.26613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010892 | Gm18707 | NCBI_Gene:100417600 | MGI:5010892 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18707 |
7 | gene | 131.28359 | 131.30645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142288 | BB114814 | NCBI_Gene:100043173 | MGI:2142288 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence BB114814 |
7 | gene | 131.30855 | 131.32229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1202881 | Cuzd1 | NCBI_Gene:16433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040205 | MGI:1202881 | protein coding gene | CUB and zona pellucida-like domains 1 |
7 | gene | 131.32593 | 131.33143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916568 | Fam24b | NCBI_Gene:69318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030858 | MGI:1916568 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 24 member B |
7 | gene | 131.33386 | 131.33693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915473 | Fam24a | NCBI_Gene:68223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030859 | MGI:1915473 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 24, member A |
7 | gene | 131.33822 | 131.33859 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444523 | 9330174C13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330174C13 gene |
7 | gene | 131.33822 | 131.36284 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915527 | 2310057M21Rik | NCBI_Gene:68277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040177 | MGI:1915527 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310057M21 gene |
7 | gene | 131.37111 | 131.39448 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685945 | Pstk | NCBI_Gene:214580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063179 | MGI:2685945 | protein coding gene | phosphoseryl-tRNA kinase |
7 | gene | 131.38551 | 131.38595 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753199 | Gm44623 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108883 | MGI:5753199 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44623 |
7 | gene | 131.38865 | 131.41052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914393 | Ikzf5 | NCBI_Gene:67143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040167 | MGI:1914393 | protein coding gene | IKAROS family zinc finger 5 |
7 | gene | 131.39626 | 131.39854 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753200 | Gm44624 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109570 | MGI:5753200 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44624 |
7 | gene | 131.40124 | 131.40280 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753201 | Gm44625 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108910 | MGI:5753201 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44625 |
7 | gene | 131.41060 | 131.44894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914135 | Acadsb | NCBI_Gene:66885,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030861 | MGI:1914135 | protein coding gene | acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, short/branched chain |
7 | gene | 131.44047 | 131.44094 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753558 | Gm44982 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109399 | MGI:5753558 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44982 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.45689 | 131.45752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010785 | Gm18600 | NCBI_Gene:100417417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108964 | MGI:5010785 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18600 |
7 | gene | 131.46173 | 131.47222 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621984 | Gm39099 | NCBI_Gene:105243068 | MGI:5621984 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39099 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.47247 | 131.47287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753560 | Gm44984 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108989 | MGI:5753560 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44984 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.49351 | 131.49390 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753681 | Gm45105 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109087 | MGI:5753681 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45105 |
7 | gene | 131.54114 | 131.54603 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107160 | Hmx3 | NCBI_Gene:15373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040148 | MGI:107160 | protein coding gene | H6 homeobox 3 |
7 | gene | 131.54877 | 131.55887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107159 | Hmx2 | NCBI_Gene:15372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050100 | MGI:107159 | protein coding gene | H6 homeobox 2 |
7 | gene | 131.56022 | 131.57190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1343463 | Bub3 | NCBI_Gene:12237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066979 | MGI:1343463 | protein coding gene | BUB3 mitotic checkpoint protein |
7 | pseudogene | 131.61415 | 131.61501 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646779 | Gm16477 | NCBI_Gene:677073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062758 | MGI:3646779 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 16477 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.67424 | 131.67491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782768 | Gm4585 | NCBI_Gene:100043679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109066 | MGI:3782768 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4585 |
7 | gene | 131.75511 | 131.75782 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045273 | 9030223M17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9030223M17 gene |
7 | gene | 131.78513 | 131.78658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753123 | Gm44547 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108839 | MGI:5753123 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44547 |
7 | gene | 131.82401 | 131.88386 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753122 | Gm44546 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109014 | MGI:5753122 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44546 |
7 | gene | 131.82477 | 131.82792 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593804 | Gm34645 | NCBI_Gene:102637964 | MGI:5593804 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34645 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.93239 | 131.93265 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592305 | Gm33146 | NCBI_Gene:102635936 | MGI:5592305 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33146 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.93246 | 131.93265 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753124 | Gm44548 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109340 | MGI:5753124 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44548 |
7 | gene | 131.93662 | 131.96374 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593884 | Gm34725 | NCBI_Gene:102638076 | MGI:5593884 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34725 |
7 | gene | 131.93787 | 131.93813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922899 | 1700016L15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700016L15 gene |
7 | gene | 131.96614 | 131.99441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441758 | Gpr26 | NCBI_Gene:233919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040125 | MGI:2441758 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 26 |
7 | gene | 131.98829 | 131.99441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039631 | BC058420 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence BC058420 |
7 | gene | 132.03269 | 132.15476 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926006 | Cpxm2 | NCBI_Gene:55987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030862 | MGI:1926006 | protein coding gene | carboxypeptidase X 2 (M14 family) |
7 | gene | 132.05864 | 132.05876 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422022 | n-R5s159 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084630 | MGI:4422022 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 159 |
7 | gene | 132.15417 | 132.15530 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783119 | Gm15677 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086814 | MGI:3783119 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15677 |
7 | gene | 132.23578 | 132.32353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924840 | Chst15 | NCBI_Gene:77590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030930 | MGI:1924840 | protein coding gene | carbohydrate sulfotransferase 15 |
7 | gene | 132.31186 | 132.31408 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753467 | Gm44891 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109555 | MGI:5753467 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44891 |
7 | gene | 132.31491 | 132.31631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011648 | Gm19463 | NCBI_Gene:100502937 | MGI:5011648 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 19463 |
7 | gene | 132.31566 | 132.31829 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641800 | Gm10584 | NCBI_Gene:100043682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109270 | MGI:3641800 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10584 |
7 | gene | 132.32160 | 132.32208 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753468 | Gm44892 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109550 | MGI:5753468 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44892 |
7 | gene | 132.36036 | 132.38658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594067 | Gm34908 | NCBI_Gene:102638315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109137 | MGI:5594067 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34908 |
7 | gene | 132.40599 | 132.41741 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621986 | Gm39101 | NCBI_Gene:105243071 | MGI:5621986 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39101 |
7 | gene | 132.42003 | 132.42371 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621987 | Gm39102 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene%2c 39102 |
7 | gene | 132.42003 | 132.42371 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753469 | Gm44893 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108870 | MGI:5753469 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44893 |
7 | gene | 132.46025 | 132.46666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594306 | Gm35147 | NCBI_Gene:102638626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108849 | MGI:5594306 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35147 |
7 | gene | 132.46592 | 132.46681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825639 | Gm46002 | NCBI_Gene:108167462 | MGI:5825639 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46002 |
7 | pseudogene | 132.48353 | 132.48439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782770 | Gm4587 | NCBI_Gene:100043683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108858 | MGI:3782770 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4587 |
7 | gene | 132.53824 | 132.54187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594408 | Gm35249 | NCBI_Gene:102638764 | MGI:5594408 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35249 |
7 | gene | 132.55748 | 132.57640 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97394 | Oat | NCBI_Gene:18242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030934 | MGI:97394 | protein coding gene | ornithine aminotransferase |
7 | gene | 132.59488 | 132.59964 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104806 | Nkx1-2 | NCBI_Gene:20231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048528 | MGI:104806 | protein coding gene | NK1 homeobox 2 |
7 | gene | 132.59739 | 132.59964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4439688 | Gm16764 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087657 | MGI:4439688 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16764 |
7 | pseudogene | 132.60762 | 132.60792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825658 | Gm46021 | NCBI_Gene:108167505 | MGI:5825658 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46021 |
7 | gene | 132.61061 | 132.70642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923679 | Lhpp | NCBI_Gene:76429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030946 | MGI:1923679 | protein coding gene | phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase |
7 | gene | 132.65738 | 132.65988 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783030 | Gm15582 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087348 | MGI:3783030 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15582 |
7 | gene | 132.71208 | 132.81389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925188 | Fam53b | NCBI_Gene:77938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030956 | MGI:1925188 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 53, member B |
7 | gene | 132.82723 | 132.85272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919346 | Eef1akmt2 | NCBI_Gene:72096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030960 | MGI:1919346 | protein coding gene | EEF1A lysine methyltransferase 2 |
7 | gene | 132.83770 | 132.84022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791337 | Gm45501 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110159 | MGI:5791337 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45501 |
7 | gene | 132.85923 | 132.88511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926116 | Abraxas2 | NCBI_Gene:109359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030965 | MGI:1926116 | protein coding gene | BRISC complex subunit |
7 | gene | 132.87461 | 132.93120 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923933 | 1500002F19Rik | NCBI_Gene:76683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097595 | MGI:1923933 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1500002F19 gene |
7 | gene | 132.89688 | 132.90013 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825640 | Gm46003 | NCBI_Gene:108167463 | MGI:5825640 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46003 |
7 | gene | 132.91109 | 132.91973 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791338 | Gm45502 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109842 | MGI:5791338 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45502 |
7 | gene | 132.93114 | 132.98639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106441 | Zranb1 | NCBI_Gene:360216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030967 | MGI:106441 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, RAN-binding domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 132.97958 | 132.98355 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783160 | Gm15718 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085663 | MGI:3783160 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15718 |
7 | gene | 132.98701 | 133.12435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201686 | Ctbp2 | NCBI_Gene:13017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030970 | MGI:1201686 | protein coding gene | C-terminal binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 133.00144 | 133.00556 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921630 | 4932437C15Rik | NCBI_Gene:102639040 | MGI:1921630 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4932437C15 gene |
7 | gene | 133.09383 | 133.09563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3026942 | D930021H04Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D930021H04 gene |
7 | gene | 133.11653 | 133.12027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443202 | B930086L07Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110282 | MGI:2443202 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B930086L07 gene |
7 | gene | 133.12355 | 133.12461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594523 | Gm35364 | NCBI_Gene:102638918 | MGI:5594523 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 35364 |
7 | gene | 133.12825 | 133.14246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922220 | 4930483O08Rik | NCBI_Gene:74970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109816 | MGI:1922220 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930483O08 gene |
7 | gene | 133.21595 | 133.22153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594726 | Gm35567 | NCBI_Gene:102639206 | MGI:5594726 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35567 |
7 | gene | 133.31999 | 133.33320 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791508 | Gm45672 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109619 | MGI:5791508 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45672 |
7 | pseudogene | 133.40879 | 133.40948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645188 | Gm9330 | NCBI_Gene:668747 | MGI:3645188 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9330 |
7 | gene | 133.58702 | 133.60216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921058 | Tex36 | NCBI_Gene:73808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030976 | MGI:1921058 | protein coding gene | testis expressed 36 |
7 | gene | 133.60226 | 133.61626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594784 | Gm35625 | NCBI_Gene:102639277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110026 | MGI:5594784 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35625 |
7 | gene | 133.60823 | 133.61626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791507 | Gm45671 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109917 | MGI:5791507 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45671 |
7 | gene | 133.62635 | 133.62772 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579453 | Gm28747 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101546 | MGI:5579453 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28747 |
7 | gene | 133.63753 | 133.67302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919831 | Edrf1 | NCBI_Gene:214764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039990 | MGI:1919831 | protein coding gene | erythroid differentiation regulatory factor 1 |
7 | gene | 133.67427 | 133.68006 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2664387 | Mmp21 | NCBI_Gene:214766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030981 | MGI:2664387 | protein coding gene | matrix metallopeptidase 21 |
7 | gene | 133.68614 | 133.71052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98917 | Uros | NCBI_Gene:22276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030979 | MGI:98917 | protein coding gene | uroporphyrinogen III synthase |
7 | gene | 133.70933 | 133.72115 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913415 | Bccip | NCBI_Gene:66165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030983 | MGI:1913415 | protein coding gene | BRCA2 and CDKN1A interacting protein |
7 | gene | 133.72093 | 133.78278 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141813 | Dhx32 | NCBI_Gene:101437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030986 | MGI:2141813 | protein coding gene | DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 32 |
7 | pseudogene | 133.73843 | 133.74019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705631 | Gm15483 | NCBI_Gene:100043695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081431 | MGI:3705631 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15483 |
7 | gene | 133.74762 | 133.75304 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791506 | Gm45670 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109635 | MGI:5791506 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45670 |
7 | gene | 133.77686 | 133.88154 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914180 | Fank1 | NCBI_Gene:66930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053111 | MGI:1914180 | protein coding gene | fibronectin type 3 and ankyrin repeat domains 1 |
7 | gene | 133.88320 | 134.23215 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105378 | Adam12 | NCBI_Gene:11489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054555 | MGI:105378 | protein coding gene | a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 12 (meltrin alpha) |
7 | gene | 133.93962 | 133.93974 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453408 | Gm23631 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093032 | MGI:5453408 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23631 |
7 | gene | 133.97608 | 133.97735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923232 | 5033415L01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5033415L01 gene |
7 | gene | 134.01532 | 134.01752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028071 | 6030403N03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030403N03 gene |
7 | gene | 134.02040 | 134.03944 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621988 | Gm39103 | NCBI_Gene:105243074 | MGI:5621988 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39103 |
7 | gene | 134.09579 | 134.10028 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011699 | Gm19514 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108478 | MGI:5011699 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 19514 |
7 | gene | 134.18490 | 134.19489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921993 | 5830403F22Rik | NCBI_Gene:74743 | MGI:1921993 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5830403F22 gene |
7 | gene | 134.22747 | 134.23071 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444285 | A130023I24Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050066 | MGI:2444285 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A130023I24 gene |
7 | gene | 134.26132 | 134.26188 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919483 | 1700023G08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700023G08 gene |
7 | gene | 134.26578 | 134.52013 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196431 | D7Ertd443e | NCBI_Gene:71007,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030994 | MGI:1196431 | protein coding gene | DNA segment, Chr 7, ERATO Doi 443, expressed |
7 | gene | 134.41027 | 134.41465 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595129 | Gm35970 | NCBI_Gene:102639727 | MGI:5595129 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35970 |
7 | gene | 134.49819 | 134.50116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782776 | Gm4593 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4593 |
7 | pseudogene | 134.66034 | 134.66166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643231 | Gm9333 | NCBI_Gene:668750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108702 | MGI:3643231 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9333 |
7 | gene | 134.67060 | 135.17365 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2429765 | Dock1 | NCBI_Gene:330662,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058325 | MGI:2429765 | protein coding gene | dedicator of cytokinesis 1 |
7 | gene | 134.88191 | 134.93843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3605068 | Insyn2a | NCBI_Gene:627214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073805 | MGI:3605068 | protein coding gene | inhibitory synaptic factor 2A |
7 | gene | 134.90067 | 134.90429 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791368 | Gm45532 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110167 | MGI:5791368 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45532 |
7 | gene | 134.90992 | 134.91191 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791433 | Gm45597 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109608 | MGI:5791433 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45597 |
7 | gene | 135.13151 | 135.13165 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454358 | Gm24581 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077150 | MGI:5454358 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24581 |
7 | gene | 135.19176 | 135.19600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921564 | 1700120G07Rik | NCBI_Gene:74314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100717 | MGI:1921564 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700120G07 gene |
7 | gene | 135.25870 | 135.27294 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642232 | Nps | NCBI_Gene:100043254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073804 | MGI:3642232 | protein coding gene | neuropeptide S |
7 | gene | 135.27466 | 135.27715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791175 | Gm45339 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109891 | MGI:5791175 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45339 |
7 | gene | 135.39565 | 135.39826 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595221 | Gm36062 | NCBI_Gene:102639844 | MGI:5595221 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36062 |
7 | gene | 135.39633 | 135.39954 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926057 | 4930544L04Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073803 | MGI:1926057 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930544L04 gene |
7 | gene | 135.41031 | 135.41362 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028075 | Foxi2 | NCBI_Gene:270004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048377 | MGI:3028075 | protein coding gene | forkhead box I2 |
7 | gene | 135.42413 | 135.42991 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621990 | Gm39105 | NCBI_Gene:105243076 | MGI:5621990 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39105 |
7 | gene | 135.48583 | 135.49230 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595515 | Gm36356 | NCBI_Gene:102640242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109598 | MGI:5595515 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36356 |
7 | gene | 135.51146 | 135.52865 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142022 | Clrn3 | NCBI_Gene:212070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050866 | MGI:2142022 | protein coding gene | clarin 3 |
7 | gene | 135.53748 | 135.68629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97813 | Ptpre | NCBI_Gene:19267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041836 | MGI:97813 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, E |
7 | gene | 135.56616 | 135.56628 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3837207 | Mir1962 | miRBase:MI0009959,NCBI_Gene:100316818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088141 | MGI:3837207 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1962 |
7 | gene | 135.56686 | 135.56813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925001 | 9230118N17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9230118N17 gene |
7 | gene | 135.63593 | 135.65231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915015 | 5830432E09Rik | NCBI_Gene:67765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097471 | MGI:1915015 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5830432E09 gene |
7 | gene | 135.68978 | 135.71641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106035 | Mki67 | NCBI_Gene:17345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031004 | MGI:106035 | protein coding gene | antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67 |
7 | gene | 135.70919 | 135.70987 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791076 | Gm45240 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109910 | MGI:5791076 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45240 |
7 | gene | 135.74268 | 135.83319 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595590 | Gm36431 | NCBI_Gene:102640342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109831 | MGI:5595590 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36431 |
7 | gene | 135.85071 | 135.85445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791077 | Gm45241 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110078 | MGI:5791077 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45241 |
7 | gene | 135.85368 | 135.85598 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442260 | 6330420H09Rik | NCBI_Gene:319551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109898 | MGI:2442260 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330420H09 gene |
7 | gene | 135.89282 | 135.89447 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791276 | Gm45440 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110004 | MGI:5791276 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45440 |
7 | pseudogene | 135.90746 | 135.90781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791275 | Gm45439 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110113 | MGI:5791275 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45439 |
7 | pseudogene | 135.95279 | 135.95398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645378 | Gm9341 | NCBI_Gene:668764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098031 | MGI:3645378 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9341 |
7 | gene | 136.15316 | 136.16032 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595834 | Gm36675 | NCBI_Gene:102640661 | MGI:5595834 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36675 |
7 | gene | 136.16709 | 136.18161 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595896 | Gm36737 | NCBI_Gene:102640741,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110396 | MGI:5595896 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36737 |
7 | gene | 136.26832 | 136.31851 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924633 | C030029H02Rik | NCBI_Gene:77383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110027 | MGI:1924633 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C030029H02 gene |
7 | gene | 136.28866 | 136.29233 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791262 | Gm45426 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109792 | MGI:5791262 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45426 |
7 | gene | 136.32014 | 136.32410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642230 | Gm10579 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10579 |
7 | gene | 136.33222 | 136.34941 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439416 | C230079O03Rik | NCBI_Gene:330664,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109633 | MGI:5439416 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C230079O03 gene |
7 | gene | 136.35319 | 136.35672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5596008 | Gm36849 | NCBI_Gene:102640891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109981 | MGI:5596008 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36849 |
7 | gene | 136.37363 | 136.39041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589031 | Gm29872 | NCBI_Gene:102631569 | MGI:5589031 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29872 |
7 | gene | 136.49623 | 136.50355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589090 | Gm29931 | NCBI_Gene:102631644 | MGI:5589090 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29931 |
7 | gene | 136.50903 | 136.50933 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454221 | Gm24444 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087869 | MGI:5454221 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24444 |
7 | pseudogene | 136.65721 | 136.65827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644469 | Gm5904 | NCBI_Gene:546009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109894 | MGI:3644469 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5904 |
7 | gene | 136.66796 | 136.71060 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644248 | Gm6249 | NCBI_Gene:621677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110101 | MGI:3644248 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 6249 |
7 | gene | 136.67709 | 136.68044 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589137 | Gm29978 | NCBI_Gene:102631708 | MGI:5589137 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29978 |
7 | pseudogene | 136.81077 | 136.81265 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648409 | Gm9347 | NCBI_Gene:668771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110126 | MGI:3648409 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9347 |
7 | gene | 136.89447 | 137.13027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96977 | Mgmt | NCBI_Gene:17314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054612 | MGI:96977 | protein coding gene | O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase |
7 | gene | 136.92094 | 136.92349 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791116 | Gm45280 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109721 | MGI:5791116 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45280 |
7 | gene | 137.09055 | 137.09642 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621993 | Gm39108 | NCBI_Gene:105243080 | MGI:5621993 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39108 |
7 | gene | 137.12380 | 137.12571 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914801 | 4933409L14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933409L14 gene |
7 | gene | 137.13256 | 137.13720 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621994 | Gm39109 | NCBI_Gene:105243081 | MGI:5621994 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39109 |
7 | gene | 137.14581 | 137.14946 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589220 | Gm30061 | NCBI_Gene:102631820 | MGI:5589220 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30061 |
7 | pseudogene | 137.16782 | 137.16810 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791335 | Gm45499 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110174 | MGI:5791335 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45499 |
7 | gene | 137.19367 | 137.32278 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_894289 | Ebf3 | NCBI_Gene:13593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010476 | MGI:894289 | protein coding gene | early B cell factor 3 |
7 | gene | 137.19849 | 137.20172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791114 | Gm45278 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109847 | MGI:5791114 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45278 |
7 | gene | 137.23468 | 137.24261 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642555 | Gm10578 | NCBI_Gene:100038555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109722 | MGI:3642555 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10578 |
7 | pseudogene | 137.33574 | 137.33643 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791350 | Gm45514 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109677 | MGI:5791350 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45514 |
7 | pseudogene | 137.37084 | 137.37326 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010026 | Gm17841 | NCBI_Gene:100415960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109843 | MGI:5010026 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17841 |
7 | gene | 137.37557 | 137.41192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924502 | 9430038I01Rik | NCBI_Gene:77252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040139 | MGI:1924502 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430038I01 gene |
7 | gene | 137.43620 | 137.46859 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353653 | Glrx3 | NCBI_Gene:30926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031068 | MGI:1353653 | protein coding gene | glutaredoxin 3 |
7 | gene | 137.46926 | 137.47218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621995 | Gm39110 | NCBI_Gene:105243082 | MGI:5621995 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39110 |
7 | gene | 137.55711 | 137.56459 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791233 | Gm45397 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109973 | MGI:5791233 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45397 |
7 | gene | 137.63052 | 137.65403 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923188 | 4930570E01Rik | NCBI_Gene:108167464 | MGI:1923188 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930570E01 gene |
7 | gene | 137.64909 | 137.65034 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791519 | Gm45683 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110145 | MGI:5791519 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45683 |
7 | gene | 137.73427 | 137.73796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791518 | Gm45682 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110090 | MGI:5791518 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45682 |
7 | pseudogene | 138.06196 | 138.06260 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646505 | Gm5650 | NCBI_Gene:435235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109834 | MGI:3646505 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5650 |
7 | gene | 138.09751 | 138.12358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589554 | Gm30395 | NCBI_Gene:102632270 | MGI:5589554 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30395 |
7 | gene | 138.10143 | 138.10154 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455575 | Gm25798 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064575 | MGI:5455575 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25798 |
7 | gene | 138.20897 | 138.39773 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917821 | Tcerg1l | NCBI_Gene:70571,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091002 | MGI:1917821 | protein coding gene | transcription elongation regulator 1-like |
7 | gene | 138.41361 | 138.42176 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791522 | Gm45686 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110354 | MGI:5791522 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45686 |
7 | gene | 138.48666 | 138.60842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589910 | Gm30751 | NCBI_Gene:102632763 | MGI:5589910 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30751 |
7 | gene | 138.55423 | 138.56771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922437 | 4930543N07Rik | NCBI_Gene:75187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110037 | MGI:1922437 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930543N07 gene |
7 | gene | 138.56188 | 138.56230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924206 | 2900001A22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900001A22 gene |
7 | gene | 138.70090 | 138.70330 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589967 | Gm30808 | NCBI_Gene:102632840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109802 | MGI:5589967 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30808 |
7 | gene | 138.73353 | 138.82890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590033 | Gm30874 | NCBI_Gene:102632923 | MGI:5590033 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30874 |
7 | pseudogene | 138.82074 | 138.82102 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791342 | Gm45506 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110241 | MGI:5791342 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45506 |
7 | gene | 138.83582 | 138.84627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916796 | Mapk1ip1 | NCBI_Gene:69546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041775 | MGI:1916796 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 interacting protein 1 |
7 | gene | 138.84608 | 138.88306 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1289252 | Ppp2r2d | NCBI_Gene:52432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041769 | MGI:1289252 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, delta |
7 | gene | 138.88555 | 138.88598 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142370 | 6030427F01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030427F01 gene |
7 | gene | 138.89084 | 138.90952 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109326 | Bnip3 | NCBI_Gene:12176,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078566 | MGI:109326 | protein coding gene | BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 3 |
7 | gene | 138.89096 | 138.89468 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791343 | Gm45507 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109881 | MGI:5791343 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45507 |
7 | pseudogene | 138.89925 | 138.90024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010443 | Gm18258 | NCBI_Gene:100416796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110237 | MGI:5010443 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18258 |
7 | pseudogene | 138.91437 | 138.91551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643920 | Gm9358 | NCBI_Gene:668784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098199 | MGI:3643920 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9358 |
7 | pseudogene | 138.92972 | 138.93022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791504 | Gm45668 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110319 | MGI:5791504 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45668 |
7 | gene | 138.94073 | 139.08398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921254 | Jakmip3 | NCBI_Gene:74004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056856 | MGI:1921254 | protein coding gene | janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 3 |
7 | gene | 139.01916 | 139.02100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791449 | Gm45613 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109855 | MGI:5791449 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45613 |
7 | gene | 139.08598 | 139.10270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1349764 | Dpysl4 | NCBI_Gene:26757,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025478 | MGI:1349764 | protein coding gene | dihydropyrimidinase-like 4 |
7 | gene | 139.10364 | 139.21331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385336 | Stk32c | NCBI_Gene:57740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015981 | MGI:2385336 | protein coding gene | serine/threonine kinase 32C |
7 | gene | 139.19920 | 139.19930 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531357 | Gm27975 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098629 | MGI:5531357 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 27975 |
7 | gene | 139.21228 | 139.21319 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791164 | Gm45328 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110303 | MGI:5791164 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45328 |
7 | gene | 139.21286 | 139.24298 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923862 | Lrrc27 | NCBI_Gene:76612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015980 | MGI:1923862 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 27 |
7 | gene | 139.23297 | 139.23500 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591474 | Gm32315 | NCBI_Gene:102634820 | MGI:5591474 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32315 |
7 | gene | 139.24848 | 139.26990 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142008 | Pwwp2b | NCBI_Gene:101631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060260 | MGI:2142008 | protein coding gene | PWWP domain containing 2B |
7 | gene | 139.27127 | 139.29708 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591645 | Gm32486 | NCBI_Gene:102635051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110115 | MGI:5591645 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32486 |
7 | gene | 139.35808 | 139.36090 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591730 | Gm32571 | NCBI_Gene:102635163 | MGI:5591730 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32571 |
7 | gene | 139.38647 | 139.38898 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825641 | Gm46004 | NCBI_Gene:108167465 | MGI:5825641 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46004 |
7 | gene | 139.38911 | 139.57965 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686961 | Inpp5a | NCBI_Gene:212111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025477 | MGI:2686961 | protein coding gene | inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase A |
7 | pseudogene | 139.54310 | 139.55150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592856 | Gm33697 | NCBI_Gene:102636697 | MGI:5592856 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33697 |
7 | gene | 139.57938 | 139.58280 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352738 | Nkx6-2 | NCBI_Gene:14912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041309 | MGI:1352738 | protein coding gene | NK6 homeobox 2 |
7 | gene | 139.58298 | 139.60490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592190 | Gm33031 | NCBI_Gene:102635780 | MGI:5592190 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33031 |
7 | gene | 139.60091 | 139.68533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444387 | Cfap46 | NCBI_Gene:212124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049571 | MGI:2444387 | protein coding gene | cilia and flagella associated protein 46 |
7 | gene | 139.60589 | 139.63505 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621996 | Gm39111 | NCBI_Gene:105243084 | MGI:5621996 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39111 |
7 | pseudogene | 139.65954 | 139.66018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782643 | Gm4459 | NCBI_Gene:100043472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083626 | MGI:3782643 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4459 |
7 | gene | 139.68405 | 139.68674 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591839 | Gm32680 | NCBI_Gene:102635307 | MGI:5591839 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32680 |
7 | pseudogene | 139.71936 | 139.71995 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649022 | Rpl21-ps13 | NCBI_Gene:434253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056777 | MGI:3649022 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L21-ps13 |
7 | pseudogene | 139.77467 | 139.77522 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646626 | Gm7380 | NCBI_Gene:664869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109905 | MGI:3646626 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7380 |
7 | gene | 139.77902 | 139.77913 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530824 | Mir6401 | miRBase:MI0021937,NCBI_Gene:102465215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098619 | MGI:5530824 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6401 |
7 | gene | 139.83409 | 139.87809 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277167 | Adgra1 | NCBI_Gene:52389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025475 | MGI:1277167 | protein coding gene | adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1 |
7 | pseudogene | 139.88744 | 139.88838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646627 | Gm4974 | NCBI_Gene:244229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109710 | MGI:3646627 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4974 |
7 | gene | 139.89470 | 139.94154 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923734 | Kndc1 | NCBI_Gene:76484,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066129 | MGI:1923734 | protein coding gene | kinase non-catalytic C-lobe domain (KIND) containing 1 |
7 | gene | 139.94379 | 139.94511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1276125 | Utf1 | NCBI_Gene:22286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047751 | MGI:1276125 | protein coding gene | undifferentiated embryonic cell transcription factor 1 |
7 | gene | 139.95000 | 139.97898 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802153 | Gm16201 | NCBI_Gene:102635948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086742 | MGI:3802153 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16201 |
7 | gene | 139.95701 | 139.95804 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780212 | Gm2044 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085354 | MGI:3780212 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 2044 |
7 | gene | 139.95757 | 139.95762 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5562780 | Mir7686 | miRBase:MI0025037,NCBI_Gene:102465788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105165 | MGI:5562780 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7686 |
7 | gene | 139.95769 | 139.95776 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2676877 | Mir202 | miRBase:MI0000245,NCBI_Gene:387198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065502 | MGI:2676877 | miRNA gene | microRNA 202 |
7 | gene | 139.97230 | 139.97876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685939 | Spef1l | NCBI_Gene:381933,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073795 | MGI:2685939 | protein coding gene | sperm flagellar 1 like |
7 | gene | 139.97893 | 139.99312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107825 | Adam8 | NCBI_Gene:11501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025473 | MGI:107825 | protein coding gene | a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 8 |
7 | gene | 139.98681 | 139.98687 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530721 | Mir7062 | miRBase:MI0022911,NCBI_Gene:102465643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099092 | MGI:5530721 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7062 |
7 | gene | 139.99596 | 140.03667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921487 | Tubgcp2 | NCBI_Gene:74237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025474 | MGI:1921487 | protein coding gene | tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 2 |
7 | gene | 140.03639 | 140.04061 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917002 | Zfp511 | NCBI_Gene:69752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025470 | MGI:1917002 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 511 |
7 | gene | 140.04616 | 140.04997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106587 | Msx3 | NCBI_Gene:17703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025469 | MGI:106587 | protein coding gene | msh homeobox 3 |
7 | gene | 140.06988 | 140.08257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915816 | Caly | NCBI_Gene:68566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025468 | MGI:1915816 | protein coding gene | calcyon neuron-specific vesicular protein |
7 | gene | 140.09339 | 140.09720 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_893573 | Prap1 | NCBI_Gene:22264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025467 | MGI:893573 | protein coding gene | proline-rich acidic protein 1 |
7 | gene | 140.09677 | 140.10540 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916314 | Fuom | NCBI_Gene:69064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025466 | MGI:1916314 | protein coding gene | fucose mutarotase |
7 | gene | 140.10571 | 140.11648 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2136460 | Echs1 | NCBI_Gene:93747,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025465 | MGI:2136460 | protein coding gene | enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase, short chain, 1, mitochondrial |
7 | gene | 140.11579 | 140.13722 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916983 | Paox | NCBI_Gene:212503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025464 | MGI:1916983 | protein coding gene | polyamine oxidase (exo-N4-amino) |
7 | gene | 140.13756 | 140.15079 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685015 | Mtg1 | NCBI_Gene:212508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039018 | MGI:2685015 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosome-associated GTPase 1 |
7 | gene | 140.15063 | 140.15488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3582583 | Sprn | NCBI_Gene:212518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045733 | MGI:3582583 | protein coding gene | shadow of prion protein |
7 | gene | 140.16000 | 140.16476 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030356 | Olfr522 | NCBI_Gene:258954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051180 | MGI:3030356 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 522 |
7 | gene | 140.17322 | 140.17876 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030357 | Olfr523 | NCBI_Gene:258511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051051 | MGI:3030357 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 523 |
7 | gene | 140.19722 | 140.23114 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443796 | Cd163l1 | NCBI_Gene:244233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025461 | MGI:2443796 | protein coding gene | CD163 molecule-like 1 |
7 | gene | 140.19850 | 140.20596 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030358 | Olfr524 | NCBI_Gene:258055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050366 | MGI:3030358 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 524 |
7 | gene | 140.24728 | 140.30074 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443685 | 5830411N06Rik | NCBI_Gene:244234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054672 | MGI:2443685 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 5830411N06 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 140.31573 | 140.31611 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646082 | Gm6314 | NCBI_Gene:622335 | MGI:3646082 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6314 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.31581 | 140.31606 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791292 | Gm45456 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109875 | MGI:5791292 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45456 |
7 | gene | 140.32086 | 140.32763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030359 | Olfr525 | NCBI_Gene:258958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061489 | MGI:3030359 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 525 |
7 | gene | 140.33402 | 140.33855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030361 | Olfr527 | NCBI_Gene:257939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062782 | MGI:3030361 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 527 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.34148 | 140.34220 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030362 | Olfr528-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110059 | MGI:3030362 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 528, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.34382 | 140.36167 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333881 | Olfr60 | NCBI_Gene:18361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060112 | MGI:1333881 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 60 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.36851 | 140.37010 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030363 | Olfr529-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110257 | MGI:3030363 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 529, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.37187 | 140.37633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030364 | Olfr530 | NCBI_Gene:258512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060974 | MGI:3030364 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 530 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.38576 | 140.39230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647257 | Gm6376 | NCBI_Gene:622973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109690 | MGI:3647257 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6376 |
7 | gene | 140.39905 | 140.40292 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030365 | Olfr531 | NCBI_Gene:258955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062712 | MGI:3030365 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 531 |
7 | gene | 140.41571 | 140.42164 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030366 | Olfr532 | NCBI_Gene:259028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063823 | MGI:3030366 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 532 |
7 | gene | 140.46337 | 140.46813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030367 | Olfr533 | NCBI_Gene:258056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056883 | MGI:3030367 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 533 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.47874 | 140.47963 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030368 | Olfr534-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110169 | MGI:3030368 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 534, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.48422 | 140.49710 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030369 | Olfr535 | NCBI_Gene:258956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063230 | MGI:3030369 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 535 |
7 | gene | 140.50085 | 140.50740 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030370 | Olfr536 | NCBI_Gene:258513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052508 | MGI:3030370 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 536 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.52953 | 140.54108 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030371 | Olfr537-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110092 | MGI:3030371 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 537, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.56789 | 140.57579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030372 | Olfr538 | NCBI_Gene:258201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095901 | MGI:3030372 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 538 |
7 | gene | 140.60127 | 140.61768 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333824 | Olfr46 | NCBI_Gene:18345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093942 | MGI:1333824 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 46 |
7 | gene | 140.62897 | 140.63880 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333885 | Olfr61 | NCBI_Gene:18362,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096069 | MGI:1333885 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 61 |
7 | gene | 140.64645 | 140.65309 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333749 | Olfr53 | NCBI_Gene:258962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094819 | MGI:1333749 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 53 |
7 | gene | 140.65701 | 140.67657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621997 | Gm39112 | NCBI_Gene:105243086 | MGI:5621997 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39112 |
7 | gene | 140.65993 | 140.67858 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030373 | Olfr539 | NCBI_Gene:258963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059136 | MGI:3030373 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 539 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.66913 | 140.66981 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030374 | Olfr540-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109892 | MGI:3030374 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 540, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.68195 | 140.69684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333826 | Olfr45 | NCBI_Gene:18344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066122 | MGI:1333826 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 45 |
7 | gene | 140.69727 | 140.70561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030375 | Olfr541 | NCBI_Gene:258964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057997 | MGI:3030375 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 541 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.71747 | 140.72221 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030376 | Olfr542-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110199 | MGI:3030376 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 542, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.76374 | 140.77499 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88607 | Cyp2e1 | NCBI_Gene:13106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025479 | MGI:88607 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily e, polypeptide 1 |
7 | gene | 140.77723 | 140.78785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921325 | Syce1 | NCBI_Gene:74075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025480 | MGI:1921325 | protein coding gene | synaptonemal complex central element protein 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.78451 | 140.78505 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588958 | Gm29799 | NCBI_Gene:101056211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107816 | MGI:5588958 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29799 |
7 | gene | 140.79206 | 140.79245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925720 | 1700112H04Rik | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700112H04 gene |
7 | gene | 140.80745 | 140.82220 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3039601 | Zfp941 | NCBI_Gene:407812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060314 | MGI:3039601 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 941 |
7 | gene | 140.81809 | 140.85633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804900 | Gm45785 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110136 | MGI:5804900 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45785 |
7 | gene | 140.83502 | 140.83797 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916142 | Urah | NCBI_Gene:76974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025481 | MGI:1916142 | protein coding gene | urate (5-hydroxyiso-) hydrolase |
7 | gene | 140.83722 | 140.84569 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925770 | C330022C24Rik | NCBI_Gene:78520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099590 | MGI:1925770 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C330022C24 gene |
7 | gene | 140.84555 | 140.84677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2655401 | Scgb1c1 | NCBI_Gene:338417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038801 | MGI:2655401 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1C, member 1 |
7 | gene | 140.84780 | 140.85102 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916537 | Odf3 | NCBI_Gene:69287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025482 | MGI:1916537 | protein coding gene | outer dense fiber of sperm tails 3 |
7 | gene | 140.85338 | 140.85758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913128 | Bet1l | NCBI_Gene:54399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025484 | MGI:1913128 | protein coding gene | Bet1 golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein like |
7 | gene | 140.85696 | 140.86437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141866 | Ric8a | NCBI_Gene:101489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025485 | MGI:2141866 | protein coding gene | RIC8 guanine nucleotide exchange factor A |
7 | gene | 140.86366 | 140.88231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927665 | Sirt3 | NCBI_Gene:64384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025486 | MGI:1927665 | protein coding gene | sirtuin 3 |
7 | gene | 140.88197 | 140.89864 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345192 | Psmd13 | NCBI_Gene:23997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025487 | MGI:1345192 | protein coding gene | proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 13 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.89076 | 140.89224 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782990 | Gm15542 | NCBI_Gene:100043546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083396 | MGI:3782990 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15542 |
7 | gene | 140.89894 | 140.90045 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105958 | Cox8b | NCBI_Gene:12869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025488 | MGI:105958 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase subunit 8B |
7 | gene | 140.90601 | 140.90798 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2669313 | BC024386 | NCBI_Gene:212965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109628 | MGI:2669313 | lncRNA gene | cDNA sequence BC023486 |
7 | gene | 140.92090 | 140.92919 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141990 | Nlrp6 | NCBI_Gene:101613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038745 | MGI:2141990 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 6 |
7 | gene | 140.94139 | 140.94766 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444047 | Pgghg | NCBI_Gene:212974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062031 | MGI:2444047 | protein coding gene | protein glucosylgalactosylhydroxylysine glucosidase |
7 | gene | 140.94896 | 140.95029 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1934923 | Ifitm5 | NCBI_Gene:73835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025489 | MGI:1934923 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 5 |
7 | gene | 140.94922 | 140.95594 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804832 | Gm45717 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110104 | MGI:5804832 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45717 |
7 | gene | 140.95484 | 140.95599 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933382 | Ifitm2 | NCBI_Gene:80876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060591 | MGI:1933382 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 2 |
7 | gene | 140.96722 | 140.96983 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915963 | Ifitm1 | NCBI_Gene:68713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025491 | MGI:1915963 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.99215 | 140.99351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643009 | Gm7514 | NCBI_Gene:665143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110355 | MGI:3643009 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7514 |
7 | gene | 140.99479 | 141.00490 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592663 | Gm33504 | NCBI_Gene:102636441 | MGI:5592663 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33504 |
7 | gene | 141.00959 | 141.01077 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913391 | Ifitm3 | NCBI_Gene:66141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025492 | MGI:1913391 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 3 |
7 | gene | 141.01570 | 141.01792 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686976 | Ifitm6 | NCBI_Gene:213002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059108 | MGI:2686976 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 6 |
7 | gene | 141.02913 | 141.02962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937021 | Gm17387 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091441 | MGI:4937021 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 17387 |
7 | pseudogene | 141.05159 | 141.05302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791135 | Gm45299 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109703 | MGI:5791135 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45299 |
7 | gene | 141.05845 | 141.06096 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621999 | Gm39114 | NCBI_Gene:105243088 | MGI:5621999 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39114 |
7 | gene | 141.06110 | 141.07240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652891 | B4galnt4 | NCBI_Gene:330671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055629 | MGI:2652891 | protein coding gene | beta-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl transferase 4 |
7 | gene | 141.07822 | 141.09051 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891830 | Pkp3 | NCBI_Gene:56460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054065 | MGI:1891830 | protein coding gene | plakophilin 3 |
7 | gene | 141.09117 | 141.10061 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1344402 | Sigirr | NCBI_Gene:24058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025494 | MGI:1344402 | protein coding gene | single immunoglobulin and toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain |
7 | gene | 141.10121 | 141.11781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918595 | Ano9 | NCBI_Gene:71345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054662 | MGI:1918595 | protein coding gene | anoctamin 9 |
7 | gene | 141.10593 | 141.10604 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454739 | Gm24962 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088542 | MGI:5454739 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24962 |
7 | gene | 141.12238 | 141.15761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351664 | Ptdss2 | NCBI_Gene:27388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025495 | MGI:1351664 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylserine synthase 2 |
7 | gene | 141.12286 | 141.12623 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592719 | Gm33560 | NCBI_Gene:102636518 | MGI:5592719 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33560 |
7 | gene | 141.16033 | 141.17286 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1195456 | Rnh1 | NCBI_Gene:107702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038650 | MGI:1195456 | protein coding gene | ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1 |
7 | gene | 141.17293 | 141.17408 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924609 | 9430063H18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430063H18 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 141.17782 | 141.17851 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647422 | Gm5905 | NCBI_Gene:546015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110275 | MGI:3647422 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5905 |
7 | gene | 141.18122 | 141.18131 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451796 | Gm22019 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077547 | MGI:5451796 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22019 |
7 | gene | 141.18911 | 141.19401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96224 | Hras | NCBI_Gene:15461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025499 | MGI:96224 | protein coding gene | Harvey rat sarcoma virus oncogene |
7 | gene | 141.19411 | 141.21006 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917802 | Lrrc56 | NCBI_Gene:70552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038637 | MGI:1917802 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 56 |
7 | gene | 141.20999 | 141.21453 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919250 | Lmntd2 | NCBI_Gene:72000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025500 | MGI:1919250 | protein coding gene | lamin tail domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 141.21563 | 141.21866 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914235 | Rassf7 | NCBI_Gene:66985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038618 | MGI:1914235 | protein coding gene | Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family (N-terminal) member 7 |
7 | gene | 141.22138 | 141.22149 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2676886 | Mir210 | miRBase:MI0000695,NCBI_Gene:387206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065551 | MGI:2676886 | miRNA gene | microRNA 210 |
7 | gene | 141.22826 | 141.26275 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141847 | Phrf1 | NCBI_Gene:101471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038611 | MGI:2141847 | protein coding gene | PHD and ring finger domains 1 |
7 | gene | 141.26271 | 141.26650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1859212 | Irf7 | NCBI_Gene:54123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025498 | MGI:1859212 | protein coding gene | interferon regulatory factor 7 |
7 | gene | 141.26908 | 141.27679 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919290 | Cdhr5 | NCBI_Gene:72040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025497 | MGI:1919290 | protein coding gene | cadherin-related family member 5 |
7 | gene | 141.27833 | 141.27917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99466 | Sct | NCBI_Gene:20287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038580 | MGI:99466 | protein coding gene | secretin |
7 | gene | 141.29197 | 141.29646 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_94926 | Drd4 | NCBI_Gene:13491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025496 | MGI:94926 | protein coding gene | dopamine receptor D4 |
7 | gene | 141.29718 | 141.33887 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858496 | Deaf1 | NCBI_Gene:54006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058886 | MGI:1858496 | protein coding gene | DEAF1, transcription factor |
7 | gene | 141.32774 | 141.33716 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918698 | Tmem80 | NCBI_Gene:71448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025505 | MGI:1918698 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 80 |
7 | gene | 141.33888 | 141.36302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138828 | Eps8l2 | NCBI_Gene:98845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025504 | MGI:2138828 | protein coding gene | EPS8-like 2 |
7 | gene | 141.35914 | 141.36511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444929 | B230206H07Rik | NCBI_Gene:320871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086844 | MGI:2444929 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230206H07 gene |
7 | gene | 141.38649 | 141.38662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455502 | Gm25725 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077716 | MGI:5455502 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25725 |
7 | gene | 141.39216 | 141.40298 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1274789 | Taldo1 | NCBI_Gene:21351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025503 | MGI:1274789 | protein coding gene | transaldolase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 141.40652 | 141.40733 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782719 | Gm4535 | NCBI_Gene:100043585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091083 | MGI:3782719 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4535 |
7 | gene | 141.40779 | 141.41414 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2387178 | Gatd1 | NCBI_Gene:213350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051007 | MGI:2387178 | protein coding gene | glutamine amidotransferase like class 1 domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 141.42645 | 141.42954 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929898 | Cend1 | NCBI_Gene:57754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060240 | MGI:1929898 | protein coding gene | cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation 1 |
7 | gene | 141.42974 | 141.43789 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915517 | Slc25a22 | NCBI_Gene:68267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019082 | MGI:1915517 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, glutamate), member 22 |
7 | gene | 141.43811 | 141.44574 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1889507 | Pidd1 | NCBI_Gene:57913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025507 | MGI:1889507 | protein coding gene | p53 induced death domain protein 1 |
7 | gene | 141.44737 | 141.45158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914436 | Rplp2 | NCBI_Gene:67186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025508 | MGI:1914436 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein, large P2 |
7 | gene | 141.44880 | 141.44894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819508 | Snora52 | NCBI_Gene:100217419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064666 | MGI:3819508 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 52 |
7 | gene | 141.45519 | 141.46074 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914103 | Pnpla2 | NCBI_Gene:66853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025509 | MGI:1914103 | protein coding gene | patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 141.46087 | 141.46661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446129 | Cracr2b | NCBI_Gene:213573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048200 | MGI:2446129 | protein coding gene | calcium release activated channel regulator 2B |
7 | gene | 141.46148 | 141.46778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708765 | Gm10575 | NCBI_Gene:100126795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073787 | MGI:3708765 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10575 |
7 | gene | 141.46736 | 141.47148 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096360 | Cd151 | NCBI_Gene:12476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025510 | MGI:1096360 | protein coding gene | CD151 antigen |
7 | gene | 141.47186 | 141.47515 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913741 | Polr2l | NCBI_Gene:66491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038489 | MGI:1913741 | protein coding gene | polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide L |
7 | gene | 141.47524 | 141.49343 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928097 | Tspan4 | NCBI_Gene:64540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025511 | MGI:1928097 | protein coding gene | tetraspanin 4 |
7 | gene | 141.49314 | 141.53989 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915288 | Chid1 | NCBI_Gene:68038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025512 | MGI:1915288 | protein coding gene | chitinase domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 141.51640 | 141.51860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791252 | Gm45416 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110400 | MGI:5791252 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45416 |
7 | gene | 141.56217 | 141.63301 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101920 | Ap2a2 | NCBI_Gene:11772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002957 | MGI:101920 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 2 subunit |
7 | gene | 141.61007 | 141.61375 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4439906 | Gm16982 | NCBI_Gene:100036523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097170 | MGI:4439906 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16982 |
7 | gene | 141.62070 | 141.62079 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531036 | Mir7063 | miRBase:MI0022912,NCBI_Gene:102466798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098759 | MGI:5531036 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7063 |
7 | gene | 141.63346 | 141.65532 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2663233 | Muc6 | NCBI_Gene:353328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048191 | MGI:2663233 | protein coding gene | mucin 6, gastric |
7 | gene | 141.69034 | 141.75469 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1339364 | Muc2 | NCBI_Gene:17831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025515 | MGI:1339364 | protein coding gene | mucin 2 |
7 | gene | 141.78896 | 141.81923 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104697 | Muc5ac | NCBI_Gene:17833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037974 | MGI:104697 | protein coding gene | mucin 5, subtypes A and C, tracheobronchial/gastric |
7 | gene | 141.83901 | 141.87309 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921430 | Muc5b | NCBI_Gene:74180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066108 | MGI:1921430 | protein coding gene | mucin 5, subtype B, tracheobronchial |
7 | gene | 141.87481 | 141.91851 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891808 | Tollip | NCBI_Gene:54473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025139 | MGI:1891808 | protein coding gene | toll interacting protein |
7 | gene | 141.92430 | 141.94350 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591698 | Gm32539 | NCBI_Gene:102635119 | MGI:5591698 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32539 |
7 | gene | 141.94370 | 141.94971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141966 | Gm20501 | NCBI_Gene:102635300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092536 | MGI:5141966 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20501 |
7 | gene | 141.94975 | 142.00425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923020 | Brsk2 | NCBI_Gene:75770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053046 | MGI:1923020 | protein coding gene | BR serine/threonine kinase 2 |
7 | gene | 141.99218 | 141.99224 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4834323 | Mir3104 | miRBase:MI0014101,NCBI_Gene:100526509,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092652 | MGI:4834323 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3104 |
7 | gene | 142.00853 | 142.06107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919891 | Mob2 | NCBI_Gene:101513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025147 | MGI:1919891 | protein coding gene | MOB kinase activator 2 |
7 | gene | 142.05116 | 142.05308 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791466 | Gm45630 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109638 | MGI:5791466 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45630 |
7 | gene | 142.07833 | 142.07844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455193 | Gm25416 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077409 | MGI:5455193 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25416 |
7 | gene | 142.07949 | 142.09586 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106626 | Dusp8 | NCBI_Gene:18218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037887 | MGI:106626 | protein coding gene | dual specificity phosphatase 8 |
7 | gene | 142.09576 | 142.13792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591945 | Gm32786 | NCBI_Gene:102635453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109958 | MGI:5591945 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32786 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.11166 | 142.11241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791253 | Gm45417 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109592 | MGI:5791253 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45417 |
7 | gene | 142.11832 | 142.12521 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791454 | Gm45618 | NCBI_Gene:108167466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109859 | MGI:5791454 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45618 |
7 | gene | 142.13443 | 142.13709 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622000 | Gm39115 | NCBI_Gene:105243089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110091 | MGI:5622000 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 39115 |
7 | gene | 142.14334 | 142.14461 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791173 | Gm45337 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110061 | MGI:5791173 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45337 |
7 | gene | 142.15386 | 142.15396 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455147 | Gm25370 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088784 | MGI:5455147 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25370 |
7 | gene | 142.15480 | 142.15819 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588894 | Gm29735 | NCBI_Gene:101055862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109655 | MGI:5588894 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 29735 |
7 | gene | 142.16303 | 142.16702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782737 | Gm4553 | NCBI_Gene:100043617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090471 | MGI:3782737 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4553 |
7 | gene | 142.17453 | 142.17601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918873 | Krtap5-2 | NCBI_Gene:71623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054759 | MGI:1918873 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 5-2 |
7 | gene | 142.18943 | 142.19039 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642359 | Gm10153 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066101 | MGI:3642359 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10153 |
7 | gene | 142.20136 | 142.20301 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924465 | Krtap5-3 | NCBI_Gene:77215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046248 | MGI:1924465 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 5-3 |
7 | gene | 142.21153 | 142.21308 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647476 | Gm7579 | NCBI_Gene:105243090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073786 | MGI:3647476 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 7579 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.22352 | 142.22477 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011279 | Gm19094 | NCBI_Gene:100418241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109581 | MGI:5011279 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19094 |
7 | gene | 142.22879 | 142.22997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2149673 | Krtap5-5 | NCBI_Gene:114666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073785 | MGI:2149673 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 5-5 |
7 | gene | 142.23976 | 142.24111 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623345 | Gm40460 | NCBI_Gene:105244938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110324 | MGI:5623345 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 40460 |
7 | gene | 142.24790 | 142.25528 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825659 | Gm46022 | NCBI_Gene:108167506 | MGI:5825659 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46022 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.25082 | 142.25154 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6096914 | Gm47762 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110254 | MGI:6096914 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 47762 |
7 | gene | 142.25765 | 142.25835 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780598 | Gm2431 | NCBI_Gene:105243101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090455 | MGI:3780598 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 2431 |
7 | gene | 142.27376 | 142.27436 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782743 | Gm4559 | NCBI_Gene:100043627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056885 | MGI:3782743 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4559 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.27986 | 142.28094 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704303 | Gm10013 | NCBI_Gene:100043629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089731 | MGI:3704303 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10013 |
7 | gene | 142.28321 | 142.29042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5805004 | Gm45889 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109936 | MGI:5805004 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45889 |
7 | gene | 142.28321 | 142.28975 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642866 | B130016D09Rik | NCBI_Gene:436015,NCBI_Gene:108167358 | MGI:3642866 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B130016D09 cDNA |
7 | gene | 142.28785 | 142.29042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642536 | E330027M22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA gene%2c E330027M22Rik |
7 | gene | 142.29633 | 142.29712 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354732 | Krtap5-1 | NCBI_Gene:50774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066100 | MGI:1354732 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 5-1 |
7 | gene | 142.30350 | 142.30459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1354758 | Krtap5-4 | NCBI_Gene:50775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045236 | MGI:1354758 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 5-4 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.30581 | 142.30655 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649024 | Gm5054 | NCBI_Gene:270015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083812 | MGI:3649024 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5054 |
7 | gene | 142.32584 | 142.37378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444776 | Ifitm10 | NCBI_Gene:320802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045777 | MGI:2444776 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 10 |
7 | gene | 142.37110 | 142.38267 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6121585 | Gm49369 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110040 | MGI:6121585 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49369 |
7 | gene | 142.37591 | 142.38804 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88562 | Ctsd | NCBI_Gene:13033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007891 | MGI:88562 | protein coding gene | cathepsin D |
7 | gene | 142.42479 | 142.42490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455920 | Gm26143 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077668 | MGI:5455920 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26143 |
7 | gene | 142.43446 | 142.44040 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859867 | Syt8 | NCBI_Gene:55925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031098 | MGI:1859867 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin VIII |
7 | gene | 142.44049 | 142.44441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105070 | Tnni2 | NCBI_Gene:21953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031097 | MGI:105070 | protein coding gene | troponin I, skeletal, fast 2 |
7 | gene | 142.45822 | 142.46072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5608889 | D430042D18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | Riken cDNA D430042D18 gene |
7 | gene | 142.46081 | 142.49487 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96832 | Lsp1 | NCBI_Gene:16985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018819 | MGI:96832 | protein coding gene | lymphocyte specific 1 |
7 | gene | 142.49107 | 142.50677 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642289 | Prr33 | NCBI_Gene:677289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043795 | MGI:3642289 | protein coding gene | proline rich 33 |
7 | gene | 142.49877 | 142.51621 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109550 | Tnnt3 | NCBI_Gene:21957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061723 | MGI:109550 | protein coding gene | troponin T3, skeletal, fast |
7 | gene | 142.53269 | 142.54075 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1196612 | Mrpl23 | NCBI_Gene:19935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037772 | MGI:1196612 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L23 |
7 | gene | 142.54461 | 142.55860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1306816 | Nctc1 | NCBI_Gene:330677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087090 | MGI:1306816 | lncRNA gene | non-coding transcript 1 |
7 | gene | 142.57553 | 142.57815 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95891 | H19 | NCBI_Gene:14955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000031 | MGI:95891 | lncRNA gene | H19, imprinted maternally expressed transcript |
7 | gene | 142.57685 | 142.57692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530865 | Gm27483 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099143 | MGI:5530865 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27483 |
7 | gene | 142.57706 | 142.57715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3629709 | Mir675 | miRBase:MI0004123,NCBI_Gene:735280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076275 | MGI:3629709 | miRNA gene | microRNA 675 |
7 | gene | 142.57785 | 142.57792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531168 | Gm27786 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098816 | MGI:5531168 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27786 |
7 | gene | 142.59166 | 142.62081 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592307 | Gm33148 | NCBI_Gene:102635939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110125 | MGI:5592307 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33148 |
7 | gene | 142.60333 | 142.60362 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1930302 | Ihit1 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | Igf2-H-19 interval transcript 1 |
7 | gene | 142.65077 | 142.66682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96434 | Igf2 | NCBI_Gene:16002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048583 | MGI:96434 | protein coding gene | insulin-like growth factor 2 |
7 | gene | 142.65077 | 142.66994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6121625 | Gm49394 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115302 | MGI:6121625 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49394 |
7 | gene | 142.65492 | 142.65500 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3619420 | Mir483 | miRBase:MI0003484,NCBI_Gene:723874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070140 | MGI:3619420 | miRNA gene | microRNA 483 |
7 | gene | 142.65969 | 142.67036 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1195257 | Igf2os | NCBI_Gene:111975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086266 | MGI:1195257 | antisense lncRNA gene | insulin-like growth factor 2, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 142.66818 | 142.66971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825642 | Gm46005 | NCBI_Gene:108167467 | MGI:5825642 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46005 |
7 | gene | 142.67866 | 142.74338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96573 | Ins2 | NCBI_Gene:16334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000215 | MGI:96573 | protein coding gene | insulin II |
7 | gene | 142.71380 | 142.74325 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622001 | Gm39116 | NCBI_Gene:105243092 | MGI:5622001 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39116 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.75718 | 142.75788 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646633 | Gm7290 | NCBI_Gene:640264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078192 | MGI:3646633 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 7290 |
7 | gene | 142.81525 | 142.85227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648397 | Gm6471 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073781 | MGI:3648397 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 6471 |
7 | gene | 142.83727 | 142.85758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622002 | Gm39117 | NCBI_Gene:105243094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108952 | MGI:5622002 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39117 |
7 | gene | 142.89275 | 142.93113 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98735 | Th | NCBI_Gene:21823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000214 | MGI:98735 | protein coding gene | tyrosine hydroxylase |
7 | gene | 142.96682 | 143.00803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96920 | Ascl2 | NCBI_Gene:17173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009248 | MGI:96920 | protein coding gene | achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 2 |
7 | gene | 142.98897 | 143.00803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705185 | Tspan32os | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052281 | MGI:3705185 | antisense lncRNA gene | tetraspanin 32, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 143.00490 | 143.01964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1350360 | Tspan32 | NCBI_Gene:27027,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000244 | MGI:1350360 | protein coding gene | tetraspanin 32 |
7 | gene | 143.02178 | 143.05369 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142382 | R74862 | NCBI_Gene:97423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059277 | MGI:2142382 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence R74862 |
7 | gene | 143.05274 | 143.06793 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096398 | Cd81 | NCBI_Gene:12520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037706 | MGI:1096398 | protein coding gene | CD81 antigen |
7 | gene | 143.06809 | 143.07109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861712 | Tssc4 | NCBI_Gene:56844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045752 | MGI:1861712 | protein coding gene | tumor-suppressing subchromosomal transferable fragment 4 |
7 | gene | 143.06915 | 143.09464 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1861718 | Trpm5 | NCBI_Gene:56843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009246 | MGI:1861718 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 5 |
7 | gene | 143.10636 | 143.42705 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108083 | Kcnq1 | NCBI_Gene:16535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009545 | MGI:108083 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member 1 |
7 | gene | 143.12457 | 143.12480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611549 | Gm38321 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102980 | MGI:5611549 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38321 |
7 | gene | 143.12779 | 143.12785 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610463 | Gm37235 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102333 | MGI:5610463 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37235 |
7 | gene | 143.13503 | 143.14061 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579527 | Gm28821 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101062 | MGI:5579527 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28821 |
7 | gene | 143.20346 | 143.29655 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926855 | Kcnq1ot1 | NCBI_Gene:63830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101609 | MGI:1926855 | lncRNA gene | KCNQ1 overlapping transcript 1 |
7 | gene | 143.21958 | 143.22022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930303 | Naip3l1 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | NLR family%2c apoptosis inhibitory protein 3-like 1 |
7 | gene | 143.25137 | 143.25183 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530777 | Gm27395 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098857 | MGI:5530777 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27395 |
7 | gene | 143.27305 | 143.27325 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530771 | Gm27389 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098859 | MGI:5530771 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27389 |
7 | gene | 143.27357 | 143.27368 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531185 | Gm27803 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099151 | MGI:5531185 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27803 |
7 | gene | 143.29393 | 143.29415 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530921 | Gm27539 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099240 | MGI:5530921 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27539 |
7 | gene | 143.29770 | 143.30162 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610592 | Gm37364 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104012 | MGI:5610592 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37364 |
7 | gene | 143.32277 | 143.36462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918403 | 4933417O13Rik | NCBI_Gene:71153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101360 | MGI:1918403 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933417O13 gene |
7 | gene | 143.34444 | 143.34584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611323 | Gm38095 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103791 | MGI:5611323 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38095 |
7 | gene | 143.35042 | 143.35391 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611293 | Gm38065 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104485 | MGI:5611293 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38065 |
7 | gene | 143.44761 | 143.44767 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531283 | Gm27901 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099103 | MGI:5531283 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27901 |
7 | gene | 143.45834 | 143.46107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104564 | Cdkn1c | NCBI_Gene:12577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037664 | MGI:104564 | protein coding gene | cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C (P57) |
7 | gene | 143.45975 | 143.46064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753308 | Gm44732 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108934 | MGI:5753308 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44732 |
7 | gene | 143.46253 | 143.46284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1930299 | AF313042 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence AF313042 |
7 | gene | 143.46334 | 143.46678 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592822 | Gm33663 | NCBI_Gene:102636658 | MGI:5592822 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33663 |
7 | gene | 143.47373 | 143.49933 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1336884 | Slc22a18 | NCBI_Gene:18400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000154 | MGI:1336884 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 18 |
7 | gene | 143.50154 | 143.50315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1202307 | Phlda2 | NCBI_Gene:22113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010760 | MGI:1202307 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology like domain, family A, member 2 |
7 | gene | 143.51358 | 143.54920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1316687 | Nap1l4 | NCBI_Gene:17955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059119 | MGI:1316687 | protein coding gene | nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 |
7 | gene | 143.53139 | 143.53152 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453074 | Gm23297 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065118 | MGI:5453074 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23297 |
7 | gene | 143.55723 | 143.60009 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351477 | Cars | NCBI_Gene:27267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010755 | MGI:1351477 | protein coding gene | cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase |
7 | gene | 143.57067 | 143.57076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531014 | Mir7064 | miRBase:MI0022913,NCBI_Gene:102465644,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098593 | MGI:5531014 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7064 |
7 | pseudogene | 143.59620 | 143.59705 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783028 | Gm15580 | NCBI_Gene:102638628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082561 | MGI:3783028 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15580 |
7 | gene | 143.60009 | 143.60130 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783027 | Gm15579 | NCBI_Gene:105243095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086828 | MGI:3783027 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15579 |
7 | gene | 143.60766 | 143.62872 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2651928 | Tnfrsf26 | NCBI_Gene:244237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045362 | MGI:2651928 | protein coding gene | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 26 |
7 | gene | 143.62802 | 143.67061 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041205 | E230032D23Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109251 | MGI:3041205 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E230032D23 gene |
7 | gene | 143.63481 | 143.64966 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930270 | Tnfrsf22 | NCBI_Gene:79202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010751 | MGI:1930270 | protein coding gene | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 22 |
7 | gene | 143.66581 | 143.68643 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930269 | Tnfrsf23 | NCBI_Gene:79201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037613 | MGI:1930269 | protein coding gene | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 23 |
7 | gene | 143.68876 | 143.75698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930265 | Osbpl5 | NCBI_Gene:79196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037606 | MGI:1930265 | protein coding gene | oxysterol binding protein-like 5 |
7 | gene | 143.76371 | 143.76699 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033145 | Mrgprg | NCBI_Gene:381974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050276 | MGI:3033145 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member G |
7 | gene | 143.77335 | 143.77511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753574 | Gm44998 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109421 | MGI:5753574 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44998 |
7 | gene | 143.77836 | 143.78450 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441884 | Mrgpre | NCBI_Gene:244238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048965 | MGI:2441884 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member E |
7 | gene | 143.78009 | 143.78016 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5451841 | Gm22064 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076944 | MGI:5451841 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22064 |
7 | gene | 143.79558 | 143.82286 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926164 | Nadsyn1 | NCBI_Gene:78914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031090 | MGI:1926164 | protein coding gene | NAD synthetase 1 |
7 | gene | 143.82315 | 143.84841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1298378 | Dhcr7 | NCBI_Gene:13360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058454 | MGI:1298378 | protein coding gene | 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase |
7 | gene | 143.86684 | 143.90007 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685344 | Acte1 | NCBI_Gene:102636989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031085 | MGI:2685344 | protein coding gene | actin, epsilon 1 |
7 | gene | 143.93311 | 143.93321 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531396 | Mir6404 | miRBase:MI0021940,NCBI_Gene:102465217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099321 | MGI:5531396 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6404 |
7 | gene | 143.94927 | 143.95636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593604 | Gm34445 | NCBI_Gene:102637703 | MGI:5593604 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34445 |
7 | gene | 143.97805 | 144.42449 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2671987 | Shank2 | NCBI_Gene:210274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037541 | MGI:2671987 | protein coding gene | SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 |
7 | gene | 144.00925 | 144.00934 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4834324 | Mir3105 | miRBase:MI0014102,NCBI_Gene:100526562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093221 | MGI:4834324 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3105 |
7 | gene | 144.01907 | 144.02656 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825643 | Gm46006 | NCBI_Gene:108167468 | MGI:5825643 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46006 |
7 | gene | 144.10959 | 144.11109 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753575 | Gm44999 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109500 | MGI:5753575 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44999 |
7 | gene | 144.36805 | 144.40693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649263 | Gm14372 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085745 | MGI:3649263 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14372 |
7 | gene | 144.41514 | 144.41928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593780 | Gm34621 | NCBI_Gene:102637932 | MGI:5593780 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34621 |
7 | gene | 144.42613 | 144.43133 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593720 | Gm34561 | NCBI_Gene:102637856 | MGI:5593720 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34561 |
7 | gene | 144.43572 | 144.47101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99695 | Cttn | NCBI_Gene:13043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031078 | MGI:99695 | protein coding gene | cortactin |
7 | gene | 144.46953 | 144.46999 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651797 | Gm14376 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085228 | MGI:3651797 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14376 |
7 | gene | 144.47675 | 144.55373 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924750 | Ppfia1 | NCBI_Gene:233977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037519 | MGI:1924750 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, f polypeptide (PTPRF), interacting protein (liprin), alpha 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 144.55280 | 144.55449 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594785 | Gm35626 | NCBI_Gene:102639278 | MGI:5594785 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 35626 |
7 | gene | 144.56735 | 144.58151 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642460 | Faddos | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073778 | MGI:3642460 | antisense lncRNA gene | Fas (TNFRSF6)-associated via death domain, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 144.57732 | 144.58246 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109324 | Fadd | NCBI_Gene:14082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031077 | MGI:109324 | protein coding gene | Fas (TNFRSF6)-associated via death domain |
7 | gene | 144.58855 | 144.75205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142149 | Ano1 | NCBI_Gene:101772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031075 | MGI:2142149 | protein coding gene | anoctamin 1, calcium activated chloride channel |
7 | gene | 144.74161 | 144.77051 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444533 | D930030F02Rik | NCBI_Gene:320688 | MGI:2444533 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930030F02 gene |
7 | gene | 144.74211 | 144.75001 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753506 | Gm44930 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108851 | MGI:5753506 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44930 |
7 | gene | 144.76314 | 144.76448 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641809 | Gm10152 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103394 | MGI:3641809 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10152 |
7 | gene | 144.76476 | 144.77057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753505 | Gm44929 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109009 | MGI:5753505 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44929 |
7 | gene | 144.78704 | 144.79181 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594123 | Gm34964 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109442 | MGI:5594123 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34964 |
7 | pseudogene | 144.79196 | 144.79245 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780119 | Gm9711 | NCBI_Gene:677315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108874 | MGI:3780119 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9711 |
7 | gene | 144.83796 | 144.84445 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95517 | Fgf3 | NCBI_Gene:14174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031074 | MGI:95517 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor 3 |
7 | gene | 144.84737 | 144.86524 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95518 | Fgf4 | NCBI_Gene:14175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050917 | MGI:95518 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor 4 |
7 | gene | 144.89412 | 144.89746 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477287 | Gm26793 | NCBI_Gene:102638461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096999 | MGI:5477287 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26793 |
7 | gene | 144.89653 | 144.90095 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096383 | Fgf15 | NCBI_Gene:14170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031073 | MGI:1096383 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor 15 |
7 | gene | 144.89931 | 144.91057 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622004 | Gm39119 | NCBI_Gene:105243098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108977 | MGI:5622004 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39119 |
7 | gene | 144.91447 | 144.91464 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104905 | Bc1 | NCBI_Gene:100568459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115783 | MGI:104905 | lncRNA gene | brain cytoplasmic RNA 1 |
7 | gene | 144.91510 | 144.93170 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919534 | LTO1 | NCBI_Gene:72284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031072 | MGI:1919534 | protein coding gene | ABCE maturation factor |
7 | gene | 144.92993 | 144.93994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88313 | Ccnd1 | NCBI_Gene:12443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070348 | MGI:88313 | protein coding gene | cyclin D1 |
7 | gene | 145.06904 | 145.07002 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825660 | Gm46023 | NCBI_Gene:108167507 | MGI:5825660 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46023 |
7 | gene | 145.16300 | 145.16696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753757 | Gm45181 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108967 | MGI:5753757 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45181 |
7 | gene | 145.18163 | 145.28401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385297 | Tpcn2 | NCBI_Gene:233979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048677 | MGI:2385297 | protein coding gene | two pore segment channel 2 |
7 | gene | 145.20582 | 145.20812 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916283 | Smim38 | NCBI_Gene:100040049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109305 | MGI:1916283 | protein coding gene | small integral membrane protein 38 |
7 | gene | 145.22088 | 145.22252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922098 | 4833446E11Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833446E11 gene |
7 | gene | 145.30083 | 145.30956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384823 | Mrgprf | NCBI_Gene:211577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031070 | MGI:2384823 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member F |
7 | gene | 145.31483 | 145.32409 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033142 | Mrgprd | NCBI_Gene:211578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051207 | MGI:3033142 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member D |
chr | type | start | stop | strand | ID | Name | Dbxref | gene_id | mgi_type | description |
19 | gene | 3.388857 | 3.407823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1340029 | Tesmin | NCBI_Gene:17771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024905 | MGI:1340029 | protein coding gene | testis expressed metallothionein like |
19 | gene | 3.409915 | 3.414544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95637 | Gal | NCBI_Gene:14419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024907 | MGI:95637 | protein coding gene | galanin and GMAP prepropeptide |
19 | gene | 3.454928 | 3.575749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921807 | Ppp6r3 | NCBI_Gene:52036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024908 | MGI:1921807 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunit 3 |
19 | gene | 3.486090 | 3.488014 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6098329 | Gm48696 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114315 | MGI:6098329 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 48696 |
19 | gene | 3.490309 | 3.490413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453717 | Gm23940 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075908 | MGI:5453717 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23940 |
19 | gene | 3.527104 | 3.528613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6098308 | Gm48683 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114302 | MGI:6098308 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 48683 |
19 | pseudogene | 3.567551 | 3.568448 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011390 | Gm19205 | NCBI_Gene:100418426 | MGI:5011390 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19205 |
19 | gene | 3.576263 | 3.576335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413682 | n-TAagc9 | NCBI_Gene:102467450 | MGI:4413682 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA alanine 9 (anticodon AGC) |
19 | gene | 3.584825 | 3.686564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1278315 | Lrp5 | NCBI_Gene:16973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024913 | MGI:1278315 | protein coding gene | low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 |
19 | gene | 3.686410 | 3.692435 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595831 | Gm36672 | NCBI_Gene:102640658 | MGI:5595831 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 36672 |
19 | gene | 3.689236 | 3.708226 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595767 | Gm36608 | NCBI_Gene:102640578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118249 | MGI:5595767 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36608 |
19 | gene | 3.708293 | 3.717882 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919306 | 1810055G02Rik | NCBI_Gene:72056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035372 | MGI:1919306 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810055G02 gene |
19 | gene | 3.712777 | 3.744426 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595946 | Gm36787 | NCBI_Gene:102640806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117739 | MGI:5595946 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36787 |
19 | gene | 3.719885 | 3.721369 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5596030 | Gm36871 | NCBI_Gene:102640924 | MGI:5596030 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36871 |
19 | pseudogene | 3.730432 | 3.731047 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780310 | Gm2141 | NCBI_Gene:100039289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118231 | MGI:3780310 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2141 |
19 | pseudogene | 3.732094 | 3.732340 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303269 | Gm50374 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118096 | MGI:6303269 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50374 |
19 | gene | 3.740225 | 3.742537 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303270 | Gm50375 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117773 | MGI:6303270 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50375 |
19 | gene | 3.765976 | 3.818303 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444557 | Kmt5b | NCBI_Gene:225888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045098 | MGI:2444557 | protein coding gene | lysine methyltransferase 5B |
19 | gene | 3.798615 | 3.852419 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801953 | Gm16066 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082848 | MGI:3801953 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16066 |
19 | pseudogene | 3.821562 | 3.822389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011394 | Gm19209 | NCBI_Gene:100418430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117779 | MGI:5011394 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19209 |
19 | gene | 3.851585 | 3.894369 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107760 | Chka | NCBI_Gene:12660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024843 | MGI:107760 | protein coding gene | choline kinase alpha |
19 | gene | 3.863568 | 3.867673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303282 | Gm50383 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117912 | MGI:6303282 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50383 |
19 | gene | 3.896050 | 3.907133 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1350931 | Tcirg1 | NCBI_Gene:27060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001750 | MGI:1350931 | protein coding gene | T cell, immune regulator 1, ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 protein A3 |
19 | gene | 3.908863 | 3.912774 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385079 | Ndufs8 | NCBI_Gene:225887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059734 | MGI:2385079 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S8 |
19 | gene | 3.913491 | 3.930860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914939 | Aldh3b1 | NCBI_Gene:67689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024885 | MGI:1914939 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B1 |
19 | gene | 3.919391 | 3.920826 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624944 | Gm42059 | NCBI_Gene:105246837 | MGI:5624944 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42059 |
19 | gene | 3.923864 | 3.924975 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589005 | Gm29846 | NCBI_Gene:102631533 | MGI:5589005 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29846 |
19 | pseudogene | 3.931795 | 3.932090 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303191 | Gm50327 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118129 | MGI:6303191 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50327 |
19 | gene | 3.935186 | 3.949340 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859307 | Unc93b1 | NCBI_Gene:54445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036908 | MGI:1859307 | protein coding gene | unc-93 homolog B1, TLR signaling regulator |
19 | gene | 3.958645 | 3.972419 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920708 | Aldh3b3 | NCBI_Gene:73458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037263 | MGI:1920708 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B3 |
19 | gene | 3.972328 | 3.981665 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147613 | Aldh3b2 | NCBI_Gene:621603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075296 | MGI:2147613 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B2 |
19 | gene | 3.986570 | 3.990007 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918920 | Acy3 | NCBI_Gene:71670,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024866 | MGI:1918920 | protein coding gene | aspartoacylase (aminoacylase) 3 |
19 | gene | 3.992752 | 3.999828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1261436 | Tbx10 | NCBI_Gene:109575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037477 | MGI:1261436 | protein coding gene | T-box 10 |
19 | gene | 3.999548 | 4.000542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921038 | 4833408A19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118132 | MGI:1921038 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833408A19 gene |
19 | gene | 4.000580 | 4.002103 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913637 | Nudt8 | NCBI_Gene:66387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110949 | MGI:1913637 | protein coding gene | nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 8 |
19 | gene | 4.000626 | 4.005816 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6155029 | Gm49405 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024869 | MGI:6155029 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49405 |
19 | gene | 4.000758 | 4.001232 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3826559 | Gm16312 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086107 | MGI:3826559 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16312 |
19 | gene | 4.003313 | 4.007005 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926250 | Doc2g | NCBI_Gene:60425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024871 | MGI:1926250 | protein coding gene | double C2, gamma |
19 | gene | 4.007384 | 4.012806 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107851 | Ndufv1 | NCBI_Gene:17995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037916 | MGI:107851 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit V1 |
19 | gene | 4.035407 | 4.037985 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95865 | Gstp1 | NCBI_Gene:14870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060803 | MGI:95865 | protein coding gene | glutathione S-transferase, pi 1 |
19 | gene | 4.040285 | 4.046023 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95864 | Gstp2 | NCBI_Gene:14869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038155 | MGI:95864 | protein coding gene | glutathione S-transferase, pi 2 |
19 | gene | 4.057470 | 4.059588 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385078 | Gstp3 | NCBI_Gene:225884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058216 | MGI:2385078 | protein coding gene | glutathione S-transferase pi 3 |
19 | gene | 4.067251 | 4.071445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624945 | Gm42060 | NCBI_Gene:105246838 | MGI:5624945 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42060 |
19 | gene | 4.078297 | 4.078512 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453704 | Gm23927 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104921 | MGI:5453704 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23927 |
19 | gene | 4.081469 | 4.087340 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1352749 | Cabp2 | NCBI_Gene:29866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024857 | MGI:1352749 | protein coding gene | calcium binding protein 2 |
19 | gene | 4.096894 | 4.099019 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098779 | Cdk2ap2 | NCBI_Gene:52004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024856 | MGI:1098779 | protein coding gene | CDK2-associated protein 2 |
19 | gene | 4.099998 | 4.113965 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1197524 | Pitpnm1 | NCBI_Gene:18739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024851 | MGI:1197524 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, membrane-associated 1 |
19 | gene | 4.113756 | 4.127234 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109622 | Aip | NCBI_Gene:11632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024847 | MGI:109622 | protein coding gene | aryl-hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein |
19 | gene | 4.125934 | 4.132307 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914240 | Tmem134 | NCBI_Gene:66990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024845 | MGI:1914240 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 134 |
19 | gene | 4.135423 | 4.144033 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920910 | Cabp4 | NCBI_Gene:73660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024842 | MGI:1920910 | protein coding gene | calcium binding protein 4 |
19 | gene | 4.139787 | 4.145741 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685519 | Gpr152 | NCBI_Gene:269053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044724 | MGI:2685519 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 152 |
19 | gene | 4.148612 | 4.154035 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345963 | Coro1b | NCBI_Gene:23789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024835 | MGI:1345963 | protein coding gene | coronin, actin binding protein 1B |
19 | gene | 4.153604 | 4.156751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97811 | Ptprcap | NCBI_Gene:19265,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045826 | MGI:97811 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C polypeptide-associated protein |
19 | gene | 4.153991 | 4.163387 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927343 | Rps6kb2 | NCBI_Gene:58988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024830 | MGI:1927343 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 2 |
19 | gene | 4.164324 | 4.175677 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147595 | Carns1 | NCBI_Gene:107239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075289 | MGI:2147595 | protein coding gene | carnosine synthase 1 |
19 | gene | 4.168742 | 4.191047 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303033 | Gm50230 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117905 | MGI:6303033 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50230 |
19 | gene | 4.169566 | 4.174287 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937186 | Gm17552 | NCBI_Gene:102631780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097233 | MGI:4937186 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 17552 |
19 | gene | 4.183411 | 4.191284 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922072 | Tbc1d10c | NCBI_Gene:108995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040247 | MGI:1922072 | protein coding gene | TBC1 domain family, member 10c |
19 | gene | 4.192065 | 4.195420 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103016 | Ppp1ca | NCBI_Gene:19045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040385 | MGI:103016 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit alpha |
19 | gene | 4.192109 | 4.192782 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303067 | Gm50251 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117839 | MGI:6303067 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50251 |
19 | gene | 4.195196 | 4.201662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1328356 | Rad9a | NCBI_Gene:19367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024824 | MGI:1328356 | protein coding gene | RAD9 checkpoint clamp component A |
19 | gene | 4.201706 | 4.203240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589241 | Gm30082 | NCBI_Gene:102631855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118245 | MGI:5589241 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30082 |
19 | gene | 4.214238 | 4.223505 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1930088 | Clcf1 | NCBI_Gene:56708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040663 | MGI:1930088 | protein coding gene | cardiotrophin-like cytokine factor 1 |
19 | gene | 4.214238 | 4.233634 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825565 | Gm45928 | NCBI_Gene:105948585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117873 | MGI:5825565 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45928 |
19 | gene | 4.215402 | 4.215488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455892 | Gm26115 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093346 | MGI:5455892 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 26115 |
19 | gene | 4.231893 | 4.233634 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916995 | Pold4 | NCBI_Gene:69745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024854 | MGI:1916995 | protein coding gene | polymerase (DNA-directed), delta 4 |
19 | gene | 4.254031 | 4.257651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925555 | 1500032F14Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117718 | MGI:1925555 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1500032F14 gene |
19 | gene | 4.261668 | 4.269180 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2683546 | Ssh3 | NCBI_Gene:245857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034616 | MGI:2683546 | protein coding gene | slingshot protein phosphatase 3 |
19 | gene | 4.263818 | 4.263878 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531101 | Mir6985 | miRBase:MI0022833,NCBI_Gene:102465595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099290 | MGI:5531101 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6985 |
19 | gene | 4.270180 | 4.283137 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915673 | Ankrd13d | NCBI_Gene:68423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005986 | MGI:1915673 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 13 family, member D |
19 | gene | 4.273987 | 4.275643 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302910 | Gm50152 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118344 | MGI:6302910 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50152 |
19 | gene | 4.285999 | 4.306222 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87940 | Grk2 | NCBI_Gene:110355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024858 | MGI:87940 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 |
19 | gene | 4.314419 | 4.398596 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354736 | Kdm2a | NCBI_Gene:225876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054611 | MGI:1354736 | protein coding gene | lysine (K)-specific demethylase 2A |
19 | gene | 4.397714 | 4.399821 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3588259 | 9430078G10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430078G10 gene |
19 | gene | 4.425457 | 4.439432 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108446 | Rhod | NCBI_Gene:11854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041845 | MGI:108446 | protein coding gene | ras homolog family member D |
19 | gene | 4.439003 | 4.448973 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441838 | A930001C03Rik | NCBI_Gene:319314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087132 | MGI:2441838 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A930001C03 gene |
19 | gene | 4.445908 | 4.477447 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2159601 | Syt12 | NCBI_Gene:171180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049303 | MGI:2159601 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin XII |
19 | gene | 4.496788 | 4.498583 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917111 | 2010003K11Rik | NCBI_Gene:69861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042041 | MGI:1917111 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2010003K11 gene |
19 | gene | 4.510472 | 4.621752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97520 | Pcx | NCBI_Gene:18563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024892 | MGI:97520 | protein coding gene | pyruvate carboxylase |
19 | gene | 4.611784 | 4.615667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385612 | Lrfn4 | NCBI_Gene:225875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045045 | MGI:2385612 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 4 |
19 | gene | 4.622551 | 4.625641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1336895 | Rce1 | NCBI_Gene:19671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024889 | MGI:1336895 | protein coding gene | Ras converting CAAX endopeptidase 1 |
19 | gene | 4.623898 | 4.623955 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531091 | Mir6986 | miRBase:MI0022834,NCBI_Gene:102466780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098346 | MGI:5531091 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6986 |
19 | gene | 4.625395 | 4.629857 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921792 | 9030625N01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9030625N01 gene |
19 | gene | 4.625734 | 4.698776 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685806 | Gm960 | NCBI_Gene:381196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071691 | MGI:2685806 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 960 |
19 | pseudogene | 4.680115 | 4.680616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303266 | Gm50372 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117746 | MGI:6303266 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50372 |
19 | gene | 4.711167 | 4.752360 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1313261 | Sptbn2 | NCBI_Gene:20743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067889 | MGI:1313261 | protein coding gene | spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 2 |
19 | gene | 4.711651 | 4.720886 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624946 | Gm42061 | NCBI_Gene:105246839 | MGI:5624946 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 42061 |
19 | gene | 4.742913 | 4.811634 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439461 | Gm21992 | NCBI_Gene:102902673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096370 | MGI:5439461 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 21992 |
19 | gene | 4.752883 | 4.767065 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913954 | Rbm4b | NCBI_Gene:66704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033760 | MGI:1913954 | protein coding gene | RNA binding motif protein 4B |
19 | gene | 4.762103 | 4.765171 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610434 | Gm37206 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103651 | MGI:5610434 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37206 |
19 | pseudogene | 4.778072 | 4.778697 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011288 | Gm19103 | NCBI_Gene:100418257 | MGI:5011288 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19103 |
19 | gene | 4.784293 | 4.794009 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100865 | Rbm4 | NCBI_Gene:19653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094936 | MGI:1100865 | protein coding gene | RNA binding motif protein 4 |
19 | gene | 4.794720 | 4.795956 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918634 | 5430440L12Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430440L12 gene |
19 | gene | 4.800566 | 4.811634 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929092 | Rbm14 | NCBI_Gene:56275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006456 | MGI:1929092 | protein coding gene | RNA binding motif protein 14 |
19 | gene | 4.801512 | 4.805784 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5434008 | Gm21844 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095913 | MGI:5434008 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 21844 |
19 | gene | 4.825366 | 4.839332 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333783 | Ccs | NCBI_Gene:12460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034108 | MGI:1333783 | protein coding gene | copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase |
19 | gene | 4.839366 | 4.842528 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3026882 | Ccdc87 | NCBI_Gene:399599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067872 | MGI:3026882 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 87 |
19 | gene | 4.855129 | 4.860918 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861434 | Ctsf | NCBI_Gene:56464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083282 | MGI:1861434 | protein coding gene | cathepsin F |
19 | gene | 4.861216 | 4.877909 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99678 | Actn3 | NCBI_Gene:11474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006457 | MGI:99678 | protein coding gene | actinin alpha 3 |
19 | gene | 4.878668 | 4.885397 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917855 | Zdhhc24 | NCBI_Gene:70605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006463 | MGI:1917855 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 24 |
19 | gene | 4.886878 | 4.906628 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277215 | Bbs1 | NCBI_Gene:52028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006464 | MGI:1277215 | protein coding gene | Bardet-Biedl syndrome 1 (human) |
19 | gene | 4.904673 | 4.904782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455111 | Gm25334 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088661 | MGI:5455111 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25334 |
19 | gene | 4.907229 | 4.928287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922471 | Dpp3 | NCBI_Gene:75221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063904 | MGI:1922471 | protein coding gene | dipeptidylpeptidase 3 |
19 | gene | 4.929717 | 4.943127 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924963 | Peli3 | NCBI_Gene:240518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024901 | MGI:1924963 | protein coding gene | pellino 3 |
19 | gene | 4.962147 | 4.966999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2137215 | Mrpl11 | NCBI_Gene:66419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024902 | MGI:2137215 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L11 |
19 | gene | 4.984353 | 5.001929 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2664186 | Npas4 | NCBI_Gene:225872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045903 | MGI:2664186 | protein coding gene | neuronal PAS domain protein 4 |
19 | pseudogene | 5.009385 | 5.009799 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303281 | Gm50382 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117723 | MGI:6303281 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50382 |
19 | gene | 5.017356 | 5.021765 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624948 | Gm42063 | NCBI_Gene:105246841 | MGI:5624948 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42063 |
19 | gene | 5.023860 | 5.031972 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345278 | Slc29a2 | NCBI_Gene:13340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024891 | MGI:1345278 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 2 |
19 | gene | 5.037817 | 5.038805 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589740 | Gm30581 | NCBI_Gene:102632530 | MGI:5589740 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30581 |
19 | gene | 5.038304 | 5.038385 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4414040 | n-TSgct6 | NCBI_Gene:102467380 | MGI:4414040 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA serine 6 (anticodon GCT) |
19 | gene | 5.038826 | 5.041134 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919680 | B4gat1 | NCBI_Gene:108902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047379 | MGI:1919680 | protein coding gene | beta-1,4-glucuronyltransferase 1 |
19 | gene | 5.038891 | 5.049912 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303291 | Gm50388 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117789 | MGI:6303291 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 50388 |
19 | gene | 5.041232 | 5.049917 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2388804 | Brms1 | NCBI_Gene:107392,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080268 | MGI:2388804 | protein coding gene | breast cancer metastasis-suppressor 1 |
19 | gene | 5.050019 | 5.057072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385695 | Rin1 | NCBI_Gene:225870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024883 | MGI:2385695 | protein coding gene | Ras and Rab interactor 1 |
19 | gene | 5.068078 | 5.070682 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917695 | Cd248 | NCBI_Gene:70445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056481 | MGI:1917695 | protein coding gene | CD248 antigen, endosialin |
19 | gene | 5.070830 | 5.072120 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589786 | Gm30627 | NCBI_Gene:102632593 | MGI:5589786 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30627 |
19 | gene | 5.070859 | 5.085531 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147713 | Tmem151a | NCBI_Gene:381199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061451 | MGI:2147713 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 151A |
19 | gene | 5.072130 | 5.075259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826295 | Gm46658 | NCBI_Gene:108168419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117893 | MGI:5826295 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46658 |
19 | gene | 5.088538 | 5.092881 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915340 | Yif1a | NCBI_Gene:68090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024875 | MGI:1915340 | protein coding gene | Yip1 interacting factor homolog A (S. cerevisiae) |
19 | gene | 5.092868 | 5.098521 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277225 | Cnih2 | NCBI_Gene:12794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024873 | MGI:1277225 | protein coding gene | cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 2 |
19 | gene | 5.099205 | 5.107072 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923558 | Rab1b | NCBI_Gene:76308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024870 | MGI:1923558 | protein coding gene | RAB1B, member RAS oncogene family |
19 | gene | 5.107746 | 5.118573 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107953 | Klc2 | NCBI_Gene:16594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024862 | MGI:107953 | protein coding gene | kinesin light chain 2 |
19 | gene | 5.118038 | 5.119329 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704489 | Gm10817 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117710 | MGI:3704489 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10817 |
19 | gene | 5.118844 | 5.126127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589999 | Gm30840 | NCBI_Gene:102632878 | MGI:5589999 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30840 |
19 | pseudogene | 5.131740 | 5.132972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779478 | Gm5242 | NCBI_Gene:383424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117729 | MGI:3779478 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5242 |
19 | gene | 5.133158 | 5.273119 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277113 | Pacs1 | NCBI_Gene:107975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024855 | MGI:1277113 | protein coding gene | phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1 |
19 | gene | 5.201198 | 5.201303 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530850 | Gm27468 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098803 | MGI:5530850 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27468 |
19 | pseudogene | 5.258750 | 5.258962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302964 | Gm50189 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118104 | MGI:6302964 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50189 |
19 | gene | 5.273921 | 5.295457 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441856 | Sf3b2 | NCBI_Gene:319322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024853 | MGI:2441856 | protein coding gene | splicing factor 3b, subunit 2 |
19 | gene | 5.295196 | 5.296028 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302985 | Gm50203 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118243 | MGI:6302985 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50203 |
19 | gene | 5.298331 | 5.308739 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3617843 | Gal3st3 | NCBI_Gene:545276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047658 | MGI:3617843 | protein coding gene | galactose-3-O-sulfotransferase 3 |
19 | gene | 5.305873 | 5.307416 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624949 | Gm42064 | NCBI_Gene:105246843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118263 | MGI:5624949 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42064 |
19 | pseudogene | 5.321606 | 5.321798 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302994 | Gm50208 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118009 | MGI:6302994 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50208 |
19 | pseudogene | 5.324014 | 5.325823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645420 | Gm7074 | NCBI_Gene:631868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117807 | MGI:3645420 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7074 |
19 | gene | 5.334032 | 5.335433 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5792253 | Catsper1au | NA | NA | antisense lncRNA gene | Catsper1 antisense upstream transcript |
19 | gene | 5.335602 | 5.344281 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2179947 | Catsper1 | NCBI_Gene:225865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038498 | MGI:2179947 | protein coding gene | cation channel, sperm associated 1 |
19 | gene | 5.344705 | 5.349574 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920970 | Cst6 | NCBI_Gene:73720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024846 | MGI:1920970 | protein coding gene | cystatin E/M |
19 | gene | 5.364633 | 5.367168 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346330 | Banf1 | NCBI_Gene:23825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024844 | MGI:1346330 | protein coding gene | barrier to autointegration factor 1 |
19 | gene | 5.366741 | 5.371526 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917110 | Eif1ad | NCBI_Gene:69860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024841 | MGI:1917110 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A domain containing |
19 | gene | 5.377523 | 5.389304 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1309453 | Sart1 | NCBI_Gene:20227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039148 | MGI:1309453 | protein coding gene | squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T cells 1 |
19 | gene | 5.388336 | 5.390069 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041222 | D330050I16Rik | NCBI_Gene:414115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117959 | MGI:3041222 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D330050I16 gene |
19 | gene | 5.390047 | 5.402534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925556 | Tsga10ip | NCBI_Gene:78306,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039330 | MGI:1925556 | protein coding gene | testis specific 10 interacting protein |
19 | gene | 5.406740 | 5.422847 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922181 | 4930481A15Rik | NCBI_Gene:74931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086938 | MGI:1922181 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930481A15 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 5.415382 | 5.415811 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649011 | Gm6293 | NCBI_Gene:102633050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051133 | MGI:3649011 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6293 |
19 | gene | 5.422804 | 5.424979 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913806 | Drap1 | NCBI_Gene:66556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024914 | MGI:1913806 | protein coding gene | Dr1 associated protein 1 (negative cofactor 2 alpha) |
19 | gene | 5.425144 | 5.427317 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147598 | AI837181 | NCBI_Gene:107242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047423 | MGI:2147598 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence AI837181 |
19 | gene | 5.435900 | 5.435965 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302848 | Gm50111 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088909 | MGI:6302848 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 50111 |
19 | pseudogene | 5.435929 | 5.436800 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455209 | Gm25432 | NCBI_Gene:102635008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117771 | MGI:5455209 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 25432 |
19 | pseudogene | 5.439246 | 5.439521 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590229 | Gm31070 | NCBI_Gene:102633178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117845 | MGI:5590229 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31070 |
19 | gene | 5.447547 | 5.455946 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107179 | Fosl1 | NCBI_Gene:14283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024912 | MGI:107179 | protein coding gene | fos-like antigen 1 |
19 | gene | 5.453163 | 5.457894 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147607 | Ccdc85b | NCBI_Gene:240514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095098 | MGI:2147607 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 85B |
19 | gene | 5.460600 | 5.465052 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926233 | Fibp | NCBI_Gene:58249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024911 | MGI:1926233 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor (acidic) intracellular binding protein |
19 | gene | 5.465043 | 5.470389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338045 | Ctsw | NCBI_Gene:13041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024910 | MGI:1338045 | protein coding gene | cathepsin W |
19 | gene | 5.473954 | 5.482517 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891209 | Efemp2 | NCBI_Gene:58859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024909 | MGI:1891209 | protein coding gene | epidermal growth factor-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 2 |
19 | gene | 5.482345 | 5.488410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918961 | Mus81 | NCBI_Gene:71711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024906 | MGI:1918961 | protein coding gene | MUS81 structure-specific endonuclease subunit |
19 | gene | 5.488744 | 5.489198 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920664 | 1700061A03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117966 | MGI:1920664 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700061A03 gene |
19 | gene | 5.490455 | 5.495201 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101757 | Cfl1 | NCBI_Gene:12631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056201 | MGI:101757 | protein coding gene | cofilin 1, non-muscle |
19 | gene | 5.492235 | 5.510696 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444704 | Snx32 | NCBI_Gene:225861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056185 | MGI:2444704 | protein coding gene | sorting nexin 32 |
19 | gene | 5.502767 | 5.503787 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922805 | 1700020D05Rik | NCBI_Gene:75555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100937 | MGI:1922805 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700020D05 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 5.510783 | 5.550374 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590325 | Gm31166 | NCBI_Gene:102633307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109695 | MGI:5590325 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31166 |
19 | gene | 5.549136 | 5.560646 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1330290 | Ovol1 | NCBI_Gene:18426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024922 | MGI:1330290 | protein coding gene | ovo like zinc finger 1 |
19 | gene | 5.560250 | 5.571262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685808 | Ap5b1 | NCBI_Gene:381201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049562 | MGI:2685808 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 5, beta 1 subunit |
19 | gene | 5.560260 | 5.561677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923763 | 1810058N15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117861 | MGI:1923763 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810058N15 gene |
19 | gene | 5.601873 | 5.607019 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915459 | Rnaseh2c | NCBI_Gene:68209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024925 | MGI:1915459 | protein coding gene | ribonuclease H2, subunit C |
19 | gene | 5.603014 | 5.610237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1932051 | Kat5 | NCBI_Gene:81601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024926 | MGI:1932051 | protein coding gene | K(lysine) acetyltransferase 5 |
19 | gene | 5.637440 | 5.648131 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103290 | Rela | NCBI_Gene:19697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024927 | MGI:103290 | protein coding gene | v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (avian) |
19 | gene | 5.651185 | 5.663839 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107576 | Sipa1 | NCBI_Gene:20469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056917 | MGI:107576 | protein coding gene | signal-induced proliferation associated gene 1 |
19 | gene | 5.664635 | 5.688908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1861733 | Pcnx3 | NCBI_Gene:104401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054874 | MGI:1861733 | protein coding gene | pecanex homolog 3 |
19 | gene | 5.679004 | 5.679076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531273 | Mir6987 | miRBase:MI0022835,NCBI_Gene:102465596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098568 | MGI:5531273 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6987 |
19 | gene | 5.688740 | 5.702865 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346880 | Map3k11 | NCBI_Gene:26403,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004054 | MGI:1346880 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 11 |
19 | gene | 5.689236 | 5.690010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303171 | Gm50315 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118077 | MGI:6303171 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50315 |
19 | gene | 5.704367 | 5.707406 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1341841 | Kcnk7 | NCBI_Gene:16530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024936 | MGI:1341841 | protein coding gene | potassium channel, subfamily K, member 7 |
19 | gene | 5.707369 | 5.726461 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3612340 | Ehbp1l1 | NCBI_Gene:114601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024937 | MGI:3612340 | protein coding gene | EH domain binding protein 1-like 1 |
19 | gene | 5.727206 | 5.731627 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4414958 | Gm16538 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089766 | MGI:4414958 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16538 |
19 | gene | 5.728087 | 5.729666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106595 | Fam89b | NCBI_Gene:17826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024939 | MGI:106595 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 89, member B |
19 | gene | 5.728088 | 5.731713 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303289 | Gm50387 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118125 | MGI:6303289 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 50387 |
19 | gene | 5.730303 | 5.731732 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913482 | Znrd2 | NCBI_Gene:56390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079478 | MGI:1913482 | protein coding gene | zinc ribbon domain containing 2 |
19 | gene | 5.738405 | 5.740762 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642330 | Gm10815 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10815 |
19 | gene | 5.740904 | 5.758532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1101355 | Ltbp3 | NCBI_Gene:16998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024940 | MGI:1101355 | protein coding gene | latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 3 |
19 | gene | 5.758351 | 5.771419 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1931787 | Scyl1 | NCBI_Gene:78891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024941 | MGI:1931787 | protein coding gene | SCY1-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) |
19 | gene | 5.795690 | 5.802672 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919539 | Malat1 | NCBI_Gene:72289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092341 | MGI:1919539 | lncRNA gene | metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (non-coding RNA) |
19 | gene | 5.799000 | 5.799085 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531076 | Gm27694 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098462 | MGI:5531076 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27694 |
19 | gene | 5.801941 | 5.802393 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610604 | Gm37376 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102349 | MGI:5610604 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37376 |
19 | gene | 5.824652 | 5.824707 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531084 | Gm27702 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098865 | MGI:5531084 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27702 |
19 | gene | 5.824708 | 5.845480 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914211 | Neat1 | NCBI_Gene:66961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092274 | MGI:1914211 | lncRNA gene | nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding) |
19 | gene | 5.844286 | 5.844437 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530915 | Gm27533 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098543 | MGI:5530915 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27533 |
19 | gene | 5.844638 | 5.844747 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530887 | Gm27505 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098974 | MGI:5530887 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27505 |
19 | gene | 5.844916 | 5.845037 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531388 | Gm28006 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098986 | MGI:5531388 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 28006 |
19 | gene | 5.845623 | 5.851388 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704490 | Frmd8os | NCBI_Gene:69595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043488 | MGI:3704490 | antisense lncRNA gene | FERM domain containing 8, opposite strand |
19 | gene | 5.849702 | 5.875274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914707 | Frmd8 | NCBI_Gene:67457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024816 | MGI:1914707 | protein coding gene | FERM domain containing 8 |
19 | gene | 5.877799 | 5.885878 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147731 | Slc25a45 | NCBI_Gene:107375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024818 | MGI:2147731 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 25, member 45 |
19 | gene | 5.891138 | 5.895169 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2681860 | Tigd3 | NCBI_Gene:332359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044390 | MGI:2681860 | protein coding gene | tigger transposable element derived 3 |
19 | gene | 5.896516 | 5.913010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109529 | Dpf2 | NCBI_Gene:19708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024826 | MGI:109529 | protein coding gene | D4, zinc and double PHD fingers family 2 |
19 | gene | 5.912822 | 5.914831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624952 | Gm42067 | NCBI_Gene:105246846,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110156 | MGI:5624952 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42067 |
19 | gene | 5.915636 | 5.924816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929744 | Cdc42ep2 | NCBI_Gene:104252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045664 | MGI:1929744 | protein coding gene | CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 2 |
19 | gene | 5.940542 | 5.964216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99690 | Pola2 | NCBI_Gene:18969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024833 | MGI:99690 | protein coding gene | polymerase (DNA directed), alpha 2 |
19 | gene | 5.970234 | 5.986143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685809 | Slc22a20 | NCBI_Gene:381203,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037451 | MGI:2685809 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 20 |
19 | gene | 5.970486 | 5.984846 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590878 | Gm31719 | NCBI_Gene:102634035 | MGI:5590878 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31719 |
19 | gene | 5.988545 | 6.015897 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88263 | Capn1 | NCBI_Gene:12333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024942 | MGI:88263 | protein coding gene | calpain 1 |
19 | gene | 6.012620 | 6.018462 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642580 | Gm10814 | NCBI_Gene:100502985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097404 | MGI:3642580 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10814 |
19 | pseudogene | 6.027533 | 6.028401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011690 | Gm19505 | NCBI_Gene:100503014,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118194 | MGI:5011690 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19505 |
19 | pseudogene | 6.044442 | 6.044897 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644144 | Gm8034 | NCBI_Gene:666300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094281 | MGI:3644144 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8034 |
19 | gene | 6.045060 | 6.047019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925963 | D530017H19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D530017H19 gene |
19 | gene | 6.046576 | 6.053718 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921376 | Syvn1 | NCBI_Gene:74126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024807 | MGI:1921376 | protein coding gene | synovial apoptosis inhibitor 1, synoviolin |
19 | gene | 6.051334 | 6.051392 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530975 | Mir6988 | miRBase:MI0022836,NCBI_Gene:102465597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098928 | MGI:5530975 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6988 |
19 | gene | 6.053622 | 6.057785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108180 | Mrpl49 | NCBI_Gene:18120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007338 | MGI:108180 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L49 |
19 | gene | 6.057844 | 6.059524 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102547 | Fau | NCBI_Gene:14109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038274 | MGI:102547 | protein coding gene | Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus (FBR-MuSV) ubiquitously expressed (fox derived) |
19 | gene | 6.061192 | 6.062472 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1352481 | Znhit2 | NCBI_Gene:29805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075227 | MGI:1352481 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, HIT domain containing 2 |
19 | gene | 6.062821 | 6.068373 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920416 | Tm7sf2 | NCBI_Gene:73166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024799 | MGI:1920416 | protein coding gene | transmembrane 7 superfamily member 2 |
19 | gene | 6.067842 | 6.077231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915755 | Vps51 | NCBI_Gene:68505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024797 | MGI:1915755 | protein coding gene | VPS51 GARP complex subunit |
19 | gene | 6.076945 | 6.082256 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579080 | Gm28374 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100621 | MGI:5579080 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 28374 |
19 | gene | 6.077884 | 6.080788 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3690536 | Tmem262 | NCBI_Gene:433215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047733 | MGI:3690536 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 262 |
19 | gene | 6.080757 | 6.084956 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891017 | Zfpl1 | NCBI_Gene:81909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024792 | MGI:1891017 | protein coding gene | zinc finger like protein 1 |
19 | gene | 6.084983 | 6.091777 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915099 | Cdca5 | NCBI_Gene:67849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024791 | MGI:1915099 | protein coding gene | cell division cycle associated 5 |
19 | gene | 6.093724 | 6.098241 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685396 | Gm550 | NCBI_Gene:225852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117666 | MGI:2685396 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 550 |
19 | gene | 6.105782 | 6.115792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685810 | Naaladl1 | NCBI_Gene:381204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054999 | MGI:2685810 | protein coding gene | N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like 1 |
19 | gene | 6.116000 | 6.118650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913656 | Sac3d1 | NCBI_Gene:66406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024790 | MGI:1913656 | protein coding gene | SAC3 domain containing 1 |
19 | gene | 6.119399 | 6.132563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916274 | Snx15 | NCBI_Gene:69024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024787 | MGI:1916274 | protein coding gene | sorting nexin 15 |
19 | gene | 6.134374 | 6.141548 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928393 | Arl2 | NCBI_Gene:56327,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024944 | MGI:1928393 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2 |
19 | gene | 6.140983 | 6.172476 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921731 | Batf2 | NCBI_Gene:74481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039699 | MGI:1921731 | protein coding gene | basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like 2 |
19 | gene | 6.144732 | 6.144851 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4421753 | n-R5s19 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084742 | MGI:4421753 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 19 |
19 | pseudogene | 6.152666 | 6.153712 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648472 | Gm5510 | NCBI_Gene:433216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083458 | MGI:3648472 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5510 |
19 | gene | 6.184328 | 6.225885 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923913 | Majin | NCBI_Gene:622554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024786 | MGI:1923913 | protein coding gene | membrane anchored junction protein |
19 | gene | 6.226380 | 6.227768 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2156541 | Gpha2 | NCBI_Gene:170458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024784 | MGI:2156541 | protein coding gene | glycoprotein hormone alpha 2 |
19 | gene | 6.227765 | 6.235872 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2388480 | Ppp2r5b | NCBI_Gene:225849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024777 | MGI:2388480 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B’, beta |
19 | gene | 6.241664 | 6.262335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916291 | Atg2a | NCBI_Gene:329015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024773 | MGI:1916291 | protein coding gene | autophagy related 2A |
19 | gene | 6.264643 | 6.264728 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3618738 | Mir194-2 | miRBase:MI0000733,NCBI_Gene:723957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065582 | MGI:3618738 | miRNA gene | microRNA 194-2 |
19 | gene | 6.264844 | 6.264932 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676856 | Mir192 | miRBase:MI0000551,NCBI_Gene:387187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065523 | MGI:2676856 | miRNA gene | microRNA 192 |
19 | gene | 6.268794 | 6.276607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705162 | Gm14963 | NCBI_Gene:105246847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085196 | MGI:3705162 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14963 |
19 | gene | 6.276725 | 6.300096 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1341878 | Ehd1 | NCBI_Gene:13660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024772 | MGI:1341878 | protein coding gene | EH-domain containing 1 |
19 | gene | 6.306456 | 6.325653 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652845 | Cdc42bpg | NCBI_Gene:240505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024769 | MGI:2652845 | protein coding gene | CDC42 binding protein kinase gamma (DMPK-like) |
19 | pseudogene | 6.331054 | 6.331453 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302977 | Gm50198 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117681 | MGI:6302977 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50198 |
19 | gene | 6.334979 | 6.340894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1316736 | Men1 | NCBI_Gene:17283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024947 | MGI:1316736 | protein coding gene | multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 |
19 | gene | 6.341117 | 6.355619 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346883 | Map4k2 | NCBI_Gene:26412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024948 | MGI:1346883 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2 |
19 | gene | 6.346480 | 6.346544 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531267 | Mir6989 | miRBase:MI0022837,NCBI_Gene:102465598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099230 | MGI:5531267 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6989 |
19 | gene | 6.355473 | 6.363759 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705223 | Gm14966 | NCBI_Gene:102634533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079467 | MGI:3705223 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14966 |
19 | gene | 6.363279 | 6.378038 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1095403 | Sf1 | NCBI_Gene:22668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024949 | MGI:1095403 | protein coding gene | splicing factor 1 |
19 | gene | 6.384399 | 6.398464 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97830 | Pygm | NCBI_Gene:19309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032648 | MGI:97830 | protein coding gene | muscle glycogen phosphorylase |
19 | gene | 6.399008 | 6.415216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333849 | Rasgrp2 | NCBI_Gene:19395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032946 | MGI:1333849 | protein coding gene | RAS, guanyl releasing protein 2 |
19 | gene | 6.409400 | 6.418659 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705214 | Gm14965 | NCBI_Gene:105246848,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084876 | MGI:3705214 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14965 |
19 | gene | 6.418731 | 6.544169 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096362 | Nrxn2 | NCBI_Gene:18190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033768 | MGI:1096362 | protein coding gene | neurexin II |
19 | gene | 6.457419 | 6.460107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302908 | Gm50151 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117897 | MGI:6302908 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50151 |
19 | gene | 6.530711 | 6.532011 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641621 | Gm14964 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052188 | MGI:3641621 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14964 |
19 | gene | 6.535845 | 6.543070 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1195269 | Slc22a12 | NCBI_Gene:20521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061742 | MGI:1195269 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22 (organic anion/cation transporter), member 12 |
19 | gene | 6.563780 | 6.563905 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456237 | Gm26460 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092802 | MGI:5456237 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 26460 |
19 | gene | 6.567126 | 6.578552 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591404 | Gm32245 | NCBI_Gene:102634732 | MGI:5591404 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32245 |
19 | pseudogene | 6.569080 | 6.575362 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303367 | Gm50435 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118062 | MGI:6303367 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50435 |
19 | pseudogene | 6.592099 | 6.593339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3768540 | Hmgb1-ps4 | NCBI_Gene:629372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084221 | MGI:3768540 | pseudogene | high mobility group box 1, pseudogene 4 |
19 | gene | 6.617671 | 6.674548 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924061 | 2410152P15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084825 | MGI:1924061 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2410152P15 gene |
19 | gene | 6.645687 | 6.647172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705315 | Gm14968 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085285 | MGI:3705315 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14968 |
19 | gene | 6.829084 | 6.840989 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930076 | Rps6ka4 | NCBI_Gene:56613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024952 | MGI:1930076 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 4 |
19 | gene | 6.829886 | 6.829944 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4950413 | Mir5046 | miRBase:MI0017931,NCBI_Gene:100628576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104884 | MGI:4950413 | miRNA gene | microRNA 5046 |
19 | gene | 6.844623 | 6.858333 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925567 | Ccdc88b | NCBI_Gene:78317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047810 | MGI:1925567 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 88B |
19 | gene | 6.906697 | 6.910106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1859821 | Prdx5 | NCBI_Gene:54683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024953 | MGI:1859821 | protein coding gene | peroxiredoxin 5 |
19 | gene | 6.909698 | 6.911049 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914924 | Trmt112 | NCBI_Gene:67674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038812 | MGI:1914924 | protein coding gene | tRNA methyltransferase 11-2 |
19 | gene | 6.910977 | 6.922048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346831 | Esrra | NCBI_Gene:26379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024955 | MGI:1346831 | protein coding gene | estrogen related receptor, alpha |
19 | gene | 6.914196 | 6.914286 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531108 | Mir6990 | miRBase:MI0022838,NCBI_Gene:102466213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098413 | MGI:5531108 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6990 |
19 | gene | 6.922371 | 6.925380 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914327 | Catsperz | NCBI_Gene:67077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050623 | MGI:1914327 | protein coding gene | cation channel sperm associated auxiliary subunit zeta |
19 | gene | 6.923966 | 6.934772 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1298234 | Kcnk4 | NCBI_Gene:16528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024957 | MGI:1298234 | protein coding gene | potassium channel, subfamily K, member 4 |
19 | gene | 6.927166 | 6.929518 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826283 | Gm46646 | NCBI_Gene:108168407 | MGI:5826283 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46646 |
19 | gene | 6.938057 | 6.942480 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147529 | Gpr137 | NCBI_Gene:107173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024958 | MGI:2147529 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 137 |
19 | gene | 6.941861 | 6.951905 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096330 | Bad | NCBI_Gene:12015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024959 | MGI:1096330 | protein coding gene | BCL2-associated agonist of cell death |
19 | pseudogene | 6.945071 | 6.945620 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011238 | Gm19053 | NCBI_Gene:100418171 | MGI:5011238 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19053 |
19 | gene | 6.952325 | 6.976470 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104778 | Plcb3 | NCBI_Gene:18797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024960 | MGI:104778 | protein coding gene | phospholipase C, beta 3 |
19 | gene | 6.974968 | 6.977324 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107682 | Ppp1r14b | NCBI_Gene:18938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056612 | MGI:107682 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 14B |
19 | gene | 6.977739 | 6.980501 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95542 | Fkbp2 | NCBI_Gene:14227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056629 | MGI:95542 | protein coding gene | FK506 binding protein 2 |
19 | gene | 6.980528 | 6.984168 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624688 | Gm41803 | NCBI_Gene:105246528 | MGI:5624688 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41803 |
19 | gene | 6.982472 | 6.987651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106199 | Vegfb | NCBI_Gene:22340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024962 | MGI:106199 | protein coding gene | vascular endothelial growth factor B |
19 | gene | 6.987911 | 6.992697 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927346 | Dnajc4 | NCBI_Gene:57431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024963 | MGI:1927346 | protein coding gene | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C4 |
19 | gene | 6.992674 | 6.993046 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594997 | Gm35838 | NCBI_Gene:102639551 | MGI:5594997 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35838 |
19 | gene | 6.993018 | 6.996117 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915573 | Nudt22 | NCBI_Gene:68323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037349 | MGI:1915573 | protein coding gene | nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 22 |
19 | gene | 6.996131 | 6.999048 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333115 | Trpt1 | NCBI_Gene:107328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047656 | MGI:1333115 | protein coding gene | tRNA phosphotransferase 1 |
19 | gene | 6.998958 | 7.019469 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147790 | Fermt3 | NCBI_Gene:108101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024965 | MGI:2147790 | protein coding gene | fermitin family member 3 |
19 | gene | 7.020696 | 7.040026 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109130 | Stip1 | NCBI_Gene:20867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024966 | MGI:109130 | protein coding gene | stress-induced phosphoprotein 1 |
19 | gene | 7.056713 | 7.198062 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147583 | Macrod1 | NCBI_Gene:107227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036278 | MGI:2147583 | protein coding gene | MACRO domain containing 1 |
19 | gene | 7.084710 | 7.090741 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917744 | 5730409K12Rik | NCBI_Gene:70494 | MGI:1917744 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5730409K12 gene |
19 | gene | 7.087464 | 7.166030 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3026647 | Flrt1 | NCBI_Gene:396184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047787 | MGI:3026647 | protein coding gene | fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 1 |
19 | gene | 7.131506 | 7.136039 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621506 | Gm38621 | NCBI_Gene:102642633 | MGI:5621506 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38621 |
19 | gene | 7.198202 | 7.206316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147616 | Otub1 | NCBI_Gene:107260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024767 | MGI:2147616 | protein coding gene | OTU domain, ubiquitin aldehyde binding 1 |
19 | gene | 7.215153 | 7.217616 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105959 | Cox8a | NCBI_Gene:12868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035885 | MGI:105959 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase subunit 8A |
19 | gene | 7.225668 | 7.241222 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918249 | Naa40 | NCBI_Gene:70999,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024764 | MGI:1918249 | protein coding gene | N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 40, NatD catalytic subunit |
19 | gene | 7.246709 | 7.246812 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5451890 | Gm22113 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096774 | MGI:5451890 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22113 |
19 | gene | 7.259941 | 7.260061 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453774 | Gm23997 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088680 | MGI:5453774 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 23997 |
19 | gene | 7.267325 | 7.275225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859854 | Rcor2 | NCBI_Gene:104383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024968 | MGI:1859854 | protein coding gene | REST corepressor 2 |
19 | gene | 7.275396 | 7.341867 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99638 | Mark2 | NCBI_Gene:13728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024969 | MGI:99638 | protein coding gene | MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinase 2 |
19 | gene | 7.297654 | 7.304528 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4938054 | Gm17227 | NCBI_Gene:102639888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091558 | MGI:4938054 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17227 |
19 | gene | 7.324971 | 7.327376 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441993 | D830016O14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D830016O14 gene |
19 | gene | 7.354078 | 7.383051 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147611 | Spindoc | NCBI_Gene:68229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024970 | MGI:2147611 | protein coding gene | spindlin interactor and repressor of chromatin binding |
19 | gene | 7.364515 | 7.370240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303036 | Gm50232 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117743 | MGI:6303036 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50232 |
19 | gene | 7.370339 | 7.372580 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826284 | Gm46647 | NCBI_Gene:108168408 | MGI:5826284 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46647 |
19 | gene | 7.382537 | 7.383561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915479 | 1700105P06Rik | NCBI_Gene:654802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099923 | MGI:1915479 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700105P06 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 7.397442 | 7.399173 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643959 | Rab11b-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:665419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095690 | MGI:3643959 | pseudogene | RAB11B, member RAS oncogene family, pseudogene 2 |
19 | pseudogene | 7.402834 | 7.403431 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011027 | Gm18842 | NCBI_Gene:100417810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118297 | MGI:5011027 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18842 |
19 | gene | 7.417625 | 7.425904 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919667 | 2700081O15Rik | NCBI_Gene:108899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053080 | MGI:1919667 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2700081O15 gene |
19 | gene | 7.422573 | 7.422642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531348 | Mir6991 | miRBase:MI0022839,NCBI_Gene:102466781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098293 | MGI:5531348 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6991 |
19 | gene | 7.425895 | 7.483291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1339970 | Rtn3 | NCBI_Gene:20168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024758 | MGI:1339970 | protein coding gene | reticulon 3 |
19 | gene | 7.465335 | 7.469619 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444344 | A830039H05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A830039H05 gene |
19 | gene | 7.472709 | 7.476413 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443568 | A830080L01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A830080L01 gene |
19 | gene | 7.494026 | 7.539674 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924270 | Atl3 | NCBI_Gene:109168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024759 | MGI:1924270 | protein coding gene | atlastin GTPase 3 |
19 | gene | 7.557433 | 7.588545 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2179715 | Plaat3 | NCBI_Gene:225845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060675 | MGI:2179715 | protein coding gene | phospholipase A and acyltransferase 3 |
19 | gene | 7.596656 | 7.607237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929094 | Lgals12 | NCBI_Gene:56072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024972 | MGI:1929094 | protein coding gene | lectin, galactose binding, soluble 12 |
19 | gene | 7.612541 | 7.639642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913977 | Plaat5 | NCBI_Gene:66727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024973 | MGI:1913977 | protein coding gene | phospholipase A and acyltransferase 5 |
19 | pseudogene | 7.668271 | 7.669148 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644508 | Gm16437 | NCBI_Gene:433217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024761 | MGI:3644508 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 16437 |
19 | gene | 7.673061 | 7.711310 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442751 | Slc22a19 | NCBI_Gene:207151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024757 | MGI:2442751 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 19 |
19 | pseudogene | 7.695899 | 7.697016 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801808 | Gm15967 | NCBI_Gene:100418172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083160 | MGI:3801808 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15967 |
19 | pseudogene | 7.703903 | 7.705127 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801809 | Gm15968 | NCBI_Gene:100416946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081596 | MGI:3801809 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15968 |
19 | pseudogene | 7.727182 | 7.727673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647695 | Gm8157 | NCBI_Gene:666543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117937 | MGI:3647695 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8157 |
19 | pseudogene | 7.729370 | 7.729953 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010729 | Gm18544 | NCBI_Gene:100417341 | MGI:5010729 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18544 |
19 | gene | 7.780468 | 7.802669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385316 | Slc22a26 | NCBI_Gene:236149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053303 | MGI:2385316 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 26 |
19 | pseudogene | 7.806297 | 7.848669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646592 | Gm7096 | NCBI_Gene:100534290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118312 | MGI:3646592 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7096 |
19 | gene | 7.864388 | 7.966595 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3042283 | Slc22a27 | NCBI_Gene:171405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067656 | MGI:3042283 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22, member 27 |
19 | gene | 7.959530 | 7.959638 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454728 | Gm24951 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076136 | MGI:5454728 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24951 |
19 | pseudogene | 7.959743 | 7.961107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779569 | Gm6192 | NCBI_Gene:620946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118220 | MGI:3779569 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6192 |
19 | pseudogene | 7.975735 | 7.978339 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643067 | Gm6386 | NCBI_Gene:623030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118036 | MGI:3643067 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6386 |
19 | gene | 8.019555 | 8.034088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925675 | 9530053H05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530053H05 gene |
19 | gene | 8.062209 | 8.131982 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645714 | Slc22a28 | NCBI_Gene:434674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063590 | MGI:3645714 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22, member 28 |
19 | gene | 8.160165 | 8.253522 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3605624 | Slc22a29 | NCBI_Gene:236293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075044 | MGI:3605624 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22. member 29 |
19 | gene | 8.251312 | 8.317179 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624689 | Gm41804 | NCBI_Gene:105246529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118280 | MGI:5624689 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41804 |
19 | pseudogene | 8.255938 | 8.257662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644446 | Gm7105 | NCBI_Gene:633120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118345 | MGI:3644446 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7105 |
19 | pseudogene | 8.272397 | 8.275004 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643112 | Gm8184 | NCBI_Gene:666601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117877 | MGI:3643112 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8184 |
19 | gene | 8.335371 | 8.405111 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442750 | Slc22a30 | NCBI_Gene:319800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052562 | MGI:2442750 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22, member 30 |
19 | pseudogene | 8.473313 | 8.541800 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779786 | Gm8189 | NCBI_Gene:100534389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110298 | MGI:3779786 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8189 |
19 | pseudogene | 8.588211 | 8.589292 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646016 | Gm6425 | NCBI_Gene:623402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086174 | MGI:3646016 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6425 |
19 | gene | 8.591254 | 8.611835 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1336187 | Slc22a8 | NCBI_Gene:19879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063796 | MGI:1336187 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 8 |
19 | gene | 8.611932 | 8.621184 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595553 | Gm36394 | NCBI_Gene:102640287 | MGI:5595553 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36394 |
19 | gene | 8.617996 | 8.628299 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892001 | Slc22a6 | NCBI_Gene:18399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024650 | MGI:892001 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 6 |
19 | gene | 8.651796 | 8.663335 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028064 | 9830166K06Rik | NCBI_Gene:402757,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117763 | MGI:3028064 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9830166K06 gene |
19 | gene | 8.663789 | 8.683606 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88396 | Chrm1 | NCBI_Gene:12669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032773 | MGI:88396 | protein coding gene | cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1, CNS |
19 | gene | 8.681835 | 8.682163 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452597 | Gm22820 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087830 | MGI:5452597 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22820 |
19 | gene | 8.706882 | 8.723369 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96955 | Slc3a2 | NCBI_Gene:17254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010095 | MGI:96955 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 3 (activators of dibasic and neutral amino acid transport), member 2 |
19 | gene | 8.723475 | 8.726443 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3763743 | Snhg1 | NCBI_Gene:83673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108414 | MGI:3763743 | lncRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA host gene 1 |
19 | gene | 8.723993 | 8.724064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455632 | Gm25855 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064721 | MGI:5455632 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25855 |
19 | gene | 8.724251 | 8.724325 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455671 | Gm25894 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065392 | MGI:5455671 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25894 |
19 | gene | 8.724531 | 8.724602 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454229 | Gm24452 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065281 | MGI:5454229 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24452 |
19 | gene | 8.724868 | 8.724943 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454230 | Gm24453 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065280 | MGI:5454230 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24453 |
19 | gene | 8.725092 | 8.725156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452521 | Gm22744 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065378 | MGI:5452521 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22744 |
19 | gene | 8.725341 | 8.725409 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452457 | Gm22680 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065782 | MGI:5452457 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22680 |
19 | gene | 8.725594 | 8.725660 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453023 | Gm23246 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065305 | MGI:5453023 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23246 |
19 | gene | 8.725866 | 8.725991 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933385 | Snord22 | NCBI_Gene:100127111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065087 | MGI:1933385 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 22 |
19 | gene | 8.735804 | 8.740624 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147427 | Wdr74 | NCBI_Gene:107071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042729 | MGI:2147427 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 74 |
19 | gene | 8.740718 | 8.741225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921557 | 1700092M07Rik | NCBI_Gene:74307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090840 | MGI:1921557 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700092M07 gene |
19 | gene | 8.741413 | 8.756069 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928483 | Stx5a | NCBI_Gene:56389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010110 | MGI:1928483 | protein coding gene | syntaxin 5A |
19 | gene | 8.742971 | 8.743079 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531288 | Mir6992 | miRBase:MI0022840,NCBI_Gene:102465599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098844 | MGI:5531288 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6992 |
19 | gene | 8.754789 | 8.756969 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916695 | 1700023D09Rik | NCBI_Gene:102640359 | MGI:1916695 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700023D09 gene |
19 | gene | 8.757073 | 8.770922 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858330 | Nxf1 | NCBI_Gene:53319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010097 | MGI:1858330 | protein coding gene | nuclear RNA export factor 1 |
19 | gene | 8.770996 | 8.772475 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914086 | Tmem223 | NCBI_Gene:66836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117924 | MGI:1914086 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 223 |
19 | gene | 8.772522 | 8.774467 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914956 | Tmem179b | NCBI_Gene:67706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118346 | MGI:1914956 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 179B |
19 | gene | 8.774354 | 8.786417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444957 | Taf6l | NCBI_Gene:225895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003680 | MGI:2444957 | protein coding gene | TATA-box binding protein associated factor 6 like |
19 | pseudogene | 8.774485 | 8.776962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780685 | Gm2518 | NCBI_Gene:100039957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118261 | MGI:3780685 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2518 |
19 | pseudogene | 8.790085 | 8.790464 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302874 | Gm50131 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118305 | MGI:6302874 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50131 |
19 | gene | 8.793127 | 8.798577 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914960 | Polr2g | NCBI_Gene:67710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071662 | MGI:1914960 | protein coding gene | polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide G |
19 | gene | 8.801979 | 8.804854 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922541 | Zbtb3 | NCBI_Gene:75291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071661 | MGI:1922541 | protein coding gene | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 3 |
19 | gene | 8.809066 | 8.819455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917637 | Ttc9c | NCBI_Gene:70387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071660 | MGI:1917637 | protein coding gene | tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9C |
19 | gene | 8.819401 | 8.834143 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915943 | Hnrnpul2 | NCBI_Gene:68693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071659 | MGI:1915943 | protein coding gene | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 2 |
19 | gene | 8.829773 | 8.841137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302888 | Gm50139 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118124 | MGI:6302888 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 50139 |
19 | gene | 8.836929 | 8.839246 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102704 | Gng3 | NCBI_Gene:14704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071658 | MGI:102704 | protein coding gene | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 3 |
19 | gene | 8.837467 | 8.848683 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1298392 | Bscl2 | NCBI_Gene:14705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071657 | MGI:1298392 | protein coding gene | Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy 2 (seipin) |
19 | gene | 8.850194 | 8.853914 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916102 | Lrrn4cl | NCBI_Gene:68852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071656 | MGI:1916102 | protein coding gene | LRRN4 C-terminal like |
19 | gene | 8.871496 | 8.875863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1289301 | Ubxn1 | NCBI_Gene:225896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071655 | MGI:1289301 | protein coding gene | UBX domain protein 1 |
19 | gene | 8.880014 | 8.880933 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147553 | Uqcc3 | NCBI_Gene:107197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071654 | MGI:2147553 | protein coding gene | ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex assembly factor 3 |
19 | gene | 8.883732 | 8.892627 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5516029 | Lbhd1 | NCBI_Gene:102308570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096740 | MGI:5516029 | protein coding gene | LBH domain containing 1 |
19 | gene | 8.883930 | 8.887258 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6155026 | Gm49403 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116166 | MGI:6155026 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49403 |
19 | gene | 8.888387 | 8.888770 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914781 | 5730408K05Rik | NCBI_Gene:67531 | MGI:1914781 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5730408K05 gene |
19 | gene | 8.888538 | 8.888685 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455599 | Snora57 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070167 | MGI:5455599 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 57 |
19 | gene | 8.888699 | 8.888774 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4950461 | Mir5136 | miRBase:MI0018048,NCBI_Gene:100628605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093314 | MGI:4950461 | miRNA gene | microRNA 5136 |
19 | gene | 8.888853 | 8.890881 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913526 | 1810009A15Rik | NCBI_Gene:66276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071653 | MGI:1913526 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810009A15 gene |
19 | gene | 8.888926 | 8.895227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6155046 | Gm49416 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116347 | MGI:6155046 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49416 |
19 | gene | 8.892987 | 8.897890 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923578 | Ints5 | NCBI_Gene:109077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071652 | MGI:1923578 | protein coding gene | integrator complex subunit 5 |
19 | gene | 8.898057 | 8.916742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1097667 | Ganab | NCBI_Gene:14376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071650 | MGI:1097667 | protein coding gene | alpha glucosidase 2 alpha neutral subunit |
19 | gene | 8.918937 | 8.921842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595788 | Gm36629 | NCBI_Gene:102640604 | MGI:5595788 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36629 |
19 | gene | 8.920374 | 8.927236 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919977 | B3gat3 | NCBI_Gene:72727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071649 | MGI:1919977 | protein coding gene | beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (glucuronosyltransferase I) |
19 | gene | 8.927382 | 8.929356 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97998 | Rom1 | NCBI_Gene:19881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071648 | MGI:97998 | protein coding gene | rod outer segment membrane protein 1 |
19 | gene | 8.929552 | 8.941582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2387612 | Eml3 | NCBI_Gene:225898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071647 | MGI:2387612 | protein coding gene | echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 3 |
19 | gene | 8.936755 | 8.940896 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704491 | Gm10353 | NCBI_Gene:102640526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114220 | MGI:3704491 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10353 |
19 | gene | 8.941875 | 8.952303 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346340 | Mta2 | NCBI_Gene:23942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071646 | MGI:1346340 | protein coding gene | metastasis-associated gene family, member 2 |
19 | gene | 8.953847 | 8.966210 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917294 | Tut1 | NCBI_Gene:70044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071645 | MGI:1917294 | protein coding gene | terminal uridylyl transferase 1, U6 snRNA-specific |
19 | gene | 8.967041 | 8.978479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914410 | Eef1g | NCBI_Gene:67160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071644 | MGI:1914410 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma |
19 | gene | 8.989121 | 9.076935 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1316648 | Ahnak | NCBI_Gene:66395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069833 | MGI:1316648 | protein coding gene | AHNAK nucleoprotein (desmoyokin) |
19 | gene | 9.083636 | 9.087958 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98919 | Scgb1a1 | NCBI_Gene:22287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024653 | MGI:98919 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1 (uteroglobin) |
19 | gene | 9.099766 | 9.102711 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624690 | Gm41805 | NCBI_Gene:105246530 | MGI:5624690 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41805 |
19 | gene | 9.109868 | 9.135636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913764 | Asrgl1 | NCBI_Gene:66514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024654 | MGI:1913764 | protein coding gene | asparaginase like 1 |
19 | gene | 9.135157 | 9.279175 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642669 | Gm9750 | NCBI_Gene:105246531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024658 | MGI:3642669 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9750 |
19 | gene | 9.185225 | 9.187019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621541 | Gm38656 | NCBI_Gene:102643088 | MGI:5621541 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38656 |
19 | pseudogene | 9.216311 | 9.216995 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644748 | Gm6252 | NCBI_Gene:621699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117804 | MGI:3644748 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6252 |
19 | gene | 9.234897 | 9.234978 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454320 | Gm24543 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077055 | MGI:5454320 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24543 |
19 | pseudogene | 9.283238 | 9.284495 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97505 | Pcna-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:18540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067608 | MGI:97505 | pseudogene | proliferating cell nuclear antigen pseudogene 2 |
19 | pseudogene | 9.323219 | 9.339986 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780785 | Gm2617 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101398 | MGI:3780785 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2617 |
19 | pseudogene | 9.557606 | 9.559248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3586869 | Stxbp3-ps | NCBI_Gene:619371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071640 | MGI:3586869 | pseudogene | syntaxin-binding protein 3, pseudogene |
19 | pseudogene | 9.605121 | 9.614034 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579937 | Gm29231 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096818 | MGI:5579937 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29231 |
19 | pseudogene | 9.606968 | 9.608500 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779598 | Gm6445 | NCBI_Gene:623688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100141 | MGI:3779598 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6445 |
19 | pseudogene | 9.827117 | 9.827236 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303180 | Gm50320 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117756 | MGI:6303180 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50320 |
19 | gene | 9.828899 | 9.836897 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303181 | Gm50321 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118383 | MGI:6303181 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50321 |
19 | gene | 9.847435 | 9.852808 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780828 | Scgb2a2 | NCBI_Gene:102639117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096872 | MGI:3780828 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2A, member 2 |
19 | gene | 9.855319 | 9.855422 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452146 | Gm22369 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076370 | MGI:5452146 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22369 |
19 | gene | 9.864924 | 9.868995 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303183 | Gm50322 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118138 | MGI:6303183 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50322 |
19 | gene | 9.872296 | 9.899551 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1313288 | Incenp | NCBI_Gene:16319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024660 | MGI:1313288 | protein coding gene | inner centromere protein |
19 | pseudogene | 9.888477 | 9.889169 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011239 | Gm19054 | NCBI_Gene:100418173 | MGI:5011239 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19054 |
19 | gene | 9.897500 | 9.898707 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303187 | Gm50324 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118325 | MGI:6303187 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50324 |
19 | gene | 9.899690 | 9.902661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303216 | Gm50340 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118100 | MGI:6303216 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50340 |
19 | gene | 9.908158 | 9.908278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454261 | Gm24484 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080659 | MGI:5454261 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24484 |
19 | gene | 9.924510 | 9.947628 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5596072 | Gm36913 | NCBI_Gene:102640980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118008 | MGI:5596072 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36913 |
19 | pseudogene | 9.937669 | 9.937833 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303221 | Gm50343 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118065 | MGI:6303221 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50343 |
19 | gene | 9.939266 | 9.940652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303223 | Gm50345 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118183 | MGI:6303223 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50345 |
19 | gene | 9.941349 | 9.942832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303225 | Gm50346 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118123 | MGI:6303225 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50346 |
19 | gene | 9.970121 | 9.971605 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624691 | Gm41806 | NCBI_Gene:105246532 | MGI:5624691 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41806 |
19 | gene | 9.980598 | 9.985111 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95588 | Fth1 | NCBI_Gene:14319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024661 | MGI:95588 | protein coding gene | ferritin heavy polypeptide 1 |
19 | gene | 9.985172 | 10.001633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346332 | Best1 | NCBI_Gene:24115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037418 | MGI:1346332 | protein coding gene | bestrophin 1 |
19 | gene | 10.001669 | 10.038380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922010 | Rab3il1 | NCBI_Gene:74760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024663 | MGI:1922010 | protein coding gene | RAB3A interacting protein (rabin3)-like 1 |
19 | gene | 10.040855 | 10.060110 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928740 | Fads3 | NCBI_Gene:60527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024664 | MGI:1928740 | protein coding gene | fatty acid desaturase 3 |
19 | gene | 10.046264 | 10.047940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589076 | Gm29917 | NCBI_Gene:102631622 | MGI:5589076 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29917 |
19 | gene | 10.062765 | 10.101746 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930079 | Fads2 | NCBI_Gene:56473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024665 | MGI:1930079 | protein coding gene | fatty acid desaturase 2 |
19 | pseudogene | 10.175854 | 10.176161 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303246 | Gm50359 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117700 | MGI:6303246 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50359 |
19 | gene | 10.182888 | 10.196877 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923517 | Fads1 | NCBI_Gene:76267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010663 | MGI:1923517 | protein coding gene | fatty acid desaturase 1 |
19 | gene | 10.191375 | 10.191439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531024 | Mir6993 | miRBase:MI0022841,NCBI_Gene:102465600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098363 | MGI:5531024 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6993 |
19 | gene | 10.198368 | 10.202384 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704492 | Gm10143 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064032 | MGI:3704492 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10143 |
19 | gene | 10.199132 | 10.204187 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102779 | Fen1 | NCBI_Gene:14156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024742 | MGI:102779 | protein coding gene | flap structure specific endonuclease 1 |
19 | gene | 10.204014 | 10.207824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916288 | Tmem258 | NCBI_Gene:69038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036372 | MGI:1916288 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 258 |
19 | gene | 10.208271 | 10.240781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684944 | Myrf | NCBI_Gene:225908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036098 | MGI:2684944 | protein coding gene | myelin regulatory factor |
19 | gene | 10.245265 | 10.304877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2677061 | Dagla | NCBI_Gene:269060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035735 | MGI:2677061 | protein coding gene | diacylglycerol lipase, alpha |
19 | gene | 10.290223 | 10.296440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589201 | Gm30042 | NCBI_Gene:102631796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118330 | MGI:5589201 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30042 |
19 | gene | 10.362065 | 10.366277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589422 | Gm30263 | NCBI_Gene:102632100 | MGI:5589422 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30263 |
19 | gene | 10.388781 | 10.453181 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859545 | Syt7 | NCBI_Gene:54525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024743 | MGI:1859545 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin VII |
19 | gene | 10.389130 | 10.391735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477353 | Gm26859 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097862 | MGI:5477353 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26859 |
19 | gene | 10.439897 | 10.442652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303093 | Gm50268 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118310 | MGI:6303093 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50268 |
19 | gene | 10.455371 | 10.457473 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685551 | Lrrc10b | NCBI_Gene:278795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090291 | MGI:2685551 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 10B |
19 | gene | 10.474235 | 10.491452 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915002 | Ppp1r32 | NCBI_Gene:67752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035179 | MGI:1915002 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 32 |
19 | gene | 10.500512 | 10.526142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913322 | Sdhaf2 | NCBI_Gene:66072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024668 | MGI:1913322 | protein coding gene | succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 2 |
19 | gene | 10.525244 | 10.547735 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917826 | Cpsf7 | NCBI_Gene:269061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034820 | MGI:1917826 | protein coding gene | cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 7 |
19 | gene | 10.533865 | 10.556303 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920020 | Tmem216 | NCBI_Gene:68642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024667 | MGI:1920020 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 216 |
19 | gene | 10.570478 | 10.577386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920232 | Tmem138 | NCBI_Gene:72982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024666 | MGI:1920232 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 138 |
19 | gene | 10.573512 | 10.576545 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302988 | Gm50205 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117955 | MGI:6302988 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50205 |
19 | gene | 10.577157 | 10.595961 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686925 | Cyb561a3 | NCBI_Gene:225912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034445 | MGI:2686925 | protein coding gene | cytochrome b561 family, member A3 |
19 | gene | 10.587791 | 10.605654 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385084 | Tkfc | NCBI_Gene:225913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034371 | MGI:2385084 | protein coding gene | triokinase, FMN cyclase |
19 | gene | 10.605327 | 10.629822 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1202384 | Ddb1 | NCBI_Gene:13194,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024740 | MGI:1202384 | protein coding gene | damage specific DNA binding protein 1 |
19 | gene | 10.634213 | 10.666213 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919018 | Vwce | NCBI_Gene:71768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043789 | MGI:1919018 | protein coding gene | von Willebrand factor C and EGF domains |
19 | gene | 10.645690 | 10.648053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922346 | 4930524O05Rik | NCBI_Gene:75096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118392 | MGI:1922346 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930524O05 gene |
19 | gene | 10.668956 | 10.678071 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915935 | Pga5 | NCBI_Gene:58803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024738 | MGI:1915935 | protein coding gene | pepsinogen 5, group I |
19 | gene | 10.684793 | 10.685558 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919555 | 2210404E10Rik | NCBI_Gene:72305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114772 | MGI:1919555 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2210404E10 gene |
19 | gene | 10.688728 | 10.714628 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147661 | Vps37c | NCBI_Gene:107305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048832 | MGI:2147661 | protein coding gene | vacuolar protein sorting 37C |
19 | gene | 10.717116 | 10.739026 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88340 | Cd5 | NCBI_Gene:12507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024669 | MGI:88340 | protein coding gene | CD5 antigen |
19 | gene | 10.740947 | 10.786043 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685520 | A430093F15Rik | NCBI_Gene:403202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067577 | MGI:2685520 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A430093F15 gene |
19 | gene | 10.789339 | 10.830063 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103566 | Cd6 | NCBI_Gene:12511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024670 | MGI:103566 | protein coding gene | CD6 antigen |
19 | gene | 10.839727 | 10.859362 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929691 | Slc15a3 | NCBI_Gene:65221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024737 | MGI:1929691 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 15, member 3 |
19 | gene | 10.840163 | 10.841762 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641658 | Gm10802 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118027 | MGI:3641658 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10802 |
19 | gene | 10.857822 | 10.869940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147810 | Tmem132a | NCBI_Gene:98170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024736 | MGI:2147810 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 132A |
19 | gene | 10.870657 | 10.882001 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915789 | Tmem109 | NCBI_Gene:68539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034659 | MGI:1915789 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 109 |
19 | gene | 10.895231 | 10.909559 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106247 | Prpf19 | NCBI_Gene:28000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024735 | MGI:106247 | protein coding gene | pre-mRNA processing factor 19 |
19 | gene | 10.914287 | 10.920632 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103073 | Zp1 | NCBI_Gene:22786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024734 | MGI:103073 | protein coding gene | zona pellucida glycoprotein 1 |
19 | gene | 10.927861 | 10.942511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330275 | Ptgdr2 | NCBI_Gene:14764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034117 | MGI:1330275 | protein coding gene | prostaglandin D2 receptor 2 |
19 | gene | 10.941481 | 10.949266 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277220 | Ccdc86 | NCBI_Gene:108673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024732 | MGI:1277220 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 86 |
19 | gene | 10.962289 | 10.974725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917076 | Ms4a10 | NCBI_Gene:69826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024731 | MGI:1917076 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 10 |
19 | gene | 10.978303 | 10.993518 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3617853 | Ms4a15 | NCBI_Gene:545279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067571 | MGI:3617853 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 15 |
19 | gene | 10.997024 | 11.018031 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923252 | Ms4a18 | NCBI_Gene:76002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094584 | MGI:1923252 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 18 |
19 | gene | 11.035415 | 11.037635 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579053 | Gm28347 | NCBI_Gene:102632179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101264 | MGI:5579053 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28347 |
19 | gene | 11.047612 | 11.055808 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147706 | AW112010 | NCBI_Gene:107350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075010 | MGI:2147706 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence AW112010 |
19 | gene | 11.067471 | 11.081103 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927657 | Ms4a8a | NCBI_Gene:64381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024730 | MGI:1927657 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 8A |
19 | pseudogene | 11.090596 | 11.092077 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685182 | Gm336 | NCBI_Gene:240539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101439 | MGI:2685182 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 336 |
19 | gene | 11.096814 | 11.130889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916619 | 1700017D01Rik | NCBI_Gene:69369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024729 | MGI:1916619 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700017D01 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 11.121344 | 11.122425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645570 | Gm6501 | NCBI_Gene:624395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099998 | MGI:3645570 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6501 |
19 | gene | 11.139662 | 11.165628 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916666 | 1700025F22Rik | NCBI_Gene:69416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024728 | MGI:1916666 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700025F22 gene |
19 | gene | 11.169418 | 11.196934 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920716 | Ms4a13 | NCBI_Gene:73466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057240 | MGI:1920716 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 13 |
19 | gene | 11.196817 | 11.299886 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922388 | 4930526L06Rik | NCBI_Gene:75138,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097091 | MGI:1922388 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930526L06 gene |
19 | gene | 11.214082 | 11.232482 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685812 | Ms4a12 | NCBI_Gene:381213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101031 | MGI:2685812 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 12 |
19 | gene | 11.249675 | 11.266241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88321 | Ms4a1 | NCBI_Gene:12482,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024673 | MGI:88321 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 1 |
19 | gene | 11.273238 | 11.283895 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2670985 | Ms4a5 | NCBI_Gene:269063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054523 | MGI:2670985 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 5 |
19 | gene | 11.301249 | 11.315875 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686122 | Ms4a14 | NCBI_Gene:383435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099398 | MGI:2686122 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 14 |
19 | gene | 11.321039 | 11.336146 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918846 | Ms4a7 | NCBI_Gene:109225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024672 | MGI:1918846 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 7 |
19 | gene | 11.362278 | 11.363890 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579641 | Gm28935 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100392 | MGI:5579641 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28935 |
19 | gene | 11.375488 | 11.392915 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643932 | Ms4a4a | NCBI_Gene:666907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101389 | MGI:3643932 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4A |
19 | pseudogene | 11.403948 | 11.405004 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646968 | Gm5692 | NCBI_Gene:435588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101024 | MGI:3646968 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5692 |
19 | gene | 11.404717 | 11.427246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1927656 | Ms4a4c | NCBI_Gene:64380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024675 | MGI:1927656 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4C |
19 | pseudogene | 11.438029 | 11.438832 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779492 | Gm5511 | NCBI_Gene:433221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100615 | MGI:3779492 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5511 |
19 | gene | 11.443553 | 11.467055 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913083 | Ms4a4b | NCBI_Gene:60361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056290 | MGI:1913083 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4B |
19 | gene | 11.469041 | 11.487069 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385644 | Ms4a6c | NCBI_Gene:73656,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079419 | MGI:2385644 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 6C |
19 | gene | 11.470166 | 11.484578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3035348 | BE692007 | NCBI_Gene:100504727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099757 | MGI:3035348 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence BE692007 |
19 | gene | 11.485938 | 11.512577 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645380 | Gm8369 | NCBI_Gene:666926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058470 | MGI:3645380 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8369 |
19 | gene | 11.516211 | 11.516953 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011446 | Gm19261 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100529 | MGI:5011446 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19261 |
19 | gene | 11.516512 | 11.531256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917024 | Ms4a6b | NCBI_Gene:69774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024677 | MGI:1917024 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 6B |
19 | gene | 11.536801 | 11.558467 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913857 | Ms4a4d | NCBI_Gene:66607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024678 | MGI:1913857 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4D |
19 | pseudogene | 11.569439 | 11.573112 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641904 | Gm10212 | NCBI_Gene:101055836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067555 | MGI:3641904 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 10212 |
19 | gene | 11.582826 | 11.584357 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611503 | Gm38275 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104088 | MGI:5611503 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38275 |
19 | gene | 11.586604 | 11.604849 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916024 | Ms4a6d | NCBI_Gene:68774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024679 | MGI:1916024 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 6D |
19 | gene | 11.607389 | 11.607438 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454376 | Gm24599 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088598 | MGI:5454376 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24599 |
19 | gene | 11.615517 | 11.623790 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95495 | Ms4a2 | NCBI_Gene:14126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024680 | MGI:95495 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 2 |
19 | gene | 11.629496 | 11.640851 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2158468 | Ms4a3 | NCBI_Gene:170813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024681 | MGI:2158468 | protein coding gene | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 3 |
19 | gene | 11.647279 | 11.660559 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684945 | Oosp2 | NCBI_Gene:225922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055895 | MGI:2684945 | protein coding gene | oocyte secreted protein 2 |
19 | gene | 11.667460 | 11.691150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2149290 | Oosp1 | NCBI_Gene:170834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041857 | MGI:2149290 | protein coding gene | oocyte secreted protein 1 |
19 | gene | 11.695041 | 11.695179 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455960 | Gm26183 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088310 | MGI:5455960 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26183 |
19 | gene | 11.695267 | 11.695342 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455220 | Gm25443 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089625 | MGI:5455220 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25443 |
19 | gene | 11.697055 | 11.711874 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2684943 | Oosp3 | NCBI_Gene:225923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055933 | MGI:2684943 | protein coding gene | oocyte secreted protein 3 |
19 | pseudogene | 11.703309 | 11.704101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011409 | Gm19224 | NCBI_Gene:100418458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100918 | MGI:5011409 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19224 |
19 | gene | 11.747543 | 11.763447 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1202394 | Cblif | NCBI_Gene:14603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024682 | MGI:1202394 | protein coding gene | cobalamin binding intrinsic factor |
19 | gene | 11.760943 | 11.763189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826292 | Gm46655 | NCBI_Gene:108168416 | MGI:5826292 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46655 |
19 | gene | 11.770391 | 11.774960 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2137219 | Mrpl16 | NCBI_Gene:94063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024683 | MGI:2137219 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L16 |
19 | gene | 11.775118 | 11.819886 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103077 | Stx3 | NCBI_Gene:20908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041488 | MGI:103077 | protein coding gene | syntaxin 3 |
19 | gene | 11.818245 | 11.831258 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624695 | Gm41810 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene%2c 41810 |
19 | gene | 11.826803 | 11.839219 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031251 | Olfr1417 | NCBI_Gene:258938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048292 | MGI:3031251 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1417 |
19 | gene | 11.852587 | 11.861066 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031252 | Olfr1418 | NCBI_Gene:258227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060556 | MGI:3031252 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1418 |
19 | pseudogene | 11.864436 | 11.864634 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753695 | Gm45119 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108966 | MGI:5753695 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45119 |
19 | gene | 11.868613 | 11.875106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031253 | Olfr1419 | NCBI_Gene:257938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067545 | MGI:3031253 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1419 |
19 | pseudogene | 11.876645 | 11.878668 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643502 | Gm6365 | NCBI_Gene:622845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051548 | MGI:3643502 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6365 |
19 | gene | 11.886565 | 11.898079 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031254 | Olfr1420 | NCBI_Gene:258405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060878 | MGI:3031254 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1420 |
19 | gene | 11.895522 | 11.912231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590251 | Gm31092 | NCBI_Gene:102633205 | MGI:5590251 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31092 |
19 | gene | 11.912399 | 11.945096 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147679 | Patl1 | NCBI_Gene:225929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046139 | MGI:2147679 | protein coding gene | protein associated with topoisomerase II homolog 1 (yeast) |
19 | gene | 11.923728 | 11.923800 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5562752 | Mir6994 | miRBase:MI0022842,NCBI_Gene:102465601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104979 | MGI:5562752 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6994 |
19 | gene | 11.933495 | 11.933628 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452049 | Gm22272 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077227 | MGI:5452049 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22272 |
19 | pseudogene | 11.958619 | 11.958994 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826280 | Gm46643 | NCBI_Gene:108168403 | MGI:5826280 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46643 |
19 | gene | 11.965844 | 11.994114 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97447 | Osbp | NCBI_Gene:76303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024687 | MGI:97447 | protein coding gene | oxysterol binding protein |
19 | gene | 12.002236 | 12.002308 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4414001 | n-TFgaa6 | NCBI_Gene:102467583 | MGI:4414001 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA pheylalanine 6 (anticodon GAA) |
19 | gene | 12.006039 | 12.006111 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413976 | n-TKctt29 | NCBI_Gene:102467572 | MGI:4413976 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 29 (anticodon TTT) |
19 | gene | 12.008545 | 12.008617 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413997 | n-TFgaa2 | NCBI_Gene:102467361 | MGI:4413997 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA pheylalanine 2 (anticodon GAA) |
19 | gene | 12.009696 | 12.009768 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413977 | n-TKctt30 | NCBI_Gene:102467353 | MGI:4413977 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 30 (anticodon TTT) |
19 | gene | 12.010115 | 12.018404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590310 | Gm31151 | NCBI_Gene:102633290 | MGI:5590310 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31151 |
19 | gene | 12.011086 | 12.011168 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413944 | n-TLtaa4 | NCBI_Gene:102467632 | MGI:4413944 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA leucine 4 (anticodon TAA) |
19 | gene | 12.011588 | 12.011673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413734 | n-TRtct1 | NCBI_Gene:102467472 | MGI:4413734 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA arginine 1 (anticodon TCT) |
19 | gene | 12.011931 | 12.012003 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4414104 | n-TVtac1 | NCBI_Gene:102467626 | MGI:4414104 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA valine 1 (anticodon TAC) |
19 | gene | 12.012266 | 12.012338 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4414105 | n-TVtac2 | NCBI_Gene:102467409 | MGI:4414105 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA valine 2 (anticodon TAC) |
19 | pseudogene | 12.020175 | 12.020403 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031255 | Olfr1421-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109030 | MGI:3031255 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1421, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.020505 | 12.020562 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753691 | Gm45115 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109047 | MGI:5753691 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45115 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.020614 | 12.021763 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031256 | Olfr1422-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108947 | MGI:3031256 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1422, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.026646 | 12.026920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753692 | Gm45116 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109223 | MGI:5753692 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45116 |
19 | gene | 12.031787 | 12.041317 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031257 | Olfr1423 | NCBI_Gene:258675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067529 | MGI:3031257 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1423 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.037731 | 12.037824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753435 | Gm44859 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109417 | MGI:5753435 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44859 |
19 | gene | 12.058624 | 12.062682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031258 | Olfr1424 | NCBI_Gene:258676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067528 | MGI:3031258 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1424 |
19 | gene | 12.073234 | 12.077731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031259 | Olfr1425 | NCBI_Gene:258155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067526 | MGI:3031259 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1425 |
19 | gene | 12.086746 | 12.092013 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031260 | Olfr1426 | NCBI_Gene:258805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044994 | MGI:3031260 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1426 |
19 | gene | 12.098006 | 12.103334 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031261 | Olfr1427 | NCBI_Gene:258674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067525 | MGI:3031261 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1427 |
19 | gene | 12.107716 | 12.115897 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031262 | Olfr1428 | NCBI_Gene:258673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067524 | MGI:3031262 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1428 |
19 | gene | 12.117996 | 12.123203 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2153205 | Olfr76 | NCBI_Gene:258677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067522 | MGI:2153205 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 76 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.164424 | 12.170112 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031389 | Olfr1555-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108889 | MGI:3031389 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1555, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.177607 | 12.178523 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031264 | Olfr1430-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109410 | MGI:3031264 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1430, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 12.200634 | 12.212191 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031265 | Olfr1431 | NCBI_Gene:258409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094133 | MGI:3031265 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1431 |
19 | gene | 12.227755 | 12.232596 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031266 | Olfr1432 | NCBI_Gene:257961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109022 | MGI:3031266 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1432 |
19 | gene | 12.240721 | 12.241659 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030096 | Olfr262 | NCBI_Gene:258683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067519 | MGI:3030096 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 262 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.247491 | 12.247646 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477358 | Gm26864 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097646 | MGI:5477358 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 26864 |
19 | gene | 12.261032 | 12.270387 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030069 | Olfr235 | NCBI_Gene:258681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060049 | MGI:3030069 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 235 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.273011 | 12.275157 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5009988 | Gm17802 | NCBI_Gene:100286833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118093 | MGI:5009988 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17802 |
19 | gene | 12.279854 | 12.285626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031268 | Olfr1434 | NCBI_Gene:258680,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095640 | MGI:3031268 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1434 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.289854 | 12.290306 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031269 | Olfr1435-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109433 | MGI:3031269 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1435, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 12.298183 | 12.299130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031270 | Olfr1436 | NCBI_Gene:258682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067513 | MGI:3031270 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1436 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.314874 | 12.315027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753434 | Gm44858 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109229 | MGI:5753434 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44858 |
19 | gene | 12.319207 | 12.325101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031271 | Olfr1437 | NCBI_Gene:258117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096436 | MGI:3031271 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1437 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.329422 | 12.335910 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031272 | Olfr1438-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109328 | MGI:3031272 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1438, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.339738 | 12.341142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031273 | Olfr1439-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109007 | MGI:3031273 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1439, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 12.387279 | 12.401584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031274 | Olfr1440 | NCBI_Gene:258679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046650 | MGI:3031274 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1440 |
19 | gene | 12.417433 | 12.423569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031275 | Olfr1441 | NCBI_Gene:258678,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050815 | MGI:3031275 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1441 |
19 | gene | 12.427905 | 12.432110 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1860266 | Pfpl | NCBI_Gene:56093,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040065 | MGI:1860266 | protein coding gene | pore forming protein-like |
19 | gene | 12.460709 | 12.465285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333743 | Mpeg1 | NCBI_Gene:17476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046805 | MGI:1333743 | protein coding gene | macrophage expressed gene 1 |
19 | gene | 12.466329 | 12.502201 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2672905 | Dtx4 | NCBI_Gene:207521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039982 | MGI:2672905 | protein coding gene | deltex 4, E3 ubiquitin ligase |
19 | gene | 12.517915 | 12.596566 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3698434 | A330040F15Rik | NCBI_Gene:74333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086213 | MGI:3698434 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A330040F15 gene |
19 | gene | 12.517921 | 12.524338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590367 | Gm31208 | NCBI_Gene:102633365 | MGI:5590367 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31208 |
19 | gene | 12.519800 | 12.523576 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096066 | Gm47243 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114644 | MGI:6096066 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 47243 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.528755 | 12.530540 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643874 | Gm6545 | NCBI_Gene:625046,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111118 | MGI:3643874 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6545 |
19 | gene | 12.539588 | 12.540823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6096064 | Gm47242 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114761 | MGI:6096064 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 47242 |
19 | gene | 12.545740 | 12.589769 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915508 | Fam111a | NCBI_Gene:107373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024691 | MGI:1915508 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 111, member A |
19 | pseudogene | 12.568188 | 12.568836 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3826552 | Gm16274 | NCBI_Gene:100418049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084836 | MGI:3826552 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16274 |
19 | gene | 12.595749 | 12.598309 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921583 | 4122401K19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4122401K19 gene |
19 | gene | 12.599974 | 12.628251 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643569 | Gm4952 | NCBI_Gene:240549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071633 | MGI:3643569 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4952 |
19 | gene | 12.633308 | 12.653911 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147502 | Glyat | NCBI_Gene:107146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063683 | MGI:2147502 | protein coding gene | glycine-N-acyltransferase |
19 | gene | 12.665255 | 12.665361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454298 | Gm24521 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065892 | MGI:5454298 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24521 |
19 | gene | 12.670439 | 12.677277 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031276 | Olfr1442 | NCBI_Gene:258692,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044441 | MGI:3031276 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1442 |
19 | gene | 12.678112 | 12.683851 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031277 | Olfr1443 | NCBI_Gene:258693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045030 | MGI:3031277 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1443 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.681771 | 12.681915 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6215285 | Gm49772 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109309 | MGI:6215285 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 49772 |
19 | gene | 12.695786 | 12.719902 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928492 | Keg1 | NCBI_Gene:64697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024694 | MGI:1928492 | protein coding gene | kidney expressed gene 1 |
19 | gene | 12.706055 | 12.721247 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3802141 | Gm15962 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084981 | MGI:3802141 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15962 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.713227 | 12.713948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010728 | Gm18543 | NCBI_Gene:100417340 | MGI:5010728 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18543 |
19 | gene | 12.763528 | 12.765632 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88439 | Cntf | NCBI_Gene:12803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079415 | MGI:88439 | protein coding gene | ciliary neurotrophic factor |
19 | gene | 12.763528 | 12.796123 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3845910 | Gm44505 | NCBI_Gene:664779 | MGI:3845910 | lncRNA gene | predicted readthrough transcript (NMD candidate), 44505 |
19 | gene | 12.763660 | 12.796126 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104854 | Zfp91 | NCBI_Gene:109910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024695 | MGI:104854 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 91 |
19 | gene | 12.796193 | 12.833808 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147677 | Lpxn | NCBI_Gene:107321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024696 | MGI:2147677 | protein coding gene | leupaxin |
19 | gene | 12.846682 | 12.847424 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646958 | Gm5244 | NCBI_Gene:383436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091014 | MGI:3646958 | protein coding gene | predicted pseudogene 5244 |
19 | gene | 12.857283 | 12.863440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031278 | Olfr1444 | NCBI_Gene:258697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046272 | MGI:3031278 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1444 |
19 | gene | 12.883855 | 12.884855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031279 | Olfr1445 | NCBI_Gene:258694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045126 | MGI:3031279 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1445 |
19 | gene | 12.888266 | 12.893524 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031280 | Olfr1446 | NCBI_Gene:258699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057817 | MGI:3031280 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1446 |
19 | gene | 12.899434 | 12.903743 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031281 | Olfr1447 | NCBI_Gene:258698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060303 | MGI:3031281 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1447 |
19 | pseudogene | 12.905231 | 12.906993 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645436 | Gm5512 | NCBI_Gene:433224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000112693 | MGI:3645436 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5512 |
19 | gene | 12.916661 | 12.924419 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031282 | Olfr1448 | NCBI_Gene:258696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048456 | MGI:3031282 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1448 |
19 | gene | 12.930840 | 12.935752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031283 | Olfr1449 | NCBI_Gene:258300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049498 | MGI:3031283 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1449 |
19 | gene | 12.950258 | 12.956406 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031284 | Olfr1450 | NCBI_Gene:258368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062892 | MGI:3031284 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1450 |
19 | gene | 12.995014 | 13.000417 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031285 | Olfr1451 | NCBI_Gene:258700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046913 | MGI:3031285 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1451 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.011704 | 13.012668 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011317 | Gm19132 | NCBI_Gene:100418307 | MGI:5011317 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19132 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.016225 | 13.017149 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031286 | Olfr1452-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109148 | MGI:3031286 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1452, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.027404 | 13.028327 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031287 | Olfr1453 | NCBI_Gene:258695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094755 | MGI:3031287 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1453 |
19 | gene | 13.060610 | 13.067157 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031288 | Olfr1454 | NCBI_Gene:258687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094986 | MGI:3031288 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1454 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.068904 | 13.069677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031289 | Olfr1455-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109126 | MGI:3031289 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1455, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.078637 | 13.079335 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031290 | Olfr1456-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404516,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067482 | MGI:3031290 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1456, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.093379 | 13.097891 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031291 | Olfr1457 | NCBI_Gene:258568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061637 | MGI:3031291 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1457 |
19 | gene | 13.101593 | 13.106775 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031292 | Olfr1458 | NCBI_Gene:667271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062844 | MGI:3031292 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1458 |
19 | gene | 13.138021 | 13.149549 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031293 | Olfr1459 | NCBI_Gene:258684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057503 | MGI:3031293 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1459 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.158191 | 13.159316 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031294 | Olfr1460-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109415 | MGI:3031294 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1460, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.163000 | 13.168130 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031295 | Olfr1461 | NCBI_Gene:258299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045883 | MGI:3031295 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1461 |
19 | gene | 13.185734 | 13.193775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031296 | Olfr1462 | NCBI_Gene:258688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094721 | MGI:3031296 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1462 |
19 | gene | 13.231328 | 13.236400 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031297 | Olfr1463 | NCBI_Gene:258120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096365 | MGI:3031297 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1463 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.282134 | 13.283056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031298 | Olfr1464-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:667300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109100 | MGI:3031298 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1464, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.301001 | 13.301107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452220 | Gm22443 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064824 | MGI:5452220 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22443 |
19 | gene | 13.312768 | 13.315541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031299 | Olfr1465 | NCBI_Gene:258121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062199 | MGI:3031299 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1465 |
19 | gene | 13.338862 | 13.343572 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031300 | Olfr1466 | NCBI_Gene:258689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096485 | MGI:3031300 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1466 |
19 | gene | 13.362236 | 13.368054 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031301 | Olfr1467 | NCBI_Gene:258686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049015 | MGI:3031301 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1467 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.371854 | 13.376066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031302 | Olfr1468-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258192,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109544 | MGI:3031302 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1468, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.403157 | 13.403640 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753425 | Gm44849 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108881 | MGI:5753425 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44849 |
19 | gene | 13.407849 | 13.414540 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031303 | Olfr1469 | NCBI_Gene:258690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063777 | MGI:3031303 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1469 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.434147 | 13.435095 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031304 | Olfr1470-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258119,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109230 | MGI:3031304 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1470, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.443409 | 13.451527 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031305 | Olfr1471 | NCBI_Gene:258231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096320 | MGI:3031305 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1471 |
19 | gene | 13.453280 | 13.456086 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031306 | Olfr1472 | NCBI_Gene:258685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095189 | MGI:3031306 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1472 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.462678 | 13.463635 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031307 | Olfr1473-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109573 | MGI:3031307 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1473, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.469565 | 13.472157 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031308 | Olfr1474 | NCBI_Gene:258123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096273 | MGI:3031308 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1474 |
19 | gene | 13.479252 | 13.480196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031309 | Olfr1475 | NCBI_Gene:258298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096708 | MGI:3031309 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1475 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.488309 | 13.488741 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031310 | Olfr1476-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404517,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109189 | MGI:3031310 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1476, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.500546 | 13.506192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031311 | Olfr1477 | NCBI_Gene:258691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071629 | MGI:3031311 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1477 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.505325 | 13.505715 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031312 | Olfr1478-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109184 | MGI:3031312 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1478, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.511433 | 13.511931 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031313 | Olfr1479-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108887 | MGI:3031313 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1479, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.512553 | 13.515138 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781367 | Gm3188 | NCBI_Gene:100041185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118174 | MGI:3781367 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3188 |
19 | gene | 13.527913 | 13.531275 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031314 | Olfr1480 | NCBI_Gene:404339,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095484 | MGI:3031314 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1480 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.535390 | 13.535725 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031315 | Olfr1481-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108945 | MGI:3031315 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1481, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.563036 | 13.563213 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031316 | Olfr1482-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109319 | MGI:3031316 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1482, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.566758 | 13.567178 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031317 | Olfr1483-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404522,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108974 | MGI:3031317 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1483, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.583511 | 13.588832 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031318 | Olfr1484 | NCBI_Gene:258288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096289 | MGI:3031318 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1484 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.588290 | 13.588659 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031319 | Olfr1485-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109496 | MGI:3031319 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1485, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.593860 | 13.594231 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031320 | Olfr1486-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109343 | MGI:3031320 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1486, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.595018 | 13.596063 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779948 | Gm9538 | NCBI_Gene:671653 | MGI:3779948 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9538 |
19 | gene | 13.599660 | 13.599768 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452100 | Gm22323 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094077 | MGI:5452100 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22323 |
19 | gene | 13.604999 | 13.605107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453708 | Gm23931 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096298 | MGI:5453708 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23931 |
19 | gene | 13.617375 | 13.623072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031321 | Olfr1487 | NCBI_Gene:258629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094846 | MGI:3031321 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1487 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.625625 | 13.625944 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031322 | Olfr1488-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109285 | MGI:3031322 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1488, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.631621 | 13.643987 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031323 | Olfr1489 | NCBI_Gene:258628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045678 | MGI:3031323 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1489 |
19 | gene | 13.635583 | 13.635714 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453901 | Gm24124 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077291 | MGI:5453901 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24124 |
19 | gene | 13.651091 | 13.659545 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031324 | Olfr1490 | NCBI_Gene:258098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061387 | MGI:3031324 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1490 |
19 | gene | 13.697268 | 13.706127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031325 | Olfr1491 | NCBI_Gene:258342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051156 | MGI:3031325 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1491 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.718013 | 13.718877 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031326 | Olfr1492-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109527 | MGI:3031326 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1492, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.723278 | 13.727983 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031327 | Olfr1493-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109520 | MGI:3031327 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1493, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.739728 | 13.750479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031328 | Olfr1494 | NCBI_Gene:258992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050865 | MGI:3031328 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1494 |
19 | gene | 13.764606 | 13.770248 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031329 | Olfr1495 | NCBI_Gene:258341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047207 | MGI:3031329 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1495 |
19 | gene | 13.777878 | 13.782920 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031330 | Olfr1496 | NCBI_Gene:258991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048356 | MGI:3031330 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1496 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.791965 | 13.792514 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011403 | Gm19218 | NCBI_Gene:100418446 | MGI:5011403 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19218 |
19 | gene | 13.794324 | 13.798202 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031331 | Olfr1497 | NCBI_Gene:258736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044040 | MGI:3031331 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1497 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.804428 | 13.806257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031332 | Olfr1498-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109530 | MGI:3031332 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1498, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.814275 | 13.819447 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031333 | Olfr1499 | NCBI_Gene:258792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045395 | MGI:3031333 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1499 |
19 | gene | 13.826882 | 13.830488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031334 | Olfr1500 | NCBI_Gene:258097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054526 | MGI:3031334 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1500 |
19 | gene | 13.835033 | 13.850692 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031335 | Olfr1501 | NCBI_Gene:258626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057270 | MGI:3031335 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1501 |
19 | gene | 13.861795 | 13.862745 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031336 | Olfr1502 | NCBI_Gene:258793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056858 | MGI:3031336 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1502 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.877451 | 13.878253 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031337 | Olfr1503-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058078 | MGI:3031337 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1503, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 13.886920 | 13.897928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031338 | Olfr1504 | NCBI_Gene:258627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059105 | MGI:3031338 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1504 |
19 | gene | 13.913530 | 13.921866 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031339 | Olfr1505 | NCBI_Gene:258151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062314 | MGI:3031339 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1505 |
19 | pseudogene | 13.938563 | 13.939288 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761697 | Vmn2r-ps135 | NCBI_Gene:100124582 | MGI:3761697 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 135 |
19 | pseudogene | 14.017583 | 14.018371 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504108 | Gm26993 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098074 | MGI:5504108 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 26993 |
19 | gene | 14.083631 | 14.084378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922297 | 4930504B16Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930504B16 gene |
19 | gene | 14.090247 | 14.096731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590490 | Gm31331 | NCBI_Gene:102633524 | MGI:5590490 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31331 |
19 | gene | 14.397487 | 14.435950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647677 | Gm8630 | NCBI_Gene:667433 | MGI:3647677 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 8630 |
19 | gene | 14.448072 | 14.598183 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104633 | Tle4 | NCBI_Gene:21888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024642 | MGI:104633 | protein coding gene | transducin-like enhancer of split 4 |
19 | gene | 14.564458 | 14.566993 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590600 | Gm31441 | NCBI_Gene:102633674 | MGI:5590600 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31441 |
19 | gene | 14.658667 | 14.658933 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611225 | Gm37997 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103488 | MGI:5611225 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37997 |
19 | gene | 14.718358 | 14.718480 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455803 | Gm26026 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084675 | MGI:5455803 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26026 |
19 | pseudogene | 14.959002 | 14.960782 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645437 | Gm5513 | NCBI_Gene:433225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063586 | MGI:3645437 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5513 |
19 | pseudogene | 15.193521 | 15.194233 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647037 | Gm7159 | NCBI_Gene:635497 | MGI:3647037 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7159 |
19 | gene | 15.290167 | 15.340387 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826282 | Gm46645 | NCBI_Gene:108168406 | MGI:5826282 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46645 |
19 | pseudogene | 15.362335 | 15.362870 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104962 | Pomc-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:18977 | MGI:104962 | pseudogene | pro-opiomelanocortin, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 15.458964 | 15.459672 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011482 | Selenok-ps3 | NCBI_Gene:100502633 | MGI:5011482 | pseudogene | selenoprotein K, pseudogene 3 |
19 | gene | 15.599131 | 15.632101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590753 | Gm31594 | NCBI_Gene:102633870 | MGI:5590753 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31594 |
19 | gene | 15.636548 | 15.662923 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826302 | Gm46665 | NCBI_Gene:108168427 | MGI:5826302 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46665 |
19 | gene | 15.659946 | 15.664346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590892 | Gm31733 | NCBI_Gene:102634054 | MGI:5590892 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31733 |
19 | gene | 15.680004 | 15.680110 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454096 | Gm24319 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094850 | MGI:5454096 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24319 |
19 | gene | 15.803058 | 15.807653 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303228 | Gm50348 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117995 | MGI:6303228 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50348 |
19 | gene | 15.904678 | 15.947337 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2183441 | Psat1 | NCBI_Gene:107272,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024640 | MGI:2183441 | protein coding gene | phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 15.943610 | 15.944165 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781507 | Gm3329 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090147 | MGI:3781507 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3329 |
19 | gene | 15.955770 | 15.985016 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924386 | Cep78 | NCBI_Gene:208518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041491 | MGI:1924386 | protein coding gene | centrosomal protein 78 |
19 | gene | 15.985075 | 16.010912 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041192 | C130060C02Rik | NCBI_Gene:100502653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097557 | MGI:3041192 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C130060C02 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 16.025451 | 16.025762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646957 | Rpl37-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:383438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117711 | MGI:3646957 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein 37, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 16.064113 | 16.090591 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591185 | Gm32026 | NCBI_Gene:102634445 | MGI:5591185 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32026 |
19 | gene | 16.132831 | 16.387463 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95776 | Gnaq | NCBI_Gene:14682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024639 | MGI:95776 | protein coding gene | guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha q polypeptide |
19 | pseudogene | 16.164098 | 16.170458 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442009 | E030024N20Rik | NCBI_Gene:595139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057990 | MGI:2442009 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA E030024N20 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 16.266432 | 16.267635 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642135 | Gm10819 | NCBI_Gene:624438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075268 | MGI:3642135 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10819 |
19 | pseudogene | 16.277779 | 16.278974 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937895 | Gm17068 | NCBI_Gene:100158259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078528 | MGI:4937895 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17068 |
19 | gene | 16.314892 | 16.315004 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531410 | Mir496b | miRBase:MI0021942,NCBI_Gene:102465218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098718 | MGI:5531410 | miRNA gene | microRNA 496b |
19 | pseudogene | 16.413431 | 16.414290 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011497 | Gm19312 | NCBI_Gene:100502667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118142 | MGI:5011497 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19312 |
19 | gene | 16.415826 | 16.422829 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303250 | Gm50362 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118033 | MGI:6303250 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50362 |
19 | gene | 16.435667 | 16.610820 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95769 | Gna14 | NCBI_Gene:14675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024697 | MGI:95769 | protein coding gene | guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha 14 |
19 | pseudogene | 16.477107 | 16.491122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643833 | Gm8222 | NCBI_Gene:666665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117699 | MGI:3643833 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8222 |
19 | pseudogene | 16.572160 | 16.572468 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303252 | Gm50363 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118023 | MGI:6303252 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50363 |
19 | gene | 16.580085 | 16.583462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624696 | Gm41811 | NCBI_Gene:105246537 | MGI:5624696 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41811 |
19 | gene | 16.612196 | 16.614869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442532 | E230008J23Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E230008J23 gene |
19 | gene | 16.615366 | 16.781878 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444304 | Vps13a | NCBI_Gene:271564,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046230 | MGI:2444304 | protein coding gene | vacuolar protein sorting 13A |
19 | pseudogene | 16.715686 | 16.716289 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591415 | Gm32256 | NCBI_Gene:102634749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114931 | MGI:5591415 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 32256 |
19 | pseudogene | 16.780547 | 16.781103 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3708646 | Gm9806 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046388 | MGI:3708646 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9806 |
19 | gene | 16.871092 | 16.925014 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591500 | Gm32341 | NCBI_Gene:102634857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118126 | MGI:5591500 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32341 |
19 | gene | 16.872316 | 16.873830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347468 | Foxb2 | NCBI_Gene:14240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056829 | MGI:1347468 | protein coding gene | forkhead box B2 |
19 | gene | 16.955670 | 17.223932 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925004 | Prune2 | NCBI_Gene:353211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039126 | MGI:1925004 | protein coding gene | prune homolog 2 |
19 | gene | 17.056781 | 17.057187 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531352 | Gm27970 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098298 | MGI:5531352 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27970 |
19 | gene | 17.060137 | 17.060397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531178 | Gm27796 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099316 | MGI:5531178 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27796 |
19 | gene | 17.238047 | 17.240669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303107 | Gm50276 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117941 | MGI:6303107 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50276 |
19 | gene | 17.244010 | 17.256488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303109 | Gm50277 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118367 | MGI:6303109 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50277 |
19 | pseudogene | 17.265984 | 17.266338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303114 | Gm50280 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117946 | MGI:6303114 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50280 |
19 | gene | 17.326141 | 17.372844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95676 | Gcnt1 | NCBI_Gene:14537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038843 | MGI:95676 | protein coding gene | glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 1, core 2 |
19 | gene | 17.394043 | 17.401349 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914688 | Rfk | NCBI_Gene:54391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024712 | MGI:1914688 | protein coding gene | riboflavin kinase |
19 | gene | 17.432314 | 17.837632 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97515 | Pcsk5 | NCBI_Gene:18552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024713 | MGI:97515 | protein coding gene | proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5 |
19 | gene | 17.536046 | 17.555945 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624698 | Gm41813 | NCBI_Gene:105246539 | MGI:5624698 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41813 |
19 | gene | 17.573784 | 17.580645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624697 | Gm41812 | NCBI_Gene:105246538 | MGI:5624697 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41812 |
19 | gene | 17.632559 | 17.633491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925784 | C430005N20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C430005N20 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 17.692763 | 17.693534 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010004 | Gm17819 | NCBI_Gene:100310868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118270 | MGI:5010004 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17819 |
19 | gene | 17.865317 | 17.865419 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452657 | Gm22880 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088370 | MGI:5452657 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22880 |
19 | gene | 17.873829 | 17.893500 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302952 | Gm50181 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118079 | MGI:6302952 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50181 |
19 | gene | 17.891959 | 17.892051 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452840 | Gm23063 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076305 | MGI:5452840 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23063 |
19 | pseudogene | 17.926557 | 17.928613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2388571 | Eef1a1-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:235503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117822 | MGI:2388571 | pseudogene | eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 17.928111 | 17.928226 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452838 | Gm23061 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076303 | MGI:5452838 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23061 |
19 | gene | 18.028111 | 18.040803 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302954 | Gm50182 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117687 | MGI:6302954 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50182 |
19 | pseudogene | 18.205148 | 18.205795 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010795 | Gm18610 | NCBI_Gene:100417435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117774 | MGI:5010795 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18610 |
19 | pseudogene | 18.480076 | 18.480748 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302956 | Gm50183 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118192 | MGI:6302956 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50183 |
19 | gene | 18.516137 | 18.631823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_700012 | Ostf1 | NCBI_Gene:20409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024725 | MGI:700012 | protein coding gene | osteoclast stimulating factor 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 18.565138 | 18.565755 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779480 | Rpl29-ps6 | NCBI_Gene:383440 | MGI:3779480 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L29, pseudogene 6 |
19 | pseudogene | 18.581455 | 18.582228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647615 | Gm8250 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080783 | MGI:3647615 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8250 |
19 | gene | 18.627447 | 18.627921 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147638 | 1110034N17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110034N17 gene |
19 | gene | 18.631950 | 18.652428 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147434 | Nmrk1 | NCBI_Gene:225994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037847 | MGI:2147434 | protein coding gene | nicotinamide riboside kinase 1 |
19 | gene | 18.670734 | 18.707201 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914633 | Carnmt1 | NCBI_Gene:67383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024726 | MGI:1914633 | protein coding gene | carnosine N-methyltransferase 1 |
19 | gene | 18.705798 | 18.707200 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918901 | 4930447K04Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930447K04 gene |
19 | gene | 18.712849 | 18.718429 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3583960 | D030056L22Rik | NCBI_Gene:225995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047044 | MGI:3583960 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA D030056L22 gene |
19 | gene | 18.730177 | 18.892521 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2675603 | Trpm6 | NCBI_Gene:225997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024727 | MGI:2675603 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 6 |
19 | gene | 18.731873 | 18.732776 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302983 | Gm50202 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117878 | MGI:6302983 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50202 |
19 | gene | 18.732741 | 18.732904 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453015 | Gm23238 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064941 | MGI:5453015 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23238 |
19 | gene | 18.736739 | 18.749516 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624699 | Gm41814 | NCBI_Gene:105246540 | MGI:5624699 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41814 |
19 | gene | 18.776746 | 18.776961 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453967 | Gm24190 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088601 | MGI:5453967 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24190 |
19 | gene | 18.930605 | 19.111196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1343464 | Rorb | NCBI_Gene:225998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036192 | MGI:1343464 | protein coding gene | RAR-related orphan receptor beta |
19 | gene | 19.244035 | 19.276348 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303001 | Gm50212 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117909 | MGI:6303001 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50212 |
19 | gene | 19.275899 | 19.276030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455214 | Gm25437 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088907 | MGI:5455214 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25437 |
19 | gene | 19.276471 | 19.319651 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624700 | Gm41815 | NCBI_Gene:105246541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118109 | MGI:5624700 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41815 |
19 | gene | 19.821035 | 19.979149 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591628 | Gm32469 | NCBI_Gene:102635029 | MGI:5591628 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32469 |
19 | gene | 19.871432 | 19.876563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303008 | Gm50216 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118167 | MGI:6303008 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50216 |
19 | gene | 20.005940 | 20.060758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781903 | Gm3728 | NCBI_Gene:100042218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118150 | MGI:3781903 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 3728 |
19 | gene | 20.033504 | 20.033635 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452461 | Gm22684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064783 | MGI:5452461 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22684 |
19 | gene | 20.117385 | 20.283256 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591788 | Gm32629 | NCBI_Gene:102635239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118067 | MGI:5591788 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32629 |
19 | gene | 20.324856 | 20.444883 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916244 | 1500015L24Rik | NCBI_Gene:68994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094732 | MGI:1916244 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1500015L24 gene |
19 | gene | 20.373428 | 20.390944 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96819 | Anxa1 | NCBI_Gene:16952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024659 | MGI:96819 | protein coding gene | annexin A1 |
19 | gene | 20.410544 | 20.552330 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443493 | C730002L08Rik | NCBI_Gene:320155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114469 | MGI:2443493 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C730002L08 gene |
19 | gene | 20.424651 | 20.435261 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591848 | Gm32689 | NCBI_Gene:102635317 | MGI:5591848 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32689 |
19 | gene | 20.437754 | 20.441386 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624701 | Gm41816 | NCBI_Gene:105246542 | MGI:5624701 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41816 |
19 | gene | 20.492715 | 20.556410 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443348 | E030003E18Rik | NCBI_Gene:320092 | MGI:2443348 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E030003E18 gene |
19 | gene | 20.492715 | 20.643465 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353450 | Aldh1a1 | NCBI_Gene:11668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053279 | MGI:1353450 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A1 |
19 | gene | 20.583524 | 20.585067 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917662 | 2900002J02Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900002J02 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 20.585913 | 20.586826 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643522 | Gm6684 | NCBI_Gene:626549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047168 | MGI:3643522 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6684 |
19 | gene | 20.689467 | 20.690527 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641948 | C730037M02Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C730037M02 gene |
19 | gene | 20.692953 | 20.727562 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347050 | Aldh1a7 | NCBI_Gene:26358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024747 | MGI:1347050 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A7 |
19 | gene | 20.783456 | 21.037147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2151016 | Tmc1 | NCBI_Gene:13409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024749 | MGI:2151016 | protein coding gene | transmembrane channel-like gene family 1 |
19 | gene | 20.922392 | 20.954762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591909 | Gm32750 | NCBI_Gene:102635397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118293 | MGI:5591909 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32750 |
19 | gene | 20.956541 | 20.961920 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624702 | Gm41817 | NCBI_Gene:105246543 | MGI:5624702 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41817 |
19 | gene | 21.104502 | 21.107157 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922604 | 4930554I06Rik | NCBI_Gene:75354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118047 | MGI:1922604 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930554I06 gene |
19 | gene | 21.121191 | 21.125705 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781949 | Gm3775 | NCBI_Gene:100042294 | MGI:3781949 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 3775 |
19 | gene | 21.138695 | 21.146597 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592138 | Gm32979 | NCBI_Gene:102635711 | MGI:5592138 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32979 |
19 | gene | 21.165087 | 21.210686 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825555 | Gm45918 | NCBI_Gene:105242408 | MGI:5825555 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45918 |
19 | gene | 21.208477 | 21.211973 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303041 | Gm50236 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118090 | MGI:6303041 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50236 |
19 | pseudogene | 21.261976 | 21.263212 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303054 | Gm50243 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118044 | MGI:6303054 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50243 |
19 | gene | 21.271891 | 21.286840 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1278334 | Zfand5 | NCBI_Gene:22682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024750 | MGI:1278334 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, AN1-type domain 5 |
19 | gene | 21.293946 | 21.295010 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916228 | 1500002I01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1500002I01 gene |
19 | gene | 21.310376 | 21.313283 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303075 | Gm50255 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118342 | MGI:6303075 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50255 |
19 | gene | 21.391307 | 21.473445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95678 | Gda | NCBI_Gene:14544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058624 | MGI:95678 | protein coding gene | guanine deaminase |
19 | gene | 21.487932 | 21.488152 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917501 | 2010105D22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2010105D22 gene |
19 | gene | 21.552204 | 21.557867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781620 | Gm3443 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079382 | MGI:3781620 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 3443 |
19 | gene | 21.577760 | 21.596179 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621371 | Gm38486 | NCBI_Gene:102636055 | MGI:5621371 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38486 |
19 | gene | 21.581202 | 21.652976 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913456 | 1110059E24Rik | NCBI_Gene:66206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035171 | MGI:1913456 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110059E24 gene |
19 | gene | 21.653185 | 21.685638 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917816 | Abhd17b | NCBI_Gene:226016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047368 | MGI:1917816 | protein coding gene | abhydrolase domain containing 17B |
19 | gene | 21.657796 | 21.661573 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923222 | 5033423O07Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5033423O07 gene |
19 | gene | 21.663158 | 21.666018 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2445142 | B230378D16Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B230378D16 gene |
19 | gene | 21.689292 | 21.691115 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028050 | C130076G22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C130076G22 gene |
19 | gene | 21.713818 | 21.732331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624703 | Gm41818 | NCBI_Gene:105246544 | MGI:5624703 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41818 |
19 | pseudogene | 21.729270 | 21.729745 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302871 | Gm50129 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118055 | MGI:6302871 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50129 |
19 | gene | 21.777511 | 21.858360 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1890373 | Cemip2 | NCBI_Gene:83921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024754 | MGI:1890373 | protein coding gene | cell migration inducing hyaluronidase 2 |
19 | gene | 21.831451 | 21.833756 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302872 | Gm50130 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118021 | MGI:6302872 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50130 |
19 | pseudogene | 21.837571 | 21.838711 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011136 | Gm18951 | NCBI_Gene:100418019 | MGI:5011136 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18951 |
19 | pseudogene | 21.937283 | 21.938567 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645435 | Gm5514 | NCBI_Gene:433229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045104 | MGI:3645435 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5514 |
19 | gene | 21.941978 | 21.950889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302877 | Gm50133 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118237 | MGI:6302877 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50133 |
19 | gene | 21.992573 | 22.021016 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624704 | Gm41819 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118273 | MGI:5624704 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41819 |
19 | gene | 21.997331 | 22.000152 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302879 | Gm50134 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118226 | MGI:6302879 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50134 |
19 | gene | 22.137798 | 22.995410 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443101 | Trpm3 | NCBI_Gene:226025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052387 | MGI:2443101 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 3 |
19 | gene | 22.235521 | 22.235618 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452283 | Gm22506 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088558 | MGI:5452283 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22506 |
19 | pseudogene | 22.254745 | 22.262751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592914 | Gm33755 | NCBI_Gene:102636778 | MGI:5592914 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33755 |
19 | gene | 22.436276 | 22.455241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5520994 | Gm27151 | NCBI_Gene:102641617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098739 | MGI:5520994 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 27151 |
19 | pseudogene | 22.441007 | 22.443653 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648670 | Nsa2-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:433230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118353 | MGI:3648670 | pseudogene | NSA2 ribosome biogenesis homolog, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 22.509995 | 22.517465 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592808 | Gm33649 | NCBI_Gene:102636640 | MGI:5592808 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33649 |
19 | gene | 22.552662 | 22.555198 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925993 | 9630005C17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9630005C17 gene |
19 | gene | 22.750605 | 22.750672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676879 | Mir204 | miRBase:MI0000247,NCBI_Gene:387200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065507 | MGI:2676879 | miRNA gene | microRNA 204 |
19 | gene | 22.776821 | 22.778324 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920165 | 2900017F05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900017F05 gene |
19 | gene | 22.978230 | 23.075924 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924860 | C330002G04Rik | NCBI_Gene:77610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097930 | MGI:1924860 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C330002G04 gene |
19 | gene | 23.061454 | 23.064032 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302882 | Gm50136 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118155 | MGI:6302882 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50136 |
19 | gene | 23.134498 | 23.137111 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915498 | 2410080I02Rik | NCBI_Gene:102636896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044387 | MGI:1915498 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2410080I02 gene |
19 | gene | 23.141226 | 23.168134 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333856 | Klf9 | NCBI_Gene:16601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033863 | MGI:1333856 | protein coding gene | Kruppel-like factor 9 |
19 | gene | 23.149431 | 23.149551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783365 | Mir1192 | miRBase:MI0006297,NCBI_Gene:100316672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080626 | MGI:3783365 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1192 |
19 | gene | 23.206441 | 23.273914 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385088 | Smc5 | NCBI_Gene:226026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024943 | MGI:2385088 | protein coding gene | structural maintenance of chromosomes 5 |
19 | gene | 23.273925 | 23.274359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593109 | Gm33950 | NCBI_Gene:102637041 | MGI:5593109 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33950 |
19 | gene | 23.282096 | 23.309919 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624706 | Gm41821 | NCBI_Gene:105246547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117837 | MGI:5624706 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41821 |
19 | gene | 23.296329 | 23.296435 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454040 | Gm24263 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096249 | MGI:5454040 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24263 |
19 | gene | 23.302609 | 23.448498 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918988 | Mamdc2 | NCBI_Gene:71738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033207 | MGI:1918988 | protein coding gene | MAM domain containing 2 |
19 | gene | 23.418343 | 23.430928 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303381 | Gm50445 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118092 | MGI:6303381 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50445 |
19 | pseudogene | 23.437256 | 23.437727 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303379 | Gm50443 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117850 | MGI:6303379 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50443 |
19 | gene | 23.496764 | 23.523052 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593171 | Gm34012 | NCBI_Gene:102637119 | MGI:5593171 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34012 |
19 | gene | 23.558753 | 23.652812 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914733 | 1700028P14Rik | NCBI_Gene:67483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033053 | MGI:1914733 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700028P14 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 23.605898 | 23.606279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303347 | Gm50422 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117944 | MGI:6303347 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50422 |
19 | pseudogene | 23.616904 | 23.620368 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779903 | Gm9493 | NCBI_Gene:102638448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044424 | MGI:3779903 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9493 |
19 | gene | 23.643409 | 23.643510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5451921 | Gm22144 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088027 | MGI:5451921 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22144 |
19 | pseudogene | 23.666591 | 23.667583 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5434897 | Gm21542 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098010 | MGI:5434897 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21542 |
19 | pseudogene | 23.675811 | 23.676735 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646907 | Gm6563 | NCBI_Gene:625193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051255 | MGI:3646907 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6563 |
19 | gene | 23.686898 | 23.732885 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921875 | Ptar1 | NCBI_Gene:72351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074925 | MGI:1921875 | protein coding gene | protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 1 |
19 | gene | 23.723279 | 23.725034 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641836 | Gm9938 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9938 |
19 | gene | 23.728707 | 23.731661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920060 | 2810455D13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2810455D13 gene |
19 | gene | 23.745502 | 23.748001 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303146 | Gm50299 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117685 | MGI:6303146 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50299 |
19 | gene | 23.758806 | 23.949598 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1860297 | Apba1 | NCBI_Gene:319924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024897 | MGI:1860297 | protein coding gene | amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein binding, family A, member 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 23.800538 | 23.800817 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303148 | Gm50300 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118287 | MGI:6303148 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50300 |
19 | gene | 23.870740 | 23.871826 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925097 | B230104F01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B230104F01 gene |
19 | gene | 23.905122 | 23.917546 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593235 | Gm34076 | NCBI_Gene:102637203 | MGI:5593235 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34076 |
19 | gene | 23.929825 | 23.941594 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303149 | Gm50301 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118340 | MGI:6303149 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50301 |
19 | gene | 23.972750 | 24.031272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685813 | Fam189a2 | NCBI_Gene:381217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071604 | MGI:2685813 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 189, member A2 |
19 | pseudogene | 24.004780 | 24.005008 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303156 | Gm50305 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117820 | MGI:6303156 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50305 |
19 | gene | 24.044383 | 24.047157 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624708 | Gm41823 | NCBI_Gene:105246549 | MGI:5624708 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41823 |
19 | gene | 24.064793 | 24.066452 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922771 | 1700021P04Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096796 | MGI:1922771 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700021P04 gene |
19 | gene | 24.080931 | 24.090765 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624709 | Gm41824 | NCBI_Gene:105246550 | MGI:5624709 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41824 |
19 | gene | 24.094502 | 24.225130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341872 | Tjp2 | NCBI_Gene:21873,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024812 | MGI:1341872 | protein coding gene | tight junction protein 2 |
19 | pseudogene | 24.146897 | 24.147224 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303163 | Gm50310 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118277 | MGI:6303163 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50310 |
19 | pseudogene | 24.154070 | 24.154601 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303160 | Gm50308 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118371 | MGI:6303160 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50308 |
19 | gene | 24.261453 | 24.280605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1096879 | Fxn | NCBI_Gene:14297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059363 | MGI:1096879 | protein coding gene | frataxin |
19 | pseudogene | 24.289000 | 24.290908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646651 | Gm8789 | NCBI_Gene:667743 | MGI:3646651 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8789 |
19 | pseudogene | 24.289716 | 24.290826 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801728 | Gm16216 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082107 | MGI:3801728 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16216 |
19 | gene | 24.294794 | 24.555872 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107930 | Pip5k1b | NCBI_Gene:18719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024867 | MGI:107930 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type 1 beta |
19 | gene | 24.298838 | 24.300938 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782025 | Gm3853 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 3853 |
19 | gene | 24.413789 | 24.430694 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922106 | Pip5k1bos | NCBI_Gene:102637283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085003 | MGI:1922106 | antisense lncRNA gene | phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type 1 beta, opposite strand |
19 | gene | 24.475779 | 24.477474 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915284 | Fam122a | NCBI_Gene:68034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074922 | MGI:1915284 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 122, member A |
19 | gene | 24.541198 | 24.541455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641847 | E860004J03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E860004J03 gene |
19 | gene | 24.556352 | 24.557228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303218 | Gm50341 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117979 | MGI:6303218 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50341 |
19 | gene | 24.674008 | 24.682233 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3583948 | Tmem252 | NCBI_Gene:226040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048572 | MGI:3583948 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 252 |
19 | gene | 24.678261 | 24.861855 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925668 | Pgm5 | NCBI_Gene:226041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041731 | MGI:1925668 | protein coding gene | phosphoglucomutase 5 |
19 | pseudogene | 24.692233 | 24.693391 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5009986 | Gm17800 | NCBI_Gene:100158260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097950 | MGI:5009986 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17800 |
19 | gene | 24.706836 | 24.713712 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621466 | Gm38581 | NCBI_Gene:102641855 | MGI:5621466 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38581 |
19 | pseudogene | 24.856196 | 24.856457 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303220 | Gm50342 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117934 | MGI:6303220 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50342 |
19 | pseudogene | 24.875686 | 24.876875 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704493 | Gm10053 | NCBI_Gene:672195,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058927 | MGI:3704493 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10053 |
19 | gene | 24.898965 | 24.901309 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347467 | Foxd4 | NCBI_Gene:14237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051490 | MGI:1347467 | protein coding gene | forkhead box D4 |
19 | gene | 24.919916 | 24.961616 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385089 | Cbwd1 | NCBI_Gene:226043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024878 | MGI:2385089 | protein coding gene | COBW domain containing 1 |
19 | gene | 24.942235 | 24.942303 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5562753 | Mir3084-1 | miRBase:MI0014047,NCBI_Gene:100526521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104890 | MGI:5562753 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3084-1 |
19 | gene | 24.942236 | 24.942367 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453435 | Gm23658 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095097 | MGI:5453435 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23658 |
19 | gene | 24.999511 | 25.202432 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921396 | Dock8 | NCBI_Gene:76088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052085 | MGI:1921396 | protein coding gene | dedicator of cytokinesis 8 |
19 | gene | 25.033108 | 25.033578 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782046 | Ndufb4b | NCBI_Gene:100042503 | MGI:3782046 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B4B |
19 | gene | 25.092866 | 25.097404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593394 | Gm34235 | NCBI_Gene:102637425 | MGI:5593394 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34235 |
19 | gene | 25.153231 | 25.155877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593345 | Gm34186 | NCBI_Gene:102637351 | MGI:5593345 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34186 |
19 | gene | 25.166085 | 25.166216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454029 | Gm24252 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065634 | MGI:5454029 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24252 |
19 | gene | 25.236732 | 25.434497 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147707 | Kank1 | NCBI_Gene:107351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032702 | MGI:2147707 | protein coding gene | KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 25.346409 | 25.347243 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593591 | Gm34432 | NCBI_Gene:102637686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118238 | MGI:5593591 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 34432 |
19 | gene | 25.453960 | 25.454063 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455984 | Gm26207 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064843 | MGI:5455984 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26207 |
19 | pseudogene | 25.493833 | 25.496716 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646471 | Gm5249 | NCBI_Gene:383474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117720 | MGI:3646471 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5249 |
19 | gene | 25.505618 | 25.604329 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1354733 | Dmrt1 | NCBI_Gene:50796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024837 | MGI:1354733 | protein coding gene | doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 1 |
19 | gene | 25.610246 | 25.623921 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2449470 | Dmrt3 | NCBI_Gene:240590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042372 | MGI:2449470 | protein coding gene | doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 3 |
19 | gene | 25.671134 | 25.672253 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919653 | 2610016A17Rik | NCBI_Gene:100503074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101089 | MGI:1919653 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2610016A17 gene |
19 | gene | 25.672389 | 25.679013 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330307 | Dmrt2 | NCBI_Gene:226049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048138 | MGI:1330307 | protein coding gene | doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 2 |
19 | gene | 25.775487 | 25.946975 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593675 | Gm34516 | NCBI_Gene:102637794 | MGI:5593675 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34516 |
19 | pseudogene | 25.795612 | 25.796825 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647098 | Gm8825 | NCBI_Gene:667806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098105 | MGI:3647098 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8825 |
19 | gene | 26.030730 | 26.046626 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920683 | 1700048O14Rik | NCBI_Gene:73433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118016 | MGI:1920683 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700048O14 gene |
19 | gene | 26.246024 | 26.249930 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303272 | Gm50376 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117950 | MGI:6303272 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50376 |
19 | gene | 26.260369 | 26.260493 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454953 | Gm25176 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084589 | MGI:5454953 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25176 |
19 | gene | 26.277846 | 26.308707 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303274 | Gm50377 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118005 | MGI:6303274 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50377 |
19 | gene | 26.462344 | 26.467779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303276 | Gm50378 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117707 | MGI:6303276 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50378 |
19 | gene | 26.482315 | 26.509084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593967 | Gm34808 | NCBI_Gene:102638185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118001 | MGI:5593967 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34808 |
19 | gene | 26.510339 | 26.527796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624713 | Gm41828 | NCBI_Gene:105246554 | MGI:5624713 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41828 |
19 | pseudogene | 26.530752 | 26.530929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303278 | Gm50379 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117803 | MGI:6303278 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50379 |
19 | gene | 26.572996 | 26.584672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6098469 | Gm48775 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114682 | MGI:6098469 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 48775 |
19 | gene | 26.605050 | 26.778322 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99603 | Smarca2 | NCBI_Gene:67155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024921 | MGI:99603 | protein coding gene | SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 |
19 | gene | 26.620749 | 26.623419 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5313063 | Gm20616 | NCBI_Gene:102638259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093628 | MGI:5313063 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20616 |
19 | gene | 26.768801 | 26.823907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918192 | 4931403E22Rik | NCBI_Gene:70942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093772 | MGI:1918192 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931403E22 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 26.802040 | 26.803219 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010565 | Gm18380 | NCBI_Gene:100417041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118331 | MGI:5010565 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18380 |
19 | gene | 26.823866 | 26.872509 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826285 | Gm46648 | NCBI_Gene:108168409 | MGI:5826285 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46648 |
19 | gene | 26.885881 | 26.888647 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685661 | Gm815 | NCBI_Gene:329047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074913 | MGI:2685661 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 815 |
19 | pseudogene | 27.025981 | 27.026314 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302862 | Gm50121 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118313 | MGI:6302862 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50121 |
19 | gene | 27.101951 | 27.316698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594597 | Gm35438 | NCBI_Gene:102639019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118209 | MGI:5594597 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35438 |
19 | gene | 27.216484 | 27.254231 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98935 | Vldlr | NCBI_Gene:22359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024924 | MGI:98935 | protein coding gene | very low density lipoprotein receptor |
19 | gene | 27.260735 | 27.262323 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782090 | Gm3916 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 3916 |
19 | gene | 27.260735 | 27.262323 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302852 | Gm50114 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117692 | MGI:6302852 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50114 |
19 | gene | 27.312632 | 27.321729 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594427 | Gm35268 | NCBI_Gene:102638787 | MGI:5594427 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35268 |
19 | gene | 27.322061 | 27.337179 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2670981 | Kcnv2 | NCBI_Gene:240595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047298 | MGI:2670981 | protein coding gene | potassium channel, subfamily V, member 2 |
19 | gene | 27.344725 | 27.373932 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594713 | Gm35554 | NCBI_Gene:102639185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117752 | MGI:5594713 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35554 |
19 | pseudogene | 27.366072 | 27.366567 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302851 | Gm50113 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117705 | MGI:6302851 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50113 |
19 | gene | 27.388698 | 27.429908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106253 | Pum3 | NCBI_Gene:52874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041360 | MGI:106253 | protein coding gene | pumilio RNA-binding family member 3 |
19 | gene | 27.430037 | 27.432631 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147728 | C030016D13Rik | NCBI_Gene:107372 | MGI:2147728 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C030016D13 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 27.512508 | 27.513279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302831 | Gm50101 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118072 | MGI:6302831 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50101 |
19 | gene | 27.666428 | 27.668494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594856 | Gm35697 | NCBI_Gene:102639367 | MGI:5594856 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35697 |
19 | gene | 27.703876 | 27.704007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454559 | Gm24782 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088266 | MGI:5454559 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24782 |
19 | gene | 27.761721 | 28.011693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106582 | Rfx3 | NCBI_Gene:19726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040929 | MGI:106582 | protein coding gene | regulatory factor X, 3 (influences HLA class II expression) |
19 | pseudogene | 27.858058 | 27.858497 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647318 | Gm8412 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092617 | MGI:3647318 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8412 |
19 | pseudogene | 27.961274 | 27.962110 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010079 | Gm17894 | NCBI_Gene:100416057 | MGI:5010079 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17894 |
19 | gene | 27.994197 | 27.995693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5141872 | Gm20407 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092182 | MGI:5141872 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20407 |
19 | pseudogene | 28.033455 | 28.034153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648671 | Gm5517 | NCBI_Gene:433235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117788 | MGI:3648671 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5517 |
19 | gene | 28.088856 | 28.089764 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578934 | Gm28228 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101084 | MGI:5578934 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28228 |
19 | pseudogene | 28.145864 | 28.146319 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594940 | Gm35781 | NCBI_Gene:102639477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117862 | MGI:5594940 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 35781 |
19 | gene | 28.258851 | 28.680265 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444289 | Glis3 | NCBI_Gene:226075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052942 | MGI:2444289 | protein coding gene | GLIS family zinc finger 3 |
19 | gene | 28.362542 | 28.365815 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595025 | Gm35866 | NCBI_Gene:102639589 | MGI:5595025 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35866 |
19 | gene | 28.580533 | 28.583294 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921702 | 4933413C19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089952 | MGI:1921702 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933413C19 gene |
19 | gene | 28.678224 | 28.720027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443529 | D930032P07Rik | NCBI_Gene:320176,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097735 | MGI:2443529 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930032P07 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 28.742123 | 28.742568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643316 | Rps15a-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:434460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067351 | MGI:3643316 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S15A, pseudogene 2 |
19 | gene | 28.760033 | 28.788185 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595081 | Gm35922 | NCBI_Gene:102639664 | MGI:5595081 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35922 |
19 | pseudogene | 28.762865 | 28.763539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646480 | Gm6788 | NCBI_Gene:627788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090737 | MGI:3646480 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6788 |
19 | pseudogene | 28.812406 | 28.813202 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504057 | Gm26942 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098069 | MGI:5504057 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 26942 |
19 | gene | 28.835049 | 28.913960 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105083 | Slc1a1 | NCBI_Gene:20510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024935 | MGI:105083 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 1 (neuronal/epithelial high affinity glutamate transporter, system Xag), member 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 28.862012 | 28.863766 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648836 | Gm5822 | NCBI_Gene:545262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089993 | MGI:3648836 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5822 |
19 | gene | 28.893042 | 28.968356 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918036 | 4430402I18Rik | NCBI_Gene:381218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064202 | MGI:1918036 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4430402I18 gene |
19 | gene | 28.963920 | 28.966811 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921661 | Plpp6 | NCBI_Gene:74411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040105 | MGI:1921661 | protein coding gene | phospholipid phosphatase 6 |
19 | pseudogene | 28.973039 | 28.974077 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781797 | Gm3621 | NCBI_Gene:100042006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118165 | MGI:3781797 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3621 |
19 | pseudogene | 28.974550 | 28.975633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643046 | Gm4844 | NCBI_Gene:226086 | MGI:3643046 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4844 |
19 | gene | 28.990318 | 29.026681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914322 | Cdc37l1 | NCBI_Gene:67072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024780 | MGI:1914322 | protein coding gene | cell division cycle 37-like 1 |
19 | gene | 28.995379 | 29.048091 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1860835 | Ak3 | NCBI_Gene:56248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024782 | MGI:1860835 | protein coding gene | adenylate kinase 3 |
19 | pseudogene | 29.003343 | 29.003875 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704242 | Gm10136 | NCBI_Gene:672214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063754 | MGI:3704242 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 10136 |
19 | gene | 29.046245 | 29.048729 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914579 | 1700018L02Rik | NCBI_Gene:67329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100075 | MGI:1914579 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700018L02 gene |
19 | gene | 29.067301 | 29.069503 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642802 | Gm9895 | NCBI_Gene:100503337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118038 | MGI:3642802 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9895 |
19 | pseudogene | 29.087603 | 29.090255 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303352 | Gm50425 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118320 | MGI:6303352 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50425 |
19 | gene | 29.101375 | 29.143929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913275 | Rcl1 | NCBI_Gene:59028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024785 | MGI:1913275 | protein coding gene | RNA terminal phosphate cyclase-like 1 |
19 | gene | 29.135279 | 29.135375 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3618696 | Mir101b | miRBase:MI0000649,NCBI_Gene:724062,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065556 | MGI:3618696 | miRNA gene | microRNA 101b |
19 | gene | 29.147630 | 29.149431 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642922 | Gm9883 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 9883 |
19 | pseudogene | 29.160000 | 29.161262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648673 | Gm5518 | NCBI_Gene:433238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068466 | MGI:3648673 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5518 |
19 | gene | 29.238057 | 29.242703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624714 | Gm41829 | NCBI_Gene:105246555 | MGI:5624714 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41829 |
19 | gene | 29.251708 | 29.313080 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96629 | Jak2 | NCBI_Gene:16452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024789 | MGI:96629 | protein coding gene | Janus kinase 2 |
19 | gene | 29.321344 | 29.325356 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351595 | Insl6 | NCBI_Gene:27356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050957 | MGI:1351595 | protein coding gene | insulin-like 6 |
19 | gene | 29.331170 | 29.334670 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97931 | Rln1 | NCBI_Gene:19773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039097 | MGI:97931 | protein coding gene | relaxin 1 |
19 | gene | 29.348599 | 29.367390 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915009 | Plgrkt | NCBI_Gene:67759,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016495 | MGI:1915009 | protein coding gene | plasminogen receptor, C-terminal lysine transmembrane protein |
19 | gene | 29.367438 | 29.388095 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926446 | Cd274 | NCBI_Gene:60533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016496 | MGI:1926446 | protein coding gene | CD274 antigen |
19 | gene | 29.373417 | 29.385383 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595202 | Gm36043 | NCBI_Gene:102639821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117964 | MGI:5595202 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36043 |
19 | gene | 29.410919 | 29.472927 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1930125 | Pdcd1lg2 | NCBI_Gene:58205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016498 | MGI:1930125 | protein coding gene | programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 |
19 | gene | 29.464750 | 29.523159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925029 | A930007I19Rik | NCBI_Gene:77779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097855 | MGI:1925029 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A930007I19 gene |
19 | gene | 29.522282 | 29.606829 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924893 | Ric1 | NCBI_Gene:226089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038658 | MGI:1924893 | protein coding gene | RAB6A GEF complex partner 1 |
19 | gene | 29.608214 | 29.648510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106250 | Ermp1 | NCBI_Gene:226090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046324 | MGI:106250 | protein coding gene | endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1 |
19 | gene | 29.682177 | 29.684238 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595285 | Gm36126 | NCBI_Gene:102639928 | MGI:5595285 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36126 |
19 | gene | 29.697541 | 29.708634 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108454 | Mlana | NCBI_Gene:77836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024806 | MGI:108454 | protein coding gene | melan-A |
19 | gene | 29.714402 | 29.808053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444398 | 9930021J03Rik | NCBI_Gene:240613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046138 | MGI:2444398 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 9930021J03 gene |
19 | gene | 29.806663 | 29.810096 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303267 | Gm50373 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118251 | MGI:6303267 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50373 |
19 | gene | 29.808108 | 29.812974 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2683212 | Ranbp6 | NCBI_Gene:240614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074909 | MGI:2683212 | protein coding gene | RAN binding protein 6 |
19 | gene | 29.838453 | 29.927333 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624717 | Gm41832 | NCBI_Gene:105246558 | MGI:5624717 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41832 |
19 | pseudogene | 29.874191 | 29.875217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303279 | Gm50380 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117883 | MGI:6303279 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50380 |
19 | gene | 29.877449 | 29.884689 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595368 | Gm36209 | NCBI_Gene:102640041 | MGI:5595368 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36209 |
19 | gene | 29.893703 | 29.896235 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624716 | Gm41831 | NCBI_Gene:105246557 | MGI:5624716 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41831 |
19 | gene | 29.925114 | 29.960718 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924375 | Il33 | NCBI_Gene:77125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024810 | MGI:1924375 | protein coding gene | interleukin 33 |
19 | gene | 29.986099 | 29.986264 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455823 | Gm26046 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087937 | MGI:5455823 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26046 |
19 | gene | 30.003790 | 30.006020 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913995 | Trpd52l3 | NCBI_Gene:66745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024815 | MGI:1913995 | protein coding gene | tumor protein D52-like 3 |
19 | gene | 30.030435 | 30.093726 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923718 | Uhrf2 | NCBI_Gene:109113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024817 | MGI:1923718 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin-like, containing PHD and RING finger domains 2 |
19 | gene | 30.098441 | 30.175441 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341155 | Gldc | NCBI_Gene:104174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024827 | MGI:1341155 | protein coding gene | glycine decarboxylase |
19 | pseudogene | 30.160620 | 30.161030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644512 | Rpl31-ps20 | NCBI_Gene:625917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058607 | MGI:3644512 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 20 |
19 | gene | 30.164751 | 30.165769 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924689 | 9530025L08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530025L08 gene |
19 | gene | 30.232906 | 30.239687 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96924 | Mbl2 | NCBI_Gene:17195,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024863 | MGI:96924 | protein coding gene | mannose-binding lectin (protein C) 2 |
19 | gene | 30.261441 | 30.261517 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453885 | Gm24108 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093236 | MGI:5453885 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24108 |
19 | gene | 30.264880 | 30.265160 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454660 | Gm24883 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089016 | MGI:5454660 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24883 |
19 | pseudogene | 30.352005 | 30.355618 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595165 | Gm36006 | NCBI_Gene:102639775 | MGI:5595165 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 36006 |
19 | gene | 30.358217 | 30.360680 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920607 | 1700048J15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700048J15 gene |
19 | gene | 30.371465 | 30.395327 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595478 | Gm36319 | NCBI_Gene:102640191 | MGI:5595478 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36319 |
19 | pseudogene | 30.490703 | 30.491363 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010070 | Gm17885 | NCBI_Gene:100416039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118374 | MGI:5010070 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17885 |
19 | pseudogene | 30.531476 | 30.531929 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303088 | Gm50264 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117953 | MGI:6303088 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50264 |
19 | pseudogene | 30.538876 | 30.539679 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645534 | Ppp1r2-ps3 | NCBI_Gene:546723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058816 | MGI:3645534 | pseudogene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 2, pseudogene 3 |
19 | gene | 30.545863 | 30.549665 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1329040 | Dkk1 | NCBI_Gene:13380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024868 | MGI:1329040 | protein coding gene | dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1 |
19 | gene | 30.564487 | 31.765309 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108174 | Prkg1 | NCBI_Gene:19091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052920 | MGI:108174 | protein coding gene | protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I |
19 | gene | 30.704081 | 30.704398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453203 | Gm23426 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084432 | MGI:5453203 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23426 |
19 | pseudogene | 30.878834 | 30.879352 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011208 | Gm19023 | NCBI_Gene:100418132 | MGI:5011208 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19023 |
19 | pseudogene | 30.930380 | 30.930962 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648551 | Gm6642 | NCBI_Gene:625995 | MGI:3648551 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6642 |
19 | gene | 31.082837 | 31.087069 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1932622 | Cstf2t | NCBI_Gene:83410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053536 | MGI:1932622 | protein coding gene | cleavage stimulation factor, 3’ pre-RNA subunit 2, tau |
19 | pseudogene | 31.112546 | 31.113095 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303091 | Gm50266 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118011 | MGI:6303091 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50266 |
19 | gene | 31.127685 | 31.137532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624719 | Gm41834 | NCBI_Gene:105246560 | MGI:5624719 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41834 |
19 | gene | 31.196484 | 31.197357 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920156 | 2900042A17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900042A17 gene |
19 | gene | 31.213543 | 31.216396 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925353 | 8430431K14Rik | NCBI_Gene:78103 | MGI:1925353 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 8430431K14 gene |
19 | gene | 31.505322 | 31.507369 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921789 | 9030425L15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9030425L15 gene |
19 | gene | 31.542570 | 31.550540 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442795 | 9330185G11Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330185G11 gene |
19 | gene | 31.868755 | 31.952365 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917115 | A1cf | NCBI_Gene:69865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052595 | MGI:1917115 | protein coding gene | APOBEC1 complementation factor |
19 | pseudogene | 31.913644 | 31.914916 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011426 | Gm19241 | NCBI_Gene:100418483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114443 | MGI:5011426 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19241 |
19 | gene | 31.950084 | 31.952361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918870 | 9130016M20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118366 | MGI:1918870 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130016M20 gene |
19 | gene | 31.982597 | 32.108242 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1859310 | Asah2 | NCBI_Gene:54447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024887 | MGI:1859310 | protein coding gene | N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase 2 |
19 | pseudogene | 32.073335 | 32.074926 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645706 | Gm8943 | NCBI_Gene:668042 | MGI:3645706 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8943 |
19 | gene | 32.122727 | 32.389714 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444110 | Sgms1 | NCBI_Gene:208449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040451 | MGI:2444110 | protein coding gene | sphingomyelin synthase 1 |
19 | gene | 32.204182 | 32.209273 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302997 | Gm50210 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118064 | MGI:6302997 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50210 |
19 | gene | 32.389216 | 32.391190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914438 | 2700046G09Rik | NCBI_Gene:67188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097787 | MGI:1914438 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2700046G09 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 32.423192 | 32.423582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621501 | Gm38616 | NCBI_Gene:102642581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118355 | MGI:5621501 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38616 |
19 | pseudogene | 32.439941 | 32.441024 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779973 | Gm9563 | NCBI_Gene:672490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118329 | MGI:3779973 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9563 |
19 | pseudogene | 32.465865 | 32.466578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642682 | Rpl9-ps6 | NCBI_Gene:100042823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062456 | MGI:3642682 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L9, pseudogene 6 |
19 | gene | 32.470601 | 32.483595 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826296 | Gm46659 | NCBI_Gene:108168420 | MGI:5826296 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46659 |
19 | gene | 32.485769 | 32.515370 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1336159 | Minpp1 | NCBI_Gene:17330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024896 | MGI:1336159 | protein coding gene | multiple inositol polyphosphate histidine phosphatase 1 |
19 | gene | 32.543347 | 32.563611 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595578 | Gm36419 | NCBI_Gene:102640323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118168 | MGI:5595578 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36419 |
19 | gene | 32.595645 | 32.667187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330223 | Papss2 | NCBI_Gene:23972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024899 | MGI:1330223 | protein coding gene | 3’-phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulfate synthase 2 |
19 | pseudogene | 32.658479 | 32.660200 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595651 | Gm36492 | NCBI_Gene:102640429 | MGI:5595651 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 36492 |
19 | gene | 32.671638 | 32.739786 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915229 | Atad1 | NCBI_Gene:67979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013662 | MGI:1915229 | protein coding gene | ATPase family, AAA domain containing 1 |
19 | gene | 32.754378 | 32.756612 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595725 | Gm36566 | NCBI_Gene:102640527 | MGI:5595725 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 36566 |
19 | gene | 32.757497 | 32.826160 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109583 | Pten | NCBI_Gene:19211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013663 | MGI:109583 | protein coding gene | phosphatase and tensin homolog |
19 | gene | 32.933345 | 32.939008 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595933 | Gm36774 | NCBI_Gene:102640791 | MGI:5595933 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36774 |
19 | gene | 32.959987 | 32.976159 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5596073 | Gm36914 | NCBI_Gene:102640981 | MGI:5596073 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36914 |
19 | gene | 32.966066 | 32.980390 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5596019 | Gm36860 | NCBI_Gene:102640908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117664 | MGI:5596019 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36860 |
19 | gene | 32.969950 | 32.970308 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452259 | Gm22482 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084512 | MGI:5452259 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22482 |
19 | gene | 33.039471 | 33.074928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624720 | Gm41835 | NCBI_Gene:105246561 | MGI:5624720 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41835 |
19 | gene | 33.070072 | 33.102167 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589022 | Gm29863 | NCBI_Gene:102631554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117914 | MGI:5589022 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29863 |
19 | gene | 33.122647 | 33.134819 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589105 | Gm29946 | NCBI_Gene:102631663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118196 | MGI:5589105 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29946 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.137744 | 33.392295 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915045 | Rnls | NCBI_Gene:67795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071573 | MGI:1915045 | polymorphic pseudogene | renalase, FAD-dependent amine oxidase |
19 | gene | 33.157112 | 33.157201 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4950409 | Mir3970 | miRBase:MI0016980,NCBI_Gene:100628575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106278 | MGI:4950409 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3970 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.353066 | 33.354120 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010027 | Gm17842 | NCBI_Gene:100415967 | MGI:5010027 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17842 |
19 | gene | 33.392253 | 33.392745 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914484 | 2810449D17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2810449D17 gene |
19 | gene | 33.392433 | 33.420370 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589157 | Gm29998 | NCBI_Gene:102631731 | MGI:5589157 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29998 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.405917 | 33.420642 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779701 | Gm7237 | NCBI_Gene:638381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087112 | MGI:3779701 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7237 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.447613 | 33.447798 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011909 | Gm19724 | NCBI_Gene:102631943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118289 | MGI:5011909 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19724 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.459609 | 33.473191 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648531 | Lipo5 | NCBI_Gene:668095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086875 | MGI:3648531 | pseudogene | lipase, member O5 |
19 | gene | 33.498037 | 33.517780 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779637 | Lipo4 | NCBI_Gene:628236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079344 | MGI:3779637 | protein coding gene | lipase, member O4 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.550198 | 33.550397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303038 | Gm50233 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118121 | MGI:6303038 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50233 |
19 | gene | 33.555160 | 33.761951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147592 | Lipo3 | NCBI_Gene:381236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024766 | MGI:2147592 | protein coding gene | lipase, member O3 |
19 | gene | 33.589971 | 33.590999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916554 | 1700001A13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700001A13 gene |
19 | gene | 33.592607 | 33.592713 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530822 | Gm27440 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098770 | MGI:5530822 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27440 |
19 | gene | 33.612707 | 33.625252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647649 | Gm8978 | NCBI_Gene:668106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086812 | MGI:3647649 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8978 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.668266 | 33.668463 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011940 | Gm19755 | NCBI_Gene:102632180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118360 | MGI:5011940 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19755 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.673329 | 33.673928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010478 | Gm18293 | NCBI_Gene:100416852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117667 | MGI:5010478 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18293 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.674073 | 33.688481 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644463 | Gm8980 | NCBI_Gene:668112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085924 | MGI:3644463 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8980 |
19 | gene | 33.719670 | 33.762109 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644466 | Lipo2 | NCBI_Gene:101055671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087303 | MGI:3644466 | protein coding gene | lipase, member O2 |
19 | gene | 33.775498 | 33.787459 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647308 | Lipo1 | NCBI_Gene:329055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079342 | MGI:3647308 | protein coding gene | lipase, member O1 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.822897 | 33.826711 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645618 | Gm5519 | NCBI_Gene:433241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037603 | MGI:3645618 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5519 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.838827 | 33.842598 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647410 | Gm8988 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085934 | MGI:3647410 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8988 |
19 | pseudogene | 33.853164 | 33.872207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302861 | Gm50120 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117821 | MGI:6302861 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50120 |
19 | gene | 33.954235 | 33.954341 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452872 | Gm23095 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065380 | MGI:5452872 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23095 |
19 | gene | 33.961187 | 33.976813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914967 | Lipf | NCBI_Gene:67717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024768 | MGI:1914967 | protein coding gene | lipase, gastric |
19 | gene | 34.008254 | 34.047903 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2679259 | Lipk | NCBI_Gene:240633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024771 | MGI:2679259 | protein coding gene | lipase, family member K |
19 | gene | 34.056140 | 34.058360 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590459 | Gm31300 | NCBI_Gene:102633486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118302 | MGI:5590459 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31300 |
19 | gene | 34.067058 | 34.085946 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917416 | Lipn | NCBI_Gene:70166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024770 | MGI:1917416 | protein coding gene | lipase, family member N |
19 | gene | 34.068931 | 34.069054 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453111 | Gm23334 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080678 | MGI:5453111 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23334 |
19 | gene | 34.100933 | 34.122687 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926003 | Lipm | NCBI_Gene:78753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056078 | MGI:1926003 | protein coding gene | lipase, family member M |
19 | gene | 34.121469 | 34.166053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277101 | Ankrd22 | NCBI_Gene:52024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024774 | MGI:1277101 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 22 |
19 | gene | 34.192186 | 34.240333 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923880 | Stambpl1 | NCBI_Gene:76630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024776 | MGI:1923880 | protein coding gene | STAM binding protein like 1 |
19 | gene | 34.240336 | 34.255590 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87909 | Acta2 | NCBI_Gene:11475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035783 | MGI:87909 | protein coding gene | actin, alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta |
19 | gene | 34.256636 | 34.278225 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590514 | Gm31355 | NCBI_Gene:102633559 | MGI:5590514 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31355 |
19 | pseudogene | 34.284280 | 34.284537 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303047 | Gm50239 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118066 | MGI:6303047 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50239 |
19 | gene | 34.290659 | 34.327775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95484 | Fas | NCBI_Gene:14102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024778 | MGI:95484 | protein coding gene | Fas (TNF receptor superfamily member 6) |
19 | gene | 34.294137 | 34.294295 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531200 | Gm27818 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098670 | MGI:5531200 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27818 |
19 | gene | 34.395647 | 34.395755 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452837 | Gm23060 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076300 | MGI:5452837 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23060 |
19 | gene | 34.473778 | 34.475164 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333869 | Ch25h | NCBI_Gene:12642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050370 | MGI:1333869 | protein coding gene | cholesterol 25-hydroxylase |
19 | gene | 34.474808 | 34.481546 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477396 | Gm26902 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097558 | MGI:5477396 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26902 |
19 | gene | 34.492316 | 34.527474 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96789 | Lipa | NCBI_Gene:16889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024781 | MGI:96789 | protein coding gene | lysosomal acid lipase A |
19 | gene | 34.543288 | 34.544729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590576 | Gm31417 | NCBI_Gene:102633635 | MGI:5590576 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31417 |
19 | pseudogene | 34.549264 | 34.549392 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303079 | Gm50257 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118048 | MGI:6303079 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50257 |
19 | gene | 34.550549 | 34.576534 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99449 | Ifit2 | NCBI_Gene:15958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045932 | MGI:99449 | protein coding gene | interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2 |
19 | gene | 34.583142 | 34.588982 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1101055 | Ifit3 | NCBI_Gene:15959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074896 | MGI:1101055 | protein coding gene | interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3 |
19 | gene | 34.592888 | 34.662997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650685 | Ifit1bl1 | NCBI_Gene:667373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079339 | MGI:3650685 | protein coding gene | interferon induced protein with tetratricpeptide repeats 1B like 1 |
19 | gene | 34.607540 | 34.613409 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3698419 | Ifit3b | NCBI_Gene:667370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062488 | MGI:3698419 | protein coding gene | interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3B |
19 | gene | 34.617049 | 34.640743 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2148249 | Ifit1bl2 | NCBI_Gene:112419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067297 | MGI:2148249 | protein coding gene | interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1B like 2 |
19 | pseudogene | 34.623630 | 34.624804 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010061 | Cnn2-ps | NCBI_Gene:100416023,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118260 | MGI:5010061 | pseudogene | calponin2, pseudogene |
19 | gene | 34.640871 | 34.650009 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99450 | Ifit1 | NCBI_Gene:15957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034459 | MGI:99450 | protein coding gene | interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1 |
19 | gene | 34.668401 | 34.747823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147716 | Slc16a12 | NCBI_Gene:240638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009378 | MGI:2147716 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 12 |
19 | pseudogene | 34.682183 | 34.684822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826291 | Gm46654 | NCBI_Gene:108168415 | MGI:5826291 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46654 |
19 | pseudogene | 34.710008 | 34.711016 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010610 | Gm18425 | NCBI_Gene:100417152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118098 | MGI:5010610 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18425 |
19 | gene | 34.750510 | 34.750613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530858 | Gm27476 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098742 | MGI:5530858 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27476 |
19 | pseudogene | 34.773881 | 34.774451 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302944 | Gm50173 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118083 | MGI:6302944 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50173 |
19 | gene | 34.796178 | 34.796338 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5451859 | Gm22082 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088212 | MGI:5451859 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22082 |
19 | pseudogene | 34.804262 | 34.804759 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302856 | Gm50116 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117945 | MGI:6302856 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50116 |
19 | gene | 34.806935 | 34.879593 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922985 | Pank1 | NCBI_Gene:75735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033610 | MGI:1922985 | protein coding gene | pantothenate kinase 1 |
19 | gene | 34.820687 | 34.820773 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3619063 | Mir107 | miRBase:MI0000684,NCBI_Gene:723826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065594 | MGI:3619063 | miRNA gene | microRNA 107 |
19 | gene | 34.922341 | 34.975750 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444576 | Kif20b | NCBI_Gene:240641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024795 | MGI:2444576 | protein coding gene | kinesin family member 20B |
19 | gene | 34.965396 | 34.965469 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3837023 | Mir1950 | miRBase:MI0009941,NCBI_Gene:100316775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089151 | MGI:3837023 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1950 |
19 | pseudogene | 35.051830 | 35.052744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643322 | Gm5248 | NCBI_Gene:383464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101966 | MGI:3643322 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5248 |
19 | gene | 35.054465 | 35.083440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302884 | Gm50137 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117865 | MGI:6302884 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50137 |
19 | gene | 35.117283 | 35.133451 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302890 | Gm50140 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117973 | MGI:6302890 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50140 |
19 | gene | 35.151913 | 35.156629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590727 | Gm31568 | NCBI_Gene:102633838 | MGI:5590727 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31568 |
19 | gene | 35.203235 | 35.203366 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453783 | Gm24006 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089087 | MGI:5453783 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24006 |
19 | gene | 35.276453 | 35.276522 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452852 | Gm23075 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093373 | MGI:5452852 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23075 |
19 | gene | 35.605674 | 35.605804 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452630 | Gm22853 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092715 | MGI:5452630 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 22853 |
19 | gene | 35.700349 | 35.766127 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624721 | Gm41836 | NCBI_Gene:105246562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118212 | MGI:5624721 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41836 |
19 | gene | 35.759933 | 35.760065 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455388 | Gm25611 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077205 | MGI:5455388 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25611 |
19 | gene | 35.835217 | 35.924735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028035 | A830019P07Rik | NCBI_Gene:329056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094707 | MGI:3028035 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A830019P07 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 35.870079 | 35.870772 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010111 | Gm17926 | NCBI_Gene:100416119 | MGI:5010111 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17926 |
19 | gene | 35.958415 | 36.058287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99841 | Htr7 | NCBI_Gene:15566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024798 | MGI:99841 | protein coding gene | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 7 |
19 | gene | 36.083689 | 36.104777 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859683 | Rpp30 | NCBI_Gene:54364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024800 | MGI:1859683 | protein coding gene | ribonuclease P/MRP 30 subunit |
19 | gene | 36.111961 | 36.120099 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1097717 | Ankrd1 | NCBI_Gene:107765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024803 | MGI:1097717 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 1 (cardiac muscle) |
19 | gene | 36.182580 | 36.221676 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591240 | Gm32081 | NCBI_Gene:102634520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117998 | MGI:5591240 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32081 |
19 | gene | 36.215016 | 36.264437 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591186 | Gm32027 | NCBI_Gene:102634446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117990 | MGI:5591186 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32027 |
19 | gene | 36.235979 | 36.243323 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826301 | Gm46664 | NCBI_Gene:108168426 | MGI:5826301 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46664 |
19 | gene | 36.251727 | 36.256336 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302902 | Gm50147 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118032 | MGI:6302902 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50147 |
19 | pseudogene | 36.339044 | 36.339931 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011345 | Gm19160 | NCBI_Gene:100418358 | MGI:5011345 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19160 |
19 | gene | 36.347440 | 36.460970 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923505 | Pcgf5 | NCBI_Gene:76073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024805 | MGI:1923505 | protein coding gene | polycomb group ring finger 5 |
19 | gene | 36.347614 | 36.348298 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6096874 | Gm47735 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114859 | MGI:6096874 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 47735 |
19 | pseudogene | 36.361343 | 36.361811 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096932 | Gm47773 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114285 | MGI:6096932 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 47773 |
19 | gene | 36.384792 | 36.384897 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452947 | Gm23170 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087783 | MGI:5452947 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23170 |
19 | pseudogene | 36.404404 | 36.406211 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647150 | Gm9042 | NCBI_Gene:668201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114409 | MGI:3647150 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9042 |
19 | gene | 36.448992 | 36.451157 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642424 | F530104D19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114235 | MGI:3642424 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA F530104D19 gene |
19 | gene | 36.533923 | 36.538802 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591302 | Gm32143 | NCBI_Gene:102634602 | MGI:5591302 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32143 |
19 | gene | 36.552925 | 36.553977 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624723 | Gm41838 | NCBI_Gene:105246565 | MGI:5624723 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41838 |
19 | gene | 36.554053 | 36.621135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442663 | Hectd2 | NCBI_Gene:226098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041180 | MGI:2442663 | protein coding gene | HECT domain E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 |
19 | gene | 36.614052 | 36.705641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919243 | Hectd2os | NCBI_Gene:668215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087579 | MGI:1919243 | antisense lncRNA gene | Hectd2, opposite strand |
19 | gene | 36.731731 | 36.736653 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858229 | Ppp1r3c | NCBI_Gene:53412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067279 | MGI:1858229 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 3C |
19 | pseudogene | 36.818648 | 36.818930 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302850 | Gm50112 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117938 | MGI:6302850 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50112 |
19 | gene | 36.834230 | 36.893477 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921743 | Tnks2 | NCBI_Gene:74493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024811 | MGI:1921743 | protein coding gene | tankyrase, TRF1-interacting ankyrin-related ADP-ribose polymerase 2 |
19 | gene | 36.917550 | 36.919615 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919764 | Fgfbp3 | NCBI_Gene:72514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047632 | MGI:1919764 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor binding protein 3 |
19 | gene | 36.926079 | 37.014057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147538 | Btaf1 | NCBI_Gene:107182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040565 | MGI:2147538 | protein coding gene | B-TFIID TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1 |
19 | gene | 37.019341 | 37.208601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443075 | Cpeb3 | NCBI_Gene:208922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039652 | MGI:2443075 | protein coding gene | cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3 |
19 | gene | 37.149085 | 37.149162 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452491 | Gm22714 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080544 | MGI:5452491 | ribozyme gene | predicted gene, 22714 |
19 | gene | 37.173843 | 37.196541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443002 | A330032B11Rik | NCBI_Gene:319931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097591 | MGI:2443002 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A330032B11 gene |
19 | gene | 37.179186 | 37.179291 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453695 | Gm23918 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092994 | MGI:5453695 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 23918 |
19 | gene | 37.207527 | 37.224457 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915207 | March5 | NCBI_Gene:69104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023307 | MGI:1915207 | protein coding gene | membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 5 |
19 | gene | 37.233382 | 37.233484 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455045 | Gm25268 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089143 | MGI:5455045 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25268 |
19 | pseudogene | 37.233603 | 37.234560 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643992 | Gm9056 | NCBI_Gene:668230 | MGI:3643992 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9056 |
19 | gene | 37.258423 | 37.264095 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924309 | 4931408D14Rik | NCBI_Gene:77059 | MGI:1924309 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931408D14 gene |
19 | gene | 37.268741 | 37.337852 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96412 | Ide | NCBI_Gene:15925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056999 | MGI:96412 | protein coding gene | insulin degrading enzyme |
19 | pseudogene | 37.295093 | 37.295837 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782343 | Rpl10-ps6 | NCBI_Gene:100043010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080885 | MGI:3782343 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L10, pseudogene 6 |
19 | gene | 37.376403 | 37.421859 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098231 | Kif11 | NCBI_Gene:16551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012443 | MGI:1098231 | protein coding gene | kinesin family member 11 |
19 | pseudogene | 37.388339 | 37.389495 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648745 | Gm8663 | NCBI_Gene:667490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117988 | MGI:3648745 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8663 |
19 | pseudogene | 37.413424 | 37.413878 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826286 | Gm46649 | NCBI_Gene:108168410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118211 | MGI:5826286 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46649 |
19 | gene | 37.432909 | 37.434656 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611573 | Gm38345 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102353 | MGI:5611573 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38345 |
19 | gene | 37.434810 | 37.440731 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96086 | Hhex | NCBI_Gene:15242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024986 | MGI:96086 | protein coding gene | hematopoietically expressed homeobox |
19 | gene | 37.463746 | 37.463851 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452803 | Gm23026 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089397 | MGI:5452803 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23026 |
19 | gene | 37.465253 | 37.471834 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925890 | 1700122C19Rik | NCBI_Gene:78640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117800 | MGI:1925890 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700122C19 gene |
19 | gene | 37.493599 | 37.495964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591453 | Gm32294 | NCBI_Gene:102634793 | MGI:5591453 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32294 |
19 | gene | 37.536763 | 37.684059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351611 | Exoc6 | NCBI_Gene:107371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053799 | MGI:1351611 | protein coding gene | exocyst complex component 6 |
19 | gene | 37.545104 | 37.546314 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624727 | Gm41842 | NCBI_Gene:105246569 | MGI:5624727 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41842 |
19 | gene | 37.677387 | 37.697564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591501 | Gm32342 | NCBI_Gene:102634858 | MGI:5591501 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32342 |
19 | gene | 37.685195 | 37.693398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2679699 | Cyp26c1 | NCBI_Gene:546726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062432 | MGI:2679699 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily c, polypeptide 1 |
19 | gene | 37.697732 | 37.701536 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096359 | Cyp26a1 | NCBI_Gene:13082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024987 | MGI:1096359 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 37.722761 | 37.723516 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647635 | Gm9066 | NCBI_Gene:668248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117989 | MGI:3647635 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9066 |
19 | pseudogene | 37.784259 | 37.785765 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644658 | Gm9067 | NCBI_Gene:668251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117939 | MGI:3644658 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9067 |
19 | pseudogene | 37.870267 | 37.872256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647440 | Gm4757 | NCBI_Gene:209281,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118115 | MGI:3647440 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4757 |
19 | gene | 37.899036 | 38.043577 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919192 | Myof | NCBI_Gene:226101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048612 | MGI:1919192 | protein coding gene | myoferlin |
19 | gene | 38.051774 | 38.054528 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588250 | I830134H01Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069554 | MGI:3588250 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA I830134H01 gene |
19 | gene | 38.054981 | 38.074425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921357 | Cep55 | NCBI_Gene:74107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024989 | MGI:1921357 | protein coding gene | centrosomal protein 55 |
19 | gene | 38.071929 | 38.072053 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453077 | Gm23300 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064646 | MGI:5453077 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23300 |
19 | gene | 38.097071 | 38.114263 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147577 | Ffar4 | NCBI_Gene:107221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054200 | MGI:2147577 | protein coding gene | free fatty acid receptor 4 |
19 | gene | 38.116620 | 38.125321 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97879 | Rbp4 | NCBI_Gene:19662,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024990 | MGI:97879 | protein coding gene | retinol binding protein 4, plasma |
19 | gene | 38.125754 | 38.134496 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591599 | Gm32440 | NCBI_Gene:102634991 | MGI:5591599 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32440 |
19 | gene | 38.132781 | 38.183958 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105956 | Pde6c | NCBI_Gene:110855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024992 | MGI:105956 | protein coding gene | phosphodiesterase 6C, cGMP specific, cone, alpha prime |
19 | gene | 38.188477 | 38.224517 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917817 | Fra10ac1 | NCBI_Gene:70567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054237 | MGI:1917817 | protein coding gene | FRA10AC1 homolog (human) |
19 | gene | 38.257836 | 38.260793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591733 | Gm32574 | NCBI_Gene:102635170 | MGI:5591733 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32574 |
19 | gene | 38.257928 | 38.263285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591650 | Gm32491 | NCBI_Gene:102635059 | MGI:5591650 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32491 |
19 | gene | 38.264535 | 38.272565 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591930 | Gm32771 | NCBI_Gene:102635432 | MGI:5591930 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32771 |
19 | gene | 38.264536 | 38.312214 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861691 | Lgi1 | NCBI_Gene:56839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067242 | MGI:1861691 | protein coding gene | leucine-rich repeat LGI family, member 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 38.287951 | 38.288224 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302892 | Gm50141 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118242 | MGI:6302892 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50141 |
19 | gene | 38.300083 | 38.315270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5662860 | Gm42723 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105709 | MGI:5662860 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 42723 |
19 | gene | 38.311058 | 38.327048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641826 | Gm9886 | NCBI_Gene:105246571 | MGI:3641826 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9886 |
19 | pseudogene | 38.342179 | 38.342614 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302907 | Gm50150 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118381 | MGI:6302907 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50150 |
19 | gene | 38.348636 | 38.350079 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592119 | Gm32960 | NCBI_Gene:102635685 | MGI:5592119 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32960 |
19 | gene | 38.352239 | 38.358506 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592195 | Gm33036 | NCBI_Gene:102635788 | MGI:5592195 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33036 |
19 | gene | 38.379292 | 38.381215 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624729 | Gm41844 | NCBI_Gene:105246572 | MGI:5624729 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 41844 |
19 | pseudogene | 38.384566 | 38.385514 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302915 | Gm50155 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117920 | MGI:6302915 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50155 |
19 | pseudogene | 38.386963 | 38.388161 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011121 | Gm18936 | NCBI_Gene:100417987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118335 | MGI:5011121 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18936 |
19 | gene | 38.395980 | 38.405610 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444789 | Slc35g1 | NCBI_Gene:240660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044026 | MGI:2444789 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 35, member G1 |
19 | gene | 38.458585 | 38.463554 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826303 | Gm46666 | NCBI_Gene:108168429 | MGI:5826303 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46666 |
19 | gene | 38.473120 | 38.473202 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454707 | Gm24930 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088940 | MGI:5454707 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24930 |
19 | gene | 38.481109 | 38.785105 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921305 | Plce1 | NCBI_Gene:74055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024998 | MGI:1921305 | protein coding gene | phospholipase C, epsilon 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 38.703444 | 38.704438 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644350 | Gm8717 | NCBI_Gene:667587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117935 | MGI:3644350 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8717 |
19 | gene | 38.748760 | 38.752645 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579697 | Gm28991 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101079 | MGI:5579697 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28991 |
19 | gene | 38.788121 | 38.819950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1932610 | Noc3l | NCBI_Gene:57753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024999 | MGI:1932610 | protein coding gene | NOC3 like DNA replication regulator |
19 | gene | 38.836579 | 38.919923 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384803 | Tbc1d12 | NCBI_Gene:209478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048720 | MGI:2384803 | protein coding gene | TBC1D12: TBC1 domain family, member 12 |
19 | gene | 38.885242 | 38.885361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455615 | Gm25838 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089545 | MGI:5455615 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25838 |
19 | gene | 38.930915 | 38.971051 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106209 | Hells | NCBI_Gene:15201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025001 | MGI:106209 | protein coding gene | helicase, lymphoid specific |
19 | pseudogene | 38.976647 | 39.003627 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3716994 | Cyp2c52-ps | NCBI_Gene:209753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114610 | MGI:3716994 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 52, pseudogene |
19 | gene | 39.006938 | 39.042693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919332 | Cyp2c55 | NCBI_Gene:72082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025002 | MGI:1919332 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 55 |
19 | gene | 39.007026 | 39.007089 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453577 | Gm23800 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093303 | MGI:5453577 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23800 |
19 | pseudogene | 39.052630 | 39.054824 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782048 | Gm3875 | NCBI_Gene:100042507 | MGI:3782048 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3875 |
19 | gene | 39.061006 | 39.093948 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919553 | Cyp2c65 | NCBI_Gene:72303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067231 | MGI:1919553 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 65 |
19 | gene | 39.113898 | 39.187072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917138 | Cyp2c66 | NCBI_Gene:69888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067229 | MGI:1917138 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 66 |
19 | pseudogene | 39.229254 | 39.274985 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646306 | Cyp2c53-ps | NCBI_Gene:638988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093610 | MGI:3646306 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 53-ps |
19 | gene | 39.269405 | 39.330713 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103238 | Cyp2c29 | NCBI_Gene:13095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003053 | MGI:103238 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 29 |
19 | pseudogene | 39.347367 | 39.360403 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3721925 | Cyp2c72-ps | NCBI_Gene:100125395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118146 | MGI:3721925 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 72, pseudogene |
19 | gene | 39.389556 | 39.463089 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1306819 | Cyp2c38 | NCBI_Gene:13097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032808 | MGI:1306819 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 38 |
19 | gene | 39.510822 | 39.568529 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1306818 | Cyp2c39 | NCBI_Gene:13098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025003 | MGI:1306818 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 39 |
19 | gene | 39.608842 | 39.649079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3612288 | Cyp2c67 | NCBI_Gene:545288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062624 | MGI:3612288 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 67 |
19 | gene | 39.688834 | 39.741101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3612287 | Cyp2c68 | NCBI_Gene:433247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074882 | MGI:3612287 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 68 |
19 | gene | 39.767071 | 39.812814 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1306815 | Cyp2c40 | NCBI_Gene:13099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025004 | MGI:1306815 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 40 |
19 | gene | 39.842660 | 39.886799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3721049 | Cyp2c69 | NCBI_Gene:100043108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092008 | MGI:3721049 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 69 |
19 | pseudogene | 39.928044 | 39.952861 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3721924 | Cyp2c71-ps | NCBI_Gene:100125394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117738 | MGI:3721924 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 71, pseudogene |
19 | gene | 39.992424 | 40.012243 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1306806 | Cyp2c37 | NCBI_Gene:13096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042248 | MGI:1306806 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2. subfamily c, polypeptide 37 |
19 | gene | 40.037940 | 40.073845 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642960 | Cyp2c54 | NCBI_Gene:404195,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067225 | MGI:3642960 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 54 |
19 | gene | 40.089679 | 40.113955 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147497 | Cyp2c50 | NCBI_Gene:107141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054827 | MGI:2147497 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 50 |
19 | gene | 40.153353 | 40.187333 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385878 | Cyp2c70 | NCBI_Gene:226105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060613 | MGI:2385878 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 70 |
19 | pseudogene | 40.189990 | 40.194415 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647389 | Gm5827 | NCBI_Gene:545289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117785 | MGI:3647389 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5827 |
19 | pseudogene | 40.212364 | 40.213575 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645079 | Gm16470 | NCBI_Gene:676923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098091 | MGI:3645079 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 16470 |
19 | gene | 40.221173 | 40.271842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1860611 | Pdlim1 | NCBI_Gene:54132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055044 | MGI:1860611 | protein coding gene | PDZ and LIM domain 1 (elfin) |
19 | gene | 40.271701 | 40.274454 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624730 | Gm41845 | NCBI_Gene:105246573 | MGI:5624730 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41845 |
19 | pseudogene | 40.280951 | 40.282794 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643821 | Gm5693 | NCBI_Gene:435599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117793 | MGI:3643821 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5693 |
19 | gene | 40.292040 | 40.513874 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_700014 | Sorbs1 | NCBI_Gene:20411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025006 | MGI:700014 | protein coding gene | sorbin and SH3 domain containing 1 |
19 | gene | 40.297820 | 40.299555 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925688 | A930028N01Rik | NCBI_Gene:78438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114796 | MGI:1925688 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A930028N01 gene |
19 | gene | 40.416249 | 40.416870 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925672 | 9530039L23Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530039L23 gene |
19 | gene | 40.458213 | 40.458965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642414 | 3010085J16Rik | NA | NA | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 3010085J16 gene |
19 | gene | 40.472755 | 40.474430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917735 | 5730409N24Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5730409N24 gene |
19 | gene | 40.474599 | 40.476539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918838 | 9130009M17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130009M17 gene |
19 | gene | 40.550257 | 40.588463 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1888908 | Aldh18a1 | NCBI_Gene:56454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025007 | MGI:1888908 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family, member A1 |
19 | pseudogene | 40.558919 | 40.561755 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779625 | Gm15801 | NCBI_Gene:627166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096592 | MGI:3779625 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15801 |
19 | gene | 40.588535 | 40.594862 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504157 | Gm27042 | NCBI_Gene:102636239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097792 | MGI:5504157 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 27042 |
19 | gene | 40.596446 | 40.612281 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914840 | Tctn3 | NCBI_Gene:67590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025008 | MGI:1914840 | protein coding gene | tectonic family member 3 |
19 | gene | 40.611601 | 40.612996 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3712488 | E130009M23Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E130009M23 gene |
19 | gene | 40.612366 | 40.741602 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102805 | Entpd1 | NCBI_Gene:12495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048120 | MGI:102805 | protein coding gene | ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 40.615886 | 40.616758 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801732 | Gm16027 | NCBI_Gene:100417906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090041 | MGI:3801732 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16027 |
19 | pseudogene | 40.621776 | 40.624599 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646027 | Gm8783 | NCBI_Gene:667723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094388 | MGI:3646027 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 8783 |
19 | gene | 40.644146 | 40.654035 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302875 | Gm50132 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117952 | MGI:6302875 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50132 |
19 | gene | 40.658272 | 40.661201 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592464 | Gm33305 | NCBI_Gene:102636161 | MGI:5592464 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33305 |
19 | gene | 40.729437 | 40.731663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624731 | Gm41846 | NCBI_Gene:105246574 | MGI:5624731 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41846 |
19 | gene | 40.748753 | 40.829057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645359 | Cc2d2b | NCBI_Gene:668310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108929 | MGI:3645359 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 2B |
19 | gene | 40.816765 | 40.818268 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592641 | Gm33482 | NCBI_Gene:102636408 | MGI:5592641 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33482 |
19 | gene | 40.830522 | 40.831855 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645360 | Gm9099 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 9099 |
19 | gene | 40.831279 | 40.848572 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443297 | Ccnj | NCBI_Gene:240665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025010 | MGI:2443297 | protein coding gene | cyclin J |
19 | gene | 40.868304 | 40.882639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686464 | E030044B06Rik | NCBI_Gene:381223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097740 | MGI:2686464 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E030044B06 gene |
19 | gene | 40.893933 | 40.917947 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919922 | Zfp518a | NCBI_Gene:72672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049164 | MGI:1919922 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 518A |
19 | gene | 40.894687 | 40.898391 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3053211 | E130314M14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E130314M14 gene |
19 | gene | 40.894703 | 40.894789 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530789 | Mir8092 | miRBase:MI0026019,NCBI_Gene:102466881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099118 | MGI:5530789 | miRNA gene | microRNA 8092 |
19 | gene | 40.928927 | 40.994535 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96878 | Blnk | NCBI_Gene:17060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061132 | MGI:96878 | protein coding gene | B cell linker |
19 | gene | 41.004815 | 41.014643 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926115 | C330026H20Rik | NCBI_Gene:100861913 | MGI:1926115 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C330026H20 gene |
19 | gene | 41.009103 | 41.011703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443821 | A130015J22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A130015J22 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 41.017683 | 41.020295 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782446 | Gm4269 | NCBI_Gene:105246575 | MGI:3782446 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4269 |
19 | gene | 41.029275 | 41.059525 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98659 | Dntt | NCBI_Gene:21673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025014 | MGI:98659 | protein coding gene | deoxynucleotidyltransferase, terminal |
19 | gene | 41.061710 | 41.077113 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2657025 | Opalin | NCBI_Gene:226115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050121 | MGI:2657025 | protein coding gene | oligodendrocytic myelin paranodal and inner loop protein |
19 | gene | 41.080940 | 41.210848 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346044 | Tll2 | NCBI_Gene:24087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025013 | MGI:1346044 | protein coding gene | tolloid-like 2 |
19 | gene | 41.210842 | 41.264004 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914262 | Tm9sf3 | NCBI_Gene:107358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025016 | MGI:1914262 | protein coding gene | transmembrane 9 superfamily member 3 |
19 | gene | 41.259566 | 41.263709 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826288 | Gm46651 | NCBI_Gene:108168412 | MGI:5826288 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46651 |
19 | gene | 41.264112 | 41.265030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922881 | 1700008F19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700008F19 gene |
19 | gene | 41.272377 | 41.385102 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933177 | Pik3ap1 | NCBI_Gene:83490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025017 | MGI:1933177 | protein coding gene | phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1 |
19 | gene | 41.443382 | 41.445082 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593110 | Gm33951 | NCBI_Gene:102637042 | MGI:5593110 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33951 |
19 | pseudogene | 41.459783 | 41.461451 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704496 | Gm9788 | NCBI_Gene:100043167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044065 | MGI:3704496 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 9788 |
19 | gene | 41.481254 | 41.482185 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917137 | 2010100M03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2010100M03 gene |
19 | gene | 41.482583 | 41.596161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443930 | Lcor | NCBI_Gene:212391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025019 | MGI:2443930 | protein coding gene | ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor |
19 | gene | 41.525252 | 41.526961 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648734 | Morf4l1b | NCBI_Gene:627352 | MGI:3648734 | protein coding gene | mortality factor 4 like 1B |
19 | gene | 41.575867 | 41.589383 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685186 | Gm340 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 340 |
19 | gene | 41.588651 | 41.588789 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530957 | Mir8091 | miRBase:MI0026018,NCBI_Gene:102465884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098286 | MGI:5530957 | miRNA gene | microRNA 8091 |
19 | gene | 41.593363 | 41.596158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147586 | AI606181 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | expressed sequence AI606181 |
19 | gene | 41.597824 | 41.747540 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1315203 | Slit1 | NCBI_Gene:20562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025020 | MGI:1315203 | protein coding gene | slit guidance ligand 1 |
19 | gene | 41.691154 | 41.702436 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593275 | Gm34116 | NCBI_Gene:102637251 | MGI:5593275 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34116 |
19 | gene | 41.744804 | 41.745053 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452378 | Gm22601 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088220 | MGI:5452378 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22601 |
19 | gene | 41.746961 | 41.750097 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011609 | Gm19424 | NCBI_Gene:100502871 | MGI:5011609 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19424 |
19 | gene | 41.766588 | 41.802084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918335 | Arhgap19 | NCBI_Gene:71085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025154 | MGI:1918335 | protein coding gene | Rho GTPase activating protein 19 |
19 | gene | 41.807949 | 41.819642 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624732 | Gm41847 | NCBI_Gene:105246576 | MGI:5624732 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41847 |
19 | gene | 41.829970 | 41.832583 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109450 | Frat1 | NCBI_Gene:14296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067199 | MGI:109450 | protein coding gene | frequently rearranged in advanced T cell lymphomas |
19 | gene | 41.845972 | 41.848132 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2673967 | Frat2 | NCBI_Gene:212398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047604 | MGI:2673967 | protein coding gene | frequently rearranged in advanced T cell lymphomas 2 |
19 | gene | 41.862851 | 41.896173 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147437 | Rrp12 | NCBI_Gene:107094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035049 | MGI:2147437 | protein coding gene | ribosomal RNA processing 12 homolog (S. cerevisiae) |
19 | pseudogene | 41.900999 | 41.903231 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826281 | Gm46644 | NCBI_Gene:108168404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117675 | MGI:5826281 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46644 |
19 | gene | 41.911871 | 41.918665 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97552 | Pgam1 | NCBI_Gene:18648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011752 | MGI:97552 | protein coding gene | phosphoglycerate mutase 1 |
19 | gene | 41.919650 | 41.922399 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443824 | B130024M06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B130024M06 gene |
19 | gene | 41.922292 | 41.933423 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913833 | Exosc1 | NCBI_Gene:66583,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034321 | MGI:1913833 | protein coding gene | exosome component 1 |
19 | gene | 41.933472 | 41.944104 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921418 | Zdhhc16 | NCBI_Gene:74168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025157 | MGI:1921418 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 16 |
19 | gene | 41.941086 | 41.981165 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919449 | Mms19 | NCBI_Gene:72199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025159 | MGI:1919449 | protein coding gene | MMS19 cytosolic iron-sulfur assembly component |
19 | gene | 41.972105 | 41.974522 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443381 | B130065D12Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B130065D12 gene |
19 | gene | 41.975188 | 41.975286 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452890 | Gm23113 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089102 | MGI:5452890 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23113 |
19 | gene | 41.981763 | 42.034650 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385092 | Ubtd1 | NCBI_Gene:226122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025171 | MGI:2385092 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin domain containing 1 |
19 | gene | 41.986563 | 41.990400 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443153 | E130107B13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E130107B13 gene |
19 | gene | 42.035918 | 42.045111 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861447 | Ankrd2 | NCBI_Gene:56642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025172 | MGI:1861447 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 2 (stretch responsive muscle) |
19 | gene | 42.045610 | 42.070953 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914682 | Hoga1 | NCBI_Gene:67432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025176 | MGI:1914682 | protein coding gene | 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 1 |
19 | gene | 42.052228 | 42.053628 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914015 | 4933411K16Rik | NCBI_Gene:66765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090369 | MGI:1914015 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933411K16 gene |
19 | gene | 42.074939 | 42.086370 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2449568 | Morn4 | NCBI_Gene:226123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049670 | MGI:2449568 | protein coding gene | MORN repeat containing 4 |
19 | gene | 42.090145 | 42.122218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1934031 | Pi4k2a | NCBI_Gene:84095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025178 | MGI:1934031 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 alpha |
19 | gene | 42.123273 | 42.129059 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916784 | Avpi1 | NCBI_Gene:69534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018821 | MGI:1916784 | protein coding gene | arginine vasopressin-induced 1 |
19 | gene | 42.147389 | 42.151703 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147570 | Marveld1 | NCBI_Gene:277010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044345 | MGI:2147570 | protein coding gene | MARVEL (membrane-associating) domain containing 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 42.159631 | 42.160768 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647230 | Gm6937 | NCBI_Gene:628994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117856 | MGI:3647230 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6937 |
19 | gene | 42.163951 | 42.194593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919602 | Zfyve27 | NCBI_Gene:319740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018820 | MGI:1919602 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 27 |
19 | gene | 42.197971 | 42.202252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1860298 | Sfrp5 | NCBI_Gene:54612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018822 | MGI:1860298 | protein coding gene | secreted frizzled-related sequence protein 5 |
19 | gene | 42.247574 | 42.270348 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918396 | Golga7b | NCBI_Gene:71146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042532 | MGI:1918396 | protein coding gene | golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 7B |
19 | gene | 42.268287 | 42.431822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920082 | Crtac1 | NCBI_Gene:72832,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042401 | MGI:1920082 | protein coding gene | cartilage acidic protein 1 |
19 | gene | 42.274964 | 42.275062 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456116 | Gm26339 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076323 | MGI:5456116 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 26339 |
19 | gene | 42.276887 | 42.314626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593506 | Gm34347 | NCBI_Gene:102637571 | MGI:5593506 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34347 |
19 | gene | 42.280082 | 42.280170 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834259 | Mir3085 | miRBase:MI0014048,NCBI_Gene:100526549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093234 | MGI:4834259 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3085 |
19 | pseudogene | 42.378991 | 42.379101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302957 | Gm50184 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117706 | MGI:6302957 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50184 |
19 | gene | 42.387741 | 42.397551 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624733 | Gm41848 | NCBI_Gene:105246577 | MGI:5624733 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41848 |
19 | gene | 42.402212 | 42.414246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593458 | Gm34299 | NCBI_Gene:102637508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117728 | MGI:5593458 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34299 |
19 | gene | 42.444057 | 42.448376 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624734 | Gm41849 | NCBI_Gene:105246578 | MGI:5624734 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41849 |
19 | gene | 42.483124 | 42.486499 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624735 | Gm41850 | NCBI_Gene:105246579 | MGI:5624735 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41850 |
19 | gene | 42.509119 | 42.512197 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624736 | Gm41851 | NCBI_Gene:105246580 | MGI:5624736 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41851 |
19 | gene | 42.518315 | 42.592343 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1196316 | R3hcc1l | NCBI_Gene:52013,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025184 | MGI:1196316 | protein coding gene | R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1 like |
19 | gene | 42.536850 | 42.563108 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4414961 | Gm16541 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090117 | MGI:4414961 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16541 |
19 | gene | 42.551570 | 42.552164 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926126 | B230214N19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B230214N19 gene |
19 | gene | 42.566036 | 42.567962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924199 | 2810404I24Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2810404I24 gene |
19 | gene | 42.592279 | 42.612813 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914823 | Loxl4 | NCBI_Gene:67573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025185 | MGI:1914823 | protein coding gene | lysyl oxidase-like 4 |
19 | gene | 42.699777 | 42.699902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454993 | Gm25216 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077768 | MGI:5454993 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25216 |
19 | gene | 42.725857 | 42.752824 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921830 | Pyroxd2 | NCBI_Gene:74580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060224 | MGI:1921830 | protein coding gene | pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 2 |
19 | gene | 42.745691 | 42.752329 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011622 | Gm19437 | NCBI_Gene:102637646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118354 | MGI:5011622 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19437 |
19 | gene | 42.755105 | 42.779996 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2177763 | Hps1 | NCBI_Gene:192236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025188 | MGI:2177763 | protein coding gene | HPS1, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 3 subunit 1 |
19 | gene | 42.778653 | 42.781574 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802128 | Gm16244 | NCBI_Gene:102637720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090235 | MGI:3802128 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16244 |
19 | gene | 42.786539 | 43.388455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685814 | Hpse2 | NCBI_Gene:545291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074852 | MGI:2685814 | protein coding gene | heparanase 2 |
19 | gene | 43.160795 | 43.160902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451912 | Gm22135 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089377 | MGI:5451912 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 22135 |
19 | gene | 43.266936 | 43.277654 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593676 | Gm34517 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117880 | MGI:5593676 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34517 |
19 | pseudogene | 43.278429 | 43.279303 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010564 | Gm18379 | NCBI_Gene:100417040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117682 | MGI:5010564 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18379 |
19 | pseudogene | 43.280776 | 43.284225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647201 | Gm6776 | NCBI_Gene:627624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047509 | MGI:3647201 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6776 |
19 | gene | 43.386283 | 43.387399 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918806 | 8430434A19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 8430434A19 gene |
19 | gene | 43.424826 | 43.427960 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621453 | Gm38568 | NCBI_Gene:102641642 | MGI:5621453 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38568 |
19 | gene | 43.434610 | 43.440460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6097198 | Gm47936 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114742 | MGI:6097198 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 47936 |
19 | gene | 43.440350 | 43.497213 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891366 | Cnnm1 | NCBI_Gene:83674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025189 | MGI:1891366 | protein coding gene | cyclin M1 |
19 | gene | 43.457444 | 43.469758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6097201 | Gm47938 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114721 | MGI:6097201 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 47938 |
19 | gene | 43.499752 | 43.524605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95791 | Got1 | NCBI_Gene:14718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025190 | MGI:95791 | protein coding gene | glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1, soluble |
19 | gene | 43.528312 | 43.566029 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302970 | Gm50194 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118221 | MGI:6302970 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50194 |
19 | pseudogene | 43.544183 | 43.544962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011364 | Gm19179 | NCBI_Gene:100418390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118308 | MGI:5011364 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19179 |
19 | gene | 43.545927 | 43.573357 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593795 | Gm34636 | NCBI_Gene:102637951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117991 | MGI:5593795 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34636 |
19 | gene | 43.609077 | 43.610717 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141932 | Gm20467 | NCBI_Gene:102638028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092250 | MGI:5141932 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20467 |
19 | gene | 43.610832 | 43.611890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826293 | Gm46656 | NCBI_Gene:108168417 | MGI:5826293 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46656 |
19 | gene | 43.612325 | 43.615892 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97348 | Nkx2-3 | NCBI_Gene:18089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044220 | MGI:97348 | protein coding gene | NK2 homeobox 3 |
19 | gene | 43.622446 | 43.622560 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452423 | Gm22646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092871 | MGI:5452423 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22646 |
19 | gene | 43.637372 | 43.642404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782492 | Gm4311 | NCBI_Gene:100043245 | MGI:3782492 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 4311 |
19 | gene | 43.645554 | 43.655630 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594081 | Gm34922 | NCBI_Gene:102638332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118236 | MGI:5594081 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34922 |
19 | gene | 43.663801 | 43.675510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2180509 | Slc25a28 | NCBI_Gene:246696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040414 | MGI:2180509 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 25, member 28 |
19 | gene | 43.675178 | 43.677176 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652856 | BC037704 | NCBI_Gene:100502982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117698 | MGI:2652856 | lncRNA gene | cDNA sequence BC037704 |
19 | gene | 43.689672 | 43.733853 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2135885 | Entpd7 | NCBI_Gene:93685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025192 | MGI:2135885 | protein coding gene | ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7 |
19 | gene | 43.733254 | 43.753000 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920112 | Cox15 | NCBI_Gene:226139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040018 | MGI:1920112 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 15 |
19 | gene | 43.752996 | 43.768638 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913638 | Cutc | NCBI_Gene:66388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025193 | MGI:1913638 | protein coding gene | cutC copper transporter |
19 | gene | 43.782192 | 43.840740 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1352447 | Abcc2 | NCBI_Gene:12780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025194 | MGI:1352447 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 2 |
19 | gene | 43.838803 | 43.840845 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642139 | Gm10768 | NCBI_Gene:100038628 | MGI:3642139 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10768 |
19 | gene | 43.846815 | 43.940323 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917352 | Dnmbp | NCBI_Gene:71972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025195 | MGI:1917352 | protein coding gene | dynamin binding protein |
19 | gene | 43.857245 | 43.857351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454177 | Gm24400 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088490 | MGI:5454177 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24400 |
19 | gene | 43.920473 | 43.927928 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303010 | Gm50217 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118000 | MGI:6303010 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50217 |
19 | gene | 43.932316 | 43.932432 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4421755 | n-R5s21 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084641 | MGI:4421755 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 21 |
19 | gene | 43.940037 | 43.940920 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920770 | 1700084K02Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700084K02 gene |
19 | gene | 43.956307 | 43.986556 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2135874 | Cpn1 | NCBI_Gene:93721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025196 | MGI:2135874 | protein coding gene | carboxypeptidase N, polypeptide 1 |
19 | gene | 44.005022 | 44.029256 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1888897 | Cyp2c23 | NCBI_Gene:226143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025197 | MGI:1888897 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 23 |
19 | gene | 44.034943 | 44.070494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2387613 | Erlin1 | NCBI_Gene:226144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025198 | MGI:2387613 | protein coding gene | ER lipid raft associated 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 44.052234 | 44.052736 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010415 | Gm18230 | NCBI_Gene:100416753 | MGI:5010415 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18230 |
19 | gene | 44.073334 | 44.107509 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99484 | Chuk | NCBI_Gene:12675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025199 | MGI:99484 | protein coding gene | conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase |
19 | gene | 44.108637 | 44.135876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919752 | Cwf19l1 | NCBI_Gene:72502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025200 | MGI:1919752 | protein coding gene | CWF19-like 1, cell cycle control (S. pombe) |
19 | gene | 44.113979 | 44.114124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454113 | Gm24336 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077391 | MGI:5454113 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24336 |
19 | gene | 44.139246 | 44.146470 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920939 | Bloc1s2 | NCBI_Gene:73689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057506 | MGI:1920939 | protein coding gene | biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex-1, subunit 2 |
19 | gene | 44.147637 | 44.249352 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352448 | Pkd2l1 | NCBI_Gene:329064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037578 | MGI:1352448 | protein coding gene | polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 |
19 | gene | 44.203269 | 44.244016 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353437 | Scd3 | NCBI_Gene:30049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025202 | MGI:1353437 | protein coding gene | stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 3 |
19 | gene | 44.225796 | 44.246570 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303185 | Gm50323 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117900 | MGI:6303185 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50323 |
19 | pseudogene | 44.252517 | 44.261446 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643963 | Gm6951 | NCBI_Gene:629152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118217 | MGI:3643963 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6951 |
19 | gene | 44.272137 | 44.278228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594342 | Gm35183 | NCBI_Gene:102638677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117958 | MGI:5594342 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35183 |
19 | gene | 44.282343 | 44.283697 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624738 | Gm41853 | NCBI_Gene:105246582 | MGI:5624738 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41853 |
19 | gene | 44.293674 | 44.306864 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98240 | Scd2 | NCBI_Gene:20250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025203 | MGI:98240 | protein coding gene | stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 2 |
19 | gene | 44.303171 | 44.303231 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4950434 | Mir5114 | miRBase:MI0018023,NCBI_Gene:100628619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093315 | MGI:4950434 | miRNA gene | microRNA 5114 |
19 | gene | 44.313772 | 44.317329 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303204 | Gm50334 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117957 | MGI:6303204 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50334 |
19 | gene | 44.333092 | 44.346743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2670997 | Scd4 | NCBI_Gene:329065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050195 | MGI:2670997 | protein coding gene | stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 4 |
19 | gene | 44.394450 | 44.407879 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98239 | Scd1 | NCBI_Gene:20249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037071 | MGI:98239 | protein coding gene | stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 1 |
19 | gene | 44.419610 | 44.437886 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303210 | Gm50337 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118076 | MGI:6303210 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50337 |
19 | gene | 44.453017 | 44.459853 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594565 | Gm35406 | NCBI_Gene:102638973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117796 | MGI:5594565 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35406 |
19 | gene | 44.493472 | 44.514273 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109485 | Wnt8b | NCBI_Gene:22423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036961 | MGI:109485 | protein coding gene | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 8B |
19 | gene | 44.516957 | 44.545864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685187 | Sec31b | NCBI_Gene:240667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051984 | MGI:2685187 | protein coding gene | Sec31 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) |
19 | gene | 44.543722 | 44.552831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5142003 | Gm20538 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091471 | MGI:5142003 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 20538 |
19 | gene | 44.548572 | 44.555442 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914514 | Ndufb8 | NCBI_Gene:67264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025204 | MGI:1914514 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B8 |
19 | gene | 44.562850 | 44.576274 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442345 | Hif1an | NCBI_Gene:319594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036450 | MGI:2442345 | protein coding gene | hypoxia-inducible factor 1, alpha subunit inhibitor |
19 | gene | 44.614740 | 44.646879 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594619 | Gm35460 | NCBI_Gene:102639056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117911 | MGI:5594619 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35460 |
19 | gene | 44.672417 | 44.674865 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624739 | Gm41854 | NCBI_Gene:105246583 | MGI:5624739 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41854 |
19 | gene | 44.685753 | 44.695460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477138 | Gm26644 | NCBI_Gene:102639186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097683 | MGI:5477138 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26644 |
19 | gene | 44.739879 | 44.743444 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594769 | Gm35610 | NCBI_Gene:102639257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117823 | MGI:5594769 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35610 |
19 | gene | 44.745693 | 44.837871 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97486 | Pax2 | NCBI_Gene:18504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004231 | MGI:97486 | protein coding gene | paired box 2 |
19 | gene | 44.773762 | 44.784512 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141860 | Gm20395 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092469 | MGI:5141860 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20395 |
19 | gene | 44.808406 | 44.808529 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530731 | Mir6405 | miRBase:MI0021941,NCBI_Gene:102466645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098952 | MGI:5530731 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6405 |
19 | gene | 44.828493 | 44.835938 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920572 | 1700039E22Rik | NCBI_Gene:73322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092369 | MGI:1920572 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700039E22 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 44.851009 | 44.851979 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646252 | Gm5246 | NCBI_Gene:383450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117967 | MGI:3646252 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5246 |
19 | gene | 44.918505 | 44.983787 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924968 | Slf2 | NCBI_Gene:226151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036097 | MGI:1924968 | protein coding gene | SMC5-SMC6 complex localization factor 2 |
19 | gene | 44.945022 | 44.945128 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455259 | Gm25482 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065159 | MGI:5455259 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25482 |
19 | gene | 44.960373 | 44.984550 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921144 | 4930414N06Rik | NCBI_Gene:73894,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118204 | MGI:1921144 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930414N06 gene |
19 | gene | 44.988966 | 45.003397 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347047 | Sema4g | NCBI_Gene:26456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025207 | MGI:1347047 | protein coding gene | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4G |
19 | gene | 45.004829 | 45.006442 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2137229 | Mrpl43 | NCBI_Gene:94067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025208 | MGI:2137229 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L43 |
19 | gene | 45.005662 | 45.012763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2137410 | Twnk | NCBI_Gene:226153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025209 | MGI:2137410 | protein coding gene | twinkle mtDNA helicase |
19 | gene | 45.014414 | 45.027115 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385095 | Lzts2 | NCBI_Gene:226154,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035342 | MGI:2385095 | protein coding gene | leucine zipper, putative tumor suppressor 2 |
19 | gene | 45.026906 | 45.058307 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3608325 | Pdzd7 | NCBI_Gene:100503041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074818 | MGI:3608325 | protein coding gene | PDZ domain containing 7 |
19 | gene | 45.030404 | 45.031132 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924586 | 9430030N17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430030N17 gene |
19 | gene | 45.047241 | 45.056383 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2137679 | Sfxn3 | NCBI_Gene:94280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025212 | MGI:2137679 | protein coding gene | sideroflexin 3 |
19 | gene | 45.058841 | 45.110342 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595026 | Gm35867 | NCBI_Gene:102639590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117848 | MGI:5595026 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35867 |
19 | gene | 45.060632 | 45.075109 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594941 | Gm35782 | NCBI_Gene:102639478 | MGI:5594941 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35782 |
19 | gene | 45.075091 | 45.079289 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147606 | Kazald1 | NCBI_Gene:107250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025213 | MGI:2147606 | protein coding gene | Kazal-type serine peptidase inhibitor domain 1 |
19 | gene | 45.080008 | 45.080583 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922558 | 4930557B21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930557B21 gene |
19 | gene | 45.144743 | 45.146954 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595082 | Gm35923 | NCBI_Gene:102639665 | MGI:5595082 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35923 |
19 | gene | 45.150082 | 45.156943 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98769 | Tlx1 | NCBI_Gene:21908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025215 | MGI:98769 | protein coding gene | T cell leukemia, homeobox 1 |
19 | gene | 45.154057 | 45.159304 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141889 | Tlx1os | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092346 | MGI:5141889 | antisense lncRNA gene | T cell leukemia, homeobox 1, opposite strand |
19 | gene | 45.232684 | 45.237430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104867 | Lbx1 | NCBI_Gene:16814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025216 | MGI:104867 | protein coding gene | ladybird homeobox 1 |
19 | gene | 45.300455 | 45.338477 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579284 | Gm28578 | NCBI_Gene:102639970,NCBI_Gene:102640042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100417 | MGI:5579284 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28578 |
19 | gene | 45.300458 | 45.303246 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580301 | Gm29595 | NCBI_Gene:102639746 | MGI:5580301 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29595 |
19 | gene | 45.311291 | 45.312882 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580299 | Gm29593 | NCBI_Gene:108168425 | MGI:5580299 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29593 |
19 | gene | 45.317893 | 45.318429 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580300 | Gm29594 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102057 | MGI:5580300 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29594 |
19 | gene | 45.363213 | 45.363649 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922903 | 1700016H03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114673 | MGI:1922903 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700016H03 gene |
19 | gene | 45.363734 | 45.533343 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1338871 | Btrc | NCBI_Gene:12234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025217 | MGI:1338871 | protein coding gene | beta-transducin repeat containing protein |
19 | pseudogene | 45.396765 | 45.397796 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010289 | Gm18104 | NCBI_Gene:100416415 | MGI:5010289 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18104 |
19 | pseudogene | 45.450276 | 45.451247 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649145 | Gm6807 | NCBI_Gene:627889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057605 | MGI:3649145 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6807 |
19 | gene | 45.542766 | 45.544997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624741 | Gm41856 | NCBI_Gene:105246585 | MGI:5624741 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41856 |
19 | gene | 45.544596 | 45.546346 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011824 | Gm19639 | NCBI_Gene:100503332 | MGI:5011824 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19639 |
19 | gene | 45.552275 | 45.560543 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1889000 | Poll | NCBI_Gene:56626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025218 | MGI:1889000 | protein coding gene | polymerase (DNA directed), lambda |
19 | gene | 45.560590 | 45.578287 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924407 | Dpcd | NCBI_Gene:226162 | MGI:1924407 | protein coding gene | deleted in primary ciliary dyskinesia |
19 | gene | 45.560615 | 45.579763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4820566 | Gm17018 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041035 | MGI:4820566 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 17018 |
19 | gene | 45.578254 | 45.660539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354698 | Fbxw4 | NCBI_Gene:30838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040913 | MGI:1354698 | protein coding gene | F-box and WD-40 domain protein 4 |
19 | gene | 45.726555 | 45.730558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918482 | 4933429K18Rik | NCBI_Gene:71232 | MGI:1918482 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933429K18 gene |
19 | gene | 45.736798 | 45.742938 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99604 | Fgf8 | NCBI_Gene:14179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025219 | MGI:99604 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor 8 |
19 | gene | 45.747734 | 45.749591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_894653 | Npm3 | NCBI_Gene:18150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056209 | MGI:894653 | protein coding gene | nucleoplasmin 3 |
19 | gene | 45.749508 | 45.752310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782937 | Gm15491 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087367 | MGI:3782937 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15491 |
19 | gene | 45.750259 | 45.783837 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1932139 | Oga | NCBI_Gene:76055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025220 | MGI:1932139 | protein coding gene | O-GlcNAcase |
19 | gene | 45.791839 | 45.816432 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2135916 | Kcnip2 | NCBI_Gene:80906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025221 | MGI:2135916 | protein coding gene | Kv channel-interacting protein 2 |
19 | gene | 45.817364 | 45.998580 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918867 | Armh3 | NCBI_Gene:71617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039901 | MGI:1918867 | protein coding gene | armadillo-like helical domain containing 3 |
19 | gene | 45.843617 | 45.848296 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302974 | Gm50196 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117956 | MGI:6302974 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50196 |
19 | pseudogene | 45.877611 | 45.878164 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645759 | Gm6813 | NCBI_Gene:627939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117972 | MGI:3645759 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6813 |
19 | gene | 45.997572 | 46.013387 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922306 | 4930505N22Rik | NCBI_Gene:100174921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097690 | MGI:1922306 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930505N22 gene |
19 | gene | 46.003478 | 46.006173 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2181763 | Hps6 | NCBI_Gene:20170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074811 | MGI:2181763 | protein coding gene | HPS6, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 3 |
19 | gene | 46.031570 | 46.045515 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_894762 | Ldb1 | NCBI_Gene:16825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025223 | MGI:894762 | protein coding gene | LIM domain binding 1 |
19 | gene | 46.044886 | 46.072915 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385096 | Pprc1 | NCBI_Gene:226169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055491 | MGI:2385096 | protein coding gene | peroxisome proliferative activated receptor, gamma, coactivator-related 1 |
19 | gene | 46.075847 | 46.085543 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918019 | Nolc1 | NCBI_Gene:70769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015176 | MGI:1918019 | protein coding gene | nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 |
19 | gene | 46.124930 | 46.131471 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303157 | Gm50306 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117703 | MGI:6303157 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50306 |
19 | gene | 46.131897 | 46.135694 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1195976 | Elovl3 | NCBI_Gene:12686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038754 | MGI:1195976 | protein coding gene | elongation of very long chain fatty acids (FEN1/Elo2, SUR4/Elo3, yeast)-like 3 |
19 | gene | 46.135294 | 46.148326 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100498 | Pitx3 | NCBI_Gene:18742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025229 | MGI:1100498 | protein coding gene | paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 3 |
19 | gene | 46.152509 | 46.286510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861607 | Gbf1 | NCBI_Gene:107338,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025224 | MGI:1861607 | protein coding gene | golgi-specific brefeldin A-resistance factor 1 |
19 | gene | 46.180483 | 46.185809 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444071 | D430033H22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D430033H22 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 46.204141 | 46.205964 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648532 | Gm8974 | NCBI_Gene:105246586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093525 | MGI:3648532 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8974 |
19 | gene | 46.213099 | 46.215985 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443201 | C130013I19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C130013I19 gene |
19 | gene | 46.264539 | 46.267669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4439650 | Gm16726 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086816 | MGI:4439650 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16726 |
19 | gene | 46.303590 | 46.305623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147599 | 4833438C02Rik | NCBI_Gene:100503392,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118087 | MGI:2147599 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833438C02 gene |
19 | gene | 46.304320 | 46.312385 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1099800 | Nfkb2 | NCBI_Gene:18034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025225 | MGI:1099800 | protein coding gene | nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 2, p49/p100 |
19 | gene | 46.312085 | 46.327188 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920978 | Psd | NCBI_Gene:73728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037126 | MGI:1920978 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing |
19 | gene | 46.328119 | 46.330446 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915681 | Fbxl15 | NCBI_Gene:68431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025226 | MGI:1915681 | protein coding gene | F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 15 |
19 | gene | 46.329812 | 46.338702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914366 | Cuedc2 | NCBI_Gene:67116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036748 | MGI:1914366 | protein coding gene | CUE domain containing 2 |
19 | gene | 46.335287 | 46.338538 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477286 | Gm26792 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096996 | MGI:5477286 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26792 |
19 | gene | 46.338776 | 46.344131 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595652 | Gm36493 | NCBI_Gene:102640430 | MGI:5595652 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36493 |
19 | gene | 46.341121 | 46.375254 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922396 | Mfsd13a | NCBI_Gene:75146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025227 | MGI:1922396 | protein coding gene | major facilitator superfamily domain containing 13a |
19 | gene | 46.342762 | 46.342870 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3629945 | Mir146b | miRBase:MI0004665,NCBI_Gene:751550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070127 | MGI:3629945 | miRNA gene | microRNA 146b |
19 | gene | 46.348201 | 46.350302 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922829 | 2310034G01Rik | NCBI_Gene:75579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099655 | MGI:1922829 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310034G01 gene |
19 | gene | 46.359036 | 46.359144 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454387 | Gm24610 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065204 | MGI:5454387 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24610 |
19 | gene | 46.376811 | 46.395748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858964 | Actr1a | NCBI_Gene:54130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025228 | MGI:1858964 | protein coding gene | ARP1 actin-related protein 1A, centractin alpha |
19 | gene | 46.396896 | 46.488804 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345643 | Sufu | NCBI_Gene:24069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025231 | MGI:1345643 | protein coding gene | SUFU negative regulator of hedgehog signaling |
19 | gene | 46.426855 | 46.427656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924501 | 9430020M11Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430020M11 gene |
19 | gene | 46.501648 | 46.502782 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704497 | Gm9798 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 9798 |
19 | gene | 46.501648 | 46.516848 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933302 | Trim8 | NCBI_Gene:93679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025034 | MGI:1933302 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 8 |
19 | gene | 46.531096 | 46.573198 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929699 | Arl3 | NCBI_Gene:56350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025035 | MGI:1929699 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosylation factor-like 3 |
19 | gene | 46.573323 | 46.598066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2137678 | Sfxn2 | NCBI_Gene:94279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025036 | MGI:2137678 | protein coding gene | sideroflexin 2 |
19 | gene | 46.599084 | 46.657389 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107577 | Wbp1l | NCBI_Gene:226178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047731 | MGI:107577 | protein coding gene | WW domain binding protein 1 like |
19 | gene | 46.657734 | 46.666450 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595761 | Gm36602 | NCBI_Gene:102640568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118040 | MGI:5595761 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36602 |
19 | gene | 46.667165 | 46.673172 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88586 | Cyp17a1 | NCBI_Gene:13074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003555 | MGI:88586 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 17, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 |
19 | gene | 46.668680 | 46.676083 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624742 | Gm41857 | NCBI_Gene:105246587 | MGI:5624742 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41857 |
19 | pseudogene | 46.674086 | 46.675297 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648147 | Gm6967 | NCBI_Gene:629359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097937 | MGI:3648147 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6967 |
19 | gene | 46.689906 | 46.703382 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913689 | Borcs7 | NCBI_Gene:66439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062376 | MGI:1913689 | protein coding gene | BLOC-1 related complex subunit 7 |
19 | gene | 46.707359 | 46.741099 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929882 | As3mt | NCBI_Gene:57344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003559 | MGI:1929882 | protein coding gene | arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase |
19 | gene | 46.759671 | 46.763467 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704498 | Gm10199 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10199 |
19 | gene | 46.761564 | 46.880192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2151054 | Cnnm2 | NCBI_Gene:94219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064105 | MGI:2151054 | protein coding gene | cyclin M2 |
19 | gene | 46.881495 | 46.883439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303362 | Gm50431 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117814 | MGI:6303362 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50431 |
19 | gene | 46.883090 | 46.883430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925220 | A930026I22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930026I22 gene |
19 | gene | 46.883317 | 47.015189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2178563 | Nt5c2 | NCBI_Gene:76952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025041 | MGI:2178563 | protein coding gene | 5’-nucleotidase, cytosolic II |
19 | gene | 46.889008 | 46.909575 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704499 | Gm9751 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 9751 |
19 | pseudogene | 46.920507 | 46.921270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010675 | Gm18490 | NCBI_Gene:100417264 | MGI:5010675 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18490 |
19 | pseudogene | 46.996290 | 46.997196 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010842 | Gm18657 | NCBI_Gene:100417509 | MGI:5010842 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18657 |
19 | gene | 47.014698 | 47.025327 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96568 | Ina | NCBI_Gene:226180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034336 | MGI:96568 | protein coding gene | internexin neuronal intermediate filament protein, alpha |
19 | gene | 47.033617 | 47.051096 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918291 | Pcgf6 | NCBI_Gene:71041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025050 | MGI:1918291 | protein coding gene | polycomb group ring finger 6 |
19 | pseudogene | 47.054505 | 47.055248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303179 | Gm50319 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117691 | MGI:6303179 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50319 |
19 | gene | 47.058162 | 47.058268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452917 | Gm23140 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094400 | MGI:5452917 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23140 |
19 | gene | 47.067746 | 47.083479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442144 | Taf5 | NCBI_Gene:226182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025049 | MGI:2442144 | protein coding gene | TATA-box binding protein associated factor 5 |
19 | gene | 47.083464 | 47.090647 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891435 | Atp5md | NCBI_Gene:66477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071528 | MGI:1891435 | protein coding gene | ATP synthase membrane subunit DAPIT |
19 | gene | 47.090749 | 47.131865 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1341788 | Pdcd11 | NCBI_Gene:18572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025047 | MGI:1341788 | protein coding gene | programmed cell death 11 |
19 | gene | 47.105353 | 47.138294 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919941 | Calhm2 | NCBI_Gene:72691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033033 | MGI:1919941 | protein coding gene | calcium homeostasis modulator family member 2 |
19 | gene | 47.126150 | 47.131251 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704500 | D930027P08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D930027P08 gene |
19 | gene | 47.140909 | 47.144254 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643383 | Calhm1 | NCBI_Gene:546729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079258 | MGI:3643383 | protein coding gene | calcium homeostasis modulator 1 |
19 | gene | 47.151609 | 47.157764 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645665 | Calhm3 | NCBI_Gene:240669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094219 | MGI:3645665 | protein coding gene | calcium homeostasis modulator 3 |
19 | pseudogene | 47.170426 | 47.171200 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645322 | H1f11-ps | NCBI_Gene:629389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091230 | MGI:3645322 | pseudogene | H1.11 linker histone, pseudogene |
19 | gene | 47.178820 | 47.259441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1334263 | Neurl1a | NCBI_Gene:18011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006435 | MGI:1334263 | protein coding gene | neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1A |
19 | gene | 47.197881 | 47.206768 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595852 | Gm36693 | NCBI_Gene:102640681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118127 | MGI:5595852 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36693 |
19 | gene | 47.220713 | 47.221909 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303214 | Gm50339 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117659 | MGI:6303214 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50339 |
19 | gene | 47.260174 | 47.464613 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1298393 | Sh3pxd2a | NCBI_Gene:14218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053617 | MGI:1298393 | protein coding gene | SH3 and PX domains 2A |
19 | gene | 47.273519 | 47.273589 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530958 | Mir6995 | miRBase:MI0022843,NCBI_Gene:102466782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098786 | MGI:5530958 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6995 |
19 | gene | 47.286725 | 47.293330 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588993 | Gm29834 | NCBI_Gene:102631515 | MGI:5588993 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29834 |
19 | gene | 47.426070 | 47.435135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5596044 | Gm36885 | NCBI_Gene:102640939 | MGI:5596044 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36885 |
19 | gene | 47.483840 | 47.485344 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624743 | Gm41858 | NCBI_Gene:105246588 | MGI:5624743 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41858 |
19 | gene | 47.501033 | 47.537507 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915581 | Stn1 | NCBI_Gene:108689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042694 | MGI:1915581 | protein coding gene | STN1, CST complex subunit |
19 | gene | 47.512982 | 47.516578 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011742 | Gm19557 | NCBI_Gene:100503104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097990 | MGI:5011742 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19557 |
19 | gene | 47.579678 | 47.645246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103241 | Slk | NCBI_Gene:20874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025060 | MGI:103241 | protein coding gene | STE20-like kinase |
19 | gene | 47.597237 | 47.602329 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303244 | Gm50358 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118206 | MGI:6303244 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50358 |
19 | gene | 47.605899 | 47.617106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3802005 | Gm16068 | NCBI_Gene:102631588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086121 | MGI:3802005 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16068 |
19 | gene | 47.646341 | 47.692094 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88450 | Col17a1 | NCBI_Gene:12821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025064 | MGI:88450 | protein coding gene | collagen, type XVII, alpha 1 |
19 | gene | 47.694671 | 47.696533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303115 | Gm50281 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117702 | MGI:6303115 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50281 |
19 | gene | 47.710866 | 47.710981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455862 | Gm26085 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088525 | MGI:5455862 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26085 |
19 | gene | 47.714784 | 47.714887 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454582 | Gm24805 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096704 | MGI:5454582 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24805 |
19 | gene | 47.721035 | 47.723066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303117 | Gm50282 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118149 | MGI:6303117 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50282 |
19 | gene | 47.731682 | 47.735588 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915038 | Sfr1 | NCBI_Gene:67788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025066 | MGI:1915038 | protein coding gene | SWI5 dependent recombination repair 1 |
19 | gene | 47.735267 | 47.919287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1289258 | Cfap43 | NCBI_Gene:100048534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044948 | MGI:1289258 | protein coding gene | cilia and flagella associated protein 43 |
19 | gene | 47.755022 | 47.755157 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531244 | Mir8090 | miRBase:MI0026017,NCBI_Gene:102465883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099069 | MGI:5531244 | miRNA gene | microRNA 8090 |
19 | gene | 47.853111 | 47.854772 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589180 | Gm30021 | NCBI_Gene:102631766 | MGI:5589180 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30021 |
19 | gene | 47.854970 | 47.864790 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1342273 | Gsto1 | NCBI_Gene:14873,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025068 | MGI:1342273 | protein coding gene | glutathione S-transferase omega 1 |
19 | gene | 47.865534 | 47.886324 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915464 | Gsto2 | NCBI_Gene:68214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025069 | MGI:1915464 | protein coding gene | glutathione S-transferase omega 2 |
19 | gene | 47.894593 | 47.919519 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3042776 | Itprip | NCBI_Gene:414801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117975 | MGI:3042776 | protein coding gene | inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor interacting protein |
19 | gene | 47.919192 | 47.919273 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452017 | Gm22240 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092966 | MGI:5452017 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22240 |
19 | gene | 47.937675 | 48.035387 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685815 | Cfap58 | NCBI_Gene:381229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046585 | MGI:2685815 | protein coding gene | cilia and flagella associated protein 58 |
19 | gene | 48.117348 | 48.136082 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303360 | Gm50430 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117690 | MGI:6303360 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50430 |
19 | gene | 48.206025 | 48.805505 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913923 | Sorcs3 | NCBI_Gene:66673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063434 | MGI:1913923 | protein coding gene | sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 3 |
19 | gene | 48.240535 | 48.240645 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453634 | Gm23857 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089004 | MGI:5453634 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 23857 |
19 | gene | 48.240774 | 48.241114 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924179 | 1700021N20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700021N20 gene |
19 | gene | 48.811136 | 48.813495 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303368 | Gm50436 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117930 | MGI:6303368 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50436 |
19 | gene | 48.990469 | 48.991981 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922433 | 4930535F04Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118014 | MGI:1922433 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930535F04 gene |
19 | gene | 48.992084 | 48.996546 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303375 | Gm50441 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117996 | MGI:6303375 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50441 |
19 | gene | 49.090673 | 49.107771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303377 | Gm50442 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118111 | MGI:6303377 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50442 |
19 | pseudogene | 49.554018 | 49.557406 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303380 | Gm50444 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117931 | MGI:6303380 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50444 |
19 | pseudogene | 49.709393 | 49.710153 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644403 | Gm6975 | NCBI_Gene:629448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118059 | MGI:3644403 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6975 |
19 | gene | 49.709794 | 49.709872 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531317 | Gm27935 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098507 | MGI:5531317 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27935 |
19 | pseudogene | 49.868272 | 49.870143 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108066 | Siah1-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:20435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117697 | MGI:108066 | pseudogene | siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1, pseudogene 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 50.030100 | 50.030756 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648883 | Rpl13a-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:433251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062083 | MGI:3648883 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein 13A, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 50.143295 | 50.679136 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929666 | Sorcs1 | NCBI_Gene:58178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043531 | MGI:1929666 | protein coding gene | sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 1 |
19 | gene | 50.144491 | 50.144615 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531131 | Gm27749 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098916 | MGI:5531131 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27749 |
19 | gene | 50.146938 | 50.180652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791188 | Gm45352 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110007 | MGI:5791188 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45352 |
19 | gene | 50.327639 | 50.331581 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589282 | Gm30123 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene%2c 30123 |
19 | gene | 50.665964 | 50.778662 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477123 | Gm26629 | NCBI_Gene:102631841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097446 | MGI:5477123 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26629 |
19 | gene | 50.705722 | 50.713685 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303151 | Gm50302 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117758 | MGI:6303151 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50302 |
19 | gene | 50.812324 | 50.812360 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455436 | Gm25659 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089094 | MGI:5455436 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 25659 |
19 | gene | 51.144749 | 51.148034 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303175 | Gm50317 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118338 | MGI:6303175 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50317 |
19 | gene | 51.239690 | 51.239796 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455421 | Gm25644 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065143 | MGI:5455421 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25644 |
19 | pseudogene | 51.631549 | 51.632627 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303189 | Gm50325 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117806 | MGI:6303189 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50325 |
19 | pseudogene | 51.674388 | 51.674650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303190 | Gm50326 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118158 | MGI:6303190 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50326 |
19 | pseudogene | 51.792226 | 51.792633 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644718 | Rpl31-ps18 | NCBI_Gene:668536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097719 | MGI:3644718 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 18 |
19 | gene | 51.891724 | 51.920333 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303196 | Gm50330 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117867 | MGI:6303196 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50330 |
19 | gene | 51.913963 | 51.984533 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303194 | Gm50329 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118173 | MGI:6303194 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50329 |
19 | pseudogene | 51.972994 | 51.974073 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782291 | Gm4115 | NCBI_Gene:100042936 | MGI:3782291 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4115 |
19 | gene | 52.264297 | 52.265476 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96572 | Ins1 | NCBI_Gene:16333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035804 | MGI:96572 | protein coding gene | insulin I |
19 | gene | 52.303521 | 52.308652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303198 | Gm50331 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118128 | MGI:6303198 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50331 |
19 | gene | 52.337165 | 52.345933 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303200 | Gm50332 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118114 | MGI:6303200 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50332 |
19 | gene | 52.372948 | 52.389660 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624745 | Gm41860 | NCBI_Gene:105246590 | MGI:5624745 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41860 |
19 | gene | 52.923181 | 52.941209 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3035466 | AA387883 | NCBI_Gene:100043450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117896 | MGI:3035466 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence AA387883 |
19 | gene | 52.931926 | 53.040214 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2180003 | Xpnpep1 | NCBI_Gene:170750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025027 | MGI:2180003 | protein coding gene | X-prolyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase P) 1, soluble |
19 | gene | 52.943109 | 52.945972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624746 | Gm41861 | NCBI_Gene:105246591 | MGI:5624746 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41861 |
19 | gene | 53.010656 | 53.010756 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531214 | Mir6407 | miRBase:MI0021944,NCBI_Gene:102465220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098730 | MGI:5531214 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6407 |
19 | gene | 53.033648 | 53.084516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925707 | 1700054A03Rik | NCBI_Gene:78457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099988 | MGI:1925707 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700054A03 gene |
19 | gene | 53.050716 | 53.105907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589393 | Gm30234 | NCBI_Gene:102632061 | MGI:5589393 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30234 |
19 | gene | 53.085037 | 53.088696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624747 | Gm41862 | NCBI_Gene:105246592 | MGI:5624747 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41862 |
19 | gene | 53.127579 | 53.131793 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589540 | Gm30381 | NCBI_Gene:102632253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118233 | MGI:5589540 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30381 |
19 | gene | 53.133413 | 53.139839 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780026 | Gm9618 | NCBI_Gene:674277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118003 | MGI:3780026 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9618 |
19 | gene | 53.140443 | 53.247399 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351615 | Add3 | NCBI_Gene:27360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025026 | MGI:1351615 | protein coding gene | adducin 3 (gamma) |
19 | gene | 53.159757 | 53.159863 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454501 | Gm24724 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088855 | MGI:5454501 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24724 |
19 | gene | 53.248736 | 53.265405 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916569 | 1700001K23Rik | NCBI_Gene:69319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118314 | MGI:1916569 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700001K23 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 53.265747 | 53.266864 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595498 | Gm36339 | NCBI_Gene:102640219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118350 | MGI:5595498 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 36339 |
19 | gene | 53.310414 | 53.375810 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97245 | Mxi1 | NCBI_Gene:17859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025025 | MGI:97245 | protein coding gene | MAX interactor 1, dimerization protein |
19 | gene | 53.317356 | 53.326998 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589700 | Gm30541 | NCBI_Gene:102632479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118369 | MGI:5589700 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30541 |
19 | gene | 53.371566 | 53.371766 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704501 | Gm10197 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067085 | MGI:3704501 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10197 |
19 | gene | 53.379214 | 53.390917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923729 | Smndc1 | NCBI_Gene:76479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025024 | MGI:1923729 | protein coding gene | survival motor neuron domain containing 1 |
19 | gene | 53.390789 | 53.391795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924742 | 8030456M14Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117768 | MGI:1924742 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 8030456M14 gene |
19 | gene | 53.441212 | 53.464796 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922001 | Mirt1 | NCBI_Gene:381232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097636 | MGI:1922001 | lncRNA gene | myocardial infarction associated transcript 1 |
19 | gene | 53.460066 | 53.462731 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921149 | 4833407H14Rik | NCBI_Gene:73899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097779 | MGI:1921149 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833407H14 gene |
19 | gene | 53.483494 | 53.486485 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303297 | Gm50393 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118378 | MGI:6303297 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50393 |
19 | gene | 53.488977 | 53.492649 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589985 | Gm30826 | NCBI_Gene:102632863 | MGI:5589985 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30826 |
19 | gene | 53.528609 | 53.529655 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303299 | Gm50394 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118210 | MGI:6303299 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50394 |
19 | gene | 53.529109 | 53.542431 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685183 | Dusp5 | NCBI_Gene:240672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034765 | MGI:2685183 | protein coding gene | dual specificity phosphatase 5 |
19 | pseudogene | 53.588151 | 53.589068 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108008 | Nutf2-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100043462,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071497 | MGI:108008 | pseudogene | nuclear transport factor 2, pseudogene 1 |
19 | gene | 53.598542 | 53.599411 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303314 | Gm50402 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118159 | MGI:6303314 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50402 |
19 | gene | 53.600396 | 53.645833 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1339795 | Smc3 | NCBI_Gene:13006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024974 | MGI:1339795 | protein coding gene | structural maintenance of chromosomes 3 |
19 | gene | 53.660989 | 53.867083 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920963 | Rbm20 | NCBI_Gene:73713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043639 | MGI:1920963 | protein coding gene | RNA binding motif protein 20 |
19 | gene | 53.673178 | 53.675863 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826290 | Gm46653 | NCBI_Gene:108168414 | MGI:5826290 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46653 |
19 | gene | 53.754244 | 53.758239 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590102 | Gm30943 | NCBI_Gene:102633013 | MGI:5590102 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30943 |
19 | pseudogene | 53.767891 | 53.768310 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3826538 | Gm16298 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089807 | MGI:3826538 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16298 |
19 | gene | 53.770365 | 53.788290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590049 | Gm30890 | NCBI_Gene:102632944 | MGI:5590049 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30890 |
19 | gene | 53.819252 | 53.825401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3826539 | Gm16299 | NCBI_Gene:102641509,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089679 | MGI:3826539 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16299 |
19 | gene | 53.855298 | 53.860220 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624748 | Gm41863 | NCBI_Gene:105246593 | MGI:5624748 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41863 |
19 | gene | 53.871785 | 53.903185 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590149 | Gm30990 | NCBI_Gene:102633075 | MGI:5590149 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30990 |
19 | pseudogene | 53.883367 | 53.883768 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303101 | Gm50272 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117693 | MGI:6303101 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50272 |
19 | gene | 53.892231 | 53.929861 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107490 | Pdcd4 | NCBI_Gene:18569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024975 | MGI:107490 | protein coding gene | programmed cell death 4 |
19 | gene | 53.903996 | 53.904958 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922933 | 2310035P21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310035P21 gene |
19 | gene | 53.929656 | 53.944643 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913610 | Bbip1 | NCBI_Gene:100503572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084957 | MGI:1913610 | protein coding gene | BBSome interacting protein 1 |
19 | gene | 53.944232 | 54.033280 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1927197 | Shoc2 | NCBI_Gene:56392,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024976 | MGI:1927197 | protein coding gene | Shoc2, leucine rich repeat scaffold protein |
19 | gene | 53.960355 | 53.962769 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303102 | Gm50273 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117704 | MGI:6303102 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50273 |
19 | gene | 53.976462 | 54.001442 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922206 | 4930484I04Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117981 | MGI:1922206 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930484I04 gene |
19 | gene | 54.044151 | 54.048982 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_87934 | Adra2a | NCBI_Gene:11551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033717 | MGI:87934 | protein coding gene | adrenergic receptor, alpha 2a |
19 | gene | 54.084559 | 54.086658 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302959 | Gm50186 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117921 | MGI:6302959 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50186 |
19 | gene | 54.154877 | 54.175117 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624750 | Gm41865 | NCBI_Gene:105246595 | MGI:5624750 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41865 |
19 | gene | 54.198385 | 54.201323 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624751 | Gm41866 | NCBI_Gene:105246596 | MGI:5624751 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41866 |
19 | gene | 54.198391 | 54.201454 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302961 | Gm50187 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118324 | MGI:6302961 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 50187 |
19 | pseudogene | 54.444980 | 54.445204 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302963 | Gm50188 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117755 | MGI:6302963 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50188 |
19 | gene | 54.465865 | 54.586424 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590460 | Gm31301 | NCBI_Gene:102633487 | MGI:5590460 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31301 |
19 | gene | 54.758648 | 54.760955 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624752 | Gm41867 | NCBI_Gene:105246597 | MGI:5624752 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41867 |
19 | gene | 54.923805 | 54.936724 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302966 | Gm50191 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118207 | MGI:6302966 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50191 |
19 | gene | 55.067268 | 55.127238 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109162 | Gpam | NCBI_Gene:14732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024978 | MGI:109162 | protein coding gene | glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial |
19 | gene | 55.099502 | 55.118931 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590515 | Gm31356 | NCBI_Gene:102633560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118099 | MGI:5590515 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31356 |
19 | gene | 55.127314 | 55.140840 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590577 | Gm31418 | NCBI_Gene:102633636 | MGI:5590577 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31418 |
19 | gene | 55.132642 | 55.134832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642924 | Gm10755 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10755 |
19 | gene | 55.180733 | 55.196313 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109574 | Tectb | NCBI_Gene:21684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024979 | MGI:109574 | protein coding gene | tectorin beta |
19 | gene | 55.192678 | 55.192734 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530856 | Mir6715 | miRBase:MI0025026,NCBI_Gene:102465990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098289 | MGI:5530856 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6715 |
19 | gene | 55.198098 | 55.241236 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106025 | Gucy2g | NCBI_Gene:73707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055523 | MGI:106025 | protein coding gene | guanylate cyclase 2g |
19 | gene | 55.251884 | 55.297720 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919129 | Acsl5 | NCBI_Gene:433256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024981 | MGI:1919129 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 5 |
19 | gene | 55.262382 | 55.274479 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590754 | Gm31595 | NCBI_Gene:102633871 | MGI:5590754 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31595 |
19 | gene | 55.271291 | 55.316032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914230 | Zdhhc6 | NCBI_Gene:66980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024982 | MGI:1914230 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 6 |
19 | gene | 55.316057 | 55.627461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1855699 | Vti1a | NCBI_Gene:53611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024983 | MGI:1855699 | protein coding gene | vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1A |
19 | gene | 55.480917 | 55.484622 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782650 | Gm4466 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 4466 |
19 | gene | 55.555873 | 55.556183 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917659 | 2310066F23Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310066F23 gene |
19 | gene | 55.640589 | 55.702204 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924844 | 4930552P12Rik | NCBI_Gene:77594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097632 | MGI:1924844 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930552P12 gene |
19 | gene | 55.701143 | 55.702134 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624756 | Gm41871 | NCBI_Gene:105246602 | MGI:5624756 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41871 |
19 | gene | 55.734407 | 55.743225 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590893 | Gm31734 | NCBI_Gene:102634055 | MGI:5590893 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31734 |
19 | gene | 55.741785 | 55.933661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1202879 | Tcf7l2 | NCBI_Gene:21416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024985 | MGI:1202879 | protein coding gene | transcription factor 7 like 2, T cell specific, HMG box |
19 | gene | 55.841672 | 55.845897 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1349458 | Ppnr | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099746 | MGI:1349458 | lncRNA gene | per-pentamer repeat gene |
19 | gene | 55.940237 | 55.950980 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624757 | Gm41872 | NCBI_Gene:105246603 | MGI:5624757 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41872 |
19 | pseudogene | 56.012529 | 56.012925 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302881 | Gm50135 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117833 | MGI:6302881 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50135 |
19 | gene | 56.035096 | 56.040941 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041200 | D730002M21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117827 | MGI:3041200 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D730002M21 gene |
19 | gene | 56.066128 | 56.066934 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923871 | 1700106J12Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700106J12 gene |
19 | gene | 56.077954 | 56.081392 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782654 | Gm4470 | NCBI_Gene:102634217 | MGI:3782654 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4470 |
19 | gene | 56.105689 | 56.140607 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591071 | Gm31912 | NCBI_Gene:102634291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117695 | MGI:5591071 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31912 |
19 | gene | 56.155105 | 56.176419 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591124 | Gm31965 | NCBI_Gene:102634365 | MGI:5591124 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31965 |
19 | gene | 56.177735 | 56.199050 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591187 | Gm32028 | NCBI_Gene:102634447 | MGI:5591187 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32028 |
19 | gene | 56.263413 | 56.266917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591303 | Gm32144 | NCBI_Gene:102634603 | MGI:5591303 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32144 |
19 | gene | 56.273194 | 56.292830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591416 | Gm32257 | NCBI_Gene:102634750 | MGI:5591416 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32257 |
19 | gene | 56.277518 | 56.277645 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452048 | Gm22271 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077223 | MGI:5452048 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22271 |
19 | gene | 56.287109 | 56.320822 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1196378 | Habp2 | NCBI_Gene:226243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025075 | MGI:1196378 | protein coding gene | hyaluronic acid binding protein 2 |
19 | gene | 56.320035 | 56.390063 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098765 | Nrap | NCBI_Gene:18175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049134 | MGI:1098765 | protein coding gene | nebulin-related anchoring protein |
19 | gene | 56.356412 | 56.366241 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4938024 | Gm17197 | NCBI_Gene:102634685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090990 | MGI:4938024 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17197 |
19 | gene | 56.396634 | 56.442348 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109383 | Casp7 | NCBI_Gene:12369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025076 | MGI:109383 | protein coding gene | caspase 7 |
19 | gene | 56.442446 | 56.455000 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826294 | Gm46657 | NCBI_Gene:108168418 | MGI:5826294 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46657 |
19 | gene | 56.457275 | 56.486752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443041 | Plekhs1 | NCBI_Gene:226245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035818 | MGI:2443041 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family S member 1 |
19 | gene | 56.529161 | 56.548284 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930042 | Dclre1a | NCBI_Gene:55947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025077 | MGI:1930042 | protein coding gene | DNA cross-link repair 1A |
19 | gene | 56.548261 | 56.603503 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914116 | Nhlrc2 | NCBI_Gene:66866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025078 | MGI:1914116 | protein coding gene | NHL repeat containing 2 |
19 | gene | 56.655970 | 56.664626 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591600 | Gm32441 | NCBI_Gene:102634992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117890 | MGI:5591600 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32441 |
19 | gene | 56.669067 | 56.674549 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591651 | Gm32492 | NCBI_Gene:102635060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117859 | MGI:5591651 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32492 |
19 | gene | 56.703751 | 56.714015 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591734 | Gm32575 | NCBI_Gene:102635171 | MGI:5591734 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32575 |
19 | gene | 56.722199 | 56.733113 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_87937 | Adrb1 | NCBI_Gene:11554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035283 | MGI:87937 | protein coding gene | adrenergic receptor, beta 1 |
19 | gene | 56.741029 | 56.746913 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6302829 | Gm50100 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117696 | MGI:6302829 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50100 |
19 | gene | 56.743045 | 56.765957 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591877 | Gm32718 | NCBI_Gene:102635359 | MGI:5591877 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32718 |
19 | pseudogene | 56.754878 | 56.755428 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648860 | Gm6990 | NCBI_Gene:629643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067063 | MGI:3648860 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6990 |
19 | gene | 56.787481 | 56.822488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2445022 | Ccdc186 | NCBI_Gene:213993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035173 | MGI:2445022 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 186 |
19 | gene | 56.821962 | 56.822539 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922878 | 1700010L13Rik | NA | NA | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700010L13 gene |
19 | gene | 56.826171 | 56.870012 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933218 | Tdrd1 | NCBI_Gene:83561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025081 | MGI:1933218 | protein coding gene | tudor domain containing 1 |
19 | gene | 56.874249 | 56.912078 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2684334 | Vwa2 | NCBI_Gene:240675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025082 | MGI:2684334 | protein coding gene | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 2 |
19 | gene | 56.912354 | 57.008591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2147658 | Afap1l2 | NCBI_Gene:226250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025083 | MGI:2147658 | protein coding gene | actin filament associated protein 1-like 2 |
19 | gene | 56.977200 | 56.984849 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621482 | Gm38597 | NCBI_Gene:102642146 | MGI:5621482 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38597 |
19 | gene | 57.032733 | 57.315204 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1194500 | Ablim1 | NCBI_Gene:226251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025085 | MGI:1194500 | protein coding gene | actin-binding LIM protein 1 |
19 | gene | 57.273960 | 57.277052 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925370 | 4930449E18Rik | NCBI_Gene:78120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117684 | MGI:1925370 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930449E18 gene |
19 | gene | 57.323193 | 57.360899 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444948 | B230217O12Rik | NCBI_Gene:320879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097785 | MGI:2444948 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230217O12 gene |
19 | gene | 57.323602 | 57.331224 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303097 | Gm50270 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117670 | MGI:6303097 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50270 |
19 | gene | 57.360680 | 57.389594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147545 | Fam160b1 | NCBI_Gene:226252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033478 | MGI:2147545 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 160, member B1 |
19 | gene | 57.404096 | 57.404275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924071 | 2600017C09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2600017C09 gene |
19 | gene | 57.404678 | 57.411272 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624759 | Gm41874 | NCBI_Gene:105246606 | MGI:5624759 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41874 |
19 | gene | 57.418291 | 57.423494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303099 | Gm50271 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117927 | MGI:6303099 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50271 |
19 | gene | 57.452892 | 57.491005 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919383 | Trub1 | NCBI_Gene:72133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025086 | MGI:1919383 | protein coding gene | TruB pseudouridine (psi) synthase family member 1 |
19 | gene | 57.459572 | 57.461553 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477368 | Gm26874 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097374 | MGI:5477368 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26874 |
19 | gene | 57.497390 | 57.512788 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925323 | 6720468P15Rik | NCBI_Gene:78073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117655 | MGI:1925323 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6720468P15 gene |
19 | gene | 57.522180 | 57.533305 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592091 | Gm32932 | NCBI_Gene:102635646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118178 | MGI:5592091 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32932 |
19 | pseudogene | 57.529582 | 57.529897 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303113 | Gm50279 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118248 | MGI:6303113 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50279 |
19 | gene | 57.540466 | 57.544223 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303122 | Gm50285 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117770 | MGI:6303122 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50285 |
19 | pseudogene | 57.584761 | 57.584956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303124 | Gm50286 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117978 | MGI:6303124 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50286 |
19 | gene | 57.610963 | 58.133343 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2147749 | Atrnl1 | NCBI_Gene:226255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054843 | MGI:2147749 | protein coding gene | attractin like 1 |
19 | gene | 58.022571 | 58.031893 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592139 | Gm32980 | NCBI_Gene:102635712 | MGI:5592139 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32980 |
19 | gene | 58.051167 | 58.051236 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455845 | Mir5623 | miRBase:MI0019191,NCBI_Gene:100885835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093757 | MGI:5455845 | miRNA gene | microRNA 5623 |
19 | gene | 58.091814 | 58.096031 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6303125 | Gm50287 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117871 | MGI:6303125 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50287 |
19 | gene | 58.091818 | 58.094002 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442561 | E430016L07Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E430016L07 gene |
19 | gene | 58.204139 | 58.236047 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3826543 | Gm16277 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087002 | MGI:3826543 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16277 |
19 | gene | 58.231333 | 58.232284 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624760 | Gm41875 | NCBI_Gene:105246608 | MGI:5624760 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41875 |
19 | gene | 58.235581 | 58.455946 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100842 | Gfra1 | NCBI_Gene:14585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025089 | MGI:1100842 | protein coding gene | glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor family receptor alpha 1 |
19 | gene | 58.280564 | 58.294578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826287 | Gm46650 | NCBI_Gene:108168411 | MGI:5826287 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 46650 |
19 | gene | 58.296204 | 58.300348 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642351 | Gm10007 | NCBI_Gene:791347 | MGI:3642351 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10007 |
19 | gene | 58.456149 | 58.459592 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624761 | Gm41876 | NCBI_Gene:105246609 | MGI:5624761 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41876 |
19 | pseudogene | 58.489282 | 58.489603 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6302958 | Gm50185 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118253 | MGI:6302958 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50185 |
19 | gene | 58.500223 | 58.508119 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592465 | Gm33306 | NCBI_Gene:102636162 | MGI:5592465 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33306 |
19 | gene | 58.511993 | 58.553104 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922895 | Ccdc172 | NCBI_Gene:75645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025090 | MGI:1922895 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 172 |
19 | gene | 58.606329 | 58.629753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916305 | 1810007D17Rik | NCBI_Gene:69055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100001 | MGI:1916305 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810007D17 gene |
19 | gene | 58.652498 | 58.681788 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97722 | Pnlip | NCBI_Gene:69060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046008 | MGI:97722 | protein coding gene | pancreatic lipase |
19 | gene | 58.695506 | 58.696178 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925578 | 1810035K13Rik | NCBI_Gene:78328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118223 | MGI:1925578 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810035K13 gene |
19 | gene | 58.698917 | 58.715770 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921421 | 1810018F18Rik | NCBI_Gene:69166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101088 | MGI:1921421 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810018F18 gene |
19 | gene | 58.728887 | 58.744169 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97723 | Pnliprp1 | NCBI_Gene:18946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042179 | MGI:97723 | protein coding gene | pancreatic lipase related protein 1 |
19 | gene | 58.742043 | 58.743761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917628 | 1810073G21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810073G21 gene |
19 | gene | 58.759719 | 58.777534 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1336202 | Pnliprp2 | NCBI_Gene:18947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025091 | MGI:1336202 | protein coding gene | pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 |
19 | gene | 58.785803 | 58.794461 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914757 | 1700019N19Rik | NCBI_Gene:67507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026931 | MGI:1914757 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700019N19 gene |
19 | gene | 58.786608 | 58.786691 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452338 | Gm22561 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087956 | MGI:5452338 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22561 |
19 | pseudogene | 58.790195 | 58.790575 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937977 | Gm17150 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091410 | MGI:4937977 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17150 |
19 | gene | 58.794515 | 58.802121 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624762 | Gm41877 | NCBI_Gene:105246610 | MGI:5624762 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41877 |
19 | gene | 58.795750 | 58.943672 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920692 | Hspa12a | NCBI_Gene:73442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025092 | MGI:1920692 | protein coding gene | heat shock protein 12A |
19 | gene | 58.873930 | 58.875138 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921900 | 4930433M22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930433M22 gene |
19 | gene | 58.911673 | 58.911759 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834260 | Mir3086 | miRBase:MI0014049,NCBI_Gene:100526480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092813 | MGI:4834260 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3086 |
19 | gene | 58.935184 | 58.971421 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441717 | Eno4 | NCBI_Gene:226265,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048029 | MGI:2441717 | protein coding gene | enolase 4 |
19 | gene | 58.973356 | 59.076124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918903 | Shtn1 | NCBI_Gene:71653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041362 | MGI:1918903 | protein coding gene | shootin 1 |
19 | pseudogene | 59.087487 | 59.089034 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643073 | Gm9276 | NCBI_Gene:668626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118377 | MGI:3643073 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9276 |
19 | gene | 59.164480 | 59.170056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277163 | Vax1 | NCBI_Gene:22326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006270 | MGI:1277163 | protein coding gene | ventral anterior homeobox 1 |
19 | gene | 59.171624 | 59.184456 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923050 | 4930442E04Rik | NCBI_Gene:75800 | MGI:1923050 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930442E04 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 59.180655 | 59.181432 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303359 | Gm50429 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117834 | MGI:6303359 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50429 |
19 | gene | 59.219214 | 59.237374 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685627 | Kcnk18 | NCBI_Gene:332396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040901 | MGI:2685627 | protein coding gene | potassium channel, subfamily K, member 18 |
19 | gene | 59.259512 | 59.261419 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579967 | Gm29261 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101630 | MGI:5579967 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29261 |
19 | gene | 59.260878 | 59.296012 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106677 | Slc18a2 | NCBI_Gene:214084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025094 | MGI:106677 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 18 (vesicular monoamine), member 2 |
19 | gene | 59.296084 | 59.345780 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2677270 | Pdzd8 | NCBI_Gene:107368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074746 | MGI:2677270 | protein coding gene | PDZ domain containing 8 |
19 | pseudogene | 59.322290 | 59.322784 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704503 | Rps12-ps3 | NCBI_Gene:100034727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067038 | MGI:3704503 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S12, pseudogene 3 |
19 | pseudogene | 59.337576 | 59.337969 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303374 | Gm50440 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118276 | MGI:6303374 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50440 |
19 | gene | 59.345908 | 59.346675 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919460 | 1700022C07Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700022C07 gene |
19 | gene | 59.389312 | 59.399207 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592915 | Gm33756 | NCBI_Gene:102636779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110210 | MGI:5592915 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33756 |
19 | gene | 59.425104 | 59.458635 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3052329 | Emx2os | NCBI_Gene:329078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087095 | MGI:3052329 | antisense lncRNA gene | Emx2 opposite strand/antisense transcript (non-protein coding) |
19 | gene | 59.458372 | 59.465357 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95388 | Emx2 | NCBI_Gene:13797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043969 | MGI:95388 | protein coding gene | empty spiracles homeobox 2 |
19 | gene | 59.493136 | 59.559391 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919897 | 2700089I24Rik | NCBI_Gene:72647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100119 | MGI:1919897 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2700089I24 gene |
19 | pseudogene | 59.540406 | 59.540978 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010346 | Gm18161 | NCBI_Gene:100416590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118118 | MGI:5010346 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18161 |
19 | gene | 59.654737 | 59.681206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012141 | Gm19956 | NCBI_Gene:100503908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118031 | MGI:5012141 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19956 |
19 | gene | 59.679014 | 59.707583 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624763 | Gm41878 | NCBI_Gene:105246611 | MGI:5624763 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41878 |
19 | gene | 59.682009 | 59.698459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826298 | Gm46661 | NCBI_Gene:108168422 | MGI:5826298 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46661 |
19 | gene | 59.690734 | 59.691100 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6303327 | Gm50411 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118190 | MGI:6303327 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50411 |
19 | gene | 59.760441 | 59.822672 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826299 | Gm46662 | NCBI_Gene:108168423 | MGI:5826299 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46662 |
19 | gene | 59.875343 | 59.890238 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826297 | Gm46660 | NCBI_Gene:108168421 | MGI:5826297 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46660 |
19 | gene | 59.895544 | 59.943654 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922248 | Rab11fip2 | NCBI_Gene:74998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040022 | MGI:1922248 | protein coding gene | RAB11 family interacting protein 2 (class I) |
19 | gene | 59.896241 | 59.901062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4938030 | Gm17203 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090965 | MGI:4938030 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17203 |
19 | gene | 59.943722 | 59.948398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782395 | Gm4219 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091378 | MGI:3782395 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4219 |
19 | gene | 59.943740 | 59.944658 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922213 | 4930470F04Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930470F04 gene |
19 | gene | 60.035900 | 60.039033 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624764 | Gm41879 | NCBI_Gene:105246612 | MGI:5624764 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41879 |
19 | gene | 60.040385 | 60.050388 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624765 | Gm41880 | NCBI_Gene:105246613 | MGI:5624765 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41880 |
operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, n_perm=10, perm_Xsp=TRUE, chr_lengths=chr_lengths(gm$gmap))
summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1))))
names(summary_table) <- c("autosomes","X")
summary_table$significance.level <- rownames(summary_table)
rownames(summary_table) <- NULL
summary_table[c(3,1:2)] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
significance.level | autosomes | X |
0.01 | 2.542531 | 2.795277 |
0.05 | 2.361216 | 2.782184 |
0.1 | 2.134166 | 2.760302 |
#summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1))))
for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i], "_lod.png"))
#par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
plot(out, gm$gmap, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i]," - ICI vs. PBS (with additive covariates)"))
#for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
# abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
# text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))
print("with no kinship")
[1] “with no kinship”
outfa <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", addcovar=addcovar)
print("with normal kinship")
[1] “with normal kinship”
outka <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, kinship=kinship)
print("with loco kinship")
[1] “with loco kinship”
outa <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, kinship=K)
out = outa
peaks<-find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=2, drop=1.5)
rownames(peaks) <- NULL
peaks[] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex | lodcolumn | chr | pos | lod | ci_lo | ci_hi |
1 | age.of.onset | 7 | 47.237 | 2.112447 | 8.836 | 53.728 |
peaks_mbl <- list()
#corresponding info in Mb
for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
lodindex <- peaks$lodindex[i]
lodcolumn <- peaks$lodcolumn[i]
chr <- as.character(peaks$chr[i])
lod <- peaks$lod[i]
mark <- find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=chr,pos=peaks$pos[i])
pos <- mapdf[mapdf$marker==mark,]$pmapdf
ci_lo <- mapdfnd$pmapdf[which(mapdfnd$gmapdf == peaks$ci_lo[i] & mapdfnd$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
ci_hi <- mapdfnd$pmapdf[which(mapdfnd$gmapdf == peaks$ci_hi[i] & mapdfnd$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
peaks_mb=cbind(lodindex, lodcolumn, chr, pos, lod, ci_lo, ci_hi)
peaks_mbl[[i]] <- peaks_mb
peaks_mba <-, peaks_mbl)
peaks_mba <-
#peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")] <- sapply(peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")], as.numeric)
rownames(peaks_mba) <- NULL
peaks_mba[] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex | lodcolumn | chr | pos | lod | ci_lo | ci_hi |
1 | age.of.onset | 7 | 82.611924 | 2.11244739707369 | 16.484657 | 98.390785 |
for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
#for (i in 1:1){
#Plot 1
marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
#g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
gp <- g[,marker]
gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
gp[gp==0] <- NA
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
#par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
plot_pxg(gp, covars[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)
chr = peaks$chr[i]
# Plot 2
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar=addcovar, kinship=K[[chr]])
blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar=addcovar, kinship=K[[chr]])
# gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff])")
# )
gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup])")
#last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
#for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
#axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)
# Plot 3
#c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
#c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
#plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
# )
#plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
# )
##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
## axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)
#Table 1
chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]
genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)
rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"
print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))
chr | type | start | stop | strand | ID | Name | Dbxref | gene_id | mgi_type | description |
7 | gene | 16.49372 | 16.61524 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929494 | Arhgap35 | NCBI_Gene:232906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058230 | MGI:1929494 | protein coding gene | Rho GTPase activating protein 35 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.49871 | 16.49958 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010011 | Gm17826 | NCBI_Gene:100384879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099423 | MGI:5010011 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17826 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.51440 | 16.51514 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010166 | Gm17981 | NCBI_Gene:100416225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101135 | MGI:5010166 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17981 |
7 | gene | 16.61382 | 16.63264 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580149 | Gm29443 | NCBI_Gene:102634559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100583 | MGI:5580149 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29443 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.61635 | 16.61647 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753165 | Gm44589 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108316 | MGI:5753165 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44589 |
7 | gene | 16.61863 | 16.61983 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580148 | Gm29442 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101008 | MGI:5580148 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29442 |
7 | gene | 16.62458 | 16.62468 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454485 | Gm24708 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064745 | MGI:5454485 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24708 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.64738 | 16.64779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588884 | Gm29725 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108610 | MGI:5588884 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29725 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.64895 | 16.65748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3610557 | Ceacam-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100038912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108307 | MGI:3610557 | pseudogene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 16.67133 | 16.67571 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141810 | Ceacam15 | NCBI_Gene:101434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078795 | MGI:2141810 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 15 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.69380 | 16.69439 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643592 | Gm8209 | NCBI_Gene:666641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108370 | MGI:3643592 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8209 |
7 | pseudogene | 16.71907 | 16.71993 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645853 | Gm5586 | NCBI_Gene:434127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108366 | MGI:3645853 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5586 |
7 | gene | 16.72193 | 16.72613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347247 | Ceacam9 | NCBI_Gene:26368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007209 | MGI:1347247 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 9 |
7 | gene | 16.73841 | 16.74929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141861 | Ap2s1 | NCBI_Gene:232910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008036 | MGI:2141861 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 2, sigma 1 subunit |
7 | gene | 16.78134 | 16.79827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105305 | Slc1a5 | NCBI_Gene:20514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001918 | MGI:105305 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 1 (neutral amino acid transporter), member 5 |
7 | gene | 16.78902 | 16.78933 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924695 | 9530015I06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530015I06 gene |
7 | gene | 16.80925 | 16.81679 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2447586 | Fkrp | NCBI_Gene:243853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048920 | MGI:2447586 | protein coding gene | fukutin related protein |
7 | gene | 16.81589 | 16.84093 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142346 | Strn4 | NCBI_Gene:97387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030374 | MGI:2142346 | protein coding gene | striatin, calmodulin binding protein 4 |
7 | gene | 16.84290 | 16.87046 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141917 | Prkd2 | NCBI_Gene:101540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041187 | MGI:2141917 | protein coding gene | protein kinase D2 |
7 | gene | 16.87134 | 16.87529 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2445112 | 9330104G04Rik | NCBI_Gene:320950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097842 | MGI:2445112 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330104G04 gene |
7 | gene | 16.87532 | 16.88746 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3654828 | Dact3 | NCBI_Gene:629378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078794 | MGI:3654828 | protein coding gene | dishevelled-binding antagonist of beta-catenin 3 |
7 | gene | 16.88941 | 16.89107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915219 | 2700080J24Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108671 | MGI:1915219 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2700080J24 gene |
7 | gene | 16.89174 | 16.89545 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109163 | Gng8 | NCBI_Gene:14709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063594 | MGI:109163 | protein coding gene | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 8 |
7 | gene | 16.90542 | 16.91090 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99535 | Ptgir | NCBI_Gene:19222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043017 | MGI:99535 | protein coding gene | prostaglandin I receptor (IP) |
7 | gene | 16.91538 | 16.92411 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103249 | Calm3 | NCBI_Gene:12315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019370 | MGI:103249 | protein coding gene | calmodulin 3 |
7 | gene | 16.92173 | 16.92354 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825609 | Gm45972 | NCBI_Gene:108167409 | MGI:5825609 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45972 |
7 | gene | 16.93031 | 16.93261 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591789 | Gm32630 | NCBI_Gene:102635240 | MGI:5591789 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32630 |
7 | gene | 16.93536 | 16.93546 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621302 | Gm38417 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene%2c 38417 |
7 | gene | 16.94468 | 16.94883 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645856 | Pnmal2 | NCBI_Gene:434128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070802 | MGI:3645856 | protein coding gene | PNMA-like 2 |
7 | gene | 16.94984 | 16.96461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918941 | Pnmal1 | NCBI_Gene:71691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041141 | MGI:1918941 | protein coding gene | PNMA-like 1 |
7 | gene | 16.95340 | 16.95350 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455592 | Gm25815 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064689 | MGI:5455592 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25815 |
7 | gene | 16.98309 | 16.98815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625257 | Gm42372 | NCBI_Gene:105247240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108348 | MGI:5625257 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 42372 |
7 | gene | 16.99271 | 16.99752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3612184 | Ccdc8 | NCBI_Gene:434130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041117 | MGI:3612184 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 8 |
7 | gene | 17.00464 | 17.02792 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102666 | Ppp5c | NCBI_Gene:19060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003099 | MGI:102666 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 5, catalytic subunit |
7 | gene | 17.03099 | 17.06243 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1859778 | Hif3a | NCBI_Gene:53417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004328 | MGI:1859778 | protein coding gene | hypoxia inducible factor 3, alpha subunit |
7 | gene | 17.05853 | 17.05944 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918871 | 4833404L02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108807 | MGI:1918871 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833404L02 gene |
7 | gene | 17.07404 | 17.13345 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347249 | Psg16 | NCBI_Gene:26436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066760 | MGI:1347249 | protein coding gene | pregnancy specific glycoprotein 16 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.07746 | 17.07916 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594857 | Gm35698 | NCBI_Gene:102639368 | MGI:5594857 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 35698 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.07819 | 17.07866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753795 | Gm45219 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108561 | MGI:5753795 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45219 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.13887 | 17.13947 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779715 | Gm7287 | NCBI_Gene:640145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108694 | MGI:3779715 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7287 |
7 | gene | 17.15020 | 17.16425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646296 | Ceacam3 | NCBI_Gene:384557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053228 | MGI:3646296 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.17360 | 17.17459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753608 | Gm45032 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108462 | MGI:5753608 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45032 |
7 | gene | 17.20348 | 17.21576 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891361 | Psg29 | NCBI_Gene:114872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023159 | MGI:1891361 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 29 |
7 | gene | 17.28765 | 17.37163 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591931 | Gm32772 | NCBI_Gene:102635433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108782 | MGI:5591931 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32772 |
7 | gene | 17.30680 | 17.31153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625258 | Gm42373 | NCBI_Gene:105247241 | MGI:5625258 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42373 |
7 | gene | 17.39276 | 17.52767 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592005 | Gm32846 | NCBI_Gene:102635538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108441 | MGI:5592005 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32846 |
7 | gene | 17.41598 | 17.41841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622442 | Gm39557 | NCBI_Gene:105243765 | MGI:5622442 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 39557 |
7 | gene | 17.58075 | 17.58437 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592268 | Gm33109 | NCBI_Gene:102635886 | MGI:5592268 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33109 |
7 | gene | 17.61077 | 17.61088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454297 | Gm24520 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096673 | MGI:5454297 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24520 |
7 | gene | 17.61817 | 17.61828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454845 | Gm25068 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094381 | MGI:5454845 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25068 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.61850 | 17.61934 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645206 | Gm5418 | NCBI_Gene:414361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108792 | MGI:3645206 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5418 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.63748 | 17.65148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779928 | Gm9519 | NCBI_Gene:671132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108654 | MGI:3779928 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9519 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.66240 | 17.66608 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825610 | Gm45973 | NCBI_Gene:108167410 | MGI:5825610 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 45973 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.67229 | 17.68206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347253 | Psg-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:232919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108558 | MGI:1347253 | pseudogene | pregnancy specific glycoprotein, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.68585 | 17.68631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753726 | Gm45150 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108638 | MGI:5753726 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45150 |
7 | gene | 17.71322 | 17.76115 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920500 | Ceacam5 | NCBI_Gene:73250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008789 | MGI:1920500 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 5 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.79253 | 17.79327 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645391 | Gm6065 | NCBI_Gene:606534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063830 | MGI:3645391 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6065 |
7 | gene | 17.79782 | 17.80000 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753725 | Gm45149 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108685 | MGI:5753725 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45149 |
7 | gene | 17.81263 | 17.81566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914334 | Ceacam14 | NCBI_Gene:67084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023185 | MGI:1914334 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 14 |
7 | gene | 17.87174 | 17.91904 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647191 | Gm5155 | NCBI_Gene:381852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078793 | MGI:3647191 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5155 |
7 | gene | 17.97212 | 17.97856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914246 | Ceacam11 | NCBI_Gene:66996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030368 | MGI:1914246 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 11 |
7 | pseudogene | 17.98981 | 17.99033 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010310 | Gm18125 | NCBI_Gene:100416462 | MGI:5010310 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18125 |
7 | gene | 18.00989 | 18.01922 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917035 | Ceacam13 | NCBI_Gene:69785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057195 | MGI:1917035 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 13 |
7 | gene | 18.01725 | 18.01735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452191 | Gm22414 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093207 | MGI:5452191 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22414 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.03848 | 18.03918 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645680 | Gm5322 | NCBI_Gene:384560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108331 | MGI:3645680 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5322 |
7 | gene | 18.06593 | 18.07799 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914565 | Ceacam12 | NCBI_Gene:67315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030366 | MGI:1914565 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 12 |
7 | gene | 18.07402 | 18.18695 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753189 | Gm44613 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108545 | MGI:5753189 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44613 |
7 | gene | 18.17649 | 18.18186 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685426 | Igfl3 | NCBI_Gene:232925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066756 | MGI:2685426 | protein coding gene | IGF-like family member 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.22972 | 18.23149 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779930 | Gm9521 | NCBI_Gene:671190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108798 | MGI:3779930 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9521 |
7 | gene | 18.24523 | 18.26609 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2179988 | Mill1 | NCBI_Gene:266815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054005 | MGI:2179988 | protein coding gene | MHC I like leukocyte 1 |
7 | gene | 18.31872 | 18.32720 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592785 | Gm33626 | NCBI_Gene:102636608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108374 | MGI:5592785 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33626 |
7 | gene | 18.34542 | 18.35504 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347251 | Psg18 | NCBI_Gene:26438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003505 | MGI:1347251 | protein coding gene | pregnancy specific glycoprotein 18 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.37436 | 18.37762 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648188 | Gm5997 | NCBI_Gene:546936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109235 | MGI:3648188 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5997 |
7 | gene | 18.39652 | 18.40086 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753680 | Gm45104 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109209 | MGI:5753680 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45104 |
7 | gene | 18.41784 | 18.41793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454492 | Gm24715 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076332 | MGI:5454492 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24715 |
7 | gene | 18.42254 | 18.43205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891360 | Psg28 | NCBI_Gene:114871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030373 | MGI:1891360 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 28 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.43566 | 18.43665 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753447 | Gm44871 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109264 | MGI:5753447 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44871 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.45234 | 18.45683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646690 | Gm8314 | NCBI_Gene:666831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108906 | MGI:3646690 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8314 |
7 | gene | 18.47458 | 18.48420 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891358 | Psg26 | NCBI_Gene:574429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070799 | MGI:1891358 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 26 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.49394 | 18.49492 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753732 | Gm45156 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109504 | MGI:5753732 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45156 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.50891 | 18.51174 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648786 | Gm4880 | NCBI_Gene:232930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109355 | MGI:3648786 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 4880 |
7 | gene | 18.51970 | 18.53227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891357 | Psg25 | NCBI_Gene:114868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070798 | MGI:1891357 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 25 |
7 | gene | 18.54909 | 18.54919 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455839 | Gm26062 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065313 | MGI:5455839 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26062 |
7 | gene | 18.55651 | 18.56731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891359 | Psg27 | NCBI_Gene:545925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070797 | MGI:1891359 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 27 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.57770 | 18.57902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011276 | Gm19091 | NCBI_Gene:100418238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109525 | MGI:5011276 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19091 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.57918 | 18.58016 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753233 | Gm44657 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109159 | MGI:5753233 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44657 |
7 | gene | 18.60634 | 18.61650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891355 | Psg23 | NCBI_Gene:56868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074359 | MGI:1891355 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 23 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.62669 | 18.62799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011277 | Gm19092 | NCBI_Gene:100418239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108992 | MGI:5011277 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19092 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.62816 | 18.62915 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753232 | Gm44656 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109053 | MGI:5753232 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44656 |
7 | gene | 18.64665 | 18.65673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891353 | Psg21 | NCBI_Gene:72242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070796 | MGI:1891353 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 21 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.66692 | 18.66796 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753230 | Gm44654 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109180 | MGI:5753230 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44654 |
7 | gene | 18.67411 | 18.68618 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891352 | Psg20 | NCBI_Gene:434540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063305 | MGI:1891352 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 20 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.68976 | 18.69115 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753231 | Gm44655 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109571 | MGI:5753231 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44655 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.71359 | 18.71377 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753139 | Gm44563 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108882 | MGI:5753139 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44563 |
7 | gene | 18.71805 | 18.72744 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891354 | Psg22 | NCBI_Gene:243862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044903 | MGI:1891354 | protein coding gene | pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 22 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.73745 | 18.73763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753140 | Gm44564 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109292 | MGI:5753140 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44564 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.74055 | 18.74085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753142 | Gm44566 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108835 | MGI:5753142 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44566 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.74233 | 18.74361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753141 | Gm44565 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109023 | MGI:5753141 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44565 |
7 | gene | 18.74510 | 18.74521 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454241 | Gm24464 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096479 | MGI:5454241 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24464 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.76086 | 18.76112 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753137 | Gm44561 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109234 | MGI:5753137 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44561 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.78630 | 18.78941 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098279 | Sycp1-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:20958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109116 | MGI:1098279 | pseudogene | synaptonemal complex protein 1, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 18.78912 | 18.79854 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347252 | Psg19 | NCBI_Gene:26439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004542 | MGI:1347252 | protein coding gene | pregnancy specific glycoprotein 19 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.80093 | 18.80185 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011311 | Gm19126 | NCBI_Gene:100418298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109490 | MGI:5011311 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19126 |
7 | gene | 18.81394 | 18.82161 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347250 | Psg17 | NCBI_Gene:26437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004540 | MGI:1347250 | protein coding gene | pregnancy specific glycoprotein 17 |
7 | gene | 18.82279 | 18.82623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595203 | Gm36044 | NCBI_Gene:102639822 | MGI:5595203 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 36044 |
7 | pseudogene | 18.83162 | 18.83241 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011040 | Gm18855 | NCBI_Gene:100417834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108471 | MGI:5011040 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18855 |
7 | gene | 18.83996 | 18.86970 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2179989 | Mill2 | NCBI_Gene:243864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040987 | MGI:2179989 | protein coding gene | MHC I like leukocyte 2 |
7 | gene | 18.87133 | 18.89046 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345092 | Pglyrp1 | NCBI_Gene:21946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030413 | MGI:1345092 | protein coding gene | peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 |
7 | gene | 18.89088 | 18.91042 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685005 | Ccdc61 | NCBI_Gene:232933,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074358 | MGI:2685005 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 61 |
7 | gene | 18.92589 | 18.96532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104296 | Nova2 | NCBI_Gene:384569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030411 | MGI:104296 | protein coding gene | NOVA alternative splicing regulator 2 |
7 | gene | 18.95620 | 18.95754 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621837 | Gm38952 | NCBI_Gene:105242860 | MGI:5621837 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38952 |
7 | gene | 18.96242 | 18.96517 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477315 | Nova2os | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097038 | MGI:5477315 | lncRNA gene | NOVA alternative splicing regulator 2, opposite strand sequence |
7 | gene | 18.98740 | 18.98896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676627 | Nanos2 | NCBI_Gene:378430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051965 | MGI:2676627 | protein coding gene | nanos C2HC-type zinc finger 2 |
7 | gene | 18.98756 | 18.98832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753634 | Gm45058 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108428 | MGI:5753634 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45058 |
7 | gene | 18.98955 | 18.99277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704283 | Gm10676 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074355 | MGI:3704283 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10676 |
7 | gene | 18.99006 | 19.00177 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446472 | Mypop | NCBI_Gene:232934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048481 | MGI:2446472 | protein coding gene | Myb-related transcription factor, partner of profilin |
7 | gene | 18.99323 | 19.00122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3826523 | Mypopos | NCBI_Gene:102636709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086533 | MGI:3826523 | antisense lncRNA gene | Myb-related transcription factor, partner of profilin, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 19.00404 | 19.00678 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442159 | Irf2bp1 | NCBI_Gene:272359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044030 | MGI:2442159 | protein coding gene | interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 1 |
7 | gene | 19.01328 | 19.02354 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347477 | Foxa3 | NCBI_Gene:15377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040891 | MGI:1347477 | protein coding gene | forkhead box A3 |
7 | gene | 19.02435 | 19.05462 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915438 | Sympk | NCBI_Gene:68188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023118 | MGI:1915438 | protein coding gene | symplekin |
7 | gene | 19.05468 | 19.07445 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1927643 | Rsph6a | NCBI_Gene:83434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040866 | MGI:1927643 | protein coding gene | radial spoke head 6 homolog A (Chlamydomonas) |
7 | gene | 19.07609 | 19.08278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_94907 | Dmwd | NCBI_Gene:13401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030410 | MGI:94907 | protein coding gene | dystrophia myotonica-containing WD repeat motif |
7 | gene | 19.08383 | 19.09382 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_94906 | Dmpk | NCBI_Gene:13400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030409 | MGI:94906 | protein coding gene | dystrophia myotonica-protein kinase |
7 | gene | 19.08683 | 19.08689 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4834314 | Mir3100 | miRBase:MI0014092,NCBI_Gene:100526504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092659 | MGI:4834314 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3100 |
7 | gene | 19.09407 | 19.09855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106220 | Six5 | NCBI_Gene:20475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040841 | MGI:106220 | protein coding gene | sine oculis-related homeobox 5 |
7 | gene | 19.09890 | 19.11853 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647482 | Gm4969 | NCBI_Gene:243866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085601 | MGI:3647482 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4969 |
7 | gene | 19.11986 | 19.14017 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444918 | Fbxo46 | NCBI_Gene:243867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050428 | MGI:2444918 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 46 |
7 | gene | 19.13970 | 19.14929 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914619 | Qpctl | NCBI_Gene:67369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030407 | MGI:1914619 | protein coding gene | glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like |
7 | gene | 19.14972 | 19.15354 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98345 | Snrpd2 | NCBI_Gene:107686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040824 | MGI:98345 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 |
7 | gene | 19.15606 | 19.17025 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352753 | Gipr | NCBI_Gene:381853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030406 | MGI:1352753 | protein coding gene | gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor |
7 | gene | 19.16714 | 19.16968 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444974 | C130070B15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C130070B15 gene |
7 | gene | 19.17642 | 19.20648 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919455 | Eml2 | NCBI_Gene:72205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040811 | MGI:1919455 | protein coding gene | echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 2 |
7 | gene | 19.18146 | 19.18156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3619345 | Mir330 | miRBase:MI0000607,NCBI_Gene:724063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065543 | MGI:3619345 | miRNA gene | microRNA 330 |
7 | gene | 19.21250 | 19.22418 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441992 | Gpr4 | NCBI_Gene:319197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044317 | MGI:2441992 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 4 |
7 | gene | 19.22833 | 19.25654 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686271 | Opa3 | NCBI_Gene:403187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052214 | MGI:2686271 | protein coding gene | optic atrophy 3 |
7 | gene | 19.24213 | 19.24229 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454911 | Gm25134 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064580 | MGI:5454911 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25134 |
7 | gene | 19.24943 | 19.25655 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621384 | Gm38499 | NCBI_Gene:102637572 | MGI:5621384 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38499 |
7 | gene | 19.25693 | 19.27185 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109268 | Vasp | NCBI_Gene:22323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030403 | MGI:109268 | protein coding gene | vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein |
7 | gene | 19.25849 | 19.25974 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920627 | 1700058P15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089636 | MGI:1920627 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700058P15 gene |
7 | gene | 19.27680 | 19.28019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142330 | Ppm1n | NCBI_Gene:232941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030402 | MGI:2142330 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1N (putative) |
7 | gene | 19.28262 | 19.29616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107612 | Rtn2 | NCBI_Gene:20167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030401 | MGI:107612 | protein coding gene | reticulon 2 (Z-band associated protein) |
7 | gene | 19.29826 | 19.30079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477296 | Gm26802 | NCBI_Gene:105242862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097266 | MGI:5477296 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26802 |
7 | gene | 19.29894 | 19.30292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4414022 | n-TUtca2 | NA | NA | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA selenocysteine 2 (anticodon TCA) |
7 | gene | 19.30270 | 19.31023 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95575 | Fosb | NCBI_Gene:14282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003545 | MGI:95575 | protein coding gene | FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene B |
7 | gene | 19.32012 | 19.34251 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685688 | D830036C21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108854 | MGI:2685688 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D830036C21 gene |
7 | gene | 19.33313 | 19.33766 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753274 | Gm44698 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109366 | MGI:5753274 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44698 |
7 | gene | 19.33313 | 19.34068 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593592 | Gm34433 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene%2c 34433 |
7 | gene | 19.34442 | 19.35652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95412 | Ercc1 | NCBI_Gene:13870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003549 | MGI:95412 | protein coding gene | excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 1 |
7 | gene | 19.35601 | 19.35948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917583 | Cd3eap | NCBI_Gene:70333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047649 | MGI:1917583 | protein coding gene | CD3E antigen, epsilon polypeptide associated protein |
7 | gene | 19.35972 | 19.37854 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3525053 | Ppp1r13l | NCBI_Gene:333654,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040734 | MGI:3525053 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 13 like |
7 | gene | 19.38201 | 19.39569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95413 | Ercc2 | NCBI_Gene:13871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030400 | MGI:95413 | protein coding gene | excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 2 |
7 | gene | 19.38222 | 19.39272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477346 | Gm26852 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097231 | MGI:5477346 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26852 |
7 | gene | 19.38664 | 19.38672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3718510 | Mir343 | miRBase:MI0005494,NCBI_Gene:100124438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076315 | MGI:3718510 | miRNA gene | microRNA 343 |
7 | gene | 19.39444 | 19.40445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277971 | Klc3 | NCBI_Gene:232943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040714 | MGI:1277971 | protein coding gene | kinesin light chain 3 |
7 | gene | 19.40478 | 19.42284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88413 | Ckm | NCBI_Gene:12715,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030399 | MGI:88413 | protein coding gene | creatine kinase, muscle |
7 | gene | 19.40569 | 19.40831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621839 | Gm38954 | NCBI_Gene:105242863 | MGI:5621839 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38954 |
7 | gene | 19.41747 | 19.42142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3605623 | A930016O22Rik | NCBI_Gene:100503495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040705 | MGI:3605623 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A930016O22 gene |
7 | gene | 19.42478 | 19.45882 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920955 | Mark4 | NCBI_Gene:232944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030397 | MGI:1920955 | protein coding gene | MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinase 4 |
7 | gene | 19.46080 | 19.46093 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452876 | Gm23099 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065388 | MGI:5452876 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23099 |
7 | gene | 19.46315 | 19.49676 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921713 | Exoc3l2 | NCBI_Gene:74463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011263 | MGI:1921713 | protein coding gene | exocyst complex component 3-like 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 19.46823 | 19.46855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753743 | Gm45167 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109301 | MGI:5753743 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45167 |
7 | gene | 19.50449 | 19.50837 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2678952 | Bloc1s3 | NCBI_Gene:232946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057667 | MGI:2678952 | protein coding gene | biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex-1, subunit 3 |
7 | gene | 19.50840 | 19.51615 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914341 | Trappc6a | NCBI_Gene:67091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002043 | MGI:1914341 | protein coding gene | trafficking protein particle complex 6A |
7 | gene | 19.51624 | 19.52506 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916797 | Nkpd1 | NCBI_Gene:69547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060621 | MGI:1916797 | protein coding gene | NTPase, KAP family P-loop domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 19.53080 | 19.56308 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2687042 | Ppp1r37 | NCBI_Gene:232947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051403 | MGI:2687042 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 37 |
7 | gene | 19.56495 | 19.57759 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916981 | Gemin7 | NCBI_Gene:69731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044709 | MGI:1916981 | protein coding gene | gem nuclear organelle associated protein 7 |
7 | gene | 19.57729 | 19.58066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926956 | Zfp296 | NCBI_Gene:63872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011267 | MGI:1926956 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 296 |
7 | gene | 19.58103 | 19.60452 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1855695 | Clasrp | NCBI_Gene:53609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061028 | MGI:1855695 | protein coding gene | CLK4-associating serine/arginine rich protein |
7 | gene | 19.59729 | 19.60229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477384 | Gm26890 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097246 | MGI:5477384 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26890 |
7 | gene | 19.60622 | 19.62944 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103289 | Relb | NCBI_Gene:19698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002983 | MGI:103289 | protein coding gene | avian reticuloendotheliosis viral (v-rel) oncogene related B |
7 | gene | 19.63157 | 19.66503 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927155 | Clptm1 | NCBI_Gene:56457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002981 | MGI:1927155 | protein coding gene | cleft lip and palate associated transmembrane protein 1 |
7 | gene | 19.65264 | 19.65387 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441715 | 6430500G05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6430500G05 gene |
7 | gene | 19.67158 | 19.67794 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88054 | Apoc2 | NCBI_Gene:11813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002992 | MGI:88054 | protein coding gene | apolipoprotein C-II |
7 | gene | 19.67158 | 19.68146 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753381 | Gm44805 | NCBI_Gene:105886299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109350 | MGI:5753381 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 44805 |
7 | gene | 19.67808 | 19.68148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87878 | Apoc4 | NCBI_Gene:11425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074336 | MGI:87878 | protein coding gene | apolipoprotein C-IV |
7 | gene | 19.68948 | 19.69266 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88053 | Apoc1 | NCBI_Gene:11812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040564 | MGI:88053 | protein coding gene | apolipoprotein C-I |
7 | gene | 19.69611 | 19.69919 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88057 | Apoe | NCBI_Gene:11816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002985 | MGI:88057 | protein coding gene | apolipoprotein E |
7 | gene | 19.70131 | 19.71544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858259 | Tomm40 | NCBI_Gene:53333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002984 | MGI:1858259 | protein coding gene | translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 40 |
7 | gene | 19.71502 | 19.72173 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5141977 | Gm20512 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092381 | MGI:5141977 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20512 |
7 | gene | 19.71562 | 19.72015 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621840 | Gm38955 | NCBI_Gene:105242864 | MGI:5621840 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38955 |
7 | gene | 19.71664 | 19.75048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97822 | Nectin2 | NCBI_Gene:19294,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062300 | MGI:97822 | protein coding gene | nectin cell adhesion molecule 2 |
7 | gene | 19.74967 | 19.79039 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593903 | Gm34744 | NCBI_Gene:102638099 | MGI:5593903 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34744 |
7 | gene | 19.75613 | 19.77102 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929940 | Bcam | NCBI_Gene:57278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002980 | MGI:1929940 | protein coding gene | basal cell adhesion molecule |
7 | gene | 19.76091 | 19.76225 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753690 | Gm45114 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109136 | MGI:5753690 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45114 |
7 | gene | 19.77061 | 19.77540 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477094 | Gm26600 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097226 | MGI:5477094 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26600 |
7 | gene | 19.77888 | 19.79681 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1931457 | Cblc | NCBI_Gene:80794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040525 | MGI:1931457 | protein coding gene | Casitas B-lineage lymphoma c |
7 | gene | 19.80846 | 19.82277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88140 | Bcl3 | NCBI_Gene:12051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053175 | MGI:88140 | protein coding gene | B cell leukemia/lymphoma 3 |
7 | gene | 19.80961 | 19.81187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801805 | Gm16175 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087206 | MGI:3801805 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16175 |
7 | gene | 19.81498 | 19.81863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801857 | Gm16174 | NCBI_Gene:102638408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087593 | MGI:3801857 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16174 |
7 | gene | 19.83006 | 19.84761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594050 | Gm34891 | NCBI_Gene:102638293 | MGI:5594050 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34891 |
7 | gene | 19.84697 | 19.84761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753234 | Gm44658 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109424 | MGI:5753234 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44658 |
7 | gene | 19.85200 | 19.85835 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011530 | Gm19345 | NCBI_Gene:100502736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092216 | MGI:5011530 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 19345 |
7 | gene | 19.85210 | 19.87150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685615 | Ceacam16 | NCBI_Gene:330483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014686 | MGI:2685615 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 16 |
7 | gene | 19.86812 | 19.87144 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753235 | Gm44659 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109214 | MGI:5753235 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44659 |
7 | gene | 19.87574 | 19.88799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443001 | Ceacam19 | NCBI_Gene:319930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049848 | MGI:2443001 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 19 |
7 | gene | 19.89733 | 19.89980 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753236 | Gm44660 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108942 | MGI:5753236 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44660 |
7 | gene | 19.90358 | 19.92116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107741 | Pvr | NCBI_Gene:52118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040511 | MGI:107741 | protein coding gene | poliovirus receptor |
7 | pseudogene | 19.91183 | 19.91241 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802154 | Gm16184 | NCBI_Gene:100416336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089886 | MGI:3802154 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16184 |
7 | gene | 19.92073 | 19.92761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3826569 | Gm16251 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090075 | MGI:3826569 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16251 |
7 | gene | 19.93730 | 19.95077 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917330 | Igsf23 | NCBI_Gene:70080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040498 | MGI:1917330 | protein coding gene | immunoglobulin superfamily, member 23 |
7 | pseudogene | 19.94920 | 19.94957 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753227 | Gm44651 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109281 | MGI:5753227 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44651 |
7 | pseudogene | 19.95376 | 19.95462 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644288 | Rpl7a-ps8 | NCBI_Gene:243872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070778 | MGI:3644288 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L7A, pseudogene 8 |
7 | gene | 19.96535 | 19.99111 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918851 | Ceacam20 | NCBI_Gene:71601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070777 | MGI:1918851 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 20 |
7 | gene | 19.99139 | 20.07331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2675377 | Nlrp9b | NCBI_Gene:243874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060508 | MGI:2675377 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 9B |
7 | gene | 20.01008 | 20.01020 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422015 | n-R5s152 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070150 | MGI:4422015 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 152 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.01353 | 20.01393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645816 | Gm8432 | NCBI_Gene:667040 | MGI:3645816 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8432 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.07278 | 20.07332 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011062 | Gm18877 | NCBI_Gene:100417882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109103 | MGI:5011062 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18877 |
7 | gene | 20.09968 | 20.10310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649070 | Vmn1r91 | NCBI_Gene:667067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095201 | MGI:3649070 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 91 |
7 | gene | 20.12166 | 20.12258 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645807 | Gm16442 | NCBI_Gene:620401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096152 | MGI:3645807 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 16442 |
7 | gene | 20.13812 | 20.13909 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033490 | Vmn1r93 | NCBI_Gene:404290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096164 | MGI:3033490 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 93 |
7 | gene | 20.16746 | 20.16838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647287 | Vmn1r94 | NCBI_Gene:620537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094011 | MGI:3647287 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 94 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.18308 | 20.18323 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753174 | Gm44598 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109240 | MGI:5753174 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44598 |
7 | gene | 20.19371 | 20.19463 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3852449 | Vmn1r95 | NCBI_Gene:100312475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094735 | MGI:3852449 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, 95 |
7 | gene | 20.20468 | 20.20561 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647652 | Gm6164 | NCBI_Gene:620574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094298 | MGI:3647652 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6164 |
7 | gene | 20.23291 | 20.23383 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782683 | Gm4498 | NCBI_Gene:100043523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094757 | MGI:3782683 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4498 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.25829 | 20.25913 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010234 | Gm18049 | NCBI_Gene:100416337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109360 | MGI:5010234 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18049 |
7 | gene | 20.26045 | 20.26283 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649012 | Gm5890 | NCBI_Gene:545926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109166 | MGI:3649012 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5890 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.27071 | 20.27125 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010640 | Gm18455 | NCBI_Gene:100417216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109019 | MGI:5010640 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18455 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.28978 | 20.29033 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782686 | Gm4501 | NCBI_Gene:100043528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108843 | MGI:3782686 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4501 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.31102 | 20.33189 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825644 | Gm46007 | NCBI_Gene:108167475 | MGI:5825644 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46007 |
7 | gene | 20.33314 | 20.33406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782309 | Gm4133 | NCBI_Gene:100042964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095745 | MGI:3782309 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4133 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.35663 | 20.35892 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685498 | Vmn1r-ps79 | NCBI_Gene:100042966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094160 | MGI:2685498 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 79 |
7 | gene | 20.37449 | 20.37541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644398 | Gm5728 | NCBI_Gene:435949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095806 | MGI:3644398 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5728 |
7 | gene | 20.41794 | 20.41887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704284 | Vmn1r100 | NCBI_Gene:100043536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096386 | MGI:3704284 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 100 |
7 | gene | 20.44167 | 20.44259 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782311 | Vmn1r101 | NCBI_Gene:100042968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094545 | MGI:3782311 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 101 |
7 | gene | 20.47396 | 20.47492 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642641 | Gm10670 | NCBI_Gene:100042971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094762 | MGI:3642641 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10670 |
7 | gene | 20.50962 | 20.51053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647681 | Vmn1r103 | NCBI_Gene:667129,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096663 | MGI:3647681 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 103 |
7 | gene | 20.53384 | 20.53476 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644682 | Vmn1r104 | NCBI_Gene:667135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096903 | MGI:3644682 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 104 |
7 | gene | 20.54483 | 20.54576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644395 | Gm5726 | NCBI_Gene:435946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096761 | MGI:3644395 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5726 |
7 | gene | 20.57532 | 20.57624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782317 | Gm4141 | NCBI_Gene:100042976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095837 | MGI:3782317 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4141 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.59091 | 20.59172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010235 | Gm18050 | NCBI_Gene:100416338 | MGI:5010235 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18050 |
7 | gene | 20.59297 | 20.59902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782698 | Gm4513 | NCBI_Gene:101055864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109060 | MGI:3782698 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4513 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.60203 | 20.60257 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010641 | Gm18456 | NCBI_Gene:100417217 | MGI:5010641 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18456 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.61845 | 20.63794 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644911 | Gm8486 | NCBI_Gene:667156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109469 | MGI:3644911 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8486 |
7 | gene | 20.66892 | 20.66984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780017 | Vmn1r107 | NCBI_Gene:673977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095275 | MGI:3780017 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 107 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.68041 | 20.68134 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648089 | Vmn1r-ps71 | NCBI_Gene:667166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092487 | MGI:3648089 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 71 |
7 | gene | 20.70230 | 20.70322 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645811 | Vmn1r111 | NCBI_Gene:667292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095768 | MGI:3645811 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 111 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.72245 | 20.72326 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010237 | Gm18052 | NCBI_Gene:100416340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109138 | MGI:5010237 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18052 |
7 | gene | 20.72452 | 20.73062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642587 | Gm10668 | NCBI_Gene:100043566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095190 | MGI:3642587 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10668 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.73477 | 20.73528 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010643 | Gm18458 | NCBI_Gene:100417219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108834 | MGI:5010643 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18458 |
7 | gene | 20.77118 | 20.77208 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649076 | Vmn1r112 | NCBI_Gene:100043569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094284 | MGI:3649076 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 112 |
7 | gene | 20.78729 | 20.78821 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647303 | Vmn1r113 | NCBI_Gene:436135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091638 | MGI:3647303 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 113 |
7 | gene | 20.81122 | 20.81219 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642588 | Vmn1r114 | NCBI_Gene:100042996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094085 | MGI:3642588 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 114 |
7 | gene | 20.84410 | 20.84499 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645605 | Vmn1r115 | NCBI_Gene:667273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091435 | MGI:3645605 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 115 |
7 | gene | 20.87226 | 20.87318 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648873 | Vmn1r116 | NCBI_Gene:667268,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095973 | MGI:3648873 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 116 |
7 | gene | 20.88320 | 20.88412 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648880 | Vmn1r117 | NCBI_Gene:667262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096737 | MGI:3648880 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 117 |
7 | gene | 20.91143 | 20.91235 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645425 | Vmn1r118 | NCBI_Gene:667259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094589 | MGI:3645425 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 118 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.93684 | 20.93765 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010238 | Gm18053 | NCBI_Gene:100416341 | MGI:5010238 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18053 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.93925 | 20.94021 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782711 | Gm4526 | NCBI_Gene:100043574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099623 | MGI:3782711 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4526 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.94798 | 20.94852 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010644 | Gm18459 | NCBI_Gene:100417220 | MGI:5010644 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18459 |
7 | pseudogene | 20.96822 | 20.96877 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782713 | Gm4528 | NCBI_Gene:100043576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109272 | MGI:3782713 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4528 |
7 | gene | 20.98941 | 20.99283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825645 | Gm46008 | NCBI_Gene:108167476 | MGI:5825645 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 46008 |
7 | gene | 21.01153 | 21.01245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686293 | Vmn1r119 | NCBI_Gene:384696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094010 | MGI:2686293 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 119 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.03517 | 21.03729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782339 | Vmn1r-ps73 | NCBI_Gene:100043006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094501 | MGI:3782339 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 73 |
7 | gene | 21.05287 | 21.05378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647340 | Vmn1r120 | NCBI_Gene:435953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093986 | MGI:3647340 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 120 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.09211 | 21.09268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780015 | Vmn1r-ps74 | NCBI_Gene:673902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092616 | MGI:3780015 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 74 |
7 | gene | 21.09757 | 21.09851 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648662 | Vmn1r121 | NCBI_Gene:667240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094680 | MGI:3648662 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 121 |
7 | gene | 21.13321 | 21.13413 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647341 | Vmn1r122 | NCBI_Gene:435951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094001 | MGI:3647341 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 122 |
7 | gene | 21.16219 | 21.16311 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686292 | Vmn1r123 | NCBI_Gene:384695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094385 | MGI:2686292 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 123 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.18224 | 21.18306 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010239 | Gm18054 | NCBI_Gene:100416342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109269 | MGI:5010239 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18054 |
7 | gene | 21.18432 | 21.19042 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648211 | Gm5157 | NCBI_Gene:381937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101436 | MGI:3648211 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5157 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.19458 | 21.19512 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010645 | Gm18460 | NCBI_Gene:100417221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109000 | MGI:5010645 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18460 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.22966 | 21.23020 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782720 | Gm4536 | NCBI_Gene:100043588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109253 | MGI:3782720 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4536 |
7 | gene | 21.25969 | 21.26062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779910 | Vmn1r124 | NCBI_Gene:670764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094221 | MGI:3779910 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 124 |
7 | gene | 21.27218 | 21.27310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704112 | Vmn1r125 | NCBI_Gene:667215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095309 | MGI:3704112 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 125 |
7 | gene | 21.30050 | 21.30147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782346 | Vmn1r126 | NCBI_Gene:100043013,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096813 | MGI:3782346 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 126 |
7 | gene | 21.31894 | 21.31986 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779578 | Vmn1r127 | NCBI_Gene:621561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093890 | MGI:3779578 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 127 |
7 | gene | 21.34937 | 21.35030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643535 | Vmn1r128 | NCBI_Gene:667199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095758 | MGI:3643535 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 128 |
7 | gene | 21.36037 | 21.36129 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645471 | Vmn1r129 | NCBI_Gene:621510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094879 | MGI:3645471 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 129 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.39234 | 21.39326 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646444 | Vmn1r-ps75 | NCBI_Gene:667186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095185 | MGI:3646444 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 75 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.42455 | 21.42536 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010240 | Gm18055 | NCBI_Gene:100416343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109259 | MGI:5010240 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18055 |
7 | gene | 21.42586 | 21.43275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645601 | Gm6882 | NCBI_Gene:628475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109516 | MGI:3645601 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6882 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.43685 | 21.43739 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010646 | Gm18461 | NCBI_Gene:100417222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109380 | MGI:5010646 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18461 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.44577 | 21.46744 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782725 | Gm4541 | NCBI_Gene:100043595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108907 | MGI:3782725 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4541 |
7 | gene | 21.51178 | 21.51270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782726 | Vmn1r130 | NCBI_Gene:100043596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094208 | MGI:3782726 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 130 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.52328 | 21.52420 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646795 | Vmn1r-ps76 | NCBI_Gene:667358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096741 | MGI:3646795 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 76 |
7 | gene | 21.54517 | 21.54609 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782348 | Vmn1r131 | NCBI_Gene:100043016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093941 | MGI:3782348 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 131 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.56533 | 21.56613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010241 | Gm18056 | NCBI_Gene:100416344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108879 | MGI:5010241 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18056 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.56767 | 21.56870 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782729 | Gm4545 | NCBI_Gene:100043602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101076 | MGI:3782729 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4545 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.57765 | 21.57819 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010647 | Gm18462 | NCBI_Gene:100417223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109300 | MGI:5010647 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18462 |
7 | gene | 21.61275 | 21.61515 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647009 | Vmn1r132 | NCBI_Gene:100043604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074322 | MGI:3647009 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 132 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.67036 | 21.67642 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646559 | Gm8600 | NCBI_Gene:667378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101280 | MGI:3646559 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8600 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.68540 | 21.68594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010648 | Gm18463 | NCBI_Gene:100417224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109557 | MGI:5010648 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18463 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.72043 | 21.72097 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782732 | Gm4548 | NCBI_Gene:100043607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109276 | MGI:3782732 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4548 |
7 | gene | 21.76053 | 21.76148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782351 | Gm4175 | NCBI_Gene:100043019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096513 | MGI:3782351 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4175 |
7 | gene | 21.79581 | 21.79673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782353 | Gm4177 | NCBI_Gene:100043025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096760 | MGI:3782353 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4177 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.81348 | 21.81362 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753130 | Gm44554 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109569 | MGI:5753130 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44554 |
7 | gene | 21.83235 | 21.83327 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648167 | Vmn1r135 | NCBI_Gene:667404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095064 | MGI:3648167 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 135 |
7 | gene | 21.84334 | 21.84427 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644396 | Gm5725 | NCBI_Gene:435940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095191 | MGI:3644396 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5725 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.87536 | 21.87734 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647529 | Vmn1r-ps77 | NCBI_Gene:100043026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092506 | MGI:3647529 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 77 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.90734 | 21.90817 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010242 | Gm18057 | NCBI_Gene:100416345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109092 | MGI:5010242 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18057 |
7 | gene | 21.90866 | 21.92129 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649014 | Gm5891 | NCBI_Gene:545929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095976 | MGI:3649014 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5891 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.91964 | 21.92019 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010649 | Gm18464 | NCBI_Gene:100417225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108853 | MGI:5010649 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18464 |
7 | pseudogene | 21.92858 | 21.95643 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645113 | Gm16443 | NCBI_Gene:667421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109405 | MGI:3645113 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16443 |
7 | gene | 21.99459 | 21.99551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782735 | Vmn1r137 | NCBI_Gene:100043614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095962 | MGI:3782735 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 137 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.00608 | 22.00701 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647675 | Vmn1r-ps78 | NCBI_Gene:667431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095287 | MGI:3647675 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 78 |
7 | gene | 22.02798 | 22.02890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782355 | Vmn1r138 | NCBI_Gene:100043029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095163 | MGI:3782355 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 138 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.04812 | 22.04894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010243 | Gm18058 | NCBI_Gene:100416346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109263 | MGI:5010243 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18058 |
7 | gene | 22.05020 | 22.05630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644439 | Gm6176 | NCBI_Gene:620736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096283 | MGI:3644439 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6176 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.06044 | 22.06095 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010650 | Gm18465 | NCBI_Gene:100417226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109041 | MGI:5010650 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18465 |
7 | gene | 22.06906 | 22.09791 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644494 | Vmn1r139 | NCBI_Gene:667444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074311 | MGI:3644494 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 139 |
7 | gene | 22.11732 | 22.11825 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647461 | Gm16451 | NCBI_Gene:100043033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096304 | MGI:3647461 | protein coding gene | predicted pseudogene 16451 |
7 | gene | 22.13378 | 22.13474 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704285 | Gm10666 | NCBI_Gene:100043037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096348 | MGI:3704285 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10666 |
7 | gene | 22.16312 | 22.16403 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644264 | Vmn1r142 | NCBI_Gene:667464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095273 | MGI:3644264 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 142 |
7 | gene | 22.18938 | 22.19030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644289 | Vmn1r143 | NCBI_Gene:667469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096071 | MGI:3644289 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 143 |
7 | gene | 22.20034 | 22.20126 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647206 | Gm8653 | NCBI_Gene:667472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094981 | MGI:3647206 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8653 |
7 | gene | 22.22856 | 22.22948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644807 | Gm8453 | NCBI_Gene:667094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094149 | MGI:3644807 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8453 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.25396 | 22.25478 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010244 | Gm18059 | NCBI_Gene:100416347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109411 | MGI:5010244 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18059 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.25639 | 22.25734 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782741 | Gm4557 | NCBI_Gene:100043625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101948 | MGI:3782741 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4557 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.26636 | 22.26691 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010651 | Gm18466 | NCBI_Gene:100417227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109444 | MGI:5010651 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18466 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.28544 | 22.28599 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782742 | Gm4558 | NCBI_Gene:100043626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108944 | MGI:3782742 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4558 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.30668 | 22.32755 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825646 | Gm46009 | NCBI_Gene:108167477 | MGI:5825646 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46009 |
7 | gene | 22.32879 | 22.32972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782363 | Gm4187 | NCBI_Gene:100043043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093871 | MGI:3782363 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4187 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.35243 | 22.35340 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782368 | Vmn1r-ps70 | NCBI_Gene:100043048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095816 | MGI:3782368 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 70 |
7 | gene | 22.37012 | 22.37104 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645692 | Gm8660 | NCBI_Gene:667485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093917 | MGI:3645692 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8660 |
7 | gene | 22.41223 | 22.41467 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033483 | Vmn1r148 | NCBI_Gene:81011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095543 | MGI:3033483 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 148 |
7 | gene | 22.43731 | 22.43823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782370 | Vmn1r149 | NCBI_Gene:100043051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094542 | MGI:3782370 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 149 |
7 | gene | 22.46311 | 22.46408 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642415 | Gm10665 | NCBI_Gene:100043058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096871 | MGI:3642415 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10665 |
7 | gene | 22.49876 | 22.49968 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644394 | Vmn1r151 | NCBI_Gene:435947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093853 | MGI:3644394 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 151 |
7 | gene | 22.52297 | 22.52389 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643438 | Vmn1r152 | NCBI_Gene:667504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095383 | MGI:3643438 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 152 |
7 | gene | 22.53396 | 22.53489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646576 | Gm8677 | NCBI_Gene:667512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094748 | MGI:3646576 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8677 |
7 | gene | 22.56442 | 22.56534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782378 | Gm4201 | NCBI_Gene:100043061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095984 | MGI:3782378 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4201 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.58002 | 22.58083 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010245 | Gm18060 | NCBI_Gene:100416348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109043 | MGI:5010245 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18060 |
7 | gene | 22.58208 | 22.58813 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782749 | Gm4565 | NCBI_Gene:100043638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109396 | MGI:3782749 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4565 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.59113 | 22.59167 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010652 | Gm18467 | NCBI_Gene:100417228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109567 | MGI:5010652 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18467 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.60755 | 22.62705 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643678 | Gm8685 | NCBI_Gene:667527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109247 | MGI:3643678 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8685 |
7 | gene | 22.65802 | 22.65894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646821 | Vmn1r155 | NCBI_Gene:667530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094905 | MGI:3646821 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 155 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.66946 | 22.67043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646819 | Vmn1r-ps80 | NCBI_Gene:667536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092547 | MGI:3646819 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 80 |
7 | gene | 22.69140 | 22.69232 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642968 | Gm8693 | NCBI_Gene:667543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095081 | MGI:3642968 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8693 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.71154 | 22.71235 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010246 | Gm18061 | NCBI_Gene:100416349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109169 | MGI:5010246 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18061 |
7 | gene | 22.71360 | 22.71971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3809658 | Gm4567 | NCBI_Gene:100043645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095363 | MGI:3809658 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4567 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.72386 | 22.72437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010653 | Gm18468 | NCBI_Gene:100417229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109546 | MGI:5010653 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18468 |
7 | gene | 22.76170 | 22.76259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646139 | Vmn1r157 | NCBI_Gene:667551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095619 | MGI:3646139 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 157 |
7 | gene | 22.78986 | 22.79078 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646143 | Vmn1r158 | NCBI_Gene:100043067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094700 | MGI:3646143 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 158 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.80635 | 22.80847 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3809198 | Gm4207 | NCBI_Gene:100043069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100654 | MGI:3809198 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4207 |
7 | gene | 22.84269 | 22.84361 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642763 | Vmn1r159 | NCBI_Gene:670857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095931 | MGI:3642763 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 159 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.85742 | 22.85757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753401 | Gm44825 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108922 | MGI:5753401 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44825 |
7 | gene | 22.87122 | 22.87215 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779564 | Vmn1r160 | NCBI_Gene:620758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094931 | MGI:3779564 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 160 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.89123 | 22.89227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012085 | Gm19900 | NCBI_Gene:100503796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109514 | MGI:5012085 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19900 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.89355 | 22.89961 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646358 | Gm8708 | NCBI_Gene:667570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102023 | MGI:3646358 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8708 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.90859 | 22.90913 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010654 | Gm18469 | NCBI_Gene:100417230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109072 | MGI:5010654 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18469 |
7 | pseudogene | 22.94363 | 22.94417 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782757 | Gm4574 | NCBI_Gene:100043658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109345 | MGI:3782757 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4574 |
7 | gene | 22.98371 | 22.98467 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782390 | Gm4214 | NCBI_Gene:100043079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092297 | MGI:3782390 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4214 |
7 | gene | 23.01901 | 23.01992 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782392 | Gm4216 | NCBI_Gene:100043083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094532 | MGI:3782392 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4216 |
7 | gene | 23.05554 | 23.05646 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644349 | Vmn1r163 | NCBI_Gene:667586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094934 | MGI:3644349 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 163 |
7 | gene | 23.06653 | 23.06746 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647550 | Gm8720 | NCBI_Gene:667599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096601 | MGI:3647550 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8720 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.09855 | 23.10053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647759 | Gm16456 | NCBI_Gene:100043086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094684 | MGI:3647759 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16456 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.13055 | 23.13135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010247 | Gm18062 | NCBI_Gene:100416350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109098 | MGI:5010247 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18062 |
7 | gene | 23.13185 | 23.14448 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642760 | Gm10662 | NCBI_Gene:100043665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095683 | MGI:3642760 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10662 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.14283 | 23.14337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010655 | Gm18470 | NCBI_Gene:100417231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109085 | MGI:5010655 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18470 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.16687 | 23.18636 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644568 | Gm8728 | NCBI_Gene:667616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109535 | MGI:3644568 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8728 |
7 | gene | 23.21733 | 23.21825 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782762 | Vmn1r165 | NCBI_Gene:100043667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095358 | MGI:3782762 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 165 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.22883 | 23.22976 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647939 | Vmn1r-ps83 | NCBI_Gene:667623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092462 | MGI:3647939 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 83 |
7 | gene | 23.25076 | 23.25168 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782396 | Vmn1r166 | NCBI_Gene:100043088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096073 | MGI:3782396 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 166 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.27073 | 23.27154 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010248 | Gm18063 | NCBI_Gene:100416351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109024 | MGI:5010248 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18063 |
7 | gene | 23.27279 | 23.27890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647238 | Gm6902 | NCBI_Gene:628664,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094682 | MGI:3647238 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6902 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.28302 | 23.28356 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010656 | Gm18471 | NCBI_Gene:100417232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109425 | MGI:5010656 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18471 |
7 | gene | 23.30119 | 23.36228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3056600 | Nlrp4e | NCBI_Gene:446099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045693 | MGI:3056600 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 4E |
7 | pseudogene | 23.35709 | 23.35878 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779503 | Krt8-ps | NCBI_Gene:434261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109325 | MGI:3779503 | pseudogene | keratin 8, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 23.38589 | 23.44192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345193 | Nlrp5 | NCBI_Gene:23968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015721 | MGI:1345193 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 5 |
7 | gene | 23.40700 | 23.40711 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454973 | Gm25196 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095946 | MGI:5454973 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25196 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.44629 | 23.44690 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010783 | Gm18598 | NCBI_Gene:100417412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108946 | MGI:5010783 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18598 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.44758 | 23.44816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010491 | Gm18306 | NCBI_Gene:100416896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109477 | MGI:5010491 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18306 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.48637 | 23.48730 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782403 | Vmn1r-ps84 | NCBI_Gene:100043095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092496 | MGI:3782403 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 84 |
7 | gene | 23.50365 | 23.50721 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644421 | Vmn1r167 | NCBI_Gene:622032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090715 | MGI:3644421 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 167 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.52616 | 23.52696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644117 | Gm8745 | NCBI_Gene:667651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108936 | MGI:3644117 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8745 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.53545 | 23.53642 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010380 | Gm18195 | NCBI_Gene:100416688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109182 | MGI:5010380 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18195 |
7 | gene | 23.53973 | 23.54745 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704286 | Vmn1r168 | NCBI_Gene:100043101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074291 | MGI:3704286 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 168 |
7 | gene | 23.57553 | 23.57885 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782408 | Vmn1r169 | NCBI_Gene:100043103,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094602 | MGI:3782408 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 169 |
7 | gene | 23.60618 | 23.60709 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644326 | Vmn1r170 | NCBI_Gene:546944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094187 | MGI:3644326 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 170 |
7 | gene | 23.63072 | 23.63437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033476 | Vmn1r171 | NCBI_Gene:81012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062483 | MGI:3033476 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 171 |
7 | gene | 23.65832 | 23.66845 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033478 | Vmn1r172 | NCBI_Gene:81010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035523 | MGI:3033478 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 172 |
7 | gene | 23.70070 | 23.71101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645760 | Vmn1r173 | NCBI_Gene:545934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115021 | MGI:3645760 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 173 |
7 | gene | 23.75227 | 23.76240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033491 | Vmn1r174 | NCBI_Gene:404291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090411 | MGI:3033491 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 174 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.77836 | 23.77925 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648935 | Vmn1r-ps85 | NCBI_Gene:384573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092629 | MGI:3648935 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 85 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.78659 | 23.78747 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5009944 | Gm17780 | NCBI_Gene:100047529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109318 | MGI:5009944 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17780 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.80087 | 23.80128 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753152 | Gm44576 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109310 | MGI:5753152 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44576 |
7 | gene | 23.80718 | 23.81064 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648367 | Vmn1r175 | NCBI_Gene:622222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095632 | MGI:3648367 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 175 |
7 | gene | 23.83384 | 23.83737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3809206 | Vmn1r176 | NCBI_Gene:546943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096859 | MGI:3809206 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 176 |
7 | gene | 23.86552 | 23.86645 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033481 | Vmn1r177 | NCBI_Gene:384572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057513 | MGI:3033481 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 177 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.87080 | 23.87178 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010391 | Gm18206 | NCBI_Gene:100416699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109210 | MGI:5010391 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18206 |
7 | gene | 23.89201 | 23.89562 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033482 | Vmn1r178 | NCBI_Gene:232959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062598 | MGI:3033482 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 178 |
7 | gene | 23.92698 | 23.93624 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033486 | Vmn1r179 | NCBI_Gene:404286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046924 | MGI:3033486 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 179 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.94665 | 23.94729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704287 | Gm10175 | NCBI_Gene:100043121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066724 | MGI:3704287 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10175 |
7 | gene | 23.95063 | 23.95569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033485 | Vmn1r180 | NCBI_Gene:232962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092473 | MGI:3033485 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 180 |
7 | pseudogene | 23.96508 | 23.96568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648933 | Gm5324 | NCBI_Gene:384575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109065 | MGI:3648933 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5324 |
7 | gene | 23.97462 | 23.98814 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033489 | Vmn1r181 | NCBI_Gene:404289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097425 | MGI:3033489 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 181 |
7 | gene | 24.00169 | 24.00506 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033488 | V1rd19 | NCBI_Gene:404287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092456 | MGI:3033488 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, D19 |
7 | gene | 24.00309 | 24.00425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033487 | V1rd18 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor%2c D18 |
7 | gene | 24.05325 | 24.06355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033484 | Vmn1r183 | NCBI_Gene:209824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118318 | MGI:3033484 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 183 |
7 | gene | 24.05423 | 24.07790 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595853 | Gm36694 | NCBI_Gene:102640682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108613 | MGI:5595853 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36694 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.06383 | 24.06417 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644252 | Ptma-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:622446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095331 | MGI:3644252 | pseudogene | prothymosin alpha, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.07391 | 24.07797 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753519 | Gm44943 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108960 | MGI:5753519 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44943 |
7 | gene | 24.08190 | 24.10771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923701 | Zfp180 | NCBI_Gene:210135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057101 | MGI:1923701 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 180 |
7 | gene | 24.11190 | 24.12795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929115 | Zfp112 | NCBI_Gene:57745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052675 | MGI:1929115 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 112 |
7 | gene | 24.11245 | 24.11660 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753369 | Gm44793 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108703 | MGI:5753369 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44793 |
7 | gene | 24.13093 | 24.14324 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929117 | Zfp235 | NCBI_Gene:56525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047603 | MGI:1929117 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 235 |
7 | gene | 24.17502 | 24.18319 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3037815 | Zfp114 | NCBI_Gene:232966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068962 | MGI:3037815 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 114 |
7 | gene | 24.19321 | 24.21144 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929114 | Zfp111 | NCBI_Gene:56707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087598 | MGI:1929114 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 111 |
7 | gene | 24.21313 | 24.21439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753372 | Gm44796 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108361 | MGI:5753372 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44796 |
7 | gene | 24.22757 | 24.23760 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929099 | Zfp109 | NCBI_Gene:56869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074283 | MGI:1929099 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 109 |
7 | gene | 24.25473 | 24.26244 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891198 | Zfp108 | NCBI_Gene:54678,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030486 | MGI:1891198 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 108 |
7 | gene | 24.26798 | 24.27779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107611 | Zfp93 | NCBI_Gene:22755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055305 | MGI:107611 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 93 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.28729 | 24.28864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010311 | Gm18126 | NCBI_Gene:100416463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118477 | MGI:5010311 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18126 |
7 | gene | 24.28831 | 24.28931 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6324748 | Gm50477 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118444 | MGI:6324748 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 50477 |
7 | gene | 24.29104 | 24.30252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99663 | Zfp61 | NCBI_Gene:22719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050605 | MGI:99663 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 61 |
7 | gene | 24.30170 | 24.32026 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107610 | Zfp94 | NCBI_Gene:22756,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074282 | MGI:107610 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 94 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.31666 | 24.31950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753089 | Gm44513 | NCBI_Gene:108167470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108567 | MGI:5753089 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44513 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.32000 | 24.32278 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705590 | Gm15465 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082802 | MGI:3705590 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15465 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.32698 | 24.32790 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010167 | Gm17982 | NCBI_Gene:100416226 | MGI:5010167 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17982 |
7 | gene | 24.33308 | 24.33396 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916551 | Tescl | NCBI_Gene:69301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055826 | MGI:1916551 | protein coding gene | tescalcin-like |
7 | gene | 24.33634 | 24.33647 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530974 | Gm27592 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088354 | MGI:5530974 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27592 |
7 | gene | 24.34920 | 24.35511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924192 | Lypd5 | NCBI_Gene:76942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030484 | MGI:1924192 | protein coding gene | Ly6/Plaur domain containing 5 |
7 | gene | 24.35507 | 24.35587 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621849 | Gm38964 | NCBI_Gene:105242876 | MGI:5621849 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38964 |
7 | gene | 24.36982 | 24.38669 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277957 | Kcnn4 | NCBI_Gene:16534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054342 | MGI:1277957 | protein coding gene | potassium intermediate/small conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily N, member 4 |
7 | gene | 24.39960 | 24.42278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919247 | Smg9 | NCBI_Gene:71997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002210 | MGI:1919247 | protein coding gene | smg-9 homolog, nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor (C. elegans) |
7 | gene | 24.43192 | 24.45230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685948 | Irgc1 | NCBI_Gene:210145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062028 | MGI:2685948 | protein coding gene | immunity-related GTPase family, cinema 1 |
7 | gene | 24.44799 | 24.45134 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595318 | Gm36159 | NCBI_Gene:102639971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108360 | MGI:5595318 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36159 |
7 | gene | 24.46094 | 24.47597 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97612 | Plaur | NCBI_Gene:18793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046223 | MGI:97612 | protein coding gene | plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor |
7 | gene | 24.48202 | 24.50454 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2449088 | Cadm4 | NCBI_Gene:260299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054793 | MGI:2449088 | protein coding gene | cell adhesion molecule 4 |
7 | gene | 24.50701 | 24.51568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916463 | Zfp428 | NCBI_Gene:232969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064264 | MGI:1916463 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 428 |
7 | gene | 24.51048 | 24.51245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6275428 | Gm50092 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117477 | MGI:6275428 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 50092 |
7 | gene | 24.53065 | 24.53860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2667176 | Irgq | NCBI_Gene:210146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041037 | MGI:2667176 | protein coding gene | immunity-related GTPase family, Q |
7 | gene | 24.54165 | 24.54662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3615324 | Pinlyp | NCBI_Gene:641361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011632 | MGI:3615324 | protein coding gene | phospholipase A2 inhibitor and LY6/PLAUR domain containing |
7 | gene | 24.54629 | 24.57344 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99137 | Xrcc1 | NCBI_Gene:22594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051768 | MGI:99137 | protein coding gene | X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 1 |
7 | gene | 24.58384 | 24.58774 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141921 | Zfp575 | NCBI_Gene:101544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066721 | MGI:2141921 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 575 |
7 | gene | 24.58754 | 24.60892 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913321 | Ethe1 | NCBI_Gene:66071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064254 | MGI:1913321 | protein coding gene | ethylmalonic encephalopathy 1 |
7 | gene | 24.61028 | 24.62930 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642959 | Phldb3 | NCBI_Gene:232970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074277 | MGI:3642959 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology like domain, family B, member 3 |
7 | gene | 24.62019 | 24.63842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477044 | Gm26550 | NCBI_Gene:102640044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097215 | MGI:5477044 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26550 |
7 | gene | 24.63655 | 24.64112 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919684 | Lypd3 | NCBI_Gene:72434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057454 | MGI:1919684 | protein coding gene | Ly6/Plaur domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 24.66129 | 24.66311 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782781 | Gm4598 | NCBI_Gene:100043706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108470 | MGI:3782781 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4598 |
7 | gene | 24.66673 | 24.66697 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925735 | 2200007N16Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108787 | MGI:1925735 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2200007N16 gene |
7 | gene | 24.66801 | 24.67667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930791 | Tex101 | NCBI_Gene:56746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062773 | MGI:1930791 | protein coding gene | testis expressed gene 101 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.68431 | 24.68464 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753547 | Gm44971 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108768 | MGI:5753547 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44971 |
7 | gene | 24.68791 | 24.69522 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685942 | Gm1096 | NCBI_Gene:381959 | MGI:2685942 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 1096 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.70634 | 24.70667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595935 | Gm36776 | NCBI_Gene:102640793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108430 | MGI:5595935 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 36776 |
7 | gene | 24.70922 | 24.71454 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681843 | Lypd10 | NCBI_Gene:232972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045587 | MGI:2681843 | protein coding gene | Ly6/PLAUR domain containing 10 |
7 | gene | 24.71459 | 24.72693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643098 | Lypd11 | NCBI_Gene:210155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058717 | MGI:3643098 | protein coding gene | Ly6/PLAUR domain containing 11 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.72972 | 24.73013 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753548 | Gm44972 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108404 | MGI:5753548 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44972 |
7 | gene | 24.74398 | 24.76033 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916141 | Cd177 | NCBI_Gene:68891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052212 | MGI:1916141 | protein coding gene | CD177 antigen |
7 | gene | 24.77717 | 24.78466 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347248 | Ceacam10 | NCBI_Gene:26366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054169 | MGI:1347248 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 10 |
7 | gene | 24.81880 | 24.84027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645761 | Gm5893 | NCBI_Gene:545936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011350 | MGI:3645761 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 5893 |
7 | gene | 24.84045 | 24.84052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3629769 | Gt(pU21)105Imeg | NA | NA | unclassified gene | gene trap 105%2c Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics |
7 | gene | 24.85380 | 24.85478 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621850 | Gm38965 | NCBI_Gene:105242877 | MGI:5621850 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38965 |
7 | pseudogene | 24.86090 | 24.86147 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010392 | Gm18207 | NCBI_Gene:100416700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108302 | MGI:5010392 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18207 |
7 | gene | 24.86220 | 24.86270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704288 | Gm9844 | NCBI_Gene:100043712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091955 | MGI:3704288 | protein coding gene | predicted pseudogene 9844 |
7 | gene | 24.86462 | 24.86994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2687054 | Lypd4 | NCBI_Gene:232973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062732 | MGI:2687054 | protein coding gene | Ly6/Plaur domain containing 4 |
7 | gene | 24.86983 | 24.87766 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918491 | Dmrtc2 | NCBI_Gene:71241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011349 | MGI:1918491 | protein coding gene | doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor like family C2 |
7 | gene | 24.87575 | 24.88455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621851 | Gm38966 | NCBI_Gene:105242878 | MGI:5621851 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38966 |
7 | gene | 24.88437 | 24.88981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333780 | Rps19 | NCBI_Gene:20085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040952 | MGI:1333780 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S19 |
7 | gene | 24.89738 | 24.90220 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101774 | Cd79a | NCBI_Gene:12518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003379 | MGI:101774 | protein coding gene | CD79A antigen (immunoglobulin-associated alpha) |
7 | gene | 24.90291 | 24.92659 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353510 | Arhgef1 | NCBI_Gene:16801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040940 | MGI:1353510 | protein coding gene | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1 |
7 | gene | 24.92696 | 24.94450 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642958 | Gm4881 | NCBI_Gene:232974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108367 | MGI:3642958 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4881 |
7 | gene | 24.95352 | 24.95448 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595968 | Gm36809 | NCBI_Gene:102640835 | MGI:5595968 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36809 |
7 | gene | 24.95492 | 24.95824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753546 | Gm44970 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108675 | MGI:5753546 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44970 |
7 | gene | 24.96975 | 24.97275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201692 | Rabac1 | NCBI_Gene:14470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003380 | MGI:1201692 | protein coding gene | Rab acceptor 1 (prenylated) |
7 | gene | 24.97001 | 24.97008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530851 | Mir7046 | miRBase:MI0022895,NCBI_Gene:102465633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098802 | MGI:5530851 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7046 |
7 | gene | 24.97817 | 25.00596 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88107 | Atp1a3 | NCBI_Gene:232975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040907 | MGI:88107 | protein coding gene | ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 3 polypeptide |
7 | gene | 24.98760 | 24.98767 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530652 | Mir7047 | miRBase:MI0022896,NCBI_Gene:102465634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099258 | MGI:5530652 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7047 |
7 | gene | 25.00985 | 25.07237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95818 | Grik5 | NCBI_Gene:14809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003378 | MGI:95818 | protein coding gene | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 5 (gamma 2) |
7 | gene | 25.07257 | 25.08349 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442951 | Zfp574 | NCBI_Gene:232976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045252 | MGI:2442951 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 574 |
7 | gene | 25.08734 | 25.17999 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_101897 | Pou2f2 | NCBI_Gene:18987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008496 | MGI:101897 | protein coding gene | POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2 |
7 | gene | 25.09707 | 25.09718 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531190 | Mir6537 | miRBase:MI0022353,NCBI_Gene:102465968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098441 | MGI:5531190 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6537 |
7 | gene | 25.15246 | 25.15663 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3687343 | D930028M14Rik | NCBI_Gene:434147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074274 | MGI:3687343 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930028M14 gene |
7 | gene | 25.19992 | 25.22061 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914629 | Dedd2 | NCBI_Gene:67379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054499 | MGI:1914629 | protein coding gene | death effector domain-containing DNA binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 25.21767 | 25.21773 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530656 | Mir7048 | miRBase:MI0022897,NCBI_Gene:102466794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098325 | MGI:5530656 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7048 |
7 | gene | 25.21937 | 25.22093 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918501 | 4933430L12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108523 | MGI:1918501 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933430L12 gene |
7 | gene | 25.21985 | 25.22788 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2445181 | Zfp526 | NCBI_Gene:210172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046541 | MGI:2445181 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 526 |
7 | gene | 25.22826 | 25.23785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2152453 | Gsk3a | NCBI_Gene:606496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057177 | MGI:2152453 | protein coding gene | glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha |
7 | gene | 25.22869 | 25.23026 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924374 | 9130221H12Rik | NCBI_Gene:77124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090330 | MGI:1924374 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130221H12 gene |
7 | gene | 25.24256 | 25.25076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109637 | Erf | NCBI_Gene:13875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040857 | MGI:109637 | protein coding gene | Ets2 repressor factor |
7 | gene | 25.26766 | 25.29416 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918972 | Cic | NCBI_Gene:71722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005442 | MGI:1918972 | protein coding gene | capicua transcriptional repressor |
7 | gene | 25.26776 | 25.27083 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825611 | Gm45974 | NCBI_Gene:108167411 | MGI:5825611 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45974 |
7 | gene | 25.29505 | 25.29799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108414 | Pafah1b3 | NCBI_Gene:18476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005447 | MGI:108414 | protein coding gene | platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, subunit 3 |
7 | gene | 25.30136 | 25.30414 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648539 | Prr19 | NCBI_Gene:623131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058741 | MGI:3648539 | protein coding gene | proline rich 19 |
7 | gene | 25.30599 | 25.31620 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3607779 | Tmem145 | NCBI_Gene:330485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043843 | MGI:3607779 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 145 |
7 | gene | 25.31674 | 25.36592 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446294 | Megf8 | NCBI_Gene:269878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045039 | MGI:2446294 | protein coding gene | multiple EGF-like-domains 8 |
7 | gene | 25.36762 | 25.36972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919633 | Cnfn | NCBI_Gene:72383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063651 | MGI:1919633 | protein coding gene | cornifelin |
7 | gene | 25.37682 | 25.56642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3603586 | 4732471J01Rik | NCBI_Gene:654804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053714 | MGI:3603586 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4732471J01 gene |
7 | gene | 25.37953 | 25.39871 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96790 | Lipe | NCBI_Gene:16890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003123 | MGI:96790 | protein coding gene | lipase, hormone sensitive |
7 | gene | 25.38864 | 25.38956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621853 | Gm38968 | NCBI_Gene:105242880 | MGI:5621853 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38968 |
7 | gene | 25.40005 | 25.41289 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2387642 | Cxcl17 | NCBI_Gene:232983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060188 | MGI:2387642 | protein coding gene | chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 17 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.41838 | 25.41984 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645641 | Gm5587 | NCBI_Gene:434148,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108518 | MGI:3645641 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5587 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.42059 | 25.42306 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434304 | Gm20949 | NCBI_Gene:100417596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108503 | MGI:5434304 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20949 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.44215 | 25.44346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782941 | Gm15495 | NCBI_Gene:100418005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081732 | MGI:3782941 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15495 |
7 | gene | 25.46170 | 25.47762 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347245 | Ceacam1 | NCBI_Gene:26365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074272 | MGI:1347245 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 |
7 | gene | 25.48319 | 25.48685 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621852 | Gm38967 | NCBI_Gene:105242879 | MGI:5621852 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38967 |
7 | gene | 25.51604 | 25.54000 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347246 | Ceacam2 | NCBI_Gene:26367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054385 | MGI:1347246 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 2 |
7 | gene | 25.57638 | 25.57839 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589077 | Gm29918 | NCBI_Gene:102631623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108579 | MGI:5589077 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29918 |
7 | gene | 25.58382 | 25.59523 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621454 | Gm38569 | NCBI_Gene:102641661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108553 | MGI:5621454 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38569 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.59928 | 25.60195 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782790 | Gm4607 | NCBI_Gene:108167491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108304 | MGI:3782790 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4607 |
7 | gene | 25.61462 | 25.61589 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646269 | Erich4 | NCBI_Gene:632778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074261 | MGI:3646269 | protein coding gene | glutamate rich 4 |
7 | gene | 25.61867 | 25.61952 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621854 | Gm38969 | NCBI_Gene:105242881 | MGI:5621854 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38969 |
7 | gene | 25.61941 | 25.62555 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913599 | Dmac2 | NCBI_Gene:66349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057229 | MGI:1913599 | protein coding gene | distal membrane arm assembly complex 2 |
7 | gene | 25.62665 | 25.63510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385269 | B3gnt8 | NCBI_Gene:232984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059479 | MGI:2385269 | protein coding gene | UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 8 |
7 | gene | 25.62985 | 25.65898 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107701 | Bckdha | NCBI_Gene:12039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060376 | MGI:107701 | protein coding gene | branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase E1, alpha polypeptide |
7 | gene | 25.65048 | 25.65114 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926124 | B230201I24Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B230201I24 gene |
7 | gene | 25.65915 | 25.67137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107889 | Exosc5 | NCBI_Gene:27998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061286 | MGI:107889 | protein coding gene | exosome component 5 |
7 | gene | 25.66914 | 25.67957 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443589 | Tmem91 | NCBI_Gene:320208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061702 | MGI:2443589 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 91 |
7 | gene | 25.67967 | 25.68656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2387643 | B9d2 | NCBI_Gene:232987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063439 | MGI:2387643 | protein coding gene | B9 protein domain 2 |
7 | gene | 25.68700 | 25.70508 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98725 | Tgfb1 | NCBI_Gene:21803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002603 | MGI:98725 | protein coding gene | transforming growth factor, beta 1 |
7 | gene | 25.71111 | 25.71982 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196455 | Ccdc97 | NCBI_Gene:52132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002608 | MGI:1196455 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 97 |
7 | gene | 25.72116 | 25.75624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443517 | Hnrnpul1 | NCBI_Gene:232989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040725 | MGI:2443517 | protein coding gene | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 1 |
7 | gene | 25.75650 | 25.78873 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347244 | Axl | NCBI_Gene:26362,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002602 | MGI:1347244 | protein coding gene | AXL receptor tyrosine kinase |
7 | pseudogene | 25.79215 | 25.80300 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588922 | Gm29763 | NCBI_Gene:101056023,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108767 | MGI:5588922 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29763 |
7 | gene | 25.80248 | 25.81691 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921384 | Cyp2s1 | NCBI_Gene:74134,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040703 | MGI:1921384 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily s, polypeptide 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.81018 | 25.81046 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753802 | Gm45226 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108691 | MGI:5753802 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45226 |
7 | gene | 25.81665 | 25.82065 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477201 | Gm26707 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097017 | MGI:5477201 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26707 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.82854 | 25.82890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782796 | Gm4613 | NCBI_Gene:100043732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090467 | MGI:3782796 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4613 |
7 | gene | 25.82863 | 25.82873 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454642 | Gm24865 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076445 | MGI:5454642 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24865 |
7 | gene | 25.83795 | 25.83996 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825652 | Gm46015 | NCBI_Gene:108167492 | MGI:5825652 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46015 |
7 | gene | 25.86014 | 25.86988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589305 | Gm30146 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108415 | MGI:5589305 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30146 |
7 | gene | 25.86895 | 25.86905 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453698 | Gm23921 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092999 | MGI:5453698 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23921 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.87533 | 25.87568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753804 | Gm45228 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108809 | MGI:5753804 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45228 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.88200 | 25.88583 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648424 | Gm6434 | NCBI_Gene:101055953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091233 | MGI:3648424 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6434 |
7 | gene | 25.89762 | 25.92662 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88598 | Cyp2b10 | NCBI_Gene:13088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030483 | MGI:88598 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 10 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.95023 | 25.98845 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3716993 | Cyp2b28-ps | NCBI_Gene:232993 | MGI:3716993 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 28, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 25.95025 | 25.95042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753803 | Gm45227 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108552 | MGI:5753803 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45227 |
7 | pseudogene | 25.98150 | 25.98846 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753801 | Gm45225 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108589 | MGI:5753801 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45225 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.00461 | 26.02891 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643081 | Cyp2b27-ps | NCBI_Gene:667957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108606 | MGI:3643081 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 27, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 26.00989 | 26.01239 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652842 | BC026762 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108413 | MGI:2652842 | lncRNA gene | cDNA sequence BC026762 |
7 | gene | 26.06150 | 26.09620 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88599 | Cyp2b13 | NCBI_Gene:13089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040583 | MGI:88599 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 13 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.07181 | 26.07575 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645710 | Rnf170-ps | NCBI_Gene:668047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101800 | MGI:3645710 | pseudogene | ring finger protein 170, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 26.09956 | 26.10032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589079 | Gm29920 | NCBI_Gene:102631625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108342 | MGI:5589079 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29920 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.13475 | 26.14859 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648075 | Cyp2b26-ps | NCBI_Gene:100503967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108544 | MGI:3648075 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 26, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 26.17334 | 26.21066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88600 | Cyp2b9 | NCBI_Gene:13094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040660 | MGI:88600 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 9 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.24590 | 26.24796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646241 | Gm8902 | NCBI_Gene:667968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092464 | MGI:3646241 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8902 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.25508 | 26.25563 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3852450 | Vmn1r-ps86 | NCBI_Gene:100312515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092514 | MGI:3852450 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 86 |
7 | gene | 26.26033 | 26.27062 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3852451 | Vmn1r184 | NCBI_Gene:100312477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046130 | MGI:3852451 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, 184 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.29238 | 26.29277 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753540 | Gm44964 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108698 | MGI:5753540 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44964 |
7 | gene | 26.30442 | 26.30729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625260 | Gm42375 | NCBI_Gene:105247243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108431 | MGI:5625260 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42375 |
7 | gene | 26.30717 | 26.31509 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88596 | Cyp2a4 | NCBI_Gene:13086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074254 | MGI:88596 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 4 |
7 | gene | 26.32247 | 26.40370 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028627 | Nlrp9c | NCBI_Gene:330490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040614 | MGI:3028627 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 9C |
7 | gene | 26.43511 | 26.47614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443697 | Nlrp4a | NCBI_Gene:243880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040601 | MGI:2443697 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 4A |
7 | gene | 26.53118 | 26.53129 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455724 | Gm25947 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094866 | MGI:5455724 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25947 |
7 | gene | 26.53502 | 26.57561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2675292 | Nlrp9a | NCBI_Gene:233001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054102 | MGI:2675292 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 9A |
7 | gene | 26.60764 | 26.61846 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2159634 | Vmn1r185 | NCBI_Gene:171265,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091924 | MGI:2159634 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 1 receptor 185 |
7 | gene | 26.66523 | 26.68644 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646735 | Cyp2b23 | NCBI_Gene:243881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040650 | MGI:3646735 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 23 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.73846 | 26.74590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753610 | Gm45034 | NCBI_Gene:108167478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108692 | MGI:5753610 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45034 |
7 | gene | 26.75714 | 26.77263 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107303 | Cyp2b19 | NCBI_Gene:13090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066704 | MGI:107303 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 19 |
7 | gene | 26.80889 | 26.82120 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109612 | Cyp2g1 | NCBI_Gene:13108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049685 | MGI:109612 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily g, polypeptide 1 |
7 | gene | 26.83531 | 26.84355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88597 | Cyp2a5 | NCBI_Gene:13087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005547 | MGI:88597 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 5 |
7 | pseudogene | 26.91738 | 26.95255 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647278 | Cyp2a21-ps | NCBI_Gene:330491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108487 | MGI:3647278 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 21, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 26.91877 | 26.91935 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010230 | Api5-ps | NCBI_Gene:100416331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108731 | MGI:5010230 | pseudogene | apoptosis inhibitor 5, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 26.93163 | 26.93941 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648316 | Cyp2a22 | NCBI_Gene:233005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091867 | MGI:3648316 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 22 |
7 | gene | 27.02908 | 27.03738 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105055 | Cyp2a12 | NCBI_Gene:13085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060407 | MGI:105055 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 12 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.04685 | 27.04771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782467 | Gm4290 | NCBI_Gene:100043199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108637 | MGI:3782467 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4290 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.04850 | 27.04904 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6324753 | Gm50480 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118450 | MGI:6324753 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50480 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.06051 | 27.06782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588913 | Gm29754 | NCBI_Gene:101055972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108682 | MGI:5588913 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29754 |
7 | gene | 27.11991 | 27.13366 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88608 | Cyp2f2 | NCBI_Gene:13107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052974 | MGI:88608 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily f, polypeptide 2 |
7 | gene | 27.12448 | 27.13067 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801875 | Gm15883 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086868 | MGI:3801875 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15883 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.14839 | 27.14864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753216 | Gm44640 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108306 | MGI:5753216 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44640 |
7 | gene | 27.15371 | 27.15867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686296 | Cyp2t4 | NCBI_Gene:384724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078787 | MGI:2686296 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily t, polypeptide 4 |
7 | gene | 27.15866 | 27.16680 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1932287 | Egln2 | NCBI_Gene:112406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058709 | MGI:1932287 | protein coding gene | egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 2 |
7 | gene | 27.16842 | 27.17890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105071 | Rab4b | NCBI_Gene:19342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053291 | MGI:105071 | protein coding gene | RAB4B, member RAS oncogene family |
7 | gene | 27.16843 | 27.18109 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439452 | Gm21983 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095538 | MGI:5439452 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 21983 |
7 | gene | 27.17601 | 27.17609 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834315 | Mir3101 | miRBase:MI0014093,NCBI_Gene:100526505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093348 | MGI:4834315 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3101 |
7 | gene | 27.17974 | 27.18116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109615 | Mia | NCBI_Gene:12587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089661 | MGI:109615 | protein coding gene | melanoma inhibitory activity |
7 | gene | 27.18700 | 27.19627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1855690 | Snrpa | NCBI_Gene:53607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061479 | MGI:1855690 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A |
7 | gene | 27.19578 | 27.21019 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041247 | BC024978 | NCBI_Gene:414069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078786 | MGI:3041247 | protein coding gene | cDNA sequence BC024978 |
7 | gene | 27.20554 | 27.20566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783364 | Mir1191 | miRBase:MI0006296,NCBI_Gene:100316839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080533 | MGI:3783364 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1191 |
7 | gene | 27.20573 | 27.20612 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915934 | 1110035D15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110035D15 gene |
7 | gene | 27.20717 | 27.22866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442554 | Itpkc | NCBI_Gene:233011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003752 | MGI:2442554 | protein coding gene | inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase C |
7 | gene | 27.22861 | 27.25795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924139 | Coq8b | NCBI_Gene:76889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003762 | MGI:1924139 | protein coding gene | coenzyme Q8B |
7 | gene | 27.24926 | 27.25793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783016 | Gm15567 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084974 | MGI:3783016 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15567 |
7 | gene | 27.25218 | 27.26225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753217 | Gm44641 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108378 | MGI:5753217 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44641 |
7 | gene | 27.25843 | 27.28215 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_894702 | Numbl | NCBI_Gene:18223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063160 | MGI:894702 | protein coding gene | numb-like |
7 | pseudogene | 27.27176 | 27.27239 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783018 | Gm15570 | NCBI_Gene:100416332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083622 | MGI:3783018 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15570 |
7 | gene | 27.28218 | 27.28313 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925864 | 9530041E20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530041E20 gene |
7 | gene | 27.30514 | 27.33971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1321395 | Ltbp4 | NCBI_Gene:108075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040488 | MGI:1321395 | protein coding gene | latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4 |
7 | gene | 27.32980 | 27.33681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589702 | Gm30543 | NCBI_Gene:102632481 | MGI:5589702 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30543 |
7 | gene | 27.34213 | 27.35602 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385803 | Shkbp1 | NCBI_Gene:192192,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089832 | MGI:2385803 | protein coding gene | Sh3kbp1 binding protein 1 |
7 | gene | 27.35265 | 27.35742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141944 | Gm20479 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092367 | MGI:5141944 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 20479 |
7 | gene | 27.35638 | 27.44770 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890574 | Sptbn4 | NCBI_Gene:80297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011751 | MGI:1890574 | protein coding gene | spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 4 |
7 | gene | 27.43314 | 27.43437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753500 | Gm44924 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108416 | MGI:5753500 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44924 |
7 | gene | 27.44798 | 27.46614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385271 | Blvrb | NCBI_Gene:233016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040466 | MGI:2385271 | protein coding gene | biliverdin reductase B (flavin reductase (NADPH)) |
7 | pseudogene | 27.46889 | 27.47062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645709 | Pgam1-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:668045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082016 | MGI:3645709 | pseudogene | phosphoglycerate mutase 1, pseudogene 2 |
7 | gene | 27.47377 | 27.47736 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2180697 | Sertad3 | NCBI_Gene:170742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055200 | MGI:2180697 | protein coding gene | SERTA domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 27.48052 | 27.48684 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621857 | Gm38972 | NCBI_Gene:105242886 | MGI:5621857 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38972 |
7 | gene | 27.48691 | 27.49032 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913438 | Sertad1 | NCBI_Gene:55942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008384 | MGI:1913438 | protein coding gene | SERTA domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 27.49930 | 27.52021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108176 | Prx | NCBI_Gene:19153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053198 | MGI:108176 | protein coding gene | periaxin |
7 | gene | 27.50272 | 27.50812 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782989 | Gm15541 | NCBI_Gene:105242887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087371 | MGI:3782989 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15541 |
7 | gene | 27.52326 | 27.53118 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685008 | Hipk4 | NCBI_Gene:233020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040424 | MGI:2685008 | protein coding gene | homeodomain interacting protein kinase 4 |
7 | gene | 27.53165 | 27.55322 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333782 | Pld3 | NCBI_Gene:18807,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003363 | MGI:1333782 | protein coding gene | phospholipase D family, member 3 |
7 | gene | 27.55323 | 27.58210 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913617 | 2310022A10Rik | NCBI_Gene:66367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049643 | MGI:1913617 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310022A10 gene |
7 | gene | 27.55654 | 27.55950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825612 | Gm45975 | NCBI_Gene:108167412 | MGI:5825612 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 45975 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.58841 | 27.58895 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010231 | Gm18046 | NCBI_Gene:100416333 | MGI:5010231 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18046 |
7 | gene | 27.59155 | 27.64083 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104874 | Akt2 | NCBI_Gene:11652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004056 | MGI:104874 | protein coding gene | thymoma viral proto-oncogene 2 |
7 | gene | 27.64919 | 27.65368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621858 | Gm38973 | NCBI_Gene:105242888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108592 | MGI:5621858 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38973 |
7 | gene | 27.65392 | 27.65735 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920282 | Ttc9b | NCBI_Gene:73032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007944 | MGI:1920282 | protein coding gene | tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9B |
7 | gene | 27.65638 | 27.67461 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346879 | Map3k10 | NCBI_Gene:269881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040390 | MGI:1346879 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 10 |
7 | gene | 27.67093 | 27.67178 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923940 | 1500037F05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1500037F05 gene |
7 | gene | 27.67466 | 27.67784 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753260 | Gm44684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108520 | MGI:5753260 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44684 |
7 | gene | 27.67466 | 27.70648 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2148237 | Zfp607b | NCBI_Gene:112415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057093 | MGI:2148237 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 607B |
7 | gene | 27.67883 | 27.69021 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825613 | Gm45976 | NCBI_Gene:108167413 | MGI:5825613 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45976 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.70972 | 27.71051 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2156868 | Phf5b-ps | NCBI_Gene:260344 | MGI:2156868 | pseudogene | PHD finger protein 5B, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 27.73139 | 27.75370 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99207 | Zfp60 | NCBI_Gene:22718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037640 | MGI:99207 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 60 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.76567 | 27.77097 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3797981 | Gm10046 | NCBI_Gene:100043229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109143 | MGI:3797981 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10046 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.78438 | 27.79548 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588969 | Gm29810 | NCBI_Gene:101056270 | MGI:5588969 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29810 |
7 | gene | 27.80421 | 27.82292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918413 | Zfp626 | NCBI_Gene:71163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030604 | MGI:1918413 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 626 |
7 | gene | 27.83858 | 27.85677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99206 | Zfp59 | NCBI_Gene:22717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078779 | MGI:99206 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 59 |
7 | gene | 27.85753 | 27.90306 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3584526 | Zfp607a | NCBI_Gene:545938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000020420 | MGI:3584526 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 607A |
7 | pseudogene | 27.88240 | 27.88462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3029152 | Prkcz2 | NCBI_Gene:404705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108314 | MGI:3029152 | pseudogene | protein kinase C, zeta 2 |
7 | gene | 27.90739 | 27.92946 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920680 | Zfp974 | NCBI_Gene:73430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070709 | MGI:1920680 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 974 |
7 | gene | 27.92538 | 27.92738 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621605 | Gm38720 | NCBI_Gene:105242528 | MGI:5621605 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38720 |
7 | gene | 27.92755 | 27.93100 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477385 | Gm26891 | NCBI_Gene:105247244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097455 | MGI:5477385 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26891 |
7 | pseudogene | 27.94890 | 27.94982 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704290 | Gm10651 | NCBI_Gene:100043771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074243 | MGI:3704290 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 10651 |
7 | gene | 27.95913 | 27.97917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444764 | Zfp780b | NCBI_Gene:338354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063047 | MGI:2444764 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 780B |
7 | pseudogene | 27.98286 | 27.98381 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3852452 | Vmn1r-ps87 | NCBI_Gene:100312516 | MGI:3852452 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 87 |
7 | gene | 27.98447 | 28.01438 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3036281 | Zfp850 | NCBI_Gene:100043772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096916 | MGI:3036281 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 850 |
7 | pseudogene | 28.02246 | 28.02614 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825662 | Gm46025 | NCBI_Gene:108167509 | MGI:5825662 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46025 |
7 | gene | 28.04170 | 28.05010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346093 | Psmc4 | NCBI_Gene:23996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030603 | MGI:1346093 | protein coding gene | proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 4 |
7 | gene | 28.05473 | 28.05584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753320 | Gm44744 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109262 | MGI:5753320 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44744 |
7 | gene | 28.07124 | 28.12086 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444336 | Fcgbp | NCBI_Gene:215384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047730 | MGI:2444336 | protein coding gene | Fc fragment of IgG binding protein |
7 | pseudogene | 28.09331 | 28.14751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439377 | Gm21925 | NCBI_Gene:100416055 | MGI:5439377 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21925 |
7 | gene | 28.09966 | 28.10249 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3809041 | Gm10935 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10935 |
7 | gene | 28.12325 | 28.12336 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454133 | Gm24356 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064793 | MGI:5454133 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24356 |
7 | gene | 28.12947 | 28.16481 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442118 | 9530053A07Rik | NCBI_Gene:319482,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078776 | MGI:2442118 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530053A07 gene |
7 | gene | 28.14609 | 28.14850 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621861 | Gm38976 | NCBI_Gene:105242892 | MGI:5621861 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38976 |
7 | gene | 28.16727 | 28.16967 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590183 | Gm31024 | NCBI_Gene:105242891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109015 | MGI:5590183 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31024 |
7 | gene | 28.16971 | 28.17927 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95486 | Fbl | NCBI_Gene:14113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046865 | MGI:95486 | protein coding gene | fibrillarin |
7 | gene | 28.17947 | 28.19791 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330302 | Dyrk1b | NCBI_Gene:13549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002409 | MGI:1330302 | protein coding gene | dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1b |
7 | gene | 28.22636 | 28.22865 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753587 | Gm45011 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108968 | MGI:5753587 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45011 |
7 | pseudogene | 28.23565 | 28.23615 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010857 | Gm18672 | NCBI_Gene:100417535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109502 | MGI:5010857 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18672 |
7 | gene | 28.24302 | 28.24375 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621476 | Gm38591 | NCBI_Gene:102642006 | MGI:5621476 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38591 |
7 | gene | 28.26788 | 28.26927 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681174 | Eid2 | NCBI_Gene:386655,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046058 | MGI:2681174 | protein coding gene | EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 2 |
7 | gene | 28.27771 | 28.28013 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924095 | Eid2b | NCBI_Gene:434156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070705 | MGI:1924095 | protein coding gene | EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 2B |
7 | gene | 28.28465 | 28.29119 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3608324 | Selenov | NCBI_Gene:280621,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046750 | MGI:3608324 | protein coding gene | selenoprotein V |
7 | gene | 28.29355 | 28.30224 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1096877 | Dll3 | NCBI_Gene:13389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003436 | MGI:1096877 | protein coding gene | delta like canonical Notch ligand 3 |
7 | gene | 28.30552 | 28.31207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913775 | Timm50 | NCBI_Gene:66525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003438 | MGI:1913775 | protein coding gene | translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 50 |
7 | gene | 28.31489 | 28.33880 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1202400 | Supt5 | NCBI_Gene:20924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003435 | MGI:1202400 | protein coding gene | suppressor of Ty 5, DSIF elongation factor subunit |
7 | gene | 28.31490 | 28.31887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753285 | Gm44709 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109168 | MGI:5753285 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44709 |
7 | gene | 28.35065 | 28.35316 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98118 | Rps16 | NCBI_Gene:20055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037563 | MGI:98118 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S16 |
7 | gene | 28.35151 | 28.35163 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439844 | AF357399 | NCBI_Gene:100302567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077711 | MGI:5439844 | snoRNA gene | snoRNA AF357399 |
7 | gene | 28.35960 | 28.37269 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141874 | Plekhg2 | NCBI_Gene:101497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037552 | MGI:2141874 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 2 |
7 | gene | 28.37300 | 28.37309 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413917 | n-TIaat16 | NCBI_Gene:102467548 | MGI:4413917 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA isoleucine 16 (anticodon TAT) |
7 | gene | 28.37678 | 28.38025 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99180 | Zfp36 | NCBI_Gene:22695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044786 | MGI:99180 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 36 |
7 | gene | 28.37898 | 28.39251 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753286 | Gm44710 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109455 | MGI:5753286 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44710 |
7 | gene | 28.38525 | 28.39271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914474 | Med29 | NCBI_Gene:67224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003444 | MGI:1914474 | protein coding gene | mediator complex subunit 29 |
7 | gene | 28.39295 | 28.39939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923988 | Paf1 | NCBI_Gene:54624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003437 | MGI:1923988 | protein coding gene | Paf1, RNA polymerase II complex component |
7 | gene | 28.39952 | 28.59814 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2448542 | Samd4b | NCBI_Gene:233033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109336 | MGI:2448542 | protein coding gene | sterile alpha motif domain containing 4B |
7 | gene | 28.43661 | 28.43695 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923971 | 1700085B13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700085B13 gene |
7 | gene | 28.43745 | 28.44823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1927135 | Gmfg | NCBI_Gene:63986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060791 | MGI:1927135 | protein coding gene | glia maturation factor, gamma |
7 | gene | 28.45198 | 28.46824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2136810 | Lrfn1 | NCBI_Gene:80749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030600 | MGI:2136810 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 28.47728 | 28.47987 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646789 | Gm6518 | NCBI_Gene:624672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109201 | MGI:3646789 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6518 |
7 | pseudogene | 28.49255 | 28.49771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917251 | 1700028B04Rik | NCBI_Gene:70001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099417 | MGI:1917251 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 1700028B04 gene |
7 | gene | 28.50878 | 28.51053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647279 | Ifnl2 | NCBI_Gene:330496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059128 | MGI:3647279 | protein coding gene | interferon lambda 2 |
7 | gene | 28.52283 | 28.52440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2450574 | Ifnl3 | NCBI_Gene:338374,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060747 | MGI:2450574 | protein coding gene | interferon lambda 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 28.53471 | 28.53566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012065 | Gm19880 | NCBI_Gene:100503763,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108925 | MGI:5012065 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19880 |
7 | gene | 28.54088 | 28.54221 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915666 | Sycn | NCBI_Gene:68416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084174 | MGI:1915666 | protein coding gene | syncollin |
7 | gene | 28.54360 | 28.54725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685009 | Nccrp1 | NCBI_Gene:233038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047586 | MGI:2685009 | protein coding gene | non-specific cytotoxic cell receptor protein 1 homolog (zebrafish) |
7 | gene | 28.54777 | 28.55023 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621862 | Gm38977 | NCBI_Gene:105242893 | MGI:5621862 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38977 |
7 | gene | 28.55882 | 28.59819 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917834 | Pak4 | NCBI_Gene:70584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030602 | MGI:1917834 | protein coding gene | p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 4 |
7 | gene | 28.56093 | 28.56098 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530659 | Mir7049 | miRBase:MI0022898,NCBI_Gene:102466795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098558 | MGI:5530659 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7049 |
7 | gene | 28.60763 | 28.63135 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142121 | Acp7 | NCBI_Gene:101744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037469 | MGI:2142121 | protein coding gene | acid phosphatase 7, tartrate resistant |
7 | gene | 28.62925 | 28.68194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753194 | Gm44618 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108905 | MGI:5753194 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44618 |
7 | gene | 28.64044 | 28.64567 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753193 | Gm44617 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108865 | MGI:5753193 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44617 |
7 | gene | 28.69279 | 28.69934 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685007 | Fbxo27 | NCBI_Gene:233040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037463 | MGI:2685007 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 27 |
7 | gene | 28.71675 | 28.73814 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1354707 | Fbxo17 | NCBI_Gene:50760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030598 | MGI:1354707 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 17 |
7 | gene | 28.73964 | 28.74190 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346333 | Mrps12 | NCBI_Gene:24030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045948 | MGI:1346333 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein S12 |
7 | gene | 28.74197 | 28.75388 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919234 | Sars2 | NCBI_Gene:71984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070699 | MGI:1919234 | protein coding gene | seryl-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase 2 |
7 | gene | 28.75532 | 28.75897 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645242 | Ccer2 | NCBI_Gene:100504112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096257 | MGI:3645242 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil glutamate-rich protein 2 |
7 | gene | 28.75825 | 28.76751 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104752 | Nfkbib | NCBI_Gene:18036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030595 | MGI:104752 | protein coding gene | nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells inhibitor, beta |
7 | gene | 28.76666 | 28.78867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1927664 | Sirt2 | NCBI_Gene:64383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015149 | MGI:1927664 | protein coding gene | sirtuin 2 |
7 | gene | 28.77490 | 28.78151 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012082 | Gm19897 | NCBI_Gene:100503790 | MGI:5012082 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19897 |
7 | gene | 28.78885 | 28.79896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444024 | Rinl | NCBI_Gene:320435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051735 | MGI:2444024 | protein coding gene | Ras and Rab interactor-like |
7 | gene | 28.79399 | 28.79406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413971 | n-TKctt24 | NCBI_Gene:102467570 | MGI:4413971 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 24 (anticodon TTT) |
7 | gene | 28.80854 | 28.82227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104816 | Hnrnpl | NCBI_Gene:15388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015165 | MGI:104816 | protein coding gene | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L |
7 | gene | 28.80930 | 28.81050 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753278 | Gm44702 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109420 | MGI:5753278 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44702 |
7 | gene | 28.82522 | 28.83225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858208 | Ech1 | NCBI_Gene:51798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053898 | MGI:1858208 | protein coding gene | enoyl coenzyme A hydratase 1, peroxisomal |
7 | gene | 28.83318 | 28.84171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107536 | Lgals4 | NCBI_Gene:16855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053964 | MGI:107536 | protein coding gene | lectin, galactose binding, soluble 4 |
7 | gene | 28.85959 | 28.87633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642037 | Gm10648 | NCBI_Gene:100038382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108930 | MGI:3642037 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10648 |
7 | gene | 28.86385 | 28.86629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1316742 | Lgals7 | NCBI_Gene:16858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053522 | MGI:1316742 | protein coding gene | lectin, galactose binding, soluble 7 |
7 | gene | 28.88142 | 28.89359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891369 | Capn12 | NCBI_Gene:60594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054083 | MGI:1891369 | protein coding gene | calpain 12 |
7 | gene | 28.88713 | 28.88848 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753276 | Gm44700 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109307 | MGI:5753276 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44700 |
7 | gene | 28.89325 | 28.96235 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890773 | Actn4 | NCBI_Gene:60595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054808 | MGI:1890773 | protein coding gene | actinin alpha 4 |
7 | gene | 28.92095 | 28.94353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753275 | Gm44699 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109314 | MGI:5753275 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44699 |
7 | gene | 28.92742 | 28.93212 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621863 | Gm38978 | NCBI_Gene:105242894 | MGI:5621863 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38978 |
7 | gene | 28.97137 | 28.98189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921080 | Eif3k | NCBI_Gene:73830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053565 | MGI:1921080 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit K |
7 | gene | 28.98205 | 29.00328 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346882 | Map4k1 | NCBI_Gene:26411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037337 | MGI:1346882 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 1 |
7 | gene | 29.00334 | 29.12518 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99659 | Ryr1 | NCBI_Gene:20190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030592 | MGI:99659 | protein coding gene | ryanodine receptor 1, skeletal muscle |
7 | gene | 29.02902 | 29.03025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621864 | Gm38979 | NCBI_Gene:105242895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109017 | MGI:5621864 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38979 |
7 | gene | 29.04563 | 29.04569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5690800 | Gm44408 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105563 | MGI:5690800 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 44408 |
7 | gene | 29.07160 | 29.08114 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477098 | Gm26604 | NCBI_Gene:233045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097079 | MGI:5477098 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26604 |
7 | gene | 29.08364 | 29.08369 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3837208 | Mir1963 | miRBase:MI0009960,NCBI_Gene:100316710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089219 | MGI:3837208 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1963 |
7 | gene | 29.13485 | 29.15396 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2386851 | Rasgrp4 | NCBI_Gene:233046,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030589 | MGI:2386851 | protein coding gene | RAS guanyl releasing protein 4 |
7 | gene | 29.13844 | 29.14031 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3826590 | Gm16282 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090009 | MGI:3826590 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16282 |
7 | gene | 29.15251 | 29.15636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921083 | Fam98c | NCBI_Gene:73833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030590 | MGI:1921083 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 98, member C |
7 | gene | 29.15568 | 29.15692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915936 | 1110035H17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099098 | MGI:1915936 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110035H17 gene |
7 | gene | 29.15727 | 29.17041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142186 | Spred3 | NCBI_Gene:101809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037239 | MGI:2142186 | protein coding gene | sprouty-related EVH1 domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 29.17021 | 29.17398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2181461 | Ggn | NCBI_Gene:243897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031493 | MGI:2181461 | protein coding gene | gametogenetin |
7 | gene | 29.17419 | 29.18070 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1888669 | Psmd8 | NCBI_Gene:57296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030591 | MGI:1888669 | protein coding gene | proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 8 |
7 | gene | 29.18132 | 29.21563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443617 | Catsperg1 | NCBI_Gene:320225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049676 | MGI:2443617 | protein coding gene | cation channel sperm associated auxiliary subunit gamma 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.18304 | 29.18338 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937940 | Gm17113 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061115 | MGI:4937940 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17113 |
7 | gene | 29.22193 | 29.23252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891291 | Kcnk6 | NCBI_Gene:52150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046410 | MGI:1891291 | protein coding gene | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily K, member 6 |
7 | gene | 29.23648 | 29.24760 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924504 | Yif1b | NCBI_Gene:77254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030588 | MGI:1924504 | protein coding gene | Yip1 interacting factor homolog B (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 29.24656 | 29.24847 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919525 | 2200002D01Rik | NCBI_Gene:72275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030587 | MGI:1919525 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2200002D01 gene |
7 | gene | 29.25632 | 29.28207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338031 | Spint2 | NCBI_Gene:20733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074227 | MGI:1338031 | protein coding gene | serine protease inhibitor, Kunitz type 2 |
7 | gene | 29.28358 | 29.28836 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825614 | Gm45977 | NCBI_Gene:108167414 | MGI:5825614 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45977 |
7 | gene | 29.28931 | 29.29380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1931139 | Ppp1r14a | NCBI_Gene:68458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037166 | MGI:1931139 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 14A |
7 | gene | 29.30395 | 29.31824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1352748 | Dpf1 | NCBI_Gene:29861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030584 | MGI:1352748 | protein coding gene | D4, zinc and double PHD fingers family 1 |
7 | gene | 29.31677 | 29.31940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753208 | Gm44632 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109351 | MGI:5753208 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44632 |
7 | gene | 29.32037 | 29.51907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921456 | Sipa1l3 | NCBI_Gene:74206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030583 | MGI:1921456 | protein coding gene | signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.51907 | 29.53805 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2149781 | 4932431P20Rik | NCBI_Gene:114675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074224 | MGI:2149781 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 4932431P20 gene |
7 | gene | 29.55216 | 29.55303 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922463 | 4930544L20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930544L20 gene |
7 | gene | 29.55347 | 29.55563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621867 | Gm38982 | NCBI_Gene:105242898 | MGI:5621867 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38982 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.55662 | 29.58217 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045259 | 4930432E11Rik | NCBI_Gene:243900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046958 | MGI:3045259 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 4930432E11 gene |
7 | gene | 29.56037 | 29.56282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580032 | Gm29326 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100400 | MGI:5580032 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29326 |
7 | gene | 29.56890 | 29.57393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028066 | A330087D11Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100111 | MGI:3028066 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A330087D11 gene |
7 | gene | 29.57888 | 29.57983 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045241 | 6330444E15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330444E15 gene |
7 | gene | 29.61948 | 29.62258 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825615 | Gm45978 | NCBI_Gene:108167415 | MGI:5825615 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 45978 |
7 | gene | 29.65716 | 29.65728 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422016 | n-R5s153 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065385 | MGI:4422016 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 153 |
7 | gene | 29.69722 | 29.72705 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923968 | Catsperg2 | NCBI_Gene:76718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049123 | MGI:1923968 | protein coding gene | cation channel sperm associated auxiliary subunit gamma 2 |
7 | gene | 29.73732 | 29.73742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452880 | Gm23103 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065659 | MGI:5452880 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23103 |
7 | gene | 29.76379 | 29.76842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621868 | Gm38983 | NCBI_Gene:105242900 | MGI:5621868 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38983 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.76444 | 29.76466 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753530 | Gm44954 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109205 | MGI:5753530 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44954 |
7 | gene | 29.76855 | 29.78142 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107780 | Zfp84 | NCBI_Gene:74352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046185 | MGI:107780 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 84 |
7 | gene | 29.77329 | 29.77338 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3837209 | Mir1964 | miRBase:MI0009961,NCBI_Gene:100316711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089139 | MGI:3837209 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1964 |
7 | gene | 29.78395 | 29.79470 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99178 | Zfp30 | NCBI_Gene:22693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047473 | MGI:99178 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 30 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.79823 | 29.80012 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643038 | Gm6579 | NCBI_Gene:625349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109565 | MGI:3643038 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6579 |
7 | gene | 29.81601 | 29.83204 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923431 | Zfp790 | NCBI_Gene:233056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011427 | MGI:1923431 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 790 |
7 | gene | 29.83362 | 29.85375 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446235 | Zfp940 | NCBI_Gene:233057,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050855 | MGI:2446235 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 940 |
7 | gene | 29.85309 | 29.85899 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477048 | Gm26554 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097809 | MGI:5477048 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26554 |
7 | pseudogene | 29.85564 | 29.85606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4938026 | Gm17199 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090331 | MGI:4938026 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17199 |
7 | gene | 29.85997 | 29.87730 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444666 | Zfp420 | NCBI_Gene:233058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058402 | MGI:2444666 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 420 |
7 | gene | 29.89016 | 29.89259 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920133 | 2900035I09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900035I09 gene |
7 | gene | 29.89333 | 29.90657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99174 | Zfp27 | NCBI_Gene:22689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062040 | MGI:99174 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 27 |
7 | gene | 29.90651 | 29.90657 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531343 | Mir7668 | miRBase:MI0025008,NCBI_Gene:102465770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098873 | MGI:5531343 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7668 |
7 | gene | 29.90822 | 29.91681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920979 | Zfp383 | NCBI_Gene:73729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099689 | MGI:1920979 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 383 |
7 | gene | 29.92698 | 29.93041 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753449 | Gm44873 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109105 | MGI:5753449 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44873 |
7 | gene | 29.93081 | 29.95444 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107784 | Zfp74 | NCBI_Gene:72723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059975 | MGI:107784 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 74 |
7 | gene | 29.95362 | 29.96966 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442417 | C230062I16Rik | NCBI_Gene:625421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063623 | MGI:2442417 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C230062I16 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 29.96510 | 29.96565 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642393 | Mif-ps | NCBI_Gene:100043796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083669 | MGI:3642393 | pseudogene | macrophage migration inhibitory factor, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 29.97060 | 29.98376 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590894 | Gm31735 | NCBI_Gene:102634056 | MGI:5590894 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31735 |
7 | gene | 29.98396 | 30.02828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142347 | Zfp568 | NCBI_Gene:243905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074221 | MGI:2142347 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 568 |
7 | gene | 30.03636 | 30.05194 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99160 | Zfp14 | NCBI_Gene:243906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053985 | MGI:99160 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 14 |
7 | gene | 30.05449 | 30.07290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890753 | Zfp82 | NCBI_Gene:330502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098022 | MGI:1890753 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 82 |
7 | gene | 30.05603 | 30.09041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504035 | Gm26920 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058447 | MGI:5504035 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 26920 |
7 | gene | 30.07734 | 30.09053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919806 | Zfp566 | NCBI_Gene:72556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078768 | MGI:1919806 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 566 |
7 | pseudogene | 30.08547 | 30.08589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753448 | Gm44872 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109218 | MGI:5753448 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44872 |
7 | gene | 30.09478 | 30.10762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347071 | Zfp260 | NCBI_Gene:26466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049421 | MGI:1347071 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 260 |
7 | gene | 30.09681 | 30.09792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441795 | A430042F24Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A430042F24 gene |
7 | gene | 30.10084 | 30.10093 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453145 | Gm23368 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093495 | MGI:5453145 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23368 |
7 | gene | 30.12157 | 30.14076 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3588204 | Zfp382 | NCBI_Gene:233060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074220 | MGI:3588204 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 382 |
7 | gene | 30.13991 | 30.14075 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921104 | 4930428B01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930428B01 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 30.15140 | 30.15293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779203 | Gm10988 | NCBI_Gene:100416701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108926 | MGI:3779203 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10988 |
7 | gene | 30.16049 | 30.16978 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347092 | Zfp146 | NCBI_Gene:26465,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037029 | MGI:1347092 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 146 |
7 | gene | 30.16049 | 30.16078 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3026990 | 8430406M14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 8430406M14 gene |
7 | gene | 30.16988 | 30.18232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644651 | Gm5113 | NCBI_Gene:330503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066647 | MGI:3644651 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5113 |
7 | gene | 30.18414 | 30.18608 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1316714 | Cox7a1 | NCBI_Gene:12865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074218 | MGI:1316714 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A1 |
7 | gene | 30.18694 | 30.19881 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88266 | Capns1 | NCBI_Gene:12336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001794 | MGI:88266 | protein coding gene | calpain, small subunit 1 |
7 | gene | 30.19395 | 30.20089 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477304 | Gm26810 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097817 | MGI:5477304 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26810 |
7 | pseudogene | 30.21263 | 30.21274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753176 | Gm44600 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109142 | MGI:5753176 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44600 |
7 | gene | 30.22413 | 30.23227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913661 | Tbcb | NCBI_Gene:66411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006095 | MGI:1913661 | protein coding gene | tubulin folding cofactor B |
7 | gene | 30.23195 | 30.23339 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917170 | Polr2i | NCBI_Gene:69920,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019738 | MGI:1917170 | protein coding gene | polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide I |
7 | gene | 30.23330 | 30.23719 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2388075 | Ovol3 | NCBI_Gene:381867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100512 | MGI:2388075 | protein coding gene | ovo like zinc finger 3 |
7 | gene | 30.24014 | 30.28042 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923696 | Wdr62 | NCBI_Gene:233064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037020 | MGI:1923696 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 62 |
7 | pseudogene | 30.26318 | 30.26366 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644977 | Rps12-ps5 | NCBI_Gene:668354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081565 | MGI:3644977 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S12, pseudogene 5 |
7 | gene | 30.28009 | 30.29024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922879 | Thap8 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013928 | MGI:1922879 | protein coding gene | THAP domain containing 8 |
7 | gene | 30.29168 | 30.30837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923936 | Clip3 | NCBI_Gene:76686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013921 | MGI:1923936 | protein coding gene | CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein 3 |
7 | gene | 30.30872 | 30.31430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142037 | Alkbh6 | NCBI_Gene:233065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042831 | MGI:2142037 | protein coding gene | alkB homolog 6 |
7 | gene | 30.31152 | 30.31189 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454534 | Gm24757 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093571 | MGI:5454534 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24757 |
7 | gene | 30.31481 | 30.31905 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141950 | Syne4 | NCBI_Gene:233066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019737 | MGI:2141950 | protein coding gene | spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope family member 4 |
7 | gene | 30.32141 | 30.32390 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915582 | Sdhaf1 | NCBI_Gene:68332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074211 | MGI:1915582 | protein coding gene | succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 1 |
7 | gene | 30.32174 | 30.32347 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3767226 | E130208F15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074210 | MGI:3767226 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA E130208F15 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 30.33480 | 30.33520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6324756 | Gm50483 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118440 | MGI:6324756 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50483 |
7 | gene | 30.34660 | 30.35395 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925421 | 4930479H17Rik | NCBI_Gene:78171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109049 | MGI:1925421 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930479H17 gene |
7 | gene | 30.35549 | 30.36277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442512 | Lrfn3 | NCBI_Gene:233067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036957 | MGI:2442512 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 30.35673 | 30.35692 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455036 | Gm25259 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064982 | MGI:5455036 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25259 |
7 | gene | 30.39240 | 30.39864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625261 | Gm42376 | NCBI_Gene:105247245 | MGI:5625261 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42376 |
7 | gene | 30.41092 | 30.41371 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591188 | Gm32029 | NCBI_Gene:102634448 | MGI:5591188 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32029 |
7 | gene | 30.41376 | 30.41758 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277211 | Tyrobp | NCBI_Gene:22177,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030579 | MGI:1277211 | protein coding gene | TYRO protein tyrosine kinase binding protein |
7 | gene | 30.41771 | 30.41985 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1344360 | Hcst | NCBI_Gene:23900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064109 | MGI:1344360 | protein coding gene | hematopoietic cell signal transducer |
7 | gene | 30.42173 | 30.42875 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041243 | Nfkbid | NCBI_Gene:243910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036931 | MGI:3041243 | protein coding gene | nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells inhibitor, delta |
7 | pseudogene | 30.43071 | 30.43285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589805 | Gm30646 | NCBI_Gene:102632619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109467 | MGI:5589805 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 30646 |
7 | gene | 30.43498 | 30.44560 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88046 | Aplp1 | NCBI_Gene:11803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006651 | MGI:88046 | protein coding gene | amyloid beta (A4) precursor-like protein 1 |
7 | gene | 30.44753 | 30.45769 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442334 | Kirrel2 | NCBI_Gene:243911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036915 | MGI:2442334 | protein coding gene | kirre like nephrin family adhesion molecule 2 |
7 | gene | 30.45470 | 30.45562 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825616 | Gm45979 | NCBI_Gene:108167417 | MGI:5825616 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45979 |
7 | gene | 30.45821 | 30.48861 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859637 | Nphs1 | NCBI_Gene:54631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006649 | MGI:1859637 | protein coding gene | nephrosis 1, nephrin |
7 | gene | 30.46216 | 30.46559 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2675468 | Nphs1os | NCBI_Gene:445267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087009 | MGI:2675468 | antisense lncRNA gene | nephrosis 1 homolog, nephrin, opposite strand |
7 | pseudogene | 30.48466 | 30.48518 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780139 | Rps12-ps4 | NCBI_Gene:100034728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109509 | MGI:3780139 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S12, pseudogene 4 |
7 | gene | 30.49359 | 30.51340 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929093 | Prodh2 | NCBI_Gene:56189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036892 | MGI:1929093 | protein coding gene | proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 2 |
7 | gene | 30.51512 | 30.52219 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685928 | Arhgap33os | NCBI_Gene:100504207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062132 | MGI:2685928 | antisense lncRNA gene | Rho GTPase activating protein 33, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 30.52222 | 30.53509 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2673998 | Arhgap33 | NCBI_Gene:233071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036882 | MGI:2673998 | protein coding gene | Rho GTPase activating protein 33 |
7 | gene | 30.53913 | 30.55244 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2681861 | Proser3 | NCBI_Gene:333193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036864 | MGI:2681861 | protein coding gene | proline and serine rich 3 |
7 | gene | 30.53967 | 30.53986 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915470 | 1700019A23Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109102 | MGI:1915470 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700019A23 gene |
7 | gene | 30.55218 | 30.55544 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685325 | Hspb6 | NCBI_Gene:243912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036854 | MGI:2685325 | protein coding gene | heat shock protein, alpha-crystallin-related, B6 |
7 | gene | 30.55283 | 30.55290 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621555 | Gm38670 | NCBI_Gene:104795949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106236 | MGI:5621555 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 38670 |
7 | gene | 30.55544 | 30.55984 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922910 | Lin37 | NCBI_Gene:75660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036845 | MGI:1922910 | protein coding gene | lin-37 homolog (C. elegans) |
7 | gene | 30.56186 | 30.56363 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913590 | Psenen | NCBI_Gene:66340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036835 | MGI:1913590 | protein coding gene | presenilin enhancer gamma secretase subunit |
7 | gene | 30.56330 | 30.56536 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2678374 | U2af1l4 | NCBI_Gene:233073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078765 | MGI:2678374 | protein coding gene | U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1-like 4 |
7 | gene | 30.56334 | 30.56796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6121629 | Gm49396 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109378 | MGI:6121629 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49396 |
7 | gene | 30.56543 | 30.56796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3655979 | Igflr1 | NCBI_Gene:101883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036826 | MGI:3655979 | protein coding gene | IGF-like family receptor 1 |
7 | gene | 30.56885 | 30.58873 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109565 | Kmt2b | NCBI_Gene:75410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006307 | MGI:109565 | protein coding gene | lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2B |
7 | gene | 30.58890 | 30.59152 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591241 | Gm32082 | NCBI_Gene:102634521 | MGI:5591241 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32082 |
7 | gene | 30.58938 | 30.58944 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530661 | Mir3569 | miRBase:MI0025014,NCBI_Gene:102465774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098553 | MGI:5530661 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3569 |
7 | gene | 30.58968 | 30.60282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891838 | Zbtb32 | NCBI_Gene:58206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006310 | MGI:1891838 | protein coding gene | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 32 |
7 | gene | 30.60309 | 30.61285 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98911 | Upk1a | NCBI_Gene:109637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006313 | MGI:98911 | protein coding gene | uroplakin 1A |
7 | gene | 30.61686 | 30.62615 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107460 | Cox6b1 | NCBI_Gene:110323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036751 | MGI:107460 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase, subunit 6B1 |
7 | gene | 30.63362 | 30.63651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99253 | Etv2 | NCBI_Gene:14008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006311 | MGI:99253 | protein coding gene | ets variant 2 |
7 | gene | 30.63663 | 30.63841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924278 | 4921520E09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921520E09 gene |
7 | gene | 30.64100 | 30.65032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915285 | Rbm42 | NCBI_Gene:68035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036733 | MGI:1915285 | protein coding gene | RNA binding motif protein 42 |
7 | gene | 30.64100 | 30.66494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439451 | Gm21982 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094365 | MGI:5439451 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 21982 |
7 | gene | 30.65038 | 30.65271 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477104 | Gm26610 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097674 | MGI:5477104 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26610 |
7 | gene | 30.65371 | 30.66499 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919159 | Haus5 | NCBI_Gene:71909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078762 | MGI:1919159 | protein coding gene | HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 5 |
7 | gene | 30.67072 | 30.67160 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922177 | Pmis2 | NCBI_Gene:74927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049761 | MGI:1922177 | protein coding gene | PMIS2 transmembrane protein |
7 | gene | 30.69889 | 30.71030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916397 | 2200002J24Rik | NCBI_Gene:69147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013083 | MGI:1916397 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2200002J24 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 30.70974 | 30.71026 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643348 | Gm4883 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066620 | MGI:3643348 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4883 |
7 | gene | 30.71221 | 30.72553 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88113 | Atp4a | NCBI_Gene:11944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005553 | MGI:88113 | protein coding gene | ATPase, H+/K+ exchanging, gastric, alpha polypeptide |
7 | gene | 30.72770 | 30.72954 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915011 | Tmem147 | NCBI_Gene:69804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006315 | MGI:1915011 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 147 |
7 | gene | 30.72958 | 30.75613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642392 | Tmem147os | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109224 | MGI:3642392 | antisense lncRNA gene | transmembrane protein 147, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 30.72978 | 30.74479 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95653 | Gapdhs | NCBI_Gene:14447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061099 | MGI:95653 | protein coding gene | glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, spermatogenic |
7 | gene | 30.73765 | 30.74844 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504050 | Gm26935 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098146 | MGI:5504050 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26935 |
7 | gene | 30.74897 | 30.75613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446326 | Sbsn | NCBI_Gene:282619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046056 | MGI:2446326 | protein coding gene | suprabasin |
7 | gene | 30.76372 | 30.78107 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920962 | Dmkn | NCBI_Gene:73712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060962 | MGI:1920962 | protein coding gene | dermokine |
7 | gene | 30.78790 | 30.79110 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928282 | Krtdap | NCBI_Gene:64661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074199 | MGI:1928282 | protein coding gene | keratinocyte differentiation associated protein |
7 | gene | 30.81803 | 30.82378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441731 | Ffar2 | NCBI_Gene:233079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051314 | MGI:2441731 | protein coding gene | free fatty acid receptor 2 |
7 | gene | 30.82030 | 30.82859 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591395 | Gm32236 | NCBI_Gene:102634718 | MGI:5591395 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32236 |
7 | gene | 30.85433 | 30.85618 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685324 | Ffar3 | NCBI_Gene:233080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019429 | MGI:2685324 | protein coding gene | free fatty acid receptor 3 |
7 | gene | 30.85739 | 30.86156 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684079 | Ffar1 | NCBI_Gene:233081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044453 | MGI:2684079 | protein coding gene | free fatty acid receptor 1 |
7 | gene | 30.86540 | 30.88034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88322 | Cd22 | NCBI_Gene:12483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030577 | MGI:88322 | protein coding gene | CD22 antigen |
7 | gene | 30.87273 | 30.87333 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580145 | Gm29439 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101029 | MGI:5580145 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29439 |
7 | gene | 30.88195 | 30.88645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098716 | D7Ertd128e | NCBI_Gene:52222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100029 | MGI:1098716 | lncRNA gene | DNA segment, Chr 7, ERATO Doi 128, expressed |
7 | gene | 30.89917 | 30.91492 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96912 | Mag | NCBI_Gene:17136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036634 | MGI:96912 | protein coding gene | myelin-associated glycoprotein |
7 | gene | 30.91698 | 30.94682 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753238 | Gm44662 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108546 | MGI:5753238 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44662 |
7 | gene | 30.92237 | 30.92468 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2153530 | Hamp2 | NCBI_Gene:66438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056978 | MGI:2153530 | protein coding gene | hepcidin antimicrobial peptide 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 30.92593 | 30.92715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2153531 | Usf2-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:140554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108352 | MGI:2153531 | pseudogene | upstream transcription factor 2, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 30.94237 | 30.94403 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933533 | Hamp | NCBI_Gene:84506,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050440 | MGI:1933533 | protein coding gene | hepcidin antimicrobial peptide |
7 | gene | 30.94525 | 30.95737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99961 | Usf2 | NCBI_Gene:22282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058239 | MGI:99961 | protein coding gene | upstream transcription factor 2 |
7 | gene | 30.95583 | 30.95800 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937904 | Gm17077 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090357 | MGI:4937904 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17077 |
7 | gene | 30.95691 | 30.96162 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782854 | Gm4673 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097750 | MGI:3782854 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4673 |
7 | gene | 30.95777 | 30.97347 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927471 | Lsr | NCBI_Gene:54135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001247 | MGI:1927471 | protein coding gene | lipolysis stimulated lipoprotein receptor |
7 | gene | 30.97379 | 30.98973 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923665 | Fam187b | NCBI_Gene:76415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046826 | MGI:1923665 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 187, member B |
7 | pseudogene | 30.98549 | 30.98634 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010381 | Gm18196 | NCBI_Gene:100416689 | MGI:5010381 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18196 |
7 | gene | 30.98979 | 31.02900 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625262 | Gm42377 | NCBI_Gene:105247246 | MGI:5625262 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42377 |
7 | gene | 31.03272 | 31.04248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201785 | Fxyd5 | NCBI_Gene:18301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009687 | MGI:1201785 | protein coding gene | FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 5 |
7 | gene | 31.03652 | 31.05771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621869 | Gm38984 | NCBI_Gene:105242901 | MGI:5621869 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38984 |
7 | gene | 31.04026 | 31.04032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530960 | Mir7050 | miRBase:MI0022899,NCBI_Gene:102465635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098783 | MGI:5530960 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7050 |
7 | gene | 31.04251 | 31.05147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1889006 | Fxyd7 | NCBI_Gene:57780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036578 | MGI:1889006 | protein coding gene | FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 7 |
7 | gene | 31.05168 | 31.05720 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1889273 | Fxyd1 | NCBI_Gene:56188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036570 | MGI:1889273 | protein coding gene | FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 1 |
7 | gene | 31.05882 | 31.07093 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2180197 | Lgi4 | NCBI_Gene:243914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036560 | MGI:2180197 | protein coding gene | leucine-rich repeat LGI family, member 4 |
7 | gene | 31.06817 | 31.07670 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107497 | Fxyd3 | NCBI_Gene:17178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057092 | MGI:107497 | protein coding gene | FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 3 |
7 | gene | 31.09873 | 31.11533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196620 | Hpn | NCBI_Gene:15451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001249 | MGI:1196620 | protein coding gene | hepsin |
7 | gene | 31.11652 | 31.12703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98247 | Scn1b | NCBI_Gene:20266,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019194 | MGI:98247 | protein coding gene | sodium channel, voltage-gated, type I, beta |
7 | gene | 31.13013 | 31.15594 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105490 | Gramd1a | NCBI_Gene:52857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001248 | MGI:105490 | protein coding gene | GRAM domain containing 1A |
7 | gene | 31.14953 | 31.15271 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045288 | G630030J09Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097149 | MGI:3045288 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA G630030J09 gene |
7 | gene | 31.15567 | 31.17064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648835 | Gm10640 | NCBI_Gene:100038516,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100985 | MGI:3648835 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10640 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.18204 | 31.18282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779979 | Gm9569 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099536 | MGI:3779979 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9569 |
7 | gene | 31.20836 | 31.20911 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610520 | Gm37292 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104113 | MGI:5610520 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37292 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.25589 | 31.25628 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578743 | Scgb1b1-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099357 | MGI:5578743 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 1, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 31.26374 | 31.26593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782857 | Scgb2b1 | NCBI_Gene:100043827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101554 | MGI:3782857 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 1 |
7 | gene | 31.29051 | 31.30498 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3042579 | Scgb2b2 | NCBI_Gene:381970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036521 | MGI:3042579 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 2 |
7 | gene | 31.29052 | 31.29182 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930867 | Scgb1b2 | NCBI_Gene:57426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062556 | MGI:1930867 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 2 |
7 | gene | 31.35904 | 31.36207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782547 | Scgb2b3 | NCBI_Gene:100043326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078754 | MGI:3782547 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 3 |
7 | gene | 31.37559 | 31.37692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644233 | Scgb1b3 | NCBI_Gene:384585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095257 | MGI:3644233 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.39958 | 31.40318 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578756 | Scgb2b4-ps | NCBI_Gene:102632742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101325 | MGI:5578756 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 4, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.40968 | 31.41006 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578745 | Scgb1b4-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100358 | MGI:5578745 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 4, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.44382 | 31.44421 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5581333 | Scgb1b28-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101658 | MGI:5581333 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 28, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.47094 | 31.47140 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580198 | Gm29492 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099795 | MGI:5580198 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29492 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.50019 | 31.50144 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578757 | Scgb2b5-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100754 | MGI:5578757 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 5, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.50744 | 31.50783 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578746 | Scgb1b5-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101065 | MGI:5578746 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 5, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.54504 | 31.54681 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578752 | Scgb2b28-ps | NCBI_Gene:108167493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099598 | MGI:5578752 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 28, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.60328 | 31.60381 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644328 | Rpl23a-ps8 | NCBI_Gene:546947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100734 | MGI:3644328 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 8 |
7 | gene | 31.61774 | 31.61953 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011792 | Scgb2b6 | NCBI_Gene:100503242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102002 | MGI:5011792 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 6 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.62560 | 31.62679 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780117 | Scgb1b6-ps | NCBI_Gene:108167494,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100639 | MGI:3780117 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 6, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.65234 | 31.65297 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782558 | Gm4373 | NCBI_Gene:100043337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101545 | MGI:3782558 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4373 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.67958 | 31.68011 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644329 | Rpl23a-ps9 | NCBI_Gene:546949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102041 | MGI:3644329 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 9 |
7 | gene | 31.70378 | 31.70576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782864 | Scgb2b7 | NCBI_Gene:100043836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094053 | MGI:3782864 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 7 |
7 | gene | 31.71267 | 31.71398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643480 | Scgb1b7 | NCBI_Gene:626305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078759 | MGI:3643480 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 7 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.74417 | 31.74539 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647353 | Gm9114 | NCBI_Gene:668342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101371 | MGI:3647353 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9114 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.76695 | 31.76742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580333 | Gm29627 | NCBI_Gene:102635284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100517 | MGI:5580333 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29627 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.77878 | 31.78056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578758 | Scgb2b8-ps | NCBI_Gene:102632971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099961 | MGI:5578758 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 8, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.78828 | 31.78946 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578747 | Scgb1b8-ps | NCBI_Gene:102635172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099612 | MGI:5578747 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 8, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.81709 | 31.81831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646884 | Gm6669 | NCBI_Gene:626358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099344 | MGI:3646884 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6669 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.87902 | 31.88024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644974 | Gm9120 | NCBI_Gene:668351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101807 | MGI:3644974 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9120 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.89651 | 31.89694 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5435028 | Gm21673 | NCBI_Gene:102635398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101765 | MGI:5435028 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21673 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.91523 | 31.91738 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578759 | Scgb2b9-ps | NCBI_Gene:102635511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101270 | MGI:5578759 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 9, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.92434 | 31.92473 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578748 | Scgb1b9-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101248 | MGI:5578748 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 9, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 31.93502 | 31.93843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825647 | Gm46010 | NCBI_Gene:108167480 | MGI:5825647 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46010 |
7 | pseudogene | 31.97210 | 31.97257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647426 | Gm5329 | NCBI_Gene:102633076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100926 | MGI:3647426 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5329 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.01303 | 32.01480 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578753 | Scgb2b29-ps | NCBI_Gene:102635608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101039 | MGI:5578753 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 29, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.05901 | 32.06021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648386 | Gm9127 | NCBI_Gene:668361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101777 | MGI:3648386 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9127 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.07359 | 32.07378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579968 | Gm29262 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101025 | MGI:5579968 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29262 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.07388 | 32.07434 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579969 | Gm29263 | NCBI_Gene:101056012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099396 | MGI:5579969 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29263 |
7 | gene | 32.09200 | 32.09394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643785 | Scgb2b10 | NCBI_Gene:624584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099826 | MGI:3643785 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 10 |
7 | gene | 32.10085 | 32.10217 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782569 | Scgb1b10 | NCBI_Gene:102635992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099581 | MGI:3782569 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 10 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.13666 | 32.13719 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645318 | Rpl23a-ps10 | NCBI_Gene:546951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101327 | MGI:3645318 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 10 |
7 | gene | 32.14624 | 32.14803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646832 | Scgb2b30 | NCBI_Gene:626740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099673 | MGI:3646832 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 30 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.17170 | 32.17290 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645182 | Gm9135 | NCBI_Gene:668371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098013 | MGI:3645182 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9135 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.20226 | 32.20240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578962 | Gm28256 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101824 | MGI:5578962 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28256 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.20249 | 32.20296 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578963 | Gm28257 | NCBI_Gene:668377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101504 | MGI:5578963 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28257 |
7 | gene | 32.20917 | 32.21115 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782867 | Scgb2b11 | NCBI_Gene:100043842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099729 | MGI:3782867 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 11 |
7 | gene | 32.22284 | 32.22416 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5581331 | Scgb1b11 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101638 | MGI:5581331 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 11 |
7 | gene | 32.32529 | 32.32724 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645177 | Scgb2b12 | NCBI_Gene:668379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097982 | MGI:3645177 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 12 |
7 | gene | 32.33418 | 32.33550 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645736 | Scgb1b12 | NCBI_Gene:668381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101520 | MGI:3645736 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 12 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.35891 | 32.36008 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644769 | Gm9142 | NCBI_Gene:668386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099394 | MGI:3644769 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9142 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.38824 | 32.38841 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579568 | Gm28862 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100657 | MGI:5579568 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28862 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.38847 | 32.38899 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646618 | Rpl23a-ps11 | NCBI_Gene:626373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100513 | MGI:3646618 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 11 |
7 | gene | 32.44154 | 32.44284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644231 | Scgb1b29 | NCBI_Gene:384589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078757 | MGI:3644231 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 29 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.47323 | 32.47445 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646192 | Gm9146 | NCBI_Gene:668393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098185 | MGI:3646192 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9146 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.49564 | 32.49611 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649164 | Gm5116 | NCBI_Gene:101056169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100751 | MGI:3649164 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5116 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.50750 | 32.50928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578749 | Scgb2b13-ps | NCBI_Gene:102633333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100386 | MGI:5578749 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 13, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.51701 | 32.51819 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578739 | Scgb1b13-ps | NCBI_Gene:102636609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100949 | MGI:5578739 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 13, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.54574 | 32.54696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647424 | Gm5327 | NCBI_Gene:384591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094827 | MGI:3647424 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5327 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.60480 | 32.60602 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646183 | Gm9149 | NCBI_Gene:668398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098205 | MGI:3646183 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9149 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.62226 | 32.62270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5434490 | Gm21135 | NCBI_Gene:100861685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101312 | MGI:5434490 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21135 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.64765 | 32.64980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578750 | Scgb2b14-ps | NCBI_Gene:102636816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099932 | MGI:5578750 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 14, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.65677 | 32.65716 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578740 | Scgb1b14-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099905 | MGI:5578740 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 14, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 32.69025 | 32.69037 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454543 | Gm24766 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096274 | MGI:5454543 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24766 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.70447 | 32.70494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647682 | Gm5058 | NCBI_Gene:270499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100613 | MGI:3647682 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5058 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.70503 | 32.70515 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580135 | Gm29429 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100577 | MGI:5580135 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29429 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.74529 | 32.74706 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578754 | Scgb2b31-ps | NCBI_Gene:102636925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100903 | MGI:5578754 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 31, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.79148 | 32.79268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782583 | Gm4398 | NCBI_Gene:100043373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097952 | MGI:3782583 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4398 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.80613 | 32.80627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580138 | Gm29432 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099549 | MGI:5580138 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29432 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.80637 | 32.80683 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579114 | Gm28408 | NCBI_Gene:101056033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099821 | MGI:5579114 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28408 |
7 | gene | 32.82768 | 32.82966 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644904 | Scgb2b15 | NCBI_Gene:624439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097972 | MGI:3644904 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 15 |
7 | gene | 32.83655 | 32.83787 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782584 | Scgb1b15 | NCBI_Gene:102637163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101232 | MGI:3782584 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 15 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.87454 | 32.87669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578751 | Scgb2b16-ps | NCBI_Gene:102637284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100443 | MGI:5578751 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 16, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 32.88365 | 32.88405 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578741 | Scgb1b16-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101185 | MGI:5578741 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 16, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 32.91715 | 32.91727 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455594 | Gm25817 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096142 | MGI:5455594 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25817 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.93137 | 32.93184 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647266 | Gm9156 | NCBI_Gene:668411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100324 | MGI:3647266 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9156 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.93192 | 32.93203 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579115 | Gm28409 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100471 | MGI:5579115 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28409 |
7 | pseudogene | 32.97220 | 32.97396 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578755 | Scgb2b32-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101296 | MGI:5578755 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 32, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.01838 | 33.01958 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782590 | Gm4405 | NCBI_Gene:100043386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101486 | MGI:3782590 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4405 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.03304 | 33.03317 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579089 | Gm28383 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101375 | MGI:5579089 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28383 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.03327 | 33.03374 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579090 | Gm28384 | NCBI_Gene:101056051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101974 | MGI:5579090 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28384 |
7 | gene | 33.05458 | 33.05656 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647697 | Scgb2b17 | NCBI_Gene:668526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098094 | MGI:3647697 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 17 |
7 | gene | 33.06345 | 33.06477 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3809666 | Scgb1b17 | NCBI_Gene:102637615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099898 | MGI:3809666 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 17 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.10187 | 33.10201 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579698 | Gm28992 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101927 | MGI:5579698 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28992 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.10209 | 33.10262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645824 | Rpl23a-ps7 | NCBI_Gene:270234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101137 | MGI:3645824 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 7 |
7 | gene | 33.11167 | 33.11346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643719 | Scgb2b33 | NCBI_Gene:668419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101487 | MGI:3643719 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 33 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.13710 | 33.13831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646870 | Gm9162 | NCBI_Gene:668422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098044 | MGI:3646870 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9162 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.16497 | 33.16511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579265 | Gm28559 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100904 | MGI:5579265 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28559 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.16521 | 33.16568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647537 | Gm6003 | NCBI_Gene:102637838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101427 | MGI:3647537 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6003 |
7 | gene | 33.17189 | 33.17386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782872 | Scgb2b18 | NCBI_Gene:100043856,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100058 | MGI:3782872 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 18 |
7 | gene | 33.18557 | 33.18687 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578742 | Scgb1b18 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101401 | MGI:5578742 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 18 |
7 | gene | 33.27837 | 33.28034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648809 | Scgb2b19 | NCBI_Gene:545947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096467 | MGI:3648809 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 19 |
7 | gene | 33.28729 | 33.28861 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646447 | Scgb1b19 | NCBI_Gene:434676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095232 | MGI:3646447 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 19 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.31213 | 33.31330 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643941 | Gm9167 | NCBI_Gene:668431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096102 | MGI:3643941 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9167 |
7 | gene | 33.36434 | 33.36632 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3514009 | Scgb2b20 | NCBI_Gene:494519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094305 | MGI:3514009 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 20 |
7 | gene | 33.37323 | 33.37456 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779681 | Scgb1b20 | NCBI_Gene:545948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094978 | MGI:3779681 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 20 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.40280 | 33.40402 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644172 | Gm5732 | NCBI_Gene:435963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098080 | MGI:3644172 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5732 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.42344 | 33.42357 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579500 | Gm28794 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101027 | MGI:5579500 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28794 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.42367 | 33.42415 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644173 | Gm5731 | NCBI_Gene:435962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099578 | MGI:3644173 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5731 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.44302 | 33.44567 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012314 | Scgb1b34-ps | NCBI_Gene:100504241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101975 | MGI:5012314 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 34, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 33.51848 | 33.52046 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648283 | Scgb2b21 | NCBI_Gene:626970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099900 | MGI:3648283 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 21 |
7 | gene | 33.52738 | 33.52856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782875 | Scgb1b21 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095487 | MGI:3782875 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 21 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.56725 | 33.56971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649644 | Gm12770 | NCBI_Gene:102633800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083568 | MGI:3649644 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12770 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.56816 | 33.56829 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649635 | Gm12771 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081155 | MGI:3649635 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12771 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.60426 | 33.60605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649641 | Scgb2b22-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083381 | MGI:3649641 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 22, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.61462 | 33.61581 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649636 | Scgb1b22-ps | NCBI_Gene:108167495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079892 | MGI:3649636 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 22, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.62515 | 33.65328 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2655747 | Scgb2b23-ps | NCBI_Gene:353109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083896 | MGI:2655747 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 23, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.63516 | 33.63553 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650279 | Scgb1b23-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079893 | MGI:3650279 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 23, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 33.65344 | 33.65927 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649978 | Gm12763 | NCBI_Gene:105242906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085312 | MGI:3649978 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12763 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.69726 | 33.69778 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649973 | Rpl23a-ps12 | NCBI_Gene:668440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094079 | MGI:3649973 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 12 |
7 | gene | 33.73719 | 33.73931 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2655741 | Scgb2b24 | NCBI_Gene:233090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046438 | MGI:2655741 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 24 |
7 | gene | 33.74380 | 33.74510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649643 | Scgb1b24 | NCBI_Gene:100043860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078753 | MGI:3649643 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 24 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.78082 | 33.78154 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650361 | Gm12782 | NCBI_Gene:100418006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081714 | MGI:3650361 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12782 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.79531 | 33.79613 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579320 | Gm28614 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101183 | MGI:5579320 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28614 |
7 | gene | 33.80812 | 33.80823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456220 | Gm26443 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094428 | MGI:5456220 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 26443 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.84494 | 33.84569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649642 | Gm12768 | NCBI_Gene:100416702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081510 | MGI:3649642 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12768 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.85306 | 33.85482 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649900 | Scgb2b25-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084296 | MGI:3649900 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 25, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.86792 | 33.86920 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578744 | Scgb1b25-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100743 | MGI:5578744 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 25, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.87927 | 33.88022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649706 | Gm12757 | NCBI_Gene:635803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081317 | MGI:3649706 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12757 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.90328 | 33.90412 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579321 | Gm28615 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101203 | MGI:5579321 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28615 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.93726 | 33.93824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650638 | Gm12765 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083085 | MGI:3650638 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12765 |
7 | gene | 33.94300 | 33.94504 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87864 | Scgb2b26 | NCBI_Gene:110187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066586 | MGI:87864 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 26 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.95880 | 33.95999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649711 | Scgb1b26-ps | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083942 | MGI:3649711 | pseudogene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 26, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 33.98631 | 33.98638 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578890 | Gm28184 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101159 | MGI:5578890 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28184 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.99700 | 33.99759 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649904 | Gm12773 | NCBI_Gene:100416703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081962 | MGI:3649904 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12773 |
7 | pseudogene | 33.99790 | 34.00706 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649708 | Gm12755 | NCBI_Gene:100043865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081768 | MGI:3649708 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12755 |
7 | gene | 34.01192 | 34.01394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87863 | Scgb2b27 | NCBI_Gene:233099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066584 | MGI:87863 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 2B, member 27 |
7 | gene | 34.02148 | 34.02288 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_87862 | Scgb1b27 | NCBI_Gene:11354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066583 | MGI:87862 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 27 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.03641 | 34.03743 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649974 | Gm12760 | NCBI_Gene:105242907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083434 | MGI:3649974 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12760 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.06856 | 34.06870 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649897 | Gm12779 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080947 | MGI:3649897 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12779 |
7 | gene | 34.09477 | 34.10084 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649901 | Scgb1b30 | NCBI_Gene:100043868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078752 | MGI:3649901 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1B, member 30 |
7 | gene | 34.10954 | 34.13332 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141920 | Wtip | NCBI_Gene:101543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036459 | MGI:2141920 | protein coding gene | WT1-interacting protein |
7 | gene | 34.14069 | 34.16960 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858313 | Uba2 | NCBI_Gene:50995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052997 | MGI:1858313 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.17571 | 34.17608 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649899 | Gm12778 | NCBI_Gene:108167496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081491 | MGI:3649899 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12778 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.17676 | 34.18000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649566 | Gm12783 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081161 | MGI:3649566 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12783 |
7 | gene | 34.18450 | 34.19669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915329 | Pdcd2l | NCBI_Gene:68079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002635 | MGI:1915329 | protein coding gene | programmed cell death 2-like |
7 | gene | 34.20133 | 34.23034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95797 | Gpi1 | NCBI_Gene:14751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036427 | MGI:95797 | protein coding gene | glucose phosphate isomerase 1 |
7 | gene | 34.22476 | 34.23024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477256 | Gm26762 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097660 | MGI:5477256 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26762 |
7 | gene | 34.23042 | 34.23410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649976 | Gm12762 | NCBI_Gene:105247247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086526 | MGI:3649976 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12762 |
7 | gene | 34.23329 | 34.24021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3702543 | Gm12758 | NCBI_Gene:100126229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085105 | MGI:3702543 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12758 |
7 | gene | 34.23671 | 34.31358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924311 | 4931406P16Rik | NCBI_Gene:233103,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066571 | MGI:1924311 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931406P16 gene |
7 | gene | 34.25025 | 34.25135 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3039599 | BC060293 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108737 | MGI:3039599 | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence BC060293 |
7 | gene | 34.25104 | 34.25149 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649053 | Gm6096 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078380 | MGI:3649053 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6096 |
7 | gene | 34.34464 | 34.39332 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914320 | Lsm14a | NCBI_Gene:67070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066568 | MGI:1914320 | protein coding gene | LSM14A mRNA processing body assembly factor |
7 | gene | 34.36270 | 34.36533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753143 | Gm44567 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108447 | MGI:5753143 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44567 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.38128 | 34.38524 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650283 | Gm12774 | NCBI_Gene:102638639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082684 | MGI:3650283 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12774 |
7 | gene | 34.38867 | 34.39478 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649980 | Gm12764 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086184 | MGI:3649980 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12764 |
7 | gene | 34.38973 | 34.39361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917385 | 2310043P16Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108732 | MGI:1917385 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310043P16 gene |
7 | gene | 34.43814 | 34.52088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652050 | Gm12766 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085124 | MGI:3652050 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12766 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.49542 | 34.49607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649896 | Gm12780 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081863 | MGI:3649896 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12780 |
7 | pseudogene | 34.50103 | 34.50141 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590868 | Gm31709 | NCBI_Gene:102634024 | MGI:5590868 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31709 |
7 | gene | 34.52234 | 34.54706 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594456 | Gm35297 | NCBI_Gene:102638822 | MGI:5594456 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35297 |
7 | gene | 34.54447 | 34.58169 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650358 | Gm12784 | NCBI_Gene:102638744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086631 | MGI:3650358 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12784 |
7 | gene | 34.62943 | 34.63156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594537 | Gm35378 | NCBI_Gene:102638938 | MGI:5594537 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35378 |
7 | gene | 34.63700 | 34.63771 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753413 | Gm44837 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108723 | MGI:5753413 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44837 |
7 | gene | 34.63901 | 34.65673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385276 | Kctd15 | NCBI_Gene:233107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030499 | MGI:2385276 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 15 |
7 | gene | 34.65318 | 34.66120 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649569 | Gm12781 | NCBI_Gene:102639020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085923 | MGI:3649569 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12781 |
7 | gene | 34.66541 | 34.67400 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649709 | Gm12756 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087127 | MGI:3649709 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12756 |
7 | gene | 34.67447 | 34.81271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916197 | Chst8 | NCBI_Gene:68947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060402 | MGI:1916197 | protein coding gene | carbohydrate sulfotransferase 8 |
7 | gene | 34.81299 | 34.84418 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621872 | Gm38987 | NCBI_Gene:105242908 | MGI:5621872 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38987 |
7 | gene | 34.91238 | 35.04471 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97542 | Pepd | NCBI_Gene:18624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063931 | MGI:97542 | protein coding gene | peptidase D |
7 | gene | 34.94386 | 34.94398 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455699 | Gm25922 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077469 | MGI:5455699 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25922 |
7 | gene | 34.98335 | 34.99011 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594693 | Gm35534 | NCBI_Gene:102639154 | MGI:5594693 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35534 |
7 | gene | 35.02105 | 35.02921 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594643 | Gm35484 | NCBI_Gene:102639084 | MGI:5594643 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35484 |
7 | gene | 35.04642 | 35.05657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104982 | Cebpg | NCBI_Gene:12611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056216 | MGI:104982 | protein coding gene | CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), gamma |
7 | gene | 35.05140 | 35.05254 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753412 | Gm44836 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108486 | MGI:5753412 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44836 |
7 | gene | 35.05298 | 35.05359 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753670 | Gm45094 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108753 | MGI:5753670 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45094 |
7 | gene | 35.05603 | 35.05638 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753671 | Gm45095 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108333 | MGI:5753671 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45095 |
7 | gene | 35.05726 | 35.06673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753672 | Gm45096 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108739 | MGI:5753672 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45096 |
7 | gene | 35.08191 | 35.08198 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454810 | Gm25033 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093153 | MGI:5454810 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25033 |
7 | gene | 35.08611 | 35.09663 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594770 | Gm35611 | NCBI_Gene:102639258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108657 | MGI:5594770 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35611 |
7 | gene | 35.10182 | 35.10194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452312 | Gm22535 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088799 | MGI:5452312 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 22535 |
7 | gene | 35.11804 | 35.11960 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753667 | Gm45091 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108624 | MGI:5753667 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45091 |
7 | gene | 35.11929 | 35.12193 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99480 | Cebpa | NCBI_Gene:12606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034957 | MGI:99480 | protein coding gene | CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), alpha |
7 | gene | 35.12890 | 35.14243 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594883 | Gm35724 | NCBI_Gene:102639398 | MGI:5594883 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35724 |
7 | gene | 35.13455 | 35.14229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594824 | Gm35665 | NCBI_Gene:102639328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108575 | MGI:5594824 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35665 |
7 | gene | 35.15256 | 35.15826 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595048 | Gm35889 | NCBI_Gene:102639624 | MGI:5595048 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35889 |
7 | gene | 35.16334 | 35.17379 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621873 | Gm38988 | NCBI_Gene:105242909 | MGI:5621873 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38988 |
7 | gene | 35.18635 | 35.20112 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858261 | Slc7a10 | NCBI_Gene:53896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030495 | MGI:1858261 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 10 |
7 | gene | 35.20003 | 35.21550 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3584516 | Lrp3 | NCBI_Gene:435965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001802 | MGI:3584516 | protein coding gene | low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 3 |
7 | gene | 35.21724 | 35.21736 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454282 | Gm24505 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088307 | MGI:5454282 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24505 |
7 | gene | 35.23239 | 35.23481 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621874 | Gm38989 | NCBI_Gene:105242910 | MGI:5621874 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38989 |
7 | gene | 35.23477 | 35.23484 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4414056 | n-TTagt9 | NCBI_Gene:102467387 | MGI:4414056 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA threonine 9 (anticodon AGT) |
7 | gene | 35.23614 | 35.27649 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686275 | Wdr88 | NCBI_Gene:384605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118454 | MGI:2686275 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 88 |
7 | gene | 35.27654 | 35.31844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914721 | Gpatch1 | NCBI_Gene:67471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063808 | MGI:1914721 | protein coding gene | G patch domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 35.28249 | 35.28325 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753212 | Gm44636 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108704 | MGI:5753212 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44636 |
7 | gene | 35.33417 | 35.39229 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1289234 | Rhpn2 | NCBI_Gene:52428,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030494 | MGI:1289234 | protein coding gene | rhophilin, Rho GTPase binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 35.39215 | 35.39684 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142208 | Faap24 | NCBI_Gene:101831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030493 | MGI:2142208 | protein coding gene | Fanconi anemia core complex associated protein 24 |
7 | gene | 35.39700 | 35.43983 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919390 | Cep89 | NCBI_Gene:72140,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023072 | MGI:1919390 | protein coding gene | centrosomal protein 89 |
7 | gene | 35.41505 | 35.44865 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625263 | Gm42378 | NCBI_Gene:105247248 | MGI:5625263 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42378 |
7 | pseudogene | 35.44257 | 35.44524 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010439 | Gm18254 | NCBI_Gene:100416792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100776 | MGI:5010439 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18254 |
7 | gene | 35.44873 | 35.46604 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353656 | Slc7a9 | NCBI_Gene:30962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030492 | MGI:1353656 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 9 |
7 | gene | 35.46694 | 35.53816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919231 | Tdrd12 | NCBI_Gene:71981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030491 | MGI:1919231 | protein coding gene | tudor domain containing 12 |
7 | pseudogene | 35.49746 | 35.49972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010743 | Gm18558 | NCBI_Gene:100417358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100068 | MGI:5010743 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18558 |
7 | gene | 35.54718 | 35.55630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_94203 | Nudt19 | NCBI_Gene:110959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034875 | MGI:94203 | protein coding gene | nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 19 |
7 | gene | 35.55537 | 35.55694 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704291 | B230322F03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097509 | MGI:3704291 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230322F03 gene |
7 | gene | 35.57899 | 35.58558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384418 | Rgs9bp | NCBI_Gene:243923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056043 | MGI:2384418 | protein coding gene | regulator of G-protein signalling 9 binding protein |
7 | gene | 35.58623 | 35.63924 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444103 | Ankrd27 | NCBI_Gene:245886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034867 | MGI:2444103 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 27 (VPS9 domain) |
7 | gene | 35.64198 | 35.64752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913538 | Pdcd5 | NCBI_Gene:56330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030417 | MGI:1913538 | protein coding gene | programmed cell death 5 |
7 | gene | 35.65890 | 35.66034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625264 | Gm42379 | NCBI_Gene:105247249 | MGI:5625264 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42379 |
7 | gene | 35.68516 | 35.75445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443952 | Dpy19l3 | NCBI_Gene:233115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043671 | MGI:2443952 | protein coding gene | dpy-19-like 3 (C. elegans) |
7 | gene | 35.77234 | 35.80300 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916378 | Zfp507 | NCBI_Gene:668501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044452 | MGI:1916378 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 507 |
7 | gene | 35.77238 | 35.77917 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477284 | Gm26790 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096990 | MGI:5477284 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26790 |
7 | gene | 35.80259 | 35.83807 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925797 | E130304I02Rik | NCBI_Gene:78547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044997 | MGI:1925797 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E130304I02 gene |
7 | gene | 35.83826 | 35.83957 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579220 | Gm28514 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100387 | MGI:5579220 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28514 |
7 | gene | 35.91987 | 35.92309 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595393 | Gm36234 | NCBI_Gene:102640079 | MGI:5595393 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36234 |
7 | gene | 35.95365 | 35.96093 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621875 | Gm38990 | NCBI_Gene:105242911 | MGI:5621875 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38990 |
7 | gene | 36.04360 | 36.05270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595445 | Gm36286 | NCBI_Gene:102640151 | MGI:5595445 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36286 |
7 | gene | 36.07624 | 36.10230 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621876 | Gm38991 | NCBI_Gene:105242912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108711 | MGI:5621876 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38991 |
7 | pseudogene | 36.11824 | 36.11886 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641818 | Rpl17-ps9 | NCBI_Gene:100043872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066543 | MGI:3641818 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L17, pseudogene 9 |
7 | gene | 36.15377 | 36.15801 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595499 | Gm36340 | NCBI_Gene:102640220 | MGI:5595499 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36340 |
7 | gene | 36.17130 | 36.18921 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825653 | Gm46016 | NCBI_Gene:108167497 | MGI:5825653 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46016 |
7 | pseudogene | 36.23427 | 36.23547 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648971 | Gm9211 | NCBI_Gene:668507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098016 | MGI:3648971 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9211 |
7 | gene | 36.30251 | 36.30262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453069 | Gm23292 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093359 | MGI:5453069 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23292 |
7 | gene | 36.43061 | 36.43070 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455024 | Gm25247 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093216 | MGI:5455024 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25247 |
7 | gene | 36.53852 | 36.54302 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621877 | Gm38992 | NCBI_Gene:105242913 | MGI:5621877 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38992 |
7 | gene | 36.56874 | 36.57310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579835 | Gm29129 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101965 | MGI:5579835 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29129 |
7 | gene | 36.59714 | 36.60386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595579 | Gm36420 | NCBI_Gene:102640326 | MGI:5595579 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36420 |
7 | gene | 36.62649 | 36.64917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621878 | Gm38993 | NCBI_Gene:105242914 | MGI:5621878 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38993 |
7 | gene | 36.65254 | 36.69728 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595881 | Gm36722 | NCBI_Gene:102640722 | MGI:5595881 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36722 |
7 | gene | 36.69544 | 36.69636 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611513 | Gm38285 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104330 | MGI:5611513 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38285 |
7 | gene | 36.69774 | 36.77355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442819 | Tshz3 | NCBI_Gene:243931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000021217 | MGI:2442819 | protein coding gene | teashirt zinc finger family member 3 |
7 | gene | 36.71017 | 36.71133 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610680 | Gm37452 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103882 | MGI:5610680 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37452 |
7 | gene | 36.72185 | 36.72585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611568 | Gm38340 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102516 | MGI:5611568 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38340 |
7 | gene | 36.72718 | 36.72956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442139 | E230020A03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104420 | MGI:2442139 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E230020A03 gene |
7 | gene | 36.73302 | 36.73456 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611055 | Gm37827 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104454 | MGI:5611055 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37827 |
7 | gene | 36.75120 | 36.75147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454327 | Gm24550 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089273 | MGI:5454327 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24550 |
7 | gene | 36.91416 | 36.91740 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595815 | Gm36656 | NCBI_Gene:102640640 | MGI:5595815 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36656 |
7 | gene | 36.91900 | 36.92219 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595726 | Gm36567 | NCBI_Gene:102640528 | MGI:5595726 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36567 |
7 | gene | 36.93611 | 36.96146 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595623 | Gm36464 | NCBI_Gene:102640395 | MGI:5595623 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36464 |
7 | gene | 37.09280 | 37.11282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595989 | Gm36830 | NCBI_Gene:102640863 | MGI:5595989 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36830 |
7 | gene | 37.11999 | 37.12869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578784 | Gm28078 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101342 | MGI:5578784 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28078 |
7 | gene | 37.12986 | 37.14038 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578782 | Gm28076 | NCBI_Gene:102640984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100616 | MGI:5578782 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28076 |
7 | gene | 37.14041 | 37.15684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578781 | Gm28075 | NCBI_Gene:102631556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100905 | MGI:5578781 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28075 |
7 | gene | 37.17208 | 37.17345 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621879 | Gm38994 | NCBI_Gene:105242917 | MGI:5621879 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38994 |
7 | gene | 37.20314 | 37.20445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589078 | Gm29919 | NCBI_Gene:102631624 | MGI:5589078 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29919 |
7 | gene | 37.20576 | 37.20860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621880 | Gm38995 | NCBI_Gene:105242918 | MGI:5621880 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38995 |
7 | gene | 37.29317 | 37.30041 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621324 | Gm38439 | NCBI_Gene:102631767 | MGI:5621324 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38439 |
7 | gene | 37.29926 | 37.30523 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578783 | Gm28077 | NCBI_Gene:102631842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099715 | MGI:5578783 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28077 |
7 | gene | 37.31790 | 37.32110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804883 | Gm45768 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108434 | MGI:5804883 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45768 |
7 | gene | 37.31802 | 37.77417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926102 | Zfp536 | NCBI_Gene:243937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043456 | MGI:1926102 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 536 |
7 | gene | 37.32097 | 37.32789 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589703 | Gm30544 | NCBI_Gene:102632482 | MGI:5589703 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30544 |
7 | gene | 37.32798 | 37.32992 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589642 | Gm30483 | NCBI_Gene:105242920 | MGI:5589642 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30483 |
7 | gene | 37.36543 | 37.36663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924988 | 6720469O03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108507 | MGI:1924988 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6720469O03 gene |
7 | gene | 37.46512 | 37.46742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753382 | Gm44806 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108790 | MGI:5753382 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44806 |
7 | gene | 37.51705 | 37.51785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753458 | Gm44882 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108330 | MGI:5753458 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44882 |
7 | gene | 37.65938 | 37.66264 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753459 | Gm44883 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108572 | MGI:5753459 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44883 |
7 | gene | 37.66980 | 37.67235 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914891 | 4930505M18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093540 | MGI:1914891 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930505M18 gene |
7 | gene | 37.82424 | 37.82435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452079 | Gm22302 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064591 | MGI:5452079 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22302 |
7 | gene | 37.95999 | 38.02358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1342294 | Uri1 | NCBI_Gene:19777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030421 | MGI:1342294 | protein coding gene | URI1, prefoldin-like chaperone |
7 | gene | 38.03316 | 38.06243 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589843 | Gm30684 | NCBI_Gene:102632668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108726 | MGI:5589843 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30684 |
7 | gene | 38.05932 | 38.09776 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589930 | Gm30771 | NCBI_Gene:102632789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108334 | MGI:5589930 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30771 |
7 | gene | 38.09798 | 38.10753 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88316 | Ccne1 | NCBI_Gene:12447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002068 | MGI:88316 | protein coding gene | cyclin E1 |
7 | gene | 38.14187 | 38.14415 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590071 | Gm30912 | NCBI_Gene:102632970 | MGI:5590071 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30912 |
7 | gene | 38.17661 | 38.17667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451980 | Gm22203 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089230 | MGI:5451980 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22203 |
7 | gene | 38.18256 | 38.19646 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925824 | D530033B14Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108332 | MGI:1925824 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D530033B14 gene |
7 | gene | 38.18322 | 38.19757 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919494 | 1600014C10Rik | NCBI_Gene:72244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054676 | MGI:1919494 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1600014C10 gene |
7 | gene | 38.21697 | 38.22802 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919537 | Plekhf1 | NCBI_Gene:72287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074170 | MGI:1919537 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family F (with FYVE domain) member 1 |
7 | gene | 38.26200 | 38.27142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913411 | Pop4 | NCBI_Gene:66161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030423 | MGI:1913411 | protein coding gene | processing of precursor 4, ribonuclease P/MRP family, (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 38.27141 | 38.33353 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753343 | Gm44767 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108749 | MGI:5753343 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44767 |
7 | gene | 38.27688 | 38.44322 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579159 | Gm28453 | NCBI_Gene:545951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101708 | MGI:5579159 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28453 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.29364 | 38.29698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579287 | Gm28581 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101410 | MGI:5579287 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28581 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.31094 | 38.31663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648318 | Gm9220 | NCBI_Gene:668519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101548 | MGI:3648318 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9220 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.36598 | 38.36787 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782635 | Gm4451 | NCBI_Gene:100043464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100374 | MGI:3782635 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4451 |
7 | gene | 38.38035 | 38.38045 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452415 | Gm22638 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094848 | MGI:5452415 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22638 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.39817 | 38.40805 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645331 | Gm6818 | NCBI_Gene:627975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102073 | MGI:3645331 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6818 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.42873 | 38.43205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579289 | Gm28583 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099781 | MGI:5579289 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28583 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.44645 | 38.45255 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644762 | Gm6605 | NCBI_Gene:100861663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094920 | MGI:3644762 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6605 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.48797 | 38.50520 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647711 | Gm6819 | NCBI_Gene:627983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099846 | MGI:3647711 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6819 |
7 | gene | 38.50043 | 38.53730 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579793 | Gm29087 | NCBI_Gene:102633799,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100169 | MGI:5579793 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29087 |
7 | gene | 38.51814 | 38.52819 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648692 | Gm5591 | NCBI_Gene:434171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060565 | MGI:3648692 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5591 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.56700 | 38.57307 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782638 | Gm4454 | NCBI_Gene:100043467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099765 | MGI:3782638 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4454 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.60189 | 38.60657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434105 | Gm20749 | NCBI_Gene:546957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101847 | MGI:5434105 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20749 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.60666 | 38.60688 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579792 | Gm29086 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100810 | MGI:5579792 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29086 |
7 | gene | 38.61315 | 38.61325 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455063 | Gm25286 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095537 | MGI:5455063 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25286 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.71989 | 38.72561 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434470 | Gm21115 | NCBI_Gene:105242401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100841 | MGI:5434470 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21115 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.76241 | 38.77030 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434631 | Gm21276 | NCBI_Gene:100861861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094233 | MGI:5434631 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21276 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.77859 | 38.78607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434477 | Gm21122 | NCBI_Gene:100861672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100788 | MGI:5434477 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21122 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.78616 | 38.78639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579791 | Gm29085 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099772 | MGI:5579791 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29085 |
7 | gene | 38.79163 | 38.86181 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916590 | 1700010N08Rik | NCBI_Gene:105247250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101855 | MGI:1916590 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700010N08 gene |
7 | gene | 38.79264 | 38.79274 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454574 | Gm24797 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094419 | MGI:5454574 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24797 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.81606 | 38.82616 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434484 | Gm21129 | NCBI_Gene:100861679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101470 | MGI:5434484 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21129 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.86408 | 38.87008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434491 | Gm21136 | NCBI_Gene:100861686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099981 | MGI:5434491 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21136 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.90189 | 38.90932 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434497 | Gm21142 | NCBI_Gene:100861694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096277 | MGI:5434497 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21142 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.91756 | 38.92220 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434507 | Gm21152 | NCBI_Gene:100861705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101023 | MGI:5434507 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21152 |
7 | gene | 38.92777 | 38.97993 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591269 | Gm32110 | NCBI_Gene:102634560 | MGI:5591269 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32110 |
7 | gene | 38.92878 | 38.92888 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455448 | Gm25671 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095053 | MGI:5455448 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25671 |
7 | gene | 38.95227 | 38.96240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645553 | Gm6833 | NCBI_Gene:628058 | MGI:3645553 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6833 |
7 | pseudogene | 38.95321 | 38.95697 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579157 | Gm28451 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101035 | MGI:5579157 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28451 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.13784 | 39.13980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780151 | Gm1982 | NCBI_Gene:100038955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101703 | MGI:3780151 | pseudogene | predicted gene 1982 |
7 | gene | 39.14649 | 39.20589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592226 | Gm33067 | NCBI_Gene:102635822 | MGI:5592226 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33067 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.17004 | 39.17980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780157 | Gm1988 | NCBI_Gene:100038967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101454 | MGI:3780157 | pseudogene | predicted gene 1988 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.21916 | 39.22527 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779556 | Gm6124 | NCBI_Gene:620018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102017 | MGI:3779556 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6124 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.25717 | 39.26441 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646111 | Gm16387 | NCBI_Gene:100038914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097653 | MGI:3646111 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16387 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.27374 | 39.27741 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644713 | Gm9226 | NCBI_Gene:668531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099951 | MGI:3644713 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9226 |
7 | gene | 39.28297 | 39.35469 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592541 | Gm33382 | NCBI_Gene:102636268 | MGI:5592541 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33382 |
7 | gene | 39.28398 | 39.28408 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453084 | Gm23307 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096181 | MGI:5453084 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23307 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.30819 | 39.31763 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579964 | Gm29258 | NCBI_Gene:102636497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100112 | MGI:5579964 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29258 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.35809 | 39.40268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011016 | Gm18831 | NCBI_Gene:100417794 | MGI:5011016 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18831 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.36241 | 39.36867 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646449 | Gm9271 | NCBI_Gene:668618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100721 | MGI:3646449 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9271 |
7 | gene | 39.40729 | 39.41316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647631 | Gm5114 | NCBI_Gene:330513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053742 | MGI:3647631 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5114 |
7 | gene | 39.43151 | 39.43161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530819 | Gm27437 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098777 | MGI:5530819 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27437 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.44498 | 39.45014 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645451 | Gm5590 | NCBI_Gene:434168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046372 | MGI:3645451 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5590 |
7 | gene | 39.44952 | 39.47743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3036240 | Zfp939 | NCBI_Gene:233147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030424 | MGI:3036240 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 939 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.48740 | 39.50050 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579161 | Gm28455 | NCBI_Gene:101056047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100490 | MGI:5579161 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28455 |
7 | gene | 39.51777 | 39.54042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917477 | Zfp619 | NCBI_Gene:70227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068959 | MGI:1917477 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 619 |
7 | gene | 39.54206 | 39.58059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593148 | Gm33989 | NCBI_Gene:102637087 | MGI:5593148 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 33989 |
7 | gene | 39.54254 | 39.54491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753149 | Gm44573 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104150 | MGI:5753149 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44573 |
7 | gene | 39.54440 | 39.58059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610722 | Gm37494 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108621 | MGI:5610722 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37494 |
7 | gene | 39.56785 | 39.56830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646468 | Gm4790 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4790 |
7 | gene | 39.57444 | 39.57623 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923398 | 6230415J03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6230415J03 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 39.58317 | 39.58376 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010168 | Gm17983 | NCBI_Gene:100416227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099934 | MGI:5010168 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17983 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.58851 | 39.59170 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3805010 | Gm2058 | NCBI_Gene:100039133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074903 | MGI:3805010 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2058 |
7 | gene | 39.58852 | 39.59168 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477020 | Gm26526 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096980 | MGI:5477020 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26526 |
7 | gene | 39.63039 | 39.63050 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456104 | Gm26327 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070236 | MGI:5456104 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26327 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.66237 | 39.66622 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780190 | Gm2021 | NCBI_Gene:108167481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100912 | MGI:3780190 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2021 |
7 | pseudogene | 39.73984 | 39.74072 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648549 | Gm9230 | NCBI_Gene:668540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101901 | MGI:3648549 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9230 |
7 | gene | 39.78809 | 39.79769 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804954 | Gm45839 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110135 | MGI:5804954 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45839 |
7 | gene | 39.78923 | 39.91097 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925412 | 4930435C17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102085 | MGI:1925412 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930435C17 gene |
7 | gene | 39.79097 | 39.79774 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925461 | 4930558N11Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100431 | MGI:1925461 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930558N11 gene |
7 | gene | 39.79125 | 39.79425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610530 | Gm37302 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102227 | MGI:5610530 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37302 |
7 | gene | 39.86353 | 39.87069 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593211 | Gm34052 | NCBI_Gene:102637169 | MGI:5593211 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34052 |
7 | gene | 39.86913 | 39.97832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753568 | Gm44992 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109083 | MGI:5753568 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44992 |
7 | gene | 40.07740 | 40.08068 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611427 | Gm38199 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102464 | MGI:5611427 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38199 |
7 | pseudogene | 40.19089 | 40.19135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643618 | Gm6851 | NCBI_Gene:105247253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056836 | MGI:3643618 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6851 |
7 | gene | 40.26270 | 40.26975 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918300 | 4933404I11Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101153 | MGI:1918300 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933404I11 gene |
7 | gene | 40.29587 | 40.30382 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621881 | Gm38996 | NCBI_Gene:105242922 | MGI:5621881 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38996 |
7 | gene | 40.36345 | 40.36372 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454687 | Gm24910 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087914 | MGI:5454687 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24910 |
7 | gene | 40.37330 | 40.46924 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579513 | Gm28807 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100650 | MGI:5579513 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28807 |
7 | gene | 40.47316 | 40.47489 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918088 | 4921507H08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921507H08 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 40.63940 | 40.63983 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6324734 | Gm50466 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118476 | MGI:6324734 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50466 |
7 | gene | 40.67474 | 40.69127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918279 | 4933402C06Rik | NCBI_Gene:71029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102004 | MGI:1918279 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933402C06 gene |
7 | gene | 40.81848 | 40.90094 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443592 | A230077H06Rik | NCBI_Gene:320210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100600 | MGI:2443592 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230077H06 gene |
7 | gene | 40.82062 | 40.82111 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753584 | Gm45008 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108672 | MGI:5753584 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45008 |
7 | gene | 40.87654 | 40.88578 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579013 | Gm28307 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101643 | MGI:5579013 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28307 |
7 | gene | 40.87966 | 40.87974 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455561 | Gm25784 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084473 | MGI:5455561 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25784 |
7 | gene | 40.89833 | 40.93059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914525 | Vstm2b | NCBI_Gene:58188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039257 | MGI:1914525 | protein coding gene | V-set and transmembrane domain containing 2B |
7 | pseudogene | 40.96992 | 40.97454 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579999 | Gm29293 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099768 | MGI:5579999 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29293 |
7 | gene | 40.98754 | 40.99544 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685327 | 4930433I11Rik | NCBI_Gene:243944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091692 | MGI:2685327 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930433I11 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 40.98965 | 40.99038 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753747 | Gm45171 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108397 | MGI:5753747 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45171 |
7 | gene | 41.01079 | 41.03262 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621882 | Gm38997 | NCBI_Gene:105242923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108364 | MGI:5621882 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38997 |
7 | gene | 41.03272 | 41.04530 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649090 | Gm4884 | NCBI_Gene:233164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048312 | MGI:3649090 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4884 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.04866 | 41.04885 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5828831 | Topbp1-ps2 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100732 | MGI:5828831 | pseudogene | topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 1, pseudogene 2 |
7 | gene | 41.05730 | 41.05860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753748 | Gm45172 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108661 | MGI:5753748 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45172 |
7 | gene | 41.06062 | 41.08984 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924251 | 1700110I07Rik | NCBI_Gene:77001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108490 | MGI:1924251 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700110I07 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 41.06756 | 41.06837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578767 | Gm28061 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102113 | MGI:5578767 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28061 |
7 | gene | 41.07762 | 41.07802 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753415 | Gm44839 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108619 | MGI:5753415 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44839 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.08985 | 41.09964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644761 | Gm9239 | NCBI_Gene:668555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101195 | MGI:3644761 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9239 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.12122 | 41.12590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647709 | Gm6820 | NCBI_Gene:627987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101650 | MGI:3647709 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6820 |
7 | gene | 41.12865 | 41.28422 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753324 | Gm44748 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108754 | MGI:5753324 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44748 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.15366 | 41.15929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780298 | Gm2128 | NCBI_Gene:100039269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078737 | MGI:3780298 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2128 |
7 | gene | 41.15384 | 41.29018 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648691 | Gm5592 | NCBI_Gene:434172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072259 | MGI:3648691 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5592 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.16378 | 41.16396 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578766 | Gm28060 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100376 | MGI:5578766 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28060 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.18375 | 41.18709 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579373 | Gm28667 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099657 | MGI:5579373 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28667 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.19111 | 41.19214 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645545 | Gm5896 | NCBI_Gene:545955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099979 | MGI:3645545 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5896 |
7 | gene | 41.20319 | 41.21003 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593970 | Gm34811 | NCBI_Gene:102638189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108395 | MGI:5593970 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34811 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.21002 | 41.21964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646160 | Gm6866 | NCBI_Gene:628304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101196 | MGI:3646160 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6866 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.23338 | 41.25160 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648328 | Gm9244 | NCBI_Gene:668561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049062 | MGI:3648328 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9244 |
7 | gene | 41.23429 | 41.23541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804806 | Gm45691 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108779 | MGI:5804806 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45691 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.27360 | 41.27440 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753096 | Gm44520 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108340 | MGI:5753096 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44520 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.29341 | 41.32052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578765 | Topbp1-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:108167498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099511 | MGI:5578765 | pseudogene | topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 1, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.30434 | 41.30768 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780276 | Gm2108 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092031 | MGI:3780276 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2108 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.32539 | 41.32843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5009973 | Gm17791 | NCBI_Gene:100126099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101449 | MGI:5009973 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17791 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.33538 | 41.33887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648324 | Gm9246 | NCBI_Gene:668565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082080 | MGI:3648324 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9246 |
7 | gene | 41.37292 | 41.39338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142079 | AI987944 | NCBI_Gene:233168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056383 | MGI:2142079 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence AI987944 |
7 | gene | 41.39370 | 41.39745 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937929 | Gm17102 | NCBI_Gene:102638296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091864 | MGI:4937929 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17102 |
7 | gene | 41.39594 | 41.44870 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3703084 | Vmn2r57 | NCBI_Gene:269902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066537 | MGI:3703084 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 57 |
7 | gene | 41.39938 | 41.49942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141914 | Gm20449 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092592 | MGI:5141914 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 20449 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.46765 | 41.46787 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753097 | Gm44521 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108312 | MGI:5753097 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44521 |
7 | gene | 41.47887 | 41.49989 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142212 | AW146154 | NCBI_Gene:101835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074166 | MGI:2142212 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence AW146154 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.49035 | 41.49172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641891 | Gm15470 | NCBI_Gene:100039375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083500 | MGI:3641891 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15470 |
7 | gene | 41.54558 | 41.57366 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643456 | Gm6871 | NCBI_Gene:102642386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090744 | MGI:3643456 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6871 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.57328 | 41.57375 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4938044 | Gm17217 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090341 | MGI:4938044 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17217 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.59489 | 41.59673 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753654 | Gm45078 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108482 | MGI:5753654 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45078 |
7 | gene | 41.59923 | 41.62853 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922662 | 2610021A01Rik | NCBI_Gene:668572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091474 | MGI:1922662 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2610021A01 gene |
7 | gene | 41.63273 | 41.65153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914857 | Zfp788 | NCBI_Gene:67607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074165 | MGI:1914857 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 788 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.66639 | 41.66821 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645130 | Gm9252 | NCBI_Gene:668576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091401 | MGI:3645130 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9252 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.66798 | 41.72719 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351350 | Vmn2r-ps54 | NCBI_Gene:75835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074164 | MGI:1351350 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 54 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.66861 | 41.66931 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643699 | Gm6872 | NCBI_Gene:628372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091004 | MGI:3643699 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6872 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.68225 | 41.68339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645134 | Cd9-ps | NCBI_Gene:668579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092193 | MGI:3645134 | pseudogene | Cd9 antigen, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 41.72228 | 41.72260 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757982 | Vmn2r-ps55 | NCBI_Gene:100124555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092538 | MGI:3757982 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 55 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.74471 | 41.77291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757983 | Vmn2r-ps56 | NCBI_Gene:628403,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092451 | MGI:3757983 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 56 |
7 | gene | 41.83581 | 41.87271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647877 | Vmn2r58 | NCBI_Gene:628422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090383 | MGI:3647877 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 58 |
7 | pseudogene | 41.93753 | 41.98093 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351346 | Vmn2r-ps57 | NCBI_Gene:110931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092328 | MGI:1351346 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 57 |
7 | gene | 42.01128 | 42.05902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643747 | Vmn2r59 | NCBI_Gene:628444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092032 | MGI:3643747 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 59 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.02072 | 42.02200 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648695 | Hmgb1-ps7 | NCBI_Gene:434174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092281 | MGI:3648695 | pseudogene | high-mobility group high mobility group box 1, pseudogene 7 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.04786 | 42.05034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647435 | Gm7224 | NCBI_Gene:637913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083623 | MGI:3647435 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7224 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.10577 | 42.10730 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648694 | Ccnb1-ps | NCBI_Gene:434175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048574 | MGI:3648694 | pseudogene | cyclin B1, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 42.10777 | 42.19621 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647050 | Vmn2r60 | NCBI_Gene:637898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090619 | MGI:3647050 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 60 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.12501 | 42.12622 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780479 | Gm2308 | NCBI_Gene:100039556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092257 | MGI:3780479 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2308 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.25630 | 42.25642 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753095 | Gm44519 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108562 | MGI:5753095 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44519 |
7 | gene | 42.26005 | 42.30076 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351347 | Vmn2r61 | NCBI_Gene:637873,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090967 | MGI:1351347 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 61 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.30308 | 42.30334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757988 | Vmn2r-ps58 | NCBI_Gene:100124556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092370 | MGI:3757988 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 58 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.35370 | 42.35800 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648693 | Gm5594 | NCBI_Gene:100534301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092411 | MGI:3648693 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5594 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.37846 | 42.37870 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757989 | Vmn2r-ps59 | NCBI_Gene:100124557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092382 | MGI:3757989 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 59 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.42983 | 42.43072 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757993 | Vmn2r-ps60 | NCBI_Gene:628490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070621 | MGI:3757993 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 60 |
7 | gene | 42.44546 | 42.44813 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918412 | 4933421I07Rik | NCBI_Gene:71162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030463 | MGI:1918412 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933421I07 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 42.46489 | 42.46537 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649086 | Gm6887 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092301 | MGI:3649086 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6887 |
7 | gene | 42.47339 | 42.50575 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3584269 | Zfp141 | NCBI_Gene:434178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092416 | MGI:3584269 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 141 |
7 | gene | 42.48131 | 42.48234 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918854 | 9130413E14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130413E14 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 42.48877 | 42.48911 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011431 | Gm19246 | NCBI_Gene:100462739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092505 | MGI:5011431 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19246 |
7 | gene | 42.50583 | 42.51027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594512 | Gm35353 | NCBI_Gene:102638902 | MGI:5594512 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35353 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.50760 | 42.50933 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753099 | Gm44523 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108491 | MGI:5753099 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44523 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.51823 | 42.52192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825617 | Gm45980 | NCBI_Gene:108167418 | MGI:5825617 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 45980 |
7 | gene | 42.56141 | 42.57823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753573 | Gm44997 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108446 | MGI:5753573 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44997 |
7 | gene | 42.57754 | 42.64489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3036263 | Zfp976 | NCBI_Gene:208111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074158 | MGI:3036263 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 976 |
7 | gene | 42.57840 | 42.57973 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434383 | Gm21028 | NCBI_Gene:100534316,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094462 | MGI:5434383 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 21028 |
7 | gene | 42.57978 | 42.59255 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645327 | Zfp977 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092335 | MGI:3645327 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 977 |
7 | gene | 42.60516 | 42.60527 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454715 | Gm24938 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076180 | MGI:5454715 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24938 |
7 | gene | 42.66011 | 42.69274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648690 | Zfp975 | NCBI_Gene:434179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069727 | MGI:3648690 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 975 |
7 | gene | 42.69286 | 42.69779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621883 | Gm38998 | NCBI_Gene:105242926 | MGI:5621883 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38998 |
7 | gene | 42.70504 | 42.72702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4937894 | Gm17067 | NCBI_Gene:101056115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091594 | MGI:4937894 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 17067 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.73441 | 42.73492 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010313 | Gm18128 | NCBI_Gene:100416478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092554 | MGI:5010313 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18128 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.75037 | 42.75256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644564 | Gm6004 | NCBI_Gene:546965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092238 | MGI:3644564 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6004 |
7 | gene | 42.76405 | 42.79353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757994 | Vmn2r62 | NCBI_Gene:546964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091926 | MGI:3757994 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 62 |
7 | gene | 42.81683 | 42.86723 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780549 | Gm2381 | NCBI_Gene:100039706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092225 | MGI:3780549 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 2381 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.87856 | 42.88067 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648273 | Gm7211 | NCBI_Gene:637572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092191 | MGI:3648273 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7211 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.88599 | 42.89256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825661 | Gm46024 | NCBI_Gene:108167508 | MGI:5825661 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46024 |
7 | gene | 42.89671 | 42.93382 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647107 | Vmn2r63 | NCBI_Gene:435975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090751 | MGI:3647107 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 63 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.95172 | 42.95221 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643305 | Gm9266 | NCBI_Gene:668606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080892 | MGI:3643305 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9266 |
7 | pseudogene | 42.95352 | 42.95441 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648888 | Gm9294 | NCBI_Gene:668668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044609 | MGI:3648888 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 9294 |
7 | gene | 42.95835 | 42.95846 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453033 | Gm23256 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076190 | MGI:5453033 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23256 |
7 | gene | 43.01877 | 43.04811 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646456 | Vmn2r126 | NCBI_Gene:668612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091528 | MGI:3646456 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 126 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.06067 | 43.06101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753114 | Gm44538 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108666 | MGI:5753114 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44538 |
7 | gene | 43.07804 | 43.09938 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5009932 | Gm17768 | NCBI_Gene:100045125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107181 | MGI:5009932 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 17768 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.08210 | 43.08266 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648821 | Rpl18a-ps4 | NCBI_Gene:385199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108492 | MGI:3648821 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L18A, pseudogene 4 |
7 | gene | 43.09972 | 43.09984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642306 | Gm10351 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071952 | MGI:3642306 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10351 |
7 | gene | 43.11423 | 43.19211 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642994 | Zfp936 | NCBI_Gene:668620,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064194 | MGI:3642994 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 936 |
7 | gene | 43.15316 | 43.15541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825648 | Gm46011 | NCBI_Gene:108167482 | MGI:5825648 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 46011 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.15581 | 43.15665 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010393 | Gm18208 | NCBI_Gene:100416704 | MGI:5010393 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18208 |
7 | gene | 43.20435 | 43.20446 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452484 | Gm22707 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077022 | MGI:5452484 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22707 |
7 | gene | 43.21404 | 43.22725 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3796554 | EU599041 | NCBI_Gene:100170401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074887 | MGI:3796554 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence EU599041 |
7 | gene | 43.25374 | 43.26564 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594747 | Gm35588 | NCBI_Gene:102639229 | MGI:5594747 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 35588 |
7 | gene | 43.29620 | 43.31331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917180 | Zfp715 | NCBI_Gene:69930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012640 | MGI:1917180 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 715 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.34455 | 43.34479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753115 | Gm44539 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108300 | MGI:5753115 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44539 |
7 | gene | 43.35134 | 43.35953 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681107 | Siglecf | NCBI_Gene:233186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039013 | MGI:2681107 | protein coding gene | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin F |
7 | pseudogene | 43.38768 | 43.38794 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642777 | Gm10298 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070606 | MGI:3642777 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10298 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.39453 | 43.39526 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753116 | Gm44540 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108775 | MGI:5753116 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44540 |
7 | gene | 43.40819 | 43.41836 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443630 | Siglecg | NCBI_Gene:243958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030468 | MGI:2443630 | protein coding gene | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin G |
7 | gene | 43.42764 | 43.42984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621884 | Gm38999 | NCBI_Gene:105242927 | MGI:5621884 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38999 |
7 | gene | 43.42767 | 43.43600 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104698 | Lim2 | NCBI_Gene:233187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093639 | MGI:104698 | protein coding gene | lens intrinsic membrane protein 2 |
7 | gene | 43.43707 | 43.43825 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1931250 | Nkg7 | NCBI_Gene:72310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004612 | MGI:1931250 | protein coding gene | natural killer cell group 7 sequence |
7 | gene | 43.43919 | 43.44348 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921526 | Cldnd2 | NCBI_Gene:74276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038973 | MGI:1921526 | protein coding gene | claudin domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 43.44407 | 43.45780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106098 | Etfb | NCBI_Gene:110826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004610 | MGI:106098 | protein coding gene | electron transferring flavoprotein, beta polypeptide |
7 | gene | 43.44413 | 43.46359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753809 | Etfbl | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107482 | MGI:5753809 | protein coding gene | electron transferring flavoprotein, beta polypeptide like |
7 | gene | 43.44807 | 43.44855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753392 | Gm44816 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108618 | MGI:5753392 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44816 |
7 | gene | 43.45750 | 43.45757 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531067 | Mir7051 | miRBase:MI0022900,NCBI_Gene:102465636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099210 | MGI:5531067 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7051 |
7 | gene | 43.46150 | 43.46417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621885 | Gm39000 | NCBI_Gene:105242928 | MGI:5621885 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39000 |
7 | gene | 43.46306 | 43.47202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922940 | Vsig10l | NCBI_Gene:75690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070604 | MGI:1922940 | protein coding gene | V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 like |
7 | gene | 43.47290 | 43.49007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686277 | Iglon5 | NCBI_Gene:210094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013367 | MGI:2686277 | protein coding gene | IgLON family member 5 |
7 | gene | 43.49204 | 43.50597 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921304 | 4931406B18Rik | NCBI_Gene:74054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013353 | MGI:1921304 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931406B18 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 43.50692 | 43.50753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646238 | Gm9278 | NCBI_Gene:668630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108438 | MGI:3646238 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9278 |
7 | gene | 43.51116 | 43.51908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780678 | Gm2511 | NCBI_Gene:100039946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108695 | MGI:3780678 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 2511 |
7 | gene | 43.52422 | 43.54443 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99440 | Cd33 | NCBI_Gene:12489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004609 | MGI:99440 | protein coding gene | CD33 antigen |
7 | gene | 43.56132 | 43.56168 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753394 | Gm44818 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108411 | MGI:5753394 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44818 |
7 | gene | 43.56220 | 43.57614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652821 | Zfp658 | NCBI_Gene:210104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056592 | MGI:2652821 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 658 |
7 | gene | 43.57955 | 43.59371 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444708 | Zfp719 | NCBI_Gene:210105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030469 | MGI:2444708 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 719 |
7 | gene | 43.60690 | 43.61910 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921650 | Zfp819 | NCBI_Gene:74400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055102 | MGI:1921650 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 819 |
7 | gene | 43.63467 | 43.64930 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919681 | Ceacam18 | NCBI_Gene:72431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030472 | MGI:1919681 | protein coding gene | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 18 |
7 | gene | 43.65107 | 43.66018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1932475 | Siglece | NCBI_Gene:83382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030474 | MGI:1932475 | protein coding gene | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin E |
7 | gene | 43.66926 | 43.67188 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595705 | Gm36546 | NCBI_Gene:102640502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108783 | MGI:5595705 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36546 |
7 | gene | 43.67198 | 43.67830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385277 | Ctu1 | NCBI_Gene:233189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038888 | MGI:2385277 | protein coding gene | cytosolic thiouridylase subunit 1 |
7 | gene | 43.68088 | 43.69554 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2447564 | Klk14 | NCBI_Gene:317653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044737 | MGI:2447564 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 14 |
7 | gene | 43.69264 | 43.69310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753393 | Gm44817 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108734 | MGI:5753393 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44817 |
7 | gene | 43.69521 | 43.79796 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916779 | 2310002F09Rik | NCBI_Gene:100504720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097178 | MGI:1916779 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310002F09 gene |
7 | gene | 43.71257 | 43.72786 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3615275 | Klk13 | NCBI_Gene:626834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054046 | MGI:3615275 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 13 |
7 | gene | 43.71599 | 43.71642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753390 | Gm44814 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108588 | MGI:5753390 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44814 |
7 | gene | 43.76866 | 43.77470 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916761 | Klk12 | NCBI_Gene:69511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044430 | MGI:1916761 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 12 |
7 | gene | 43.77460 | 43.77926 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929977 | Klk11 | NCBI_Gene:56538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067616 | MGI:1929977 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 11 |
7 | gene | 43.78104 | 43.78541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916790 | Klk10 | NCBI_Gene:69540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030693 | MGI:1916790 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 10 |
7 | gene | 43.79159 | 43.79676 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921082 | Klk9 | NCBI_Gene:101533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047884 | MGI:1921082 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 9 |
7 | gene | 43.79758 | 43.80383 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1343327 | Klk8 | NCBI_Gene:259277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064023 | MGI:1343327 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 8 |
7 | gene | 43.81129 | 43.81639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346336 | Klk7 | NCBI_Gene:23993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030713 | MGI:1346336 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 7 (chymotryptic, stratum corneum) |
7 | gene | 43.82450 | 43.83203 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1343166 | Klk6 | NCBI_Gene:19144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050063 | MGI:1343166 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 6 |
7 | gene | 43.83416 | 43.85118 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915918 | Klk5 | NCBI_Gene:68668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074155 | MGI:1915918 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 5 |
7 | gene | 43.85609 | 43.85741 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753283 | Gm44707 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108781 | MGI:5753283 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44707 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.86388 | 43.86419 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753749 | Gm45173 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108527 | MGI:5753749 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45173 |
7 | gene | 43.88116 | 43.88580 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861379 | Klk4 | NCBI_Gene:56640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006948 | MGI:1861379 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 4 (prostase, enamel matrix, prostate) |
7 | pseudogene | 43.91517 | 43.92187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892028 | Klk2-ps | NCBI_Gene:16603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108444 | MGI:892028 | pseudogene | kallikrein-related peptidase 2, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 43.92941 | 43.93985 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2447533 | Klk15 | NCBI_Gene:317652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055193 | MGI:2447533 | protein coding gene | kallikrein related-peptidase 15 |
7 | gene | 43.93806 | 43.97657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753332 | Gm44756 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108432 | MGI:5753332 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44756 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.94266 | 43.94593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892027 | Klk1b7-ps | NCBI_Gene:16604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060161 | MGI:892027 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b7, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 43.94625 | 43.94889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753521 | Gm44945 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108323 | MGI:5753521 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44945 |
7 | gene | 43.95066 | 43.95494 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892018 | Klk1b8 | NCBI_Gene:16624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063089 | MGI:892018 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b8 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.95878 | 43.96300 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892029 | Klk1b2-ps | NCBI_Gene:16602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108651 | MGI:892029 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b2, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 43.96675 | 43.97132 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892019 | Klk1b1 | NCBI_Gene:16623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063133 | MGI:892019 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b1 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.97225 | 43.97429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753774 | Gm45198 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108746 | MGI:5753774 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45198 |
7 | gene | 43.97606 | 43.98038 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95293 | Klk1b9 | NCBI_Gene:13648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059042 | MGI:95293 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b9 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.98073 | 43.99413 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753711 | Gm45135 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108730 | MGI:5753711 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45135 |
7 | pseudogene | 43.98777 | 43.99209 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892026 | Klk1b10-ps | NCBI_Gene:16605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108602 | MGI:892026 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b10, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 43.99588 | 43.99988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892023 | Klk1b11 | NCBI_Gene:16613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044485 | MGI:892023 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b11 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.00080 | 44.00286 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753771 | Gm45195 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108794 | MGI:5753771 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45195 |
7 | gene | 44.00462 | 44.10658 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892022 | Klk1b21 | NCBI_Gene:16616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066516 | MGI:892022 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b21 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.00464 | 44.00893 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892025 | Klk1b12-ps | NCBI_Gene:110971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108539 | MGI:892025 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b12, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 44.01217 | 44.01697 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891981 | Klk1b26 | NCBI_Gene:16618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053719 | MGI:891981 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related petidase b26 |
7 | gene | 44.01270 | 44.01697 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95292 | Egfbp2 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | epidermal growth factor binding protein type B |
7 | pseudogene | 44.02082 | 44.02158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892024 | Klk1b18-ps | NCBI_Gene:16609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108759 | MGI:892024 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b18, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 44.02794 | 44.02915 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891986 | Klk1b28-ps | NCBI_Gene:108165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108339 | MGI:891986 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b28, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 44.04127 | 44.04353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753772 | Gm45196 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108328 | MGI:5753772 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45196 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.04516 | 44.04848 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891985 | Klk1b19-ps | NCBI_Gene:668647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108440 | MGI:891985 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b19, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 44.05229 | 44.05671 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891980 | Klk1b27 | NCBI_Gene:16619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063177 | MGI:891980 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b27 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.06985 | 44.07001 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753773 | Gm45197 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108538 | MGI:5753773 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45197 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.07180 | 44.07605 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891983 | Klk1b14-ps | NCBI_Gene:16614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108400 | MGI:891983 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b14, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 44.07675 | 44.07905 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753602 | Gm45026 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108498 | MGI:5753602 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45026 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.09616 | 44.09855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891987 | Klk1b15-ps | NCBI_Gene:16607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108406 | MGI:891987 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b15, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 44.09936 | 44.09951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753701 | Gm45125 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108517 | MGI:5753701 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45125 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.10710 | 44.10968 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753703 | Gm45127 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108301 | MGI:5753703 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45127 |
7 | gene | 44.11267 | 44.11692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95291 | Klk1b22 | NCBI_Gene:13646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060177 | MGI:95291 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b22 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.11749 | 44.11980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753702 | Gm45126 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108796 | MGI:5753702 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45126 |
7 | gene | 44.12225 | 44.14161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891982 | Klk1b16 | NCBI_Gene:16615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038968 | MGI:891982 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b16 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.12326 | 44.13554 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753698 | Gm45122 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108403 | MGI:5753698 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45122 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.13264 | 44.13347 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891984 | Klk1b23-ps | NCBI_Gene:108164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108797 | MGI:891984 | pseudogene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b23, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 44.15684 | 44.15779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753712 | Gm45136 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108774 | MGI:5753712 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45136 |
7 | gene | 44.18823 | 44.19246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892021 | Klk1b24 | NCBI_Gene:16617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063713 | MGI:892021 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b24 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.19319 | 44.19563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753355 | Gm44779 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108727 | MGI:5753355 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44779 |
7 | gene | 44.19819 | 44.20235 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97322 | Klk1b3 | NCBI_Gene:18050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066515 | MGI:97322 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b3 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.20270 | 44.20429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753181 | Gm44605 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108459 | MGI:5753181 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44605 |
7 | gene | 44.20743 | 44.21175 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97320 | Klk1b4 | NCBI_Gene:18048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066513 | MGI:97320 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related pepidase b4 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.21207 | 44.21472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753710 | Gm45134 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108679 | MGI:5753710 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45134 |
7 | gene | 44.21594 | 44.22070 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_892020 | Klk1b5 | NCBI_Gene:16622,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066512 | MGI:892020 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1-related peptidase b5 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.22101 | 44.24666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647742 | Gm10109 | NCBI_Gene:638411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062073 | MGI:3647742 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10109 |
7 | gene | 44.22536 | 44.22962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102850 | Klk1 | NCBI_Gene:16612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063903 | MGI:102850 | protein coding gene | kallikrein 1 |
7 | gene | 44.22981 | 44.24670 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917254 | 1700028J19Rik | NCBI_Gene:70004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038782 | MGI:1917254 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700028J19 gene |
7 | gene | 44.23618 | 44.24431 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5596023 | Gm36864 | NCBI_Gene:102640913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108622 | MGI:5596023 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 36864 |
7 | gene | 44.23975 | 44.24003 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455163 | Gm25386 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088439 | MGI:5455163 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25386 |
7 | gene | 44.24672 | 44.25232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914226 | 2410002F23Rik | NCBI_Gene:668661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045411 | MGI:1914226 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2410002F23 gene |
7 | gene | 44.24673 | 44.26272 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579202 | Gm28496 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101166 | MGI:5579202 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28496 |
7 | gene | 44.24809 | 44.24818 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456024 | Gm26247 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080352 | MGI:5456024 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26247 |
7 | gene | 44.24985 | 44.24994 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819561 | Snord88c | NCBI_Gene:100217434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096296 | MGI:3819561 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 88C |
7 | gene | 44.25014 | 44.25022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819560 | Snord88a | NCBI_Gene:100217433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095472 | MGI:3819560 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 88A |
7 | gene | 44.25045 | 44.25054 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453768 | Gm23991 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080683 | MGI:5453768 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23991 |
7 | gene | 44.25201 | 44.26135 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644563 | Acp4 | NCBI_Gene:100503991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012777 | MGI:3644563 | protein coding gene | acid phosphatase 4 |
7 | gene | 44.26135 | 44.26374 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782964 | Gm15517 | NCBI_Gene:628854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087376 | MGI:3782964 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 15517 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.26762 | 44.27316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011090 | Gm18905 | NCBI_Gene:102632142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108705 | MGI:5011090 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18905 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.28143 | 44.28240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010492 | Gm18307 | NCBI_Gene:100416897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108343 | MGI:5010492 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18307 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.29613 | 44.30165 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647237 | Gm7238 | NCBI_Gene:638453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108512 | MGI:3647237 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7238 |
7 | gene | 44.30269 | 44.30696 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1298219 | Clec11a | NCBI_Gene:20256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004473 | MGI:1298219 | protein coding gene | C-type lectin domain family 11, member a |
7 | gene | 44.30790 | 44.36057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3613677 | Shank1 | NCBI_Gene:243961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038738 | MGI:3613677 | protein coding gene | SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 1 |
7 | gene | 44.31475 | 44.31491 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753333 | Gm44757 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108719 | MGI:5753333 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44757 |
7 | gene | 44.36004 | 44.38582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916599 | 1700008O03Rik | NCBI_Gene:69349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008028 | MGI:1916599 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700008O03 gene |
7 | gene | 44.36256 | 44.36329 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753356 | Gm44780 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108509 | MGI:5753356 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44780 |
7 | gene | 44.37450 | 44.37590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621886 | Gm39001 | NCBI_Gene:105242929 | MGI:5621886 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39001 |
7 | gene | 44.37889 | 44.38582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441852 | B230219N05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B230219N05 gene |
7 | gene | 44.38410 | 44.40019 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99665 | Syt3 | NCBI_Gene:20981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030731 | MGI:99665 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin III |
7 | gene | 44.38640 | 44.38915 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753700 | Gm45124 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108372 | MGI:5753700 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45124 |
7 | gene | 44.42059 | 44.43193 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621887 | Gm39002 | NCBI_Gene:105242930 | MGI:5621887 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 39002 |
7 | gene | 44.42902 | 44.46335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3027390 | Lrrc4b | NCBI_Gene:272381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047085 | MGI:3027390 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 4B |
7 | gene | 44.44689 | 44.45182 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621888 | Gm39003 | NCBI_Gene:105242931 | MGI:5621888 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39003 |
7 | gene | 44.46539 | 44.46776 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915602 | Aspdh | NCBI_Gene:68352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038704 | MGI:1915602 | protein coding gene | aspartate dehydrogenase domain containing |
7 | gene | 44.46798 | 44.47166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913374 | Josd2 | NCBI_Gene:66124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038695 | MGI:1913374 | protein coding gene | Josephin domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 44.47035 | 44.47041 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530965 | Mir7052 | miRBase:MI0022901,NCBI_Gene:102465637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098661 | MGI:5530965 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7052 |
7 | gene | 44.47354 | 44.48614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918618 | 5430431A17Rik | NCBI_Gene:71368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108322 | MGI:1918618 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430431A17 gene |
7 | gene | 44.48994 | 44.49653 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916933 | Emc10 | NCBI_Gene:69683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008140 | MGI:1916933 | protein coding gene | ER membrane protein complex subunit 10 |
7 | gene | 44.49658 | 44.50427 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922788 | Fam71e1 | NCBI_Gene:75538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051113 | MGI:1922788 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 71, member E1 |
7 | gene | 44.49724 | 44.49772 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925387 | 4921540A03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921540A03 gene |
7 | gene | 44.50169 | 44.50427 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753222 | Gm44646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108607 | MGI:5753222 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44646 |
7 | gene | 44.50170 | 44.52472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1336170 | Mybpc2 | NCBI_Gene:233199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038670 | MGI:1336170 | protein coding gene | myosin binding protein C, fast-type |
7 | gene | 44.52599 | 44.53209 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_892986 | Spib | NCBI_Gene:272382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008193 | MGI:892986 | protein coding gene | Spi-B transcription factor (Spi-1/PU.1 related) |
7 | gene | 44.53274 | 44.54885 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97741 | Pold1 | NCBI_Gene:18971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038644 | MGI:97741 | protein coding gene | polymerase (DNA directed), delta 1, catalytic subunit |
7 | gene | 44.53811 | 44.53818 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530885 | Mir7053 | miRBase:MI0022902,NCBI_Gene:102466796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099330 | MGI:5530885 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7053 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.54515 | 44.54548 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753409 | Gm44833 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109236 | MGI:5753409 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44833 |
7 | gene | 44.54962 | 44.55397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352463 | Nr1h2 | NCBI_Gene:22260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060601 | MGI:1352463 | protein coding gene | nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 2 |
7 | gene | 44.57238 | 44.58686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109365 | Napsa | NCBI_Gene:16541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002204 | MGI:109365 | protein coding gene | napsin A aspartic peptidase |
7 | gene | 44.57997 | 44.59062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705202 | Gm15396 | NCBI_Gene:102632404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109491 | MGI:3705202 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15396 |
7 | gene | 44.58738 | 44.59037 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825618 | Gm45981 | NCBI_Gene:108167420 | MGI:5825618 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45981 |
7 | gene | 44.59066 | 44.60475 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96669 | Kcnc3 | NCBI_Gene:16504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062785 | MGI:96669 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 3 |
7 | gene | 44.59358 | 44.59588 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753408 | Gm44832 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108832 | MGI:5753408 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44832 |
7 | gene | 44.60580 | 44.67084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919210 | Myh14 | NCBI_Gene:71960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030739 | MGI:1919210 | protein coding gene | myosin, heavy polypeptide 14 |
7 | pseudogene | 44.64542 | 44.64635 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010441 | Gm18256 | NCBI_Gene:100416794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109352 | MGI:5010441 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18256 |
7 | gene | 44.66815 | 44.67824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916828 | 2310016G11Rik | NCBI_Gene:69578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070574 | MGI:1916828 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310016G11 gene |
7 | gene | 44.70870 | 44.71984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922760 | Izumo2 | NCBI_Gene:75510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066500 | MGI:1922760 | protein coding gene | IZUMO family member 2 |
7 | gene | 44.73148 | 44.75105 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442697 | Zfp473 | NCBI_Gene:243963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048012 | MGI:2442697 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 473 |
7 | gene | 44.74841 | 44.77752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2182465 | Vrk3 | NCBI_Gene:101568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002205 | MGI:2182465 | protein coding gene | vaccinia related kinase 3 |
7 | gene | 44.77286 | 44.77497 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443209 | A130002D19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A130002D19 gene |
7 | gene | 44.78866 | 44.79108 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588950 | Gm29791 | NCBI_Gene:101056178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109227 | MGI:5588950 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29791 |
7 | gene | 44.81226 | 44.81666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141857 | Atf5 | NCBI_Gene:107503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038539 | MGI:2141857 | protein coding gene | activating transcription factor 5 |
7 | gene | 44.81609 | 44.83184 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351500 | Nup62 | NCBI_Gene:18226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109511 | MGI:1351500 | protein coding gene | nucleoporin 62 |
7 | gene | 44.81637 | 44.84080 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439399 | Il4i1b | NCBI_Gene:100328588 | MGI:5439399 | protein coding gene | interleukin 4 induced 1B |
7 | gene | 44.81639 | 44.84081 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109552 | Il4i1 | NCBI_Gene:14204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074141 | MGI:109552 | protein coding gene | interleukin 4 induced 1 |
7 | gene | 44.83462 | 44.84908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2449973 | Tbc1d17 | NCBI_Gene:233204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038520 | MGI:2449973 | protein coding gene | TBC1 domain family, member 17 |
7 | gene | 44.84899 | 44.85542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914855 | Akt1s1 | NCBI_Gene:67605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011096 | MGI:1914855 | protein coding gene | AKT1 substrate 1 (proline-rich) |
7 | gene | 44.84970 | 44.84977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3629685 | Mir707 | miRBase:MI0004691,NCBI_Gene:735269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076051 | MGI:3629685 | miRNA gene | microRNA 707 |
7 | gene | 44.85648 | 44.86299 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891698 | Pnkp | NCBI_Gene:59047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002963 | MGI:1891698 | protein coding gene | polynucleotide kinase 3’- phosphatase |
7 | gene | 44.86307 | 44.87049 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933946 | Ptov1 | NCBI_Gene:84113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038502 | MGI:1933946 | protein coding gene | prostate tumor over expressed gene 1 |
7 | gene | 44.87676 | 44.89271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922863 | Med25 | NCBI_Gene:75613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002968 | MGI:1922863 | protein coding gene | mediator complex subunit 25 |
7 | gene | 44.89431 | 44.89810 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106455 | D7Bwg0826e | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109198 | MGI:106455 | unclassified gene | DNA segment, Chr 7, Brigham %26 Women’s Genetics 0826 expressed |
7 | gene | 44.89608 | 44.90263 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917550 | Fuz | NCBI_Gene:70300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011658 | MGI:1917550 | protein coding gene | fuzzy planar cell polarity protein |
7 | gene | 44.90037 | 44.92950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_101921 | Ap2a1 | NCBI_Gene:11771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060279 | MGI:101921 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 1 subunit |
7 | gene | 44.90614 | 44.90743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590187 | Gm31028 | NCBI_Gene:102633121 | MGI:5590187 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31028 |
7 | gene | 44.92958 | 44.95804 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347560 | Tsks | NCBI_Gene:22116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059891 | MGI:1347560 | protein coding gene | testis-specific serine kinase substrate |
7 | gene | 44.95848 | 44.97485 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446526 | Cpt1c | NCBI_Gene:78070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007783 | MGI:2446526 | protein coding gene | carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1c |
7 | gene | 44.97043 | 44.97430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925320 | 6530437J22Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109111 | MGI:1925320 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6530437J22 gene |
7 | gene | 44.97599 | 44.98657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107846 | Prmt1 | NCBI_Gene:15469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109324 | MGI:107846 | protein coding gene | protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 44.98690 | 44.99460 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782994 | Gm15545 | NCBI_Gene:100502630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087138 | MGI:3782994 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15545 |
7 | gene | 44.99122 | 44.99871 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922986 | Bcl2l12 | NCBI_Gene:75736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003190 | MGI:1922986 | protein coding gene | BCL2-like 12 (proline rich) |
7 | gene | 44.99765 | 45.00285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859179 | Irf3 | NCBI_Gene:54131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003184 | MGI:1859179 | protein coding gene | interferon regulatory factor 3 |
7 | gene | 45.00295 | 45.01636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141980 | Scaf1 | NCBI_Gene:233208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038406 | MGI:2141980 | protein coding gene | SR-related CTD-associated factor 1 |
7 | gene | 45.01243 | 45.01249 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530939 | Mir7054 | miRBase:MI0022903,NCBI_Gene:102466218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098839 | MGI:5530939 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7054 |
7 | gene | 45.01640 | 45.01769 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825619 | Gm45982 | NCBI_Gene:108167421 | MGI:5825619 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45982 |
7 | gene | 45.01796 | 45.02165 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98179 | Rras | NCBI_Gene:20130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038387 | MGI:98179 | protein coding gene | related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene |
7 | gene | 45.02756 | 45.05288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2679002 | Prr12 | NCBI_Gene:233210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046574 | MGI:2679002 | protein coding gene | proline rich 12 |
7 | gene | 45.05358 | 45.06288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929596 | Prrg2 | NCBI_Gene:65116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007837 | MGI:1929596 | protein coding gene | proline-rich Gla (G-carboxyglutamic acid) polypeptide 2 |
7 | gene | 45.06243 | 45.07850 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913644 | Nosip | NCBI_Gene:66394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003421 | MGI:1913644 | protein coding gene | nitric oxide synthase interacting protein |
7 | gene | 45.08291 | 45.09226 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277122 | Rcn3 | NCBI_Gene:52377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019539 | MGI:1277122 | protein coding gene | reticulocalbin 3, EF-hand calcium binding domain |
7 | gene | 45.09141 | 45.09832 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791505 | Gm45669 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109947 | MGI:5791505 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45669 |
7 | gene | 45.09299 | 45.10385 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103017 | Fcgrt | NCBI_Gene:14132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003420 | MGI:103017 | protein coding gene | Fc receptor, IgG, alpha chain transporter |
7 | gene | 45.12176 | 45.12182 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676835 | Mir150 | miRBase:MI0000172,NCBI_Gene:387168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065495 | MGI:2676835 | miRNA gene | microRNA 150 |
7 | gene | 45.12192 | 45.12414 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791388 | Gm45552 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110279 | MGI:5791388 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45552 |
7 | gene | 45.12238 | 45.12444 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351329 | Rps11 | NCBI_Gene:27207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003429 | MGI:1351329 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S11 |
7 | gene | 45.12302 | 45.12311 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351321 | Snord35b | NCBI_Gene:27212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064767 | MGI:1351321 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 35B |
7 | gene | 45.12556 | 45.12876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351455 | Rpl13a | NCBI_Gene:22121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074129 | MGI:1351455 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein L13A |
7 | gene | 45.12592 | 45.13623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804828 | Gm45713 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089989 | MGI:5804828 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45713 |
7 | gene | 45.12635 | 45.12644 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351319 | Snord35a | NCBI_Gene:27211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065818 | MGI:1351319 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 35A |
7 | gene | 45.12660 | 45.12667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351325 | Snord34 | NCBI_Gene:27210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065878 | MGI:1351325 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 34 |
7 | gene | 45.12686 | 45.12695 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351323 | Snord33 | NCBI_Gene:27208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065628 | MGI:1351323 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 33 |
7 | gene | 45.12692 | 45.12699 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4950446 | Mir5121 | miRBase:MI0018030,NCBI_Gene:100628629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105913 | MGI:4950446 | miRNA gene | microRNA 5121 |
7 | gene | 45.12738 | 45.12746 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351324 | Snord32a | NCBI_Gene:27209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065219 | MGI:1351324 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 32A |
7 | gene | 45.12979 | 45.13649 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95560 | Flt3l | NCBI_Gene:14256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110206 | MGI:95560 | protein coding gene | FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand |
7 | gene | 45.14068 | 45.15458 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916998 | Aldh16a1 | NCBI_Gene:69748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007833 | MGI:1916998 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase 16 family, member A1 |
7 | gene | 45.15430 | 45.16007 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916095 | Pih1d1 | NCBI_Gene:68845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003423 | MGI:1916095 | protein coding gene | PIH1 domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 45.16392 | 45.17614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920211 | Slc17a7 | NCBI_Gene:72961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070570 | MGI:1920211 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7 |
7 | gene | 45.17330 | 45.17336 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5562777 | Mir7055 | miRBase:MI0022904,NCBI_Gene:102465638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106470 | MGI:5562777 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7055 |
7 | gene | 45.17635 | 45.17960 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685427 | Gfy | NCBI_Gene:100039953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095276 | MGI:2685427 | protein coding gene | golgi-associated olfactory signaling regulator |
7 | gene | 45.17654 | 45.18184 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2152297 | Pth2 | NCBI_Gene:114640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038300 | MGI:2152297 | protein coding gene | parathyroid hormone 2 |
7 | gene | 45.18362 | 45.20493 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2687329 | Ccdc155 | NCBI_Gene:384619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038292 | MGI:2687329 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 155 |
7 | gene | 45.18893 | 45.19149 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590256 | Gm31097 | NCBI_Gene:102633211 | MGI:5590256 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31097 |
7 | gene | 45.20752 | 45.21260 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354963 | Dkkl1 | NCBI_Gene:50722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030792 | MGI:1354963 | protein coding gene | dickkopf-like 1 |
7 | gene | 45.21575 | 45.23364 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104904 | Tead2 | NCBI_Gene:21677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030796 | MGI:104904 | protein coding gene | TEA domain family member 2 |
7 | gene | 45.23363 | 45.23923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88330 | Cd37 | NCBI_Gene:12493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030798 | MGI:88330 | protein coding gene | CD37 antigen |
7 | gene | 45.24075 | 45.27337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685930 | Slc6a16 | NCBI_Gene:381884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094152 | MGI:2685930 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 6, member 16 |
7 | gene | 45.25445 | 45.25455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453362 | Gm23585 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088281 | MGI:5453362 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23585 |
7 | gene | 45.27733 | 45.28900 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923963 | Slc6a21 | NCBI_Gene:76713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070568 | MGI:1923963 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 6 member 21 |
7 | gene | 45.29916 | 45.30236 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621891 | Gm39006 | NCBI_Gene:105242934 | MGI:5621891 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39006 |
7 | gene | 45.30263 | 45.33407 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915917 | Trpm4 | NCBI_Gene:68667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038260 | MGI:1915917 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 4 |
7 | pseudogene | 45.32496 | 45.32565 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3710579 | Rpl14-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100040970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046721 | MGI:3710579 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L14, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 45.33527 | 45.33897 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96226 | Hrc | NCBI_Gene:15464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038239 | MGI:96226 | protein coding gene | histidine rich calcium binding protein |
7 | gene | 45.33912 | 45.36702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924037 | Ppfia3 | NCBI_Gene:76787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003863 | MGI:1924037 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, f polypeptide (PTPRF), interacting protein (liprin), alpha 3 |
7 | gene | 45.36616 | 45.36795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1860766 | Mtag2 | NCBI_Gene:50994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091510 | MGI:1860766 | lncRNA gene | metastasis associated gene 2 |
7 | gene | 45.36789 | 45.37058 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1330858 | Lin7b | NCBI_Gene:22342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003872 | MGI:1330858 | protein coding gene | lin-7 homolog B (C. elegans) |
7 | gene | 45.36818 | 45.36870 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791455 | Gm45619 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110070 | MGI:5791455 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45619 |
7 | gene | 45.37645 | 45.39574 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98341 | Snrnp70 | NCBI_Gene:20637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063511 | MGI:98341 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70 (U1) |
7 | gene | 45.38853 | 45.38868 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452255 | Gm22478 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084519 | MGI:5452255 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22478 |
7 | gene | 45.40565 | 45.41138 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96664 | Kcna7 | NCBI_Gene:16495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038201 | MGI:96664 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 7 |
7 | gene | 45.41369 | 45.41718 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97381 | Ntf5 | NCBI_Gene:78405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074121 | MGI:97381 | protein coding gene | neurotrophin 5 |
7 | gene | 45.41747 | 45.42190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96782 | Lhb | NCBI_Gene:16866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100916 | MGI:96782 | protein coding gene | luteinizing hormone beta |
7 | gene | 45.42176 | 45.43810 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1342299 | Ruvbl2 | NCBI_Gene:20174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003868 | MGI:1342299 | protein coding gene | RuvB-like protein 2 |
7 | gene | 45.43484 | 45.45662 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101805 | Gys1 | NCBI_Gene:14936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003865 | MGI:101805 | protein coding gene | glycogen synthase 1, muscle |
7 | gene | 45.45794 | 45.45989 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95589 | Ftl1 | NCBI_Gene:14325,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050708 | MGI:95589 | protein coding gene | ferritin light polypeptide 1 |
7 | gene | 45.45809 | 45.45820 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451910 | Gm22133 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076036 | MGI:5451910 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22133 |
7 | gene | 45.45947 | 45.46030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704292 | Gm10252 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110350 | MGI:3704292 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10252 |
7 | gene | 45.46169 | 45.46820 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99702 | Bax | NCBI_Gene:12028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003873 | MGI:99702 | protein coding gene | BCL2-associated X protein |
7 | gene | 45.46598 | 45.48681 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804923 | Gm45808 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109926 | MGI:5804923 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45808 |
7 | gene | 45.47099 | 45.48887 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919005 | Dhdh | NCBI_Gene:71755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011382 | MGI:1919005 | protein coding gene | dihydrodiol dehydrogenase (dimeric) |
7 | gene | 45.48188 | 45.52363 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861600 | Tulp2 | NCBI_Gene:56734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023467 | MGI:1861600 | protein coding gene | tubby-like protein 2 |
7 | gene | 45.49046 | 45.51041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97388 | Nucb1 | NCBI_Gene:18220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030824 | MGI:97388 | protein coding gene | nucleobindin 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 45.51236 | 45.51257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791314 | Gm45478 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110387 | MGI:5791314 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45478 |
7 | gene | 45.52292 | 45.52627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927072 | Ppp1r15a | NCBI_Gene:17872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040435 | MGI:1927072 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 15A |
7 | gene | 45.52633 | 45.55423 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916467 | Plekha4 | NCBI_Gene:69217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040428 | MGI:1916467 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A (phosphoinositide binding specific) member 4 |
7 | gene | 45.55053 | 45.55161 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791400 | Gm45564 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110144 | MGI:5791400 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45564 |
7 | gene | 45.55486 | 45.56775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913315 | Hsd17b14 | NCBI_Gene:66065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030825 | MGI:1913315 | protein coding gene | hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 14 |
7 | gene | 45.56779 | 45.57533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918911 | 0610005C13Rik | NCBI_Gene:71661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109644 | MGI:1918911 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 0610005C13 gene |
7 | gene | 45.56976 | 45.58971 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1276534 | Bcat2 | NCBI_Gene:12036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030826 | MGI:1276534 | protein coding gene | branched chain aminotransferase 2, mitochondrial |
7 | gene | 45.59553 | 45.60355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590638 | Gm31479 | NCBI_Gene:102633721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109632 | MGI:5590638 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31479 |
7 | gene | 45.61389 | 45.61935 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1861377 | Fgf21 | NCBI_Gene:56636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030827 | MGI:1861377 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor 21 |
7 | gene | 45.61727 | 45.62106 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109375 | Fut1 | NCBI_Gene:14343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008461 | MGI:109375 | protein coding gene | fucosyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 45.62181 | 45.62882 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920706 | Izumo1 | NCBI_Gene:73456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064158 | MGI:1920706 | protein coding gene | izumo sperm-egg fusion 1 |
7 | gene | 45.62749 | 45.63909 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917153 | Rasip1 | NCBI_Gene:69903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044562 | MGI:1917153 | protein coding gene | Ras interacting protein 1 |
7 | gene | 45.63066 | 45.63308 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791273 | Gm45437 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109998 | MGI:5791273 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45437 |
7 | gene | 45.63567 | 45.63877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3696869 | A030001D20Rik | NCBI_Gene:100126243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110357 | MGI:3696869 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A030001D20 gene |
7 | gene | 45.63919 | 45.64821 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921740 | Mamstr | NCBI_Gene:74490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042918 | MGI:1921740 | protein coding gene | MEF2 activating motif and SAP domain containing transcriptional regulator |
7 | gene | 45.64859 | 45.66639 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109374 | Fut2 | NCBI_Gene:14344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055978 | MGI:109374 | protein coding gene | fucosyltransferase 2 |
7 | gene | 45.65905 | 45.66582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621893 | Gm39008 | NCBI_Gene:105242936 | MGI:5621893 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39008 |
7 | gene | 45.66631 | 45.67762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621892 | Gm39007 | NCBI_Gene:105242935 | MGI:5621892 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39007 |
7 | gene | 45.67769 | 45.69440 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928893 | Sec1 | NCBI_Gene:56546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040364 | MGI:1928893 | protein coding gene | secretory blood group 1 |
7 | gene | 45.68402 | 45.69456 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685330 | Ntn5 | NCBI_Gene:243967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070564 | MGI:2685330 | protein coding gene | netrin 5 |
7 | gene | 45.69979 | 45.70468 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1336193 | Car11 | NCBI_Gene:12348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003273 | MGI:1336193 | protein coding gene | carbonic anhydrase 11 |
7 | gene | 45.70509 | 45.71020 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_94866 | Dbp | NCBI_Gene:13170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059824 | MGI:94866 | protein coding gene | D site albumin promoter binding protein |
7 | gene | 45.70946 | 45.71800 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1861380 | Sphk2 | NCBI_Gene:56632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057342 | MGI:1861380 | protein coding gene | sphingosine kinase 2 |
7 | gene | 45.71546 | 45.72084 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98003 | Rpl18 | NCBI_Gene:19899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059070 | MGI:98003 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein L18 |
7 | gene | 45.72117 | 45.78467 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926342 | Sult2b1 | NCBI_Gene:54200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003271 | MGI:1926342 | protein coding gene | sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 2B, member 1 |
7 | gene | 45.72121 | 45.72949 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921063 | Fam83e | NCBI_Gene:73813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054161 | MGI:1921063 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 83, member E |
7 | gene | 45.72511 | 45.72582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916613 | Spaca4 | NCBI_Gene:69363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070563 | MGI:1916613 | protein coding gene | sperm acrosome associated 4 |
7 | gene | 45.74204 | 45.75085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590756 | Gm31597 | NCBI_Gene:102633874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109602 | MGI:5590756 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31597 |
7 | gene | 45.76535 | 45.77579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621894 | Gm39009 | NCBI_Gene:105242937 | MGI:5621894 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39009 |
7 | gene | 45.78371 | 45.80689 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039582 | Lmtk3 | NCBI_Gene:381983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062044 | MGI:3039582 | protein coding gene | lemur tyrosine kinase 3 |
7 | gene | 45.80664 | 45.81458 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1334255 | Cyth2 | NCBI_Gene:19158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003269 | MGI:1334255 | protein coding gene | cytohesin 2 |
7 | gene | 45.81402 | 45.81492 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791280 | Gm45444 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110197 | MGI:5791280 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45444 |
7 | gene | 45.81645 | 45.82478 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384820 | Kcnj14 | NCBI_Gene:211480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058743 | MGI:2384820 | protein coding gene | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 14 |
7 | gene | 45.82522 | 45.83099 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141989 | Grwd1 | NCBI_Gene:101612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053801 | MGI:2141989 | protein coding gene | glutamate-rich WD repeat containing 1 |
7 | gene | 45.83089 | 45.83525 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791277 | Gm45441 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110020 | MGI:5791277 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45441 |
7 | gene | 45.83188 | 45.87838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95823 | Grin2d | NCBI_Gene:14814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002771 | MGI:95823 | protein coding gene | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA2D (epsilon 4) |
7 | gene | 45.87277 | 45.88373 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915387 | Kdelr1 | NCBI_Gene:68137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002778 | MGI:1915387 | protein coding gene | KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 1 |
7 | gene | 45.87555 | 45.87563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451875 | Gm22098 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088555 | MGI:5451875 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22098 |
7 | gene | 45.88464 | 45.89674 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928903 | Syngr4 | NCBI_Gene:58867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040231 | MGI:1928903 | protein coding gene | synaptogyrin 4 |
7 | gene | 45.89694 | 45.91742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917459 | Tmem143 | NCBI_Gene:70209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002781 | MGI:1917459 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 143 |
7 | gene | 45.91802 | 45.92143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098729 | Emp3 | NCBI_Gene:13732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040212 | MGI:1098729 | protein coding gene | epithelial membrane protein 3 |
7 | gene | 45.92222 | 45.92417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791278 | Gm45442 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110208 | MGI:5791278 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45442 |
7 | gene | 45.92316 | 45.94896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446120 | Ccdc114 | NCBI_Gene:211535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040189 | MGI:2446120 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 114 |
7 | pseudogene | 45.93379 | 45.93428 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780120 | Gm9712 | NCBI_Gene:677321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109673 | MGI:3780120 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9712 |
7 | gene | 45.96349 | 45.97122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825620 | Gm45983 | NCBI_Gene:108167424 | MGI:5825620 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45983 |
7 | gene | 45.96755 | 46.03049 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351634 | Abcc6 | NCBI_Gene:27421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030834 | MGI:1351634 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 6 |
7 | pseudogene | 45.97241 | 45.97399 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791510 | Gm45674 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109702 | MGI:5791510 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45674 |
7 | gene | 46.03370 | 46.08421 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385850 | Nomo1 | NCBI_Gene:211548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030835 | MGI:2385850 | protein coding gene | nodal modulator 1 |
7 | gene | 46.04158 | 46.04242 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621895 | Gm39010 | NCBI_Gene:105242938 | MGI:5621895 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39010 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.09190 | 46.09296 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010891 | Gm18706 | NCBI_Gene:100417597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109882 | MGI:5010891 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18706 |
7 | gene | 46.09395 | 46.10087 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107501 | Kcnj11 | NCBI_Gene:16514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096146 | MGI:107501 | protein coding gene | potassium inwardly rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 11 |
7 | gene | 46.10452 | 46.18004 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352629 | Abcc8 | NCBI_Gene:20927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040136 | MGI:1352629 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 8 |
7 | gene | 46.11154 | 46.11208 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791323 | Gm45487 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110146 | MGI:5791323 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45487 |
7 | gene | 46.12335 | 46.13057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791322 | Gm45486 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110240 | MGI:5791322 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45486 |
7 | gene | 46.19535 | 46.23850 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919338 | Ush1c | NCBI_Gene:72088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030838 | MGI:1919338 | protein coding gene | USH1 protein network component harmonin |
7 | gene | 46.20455 | 46.20820 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642591 | Gm9860 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110060 | MGI:3642591 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 9860 |
7 | gene | 46.24099 | 46.31143 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1202064 | Otog | NCBI_Gene:18419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009487 | MGI:1202064 | protein coding gene | otogelin |
7 | gene | 46.34577 | 46.34937 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914183 | 1700025L06Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109962 | MGI:1914183 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700025L06 gene |
7 | gene | 46.37140 | 46.37249 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825560 | Gm45923 | NCBI_Gene:105447647 | MGI:5825560 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45923 |
7 | gene | 46.37647 | 46.37910 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97275 | Myod1 | NCBI_Gene:17927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009471 | MGI:97275 | protein coding gene | myogenic differentiation 1 |
7 | gene | 46.39646 | 46.43871 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96667 | Kcnc1 | NCBI_Gene:16502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058975 | MGI:96667 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 1 |
7 | gene | 46.44038 | 46.44071 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923976 | 1700121F22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700121F22 gene |
7 | gene | 46.44124 | 46.44218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825621 | Gm45984 | NCBI_Gene:108167425 | MGI:5825621 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45984 |
7 | gene | 46.44315 | 46.63981 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351630 | Sergef | NCBI_Gene:27414,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030839 | MGI:1351630 | protein coding gene | secretion regulating guanine nucleotide exchange factor |
7 | gene | 46.45041 | 46.45052 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452746 | Gm22969 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094229 | MGI:5452746 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22969 |
7 | gene | 46.51145 | 46.51278 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791147 | Gm45311 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110316 | MGI:5791147 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45311 |
7 | gene | 46.56130 | 46.57820 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783140 | Gm15700 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087492 | MGI:3783140 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15700 |
7 | gene | 46.56145 | 46.56173 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791146 | Gm45310 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110272 | MGI:5791146 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45310 |
7 | gene | 46.64464 | 46.67254 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98796 | Tph1 | NCBI_Gene:21990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040046 | MGI:98796 | protein coding gene | tryptophan hydroxylase 1 |
7 | gene | 46.68284 | 46.68538 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791465 | Gm45629 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110010 | MGI:5791465 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45629 |
7 | gene | 46.68611 | 46.71069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926185 | Saal1 | NCBI_Gene:78935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006763 | MGI:1926185 | protein coding gene | serum amyloid A-like 1 |
7 | gene | 46.71200 | 46.71570 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98223 | Saa3 | NCBI_Gene:20210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040026 | MGI:98223 | protein coding gene | serum amyloid A 3 |
7 | gene | 46.71889 | 46.72132 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591041 | Gm31882 | NCBI_Gene:102634252 | MGI:5591041 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31882 |
7 | gene | 46.72800 | 46.73260 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98224 | Saa4 | NCBI_Gene:20211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040017 | MGI:98224 | protein coding gene | serum amyloid A 4 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.73469 | 46.73667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108518 | Saa-ps | NCBI_Gene:20207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109624 | MGI:108518 | pseudogene | serum amyloid A, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 46.74050 | 46.74307 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98221 | Saa1 | NCBI_Gene:20208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074115 | MGI:98221 | protein coding gene | serum amyloid A 1 |
7 | gene | 46.75177 | 46.75431 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98222 | Saa2 | NCBI_Gene:20209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057465 | MGI:98222 | protein coding gene | serum amyloid A 2 |
7 | gene | 46.76047 | 46.79606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2180307 | Hps5 | NCBI_Gene:246694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014418 | MGI:2180307 | protein coding gene | HPS5, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 2 |
7 | gene | 46.78475 | 46.78555 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791145 | Gm45309 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110087 | MGI:5791145 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45309 |
7 | gene | 46.79609 | 46.82380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277216 | Gtf2h1 | NCBI_Gene:14884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006599 | MGI:1277216 | protein coding gene | general transcription factor II H, polypeptide 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.82017 | 46.82150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643262 | Gm9392 | NCBI_Gene:668838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087298 | MGI:3643262 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 9392 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.83242 | 46.83933 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647739 | Gm5331 | NCBI_Gene:384622 | MGI:3647739 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5331 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.83246 | 46.83288 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791144 | Gm45308 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109663 | MGI:5791144 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45308 |
7 | gene | 46.84148 | 46.85563 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96759 | Ldha | NCBI_Gene:16828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063229 | MGI:96759 | protein coding gene | lactate dehydrogenase A |
7 | gene | 46.85551 | 46.86123 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621896 | Gm39011 | NCBI_Gene:105242939 | MGI:5621896 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39011 |
7 | gene | 46.86120 | 46.87814 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96764 | Ldhc | NCBI_Gene:16833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030851 | MGI:96764 | protein coding gene | lactate dehydrogenase C |
7 | gene | 46.88895 | 46.91997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106581 | Tsg101 | NCBI_Gene:22088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014402 | MGI:106581 | protein coding gene | tumor susceptibility gene 101 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.91599 | 46.91626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791464 | Gm45628 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110213 | MGI:5791464 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45628 |
7 | gene | 46.92322 | 46.95853 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1860490 | Uevld | NCBI_Gene:54122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043262 | MGI:1860490 | protein coding gene | UEV and lactate/malate dehyrogenase domains |
7 | gene | 46.92781 | 46.92942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804852 | Gm45737 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109231 | MGI:5804852 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45737 |
7 | gene | 46.95754 | 46.97030 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621897 | Gm39012 | NCBI_Gene:105242940 | MGI:5621897 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39012 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.96715 | 46.96762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011433 | Gm19248 | NCBI_Gene:100462932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110416 | MGI:5011433 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19248 |
7 | gene | 46.96771 | 46.97591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142361 | C86187 | NCBI_Gene:97402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110001 | MGI:2142361 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence C86187 |
7 | pseudogene | 46.97528 | 46.97577 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591100 | Gm31941 | NCBI_Gene:102634334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109637 | MGI:5591100 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31941 |
7 | gene | 46.97663 | 46.98780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642801 | Gm9999 | NCBI_Gene:629141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056509 | MGI:3642801 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9999 |
7 | gene | 46.99040 | 47.00841 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142062 | Spty2d1 | NCBI_Gene:101685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049516 | MGI:2142062 | protein coding gene | SPT2 chromatin protein domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 47.00808 | 47.00901 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591190 | Gm32031 | NCBI_Gene:102634450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109118 | MGI:5591190 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32031 |
7 | gene | 47.04989 | 47.05030 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791310 | Gm45474 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109634 | MGI:5791310 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45474 |
7 | gene | 47.05060 | 47.05478 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915143 | Tmem86a | NCBI_Gene:67893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010307 | MGI:1915143 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 86A |
7 | pseudogene | 47.05735 | 47.07563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593086 | LOC102637012 | NCBI_Gene:102637012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111473 | MGI:5593086 | pseudogene | immunoglobulin superfamily member 22-like |
7 | gene | 47.07780 | 47.13370 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97807 | Ptpn5 | NCBI_Gene:19259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030854 | MGI:97807 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 5 |
7 | gene | 47.08317 | 47.08322 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531078 | Mir7056 | miRBase:MI0022905,NCBI_Gene:102465639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098960 | MGI:5531078 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7056 |
7 | gene | 47.10871 | 47.12599 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651179 | Gm14377 | NCBI_Gene:102634561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109501 | MGI:3651179 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14377 |
7 | gene | 47.14216 | 47.14432 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753545 | Gm44969 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109200 | MGI:5753545 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44969 |
7 | gene | 47.18571 | 47.20492 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033107 | Mrgpra6 | NCBI_Gene:381886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052303 | MGI:3033107 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A6 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.21268 | 47.21341 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010532 | Gm18347 | NCBI_Gene:100416984 | MGI:5010532 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18347 |
7 | gene | 47.23486 | 47.25285 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033148 | Mrgpra9 | NCBI_Gene:668725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074111 | MGI:3033148 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A9 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.30933 | 47.31034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685506 | Mrgprx3-ps | NCBI_Gene:100502859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099560 | MGI:2685506 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member X3, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 47.33487 | 47.35424 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033095 | Mrgpra1 | NCBI_Gene:233221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050650 | MGI:3033095 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A1 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.34945 | 47.34989 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753661 | Gm45085 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109164 | MGI:5753661 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45085 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.39062 | 47.39107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580185 | Gm29479 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100470 | MGI:5580185 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29479 |
7 | gene | 47.41383 | 47.41394 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455103 | Gm25326 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095085 | MGI:5455103 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25326 |
7 | gene | 47.42632 | 47.45217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3821888 | Mrgpra2a | NCBI_Gene:668727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093973 | MGI:3821888 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A2A |
7 | gene | 47.46380 | 47.52886 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033098 | Mrgpra2b | NCBI_Gene:235712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096719 | MGI:3033098 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A2B |
7 | pseudogene | 47.50245 | 47.53178 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779706 | Gm7255 | NCBI_Gene:638950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101780 | MGI:3779706 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7255 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.53919 | 47.54025 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033197 | Mrgprc4-ps | NCBI_Gene:404257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101944 | MGI:3033197 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member C4, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 47.55537 | 47.55631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780126 | Gm9717 | NCBI_Gene:677457 | MGI:3780126 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9717 |
7 | gene | 47.55538 | 47.55629 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033168 | Mrgpra14 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101664 | MGI:3033168 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A14 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.56532 | 47.56630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644993 | Gm9322 | NCBI_Gene:668729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099659 | MGI:3644993 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9322 |
7 | gene | 47.58895 | 47.60137 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684085 | Mrgpra3 | NCBI_Gene:233222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078698 | MGI:2684085 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A3 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.61132 | 47.61237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033136 | Mrgprc1-ps | NCBI_Gene:269921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100665 | MGI:3033136 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member C1, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 47.66809 | 47.66882 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780876 | Gm2707 | NCBI_Gene:100040314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101087 | MGI:3780876 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2707 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.70866 | 47.70888 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578994 | Gm28288 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101817 | MGI:5578994 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28288 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.71850 | 47.71955 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033196 | Mrgprc3-ps | NCBI_Gene:404256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099603 | MGI:3033196 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member C3, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 47.73300 | 47.73394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642992 | Gm5733 | NCBI_Gene:435977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101739 | MGI:3642992 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5733 |
7 | gene | 47.75272 | 47.75283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452204 | Gm22427 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077110 | MGI:5452204 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22427 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.76283 | 47.76368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010533 | Gm18348 | NCBI_Gene:100416987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100920 | MGI:5010533 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18348 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.77572 | 47.77621 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580269 | Gm29563 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102109 | MGI:5580269 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29563 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.80998 | 47.81137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033141 | Mrgprc7-ps | NCBI_Gene:404255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102068 | MGI:3033141 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member C7, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 47.82288 | 47.83936 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033174 | Mrgpra16 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR%2c member A16 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.82334 | 47.82427 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010534 | Gm18349 | NCBI_Gene:100416988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102128 | MGI:5010534 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18349 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.87108 | 47.87253 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033177 | Mrgpra18-ps | NCBI_Gene:404262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101622 | MGI:3033177 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member A18, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 47.88653 | 47.88757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010535 | Gm18350 | NCBI_Gene:100416990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101101 | MGI:5010535 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18350 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.91532 | 47.91626 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647104 | Gm5734 | NCBI_Gene:435978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101759 | MGI:3647104 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5734 |
7 | pseudogene | 47.96668 | 47.96825 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033137 | Mrgprc2-ps | NCBI_Gene:404254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101906 | MGI:3033137 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member C2, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 47.98079 | 47.98230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033100 | Mrgpra4 | NCBI_Gene:235854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067173 | MGI:3033100 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member A4 |
7 | gene | 48.02097 | 48.02760 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033139 | Mrgprx1 | NCBI_Gene:404242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070552 | MGI:3033139 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member X1 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.06362 | 48.06498 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033123 | Mrgprb7-ps | NCBI_Gene:404252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101063 | MGI:3033123 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member B7, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 48.09512 | 48.09539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579372 | Gm28666 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102003 | MGI:5579372 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28666 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.09647 | 48.09742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033192 | Mrgprb12-ps | NCBI_Gene:404264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101900 | MGI:3033192 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member B12, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 48.10885 | 48.10973 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010536 | Gm18351 | NCBI_Gene:100416993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102100 | MGI:5010536 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18351 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.11677 | 48.11744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579371 | Gm28665 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101352 | MGI:5579371 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28665 |
7 | gene | 48.13842 | 48.13856 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925576 | 2700078K13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2700078K13 gene |
7 | gene | 48.16798 | 48.16902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033121 | Mrgprb5 | NCBI_Gene:404239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070551 | MGI:3033121 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B5 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.18180 | 48.18314 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010537 | Gm18352 | NCBI_Gene:100416994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101543 | MGI:5010537 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18352 |
7 | gene | 48.19807 | 48.19929 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033119 | Mrgprb4 | NCBI_Gene:233230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070550 | MGI:3033119 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B4 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.22020 | 48.22084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504065 | Gm26950 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097955 | MGI:5504065 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 26950 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.29319 | 48.29482 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010541 | Gm18356 | NCBI_Gene:100417005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099952 | MGI:5010541 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18356 |
7 | gene | 48.31130 | 48.31232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033193 | Mrgprb13 | NCBI_Gene:620137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099620 | MGI:3033193 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B13 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.36392 | 48.36450 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010542 | Gm18357 | NCBI_Gene:100417006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100687 | MGI:5010542 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18357 |
7 | gene | 48.38853 | 48.38965 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033134 | Mrgprb8 | NCBI_Gene:404240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050870 | MGI:3033134 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B8 |
7 | gene | 48.44411 | 48.45634 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033115 | Mrgprb1 | NCBI_Gene:233231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070547 | MGI:3033115 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B1 |
7 | gene | 48.47862 | 48.49932 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588270 | Mrgprx2 | NCBI_Gene:243978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074109 | MGI:3588270 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member X2 |
7 | gene | 48.55096 | 48.55809 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441674 | Mrgprb2 | NCBI_Gene:243979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050425 | MGI:2441674 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B2 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.59066 | 48.59198 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033133 | Mrgprb9-ps | NCBI_Gene:404253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101362 | MGI:3033133 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member B9, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 48.60955 | 48.61043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010538 | Gm18353 | NCBI_Gene:100416995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100250 | MGI:5010538 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18353 |
7 | gene | 48.64280 | 48.64381 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033117 | Mrgprb3 | NCBI_Gene:404238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070546 | MGI:3033117 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member B3 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.68462 | 48.68561 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033189 | Mrgprb11-ps | NCBI_Gene:639116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099889 | MGI:3033189 | pseudogene | MAS-related GPR, member B11, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 48.72015 | 48.74819 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753662 | Gm45086 | NCBI_Gene:108167426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109170 | MGI:5753662 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45086 |
7 | gene | 48.75514 | 48.76832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591422 | Gm32263 | NCBI_Gene:102634757 | MGI:5591422 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32263 |
7 | gene | 48.78900 | 48.82744 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919227 | Zdhhc13 | NCBI_Gene:243983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030471 | MGI:1919227 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 13 |
7 | gene | 48.79630 | 48.79941 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753617 | Gm45041 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109317 | MGI:5753617 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45041 |
7 | gene | 48.83040 | 48.84805 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1330824 | Csrp3 | NCBI_Gene:13009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030470 | MGI:1330824 | protein coding gene | cysteine and glycine-rich protein 3 |
7 | gene | 48.86643 | 48.88207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922038 | E2f8 | NCBI_Gene:108961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046179 | MGI:1922038 | protein coding gene | E2F transcription factor 8 |
7 | gene | 48.87796 | 48.91304 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780956 | Gm2788 | NCBI_Gene:108167326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085995 | MGI:3780956 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 2788 |
7 | gene | 48.89368 | 48.91006 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791118 | Gm45282 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110093 | MGI:5791118 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45282 |
7 | gene | 48.90872 | 49.61009 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2183691 | Nav2 | NCBI_Gene:78286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052512 | MGI:2183691 | protein coding gene | neuron navigator 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 48.93951 | 48.94014 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010744 | Gm18559 | NCBI_Gene:100417360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109507 | MGI:5010744 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18559 |
7 | pseudogene | 49.06244 | 49.06258 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753783 | Gm45207 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109068 | MGI:5753783 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45207 |
7 | gene | 49.07327 | 49.09323 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592008 | Gm32849 | NCBI_Gene:102635541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109203 | MGI:5592008 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32849 |
7 | gene | 49.12194 | 49.16558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921817 | 9130015G15Rik | NCBI_Gene:108167511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108950 | MGI:1921817 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130015G15 gene |
7 | gene | 49.19554 | 49.19912 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610841 | Gm37613 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103834 | MGI:5610841 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37613 |
7 | gene | 49.34609 | 49.34908 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753489 | Gm44913 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109051 | MGI:5753489 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44913 |
7 | gene | 49.46971 | 49.47171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611287 | Gm38059 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102148 | MGI:5611287 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38059 |
7 | gene | 49.55389 | 49.55673 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2445080 | E430014L09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E430014L09 gene |
7 | gene | 49.56180 | 49.56369 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591853 | Gm32694 | NCBI_Gene:102635323 | MGI:5591853 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32694 |
7 | gene | 49.63150 | 49.63685 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_94867 | Dbx1 | NCBI_Gene:13172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030507 | MGI:94867 | protein coding gene | developing brain homeobox 1 |
7 | gene | 49.63986 | 49.64899 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825622 | Gm45985 | NCBI_Gene:108167427 | MGI:5825622 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45985 |
7 | gene | 49.75285 | 49.75616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592121 | Gm32962 | NCBI_Gene:102635687 | MGI:5592121 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32962 |
7 | gene | 49.75904 | 49.77836 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859271 | Htatip2 | NCBI_Gene:53415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039745 | MGI:1859271 | protein coding gene | HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2 |
7 | gene | 49.76363 | 49.77016 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825623 | Gm45986 | NCBI_Gene:108167428 | MGI:5825623 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45986 |
7 | gene | 49.77835 | 49.85827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919224 | Prmt3 | NCBI_Gene:71974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030505 | MGI:1919224 | protein coding gene | protein arginine N-methyltransferase 3 |
7 | gene | 49.79596 | 49.79671 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925801 | 5430407F15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430407F15 gene |
7 | gene | 49.81420 | 49.82059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753398 | Gm44822 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109154 | MGI:5753398 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44822 |
7 | gene | 49.85616 | 49.85760 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477350 | Gm26856 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097864 | MGI:5477350 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26856 |
7 | gene | 49.86125 | 49.86637 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924768 | 9330179C17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330179C17 gene |
7 | gene | 49.90697 | 49.96386 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105090 | Slc6a5 | NCBI_Gene:104245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039728 | MGI:105090 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine), member 5 |
7 | gene | 49.97486 | 50.86661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443902 | Nell1 | NCBI_Gene:338352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055409 | MGI:2443902 | protein coding gene | NEL-like 1 |
7 | gene | 50.51731 | 50.57597 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920765 | Nell1os | NCBI_Gene:73515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085265 | MGI:1920765 | antisense lncRNA gene | NEL-like 1, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 50.59919 | 50.60053 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142174 | 4933405O20Rik | NCBI_Gene:243996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084234 | MGI:2142174 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933405O20 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 50.94054 | 50.94315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645198 | Gm9343 | NCBI_Gene:100534340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109409 | MGI:3645198 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9343 |
7 | pseudogene | 50.94929 | 50.95190 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434387 | Gm21032 | NCBI_Gene:100534341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108958 | MGI:5434387 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21032 |
7 | pseudogene | 50.95803 | 50.96065 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434388 | Gm21033 | NCBI_Gene:100534342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109494 | MGI:5434388 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21033 |
7 | pseudogene | 50.96679 | 50.96940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434389 | Gm21034 | NCBI_Gene:100534343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109476 | MGI:5434389 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21034 |
7 | pseudogene | 50.97554 | 50.97816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434390 | Gm21035 | NCBI_Gene:100534344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109172 | MGI:5434390 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21035 |
7 | pseudogene | 50.98429 | 50.98691 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434391 | Gm21036 | NCBI_Gene:100534345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109173 | MGI:5434391 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21036 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.15281 | 51.15542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434392 | Gm21037 | NCBI_Gene:100534346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109202 | MGI:5434392 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21037 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.17048 | 51.17715 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648411 | Gm16478 | NCBI_Gene:434186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108963 | MGI:3648411 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 16478 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.39483 | 51.39495 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753578 | Gm45002 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109443 | MGI:5753578 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45002 |
7 | gene | 51.44189 | 51.44407 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592174 | Gm33015 | NCBI_Gene:102635758 | MGI:5592174 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33015 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.45799 | 51.45856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647598 | Gm9354 | NCBI_Gene:668779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109059 | MGI:3647598 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9354 |
7 | gene | 51.49680 | 51.57032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592349 | Gm33190 | NCBI_Gene:102635994 | MGI:5592349 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33190 |
7 | gene | 51.51002 | 51.59871 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3576659 | Ano5 | NCBI_Gene:233246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055489 | MGI:3576659 | protein coding gene | anoctamin 5 |
7 | gene | 51.62139 | 51.62432 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592295 | Gm33136 | NCBI_Gene:108167429 | MGI:5592295 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33136 |
7 | gene | 51.62183 | 51.67113 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2156052 | Slc17a6 | NCBI_Gene:140919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030500 | MGI:2156052 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6 |
7 | gene | 51.63173 | 51.63265 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753648 | Gm45072 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109437 | MGI:5753648 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45072 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.69791 | 51.69898 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625287 | Gm42402 | NCBI_Gene:105247274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109331 | MGI:5625287 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 42402 |
7 | pseudogene | 51.74665 | 51.74790 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644851 | Gm7336 | NCBI_Gene:654473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078636 | MGI:3644851 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7336 |
7 | gene | 51.75080 | 51.77273 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580002 | Gm29296 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102124 | MGI:5580002 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29296 |
7 | gene | 51.77298 | 51.77778 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592449 | Gm33290 | NCBI_Gene:102636136 | MGI:5592449 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33290 |
7 | gene | 51.85030 | 51.85282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753577 | Gm45001 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108842 | MGI:5753577 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45001 |
7 | gene | 51.85558 | 51.86005 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753811 | Gm45235 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108957 | MGI:5753811 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45235 |
7 | gene | 51.86058 | 51.86227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3689889 | Fancf | NCBI_Gene:100040608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092118 | MGI:3689889 | protein coding gene | Fanconi anemia, complementation group F |
7 | gene | 51.86201 | 51.99500 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95657 | Gas2 | NCBI_Gene:14453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030498 | MGI:95657 | protein coding gene | growth arrest specific 2 |
7 | gene | 51.99716 | 52.00602 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922994 | Svip | NCBI_Gene:75744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074093 | MGI:1922994 | protein coding gene | small VCP/p97-interacting protein |
7 | gene | 52.01168 | 52.01573 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922779 | 1700015G11Rik | NCBI_Gene:100503036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094445 | MGI:1922779 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700015G11 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 52.02206 | 52.02965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643913 | Gm9357 | NCBI_Gene:668783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109526 | MGI:3643913 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9357 |
7 | gene | 52.07542 | 52.07558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451988 | Gm22211 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088722 | MGI:5451988 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22211 |
7 | pseudogene | 52.21996 | 52.22044 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753259 | Gm44683 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109026 | MGI:5753259 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44683 |
7 | pseudogene | 52.41145 | 52.41197 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012259 | Gm20074 | NCBI_Gene:100504123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109099 | MGI:5012259 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20074 |
7 | pseudogene | 52.75542 | 52.75583 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646422 | Gm6181 | NCBI_Gene:620782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074092 | MGI:3646422 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6181 |
7 | gene | 52.88759 | 52.97700 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593057 | Gm33898 | NCBI_Gene:102636974 | MGI:5593057 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33898 |
7 | gene | 52.92707 | 52.92718 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452221 | Gm22444 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070203 | MGI:5452221 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22444 |
7 | pseudogene | 52.99027 | 52.99100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011091 | Gm18906 | NCBI_Gene:100417931 | MGI:5011091 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18906 |
7 | gene | 53.63080 | 53.66079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593149 | Gm33990 | NCBI_Gene:102637088 | MGI:5593149 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33990 |
7 | pseudogene | 53.80327 | 53.80414 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643911 | Gm9362 | NCBI_Gene:668789 | MGI:3643911 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9362 |
7 | gene | 53.89176 | 53.89189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531364 | Mir6238 | miRBase:MI0021585,NCBI_Gene:102466619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099176 | MGI:5531364 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6238 |
7 | gene | 53.99594 | 53.99856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753258 | Gm44682 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109312 | MGI:5753258 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44682 |
7 | gene | 54.00847 | 54.00858 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531303 | Gm27921 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099089 | MGI:5531303 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27921 |
7 | gene | 54.21317 | 54.21339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455733 | Gm25956 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092856 | MGI:5455733 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25956 |
7 | pseudogene | 54.41191 | 54.41252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647650 | Gm5776 | NCBI_Gene:497028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099647 | MGI:3647650 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5776 |
7 | pseudogene | 54.57106 | 54.62498 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645757 | Gm6290 | NCBI_Gene:622146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109050 | MGI:3645757 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6290 |
7 | gene | 54.83519 | 55.26889 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1889615 | Luzp2 | NCBI_Gene:233271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063297 | MGI:1889615 | protein coding gene | leucine zipper protein 2 |
7 | gene | 54.87611 | 54.87765 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753471 | Gm44895 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108474 | MGI:5753471 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44895 |
7 | gene | 54.88312 | 54.88446 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753473 | Gm44897 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108665 | MGI:5753473 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44897 |
7 | gene | 54.93178 | 54.93255 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753472 | Gm44896 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108581 | MGI:5753472 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44896 |
7 | gene | 55.02504 | 55.02721 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753470 | Gm44894 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108756 | MGI:5753470 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44894 |
7 | gene | 55.08860 | 55.08999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921844 | 4833421K07Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108519 | MGI:1921844 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833421K07 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 55.24214 | 55.24394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010023 | Gm17838 | NCBI_Gene:100415957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108326 | MGI:5010023 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17838 |
7 | gene | 55.24393 | 55.24404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453893 | Gm24116 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077163 | MGI:5453893 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24116 |
7 | gene | 55.27338 | 55.27670 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621899 | Gm39014 | NCBI_Gene:105242943 | MGI:5621899 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39014 |
7 | gene | 55.27594 | 55.27816 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753474 | Gm44898 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108325 | MGI:5753474 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44898 |
7 | pseudogene | 55.46207 | 55.46261 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647838 | Gm9367 | NCBI_Gene:668796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108744 | MGI:3647838 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9367 |
7 | pseudogene | 55.63645 | 55.63681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753191 | Gm44615 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108363 | MGI:5753191 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44615 |
7 | gene | 55.70215 | 55.70222 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456259 | Gm26482 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088640 | MGI:5456259 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26482 |
7 | gene | 55.76509 | 55.76862 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621900 | Gm39015 | NCBI_Gene:105242944 | MGI:5621900 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39015 |
7 | gene | 55.76814 | 55.77893 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443256 | Siglech | NCBI_Gene:233274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051504 | MGI:2443256 | protein coding gene | sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin H |
7 | gene | 55.79413 | 55.83168 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2178836 | Tubgcp5 | NCBI_Gene:233276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033790 | MGI:2178836 | protein coding gene | tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 5 |
7 | gene | 55.84175 | 55.93263 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1338801 | Cyfip1 | NCBI_Gene:20430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030447 | MGI:1338801 | protein coding gene | cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 55.90260 | 55.90331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010092 | Gm17907 | NCBI_Gene:100416076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092526 | MGI:5010092 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17907 |
7 | gene | 55.92718 | 55.92891 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753192 | Gm44616 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108701 | MGI:5753192 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44616 |
7 | gene | 55.93127 | 55.96249 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913918 | Nipa2 | NCBI_Gene:93790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030452 | MGI:1913918 | protein coding gene | non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 2 homolog (human) |
7 | gene | 55.96253 | 55.98087 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444856 | A230056P14Rik | NCBI_Gene:320845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087178 | MGI:2444856 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230056P14 gene |
7 | gene | 55.97352 | 55.97484 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753085 | Gm44509 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108358 | MGI:5753085 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44509 |
7 | gene | 55.97757 | 56.01995 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442058 | Nipa1 | NCBI_Gene:233280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047037 | MGI:2442058 | protein coding gene | non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 1 homolog (human) |
7 | gene | 55.97993 | 55.98085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802176 | Gm15888 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085927 | MGI:3802176 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15888 |
7 | gene | 55.98807 | 55.99328 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621901 | Gm39016 | NCBI_Gene:105242945 | MGI:5621901 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39016 |
7 | gene | 55.99401 | 55.99517 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753084 | Gm44508 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108640 | MGI:5753084 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44508 |
7 | gene | 56.01295 | 56.01748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753086 | Gm44510 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108443 | MGI:5753086 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44510 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.01393 | 56.01443 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783241 | Rps12l1 | NCBI_Gene:672959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078087 | MGI:3783241 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S12-like 1 |
7 | gene | 56.03835 | 56.05008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593280 | Gm34121 | NCBI_Gene:102637256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108659 | MGI:5593280 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34121 |
7 | gene | 56.05015 | 56.23180 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103234 | Herc2 | NCBI_Gene:15204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030451 | MGI:103234 | protein coding gene | HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.21636 | 56.21725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011372 | Gm19187 | NCBI_Gene:100418404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108347 | MGI:5011372 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19187 |
7 | gene | 56.23959 | 56.53652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97454 | Oca2 | NCBI_Gene:18431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030450 | MGI:97454 | protein coding gene | oculocutaneous albinism II |
7 | gene | 56.24219 | 56.24315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753082 | Gm44506 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108773 | MGI:5753082 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44506 |
7 | gene | 56.56020 | 56.56025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442797 | F630003A18Rik | NA | NA | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA F630003A18 gene |
7 | gene | 56.71646 | 56.71712 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781173 | Gm2995 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 2995 |
7 | gene | 56.71646 | 57.38722 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95624 | Gabrg3 | NCBI_Gene:14407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055026 | MGI:95624 | protein coding gene | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit gamma 3 |
7 | gene | 56.71647 | 56.71776 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917966 | 6330406O05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330406O05 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 56.74827 | 56.74929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753555 | Gm44979 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108488 | MGI:5753555 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44979 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.80461 | 56.80546 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010169 | Gm17984 | NCBI_Gene:100416228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108647 | MGI:5010169 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17984 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.83800 | 56.83826 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753552 | Gm44976 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108586 | MGI:5753552 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44976 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.85543 | 56.85585 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753553 | Gm44977 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108450 | MGI:5753553 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44977 |
7 | pseudogene | 56.87901 | 56.87961 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010172 | Gm17987 | NCBI_Gene:100416232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108556 | MGI:5010172 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17987 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.02602 | 57.02753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010827 | Gm18642 | NCBI_Gene:100417488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108377 | MGI:5010827 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18642 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.05518 | 57.05645 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010493 | Gm18308 | NCBI_Gene:100416898 | MGI:5010493 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18308 |
7 | gene | 57.27632 | 57.28165 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621902 | Gm39017 | NCBI_Gene:105242946 | MGI:5621902 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39017 |
7 | gene | 57.38727 | 57.40994 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642695 | Gm9962 | NCBI_Gene:791383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055048 | MGI:3642695 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9962 |
7 | gene | 57.40767 | 57.51010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95617 | Gabra5 | NCBI_Gene:110886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055078 | MGI:95617 | protein coding gene | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit alpha 5 |
7 | gene | 57.41969 | 57.82880 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95621 | Gabrb3 | NCBI_Gene:14402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033676 | MGI:95621 | protein coding gene | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit beta 3 |
7 | gene | 57.51964 | 57.59041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625270 | Gm42385 | NCBI_Gene:105247256 | MGI:5625270 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42385 |
7 | gene | 57.58106 | 57.58116 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531328 | Mir6389 | miRBase:MI0021922,NCBI_Gene:102466156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099203 | MGI:5531328 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6389 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.71891 | 57.71916 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753429 | Gm44853 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109439 | MGI:5753429 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44853 |
7 | gene | 57.77543 | 57.77766 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753284 | Gm44708 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108597 | MGI:5753284 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44708 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.87799 | 57.88131 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646954 | Gm5596 | NCBI_Gene:434189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109086 | MGI:3646954 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5596 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.89470 | 57.89641 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593431 | Gm34272 | NCBI_Gene:102637470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109475 | MGI:5593431 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 34272 |
7 | pseudogene | 57.89995 | 57.90069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010312 | Gm18127 | NCBI_Gene:100416464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109339 | MGI:5010312 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18127 |
7 | gene | 58.00520 | 58.00534 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453688 | Gm23911 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077784 | MGI:5453688 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23911 |
7 | gene | 58.14810 | 58.14823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456065 | Gm26288 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077356 | MGI:5456065 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26288 |
7 | gene | 58.39932 | 58.39939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413860 | n-TEttc7 | NCBI_Gene:108167516 | MGI:4413860 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA glutamic acid 7 (anticodon TTC) |
7 | pseudogene | 58.51816 | 58.51853 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753428 | Gm44852 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109348 | MGI:5753428 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44852 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.55492 | 58.55532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753733 | Gm45157 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108877 | MGI:5753733 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45157 |
7 | gene | 58.65614 | 58.83024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330809 | Atp10a | NCBI_Gene:11982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025324 | MGI:1330809 | protein coding gene | ATPase, class V, type 10A |
7 | gene | 58.67542 | 58.67616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753512 | Gm44936 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109393 | MGI:5753512 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44936 |
7 | gene | 58.70673 | 58.74034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621904 | Gm39019 | NCBI_Gene:105242948 | MGI:5621904 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39019 |
7 | gene | 58.72020 | 58.72289 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753513 | Gm44937 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109434 | MGI:5753513 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44937 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.83679 | 58.83794 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643254 | Gm6226 | NCBI_Gene:621446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086926 | MGI:3643254 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6226 |
7 | gene | 58.84255 | 59.08192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621905 | Gm39020 | NCBI_Gene:105242949 | MGI:5621905 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39020 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.92656 | 58.92779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753514 | Gm44938 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109261 | MGI:5753514 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44938 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.94893 | 58.94956 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010638 | Gm18453 | NCBI_Gene:100417211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109252 | MGI:5010638 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18453 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.95158 | 58.95218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643026 | Gm9373 | NCBI_Gene:668811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108909 | MGI:3643026 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9373 |
7 | pseudogene | 58.97024 | 58.97140 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643024 | Gm9375 | NCBI_Gene:668813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109221 | MGI:3643024 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9375 |
7 | pseudogene | 59.10914 | 59.10950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753765 | Gm45189 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108838 | MGI:5753765 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45189 |
7 | pseudogene | 59.10992 | 59.11054 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643022 | Gm9377 | NCBI_Gene:668815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108902 | MGI:3643022 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9377 |
7 | pseudogene | 59.17153 | 59.17191 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753319 | Gm44743 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109308 | MGI:5753319 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44743 |
7 | gene | 59.20239 | 59.20380 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753318 | Gm44742 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109332 | MGI:5753318 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44742 |
7 | gene | 59.22385 | 59.25479 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442217 | 9330162G02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109536 | MGI:2442217 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330162G02 gene |
7 | gene | 59.22875 | 59.31154 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105098 | Ube3a | NCBI_Gene:22215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025326 | MGI:105098 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin protein ligase E3A |
7 | gene | 59.25885 | 59.26020 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753138 | Gm44562 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109362 | MGI:5753138 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44562 |
7 | gene | 59.26292 | 59.26393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753135 | Gm44559 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108943 | MGI:5753135 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44559 |
7 | gene | 59.28605 | 59.28917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753136 | Gm44560 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108880 | MGI:5753136 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44560 |
7 | gene | 59.29252 | 59.29310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753406 | Gm44830 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108886 | MGI:5753406 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44830 |
7 | gene | 59.30792 | 59.97576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1289201 | Snhg14 | NCBI_Gene:52480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100826 | MGI:1289201 | lncRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA host gene 14 |
7 | gene | 59.31863 | 59.32182 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753405 | Gm44829 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109157 | MGI:5753405 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44829 |
7 | gene | 59.32732 | 59.33119 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925005 | A230103L15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109122 | MGI:1925005 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230103L15 gene |
7 | gene | 59.34223 | 59.34229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455276 | Gm25499 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077615 | MGI:5455276 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25499 |
7 | gene | 59.34407 | 59.34415 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454743 | Gm24966 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064377 | MGI:5454743 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24966 |
7 | gene | 59.34734 | 59.34742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452273 | Gm22496 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077681 | MGI:5452273 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22496 |
7 | gene | 59.34768 | 59.34776 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455425 | Gm25648 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094095 | MGI:5455425 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25648 |
7 | gene | 59.34954 | 59.34961 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454083 | Gm24306 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094465 | MGI:5454083 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24306 |
7 | gene | 59.35141 | 59.35149 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455711 | Gm25934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094476 | MGI:5455711 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25934 |
7 | gene | 59.35328 | 59.35336 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454933 | Gm25156 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094068 | MGI:5454933 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25156 |
7 | gene | 59.35515 | 59.35523 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456265 | Gm26488 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096387 | MGI:5456265 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26488 |
7 | gene | 59.35702 | 59.35710 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453997 | Gm24220 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094631 | MGI:5453997 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24220 |
7 | gene | 59.35889 | 59.35897 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454430 | Gm24653 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094034 | MGI:5454430 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24653 |
7 | gene | 59.36076 | 59.36084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454746 | Gm24969 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096046 | MGI:5454746 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24969 |
7 | gene | 59.36263 | 59.36271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454194 | Gm24417 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095425 | MGI:5454194 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24417 |
7 | gene | 59.36450 | 59.36457 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454898 | Gm25121 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094883 | MGI:5454898 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25121 |
7 | gene | 59.36637 | 59.36644 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454434 | Gm24657 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094038 | MGI:5454434 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24657 |
7 | gene | 59.36824 | 59.36831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456007 | Gm26230 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094508 | MGI:5456007 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26230 |
7 | gene | 59.37011 | 59.37018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453699 | Gm23922 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095418 | MGI:5453699 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23922 |
7 | gene | 59.37197 | 59.37205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455091 | Gm25314 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095739 | MGI:5455091 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25314 |
7 | gene | 59.37384 | 59.37392 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455873 | Gm26096 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095342 | MGI:5455873 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26096 |
7 | gene | 59.37571 | 59.37579 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452773 | Gm22996 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096799 | MGI:5452773 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22996 |
7 | gene | 59.37758 | 59.37766 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456276 | Gm26499 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093997 | MGI:5456276 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26499 |
7 | gene | 59.37945 | 59.37953 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455423 | Gm25646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096496 | MGI:5455423 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25646 |
7 | gene | 59.38608 | 59.38616 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456275 | Gm26498 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093994 | MGI:5456275 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26498 |
7 | gene | 59.38795 | 59.38803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453437 | Gm23660 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095091 | MGI:5453437 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23660 |
7 | gene | 59.38982 | 59.38990 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453710 | Gm23933 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096291 | MGI:5453710 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23933 |
7 | gene | 59.39169 | 59.39177 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454639 | Gm24862 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093981 | MGI:5454639 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24862 |
7 | gene | 59.39356 | 59.39364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454643 | Gm24866 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096913 | MGI:5454643 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24866 |
7 | gene | 59.40533 | 59.40541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452125 | Gm22348 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095031 | MGI:5452125 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22348 |
7 | gene | 59.40720 | 59.40727 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456243 | Gm26466 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095713 | MGI:5456243 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26466 |
7 | gene | 59.40906 | 59.40914 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454576 | Gm24799 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093824 | MGI:5454576 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24799 |
7 | gene | 59.41093 | 59.41101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453865 | Gm24088 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095491 | MGI:5453865 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24088 |
7 | gene | 59.41280 | 59.41288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455240 | Gm25463 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095310 | MGI:5455240 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25463 |
7 | gene | 59.41409 | 59.41417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455006 | Gm25229 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094565 | MGI:5455006 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25229 |
7 | gene | 59.41559 | 59.41567 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454305 | Gm24528 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095911 | MGI:5454305 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24528 |
7 | gene | 59.41746 | 59.41754 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453133 | Gm23356 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094723 | MGI:5453133 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23356 |
7 | gene | 59.41932 | 59.41940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455226 | Gm25449 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095828 | MGI:5455226 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25449 |
7 | gene | 59.42119 | 59.42126 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454649 | Gm24872 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094667 | MGI:5454649 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24872 |
7 | gene | 59.42305 | 59.42313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456114 | Gm26337 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096328 | MGI:5456114 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26337 |
7 | gene | 59.42492 | 59.42500 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452922 | Gm23145 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093830 | MGI:5452922 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23145 |
7 | gene | 59.42679 | 59.42687 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451907 | Gm22130 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096430 | MGI:5451907 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22130 |
7 | gene | 59.42867 | 59.42874 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455765 | Gm25988 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096683 | MGI:5455765 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25988 |
7 | gene | 59.43054 | 59.43061 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454998 | Gm25221 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094548 | MGI:5454998 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25221 |
7 | gene | 59.43241 | 59.43248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456166 | Gm26389 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094919 | MGI:5456166 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26389 |
7 | gene | 59.43428 | 59.43435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453248 | Gm23471 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094059 | MGI:5453248 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23471 |
7 | gene | 59.43615 | 59.43623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454897 | Gm25120 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094888 | MGI:5454897 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25120 |
7 | gene | 59.43802 | 59.43810 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454195 | Gm24418 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095428 | MGI:5454195 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24418 |
7 | gene | 59.43989 | 59.43997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453464 | Gm23687 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096390 | MGI:5453464 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23687 |
7 | gene | 59.44176 | 59.44184 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452170 | Gm22393 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094550 | MGI:5452170 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22393 |
7 | gene | 59.44363 | 59.44371 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454416 | Gm24639 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096161 | MGI:5454416 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24639 |
7 | gene | 59.44550 | 59.44558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454343 | Gm24566 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094513 | MGI:5454343 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24566 |
7 | gene | 59.44737 | 59.44745 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451888 | Gm22111 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095372 | MGI:5451888 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22111 |
7 | gene | 59.44924 | 59.44932 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452853 | Gm23076 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094610 | MGI:5452853 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23076 |
7 | gene | 59.45112 | 59.45119 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455651 | Gm25874 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094604 | MGI:5455651 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25874 |
7 | gene | 59.45298 | 59.45306 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454865 | Gm25088 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096811 | MGI:5454865 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25088 |
7 | gene | 59.45486 | 59.45493 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452287 | Gm22510 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096048 | MGI:5452287 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22510 |
7 | gene | 59.45882 | 59.45888 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454760 | Gm24983 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077645 | MGI:5454760 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24983 |
7 | gene | 59.46068 | 59.46075 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453804 | Gm24027 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096648 | MGI:5453804 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24027 |
7 | gene | 59.46255 | 59.46263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452301 | Gm22524 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094625 | MGI:5452301 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22524 |
7 | gene | 59.46442 | 59.46450 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452407 | Gm22630 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095581 | MGI:5452407 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22630 |
7 | gene | 59.46629 | 59.46637 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455518 | Gm25741 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094538 | MGI:5455518 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25741 |
7 | gene | 59.46816 | 59.46824 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455836 | Gm26059 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094364 | MGI:5455836 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26059 |
7 | gene | 59.47003 | 59.47011 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454952 | Gm25175 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095009 | MGI:5454952 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25175 |
7 | gene | 59.47190 | 59.47198 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452288 | Gm22511 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096041 | MGI:5452288 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22511 |
7 | gene | 59.47378 | 59.47385 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454854 | Gm25077 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095476 | MGI:5454854 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25077 |
7 | gene | 59.47562 | 59.47570 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452611 | Gm22834 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093943 | MGI:5452611 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22834 |
7 | gene | 59.47749 | 59.47757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454703 | Gm24926 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094308 | MGI:5454703 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24926 |
7 | gene | 59.47935 | 59.47942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455977 | Gm26200 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096605 | MGI:5455977 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26200 |
7 | gene | 59.48122 | 59.48130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452409 | Gm22632 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093860 | MGI:5452409 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22632 |
7 | gene | 59.48307 | 59.48315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453031 | Gm23254 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075726 | MGI:5453031 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23254 |
7 | gene | 59.48495 | 59.48503 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456167 | Gm26390 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094917 | MGI:5456167 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26390 |
7 | gene | 59.48682 | 59.48690 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456143 | Gm26366 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094587 | MGI:5456143 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26366 |
7 | gene | 59.48869 | 59.48877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456113 | Gm26336 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096324 | MGI:5456113 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26336 |
7 | gene | 59.49056 | 59.49064 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456060 | Gm26283 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094049 | MGI:5456060 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26283 |
7 | gene | 59.49243 | 59.49251 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454875 | Gm25098 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095671 | MGI:5454875 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25098 |
7 | gene | 59.49430 | 59.49438 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454479 | Gm24702 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095997 | MGI:5454479 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24702 |
7 | gene | 59.49617 | 59.49625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456209 | Gm26432 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095885 | MGI:5456209 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26432 |
7 | gene | 59.49804 | 59.49812 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455239 | Gm25462 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095314 | MGI:5455239 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25462 |
7 | gene | 59.50720 | 59.50728 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454272 | Gm24495 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093958 | MGI:5454272 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24495 |
7 | gene | 59.50907 | 59.50915 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455300 | Gm25523 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094765 | MGI:5455300 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25523 |
7 | gene | 59.51093 | 59.51101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452032 | Gm22255 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096281 | MGI:5452032 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22255 |
7 | gene | 59.51279 | 59.51287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453226 | Gm23449 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094213 | MGI:5453226 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23449 |
7 | gene | 59.51467 | 59.51474 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453087 | Gm23310 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096454 | MGI:5453087 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23310 |
7 | gene | 59.51654 | 59.51662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455238 | Gm25461 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093870 | MGI:5455238 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25461 |
7 | gene | 59.51841 | 59.51849 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454087 | Gm24310 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093854 | MGI:5454087 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24310 |
7 | gene | 59.52028 | 59.52036 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452686 | Gm22909 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094524 | MGI:5452686 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22909 |
7 | gene | 59.52216 | 59.52223 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455600 | Gm25823 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094099 | MGI:5455600 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25823 |
7 | gene | 59.52403 | 59.52410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455424 | Gm25647 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094093 | MGI:5455424 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25647 |
7 | gene | 59.52590 | 59.52598 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452029 | Gm22252 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096287 | MGI:5452029 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22252 |
7 | gene | 59.52777 | 59.52785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456169 | Gm26392 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094912 | MGI:5456169 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26392 |
7 | gene | 59.52964 | 59.52972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453996 | Gm24219 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094636 | MGI:5453996 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24219 |
7 | gene | 59.53151 | 59.53159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455007 | Gm25230 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094567 | MGI:5455007 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25230 |
7 | gene | 59.53339 | 59.53346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452404 | Gm22627 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094458 | MGI:5452404 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22627 |
7 | gene | 59.53526 | 59.53533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454362 | Gm24585 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095628 | MGI:5454362 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24585 |
7 | gene | 59.53713 | 59.53721 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453082 | Gm23305 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096185 | MGI:5453082 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23305 |
7 | gene | 59.53900 | 59.53908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453983 | Gm24206 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096447 | MGI:5453983 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24206 |
7 | gene | 59.54087 | 59.54095 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454862 | Gm25085 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096814 | MGI:5454862 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25085 |
7 | gene | 59.54274 | 59.54282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454986 | Gm25209 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096306 | MGI:5454986 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25209 |
7 | gene | 59.54462 | 59.54469 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453459 | Gm23682 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096067 | MGI:5453459 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23682 |
7 | gene | 59.54649 | 59.54657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454431 | Gm24654 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094032 | MGI:5454431 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24654 |
7 | gene | 59.54836 | 59.54844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456111 | Gm26334 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096090 | MGI:5456111 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26334 |
7 | gene | 59.55024 | 59.55032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455519 | Gm25742 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096595 | MGI:5455519 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25742 |
7 | gene | 59.55211 | 59.55219 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455362 | Gm25585 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095402 | MGI:5455362 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25585 |
7 | gene | 59.55398 | 59.55406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455617 | Gm25840 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095764 | MGI:5455617 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25840 |
7 | gene | 59.55585 | 59.55593 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454866 | Gm25089 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075968 | MGI:5454866 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25089 |
7 | gene | 59.55773 | 59.55781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453817 | Gm24040 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095924 | MGI:5453817 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24040 |
7 | gene | 59.55960 | 59.55968 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451827 | Gm22050 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094998 | MGI:5451827 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22050 |
7 | gene | 59.56147 | 59.56155 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453063 | Gm23286 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095357 | MGI:5453063 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23286 |
7 | gene | 59.56334 | 59.56342 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453798 | Gm24021 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095021 | MGI:5453798 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24021 |
7 | gene | 59.56522 | 59.56530 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452051 | Gm22274 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095660 | MGI:5452051 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22274 |
7 | gene | 59.56709 | 59.56717 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454429 | Gm24652 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094037 | MGI:5454429 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24652 |
7 | gene | 59.56896 | 59.56904 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453395 | Gm23618 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094438 | MGI:5453395 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23618 |
7 | gene | 59.57084 | 59.57091 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453465 | Gm23688 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096392 | MGI:5453465 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23688 |
7 | gene | 59.57271 | 59.57279 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454347 | Gm24570 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096821 | MGI:5454347 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24570 |
7 | gene | 59.57458 | 59.57466 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456244 | Gm26467 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095714 | MGI:5456244 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26467 |
7 | gene | 59.57645 | 59.57653 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454971 | Gm25194 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095945 | MGI:5454971 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25194 |
7 | gene | 59.57832 | 59.57840 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452417 | Gm22640 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094847 | MGI:5452417 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22640 |
7 | gene | 59.58019 | 59.58027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454729 | Gm24952 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094148 | MGI:5454729 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24952 |
7 | gene | 59.58206 | 59.58214 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454864 | Gm25087 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096812 | MGI:5454864 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25087 |
7 | gene | 59.58393 | 59.58401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453721 | Gm23944 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094129 | MGI:5453721 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23944 |
7 | gene | 59.58581 | 59.58588 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452406 | Gm22629 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095587 | MGI:5452406 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22629 |
7 | gene | 59.58768 | 59.58775 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456151 | Gm26374 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095182 | MGI:5456151 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26374 |
7 | gene | 59.58955 | 59.58963 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456061 | Gm26284 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094048 | MGI:5456061 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26284 |
7 | gene | 59.59142 | 59.59150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455229 | Gm25452 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094442 | MGI:5455229 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25452 |
7 | gene | 59.59329 | 59.59337 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455761 | Gm25984 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096028 | MGI:5455761 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25984 |
7 | gene | 59.59517 | 59.59524 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454923 | Gm25146 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096136 | MGI:5454923 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25146 |
7 | gene | 59.59703 | 59.59711 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454536 | Gm24759 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094922 | MGI:5454536 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24759 |
7 | gene | 59.59890 | 59.59898 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453877 | Gm24100 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096565 | MGI:5453877 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24100 |
7 | gene | 59.60078 | 59.60085 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452030 | Gm22253 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096285 | MGI:5452030 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22253 |
7 | gene | 59.60265 | 59.60272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454794 | Gm25017 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094753 | MGI:5454794 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25017 |
7 | gene | 59.60452 | 59.60460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453352 | Gm23575 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094903 | MGI:5453352 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23575 |
7 | gene | 59.60639 | 59.60647 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452168 | Gm22391 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094554 | MGI:5452168 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22391 |
7 | gene | 59.60826 | 59.60834 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452226 | Gm22449 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095501 | MGI:5452226 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22449 |
7 | gene | 59.61013 | 59.61021 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453914 | Gm24137 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095511 | MGI:5453914 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24137 |
7 | gene | 59.61201 | 59.61208 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452689 | Gm22912 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094522 | MGI:5452689 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22912 |
7 | gene | 59.61388 | 59.61395 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455487 | Gm25710 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096359 | MGI:5455487 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25710 |
7 | gene | 59.61574 | 59.61582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456211 | Gm26434 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094283 | MGI:5456211 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26434 |
7 | gene | 59.61761 | 59.61769 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453337 | Gm23560 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095220 | MGI:5453337 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23560 |
7 | gene | 59.61902 | 59.61910 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455647 | Gm25870 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094609 | MGI:5455647 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25870 |
7 | gene | 59.61916 | 59.67888 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_892030 | Ipw | NCBI_Gene:16353 | MGI:892030 | lncRNA gene | imprinted gene in the Prader-Willi syndrome region |
7 | gene | 59.62769 | 59.63068 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753407 | Gm44831 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109575 | MGI:5753407 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44831 |
7 | gene | 59.67346 | 59.67355 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453639 | Gm23862 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093929 | MGI:5453639 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23862 |
7 | gene | 59.67599 | 59.67608 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456281 | Gm26504 | NCBI_Gene:64243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096019 | MGI:5456281 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26504 |
7 | gene | 59.67851 | 59.67860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452062 | Gm22285 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094890 | MGI:5452062 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22285 |
7 | gene | 59.68106 | 59.68115 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451908 | Gm22131 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096431 | MGI:5451908 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22131 |
7 | gene | 59.68359 | 59.68368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453930 | Gm24153 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096159 | MGI:5453930 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24153 |
7 | gene | 59.69322 | 59.69331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456142 | Gm26365 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094581 | MGI:5456142 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26365 |
7 | gene | 59.69574 | 59.69584 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454386 | Gm24609 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094236 | MGI:5454386 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24609 |
7 | gene | 59.69831 | 59.69840 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454041 | Gm24264 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096248 | MGI:5454041 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24264 |
7 | gene | 59.70088 | 59.70097 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454932 | Gm25155 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094069 | MGI:5454932 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25155 |
7 | gene | 59.70343 | 59.70352 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455593 | Gm25816 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096148 | MGI:5455593 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25816 |
7 | gene | 59.70597 | 59.70606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452918 | Gm23141 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094407 | MGI:5452918 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23141 |
7 | gene | 59.70847 | 59.70856 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453544 | Gm23767 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095734 | MGI:5453544 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23767 |
7 | gene | 59.71101 | 59.71110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452194 | Gm22417 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094960 | MGI:5452194 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22417 |
7 | gene | 59.71353 | 59.71363 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452361 | Gm22584 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096231 | MGI:5452361 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22584 |
7 | gene | 59.71606 | 59.71615 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456047 | Gm26270 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096110 | MGI:5456047 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26270 |
7 | gene | 59.71859 | 59.71868 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452866 | Gm23089 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096502 | MGI:5452866 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23089 |
7 | gene | 59.72113 | 59.72122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454488 | Gm24711 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096082 | MGI:5454488 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24711 |
7 | gene | 59.72364 | 59.72374 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455965 | Gm26188 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095060 | MGI:5455965 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26188 |
7 | gene | 59.72616 | 59.72625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453042 | Gm23265 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094150 | MGI:5453042 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23265 |
7 | gene | 59.72868 | 59.72877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454295 | Gm24518 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096677 | MGI:5454295 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24518 |
7 | gene | 59.73122 | 59.73132 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455721 | Gm25944 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096057 | MGI:5455721 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25944 |
7 | gene | 59.73377 | 59.73386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452824 | Gm23047 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096305 | MGI:5452824 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23047 |
7 | gene | 59.73631 | 59.73641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453730 | Gm23953 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095389 | MGI:5453730 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23953 |
7 | gene | 59.73885 | 59.73894 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456109 | Gm26332 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096095 | MGI:5456109 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26332 |
7 | gene | 59.74137 | 59.74147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455809 | Gm26032 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095155 | MGI:5455809 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26032 |
7 | gene | 59.74391 | 59.74401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452640 | Gm22863 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096660 | MGI:5452640 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22863 |
7 | gene | 59.74643 | 59.74652 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454395 | Gm24618 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095542 | MGI:5454395 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24618 |
7 | gene | 59.74896 | 59.74905 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451823 | Gm22046 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094994 | MGI:5451823 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22046 |
7 | gene | 59.75149 | 59.75158 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454537 | Gm24760 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094923 | MGI:5454537 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24760 |
7 | gene | 59.75400 | 59.75409 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455127 | Gm25350 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096070 | MGI:5455127 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25350 |
7 | gene | 59.75651 | 59.75661 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456279 | Gm26502 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096017 | MGI:5456279 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26502 |
7 | gene | 59.75903 | 59.75912 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453090 | Gm23313 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096865 | MGI:5453090 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23313 |
7 | gene | 59.76155 | 59.76165 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455248 | Gm25471 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094837 | MGI:5455248 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25471 |
7 | gene | 59.76409 | 59.76418 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452553 | Gm22776 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094109 | MGI:5452553 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22776 |
7 | gene | 59.76661 | 59.76670 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453223 | Gm23446 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094218 | MGI:5453223 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23446 |
7 | gene | 59.76914 | 59.76923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454987 | Gm25210 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096302 | MGI:5454987 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25210 |
7 | gene | 59.77166 | 59.77175 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451905 | Gm22128 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095100 | MGI:5451905 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22128 |
7 | gene | 59.77419 | 59.77428 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452628 | Gm22851 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095045 | MGI:5452628 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22851 |
7 | gene | 59.77672 | 59.77682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454851 | Gm25074 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095479 | MGI:5454851 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25074 |
7 | gene | 59.77925 | 59.77934 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454934 | Gm25157 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094060 | MGI:5454934 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25157 |
7 | gene | 59.78178 | 59.78187 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452408 | Gm22631 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093869 | MGI:5452408 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22631 |
7 | gene | 59.78429 | 59.78439 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455251 | Gm25474 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094831 | MGI:5455251 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25474 |
7 | gene | 59.78682 | 59.78691 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452718 | Gm22941 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095639 | MGI:5452718 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22941 |
7 | gene | 59.78933 | 59.78942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456023 | Gm26246 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095618 | MGI:5456023 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26246 |
7 | gene | 59.79184 | 59.79194 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451824 | Gm22047 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094997 | MGI:5451824 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22047 |
7 | gene | 59.79436 | 59.79445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455374 | Gm25597 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096845 | MGI:5455374 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25597 |
7 | gene | 59.79691 | 59.79700 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455874 | Gm26097 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095349 | MGI:5455874 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26097 |
7 | gene | 59.79944 | 59.79954 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452035 | Gm22258 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096868 | MGI:5452035 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22258 |
7 | gene | 59.80196 | 59.80205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455978 | Gm26201 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096604 | MGI:5455978 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26201 |
7 | gene | 59.80447 | 59.80456 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453396 | Gm23619 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093802 | MGI:5453396 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23619 |
7 | gene | 59.80700 | 59.80709 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452589 | Gm22812 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096462 | MGI:5452589 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22812 |
7 | gene | 59.85921 | 59.85931 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456210 | Gm26433 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094287 | MGI:5456210 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26433 |
7 | gene | 59.86173 | 59.86182 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453134 | Snord116l17 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093974 | MGI:5453134 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 17 |
7 | gene | 59.86424 | 59.86433 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455392 | Gm25615 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095641 | MGI:5455392 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25615 |
7 | gene | 59.86679 | 59.86688 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451887 | Snord116l16 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095374 | MGI:5451887 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 16 |
7 | gene | 59.86933 | 59.86942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453501 | Snord116l15 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094987 | MGI:5453501 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 15 |
7 | gene | 59.87186 | 59.87196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451965 | Snord116l14 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094389 | MGI:5451965 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 14 |
7 | gene | 59.87438 | 59.87447 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453326 | Snord116l13 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094573 | MGI:5453326 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 13 |
7 | gene | 59.87693 | 59.87703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927533 | Snord116l2 | NCBI_Gene:64245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096759 | MGI:1927533 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 2 |
7 | gene | 59.87946 | 59.87955 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927539 | Snord116l8 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095458 | MGI:1927539 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 8 |
7 | gene | 59.88199 | 59.88208 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927538 | Snord116l7 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096313 | MGI:1927538 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 7 |
7 | gene | 59.88450 | 59.88459 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927537 | Snord116l6 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096190 | MGI:1927537 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 6 |
7 | gene | 59.88706 | 59.88715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927536 | Snord116l5 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094039 | MGI:1927536 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 5 |
7 | gene | 59.88959 | 59.88969 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927535 | Snord116l4 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093971 | MGI:1927535 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 4 |
7 | gene | 59.89211 | 59.89220 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927534 | Snord116l3 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094599 | MGI:1927534 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 3 |
7 | gene | 59.89462 | 59.89471 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927532 | Snord116l1 | NCBI_Gene:64244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096475 | MGI:1927532 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 1 |
7 | gene | 59.89716 | 59.89725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927540 | Snord116l9 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096634 | MGI:1927540 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 9 |
7 | gene | 59.89969 | 59.89978 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453473 | Snord116l10 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094642 | MGI:5453473 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 10 |
7 | gene | 59.90221 | 59.90231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455871 | Snord116l11 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095691 | MGI:5455871 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 11 |
7 | gene | 59.90476 | 59.90485 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452066 | Snord116l12 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094274 | MGI:5452066 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 12 |
7 | gene | 59.92303 | 59.92312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452150 | Gm22373 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077772 | MGI:5452150 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22373 |
7 | gene | 59.97415 | 60.00506 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5613898 | Gm38393 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000948 | MGI:5613898 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38393 |
7 | gene | 59.97881 | 59.97887 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3819546 | Snord64 | NCBI_Gene:100217429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077191 | MGI:3819546 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 64 |
7 | gene | 59.98088 | 59.98094 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4358283 | Snord107 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089375 | MGI:4358283 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 107 |
7 | gene | 59.98250 | 60.14022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98347 | Snrpn | NCBI_Gene:20646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102252 | MGI:98347 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N |
7 | gene | 59.98250 | 60.00516 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891236 | Snurf | NCBI_Gene:84704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102627 | MGI:1891236 | protein coding gene | SNRPN upstream reading frame |
7 | pseudogene | 60.12405 | 60.13441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011093 | Gm18908 | NCBI_Gene:108167430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108937 | MGI:5011093 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18908 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.15543 | 60.15683 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646404 | Gm7367 | NCBI_Gene:664849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047370 | MGI:3646404 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 7367 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.27281 | 60.28021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010314 | Gm18129 | NCBI_Gene:100416479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109451 | MGI:5010314 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18129 |
7 | gene | 60.28010 | 60.28462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621906 | Gm39021 | NCBI_Gene:105242956 | MGI:5621906 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39021 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.29318 | 60.29409 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589355 | Gm30196 | NCBI_Gene:102632017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109220 | MGI:5589355 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 30196 |
7 | gene | 60.43769 | 60.44404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625279 | Gm42394 | NCBI_Gene:105247266 | MGI:5625279 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42394 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.55531 | 60.64797 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781377 | Gm3198 | NCBI_Gene:102637921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109447 | MGI:3781377 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3198 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.75336 | 60.75401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642512 | Gm10297 | NCBI_Gene:100041211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109222 | MGI:3642512 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 10297 |
7 | pseudogene | 60.75487 | 60.76125 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648361 | Gm7394 | NCBI_Gene:105242952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109533 | MGI:3648361 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7394 |
7 | gene | 60.83360 | 60.92294 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588888 | Gm29729 | NCBI_Gene:101055840 | MGI:5588888 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29729 |
7 | gene | 60.85653 | 60.85726 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920404 | 3110018A10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 3110018A10 gene |
7 | gene | 60.91555 | 60.92291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753220 | Gm44644 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109121 | MGI:5753220 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44644 |
7 | gene | 60.92292 | 60.96138 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753219 | Gm44643 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108867 | MGI:5753219 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44643 |
7 | gene | 60.92315 | 60.96146 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589988 | Gm30829 | NCBI_Gene:102632867 | MGI:5589988 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30829 |
7 | gene | 61.01026 | 61.31172 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644205 | A230006K03Rik | NCBI_Gene:27493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068151 | MGI:3644205 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230006K03 gene |
7 | gene | 61.09043 | 61.16158 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621336 | Gm38451 | NCBI_Gene:102633165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108917 | MGI:5621336 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38451 |
7 | gene | 61.19707 | 61.31177 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590604 | Gm31445 | NCBI_Gene:102633679 | MGI:5590604 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 31445 |
7 | gene | 61.32964 | 61.33624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590811 | Gm31652 | NCBI_Gene:102633955 | MGI:5590811 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31652 |
7 | gene | 61.52941 | 61.61533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442668 | B230209E15Rik | NCBI_Gene:319752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109006 | MGI:2442668 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230209E15 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 61.54853 | 61.54977 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643295 | Ube2nl | NCBI_Gene:620934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059585 | MGI:3643295 | pseudogene | ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N-like |
7 | gene | 61.67383 | 61.67391 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455310 | Gm25533 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093101 | MGI:5455310 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25533 |
7 | gene | 61.68151 | 61.68159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453739 | Gm23962 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096076 | MGI:5453739 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23962 |
7 | gene | 61.68312 | 61.68319 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834228 | Mir344d-1 | miRBase:MI0004524,NCBI_Gene:100526544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092847 | MGI:4834228 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344d-1 |
7 | gene | 61.68527 | 61.68535 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834229 | Mir344d-2 | miRBase:MI0004619,NCBI_Gene:100526531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096893 | MGI:4834229 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344d-2 |
7 | gene | 61.70452 | 61.92869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442922 | A230057D06Rik | NCBI_Gene:319893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109394 | MGI:2442922 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230057D06 gene |
7 | gene | 61.70659 | 61.70667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453267 | Gm23490 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095010 | MGI:5453267 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23490 |
7 | gene | 61.70871 | 61.70877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452243 | Gm22466 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093019 | MGI:5452243 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22466 |
7 | gene | 61.72625 | 61.72633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834220 | Mir344d-3 | miRBase:MI0004227,NCBI_Gene:100526543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095292 | MGI:4834220 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344d-3 |
7 | gene | 61.73369 | 61.73378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453694 | Gm23917 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092997 | MGI:5453694 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23917 |
7 | gene | 61.73554 | 61.73560 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834316 | Mir344e | miRBase:MI0014094,NCBI_Gene:100526541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077869 | MGI:4834316 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344e |
7 | gene | 61.73935 | 61.73941 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454202 | Mir344h-1 | miRBase:MI0019196,NCBI_Gene:100885840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094173 | MGI:5454202 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344h-1 |
7 | gene | 61.74237 | 61.74242 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453086 | Mir344h-2 | miRBase:MI0019197,NCBI_Gene:100885841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096189 | MGI:5453086 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344h-2 |
7 | gene | 61.75047 | 61.75054 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453650 | Gm23873 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093170 | MGI:5453650 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23873 |
7 | gene | 61.75144 | 61.75369 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444347 | 6330444A18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330444A18 gene |
7 | gene | 61.79052 | 61.79058 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834317 | Mir344b | miRBase:MI0014095,NCBI_Gene:100526558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092921 | MGI:4834317 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344b |
7 | gene | 61.83731 | 61.83740 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834318 | Mir344c | miRBase:MI0014096,NCBI_Gene:100526506,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077107 | MGI:4834318 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344c |
7 | gene | 61.86041 | 61.86296 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444892 | A230077L10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A230077L10 gene |
7 | gene | 61.87777 | 61.87786 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3619359 | Mir344 | miRBase:MI0000630,NCBI_Gene:723931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065568 | MGI:3619359 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344 |
7 | pseudogene | 61.88297 | 61.88361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011217 | Gm19032 | NCBI_Gene:100418144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109465 | MGI:5011217 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19032 |
7 | gene | 61.93014 | 61.98236 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443193 | A330076H08Rik | NCBI_Gene:320026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109321 | MGI:2443193 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A330076H08 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 61.93824 | 61.93948 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781435 | Gm3257 | NCBI_Gene:108167431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109178 | MGI:3781435 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3257 |
7 | gene | 61.94003 | 61.94011 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3718513 | Mir344-2 | miRBase:MI0005495,NCBI_Gene:100124439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093187 | MGI:3718513 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344-2 |
7 | gene | 61.98229 | 61.98236 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834319 | Mir344g | miRBase:MI0014097,NCBI_Gene:100526507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092850 | MGI:4834319 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344g |
7 | gene | 62.03663 | 62.03674 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453208 | Gm23431 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077194 | MGI:5453208 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23431 |
7 | gene | 62.04618 | 62.04625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834320 | Mir344f | miRBase:MI0014098,NCBI_Gene:100526527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093108 | MGI:4834320 | miRNA gene | microRNA Mir344f |
7 | pseudogene | 62.05596 | 62.05693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010657 | Gm18472 | NCBI_Gene:100417233 | MGI:5010657 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18472 |
7 | gene | 62.07872 | 62.07881 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454700 | Gm24923 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094304 | MGI:5454700 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24923 |
7 | gene | 62.08522 | 62.08531 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455808 | Mir344i | miRBase:MI0019317,NCBI_Gene:100885843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095154 | MGI:5455808 | miRNA gene | microRNA 344i |
7 | gene | 62.09451 | 62.27911 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647139 | Gm9801 | NCBI_Gene:330552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045813 | MGI:3647139 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9801 |
7 | gene | 62.27254 | 62.27985 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591017 | Gm31858 | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene%2c 31858 |
7 | gene | 62.29739 | 62.30992 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625280 | Gm42395 | NCBI_Gene:105247267 | MGI:5625280 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42395 |
7 | gene | 62.33779 | 62.42382 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591220 | Gm32061 | NCBI_Gene:102634490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108986 | MGI:5591220 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32061 |
7 | gene | 62.34657 | 62.35026 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97290 | Ndn | NCBI_Gene:17984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033585 | MGI:97290 | protein coding gene | necdin |
7 | gene | 62.37698 | 62.38164 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351648 | Magel2 | NCBI_Gene:27385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056972 | MGI:1351648 | protein coding gene | melanoma antigen, family L, 2 |
7 | gene | 62.41759 | 62.42014 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2181178 | Mkrn3 | NCBI_Gene:22652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070527 | MGI:2181178 | protein coding gene | makorin, ring finger protein, 3 |
7 | gene | 62.46187 | 62.46451 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351637 | Peg12 | NCBI_Gene:27412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070526 | MGI:1351637 | protein coding gene | paternally expressed 12 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.47624 | 62.47671 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2153586 | Atp5l-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:140551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072460 | MGI:2153586 | pseudogene | ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit G, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.57732 | 62.57822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757996 | Vmn2r-ps61 | NCBI_Gene:665038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108928 | MGI:3757996 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 61 |
7 | gene | 62.61166 | 62.61178 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452271 | Gm22494 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077683 | MGI:5452271 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22494 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.65851 | 62.66219 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825663 | Gm46026 | NCBI_Gene:108167510 | MGI:5825663 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46026 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.68340 | 62.68469 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779855 | Gm9445 | NCBI_Gene:669222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109204 | MGI:3779855 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9445 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.75123 | 62.75212 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644550 | Gm5333 | NCBI_Gene:384631 | MGI:3644550 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5333 |
7 | gene | 62.77842 | 62.82367 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644757 | A26c2 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109344 | MGI:3644757 | protein coding gene | ANKRD26-like family C, member 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 62.78225 | 62.78315 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591270 | Gm32111 | NCBI_Gene:102634562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109289 | MGI:5591270 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 32111 |
7 | gene | 63.09869 | 63.21257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99779 | Chrna7 | NCBI_Gene:11441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030525 | MGI:99779 | protein coding gene | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 7 |
7 | gene | 63.13416 | 63.13629 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753317 | Gm44741 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109057 | MGI:5753317 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44741 |
7 | gene | 63.34469 | 63.44453 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924881 | 4930554H23Rik | NCBI_Gene:77631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097682 | MGI:1924881 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930554H23 gene |
7 | gene | 63.44474 | 63.76623 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2158505 | Otud7a | NCBI_Gene:170711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033510 | MGI:2158505 | protein coding gene | OTU domain containing 7A |
7 | pseudogene | 63.54248 | 63.54585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644921 | Gm5898 | NCBI_Gene:545971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081788 | MGI:3644921 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5898 |
7 | gene | 63.58592 | 63.58602 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452005 | Gm22228 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087989 | MGI:5452005 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22228 |
7 | pseudogene | 63.60602 | 63.60665 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781485 | Gm3307 | NCBI_Gene:100041386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093751 | MGI:3781485 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3307 |
7 | pseudogene | 63.73698 | 63.73749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010989 | Gm18804 | NCBI_Gene:100417749 | MGI:5010989 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18804 |
7 | gene | 63.76587 | 63.76623 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753294 | Gm44718 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108421 | MGI:5753294 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44718 |
7 | pseudogene | 63.81078 | 63.81138 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645480 | Gm7482 | NCBI_Gene:665083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108700 | MGI:3645480 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7482 |
7 | gene | 63.82324 | 63.85269 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621908 | Gm39023 | NCBI_Gene:105242959 | MGI:5621908 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39023 |
7 | pseudogene | 63.82698 | 63.82724 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753296 | Gm44720 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108629 | MGI:5753296 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44720 |
7 | gene | 63.87306 | 63.87697 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591504 | Gm32345 | NCBI_Gene:102634862 | MGI:5591504 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32345 |
7 | gene | 63.88635 | 63.93892 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354948 | Klf13 | NCBI_Gene:50794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052040 | MGI:1354948 | protein coding gene | Kruppel-like factor 13 |
7 | gene | 63.89639 | 63.90054 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5521095 | Gm27252 | NCBI_Gene:102634962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098708 | MGI:5521095 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 27252 |
7 | gene | 63.90172 | 63.90919 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825624 | Gm45987 | NCBI_Gene:108167433 | MGI:5825624 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45987 |
7 | gene | 63.91686 | 63.92103 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686543 | E030018B13Rik | NCBI_Gene:381994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095061 | MGI:2686543 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA E030018B13 gene |
7 | gene | 63.94868 | 63.95021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753203 | Gm44627 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108418 | MGI:5753203 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44627 |
7 | gene | 63.95639 | 63.95936 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621909 | Gm39024 | NCBI_Gene:105242960 | MGI:5621909 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39024 |
7 | gene | 63.96224 | 63.96774 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753628 | Gm45052 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108313 | MGI:5753628 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45052 |
7 | gene | 63.98623 | 64.02476 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591792 | Gm32633 | NCBI_Gene:102635243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108393 | MGI:5591792 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32633 |
7 | gene | 64.03425 | 64.04083 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753630 | Gm45054 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108469 | MGI:5753630 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45054 |
7 | gene | 64.05729 | 64.05781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592061 | Gm32902 | NCBI_Gene:102635612 | MGI:5592061 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32902 |
7 | gene | 64.05760 | 64.06880 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5313117 | Gm20670 | NCBI_Gene:102635542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108620 | MGI:5313117 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20670 |
7 | gene | 64.13087 | 64.13437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825625 | Gm45988 | NCBI_Gene:108167434 | MGI:5825625 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 45988 |
7 | gene | 64.15384 | 64.26977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330305 | Trpm1 | NCBI_Gene:17364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030523 | MGI:1330305 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 1 |
7 | gene | 64.20209 | 64.20252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753298 | Gm44722 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108645 | MGI:5753298 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44722 |
7 | gene | 64.20581 | 64.20591 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676887 | Mir211 | miRBase:MI0000708,NCBI_Gene:387207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065585 | MGI:2676887 | miRNA gene | microRNA 211 |
7 | gene | 64.21319 | 64.21334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753295 | Gm44719 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108770 | MGI:5753295 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44719 |
7 | gene | 64.24998 | 64.25010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531128 | Mir6416 | miRBase:MI0021954,NCBI_Gene:102465226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098910 | MGI:5531128 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6416 |
7 | gene | 64.28380 | 64.28440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753341 | Gm44765 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108422 | MGI:5753341 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44765 |
7 | gene | 64.28481 | 64.28821 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753788 | Gm45212 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108472 | MGI:5753788 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45212 |
7 | gene | 64.28765 | 64.34081 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142292 | Mtmr10 | NCBI_Gene:233315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030522 | MGI:2142292 | protein coding gene | myotubularin related protein 10 |
7 | gene | 64.33755 | 64.34596 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141922 | Gm20457 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092187 | MGI:5141922 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20457 |
7 | gene | 64.34598 | 64.37414 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045266 | Fan1 | NCBI_Gene:330554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033458 | MGI:3045266 | protein coding gene | FANCD2/FANCI-associated nuclease 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 64.35678 | 64.35748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010115 | Gm17930 | NCBI_Gene:100416128 | MGI:5010115 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17930 |
7 | gene | 64.37653 | 64.39227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915223 | Mphosph10 | NCBI_Gene:67973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030521 | MGI:1915223 | protein coding gene | M-phase phosphoprotein 10 (U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein) |
7 | gene | 64.39261 | 64.41213 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920974 | Mcee | NCBI_Gene:73724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033429 | MGI:1920974 | protein coding gene | methylmalonyl CoA epimerase |
7 | gene | 64.50171 | 64.75388 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1261791 | Apba2 | NCBI_Gene:11784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030519 | MGI:1261791 | protein coding gene | amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 |
7 | gene | 64.51531 | 64.51591 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753658 | Gm45082 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108384 | MGI:5753658 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45082 |
7 | gene | 64.52943 | 64.52990 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753297 | Gm44721 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108721 | MGI:5753297 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44721 |
7 | gene | 64.75609 | 65.15657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917888 | Fam189a1 | NCBI_Gene:70638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030518 | MGI:1917888 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 189, member A1 |
7 | gene | 64.86705 | 64.87304 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913897 | Nsmce3 | NCBI_Gene:66647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070520 | MGI:1913897 | protein coding gene | NSE3 homolog, SMC5-SMC6 complex component |
7 | gene | 64.95650 | 64.95658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455026 | Gm25249 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093212 | MGI:5455026 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25249 |
7 | gene | 65.05210 | 65.05496 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592122 | Gm32963 | NCBI_Gene:102635688 | MGI:5592122 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32963 |
7 | pseudogene | 65.17064 | 65.17190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010093 | Gm17908 | NCBI_Gene:100416077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108745 | MGI:5010093 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17908 |
7 | pseudogene | 65.17348 | 65.17423 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010103 | Gm17918 | NCBI_Gene:100416106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108445 | MGI:5010103 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17918 |
7 | gene | 65.21281 | 65.21345 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922851 | 1810049I09Rik | NCBI_Gene:75601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108587 | MGI:1922851 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810049I09 gene |
7 | gene | 65.29617 | 65.52781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98759 | Tjp1 | NCBI_Gene:21872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030516 | MGI:98759 | protein coding gene | tight junction protein 1 |
7 | gene | 65.33132 | 65.33430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441948 | D130061D10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D130061D10 gene |
7 | gene | 65.36637 | 65.36678 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753370 | Gm44794 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108338 | MGI:5753370 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44794 |
7 | gene | 65.37164 | 65.37440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592227 | Gm33068 | NCBI_Gene:102635823 | MGI:5592227 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33068 |
7 | pseudogene | 65.40185 | 65.40216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753371 | Gm44795 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108541 | MGI:5753371 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44795 |
7 | gene | 65.47959 | 65.48122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753368 | Gm44792 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108533 | MGI:5753368 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44792 |
7 | pseudogene | 65.58000 | 65.63591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644883 | Gm7546 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086232 | MGI:3644883 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7546 |
7 | gene | 65.58203 | 65.61935 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039598 | BC046251 | NCBI_Gene:407810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086662 | MGI:3039598 | lncRNA gene | cDNA sequence BC046251 |
7 | gene | 65.64490 | 65.69209 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444486 | Tarsl2 | NCBI_Gene:272396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030515 | MGI:2444486 | protein coding gene | threonyl-tRNA synthetase-like 2 |
7 | gene | 65.69006 | 65.69316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592393 | Gm33234 | NCBI_Gene:102636057 | MGI:5592393 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33234 |
7 | gene | 65.69117 | 65.70191 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915884 | Tm2d3 | NCBI_Gene:68634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078681 | MGI:1915884 | protein coding gene | TM2 domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 65.74106 | 65.74386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642550 | Gm10624 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10624 |
7 | pseudogene | 65.78481 | 65.78631 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648704 | Gm7551 | NCBI_Gene:665241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068480 | MGI:3648704 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7551 |
7 | gene | 65.80311 | 65.80645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920875 | 1810008I18Rik | NCBI_Gene:100503969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100094 | MGI:1920875 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810008I18 gene |
7 | gene | 65.85854 | 65.86217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5313131 | Gm20684 | NCBI_Gene:102641467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093405 | MGI:5313131 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20684 |
7 | gene | 65.86173 | 66.05039 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102897 | Pcsk6 | NCBI_Gene:18553,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030513 | MGI:102897 | protein coding gene | proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 6 |
7 | gene | 66.04360 | 66.06227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753789 | Gm45213 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108793 | MGI:5753789 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45213 |
7 | gene | 66.05900 | 66.07459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916231 | Snrpa1 | NCBI_Gene:68981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030512 | MGI:1916231 | protein coding gene | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A’ |
7 | gene | 66.07890 | 66.07947 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753657 | Gm45081 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108777 | MGI:5753657 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45081 |
7 | gene | 66.07965 | 66.08940 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95994 | Selenos | NCBI_Gene:109815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075701 | MGI:95994 | protein coding gene | selenoprotein S |
7 | gene | 66.10952 | 66.17312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477321 | Gm26827 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097634 | MGI:5477321 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26827 |
7 | gene | 66.10952 | 66.17380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681120 | Chsy1 | NCBI_Gene:269941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032640 | MGI:2681120 | protein coding gene | chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 |
7 | gene | 66.11930 | 66.11940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452819 | Gm23042 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065800 | MGI:5452819 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23042 |
7 | pseudogene | 66.12695 | 66.12770 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011173 | Gm18988 | NCBI_Gene:100418080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108699 | MGI:5011173 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18988 |
7 | pseudogene | 66.19056 | 66.19084 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753656 | Gm45080 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108686 | MGI:5753656 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45080 |
7 | gene | 66.22691 | 66.38835 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142227 | Lrrk1 | NCBI_Gene:233328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015133 | MGI:2142227 | protein coding gene | leucine-rich repeat kinase 1 |
7 | gene | 66.25477 | 66.27780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592601 | Gm33442 | NCBI_Gene:102636350 | MGI:5592601 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33442 |
7 | gene | 66.28173 | 66.28743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825626 | Gm45989 | NCBI_Gene:108167435 | MGI:5825626 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45989 |
7 | gene | 66.30920 | 66.31250 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753328 | Gm44752 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109119 | MGI:5753328 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44752 |
7 | gene | 66.36590 | 66.38631 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779185 | Gm10974 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078677 | MGI:3779185 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10974 |
7 | gene | 66.37039 | 66.37048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453734 | Gm23957 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087834 | MGI:5453734 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 23957 |
7 | gene | 66.38167 | 66.38172 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530932 | Mir7057 | miRBase:MI0022906,NCBI_Gene:102465640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098353 | MGI:5530932 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7057 |
7 | gene | 66.39089 | 66.42752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1861722 | Aldh1a3 | NCBI_Gene:56847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015134 | MGI:1861722 | protein coding gene | aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A3 |
7 | gene | 66.42865 | 66.43049 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592674 | Gm33515 | NCBI_Gene:102636455 | MGI:5592674 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33515 |
7 | gene | 66.44160 | 66.44425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753329 | Gm44753 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109114 | MGI:5753329 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44753 |
7 | pseudogene | 66.56523 | 66.56562 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753330 | Gm44754 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109330 | MGI:5753330 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44754 |
7 | gene | 66.58076 | 66.58587 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592729 | Gm33570 | NCBI_Gene:102636528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109039 | MGI:5592729 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33570 |
7 | gene | 66.61532 | 66.61915 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753186 | Gm44610 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109249 | MGI:5753186 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44610 |
7 | gene | 66.64457 | 66.68965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2152835 | Asb7 | NCBI_Gene:117589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030509 | MGI:2152835 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 7 |
7 | gene | 66.68977 | 66.71726 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919885 | Lins1 | NCBI_Gene:72635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053091 | MGI:1919885 | protein coding gene | lines homolog 1 |
7 | gene | 66.72312 | 66.72378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753674 | Gm45098 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109133 | MGI:5753674 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45098 |
7 | gene | 66.73310 | 66.82369 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681008 | Cers3 | NCBI_Gene:545975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030510 | MGI:2681008 | protein coding gene | ceramide synthase 3 |
7 | gene | 66.73780 | 66.74044 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642294 | Gm10623 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108846 | MGI:3642294 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10623 |
7 | gene | 66.82668 | 66.83979 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592786 | Gm33627 | NCBI_Gene:102636611 | MGI:5592786 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33627 |
7 | gene | 66.83974 | 67.15317 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3588195 | Adamts17 | NCBI_Gene:233332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058145 | MGI:3588195 | protein coding gene | a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 17 |
7 | gene | 66.95982 | 66.96192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753331 | Gm44755 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109079 | MGI:5753331 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44755 |
7 | pseudogene | 66.99397 | 66.99443 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753185 | Gm44609 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108873 | MGI:5753185 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44609 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.08284 | 67.08375 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010094 | Gm17909 | NCBI_Gene:100416078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108833 | MGI:5010094 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17909 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.18010 | 67.18033 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753677 | Gm45101 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109273 | MGI:5753677 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45101 |
7 | gene | 67.20408 | 67.22254 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923878 | 1700112J16Rik | NCBI_Gene:76628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097527 | MGI:1923878 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700112J16 gene |
7 | gene | 67.22254 | 67.30733 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922349 | Lysmd4 | NCBI_Gene:75099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043831 | MGI:1922349 | protein coding gene | LysM, putative peptidoglycan-binding, domain containing 4 |
7 | gene | 67.23116 | 67.37300 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99532 | Mef2a | NCBI_Gene:17258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030557 | MGI:99532 | protein coding gene | myocyte enhancer factor 2A |
7 | gene | 67.26891 | 67.27224 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753243 | Gm44667 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109539 | MGI:5753243 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44667 |
7 | gene | 67.36772 | 67.37098 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753244 | Gm44668 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109363 | MGI:5753244 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44668 |
7 | gene | 67.42890 | 67.44393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593085 | Gm33926 | NCBI_Gene:102637011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109329 | MGI:5593085 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33926 |
7 | gene | 67.48801 | 67.52279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621910 | Gm39025 | NCBI_Gene:108167436 | MGI:5621910 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39025 |
7 | gene | 67.51341 | 67.64533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915689 | Lrrc28 | NCBI_Gene:67867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030556 | MGI:1915689 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 28 |
7 | gene | 67.52434 | 67.54359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593238 | Gm34079 | NCBI_Gene:102637206 | MGI:5593238 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34079 |
7 | gene | 67.57057 | 67.57070 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453010 | Gm23233 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087926 | MGI:5453010 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23233 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.59232 | 67.59521 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592142 | Gm32983 | NCBI_Gene:102635717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109342 | MGI:5592142 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 32983 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.63777 | 67.63815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753676 | Gm45100 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109558 | MGI:5753676 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45100 |
7 | gene | 67.64732 | 67.76291 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914259 | Ttc23 | NCBI_Gene:67009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030555 | MGI:1914259 | protein coding gene | tetratricopeptide repeat domain 23 |
7 | gene | 67.67933 | 67.68130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753245 | Gm44669 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109115 | MGI:5753245 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44669 |
7 | gene | 67.71149 | 67.71718 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593299 | Gm34140 | NCBI_Gene:102637289 | MGI:5593299 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34140 |
7 | gene | 67.73016 | 67.75974 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2661187 | Synm | NCBI_Gene:233335,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030554 | MGI:2661187 | protein coding gene | synemin, intermediate filament protein |
7 | gene | 67.75932 | 67.76017 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753678 | Gm45102 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108871 | MGI:5753678 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45102 |
7 | gene | 67.77841 | 67.77853 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453621 | Gm23844 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080609 | MGI:5453621 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23844 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.78278 | 67.78378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779751 | Gm7583 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097981 | MGI:3779751 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7583 |
7 | gene | 67.78454 | 67.80414 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921154 | 4833412C05Rik | NCBI_Gene:73904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097697 | MGI:1921154 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833412C05 gene |
7 | gene | 67.80158 | 67.83128 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593509 | Gm34350 | NCBI_Gene:102637575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109464 | MGI:5593509 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34350 |
7 | gene | 67.83229 | 67.84987 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621912 | Gm39027 | NCBI_Gene:105242964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109193 | MGI:5621912 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39027 |
7 | pseudogene | 67.88620 | 67.88658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753242 | Gm44666 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109152 | MGI:5753242 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44666 |
7 | gene | 67.95183 | 68.23367 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96433 | Igf1r | NCBI_Gene:16001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005533 | MGI:96433 | protein coding gene | insulin-like growth factor I receptor |
7 | gene | 68.10670 | 68.11335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443927 | D930030O05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930030O05 gene |
7 | gene | 68.23645 | 68.26448 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925694 | Pgpep1l | NCBI_Gene:78444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030553 | MGI:1925694 | protein coding gene | pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like |
7 | gene | 68.26634 | 68.27659 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801721 | Gm16157 | NCBI_Gene:100504026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086628 | MGI:3801721 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16157 |
7 | gene | 68.27384 | 68.36309 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644026 | Fam169b | NCBI_Gene:434197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074071 | MGI:3644026 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 169, member B |
7 | gene | 68.31597 | 68.31703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921043 | 4930405G09Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109453 | MGI:1921043 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930405G09 gene |
7 | gene | 68.33299 | 68.33553 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753464 | Gm44888 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109096 | MGI:5753464 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44888 |
7 | gene | 68.33867 | 68.35358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801750 | Gm16158 | NCBI_Gene:105242966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086410 | MGI:3801750 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16158 |
7 | gene | 68.38478 | 68.39203 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753465 | Gm44889 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109458 | MGI:5753465 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44889 |
7 | gene | 68.41740 | 68.42736 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918494 | 4933436H12Rik | NCBI_Gene:71244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108924 | MGI:1918494 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933436H12 gene |
7 | gene | 68.42921 | 68.49090 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593708 | Gm34549 | NCBI_Gene:102637842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108828 | MGI:5593708 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34549 |
7 | gene | 68.43937 | 68.44172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753462 | Gm44886 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109298 | MGI:5753462 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44886 |
7 | pseudogene | 68.59868 | 68.59885 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753463 | Gm44887 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109375 | MGI:5753463 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44887 |
7 | pseudogene | 68.61846 | 68.62001 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644545 | Gm5334 | NCBI_Gene:384639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094854 | MGI:3644545 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5334 |
7 | gene | 68.71917 | 68.72647 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753268 | Gm44692 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108876 | MGI:5753268 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44692 |
7 | gene | 68.73699 | 68.74924 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913662 | Arrdc4 | NCBI_Gene:66412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042659 | MGI:1913662 | protein coding gene | arrestin domain containing 4 |
7 | gene | 68.79232 | 68.81869 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593771 | Gm34612 | NCBI_Gene:102637920 | MGI:5593771 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34612 |
7 | gene | 68.84214 | 68.91602 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593823 | Gm34664 | NCBI_Gene:102637987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109407 | MGI:5593823 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34664 |
7 | gene | 68.95210 | 68.95224 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453572 | Gm23795 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065940 | MGI:5453572 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23795 |
7 | gene | 68.98940 | 69.00817 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753267 | Gm44691 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109524 | MGI:5753267 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44691 |
7 | gene | 69.05674 | 69.07929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593941 | Gm34782 | NCBI_Gene:102638148 | MGI:5593941 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34782 |
7 | gene | 69.05682 | 69.06476 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621914 | Gm39029 | NCBI_Gene:105242967 | MGI:5621914 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39029 |
7 | pseudogene | 69.20987 | 69.21109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647517 | Gm5342 | NCBI_Gene:384741,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098017 | MGI:3647517 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5342 |
7 | pseudogene | 69.25960 | 69.25986 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753109 | Gm44533 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109400 | MGI:5753109 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44533 |
7 | gene | 69.35437 | 69.40020 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593997 | Gm34838 | NCBI_Gene:102638227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110028 | MGI:5593997 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34838 |
7 | gene | 69.47537 | 69.49104 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621469 | Gm38584 | NCBI_Gene:102641929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109153 | MGI:5621469 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38584 |
7 | gene | 69.49609 | 69.55067 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921046 | 4930402F11Rik | NCBI_Gene:73796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108885 | MGI:1921046 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930402F11 gene |
7 | gene | 69.49858 | 69.49868 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453592 | Gm23815 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065165 | MGI:5453592 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23815 |
7 | gene | 69.57971 | 69.58284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753111 | Gm44535 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109412 | MGI:5753111 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44535 |
7 | pseudogene | 69.60584 | 69.62697 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643954 | Gm7627 | NCBI_Gene:665410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098246 | MGI:3643954 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7627 |
7 | gene | 69.79912 | 69.80174 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594368 | Gm35209 | NCBI_Gene:102638715 | MGI:5594368 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35209 |
7 | pseudogene | 69.88398 | 69.88436 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753266 | Gm44690 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109373 | MGI:5753266 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44690 |
7 | gene | 69.94890 | 69.95036 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918357 | 4933423L19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108821 | MGI:1918357 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933423L19 gene |
7 | gene | 69.95778 | 69.95790 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453897 | Gm24120 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077166 | MGI:5453897 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24120 |
7 | gene | 70.17887 | 70.33785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588842 | Gm29683 | NCBI_Gene:624549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109097 | MGI:5588842 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29683 |
7 | gene | 70.20284 | 70.20723 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594430 | Gm35271 | NCBI_Gene:102638792 | MGI:5594430 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35271 |
7 | gene | 70.20730 | 70.21319 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594484 | Gm35325 | NCBI_Gene:102638863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109280 | MGI:5594484 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35325 |
7 | gene | 70.24897 | 70.24978 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580033 | Gm29327 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099387 | MGI:5580033 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29327 |
7 | gene | 70.34142 | 70.35124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621915 | Gm39030 | NCBI_Gene:105242968 | MGI:5621915 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39030 |
7 | gene | 70.34524 | 70.34581 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753522 | Gm44946 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109361 | MGI:5753522 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44946 |
7 | gene | 70.34755 | 70.34770 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753524 | Gm44948 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109364 | MGI:5753524 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44948 |
7 | gene | 70.35194 | 70.36675 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352452 | Nr2f2 | NCBI_Gene:11819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030551 | MGI:1352452 | protein coding gene | nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2 |
7 | gene | 70.36491 | 70.48997 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3604353 | B130024G19Rik | NCBI_Gene:434198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100005 | MGI:3604353 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B130024G19 gene |
7 | gene | 70.37202 | 70.38841 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578964 | Gm28258 | NCBI_Gene:102639158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101559 | MGI:5578964 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28258 |
7 | gene | 70.42091 | 70.45322 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753108 | Gm44532 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108869 | MGI:5753108 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44532 |
7 | pseudogene | 70.49084 | 70.49206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648032 | Gm7656 | NCBI_Gene:665486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097991 | MGI:3648032 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7656 |
7 | gene | 70.53122 | 70.53145 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753387 | Gm44811 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108899 | MGI:5753387 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44811 |
7 | gene | 70.54887 | 70.55492 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595001 | Gm35842 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109028 | MGI:5595001 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35842 |
7 | gene | 70.56287 | 70.58590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753388 | Gm44812 | NCBI_Gene:108167437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109021 | MGI:5753388 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44812 |
7 | gene | 70.57132 | 70.57441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753389 | Gm44813 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108836 | MGI:5753389 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44813 |
7 | gene | 70.58645 | 70.58944 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595053 | Gm35894 | NCBI_Gene:102639629 | MGI:5595053 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35894 |
7 | gene | 70.59289 | 70.59388 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753385 | Gm44809 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109018 | MGI:5753385 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44809 |
7 | gene | 70.63861 | 70.63992 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753384 | Gm44808 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109294 | MGI:5753384 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44808 |
7 | gene | 70.70812 | 70.71647 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621916 | Gm39031 | NCBI_Gene:105242969 | MGI:5621916 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39031 |
7 | gene | 70.75242 | 70.75250 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454657 | Gm24880 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089401 | MGI:5454657 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 24880 |
7 | gene | 70.80204 | 70.81145 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621917 | Gm39032 | NCBI_Gene:105242970 | MGI:5621917 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39032 |
7 | gene | 70.87091 | 71.07335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625282 | Gm42397 | NCBI_Gene:105247269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109532 | MGI:5625282 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42397 |
7 | pseudogene | 70.91252 | 70.93398 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593942 | Gm34783 | NCBI_Gene:102638149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109454 | MGI:5593942 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 34783 |
7 | gene | 71.03205 | 71.03542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825627 | Gm45990 | NCBI_Gene:108167438 | MGI:5825627 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45990 |
7 | gene | 71.08843 | 71.11654 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595170 | Gm36011 | NCBI_Gene:102639780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109003 | MGI:5595170 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36011 |
7 | gene | 71.09100 | 71.12359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621918 | Gm39033 | NCBI_Gene:105242971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109161 | MGI:5621918 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39033 |
7 | gene | 71.15423 | 71.18686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595230 | Gm36071 | NCBI_Gene:102639857 | MGI:5595230 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36071 |
7 | gene | 71.21705 | 71.22441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925130 | 6030442E23Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100664 | MGI:1925130 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030442E23 gene |
7 | gene | 71.23465 | 71.26547 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595371 | Gm36212 | NCBI_Gene:102640046 | MGI:5595371 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36212 |
7 | gene | 71.26427 | 71.37997 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580034 | Gm29328 | NCBI_Gene:108167439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099853 | MGI:5580034 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29328 |
7 | gene | 71.28241 | 71.28758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621919 | Gm39034 | NCBI_Gene:105242972 | MGI:5621919 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39034 |
7 | gene | 71.33149 | 71.33404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753642 | Gm45066 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109548 | MGI:5753642 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45066 |
7 | pseudogene | 71.33236 | 71.33292 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708755 | Gm10172 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066697 | MGI:3708755 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10172 |
7 | gene | 71.34896 | 71.35148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642770 | Gm10295 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10295 |
7 | gene | 71.35145 | 71.39127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580001 | Gm29295 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099558 | MGI:5580001 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29295 |
7 | gene | 71.37301 | 71.37965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595419 | Gm36260 | NCBI_Gene:102640113 | MGI:5595419 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36260 |
7 | gene | 71.68178 | 71.68845 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753265 | Gm44689 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108978 | MGI:5753265 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44689 |
7 | pseudogene | 71.69669 | 71.69740 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648706 | Gm7675 | NCBI_Gene:665535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108972 | MGI:3648706 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7675 |
7 | gene | 71.70608 | 71.70661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753264 | Gm44688 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109388 | MGI:5753264 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44688 |
7 | pseudogene | 71.71780 | 71.71837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010173 | Gm17988 | NCBI_Gene:100416233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108982 | MGI:5010173 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17988 |
7 | gene | 71.90969 | 71.93919 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925406 | 4930441H08Rik | NCBI_Gene:78156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108669 | MGI:1925406 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930441H08 gene |
7 | gene | 71.94752 | 71.96202 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595792 | Gm36633 | NCBI_Gene:102640608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108480 | MGI:5595792 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36633 |
7 | gene | 71.96117 | 72.02732 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922701 | 1700011C11Rik | NCBI_Gene:75451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108800 | MGI:1922701 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700011C11 gene |
7 | gene | 72.07783 | 72.30661 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685335 | Mctp2 | NCBI_Gene:244049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032776 | MGI:2685335 | protein coding gene | multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2 |
7 | gene | 72.11046 | 72.11860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595855 | Gm36696 | NCBI_Gene:102640684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108427 | MGI:5595855 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36696 |
7 | gene | 72.15609 | 72.15713 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804830 | Gm45715 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108493 | MGI:5804830 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45715 |
7 | gene | 72.30686 | 72.32334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621920 | Gm39035 | NCBI_Gene:105242973 | MGI:5621920 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39035 |
7 | gene | 72.60199 | 72.60249 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610848 | Gm37620 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103673 | MGI:5610848 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37620 |
7 | gene | 72.63721 | 72.63752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579451 | Gm28745 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100138 | MGI:5579451 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28745 |
7 | pseudogene | 72.64875 | 72.64934 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642871 | Rpl17-ps10 | NCBI_Gene:100042880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081895 | MGI:3642871 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L17, pseudogene 10 |
7 | gene | 72.66802 | 72.66836 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579450 | Gm28744 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100670 | MGI:5579450 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28744 |
7 | pseudogene | 72.67282 | 72.67460 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648525 | Kansl2-ps | NCBI_Gene:233391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097530 | MGI:3648525 | pseudogene | KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 2, pseudogene |
7 | pseudogene | 72.71243 | 72.71364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649138 | Gm7693 | NCBI_Gene:665570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098195 | MGI:3649138 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7693 |
7 | gene | 72.74557 | 72.82665 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5596024 | Gm36865 | NCBI_Gene:102640914 | MGI:5596024 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36865 |
7 | pseudogene | 72.98895 | 72.99016 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647920 | Gm5335 | NCBI_Gene:384643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098035 | MGI:3647920 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5335 |
7 | gene | 73.08942 | 73.09262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753301 | Gm44725 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108329 | MGI:5753301 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44725 |
7 | gene | 73.09775 | 73.10207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779609 | Gm6567 | NCBI_Gene:625243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108383 | MGI:3779609 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 6567 |
7 | gene | 73.12445 | 73.12656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918487 | 4933435G04Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108345 | MGI:1918487 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933435G04 gene |
7 | gene | 73.18361 | 73.19243 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012268 | Gm20083 | NCBI_Gene:100504141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108778 | MGI:5012268 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20083 |
7 | gene | 73.18501 | 73.18539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579452 | Gm28746 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101843 | MGI:5579452 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28746 |
7 | gene | 73.20186 | 73.23869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589234 | Gm30075 | NCBI_Gene:102631845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108513 | MGI:5589234 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30075 |
7 | gene | 73.31038 | 73.31519 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921147 | 4930429H19Rik | NCBI_Gene:100505025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108530 | MGI:1921147 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930429H19 gene |
7 | gene | 73.31381 | 73.37577 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442718 | A730056A06Rik | NCBI_Gene:319783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097756 | MGI:2442718 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A730056A06 gene |
7 | gene | 73.37551 | 73.41990 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2679262 | Rgma | NCBI_Gene:244058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070509 | MGI:2679262 | protein coding gene | repulsive guidance molecule family member A |
7 | gene | 73.40435 | 73.40642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753334 | Gm44758 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108678 | MGI:5753334 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44758 |
7 | gene | 73.42225 | 73.42390 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753221 | Gm44645 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108601 | MGI:5753221 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44645 |
7 | gene | 73.42664 | 73.54183 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2448567 | Chd2 | NCBI_Gene:244059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078671 | MGI:2448567 | protein coding gene | chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 73.45860 | 73.46063 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753129 | Gm44553 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108741 | MGI:5753129 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44553 |
7 | gene | 73.49800 | 73.49925 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753128 | Gm44552 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108319 | MGI:5753128 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44552 |
7 | gene | 73.52727 | 73.52872 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028079 | C130083A15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108812 | MGI:3028079 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C130083A15 gene |
7 | gene | 73.53801 | 73.55480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753262 | Gm44686 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108563 | MGI:5753262 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44686 |
7 | gene | 73.53920 | 73.55840 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916420 | 1810026B05Rik | NCBI_Gene:69170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101970 | MGI:1916420 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810026B05 gene |
7 | gene | 73.58329 | 73.60874 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589308 | Gm30149 | NCBI_Gene:102631948 | MGI:5589308 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30149 |
7 | gene | 73.60280 | 73.60411 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621921 | Gm39036 | NCBI_Gene:105242975 | MGI:5621921 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39036 |
7 | gene | 73.60895 | 73.61463 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753310 | Gm44734 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108724 | MGI:5753310 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44734 |
7 | gene | 73.61739 | 73.61970 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644623 | Gm7710 | NCBI_Gene:665610 | MGI:3644623 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 7710 |
7 | gene | 73.62670 | 73.62744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753314 | Gm44738 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108497 | MGI:5753314 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44738 |
7 | gene | 73.63062 | 73.63809 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753313 | Gm44737 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108311 | MGI:5753313 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44737 |
7 | gene | 73.64598 | 73.64609 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455953 | Gm26176 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065729 | MGI:5455953 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26176 |
7 | gene | 73.66205 | 73.66230 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452797 | Gm23020 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089391 | MGI:5452797 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23020 |
7 | gene | 73.67030 | 73.67239 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753312 | Gm44736 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108550 | MGI:5753312 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44736 |
7 | gene | 73.67688 | 73.67830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753315 | Gm44739 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108473 | MGI:5753315 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44739 |
7 | pseudogene | 73.68549 | 73.68660 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643321 | Gm4971 | NCBI_Gene:244061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108337 | MGI:3643321 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4971 |
7 | pseudogene | 73.68824 | 73.68917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010990 | Gm18805 | NCBI_Gene:100417750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108485 | MGI:5010990 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18805 |
7 | pseudogene | 73.70618 | 73.70654 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753583 | Gm45007 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108687 | MGI:5753583 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45007 |
7 | gene | 73.73793 | 73.74102 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443692 | A830073O21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091890 | MGI:2443692 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A830073O21 gene |
7 | gene | 73.74030 | 73.77692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3698178 | Fam174b | NCBI_Gene:100038347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078670 | MGI:3698178 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 174, member B |
7 | gene | 73.75459 | 73.75474 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753581 | Gm45005 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108412 | MGI:5753581 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45005 |
7 | gene | 73.78052 | 73.78415 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589395 | Gm30236 | NCBI_Gene:102632064 | MGI:5589395 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30236 |
7 | gene | 73.78143 | 73.81650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708756 | Gm10619 | NCBI_Gene:100579147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074067 | MGI:3708756 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10619 |
7 | pseudogene | 73.78844 | 73.78912 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010858 | Gm18673 | NCBI_Gene:100417538 | MGI:5010858 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18673 |
7 | gene | 73.79760 | 73.79829 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753582 | Gm45006 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108548 | MGI:5753582 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45006 |
7 | gene | 73.81655 | 73.83890 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5434624 | Gm21269 | NCBI_Gene:100861851,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108448 | MGI:5434624 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 21269 |
7 | gene | 73.81959 | 73.81964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5562778 | Mir7234 | miRBase:MI0023729,NCBI_Gene:102465712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105381 | MGI:5562778 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7234 |
7 | pseudogene | 73.83015 | 73.83281 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010442 | Gm18257 | NCBI_Gene:100416795 | MGI:5010442 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18257 |
7 | gene | 73.93912 | 74.01373 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106020 | St8sia2 | NCBI_Gene:20450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025789 | MGI:106020 | protein coding gene | ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 2 |
7 | gene | 73.94538 | 73.94753 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753579 | Gm45003 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108375 | MGI:5753579 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45003 |
7 | gene | 73.94842 | 73.95804 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611371 | Gm38143 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102384 | MGI:5611371 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38143 |
7 | gene | 74.03463 | 74.04374 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753580 | Gm45004 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108725 | MGI:5753580 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45004 |
7 | gene | 74.23556 | 74.23566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530841 | Gm27459 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098303 | MGI:5530841 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27459 |
7 | gene | 74.27542 | 74.55478 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351867 | Slco3a1 | NCBI_Gene:108116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025790 | MGI:1351867 | protein coding gene | solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 3a1 |
7 | gene | 74.39270 | 74.41123 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646746 | Gm7580 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085161 | MGI:3646746 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 7580 |
7 | gene | 74.53668 | 74.53779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012300 | Gm20115 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene%2c 20115 |
7 | gene | 74.54283 | 74.54411 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443904 | A430057L12Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A430057L12 gene |
7 | gene | 74.55472 | 74.55672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642374 | Gm10618 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10618 |
7 | gene | 74.62625 | 74.62751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621922 | Gm39037 | NCBI_Gene:105242976 | MGI:5621922 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39037 |
7 | gene | 74.69603 | 74.71926 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589543 | Gm30384 | NCBI_Gene:102632257 | MGI:5589543 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30384 |
7 | pseudogene | 74.69986 | 74.70089 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647356 | Gm7726 | NCBI_Gene:100534317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108570 | MGI:3647356 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7726 |
7 | pseudogene | 74.71419 | 74.71483 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010494 | Gm18309 | NCBI_Gene:100416899 | MGI:5010494 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18309 |
7 | gene | 74.76599 | 74.77124 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589618 | Gm30459 | NCBI_Gene:102632369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108468 | MGI:5589618 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30459 |
7 | gene | 74.81881 | 74.85381 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923503 | 0610006L08Rik | NCBI_Gene:76253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108652 | MGI:1923503 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 0610006L08 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 74.85127 | 74.85140 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753479 | Gm44903 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108642 | MGI:5753479 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44903 |
7 | pseudogene | 74.88626 | 74.88707 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753478 | Gm44902 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108716 | MGI:5753478 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44902 |
7 | gene | 74.96235 | 74.96270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452103 | Gm22326 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089522 | MGI:5452103 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22326 |
7 | gene | 75.03019 | 75.07517 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922455 | 4930533N22Rik | NCBI_Gene:75205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108803 | MGI:1922455 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930533N22 gene |
7 | gene | 75.11489 | 75.30926 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927338 | Sv2b | NCBI_Gene:64176,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053025 | MGI:1927338 | protein coding gene | synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2 b |
7 | gene | 75.27509 | 75.27541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454635 | Gm24858 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088683 | MGI:5454635 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24858 |
7 | gene | 75.30870 | 75.33142 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916204 | 1500012K07Rik | NCBI_Gene:68954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097247 | MGI:1916204 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1500012K07 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 75.36603 | 75.36636 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642846 | Gm10161 | NCBI_Gene:100042171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069196 | MGI:3642846 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 10161 |
7 | pseudogene | 75.42086 | 75.42114 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753538 | Gm44962 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108590 | MGI:5753538 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44962 |
7 | gene | 75.42708 | 75.43744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825654 | Gm46017 | NCBI_Gene:108167499 | MGI:5825654 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46017 |
7 | gene | 75.45551 | 75.75461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676556 | Akap13 | NCBI_Gene:75547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066406 | MGI:2676556 | protein coding gene | A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13 |
7 | gene | 75.48200 | 75.48339 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753410 | Gm44834 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108542 | MGI:5753410 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44834 |
7 | gene | 75.48486 | 75.48649 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753271 | Gm44695 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108560 | MGI:5753271 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44695 |
7 | gene | 75.56061 | 75.56379 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753411 | Gm44835 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108557 | MGI:5753411 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44835 |
7 | gene | 75.66887 | 75.66896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455059 | Gm25282 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087896 | MGI:5455059 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25282 |
7 | gene | 75.70789 | 75.70918 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753270 | Gm44694 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108633 | MGI:5753270 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44694 |
7 | gene | 75.75726 | 75.75737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453028 | Gm23251 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076961 | MGI:5453028 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23251 |
7 | gene | 75.76904 | 75.78218 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142134 | AU020206 | NCBI_Gene:108167440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097415 | MGI:2142134 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence AU020206 |
7 | pseudogene | 75.78403 | 75.78438 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477223 | Gm26729 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097116 | MGI:5477223 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 26729 |
7 | gene | 75.84831 | 75.87413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2668031 | Klhl25 | NCBI_Gene:207952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055652 | MGI:2668031 | protein coding gene | kelch-like 25 |
7 | gene | 76.00082 | 76.00288 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753715 | Gm45139 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108495 | MGI:5753715 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45139 |
7 | gene | 76.05409 | 76.05674 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753787 | Gm45211 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108467 | MGI:5753787 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45211 |
7 | gene | 76.22959 | 77.12470 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646469 | Agbl1 | NCBI_Gene:244071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025754 | MGI:3646469 | protein coding gene | ATP/GTP binding protein-like 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 76.24475 | 76.24601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779502 | Gm5597 | NCBI_Gene:434200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098009 | MGI:3779502 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5597 |
7 | gene | 76.35971 | 76.36866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589933 | Gm30774 | NCBI_Gene:102632794 | MGI:5589933 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30774 |
7 | pseudogene | 76.37516 | 76.37662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592228 | Gm33069 | NCBI_Gene:102635824 | MGI:5592228 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33069 |
7 | gene | 76.61106 | 76.61201 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923979 | 2310001K20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108514 | MGI:1923979 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310001K20 gene |
7 | gene | 76.69814 | 76.69972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753786 | Gm45210 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108771 | MGI:5753786 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45210 |
7 | pseudogene | 77.29849 | 77.29900 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753455 | Gm44879 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108611 | MGI:5753455 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44879 |
7 | gene | 77.41257 | 77.41343 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753184 | Gm44608 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108324 | MGI:5753184 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44608 |
7 | pseudogene | 77.77603 | 77.77678 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010859 | Gm18674 | NCBI_Gene:100417539 | MGI:5010859 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18674 |
7 | gene | 77.91014 | 77.91032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453016 | Gm23239 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064940 | MGI:5453016 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23239 |
7 | gene | 78.02654 | 78.02664 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5690750 | Gm44358 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104817 | MGI:5690750 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 44358 |
7 | pseudogene | 78.16195 | 78.16542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825649 | Gm46012 | NCBI_Gene:108167483 | MGI:5825649 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46012 |
7 | gene | 78.17596 | 78.73801 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97385 | Ntrk3 | NCBI_Gene:18213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059146 | MGI:97385 | protein coding gene | neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 3 |
7 | gene | 78.17597 | 78.17882 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3041176 | A330068G13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A330068G13 gene |
7 | gene | 78.21161 | 78.21270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753183 | Gm44607 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108630 | MGI:5753183 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44607 |
7 | gene | 78.25430 | 78.25542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918125 | 4921513I08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108788 | MGI:1918125 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921513I08 gene |
7 | gene | 78.55285 | 78.57560 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621923 | Gm39038 | NCBI_Gene:105242978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108390 | MGI:5621923 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39038 |
7 | gene | 78.57883 | 78.58104 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641726 | Gm9885 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052629 | MGI:3641726 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9885 |
7 | gene | 78.58107 | 78.71822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3041232 | E430016F16Rik | NCBI_Gene:414121 | MGI:3041232 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E430016F16 gene |
7 | gene | 78.72747 | 78.73464 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590051 | Gm30892 | NCBI_Gene:102632946 | MGI:5590051 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30892 |
7 | gene | 78.77524 | 78.78353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914558 | Mrpl46 | NCBI_Gene:67308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030612 | MGI:1914558 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L46 |
7 | gene | 78.77729 | 78.77837 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753635 | Gm45059 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108536 | MGI:5753635 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45059 |
7 | gene | 78.78312 | 78.79299 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915244 | Mrps11 | NCBI_Gene:67994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030611 | MGI:1915244 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11 |
7 | gene | 78.81829 | 78.82066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923923 | 5330411O13Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108603 | MGI:1923923 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5330411O13 gene |
7 | gene | 78.82155 | 78.84737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923625 | Det1 | NCBI_Gene:76375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030610 | MGI:1923625 | protein coding gene | de-etiolated homolog 1 (Arabidopsis) |
7 | gene | 78.84725 | 78.84753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922714 | 1700011D18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108791 | MGI:1922714 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700011D18 gene |
7 | gene | 78.85549 | 78.85844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753306 | Gm44730 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108385 | MGI:5753306 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44730 |
7 | gene | 78.88828 | 78.88837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3619437 | Mir7-2 | miRBase:MI0000729,NCBI_Gene:723884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065609 | MGI:3619437 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7-2 |
7 | gene | 78.89378 | 78.89578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621924 | Gm39039 | NCBI_Gene:105242979 | MGI:5621924 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39039 |
7 | gene | 78.89585 | 78.91121 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915298 | Aen | NCBI_Gene:68048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030609 | MGI:1915298 | protein coding gene | apoptosis enhancing nuclease |
7 | gene | 78.91342 | 78.92040 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928895 | Isg20 | NCBI_Gene:57444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039236 | MGI:1928895 | protein coding gene | interferon-stimulated protein |
7 | gene | 78.92225 | 78.92389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753391 | Gm44815 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108670 | MGI:5753391 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44815 |
7 | gene | 78.93895 | 78.95453 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590372 | Gm31213 | NCBI_Gene:102633372 | MGI:5590372 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31213 |
7 | gene | 79.01805 | 79.05332 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477127 | Gm26633 | NCBI_Gene:102633600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097441 | MGI:5477127 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26633 |
7 | gene | 79.05320 | 79.11510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99602 | Acan | NCBI_Gene:11595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030607 | MGI:99602 | protein coding gene | aggrecan |
7 | gene | 79.11510 | 79.13329 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914916 | Hapln3 | NCBI_Gene:67666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030606 | MGI:1914916 | protein coding gene | hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 3 |
7 | gene | 79.13377 | 79.14906 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102768 | Mfge8 | NCBI_Gene:17304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030605 | MGI:102768 | protein coding gene | milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein |
7 | gene | 79.24382 | 79.24758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621925 | Gm39040 | NCBI_Gene:105242980 | MGI:5621925 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39040 |
7 | gene | 79.27168 | 79.27313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590669 | Gm31510 | NCBI_Gene:102633760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108387 | MGI:5590669 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31510 |
7 | gene | 79.27320 | 79.36551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914344 | Abhd2 | NCBI_Gene:54608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039202 | MGI:1914344 | protein coding gene | abhydrolase domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 79.27777 | 79.28078 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753215 | Gm44639 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108521 | MGI:5753215 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44639 |
7 | gene | 79.29895 | 79.30293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621926 | Gm39041 | NCBI_Gene:105242981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108460 | MGI:5621926 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39041 |
7 | gene | 79.35249 | 79.35274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454001 | Gm24224 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089453 | MGI:5454001 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24224 |
7 | gene | 79.37486 | 79.38705 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97930 | Rlbp1 | NCBI_Gene:19771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039194 | MGI:97930 | protein coding gene | retinaldehyde binding protein 1 |
7 | gene | 79.39193 | 79.45027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384790 | Fanci | NCBI_Gene:208836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039187 | MGI:2384790 | protein coding gene | Fanconi anemia, complementation group I |
7 | gene | 79.39650 | 79.39913 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590812 | Gm31653 | NCBI_Gene:102633956 | MGI:5590812 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31653 |
7 | pseudogene | 79.41126 | 79.41261 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3802069 | Gm16017 | NCBI_Gene:102633841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082400 | MGI:3802069 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16017 |
7 | gene | 79.44623 | 79.46636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196389 | Polg | NCBI_Gene:18975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039176 | MGI:1196389 | protein coding gene | polymerase (DNA directed), gamma |
7 | gene | 79.46641 | 79.46854 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642103 | Gm10616 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108599 | MGI:3642103 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10616 |
7 | gene | 79.46642 | 79.46649 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413732 | n-TRtcg5 | NCBI_Gene:102467252 | MGI:4413732 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA arginine 5 (anticodon TCG) |
7 | gene | 79.50003 | 79.53440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142071 | Mir9-3hg | NCBI_Gene:101694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097023 | MGI:2142071 | lncRNA gene | Mir9-3 host gene |
7 | gene | 79.50526 | 79.50535 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3619443 | Mir9-3 | miRBase:MI0000721,NCBI_Gene:723968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093238 | MGI:3619443 | miRNA gene | microRNA 9-3 |
7 | gene | 79.51036 | 79.51140 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028065 | A330074H02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102995 | MGI:3028065 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A330074H02 gene |
7 | gene | 79.51292 | 79.51326 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925652 | 2900037B21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103663 | MGI:1925652 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900037B21 gene |
7 | gene | 79.51688 | 79.51876 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610836 | Gm37608 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103831 | MGI:5610836 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37608 |
7 | gene | 79.53574 | 79.56003 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594199 | Gm35040 | NCBI_Gene:102638488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108616 | MGI:5594199 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35040 |
7 | gene | 79.54284 | 79.55062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590899 | Gm31740 | NCBI_Gene:102634064 | MGI:5590899 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31740 |
7 | gene | 79.57775 | 79.57908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753744 | Gm45168 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108373 | MGI:5753744 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45168 |
7 | gene | 79.58665 | 79.59261 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753745 | Gm45169 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108776 | MGI:5753745 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45169 |
7 | gene | 79.59336 | 79.61766 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1888517 | Rhcg | NCBI_Gene:56315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030549 | MGI:1888517 | protein coding gene | Rhesus blood group-associated C glycoprotein |
7 | gene | 79.60201 | 79.60368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753746 | Gm45170 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108318 | MGI:5753746 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45170 |
7 | pseudogene | 79.63470 | 79.63596 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010025 | Gm17840 | NCBI_Gene:100415959 | MGI:5010025 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17840 |
7 | gene | 79.66020 | 79.69815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924261 | Ticrr | NCBI_Gene:77011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046591 | MGI:1924261 | protein coding gene | TOPBP1-interacting checkpoint and replication regulator |
7 | gene | 79.69810 | 79.71577 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098239 | Kif7 | NCBI_Gene:16576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050382 | MGI:1098239 | protein coding gene | kinesin family member 7 |
7 | gene | 79.71028 | 79.71236 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3696417 | 9330171B17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039133 | MGI:3696417 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330171B17 gene |
7 | gene | 79.72022 | 79.73290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890505 | Plin1 | NCBI_Gene:103968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030546 | MGI:1890505 | protein coding gene | perilipin 1 |
7 | gene | 79.73596 | 79.74313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338788 | Pex11a | NCBI_Gene:18631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030545 | MGI:1338788 | protein coding gene | peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 alpha |
7 | gene | 79.74068 | 79.74202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753282 | Gm44706 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108425 | MGI:5753282 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44706 |
7 | gene | 79.74316 | 79.78595 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646885 | Wdr93 | NCBI_Gene:626359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039099 | MGI:3646885 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 93 |
7 | pseudogene | 79.79018 | 79.79064 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753281 | Gm44705 | NCBI_Gene:108167500,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108506 | MGI:5753281 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44705 |
7 | gene | 79.79224 | 79.79379 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107785 | Mesp1 | NCBI_Gene:17292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030544 | MGI:107785 | protein coding gene | mesoderm posterior 1 |
7 | gene | 79.81073 | 79.81344 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096325 | Mesp2 | NCBI_Gene:17293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030543 | MGI:1096325 | protein coding gene | mesoderm posterior 2 |
7 | gene | 79.82180 | 79.86106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5000466 | Anpep | NCBI_Gene:16790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039062 | MGI:5000466 | protein coding gene | alanyl (membrane) aminopeptidase |
7 | gene | 79.83059 | 79.83187 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753550 | Gm44974 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108476 | MGI:5753550 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44974 |
7 | gene | 79.87533 | 79.92065 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1337060 | Ap3s2 | NCBI_Gene:11778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063801 | MGI:1337060 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 3, sigma 2 subunit |
7 | gene | 79.91694 | 79.92064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477140 | Gm26646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097685 | MGI:5477140 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26646 |
7 | gene | 79.92072 | 79.92252 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918589 | 5430400D12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097699 | MGI:1918589 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430400D12 gene |
7 | gene | 79.92257 | 79.92487 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753526 | Gm44950 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108350 | MGI:5753526 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44950 |
7 | gene | 79.92536 | 79.93536 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917670 | Arpin | NCBI_Gene:70420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039043 | MGI:1917670 | protein coding gene | actin-related protein 2/3 complex inhibitor |
7 | gene | 79.93552 | 79.93901 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591125 | Gm31966 | NCBI_Gene:102634366 | MGI:5591125 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31966 |
7 | gene | 79.94919 | 79.94928 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454318 | Gm24541 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077059 | MGI:5454318 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24541 |
7 | gene | 80.02481 | 80.09417 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921747 | Zfp710 | NCBI_Gene:209225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048897 | MGI:1921747 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 710 |
7 | gene | 80.03670 | 80.03873 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753527 | Gm44951 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108365 | MGI:5753527 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44951 |
7 | gene | 80.06271 | 80.07527 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434414 | Gm21057 | NCBI_Gene:100859962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108714 | MGI:5434414 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 21057 |
7 | gene | 80.08898 | 80.09043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753525 | Gm44949 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108655 | MGI:5753525 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44949 |
7 | gene | 80.09485 | 80.11584 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96414 | Idh2 | NCBI_Gene:269951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030541 | MGI:96414 | protein coding gene | isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial |
7 | gene | 80.11080 | 80.11263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753779 | Gm45203 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108494 | MGI:5753779 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45203 |
7 | gene | 80.15517 | 80.15677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753778 | Gm45202 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108757 | MGI:5753778 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45202 |
7 | gene | 80.18684 | 80.22665 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107559 | Sema4b | NCBI_Gene:20352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030539 | MGI:107559 | protein coding gene | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4B |
7 | gene | 80.20939 | 80.21168 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753782 | Gm45206 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108389 | MGI:5753782 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45206 |
7 | gene | 80.22715 | 80.23281 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1344418 | Cib1 | NCBI_Gene:23991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030538 | MGI:1344418 | protein coding gene | calcium and integrin binding 1 (calmyrin) |
7 | gene | 80.23287 | 80.24206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443429 | Gdpgp1 | NCBI_Gene:269952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050973 | MGI:2443429 | protein coding gene | GDP-D-glucose phosphorylase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 80.23768 | 80.23794 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782951 | Gm15504 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082954 | MGI:3782951 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15504 |
7 | gene | 80.24638 | 80.26082 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920845 | Ttll13 | NCBI_Gene:269954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045467 | MGI:1920845 | protein coding gene | tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 13 |
7 | gene | 80.26122 | 80.26538 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933212 | Ngrn | NCBI_Gene:83485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047084 | MGI:1933212 | protein coding gene | neugrin, neurite outgrowth associated |
7 | gene | 80.26963 | 80.29175 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446237 | Vps33b | NCBI_Gene:233405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030534 | MGI:2446237 | protein coding gene | vacuolar protein sorting 33B |
7 | gene | 80.29323 | 80.32470 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444156 | Rccd1 | NCBI_Gene:269955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038930 | MGI:2444156 | protein coding gene | RCC1 domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 80.29445 | 80.31626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858961 | Prc1 | NCBI_Gene:233406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038943 | MGI:1858961 | protein coding gene | protein regulator of cytokinesis 1 |
7 | gene | 80.29773 | 80.29962 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917985 | 6330403N20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097912 | MGI:1917985 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330403N20 gene |
7 | gene | 80.32529 | 80.34100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142246 | Unc45a | NCBI_Gene:101869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030533 | MGI:2142246 | protein coding gene | unc-45 myosin chaperone A |
7 | gene | 80.34307 | 80.35055 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915945 | Hddc3 | NCBI_Gene:68695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030532 | MGI:1915945 | protein coding gene | HD domain containing 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 80.34408 | 80.34799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010495 | Gm18310 | NCBI_Gene:100416900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108555 | MGI:5010495 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18310 |
7 | gene | 80.34910 | 80.37149 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2150656 | Man2a2 | NCBI_Gene:140481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038886 | MGI:2150656 | protein coding gene | mannosidase 2, alpha 2 |
7 | gene | 80.37776 | 80.38795 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95514 | Fes | NCBI_Gene:14159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053158 | MGI:95514 | protein coding gene | feline sarcoma oncogene |
7 | gene | 80.38859 | 80.40544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97513 | Furin | NCBI_Gene:18550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030530 | MGI:97513 | protein coding gene | furin (paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme) |
7 | gene | 80.40427 | 80.40658 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753427 | Gm44851 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108436 | MGI:5753427 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44851 |
7 | pseudogene | 80.42921 | 80.43074 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782993 | Gm15544 | NCBI_Gene:384647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081664 | MGI:3782993 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15544 |
7 | gene | 80.45473 | 80.53515 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1328362 | Blm | NCBI_Gene:12144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030528 | MGI:1328362 | protein coding gene | Bloom syndrome, RecQ like helicase |
7 | pseudogene | 80.50656 | 80.50827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4936891 | Ndufab1-ps | NCBI_Gene:102634451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091989 | MGI:4936891 | pseudogene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit AB1b |
7 | gene | 80.54316 | 80.55607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625283 | Gm42398 | NCBI_Gene:105247270 | MGI:5625283 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42398 |
7 | gene | 80.58663 | 80.68894 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917711 | Crtc3 | NCBI_Gene:70461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030527 | MGI:1917711 | protein coding gene | CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3 |
7 | gene | 80.60324 | 80.60378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753507 | Gm44931 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108643 | MGI:5753507 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44931 |
7 | gene | 80.63602 | 80.64438 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802014 | Gm15880 | NCBI_Gene:100504375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084821 | MGI:3802014 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15880 |
7 | gene | 80.71158 | 80.82597 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352757 | Iqgap1 | NCBI_Gene:29875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030536 | MGI:1352757 | protein coding gene | IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1 |
7 | gene | 80.75182 | 80.75861 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753225 | Gm44649 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108321 | MGI:5753225 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44649 |
7 | pseudogene | 80.75345 | 80.75409 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010577 | Gm18392 | NCBI_Gene:100417062 | MGI:5010577 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18392 |
7 | gene | 80.86074 | 80.87868 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99176 | Zscan2 | NCBI_Gene:22691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038797 | MGI:99176 | protein coding gene | zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 80.89072 | 80.90127 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919218 | Wdr73 | NCBI_Gene:71968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025722 | MGI:1919218 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 73 |
7 | gene | 80.89369 | 80.89435 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591271 | Gm32112 | NCBI_Gene:102634563 | MGI:5591271 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32112 |
7 | gene | 80.90223 | 80.91368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915289 | Nmb | NCBI_Gene:68039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025723 | MGI:1915289 | protein coding gene | neuromedin B |
7 | gene | 80.90489 | 80.94778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929464 | Sec11a | NCBI_Gene:56529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025724 | MGI:1929464 | protein coding gene | SEC11 homolog A, signal peptidase complex subunit |
7 | pseudogene | 80.90783 | 80.90815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801768 | Gm16171 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081372 | MGI:3801768 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16171 |
7 | gene | 80.91037 | 80.91417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804833 | Gm45718 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109390 | MGI:5804833 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45718 |
7 | gene | 80.95641 | 80.98143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591337 | Gm32178 | NCBI_Gene:102634642 | MGI:5591337 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32178 |
7 | pseudogene | 80.97988 | 80.98129 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010967 | Gm18782 | NCBI_Gene:100417720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109367 | MGI:5010967 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18782 |
7 | gene | 80.98085 | 80.99341 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753475 | Gm44899 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109008 | MGI:5753475 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44899 |
7 | gene | 80.99368 | 81.04516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443541 | Zfp592 | NCBI_Gene:233410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005621 | MGI:2443541 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 592 |
7 | gene | 80.99468 | 80.99531 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753543 | Gm44967 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109302 | MGI:5753543 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44967 |
7 | gene | 81.05747 | 81.10561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2151224 | Alpk3 | NCBI_Gene:116904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038763 | MGI:2151224 | protein coding gene | alpha-kinase 3 |
7 | gene | 81.05911 | 81.06631 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801726 | Platr32 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085194 | MGI:3801726 | lncRNA gene | pluripotency associated transcript 32 |
7 | gene | 81.11327 | 81.17042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3605073 | Slc28a1 | NCBI_Gene:434203,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025726 | MGI:3605073 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 28 (sodium-coupled nucleoside transporter), member 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 81.16127 | 81.16175 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648526 | Ndufs6b | NCBI_Gene:623286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083820 | MGI:3648526 | pseudogene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S6B |
7 | gene | 81.20501 | 81.21088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753544 | Gm44968 | NCBI_Gene:108167441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109323 | MGI:5753544 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44968 |
7 | gene | 81.21219 | 81.21317 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921473 | 1700023D08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700023D08 gene |
7 | gene | 81.21360 | 81.33453 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277116 | Pde8a | NCBI_Gene:18584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025584 | MGI:1277116 | protein coding gene | phosphodiesterase 8A |
7 | pseudogene | 81.22206 | 81.22289 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648560 | Gm7180 | NCBI_Gene:636544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083774 | MGI:3648560 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 7180 |
7 | gene | 81.34273 | 81.34525 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1309526 | Rps17 | NCBI_Gene:20068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061787 | MGI:1309526 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S17 |
7 | gene | 81.34703 | 81.45694 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108442 | Cpeb1 | NCBI_Gene:12877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025586 | MGI:108442 | protein coding gene | cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 81.38871 | 81.38962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011107 | Gm18922 | NCBI_Gene:100417965 | MGI:5011107 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18922 |
7 | pseudogene | 81.44590 | 81.44673 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783074 | Rpl7a-ps9 | NCBI_Gene:623355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081747 | MGI:3783074 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L7A, pseudogene 9 |
7 | gene | 81.45589 | 81.45801 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922988 | Cpeb1os1 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109401 | MGI:1922988 | unclassified gene | cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1, opposite strand 1 |
7 | gene | 81.46040 | 81.49404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100869 | Ap3b2 | NCBI_Gene:11775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062444 | MGI:1100869 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 3, beta 2 subunit |
7 | gene | 81.49427 | 81.49837 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3510776 | BC048679 | NCBI_Gene:210321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061877 | MGI:3510776 | protein coding gene | cDNA sequence BC048679 |
7 | gene | 81.50130 | 81.50518 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825628 | Gm45991 | NCBI_Gene:108167442 | MGI:5825628 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45991 |
7 | gene | 81.52355 | 81.53150 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920242 | 2900076A07Rik | NCBI_Gene:100504421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097277 | MGI:1920242 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900076A07 gene |
7 | gene | 81.52985 | 81.52999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3837345 | Mir1839 | miRBase:MI0009991,NCBI_Gene:100316717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093107 | MGI:3837345 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1839 |
7 | gene | 81.53031 | 81.53252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611057 | Gm37829 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104453 | MGI:5611057 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37829 |
7 | gene | 81.53331 | 81.56698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444310 | Fsd2 | NCBI_Gene:244091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038663 | MGI:2444310 | protein coding gene | fibronectin type III and SPRY domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 81.57122 | 81.59684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142282 | Whamm | NCBI_Gene:434204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045795 | MGI:2142282 | protein coding gene | WAS protein homolog associated with actin, golgi membranes and microtubules |
7 | gene | 81.59089 | 81.59203 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804813 | Gm45698 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109428 | MGI:5804813 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45698 |
7 | gene | 81.60048 | 81.70753 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347354 | Homer2 | NCBI_Gene:26557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025813 | MGI:1347354 | protein coding gene | homer scaffolding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 81.61011 | 81.61417 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753146 | Gm44570 | NCBI_Gene:108167443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109194 | MGI:5753146 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44570 |
7 | gene | 81.66973 | 81.66984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455926 | Gm26149 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088057 | MGI:5455926 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26149 |
7 | gene | 81.70815 | 81.71687 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591738 | Gm32579 | NCBI_Gene:102635176 | MGI:5591738 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32579 |
7 | gene | 81.73140 | 81.73763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625285 | Gm42400 | NCBI_Gene:105247272 | MGI:5625285 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42400 |
7 | pseudogene | 81.74235 | 81.74432 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010991 | Gm18806 | NCBI_Gene:100417751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109519 | MGI:5010991 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18806 |
7 | gene | 81.76292 | 81.76949 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914398 | Ramac | NCBI_Gene:67148,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038646 | MGI:1914398 | protein coding gene | RNA guanine-7 methyltransferase activating subunit |
7 | gene | 81.78028 | 81.79047 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914540 | 3110040N11Rik | NCBI_Gene:67290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025102 | MGI:1914540 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 3110040N11 gene |
7 | gene | 81.78948 | 81.79469 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753592 | Gm45016 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109485 | MGI:5753592 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45016 |
7 | gene | 81.78974 | 81.79032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804960 | Gm45845 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109427 | MGI:5804960 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45845 |
7 | gene | 81.79207 | 81.82950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933765 | Btbd1 | NCBI_Gene:83962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025103 | MGI:1933765 | protein coding gene | BTB (POZ) domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 81.83166 | 81.84906 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591854 | Gm32695 | NCBI_Gene:102635324 | MGI:5591854 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32695 |
7 | gene | 81.85553 | 81.85579 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642884 | Gm10160 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066378 | MGI:3642884 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10160 |
7 | gene | 81.85900 | 81.88443 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933209 | Tm6sf1 | NCBI_Gene:107769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038623 | MGI:1933209 | protein coding gene | transmembrane 6 superfamily member 1 |
7 | gene | 81.86029 | 81.86253 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753590 | Gm45014 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109110 | MGI:5753590 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45014 |
7 | gene | 81.87420 | 81.87652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804982 | Gm45867 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109243 | MGI:5804982 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45867 |
7 | gene | 81.88125 | 81.93447 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352760 | Hdgfl3 | NCBI_Gene:29877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025104 | MGI:1352760 | protein coding gene | HDGF like 3 |
7 | gene | 81.91894 | 81.92035 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753664 | Gm45088 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109090 | MGI:5753664 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45088 |
7 | gene | 81.93407 | 82.01593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825650 | Gm46013 | NCBI_Gene:108167484 | MGI:5825650 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 46013 |
7 | gene | 81.96571 | 81.96583 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455684 | Gm25907 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089111 | MGI:5455684 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25907 |
7 | gene | 81.96666 | 81.99230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1097164 | Bnc1 | NCBI_Gene:12173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025105 | MGI:1097164 | protein coding gene | basonuclin 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 81.99200 | 81.99262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921157 | 4833418N17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052779 | MGI:1921157 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 4833418N17 gene |
7 | gene | 82.07039 | 82.08176 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5434100 | Gm20744 | NCBI_Gene:434205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109145 | MGI:5434100 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20744 |
7 | gene | 82.11577 | 82.12043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753632 | Gm45056 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108987 | MGI:5753632 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45056 |
7 | gene | 82.11983 | 82.16172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592009 | Gm32850 | NCBI_Gene:102635543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108868 | MGI:5592009 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32850 |
7 | gene | 82.15588 | 82.15702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753666 | Gm45090 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108845 | MGI:5753666 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45090 |
7 | gene | 82.17266 | 82.17470 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753665 | Gm45089 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109140 | MGI:5753665 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45089 |
7 | gene | 82.17384 | 82.30742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_700011 | Sh3gl3 | NCBI_Gene:20408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030638 | MGI:700011 | protein coding gene | SH3-domain GRB2-like 3 |
7 | gene | 82.23620 | 82.25466 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592062 | Gm32903 | NCBI_Gene:102635613 | MGI:5592062 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32903 |
7 | gene | 82.33539 | 82.61445 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028499 | Adamtsl3 | NCBI_Gene:269959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070469 | MGI:3028499 | protein coding gene | ADAMTS-like 3 |
7 | gene | 82.34227 | 82.34334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753495 | Gm44919 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109479 | MGI:5753495 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44919 |
7 | gene | 82.63296 | 82.64857 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914618 | Saxo2 | NCBI_Gene:330577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038570 | MGI:1914618 | protein coding gene | stabilizer of axonemal microtubules 2 |
7 | gene | 82.64861 | 82.77785 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141969 | Efl1 | NCBI_Gene:101592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038563 | MGI:2141969 | protein coding gene | elongation factor like GTPase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 82.67755 | 82.67807 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753493 | Gm44917 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108855 | MGI:5753493 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44917 |
7 | gene | 82.69540 | 82.69827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804922 | Gm45807 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108991 | MGI:5804922 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45807 |
7 | gene | 82.70846 | 82.70882 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918844 | 9130009I01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130009I01 gene |
7 | gene | 82.71559 | 82.71779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753492 | Gm44916 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108984 | MGI:5753492 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44916 |
7 | gene | 82.74335 | 82.75564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921308 | 4933406J10Rik | NCBI_Gene:77800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086690 | MGI:1921308 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933406J10 gene |
7 | gene | 82.75487 | 82.75498 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422017 | n-R5s154 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084462 | MGI:4422017 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 154 |
7 | gene | 82.81090 | 82.82344 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588955 | Gm29796 | NCBI_Gene:101056204 | MGI:5588955 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29796 |
7 | gene | 82.83139 | 82.86707 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595743 | Gm36584 | NCBI_Gene:102640547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109383 | MGI:5595743 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36584 |
7 | gene | 82.85013 | 82.86158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916583 | 1700010L04Rik | NCBI_Gene:619808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030636 | MGI:1916583 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700010L04 gene |
7 | gene | 82.86733 | 82.87158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918252 | Mex3b | NCBI_Gene:108797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057706 | MGI:1918252 | protein coding gene | mex3 RNA binding family member B |
7 | gene | 82.93794 | 82.97139 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918535 | 4933430H16Rik | NCBI_Gene:71285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109106 | MGI:1918535 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933430H16 gene |
7 | gene | 82.94539 | 82.95132 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825629 | Gm45992 | NCBI_Gene:108167444 | MGI:5825629 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45992 |
7 | pseudogene | 82.96639 | 82.96731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643615 | Gm6112 | NCBI_Gene:619909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109541 | MGI:3643615 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6112 |
7 | gene | 82.99483 | 82.99497 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452711 | Gm22934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077149 | MGI:5452711 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22934 |
7 | gene | 83.03738 | 83.04817 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595976 | Gm36817 | NCBI_Gene:102640848 | MGI:5595976 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36817 |
7 | gene | 83.06178 | 83.17943 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3687211 | A530021J07Rik | NCBI_Gene:330578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053528 | MGI:3687211 | lncRNA gene | Riken cDNA A530021J07 gene |
7 | gene | 83.17857 | 83.20159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925322 | 5930435M05Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108861 | MGI:1925322 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5930435M05 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 83.23454 | 83.23488 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753421 | Gm44845 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109335 | MGI:5753421 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44845 |
7 | gene | 83.32774 | 83.36943 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753300 | Gm44724 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109506 | MGI:5753300 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44724 |
7 | gene | 83.34127 | 83.38319 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589135 | Gm29976 | NCBI_Gene:102631706 | MGI:5589135 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29976 |
7 | gene | 83.37914 | 83.38314 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753299 | Gm44723 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109013 | MGI:5753299 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44723 |
7 | pseudogene | 83.41198 | 83.41459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643208 | Gm7957 | NCBI_Gene:100534347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108831 | MGI:3643208 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7957 |
7 | gene | 83.47171 | 83.48547 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753567 | Gm44991 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109042 | MGI:5753567 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44991 |
7 | gene | 83.53619 | 83.55070 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642045 | Gm10610 | NCBI_Gene:100038384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094841 | MGI:3642045 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10610 |
7 | gene | 83.58429 | 83.62685 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2669033 | Tmc3 | NCBI_Gene:233424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038540 | MGI:2669033 | protein coding gene | transmembrane channel-like gene family 3 |
7 | gene | 83.59660 | 83.63193 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4439562 | Gm16638 | NCBI_Gene:102631889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087088 | MGI:4439562 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16638 |
7 | gene | 83.63196 | 83.65313 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2156765 | Stard5 | NCBI_Gene:170460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046027 | MGI:2156765 | protein coding gene | StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 5 |
7 | gene | 83.63337 | 83.63582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804953 | Gm45838 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108825 | MGI:5804953 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45838 |
7 | gene | 83.64283 | 83.74627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1270855 | Il16 | NCBI_Gene:16170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001741 | MGI:1270855 | protein coding gene | interleukin 16 |
7 | gene | 83.65958 | 83.66096 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917415 | 2310044K18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085080 | MGI:1917415 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310044K18 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 83.71089 | 83.71191 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933203 | Phgdh-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:83494,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109290 | MGI:1933203 | pseudogene | 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 83.75588 | 83.75779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646150 | Gm7964 | NCBI_Gene:666170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063902 | MGI:3646150 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7964 |
7 | gene | 83.77410 | 83.79802 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922806 | Cfap161 | NCBI_Gene:75556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011154 | MGI:1922806 | protein coding gene | cilia and flagella associated protein 161 |
7 | gene | 83.80042 | 83.83460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753569 | Gm44993 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109248 | MGI:5753569 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44993 |
7 | gene | 83.81408 | 83.83835 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621928 | Gm39043 | NCBI_Gene:105242985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109450 | MGI:5621928 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39043 |
7 | pseudogene | 83.86418 | 83.86553 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920329 | 3110009M11Rik | NCBI_Gene:73079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109163 | MGI:1920329 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 3110009M11 gene |
7 | gene | 83.86678 | 83.86878 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753107 | Gm44531 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109552 | MGI:5753107 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44531 |
7 | gene | 83.87436 | 83.87792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753106 | Gm44530 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109452 | MGI:5753106 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44530 |
7 | gene | 83.87987 | 83.88434 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891420 | Tlnrd1 | NCBI_Gene:80889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070462 | MGI:1891420 | protein coding gene | talin rod domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 83.88395 | 83.88519 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916829 | 2310034P14Rik | NCBI_Gene:69579 | MGI:1916829 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310034P14 gene |
7 | gene | 83.88447 | 83.90153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891421 | Mesd | NCBI_Gene:67943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038503 | MGI:1891421 | protein coding gene | mesoderm development LRP chaperone |
7 | gene | 83.89226 | 83.89640 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6155171 | Gm49493 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108878 | MGI:6155171 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 49493 |
7 | gene | 83.93286 | 84.08669 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443629 | Cemip | NCBI_Gene:80982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052353 | MGI:2443629 | protein coding gene | cell migration inducing protein, hyaluronan binding |
7 | gene | 83.97018 | 84.02474 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589599 | Gm30440 | NCBI_Gene:102632341 | MGI:5589599 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30440 |
7 | gene | 84.10936 | 84.15189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917428 | Abhd17c | NCBI_Gene:70178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038459 | MGI:1917428 | protein coding gene | abhydrolase domain containing 17C |
7 | gene | 84.15199 | 84.26650 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477202 | Gm26708 | NCBI_Gene:102633347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097016 | MGI:5477202 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26708 |
7 | gene | 84.15395 | 84.16491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621929 | Gm39044 | NCBI_Gene:105242986 | MGI:5621929 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39044 |
7 | gene | 84.17056 | 84.17072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5451954 | Gm22177 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092743 | MGI:5451954 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22177 |
7 | gene | 84.20818 | 84.21051 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753402 | Gm44826 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109381 | MGI:5753402 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44826 |
7 | gene | 84.22683 | 84.23292 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753403 | Gm44827 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109091 | MGI:5753403 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44827 |
7 | gene | 84.24627 | 84.41019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107188 | Arnt2 | NCBI_Gene:11864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015709 | MGI:107188 | protein coding gene | aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 |
7 | gene | 84.32331 | 84.32341 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455567 | Gm25790 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065227 | MGI:5455567 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25790 |
7 | gene | 84.33450 | 84.34787 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590032 | Gm30873 | NCBI_Gene:102632922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109341 | MGI:5590032 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30873 |
7 | gene | 84.41135 | 84.41737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621930 | Gm39045 | NCBI_Gene:105242987 | MGI:5621930 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39045 |
7 | gene | 84.43028 | 84.45707 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590443 | Gm31284 | NCBI_Gene:102633466 | MGI:5590443 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31284 |
7 | gene | 84.43599 | 84.43923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753509 | Gm44933 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108864 | MGI:5753509 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44933 |
7 | gene | 84.44283 | 84.44455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753751 | Gm45175 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109347 | MGI:5753751 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45175 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.48188 | 84.48269 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010056 | Gm17871 | NCBI_Gene:100416013 | MGI:5010056 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17871 |
7 | gene | 84.52895 | 84.58353 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780284 | Gm2115 | NCBI_Gene:100039239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097789 | MGI:3780284 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 2115 |
7 | gene | 84.55419 | 84.55725 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753750 | Gm45174 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109422 | MGI:5753750 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45174 |
7 | gene | 84.57572 | 84.57584 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753504 | Gm44928 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109513 | MGI:5753504 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44928 |
7 | gene | 84.58516 | 84.60672 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95482 | Fah | NCBI_Gene:14085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030630 | MGI:95482 | protein coding gene | fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase |
7 | gene | 84.61377 | 84.68996 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929510 | Zfand6 | NCBI_Gene:65098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030629 | MGI:1929510 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, AN1-type domain 6 |
7 | gene | 84.68964 | 84.77905 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919745 | 2610206C17Rik | NCBI_Gene:72495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085236 | MGI:1919745 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2610206C17 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 84.80103 | 84.80404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011143 | Gm18958 | NCBI_Gene:100418081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092429 | MGI:5011143 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18958 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.81039 | 84.81143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3757998 | Vmn2r-ps62 | NCBI_Gene:100124558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092217 | MGI:3757998 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 62 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.83436 | 84.84169 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643981 | Gm6155 | NCBI_Gene:620480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068629 | MGI:3643981 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6155 |
7 | gene | 84.85355 | 84.85961 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030125 | Olfr291 | NCBI_Gene:258410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070460 | MGI:3030125 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 291 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.87820 | 84.87837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3757999 | Vmn2r-ps63 | NCBI_Gene:100124559 | MGI:3757999 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 63 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.87912 | 84.88466 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645629 | Gm8018 | NCBI_Gene:100418036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092425 | MGI:3645629 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8018 |
7 | gene | 84.91308 | 84.92086 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030124 | Olfr290 | NCBI_Gene:258411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070459 | MGI:3030124 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 290 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.91938 | 84.92050 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010745 | Gm18560 | NCBI_Gene:100417361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092214 | MGI:5010745 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18560 |
7 | gene | 84.93556 | 84.96412 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642776 | Vmn2r65 | NCBI_Gene:100009609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066372 | MGI:3642776 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 65 |
7 | pseudogene | 84.94845 | 84.94927 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010170 | Gm17985 | NCBI_Gene:100416229 | MGI:5010170 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17985 |
7 | gene | 84.98537 | 85.01227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588220 | Vmn2r66 | NCBI_Gene:233437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094950 | MGI:3588220 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 66 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.03403 | 85.03455 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3758005 | Vmn2r-ps64 | NCBI_Gene:100124560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092530 | MGI:3758005 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 64 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.04177 | 85.04200 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3758007 | Vmn2r-ps65 | NCBI_Gene:100124561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092422 | MGI:3758007 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 65 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.05308 | 85.07094 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3758012 | Vmn2r-ps66 | NCBI_Gene:620641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092621 | MGI:3758012 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 66 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.08395 | 85.08437 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761308 | Vmn2r-ps67 | NCBI_Gene:100124562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092211 | MGI:3761308 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 67 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.08877 | 85.09124 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010543 | Gm18358 | NCBI_Gene:100417008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092199 | MGI:5010543 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18358 |
7 | gene | 85.12697 | 85.15600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643129 | Vmn2r67 | NCBI_Gene:620672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095664 | MGI:3643129 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 67 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.19220 | 85.19317 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761309 | Vmn2r-ps68 | NCBI_Gene:620683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092259 | MGI:3761309 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 68 |
7 | gene | 85.22114 | 85.23778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648297 | Vmn2r68 | NCBI_Gene:620697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096861 | MGI:3648297 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 68 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.26069 | 85.26133 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141879 | Gm20414 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092562 | MGI:5141879 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20414 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.28816 | 85.28961 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141880 | Gm20415 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092313 | MGI:5141880 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20415 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.30395 | 85.34289 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761310 | Vmn2r-ps69 | NCBI_Gene:670926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090773 | MGI:3761310 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 69 |
7 | gene | 85.39383 | 85.41592 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761311 | Vmn2r69 | NCBI_Gene:330581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091006 | MGI:3761311 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 69 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.47696 | 85.48202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010544 | Gm18359 | NCBI_Gene:100417009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092256 | MGI:5010544 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18359 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.48179 | 85.54732 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010545 | Gm18360 | NCBI_Gene:100417010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092467 | MGI:5010545 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18360 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.50130 | 85.50513 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753154 | Gm44578 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108857 | MGI:5753154 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44578 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.51185 | 85.51215 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761313 | Vmn2r-ps70 | NCBI_Gene:100124563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092431 | MGI:3761313 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 70 |
7 | gene | 85.54841 | 85.56919 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761314 | Vmn2r70 | NCBI_Gene:670940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090806 | MGI:3761314 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 70 |
7 | gene | 85.56309 | 85.62468 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646472 | Vmn2r71 | NCBI_Gene:233445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091205 | MGI:3646472 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 71 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.57467 | 85.58234 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761316 | Vmn2r-ps71 | NCBI_Gene:100124564 | MGI:3761316 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 71 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.58965 | 85.59056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761317 | Vmn2r-ps72 | NCBI_Gene:666358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092533 | MGI:3761317 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 72 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.69636 | 85.71321 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761318 | Vmn2r-ps73 | NCBI_Gene:100125321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092567 | MGI:3761318 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 73 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.71226 | 85.71314 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761319 | Vmn2r-ps74 | NCBI_Gene:666361 | MGI:3761319 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 74 |
7 | gene | 85.73594 | 85.75510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647591 | Vmn2r72 | NCBI_Gene:244114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051877 | MGI:3647591 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 72 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.78502 | 85.78567 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010964 | Gm18779 | NCBI_Gene:100417717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092426 | MGI:5010964 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18779 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.78817 | 85.78965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010539 | Gm18354 | NCBI_Gene:100416998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092410 | MGI:5010539 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18354 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.79831 | 85.79896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761320 | Vmn2r-ps75 | NCBI_Gene:100124565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092179 | MGI:3761320 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 75 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.81545 | 85.81619 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761321 | Vmn2r-ps76 | NCBI_Gene:100124566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092307 | MGI:3761321 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 76 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.82191 | 85.82226 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761322 | Vmn2r-ps77 | NCBI_Gene:100124567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092287 | MGI:3761322 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 77 |
7 | gene | 85.85067 | 85.87627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646433 | Vmn2r73 | NCBI_Gene:620928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070458 | MGI:3646433 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 73 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.88444 | 85.88479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761323 | Vmn2r-ps78 | NCBI_Gene:100124568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092440 | MGI:3761323 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 78 |
7 | gene | 85.94461 | 85.96163 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643877 | Vmn2r74 | NCBI_Gene:546980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090774 | MGI:3643877 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 74 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.96702 | 85.96739 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761324 | Vmn2r-ps79 | NCBI_Gene:100124569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092263 | MGI:3761324 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 79 |
7 | pseudogene | 85.98687 | 85.99962 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761325 | Vmn2r-ps80 | NCBI_Gene:666382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092529 | MGI:3761325 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 80 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.02669 | 86.02761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761326 | Vmn2r-ps81 | NCBI_Gene:637652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092608 | MGI:3761326 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 81 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.05324 | 86.06346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761327 | Vmn2r-ps82 | NCBI_Gene:637667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092330 | MGI:3761327 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 82 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.07315 | 86.08378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761328 | Vmn2r-ps83 | NCBI_Gene:666418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092357 | MGI:3761328 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 83 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.12633 | 86.12729 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761329 | Vmn2r-ps84 | NCBI_Gene:100039471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092532 | MGI:3761329 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 84 |
7 | gene | 86.14529 | 86.17178 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648311 | Vmn2r75 | NCBI_Gene:546981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090436 | MGI:3648311 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 75 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.18120 | 86.18214 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761330 | Vmn2r-ps85 | NCBI_Gene:100124570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092587 | MGI:3761330 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 85 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.18568 | 86.18660 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761331 | Vmn2r-ps86 | NCBI_Gene:621096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092419 | MGI:3761331 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 86 |
7 | gene | 86.20202 | 86.24631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3761332 | Vmn2r76 | NCBI_Gene:675969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091239 | MGI:3761332 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 76 |
7 | gene | 86.26849 | 86.27717 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030144 | Olfr310 | NCBI_Gene:258222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057540 | MGI:3030144 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 310 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.29864 | 86.29889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141945 | Gm20480 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092197 | MGI:5141945 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20480 |
7 | gene | 86.29866 | 86.29876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452969 | Gm23192 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076389 | MGI:5452969 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23192 |
7 | gene | 86.30447 | 86.31371 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030143 | Olfr309 | NCBI_Gene:258196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054054 | MGI:3030143 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 309 |
7 | gene | 86.31822 | 86.32563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030142 | Olfr308 | NCBI_Gene:258614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054498 | MGI:3030142 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 308 |
7 | gene | 86.33218 | 86.33759 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030141 | Olfr307 | NCBI_Gene:258610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055610 | MGI:3030141 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 307 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.35298 | 86.35372 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030140 | Olfr306-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092388 | MGI:3030140 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 306, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 86.36085 | 86.36693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030139 | Olfr305 | NCBI_Gene:258609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055571 | MGI:3030139 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 305 |
7 | gene | 86.38566 | 86.38666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030138 | Olfr304 | NCBI_Gene:258089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062426 | MGI:3030138 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 304 |
7 | gene | 86.39181 | 86.39779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030137 | Olfr303 | NCBI_Gene:258612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039608 | MGI:3030137 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 303 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.40277 | 86.40282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791377 | Gm45541 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110039 | MGI:5791377 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45541 |
7 | gene | 86.40385 | 86.41402 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030135 | Olfr301 | NCBI_Gene:257958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061549 | MGI:3030135 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 301 |
7 | gene | 86.41236 | 86.41255 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030136 | Olfr302 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 302 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.43591 | 86.44526 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030134 | Olfr300-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092401 | MGI:3030134 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 300, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 86.45992 | 86.46956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030133 | Olfr299 | NCBI_Gene:257929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000020168 | MGI:3030133 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 299 |
7 | gene | 86.48632 | 86.49248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030132 | Olfr298 | NCBI_Gene:257905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062878 | MGI:3030132 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 298 |
7 | gene | 86.51997 | 86.52850 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030131 | Olfr297 | NCBI_Gene:258611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057067 | MGI:3030131 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 297 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.54197 | 86.54816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010104 | Gm17919 | NCBI_Gene:100416107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092293 | MGI:5010104 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17919 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.55948 | 86.56268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030130 | Olfr296-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092372 | MGI:3030130 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 296, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 86.58386 | 86.59113 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030129 | Olfr295 | NCBI_Gene:258850,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059319 | MGI:3030129 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 295 |
7 | gene | 86.61564 | 86.61664 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030128 | Olfr294 | NCBI_Gene:257904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062042 | MGI:3030128 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 294 |
7 | gene | 86.64906 | 86.66604 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030127 | Olfr293 | NCBI_Gene:257906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063394 | MGI:3030127 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 293 |
7 | gene | 86.68833 | 86.69751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030126 | Olfr292 | NCBI_Gene:258613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060688 | MGI:3030126 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 292 |
7 | gene | 86.71898 | 86.77605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858193 | Folh1 | NCBI_Gene:53320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001773 | MGI:1858193 | protein coding gene | folate hydrolase 1 |
7 | gene | 86.79503 | 86.81514 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643879 | Vmn2r77 | NCBI_Gene:546983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090949 | MGI:3643879 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 77 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.85933 | 86.88579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761334 | Vmn2r-ps87 | NCBI_Gene:637881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092195 | MGI:3761334 | pseudogene | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 87 |
7 | gene | 86.89030 | 86.89774 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621932 | Gm39047 | NCBI_Gene:105242991 | MGI:5621932 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39047 |
7 | pseudogene | 86.90698 | 86.90793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011388 | Gm19203 | NCBI_Gene:100418423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092376 | MGI:5011388 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19203 |
7 | gene | 86.91509 | 86.95531 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3761335 | Vmn2r78 | NCBI_Gene:637896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091962 | MGI:3761335 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 78 |
7 | gene | 86.99612 | 87.04494 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646882 | Vmn2r79 | NCBI_Gene:621430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090362 | MGI:3646882 | protein coding gene | vomeronasal 2, receptor 79 |
7 | gene | 87.11887 | 87.12098 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753501 | Gm44925 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109334 | MGI:5753501 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44925 |
7 | pseudogene | 87.24201 | 87.24291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646402 | Gm6230 | NCBI_Gene:621477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108816 | MGI:3646402 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6230 |
7 | gene | 87.24610 | 87.39871 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1354184 | Nox4 | NCBI_Gene:50490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030562 | MGI:1354184 | protein coding gene | NADPH oxidase 4 |
7 | gene | 87.42477 | 87.49351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98880 | Tyr | NCBI_Gene:22173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004651 | MGI:98880 | protein coding gene | tyrosinase |
7 | gene | 87.58398 | 88.13506 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351342 | Grm5 | NCBI_Gene:108071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049583 | MGI:1351342 | protein coding gene | glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5 |
7 | gene | 87.58651 | 87.58672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924639 | C030032F19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C030032F19 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 87.69782 | 87.69911 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010639 | Gm18454 | NCBI_Gene:100417212 | MGI:5010639 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18454 |
7 | gene | 87.77257 | 87.77439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753502 | Gm44926 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108983 | MGI:5753502 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44926 |
7 | gene | 87.89075 | 87.89146 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753503 | Gm44927 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108893 | MGI:5753503 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44927 |
7 | gene | 88.06306 | 88.06629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753424 | Gm44848 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109461 | MGI:5753424 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44848 |
7 | gene | 88.08281 | 88.08480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753423 | Gm44847 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108890 | MGI:5753423 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44847 |
7 | gene | 88.08719 | 88.08725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454026 | Gm24249 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087947 | MGI:5454026 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24249 |
7 | gene | 88.11916 | 88.12240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753422 | Gm44846 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108993 | MGI:5753422 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44846 |
7 | gene | 88.27802 | 88.31586 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109553 | Ctsc | NCBI_Gene:13032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030560 | MGI:109553 | protein coding gene | cathepsin C |
7 | gene | 88.27879 | 88.28353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477016 | Gm26522 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097423 | MGI:5477016 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26522 |
7 | gene | 88.31148 | 88.31586 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753327 | Gm44751 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109244 | MGI:5753327 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44751 |
7 | gene | 88.34397 | 88.34410 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455122 | Gm25345 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077693 | MGI:5455122 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25345 |
7 | gene | 88.34815 | 88.34906 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924892 | C330001P17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C330001P17 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 88.34931 | 88.35659 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780575 | Gm2407 | NCBI_Gene:100039756 | MGI:3780575 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2407 |
7 | gene | 88.43027 | 88.49157 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919683 | Rab38 | NCBI_Gene:72433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030559 | MGI:1919683 | protein coding gene | RAB38, member RAS oncogene family |
7 | pseudogene | 88.44867 | 88.44923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783103 | Gm15661 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080748 | MGI:3783103 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15661 |
7 | pseudogene | 88.53040 | 88.53092 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704295 | Rps13-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:100039924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069972 | MGI:3704295 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S13, pseudogene 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 88.57167 | 88.57286 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643325 | Gm8183 | NCBI_Gene:666598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098174 | MGI:3643325 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8183 |
7 | pseudogene | 88.78192 | 88.78240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648708 | Gm6240 | NCBI_Gene:621562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109135 | MGI:3648708 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6240 |
7 | gene | 88.85304 | 88.86489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753720 | Gm45144 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109278 | MGI:5753720 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45144 |
7 | gene | 89.13971 | 89.40427 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920009 | Tmem135 | NCBI_Gene:72759,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039428 | MGI:1920009 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 135 |
7 | gene | 89.21511 | 89.21710 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753280 | Gm44704 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109576 | MGI:5753280 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44704 |
7 | gene | 89.29119 | 89.29130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454436 | Gm24659 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094780 | MGI:5454436 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24659 |
7 | gene | 89.29575 | 89.29586 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451948 | Gm22171 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096631 | MGI:5451948 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22171 |
7 | gene | 89.33837 | 89.34629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753571 | Gm44995 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109327 | MGI:5753571 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44995 |
7 | gene | 89.38834 | 89.39132 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753572 | Gm44996 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109199 | MGI:5753572 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44996 |
7 | gene | 89.40435 | 89.41313 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108520 | Fzd4 | NCBI_Gene:14366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049791 | MGI:108520 | protein coding gene | frizzled class receptor 4 |
7 | gene | 89.42631 | 89.44193 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141898 | AI314278 | NCBI_Gene:101521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109311 | MGI:2141898 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence AI314278 |
7 | gene | 89.50778 | 89.52724 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923703 | Prss23 | NCBI_Gene:76453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039405 | MGI:1923703 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 23 |
7 | gene | 89.51001 | 89.51187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916654 | Prss23os | NCBI_Gene:108167445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030623 | MGI:1916654 | antisense lncRNA gene | protease, serine 23, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 89.55237 | 89.56808 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753640 | Gm45064 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108875 | MGI:5753640 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45064 |
7 | pseudogene | 89.60769 | 89.60889 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780714 | Gm2546 | NCBI_Gene:100040001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098019 | MGI:3780714 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2546 |
7 | gene | 89.63210 | 89.63312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642744 | A230065N10Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092071 | MGI:3642744 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A230065N10 gene |
7 | gene | 89.63220 | 89.85436 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916679 | Me3 | NCBI_Gene:109264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030621 | MGI:1916679 | protein coding gene | malic enzyme 3, NADP(+)-dependent, mitochondrial |
7 | pseudogene | 89.76141 | 89.76217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783186 | Gm15744 | NCBI_Gene:100502804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089938 | MGI:3783186 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15744 |
7 | gene | 89.82722 | 89.82856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804908 | Gm45793 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109150 | MGI:5804908 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45793 |
7 | gene | 89.86615 | 89.90363 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918134 | Ccdc81 | NCBI_Gene:70884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039391 | MGI:1918134 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 81 |
7 | gene | 89.91753 | 89.94122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96738 | Hikeshi | NCBI_Gene:67669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062797 | MGI:96738 | protein coding gene | heat shock protein nuclear import factor |
7 | gene | 89.95465 | 89.98142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95286 | Eed | NCBI_Gene:13626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030619 | MGI:95286 | protein coding gene | embryonic ectoderm development |
7 | gene | 89.96499 | 89.96539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753696 | Gm45120 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109038 | MGI:5753696 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45120 |
7 | gene | 89.98072 | 90.04907 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442580 | E230029C05Rik | NCBI_Gene:319711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097585 | MGI:2442580 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E230029C05 gene |
7 | gene | 90.03057 | 90.03292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753436 | Gm44860 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109245 | MGI:5753436 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44860 |
7 | gene | 90.04270 | 90.04392 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753437 | Gm44861 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108897 | MGI:5753437 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44861 |
7 | gene | 90.04343 | 90.04752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825630 | Gm45993 | NCBI_Gene:108167446 | MGI:5825630 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45993 |
7 | gene | 90.05537 | 90.06351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591323 | Gm32164 | NCBI_Gene:102634625 | MGI:5591323 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32164 |
7 | pseudogene | 90.10722 | 90.10809 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644965 | Gm5341 | NCBI_Gene:384719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062235 | MGI:3644965 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5341 |
7 | gene | 90.12482 | 90.12998 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925579 | 2310010J17Rik | NCBI_Gene:78329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097162 | MGI:1925579 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310010J17 gene |
7 | gene | 90.13021 | 90.21346 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385902 | Picalm | NCBI_Gene:233489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039361 | MGI:2385902 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein |
7 | gene | 90.13249 | 90.13763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753799 | Gm45223 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109429 | MGI:5753799 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45223 |
7 | gene | 90.14595 | 90.15025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753798 | Gm45222 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109498 | MGI:5753798 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45222 |
7 | gene | 90.18593 | 90.18820 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753797 | Gm45221 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109005 | MGI:5753797 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45221 |
7 | gene | 90.20128 | 90.20379 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753796 | Gm45220 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109279 | MGI:5753796 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45220 |
7 | gene | 90.22350 | 90.26578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918255 | Ccdc83 | NCBI_Gene:75338,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030617 | MGI:1918255 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 83 |
7 | gene | 90.29373 | 90.29385 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422018 | n-R5s155 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084480 | MGI:4422018 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 155 |
7 | gene | 90.30221 | 90.41072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933366 | Sytl2 | NCBI_Gene:83671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030616 | MGI:1933366 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin-like 2 |
7 | gene | 90.42631 | 90.42867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917304 | Ccdc89 | NCBI_Gene:70054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044362 | MGI:1917304 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 89 |
7 | gene | 90.44273 | 90.44838 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2675296 | Crebzf | NCBI_Gene:233490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051451 | MGI:2675296 | protein coding gene | CREB/ATF bZIP transcription factor |
7 | gene | 90.45070 | 90.45723 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913521 | Tmem126a | NCBI_Gene:66271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030615 | MGI:1913521 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 126A |
7 | gene | 90.45725 | 90.45888 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753483 | Gm44907 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109216 | MGI:5753483 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44907 |
7 | gene | 90.46744 | 90.47600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915722 | Tmem126b | NCBI_Gene:68472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030614 | MGI:1915722 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 126B |
7 | gene | 90.47618 | 92.44925 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1344351 | Dlg2 | NCBI_Gene:23859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052572 | MGI:1344351 | protein coding gene | discs large MAGUK scaffold protein 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 90.81154 | 90.81216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753738 | Gm45162 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109074 | MGI:5753738 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45162 |
7 | gene | 90.87160 | 90.87278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924466 | A930002H02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109242 | MGI:1924466 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930002H02 gene |
7 | gene | 90.88544 | 90.88771 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753737 | Gm45161 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109431 | MGI:5753737 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45161 |
7 | gene | 90.88707 | 90.94005 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753735 | Gm45159 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109125 | MGI:5753735 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45159 |
7 | gene | 90.99531 | 90.99942 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753754 | Gm45178 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109562 | MGI:5753754 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45178 |
7 | gene | 91.01574 | 91.01630 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621933 | Gm39048 | NCBI_Gene:105242994 | MGI:5621933 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39048 |
7 | gene | 91.04900 | 91.05334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753755 | Gm45179 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108956 | MGI:5753755 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45179 |
7 | gene | 91.12300 | 91.12321 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530852 | Gm27470 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098805 | MGI:5530852 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27470 |
7 | gene | 91.12635 | 91.12655 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531042 | Gm27660 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099001 | MGI:5531042 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27660 |
7 | gene | 91.13184 | 91.13594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753752 | Gm45176 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109239 | MGI:5753752 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45176 |
7 | gene | 91.13996 | 91.14227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753753 | Gm45177 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108819 | MGI:5753753 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45177 |
7 | gene | 91.15860 | 91.16100 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753758 | Gm45182 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109387 | MGI:5753758 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45182 |
7 | gene | 91.24299 | 91.24310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454329 | Gm24552 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089271 | MGI:5454329 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24552 |
7 | gene | 91.30469 | 91.30619 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753759 | Gm45183 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109353 | MGI:5753759 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45183 |
7 | gene | 91.34002 | 91.34279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753254 | Gm44678 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108920 | MGI:5753254 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44678 |
7 | gene | 91.39258 | 91.39269 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451857 | Gm22080 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088216 | MGI:5451857 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22080 |
7 | gene | 91.51911 | 91.52202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753255 | Gm44679 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109320 | MGI:5753255 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44679 |
7 | gene | 91.56437 | 91.56729 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753251 | Gm44675 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109370 | MGI:5753251 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44675 |
7 | gene | 91.60896 | 91.61201 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753252 | Gm44676 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109217 | MGI:5753252 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44676 |
7 | gene | 91.62727 | 91.63101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753253 | Gm44677 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109505 | MGI:5753253 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44677 |
7 | gene | 91.63524 | 91.63815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753256 | Gm44680 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109044 | MGI:5753256 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44680 |
7 | gene | 91.64771 | 91.64855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753257 | Gm44681 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109256 | MGI:5753257 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44681 |
7 | gene | 91.66715 | 91.66729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453705 | Gm23928 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064403 | MGI:5453705 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23928 |
7 | gene | 91.68947 | 91.69021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924862 | C030038I04Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109037 | MGI:1924862 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C030038I04 gene |
7 | gene | 91.81617 | 91.81955 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753706 | Gm45130 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109481 | MGI:5753706 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45130 |
7 | gene | 91.90806 | 91.91029 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753705 | Gm45129 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108953 | MGI:5753705 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45129 |
7 | gene | 91.93277 | 91.96076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591512 | Gm32353 | NCBI_Gene:102634874 | MGI:5591512 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32353 |
7 | gene | 92.06459 | 92.06717 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753707 | Gm45131 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109191 | MGI:5753707 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45131 |
7 | gene | 92.08109 | 92.08254 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918245 | 4931412I15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108826 | MGI:1918245 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931412I15 gene |
7 | gene | 92.09221 | 92.11951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923095 | 4930567K12Rik | NCBI_Gene:75845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109382 | MGI:1923095 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930567K12 gene |
7 | gene | 92.40818 | 92.41137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926094 | B230206I08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109574 | MGI:1926094 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B230206I08 gene |
7 | gene | 92.43117 | 92.43385 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753777 | Gm45201 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109031 | MGI:5753777 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45201 |
7 | pseudogene | 92.46923 | 92.47823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590650 | Gm31491 | NCBI_Gene:102633738 | MGI:5590650 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31491 |
7 | gene | 92.56115 | 92.58229 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913615 | Ccdc90b | NCBI_Gene:66365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030613 | MGI:1913615 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 90B |
7 | gene | 92.58172 | 92.63714 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921095 | Ankrd42 | NCBI_Gene:73845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041343 | MGI:1921095 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 42 |
7 | gene | 92.63719 | 92.64830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504059 | Gm26944 | NCBI_Gene:102635071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098066 | MGI:5504059 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26944 |
7 | gene | 92.63721 | 92.63753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610236 | Gm37008 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103887 | MGI:5610236 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37008 |
7 | gene | 92.63995 | 92.64378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443259 | 6430511E19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102555 | MGI:2443259 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6430511E19 gene |
7 | gene | 92.64354 | 92.67005 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919579 | Pcf11 | NCBI_Gene:74737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041328 | MGI:1919579 | protein coding gene | PCF11 cleavage and polyadenylation factor subunit |
7 | pseudogene | 92.69368 | 92.69791 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780719 | Gm2551 | NCBI_Gene:100040007 | MGI:3780719 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2551 |
7 | gene | 92.70677 | 92.70828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753775 | Gm45199 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109395 | MGI:5753775 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45199 |
7 | gene | 92.72984 | 92.73375 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504096 | Gm26981 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098041 | MGI:5504096 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26981 |
7 | gene | 92.73417 | 92.74147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915436 | 4632427E13Rik | NCBI_Gene:666737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074024 | MGI:1915436 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4632427E13 gene |
7 | gene | 92.74160 | 92.84453 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923235 | Rab30 | NCBI_Gene:75985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030643 | MGI:1923235 | protein coding gene | RAB30, member RAS oncogene family |
7 | gene | 92.77850 | 92.77942 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753776 | Gm45200 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109257 | MGI:5753776 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45200 |
7 | gene | 92.82056 | 92.82077 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917506 | 2010107C10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2010107C10 gene |
7 | gene | 92.85752 | 92.87429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921291 | Ddias | NCBI_Gene:74041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030641 | MGI:1921291 | protein coding gene | DNA damage-induced apoptosis suppressor |
7 | gene | 92.87447 | 92.93458 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919711 | Prcp | NCBI_Gene:72461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061119 | MGI:1919711 | protein coding gene | prolylcarboxypeptidase (angiotensinase C) |
7 | gene | 92.87743 | 92.88999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623333 | Gm40448 | NCBI_Gene:105244926 | MGI:5623333 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40448 |
7 | gene | 92.90218 | 92.90287 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925814 | 9530078K11Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109268 | MGI:1925814 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530078K11 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 92.97925 | 93.00654 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590822 | Gm31663 | NCBI_Gene:102633966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108994 | MGI:5590822 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31663 |
7 | gene | 93.00698 | 93.10479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477356 | Gm26862 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097644 | MGI:5477356 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26862 |
7 | gene | 93.05208 | 93.08103 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641747 | Gm9934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054061 | MGI:3641747 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9934 |
7 | gene | 93.07986 | 93.08187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1930951 | Fam181b | NCBI_Gene:58238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051515 | MGI:1930951 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 181, member B |
7 | gene | 93.14785 | 93.14797 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455637 | Gm25860 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088877 | MGI:5455637 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25860 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.16883 | 93.17267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753291 | Gm44715 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109196 | MGI:5753291 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44715 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.17898 | 93.18418 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704296 | Gm15501 | NCBI_Gene:100040298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087412 | MGI:3704296 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 15501 |
7 | gene | 93.29070 | 93.32395 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753523 | Gm44947 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109175 | MGI:5753523 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44947 |
7 | gene | 93.36168 | 93.38086 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753613 | Gm45037 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109315 | MGI:5753613 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45037 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.52306 | 93.52690 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753614 | Gm45038 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109195 | MGI:5753614 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45038 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.56494 | 93.56570 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645456 | Gm8285 | NCBI_Gene:666783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109077 | MGI:3645456 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8285 |
7 | gene | 93.60484 | 93.60832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753615 | Gm45039 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109226 | MGI:5753615 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45039 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.66024 | 93.66056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5052079 | Bc1-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:12031,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109440 | MGI:5052079 | pseudogene | brain cytoplasmic RNA 1, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.84690 | 93.84783 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010382 | Gm18197 | NCBI_Gene:100416690 | MGI:5010382 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18197 |
7 | gene | 94.04250 | 95.32643 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591806 | Gm32647 | NCBI_Gene:102635262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108532 | MGI:5591806 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32647 |
7 | pseudogene | 94.19642 | 94.19756 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643908 | Gm5899 | NCBI_Gene:545982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096033 | MGI:3643908 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5899 |
7 | gene | 94.36898 | 94.37257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753177 | Gm44601 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108315 | MGI:5753177 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44601 |
7 | pseudogene | 94.47558 | 94.47571 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753178 | Gm44602 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108516 | MGI:5753178 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44602 |
7 | pseudogene | 94.60182 | 94.60263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011946 | Gm19761 | NCBI_Gene:100503542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108433 | MGI:5011946 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19761 |
7 | gene | 95.17186 | 95.17216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453661 | Gm23884 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084636 | MGI:5453661 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23884 |
7 | gene | 95.44235 | 95.44246 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455461 | Gm25684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065875 | MGI:5455461 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25684 |
7 | pseudogene | 95.46191 | 95.46356 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643545 | Gm8309 | NCBI_Gene:666823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108786 | MGI:3643545 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8309 |
7 | pseudogene | 95.47495 | 95.47531 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753179 | Gm44603 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108429 | MGI:5753179 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44603 |
7 | gene | 95.77545 | 95.78117 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621934 | Gm39049 | NCBI_Gene:105242997 | MGI:5621934 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39049 |
7 | pseudogene | 95.91275 | 95.91339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648478 | Gm5037 | NCBI_Gene:260347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108628 | MGI:3648478 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5037 |
7 | gene | 95.95821 | 95.96161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641871 | Gm9966 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9966 |
7 | gene | 96.17124 | 96.91109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2447063 | Tenm4 | NCBI_Gene:23966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048078 | MGI:2447063 | protein coding gene | teneurin transmembrane protein 4 |
7 | pseudogene | 96.20239 | 96.20364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646693 | Gm8319 | NCBI_Gene:666836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108528 | MGI:3646693 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8319 |
7 | gene | 96.24942 | 96.24953 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3629686 | Mir708 | miRBase:MI0004692,NCBI_Gene:735284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076143 | MGI:3629686 | miRNA gene | microRNA 708 |
7 | gene | 96.30567 | 96.30576 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531311 | Mir6394 | miRBase:MI0021928,NCBI_Gene:102465210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099030 | MGI:5531311 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6394 |
7 | gene | 96.33948 | 96.34196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705100 | Gm15412 | NCBI_Gene:670727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085751 | MGI:3705100 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15412 |
7 | pseudogene | 96.43482 | 96.43675 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647437 | Rps11-ps5 | NCBI_Gene:102635492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082780 | MGI:3647437 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S11, pseudogene 5 |
7 | gene | 96.58581 | 96.58691 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924457 | 8030425K09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 8030425K09 gene |
7 | gene | 96.59665 | 96.62907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705307 | Gm15414 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085792 | MGI:3705307 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15414 |
7 | gene | 96.79143 | 96.80155 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642665 | Gm15413 | NCBI_Gene:791381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053049 | MGI:3642665 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15413 |
7 | gene | 96.81243 | 96.81749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705308 | Gm15416 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085443 | MGI:3705308 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15416 |
7 | gene | 96.81387 | 96.81831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753209 | Gm44633 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108635 | MGI:5753209 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44633 |
7 | gene | 96.86329 | 96.86338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455489 | Gm25712 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089259 | MGI:5455489 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 25712 |
7 | gene | 96.90683 | 96.94703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3713275 | Gm15415 | NA | NA | antisense lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15415 |
7 | gene | 96.90683 | 96.95189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3697433 | C230038L03Rik | NCBI_Gene:108167512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085560 | MGI:3697433 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C230038L03 gene |
7 | gene | 96.91999 | 96.92010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452003 | Gm22226 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087980 | MGI:5452003 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22226 |
7 | gene | 96.95150 | 97.06476 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142075 | Nars2 | NCBI_Gene:244141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018995 | MGI:2142075 | protein coding gene | asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase 2 (mitochondrial)(putative) |
7 | gene | 97.08159 | 97.30895 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333854 | Gab2 | NCBI_Gene:14389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004508 | MGI:1333854 | protein coding gene | growth factor receptor bound protein 2-associated protein 2 |
7 | gene | 97.30938 | 97.33229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685339 | Usp35 | NCBI_Gene:244144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035713 | MGI:2685339 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 35 |
7 | gene | 97.33232 | 97.35022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643121 | Kctd21 | NCBI_Gene:622320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044952 | MGI:3643121 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 21 |
7 | gene | 97.37159 | 97.39218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141959 | Alg8 | NCBI_Gene:381903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035704 | MGI:2141959 | protein coding gene | asparagine-linked glycosylation 8 (alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase) |
7 | gene | 97.40000 | 97.40780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1344370 | Ndufc2 | NCBI_Gene:68197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030647 | MGI:1344370 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C2 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.40614 | 97.40633 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802033 | Gm16053 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083974 | MGI:3802033 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16053 |
7 | gene | 97.41293 | 97.41773 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109126 | Thrsp | NCBI_Gene:21835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035686 | MGI:109126 | protein coding gene | thyroid hormone responsive |
7 | gene | 97.41865 | 97.42014 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592104 | Gm32945 | NCBI_Gene:102635665 | MGI:5592104 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32945 |
7 | gene | 97.43638 | 97.45956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1289222 | Kctd14 | NCBI_Gene:233529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051727 | MGI:1289222 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 14 |
7 | gene | 97.45527 | 97.45671 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028073 | 7030407A21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 7030407A21 gene |
7 | gene | 97.48095 | 97.54140 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917164 | Ints4 | NCBI_Gene:101861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025133 | MGI:1917164 | protein coding gene | integrator complex subunit 4 |
7 | gene | 97.52181 | 97.52192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454189 | Gm24412 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065360 | MGI:5454189 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24412 |
7 | gene | 97.55033 | 97.57951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913523 | Aamdc | NCBI_Gene:66273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035642 | MGI:1913523 | protein coding gene | adipogenesis associated Mth938 domain containing |
7 | gene | 97.57977 | 97.69278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2682305 | Rsf1 | NCBI_Gene:233532,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035623 | MGI:2682305 | protein coding gene | remodeling and spacing factor 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.59149 | 97.59245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010024 | Ywhaq-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100415958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108405 | MGI:5010024 | pseudogene | tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein theta, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.59484 | 97.59544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010232 | Rpl15-ps5 | NCBI_Gene:100416334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108442 | MGI:5010232 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L15, pseudogene 5 |
7 | gene | 97.59835 | 97.64511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922698 | Rsf1os1 | NCBI_Gene:75448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086433 | MGI:1922698 | antisense lncRNA gene | remodeling and spacing factor 1, opposite strand 1 |
7 | gene | 97.64900 | 97.65232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441926 | C920008N22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C920008N22 gene |
7 | gene | 97.65001 | 97.69683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642179 | Rsf1os2 | NCBI_Gene:102641859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086993 | MGI:3642179 | antisense lncRNA gene | remodeling and spacing factor 1, opposite strand 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.65428 | 97.65475 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753762 | Gm45186 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108547 | MGI:5753762 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45186 |
7 | gene | 97.69663 | 97.72080 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109638 | Clns1a | NCBI_Gene:12729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025439 | MGI:109638 | protein coding gene | chloride channel, nucleotide-sensitive, 1A |
7 | gene | 97.72084 | 97.72292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642272 | Gm9990 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9990 |
7 | gene | 97.72401 | 97.73829 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913583 | Aqp11 | NCBI_Gene:66333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042797 | MGI:1913583 | protein coding gene | aquaporin 11 |
7 | gene | 97.75932 | 97.80116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621935 | Gm39050 | NCBI_Gene:105243000 | MGI:5621935 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39050 |
7 | gene | 97.78854 | 97.91238 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1339975 | Pak1 | NCBI_Gene:18479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030774 | MGI:1339975 | protein coding gene | p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.91824 | 97.91863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753166 | Gm44590 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108424 | MGI:5753166 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44590 |
7 | gene | 97.91994 | 98.04966 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3606573 | Gdpd4 | NCBI_Gene:233537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035582 | MGI:3606573 | protein coding gene | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 4 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.98456 | 97.98539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011389 | Gm19204 | NCBI_Gene:100418424 | MGI:5011389 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19204 |
7 | gene | 98.05105 | 98.11952 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104510 | Myo7a | NCBI_Gene:17921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030761 | MGI:104510 | protein coding gene | myosin VIIA |
7 | gene | 98.12156 | 98.17827 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100859 | Capn5 | NCBI_Gene:12337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035547 | MGI:1100859 | protein coding gene | calpain 5 |
7 | gene | 98.14336 | 98.14550 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97436 | Omp | NCBI_Gene:18378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074006 | MGI:97436 | protein coding gene | olfactory marker protein |
7 | gene | 98.17719 | 98.18480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4439862 | Gm16938 | NCBI_Gene:330599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097749 | MGI:4439862 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16938 |
7 | gene | 98.19241 | 98.19948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3039603 | B3gnt6 | NCBI_Gene:272411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074004 | MGI:3039603 | protein coding gene | UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 6 (core 3 synthase) |
7 | gene | 98.20639 | 98.21038 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142310 | E230006M18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E230006M18 gene |
7 | gene | 98.20639 | 98.32121 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913440 | Acer3 | NCBI_Gene:66190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030760 | MGI:1913440 | protein coding gene | alkaline ceramidase 3 |
7 | gene | 98.35067 | 98.36139 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443855 | Tsku | NCBI_Gene:244152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049580 | MGI:2443855 | protein coding gene | tsukushi, small leucine rich proteoglycan |
7 | gene | 98.36699 | 98.41980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753083 | Gm44507 | NCBI_Gene:108167447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108449 | MGI:5753083 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44507 |
operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=addcovar, n_perm=10, perm_Xsp=TRUE, chr_lengths=chr_lengths(gm$gmap))
summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1))))
names(summary_table) <- c("autosomes","X")
summary_table$significance.level <- rownames(summary_table)
rownames(summary_table) <- NULL
summary_table[c(3,1:2)] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
significance.level | autosomes | X |
0.01 | 7.312760 | 7.025415 |
0.05 | 7.097890 | 6.897417 |
0.1 | 6.828821 | 6.731482 |
#summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1))))
for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i], "_lod.png"))
#par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
plot(out, gm$gmap, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i]," - ICI vs. PBS (with interactive)"))
#for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
# abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
# text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))
print("with no kinship")
[1] “with no kinship”
outfi <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=addcovar, model="normal") <- outfi-outfa
print("with normal kinship")
[1] “with normal kinship”
outki <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=addcovar, kinship=kinship)
#plot_lod(outki,gm$gmap) <- outki-outka
print("with loco kinship")
[1] “with loco kinship”
outi <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=addcovar, kinship=K)
#plot_lod(outi,gm$gmap) <- outi-outa
out =
peaks<-find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=3, drop=1.5)
rownames(peaks) <- NULL
peaks[] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex | lodcolumn | chr | pos | lod | ci_lo | ci_hi |
1 | age.of.onset | 1 | 42.216 | 3.314041 | 11.228 | 51.861 |
1 | age.of.onset | 4 | 44.343 | 3.189148 | 36.798 | 45.580 |
1 | age.of.onset | 7 | 88.122 | 3.459428 | 51.503 | 89.134 |
peaks_mbl <- list()
#corresponding info in Mb
for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
lodindex <- peaks$lodindex[i]
lodcolumn <- peaks$lodcolumn[i]
chr <- as.character(peaks$chr[i])
lod <- peaks$lod[i]
mark <- find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=chr,pos=peaks$pos[i])
pos <- mapdf[mapdf$marker==mark,]$pmapdf
ci_lo <- mapdfnd$pmapdf[which(mapdfnd$gmapdf == peaks$ci_lo[i] & mapdfnd$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
ci_hi <- mapdfnd$pmapdf[which(mapdfnd$gmapdf == peaks$ci_hi[i] & mapdfnd$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
peaks_mb=cbind(lodindex, lodcolumn, chr, pos, lod, ci_lo, ci_hi)
peaks_mbl[[i]] <- peaks_mb
peaks_mba <-, peaks_mbl)
peaks_mba <-
#peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")] <- sapply(peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")], as.numeric)
rownames(peaks_mba) <- NULL
peaks_mba[] %>%
kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex | lodcolumn | chr | pos | lod | ci_lo | ci_hi |
1 | age.of.onset | 1 | 82.308391 | 3.31404059658483 | 29.024924 | 116.288608 |
1 | age.of.onset | 4 | 96.202815 | 3.18914825322524 | 75.944802 | 98.533023 |
1 | age.of.onset | 7 | 143.090958 | 3.45942781371157 | 92.475013 | 145.321383 |
for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
#for (i in 1:1){
#Plot 1
marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
#g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
gp <- g[,marker]
gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
gp[gp==0] <- NA
#png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
#par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
plot_pxg(gp, covars[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)
chr = peaks$chr[i]
# Plot 2
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
#coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=addcovar, kinship=K[[chr]])
blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar=addcovar, kinship=K[[chr]])
# gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff])")
# )
gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup])")
#last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
#for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
#axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)
# Plot 3
#c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
#c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
#plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
# )
#plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
# bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft",
# main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
# )
##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
## axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)
#Table 1
chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]
genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)
rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"
print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))
chr | type | start | stop | strand | ID | Name | Dbxref | gene_id | mgi_type | description |
1 | pseudogene | 29.21967 | 29.22025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010218 | Gm18033 | NCBI_Gene:100416315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101235 | MGI:5010218 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18033 |
1 | gene | 29.28096 | 29.28108 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455363 | Gm25586 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064433 | MGI:5455363 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25586 |
1 | gene | 29.30148 | 29.30158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452456 | Gm22679 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080625 | MGI:5452456 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22679 |
1 | gene | 29.36127 | 29.36137 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453562 | Gm23785 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080391 | MGI:5453562 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23785 |
1 | gene | 29.42149 | 29.42161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530650 | Mir6342 | miRBase:MI0021870,NCBI_Gene:102465174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099257 | MGI:5530650 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6342 |
1 | pseudogene | 29.48452 | 29.48593 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646042 | Gm5525 | NCBI_Gene:433283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099492 | MGI:3646042 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5525 |
1 | pseudogene | 29.92999 | 29.93085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644844 | Gm7858 | NCBI_Gene:665944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101726 | MGI:3644844 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7858 |
1 | gene | 29.98593 | 29.98604 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453548 | Gm23771 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096829 | MGI:5453548 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23771 |
1 | gene | 30.12101 | 30.13988 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590624 | Gm31465 | NCBI_Gene:102633704 | MGI:5590624 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31465 |
1 | gene | 30.17170 | 30.26261 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590684 | Gm31525 | NCBI_Gene:102633779 | MGI:5590684 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31525 |
1 | gene | 30.33329 | 30.33340 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530812 | Gm27430 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098883 | MGI:5530812 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27430 |
1 | gene | 30.48293 | 30.75568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622500 | Gm39615 | NCBI_Gene:105243894 | MGI:5622500 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39615 |
1 | gene | 30.50230 | 30.51661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590740 | Gm31581 | NCBI_Gene:102633854 | MGI:5590740 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31581 |
1 | pseudogene | 30.64204 | 30.64232 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825723 | Gm46086 | NCBI_Gene:108167616 | MGI:5825723 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46086 |
1 | gene | 30.71856 | 30.71996 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642391 | Gm9898 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053185 | MGI:3642391 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9898 |
1 | pseudogene | 30.76969 | 30.77234 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645176 | Gm6473 | NCBI_Gene:624138,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100261 | MGI:3645176 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6473 |
1 | pseudogene | 30.79004 | 30.79495 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781092 | Gm2914 | NCBI_Gene:100040699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101180 | MGI:3781092 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2914 |
1 | gene | 30.80234 | 30.87392 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446126 | Phf3 | NCBI_Gene:213109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048874 | MGI:2446126 | protein coding gene | PHD finger protein 3 |
1 | gene | 30.83355 | 30.83643 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610750 | Gm37522 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103783 | MGI:5610750 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37522 |
1 | gene | 30.86550 | 30.86854 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611134 | Gm37906 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104315 | MGI:5611134 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37906 |
1 | gene | 30.87265 | 30.87347 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643372 | Gm7256 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 7256 |
1 | gene | 30.94030 | 30.95018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277096 | Ptp4a1 | NCBI_Gene:19243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117310 | MGI:1277096 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase 4a1 |
1 | gene | 30.97724 | 30.97797 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649020 | Gm5698 | NCBI_Gene:435615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117091 | MGI:3649020 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5698 |
1 | pseudogene | 30.98617 | 30.98700 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779868 | Gm9458 | NCBI_Gene:669402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086726 | MGI:3779868 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9458 |
1 | gene | 30.99784 | 31.22268 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918238 | 4931428L18Rik | NCBI_Gene:70988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086727 | MGI:1918238 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931428L18 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 30.99819 | 30.99891 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648192 | Gm5699 | NCBI_Gene:435616 | MGI:3648192 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5699 |
1 | gene | 31.01910 | 31.04477 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579350 | Gm28644 | NCBI_Gene:102634159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100237 | MGI:5579350 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28644 |
1 | gene | 31.01919 | 31.09645 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580375 | Gm29669 | NCBI_Gene:102634473 | MGI:5580375 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29669 |
1 | gene | 31.12272 | 31.12286 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530744 | Gm27362 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098529 | MGI:5530744 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 27362 |
1 | gene | 31.13603 | 31.15010 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579834 | Gm29128 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100910 | MGI:5579834 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29128 |
1 | pseudogene | 31.16444 | 31.16541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648015 | Gm7893 | NCBI_Gene:666020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099796 | MGI:3648015 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7893 |
1 | gene | 31.17640 | 31.20472 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2672844 | Lgsn | NCBI_Gene:266744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050217 | MGI:2672844 | protein coding gene | lengsin, lens protein with glutamine synthetase domain |
1 | gene | 31.22284 | 31.22429 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921958 | Pih1d3 | NCBI_Gene:74708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026063 | MGI:1921958 | protein coding gene | PIH1 domain containing 3 |
1 | gene | 31.25959 | 31.25972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455922 | Gm26145 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077664 | MGI:5455922 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26145 |
1 | pseudogene | 31.26485 | 31.26806 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647946 | Gm4850 | NCBI_Gene:226957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100205 | MGI:3647946 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 4850 |
1 | pseudogene | 31.27489 | 31.27546 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579351 | Gm28645 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100592 | MGI:5579351 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28645 |
1 | pseudogene | 31.28694 | 31.28805 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646684 | Gm6489 | NCBI_Gene:624262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094215 | MGI:3646684 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6489 |
1 | pseudogene | 31.55954 | 31.56140 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642371 | Eef1a1-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:624275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101093 | MGI:3642371 | pseudogene | eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1, pseudogene 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 31.61515 | 31.61684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011865 | Gm19680 | NCBI_Gene:100503415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070960 | MGI:5011865 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19680 |
1 | gene | 31.65663 | 31.65674 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452809 | Gm23032 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088620 | MGI:5452809 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23032 |
1 | pseudogene | 31.73606 | 31.73709 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645646 | Gm7910 | NCBI_Gene:666056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082159 | MGI:3645646 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7910 |
1 | gene | 32.17269 | 32.70522 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2159649 | Khdrbs2 | NCBI_Gene:170771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026058 | MGI:2159649 | protein coding gene | KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 2 |
1 | gene | 32.21313 | 32.21324 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455591 | Gm25814 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064688 | MGI:5455591 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25814 |
1 | pseudogene | 32.25067 | 32.27279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825714 | Gm46077 | NCBI_Gene:108167593 | MGI:5825714 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46077 |
1 | gene | 32.47376 | 32.47557 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611227 | Gm37999 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103482 | MGI:5611227 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37999 |
1 | gene | 32.48531 | 32.48694 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610338 | Gm37110 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104498 | MGI:5610338 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37110 |
1 | gene | 32.49644 | 32.49799 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611139 | Gm37911 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104313 | MGI:5611139 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37911 |
1 | gene | 32.51956 | 32.52100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641910 | Gm9839 | NCBI_Gene:408192,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102865 | MGI:3641910 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9839 |
1 | gene | 32.53903 | 32.54244 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611020 | Gm37792 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102321 | MGI:5611020 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37792 |
1 | gene | 32.54355 | 32.54729 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644687 | Gm5415 | NCBI_Gene:408191,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091318 | MGI:3644687 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5415 |
1 | gene | 32.56836 | 32.56842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454509 | Gm24732 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089489 | MGI:5454509 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24732 |
1 | gene | 32.71018 | 32.71265 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610654 | Gm37426 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104433 | MGI:5610654 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37426 |
1 | gene | 32.72664 | 32.72693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452801 | Gm23024 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089395 | MGI:5452801 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23024 |
1 | gene | 32.73853 | 32.74718 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825872 | Gm46235 | NCBI_Gene:108167822 | MGI:5825872 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46235 |
1 | gene | 32.96748 | 32.97249 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610379 | Gm37151 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102926 | MGI:5610379 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37151 |
1 | pseudogene | 33.02816 | 33.03029 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579330 | Gm28624 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100497 | MGI:5579330 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28624 |
1 | gene | 33.06513 | 33.06635 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610952 | Gm37724 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102917 | MGI:5610952 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37724 |
1 | pseudogene | 33.10091 | 33.10269 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643085 | Gm7114 | NCBI_Gene:633498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100481 | MGI:3643085 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7114 |
1 | pseudogene | 33.10891 | 33.10966 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646908 | Gm4785 | NCBI_Gene:213711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100590 | MGI:3646908 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4785 |
1 | gene | 33.13324 | 33.17625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622501 | Gm39616 | NCBI_Gene:105243895 | MGI:5622501 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39616 |
1 | gene | 33.19199 | 33.19210 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454678 | Gm24901 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088750 | MGI:5454678 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24901 |
1 | gene | 33.21277 | 33.21547 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610819 | Gm37591 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104230 | MGI:5610819 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37591 |
1 | pseudogene | 33.23594 | 33.23763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781165 | Gm2987 | NCBI_Gene:100418410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101754 | MGI:3781165 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2987 |
1 | gene | 33.29082 | 33.35460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622502 | Gm39617 | NCBI_Gene:105243896 | MGI:5622502 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39617 |
1 | gene | 33.29368 | 33.29377 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455569 | Gm25792 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065223 | MGI:5455569 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25792 |
1 | pseudogene | 33.31567 | 33.31658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010984 | Gm18799 | NCBI_Gene:100417744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100318 | MGI:5010984 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18799 |
1 | pseudogene | 33.37133 | 33.37358 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643452 | Gm7933 | NCBI_Gene:666108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101612 | MGI:3643452 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7933 |
1 | gene | 33.42273 | 33.42284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453230 | Gm23453 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065260 | MGI:5453230 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23453 |
1 | gene | 33.45381 | 33.66980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97758 | Prim2 | NCBI_Gene:19076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026134 | MGI:97758 | protein coding gene | DNA primase, p58 subunit |
1 | pseudogene | 33.48208 | 33.48399 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579934 | Gm29228 | NCBI_Gene:102634920,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101682 | MGI:5579934 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29228 |
1 | gene | 33.52252 | 33.53062 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622503 | Gm39618 | NCBI_Gene:105243897 | MGI:5622503 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39618 |
1 | gene | 33.61376 | 33.61683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610846 | Gm37618 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102714 | MGI:5610846 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37618 |
1 | pseudogene | 33.65769 | 33.65867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5009998 | Gm17813 | NCBI_Gene:100302654,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102093 | MGI:5009998 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17813 |
1 | gene | 33.66982 | 33.67071 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914753 | 1700001G17Rik | NCBI_Gene:67503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103746 | MGI:1914753 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700001G17 gene |
1 | gene | 33.67191 | 33.67423 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611401 | Gm38173 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102198 | MGI:5611401 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38173 |
1 | gene | 33.71418 | 33.71990 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591388 | Gm32229 | NCBI_Gene:102634710 | MGI:5591388 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32229 |
1 | gene | 33.71989 | 33.74256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99833 | Rab23 | NCBI_Gene:19335,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004768 | MGI:99833 | protein coding gene | RAB23, member RAS oncogene family |
1 | gene | 33.74548 | 33.75780 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891254 | Bag2 | NCBI_Gene:213539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042215 | MGI:1891254 | protein coding gene | BCL2-associated athanogene 2 |
1 | gene | 33.74801 | 33.74835 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611133 | Gm37905 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103072 | MGI:5611133 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37905 |
1 | gene | 33.76154 | 33.81546 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2137896 | Zfp451 | NCBI_Gene:98403,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042197 | MGI:2137896 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 451 |
1 | pseudogene | 33.83590 | 33.83891 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705563 | Gm15455 | NCBI_Gene:433287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081402 | MGI:3705563 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15455 |
1 | gene | 33.85205 | 33.90793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444572 | Bend6 | NCBI_Gene:320705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042182 | MGI:2444572 | protein coding gene | BEN domain containing 6 |
1 | gene | 33.87309 | 33.87476 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621356 | Gm38471 | NCBI_Gene:102634918 | MGI:5621356 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38471 |
1 | gene | 33.88949 | 33.89112 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610295 | Gm37067 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104416 | MGI:5610295 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37067 |
1 | gene | 33.90821 | 34.30866 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104627 | Dst | NCBI_Gene:13518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026131 | MGI:104627 | protein coding gene | dystonin |
1 | gene | 33.92245 | 33.92484 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610582 | Gm37354 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103596 | MGI:5610582 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37354 |
1 | pseudogene | 33.96335 | 33.96368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579337 | Gm28631 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099382 | MGI:5579337 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28631 |
1 | gene | 33.98141 | 33.98150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453569 | Gm23792 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084506 | MGI:5453569 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23792 |
1 | gene | 34.03210 | 34.03380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611385 | Gm38157 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103364 | MGI:5611385 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38157 |
1 | gene | 34.11736 | 34.11743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5562721 | Mir6896 | miRBase:MI0022743,NCBI_Gene:102466987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105982 | MGI:5562721 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6896 |
1 | gene | 34.16586 | 34.17845 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477282 | Gm26788 | NCBI_Gene:108167617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096992 | MGI:5477282 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26788 |
1 | gene | 34.23660 | 34.23882 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045265 | D630036G22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D630036G22 gene |
1 | gene | 34.26988 | 34.27113 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924441 | A930005N03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103001 | MGI:1924441 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A930005N03 gene |
1 | gene | 34.32943 | 34.33031 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611186 | Gm37958 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104397 | MGI:5611186 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37958 |
1 | gene | 34.35077 | 34.35116 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610613 | Gm37385 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102839 | MGI:5610613 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37385 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.36737 | 34.36900 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646119 | Gm5266 | NCBI_Gene:383629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101206 | MGI:3646119 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5266 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.41505 | 34.41799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781230 | Gm3052 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101462 | MGI:3781230 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3052 |
1 | gene | 34.42700 | 34.43326 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610461 | Gm37233 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102336 | MGI:5610461 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37233 |
1 | gene | 34.43312 | 34.43320 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4950423 | Mir5103 | miRBase:MI0018011,NCBI_Gene:100628580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092852 | MGI:4950423 | miRNA gene | microRNA 5103 |
1 | gene | 34.43481 | 34.43488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413856 | n-TEttc1 | NCBI_Gene:102467303 | MGI:4413856 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA glutamic acid 1 (anticodon TTC) |
1 | gene | 34.43667 | 34.43967 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916918 | Ccdc115 | NCBI_Gene:69668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042111 | MGI:1916918 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 115 |
1 | gene | 34.43951 | 34.44473 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579012 | Gm28306 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101711 | MGI:5579012 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28306 |
1 | gene | 34.43983 | 34.44936 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106572 | Imp4 | NCBI_Gene:27993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026127 | MGI:106572 | protein coding gene | IMP4, U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein |
1 | gene | 34.44873 | 34.44935 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196435 | D1Ertd448e | NA | NA | unclassified gene | DNA segment%2c Chr 1%2c ERATO Doi 448%2c expressed |
1 | gene | 34.45901 | 34.45983 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591663 | Gm32504 | NCBI_Gene:102635078 | MGI:5591663 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32504 |
1 | gene | 34.45975 | 34.47573 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108410 | Ptpn18 | NCBI_Gene:19253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026126 | MGI:108410 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 18 |
1 | gene | 34.46883 | 34.47315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579123 | Gm28417 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100280 | MGI:5579123 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28417 |
1 | gene | 34.47479 | 34.48598 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591725 | Gm32566 | NCBI_Gene:102635157 | MGI:5591725 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32566 |
1 | gene | 34.47717 | 34.49922 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923133 | 4930568A12Rik | NCBI_Gene:75883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101223 | MGI:1923133 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930568A12 gene |
1 | gene | 34.49841 | 34.50306 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1270856 | Prss39 | NCBI_Gene:21755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026125 | MGI:1270856 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 39 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.52372 | 34.52401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579122 | Gm28416 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101116 | MGI:5579122 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28416 |
1 | gene | 34.53565 | 34.54431 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109448 | Cfc1 | NCBI_Gene:12627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026124 | MGI:109448 | protein coding gene | cripto, FRL-1, cryptic family 1 |
1 | gene | 34.53652 | 34.56099 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1270857 | Prss40 | NCBI_Gene:21756,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037529 | MGI:1270857 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 40 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.53807 | 34.53856 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579125 | Gm28419 | NCBI_Gene:102635016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101803 | MGI:5579125 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28419 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.57122 | 34.57194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011410 | Gm19225 | NCBI_Gene:100418459 | MGI:5011410 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19225 |
1 | gene | 34.57893 | 34.59094 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3026939 | Amer3 | NCBI_Gene:211383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045174 | MGI:3026939 | protein coding gene | APC membrane recruitment 3 |
1 | gene | 34.57920 | 34.57971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920839 | 1700101I19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045815 | MGI:1920839 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700101I19 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 34.60730 | 34.60772 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579124 | Gm28418 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100524 | MGI:5579124 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28418 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.61057 | 34.61081 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610212 | Gm36984 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102499 | MGI:5610212 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 36984 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.61091 | 34.61528 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588889 | Gm29730 | NCBI_Gene:101055845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103521 | MGI:5588889 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29730 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.63354 | 34.63621 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3035322 | AA619741 | NCBI_Gene:241051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104098 | MGI:3035322 | pseudogene | expressed sequence AA619741 |
1 | gene | 34.65724 | 34.66700 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621532 | Gm38647 | NCBI_Gene:102642976 | MGI:5621532 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38647 |
1 | gene | 34.67819 | 34.81331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442507 | Arhgef4 | NCBI_Gene:226970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037509 | MGI:2442507 | protein coding gene | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 4 |
1 | gene | 34.68567 | 34.68884 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592079 | Gm32920 | NCBI_Gene:102635632 | MGI:5592079 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32920 |
1 | gene | 34.74827 | 34.75706 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825724 | Gm46087 | NCBI_Gene:108167618 | MGI:5825724 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46087 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.75277 | 34.75292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610452 | Gm37224 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102537 | MGI:5610452 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37224 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.75312 | 34.75348 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611073 | Gm37845 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102612 | MGI:5611073 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37845 |
1 | gene | 34.75994 | 34.79255 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591949 | Gm32790 | NCBI_Gene:102635458 | MGI:5591949 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32790 |
1 | gene | 34.80936 | 34.81191 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611564 | Gm38336 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104002 | MGI:5611564 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38336 |
1 | gene | 34.81322 | 34.84307 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2448487 | Fam168b | NCBI_Gene:214469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037503 | MGI:2448487 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 168, member B |
1 | gene | 34.82352 | 34.82656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610355 | Gm37127 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104358 | MGI:5610355 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37127 |
1 | gene | 34.84994 | 34.87958 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385825 | Plekhb2 | NCBI_Gene:226971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026123 | MGI:2385825 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family B (evectins) member 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.87994 | 34.93064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011615 | Gm19430 | NCBI_Gene:100502882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103716 | MGI:5011615 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19430 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.96963 | 34.96986 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610898 | Gm37670 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103548 | MGI:5610898 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 37670 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.97006 | 34.97056 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648650 | Gm8009 | NCBI_Gene:666261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103760 | MGI:3648650 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8009 |
1 | pseudogene | 34.98566 | 34.98589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611255 | Gm38027 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103997 | MGI:5611255 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38027 |
1 | gene | 35.17896 | 35.17908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454873 | Gm25096 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077231 | MGI:5454873 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25096 |
1 | gene | 35.62561 | 35.65130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610296 | Gm37068 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104417 | MGI:5610296 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37068 |
1 | gene | 35.76160 | 35.76171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455411 | Gm25634 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064601 | MGI:5455411 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25634 |
1 | gene | 35.80697 | 35.81046 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579121 | Gm28415 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101714 | MGI:5579121 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28415 |
1 | gene | 35.86959 | 35.88117 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915733 | 1110002O04Rik | NCBI_Gene:68483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102531 | MGI:1915733 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110002O04 gene |
1 | gene | 35.94201 | 35.95502 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592335 | Gm33176 | NCBI_Gene:102635977 | MGI:5592335 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33176 |
1 | pseudogene | 35.95892 | 35.95982 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647993 | Gm8022 | NCBI_Gene:666283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103096 | MGI:3647993 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8022 |
1 | gene | 35.96000 | 35.96510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622507 | Gm39622 | NCBI_Gene:105243901 | MGI:5622507 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39622 |
1 | gene | 35.98196 | 35.98637 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610374 | Gm37146 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102279 | MGI:5610374 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37146 |
1 | gene | 36.00194 | 36.01107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592381 | Gm33222 | NCBI_Gene:102636039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103708 | MGI:5592381 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33222 |
1 | gene | 36.01107 | 36.01189 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925283 | 4930535G08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104201 | MGI:1925283 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930535G08 gene |
1 | gene | 36.01680 | 36.02149 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622508 | Gm39623 | NCBI_Gene:105243902 | MGI:5622508 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39623 |
1 | gene | 36.02965 | 36.03102 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611277 | Gm38049 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102434 | MGI:5611277 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38049 |
1 | gene | 36.05872 | 36.06624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622509 | Gm39624 | NCBI_Gene:105243903 | MGI:5622509 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39624 |
1 | gene | 36.06840 | 36.10645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1354958 | Hs6st1 | NCBI_Gene:50785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045216 | MGI:1354958 | protein coding gene | heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 1 |
1 | gene | 36.10538 | 36.10645 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610563 | Gm37335 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104523 | MGI:5610563 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37335 |
1 | gene | 36.12987 | 36.13875 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592439 | Gm33280 | NCBI_Gene:102636118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102202 | MGI:5592439 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33280 |
1 | gene | 36.14003 | 36.24472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443162 | Uggt1 | NCBI_Gene:320011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037470 | MGI:2443162 | protein coding gene | UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1 |
1 | gene | 36.14425 | 36.14431 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531034 | Mir6897 | miRBase:MI0022744,NCBI_Gene:102465540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098752 | MGI:5531034 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6897 |
1 | pseudogene | 36.17767 | 36.17902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010935 | Gm18750 | NCBI_Gene:100417669 | MGI:5010935 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18750 |
1 | gene | 36.24438 | 36.25054 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622510 | Gm39625 | NCBI_Gene:105243904 | MGI:5622510 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39625 |
1 | gene | 36.26460 | 36.27468 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2429944 | Neurl3 | NCBI_Gene:214854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047180 | MGI:2429944 | protein coding gene | neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 3 |
1 | gene | 36.30773 | 36.32404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443039 | Arid5a | NCBI_Gene:214855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037447 | MGI:2443039 | protein coding gene | AT rich interactive domain 5A (MRF1-like) |
1 | gene | 36.33271 | 36.33342 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921057 | 4930403P22Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102762 | MGI:1921057 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930403P22 gene |
1 | gene | 36.33573 | 36.36919 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918055 | Kansl3 | NCBI_Gene:226976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010453 | MGI:1918055 | protein coding gene | KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 3 |
1 | gene | 36.34868 | 36.34876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531198 | Mir6898 | miRBase:MI0022745,NCBI_Gene:102465541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098680 | MGI:5531198 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6898 |
1 | gene | 36.37218 | 36.42211 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3616091 | Fer1l5 | NCBI_Gene:100534273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037432 | MGI:3616091 | protein coding gene | fer-1-like 5 (C. elegans) |
1 | gene | 36.41987 | 36.44527 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443010 | Lman2l | NCBI_Gene:214895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001143 | MGI:2443010 | protein coding gene | lectin, mannose-binding 2-like |
1 | gene | 36.46198 | 36.46287 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592560 | Gm33401 | NCBI_Gene:102636293 | MGI:5592560 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33401 |
1 | gene | 36.46472 | 36.47155 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592613 | Gm33454 | NCBI_Gene:102636368 | MGI:5592613 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33454 |
1 | gene | 36.47160 | 36.50878 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2151060 | Cnnm4 | NCBI_Gene:94220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037408 | MGI:2151060 | protein coding gene | cyclin M4 |
1 | gene | 36.47395 | 36.47611 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611137 | Gm37909 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104316 | MGI:5611137 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37909 |
1 | gene | 36.50656 | 36.50670 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096125 | Gm47280 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106081 | MGI:6096125 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 47280 |
1 | gene | 36.51185 | 36.52824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2151055 | Cnnm3 | NCBI_Gene:94218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001138 | MGI:2151055 | protein coding gene | cyclin M3 |
1 | gene | 36.52753 | 36.52824 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611261 | Gm38033 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102845 | MGI:5611261 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38033 |
1 | gene | 36.53019 | 36.53688 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925571 | Ankrd23 | NCBI_Gene:78321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067653 | MGI:1925571 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 23 |
1 | gene | 36.53019 | 36.53943 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5649003 | Gm42417 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109510 | MGI:5649003 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 42417 |
1 | gene | 36.53751 | 36.54745 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914816 | Ankrd39 | NCBI_Gene:109346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079610 | MGI:1914816 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 39 |
1 | gene | 36.54864 | 36.55838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109252 | Sema4c | NCBI_Gene:20353,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026121 | MGI:109252 | protein coding gene | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4C |
1 | gene | 36.55770 | 36.56561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442526 | D430040D24Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087589 | MGI:2442526 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D430040D24 gene |
1 | gene | 36.56269 | 36.68319 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3026913 | Fam178b | NCBI_Gene:381337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046337 | MGI:3026913 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 178, member B |
1 | pseudogene | 36.60180 | 36.60215 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649065 | Gm6428 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089906 | MGI:3649065 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6428 |
1 | gene | 36.66396 | 36.66404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453910 | Gm24133 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077939 | MGI:5453910 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24133 |
1 | gene | 36.69145 | 36.69368 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88475 | Cox5b | NCBI_Gene:12859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061518 | MGI:88475 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B |
1 | gene | 36.69811 | 36.71442 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917446 | Actr1b | NCBI_Gene:226977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037351 | MGI:1917446 | protein coding gene | ARP1 actin-related protein 1B, centractin beta |
1 | gene | 36.71015 | 36.75796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918416 | 4933424G06Rik | NCBI_Gene:71166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102416 | MGI:1918416 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933424G06 gene |
1 | gene | 36.71460 | 36.74479 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592692 | Gm33533 | NCBI_Gene:102636476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104237 | MGI:5592692 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33533 |
1 | gene | 36.76180 | 36.78282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99613 | Zap70 | NCBI_Gene:22637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026117 | MGI:99613 | protein coding gene | zeta-chain (TCR) associated protein kinase |
1 | pseudogene | 36.76486 | 36.76588 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011013 | Gm18828 | NCBI_Gene:100417791,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097291 | MGI:5011013 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18828 |
1 | gene | 36.79219 | 36.94367 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927110 | Tmem131 | NCBI_Gene:56030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026116 | MGI:1927110 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 131 |
1 | gene | 36.87190 | 36.87204 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610734 | Gm37506 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103016 | MGI:5610734 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37506 |
1 | gene | 36.91360 | 36.91654 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611343 | Gm38115 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102930 | MGI:5611343 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38115 |
1 | gene | 36.92280 | 36.92635 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641781 | F830112A20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103159 | MGI:3641781 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA F830112A20 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 36.95789 | 36.95852 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646154 | Rpl12-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:241053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080054 | MGI:3646154 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L12, pseudogene 1 |
1 | gene | 37.00544 | 37.00556 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422075 | n-R5s210 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095944 | MGI:4422075 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 210 |
1 | gene | 37.02660 | 37.18761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918103 | Vwa3b | NCBI_Gene:70853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050122 | MGI:1918103 | protein coding gene | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 3B |
1 | gene | 37.04257 | 37.04635 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622511 | Gm39626 | NCBI_Gene:105243906 | MGI:5622511 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39626 |
1 | gene | 37.13227 | 37.15051 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610248 | Gm37020 | NCBI_Gene:105243905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103603 | MGI:5610248 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37020 |
1 | gene | 37.21443 | 37.26338 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1341818 | Cnga3 | NCBI_Gene:12790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026114 | MGI:1341818 | protein coding gene | cyclic nucleotide gated channel alpha 3 |
1 | gene | 37.29935 | 37.29970 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920732 | 1700074A21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102231 | MGI:1920732 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700074A21 gene |
1 | gene | 37.29984 | 37.41074 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1931123 | Inpp4a | NCBI_Gene:269180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026113 | MGI:1931123 | protein coding gene | inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type I |
1 | gene | 37.32892 | 37.33422 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925369 | 4930439A04Rik | NCBI_Gene:78119,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086064 | MGI:1925369 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930439A04 gene |
1 | gene | 37.33097 | 37.33150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610363 | Gm37135 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102879 | MGI:5610363 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37135 |
1 | gene | 37.41708 | 37.43010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923428 | Coa5 | NCBI_Gene:76178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026112 | MGI:1923428 | protein coding gene | cytochrome C oxidase assembly factor 5 |
1 | gene | 37.43014 | 37.43912 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914637 | Unc50 | NCBI_Gene:67387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026111 | MGI:1914637 | protein coding gene | unc-50 homolog |
1 | gene | 37.43934 | 37.54105 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2662992 | Mgat4a | NCBI_Gene:269181,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026110 | MGI:2662992 | protein coding gene | mannoside acetylglucosaminyltransferase 4, isoenzyme A |
1 | pseudogene | 37.48585 | 37.48860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924883 | 4930594C11Rik | NCBI_Gene:77633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103948 | MGI:1924883 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 4930594C11 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 37.48719 | 37.48898 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5663350 | Gm43213 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087233 | MGI:5663350 | pseudogene | predicted gene 43213 |
1 | gene | 37.49904 | 37.49994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622512 | Gm39627 | NCBI_Gene:105243907 | MGI:5622512 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39627 |
1 | gene | 37.61168 | 37.72009 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919347 | 2010300C02Rik | NCBI_Gene:72097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026090 | MGI:1919347 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2010300C02 gene |
1 | gene | 37.61426 | 37.61537 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922520 | 4930556I23Rik | NCBI_Gene:102637491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089767 | MGI:1922520 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930556I23 gene |
1 | gene | 37.65324 | 37.67196 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923057 | 4930470B04Rik | NCBI_Gene:102637336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104365 | MGI:1923057 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930470B04 gene |
1 | gene | 37.68460 | 37.69639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622513 | Gm39628 | NCBI_Gene:105243908 | MGI:5622513 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39628 |
1 | gene | 37.69445 | 37.69666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012048 | Gm19863 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102650 | MGI:5012048 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 19863 |
1 | gene | 37.75457 | 37.86674 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685063 | Tsga10 | NCBI_Gene:211484,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060771 | MGI:2685063 | protein coding gene | testis specific 10 |
1 | gene | 37.86530 | 37.87139 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477299 | Gm26805 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097268 | MGI:5477299 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26805 |
1 | gene | 37.86851 | 37.87630 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645211 | Lipt1 | NCBI_Gene:623661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037216 | MGI:3645211 | protein coding gene | lipoyltransferase 1 |
1 | gene | 37.87480 | 37.89044 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916278 | Mitd1 | NCBI_Gene:69028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026088 | MGI:1916278 | protein coding gene | MIT, microtubule interacting and transport, domain containing 1 |
1 | gene | 37.89047 | 37.89854 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333820 | Mrpl30 | NCBI_Gene:107734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026087 | MGI:1333820 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L30 |
1 | gene | 37.90592 | 37.91649 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685622 | Lyg2 | NCBI_Gene:332427,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061584 | MGI:2685622 | protein coding gene | lysozyme G-like 2 |
1 | gene | 37.93360 | 37.95414 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705190 | Gm15457 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087374 | MGI:3705190 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15457 |
1 | gene | 37.94674 | 37.95776 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916791 | Lyg1 | NCBI_Gene:69541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026085 | MGI:1916791 | protein coding gene | lysozyme G-like 1 |
1 | gene | 37.97397 | 37.97420 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453186 | Gm23409 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089141 | MGI:5453186 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23409 |
1 | gene | 37.98387 | 37.99789 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138153 | Txndc9 | NCBI_Gene:98258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058407 | MGI:2138153 | protein coding gene | thioredoxin domain containing 9 |
1 | gene | 37.99801 | 38.05558 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441772 | Eif5b | NCBI_Gene:226982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026083 | MGI:2441772 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B |
1 | gene | 38.01385 | 38.01693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2445101 | B230213L16Rik | NA | NA | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA B230213L16 gene |
1 | gene | 38.02349 | 38.03046 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593607 | Gm34448 | NCBI_Gene:102637707 | MGI:5593607 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34448 |
1 | gene | 38.05279 | 38.12992 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929074 | Rev1 | NCBI_Gene:56210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026082 | MGI:1929074 | protein coding gene | REV1, DNA directed polymerase |
1 | gene | 38.07630 | 38.07731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610290 | Gm37062 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103804 | MGI:5610290 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37062 |
1 | gene | 38.13208 | 38.15989 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644917 | Gm5099 | NCBI_Gene:329123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102716 | MGI:3644917 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 5099 |
1 | gene | 38.17539 | 38.66495 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106927 | Aff3 | NCBI_Gene:16764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037138 | MGI:106927 | protein coding gene | AF4/FMR2 family, member 3 |
1 | gene | 38.23230 | 38.24765 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801827 | Gm16150 | NCBI_Gene:102638318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085391 | MGI:3801827 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16150 |
1 | gene | 38.24793 | 38.24927 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923925 | 5330403D14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5330403D14 gene |
1 | gene | 38.30547 | 38.30843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028063 | 6030495B02Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030495B02 gene |
1 | gene | 38.30790 | 38.31193 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801826 | Gm16151 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085280 | MGI:3801826 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16151 |
1 | gene | 38.32225 | 38.32250 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925648 | 2900002H24Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900002H24 gene |
1 | gene | 38.38495 | 38.39397 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802058 | Gm16152 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087131 | MGI:3802058 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16152 |
1 | pseudogene | 38.47220 | 38.48815 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593886 | Gm34727 | NCBI_Gene:108167619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102984 | MGI:5593886 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 34727 |
1 | gene | 38.55429 | 38.55638 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919639 | 2310050P20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310050P20 gene |
1 | gene | 38.63067 | 38.65337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593755 | Gm34596 | NCBI_Gene:102637900 | MGI:5593755 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34596 |
1 | pseudogene | 38.72262 | 38.72312 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611363 | Gm38135 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102541 | MGI:5611363 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38135 |
1 | gene | 38.76718 | 38.76769 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917693 | 2610300A13Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103531 | MGI:1917693 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2610300A13 gene |
1 | gene | 38.79364 | 38.83671 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920209 | Lonrf2 | NCBI_Gene:381338,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048814 | MGI:1920209 | protein coding gene | LON peptidase N-terminal domain and ring finger 2 |
1 | gene | 38.83520 | 38.83637 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919962 | 2810038L03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2810038L03 gene |
1 | gene | 38.86387 | 38.89826 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138283 | Chst10 | NCBI_Gene:98388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026080 | MGI:2138283 | protein coding gene | carbohydrate sulfotransferase 10 |
1 | gene | 38.88475 | 38.88807 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610935 | Gm37707 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103647 | MGI:5610935 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37707 |
1 | pseudogene | 38.90793 | 38.90875 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647848 | Gm6621 | NCBI_Gene:625775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102447 | MGI:3647848 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6621 |
1 | gene | 38.93915 | 38.95028 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3583618 | Nms | NCBI_Gene:433292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067604 | MGI:3583618 | protein coding gene | neuromedin S |
1 | gene | 38.98081 | 38.98181 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594330 | Gm35171 | NCBI_Gene:102638660 | MGI:5594330 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35171 |
1 | gene | 38.98561 | 38.99724 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916083 | Pdcl3 | NCBI_Gene:68833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026078 | MGI:1916083 | protein coding gene | phosducin-like 3 |
1 | gene | 38.99268 | 38.99432 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610537 | Gm37309 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103046 | MGI:5610537 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37309 |
1 | gene | 39.02601 | 39.02736 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594381 | Gm35222 | NCBI_Gene:102638728 | MGI:5594381 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35222 |
1 | gene | 39.04865 | 39.05764 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611049 | Gm37821 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104188 | MGI:5611049 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37821 |
1 | gene | 39.08125 | 39.08334 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610319 | Gm37091 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103182 | MGI:5610319 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37091 |
1 | gene | 39.18690 | 39.18699 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530940 | Mir6349 | miRBase:MI0021877,NCBI_Gene:102466631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098833 | MGI:5530940 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6349 |
1 | gene | 39.19371 | 39.36324 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109232 | Npas2 | NCBI_Gene:18143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026077 | MGI:109232 | protein coding gene | neuronal PAS domain protein 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 39.27420 | 39.27696 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141893 | Gm20428 | NCBI_Gene:105243910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092553 | MGI:5141893 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20428 |
1 | pseudogene | 39.27858 | 39.28103 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010089 | Gm17904 | NCBI_Gene:100416073 | MGI:5010089 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17904 |
1 | pseudogene | 39.31486 | 39.31549 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781793 | Gm3617 | NCBI_Gene:100041999,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092563 | MGI:3781793 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3617 |
1 | gene | 39.36784 | 39.37191 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2149632 | Rpl31 | NCBI_Gene:114641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073702 | MGI:2149632 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein L31 |
1 | gene | 39.37149 | 39.47877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927225 | Tbc1d8 | NCBI_Gene:54610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003134 | MGI:1927225 | protein coding gene | TBC1 domain family, member 8 |
1 | gene | 39.41905 | 39.41993 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610493 | Gm37265 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102607 | MGI:5610493 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37265 |
1 | gene | 39.51953 | 39.51975 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454603 | Gm24826 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104827 | MGI:5454603 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24826 |
1 | gene | 39.53499 | 39.54689 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106580 | Cnot11 | NCBI_Gene:52846,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003135 | MGI:106580 | protein coding gene | CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 11 |
1 | gene | 39.54757 | 39.55200 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3834078 | Gm15832 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085894 | MGI:3834078 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15832 |
1 | gene | 39.54874 | 39.54885 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3819562 | Snord89 | NCBI_Gene:100217461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077704 | MGI:3819562 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 89 |
1 | pseudogene | 39.55027 | 39.55085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010631 | Gm18446 | NCBI_Gene:100417202 | MGI:5010631 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18446 |
1 | gene | 39.55129 | 39.57744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2677438 | Rnf149 | NCBI_Gene:67702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048234 | MGI:2677438 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 149 |
1 | gene | 39.57375 | 39.57388 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453499 | Gm23722 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064936 | MGI:5453499 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23722 |
1 | pseudogene | 39.59741 | 39.59801 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644919 | Gm5100 | NCBI_Gene:329126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102471 | MGI:3644919 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5100 |
1 | gene | 39.61841 | 39.65147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928333 | Creg2 | NCBI_Gene:263764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050967 | MGI:1928333 | protein coding gene | cellular repressor of E1A-stimulated genes 2 |
1 | gene | 39.65011 | 39.65842 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3043219 | D930019O06Rik | NCBI_Gene:425051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097083 | MGI:3043219 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930019O06 |
1 | gene | 39.66530 | 39.72100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588206 | Rfx8 | NCBI_Gene:619289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057173 | MGI:3588206 | protein coding gene | regulatory factor X 8 |
1 | gene | 39.80414 | 39.80533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781822 | Gm3646 | NCBI_Gene:100042065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091937 | MGI:3781822 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 3646 |
1 | gene | 39.83917 | 39.84733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920676 | 1700066B17Rik | NCBI_Gene:73426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101634 | MGI:1920676 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700066B17 gene |
1 | gene | 39.85244 | 39.86481 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594759 | Gm35600 | NCBI_Gene:102639244 | MGI:5594759 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35600 |
1 | gene | 39.90091 | 40.02631 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1349394 | Map4k4 | NCBI_Gene:26921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026074 | MGI:1349394 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4 |
1 | gene | 40.04904 | 40.05037 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921928 | 4930456G14Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102985 | MGI:1921928 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930456G14 gene |
1 | gene | 40.07408 | 40.12523 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96546 | Il1r2 | NCBI_Gene:16178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026073 | MGI:96546 | protein coding gene | interleukin 1 receptor, type II |
1 | gene | 40.07621 | 40.08585 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4439818 | Gm16894 | NCBI_Gene:100047133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097899 | MGI:4439818 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16894 |
1 | gene | 40.08851 | 40.09158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610575 | Gm37347 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102975 | MGI:5610575 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37347 |
1 | gene | 40.14910 | 40.15260 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594900 | Gm35741 | NCBI_Gene:102639421 | MGI:5594900 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35741 |
1 | gene | 40.22501 | 40.31726 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96545 | Il1r1 | NCBI_Gene:16177,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026072 | MGI:96545 | protein coding gene | interleukin 1 receptor, type I |
1 | gene | 40.23802 | 40.24450 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611298 | Gm38070 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103560 | MGI:5611298 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38070 |
1 | gene | 40.32444 | 40.36756 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913107 | Il1rl2 | NCBI_Gene:107527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070942 | MGI:1913107 | protein coding gene | interleukin 1 receptor-like 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 40.35385 | 40.35461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010155 | Gm17970 | NCBI_Gene:100416211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103230 | MGI:5010155 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17970 |
1 | gene | 40.40486 | 40.46542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98427 | Il1rl1 | NCBI_Gene:17082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026069 | MGI:98427 | protein coding gene | interleukin 1 receptor-like 1 |
1 | gene | 40.46555 | 40.50085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105383 | Il18r1 | NCBI_Gene:16182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026070 | MGI:105383 | protein coding gene | interleukin 18 receptor 1 |
1 | gene | 40.51536 | 40.55171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1338888 | Il18rap | NCBI_Gene:16174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026068 | MGI:1338888 | protein coding gene | interleukin 18 receptor accessory protein |
1 | gene | 40.57218 | 40.58066 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594960 | Gm35801 | NCBI_Gene:102639500,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104441 | MGI:5594960 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35801 |
1 | gene | 40.57971 | 40.63073 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105074 | Slc9a4 | NCBI_Gene:110895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026065 | MGI:105074 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 4 |
1 | gene | 40.58290 | 40.58684 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610663 | Gm37435 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102676 | MGI:5610663 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37435 |
1 | gene | 40.68057 | 40.76927 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105075 | Slc9a2 | NCBI_Gene:226999,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026062 | MGI:105075 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 2 |
1 | gene | 40.69144 | 40.69764 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610851 | Gm37623 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103679 | MGI:5610851 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37623 |
1 | gene | 40.77032 | 40.78537 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611143 | Gm37915 | NCBI_Gene:102641498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103270 | MGI:5611143 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37915 |
1 | gene | 40.77204 | 40.79069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443548 | Mfsd9 | NCBI_Gene:211798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041945 | MGI:2443548 | protein coding gene | major facilitator superfamily domain containing 9 |
1 | gene | 40.80557 | 40.85689 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923725 | Tmem182 | NCBI_Gene:381339,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079588 | MGI:1923725 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 182 |
1 | pseudogene | 40.86354 | 40.86424 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646541 | Gm5973 | NCBI_Gene:546733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094136 | MGI:3646541 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5973 |
1 | gene | 41.16756 | 41.18125 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922147 | 4930448I06Rik | NCBI_Gene:74897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104072 | MGI:1922147 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930448I06 gene |
1 | gene | 41.49562 | 41.53331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622516 | Gm39631 | NCBI_Gene:105243912 | MGI:5622516 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39631 |
1 | gene | 41.52693 | 41.52954 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579340 | Gm28634 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100185 | MGI:5579340 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28634 |
1 | gene | 41.57031 | 41.57350 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595094 | Gm35935 | NCBI_Gene:102639680 | MGI:5595094 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35935 |
1 | gene | 41.74302 | 41.93960 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579966 | Gm29260 | NCBI_Gene:102639765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100832 | MGI:5579966 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29260 |
1 | pseudogene | 42.10316 | 42.10455 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643178 | Gm5267 | NCBI_Gene:383634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100178 | MGI:3643178 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5267 |
1 | pseudogene | 42.17928 | 42.18039 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646477 | Gm8176 | NCBI_Gene:666582,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101877 | MGI:3646477 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8176 |
1 | gene | 42.22973 | 42.23111 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641924 | Gm9915 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053640 | MGI:3641924 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9915 |
1 | gene | 42.23823 | 42.23869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580370 | Gm29664 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101919 | MGI:5580370 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29664 |
1 | gene | 42.25785 | 42.31001 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578881 | Gm28175 | NCBI_Gene:102640173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101299 | MGI:5578881 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28175 |
1 | gene | 42.32459 | 42.35594 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578846 | Gm28140 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100180 | MGI:5578846 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28140 |
1 | gene | 42.33182 | 42.35094 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825725 | Gm46088 | NCBI_Gene:108167620 | MGI:5825725 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46088 |
1 | gene | 42.39927 | 42.42764 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595837 | Gm36678 | NCBI_Gene:102640664 | MGI:5595837 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36678 |
1 | gene | 42.49181 | 42.49566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610275 | Gm37047 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103106 | MGI:5610275 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37047 |
1 | gene | 42.56041 | 42.57333 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825726 | Gm46089 | NCBI_Gene:108167621 | MGI:5825726 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46089 |
1 | gene | 42.57378 | 42.58202 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595981 | Gm36822 | NCBI_Gene:102640854 | MGI:5595981 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36822 |
1 | gene | 42.59078 | 42.69484 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913547 | Pantr1 | NCBI_Gene:66297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060424 | MGI:1913547 | lncRNA gene | POU domain, class 3, transcription factor 3 adjacent noncoding transcript 1 |
1 | gene | 42.59893 | 42.64159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589407 | Gm30248 | NCBI_Gene:102632081 | MGI:5589407 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30248 |
1 | gene | 42.65173 | 42.65240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921202 | 4930420N18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104199 | MGI:1921202 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930420N18 gene |
1 | gene | 42.68236 | 42.69656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5632317 | Gm42411 | NCBI_Gene:102640933 | MGI:5632317 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 42411 |
1 | gene | 42.69492 | 42.74479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5313093 | Gm20646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093436 | MGI:5313093 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20646 |
1 | gene | 42.69577 | 42.70318 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102564 | Pou3f3 | NCBI_Gene:18993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045515 | MGI:102564 | protein coding gene | POU domain, class 3, transcription factor 3 |
1 | gene | 42.70034 | 42.70318 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920350 | 2900092D14Rik | NCBI_Gene:73100 | MGI:1920350 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900092D14 gene |
1 | gene | 42.70706 | 42.71345 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913870 | Pantr2 | NCBI_Gene:66620,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097063 | MGI:1913870 | lncRNA gene | POU domain, class 3, transcription factor 3 adjacent noncoding transcript 2 |
1 | gene | 42.73885 | 42.74479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825727 | Gm46090 | NCBI_Gene:108167622 | MGI:5825727 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46090 |
1 | gene | 42.75071 | 42.75289 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579231 | Dalir | NCBI_Gene:104940697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099784 | MGI:5579231 | lncRNA gene | DNMT1 associated long intergenic non-coding RNA |
1 | gene | 42.76231 | 42.77415 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825728 | Gm46091 | NCBI_Gene:108167623 | MGI:5825728 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46091 |
1 | gene | 42.85123 | 42.90568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916777 | Mrps9 | NCBI_Gene:69527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060679 | MGI:1916777 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein S9 |
1 | gene | 42.86668 | 42.86682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452903 | Gm23126 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077448 | MGI:5452903 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23126 |
1 | gene | 42.93662 | 42.95267 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622518 | Gm39633 | NCBI_Gene:105243914 | MGI:5622518 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39633 |
1 | gene | 42.95287 | 43.03546 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2135882 | Gpr45 | NCBI_Gene:93690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041907 | MGI:2135882 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 45 |
1 | pseudogene | 42.99898 | 42.99948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781596 | Gm3418 | NCBI_Gene:100041588 | MGI:3781596 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3418 |
1 | gene | 43.03684 | 43.03693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453778 | Gm24001 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089088 | MGI:5453778 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24001 |
1 | gene | 43.04720 | 43.09864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2447427 | Tgfbrap1 | NCBI_Gene:73122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070939 | MGI:2447427 | protein coding gene | transforming growth factor, beta receptor associated protein 1 |
1 | gene | 43.05606 | 43.05713 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579488 | Gm28782 | NCBI_Gene:105243915,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100269 | MGI:5579488 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28782 |
1 | gene | 43.09228 | 43.09384 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918774 | 8430432A02Rik | NCBI_Gene:108167597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041878 | MGI:1918774 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 8430432A02 gene |
1 | gene | 43.09871 | 43.11595 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138299 | AI597479 | NCBI_Gene:98404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010290 | MGI:2138299 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence AI597479 |
1 | gene | 43.12307 | 43.19830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338762 | Fhl2 | NCBI_Gene:14200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008136 | MGI:1338762 | protein coding gene | four and a half LIM domains 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 43.18906 | 43.18977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643593 | Gm8210 | NCBI_Gene:666642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094497 | MGI:3643593 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 8210 |
1 | gene | 43.19698 | 43.21659 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589466 | Gm30307 | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene%2c 30307 |
1 | gene | 43.24622 | 43.30964 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579746 | Gm29040 | NCBI_Gene:102632346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099576 | MGI:5579746 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29040 |
1 | pseudogene | 43.27068 | 43.27114 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580316 | Gm29610 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099694 | MGI:5580316 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29610 |
1 | pseudogene | 43.40958 | 43.40996 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579747 | Gm29041 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101923 | MGI:5579747 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29041 |
1 | gene | 43.44458 | 43.57052 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1306821 | Nck2 | NCBI_Gene:17974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066877 | MGI:1306821 | protein coding gene | non-catalytic region of tyrosine kinase adaptor protein 2 |
1 | gene | 43.48845 | 43.49094 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610764 | Gm37536 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103422 | MGI:5610764 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37536 |
1 | gene | 43.56027 | 43.56157 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611456 | Gm38228 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103945 | MGI:5611456 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38228 |
1 | gene | 43.68043 | 43.69598 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621513 | Gm38628 | NCBI_Gene:102642726 | MGI:5621513 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38628 |
1 | gene | 43.71428 | 43.71824 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589793 | Gm30634 | NCBI_Gene:102632604 | MGI:5589793 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30634 |
1 | gene | 43.73060 | 43.74258 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926146 | Ecrg4 | NCBI_Gene:78896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026051 | MGI:1926146 | protein coding gene | ECRG4 augurin precursor |
1 | gene | 43.74196 | 43.74390 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579861 | Gm29155 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100764 | MGI:5579861 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29155 |
1 | gene | 43.74292 | 43.74353 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579863 | Gm29157 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100635 | MGI:5579863 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29157 |
1 | gene | 43.74578 | 43.74628 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579862 | Gm29156 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100480 | MGI:5579862 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29156 |
1 | gene | 43.74697 | 43.82782 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915133 | Uxs1 | NCBI_Gene:67883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057363 | MGI:1915133 | protein coding gene | UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 43.78582 | 43.78750 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802086 | Gm16103 | NCBI_Gene:100126353,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090243 | MGI:3802086 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16103 |
1 | pseudogene | 43.88798 | 43.88973 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011772 | Gm19587 | NCBI_Gene:102632770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100701 | MGI:5011772 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19587 |
1 | pseudogene | 43.89813 | 43.90196 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647219 | Gm8241 | NCBI_Gene:666690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101395 | MGI:3647219 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8241 |
1 | gene | 43.90293 | 43.90305 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456129 | Gm26352 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088848 | MGI:5456129 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26352 |
1 | gene | 43.91878 | 43.91889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453957 | Gm24180 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095757 | MGI:5453957 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24180 |
1 | gene | 43.93365 | 44.00300 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102724 | Tpp2 | NCBI_Gene:22019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041763 | MGI:102724 | protein coding gene | tripeptidyl peptidase II |
1 | gene | 44.00940 | 44.04259 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3611450 | Mettl21c | NCBI_Gene:433294,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047343 | MGI:3611450 | protein coding gene | methyltransferase like 21C |
1 | pseudogene | 44.01847 | 44.01865 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801943 | Gm15838 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090106 | MGI:3801943 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15838 |
1 | gene | 44.05587 | 44.08245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647616 | Gm8251 | NCBI_Gene:102636082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091844 | MGI:3647616 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 8251 |
1 | gene | 44.08661 | 44.10249 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922873 | Tex30 | NCBI_Gene:75623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026049 | MGI:1922873 | protein coding gene | testis expressed 30 |
1 | gene | 44.09146 | 44.11079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579953 | Gm29247 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101104 | MGI:5579953 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29247 |
1 | gene | 44.10655 | 44.11893 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919300 | Poglut2 | NCBI_Gene:72050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026047 | MGI:1919300 | protein coding gene | protein O-glucosyltransferase 2 |
1 | gene | 44.11896 | 44.14477 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2179809 | Bivm | NCBI_Gene:246229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041684 | MGI:2179809 | protein coding gene | basic, immunoglobulin-like variable motif containing |
1 | gene | 44.14698 | 44.18126 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103582 | Ercc5 | NCBI_Gene:22592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026048 | MGI:103582 | protein coding gene | excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 5 |
1 | gene | 44.20407 | 44.21896 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685837 | Mettl21e | NCBI_Gene:403183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046828 | MGI:2685837 | protein coding gene | methyltransferase like 21E |
1 | pseudogene | 44.21177 | 44.21343 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801794 | Gm15833 | NCBI_Gene:100534373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089703 | MGI:3801794 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15833 |
1 | pseudogene | 44.33005 | 44.33104 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649023 | Gm5700 | NCBI_Gene:435619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100966 | MGI:3649023 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5700 |
1 | gene | 44.39281 | 44.39445 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579599 | Gm28893 | NCBI_Gene:105243917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100769 | MGI:5579599 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28893 |
1 | pseudogene | 44.46387 | 44.46429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98875 | Txn-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:22167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101567 | MGI:98875 | pseudogene | thioredoxin, pseudogene 1 |
1 | gene | 44.52256 | 44.55146 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622520 | Gm39635 | NCBI_Gene:105243918 | MGI:5622520 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39635 |
1 | gene | 44.55150 | 44.79684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920407 | Gulp1 | NCBI_Gene:70676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056870 | MGI:1920407 | protein coding gene | GULP, engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 1 |
1 | gene | 44.56088 | 44.56545 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610854 | Gm37626 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102319 | MGI:5610854 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37626 |
1 | pseudogene | 44.64379 | 44.64490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802041 | Gm16102 | NCBI_Gene:100417474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089877 | MGI:3802041 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16102 |
1 | gene | 44.73967 | 44.74495 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922316 | 4930521E06Rik | NCBI_Gene:75066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101701 | MGI:1922316 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930521E06 gene |
1 | gene | 44.75694 | 44.75849 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611338 | Gm38110 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103071 | MGI:5611338 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38110 |
1 | pseudogene | 44.81041 | 44.83970 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781666 | Gm3489 | NCBI_Gene:100041738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100434 | MGI:3781666 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3489 |
1 | pseudogene | 44.87349 | 44.87740 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011665 | Gm19480 | NCBI_Gene:100502972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100013 | MGI:5011665 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19480 |
1 | pseudogene | 44.92415 | 44.93861 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781673 | Gm3496 | NCBI_Gene:100041752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101251 | MGI:3781673 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3496 |
1 | pseudogene | 45.17807 | 45.17901 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646790 | Gm5268 | NCBI_Gene:383640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101937 | MGI:3646790 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5268 |
1 | gene | 45.31154 | 45.34971 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88453 | Col3a1 | NCBI_Gene:12825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026043 | MGI:88453 | protein coding gene | collagen, type III, alpha 1 |
1 | gene | 45.31167 | 45.31181 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096169 | Gm47302 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105211 | MGI:6096169 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 47302 |
1 | gene | 45.37432 | 45.50328 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88458 | Col5a2 | NCBI_Gene:12832,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026042 | MGI:88458 | protein coding gene | collagen, type V, alpha 2 |
1 | gene | 45.48584 | 45.49305 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611439 | Gm38211 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104476 | MGI:5611439 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38211 |
1 | pseudogene | 45.51353 | 45.51405 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648466 | Gm8296 | NCBI_Gene:666799,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100218 | MGI:3648466 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8296 |
1 | pseudogene | 45.51961 | 45.52084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644583 | Gm7063 | NCBI_Gene:631429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100361 | MGI:3644583 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7063 |
1 | pseudogene | 45.60203 | 45.60279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646945 | Gm8304 | NCBI_Gene:666814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100894 | MGI:3646945 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8304 |
1 | gene | 45.68479 | 45.73413 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622522 | Gm39637 | NCBI_Gene:105243920 | MGI:5622522 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39637 |
1 | gene | 45.68546 | 45.68556 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452993 | Gm23216 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095121 | MGI:5452993 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23216 |
1 | gene | 45.74690 | 45.74703 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453751 | Gm23974 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065255 | MGI:5453751 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23974 |
1 | pseudogene | 45.76834 | 45.76949 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646941 | Gm8307 | NCBI_Gene:666819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100843 | MGI:3646941 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8307 |
1 | gene | 45.77296 | 45.77316 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453761 | Gm23984 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087764 | MGI:5453761 | ribozyme gene | predicted gene, 23984 |
1 | gene | 45.79515 | 45.82364 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920924 | Wdr75 | NCBI_Gene:73674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025995 | MGI:1920924 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 75 |
1 | gene | 45.82615 | 45.83014 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590059 | Gm30900 | NCBI_Gene:102632958 | MGI:5590059 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30900 |
1 | pseudogene | 45.83380 | 45.83679 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579612 | Gm28906 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099850 | MGI:5579612 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28906 |
1 | pseudogene | 45.85719 | 45.85775 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643066 | Gm5526 | NCBI_Gene:433297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084817 | MGI:3643066 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5526 |
1 | gene | 45.88825 | 45.89038 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646793 | Gm5269 | NCBI_Gene:108167828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098549 | MGI:3646793 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5269 |
1 | pseudogene | 45.90562 | 45.90680 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010488 | Gm18303 | NCBI_Gene:100416885,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099381 | MGI:5010488 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18303 |
1 | gene | 45.90807 | 45.92654 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1315204 | Slc40a1 | NCBI_Gene:53945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025993 | MGI:1315204 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 40 (iron-regulated transporter), member 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 45.97118 | 45.97698 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779906 | Gm9496 | NCBI_Gene:670603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099946 | MGI:3779906 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9496 |
1 | pseudogene | 45.98153 | 45.98207 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646201 | Rpl23a-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:227054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070896 | MGI:3646201 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein 23A, pseudogene 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 46.01024 | 46.01226 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782024 | Gm3852 | NCBI_Gene:100042453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090682 | MGI:3782024 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3852 |
1 | pseudogene | 46.02007 | 46.03047 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643324 | Stk-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:212225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044457 | MGI:3643324 | pseudogene | serine/threonine kinase 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 46.05631 | 46.05899 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011034 | Gm18849 | NCBI_Gene:100417825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099432 | MGI:5011034 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18849 |
1 | gene | 46.06579 | 46.37355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2684953 | Dnah7b | NCBI_Gene:227058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041144 | MGI:2684953 | protein coding gene | dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 7B |
1 | gene | 46.22179 | 46.23344 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590205 | Gm31046 | NCBI_Gene:102633144 | MGI:5590205 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31046 |
1 | gene | 46.37420 | 46.37432 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422076 | n-R5s211 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096047 | MGI:4422076 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 211 |
1 | pseudogene | 46.41442 | 46.41702 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644839 | Gm8326 | NCBI_Gene:666855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101262 | MGI:3644839 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8326 |
1 | gene | 46.42424 | 46.80748 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3639762 | Dnah7c | NCBI_Gene:100101919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101337 | MGI:3639762 | protein coding gene | dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 7C |
1 | gene | 46.80754 | 46.92577 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914515 | Slc39a10 | NCBI_Gene:227059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025986 | MGI:1914515 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 10 |
1 | gene | 46.84953 | 46.85048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578857 | Gm28151 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100213 | MGI:5578857 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28151 |
1 | gene | 46.87720 | 46.88107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610621 | Gm37393 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103129 | MGI:5610621 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37393 |
1 | pseudogene | 46.89658 | 46.89688 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579233 | Gm28527 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100160 | MGI:5579233 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28527 |
1 | pseudogene | 47.06779 | 47.06802 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579531 | Gm28825 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101921 | MGI:5579531 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28825 |
1 | gene | 47.15346 | 47.18907 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579532 | Gm28826 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101447 | MGI:5579532 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28826 |
1 | gene | 47.19058 | 47.19122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138406 | AU014756 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | expressed sequence AU014756 |
1 | gene | 47.25186 | 47.28810 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622523 | Gm39638 | NCBI_Gene:105243921 | MGI:5622523 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39638 |
1 | pseudogene | 47.36500 | 47.36648 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643039 | Gm4852 | NCBI_Gene:227061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081185 | MGI:3643039 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 4852 |
1 | gene | 47.43352 | 47.46116 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622524 | Gm39639 | NCBI_Gene:105243922 | MGI:5622524 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39639 |
1 | gene | 47.43382 | 47.43577 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611318 | Gm38090 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103246 | MGI:5611318 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38090 |
1 | gene | 47.46702 | 47.46713 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531340 | Mir6350 | miRBase:MI0021878,NCBI_Gene:102466969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098876 | MGI:5531340 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6350 |
1 | pseudogene | 47.47887 | 47.48020 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010302 | Gm18117 | NCBI_Gene:100416447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100530 | MGI:5010302 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18117 |
1 | gene | 47.60600 | 47.60690 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610424 | Gm37196 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104067 | MGI:5610424 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37196 |
1 | pseudogene | 47.65763 | 47.65971 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644012 | Gm8337 | NCBI_Gene:666869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100033 | MGI:3644012 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8337 |
1 | gene | 47.74928 | 47.74940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452196 | Gm22419 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094968 | MGI:5452196 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22419 |
1 | gene | 47.75130 | 47.75157 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453606 | Gm23829 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088017 | MGI:5453606 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23829 |
1 | pseudogene | 47.91499 | 47.91582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011391 | Gm19206 | NCBI_Gene:100418427,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101996 | MGI:5011391 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19206 |
1 | pseudogene | 48.31367 | 48.31487 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646540 | Gm5974 | NCBI_Gene:546734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096973 | MGI:3646540 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5974 |
1 | gene | 48.46217 | 48.46229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453017 | Gm23240 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064943 | MGI:5453017 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23240 |
1 | pseudogene | 48.52764 | 48.52785 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579536 | Gm28830 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100866 | MGI:5579536 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28830 |
1 | pseudogene | 48.73064 | 48.73310 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645192 | Gm8354 | NCBI_Gene:666903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101721 | MGI:3645192 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8354 |
1 | pseudogene | 48.78366 | 48.78459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011309 | Gm19124 | NCBI_Gene:100418296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099376 | MGI:5011309 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19124 |
1 | pseudogene | 48.88170 | 48.88293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645186 | Gm8357 | NCBI_Gene:666909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097883 | MGI:3645186 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8357 |
1 | pseudogene | 49.00398 | 49.00483 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011829 | Gm19644 | NCBI_Gene:100503343 | MGI:5011829 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19644 |
1 | gene | 49.09544 | 49.09589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452470 | Gm22693 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092790 | MGI:5452470 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22693 |
1 | pseudogene | 49.17316 | 49.17337 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579446 | Gm28740 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099698 | MGI:5579446 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28740 |
1 | pseudogene | 49.23622 | 49.23724 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645196 | Gm8367 | NCBI_Gene:666924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099454 | MGI:3645196 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8367 |
1 | gene | 49.24462 | 49.34044 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045370 | C230029F24Rik | NCBI_Gene:442837,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051616 | MGI:3045370 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C230029F24 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 49.39878 | 49.40080 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648801 | Gm6757 | NCBI_Gene:627430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099627 | MGI:3648801 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6757 |
1 | pseudogene | 49.49855 | 49.49899 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781782 | Gm3605 | NCBI_Gene:100041981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099577 | MGI:3781782 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3605 |
1 | pseudogene | 49.57915 | 49.57959 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579094 | Gm28388 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099882 | MGI:5579094 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28388 |
1 | pseudogene | 50.05678 | 50.05849 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648814 | Gm8384 | NCBI_Gene:666962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101760 | MGI:3648814 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8384 |
1 | gene | 50.10747 | 50.10896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918431 | 4933411E06Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099608 | MGI:1918431 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933411E06 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 50.17757 | 50.17829 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648160 | Gm8391 | NCBI_Gene:666970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099864 | MGI:3648160 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8391 |
1 | gene | 50.22239 | 50.22252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530712 | Gm27330 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098249 | MGI:5530712 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27330 |
1 | gene | 50.29790 | 50.32205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622525 | Gm39640 | NCBI_Gene:105243923 | MGI:5622525 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39640 |
1 | gene | 50.39755 | 50.39808 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580371 | Gm29665 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100451 | MGI:5580371 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29665 |
1 | pseudogene | 50.53303 | 50.53319 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012303 | Gm20118 | NCBI_Gene:102633655,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099941 | MGI:5012303 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20118 |
1 | gene | 50.55976 | 50.56007 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455620 | Gm25843 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084531 | MGI:5455620 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25843 |
1 | gene | 50.81247 | 50.81770 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579027 | Gm28321 | NCBI_Gene:102633780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100816 | MGI:5579027 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28321 |
1 | gene | 50.90065 | 51.18727 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861735 | Tmeff2 | NCBI_Gene:56363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026109 | MGI:1861735 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein with EGF-like and two follistatin-like domains 2 |
1 | gene | 50.90444 | 50.90592 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579028 | Gm28322 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100671 | MGI:5579028 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28322 |
1 | gene | 51.01531 | 51.01541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455513 | Gm25736 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092906 | MGI:5455513 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25736 |
1 | gene | 51.13828 | 51.14122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579025 | Gm28319 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101242 | MGI:5579025 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28319 |
1 | gene | 51.14831 | 51.15058 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579026 | Gm28320 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099924 | MGI:5579026 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28320 |
1 | gene | 51.19522 | 51.19775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580031 | Gm29325 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099625 | MGI:5580031 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29325 |
1 | gene | 51.21839 | 51.33378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045285 | 9330175M20Rik | NCBI_Gene:442821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101799 | MGI:3045285 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330175M20 gene |
1 | gene | 51.28913 | 51.30296 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99513 | Cavin2 | NCBI_Gene:20324,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045954 | MGI:99513 | protein coding gene | caveolae associated 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 51.31753 | 51.31855 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779481 | Gm5253 | NCBI_Gene:383504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099741 | MGI:3779481 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5253 |
1 | gene | 51.45793 | 51.45893 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920746 | 1700072G22Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101702 | MGI:1920746 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700072G22 gene |
1 | gene | 51.46581 | 51.47843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923258 | Nabp1 | NCBI_Gene:109019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026107 | MGI:1923258 | protein coding gene | nucleic acid binding protein 1 |
1 | gene | 51.50709 | 51.60752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5009931 | Gm17767 | NCBI_Gene:100045066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099413 | MGI:5009931 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 17767 |
1 | gene | 51.52701 | 51.52937 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610763 | Gm37535 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103424 | MGI:5610763 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37535 |
1 | gene | 51.62247 | 51.64595 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590795 | Gm31636 | NCBI_Gene:102633934 | MGI:5590795 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31636 |
1 | gene | 51.69632 | 51.74694 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578761 | Gm28055 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101741 | MGI:5578761 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28055 |
1 | gene | 51.74976 | 51.91607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107752 | Myo1b | NCBI_Gene:17912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018417 | MGI:107752 | protein coding gene | myosin IB |
1 | gene | 51.84784 | 51.84912 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580159 | Gm29453 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101724 | MGI:5580159 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29453 |
1 | gene | 51.87711 | 51.87961 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579029 | Gm28323 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100313 | MGI:5579029 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28323 |
1 | gene | 51.91629 | 51.91999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592954 | Gm33795 | NCBI_Gene:102636835 | MGI:5592954 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33795 |
1 | pseudogene | 51.93815 | 51.93876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645596 | Gm8419 | NCBI_Gene:667010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100696 | MGI:3645596 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8419 |
1 | gene | 51.93897 | 51.93910 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530989 | Gm27607 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099135 | MGI:5530989 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 27607 |
1 | pseudogene | 51.94066 | 51.94130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645594 | Gm8420 | NCBI_Gene:667014,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072324 | MGI:3645594 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8420 |
1 | gene | 51.98711 | 52.10719 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103062 | Stat4 | NCBI_Gene:20849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062939 | MGI:103062 | protein coding gene | signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 |
1 | gene | 52.07726 | 52.15609 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578883 | Gm28177 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101628 | MGI:5578883 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28177 |
1 | pseudogene | 52.09058 | 52.09107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782114 | Gm3940 | NCBI_Gene:100042634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078291 | MGI:3782114 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3940 |
1 | gene | 52.10729 | 52.11389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590971 | Gm31812 | NCBI_Gene:102634160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109599 | MGI:5590971 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31812 |
1 | gene | 52.11944 | 52.16186 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103063 | Stat1 | NCBI_Gene:20846,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026104 | MGI:103063 | protein coding gene | signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 52.13444 | 52.13534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010486 | Gm18301 | NCBI_Gene:100416883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099569 | MGI:5010486 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18301 |
1 | gene | 52.16345 | 52.23372 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95752 | Gls | NCBI_Gene:14660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026103 | MGI:95752 | protein coding gene | glutaminase |
1 | gene | 52.24932 | 52.25815 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591026 | Gm31867 | NCBI_Gene:102634235 | MGI:5591026 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31867 |
1 | pseudogene | 52.28770 | 52.28910 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646539 | Gm5975 | NCBI_Gene:546735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099648 | MGI:3646539 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5975 |
1 | gene | 52.30562 | 52.36767 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591114 | Gm31955 | NCBI_Gene:102634354 | MGI:5591114 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31955 |
1 | gene | 52.44444 | 52.44454 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453237 | Gm23460 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065192 | MGI:5453237 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23460 |
1 | gene | 52.45585 | 52.50068 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107564 | Nab1 | NCBI_Gene:17936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002881 | MGI:107564 | protein coding gene | Ngfi-A binding protein 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 52.50303 | 52.50425 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646538 | Gm5976 | NCBI_Gene:546736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097833 | MGI:3646538 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5976 |
1 | gene | 52.50449 | 52.58268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685399 | Gm553 | NCBI_Gene:227091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100120 | MGI:2685399 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 553 |
1 | pseudogene | 52.52222 | 52.52273 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781839 | Rps27a-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100042094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101501 | MGI:3781839 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S27A, pseudogene 1 |
1 | gene | 52.56853 | 52.65192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444113 | Nemp2 | NCBI_Gene:227094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043015 | MGI:2444113 | protein coding gene | nuclear envelope integral membrane protein 2 |
1 | gene | 52.57001 | 52.58029 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578884 | Gm28178 | NCBI_Gene:102634661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099878 | MGI:5578884 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28178 |
1 | pseudogene | 52.58422 | 52.58516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646585 | Gm5527 | NCBI_Gene:433305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100007 | MGI:3646585 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5527 |
1 | gene | 52.65381 | 52.65589 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610470 | Gm37242 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103630 | MGI:5610470 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37242 |
1 | gene | 52.65629 | 52.72746 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922925 | Mfsd6 | NCBI_Gene:98682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041439 | MGI:1922925 | protein coding gene | major facilitator superfamily domain containing 6 |
1 | gene | 52.70227 | 52.70476 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580376 | Gm29670 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100302 | MGI:5580376 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29670 |
1 | pseudogene | 52.75672 | 52.75713 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579356 | Gm28650 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100230 | MGI:5579356 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28650 |
1 | gene | 52.78542 | 52.81769 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104848 | Inpp1 | NCBI_Gene:16329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026102 | MGI:104848 | protein coding gene | inositol polyphosphate-1-phosphatase |
1 | gene | 52.84493 | 52.92099 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923792 | Hibch | NCBI_Gene:227095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041426 | MGI:1923792 | protein coding gene | 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-Coenzyme A hydrolase |
1 | pseudogene | 52.87314 | 52.87416 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801820 | Gm16107 | NCBI_Gene:100418317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089802 | MGI:3801820 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16107 |
1 | gene | 52.92232 | 53.02018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914330 | 1700019D03Rik | NCBI_Gene:67080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043629 | MGI:1914330 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700019D03 gene |
1 | gene | 53.06164 | 53.06808 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95691 | Mstn | NCBI_Gene:17700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026100 | MGI:95691 | protein coding gene | myostatin |
1 | gene | 53.10005 | 53.10015 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454126 | Gm24349 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089334 | MGI:5454126 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24349 |
1 | gene | 53.15857 | 53.18865 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916647 | 1700019A02Rik | NCBI_Gene:69397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060715 | MGI:1916647 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700019A02 gene |
1 | gene | 53.18919 | 53.29703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1202302 | Pms1 | NCBI_Gene:227099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026098 | MGI:1202302 | protein coding gene | PMS1 homolog 1, mismatch repair system component |
1 | gene | 53.19611 | 53.19770 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579483 | Gm28777 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100763 | MGI:5579483 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28777 |
1 | gene | 53.29709 | 53.31031 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2181669 | Ormdl1 | NCBI_Gene:227102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026097 | MGI:2181669 | protein coding gene | ORM1-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) |
1 | gene | 53.29711 | 53.31804 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579484 | Gm28778 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100679 | MGI:5579484 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 28778 |
1 | gene | 53.31289 | 53.32634 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919335 | Osgepl1 | NCBI_Gene:72085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026096 | MGI:1919335 | protein coding gene | O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase-like 1 |
1 | gene | 53.32551 | 53.35267 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579257 | Gm28551 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099913 | MGI:5579257 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 28551 |
1 | pseudogene | 53.32618 | 53.34219 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010985 | Gm18800 | NCBI_Gene:100417745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101838 | MGI:5010985 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18800 |
1 | gene | 53.34462 | 53.35275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917646 | Asnsd1 | NCBI_Gene:70396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026095 | MGI:1917646 | protein coding gene | asparagine synthetase domain containing 1 |
1 | gene | 53.34848 | 53.35262 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6324750 | Gm50478 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117809 | MGI:6324750 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 50478 |
1 | pseudogene | 53.36215 | 53.36247 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579485 | Gm28779 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100267 | MGI:5579485 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28779 |
1 | pseudogene | 53.36311 | 53.36369 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646265 | Gm6799 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099450 | MGI:3646265 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6799 |
1 | pseudogene | 53.39041 | 53.39258 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643101 | Gm6801 | NCBI_Gene:627866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100069 | MGI:3643101 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6801 |
1 | gene | 53.39699 | 53.70812 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685838 | Dnah7a | NCBI_Gene:627872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096141 | MGI:2685838 | protein coding gene | dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 7A |
1 | gene | 53.44327 | 53.44340 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455017 | Gm25240 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092657 | MGI:5455017 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25240 |
1 | gene | 53.70448 | 53.76097 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591470 | Gm32311 | NCBI_Gene:102634815 | MGI:5591470 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32311 |
1 | gene | 53.75551 | 53.78522 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138162 | Stk17b | NCBI_Gene:98267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026094 | MGI:2138162 | protein coding gene | serine/threonine kinase 17b (apoptosis-inducing) |
1 | gene | 53.79120 | 53.79266 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611091 | Gm37863 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102405 | MGI:5611091 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37863 |
1 | gene | 53.80687 | 54.19517 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685817 | Hecw2 | NCBI_Gene:329152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042807 | MGI:2685817 | protein coding gene | HECT, C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 |
1 | gene | 53.84942 | 53.84949 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531188 | Mir7681 | miRBase:MI0025029,NCBI_Gene:102465783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098443 | MGI:5531188 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7681 |
1 | gene | 53.88683 | 53.88694 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454028 | Gm24251 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087949 | MGI:5454028 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24251 |
1 | gene | 54.15240 | 54.15510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610861 | Gm37633 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102868 | MGI:5610861 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37633 |
1 | gene | 54.24910 | 54.24921 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455606 | Gm25829 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094013 | MGI:5455606 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25829 |
1 | gene | 54.25066 | 54.36873 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925266 | Ccdc150 | NCBI_Gene:78016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025983 | MGI:1925266 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 150 |
1 | gene | 54.39588 | 54.43903 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138383 | Gtf3c3 | NCBI_Gene:98488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041303 | MGI:2138383 | protein coding gene | general transcription factor IIIC, polypeptide 3 |
1 | gene | 54.44270 | 54.45676 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593225 | Gm34066 | NCBI_Gene:102637189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109809 | MGI:5593225 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34066 |
1 | gene | 54.47299 | 54.55768 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443342 | Pgap1 | NCBI_Gene:241062,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073678 | MGI:2443342 | protein coding gene | post-GPI attachment to proteins 1 |
1 | gene | 54.51861 | 54.52027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610183 | Gm36955 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104136 | MGI:5610183 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 36955 |
1 | pseudogene | 54.56641 | 54.56730 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011822 | Gm19637 | NCBI_Gene:100503327,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101130 | MGI:5011822 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19637 |
1 | gene | 54.64534 | 54.92673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045243 | Ankrd44 | NCBI_Gene:329154,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052331 | MGI:3045243 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 44 |
1 | gene | 54.68120 | 54.76752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921230 | 4930444A19Rik | NCBI_Gene:73980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101674 | MGI:1921230 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930444A19 gene |
1 | gene | 54.73717 | 54.73857 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610598 | Gm37370 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102503 | MGI:5610598 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37370 |
1 | gene | 54.76922 | 54.76932 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453830 | Gm24053 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089245 | MGI:5453830 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24053 |
1 | gene | 54.91385 | 54.91659 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443520 | A130048G24Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102642 | MGI:2443520 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A130048G24 gene |
1 | gene | 54.98517 | 55.02749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1932339 | Sf3b1 | NCBI_Gene:81898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025982 | MGI:1932339 | protein coding gene | splicing factor 3b, subunit 1 |
1 | gene | 55.00921 | 55.01036 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924438 | A430105D02Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A430105D02 gene |
1 | gene | 55.05132 | 55.05311 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704186 | E330011M16Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103030 | MGI:3704186 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E330011M16 gene |
1 | gene | 55.05277 | 55.07270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915126 | Coq10b | NCBI_Gene:67876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025981 | MGI:1915126 | protein coding gene | coenzyme Q10B |
1 | pseudogene | 55.06625 | 55.06711 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010156 | Gm17971 | NCBI_Gene:100416214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101122 | MGI:5010156 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17971 |
1 | gene | 55.07783 | 55.08824 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96242 | Hspd1 | NCBI_Gene:15510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025980 | MGI:96242 | protein coding gene | heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin) |
1 | gene | 55.08813 | 55.09132 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104680 | Hspe1 | NCBI_Gene:15528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073676 | MGI:104680 | protein coding gene | heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin 10) |
1 | pseudogene | 55.12006 | 55.12089 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646018 | Gm5147 | NCBI_Gene:381258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100736 | MGI:3646018 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5147 |
1 | pseudogene | 55.12729 | 55.12829 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4415001 | Gm16581 | NCBI_Gene:100417585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089670 | MGI:4415001 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16581 |
1 | gene | 55.13123 | 55.15490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104899 | Mob4 | NCBI_Gene:19070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025979 | MGI:104899 | protein coding gene | MOB family member 4, phocein |
1 | pseudogene | 55.16064 | 55.16110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644721 | Gm6822 | NCBI_Gene:627998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061863 | MGI:3644721 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6822 |
1 | gene | 55.17016 | 55.22707 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921263 | Rftn2 | NCBI_Gene:74013,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025978 | MGI:1921263 | protein coding gene | raftlin family member 2 |
1 | gene | 55.22625 | 55.23562 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648163 | Gm10561 | NCBI_Gene:628004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097649 | MGI:3648163 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10561 |
1 | gene | 55.23718 | 55.24847 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444136 | Mars2 | NCBI_Gene:212679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046994 | MGI:2444136 | protein coding gene | methionine-tRNA synthetase 2 (mitochondrial) |
1 | gene | 55.24866 | 55.36406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922638 | Boll | NCBI_Gene:75388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025977 | MGI:1922638 | protein coding gene | boule homolog, RNA binding protein |
1 | pseudogene | 55.33539 | 55.33588 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648460 | Gm8292 | NCBI_Gene:666793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100215 | MGI:3648460 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8292 |
1 | pseudogene | 55.37001 | 55.37036 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579844 | Gm29138 | NCBI_Gene:101055993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101945 | MGI:5579844 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29138 |
1 | pseudogene | 55.38118 | 55.39591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645221 | Gm8531 | NCBI_Gene:667237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101085 | MGI:3645221 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8531 |
1 | gene | 55.40426 | 55.40596 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825729 | Gm46092 | NCBI_Gene:108167625 | MGI:5825729 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46092 |
1 | gene | 55.40592 | 55.75429 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3036262 | Plcl1 | NCBI_Gene:227120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038349 | MGI:3036262 | protein coding gene | phospholipase C-like 1 |
1 | gene | 55.42054 | 55.42695 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443734 | C230085J04Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C230085J04 gene |
1 | gene | 55.44090 | 55.44593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611284 | Gm38056 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102145 | MGI:5611284 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38056 |
1 | pseudogene | 55.44369 | 55.44506 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644951 | Gm6644 | NCBI_Gene:626009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100309 | MGI:3644951 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6644 |
1 | gene | 55.50204 | 55.50650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622527 | Gm39642 | NCBI_Gene:105243926 | MGI:5622527 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39642 |
1 | gene | 55.55946 | 55.56106 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610610 | Gm37382 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102831 | MGI:5610610 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37382 |
1 | gene | 55.88897 | 55.91722 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592108 | Gm32949 | NCBI_Gene:102635670 | MGI:5592108 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32949 |
1 | gene | 55.93124 | 55.97233 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2445084 | 9130227L01Rik | NCBI_Gene:329159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099950 | MGI:2445084 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130227L01 gene |
1 | gene | 55.96040 | 55.96076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610214 | Gm36986 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102491 | MGI:5610214 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 36986 |
1 | gene | 56.01898 | 56.02020 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916606 | 1700003I22Rik | NCBI_Gene:69356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100372 | MGI:1916606 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700003I22 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 56.45141 | 56.45156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579606 | Gm28900 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100944 | MGI:5579606 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28900 |
1 | gene | 56.53182 | 56.53388 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578946 | Gm28240 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101332 | MGI:5578946 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28240 |
1 | gene | 56.63604 | 56.63745 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918316 | Hsfy2 | NCBI_Gene:71066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045336 | MGI:1918316 | protein coding gene | heat shock transcription factor, Y-linked 2 |
1 | gene | 56.79398 | 56.98045 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2679336 | Satb2 | NCBI_Gene:212712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038331 | MGI:2679336 | protein coding gene | special AT-rich sequence binding protein 2 |
1 | gene | 56.97141 | 57.05008 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926150 | 9130024F11Rik | NCBI_Gene:329160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087022 | MGI:1926150 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130024F11 gene |
1 | gene | 56.97680 | 56.97864 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782256 | Gm4081 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104310 | MGI:3782256 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 4081 |
1 | gene | 56.99916 | 56.99927 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453720 | Gm23943 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094128 | MGI:5453720 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23943 |
1 | gene | 57.00250 | 57.04252 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621369 | Gm38484 | NCBI_Gene:102636041 | MGI:5621369 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38484 |
1 | gene | 57.12731 | 57.15062 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920852 | 1700126A01Rik | NCBI_Gene:105243927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099945 | MGI:1920852 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700126A01 gene |
1 | gene | 57.20065 | 57.21500 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3039597 | BC055402 | NCBI_Gene:407809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101429 | MGI:3039597 | lncRNA gene | cDNA sequence BC055402 |
1 | pseudogene | 57.29117 | 57.29250 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645015 | Gm5254 | NCBI_Gene:383509,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101129 | MGI:3645015 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5254 |
1 | gene | 57.35922 | 57.37754 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922573 | 4930558J18Rik | NCBI_Gene:75323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097519 | MGI:1922573 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930558J18 gene |
1 | gene | 57.37759 | 57.38542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920717 | 1700066M21Rik | NCBI_Gene:73467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038323 | MGI:1920717 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700066M21 gene |
1 | gene | 57.38824 | 57.40710 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915986 | Tyw5 | NCBI_Gene:68736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048495 | MGI:1915986 | protein coding gene | tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 5 |
1 | gene | 57.40633 | 57.41795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915365 | Maip1 | NCBI_Gene:68115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025971 | MGI:1915365 | protein coding gene | matrix AAA peptidase interacting protein 1 |
1 | gene | 57.42224 | 57.42237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452148 | Gm22371 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077776 | MGI:5452148 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22371 |
1 | gene | 57.46787 | 57.46803 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453791 | Gm24014 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088353 | MGI:5453791 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24014 |
1 | pseudogene | 57.51852 | 57.51941 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647054 | Gm8581 | NCBI_Gene:667339,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101826 | MGI:3647054 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8581 |
1 | gene | 57.52083 | 57.52364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610601 | Gm37373 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102685 | MGI:5610601 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37373 |
1 | pseudogene | 57.56130 | 57.56405 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010114 | Gm17929 | NCBI_Gene:100416126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101151 | MGI:5010114 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17929 |
1 | gene | 57.77416 | 57.94840 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914448 | Spats2l | NCBI_Gene:67198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038305 | MGI:1914448 | protein coding gene | spermatogenesis associated, serine-rich 2-like |
1 | gene | 57.90984 | 57.91711 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4938061 | Gm17234 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091283 | MGI:4938061 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17234 |
1 | gene | 57.95510 | 58.01896 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3603813 | Kctd18 | NCBI_Gene:51960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054770 | MGI:3603813 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 18 |
1 | gene | 57.98534 | 58.02628 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098767 | Sgo2a | NCBI_Gene:68549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026039 | MGI:1098767 | protein coding gene | shugoshin 2A |
1 | gene | 58.02981 | 58.10641 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88035 | Aox1 | NCBI_Gene:11761,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063558 | MGI:88035 | protein coding gene | aldehyde oxidase 1 |
1 | gene | 58.11313 | 58.20070 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918974 | Aox3 | NCBI_Gene:71724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064294 | MGI:1918974 | protein coding gene | aldehyde oxidase 3 |
1 | gene | 58.11541 | 58.14075 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622528 | Gm39643 | NCBI_Gene:105243928 | MGI:5622528 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39643 |
1 | gene | 58.15498 | 58.15509 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454325 | Gm24548 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089275 | MGI:5454325 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24548 |
1 | gene | 58.21040 | 58.26860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919122 | Aox4 | NCBI_Gene:71872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038242 | MGI:1919122 | protein coding gene | aldehyde oxidase 4 |
1 | gene | 58.25412 | 58.31566 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783202 | Gm15759 | NCBI_Gene:102636191,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089822 | MGI:3783202 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15759 |
1 | gene | 58.27833 | 58.38026 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3529596 | Aox2 | NCBI_Gene:213043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079554 | MGI:3529596 | protein coding gene | aldehyde oxidase 2 |
1 | gene | 58.38351 | 58.38613 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610835 | Gm37607 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103839 | MGI:5610835 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37607 |
1 | gene | 58.38477 | 58.39278 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622529 | Gm39644 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene%2c 39644 |
1 | pseudogene | 58.38877 | 58.38899 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643892 | Gm6860 | NCBI_Gene:628262 | MGI:3643892 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6860 |
1 | gene | 58.39290 | 58.40735 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914132 | Bzw1 | NCBI_Gene:66882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051223 | MGI:1914132 | protein coding gene | basic leucine zipper and W2 domains 1 |
1 | gene | 58.41019 | 58.42409 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107403 | Clk1 | NCBI_Gene:12747,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026034 | MGI:107403 | protein coding gene | CDC-like kinase 1 |
1 | gene | 58.43099 | 58.44553 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917475 | Ppil3 | NCBI_Gene:70225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026035 | MGI:1917475 | protein coding gene | peptidylprolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)-like 3 |
1 | gene | 58.44515 | 58.48182 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929485 | Nif3l1 | NCBI_Gene:65102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026036 | MGI:1929485 | protein coding gene | Ngg1 interacting factor 3-like 1 (S. pombe) |
1 | gene | 58.46277 | 58.50511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1328306 | Orc2 | NCBI_Gene:18393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026037 | MGI:1328306 | protein coding gene | origin recognition complex, subunit 2 |
1 | gene | 58.46652 | 58.46662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453743 | Gm23966 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094245 | MGI:5453743 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23966 |
1 | gene | 58.50514 | 58.53884 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802168 | Gm15834 | NCBI_Gene:100504455,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085054 | MGI:3802168 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15834 |
1 | gene | 58.52281 | 58.58633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098784 | Fam126b | NCBI_Gene:213056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038174 | MGI:1098784 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 126, member B |
1 | gene | 58.58638 | 58.59596 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913745 | Ndufb3 | NCBI_Gene:66495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026032 | MGI:1913745 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B3 |
1 | pseudogene | 58.62521 | 58.62812 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580095 | Gm29389 | NCBI_Gene:108167832,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100202 | MGI:5580095 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29389 |
1 | pseudogene | 58.63038 | 58.63735 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010987 | Gm18802 | NCBI_Gene:100417747,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099490 | MGI:5010987 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18802 |
1 | pseudogene | 58.64659 | 58.64832 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704187 | Cbx3-ps7 | NCBI_Gene:100504483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059647 | MGI:3704187 | pseudogene | chromobox 3, pseudogene 7 |
1 | gene | 58.64690 | 58.69601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918359 | Flacc1 | NCBI_Gene:108812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047528 | MGI:1918359 | protein coding gene | flagellum associated containing coiled-coil domains 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 58.65264 | 58.65583 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012442 | Gm20257 | NCBI_Gene:100504501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102059 | MGI:5012442 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20257 |
1 | pseudogene | 58.70231 | 58.70399 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579509 | Gm28803 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101046 | MGI:5579509 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28803 |
1 | gene | 58.71131 | 58.75921 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1336166 | Cflar | NCBI_Gene:12633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026031 | MGI:1336166 | protein coding gene | CASP8 and FADD-like apoptosis regulator |
1 | gene | 58.76758 | 58.79187 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622531 | Gm39646 | NCBI_Gene:105243931 | MGI:5622531 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39646 |
1 | pseudogene | 58.78521 | 58.78566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782013 | Gm3841 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100236 | MGI:3782013 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3841 |
1 | gene | 58.79523 | 58.84750 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1261423 | Casp8 | NCBI_Gene:12370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026029 | MGI:1261423 | protein coding gene | caspase 8 |
1 | gene | 58.79778 | 58.80162 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610988 | Gm37760 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102719 | MGI:5610988 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37760 |
1 | pseudogene | 58.84979 | 58.89670 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579508 | Gm28802 | NCBI_Gene:101056017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099719 | MGI:5579508 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28802 |
1 | gene | 58.90045 | 58.97348 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918077 | Trak2 | NCBI_Gene:70827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026028 | MGI:1918077 | protein coding gene | trafficking protein, kinesin binding 2 |
1 | gene | 58.97352 | 58.99571 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2144047 | Stradb | NCBI_Gene:227154,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026027 | MGI:2144047 | protein coding gene | STE20-related kinase adaptor beta |
1 | gene | 58.99477 | 59.09502 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920713 | C2cd6 | NCBI_Gene:102636554,NCBI_Gene:73463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072295 | MGI:1920713 | protein coding gene | C2 calcium dependent domain containing 6 |
1 | gene | 59.01422 | 59.05948 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579724 | Gm29018 | NCBI_Gene:105243932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099752 | MGI:5579724 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29018 |
1 | gene | 59.07099 | 59.07112 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455279 | Gm25502 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077616 | MGI:5455279 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25502 |
1 | gene | 59.10058 | 59.12069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138365 | Tmem237 | NCBI_Gene:381259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038079 | MGI:2138365 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 237 |
1 | gene | 59.11983 | 59.12214 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641700 | G730003C15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097573 | MGI:3641700 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA G730003C15 gene |
1 | gene | 59.12094 | 59.16339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2386681 | Mpp4 | NCBI_Gene:227157,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079550 | MGI:2386681 | protein coding gene | membrane protein, palmitoylated 4 (MAGUK p55 subfamily member 4) |
1 | gene | 59.15105 | 59.16932 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579723 | Gm29017 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101586 | MGI:5579723 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29017 |
1 | pseudogene | 59.15561 | 59.15699 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011310 | Gm19125 | NCBI_Gene:100418297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099563 | MGI:5011310 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19125 |
1 | gene | 59.16276 | 59.23723 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921268 | Als2 | NCBI_Gene:74018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026024 | MGI:1921268 | protein coding gene | alsin Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor |
1 | gene | 59.23738 | 59.23902 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592826 | Gm33667 | NCBI_Gene:102636662 | MGI:5592826 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33667 |
1 | gene | 59.25686 | 59.35299 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3583944 | Cdk15 | NCBI_Gene:271697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026023 | MGI:3583944 | protein coding gene | cyclin-dependent kinase 15 |
1 | gene | 59.37893 | 59.39230 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579722 | Gm29016 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099922 | MGI:5579722 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29016 |
1 | gene | 59.39325 | 59.41893 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592883 | Gm33724 | NCBI_Gene:102636732 | MGI:5592883 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33724 |
1 | gene | 59.44787 | 59.44950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610965 | Gm37737 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104502 | MGI:5610965 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37737 |
1 | gene | 59.45533 | 59.45863 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592933 | Gm33774 | NCBI_Gene:102636802 | MGI:5592933 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33774 |
1 | gene | 59.48215 | 59.48696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108570 | Fzd7 | NCBI_Gene:14369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041075 | MGI:108570 | protein coding gene | frizzled class receptor 7 |
1 | gene | 59.48848 | 59.49260 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477307 | Gm26813 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097819 | MGI:5477307 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26813 |
1 | gene | 59.51580 | 59.51663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917525 | 2310061L18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310061L18 gene |
1 | gene | 59.51626 | 59.63642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685819 | Gm973 | NCBI_Gene:381260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047361 | MGI:2685819 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 973 |
1 | gene | 59.53299 | 59.54952 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579117 | Gm28411 | NCBI_Gene:102636957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099811 | MGI:5579117 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28411 |
1 | gene | 59.53299 | 59.53722 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622534 | Gm39649 | NCBI_Gene:105243935 | MGI:5622534 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39649 |
1 | gene | 59.53481 | 59.53723 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923911 | 1700122D07Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101409 | MGI:1923911 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700122D07 gene |
1 | gene | 59.58248 | 59.59621 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622533 | Gm39648 | NCBI_Gene:105243934 | MGI:5622533 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39648 |
1 | gene | 59.58656 | 59.67083 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1197010 | Sumo1 | NCBI_Gene:22218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026021 | MGI:1197010 | protein coding gene | small ubiquitin-like modifier 1 |
1 | gene | 59.61206 | 59.61944 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592992 | Gm33833 | NCBI_Gene:102636883 | MGI:5592992 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33833 |
1 | gene | 59.62373 | 59.62384 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100843 | Targ3 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | transforming growth factor alpha regulated gene 3 |
1 | gene | 59.62658 | 59.62666 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454322 | Gm24545 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089276 | MGI:5454322 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24545 |
1 | gene | 59.64400 | 59.65102 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441737 | 9330123L03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330123L03 gene |
1 | gene | 59.64620 | 59.64807 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3026994 | D430013B06Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103821 | MGI:3026994 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D430013B06 gene |
1 | gene | 59.66697 | 59.66702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2181510 | Dhrsx | NA | NA | protein coding gene | dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) X chromosome |
1 | pseudogene | 59.67324 | 59.67363 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580302 | Gm29596 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101400 | MGI:5580302 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29596 |
1 | gene | 59.68495 | 59.71904 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1933184 | Nop58 | NCBI_Gene:55989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026020 | MGI:1933184 | protein coding gene | NOP58 ribonucleoprotein |
1 | gene | 59.69193 | 59.69202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819553 | Snord70 | NCBI_Gene:100217459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077345 | MGI:3819553 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 70 |
1 | gene | 59.69251 | 59.69259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456070 | Gm26293 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077358 | MGI:5456070 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26293 |
1 | gene | 59.70426 | 59.70434 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456064 | Gm26287 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089512 | MGI:5456064 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26287 |
1 | gene | 59.70479 | 59.70487 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819516 | Snord11 | NCBI_Gene:100217421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089093 | MGI:3819516 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 11 |
1 | gene | 59.76221 | 59.76385 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2445016 | B430105G09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B430105G09 gene |
1 | gene | 59.76340 | 59.87901 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1095407 | Bmpr2 | NCBI_Gene:12168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067336 | MGI:1095407 | protein coding gene | bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type II (serine/threonine kinase) |
1 | gene | 59.80126 | 59.80470 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611353 | Gm38125 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104052 | MGI:5611353 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38125 |
1 | gene | 59.88697 | 59.88769 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611205 | Gm37977 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103131 | MGI:5611205 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37977 |
1 | gene | 59.91301 | 59.98535 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920000 | Fam117b | NCBI_Gene:72750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041040 | MGI:1920000 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 117, member B |
1 | gene | 59.92969 | 59.93510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610759 | Gm37531 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103696 | MGI:5610759 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37531 |
1 | pseudogene | 59.95040 | 59.95246 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011014 | Gm18829 | NCBI_Gene:100417792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100901 | MGI:5011014 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18829 |
1 | gene | 59.98249 | 60.04351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917625 | Ica1l | NCBI_Gene:70375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026018 | MGI:1917625 | protein coding gene | islet cell autoantigen 1-like |
1 | gene | 60.06979 | 60.09864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927241 | Wdr12 | NCBI_Gene:57750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026019 | MGI:1927241 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 12 |
1 | gene | 60.09822 | 60.15395 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2182269 | Carf | NCBI_Gene:241066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026017 | MGI:2182269 | protein coding gene | calcium response factor |
1 | pseudogene | 60.11721 | 60.11774 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646025 | Gm15464 | NCBI_Gene:100504573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082609 | MGI:3646025 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15464 |
1 | gene | 60.17862 | 60.33833 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444343 | Nbeal1 | NCBI_Gene:269198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073664 | MGI:2444343 | protein coding gene | neurobeachin like 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 60.26740 | 60.26763 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580038 | Gm29332 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100516 | MGI:5580038 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29332 |
1 | gene | 60.34330 | 60.38806 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925201 | Cyp20a1 | NCBI_Gene:77951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049439 | MGI:1925201 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 20, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 |
1 | gene | 60.35312 | 60.35418 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924974 | 6030460B20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103822 | MGI:1924974 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030460B20 gene |
1 | gene | 60.40900 | 60.48195 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106913 | Abi2 | NCBI_Gene:329165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026782 | MGI:106913 | protein coding gene | abl-interactor 2 |
1 | gene | 60.47173 | 60.56710 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924550 | Raph1 | NCBI_Gene:77300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026014 | MGI:1924550 | protein coding gene | Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) and pleckstrin homology domains 1 |
1 | gene | 60.52081 | 60.52229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443786 | C730045O03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C730045O03 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 60.52277 | 60.52307 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649592 | Gm11575 | NCBI_Gene:102637269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081562 | MGI:3649592 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11575 |
1 | pseudogene | 60.53702 | 60.53744 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649593 | Gm11576 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084400 | MGI:3649593 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11576 |
1 | pseudogene | 60.59142 | 60.59334 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650505 | Gm11578 | NCBI_Gene:100042533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082160 | MGI:3650505 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11578 |
1 | gene | 60.59400 | 60.59964 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5613624 | Gm38388 | NCBI_Gene:105243936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103215 | MGI:5613624 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38388 |
1 | gene | 60.61370 | 60.61380 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453539 | Gm23762 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088973 | MGI:5453539 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23762 |
1 | pseudogene | 60.70087 | 60.70194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650975 | Gm11577 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084151 | MGI:3650975 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11577 |
1 | pseudogene | 60.70392 | 60.70569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1195958 | Eif4a-ps4 | NCBI_Gene:13674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101188 | MGI:1195958 | pseudogene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A, pseudogene 4 |
1 | gene | 60.71680 | 60.77336 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88327 | Cd28 | NCBI_Gene:12487,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026012 | MGI:88327 | protein coding gene | CD28 antigen |
1 | gene | 60.77667 | 60.78183 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650510 | Gm11579 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086795 | MGI:3650510 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11579 |
1 | gene | 60.77846 | 60.80379 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923693 | 2310016D23Rik | NCBI_Gene:76443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085965 | MGI:1923693 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310016D23 gene |
1 | gene | 60.77935 | 60.78146 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610426 | Gm37198 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104069 | MGI:5610426 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37198 |
1 | pseudogene | 60.79249 | 60.79383 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3694969 | Gm11609 | NCBI_Gene:100416674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083118 | MGI:3694969 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11609 |
1 | pseudogene | 60.80890 | 60.81044 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652083 | Gm11581 | NCBI_Gene:667555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083355 | MGI:3652083 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11581 |
1 | gene | 60.86096 | 60.89437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611365 | Gm38137 | NCBI_Gene:105243938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102549 | MGI:5611365 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38137 |
1 | gene | 60.88700 | 60.91583 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88556 | Ctla4 | NCBI_Gene:12477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026011 | MGI:88556 | protein coding gene | cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 |
1 | gene | 60.88709 | 60.88753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622535 | Gm39650 | NCBI_Gene:105243937 | MGI:5622535 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39650 |
1 | pseudogene | 60.90086 | 60.90146 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98018 | Rpl18-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:667100,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081382 | MGI:98018 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L18, pseudogene 1 |
1 | gene | 60.92123 | 60.94502 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593808 | Gm34649 | NCBI_Gene:102637969 | MGI:5593808 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34649 |
1 | pseudogene | 60.94795 | 60.94912 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3652084 | Gm11582 | NCBI_Gene:100043049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080800 | MGI:3652084 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11582 |
1 | gene | 60.96077 | 61.00032 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858745 | Icos | NCBI_Gene:54167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026009 | MGI:1858745 | protein coding gene | inducible T cell co-stimulator |
1 | gene | 60.98948 | 60.99196 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610267 | Gm37039 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102561 | MGI:5610267 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37039 |
1 | pseudogene | 61.07564 | 61.07626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652107 | Rpl17-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:433313,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082804 | MGI:3652107 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L17, pseudogene 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 61.12138 | 61.12400 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3652106 | Gm11590 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082661 | MGI:3652106 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11590 |
1 | pseudogene | 61.19654 | 61.19724 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3652105 | Gm11591 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080785 | MGI:3652105 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11591 |
1 | gene | 61.26529 | 61.27151 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578789 | Gm28083 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100893 | MGI:5578789 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28083 |
1 | gene | 61.30191 | 61.35556 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652110 | Gm11587 | NCBI_Gene:105243939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085248 | MGI:3652110 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11587 |
1 | gene | 61.37843 | 61.39590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924591 | 9530026F06Rik | NCBI_Gene:77341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085447 | MGI:1924591 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530026F06 gene |
1 | gene | 61.44010 | 61.46948 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650951 | Gm11588 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086408 | MGI:3650951 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11588 |
1 | gene | 61.47044 | 61.47054 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455616 | Gm25839 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089546 | MGI:5455616 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25839 |
1 | gene | 61.47495 | 61.47603 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579155 | Gm28449 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100965 | MGI:5579155 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28449 |
1 | gene | 61.54588 | 61.54616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610171 | Gm36943 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102168 | MGI:5610171 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 36943 |
1 | pseudogene | 61.54812 | 61.54851 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578800 | Gm28094 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100381 | MGI:5578800 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28094 |
1 | gene | 61.61694 | 61.62115 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923146 | 4930587A21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086009 | MGI:1923146 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930587A21 gene |
1 | gene | 61.63867 | 62.64228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919301 | Pard3b | NCBI_Gene:72823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052062 | MGI:1919301 | protein coding gene | par-3 family cell polarity regulator beta |
1 | gene | 61.65442 | 61.65716 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610433 | Gm37205 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103656 | MGI:5610433 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37205 |
1 | gene | 61.67725 | 61.68028 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611240 | Gm38012 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104402 | MGI:5611240 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38012 |
1 | gene | 61.70253 | 61.70389 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611506 | Gm38278 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104081 | MGI:5611506 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38278 |
1 | gene | 61.76741 | 61.86458 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921911 | Pard3bos1 | NCBI_Gene:74661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085842 | MGI:1921911 | antisense lncRNA gene | par-3 family cell polarity regulator beta, opposite strand 1 |
1 | gene | 61.80522 | 61.80614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611303 | Gm38075 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103002 | MGI:5611303 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38075 |
1 | pseudogene | 61.98093 | 61.98121 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580346 | Gm29640 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100344 | MGI:5580346 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29640 |
1 | pseudogene | 62.09508 | 62.09534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580347 | Gm29641 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101509 | MGI:5580347 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29641 |
1 | gene | 62.13036 | 62.13634 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650411 | Pard3bos2 | NCBI_Gene:105243940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085019 | MGI:3650411 | antisense lncRNA gene | par-3 family cell polarity regulator beta, opposite strand 2 |
1 | gene | 62.24715 | 62.24967 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611579 | Gm38351 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102359 | MGI:5611579 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38351 |
1 | gene | 62.45672 | 62.49926 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651159 | Pard3bos3 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085400 | MGI:3651159 | antisense lncRNA gene | par-3 family cell polarity regulator beta, opposite strand 3 |
1 | gene | 62.51333 | 62.52607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594040 | Gm34881 | NCBI_Gene:102638280 | MGI:5594040 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34881 |
1 | gene | 62.53449 | 62.53594 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579790 | Gm29084 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100750 | MGI:5579790 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29084 |
1 | pseudogene | 62.65286 | 62.66172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651840 | Gm11599 | NCBI_Gene:108167598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084333 | MGI:3651840 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11599 |
1 | pseudogene | 62.65669 | 62.65779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651838 | Gm11600 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081950 | MGI:3651838 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11600 |
1 | gene | 62.70329 | 62.81869 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1100492 | Nrp2 | NCBI_Gene:18187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025969 | MGI:1100492 | protein coding gene | neuropilin 2 |
1 | gene | 62.71167 | 62.71892 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579789 | Gm29083 | NCBI_Gene:105243942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100811 | MGI:5579789 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29083 |
1 | gene | 62.79092 | 62.79473 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922242 | 4930487H11Rik | NCBI_Gene:74992 | MGI:1922242 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930487H11 gene |
1 | gene | 62.80930 | 62.81186 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610349 | Gm37121 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103032 | MGI:5610349 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37121 |
1 | gene | 62.82046 | 62.83817 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782384 | Gm4208 | NCBI_Gene:100043070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100426 | MGI:3782384 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4208 |
1 | gene | 62.83686 | 62.83981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594279 | Gm35120 | NCBI_Gene:102638592 | MGI:5594279 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35120 |
1 | gene | 62.84031 | 62.84437 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622537 | Gm39652 | NCBI_Gene:105243943 | MGI:5622537 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39652 |
1 | gene | 62.90618 | 62.95659 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594411 | Gm35252 | NCBI_Gene:102638767 | MGI:5594411 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35252 |
1 | gene | 62.95842 | 63.11467 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3027003 | Ino80d | NCBI_Gene:227195,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040865 | MGI:3027003 | protein coding gene | INO80 complex subunit D |
1 | gene | 62.97479 | 62.98143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621398 | Gm38513 | NCBI_Gene:102638884 | MGI:5621398 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38513 |
1 | gene | 63.02574 | 63.02585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5690860 | Gm44468 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104991 | MGI:5690860 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 44468 |
1 | gene | 63.03271 | 63.03282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454719 | Gm24942 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088953 | MGI:5454719 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24942 |
1 | pseudogene | 63.03821 | 63.03858 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650301 | Rps13-ps7 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081617 | MGI:3650301 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S13, pseudogene 7 |
1 | pseudogene | 63.07374 | 63.07407 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652266 | Rps27-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100462728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081429 | MGI:3652266 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S27, pseudogene 1 |
1 | gene | 63.11308 | 63.15830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651861 | Ino80dos | NCBI_Gene:100380944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084799 | MGI:3651861 | lincRNA gene | INO80 complex subunit D, opposite strand |
1 | gene | 63.11712 | 63.12684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012527 | Gm20342 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101599 | MGI:5012527 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20342 |
1 | gene | 63.14359 | 63.17683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443241 | Ndufs1 | NCBI_Gene:227197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025968 | MGI:2443241 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S1 |
1 | gene | 63.16186 | 63.16194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454334 | Gm24557 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077884 | MGI:5454334 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24557 |
1 | gene | 63.17683 | 63.18049 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929520 | Eef1b2 | NCBI_Gene:55949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025967 | MGI:1929520 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 beta 2 |
1 | gene | 63.17798 | 63.17816 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530772 | Gm27390 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098850 | MGI:5530772 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27390 |
1 | gene | 63.17868 | 63.17875 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456234 | Gm26457 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105060 | MGI:5456234 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26457 |
1 | gene | 63.17900 | 63.17914 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819505 | Snora41 | NCBI_Gene:100217464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064602 | MGI:3819505 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 41 |
1 | gene | 63.18257 | 63.22335 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385324 | Gpr1 | NCBI_Gene:241070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046856 | MGI:2385324 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 1 |
1 | gene | 63.19803 | 63.19816 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530894 | Gm27512 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094290 | MGI:5530894 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27512 |
1 | gene | 63.20031 | 63.20797 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651341 | Platr12 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086730 | MGI:3651341 | lncRNA gene | pluripotency associated transcript 12 |
1 | gene | 63.20036 | 63.31458 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921134 | Zdbf2 | NCBI_Gene:73884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027520 | MGI:1921134 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, DBF-type containing 2 |
1 | gene | 63.20059 | 63.20761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3639048 | Gt(pU21)B129Imeg | NA | NA | unclassified gene | gene trap B129%2c Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics |
1 | gene | 63.24801 | 63.25365 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920596 | 1700039I01Rik | NCBI_Gene:73346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102536 | MGI:1920596 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700039I01 gene |
1 | gene | 63.26668 | 63.27326 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651337 | Gm11608 | NCBI_Gene:102639043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087561 | MGI:3651337 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11608 |
1 | gene | 63.27323 | 63.27336 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454290 | Gm24513 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092705 | MGI:5454290 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24513 |
1 | gene | 63.30028 | 63.30038 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453225 | Gm23448 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094214 | MGI:5453225 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23448 |
1 | pseudogene | 63.35743 | 63.35805 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649658 | Gm11606 | NCBI_Gene:100418466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083039 | MGI:3649658 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11606 |
1 | pseudogene | 63.36442 | 63.36549 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651339 | Gm11605 | NCBI_Gene:667644,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081643 | MGI:3651339 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11605 |
1 | gene | 63.43131 | 63.43646 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594552 | Gm35393 | NCBI_Gene:102638958 | MGI:5594552 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35393 |
1 | gene | 63.44588 | 63.59628 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345162 | Adam23 | NCBI_Gene:23792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025964 | MGI:1345162 | protein coding gene | a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 23 |
1 | gene | 63.57549 | 63.57559 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452058 | Gm22281 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087823 | MGI:5452058 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22281 |
1 | gene | 63.61560 | 63.62082 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622538 | Gm39653 | NCBI_Gene:105243944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115378 | MGI:5622538 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 39653 |
1 | gene | 63.62285 | 63.68693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685061 | Dytn | NCBI_Gene:241073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069085 | MGI:2685061 | protein coding gene | dystrotelin |
1 | pseudogene | 63.67147 | 63.67197 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652128 | Gm12748 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083066 | MGI:3652128 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12748 |
1 | gene | 63.69882 | 63.73032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923918 | Mdh1b | NCBI_Gene:76668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025963 | MGI:1923918 | protein coding gene | malate dehydrogenase 1B, NAD (soluble) |
1 | gene | 63.73060 | 63.75465 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922869 | Fastkd2 | NCBI_Gene:75619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025962 | MGI:1922869 | protein coding gene | FAST kinase domains 2 |
1 | gene | 63.75491 | 63.76927 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921676 | 4933402D24Rik | NCBI_Gene:74426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025961 | MGI:1921676 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933402D24 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 63.84483 | 63.84563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650600 | Gm13751 | NCBI_Gene:100416203,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080817 | MGI:3650600 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13751 |
1 | pseudogene | 63.85192 | 63.93625 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651213 | Gm13754 | NCBI_Gene:102637534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082373 | MGI:3651213 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13754 |
1 | gene | 63.96473 | 63.96900 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649721 | Gm13749 | NCBI_Gene:433315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044689 | MGI:3649721 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13749 |
1 | gene | 64.02945 | 64.12233 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1935151 | Klf7 | NCBI_Gene:93691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025959 | MGI:1935151 | protein coding gene | Kruppel-like factor 7 (ubiquitous) |
1 | gene | 64.02946 | 64.03293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477143 | Gm26649 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097272 | MGI:5477143 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26649 |
1 | gene | 64.04244 | 64.04250 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530766 | Mir6899 | miRBase:MI0022746,NCBI_Gene:102466760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098487 | MGI:5530766 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6899 |
1 | gene | 64.07865 | 64.09078 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3702115 | Gm13748 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086836 | MGI:3702115 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13748 |
1 | gene | 64.11417 | 64.11492 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138683 | D530037H12Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D530037H12 gene |
1 | gene | 64.12153 | 64.24220 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595039 | Gm35880 | NCBI_Gene:102639609 | MGI:5595039 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35880 |
1 | pseudogene | 64.15013 | 64.15085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650598 | Gm13750 | NCBI_Gene:241074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086721 | MGI:3650598 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13750 |
1 | gene | 64.18599 | 64.30304 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579687 | Gm28981 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101895 | MGI:5579687 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28981 |
1 | gene | 64.24699 | 64.25616 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622539 | Gm39654 | NCBI_Gene:105243945 | MGI:5622539 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39654 |
1 | gene | 64.27935 | 64.29854 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594962 | Gm35803 | NCBI_Gene:102639502 | MGI:5594962 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35803 |
1 | gene | 64.39633 | 64.39640 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455525 | Gm25748 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093228 | MGI:5455525 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25748 |
1 | pseudogene | 64.45436 | 64.45461 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579686 | Gm28980 | NCBI_Gene:102639846,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099658 | MGI:5579686 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28980 |
1 | gene | 64.51680 | 64.52135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595307 | Gm36148 | NCBI_Gene:102639959 | MGI:5595307 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36148 |
1 | gene | 64.53231 | 64.60455 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88494 | Creb1 | NCBI_Gene:12912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025958 | MGI:88494 | protein coding gene | cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 |
1 | gene | 64.60647 | 64.61855 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914349 | Mettl21a | NCBI_Gene:67099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025956 | MGI:1914349 | protein coding gene | methyltransferase like 21A |
1 | gene | 64.61778 | 64.62603 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579688 | Gm28982 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101832 | MGI:5579688 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28982 |
1 | gene | 64.62053 | 64.62277 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652857 | BC019684 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence BC019684 |
1 | gene | 64.64948 | 64.65402 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579858 | Gm29152 | NCBI_Gene:102640020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100437 | MGI:5579858 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29152 |
1 | gene | 64.67987 | 64.69066 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917191 | 2810408I11Rik | NCBI_Gene:69941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087213 | MGI:1917191 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2810408I11 gene |
1 | gene | 64.69046 | 64.72565 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138614 | Ccnyl1 | NCBI_Gene:227210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070871 | MGI:2138614 | protein coding gene | cyclin Y-like 1 |
1 | gene | 64.73056 | 64.73775 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108571 | Fzd5 | NCBI_Gene:14367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045005 | MGI:108571 | protein coding gene | frizzled class receptor 5 |
1 | gene | 64.73624 | 64.74061 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611286 | Gm38058 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102140 | MGI:5611286 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38058 |
1 | gene | 64.78598 | 64.95682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443627 | Plekhm3 | NCBI_Gene:241075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051344 | MGI:2443627 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family M, member 3 |
1 | pseudogene | 64.79913 | 64.80012 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010818 | Gm18633 | NCBI_Gene:100417475 | MGI:5010818 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18633 |
1 | pseudogene | 64.93440 | 64.93478 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648658 | Rpl31-ps24 | NCBI_Gene:667245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097264 | MGI:3648658 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 24 |
1 | pseudogene | 64.99392 | 64.99463 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705885 | Rpl10a-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100043141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084416 | MGI:3705885 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L10A, pseudogene 1 |
1 | gene | 65.00131 | 65.00146 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454565 | Gm24788 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077471 | MGI:5454565 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24788 |
1 | gene | 65.01269 | 65.03276 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918111 | Akr1cl | NCBI_Gene:70861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025955 | MGI:1918111 | protein coding gene | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C-like |
1 | pseudogene | 65.02790 | 65.02898 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779803 | Gm8550 | NCBI_Gene:667276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090042 | MGI:3779803 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8550 |
1 | gene | 65.04855 | 65.05116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88525 | Cryge | NCBI_Gene:12968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070870 | MGI:88525 | protein coding gene | crystallin, gamma E |
1 | gene | 65.06184 | 65.06345 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88524 | Crygd | NCBI_Gene:12967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067299 | MGI:88524 | protein coding gene | crystallin, gamma D |
1 | gene | 65.07152 | 65.07369 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88523 | Crygc | NCBI_Gene:12966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025952 | MGI:88523 | protein coding gene | crystallin, gamma C |
1 | gene | 65.08022 | 65.08229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88522 | Crygb | NCBI_Gene:12965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073658 | MGI:88522 | protein coding gene | crystallin, gamma B |
1 | pseudogene | 65.09522 | 65.09578 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646271 | Gm7329 | NCBI_Gene:654356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100774 | MGI:3646271 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7329 |
1 | gene | 65.10039 | 65.10337 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88521 | Cryga | NCBI_Gene:12964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044429 | MGI:88521 | protein coding gene | crystallin, gamma A |
1 | gene | 65.10062 | 65.11956 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579551 | Gm28845 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100846 | MGI:5579551 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 28845 |
1 | gene | 65.10528 | 65.12321 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138198 | D630023F18Rik | NCBI_Gene:98303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044816 | MGI:2138198 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA D630023F18 gene |
1 | gene | 65.11087 | 65.11901 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595517 | Gm36358 | NCBI_Gene:102640244 | MGI:5595517 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36358 |
1 | gene | 65.15862 | 65.18650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96413 | Idh1 | NCBI_Gene:15926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025950 | MGI:96413 | protein coding gene | isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (NADP+), soluble |
1 | gene | 65.18664 | 65.27870 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1335106 | Pikfyve | NCBI_Gene:18711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025949 | MGI:1335106 | protein coding gene | phosphoinositide kinase, FYVE type zinc finger containing |
1 | gene | 65.28028 | 65.38962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2180917 | Pth2r | NCBI_Gene:213527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025946 | MGI:2180917 | protein coding gene | parathyroid hormone 2 receptor |
1 | pseudogene | 65.42085 | 65.42112 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579633 | Gm28927 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100503 | MGI:5579633 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28927 |
1 | pseudogene | 65.42112 | 65.42180 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579632 | Gm28926 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100504 | MGI:5579632 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28926 |
1 | pseudogene | 65.42177 | 65.42194 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579631 | Gm28925 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099383 | MGI:5579631 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28925 |
1 | pseudogene | 65.43865 | 65.43905 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579629 | Gm28923 | NCBI_Gene:102640346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100340 | MGI:5579629 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28923 |
1 | pseudogene | 65.47020 | 65.47051 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579628 | Gm28922 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100439 | MGI:5579628 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28922 |
1 | pseudogene | 65.52367 | 65.52407 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579434 | Gm28728 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099819 | MGI:5579434 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28728 |
1 | pseudogene | 65.55046 | 65.55124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779482 | Gm5255 | NCBI_Gene:383520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082565 | MGI:3779482 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5255 |
1 | pseudogene | 65.55115 | 65.55302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643512 | Gm8805 | NCBI_Gene:101056035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082774 | MGI:3643512 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8805 |
1 | gene | 65.92652 | 65.92831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88526 | Crygf | NCBI_Gene:12969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025945 | MGI:88526 | protein coding gene | crystallin, gamma F |
1 | pseudogene | 66.03208 | 66.04492 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645410 | Gm8809 | NCBI_Gene:102637742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081623 | MGI:3645410 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8809 |
1 | pseudogene | 66.03308 | 66.03342 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801822 | Gm15659 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083242 | MGI:3801822 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15659 |
1 | pseudogene | 66.06297 | 66.06338 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643091 | Gm8812 | NCBI_Gene:667786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083289 | MGI:3643091 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8812 |
1 | gene | 66.17525 | 66.44258 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97175 | Map2 | NCBI_Gene:17756,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015222 | MGI:97175 | protein coding gene | microtubule-associated protein 2 |
1 | gene | 66.30589 | 66.30603 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454506 | Gm24729 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088850 | MGI:5454506 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24729 |
1 | pseudogene | 66.31327 | 66.31381 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010219 | Gm18034 | NCBI_Gene:100416316 | MGI:5010219 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18034 |
1 | gene | 66.32228 | 66.32880 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642906 | Gm10558 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073656 | MGI:3642906 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10558 |
1 | gene | 66.43608 | 66.43623 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455188 | Gm25411 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065694 | MGI:5455188 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25411 |
1 | gene | 66.46830 | 66.69915 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652882 | Unc80 | NCBI_Gene:329178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055567 | MGI:2652882 | protein coding gene | unc-80, NALCN activator |
1 | gene | 66.64971 | 66.65329 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622540 | Gm39655 | NCBI_Gene:105243947 | MGI:5622540 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39655 |
1 | gene | 66.69063 | 66.69236 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610409 | Gm37181 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103375 | MGI:5610409 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37181 |
1 | gene | 66.69700 | 66.69987 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3528182 | A030001O10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A030001O10 gene |
1 | gene | 66.70081 | 66.71980 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913896 | Rpe | NCBI_Gene:66646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026005 | MGI:1913896 | protein coding gene | ribulose-5-phosphate-3-epimerase |
1 | gene | 66.71924 | 66.81760 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915941 | Kansl1l | NCBI_Gene:68691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026004 | MGI:1915941 | protein coding gene | KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1-like |
1 | gene | 66.73822 | 66.76201 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825730 | Gm46093 | NCBI_Gene:108167626 | MGI:5825730 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46093 |
1 | gene | 66.75739 | 66.75838 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920051 | 2810488O17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2810488O17 gene |
1 | gene | 66.76563 | 66.76873 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610798 | Gm37570 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102559 | MGI:5610798 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37570 |
1 | gene | 66.76929 | 66.77187 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5613622 | Gm38387 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102374 | MGI:5613622 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38387 |
1 | gene | 66.77551 | 66.78011 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611390 | Gm38162 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102776 | MGI:5611390 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38162 |
1 | gene | 66.77963 | 66.79329 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622541 | Gm39656 | NCBI_Gene:105243948 | MGI:5622541 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39656 |
1 | pseudogene | 66.78391 | 66.78651 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783231 | Gm15789 | NCBI_Gene:100417476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082057 | MGI:3783231 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15789 |
1 | gene | 66.79364 | 66.79630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922992 | 6820402A03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103706 | MGI:1922992 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6820402A03 gene |
1 | gene | 66.79966 | 66.80080 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610513 | Gm37285 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103756 | MGI:5610513 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37285 |
1 | gene | 66.81231 | 66.81449 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610983 | Gm37755 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103382 | MGI:5610983 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37755 |
1 | gene | 66.82123 | 66.82591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611446 | Gm38218 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103553 | MGI:5611446 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38218 |
1 | gene | 66.83084 | 66.86331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87866 | Acadl | NCBI_Gene:11363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026003 | MGI:87866 | protein coding gene | acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, long-chain |
1 | pseudogene | 66.84906 | 66.84969 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783235 | Gm15793 | NCBI_Gene:102640707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082769 | MGI:3783235 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15793 |
1 | gene | 66.85664 | 66.85670 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531316 | Gm27934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089420 | MGI:5531316 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 27934 |
1 | gene | 66.86680 | 66.86693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455609 | Gm25832 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077328 | MGI:5455609 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25832 |
1 | gene | 66.92430 | 66.94547 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97269 | Myl1 | NCBI_Gene:17901,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061816 | MGI:97269 | protein coding gene | myosin, light polypeptide 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 66.94849 | 66.94899 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704189 | Rpl31-ps14 | NCBI_Gene:100043192,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094191 | MGI:3704189 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 14 |
1 | pseudogene | 66.95183 | 66.95347 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801881 | Gm15826 | NCBI_Gene:100416784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082212 | MGI:3801881 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15826 |
1 | gene | 67.00052 | 67.03889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1336997 | Lancl1 | NCBI_Gene:14768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026000 | MGI:1336997 | protein coding gene | LanC (bacterial lantibiotic synthetase component C)-like 1 |
1 | gene | 67.12243 | 67.23127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_891996 | Cps1 | NCBI_Gene:227231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025991 | MGI:891996 | protein coding gene | carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 1 |
1 | gene | 67.24920 | 67.32361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783110 | Gm15668 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086204 | MGI:3783110 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15668 |
1 | gene | 67.25722 | 67.25735 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456119 | Gm26342 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077745 | MGI:5456119 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26342 |
1 | gene | 67.34525 | 67.36795 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622543 | Gm39658 | NCBI_Gene:105243950 | MGI:5622543 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39658 |
1 | pseudogene | 67.58505 | 67.58710 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109206 | Kif22-ps | NCBI_Gene:110032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082473 | MGI:109206 | pseudogene | kinesin family member 22, pseudogene |
1 | gene | 67.61697 | 67.61705 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452325 | Gm22548 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095282 | MGI:5452325 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22548 |
1 | gene | 67.79246 | 67.81993 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783111 | Gm15669 | NCBI_Gene:105243951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085075 | MGI:3783111 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15669 |
1 | gene | 67.90323 | 67.90553 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611185 | Gm37957 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104395 | MGI:5611185 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37957 |
1 | gene | 67.97368 | 67.97378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452966 | Gm23189 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096031 | MGI:5452966 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23189 |
1 | gene | 68.02424 | 68.02576 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783113 | Gm15671 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087329 | MGI:3783113 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15671 |
1 | gene | 68.03188 | 69.11079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104771 | Erbb4 | NCBI_Gene:13869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062209 | MGI:104771 | protein coding gene | erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4 |
1 | gene | 68.11519 | 68.11655 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610328 | Gm37100 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102449 | MGI:5610328 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37100 |
1 | pseudogene | 68.29328 | 68.29373 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783112 | Gm15670 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083795 | MGI:3783112 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15670 |
1 | gene | 68.38494 | 68.38504 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455319 | Gm25542 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080539 | MGI:5455319 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25542 |
1 | gene | 68.59162 | 68.59369 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011520 | Gm19335 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103307 | MGI:5011520 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 19335 |
1 | gene | 68.63942 | 68.64083 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610963 | Gm37735 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104508 | MGI:5610963 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37735 |
1 | gene | 68.71104 | 68.71340 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610997 | Gm37769 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103642 | MGI:5610997 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37769 |
1 | gene | 68.75848 | 68.76173 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610289 | Gm37061 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103809 | MGI:5610289 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37061 |
1 | gene | 68.99839 | 69.00027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444558 | C530042K13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C530042K13 gene |
1 | gene | 69.09191 | 69.10674 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3802084 | Gm16076 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087514 | MGI:3802084 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16076 |
1 | pseudogene | 69.13083 | 69.13132 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647579 | Gm8840 | NCBI_Gene:667842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084332 | MGI:3647579 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8840 |
1 | pseudogene | 69.37730 | 69.37852 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644590 | Pced1c-ps | NCBI_Gene:241084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101387 | MGI:3644590 | pseudogene | PC-esterase domain containing 1C, pseudogene |
1 | gene | 69.43113 | 69.44409 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579203 | Gm28497 | NCBI_Gene:102640814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099804 | MGI:5579203 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28497 |
1 | gene | 69.49036 | 69.49379 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579819 | Gm29113 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100354 | MGI:5579819 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29113 |
1 | gene | 69.51393 | 69.54771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579820 | Gm29114 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101156 | MGI:5579820 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29114 |
1 | gene | 69.53121 | 69.68735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1342541 | Ikzf2 | NCBI_Gene:22779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025997 | MGI:1342541 | protein coding gene | IKAROS family zinc finger 2 |
1 | gene | 69.59504 | 69.59852 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579818 | Gm29112 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100815 | MGI:5579818 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29112 |
1 | gene | 69.66019 | 69.66206 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578818 | Gm28112 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099954 | MGI:5578818 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28112 |
1 | gene | 69.77087 | 69.77275 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611158 | Gm37930 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103402 | MGI:5611158 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37930 |
1 | gene | 69.77087 | 69.78853 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588981 | Gm29822 | NCBI_Gene:102631499 | MGI:5588981 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29822 |
1 | gene | 69.82687 | 70.72513 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913972 | Spag16 | NCBI_Gene:66722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053153 | MGI:1913972 | protein coding gene | sperm associated antigen 16 |
1 | gene | 69.92147 | 69.92175 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452442 | Gm22665 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089345 | MGI:5452442 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22665 |
1 | gene | 69.95500 | 69.95513 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453656 | Gm23879 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080524 | MGI:5453656 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23879 |
1 | pseudogene | 70.06797 | 70.06806 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579286 | Gm28580 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101730 | MGI:5579286 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28580 |
1 | gene | 70.31051 | 70.31291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611500 | Gm38272 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103052 | MGI:5611500 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38272 |
1 | pseudogene | 70.53554 | 70.53618 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010157 | Gm17972 | NCBI_Gene:100416215 | MGI:5010157 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17972 |
1 | gene | 70.57143 | 70.57727 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610684 | Gm37456 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104287 | MGI:5610684 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37456 |
1 | gene | 70.59682 | 70.59692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453199 | Gm23422 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075952 | MGI:5453199 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23422 |
1 | gene | 70.72522 | 70.88894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444069 | Vwc2l | NCBI_Gene:320460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045648 | MGI:2444069 | protein coding gene | von Willebrand factor C domain-containing protein 2-like |
1 | gene | 70.85102 | 70.91863 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589065 | Gm29906 | NCBI_Gene:102631609 | MGI:5589065 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29906 |
1 | pseudogene | 70.90675 | 70.90807 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648009 | Gm8859 | NCBI_Gene:100534391 | MGI:3648009 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8859 |
1 | gene | 71.02750 | 71.10316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1328361 | Bard1 | NCBI_Gene:12021,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026196 | MGI:1328361 | protein coding gene | BRCA1 associated RING domain 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 71.03965 | 71.04003 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3801868 | Gm16236 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089965 | MGI:3801868 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16236 |
1 | pseudogene | 71.15520 | 71.15604 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645634 | Gm8870 | NCBI_Gene:667900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101551 | MGI:3645634 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8870 |
1 | gene | 71.24228 | 71.41491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2676312 | Abca12 | NCBI_Gene:74591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050296 | MGI:2676312 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 12 |
1 | gene | 71.32729 | 71.32924 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622544 | Gm39659 | NCBI_Gene:105243952 | MGI:5622544 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39659 |
1 | pseudogene | 71.49362 | 71.49420 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647350 | Gm6947 | NCBI_Gene:629101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101617 | MGI:3647350 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6947 |
1 | gene | 71.55715 | 71.57963 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351352 | Atic | NCBI_Gene:108147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026192 | MGI:1351352 | protein coding gene | 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase/IMP cyclohydrolase |
1 | gene | 71.58547 | 71.65323 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95566 | Fn1 | NCBI_Gene:14268,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026193 | MGI:95566 | protein coding gene | fibronectin 1 |
1 | gene | 71.65284 | 71.66284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3723449 | Apol7d | NCBI_Gene:100042814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073652 | MGI:3723449 | antisense lncRNA gene | apolipoprotein L 7d |
1 | pseudogene | 71.66477 | 71.66591 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011188 | Gm19003 | NCBI_Gene:100418103 | MGI:5011188 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19003 |
1 | gene | 71.67270 | 71.71208 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825731 | Gm46094 | NCBI_Gene:108167627 | MGI:5825731 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46094 |
1 | pseudogene | 71.70932 | 71.71013 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644438 | Gm5829 | NCBI_Gene:545326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101834 | MGI:3644438 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5829 |
1 | pseudogene | 71.71379 | 71.71501 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644836 | Gm5256 | NCBI_Gene:383528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100319 | MGI:3644836 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5256 |
1 | gene | 71.72854 | 71.74134 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622545 | Gm39660 | NCBI_Gene:105243953 | MGI:5622545 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39660 |
1 | gene | 71.72854 | 71.74981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589319 | Gm30160 | NCBI_Gene:102631962 | MGI:5589319 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30160 |
1 | gene | 71.81356 | 71.81451 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589467 | Gm30308 | NCBI_Gene:102632161 | MGI:5589467 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30308 |
1 | gene | 71.82332 | 71.83585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825595 | Gm45958 | NCBI_Gene:108167354 | MGI:5825595 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45958 |
1 | gene | 71.84309 | 71.84661 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610445 | Gm37217 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102689 | MGI:5610445 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37217 |
1 | gene | 71.88811 | 71.89120 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649116 | Gm8883 | NCBI_Gene:667931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099707 | MGI:3649116 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 8883 |
1 | gene | 71.89407 | 71.91712 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579524 | Gm28818 | NCBI_Gene:102632274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101211 | MGI:5579524 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28818 |
1 | gene | 71.95900 | 72.00520 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918384 | 4933417E11Rik | NCBI_Gene:71134,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101848 | MGI:1918384 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933417E11 gene |
1 | gene | 71.98368 | 72.03873 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925457 | 4930556G22Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101764 | MGI:1925457 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930556G22 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 72.00428 | 72.00477 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643453 | Gm5528 | NCBI_Gene:433319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059483 | MGI:3643453 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5528 |
1 | pseudogene | 72.08786 | 72.08845 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649121 | Gm8885 | NCBI_Gene:667937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101496 | MGI:3649121 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8885 |
1 | gene | 72.10714 | 72.12374 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782500 | Gm4319 | NCBI_Gene:100043255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102123 | MGI:3782500 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4319 |
1 | gene | 72.15923 | 72.21231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2151839 | Mreg | NCBI_Gene:381269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039395 | MGI:2151839 | protein coding gene | melanoregulin |
1 | gene | 72.22624 | 72.22643 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455137 | Gm25360 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094655 | MGI:5455137 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25360 |
1 | gene | 72.23601 | 72.27487 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2445071 | D230017M19Rik | NCBI_Gene:320933,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097131 | MGI:2445071 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D230017M19 gene |
1 | gene | 72.23695 | 72.23714 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453249 | Gm23472 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094050 | MGI:5453249 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23472 |
1 | gene | 72.24421 | 72.24440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454274 | Gm24497 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093956 | MGI:5454274 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24497 |
1 | gene | 72.25501 | 72.25520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455716 | Gm25939 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093843 | MGI:5455716 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25939 |
1 | gene | 72.25917 | 72.28431 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2148199 | Pecr | NCBI_Gene:111175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026189 | MGI:2148199 | protein coding gene | peroxisomal trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase |
1 | gene | 72.28436 | 72.30310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442781 | Tmem169 | NCBI_Gene:271711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026188 | MGI:2442781 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 169 |
1 | gene | 72.30742 | 72.39495 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104517 | Xrcc5 | NCBI_Gene:22596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026187 | MGI:104517 | protein coding gene | X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 5 |
1 | gene | 72.41307 | 72.42126 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622546 | Gm39661 | NCBI_Gene:105243954 | MGI:5622546 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39661 |
1 | gene | 72.42711 | 72.53693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2683550 | March4 | NCBI_Gene:381270,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039372 | MGI:2683550 | protein coding gene | membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 4 |
1 | pseudogene | 72.45946 | 72.46004 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801845 | Gm15843 | NCBI_Gene:100416317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085812 | MGI:3801845 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15843 |
1 | gene | 72.53669 | 72.63679 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859183 | Smarcal1 | NCBI_Gene:54380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039354 | MGI:1859183 | protein coding gene | SWI/SNF related matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a-like 1 |
1 | gene | 72.64023 | 72.64298 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622547 | Gm39662 | NCBI_Gene:105243955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110712 | MGI:5622547 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39662 |
1 | gene | 72.64298 | 72.70058 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442559 | Ankar | NCBI_Gene:319695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039342 | MGI:2442559 | protein coding gene | ankyrin and armadillo repeat containing |
1 | pseudogene | 72.69286 | 72.69345 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010220 | Gm18035 | NCBI_Gene:100416318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110487 | MGI:5010220 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18035 |
1 | pseudogene | 72.70629 | 72.70650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804974 | Gm45859 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110596 | MGI:5804974 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45859 |
1 | gene | 72.71126 | 72.71381 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98068 | Rpl37a | NCBI_Gene:19981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046330 | MGI:98068 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein L37a |
1 | gene | 72.72697 | 72.73780 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622548 | Gm39663 | NCBI_Gene:105243956 | MGI:5622548 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39663 |
1 | gene | 72.74454 | 72.77048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589947 | Gm30788 | NCBI_Gene:102632811 | MGI:5589947 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30788 |
1 | gene | 72.76847 | 72.82177 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590006 | Gm30847 | NCBI_Gene:102632888 | MGI:5590006 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30847 |
1 | gene | 72.82448 | 72.85247 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96437 | Igfbp2 | NCBI_Gene:16008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039323 | MGI:96437 | protein coding gene | insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 |
1 | gene | 72.85793 | 72.87488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96440 | Igfbp5 | NCBI_Gene:16011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026185 | MGI:96440 | protein coding gene | insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 |
1 | pseudogene | 72.93410 | 72.93496 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779961 | Gm9551 | NCBI_Gene:672187 | MGI:3779961 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9551 |
1 | gene | 72.93907 | 72.95274 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590206 | Gm31047 | NCBI_Gene:102633145 | MGI:5590206 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31047 |
1 | pseudogene | 72.95615 | 72.95774 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010031 | Gm17846 | NCBI_Gene:100415975 | MGI:5010031 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17846 |
1 | gene | 72.98484 | 73.02551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916699 | 1700027A15Rik | NCBI_Gene:69449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101968 | MGI:1916699 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700027A15 gene |
1 | gene | 72.98485 | 73.00603 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590296 | Gm31137 | NCBI_Gene:102633273 | MGI:5590296 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31137 |
1 | gene | 73.01507 | 73.01591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98784 | Tnp1 | NCBI_Gene:21958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026182 | MGI:98784 | protein coding gene | transition protein 1 |
1 | gene | 73.01815 | 73.01888 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923885 | 1700110C23Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700110C23 gene |
1 | gene | 73.02249 | 73.02288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924180 | 1700016P22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700016P22 gene |
1 | gene | 73.12729 | 73.14085 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590413 | Gm31254 | NCBI_Gene:102633423 | MGI:5590413 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31254 |
1 | gene | 73.14025 | 73.30914 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579891 | Gm29185 | NCBI_Gene:105243957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101112 | MGI:5579891 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29185 |
1 | gene | 73.14073 | 73.14807 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590356 | Gm31197 | NCBI_Gene:102633352 | MGI:5590356 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31197 |
1 | gene | 73.20689 | 73.20942 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611334 | Gm38106 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102266 | MGI:5611334 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38106 |
1 | pseudogene | 73.31172 | 73.31205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579890 | Gm29184 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100697 | MGI:5579890 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29184 |
1 | gene | 73.36129 | 73.37959 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590503 | Gm31344 | NCBI_Gene:102633545 | MGI:5590503 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31344 |
1 | gene | 73.39078 | 73.40757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3623820 | Pinc | NCBI_Gene:723792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099877 | MGI:3623820 | lncRNA gene | pregnancy induced noncoding RNA |
1 | gene | 73.39225 | 73.39240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530697 | Gm27315 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098697 | MGI:5530697 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27315 |
1 | gene | 73.39897 | 73.43079 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925968 | D530049I02Rik | NCBI_Gene:78718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101812 | MGI:1925968 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D530049I02 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 73.51205 | 73.51304 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779963 | Gm9553 | NCBI_Gene:672208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100044 | MGI:3779963 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9553 |
1 | gene | 73.52029 | 73.52997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441914 | C530043A13Rik | NCBI_Gene:102633705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100444 | MGI:2441914 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C530043A13 gene |
1 | gene | 73.52894 | 73.53635 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579892 | Gm29186 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100429 | MGI:5579892 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29186 |
1 | gene | 73.61809 | 73.86447 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924410 | 6030407O03Rik | NCBI_Gene:109198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100301 | MGI:1924410 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030407O03 gene |
1 | gene | 73.75023 | 73.84192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579889 | Gm29183 | NCBI_Gene:102633781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101344 | MGI:5579889 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29183 |
1 | gene | 73.76371 | 73.76384 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455106 | Gm25329 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088666 | MGI:5455106 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 25329 |
1 | gene | 73.85548 | 73.85558 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531318 | Mir6351 | miRBase:MI0021879,NCBI_Gene:102465179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098504 | MGI:5531318 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6351 |
1 | gene | 73.91023 | 74.12453 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104552 | Tns1 | NCBI_Gene:21961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055322 | MGI:104552 | protein coding gene | tensin 1 |
1 | gene | 74.03095 | 74.03293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622549 | Gm39664 | NCBI_Gene:105243958 | MGI:5622549 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39664 |
1 | gene | 74.09528 | 74.09705 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590796 | Gm31637 | NCBI_Gene:102633935 | MGI:5590796 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31637 |
1 | gene | 74.12462 | 74.14823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3588214 | Rufy4 | NCBI_Gene:435626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061815 | MGI:3588214 | protein coding gene | RUN and FYVE domain containing 4 |
1 | gene | 74.15399 | 74.16125 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105303 | Cxcr2 | NCBI_Gene:12765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026180 | MGI:105303 | protein coding gene | chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 2 |
1 | gene | 74.19178 | 74.19544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2448715 | Cxcr1 | NCBI_Gene:227288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048480 | MGI:2448715 | protein coding gene | chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 1 |
1 | gene | 74.20655 | 74.20662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3836960 | Mir1928 | miRBase:MI0009917,NCBI_Gene:100316687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087820 | MGI:3836960 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1928 |
1 | gene | 74.20848 | 74.21564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590850 | Gm31691 | NCBI_Gene:102634001 | MGI:5590850 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31691 |
1 | gene | 74.21281 | 74.21292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455301 | Gm25524 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094768 | MGI:5455301 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25524 |
1 | gene | 74.23608 | 74.26821 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923959 | Arpc2 | NCBI_Gene:76709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006304 | MGI:1923959 | protein coding gene | actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 2 |
1 | gene | 74.27855 | 74.27962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2653863 | Gpbar1 | NCBI_Gene:227289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064272 | MGI:2653863 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled bile acid receptor 1 |
1 | gene | 74.27984 | 74.28474 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107809 | Aamp | NCBI_Gene:227290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006299 | MGI:107809 | protein coding gene | angio-associated migratory protein |
1 | gene | 74.28116 | 74.28387 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579070 | Gm28364 | NCBI_Gene:108167628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101503 | MGI:5579070 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28364 |
1 | gene | 74.28460 | 74.35369 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1930773 | Pnkd | NCBI_Gene:56695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026179 | MGI:1930773 | protein coding gene | paroxysmal nonkinesiogenic dyskinesia |
1 | gene | 74.28754 | 74.28786 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610731 | Gm37503 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103013 | MGI:5610731 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37503 |
1 | gene | 74.28825 | 74.30562 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916910 | Tmbim1 | NCBI_Gene:69660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006301 | MGI:1916910 | protein coding gene | transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 1 |
1 | gene | 74.29560 | 74.29887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580064 | Gm29358 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099931 | MGI:5580064 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29358 |
1 | gene | 74.30368 | 74.30457 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920959 | 2410125D13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2410125D13 gene |
1 | gene | 74.30785 | 74.31071 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611159 | Gm37931 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103403 | MGI:5611159 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37931 |
1 | gene | 74.36211 | 74.36932 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685062 | Catip | NCBI_Gene:241112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073650 | MGI:2685062 | protein coding gene | ciliogenesis associated TTC17 interacting protein |
1 | gene | 74.37501 | 74.38606 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345275 | Slc11a1 | NCBI_Gene:18173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026177 | MGI:1345275 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 11 (proton-coupled divalent metal ion transporters), member 1 |
1 | gene | 74.39151 | 74.39728 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2654470 | Ctdsp1 | NCBI_Gene:227292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026176 | MGI:2654470 | protein coding gene | CTD (carboxy-terminal domain, RNA polymerase II, polypeptide A) small phosphatase 1 |
1 | gene | 74.39431 | 74.39439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676901 | Mir26b | miRBase:MI0000575,NCBI_Gene:387219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065468 | MGI:2676901 | miRNA gene | microRNA 26b |
1 | gene | 74.40938 | 74.43556 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98930 | Vil1 | NCBI_Gene:22349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026175 | MGI:98930 | protein coding gene | villin 1 |
1 | gene | 74.43551 | 74.54429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442483 | Usp37 | NCBI_Gene:319651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033364 | MGI:2442483 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 37 |
1 | gene | 74.50034 | 74.50330 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610961 | Gm37733 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103227 | MGI:5610961 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37733 |
1 | gene | 74.50604 | 74.53084 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928902 | Cnot9 | NCBI_Gene:58184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026174 | MGI:1928902 | protein coding gene | CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 9 |
1 | gene | 74.54179 | 74.56779 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107469 | Plcd4 | NCBI_Gene:18802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026173 | MGI:107469 | protein coding gene | phospholipase C, delta 4 |
1 | gene | 74.56513 | 74.58825 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924514 | Zfp142 | NCBI_Gene:77264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026135 | MGI:1924514 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 142 |
1 | gene | 74.58690 | 74.58697 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454812 | Gm25035 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093155 | MGI:5454812 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25035 |
1 | gene | 74.58829 | 74.59244 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914071 | Bcs1l | NCBI_Gene:66821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026172 | MGI:1914071 | protein coding gene | BCS1-like (yeast) |
1 | gene | 74.59375 | 74.60140 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1890215 | Rnf25 | NCBI_Gene:57751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026171 | MGI:1890215 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 25 |
1 | gene | 74.60144 | 74.63689 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920831 | Stk36 | NCBI_Gene:269209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033276 | MGI:1920831 | protein coding gene | serine/threonine kinase 36 |
1 | gene | 74.66164 | 74.70373 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914784 | Ttll4 | NCBI_Gene:67534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033257 | MGI:1914784 | protein coding gene | tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 4 |
1 | gene | 74.71315 | 74.73790 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88594 | Cyp27a1 | NCBI_Gene:104086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026170 | MGI:88594 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 |
1 | gene | 74.73892 | 74.74959 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891343 | Prkag3 | NCBI_Gene:241113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006542 | MGI:1891343 | protein coding gene | protein kinase, AMP-activated, gamma 3 non-catalytic subunit |
1 | gene | 74.75434 | 74.78532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98960 | Wnt6 | NCBI_Gene:22420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033227 | MGI:98960 | protein coding gene | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 6 |
1 | gene | 74.76480 | 74.76489 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530889 | Gm27507 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098351 | MGI:5530889 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27507 |
1 | gene | 74.77494 | 74.77886 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580245 | Gm29539 | NCBI_Gene:102634275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099472 | MGI:5580245 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29539 |
1 | gene | 74.78717 | 74.79533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591258 | Gm32099 | NCBI_Gene:102634545 | MGI:5591258 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32099 |
1 | gene | 74.79152 | 74.80418 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108071 | Wnt10a | NCBI_Gene:22409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026167 | MGI:108071 | protein coding gene | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 10A |
1 | gene | 74.81675 | 74.81682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413872 | n-TGgcc3 | NCBI_Gene:102467310 | MGI:4413872 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA glycine 3 (anticodon GCC) |
1 | gene | 74.82081 | 74.84353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591434 | Gm32275 | NCBI_Gene:102634772 | MGI:5591434 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32275 |
1 | gene | 74.84974 | 74.87995 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4415002 | Gm16582 | NCBI_Gene:102634844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089964 | MGI:4415002 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16582 |
1 | gene | 74.85493 | 74.85773 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1330828 | Cdk5r2 | NCBI_Gene:12570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090071 | MGI:1330828 | protein coding gene | cyclin-dependent kinase 5, regulatory subunit 2 (p39) |
1 | gene | 74.88150 | 74.88547 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2449712 | Fev | NCBI_Gene:260298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055197 | MGI:2449712 | protein coding gene | FEV transcription factor, ETS family member |
1 | gene | 74.88993 | 74.89884 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104336 | Cryba2 | NCBI_Gene:12958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006546 | MGI:104336 | protein coding gene | crystallin, beta A2 |
1 | gene | 74.90066 | 74.90072 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3619376 | Mir375 | miRBase:MI0000792,NCBI_Gene:723900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065616 | MGI:3619376 | miRNA gene | microRNA 375 |
1 | gene | 74.90207 | 74.93563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444274 | Cfap65 | NCBI_Gene:241116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047021 | MGI:2444274 | protein coding gene | cilia and flagella associated protein 65 |
1 | gene | 74.90237 | 74.90765 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801860 | Gm15841 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089653 | MGI:3801860 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15841 |
1 | gene | 74.94531 | 74.95167 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96533 | Ihh | NCBI_Gene:16147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006538 | MGI:96533 | protein coding gene | Indian hedgehog |
1 | gene | 74.95425 | 74.95584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610972 | Gm37744 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103145 | MGI:5610972 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37744 |
1 | gene | 74.96714 | 75.12523 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922820 | Nhej1 | NCBI_Gene:75570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026162 | MGI:1922820 | protein coding gene | non-homologous end joining factor 1 |
1 | gene | 75.12554 | 75.13522 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104516 | Slc23a3 | NCBI_Gene:22626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026205 | MGI:104516 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 23 (nucleobase transporters), member 3 |
1 | gene | 75.13455 | 75.14273 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916421 | Cnppd1 | NCBI_Gene:69171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033159 | MGI:1916421 | protein coding gene | cyclin Pas1/PHO80 domain containing 1 |
1 | gene | 75.14278 | 75.14791 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2388278 | Retreg2 | NCBI_Gene:227298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049339 | MGI:2388278 | protein coding gene | reticulophagy regulator family member 2 |
1 | gene | 75.16865 | 75.17163 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916068 | Zfand2b | NCBI_Gene:68818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026197 | MGI:1916068 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, AN1 type domain 2B |
1 | gene | 75.17164 | 75.18039 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921354 | Abcb6 | NCBI_Gene:74104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026198 | MGI:1921354 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 6 |
1 | gene | 75.17173 | 75.18515 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579959 | Gm29253 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099519 | MGI:5579959 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29253 |
1 | gene | 75.18086 | 75.19220 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138446 | Atg9a | NCBI_Gene:245860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033124 | MGI:2138446 | protein coding gene | autophagy related 9A |
1 | gene | 75.19215 | 75.19939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1098746 | Ankzf1 | NCBI_Gene:52231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026199 | MGI:1098746 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat and zinc finger domain containing 1 |
1 | gene | 75.19753 | 75.21082 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921827 | Glb1l | NCBI_Gene:74577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026200 | MGI:1921827 | protein coding gene | galactosidase, beta 1-like |
1 | gene | 75.20961 | 75.20973 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531325 | Gm27943 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099204 | MGI:5531325 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27943 |
1 | gene | 75.21083 | 75.21561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1313271 | Stk16 | NCBI_Gene:20872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026201 | MGI:1313271 | protein coding gene | serine/threonine kinase 16 |
1 | gene | 75.21423 | 75.21986 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1095410 | Tuba4a | NCBI_Gene:22145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026202 | MGI:1095410 | protein coding gene | tubulin, alpha 4A |
1 | gene | 75.21998 | 75.23210 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686470 | A630095N17Rik | NCBI_Gene:381272,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096094 | MGI:2686470 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA A630095N17 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 75.22955 | 75.22978 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6324742 | Gm50472 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118482 | MGI:6324742 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 50472 |
1 | gene | 75.23640 | 75.24569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928739 | Dnajb2 | NCBI_Gene:56812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026203 | MGI:1928739 | protein coding gene | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B2 |
1 | gene | 75.24703 | 75.26450 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102765 | Ptprn | NCBI_Gene:19275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026204 | MGI:102765 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, N |
1 | gene | 75.25232 | 75.25743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579000 | Gm28294 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101840 | MGI:5579000 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28294 |
1 | gene | 75.27220 | 75.27846 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098222 | Resp18 | NCBI_Gene:19711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033061 | MGI:1098222 | protein coding gene | regulated endocrine-specific protein 18 |
1 | gene | 75.27260 | 75.27565 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579608 | Gm28902 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100556 | MGI:5579608 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28902 |
1 | gene | 75.30790 | 75.31799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1278328 | Dnpep | NCBI_Gene:13437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026209 | MGI:1278328 | protein coding gene | aspartyl aminopeptidase |
1 | gene | 75.36029 | 75.36858 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_94885 | Des | NCBI_Gene:13346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026208 | MGI:94885 | protein coding gene | desmin |
1 | gene | 75.36821 | 75.37502 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705125 | Gm15179 | NCBI_Gene:100503248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085653 | MGI:3705125 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15179 |
1 | gene | 75.37530 | 75.43232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109282 | Speg | NCBI_Gene:11790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026207 | MGI:109282 | protein coding gene | SPEG complex locus |
1 | gene | 75.39213 | 75.39636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705132 | Gm15178 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086053 | MGI:3705132 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15178 |
1 | gene | 75.43591 | 75.44318 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916330 | Gmppa | NCBI_Gene:69080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033021 | MGI:1916330 | protein coding gene | GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase A |
1 | gene | 75.45044 | 75.47434 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652846 | Asic4 | NCBI_Gene:241118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033007 | MGI:2652846 | protein coding gene | acid-sensing (proton-gated) ion channel family member 4 |
1 | gene | 75.45552 | 75.45995 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591665 | Gm32506 | NCBI_Gene:102635080 | MGI:5591665 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32506 |
1 | gene | 75.46857 | 75.47076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610492 | Gm37264 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102605 | MGI:5610492 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37264 |
1 | gene | 75.47457 | 75.47947 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106576 | Chpf | NCBI_Gene:74241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032997 | MGI:106576 | protein coding gene | chondroitin polymerizing factor |
1 | gene | 75.47931 | 75.50666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138628 | Obsl1 | NCBI_Gene:98733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026211 | MGI:2138628 | protein coding gene | obscurin-like 1 |
1 | gene | 75.47953 | 75.48570 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443133 | Tmem198 | NCBI_Gene:319998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051703 | MGI:2443133 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 198 |
1 | gene | 75.50708 | 75.51037 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96569 | Inha | NCBI_Gene:16322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032968 | MGI:96569 | protein coding gene | inhibin alpha |
1 | pseudogene | 75.51411 | 75.51428 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705876 | Gm15181 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082745 | MGI:3705876 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15181 |
1 | gene | 75.52153 | 75.53733 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918978 | Stk11ip | NCBI_Gene:71728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026213 | MGI:1918978 | protein coding gene | serine/threonine kinase 11 interacting protein |
1 | pseudogene | 75.54128 | 75.54259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705481 | Gm15183 | NCBI_Gene:108167599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082059 | MGI:3705481 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15183 |
1 | gene | 75.54591 | 75.56217 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109350 | Slc4a3 | NCBI_Gene:20536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006576 | MGI:109350 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 4 (anion exchanger), member 3 |
1 | pseudogene | 75.56807 | 75.56867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705360 | Gm15180 | NCBI_Gene:102638885,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083244 | MGI:3705360 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15180 |
1 | pseudogene | 75.62465 | 75.62633 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705533 | Gm15182 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082528 | MGI:3705533 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15182 |
1 | pseudogene | 75.63638 | 75.63722 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647791 | Gm5257 | NCBI_Gene:383531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082012 | MGI:3647791 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5257 |
1 | gene | 75.93672 | 76.09434 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591781 | Gm32622 | NCBI_Gene:102635231 | MGI:5591781 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32622 |
1 | gene | 76.01650 | 76.01972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579771 | Gm29065 | NCBI_Gene:102635304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099996 | MGI:5579771 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29065 |
1 | gene | 76.09498 | 76.10622 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591896 | Gm32737 | NCBI_Gene:102635380 | MGI:5591896 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32737 |
1 | pseudogene | 76.11018 | 76.11058 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579774 | Gm29068 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101763 | MGI:5579774 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29068 |
1 | gene | 76.42069 | 76.52842 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579775 | Gm29069 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100827 | MGI:5579775 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29069 |
1 | gene | 76.48913 | 76.50203 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5009832 | Gm17751 | NCBI_Gene:620079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100553 | MGI:5009832 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 17751 |
1 | gene | 76.50956 | 76.50964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530686 | Mir6343 | miRBase:MI0021871,NCBI_Gene:102465175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098611 | MGI:5530686 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6343 |
1 | gene | 76.89047 | 77.02779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685662 | Gm816 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100534 | MGI:2685662 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 816 |
1 | pseudogene | 77.05030 | 77.05088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780227 | Gm2060 | NCBI_Gene:102638999 | MGI:3780227 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2060 |
1 | pseudogene | 77.06587 | 77.06769 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109560 | Tfdp1-ps | NCBI_Gene:21782 | MGI:109560 | pseudogene | transcription factor Dp 1, pseudogene |
1 | gene | 77.14323 | 77.14699 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611493 | Gm38265 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102904 | MGI:5611493 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38265 |
1 | gene | 77.14475 | 77.14485 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455751 | Gm25974 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089326 | MGI:5455751 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 25974 |
1 | gene | 77.36718 | 77.51510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98277 | Epha4 | NCBI_Gene:13838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026235 | MGI:98277 | protein coding gene | Eph receptor A4 |
1 | gene | 77.49665 | 77.49677 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530863 | Mir6352 | miRBase:MI0021880,NCBI_Gene:102465180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099141 | MGI:5530863 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6352 |
1 | gene | 77.51528 | 77.51713 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579092 | Gm28386 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101849 | MGI:5579092 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28386 |
1 | gene | 77.52219 | 77.60238 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591952 | Gm32793 | NCBI_Gene:102635461 | MGI:5591952 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32793 |
1 | pseudogene | 77.57067 | 77.57096 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579091 | Gm28385 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101506 | MGI:5579091 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28385 |
1 | gene | 77.60442 | 77.64234 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592133 | Gm32974 | NCBI_Gene:102635703 | MGI:5592133 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32974 |
1 | gene | 77.77055 | 77.89630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592242 | Gm33083 | NCBI_Gene:102635843 | MGI:5592242 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33083 |
1 | gene | 77.81364 | 77.91549 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592189 | Gm33030 | NCBI_Gene:102635779 | MGI:5592189 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33030 |
1 | gene | 77.89828 | 77.89845 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456040 | Gm26263 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065215 | MGI:5456040 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26263 |
1 | gene | 77.94297 | 77.97238 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579093 | Gm28387 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102052 | MGI:5579093 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28387 |
1 | gene | 78.10127 | 78.19714 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97487 | Pax3 | NCBI_Gene:18505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004872 | MGI:97487 | protein coding gene | paired box 3 |
1 | gene | 78.19998 | 78.20305 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592311 | Gm33152 | NCBI_Gene:102635943 | MGI:5592311 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33152 |
1 | gene | 78.21496 | 78.21898 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780270 | Gm2102 | NCBI_Gene:100039210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118426 | MGI:3780270 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 2102 |
1 | gene | 78.31004 | 78.42029 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3589109 | Sgpp2 | NCBI_Gene:433323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032908 | MGI:3589109 | protein coding gene | sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphotase 2 |
1 | gene | 78.32563 | 78.34011 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579116 | Gm28410 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099561 | MGI:5579116 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28410 |
1 | gene | 78.37561 | 78.37643 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611112 | Gm37884 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102945 | MGI:5611112 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37884 |
1 | pseudogene | 78.41407 | 78.41470 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011257 | Gm19072 | NCBI_Gene:100418204 | MGI:5011257 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19072 |
1 | gene | 78.41796 | 78.48890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346035 | Farsb | NCBI_Gene:23874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026245 | MGI:1346035 | protein coding gene | phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, beta subunit |
1 | pseudogene | 78.43335 | 78.43361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579701 | Gm28995 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101798 | MGI:5579701 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28995 |
1 | gene | 78.46545 | 78.46693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921857 | 4833412K13Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104018 | MGI:1921857 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833412K13 gene |
1 | gene | 78.49703 | 78.51216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2652858 | BC035947 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090486 | MGI:2652858 | protein coding gene | cDNA sequence BC035947 |
1 | gene | 78.51099 | 78.60696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915643 | Mogat1 | NCBI_Gene:68393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012187 | MGI:1915643 | protein coding gene | monoacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 |
1 | gene | 78.56005 | 78.58839 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622550 | Gm39665 | NCBI_Gene:105243959 | MGI:5622550 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39665 |
1 | gene | 78.59503 | 78.60951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917787 | 5730419F03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099364 | MGI:1917787 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5730419F03 gene |
1 | gene | 78.61547 | 78.62017 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580317 | Gm29611 | NCBI_Gene:108167629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100562 | MGI:5580317 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29611 |
1 | gene | 78.65783 | 78.67151 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2445092 | Utp14b | NCBI_Gene:195434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079470 | MGI:2445092 | protein coding gene | UTP14B small subunit processome component |
1 | gene | 78.65783 | 78.70774 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921455 | Acsl3 | NCBI_Gene:74205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032883 | MGI:1921455 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 3 |
1 | gene | 78.71998 | 78.74615 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621516 | Gm38631 | NCBI_Gene:102642773 | MGI:5621516 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38631 |
1 | gene | 78.72666 | 78.74097 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592852 | Gm33693 | NCBI_Gene:102636693 | MGI:5592852 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33693 |
1 | pseudogene | 78.78314 | 78.78486 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644323 | Gm6159 | NCBI_Gene:620521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099377 | MGI:3644323 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6159 |
1 | gene | 78.79162 | 79.22451 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580242 | Gm29536 | NCBI_Gene:102636764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099706 | MGI:5580242 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29536 |
1 | gene | 78.81676 | 78.82003 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891125 | Kcne4 | NCBI_Gene:57814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047330 | MGI:1891125 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage-gated channel, Isk-related subfamily, gene 4 |
1 | gene | 78.82126 | 78.82265 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579893 | Gm29187 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101324 | MGI:5579893 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29187 |
1 | pseudogene | 78.96638 | 78.96810 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647375 | Gm5830 | NCBI_Gene:545332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072978 | MGI:3647375 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5830 |
1 | gene | 79.43467 | 79.44012 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103033 | Scg2 | NCBI_Gene:20254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050711 | MGI:103033 | protein coding gene | secretogranin II |
1 | pseudogene | 79.50580 | 79.50716 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011212 | Gm19027 | NCBI_Gene:100418139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099562 | MGI:5011212 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19027 |
1 | gene | 79.51374 | 79.51386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453937 | Gm24160 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077782 | MGI:5453937 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24160 |
1 | gene | 79.60688 | 79.67202 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891304 | Ap1s3 | NCBI_Gene:252903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054702 | MGI:1891304 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex AP-1, sigma 3 |
1 | gene | 79.61952 | 79.62103 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611114 | Gm37886 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102235 | MGI:5611114 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37886 |
1 | gene | 79.70226 | 79.77614 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916618 | Wdfy1 | NCBI_Gene:69368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073643 | MGI:1916618 | protein coding gene | WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 1 |
1 | gene | 79.76272 | 79.76451 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642807 | Gm10555 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104497 | MGI:3642807 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10555 |
1 | gene | 79.77602 | 79.78145 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916413 | Mrpl44 | NCBI_Gene:69163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026248 | MGI:1916413 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L44 |
1 | gene | 79.78792 | 79.79412 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622551 | Gm39666 | NCBI_Gene:105243960 | MGI:5622551 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39666 |
1 | gene | 79.79420 | 79.86118 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_101780 | Serpine2 | NCBI_Gene:20720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026249 | MGI:101780 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade E, member 2 |
1 | gene | 79.83892 | 79.84037 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917795 | 5730433N10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5730433N10 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 79.92228 | 79.92351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646377 | Gm5529 | NCBI_Gene:433326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067106 | MGI:3646377 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5529 |
1 | pseudogene | 79.95757 | 79.95813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578777 | Gm28071 | NCBI_Gene:102636960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100397 | MGI:5578777 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28071 |
1 | gene | 80.03718 | 80.03846 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593129 | Gm33970 | NCBI_Gene:102637066 | MGI:5593129 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33970 |
1 | pseudogene | 80.09862 | 80.09888 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578764 | Gm28058 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099753 | MGI:5578764 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28058 |
1 | gene | 80.13547 | 80.13557 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453711 | Gm23934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096297 | MGI:5453711 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23934 |
1 | gene | 80.14697 | 80.14880 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611567 | Gm38339 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102518 | MGI:5611567 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38339 |
1 | gene | 80.18472 | 80.19207 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642808 | 9830004L10Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099552 | MGI:3642808 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9830004L10 gene |
1 | gene | 80.19870 | 80.21847 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3026880 | Fam124b | NCBI_Gene:241128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043230 | MGI:3026880 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 124, member B |
1 | gene | 80.20799 | 80.22946 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916815 | 2310015K22Rik | NCBI_Gene:69565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101257 | MGI:1916815 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310015K22 gene |
1 | gene | 80.23635 | 80.24841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593257 | Gm34098 | NCBI_Gene:102637229 | MGI:5593257 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34098 |
1 | gene | 80.25503 | 80.25620 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611160 | Gm37932 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103404 | MGI:5611160 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37932 |
1 | gene | 80.26492 | 80.34069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347360 | Cul3 | NCBI_Gene:26554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004364 | MGI:1347360 | protein coding gene | cullin 3 |
1 | gene | 80.27473 | 80.27641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611130 | Gm37902 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103076 | MGI:5611130 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37902 |
1 | gene | 80.32618 | 80.32799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610490 | Gm37262 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103525 | MGI:5610490 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37262 |
1 | gene | 80.34091 | 80.34873 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622552 | Gm39667 | NCBI_Gene:105243961 | MGI:5622552 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39667 |
1 | gene | 80.38282 | 80.38625 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579831 | Gm29125 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101722 | MGI:5579831 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29125 |
1 | pseudogene | 80.38310 | 80.38519 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643154 | Gm6189 | NCBI_Gene:620899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090637 | MGI:3643154 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6189 |
1 | gene | 80.42817 | 80.49810 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621558 | Gm38673 | NCBI_Gene:105242389 | MGI:5621558 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38673 |
1 | gene | 80.44593 | 80.47987 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919458 | 1700016L21Rik | NCBI_Gene:72208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101483 | MGI:1919458 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700016L21 gene |
1 | gene | 80.44960 | 80.46145 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791097 | Gm45261 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110100 | MGI:5791097 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45261 |
1 | gene | 80.50107 | 80.75871 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2146320 | Dock10 | NCBI_Gene:210293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038608 | MGI:2146320 | protein coding gene | dedicator of cytokinesis 10 |
1 | gene | 80.61846 | 80.62082 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444759 | F830005D05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA F830005D05 gene |
1 | gene | 80.66601 | 80.66956 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610873 | Gm37645 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103192 | MGI:5610873 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37645 |
1 | gene | 80.72881 | 80.73066 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611290 | Gm38062 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104488 | MGI:5611290 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38062 |
1 | gene | 80.74722 | 80.74905 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138649 | A630081D01Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102721 | MGI:2138649 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A630081D01 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 80.89765 | 80.89811 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579830 | Gm29124 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099949 | MGI:5579830 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29124 |
1 | pseudogene | 80.94943 | 80.94990 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578772 | Gm28066 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099918 | MGI:5578772 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28066 |
1 | gene | 81.07656 | 81.36771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443135 | Nyap2 | NCBI_Gene:241134,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054976 | MGI:2443135 | protein coding gene | neuronal tyrosine-phophorylated phosphoinositide 3-kinase adaptor 2 |
1 | gene | 81.52034 | 81.52234 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610438 | Gm37210 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104029 | MGI:5610438 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37210 |
1 | pseudogene | 81.55416 | 81.55748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644461 | Gm6198 | NCBI_Gene:621020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101986 | MGI:3644461 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6198 |
1 | pseudogene | 81.74155 | 81.74299 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646374 | Gm5530 | NCBI_Gene:433328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087008 | MGI:3646374 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5530 |
1 | pseudogene | 81.79724 | 81.79795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643007 | Gm7516 | NCBI_Gene:665145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100561 | MGI:3643007 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7516 |
1 | gene | 82.10518 | 82.10698 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610342 | Gm37114 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103571 | MGI:5610342 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37114 |
1 | gene | 82.13192 | 82.13202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531222 | Mir6344 | miRBase:MI0021872,NCBI_Gene:102466629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098797 | MGI:5531222 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6344 |
1 | gene | 82.23310 | 82.29144 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99454 | Irs1 | NCBI_Gene:16367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055980 | MGI:99454 | protein coding gene | insulin receptor substrate 1 |
1 | gene | 82.23311 | 82.23593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3710571 | Gm9747 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022591 | MGI:3710571 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9747 |
1 | gene | 82.28221 | 82.28525 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011722 | Gm19537 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene%2c 19537 |
1 | gene | 82.31645 | 82.44537 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924117 | Rhbdd1 | NCBI_Gene:76867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026142 | MGI:1924117 | protein coding gene | rhomboid domain containing 1 |
1 | gene | 82.35222 | 82.35505 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011737 | Gm19552 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104493 | MGI:5011737 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 19552 |
1 | gene | 82.36170 | 82.37456 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825732 | Gm46095 | NCBI_Gene:108167630 | MGI:5825732 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46095 |
1 | gene | 82.39249 | 82.40275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579646 | Gm28940 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100786 | MGI:5579646 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28940 |
1 | gene | 82.39670 | 82.39682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451889 | Gm22112 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096779 | MGI:5451889 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22112 |
1 | gene | 82.44842 | 82.58693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104687 | Col4a4 | NCBI_Gene:12829,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067158 | MGI:104687 | protein coding gene | collagen, type IV, alpha 4 |
1 | gene | 82.58692 | 82.72206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104688 | Col4a3 | NCBI_Gene:12828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079465 | MGI:104688 | protein coding gene | collagen, type IV, alpha 3 |
1 | gene | 82.63501 | 82.63511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422078 | n-R5s213 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065055 | MGI:4422078 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 213 |
1 | gene | 82.69151 | 82.72720 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444820 | C430014B12Rik | NCBI_Gene:105243964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097564 | MGI:2444820 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C430014B12 gene |
1 | gene | 82.72489 | 82.75239 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922984 | Mff | NCBI_Gene:75734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026150 | MGI:1922984 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial fission factor |
1 | gene | 82.73969 | 82.74071 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579647 | Gm28941 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101450 | MGI:5579647 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28941 |
1 | gene | 82.74198 | 82.74479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622553 | Gm39668 | NCBI_Gene:105243962 | MGI:5622553 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39668 |
1 | gene | 82.75665 | 82.76846 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913511 | Tm4sf20 | NCBI_Gene:66261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026149 | MGI:1913511 | protein coding gene | transmembrane 4 L six family member 20 |
1 | gene | 82.77082 | 82.77124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6096961 | Gm47791 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114299 | MGI:6096961 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 47791 |
1 | pseudogene | 82.77621 | 82.77736 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011442 | Gm19257 | NCBI_Gene:100462980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099771 | MGI:5011442 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19257 |
1 | gene | 82.80642 | 82.80747 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610227 | Gm36999 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102280 | MGI:5610227 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 36999 |
1 | gene | 82.80898 | 82.81642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593445 | Gm34286 | NCBI_Gene:102637493 | MGI:5593445 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34286 |
1 | gene | 82.81983 | 82.82038 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579648 | Gm28942 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100170 | MGI:5579648 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28942 |
1 | pseudogene | 82.82186 | 82.82313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5009928 | Gm17764 | NCBI_Gene:100044526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100744 | MGI:5009928 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17764 |
1 | gene | 82.82428 | 82.83606 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593609 | Gm34450 | NCBI_Gene:102637709 | MGI:5593609 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34450 |
1 | gene | 82.83768 | 82.83935 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825733 | Gm46096 | NCBI_Gene:108167631 | MGI:5825733 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46096 |
1 | gene | 82.83945 | 82.83950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452173 | Gm22396 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093782 | MGI:5452173 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22396 |
1 | gene | 82.83946 | 82.90118 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333754 | Agfg1 | NCBI_Gene:15463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026159 | MGI:1333754 | protein coding gene | ArfGAP with FG repeats 1 |
1 | gene | 82.91333 | 82.91413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925172 | A030005L19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000113880 | MGI:1925172 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA A030005L19 gene |
1 | gene | 82.92492 | 82.92571 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925167 | A030014E15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000113973 | MGI:1925167 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA A030014E15 gene |
1 | gene | 82.93057 | 82.93140 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644079 | Gm6217 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000113846 | MGI:3644079 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 6217 |
1 | gene | 82.94256 | 82.94339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925163 | A030003K21Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000113084 | MGI:1925163 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA A030003K21 gene |
1 | gene | 82.95519 | 82.95601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779750 | Gm7544 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000113925 | MGI:3779750 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 7544 |
1 | gene | 82.96022 | 82.96057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918626 | 5530401I05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5530401I05 gene |
1 | gene | 82.96029 | 82.96092 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6097226 | Gm47955 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114011 | MGI:6097226 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 47955 |
1 | gene | 83.00055 | 83.00148 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6097234 | Gm47959 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000113097 | MGI:6097234 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 47959 |
1 | pseudogene | 83.00250 | 83.00491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3826364 | Gm7553 | NCBI_Gene:665246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101784 | MGI:3826364 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7553 |
1 | gene | 83.01252 | 83.03884 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1931307 | Slc19a3 | NCBI_Gene:80721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038496 | MGI:1931307 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 19, member 3 |
1 | pseudogene | 83.01535 | 83.01616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647619 | Gm7539 | NCBI_Gene:665196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100432 | MGI:3647619 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7539 |
1 | gene | 83.04152 | 83.04248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779575 | Krtap28-10 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100190 | MGI:3779575 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 28-10 |
1 | gene | 83.04493 | 83.04595 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6097249 | Gm47969 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000113267 | MGI:6097249 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 47969 |
1 | gene | 83.05829 | 83.05938 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925171 | A030005K14Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104423 | MGI:1925171 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA A030005K14 gene |
1 | gene | 83.06093 | 83.06192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918636 | Krtap28-13 | NCBI_Gene:71386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101315 | MGI:1918636 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 28-13 |
1 | pseudogene | 83.06710 | 83.06747 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580224 | Gm29518 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099691 | MGI:5580224 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29518 |
1 | gene | 83.11677 | 83.11917 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1329031 | Ccl20 | NCBI_Gene:20297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026166 | MGI:1329031 | protein coding gene | chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 |
1 | pseudogene | 83.15798 | 83.15902 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580225 | Gm29519 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101173 | MGI:5580225 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29519 |
1 | gene | 83.15974 | 83.21057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923089 | Daw1 | NCBI_Gene:71227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053161 | MGI:1923089 | protein coding gene | dynein assembly factor with WDR repeat domains 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 83.21204 | 83.21288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643858 | Gm6244 | NCBI_Gene:621614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101896 | MGI:3643858 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6244 |
1 | gene | 83.21667 | 83.21679 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422079 | n-R5s214 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084443 | MGI:4422079 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 214 |
1 | gene | 83.25414 | 83.40839 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924879 | Sphkap | NCBI_Gene:77629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026163 | MGI:1924879 | protein coding gene | SPHK1 interactor, AKAP domain containing |
1 | pseudogene | 83.31445 | 83.31622 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647016 | Gm6374 | NCBI_Gene:622958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079140 | MGI:3647016 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6374 |
1 | gene | 83.33130 | 83.33259 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610745 | Gm37517 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104374 | MGI:5610745 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37517 |
1 | gene | 83.42660 | 83.42740 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611217 | Gm37989 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104219 | MGI:5611217 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37989 |
1 | gene | 83.65955 | 83.91164 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918540 | 4933436I20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100580 | MGI:1918540 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933436I20 gene |
1 | gene | 83.79591 | 83.79603 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455531 | Gm25754 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094946 | MGI:5455531 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25754 |
1 | gene | 83.92192 | 83.92204 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454332 | Gm24555 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077736 | MGI:5454332 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24555 |
1 | gene | 84.03629 | 84.36418 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2138391 | Pid1 | NCBI_Gene:98496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045658 | MGI:2138391 | protein coding gene | phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1 |
1 | gene | 84.13287 | 84.13451 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610286 | Gm37058 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102750 | MGI:5610286 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37058 |
1 | pseudogene | 84.16819 | 84.16873 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010489 | Gm18304 | NCBI_Gene:100416887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101934 | MGI:5010489 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18304 |
1 | gene | 84.21885 | 84.21896 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530773 | Mir6353 | miRBase:MI0021881,NCBI_Gene:102465181,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098851 | MGI:5530773 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6353 |
1 | gene | 84.36984 | 84.69622 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2152889 | Dner | NCBI_Gene:227325,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036766 | MGI:2152889 | protein coding gene | delta/notch-like EGF repeat containing |
1 | gene | 84.39250 | 84.39540 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611187 | Gm37959 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104396 | MGI:5611187 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37959 |
1 | gene | 84.66519 | 84.66944 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611153 | Gm37925 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102481 | MGI:5611153 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37925 |
1 | gene | 84.69584 | 84.69591 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4950451 | Mir5126 | miRBase:MI0018038,NCBI_Gene:100628595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093254 | MGI:4950451 | miRNA gene | microRNA 5126 |
1 | gene | 84.72119 | 84.85001 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1309481 | Trip12 | NCBI_Gene:14897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026219 | MGI:1309481 | protein coding gene | thyroid hormone receptor interactor 12 |
1 | gene | 84.74093 | 84.74205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444547 | C130021H21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C130021H21 gene |
1 | gene | 84.80716 | 84.80919 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611602 | Gm38374 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103505 | MGI:5611602 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38374 |
1 | gene | 84.81997 | 84.82468 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610966 | Gm37738 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104503 | MGI:5610966 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37738 |
1 | gene | 84.83984 | 84.90049 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1289192 | Fbxo36 | NCBI_Gene:66153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073633 | MGI:1289192 | protein coding gene | F-box protein 36 |
1 | gene | 84.90549 | 84.93529 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919031 | Slc16a14 | NCBI_Gene:71781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026220 | MGI:1919031 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 14 |
1 | gene | 84.93527 | 84.93602 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5622554 | Gm39669 | NCBI_Gene:105243965 | MGI:5622554 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39669 |
1 | pseudogene | 84.95859 | 84.96617 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705860 | Gm15433 | NCBI_Gene:100503433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096802 | MGI:3705860 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 15433 |
1 | gene | 84.96317 | 85.56920 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891441 | Csprs | NA | NA | protein coding gene | component of Sp100-rs |
1 | pseudogene | 84.99064 | 84.99303 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579990 | Gm29284 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099693 | MGI:5579990 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29284 |
1 | gene | 84.99269 | 85.27087 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3612702 | C130026I21Rik | NCBI_Gene:620078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052477 | MGI:3612702 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA C130026I21 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 85.01209 | 85.01279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642668 | Rpl19-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100039695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064281 | MGI:3642668 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L19, pseudogene 1 |
1 | gene | 85.01237 | 85.01245 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531289 | Gm27907 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098842 | MGI:5531289 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27907 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.02636 | 85.04196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643856 | Gm7582 | NCBI_Gene:665317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061852 | MGI:3643856 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7582 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.06115 | 85.06264 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780557 | Gm2389 | NCBI_Gene:100039723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089976 | MGI:3780557 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 2389 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.06739 | 85.08024 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010527 | Gm18342 | NCBI_Gene:100416971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101279 | MGI:5010527 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18342 |
1 | gene | 85.08307 | 85.11050 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3037746 | A530032D15Rik | NCBI_Gene:381287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089844 | MGI:3037746 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA A530032D15Rik gene |
1 | gene | 85.09951 | 85.10107 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642178 | Gm10553 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073631 | MGI:3642178 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10553 |
1 | gene | 85.10595 | 85.28590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3612703 | A530040E14Rik | NCBI_Gene:621875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072109 | MGI:3612703 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A530040E14 gene |
1 | gene | 85.11244 | 85.11852 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594657 | Gm35498 | NCBI_Gene:102639105 | MGI:5594657 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 35498 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.11532 | 85.11724 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802117 | Gm16038 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090128 | MGI:3802117 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16038 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.14008 | 85.14376 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825734 | Gm46097 | NCBI_Gene:108167632 | MGI:5825734 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46097 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.15681 | 85.32731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780787 | Gm2619 | NCBI_Gene:108167347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091199 | MGI:3780787 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2619 |
1 | gene | 85.15690 | 85.30902 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621395 | Gm38510 | NCBI_Gene:102638555 | MGI:5621395 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38510 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.15976 | 85.27268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779580 | Gm6264 | NCBI_Gene:102638435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089716 | MGI:3779580 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6264 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.19959 | 85.21540 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644536 | Gm7609 | NCBI_Gene:665378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079457 | MGI:3644536 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 7609 |
1 | gene | 85.24685 | 85.25547 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801982 | Gm16028 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090252 | MGI:3801982 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16028 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.26670 | 85.28549 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783243 | Gm16026 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079455 | MGI:3783243 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 16026 |
1 | gene | 85.31352 | 85.31415 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1097710 | Sp100-rs1 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | nuclear antigen Sp100%2c related sequence 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.32636 | 85.55581 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644077 | Gm7592 | NCBI_Gene:101055758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090186 | MGI:3644077 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7592 |
1 | gene | 85.32673 | 85.34261 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802144 | Gm16025 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089652 | MGI:3802144 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16025 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.33272 | 85.34614 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779713 | Gm7281 | NCBI_Gene:105243968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089937 | MGI:3779713 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7281 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.48342 | 85.52742 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780835 | Gm2666 | NCBI_Gene:100040213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096292 | MGI:3780835 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2666 |
1 | pseudogene | 85.49765 | 85.51460 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780593 | Gm2427 | NCBI_Gene:100039794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101751 | MGI:3780593 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2427 |
1 | gene | 85.51113 | 85.52716 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3841241 | Gm16092 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089714 | MGI:3841241 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16092 |
1 | gene | 85.57075 | 85.60389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923364 | Sp110 | NCBI_Gene:109032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070034 | MGI:1923364 | protein coding gene | Sp110 nuclear body protein |
1 | gene | 85.57568 | 85.57730 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642025 | G530012D18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094127 | MGI:3642025 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA G530012D1 gene |
1 | gene | 85.59929 | 85.59984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801967 | Gm16094 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090103 | MGI:3801967 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16094 |
1 | gene | 85.60038 | 85.64504 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3702467 | Sp140 | NCBI_Gene:434484,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070031 | MGI:3702467 | protein coding gene | Sp140 nuclear body protein |
1 | gene | 85.60408 | 85.61190 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642083 | Gm10552 | NCBI_Gene:102634459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073628 | MGI:3642083 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10552 |
1 | gene | 85.64122 | 85.65059 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4820558 | Gm17017 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090246 | MGI:4820558 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17017 |
1 | gene | 85.64994 | 85.71000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109561 | Sp100 | NCBI_Gene:20684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026222 | MGI:109561 | protein coding gene | nuclear antigen Sp100 |
1 | gene | 85.67488 | 85.67499 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422080 | n-R5s215 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064414 | MGI:4422080 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 215 |
1 | gene | 85.71708 | 85.77864 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443131 | A630001G21Rik | NCBI_Gene:319997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052760 | MGI:2443131 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA A630001G21 gene |
1 | gene | 85.75195 | 85.75207 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530861 | Mir8096 | miRBase:MI0026024,NCBI_Gene:102466882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098634 | MGI:5530861 | miRNA gene | microRNA 8096 |
1 | gene | 85.76379 | 85.76387 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455249 | Gm25472 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094834 | MGI:5455249 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25472 |
1 | gene | 85.77527 | 85.78469 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925012 | 9930111H07Rik | NCBI_Gene:77762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100217 | MGI:1925012 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9930111H07 gene |
1 | gene | 85.78471 | 85.78496 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452683 | Gm22906 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092932 | MGI:5452683 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22906 |
1 | gene | 85.79341 | 85.85158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107438 | Cab39 | NCBI_Gene:12283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036707 | MGI:107438 | protein coding gene | calcium binding protein 39 |
1 | gene | 85.89428 | 85.90870 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1927594 | Itm2c | NCBI_Gene:64294,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026223 | MGI:1927594 | protein coding gene | integral membrane protein 2C |
1 | gene | 85.91482 | 85.92155 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591461 | Gm32302 | NCBI_Gene:102634803 | MGI:5591461 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32302 |
1 | gene | 85.92848 | 85.94062 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918391 | 4933407L21Rik | NCBI_Gene:71141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026224 | MGI:1918391 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933407L21 gene |
1 | gene | 85.93320 | 85.99157 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685064 | Gpr55 | NCBI_Gene:227326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049608 | MGI:2685064 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 55 |
1 | gene | 85.93325 | 85.93733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579590 | Gm28884 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099767 | MGI:5579590 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28884 |
1 | gene | 85.95711 | 85.97334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624790 | Gm41905 | NCBI_Gene:105246647 | MGI:5624790 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41905 |
1 | gene | 85.97236 | 85.98692 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578806 | Gm28100 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100108 | MGI:5578806 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28100 |
1 | pseudogene | 86.01440 | 86.01589 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010365 | Gm18180 | NCBI_Gene:100416669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099342 | MGI:5010365 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18180 |
1 | gene | 86.01682 | 86.02996 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917310 | Spata3 | NCBI_Gene:70060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026226 | MGI:1917310 | protein coding gene | spermatogenesis associated 3 |
1 | gene | 86.04586 | 86.05546 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920042 | 2810459M11Rik | NCBI_Gene:72792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026227 | MGI:1920042 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2810459M11 gene |
1 | gene | 86.06439 | 86.13930 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917497 | Psmd1 | NCBI_Gene:70247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026229 | MGI:1917497 | protein coding gene | proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 1 |
1 | gene | 86.08730 | 86.08742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452563 | Gm22786 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077274 | MGI:5452563 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22786 |
1 | gene | 86.09755 | 86.11366 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109323 | Htr2b | NCBI_Gene:15559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026228 | MGI:109323 | protein coding gene | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2B |
1 | gene | 86.12088 | 86.12356 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611142 | Gm37914 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103272 | MGI:5611142 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37914 |
1 | gene | 86.13364 | 86.16279 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439441 | Gm21972 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094638 | MGI:5439441 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 21972 |
1 | gene | 86.15473 | 86.27828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926045 | Armc9 | NCBI_Gene:78795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062590 | MGI:1926045 | protein coding gene | armadillo repeat containing 9 |
1 | gene | 86.24533 | 86.25680 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825735 | Gm46098 | NCBI_Gene:108167633 | MGI:5825735 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46098 |
1 | gene | 86.27551 | 86.30177 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3840137 | Gm16341 | NCBI_Gene:102634967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087538 | MGI:3840137 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16341 |
1 | gene | 86.30283 | 86.30730 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384394 | B3gnt7 | NCBI_Gene:227327,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079445 | MGI:2384394 | protein coding gene | UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 7 |
1 | gene | 86.30306 | 86.30406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579332 | Gm28626 | NCBI_Gene:102635143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099644 | MGI:5579332 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28626 |
1 | pseudogene | 86.32327 | 86.32543 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647794 | Gm5258 | NCBI_Gene:383538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091806 | MGI:3647794 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5258 |
1 | pseudogene | 86.32804 | 86.32887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579333 | Gm28627 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101853 | MGI:5579333 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28627 |
1 | gene | 86.34472 | 86.35945 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97286 | Ncl | NCBI_Gene:17975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026234 | MGI:97286 | protein coding gene | nucleolin |
1 | gene | 86.35117 | 86.35130 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3819511 | Snora75 | NCBI_Gene:100303740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064837 | MGI:3819511 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 75 |
1 | gene | 86.35198 | 86.35213 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5562722 | Mir3535 | miRBase:MI0026036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104627 | MGI:5562722 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3535 |
1 | gene | 86.35198 | 86.35213 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453925 | Gm24148 | NCBI_Gene:102465895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064696 | MGI:5453925 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24148 |
1 | gene | 86.35626 | 86.35633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1931502 | Snord82 | NCBI_Gene:80828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064823 | MGI:1931502 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 82 |
1 | gene | 86.35957 | 86.37379 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441877 | C130036L24Rik | NCBI_Gene:319336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073627 | MGI:2441877 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C130036L24 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 86.37710 | 86.37828 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5805023 | Gm45908 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110510 | MGI:5805023 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45908 |
1 | gene | 86.38624 | 86.42623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341898 | Nmur1 | NCBI_Gene:14767,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026237 | MGI:1341898 | protein coding gene | neuromedin U receptor 1 |
1 | gene | 86.42633 | 86.42805 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919113 | Tex44 | NCBI_Gene:71863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036574 | MGI:1919113 | protein coding gene | testis expressed 44 |
1 | gene | 86.43001 | 86.44152 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591859 | Gm32700 | NCBI_Gene:102635333 | MGI:5591859 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32700 |
1 | gene | 86.43470 | 86.43604 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921052 | 4930401B06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930401B06 gene |
1 | gene | 86.45665 | 86.46532 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591917 | Gm32758 | NCBI_Gene:102635408 | MGI:5591917 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32758 |
1 | gene | 86.46572 | 86.47313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624792 | Gm41907 | NCBI_Gene:105246649 | MGI:5624792 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41907 |
1 | pseudogene | 86.47356 | 86.47402 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642608 | Rpl30-ps6 | NCBI_Gene:100040414,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101328 | MGI:3642608 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L30, pseudogene 6 |
1 | gene | 86.52673 | 86.53071 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97803 | Ptma | NCBI_Gene:19231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026238 | MGI:97803 | protein coding gene | prothymosin alpha |
1 | gene | 86.54299 | 86.58281 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1270843 | Pde6d | NCBI_Gene:18582,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026239 | MGI:1270843 | protein coding gene | phosphodiesterase 6D, cGMP-specific, rod, delta |
1 | gene | 86.58006 | 86.58123 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610380 | Gm37152 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102927 | MGI:5610380 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37152 |
1 | gene | 86.58289 | 86.60938 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1349388 | Cops7b | NCBI_Gene:26895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026240 | MGI:1349388 | protein coding gene | COP9 signalosome subunit 7B |
1 | gene | 86.62707 | 86.64424 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624793 | Gm41908 | NCBI_Gene:105246650 | MGI:5624793 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41908 |
1 | gene | 86.63755 | 86.63761 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452732 | Gm22955 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084468 | MGI:5452732 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22955 |
1 | gene | 86.63820 | 86.64045 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610250 | Gm37022 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103609 | MGI:5610250 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37022 |
1 | gene | 86.66629 | 86.67057 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97369 | Nppc | NCBI_Gene:18159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026241 | MGI:97369 | protein coding gene | natriuretic peptide type C |
1 | gene | 86.70378 | 87.05010 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442555 | Dis3l2 | NCBI_Gene:208718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053333 | MGI:2442555 | protein coding gene | DIS3 like 3’-5’ exoribonuclease 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 86.76494 | 86.76537 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579803 | Gm29097 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100225 | MGI:5579803 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29097 |
1 | gene | 86.77482 | 86.77653 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579761 | Gm29055 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100768 | MGI:5579761 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29055 |
1 | gene | 86.80107 | 86.80403 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610713 | Gm37485 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104121 | MGI:5610713 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37485 |
1 | gene | 86.82610 | 86.82966 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611370 | Gm38142 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102383 | MGI:5611370 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38142 |
1 | gene | 86.83500 | 86.83778 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611238 | Gm38010 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104400 | MGI:5611238 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38010 |
1 | gene | 86.87435 | 86.87666 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610769 | Gm37541 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102293 | MGI:5610769 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37541 |
1 | gene | 86.89357 | 86.89513 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611249 | Gm38021 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102649 | MGI:5611249 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38021 |
1 | pseudogene | 86.90876 | 86.90971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646897 | Gm6136 | NCBI_Gene:620213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084106 | MGI:3646897 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6136 |
1 | gene | 86.91799 | 86.92066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611195 | Gm37967 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102571 | MGI:5611195 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37967 |
1 | gene | 86.92293 | 86.93074 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624794 | Gm41909 | NCBI_Gene:105246651 | MGI:5624794 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41909 |
1 | gene | 86.92939 | 87.06744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579081 | Gm28375 | NCBI_Gene:102635655,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099401 | MGI:5579081 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28375 |
1 | gene | 86.98827 | 86.98902 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610245 | Gm37017 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102956 | MGI:5610245 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37017 |
1 | gene | 87.03672 | 87.03965 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610675 | Gm37447 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103984 | MGI:5610675 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37447 |
1 | pseudogene | 87.06767 | 87.07110 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_87981 | Akp-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:208256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101940 | MGI:87981 | pseudogene | alkaline phosphatase pseudogene 1 |
1 | gene | 87.07142 | 87.07209 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624795 | Gm41910 | NCBI_Gene:105246652 | MGI:5624795 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41910 |
1 | gene | 87.08017 | 87.09797 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580077 | Gm29371 | NCBI_Gene:102635830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101625 | MGI:5580077 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29371 |
1 | gene | 87.08669 | 87.09593 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108009 | Alppl2 | NCBI_Gene:11650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026246 | MGI:108009 | protein coding gene | alkaline phosphatase, placental-like 2 |
1 | gene | 87.09800 | 87.10161 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924018 | Alpi | NCBI_Gene:76768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079440 | MGI:1924018 | protein coding gene | alkaline phosphatase, intestinal |
1 | pseudogene | 87.11632 | 87.11716 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580078 | Gm29372 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100940 | MGI:5580078 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29372 |
1 | gene | 87.12497 | 87.12791 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_87984 | Akp3 | NCBI_Gene:11648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036500 | MGI:87984 | protein coding gene | alkaline phosphatase 3, intestine, not Mn requiring |
1 | gene | 87.14287 | 87.14698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580080 | Gm29374 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099839 | MGI:5580080 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29374 |
1 | gene | 87.14287 | 87.15708 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1343461 | Ecel1 | NCBI_Gene:13599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026247 | MGI:1343461 | protein coding gene | endothelin converting enzyme-like 1 |
1 | gene | 87.15092 | 87.17225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592451 | Gm33292 | NCBI_Gene:102636138 | MGI:5592451 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33292 |
1 | gene | 87.18310 | 87.18841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916703 | Prss56 | NCBI_Gene:69453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036480 | MGI:1916703 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 56 |
1 | gene | 87.19060 | 87.20007 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_87893 | Chrnd | NCBI_Gene:11447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026251 | MGI:87893 | protein coding gene | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, delta polypeptide |
1 | gene | 87.20466 | 87.21269 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_87895 | Chrng | NCBI_Gene:11449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026253 | MGI:87895 | protein coding gene | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, gamma polypeptide |
1 | gene | 87.21390 | 87.24049 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914440 | Eif4e2 | NCBI_Gene:26987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026254 | MGI:1914440 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E member 2 |
1 | gene | 87.25115 | 87.25125 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455964 | Gm26187 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088318 | MGI:5455964 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26187 |
1 | gene | 87.26431 | 87.31084 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921607 | Efhd1 | NCBI_Gene:98363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026255 | MGI:1921607 | protein coding gene | EF hand domain containing 1 |
1 | gene | 87.26448 | 87.26517 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413444 | Efhd1os | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089821 | MGI:4413444 | antisense lncRNA gene | EF hand domain containing 1, opposite strand |
1 | gene | 87.29383 | 87.30950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624796 | Gm41911 | NCBI_Gene:105246653 | MGI:5624796 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41911 |
1 | gene | 87.32698 | 87.45081 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138584 | Gigyf2 | NCBI_Gene:227331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048000 | MGI:2138584 | protein coding gene | GRB10 interacting GYF protein 2 |
1 | gene | 87.34145 | 87.34156 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452326 | Gm22549 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095281 | MGI:5452326 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22549 |
1 | gene | 87.38458 | 87.39473 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781032 | Kcnj13 | NCBI_Gene:100040591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079436 | MGI:3781032 | protein coding gene | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 13 |
1 | gene | 87.41526 | 87.41535 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453281 | Gm23504 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089613 | MGI:5453281 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23504 |
1 | gene | 87.45371 | 87.45593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923009 | 9130011L11Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130011L11 gene |
1 | gene | 87.47013 | 87.47548 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920484 | Snorc | NCBI_Gene:73234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026258 | MGI:1920484 | protein coding gene | secondary ossification center associated regulator of chondrocyte maturation |
1 | gene | 87.47683 | 87.57387 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858414 | Ngef | NCBI_Gene:53972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026259 | MGI:1858414 | protein coding gene | neuronal guanine nucleotide exchange factor |
1 | gene | 87.50526 | 87.50693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443097 | A530079E22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A530079E22 gene |
1 | gene | 87.50989 | 87.59785 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1344417 | Neu2 | NCBI_Gene:23956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079434 | MGI:1344417 | protein coding gene | neuraminidase 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 87.51417 | 87.51430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4938008 | Gm17181 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091123 | MGI:4938008 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17181 |
1 | pseudogene | 87.54290 | 87.54472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645798 | Gm6153 | NCBI_Gene:620454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090994 | MGI:3645798 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6153 |
1 | gene | 87.55049 | 87.56832 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825736 | Gm46099 | NCBI_Gene:108167634 | MGI:5825736 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46099 |
1 | gene | 87.62031 | 87.72051 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107357 | Inpp5d | NCBI_Gene:16331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026288 | MGI:107357 | protein coding gene | inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase D |
1 | gene | 87.69978 | 87.72489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592629 | Gm33470 | NCBI_Gene:102636392 | MGI:5592629 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33470 |
1 | gene | 87.72827 | 87.74086 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592676 | Gm33517 | NCBI_Gene:102636458 | MGI:5592676 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33517 |
1 | gene | 87.75587 | 87.79243 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924290 | Atg16l1 | NCBI_Gene:77040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026289 | MGI:1924290 | protein coding gene | autophagy related 16-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) |
1 | gene | 87.77694 | 87.77721 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455172 | Gm25395 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087968 | MGI:5455172 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25395 |
1 | gene | 87.78456 | 87.78482 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819487 | Scarna6 | NCBI_Gene:100217415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089281 | MGI:3819487 | snoRNA gene | small Cajal body-specific RNA 6 |
1 | gene | 87.79578 | 87.79682 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923354 | 5830472F04Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5830472F04 gene |
1 | gene | 87.80017 | 87.84516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98227 | Sag | NCBI_Gene:20215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056055 | MGI:98227 | protein coding gene | S-antigen, retina and pineal gland (arrestin) |
1 | gene | 87.84486 | 87.85327 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621494 | Gm38609 | NCBI_Gene:102642389 | MGI:5621494 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38609 |
1 | gene | 87.85327 | 87.94518 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138334 | Dgkd | NCBI_Gene:227333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070738 | MGI:2138334 | protein coding gene | diacylglycerol kinase, delta |
1 | gene | 87.85335 | 87.85430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011767 | Gm19582 | NCBI_Gene:100503175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101942 | MGI:5011767 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19582 |
1 | gene | 87.86507 | 87.86592 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921007 | 4833421G17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103996 | MGI:1921007 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833421G17 gene |
1 | gene | 87.89754 | 87.90053 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611593 | Gm38365 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103591 | MGI:5611593 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38365 |
1 | gene | 87.94512 | 88.00858 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443184 | Usp40 | NCBI_Gene:227334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005501 | MGI:2443184 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 40 |
1 | gene | 88.01592 | 88.01603 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454975 | Gm25198 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095942 | MGI:5454975 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25198 |
1 | pseudogene | 88.02228 | 88.02416 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643737 | Gm5832 | NCBI_Gene:545344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084021 | MGI:3643737 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5832 |
1 | pseudogene | 88.02521 | 88.02607 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705815 | Gm15375 | NCBI_Gene:677561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083478 | MGI:3705815 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15375 |
1 | gene | 88.05539 | 88.22000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3580642 | Ugt1a10 | NCBI_Gene:394430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090165 | MGI:3580642 | protein coding gene | UDP glycosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A10 |
1 | gene | 88.05539 | 88.21858 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141993 | Gm20528 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092220 | MGI:5141993 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20528 |
1 | pseudogene | 88.05541 | 88.05634 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621306 | Gm38421 | NCBI_Gene:100418104 | MGI:5621306 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 38421 |
1 | gene | 88.07078 | 88.22000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3576092 | Ugt1a9 | NCBI_Gene:394434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090175 | MGI:3576092 | protein coding gene | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A9 |
1 | gene | 88.08781 | 88.21900 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3576090 | Ugt1a8 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089675 | MGI:3576090 | protein coding gene | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A8 |
1 | gene | 88.09500 | 88.22000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3032636 | Ugt1a7c | NCBI_Gene:394432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090124 | MGI:3032636 | protein coding gene | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A7C |
1 | pseudogene | 88.09792 | 88.09813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3707583 | Gm15373 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082837 | MGI:3707583 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15373 |
1 | gene | 88.10325 | 88.21900 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3580629 | Ugt1a6b | NCBI_Gene:394435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090145 | MGI:3580629 | protein coding gene | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A6B |
1 | pseudogene | 88.12672 | 88.12761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3707469 | Gm15372 | NCBI_Gene:100418105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084195 | MGI:3707469 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15372 |
1 | pseudogene | 88.12958 | 88.12983 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3707467 | Gm15370 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081261 | MGI:3707467 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15370 |
1 | gene | 88.13481 | 88.22000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2137698 | Ugt1a6a | NCBI_Gene:94284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054545 | MGI:2137698 | protein coding gene | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A6A |
1 | pseudogene | 88.14638 | 88.14677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3707466 | Gm15369 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081602 | MGI:3707466 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15369 |
1 | pseudogene | 88.15104 | 88.15188 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3707463 | Gm15374 | NCBI_Gene:100418106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082513 | MGI:3707463 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15374 |
1 | pseudogene | 88.15377 | 88.15457 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3707464 | Gm15371 | NCBI_Gene:100418107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082677 | MGI:3707464 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15371 |
1 | gene | 88.16601 | 88.22000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3032634 | Ugt1a5 | NCBI_Gene:394433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089943 | MGI:3032634 | protein coding gene | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A5 |
1 | pseudogene | 88.18666 | 88.18752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3707462 | Gm15368 | NCBI_Gene:100418108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081488 | MGI:3707462 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15368 |
1 | pseudogene | 88.19188 | 88.19268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3707460 | Gm15376 | NCBI_Gene:100418109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083277 | MGI:3707460 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15376 |
1 | gene | 88.20060 | 88.22000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3576049 | Ugt1a2 | NCBI_Gene:22236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090171 | MGI:3576049 | protein coding gene | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A2 |
1 | gene | 88.20473 | 88.20578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1306822 | Dnajb3 | NCBI_Gene:15504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081984 | MGI:1306822 | protein coding gene | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B3 |
1 | gene | 88.21196 | 88.22000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98898 | Ugt1a1 | NCBI_Gene:394436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089960 | MGI:98898 | protein coding gene | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A1 |
1 | gene | 88.22699 | 88.26229 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705228 | Mroh2a | NCBI_Gene:100040766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079429 | MGI:3705228 | protein coding gene | maestro heat-like repeat family member 2A |
1 | gene | 88.25886 | 88.27763 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685821 | Hjurp | NCBI_Gene:381280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044783 | MGI:2685821 | protein coding gene | Holliday junction recognition protein |
1 | gene | 88.27766 | 88.38929 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2181435 | Trpm8 | NCBI_Gene:171382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036251 | MGI:2181435 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 |
1 | gene | 88.34749 | 88.35293 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922135 | 4930453O03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085420 | MGI:1922135 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930453O03 gene |
1 | gene | 88.40696 | 88.42830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922646 | Spp2 | NCBI_Gene:75396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026295 | MGI:1922646 | protein coding gene | secreted phosphoprotein 2 |
1 | gene | 88.44397 | 88.46320 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580244 | Gm29538 | NCBI_Gene:102636980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099553 | MGI:5580244 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29538 |
1 | gene | 88.45968 | 88.49729 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579594 | Gm28888 | NCBI_Gene:102636823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100908 | MGI:5579594 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28888 |
1 | gene | 88.49987 | 88.51007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108038 | Glrp1 | NCBI_Gene:14659,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062310 | MGI:108038 | protein coding gene | glutamine repeat protein 1 |
1 | gene | 88.55152 | 88.56217 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011774 | Gm19589 | NCBI_Gene:100503197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100798 | MGI:5011774 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19589 |
1 | gene | 88.56671 | 88.56997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624797 | Gm41912 | NCBI_Gene:105246654 | MGI:5624797 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41912 |
1 | gene | 88.65309 | 88.65484 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611358 | Gm38130 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104057 | MGI:5611358 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38130 |
1 | gene | 88.65631 | 88.65810 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580042 | Gm29336 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100367 | MGI:5580042 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29336 |
1 | gene | 88.67312 | 88.70222 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2445172 | Arl4c | NCBI_Gene:320982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049866 | MGI:2445172 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosylation factor-like 4C |
1 | pseudogene | 88.72237 | 88.72282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580041 | Gm29335 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101736 | MGI:5580041 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29335 |
1 | gene | 88.75489 | 88.75574 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925900 | Platr5 | NCBI_Gene:78650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097398 | MGI:1925900 | lncRNA gene | pluripotency associated transcript 5 |
1 | gene | 88.86848 | 88.87541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580043 | Gm29337 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099848 | MGI:5580043 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29337 |
1 | pseudogene | 88.93224 | 88.93358 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648193 | Gm4753 | NCBI_Gene:208347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101333 | MGI:3648193 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4753 |
1 | gene | 88.97614 | 89.01602 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593353 | Gm34194 | NCBI_Gene:102637364 | MGI:5593353 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34194 |
1 | gene | 89.01611 | 89.02221 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920725 | 1700067G17Rik | NCBI_Gene:73475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099378 | MGI:1920725 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700067G17 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 89.04896 | 89.04957 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010884 | Gm18699 | NCBI_Gene:100417586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099544 | MGI:5010884 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18699 |
1 | gene | 89.07041 | 89.15507 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138297 | Sh3bp4 | NCBI_Gene:98402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036206 | MGI:2138297 | protein coding gene | SH3-domain binding protein 4 |
1 | gene | 89.09707 | 89.09882 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611540 | Gm38312 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102700 | MGI:5611540 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38312 |
1 | gene | 89.10225 | 89.10377 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593490 | Gm34331 | NCBI_Gene:102637553 | MGI:5593490 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34331 |
1 | gene | 89.13852 | 89.13991 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917859 | 5730492I20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5730492I20 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 89.25614 | 89.25700 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644613 | Gm5259 | NCBI_Gene:383542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102083 | MGI:3644613 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5259 |
1 | gene | 89.30272 | 89.35814 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579048 | Gm28342 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101288 | MGI:5579048 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28342 |
1 | gene | 89.36034 | 89.40613 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924581 | C030007H22Rik | NCBI_Gene:77331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099938 | MGI:1924581 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C030007H22 gene |
1 | gene | 89.38770 | 89.39431 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624798 | Gm41913 | NCBI_Gene:105246655 | MGI:5624798 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41913 |
1 | gene | 89.45481 | 89.89762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2653690 | Agap1 | NCBI_Gene:347722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055013 | MGI:2653690 | protein coding gene | ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 |
1 | gene | 89.48344 | 89.48582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610525 | Gm37297 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104114 | MGI:5610525 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37297 |
1 | gene | 89.56336 | 89.56347 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454957 | Gm25180 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088371 | MGI:5454957 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 25180 |
1 | gene | 89.56697 | 89.57859 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579205 | Gm28499 | NCBI_Gene:105246656,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101662 | MGI:5579205 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28499 |
1 | gene | 89.57798 | 89.58082 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624799 | Gm41914 | NCBI_Gene:105246657 | MGI:5624799 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41914 |
1 | gene | 89.65053 | 89.68391 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921653 | 4933400F21Rik | NCBI_Gene:74403,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102009 | MGI:1921653 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933400F21 gene |
1 | gene | 89.68480 | 89.68511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455814 | Gm26037 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088775 | MGI:5455814 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 26037 |
1 | gene | 89.82548 | 89.82752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610749 | Gm37521 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103252 | MGI:5610749 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37521 |
1 | gene | 89.92796 | 89.93118 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95668 | Gbx2 | NCBI_Gene:14472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034486 | MGI:95668 | protein coding gene | gastrulation brain homeobox 2 |
1 | gene | 89.93023 | 89.93459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444614 | D130058E05Rik | NCBI_Gene:102637806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092627 | MGI:2444614 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D130058E05 gene |
1 | gene | 89.95022 | 90.01467 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2655109 | Asb18 | NCBI_Gene:208372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067081 | MGI:2655109 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 18 |
1 | gene | 89.96252 | 89.96656 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624800 | Gm41915 | NCBI_Gene:105246658 | MGI:5624800 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41915 |
1 | gene | 90.00423 | 90.00736 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593775 | Gm34616 | NCBI_Gene:102637925 | MGI:5593775 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34616 |
1 | gene | 90.04213 | 90.15340 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922168 | Iqca | NCBI_Gene:74918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026301 | MGI:1922168 | protein coding gene | IQ motif containing with AAA domain |
1 | gene | 90.15352 | 90.15946 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921223 | 4930434B07Rik | NCBI_Gene:73973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100850 | MGI:1921223 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930434B07 gene |
1 | gene | 90.20398 | 90.21675 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109562 | Ackr3 | NCBI_Gene:12778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044337 | MGI:109562 | protein coding gene | atypical chemokine receptor 3 |
1 | gene | 90.22716 | 90.22853 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611505 | Gm38277 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104087 | MGI:5611505 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38277 |
1 | gene | 90.24726 | 90.26166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594089 | Gm34930 | NCBI_Gene:102638342 | MGI:5594089 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34930 |
1 | gene | 90.25528 | 90.26012 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579427 | Gm28721 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101951 | MGI:5579427 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28721 |
1 | gene | 90.27071 | 90.29077 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919778 | 2700003A03Rik | NCBI_Gene:102638195 | MGI:1919778 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2700003A03 gene |
1 | gene | 90.28046 | 90.28391 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579429 | Gm28723 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101028 | MGI:5579429 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28723 |
1 | gene | 90.32731 | 90.32742 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531030 | Gm27648 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098368 | MGI:5531030 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 27648 |
1 | gene | 90.33773 | 90.45176 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594151 | Gm34992 | NCBI_Gene:102638421 | MGI:5594151 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34992 |
1 | gene | 90.45339 | 90.50426 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579428 | Gm28722 | NCBI_Gene:105246660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101997 | MGI:5579428 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28722 |
1 | gene | 90.50673 | 90.52490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594207 | Gm35048 | NCBI_Gene:102638497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103292 | MGI:5594207 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35048 |
1 | gene | 90.53899 | 90.54778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594300 | Gm35141 | NCBI_Gene:108167648 | MGI:5594300 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35141 |
1 | gene | 90.54801 | 90.58279 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624802 | Gm41917 | NCBI_Gene:105246662 | MGI:5624802 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41917 |
1 | gene | 90.58288 | 90.58329 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594351 | Gm35192 | NCBI_Gene:102638691 | MGI:5594351 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35192 |
1 | gene | 90.60298 | 90.61334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915363 | Cops8 | NCBI_Gene:108679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034432 | MGI:1915363 | protein coding gene | COP9 signalosome subunit 8 |
1 | gene | 90.64908 | 90.65502 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594401 | Gm35242 | NCBI_Gene:102638753 | MGI:5594401 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35242 |
1 | gene | 90.67447 | 90.67979 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643217 | Gm9991 | NCBI_Gene:433332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056128 | MGI:3643217 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9991 |
1 | gene | 90.68685 | 90.70389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594491 | Gm35332 | NCBI_Gene:102638873 | MGI:5594491 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35332 |
1 | gene | 90.75861 | 90.76049 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914790 | 4931428A05Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931428A05 gene |
1 | gene | 90.75876 | 90.76401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624803 | Gm41918 | NCBI_Gene:105246663 | MGI:5624803 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41918 |
1 | gene | 90.76592 | 90.84397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88461 | Col6a3 | NCBI_Gene:12835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048126 | MGI:88461 | protein coding gene | collagen, type VI, alpha 3 |
1 | gene | 90.83728 | 90.83913 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610198 | Gm36970 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103061 | MGI:5610198 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 36970 |
1 | gene | 90.87058 | 90.87142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922186 | 4930474B08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103978 | MGI:1922186 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930474B08 gene |
1 | gene | 90.88787 | 90.90924 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594540 | Gm35381 | NCBI_Gene:102638944 | MGI:5594540 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35381 |
1 | gene | 90.91502 | 90.95114 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2176380 | Mlph | NCBI_Gene:171531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026303 | MGI:2176380 | protein coding gene | melanophilin |
1 | gene | 90.95126 | 90.95437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644668 | Prlh | NCBI_Gene:623503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090550 | MGI:3644668 | protein coding gene | prolactin releasing hormone |
1 | gene | 90.95813 | 90.96967 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104640 | Rab17 | NCBI_Gene:19329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026304 | MGI:104640 | protein coding gene | RAB17, member RAS oncogene family |
1 | gene | 90.97446 | 90.97526 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578905 | Gm28199 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100791 | MGI:5578905 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28199 |
1 | gene | 90.99843 | 91.12894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1342770 | Lrrfip1 | NCBI_Gene:16978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026305 | MGI:1342770 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 1 |
1 | gene | 91.14497 | 91.17080 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685663 | Rbm44 | NCBI_Gene:329207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070732 | MGI:2685663 | protein coding gene | RNA binding motif protein 44 |
1 | pseudogene | 91.14745 | 91.14775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594602 | Gm35443 | NCBI_Gene:102639030 | MGI:5594602 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 35443 |
1 | pseudogene | 91.17129 | 91.17216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646051 | Gm7776 | NCBI_Gene:665766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100018 | MGI:3646051 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7776 |
1 | gene | 91.17982 | 91.22520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858418 | Ramp1 | NCBI_Gene:51801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034353 | MGI:1858418 | protein coding gene | receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 1 |
1 | gene | 91.23818 | 91.24135 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925748 | 1810073J14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810073J14 gene |
1 | gene | 91.24969 | 91.29034 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915171 | Ube2f | NCBI_Gene:67921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034343 | MGI:1915171 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2F (putative) |
1 | pseudogene | 91.29291 | 91.29758 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645449 | Gm7785 | NCBI_Gene:102639127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083064 | MGI:3645449 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7785 |
1 | gene | 91.29720 | 91.30441 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477177 | Gm26683 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097285 | MGI:5477177 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26683 |
1 | gene | 91.29829 | 91.32108 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1355310 | Scly | NCBI_Gene:50880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026307 | MGI:1355310 | protein coding gene | selenocysteine lyase |
1 | gene | 91.30509 | 91.32110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4937917 | Gm17090 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090322 | MGI:4937917 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 17090 |
1 | gene | 91.32207 | 91.34831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685402 | Espnl | NCBI_Gene:227357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049515 | MGI:2685402 | protein coding gene | espin-like |
1 | gene | 91.35102 | 91.36242 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918038 | Klhl30 | NCBI_Gene:70788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026308 | MGI:1918038 | protein coding gene | kelch-like 30 |
1 | gene | 91.36616 | 91.37422 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3606476 | Erfe | NCBI_Gene:227358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047443 | MGI:3606476 | protein coding gene | erythroferrone |
1 | gene | 91.37386 | 91.39884 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914694 | Ilkap | NCBI_Gene:67444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026309 | MGI:1914694 | protein coding gene | integrin-linked kinase-associated serine/threonine phosphatase 2C |
1 | gene | 91.40488 | 91.40603 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914336 | 1700020N18Rik | NCBI_Gene:67086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100253 | MGI:1914336 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700020N18 gene |
1 | gene | 91.41148 | 91.41404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1859852 | Hes6 | NCBI_Gene:55927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067071 | MGI:1859852 | protein coding gene | hairy and enhancer of split 6 |
1 | gene | 91.41598 | 91.45940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1195265 | Per2 | NCBI_Gene:18627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055866 | MGI:1195265 | protein coding gene | period circadian clock 2 |
1 | gene | 91.44612 | 91.45375 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594750 | Gm35591 | NCBI_Gene:102639235 | MGI:5594750 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35591 |
1 | pseudogene | 91.46991 | 91.47010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579087 | Gm28381 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101911 | MGI:5579087 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28381 |
1 | gene | 91.47877 | 91.48477 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579088 | Gm28382 | NCBI_Gene:102639373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100151 | MGI:5579088 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28382 |
1 | pseudogene | 91.48773 | 91.49001 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011270 | Gm19085 | NCBI_Gene:100418229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101958 | MGI:5011270 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19085 |
1 | gene | 91.49459 | 91.52931 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921269 | Traf3ip1 | NCBI_Gene:74019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034292 | MGI:1921269 | protein coding gene | TRAF3 interacting protein 1 |
1 | gene | 91.53946 | 91.55959 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929735 | Asb1 | NCBI_Gene:65247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026311 | MGI:1929735 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 1 |
1 | gene | 91.61121 | 91.62774 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579086 | Gm28380 | NCBI_Gene:102639494,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101705 | MGI:5579086 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28380 |
1 | gene | 91.79853 | 91.80294 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579806 | Gm29100 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100980 | MGI:5579806 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29100 |
1 | gene | 91.80146 | 91.84803 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104685 | Twist2 | NCBI_Gene:13345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007805 | MGI:104685 | protein coding gene | twist basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 2 |
1 | gene | 91.81305 | 91.83269 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825754 | Gm46117 | NCBI_Gene:108167658 | MGI:5825754 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46117 |
1 | gene | 91.82251 | 91.82398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579807 | Gm29101 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101414 | MGI:5579807 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29101 |
1 | gene | 91.87872 | 91.87967 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825879 | Gm46242 | NCBI_Gene:108167833 | MGI:5825879 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46242 |
1 | gene | 91.91626 | 91.91955 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610828 | Gm37600 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102745 | MGI:5610828 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37600 |
1 | gene | 91.92878 | 92.19570 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3036234 | Hdac4 | NCBI_Gene:208727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026313 | MGI:3036234 | protein coding gene | histone deacetylase 4 |
1 | gene | 91.97599 | 91.98156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610276 | Gm37048 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103101 | MGI:5610276 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37048 |
1 | gene | 91.98905 | 91.99263 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477214 | Gm26720 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096941 | MGI:5477214 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26720 |
1 | gene | 92.01959 | 92.02210 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610264 | Gm37036 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102565 | MGI:5610264 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37036 |
1 | gene | 92.32451 | 92.32989 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579805 | Gm29099 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101265 | MGI:5579805 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29099 |
1 | gene | 92.37956 | 92.39362 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595151 | Gm35992 | NCBI_Gene:102639756 | MGI:5595151 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35992 |
1 | pseudogene | 92.42988 | 92.43062 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644044 | Gm7837 | NCBI_Gene:108167661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101522 | MGI:3644044 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7837 |
1 | gene | 92.43901 | 92.47386 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914523 | Ndufa10 | NCBI_Gene:67273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026260 | MGI:1914523 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A10 |
1 | gene | 92.46448 | 92.46454 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531090 | Mir6900 | miRBase:MI0022747,NCBI_Gene:102465542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098288 | MGI:5531090 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6900 |
1 | gene | 92.47593 | 92.48511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031250 | Olfr1416 | NCBI_Gene:259040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067064 | MGI:3031250 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1416 |
1 | gene | 92.48910 | 92.49610 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031249 | Olfr1415 | NCBI_Gene:258228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057464 | MGI:3031249 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1415 |
1 | gene | 92.50637 | 92.51866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031248 | Olfr1414 | NCBI_Gene:259041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042849 | MGI:3031248 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1414 |
1 | gene | 92.57132 | 92.57440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031247 | Olfr1413 | NCBI_Gene:259039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058904 | MGI:3031247 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1413 |
1 | gene | 92.57237 | 92.57275 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925600 | 1700054K02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097001 | MGI:1925600 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700054K02 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 92.57461 | 92.57480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579184 | Gm28478 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099363 | MGI:5579184 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28478 |
1 | gene | 92.58578 | 92.59137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031246 | Olfr1412 | NCBI_Gene:258274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046300 | MGI:3031246 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1412 |
1 | pseudogene | 92.58987 | 92.58992 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5690490 | Gm44098 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107778 | MGI:5690490 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 44098 |
1 | gene | 92.59441 | 92.59775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031245 | Olfr1411 | NCBI_Gene:258483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062497 | MGI:3031245 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1411 |
1 | pseudogene | 92.59537 | 92.59548 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5690491 | Gm44099 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108131 | MGI:5690491 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 44099 |
1 | gene | 92.60578 | 92.61481 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031244 | Olfr1410 | NCBI_Gene:258484,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063583 | MGI:3031244 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1410 |
1 | gene | 92.61779 | 92.62341 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107863 | Olfr12 | NCBI_Gene:257890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061616 | MGI:107863 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 12 |
1 | gene | 92.63715 | 92.64199 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914165 | Cops9 | NCBI_Gene:66915,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073616 | MGI:1914165 | protein coding gene | COP9 signalosome subunit 9 |
1 | gene | 92.64422 | 92.64890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2672814 | Otos | NCBI_Gene:260301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044055 | MGI:2672814 | protein coding gene | otospiralin |
1 | gene | 92.71423 | 92.73075 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580189 | Gm29483 | NCBI_Gene:102641120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100546 | MGI:5580189 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29483 |
1 | gene | 92.75214 | 92.76114 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595261 | Gm36102 | NCBI_Gene:102639900 | MGI:5595261 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36102 |
1 | gene | 92.75921 | 92.76048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580188 | Gm29482 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099665 | MGI:5580188 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29482 |
1 | gene | 92.82096 | 92.83790 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580187 | Gm29481 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100781 | MGI:5580187 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29481 |
1 | gene | 92.83164 | 92.86078 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1194891 | Gpc1 | NCBI_Gene:14733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034220 | MGI:1194891 | protein coding gene | glypican 1 |
1 | gene | 92.84218 | 92.84877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580186 | Gm29480 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101995 | MGI:5580186 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29480 |
1 | gene | 92.85038 | 92.85044 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676834 | Mir149 | miRBase:MI0000171,NCBI_Gene:387167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065470 | MGI:2676834 | miRNA gene | microRNA 149 |
1 | gene | 92.85980 | 92.90299 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045261 | Ankmy1 | NCBI_Gene:241158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034212 | MGI:3045261 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat and MYND domain containing 1 |
1 | gene | 92.86458 | 92.87571 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595343 | Gm36184 | NCBI_Gene:102640006 | MGI:5595343 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36184 |
1 | gene | 92.90698 | 92.90862 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914696 | Dusp28 | NCBI_Gene:67446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047067 | MGI:1914696 | protein coding gene | dual specificity phosphatase 28 |
1 | gene | 92.90838 | 92.91076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923245 | 5033417F24Rik | NCBI_Gene:75995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097251 | MGI:1923245 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5033417F24 gene |
1 | gene | 92.91078 | 92.92438 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914170 | Rnpepl1 | NCBI_Gene:108657,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026269 | MGI:1914170 | protein coding gene | arginyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase B)-like 1 |
1 | gene | 92.93353 | 92.95059 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3702484 | 9430060I03Rik | NCBI_Gene:100037260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100632 | MGI:3702484 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430060I03 gene |
1 | gene | 92.93438 | 92.94795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1344392 | Capn10 | NCBI_Gene:23830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026270 | MGI:1344392 | protein coding gene | calpain 10 |
1 | gene | 92.95086 | 92.98639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929509 | Gpr35 | NCBI_Gene:64095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026271 | MGI:1929509 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 35 |
1 | gene | 92.99715 | 92.99793 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595583 | Gm36424 | NCBI_Gene:102640333 | MGI:5595583 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36424 |
1 | pseudogene | 92.99940 | 93.00277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010882 | Gm18697 | NCBI_Gene:100417583,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100021 | MGI:5010882 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18697 |
1 | gene | 93.00633 | 93.01227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2664636 | Aqp12 | NCBI_Gene:208760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045091 | MGI:2664636 | protein coding gene | aquaporin 12 |
1 | gene | 93.01546 | 93.10195 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108391 | Kif1a | NCBI_Gene:16560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014602 | MGI:108391 | protein coding gene | kinesin family member 1A |
1 | gene | 93.11481 | 93.11589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595631 | Gm36472 | NCBI_Gene:102640407 | MGI:5595631 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36472 |
1 | gene | 93.12293 | 93.12410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578792 | Gm28086 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101378 | MGI:5578792 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28086 |
1 | gene | 93.13524 | 93.14542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1329033 | Agxt | NCBI_Gene:11611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026272 | MGI:1329033 | protein coding gene | alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase |
1 | gene | 93.15135 | 93.16096 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919124 | Mab21l4 | NCBI_Gene:71874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034159 | MGI:1919124 | protein coding gene | mab-21-like 4 |
1 | gene | 93.16842 | 93.23107 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045962 | Crocc2 | NCBI_Gene:381284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084989 | MGI:3045962 | protein coding gene | ciliary rootlet coiled-coil, rootletin family member 2 |
1 | gene | 93.23582 | 93.30106 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045960 | Sned1 | NCBI_Gene:208777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047793 | MGI:3045960 | protein coding gene | sushi, nidogen and EGF-like domains 1 |
1 | gene | 93.27455 | 93.27461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531114 | Mir6901 | miRBase:MI0022748,NCBI_Gene:102465543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098997 | MGI:5531114 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6901 |
1 | gene | 93.29921 | 93.30591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918355 | Mterf4 | NCBI_Gene:69821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026273 | MGI:1918355 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial transcription termination factor 4 |
1 | gene | 93.30596 | 93.31731 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579241 | Gm28535 | NCBI_Gene:105246665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101172 | MGI:5579241 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28535 |
1 | pseudogene | 93.30668 | 93.30725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644627 | Gm7867 | NCBI_Gene:108167665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100351 | MGI:3644627 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7867 |
1 | gene | 93.30877 | 93.34348 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2155936 | Pask | NCBI_Gene:269224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026274 | MGI:2155936 | protein coding gene | PAS domain containing serine/threonine kinase |
1 | gene | 93.34285 | 93.37349 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913635 | Ppp1r7 | NCBI_Gene:66385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026275 | MGI:1913635 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 7 |
1 | gene | 93.34609 | 93.34615 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5562723 | Mir6902 | miRBase:MI0022749,NCBI_Gene:102465544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106302 | MGI:5562723 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6902 |
1 | gene | 93.35216 | 93.35228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531201 | Mir6345 | miRBase:MI0021873,NCBI_Gene:102466630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098689 | MGI:5531201 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6345 |
1 | gene | 93.36325 | 93.36336 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456223 | Gm26446 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064389 | MGI:5456223 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26446 |
1 | gene | 93.37380 | 93.40430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3052714 | Ano7 | NCBI_Gene:404545,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034107 | MGI:3052714 | protein coding gene | anoctamin 7 |
1 | gene | 93.40594 | 93.47892 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99256 | Hdlbp | NCBI_Gene:110611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034088 | MGI:99256 | protein coding gene | high density lipoprotein (HDL) binding protein |
1 | pseudogene | 93.42168 | 93.42254 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937049 | Gm17415 | NCBI_Gene:108167670,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090489 | MGI:4937049 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17415 |
1 | gene | 93.47896 | 93.51026 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97298 | Sept2 | NCBI_Gene:18000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116048 | MGI:97298 | protein coding gene | septin 2 |
1 | gene | 93.51208 | 93.62198 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385126 | Farp2 | NCBI_Gene:227377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034066 | MGI:2385126 | protein coding gene | FERM, RhoGEF and pleckstrin domain protein 2 |
1 | gene | 93.53181 | 93.53420 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610478 | Gm37250 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103854 | MGI:5610478 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37250 |
1 | gene | 93.55030 | 93.55469 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624805 | Gm41920 | NCBI_Gene:105246666 | MGI:5624805 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41920 |
1 | pseudogene | 93.58546 | 93.58600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011059 | Gm18874 | NCBI_Gene:100417877 | MGI:5011059 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18874 |
1 | gene | 93.61975 | 93.65866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891699 | Stk25 | NCBI_Gene:59041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026277 | MGI:1891699 | protein coding gene | serine/threonine kinase 25 (yeast) |
1 | gene | 93.63519 | 93.63651 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579242 | Gm28536 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100927 | MGI:5579242 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28536 |
1 | gene | 93.68558 | 93.69577 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858494 | Bok | NCBI_Gene:51800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026278 | MGI:1858494 | protein coding gene | BCL2-related ovarian killer |
1 | gene | 93.70194 | 93.75486 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914276 | Thap4 | NCBI_Gene:67026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026279 | MGI:1914276 | protein coding gene | THAP domain containing 4 |
1 | gene | 93.73110 | 93.75107 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704193 | Gm10550 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101952 | MGI:3704193 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10550 |
1 | gene | 93.75150 | 93.79061 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913865 | Atg4b | NCBI_Gene:66615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026280 | MGI:1913865 | protein coding gene | autophagy related 4B, cysteine peptidase |
1 | gene | 93.79258 | 93.80193 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108396 | Dtymk | NCBI_Gene:21915,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026281 | MGI:108396 | protein coding gene | deoxythymidylate kinase |
1 | gene | 93.80359 | 93.82210 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922816 | Ing5 | NCBI_Gene:66262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026283 | MGI:1922816 | protein coding gene | inhibitor of growth family, member 5 |
1 | gene | 93.80857 | 93.80867 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451866 | Gm22089 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088961 | MGI:5451866 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22089 |
1 | gene | 93.82481 | 93.85386 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138209 | D2hgdh | NCBI_Gene:98314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073609 | MGI:2138209 | protein coding gene | D-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase |
1 | gene | 93.86131 | 93.87649 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685834 | Gal3st2 | NCBI_Gene:381334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094651 | MGI:2685834 | protein coding gene | galactose-3-O-sulfotransferase 2 |
1 | gene | 93.89009 | 93.89897 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589363 | Gm30204 | NCBI_Gene:102632027 | MGI:5589363 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30204 |
1 | pseudogene | 93.90624 | 93.91697 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010851 | Gm18666 | NCBI_Gene:100417527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101660 | MGI:5010851 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18666 |
1 | gene | 93.91831 | 93.94265 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3711964 | Gal3st2b | NCBI_Gene:100041596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093805 | MGI:3711964 | protein coding gene | galactose-3-O-sulfotransferase 2B |
1 | pseudogene | 93.96781 | 93.98587 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648247 | Gm7889 | NCBI_Gene:666009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099624 | MGI:3648247 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7889 |
1 | gene | 93.99051 | 94.01715 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646771 | Gal3st2c | NCBI_Gene:619597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073608 | MGI:3646771 | protein coding gene | galactose-3-O-sulfotransferase 2C |
1 | gene | 94.01505 | 94.01715 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921810 | 9130414P19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130414P19 gene |
1 | gene | 94.02045 | 94.02833 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2661364 | Neu4 | NCBI_Gene:241159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034000 | MGI:2661364 | protein coding gene | sialidase 4 |
1 | gene | 94.03830 | 94.05255 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104879 | Pdcd1 | NCBI_Gene:18566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026285 | MGI:104879 | protein coding gene | programmed cell death 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 94.20431 | 94.20587 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645230 | Gm7891 | NCBI_Gene:666012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100990 | MGI:3645230 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7891 |
1 | pseudogene | 94.46872 | 94.46994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648340 | Gm7895 | NCBI_Gene:666025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100347 | MGI:3648340 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7895 |
1 | gene | 94.61564 | 94.61570 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453166 | Gm23389 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077413 | MGI:5453166 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23389 |
1 | gene | 94.79708 | 94.80247 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921939 | 4930440C22Rik | NCBI_Gene:74689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100518 | MGI:1921939 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930440C22 gene |
1 | gene | 95.03993 | 95.04004 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452958 | Gm23181 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089310 | MGI:5452958 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23181 |
1 | pseudogene | 95.25596 | 95.25681 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646340 | Gm5264 | NCBI_Gene:383603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099592 | MGI:3646340 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5264 |
1 | gene | 95.31362 | 95.33528 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914948 | Fam174a | NCBI_Gene:67698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051185 | MGI:1914948 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 174, member A |
1 | gene | 95.32868 | 95.33122 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039612 | BC055308 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103973 | MGI:3039612 | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence BC055308 |
1 | pseudogene | 95.49857 | 95.49919 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642341 | Gm15427 | NCBI_Gene:100041686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081051 | MGI:3642341 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 15427 |
1 | pseudogene | 95.56554 | 95.56560 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97994 | Rnu7-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:19868 | MGI:97994 | pseudogene | U7 small nuclear RNA, pseudogene 2 |
1 | gene | 95.58768 | 95.66761 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106018 | St8sia4 | NCBI_Gene:20452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040710 | MGI:106018 | protein coding gene | ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 4 |
1 | gene | 95.64677 | 95.64851 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610870 | Gm37642 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103197 | MGI:5610870 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37642 |
1 | gene | 95.67160 | 95.67738 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589590 | Gm30431 | NCBI_Gene:102632331 | MGI:5589590 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30431 |
1 | gene | 95.70118 | 95.71652 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922631 | 4930598F16Rik | NCBI_Gene:75381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100777 | MGI:1922631 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930598F16 gene |
1 | gene | 95.73820 | 95.74029 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610989 | Gm37761 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102718 | MGI:5610989 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37761 |
1 | gene | 95.83213 | 95.83223 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452137 | Gm22360 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095955 | MGI:5452137 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22360 |
1 | gene | 95.99066 | 96.02176 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920704 | 1700063A18Rik | NCBI_Gene:73454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100062 | MGI:1920704 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700063A18 gene |
1 | gene | 96.26685 | 96.26694 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454363 | Gm24586 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080345 | MGI:5454363 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24586 |
1 | gene | 96.30315 | 96.30325 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452694 | Gm22917 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096585 | MGI:5452694 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22917 |
1 | gene | 96.31324 | 96.31553 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610304 | Gm37076 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102658 | MGI:5610304 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37076 |
1 | gene | 96.54306 | 96.55673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580307 | Gm29601 | NCBI_Gene:105246667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100336 | MGI:5580307 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29601 |
1 | gene | 96.54834 | 96.55000 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589649 | Gm30490 | NCBI_Gene:102632412 | MGI:5589649 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30490 |
1 | gene | 96.61206 | 96.66257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922409 | 4930533P14Rik | NCBI_Gene:75159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100589 | MGI:1922409 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930533P14 gene |
1 | gene | 96.61710 | 96.61720 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456022 | Gm26245 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095610 | MGI:5456022 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26245 |
1 | pseudogene | 96.64542 | 96.64617 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3037691 | Gm1833 | NCBI_Gene:227393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100362 | MGI:3037691 | pseudogene | predicted gene 1833 |
1 | gene | 96.76203 | 96.76216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455855 | Gm26078 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077255 | MGI:5455855 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26078 |
1 | gene | 96.81627 | 96.87217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442784 | Slco4c1 | NCBI_Gene:227394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040693 | MGI:2442784 | protein coding gene | solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 4C1 |
1 | gene | 96.87113 | 96.90780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643517 | Panct2 | NCBI_Gene:329217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097814 | MGI:3643517 | lncRNA gene | pluripotency-associated noncoding transcript 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 96.90618 | 96.99758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915104 | Slco6b1 | NCBI_Gene:67854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045463 | MGI:1915104 | pseudogene | solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 6b1 |
1 | pseudogene | 97.00162 | 97.00279 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779909 | Gm9499 | NCBI_Gene:670708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097480 | MGI:3779909 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9499 |
1 | pseudogene | 97.02440 | 97.02656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648857 | Gm6430 | NCBI_Gene:623430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044757 | MGI:3648857 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6430 |
1 | gene | 97.02452 | 97.02557 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579607 | Gm28901 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100454 | MGI:5579607 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28901 |
1 | gene | 97.05904 | 97.12834 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921691 | Slco6c1 | NCBI_Gene:74441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026331 | MGI:1921691 | protein coding gene | solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 6c1 |
1 | pseudogene | 97.16269 | 97.31066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643070 | Gm7133 | NCBI_Gene:634331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100484 | MGI:3643070 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7133 |
1 | pseudogene | 97.34618 | 97.57301 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647710 | Gm7135 | NCBI_Gene:634346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101348 | MGI:3647710 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7135 |
1 | gene | 97.54426 | 97.54545 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610399 | Gm37171 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103179 | MGI:5610399 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37171 |
1 | gene | 97.60632 | 97.66207 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277184 | D1Ertd622e | NCBI_Gene:52392,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044768 | MGI:1277184 | protein coding gene | DNA segment, Chr 1, ERATO Doi 622, expressed |
1 | gene | 97.63747 | 97.64287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915418 | A930009E08Rik | NCBI_Gene:105246668 | MGI:1915418 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A930009E08 gene |
1 | gene | 97.70604 | 97.77041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142810 | Ppip5k2 | NCBI_Gene:227399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040648 | MGI:2142810 | protein coding gene | diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate kinase 2 |
1 | gene | 97.77017 | 97.79371 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2182036 | Gin1 | NCBI_Gene:252876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026333 | MGI:2182036 | protein coding gene | gypsy retrotransposon integrase 1 |
1 | gene | 97.79511 | 98.09566 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97475 | Pam | NCBI_Gene:18484,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026335 | MGI:97475 | protein coding gene | peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase |
1 | gene | 97.87838 | 97.88007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610368 | Gm37140 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104140 | MGI:5610368 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37140 |
1 | gene | 97.91110 | 97.92492 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590930 | Gm31771 | NCBI_Gene:102634109 | MGI:5590930 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31771 |
1 | gene | 97.93640 | 97.93671 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455190 | Gm25413 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089169 | MGI:5455190 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25413 |
1 | pseudogene | 97.94866 | 97.94950 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781708 | Gm3531 | NCBI_Gene:100041823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089782 | MGI:3781708 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 3531 |
1 | gene | 98.03112 | 98.05768 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925853 | B230216N24Rik | NCBI_Gene:78603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089706 | MGI:1925853 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230216N24 gene |
1 | gene | 98.04982 | 98.04993 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454242 | Gm24465 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096085 | MGI:5454242 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24465 |
1 | gene | 98.13146 | 98.14466 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916280 | 1810006J02Rik | NCBI_Gene:69030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100182 | MGI:1916280 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1810006J02 gene |
1 | gene | 98.17343 | 98.19070 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580167 | Gm29461 | NCBI_Gene:102634194,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100711 | MGI:5580167 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29461 |
1 | pseudogene | 98.26347 | 98.26451 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648772 | Gm7952 | NCBI_Gene:666153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097608 | MGI:3648772 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7952 |
1 | pseudogene | 98.26715 | 98.26744 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580168 | Gm29462 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099634 | MGI:5580168 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29462 |
1 | pseudogene | 98.28955 | 98.29297 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825715 | Gm46078 | NCBI_Gene:108167600 | MGI:5825715 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46078 |
1 | gene | 98.42109 | 98.51699 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918116 | Slco6d1 | NCBI_Gene:70866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026336 | MGI:1918116 | protein coding gene | solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 6d1 |
1 | pseudogene | 98.45771 | 98.45999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781732 | Gm3555 | NCBI_Gene:100041868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089791 | MGI:3781732 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 3555 |
1 | gene | 98.54945 | 98.54956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455911 | Gm26134 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096193 | MGI:5455911 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 26134 |
1 | gene | 98.58952 | 98.76508 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644984 | Gm7967 | NCBI_Gene:666182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100009 | MGI:3644984 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 7967 |
1 | pseudogene | 98.76484 | 98.76555 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580166 | Gm29460 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099686 | MGI:5580166 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29460 |
1 | gene | 99.01736 | 99.01746 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453211 | Gm23434 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087804 | MGI:5453211 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23434 |
1 | pseudogene | 99.63840 | 99.64033 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010433 | Gm18248 | NCBI_Gene:100416782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099453 | MGI:5010433 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18248 |
1 | gene | 99.77224 | 100.49060 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3664583 | Cntnap5b | NCBI_Gene:241175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067028 | MGI:3664583 | protein coding gene | contactin associated protein-like 5B |
1 | pseudogene | 99.79020 | 99.79110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1321403 | Prdx2-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:633295,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082431 | MGI:1321403 | pseudogene | peroxiredoxin 2, pseudogene 1 |
1 | gene | 99.84798 | 99.85069 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611105 | Gm37877 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104104 | MGI:5611105 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37877 |
1 | pseudogene | 100.00602 | 100.00658 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011214 | Gm19029 | NCBI_Gene:100418141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100662 | MGI:5011214 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19029 |
1 | gene | 100.24999 | 100.25251 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624808 | Gm41923 | NCBI_Gene:105246671 | MGI:5624808 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41923 |
1 | gene | 100.25292 | 100.25305 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453379 | Gm23602 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087883 | MGI:5453379 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23602 |
1 | pseudogene | 100.28233 | 100.28264 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5580374 | Gm29668 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099835 | MGI:5580374 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29668 |
1 | pseudogene | 100.28279 | 100.28328 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580373 | Gm29667 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100794 | MGI:5580373 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29667 |
1 | pseudogene | 100.59707 | 100.59763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010885 | Gm18700 | NCBI_Gene:100417587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099427 | MGI:5010885 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18700 |
1 | pseudogene | 100.64358 | 100.64425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010370 | Gm18185 | NCBI_Gene:100416675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099892 | MGI:5010370 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18185 |
1 | pseudogene | 100.65380 | 100.65416 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580040 | Gm29334 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100977 | MGI:5580040 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29334 |
1 | pseudogene | 100.77785 | 100.78340 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825880 | Gm46243 | NCBI_Gene:108167834 | MGI:5825880 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46243 |
1 | gene | 100.86179 | 100.86190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455314 | Gm25537 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077039 | MGI:5455314 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25537 |
1 | gene | 101.15577 | 101.17520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012453 | Gm20268 | NCBI_Gene:100504525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100684 | MGI:5012453 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20268 |
1 | gene | 101.26273 | 101.28021 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591132 | Gm31973 | NCBI_Gene:102634377 | MGI:5591132 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31973 |
1 | pseudogene | 101.37163 | 101.37208 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579507 | Gm28801 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100088 | MGI:5579507 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28801 |
1 | pseudogene | 101.38585 | 101.38666 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109264 | Psmb6-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:383650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100222 | MGI:109264 | pseudogene | proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 6, pseudogene 2 |
1 | gene | 101.75251 | 101.75274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1098587 | D1Ertd62e | NA | NA | unclassified gene | DNA segment%2c Chr 1%2c ERATO Doi 62%2c expressed |
1 | pseudogene | 101.75381 | 101.75454 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011154 | Gm18969 | NCBI_Gene:100418055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100065 | MGI:5011154 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18969 |
1 | pseudogene | 101.88051 | 101.88074 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578894 | Gm28188 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100349 | MGI:5578894 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28188 |
1 | gene | 101.89296 | 101.89509 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578893 | Gm28187 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099375 | MGI:5578893 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28187 |
1 | gene | 102.10645 | 102.10658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453899 | Gm24122 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077295 | MGI:5453899 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24122 |
1 | pseudogene | 102.14910 | 102.53766 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781292 | Gm3116 | NCBI_Gene:100041056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101890 | MGI:3781292 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3116 |
1 | pseudogene | 102.16137 | 102.16194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579329 | Gm28623 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099770 | MGI:5579329 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28623 |
1 | gene | 102.41392 | 102.41402 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452813 | Gm23036 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088510 | MGI:5452813 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23036 |
1 | pseudogene | 102.45865 | 102.45892 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012466 | Gm20281 | NCBI_Gene:102634495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099989 | MGI:5012466 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20281 |
1 | pseudogene | 102.82563 | 103.42366 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010913 | Gm18728 | NCBI_Gene:100417638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100955 | MGI:5010913 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18728 |
1 | gene | 102.95342 | 102.95355 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451811 | Gm22034 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087908 | MGI:5451811 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22034 |
1 | gene | 103.23663 | 103.23677 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453742 | Gm23965 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088594 | MGI:5453742 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23965 |
1 | pseudogene | 103.36399 | 103.42366 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579847 | Gm29141 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099469 | MGI:5579847 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29141 |
1 | gene | 103.72434 | 103.72723 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611017 | Gm37789 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102325 | MGI:5611017 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37789 |
1 | gene | 104.30470 | 104.32299 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624809 | Gm41924 | NCBI_Gene:105246672 | MGI:5624809 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41924 |
1 | pseudogene | 104.31172 | 104.31233 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010632 | Gm18447 | NCBI_Gene:100417203,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101297 | MGI:5010632 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18447 |
1 | pseudogene | 104.47094 | 104.47142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579846 | Gm29140 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100059 | MGI:5579846 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29140 |
1 | gene | 104.48596 | 104.48629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453314 | Gm23537 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088161 | MGI:5453314 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23537 |
1 | pseudogene | 104.51300 | 104.51407 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644614 | Gm5260 | NCBI_Gene:383546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099464 | MGI:3644614 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5260 |
1 | pseudogene | 104.60952 | 104.61088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580298 | Gm29592 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100935 | MGI:5580298 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29592 |
1 | pseudogene | 104.63258 | 104.63336 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579717 | Gm29011 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099801 | MGI:5579717 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29011 |
1 | gene | 104.76853 | 104.99548 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346069 | Cdh20 | NCBI_Gene:23836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050840 | MGI:1346069 | protein coding gene | cadherin 20 |
1 | gene | 104.77611 | 104.77913 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611259 | Gm38031 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103991 | MGI:5611259 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38031 |
1 | gene | 104.88092 | 104.88103 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422081 | n-R5s216 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084704 | MGI:4422081 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 216 |
1 | gene | 104.90652 | 104.90933 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610197 | Gm36969 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103060 | MGI:5610197 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 36969 |
1 | gene | 104.91143 | 104.91233 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783139 | Gm15699 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089866 | MGI:3783139 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15699 |
1 | gene | 105.11449 | 105.12376 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624810 | Gm41925 | NCBI_Gene:105246673 | MGI:5624810 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41925 |
1 | gene | 105.11629 | 105.12778 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579718 | Gm29012 | NCBI_Gene:102634726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099669 | MGI:5579718 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29012 |
1 | pseudogene | 105.24443 | 105.24466 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579719 | Gm29013 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099702 | MGI:5579719 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29013 |
1 | gene | 105.27691 | 105.35699 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443787 | Rnf152 | NCBI_Gene:320311,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047496 | MGI:2443787 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 152 |
1 | pseudogene | 105.32112 | 105.32145 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5579720 | Gm29014 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099582 | MGI:5579720 | pseudogene | predicted gene 29014 |
1 | gene | 105.35594 | 105.36182 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937268 | Gm17634 | NCBI_Gene:100504568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097482 | MGI:4937268 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 17634 |
1 | gene | 105.38226 | 105.56914 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579109 | Gm28403 | NCBI_Gene:105246674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101214 | MGI:5579109 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28403 |
1 | pseudogene | 105.45594 | 105.45890 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3804932 | Gm3608 | NCBI_Gene:100041985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067017 | MGI:3804932 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3608 |
1 | gene | 105.51842 | 105.66373 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351629 | Pign | NCBI_Gene:27392,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056536 | MGI:1351629 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class N |
1 | gene | 105.56413 | 105.56458 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579110 | Gm28404 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100672 | MGI:5579110 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28404 |
1 | pseudogene | 105.57446 | 105.57492 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012487 | Gm20302 | NCBI_Gene:102634805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101219 | MGI:5012487 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 20302 |
1 | gene | 105.57469 | 105.57478 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452203 | Gm22426 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076999 | MGI:5452203 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22426 |
1 | pseudogene | 105.61574 | 105.61640 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648439 | Gm8004 | NCBI_Gene:666249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101656 | MGI:3648439 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8004 |
1 | gene | 105.66384 | 105.75519 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922832 | Relch | NCBI_Gene:227446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026319 | MGI:1922832 | protein coding gene | RAB11 binding and LisH domain, coiled-coil and HEAT repeat containing |
1 | gene | 105.70857 | 105.71293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610794 | Gm37566 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104044 | MGI:5610794 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37566 |
1 | pseudogene | 105.76434 | 105.76472 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3708520 | Gm10193 | NCBI_Gene:100042023,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101330 | MGI:3708520 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10193 |
1 | gene | 105.78072 | 105.84798 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1314891 | Tnfrsf11a | NCBI_Gene:21934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026321 | MGI:1314891 | protein coding gene | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11a, NFKB activator |
1 | gene | 105.86385 | 105.87750 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624811 | Gm41926 | NCBI_Gene:105246675 | MGI:5624811 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41926 |
1 | gene | 105.88763 | 105.89101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611007 | Gm37779 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102690 | MGI:5611007 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37779 |
1 | gene | 105.90363 | 105.93429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624812 | Gm41927 | NCBI_Gene:105246676 | MGI:5624812 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41927 |
1 | gene | 105.94555 | 105.94566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455991 | Gm26214 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089206 | MGI:5455991 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26214 |
1 | pseudogene | 105.95578 | 105.95631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010986 | Gm18801 | NCBI_Gene:100417746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099448 | MGI:5010986 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18801 |
1 | gene | 105.97934 | 105.99029 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646078 | Gm7160 | NCBI_Gene:635504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099843 | MGI:3646078 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 7160 |
1 | gene | 105.99041 | 106.03408 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444114 | Zcchc2 | NCBI_Gene:227449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038866 | MGI:2444114 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 2 |
1 | gene | 106.07258 | 106.07589 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610600 | Gm37372 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102501 | MGI:5610600 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37372 |
1 | pseudogene | 106.07319 | 106.09145 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477003 | Gm26509 | NCBI_Gene:105246677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097612 | MGI:5477003 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 26509 |
1 | gene | 106.15263 | 106.17152 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434109 | Gm20753 | NCBI_Gene:626049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101583 | MGI:5434109 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20753 |
1 | gene | 106.17175 | 106.39425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138327 | Phlpp1 | NCBI_Gene:98432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044340 | MGI:2138327 | protein coding gene | PH domain and leucine rich repeat protein phosphatase 1 |
1 | gene | 106.21931 | 106.22427 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611463 | Gm38235 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103291 | MGI:5611463 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38235 |
1 | gene | 106.24558 | 106.24706 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924710 | 9430090L19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430090L19 gene |
1 | gene | 106.40018 | 106.40199 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045369 | A530053M12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100247 | MGI:3045369 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A530053M12 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 106.43955 | 106.43987 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647491 | Gm6651 | NCBI_Gene:626075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099604 | MGI:3647491 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6651 |
1 | gene | 106.52013 | 106.52944 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624813 | Gm41928 | NCBI_Gene:105246678 | MGI:5624813 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41928 |
1 | gene | 106.53818 | 106.71429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88138 | Bcl2 | NCBI_Gene:12043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057329 | MGI:88138 | protein coding gene | B cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 |
1 | gene | 106.54194 | 106.57505 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3698880 | D630008O14Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054006 | MGI:3698880 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D630008O14 gene |
1 | gene | 106.54650 | 106.54663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531228 | Mir3473f | miRBase:MI0026016,NCBI_Gene:102466254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098344 | MGI:5531228 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3473f |
1 | gene | 106.60376 | 106.61495 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610281 | Gm37053 | NCBI_Gene:105246679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103348 | MGI:5610281 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 37053 |
1 | gene | 106.72041 | 106.75974 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918000 | Kdsr | NCBI_Gene:70750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009905 | MGI:1918000 | protein coding gene | 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase |
1 | gene | 106.76407 | 106.79673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100499 | Vps4b | NCBI_Gene:20479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009907 | MGI:1100499 | protein coding gene | vacuolar protein sorting 4B |
1 | gene | 106.86117 | 106.88335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109579 | Serpinb5 | NCBI_Gene:20724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067006 | MGI:109579 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B, member 5 |
1 | pseudogene | 106.88671 | 106.88890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103144 | Pou2f3-rs1 | NCBI_Gene:671141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083613 | MGI:103144 | pseudogene | POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 3, related sequence 1 |
1 | gene | 106.93445 | 106.95708 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919119 | Serpinb12 | NCBI_Gene:71869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059956 | MGI:1919119 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 12 |
1 | gene | 106.98098 | 107.00119 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3042250 | Serpinb13 | NCBI_Gene:241196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048775 | MGI:3042250 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 13 |
1 | pseudogene | 107.00480 | 107.00509 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97947 | Rn4.5s-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:19800 | MGI:97947 | pseudogene | 4.5s RNA, pseudogene 1 |
1 | pseudogene | 107.02014 | 107.02532 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646133 | Gm8080 | NCBI_Gene:666394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084228 | MGI:3646133 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8080 |
1 | gene | 107.04559 | 107.05230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3573933 | Serpinb3a | NCBI_Gene:20248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044594 | MGI:3573933 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 3A |
1 | gene | 107.07816 | 107.08351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2683295 | Serpinb3d | NCBI_Gene:394252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058017 | MGI:2683295 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 3D |
1 | pseudogene | 107.13784 | 107.13857 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705340 | Gm15388 | NCBI_Gene:100041276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083884 | MGI:3705340 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15388 |
1 | gene | 107.15394 | 107.27836 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2683293 | Serpinb3b | NCBI_Gene:383548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073602 | MGI:2683293 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 3B |
1 | pseudogene | 107.19147 | 107.19356 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645945 | Gm8084 | NCBI_Gene:666401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080729 | MGI:3645945 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8084 |
1 | pseudogene | 107.25355 | 107.25429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705482 | Gm15390 | NCBI_Gene:108167835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081114 | MGI:3705482 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15390 |
1 | gene | 107.27120 | 107.27837 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1277952 | Serpinb3c | NCBI_Gene:381286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073601 | MGI:1277952 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B, member 3C |
1 | pseudogene | 107.29034 | 107.30235 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642979 | Gm8089 | NCBI_Gene:666414,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084189 | MGI:3642979 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8089 |
1 | gene | 107.36120 | 107.38048 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914207 | Serpinb11 | NCBI_Gene:66957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026327 | MGI:1914207 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 11 |
1 | gene | 107.38520 | 107.38741 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705314 | Gm15391 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087210 | MGI:3705314 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15391 |
1 | gene | 107.39965 | 107.45269 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2151053 | Serpinb7 | NCBI_Gene:116872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067001 | MGI:2151053 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B, member 7 |
1 | gene | 107.44005 | 107.44018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454330 | Gm24553 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089278 | MGI:5454330 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24553 |
1 | gene | 107.50089 | 107.53548 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97609 | Serpinb2 | NCBI_Gene:18788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062345 | MGI:97609 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B, member 2 |
1 | pseudogene | 107.52899 | 107.56074 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138648 | Serpinb10 | NCBI_Gene:241197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092572 | MGI:2138648 | polymorphic pseudogene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 10 |
1 | pseudogene | 107.55890 | 107.56067 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010434 | Gm18249 | NCBI_Gene:100416783 | MGI:5010434 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18249 |
1 | gene | 107.58993 | 107.61180 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_894657 | Serpinb8 | NCBI_Gene:20725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026315 | MGI:894657 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B, member 8 |
1 | gene | 107.68701 | 107.69351 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705287 | Gm15389 | NCBI_Gene:102635334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086161 | MGI:3705287 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15389 |
1 | gene | 107.75660 | 107.75671 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454044 | Gm24267 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096241 | MGI:5454044 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24267 |
1 | gene | 107.89297 | 107.89311 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452215 | Gm22438 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077237 | MGI:5452215 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22438 |
1 | gene | 107.91726 | 108.02834 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442347 | D830032E09Rik | NCBI_Gene:319596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100457 | MGI:2442347 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D830032E09 gene |
1 | pseudogene | 107.95284 | 107.95344 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010633 | Gm18448 | NCBI_Gene:100417204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101477 | MGI:5010633 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18448 |
1 | pseudogene | 107.96236 | 107.97572 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578988 | Gm28282 | NCBI_Gene:105246681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099484 | MGI:5578988 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28282 |
1 | gene | 107.97232 | 107.97895 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624814 | Gm41929 | NCBI_Gene:105246680 | MGI:5624814 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41929 |
1 | pseudogene | 108.37669 | 108.37948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646157 | Gm5702 | NCBI_Gene:435640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100041 | MGI:3646157 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5702 |
1 | gene | 108.41708 | 108.41983 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611440 | Gm38212 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104478 | MGI:5611440 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38212 |
1 | pseudogene | 108.61234 | 108.61251 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578989 | Gm28283 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101231 | MGI:5578989 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28283 |
1 | pseudogene | 108.77013 | 108.77200 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648541 | Gm6679 | NCBI_Gene:626474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101097 | MGI:3648541 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6679 |
1 | pseudogene | 108.99757 | 108.99885 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010032 | Gm17847 | NCBI_Gene:100415976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100831 | MGI:5010032 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17847 |
1 | pseudogene | 109.57494 | 109.57513 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578987 | Gm28281 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100884 | MGI:5578987 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28281 |
1 | gene | 109.62301 | 109.62314 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451936 | Gm22159 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089037 | MGI:5451936 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22159 |
1 | gene | 109.80476 | 109.80504 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455070 | Gm25293 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084741 | MGI:5455070 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25293 |
1 | pseudogene | 109.83294 | 109.83490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647473 | Gm8141 | NCBI_Gene:666508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100025 | MGI:3647473 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8141 |
1 | gene | 109.98219 | 110.14527 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442792 | Cdh7 | NCBI_Gene:241201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026312 | MGI:2442792 | protein coding gene | cadherin 7, type 2 |
1 | gene | 110.23862 | 110.24024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624815 | Gm41930 | NCBI_Gene:105246682 | MGI:5624815 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41930 |
1 | pseudogene | 110.41074 | 110.41128 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010737 | Gm18552 | NCBI_Gene:100417351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100290 | MGI:5010737 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18552 |
1 | pseudogene | 110.47560 | 110.47653 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781510 | Gm3332 | NCBI_Gene:100041429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100758 | MGI:3781510 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3332 |
1 | pseudogene | 110.60002 | 110.60083 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648678 | Gm6693 | NCBI_Gene:626652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099926 | MGI:3648678 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6693 |
1 | gene | 110.88800 | 110.97759 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588198 | Cdh19 | NCBI_Gene:227485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047216 | MGI:3588198 | protein coding gene | cadherin 19, type 2 |
1 | gene | 110.90475 | 110.90482 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413954 | n-TKctt7 | NCBI_Gene:102467563 | MGI:4413954 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 7 (anticodon CTT) |
1 | gene | 110.95783 | 110.96083 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611483 | Gm38255 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102788 | MGI:5611483 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38255 |
1 | gene | 110.96468 | 110.96744 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5610172 | Gm36944 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102160 | MGI:5610172 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 36944 |
1 | gene | 111.14231 | 111.15024 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918130 | 4921525D07Rik | NCBI_Gene:102635409 | MGI:1918130 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921525D07 gene |
1 | gene | 111.38569 | 111.44665 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579794 | Gm29088 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101253 | MGI:5579794 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29088 |
1 | pseudogene | 111.38592 | 111.38670 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012112 | Gm19927 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101846 | MGI:5012112 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19927 |
1 | pseudogene | 111.80477 | 111.80783 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648321 | Gm8173 | NCBI_Gene:666578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100555 | MGI:3648321 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8173 |
1 | gene | 111.83382 | 111.83422 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611162 | Gm37934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102728 | MGI:5611162 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37934 |
1 | gene | 111.85870 | 111.86497 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442948 | Dsel | NCBI_Gene:319901,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038702 | MGI:2442948 | protein coding gene | dermatan sulfate epimerase-like |
1 | pseudogene | 111.88064 | 111.88133 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648170 | Gm6028 | NCBI_Gene:547247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101875 | MGI:3648170 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6028 |
1 | pseudogene | 112.04920 | 112.05739 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5009836 | Gm17752 | NCBI_Gene:636474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099732 | MGI:5009836 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17752 |
1 | pseudogene | 112.13787 | 112.13872 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647267 | Gm6717 | NCBI_Gene:626897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101220 | MGI:3647267 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6717 |
1 | pseudogene | 112.15095 | 112.15195 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011271 | Gm19086 | NCBI_Gene:100418230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100020 | MGI:5011271 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19086 |
1 | pseudogene | 112.35195 | 112.35332 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588850 | Gm29691 | NCBI_Gene:675498 | MGI:5588850 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29691 |
1 | gene | 112.37732 | 112.41701 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591969 | Gm32810 | NCBI_Gene:102635484 | MGI:5591969 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32810 |
1 | pseudogene | 112.38628 | 112.38698 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010691 | Gm18506 | NCBI_Gene:100417288 | MGI:5010691 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18506 |
1 | pseudogene | 112.40419 | 112.40485 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010591 | Gm18406 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101054 | MGI:5010591 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18406 |
1 | gene | 112.41675 | 112.51215 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624816 | Gm41931 | NCBI_Gene:105246683 | MGI:5624816 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41931 |
1 | gene | 112.46791 | 112.46805 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452108 | Gm22331 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088691 | MGI:5452108 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22331 |
1 | pseudogene | 112.87384 | 112.87601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646498 | Gm8204 | NCBI_Gene:666635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099884 | MGI:3646498 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8204 |
1 | pseudogene | 112.96554 | 112.96693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578896 | Gm28190 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100304 | MGI:5578896 | pseudogene | predicted gene 28190 |
1 | gene | 113.09822 | 113.10192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5624817 | Gm41932 | NCBI_Gene:105246684 | MGI:5624817 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41932 |
1 | gene | 113.14552 | 113.15071 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825881 | Gm46244 | NCBI_Gene:108167836 | MGI:5825881 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46244 |
1 | gene | 113.28934 | 113.29036 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578895 | Gm28189 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101453 | MGI:5578895 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28189 |
1 | pseudogene | 113.56545 | 113.56598 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010131 | Gm17946 | NCBI_Gene:100416158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102105 | MGI:5010131 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17946 |
1 | pseudogene | 113.58277 | 113.58357 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010366 | Gm18181 | NCBI_Gene:100416670,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099943 | MGI:5010366 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18181 |
1 | gene | 113.71791 | 113.71805 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454714 | Gm24937 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084546 | MGI:5454714 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24937 |
1 | gene | 113.89138 | 113.96413 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924761 | 9330185C12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097648 | MGI:1924761 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330185C12 gene |
1 | gene | 113.93090 | 113.93530 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592144 | Gm32985 | NCBI_Gene:102635722 | MGI:5592144 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32985 |
1 | gene | 113.94279 | 113.96998 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5624818 | Gm41933 | NCBI_Gene:105246685 | MGI:5624818 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 41933 |
1 | gene | 114.86019 | 114.86309 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592201 | Gm33042 | NCBI_Gene:102635794 | MGI:5592201 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33042 |
1 | pseudogene | 115.21917 | 115.21977 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643638 | Gm4854 | NCBI_Gene:227506,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101687 | MGI:3643638 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4854 |
1 | pseudogene | 115.66899 | 115.68462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010101 | Gm17916 | NCBI_Gene:100416102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100515 | MGI:5010101 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17916 |
1 | gene | 115.68450 | 116.58732 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643623 | Cntnap5a | NCBI_Gene:636808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070695 | MGI:3643623 | protein coding gene | contactin associated protein-like 5A |
chr | type | start | stop | strand | ID | Name | Dbxref | gene_id | mgi_type | description |
4 | gene | 75.94124 | 78.21196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97812 | Ptprd | NCBI_Gene:19266,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028399 | MGI:97812 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, D |
4 | gene | 76.19251 | 76.19663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442984 | A230006I23Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A230006I23 gene |
4 | gene | 76.33816 | 76.34539 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826530 | Gm46893 | NCBI_Gene:108169012 | MGI:5826530 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46893 |
4 | pseudogene | 76.39315 | 76.39409 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651309 | Gm11252 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080780 | MGI:3651309 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11252 |
4 | gene | 76.45077 | 76.49011 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625188 | Gm42303 | NCBI_Gene:105247151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110373 | MGI:5625188 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42303 |
4 | pseudogene | 76.69214 | 76.69463 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652117 | Gm11242 | NCBI_Gene:100422786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083050 | MGI:3652117 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11242 |
4 | gene | 76.79119 | 76.81372 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625187 | Gm42302 | NCBI_Gene:105247150 | MGI:5625187 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42302 |
4 | pseudogene | 76.79373 | 76.79420 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652116 | Gm11243 | NCBI_Gene:667858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081890 | MGI:3652116 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11243 |
4 | pseudogene | 76.81155 | 76.81179 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651883 | Gm11244 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081936 | MGI:3651883 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11244 |
4 | pseudogene | 76.83777 | 76.83881 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651884 | Gm11245 | NCBI_Gene:667862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084090 | MGI:3651884 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11245 |
4 | pseudogene | 76.92731 | 76.92766 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651881 | Gm11246 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081656 | MGI:3651881 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11246 |
4 | gene | 76.95842 | 76.95850 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452936 | Gm23159 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092829 | MGI:5452936 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23159 |
4 | gene | 77.31082 | 77.31461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621531 | Gm38646 | NCBI_Gene:102642962 | MGI:5621531 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38646 |
4 | pseudogene | 78.01143 | 78.01267 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5585257 | Fkbp1a-ps4 | NCBI_Gene:103926449 | MGI:5585257 | pseudogene | FK506 binding protein 1a, pseudogene 4 |
4 | gene | 78.15989 | 78.16154 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923471 | 6430598H11Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6430598H11 gene |
4 | gene | 78.20585 | 78.22104 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442149 | B230208B08Rik | NCBI_Gene:102634132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092492 | MGI:2442149 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230208B08 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 78.23399 | 78.23493 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651928 | Gm11260 | NCBI_Gene:100039996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082351 | MGI:3651928 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11260 |
4 | gene | 78.26787 | 78.38271 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591704 | Gm32545 | NCBI_Gene:102635126 | MGI:5591704 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32545 |
4 | gene | 78.59405 | 78.59748 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647836 | A430085M09Rik | NCBI_Gene:623726 | MGI:3647836 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A430085M09 gene |
4 | gene | 78.65986 | 78.66159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650239 | Gm11261 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085840 | MGI:3650239 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11261 |
4 | gene | 78.67015 | 78.67023 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452039 | Gm22262 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089338 | MGI:5452039 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22262 |
4 | pseudogene | 78.69765 | 78.69893 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650238 | Gm11262 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083629 | MGI:3650238 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11262 |
4 | gene | 79.24459 | 79.24471 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455613 | Gm25836 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089543 | MGI:5455613 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25836 |
4 | pseudogene | 79.32771 | 79.32846 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651899 | Gm11263 | NCBI_Gene:667922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083496 | MGI:3651899 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11263 |
4 | pseudogene | 79.87435 | 79.87475 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652024 | Gm11409 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084248 | MGI:3652024 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11409 |
4 | pseudogene | 80.00233 | 80.00339 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651131 | Gm11407 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082179 | MGI:3651131 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11407 |
4 | pseudogene | 80.00340 | 80.00391 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651130 | Gm11408 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083076 | MGI:3651130 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11408 |
4 | pseudogene | 80.00399 | 80.00513 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652015 | Gm11410 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083219 | MGI:3652015 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11410 |
4 | pseudogene | 80.44040 | 80.44088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651132 | Gm11406 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082555 | MGI:3651132 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11406 |
4 | gene | 80.50934 | 80.63026 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591817 | Gm32658 | NCBI_Gene:102635277 | MGI:5591817 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32658 |
4 | gene | 80.70365 | 80.72613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826522 | Gm46885 | NCBI_Gene:108168997 | MGI:5826522 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46885 |
4 | gene | 80.74030 | 80.74413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625189 | Gm42304 | NCBI_Gene:105247152 | MGI:5625189 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42304 |
4 | gene | 80.83412 | 80.85174 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98881 | Tyrp1 | NCBI_Gene:22178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005994 | MGI:98881 | protein coding gene | tyrosinase-related protein 1 |
4 | gene | 80.91065 | 80.95563 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106510 | Lurap1l | NCBI_Gene:52829,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048706 | MGI:106510 | protein coding gene | leucine rich adaptor protein 1-like |
4 | gene | 80.91435 | 80.91481 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923975 | 2010003D24Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2010003D24 gene |
4 | gene | 80.91739 | 80.91876 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924589 | 9430051O21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430051O21 gene |
4 | gene | 80.96744 | 80.96754 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530834 | Gm27452 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099273 | MGI:5530834 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27452 |
4 | gene | 81.27850 | 81.44291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1343489 | Mpdz | NCBI_Gene:17475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028402 | MGI:1343489 | protein coding gene | multiple PDZ domain protein |
4 | gene | 81.33827 | 81.33840 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455580 | Gm25803 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077607 | MGI:5455580 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25803 |
4 | pseudogene | 81.45594 | 81.48478 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651002 | Gm11765 | NCBI_Gene:100040131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081391 | MGI:3651002 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11765 |
4 | pseudogene | 81.69644 | 81.69716 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650904 | Gm11411 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083385 | MGI:3650904 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11411 |
4 | gene | 81.74315 | 81.78910 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650905 | Gm11412 | NCBI_Gene:102635467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087540 | MGI:3650905 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11412 |
4 | gene | 81.91851 | 81.91862 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422052 | n-R5s187 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084718 | MGI:4422052 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 187 |
4 | gene | 81.93048 | 81.93237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650483 | Gm12914 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087608 | MGI:3650483 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12914 |
4 | gene | 81.93416 | 81.93615 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826523 | Gm46886 | NCBI_Gene:108168998 | MGI:5826523 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46886 |
4 | gene | 82.03331 | 82.06589 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649480 | Gm11264 | NCBI_Gene:102635575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087110 | MGI:3649480 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11264 |
4 | gene | 82.06111 | 82.06122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452179 | Gm22402 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092661 | MGI:5452179 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22402 |
4 | gene | 82.06538 | 82.10281 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646172 | Gm5860 | NCBI_Gene:545641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085022 | MGI:3646172 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 5860 |
4 | gene | 82.29017 | 82.70575 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_103188 | Nfib | NCBI_Gene:18028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008575 | MGI:103188 | protein coding gene | nuclear factor I/B |
4 | gene | 82.31559 | 82.31990 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444640 | D830012I16Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D830012I16 gene |
4 | gene | 82.43941 | 82.43951 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422053 | n-R5s188 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084595 | MGI:4422053 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 188 |
4 | gene | 82.45006 | 82.45809 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923705 | 2310067E19Rik | NCBI_Gene:76455 | MGI:1923705 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310067E19 gene |
4 | gene | 82.50802 | 82.54730 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649705 | Gm11266 | NCBI_Gene:102635783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087413 | MGI:3649705 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11266 |
4 | gene | 82.58505 | 82.58732 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649847 | Gm11267 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084851 | MGI:3649847 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11267 |
4 | gene | 82.60550 | 82.60692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625190 | Gm42305 | NCBI_Gene:105247154 | MGI:5625190 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42305 |
4 | gene | 82.61962 | 82.61969 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413900 | n-THgtg10 | NCBI_Gene:108169019 | MGI:4413900 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA histidine 10 (anticodon GTG) |
4 | pseudogene | 82.64240 | 82.64267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649856 | Gm11268 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084357 | MGI:3649856 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11268 |
4 | gene | 82.69174 | 82.69488 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649855 | Gm11269 | NCBI_Gene:102635985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086293 | MGI:3649855 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11269 |
4 | gene | 82.79874 | 82.85996 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915518 | Zdhhc21 | NCBI_Gene:68268,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028403 | MGI:1915518 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 21 |
4 | gene | 82.88175 | 82.88515 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201414 | Cer1 | NCBI_Gene:12622,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038192 | MGI:1201414 | protein coding gene | cerberus 1, DAN family BMP antagonist |
4 | gene | 82.89792 | 83.05241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2670972 | Frem1 | NCBI_Gene:329872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059049 | MGI:2670972 | protein coding gene | Fras1 related extracellular matrix protein 1 |
4 | gene | 82.92231 | 82.94031 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592419 | Gm33260 | NCBI_Gene:102636092 | MGI:5592419 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33260 |
4 | gene | 83.02380 | 83.02424 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925414 | 4930441N18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930441N18 gene |
4 | gene | 83.07851 | 83.07863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454661 | Gm24884 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089409 | MGI:5454661 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24884 |
4 | pseudogene | 83.12154 | 83.12174 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651451 | Gm11248 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082637 | MGI:3651451 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11248 |
4 | gene | 83.17840 | 83.18654 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5826524 | Gm46887 | NCBI_Gene:108168999 | MGI:5826524 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46887 |
4 | pseudogene | 83.19397 | 83.19519 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650877 | Gm11185 | NCBI_Gene:667985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083245 | MGI:3650877 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11185 |
4 | gene | 83.22030 | 83.32427 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917113 | Ttc39b | NCBI_Gene:69863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038172 | MGI:1917113 | protein coding gene | tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39B |
4 | gene | 83.28309 | 83.28782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625192 | Gm42307 | NCBI_Gene:105247156 | MGI:5625192 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42307 |
4 | gene | 83.28580 | 83.28591 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453189 | Gm23412 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096801 | MGI:5453189 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23412 |
4 | gene | 83.32442 | 83.33055 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625191 | Gm42306 | NCBI_Gene:105247155 | MGI:5625191 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42306 |
4 | gene | 83.37832 | 83.39067 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650701 | Gm11413 | NCBI_Gene:790913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086321 | MGI:3650701 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11413 |
4 | gene | 83.38241 | 83.39232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651087 | Gm11184 | NCBI_Gene:102636232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087592 | MGI:3651087 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11184 |
4 | gene | 83.41770 | 83.47302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916338 | Snapc3 | NCBI_Gene:77634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028483 | MGI:1916338 | protein coding gene | small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 3 |
4 | gene | 83.45568 | 83.48651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142116 | Psip1 | NCBI_Gene:101739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028484 | MGI:2142116 | protein coding gene | PC4 and SFRS1 interacting protein 1 |
4 | gene | 83.47174 | 83.47302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925039 | A930007D18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930007D18 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 83.50050 | 83.50076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650503 | Gm11414 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082416 | MGI:3650503 | pseudogene | predicted gene 11414 |
4 | pseudogene | 83.50514 | 83.50557 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642271 | Gm10154 | NCBI_Gene:100040611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066116 | MGI:3642271 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10154 |
4 | gene | 83.50828 | 83.51129 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625193 | Gm42308 | NCBI_Gene:105247157 | MGI:5625193 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42308 |
4 | gene | 83.52540 | 83.86614 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922152 | Ccdc171 | NCBI_Gene:320226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052407 | MGI:1922152 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 171 |
4 | gene | 83.52763 | 83.52777 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455676 | Gm25899 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064606 | MGI:5455676 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25899 |
4 | pseudogene | 83.59730 | 83.59776 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504161 | Gm27046 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098217 | MGI:5504161 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 27046 |
4 | pseudogene | 83.61102 | 83.61222 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010872 | Gm18687 | NCBI_Gene:100417557 | MGI:5010872 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18687 |
4 | pseudogene | 83.70098 | 83.70449 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1890540 | Cbx3-ps3 | NCBI_Gene:102641235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080793 | MGI:1890540 | pseudogene | chromobox 3, pseudogene 3 |
4 | gene | 83.74368 | 83.74416 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504083 | Gm26968 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097942 | MGI:5504083 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26968 |
4 | gene | 83.82613 | 83.84205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5625194 | Gm42309 | NCBI_Gene:105247158 | MGI:5625194 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42309 |
4 | gene | 83.87042 | 83.88886 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650502 | Gm11415 | NCBI_Gene:105247159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085378 | MGI:3650502 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 11415 |
4 | gene | 84.04204 | 84.04488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925488 | 6030471H07Rik | NCBI_Gene:78238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085217 | MGI:1925488 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030471H07 gene |
4 | gene | 84.07240 | 84.08192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592639 | Gm33480 | NCBI_Gene:102636405 | MGI:5592639 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33480 |
4 | gene | 84.07262 | 84.10143 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592569 | Gm33410 | NCBI_Gene:102636305 | MGI:5592569 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33410 |
4 | pseudogene | 84.10488 | 84.10611 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650588 | Gm12416 | NCBI_Gene:668010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083044 | MGI:3650588 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12416 |
4 | gene | 84.11035 | 84.11335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625195 | Gm42310 | NCBI_Gene:105247160 | MGI:5625195 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42310 |
4 | gene | 84.12573 | 84.13176 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650374 | Gm12414 | NCBI_Gene:102636485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087378 | MGI:3650374 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12414 |
4 | gene | 84.13326 | 84.22073 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592756 | Gm33597 | NCBI_Gene:102636567 | MGI:5592756 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33597 |
4 | gene | 84.26680 | 84.67635 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443805 | Bnc2 | NCBI_Gene:242509,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028487 | MGI:2443805 | protein coding gene | basonuclin 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 84.42882 | 84.42912 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650591 | Gm12421 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083743 | MGI:3650591 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12421 |
4 | pseudogene | 84.69786 | 84.69894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652148 | Gm12420 | NCBI_Gene:624465,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081775 | MGI:3652148 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12420 |
4 | gene | 84.74147 | 84.74452 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650585 | Gm12415 | NCBI_Gene:105247161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086413 | MGI:3650585 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12415 |
4 | gene | 84.88351 | 85.13192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443104 | Cntln | NCBI_Gene:338349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038070 | MGI:2443104 | protein coding gene | centlein, centrosomal protein |
4 | pseudogene | 84.91584 | 84.91775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650582 | Gm12418 | NCBI_Gene:622811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083139 | MGI:3650582 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12418 |
4 | pseudogene | 84.92355 | 84.92420 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650581 | Gm12419 | NCBI_Gene:100417804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080303 | MGI:3650581 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12419 |
4 | pseudogene | 85.17653 | 85.17703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780870 | Gm2700 | NCBI_Gene:100040303 | MGI:3780870 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2700 |
4 | pseudogene | 85.17653 | 85.17693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650587 | Gm12417 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084267 | MGI:3650587 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12417 |
4 | gene | 85.20513 | 85.63920 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_700009 | Sh3gl2 | NCBI_Gene:20404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028488 | MGI:700009 | protein coding gene | SH3-domain GRB2-like 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 85.24545 | 85.24619 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650373 | Gm12413 | NCBI_Gene:100416925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081862 | MGI:3650373 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12413 |
4 | gene | 85.51323 | 86.42839 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924989 | Adamtsl1 | NCBI_Gene:77739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066113 | MGI:1924989 | protein coding gene | ADAMTS-like 1 |
4 | gene | 85.51433 | 85.78313 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650846 | Gm12680 | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene 12680 |
4 | gene | 85.90991 | 85.91019 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455846 | Gm26069 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088122 | MGI:5455846 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 26069 |
4 | pseudogene | 85.92111 | 85.92194 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779825 | Gm8949 | NCBI_Gene:668052 | MGI:3779825 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8949 |
4 | gene | 86.04339 | 86.04349 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455588 | Gm25811 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064687 | MGI:5455588 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25811 |
4 | gene | 86.42125 | 86.44095 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592889 | Gm33730 | NCBI_Gene:102636740 | MGI:5592889 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33730 |
4 | pseudogene | 86.44201 | 86.44234 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651460 | Gm12550 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083272 | MGI:3651460 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12550 |
4 | gene | 86.44442 | 86.55833 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923061 | Saxo1 | NCBI_Gene:75811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028492 | MGI:1923061 | protein coding gene | stabilizer of axonemal microtubules 1 |
4 | gene | 86.50915 | 86.50923 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455794 | Gm26017 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077597 | MGI:5455794 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26017 |
4 | gene | 86.55844 | 86.55980 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922138 | Saxo1os | NCBI_Gene:74888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085108 | MGI:1922138 | antisense lncRNA gene | stabilizer of axonemal microtubules 1, opposite strand |
4 | gene | 86.57567 | 86.57729 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915691 | Rraga | NCBI_Gene:68441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070934 | MGI:1915691 | protein coding gene | Ras-related GTP binding A |
4 | gene | 86.57886 | 86.61208 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923389 | Haus6 | NCBI_Gene:230376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038047 | MGI:1923389 | protein coding gene | HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 6 |
4 | gene | 86.58645 | 86.58658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3819488 | Scarna8 | NCBI_Gene:100217448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088958 | MGI:3819488 | snoRNA gene | small Cajal body-specific RNA 8 |
4 | pseudogene | 86.62685 | 86.63321 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651664 | Gm12551 | NCBI_Gene:101055843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081169 | MGI:3651664 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12551 |
4 | gene | 86.62691 | 86.67006 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87920 | Plin2 | NCBI_Gene:11520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028494 | MGI:87920 | protein coding gene | perilipin 2 |
4 | gene | 86.71097 | 86.74381 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5625197 | Gm42312 | NCBI_Gene:105247163 | MGI:5625197 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 42312 |
4 | gene | 86.74753 | 86.74946 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645185 | Gm6521 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 6521 |
4 | gene | 86.74840 | 86.85060 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914769 | Dennd4c | NCBI_Gene:329877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038024 | MGI:1914769 | protein coding gene | DENN/MADD domain containing 4C |
4 | gene | 86.76849 | 86.76980 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921836 | 4833420L08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833420L08 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 86.81775 | 86.81860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650968 | Gm12630 | NCBI_Gene:100384871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082969 | MGI:3650968 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12630 |
4 | gene | 86.85410 | 86.85741 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98159 | Rps6 | NCBI_Gene:20104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028495 | MGI:98159 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S6 |
4 | gene | 86.87434 | 86.93482 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920932 | Acer2 | NCBI_Gene:230379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038007 | MGI:1920932 | protein coding gene | alkaline ceramidase 2 |
4 | gene | 86.98312 | 87.23055 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923626 | Slc24a2 | NCBI_Gene:76376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037996 | MGI:1923626 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 2 |
4 | gene | 87.02385 | 87.02564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925538 | 5330421F21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5330421F21 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 87.10040 | 87.10493 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593198 | Gm34039 | NCBI_Gene:108168966 | MGI:5593198 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 34039 |
4 | gene | 87.29836 | 87.30127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651471 | Gm12600 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086512 | MGI:3651471 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12600 |
4 | gene | 87.43227 | 87.43234 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452931 | Gm23154 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093065 | MGI:5452931 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23154 |
4 | gene | 87.53089 | 87.66852 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593339 | Gm34180 | NCBI_Gene:102637345 | MGI:5593339 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34180 |
4 | pseudogene | 87.58078 | 87.58156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651368 | Gm12604 | NCBI_Gene:100418044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082443 | MGI:3651368 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12604 |
4 | gene | 87.76993 | 88.03341 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917372 | Mllt3 | NCBI_Gene:70122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028496 | MGI:1917372 | protein coding gene | myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia, translocated to, 3 |
4 | gene | 87.79709 | 87.79869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924111 | 4832441B07Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4832441B07 gene |
4 | gene | 87.97462 | 87.98563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593391 | Gm34232 | NCBI_Gene:102637422 | MGI:5593391 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34232 |
4 | gene | 88.03350 | 88.03500 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650969 | Gm12631 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084809 | MGI:3650969 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12631 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.04380 | 88.04404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649679 | Gm12646 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081530 | MGI:3649679 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12646 |
4 | gene | 88.09463 | 88.41101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676921 | Focad | NCBI_Gene:230393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038368 | MGI:2676921 | protein coding gene | focadhesin |
4 | gene | 88.12204 | 88.12212 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3629651 | Mir491 | miRBase:MI0004680,NCBI_Gene:735282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070077 | MGI:3629651 | miRNA gene | microRNA 491 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.15170 | 88.15197 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649678 | Gm12645 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082597 | MGI:3649678 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12645 |
4 | gene | 88.39614 | 88.43894 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914025 | Hacd4 | NCBI_Gene:66775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028497 | MGI:1914025 | protein coding gene | 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 4 |
4 | gene | 88.43173 | 88.43293 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1337997 | Gdap6 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | ganglioside-induced differentiation-associated-protein 6 |
4 | gene | 88.52202 | 88.52279 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107657 | Ifnb1 | NCBI_Gene:15977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048806 | MGI:107657 | protein coding gene | interferon beta 1, fibroblast |
4 | gene | 88.55767 | 88.55824 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649418 | Ifna15 | NCBI_Gene:242517,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096011 | MGI:3649418 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 15 |
4 | gene | 88.57123 | 88.57180 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641425 | Ifna14 | NCBI_Gene:404549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095896 | MGI:3641425 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 14 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.57889 | 88.58057 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107669 | Ifna-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100416153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080964 | MGI:107669 | pseudogene | interferon alpha gene, pseudogene 1 |
4 | gene | 88.59181 | 88.59238 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107659 | Ifna9 | NCBI_Gene:15972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095270 | MGI:107659 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 9 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.59898 | 88.59987 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3050089 | Mrpl48-ps | NCBI_Gene:269553,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078480 | MGI:3050089 | pseudogene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L48 pseudogene |
4 | gene | 88.60258 | 88.60338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2676324 | Ifna12 | NCBI_Gene:242519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073811 | MGI:2676324 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 12 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.61265 | 88.61404 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650053 | Gm12601 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083958 | MGI:3650053 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12601 |
4 | gene | 88.62732 | 88.63441 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140706 | C87499 | NCBI_Gene:381590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038330 | MGI:2140706 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence C87499 |
4 | gene | 88.64364 | 88.64446 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2667155 | Ifna13 | NCBI_Gene:230396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063376 | MGI:2667155 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 13 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.64859 | 88.64937 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649513 | Gm13281 | NCBI_Gene:546834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081784 | MGI:3649513 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13281 |
4 | gene | 88.67592 | 88.67692 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649260 | Ifna16 | NCBI_Gene:230398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078355 | MGI:3649260 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 16 |
4 | gene | 88.68288 | 88.68391 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107666 | Ifna2 | NCBI_Gene:15965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078354 | MGI:107666 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 2 |
4 | gene | 88.69030 | 88.69136 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1097683 | Ifnab | NCBI_Gene:15974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100079 | MGI:1097683 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha B |
4 | pseudogene | 88.69619 | 88.69670 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650885 | Gm13273 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081893 | MGI:3650885 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13273 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.70789 | 88.70845 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649258 | Gm13282 | NCBI_Gene:546835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084192 | MGI:3649258 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13282 |
4 | gene | 88.71829 | 88.72251 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2180122 | Klhl9 | NCBI_Gene:242521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070923 | MGI:2180122 | protein coding gene | kelch-like 9 |
4 | gene | 88.72181 | 88.72284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477060 | Gm26566 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097078 | MGI:5477060 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 26566 |
4 | gene | 88.72276 | 88.75758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649443 | Gm13274 | NCBI_Gene:100037413,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086074 | MGI:3649443 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 13274 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.75447 | 88.75468 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6270567 | Gm49884 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117268 | MGI:6270567 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 49884 |
4 | gene | 88.75487 | 88.75542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701966 | Gm13271 | NCBI_Gene:435791,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094618 | MGI:3701966 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13271 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.75784 | 88.75839 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650855 | Gm13286 | NCBI_Gene:100041062,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081501 | MGI:3650855 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13286 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.75817 | 88.75857 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708693 | Gm10583 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073809 | MGI:3708693 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10583 |
4 | gene | 88.76012 | 88.76158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649573 | Gm13283 | NCBI_Gene:545645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100505 | MGI:3649573 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13283 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.76110 | 88.76150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708694 | Gm10582 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094498 | MGI:3708694 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10582 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.76305 | 88.77186 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701980 | Gm13284 | NCBI_Gene:668147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082789 | MGI:3701980 | pseudogene | predicted gene 13284 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.77155 | 88.77178 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708695 | Gm10581 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073807 | MGI:3708695 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10581 |
4 | gene | 88.77383 | 88.77480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701990 | Gm13290 | NCBI_Gene:545646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094271 | MGI:3701990 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13290 |
4 | pseudogene | 88.77432 | 88.77472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708696 | Gm10580 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094167 | MGI:3708696 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10580 |
4 | gene | 88.77676 | 88.77773 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701987 | Gm13289 | NCBI_Gene:545647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096582 | MGI:3701987 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13289 |
4 | gene | 88.77985 | 88.78066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701968 | Gm13272 | NCBI_Gene:545648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096591 | MGI:3701968 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13272 |
4 | gene | 88.78213 | 88.78359 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2448469 | Ifnz | NCBI_Gene:319146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096854 | MGI:2448469 | protein coding gene | interferon zeta |
4 | gene | 88.78445 | 88.79439 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477019 | Gm26525 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096987 | MGI:5477019 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26525 |
4 | gene | 88.78505 | 88.78651 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701972 | Gm13276 | NCBI_Gene:545649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099545 | MGI:3701972 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13276 |
4 | gene | 88.78798 | 88.78944 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701974 | Gm13277 | NCBI_Gene:545650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100234 | MGI:3701974 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13277 |
4 | gene | 88.79090 | 88.79236 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701976 | Gm13278 | NCBI_Gene:545651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101163 | MGI:3701976 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13278 |
4 | gene | 88.79374 | 88.79530 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701970 | Gm13275 | NCBI_Gene:545652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099518 | MGI:3701970 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13275 |
4 | gene | 88.79614 | 88.80022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477361 | Gm26867 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097873 | MGI:5477361 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26867 |
4 | gene | 88.79724 | 88.79820 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701978 | Gm13279 | NCBI_Gene:545653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099420 | MGI:3701978 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13279 |
4 | gene | 88.79967 | 88.80113 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701981 | Gm13285 | NCBI_Gene:545654,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095101 | MGI:3701981 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13285 |
4 | gene | 88.80325 | 88.80380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701983 | Gm13287 | NCBI_Gene:545655,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094648 | MGI:3701983 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13287 |
4 | gene | 88.80553 | 88.80838 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3701985 | Gm13288 | NCBI_Gene:668208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070908 | MGI:3701985 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 13288 |
4 | gene | 88.81623 | 88.81680 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107661 | Ifna7 | NCBI_Gene:15970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100713 | MGI:107661 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 7 |
4 | gene | 88.81992 | 88.82057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109210 | Ifna11 | NCBI_Gene:15964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100549 | MGI:109210 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 11 |
4 | gene | 88.82742 | 88.82798 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107662 | Ifna6 | NCBI_Gene:15969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101252 | MGI:107662 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 6 |
4 | gene | 88.83553 | 88.83609 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107663 | Ifna5 | NCBI_Gene:15968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096682 | MGI:107663 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 5 |
4 | gene | 88.84182 | 88.84246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107664 | Ifna4 | NCBI_Gene:15967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070904 | MGI:107664 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 4 |
4 | gene | 88.85009 | 88.85066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107668 | Ifna1 | NCBI_Gene:15962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095498 | MGI:107668 | protein coding gene | interferon alpha 1 |
4 | gene | 88.86723 | 88.86838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922496 | 4930553M12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054351 | MGI:1922496 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930553M12 gene |
4 | gene | 88.87174 | 88.87489 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593616 | Gm34457 | NCBI_Gene:102637717 | MGI:5593616 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34457 |
4 | gene | 88.87954 | 88.88020 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2667156 | Ifne | NCBI_Gene:230405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045364 | MGI:2667156 | protein coding gene | interferon epsilon |
4 | gene | 88.90985 | 88.93852 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6270578 | Gm49890 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117123 | MGI:6270578 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 49890 |
4 | gene | 88.91056 | 88.91066 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3619330 | Mir31 | miRBase:MI0000579,NCBI_Gene:723895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065408 | MGI:3619330 | miRNA gene | microRNA 31 |
4 | gene | 88.95642 | 89.03130 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593727 | Gm34568 | NCBI_Gene:102637866 | MGI:5593727 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34568 |
4 | gene | 88.99512 | 89.03919 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6270580 | Gm49891 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117251 | MGI:6270580 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 49891 |
4 | gene | 89.05031 | 89.08461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649757 | Wincr1 | NCBI_Gene:100040617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085183 | MGI:3649757 | lncRNA gene | WNT induced non-coding RNA 1 |
4 | gene | 89.09987 | 89.12876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651757 | Gm12602 | NCBI_Gene:102637941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085569 | MGI:3651757 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12602 |
4 | gene | 89.13712 | 89.18109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914152 | Mtap | NCBI_Gene:66902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062937 | MGI:1914152 | protein coding gene | methylthioadenosine phosphorylase |
4 | pseudogene | 89.16170 | 89.16222 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649224 | Gm12607 | NCBI_Gene:100416402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083989 | MGI:3649224 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12607 |
4 | gene | 89.18298 | 89.18312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456267 | Gm26490 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088504 | MGI:5456267 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26490 |
4 | pseudogene | 89.21671 | 89.21849 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649223 | Tgif2-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:625574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107513 | MGI:3649223 | pseudogene | TGFB-induced factor homeobox 2, pseudogene 1 |
4 | gene | 89.23570 | 89.27340 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649222 | Gm12606 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087659 | MGI:3649222 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12606 |
4 | gene | 89.27447 | 89.29465 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104738 | Cdkn2a | NCBI_Gene:12578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044303 | MGI:104738 | protein coding gene | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A |
4 | gene | 89.29518 | 89.51862 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652143 | Gm12610 | NCBI_Gene:102633081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086035 | MGI:3652143 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12610 |
4 | gene | 89.30629 | 89.31104 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104737 | Cdkn2b | NCBI_Gene:12579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073802 | MGI:104737 | protein coding gene | cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2B |
4 | gene | 89.38196 | 89.39988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652142 | Gm12609 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085147 | MGI:3652142 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12609 |
4 | pseudogene | 89.44222 | 89.44464 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3652144 | Gm12608 | NCBI_Gene:664785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080808 | MGI:3652144 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12608 |
4 | gene | 89.44522 | 89.44537 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530962 | Gm27580 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098669 | MGI:5530962 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27580 |
4 | gene | 89.67944 | 89.69477 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2653627 | Dmrta1 | NCBI_Gene:242523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043753 | MGI:2653627 | protein coding gene | doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor like family A1 |
4 | gene | 90.18553 | 90.19001 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650349 | Gm12629 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085690 | MGI:3650349 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12629 |
4 | gene | 90.21882 | 90.22570 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2387418 | Zfp352 | NCBI_Gene:236537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070902 | MGI:2387418 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 352 |
4 | pseudogene | 90.35962 | 90.36133 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650768 | Gm12633 | NCBI_Gene:619842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080756 | MGI:3650768 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12633 |
4 | pseudogene | 90.36871 | 90.36991 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650769 | Gm12634 | NCBI_Gene:435792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082569 | MGI:3650769 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12634 |
4 | pseudogene | 90.45221 | 90.45363 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650766 | Gm12635 | NCBI_Gene:100417247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081563 | MGI:3650766 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12635 |
4 | pseudogene | 90.54374 | 90.54438 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650767 | Gm12636 | NCBI_Gene:100417387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082502 | MGI:3650767 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12636 |
4 | pseudogene | 90.85684 | 90.85757 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650967 | Gm12632 | NCBI_Gene:606536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082622 | MGI:3650967 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12632 |
4 | gene | 90.99786 | 90.99799 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455021 | Gm25244 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096896 | MGI:5455021 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25244 |
4 | pseudogene | 91.03788 | 91.03827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649676 | Gm12643 | NCBI_Gene:108169000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079962 | MGI:3649676 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12643 |
4 | pseudogene | 91.15667 | 91.15774 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649677 | Gm12644 | NCBI_Gene:664848,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081876 | MGI:3649677 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12644 |
4 | gene | 91.21153 | 91.24604 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443380 | A730080H06Rik | NCBI_Gene:102633497 | MGI:2443380 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A730080H06 gene |
4 | gene | 91.25076 | 91.40078 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100887 | Elavl2 | NCBI_Gene:15569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008489 | MGI:1100887 | protein coding gene | ELAV like RNA binding protein 1 |
4 | pseudogene | 91.36538 | 91.36594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650062 | Gm12653 | NCBI_Gene:100418436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083377 | MGI:3650062 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12653 |
4 | gene | 91.37328 | 91.37336 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531146 | Mir6402 | miRBase:MI0021938,NCBI_Gene:102466157,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098563 | MGI:5531146 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6402 |
4 | gene | 91.49662 | 91.53649 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623087 | Gm40202 | NCBI_Gene:105244619 | MGI:5623087 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40202 |
4 | gene | 91.62659 | 91.63014 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651936 | Gm12668 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085817 | MGI:3651936 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12668 |
4 | gene | 91.64632 | 91.65115 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651682 | Gm12670 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086042 | MGI:3651682 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12670 |
4 | pseudogene | 91.70863 | 91.70997 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651935 | Gm12667 | NCBI_Gene:100417505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082523 | MGI:3651935 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12667 |
4 | pseudogene | 91.80555 | 91.80656 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651683 | Gm12669 | NCBI_Gene:620016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100863 | MGI:3651683 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12669 |
4 | pseudogene | 91.85149 | 91.85269 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651684 | Gm12671 | NCBI_Gene:654475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095937 | MGI:3651684 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12671 |
4 | gene | 91.93885 | 91.93995 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925473 | 4930577H14Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087517 | MGI:1925473 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930577H14 gene |
4 | gene | 92.14432 | 92.14723 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916564 | Izumo3 | NCBI_Gene:69314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028533 | MGI:1916564 | protein coding gene | IZUMO family member 3 |
4 | gene | 92.14728 | 92.15095 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623088 | Gm40203 | NCBI_Gene:105244620 | MGI:5623088 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40203 |
4 | gene | 92.19069 | 92.19175 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650864 | Gm12666 | NCBI_Gene:68280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066107 | MGI:3650864 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 12666 |
4 | gene | 92.24176 | 92.26624 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623089 | Gm40204 | NCBI_Gene:105244621 | MGI:5623089 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40204 |
4 | pseudogene | 92.37305 | 92.37335 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650765 | Gm12638 | NCBI_Gene:100502690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083296 | MGI:3650765 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12638 |
4 | gene | 92.48461 | 92.54883 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650764 | Gm12637 | NCBI_Gene:108169002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085209 | MGI:3650764 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12637 |
4 | gene | 92.86647 | 92.86658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452382 | Gm22605 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088914 | MGI:5452382 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22605 |
4 | pseudogene | 92.97024 | 92.97074 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649270 | Gm12639 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081987 | MGI:3649270 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12639 |
4 | pseudogene | 93.10697 | 93.11012 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649567 | Gm12641 | NCBI_Gene:620269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082919 | MGI:3649567 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12641 |
4 | pseudogene | 93.26541 | 93.26629 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649275 | Gm12642 | NCBI_Gene:384125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082325 | MGI:3649275 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12642 |
4 | gene | 93.33414 | 93.33551 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684283 | Tusc1 | NCBI_Gene:69136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054000 | MGI:2684283 | protein coding gene | tumor suppressor candidate 1 |
4 | gene | 93.37041 | 93.48140 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590987 | Gm31828 | NCBI_Gene:102634183 | MGI:5590987 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31828 |
4 | gene | 93.45326 | 93.67107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649947 | Gm12649 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084833 | MGI:3649947 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12649 |
4 | gene | 93.54515 | 93.54528 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453220 | Gm23443 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064850 | MGI:5453220 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23443 |
4 | pseudogene | 93.59919 | 93.59950 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649267 | Gm12640 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083607 | MGI:3649267 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12640 |
4 | gene | 93.60098 | 93.60108 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454573 | Gm24796 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095898 | MGI:5454573 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24796 |
4 | gene | 93.74589 | 93.74600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452396 | Gm22619 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095856 | MGI:5452396 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22619 |
4 | pseudogene | 93.80233 | 93.80262 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649946 | Gm12650 | NCBI_Gene:102634336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073797 | MGI:3649946 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12650 |
4 | gene | 93.83042 | 93.86423 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591194 | Gm32035 | NCBI_Gene:102634455 | MGI:5591194 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32035 |
4 | pseudogene | 94.06114 | 94.06165 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649949 | Gm12647 | NCBI_Gene:100417559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081685 | MGI:3649949 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12647 |
4 | gene | 94.08814 | 94.42559 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649948 | Gm12648 | NCBI_Gene:108168967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085931 | MGI:3649948 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12648 |
4 | gene | 94.09829 | 94.09842 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453613 | Gm23836 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077622 | MGI:5453613 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23836 |
4 | pseudogene | 94.10404 | 94.10484 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010190 | Gm18005 | NCBI_Gene:100416254 | MGI:5010190 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18005 |
4 | pseudogene | 94.39562 | 94.39624 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651710 | Gm12654 | NCBI_Gene:100416259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081508 | MGI:3651710 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12654 |
4 | gene | 94.43422 | 94.43448 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5456187 | Gm26410 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088295 | MGI:5456187 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 26410 |
4 | gene | 94.46028 | 94.55708 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915020 | Caap1 | NCBI_Gene:67770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028578 | MGI:1915020 | protein coding gene | caspase activity and apoptosis inhibitor 1 |
4 | gene | 94.46093 | 94.47718 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651648 | Gm12655 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087128 | MGI:3651648 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12655 |
4 | gene | 94.48788 | 94.48798 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452581 | Gm22804 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088677 | MGI:5452581 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22804 |
4 | pseudogene | 94.49699 | 94.49761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651715 | Gm12656 | NCBI_Gene:100418440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083359 | MGI:3651715 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12656 |
4 | gene | 94.55655 | 94.55708 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3704234 | Gm10306 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10306 |
4 | gene | 94.56514 | 94.60325 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104810 | Plaa | NCBI_Gene:18786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028577 | MGI:104810 | protein coding gene | phospholipase A2, activating protein |
4 | pseudogene | 94.59365 | 94.60032 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651714 | Gm12657 | NCBI_Gene:667250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063314 | MGI:3651714 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12657 |
4 | gene | 94.60326 | 94.69323 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914944 | Ift74 | NCBI_Gene:67694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028576 | MGI:1914944 | protein coding gene | intraflagellar transport 74 |
4 | gene | 94.63665 | 94.65014 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140219 | Lrrc19 | NCBI_Gene:100061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049799 | MGI:2140219 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 19 |
4 | gene | 94.66516 | 94.66524 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3718562 | Mir872 | miRBase:MI0005549,NCBI_Gene:100124456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077921 | MGI:3718562 | miRNA gene | microRNA 872 |
4 | gene | 94.72160 | 94.73256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623090 | Gm40205 | NCBI_Gene:105244622 | MGI:5623090 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40205 |
4 | gene | 94.73929 | 94.87498 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98664 | Tek | NCBI_Gene:21687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006386 | MGI:98664 | protein coding gene | TEK receptor tyrosine kinase |
4 | gene | 94.87570 | 94.92995 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915003 | Eqtn | NCBI_Gene:67753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028575 | MGI:1915003 | protein coding gene | equatorin, sperm acrosome associated |
4 | pseudogene | 94.93327 | 94.93629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650224 | Gm12693 | NCBI_Gene:100039252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083179 | MGI:3650224 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12693 |
4 | gene | 94.94204 | 94.97911 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444584 | Mysm1 | NCBI_Gene:320713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062627 | MGI:2444584 | protein coding gene | myb-like, SWIRM and MPN domains 1 |
4 | gene | 94.97920 | 95.02854 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3651291 | Gm12694 | NCBI_Gene:105244623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086251 | MGI:3651291 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12694 |
4 | gene | 95.02996 | 95.04837 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650667 | Gm12703 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052767 | MGI:3650667 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12703 |
4 | pseudogene | 95.03916 | 95.03963 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650671 | Gm12704 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081030 | MGI:3650671 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12704 |
4 | gene | 95.04903 | 95.05222 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96646 | Jun | NCBI_Gene:16476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052684 | MGI:96646 | protein coding gene | jun proto-oncogene |
4 | gene | 95.05153 | 95.16904 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652837 | Junos | NCBI_Gene:230451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087366 | MGI:2652837 | antisense lncRNA gene | jun proto-oncogene, opposite strand |
4 | gene | 95.06265 | 95.06276 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422054 | n-R5s189 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084624 | MGI:4422054 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 189 |
4 | gene | 95.08908 | 95.09142 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922511 | 4930551L18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085377 | MGI:1922511 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930551L18 gene |
4 | gene | 95.15174 | 95.15750 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5578802 | Gm28096 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100189 | MGI:5578802 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28096 |
4 | gene | 95.19327 | 95.20973 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652178 | Gm12708 | NCBI_Gene:105244624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084918 | MGI:3652178 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12708 |
4 | gene | 95.19691 | 95.20808 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591399 | Gm32240 | NCBI_Gene:102634722 | MGI:5591399 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32240 |
4 | pseudogene | 95.25483 | 95.25916 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5826500 | Gm46863 | NCBI_Gene:108168968 | MGI:5826500 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46863 |
4 | gene | 95.27219 | 95.27686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782003 | Gm3831 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 3831 |
4 | gene | 95.40198 | 95.40279 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579770 | Gm29064 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100129 | MGI:5579770 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29064 |
4 | gene | 95.46472 | 95.48739 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685676 | Gm830 | NCBI_Gene:329892,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084939 | MGI:2685676 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 830 |
4 | gene | 95.48396 | 95.48763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3652172 | Gm12707 | NCBI_Gene:102636934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085835 | MGI:3652172 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12707 |
4 | gene | 95.52404 | 95.52420 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454781 | Gm25004 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065745 | MGI:5454781 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25004 |
4 | gene | 95.55342 | 95.55737 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623091 | Gm40206 | NCBI_Gene:105244625 | MGI:5623091 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40206 |
4 | gene | 95.55747 | 95.92694 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922828 | Fggy | NCBI_Gene:75578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028573 | MGI:1922828 | protein coding gene | FGGY carbohydrate kinase domain containing |
4 | pseudogene | 95.56183 | 95.56216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5313098 | Gm20651 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093492 | MGI:5313098 | pseudogene | predicted gene 20651 |
4 | gene | 95.63474 | 95.63523 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922327 | 4930509A12Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930509A12 gene |
4 | gene | 95.95971 | 95.96765 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441751 | 9530080O11Rik | NCBI_Gene:319247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044125 | MGI:2441751 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530080O11 gene |
4 | gene | 95.96720 | 96.02541 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925213 | Hook1 | NCBI_Gene:77963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028572 | MGI:1925213 | protein coding gene | hook microtubule tethering protein 1 |
4 | gene | 96.02753 | 96.07757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385197 | Cyp2j13 | NCBI_Gene:230459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028571 | MGI:2385197 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 13 |
4 | gene | 96.02976 | 96.03075 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920262 | 2900072D07Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900072D07 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 96.07231 | 96.07271 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1935167 | Hspe1-ps6 | NCBI_Gene:93753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083880 | MGI:1935167 | pseudogene | heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin 10), pseudogene 6 |
4 | gene | 96.09931 | 96.14127 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3717097 | Cyp2j12 | NCBI_Gene:242546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081225 | MGI:3717097 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 12 |
4 | pseudogene | 96.15165 | 96.15186 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651269 | Cyp2j7-ps3 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080884 | MGI:3651269 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 7, pseudogene 3 |
4 | pseudogene | 96.17021 | 96.17038 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651264 | Cyp2j7-ps2 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083801 | MGI:3651264 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 7, pseudogene 2 |
4 | pseudogene | 96.19007 | 96.19024 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651268 | Cyp2j7-ps1 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082681 | MGI:3651268 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 7, pseudogene 1 |
4 | gene | 96.19519 | 96.23666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2449816 | Cyp2j7 | NCBI_Gene:546837,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081362 | MGI:2449816 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 7 |
4 | pseudogene | 96.24556 | 96.27427 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3652069 | Cyp2j15-ps | NCBI_Gene:100125600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084286 | MGI:3652069 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, member 15, pseudogene |
4 | gene | 96.29451 | 96.34870 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2140224 | Cyp2j11 | NCBI_Gene:100066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066097 | MGI:2140224 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 11 |
4 | pseudogene | 96.35625 | 96.38022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651954 | Cyp2j14-ps | NCBI_Gene:100125599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082119 | MGI:3651954 | pseudogene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, member 14, pseudogene |
4 | gene | 96.44399 | 96.50794 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2449817 | Cyp2j8 | NCBI_Gene:665095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082932 | MGI:2449817 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 8 |
4 | gene | 96.51614 | 96.56431 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1270148 | Cyp2j6 | NCBI_Gene:13110,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052914 | MGI:1270148 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 6 |
4 | gene | 96.56843 | 96.59172 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921769 | Cyp2j9 | NCBI_Gene:74519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015224 | MGI:1921769 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 9 |
4 | gene | 96.62743 | 96.66417 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1270149 | Cyp2j5 | NCBI_Gene:13109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052520 | MGI:1270149 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily j, polypeptide 5 |
4 | gene | 96.72335 | 96.78683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650206 | Gm12695 | NCBI_Gene:620779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078639 | MGI:3650206 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 12695 |
4 | gene | 96.78732 | 96.79490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593212 | Gm34053 | NCBI_Gene:102637171 | MGI:5593212 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34053 |
4 | gene | 96.91694 | 96.91701 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530961 | Gm27579 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088738 | MGI:5530961 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 27579 |
4 | gene | 96.91702 | 96.91708 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530903 | Gm27521 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098261 | MGI:5530903 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 27521 |
4 | gene | 97.18108 | 97.18317 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642867 | Gm10192 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10192 |
4 | gene | 97.41542 | 97.41663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623092 | Gm40207 | NCBI_Gene:105244626 | MGI:5623092 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40207 |
4 | pseudogene | 97.52127 | 97.52255 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649288 | Gm12696 | NCBI_Gene:620883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084159 | MGI:3649288 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12696 |
4 | pseudogene | 97.55640 | 97.55706 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643458 | Gm7248 | NCBI_Gene:638698 | MGI:3643458 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7248 |
4 | pseudogene | 97.55640 | 97.55707 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651292 | Gm12697 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082683 | MGI:3651292 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12697 |
4 | gene | 97.56788 | 97.77808 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442873 | E130114P18Rik | NCBI_Gene:319865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048747 | MGI:2442873 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA E130114P18 gene |
4 | gene | 97.58172 | 98.11888 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108056 | Nfia | NCBI_Gene:18027,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028565 | MGI:108056 | protein coding gene | nuclear factor I/A |
4 | gene | 97.58233 | 97.58462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444134 | D130039L10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D130039L10 gene |
4 | gene | 97.74710 | 97.76101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651064 | Gm12676 | NCBI_Gene:102637577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085710 | MGI:3651064 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 12676 |
4 | gene | 97.77369 | 97.77743 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621594 | Gm38709 | NCBI_Gene:105242444 | MGI:5621594 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38709 |
4 | gene | 97.77452 | 97.77644 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443783 | A130013F12Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A130013F12 gene |
4 | gene | 97.86241 | 97.86923 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011602 | Gm19417 | NCBI_Gene:102637515 | MGI:5011602 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19417 |
4 | gene | 97.86726 | 97.87008 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914791 | 4932416J16Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4932416J16 gene |
4 | gene | 97.93042 | 97.94099 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623093 | Gm40208 | NCBI_Gene:105244627 | MGI:5623093 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40208 |
4 | gene | 98.01856 | 98.02477 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593377 | Gm34218 | NCBI_Gene:102637398 | MGI:5593377 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34218 |
4 | gene | 98.12565 | 98.13127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593943 | Gm34784 | NCBI_Gene:102638152 | MGI:5593943 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34784 |
4 | pseudogene | 98.14527 | 98.24446 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650220 | Gm12691 | NCBI_Gene:100039459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081096 | MGI:3650220 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12691 |
4 | pseudogene | 98.23475 | 98.23529 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651859 | Gm12692 | NCBI_Gene:384106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082388 | MGI:3651859 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12692 |
4 | pseudogene | 98.26808 | 98.27129 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650112 | Gm12787 | NCBI_Gene:100502616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083644 | MGI:3650112 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12787 |
4 | gene | 98.27572 | 98.27584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453980 | Gm24203 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064883 | MGI:5453980 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24203 |
4 | gene | 98.32134 | 98.33196 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915618 | 0610025J13Rik | NCBI_Gene:78687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046683 | MGI:1915618 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 0610025J13 gene |
4 | pseudogene | 98.35243 | 98.35273 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649859 | Gm12788 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082144 | MGI:3649859 | pseudogene | predicted gene 12788 |
4 | gene | 98.35537 | 98.38331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2137022 | Tm2d1 | NCBI_Gene:94043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000028563 | MGI:2137022 | protein coding gene | TM2 domain containing 1 |
4 | gene | 98.38340 | 98.38349 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454737 | Gm24960 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088548 | MGI:5454737 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24960 |
4 | gene | 98.39562 | 98.71960 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277960 | Patj | NCBI_Gene:12695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061859 | MGI:1277960 | protein coding gene | PATJ, crumbs cell polarity complex component |
chr | type | start | stop | strand | ID | Name | Dbxref | gene_id | mgi_type | description |
7 | pseudogene | 92.46923 | 92.47823 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590650 | Gm31491 | NCBI_Gene:102633738 | MGI:5590650 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31491 |
7 | gene | 92.56115 | 92.58229 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913615 | Ccdc90b | NCBI_Gene:66365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030613 | MGI:1913615 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 90B |
7 | gene | 92.58172 | 92.63714 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921095 | Ankrd42 | NCBI_Gene:73845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041343 | MGI:1921095 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat domain 42 |
7 | gene | 92.63719 | 92.64830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504059 | Gm26944 | NCBI_Gene:102635071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098066 | MGI:5504059 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26944 |
7 | gene | 92.63721 | 92.63753 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610236 | Gm37008 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103887 | MGI:5610236 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37008 |
7 | gene | 92.63995 | 92.64378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443259 | 6430511E19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102555 | MGI:2443259 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6430511E19 gene |
7 | gene | 92.64354 | 92.67005 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919579 | Pcf11 | NCBI_Gene:74737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041328 | MGI:1919579 | protein coding gene | PCF11 cleavage and polyadenylation factor subunit |
7 | pseudogene | 92.69368 | 92.69791 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780719 | Gm2551 | NCBI_Gene:100040007 | MGI:3780719 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2551 |
7 | gene | 92.70677 | 92.70828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753775 | Gm45199 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109395 | MGI:5753775 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45199 |
7 | gene | 92.72984 | 92.73375 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5504096 | Gm26981 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098041 | MGI:5504096 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26981 |
7 | gene | 92.73417 | 92.74147 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915436 | 4632427E13Rik | NCBI_Gene:666737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074024 | MGI:1915436 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4632427E13 gene |
7 | gene | 92.74160 | 92.84453 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923235 | Rab30 | NCBI_Gene:75985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030643 | MGI:1923235 | protein coding gene | RAB30, member RAS oncogene family |
7 | gene | 92.77850 | 92.77942 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753776 | Gm45200 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109257 | MGI:5753776 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45200 |
7 | gene | 92.82056 | 92.82077 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917506 | 2010107C10Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2010107C10 gene |
7 | gene | 92.85752 | 92.87429 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921291 | Ddias | NCBI_Gene:74041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030641 | MGI:1921291 | protein coding gene | DNA damage-induced apoptosis suppressor |
7 | gene | 92.87447 | 92.93458 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919711 | Prcp | NCBI_Gene:72461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061119 | MGI:1919711 | protein coding gene | prolylcarboxypeptidase (angiotensinase C) |
7 | gene | 92.87743 | 92.88999 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623333 | Gm40448 | NCBI_Gene:105244926 | MGI:5623333 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40448 |
7 | gene | 92.90218 | 92.90287 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925814 | 9530078K11Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109268 | MGI:1925814 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9530078K11 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 92.97925 | 93.00654 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590822 | Gm31663 | NCBI_Gene:102633966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108994 | MGI:5590822 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 31663 |
7 | gene | 93.00698 | 93.10479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5477356 | Gm26862 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097644 | MGI:5477356 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26862 |
7 | gene | 93.05208 | 93.08103 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3641747 | Gm9934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054061 | MGI:3641747 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9934 |
7 | gene | 93.07986 | 93.08187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1930951 | Fam181b | NCBI_Gene:58238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051515 | MGI:1930951 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 181, member B |
7 | gene | 93.14785 | 93.14797 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455637 | Gm25860 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088877 | MGI:5455637 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25860 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.16883 | 93.17267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753291 | Gm44715 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109196 | MGI:5753291 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44715 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.17898 | 93.18418 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704296 | Gm15501 | NCBI_Gene:100040298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087412 | MGI:3704296 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 15501 |
7 | gene | 93.29070 | 93.32395 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753523 | Gm44947 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109175 | MGI:5753523 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44947 |
7 | gene | 93.36168 | 93.38086 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753613 | Gm45037 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109315 | MGI:5753613 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45037 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.52306 | 93.52690 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753614 | Gm45038 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109195 | MGI:5753614 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45038 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.56494 | 93.56570 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645456 | Gm8285 | NCBI_Gene:666783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109077 | MGI:3645456 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8285 |
7 | gene | 93.60484 | 93.60832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753615 | Gm45039 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109226 | MGI:5753615 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45039 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.66024 | 93.66056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5052079 | Bc1-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:12031,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109440 | MGI:5052079 | pseudogene | brain cytoplasmic RNA 1, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 93.84690 | 93.84783 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010382 | Gm18197 | NCBI_Gene:100416690 | MGI:5010382 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18197 |
7 | gene | 94.04250 | 95.32643 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591806 | Gm32647 | NCBI_Gene:102635262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108532 | MGI:5591806 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32647 |
7 | pseudogene | 94.19642 | 94.19756 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643908 | Gm5899 | NCBI_Gene:545982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096033 | MGI:3643908 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5899 |
7 | gene | 94.36898 | 94.37257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753177 | Gm44601 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108315 | MGI:5753177 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44601 |
7 | pseudogene | 94.47558 | 94.47571 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753178 | Gm44602 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108516 | MGI:5753178 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44602 |
7 | pseudogene | 94.60182 | 94.60263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011946 | Gm19761 | NCBI_Gene:100503542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108433 | MGI:5011946 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19761 |
7 | gene | 95.17186 | 95.17216 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453661 | Gm23884 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084636 | MGI:5453661 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23884 |
7 | gene | 95.44235 | 95.44246 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455461 | Gm25684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065875 | MGI:5455461 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25684 |
7 | pseudogene | 95.46191 | 95.46356 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643545 | Gm8309 | NCBI_Gene:666823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108786 | MGI:3643545 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8309 |
7 | pseudogene | 95.47495 | 95.47531 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753179 | Gm44603 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108429 | MGI:5753179 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44603 |
7 | gene | 95.77545 | 95.78117 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621934 | Gm39049 | NCBI_Gene:105242997 | MGI:5621934 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39049 |
7 | pseudogene | 95.91275 | 95.91339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648478 | Gm5037 | NCBI_Gene:260347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108628 | MGI:3648478 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5037 |
7 | gene | 95.95821 | 95.96161 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641871 | Gm9966 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9966 |
7 | gene | 96.17124 | 96.91109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2447063 | Tenm4 | NCBI_Gene:23966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048078 | MGI:2447063 | protein coding gene | teneurin transmembrane protein 4 |
7 | pseudogene | 96.20239 | 96.20364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646693 | Gm8319 | NCBI_Gene:666836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108528 | MGI:3646693 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8319 |
7 | gene | 96.24942 | 96.24953 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3629686 | Mir708 | miRBase:MI0004692,NCBI_Gene:735284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076143 | MGI:3629686 | miRNA gene | microRNA 708 |
7 | gene | 96.30567 | 96.30576 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531311 | Mir6394 | miRBase:MI0021928,NCBI_Gene:102465210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099030 | MGI:5531311 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6394 |
7 | gene | 96.33948 | 96.34196 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705100 | Gm15412 | NCBI_Gene:670727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085751 | MGI:3705100 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15412 |
7 | pseudogene | 96.43482 | 96.43675 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647437 | Rps11-ps5 | NCBI_Gene:102635492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082780 | MGI:3647437 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S11, pseudogene 5 |
7 | gene | 96.58581 | 96.58691 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924457 | 8030425K09Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 8030425K09 gene |
7 | gene | 96.59665 | 96.62907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705307 | Gm15414 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085792 | MGI:3705307 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15414 |
7 | gene | 96.79143 | 96.80155 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642665 | Gm15413 | NCBI_Gene:791381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053049 | MGI:3642665 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15413 |
7 | gene | 96.81243 | 96.81749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705308 | Gm15416 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085443 | MGI:3705308 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15416 |
7 | gene | 96.81387 | 96.81831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753209 | Gm44633 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108635 | MGI:5753209 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44633 |
7 | gene | 96.86329 | 96.86338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455489 | Gm25712 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089259 | MGI:5455489 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 25712 |
7 | gene | 96.90683 | 96.94703 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3713275 | Gm15415 | NA | NA | antisense lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15415 |
7 | gene | 96.90683 | 96.95189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3697433 | C230038L03Rik | NCBI_Gene:108167512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085560 | MGI:3697433 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C230038L03 gene |
7 | gene | 96.91999 | 96.92010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452003 | Gm22226 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087980 | MGI:5452003 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22226 |
7 | gene | 96.95150 | 97.06476 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142075 | Nars2 | NCBI_Gene:244141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018995 | MGI:2142075 | protein coding gene | asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase 2 (mitochondrial)(putative) |
7 | gene | 97.08159 | 97.30895 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333854 | Gab2 | NCBI_Gene:14389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004508 | MGI:1333854 | protein coding gene | growth factor receptor bound protein 2-associated protein 2 |
7 | gene | 97.30938 | 97.33229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685339 | Usp35 | NCBI_Gene:244144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035713 | MGI:2685339 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 35 |
7 | gene | 97.33232 | 97.35022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643121 | Kctd21 | NCBI_Gene:622320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044952 | MGI:3643121 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 21 |
7 | gene | 97.37159 | 97.39218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141959 | Alg8 | NCBI_Gene:381903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035704 | MGI:2141959 | protein coding gene | asparagine-linked glycosylation 8 (alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase) |
7 | gene | 97.40000 | 97.40780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1344370 | Ndufc2 | NCBI_Gene:68197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030647 | MGI:1344370 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C2 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.40614 | 97.40633 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802033 | Gm16053 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083974 | MGI:3802033 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16053 |
7 | gene | 97.41293 | 97.41773 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109126 | Thrsp | NCBI_Gene:21835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035686 | MGI:109126 | protein coding gene | thyroid hormone responsive |
7 | gene | 97.41865 | 97.42014 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592104 | Gm32945 | NCBI_Gene:102635665 | MGI:5592104 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32945 |
7 | gene | 97.43638 | 97.45956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1289222 | Kctd14 | NCBI_Gene:233529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051727 | MGI:1289222 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 14 |
7 | gene | 97.45527 | 97.45671 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028073 | 7030407A21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 7030407A21 gene |
7 | gene | 97.48095 | 97.54140 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917164 | Ints4 | NCBI_Gene:101861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025133 | MGI:1917164 | protein coding gene | integrator complex subunit 4 |
7 | gene | 97.52181 | 97.52192 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454189 | Gm24412 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065360 | MGI:5454189 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24412 |
7 | gene | 97.55033 | 97.57951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913523 | Aamdc | NCBI_Gene:66273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035642 | MGI:1913523 | protein coding gene | adipogenesis associated Mth938 domain containing |
7 | gene | 97.57977 | 97.69278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2682305 | Rsf1 | NCBI_Gene:233532,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035623 | MGI:2682305 | protein coding gene | remodeling and spacing factor 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.59149 | 97.59245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010024 | Ywhaq-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:100415958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108405 | MGI:5010024 | pseudogene | tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein theta, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.59484 | 97.59544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010232 | Rpl15-ps5 | NCBI_Gene:100416334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108442 | MGI:5010232 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L15, pseudogene 5 |
7 | gene | 97.59835 | 97.64511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922698 | Rsf1os1 | NCBI_Gene:75448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086433 | MGI:1922698 | antisense lncRNA gene | remodeling and spacing factor 1, opposite strand 1 |
7 | gene | 97.64900 | 97.65232 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441926 | C920008N22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C920008N22 gene |
7 | gene | 97.65001 | 97.69683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642179 | Rsf1os2 | NCBI_Gene:102641859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086993 | MGI:3642179 | antisense lncRNA gene | remodeling and spacing factor 1, opposite strand 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.65428 | 97.65475 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753762 | Gm45186 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108547 | MGI:5753762 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45186 |
7 | gene | 97.69663 | 97.72080 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109638 | Clns1a | NCBI_Gene:12729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025439 | MGI:109638 | protein coding gene | chloride channel, nucleotide-sensitive, 1A |
7 | gene | 97.72084 | 97.72292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642272 | Gm9990 | NA | NA | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9990 |
7 | gene | 97.72401 | 97.73829 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913583 | Aqp11 | NCBI_Gene:66333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042797 | MGI:1913583 | protein coding gene | aquaporin 11 |
7 | gene | 97.75932 | 97.80116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621935 | Gm39050 | NCBI_Gene:105243000 | MGI:5621935 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39050 |
7 | gene | 97.78854 | 97.91238 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1339975 | Pak1 | NCBI_Gene:18479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030774 | MGI:1339975 | protein coding gene | p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.91824 | 97.91863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753166 | Gm44590 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108424 | MGI:5753166 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44590 |
7 | gene | 97.91994 | 98.04966 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3606573 | Gdpd4 | NCBI_Gene:233537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035582 | MGI:3606573 | protein coding gene | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 4 |
7 | pseudogene | 97.98456 | 97.98539 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011389 | Gm19204 | NCBI_Gene:100418424 | MGI:5011389 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19204 |
7 | gene | 98.05105 | 98.11952 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104510 | Myo7a | NCBI_Gene:17921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030761 | MGI:104510 | protein coding gene | myosin VIIA |
7 | gene | 98.12156 | 98.17827 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100859 | Capn5 | NCBI_Gene:12337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035547 | MGI:1100859 | protein coding gene | calpain 5 |
7 | gene | 98.14336 | 98.14550 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97436 | Omp | NCBI_Gene:18378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074006 | MGI:97436 | protein coding gene | olfactory marker protein |
7 | gene | 98.17719 | 98.18480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4439862 | Gm16938 | NCBI_Gene:330599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097749 | MGI:4439862 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16938 |
7 | gene | 98.19241 | 98.19948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3039603 | B3gnt6 | NCBI_Gene:272411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074004 | MGI:3039603 | protein coding gene | UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 6 (core 3 synthase) |
7 | gene | 98.20639 | 98.21038 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142310 | E230006M18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA E230006M18 gene |
7 | gene | 98.20639 | 98.32121 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913440 | Acer3 | NCBI_Gene:66190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030760 | MGI:1913440 | protein coding gene | alkaline ceramidase 3 |
7 | gene | 98.35067 | 98.36139 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443855 | Tsku | NCBI_Gene:244152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049580 | MGI:2443855 | protein coding gene | tsukushi, small leucine rich proteoglycan |
7 | gene | 98.36699 | 98.41980 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753083 | Gm44507 | NCBI_Gene:108167447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108449 | MGI:5753083 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44507 |
7 | gene | 98.43348 | 98.43795 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621938 | Gm39053 | NCBI_Gene:105243003 | MGI:5621938 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39053 |
7 | pseudogene | 98.43721 | 98.43752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753556 | Gm44980 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108346 | MGI:5753556 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44980 |
7 | gene | 98.44042 | 98.47748 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106030 | Gucy2d | NCBI_Gene:14918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074003 | MGI:106030 | protein coding gene | guanylate cyclase 2d |
7 | pseudogene | 98.45509 | 98.45568 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3781104 | Gm2926 | NCBI_Gene:100040721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108764 | MGI:3781104 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2926 |
7 | pseudogene | 98.46513 | 98.46648 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753554 | Gm44978 | NCBI_Gene:108167471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108508 | MGI:5753554 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44978 |
7 | gene | 98.48126 | 98.48622 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621473 | Gm38588 | NCBI_Gene:102641966 | MGI:5621473 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38588 |
7 | gene | 98.48928 | 98.50218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_93882 | Lrrc32 | NCBI_Gene:434215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090958 | MGI:93882 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 32 |
7 | gene | 98.50259 | 98.50665 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592553 | Gm33394 | NCBI_Gene:102636286 | MGI:5592553 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33394 |
7 | gene | 98.50695 | 98.50712 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452817 | Gm23040 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065803 | MGI:5452817 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23040 |
7 | gene | 98.54332 | 98.56299 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442837 | A630091E08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055446 | MGI:2442837 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A630091E08 gene |
7 | gene | 98.58713 | 98.65956 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924203 | Emsy | NCBI_Gene:233545,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035401 | MGI:1924203 | protein coding gene | EMSY, BRCA2-interacting transcriptional repressor |
7 | gene | 98.65620 | 98.65783 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923090 | 4930558N01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930558N01 gene |
7 | gene | 98.67811 | 98.68065 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753708 | Gm45132 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109101 | MGI:5753708 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45132 |
7 | gene | 98.68233 | 98.70293 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782954 | Gm15506 | NCBI_Gene:100040769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086477 | MGI:3782954 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15506 |
7 | gene | 98.70310 | 98.71806 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920231 | Thap12 | NCBI_Gene:72981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030753 | MGI:1920231 | protein coding gene | THAP domain containing 12 |
7 | gene | 98.71950 | 98.72876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011841 | Gm19656 | NCBI_Gene:105243004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109149 | MGI:5011841 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19656 |
7 | gene | 98.73475 | 98.73508 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753510 | Gm44934 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108988 | MGI:5753510 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44934 |
7 | pseudogene | 98.76148 | 98.76194 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011435 | Gm19250 | NCBI_Gene:100462934 | MGI:5011435 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19250 |
7 | gene | 98.76302 | 98.76984 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592879 | Gm33720 | NCBI_Gene:102636728 | MGI:5592879 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33720 |
7 | gene | 98.81542 | 98.81549 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4414020 | n-TPtgg8 | NCBI_Gene:102467371 | MGI:4414020 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA proline 8 (anticodon TGG) |
7 | gene | 98.81568 | 98.81575 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4414009 | n-TPagg7 | NCBI_Gene:102467367 | MGI:4414009 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA proline 7 (anticodon AGG) |
7 | gene | 98.81613 | 98.82193 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621939 | Gm39054 | NCBI_Gene:105243005 | MGI:5621939 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39054 |
7 | gene | 98.83066 | 98.83606 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592929 | Gm33770 | NCBI_Gene:102636798 | MGI:5592929 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33770 |
7 | gene | 98.83492 | 98.85519 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101948 | Wnt11 | NCBI_Gene:22411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015957 | MGI:101948 | protein coding gene | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 11 |
7 | pseudogene | 98.85473 | 98.85510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648175 | Gm8398 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091496 | MGI:3648175 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8398 |
7 | gene | 98.86926 | 98.87663 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592986 | Gm33827 | NCBI_Gene:102636877 | MGI:5592986 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33827 |
7 | gene | 98.88502 | 99.14117 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925860 | Uvrag | NCBI_Gene:78610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035354 | MGI:1925860 | protein coding gene | UV radiation resistance associated gene |
7 | gene | 98.89522 | 98.90649 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647698 | Gm8149 | NCBI_Gene:666529 | MGI:3647698 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 8149 |
7 | gene | 98.89593 | 98.89955 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753764 | Gm45188 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109282 | MGI:5753764 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45188 |
7 | gene | 98.90427 | 98.90806 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753763 | Gm45187 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109130 | MGI:5753763 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45187 |
7 | gene | 98.90659 | 98.91100 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621940 | Gm39055 | NCBI_Gene:105243006 | MGI:5621940 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39055 |
7 | gene | 98.93589 | 98.93601 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453256 | Gm23479 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089501 | MGI:5453256 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23479 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.08946 | 99.09088 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593041 | Gm33882 | NCBI_Gene:102636953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109492 | MGI:5593041 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33882 |
7 | gene | 99.12207 | 99.12346 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753551 | Gm44975 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109073 | MGI:5753551 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44975 |
7 | gene | 99.14159 | 99.14200 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753761 | Gm45185 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109468 | MGI:5753761 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45185 |
7 | gene | 99.15366 | 99.18272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915050 | Dgat2 | NCBI_Gene:67800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030747 | MGI:1915050 | protein coding gene | diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 |
7 | gene | 99.20237 | 99.22708 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753588 | Gm45012 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109052 | MGI:5753588 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45012 |
7 | gene | 99.21908 | 99.23862 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2663253 | Mogat2 | NCBI_Gene:233549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052396 | MGI:2663253 | protein coding gene | monoacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.24757 | 99.24897 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011128 | Gm18943 | NCBI_Gene:100418007,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109472 | MGI:5011128 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18943 |
7 | gene | 99.25151 | 99.25519 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593221 | Gm34062 | NCBI_Gene:102637185 | MGI:5593221 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34062 |
7 | gene | 99.26048 | 99.26722 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477199 | Gm26705 | NCBI_Gene:381967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097015 | MGI:5477199 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26705 |
7 | gene | 99.26718 | 99.33714 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1201690 | Map6 | NCBI_Gene:17760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055407 | MGI:1201690 | protein coding gene | microtubule-associated protein 6 |
7 | gene | 99.30027 | 99.30449 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623334 | Gm40449 | NCBI_Gene:105244927 | MGI:5623334 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40449 |
7 | gene | 99.32120 | 99.32246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791427 | Gm45591 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109460 | MGI:5791427 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45591 |
7 | gene | 99.34538 | 99.35324 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88283 | Serpinh1 | NCBI_Gene:12406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070436 | MGI:88283 | protein coding gene | serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade H, member 1 |
7 | gene | 99.38141 | 99.46188 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686926 | Gdpd5 | NCBI_Gene:233552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035314 | MGI:2686926 | protein coding gene | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 5 |
7 | gene | 99.46600 | 99.47402 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919434 | Klhl35 | NCBI_Gene:72184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035298 | MGI:1919434 | protein coding gene | kelch-like 35 |
7 | gene | 99.47790 | 99.48374 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1350917 | Rps3 | NCBI_Gene:27050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030744 | MGI:1350917 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S3 |
7 | gene | 99.47956 | 99.47971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779515 | Snord15b | NCBI_Gene:449631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064966 | MGI:3779515 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 14B |
7 | gene | 99.48279 | 99.48293 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645887 | Snord15a | NCBI_Gene:449630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065822 | MGI:3645887 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 15A |
7 | gene | 99.49772 | 99.49782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422019 | n-R5s156 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065311 | MGI:4422019 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 156 |
7 | gene | 99.50046 | 99.50594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621941 | Gm39056 | NCBI_Gene:105243007 | MGI:5621941 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39056 |
7 | gene | 99.51165 | 99.51715 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623335 | Gm40450 | NCBI_Gene:105244928 | MGI:5623335 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40450 |
7 | gene | 99.51664 | 99.52964 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593331 | Gm34172 | NCBI_Gene:102637333 | MGI:5593331 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34172 |
7 | gene | 99.53547 | 99.60677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99473 | Arrb1 | NCBI_Gene:109689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018909 | MGI:99473 | protein coding gene | arrestin, beta 1 |
7 | gene | 99.54390 | 99.54397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413843 | n-TEctc3 | NCBI_Gene:102467644 | MGI:4413843 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA glutamic acid 3 (anticodon CTC) |
7 | gene | 99.55227 | 99.55236 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3619338 | Mir326 | miRBase:MI0000598,NCBI_Gene:723840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065571 | MGI:3619338 | miRNA gene | microRNA 326 |
7 | gene | 99.56812 | 99.57084 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753490 | Gm44914 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108850 | MGI:5753490 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44914 |
7 | gene | 99.62407 | 99.62710 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646425 | Tpbgl | NCBI_Gene:100503386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096606 | MGI:3646425 | protein coding gene | trophoblast glycoprotein-like |
7 | gene | 99.62594 | 99.63171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642596 | Gm10605 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097974 | MGI:3642596 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10605 |
7 | gene | 99.65369 | 99.65382 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455186 | Gm25409 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065698 | MGI:5455186 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25409 |
7 | gene | 99.65780 | 99.71134 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351872 | Slco2b1 | NCBI_Gene:101488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030737 | MGI:1351872 | protein coding gene | solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 2b1 |
7 | gene | 99.66013 | 99.66750 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783079 | Gm15635 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085095 | MGI:3783079 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15635 |
7 | gene | 99.69303 | 99.71423 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593439 | Gm34280 | NCBI_Gene:102637485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109559 | MGI:5593439 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34280 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.72521 | 99.72538 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753127 | Gm44551 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108965 | MGI:5753127 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44551 |
7 | gene | 99.73027 | 99.73640 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030354 | Olfr520 | NCBI_Gene:259066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073998 | MGI:3030354 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 520 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.74021 | 99.74079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011367 | Gm19182 | NCBI_Gene:100418394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109275 | MGI:5011367 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19182 |
7 | gene | 99.76351 | 99.76932 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030355 | Olfr521 | NCBI_Gene:258353,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073997 | MGI:3030355 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 521 |
7 | gene | 99.78000 | 99.78154 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045385 | F730035P03Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053360 | MGI:3045385 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA F730035P03 gene |
7 | gene | 99.81144 | 99.82842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1355305 | Neu3 | NCBI_Gene:50877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035239 | MGI:1355305 | protein coding gene | neuraminidase 3 |
7 | gene | 99.83757 | 99.87034 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913874 | Spcs2 | NCBI_Gene:66624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035227 | MGI:1913874 | protein coding gene | signal peptidase complex subunit 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 99.85912 | 99.91782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2181647 | Xrra1 | NCBI_Gene:446101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035211 | MGI:2181647 | protein coding gene | X-ray radiation resistance associated 1 |
7 | gene | 99.87067 | 99.91738 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621290 | Gm38405 | NCBI_Gene:233561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109002 | MGI:5621290 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38405 |
7 | gene | 99.90019 | 99.90416 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924443 | A930030B08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108985 | MGI:1924443 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930030B08 gene |
7 | gene | 99.92025 | 99.98069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920257 | Rnf169 | NCBI_Gene:108937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058761 | MGI:1920257 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 169 |
7 | gene | 99.92965 | 99.93229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643844 | Gm5115 | NCBI_Gene:330602 | MGI:3643844 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 5115 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.94506 | 99.94572 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011144 | Gm18959 | NCBI_Gene:100418037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108823 | MGI:5011144 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18959 |
7 | pseudogene | 99.99677 | 99.99741 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010116 | Gm17931 | NCBI_Gene:100416129,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109384 | MGI:5010116 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17931 |
7 | gene | 100.00617 | 100.03473 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916371 | Chrdl2 | NCBI_Gene:69121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030732 | MGI:1916371 | protein coding gene | chordin-like 2 |
7 | gene | 100.08211 | 100.12157 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915217 | Pold3 | NCBI_Gene:67967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030726 | MGI:1915217 | protein coding gene | polymerase (DNA-directed), delta 3, accessory subunit |
7 | gene | 100.13188 | 100.13749 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593919 | Gm34760 | NCBI_Gene:102638122 | MGI:5593919 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34760 |
7 | gene | 100.15928 | 100.16137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914414 | Lipt2 | NCBI_Gene:67164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030725 | MGI:1914414 | protein coding gene | lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase 2 (putative) |
7 | gene | 100.16332 | 100.17116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621942 | Gm39057 | NCBI_Gene:105243008 | MGI:5621942 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39057 |
7 | gene | 100.17142 | 100.22721 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593980 | Gm34821 | NCBI_Gene:102638204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109186 | MGI:5593980 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34821 |
7 | gene | 100.17650 | 100.18487 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891124 | Kcne3 | NCBI_Gene:57442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035165 | MGI:1891124 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage-gated channel, Isk-related subfamily, gene 3 |
7 | gene | 100.18926 | 100.19267 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825631 | Gm45994 | NCBI_Gene:108167448 | MGI:5825631 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45994 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.19710 | 100.19835 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779664 | Gm7067 | NCBI_Gene:631577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109435 | MGI:3779664 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7067 |
7 | gene | 100.20078 | 100.22721 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594036 | Gm34877 | NCBI_Gene:102638275 | MGI:5594036 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34877 |
7 | gene | 100.22728 | 100.27887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918224 | Pgm2l1 | NCBI_Gene:70974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030729 | MGI:1918224 | protein coding gene | phosphoglucomutase 2-like 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.26454 | 100.26556 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106627 | Gpx2-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:14777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089987 | MGI:106627 | pseudogene | glutathione peroxidase 2, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 100.28549 | 100.31970 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444049 | P4ha3 | NCBI_Gene:320452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051048 | MGI:2444049 | protein coding gene | procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase (proline 4-hydroxylase), alpha polypeptide III |
7 | gene | 100.32674 | 100.37231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919840 | Ppme1 | NCBI_Gene:72590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030718 | MGI:1919840 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase methylesterase 1 |
7 | gene | 100.37223 | 100.47016 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142166 | C2cd3 | NCBI_Gene:277939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047248 | MGI:2142166 | protein coding gene | C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.38159 | 100.38231 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753147 | Gm44571 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109046 | MGI:5753147 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44571 |
7 | gene | 100.44674 | 100.47485 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642592 | Gm10603 | NCBI_Gene:100038497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099137 | MGI:3642592 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10603 |
7 | gene | 100.45846 | 100.45941 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610944 | Gm37716 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102241 | MGI:5610944 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37716 |
7 | gene | 100.47299 | 100.48643 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1099787 | Ucp3 | NCBI_Gene:22229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032942 | MGI:1099787 | protein coding gene | uncoupling protein 3 (mitochondrial, proton carrier) |
7 | gene | 100.49334 | 100.50202 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109354 | Ucp2 | NCBI_Gene:22228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033685 | MGI:109354 | protein coding gene | uncoupling protein 2 (mitochondrial, proton carrier) |
7 | gene | 100.50172 | 100.51496 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916637 | Dnajb13 | NCBI_Gene:69387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030708 | MGI:1916637 | protein coding gene | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B13 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.52398 | 100.52467 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644490 | Gm8463 | NCBI_Gene:667112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109560 | MGI:3644490 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8463 |
7 | gene | 100.53559 | 100.53698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621943 | Gm39058 | NCBI_Gene:105243010 | MGI:5621943 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39058 |
7 | gene | 100.53707 | 100.54037 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915435 | Coa4 | NCBI_Gene:68185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044881 | MGI:1915435 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 4 |
7 | gene | 100.54135 | 100.54412 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621944 | Gm39059 | NCBI_Gene:105243011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109123 | MGI:5621944 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39059 |
7 | gene | 100.54574 | 100.54779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028054 | D630004N19Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D630004N19 gene |
7 | gene | 100.54575 | 100.60830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1289321 | Mrpl48 | NCBI_Gene:52443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030706 | MGI:1289321 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L48 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.57192 | 100.57225 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753224 | Gm44648 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108990 | MGI:5753224 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44648 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.57841 | 100.58064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783125 | Cox20b | NCBI_Gene:108167449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081359 | MGI:3783125 | pseudogene | cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 20B |
7 | gene | 100.60741 | 100.64127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_894313 | Rab6a | NCBI_Gene:19346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030704 | MGI:894313 | protein coding gene | RAB6A, member RAS oncogene family |
7 | gene | 100.61877 | 100.62126 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442194 | D930046H04Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930046H04 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 100.62452 | 100.62495 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650372 | Gm14382 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082210 | MGI:3650372 | pseudogene | predicted gene 14382 |
7 | gene | 100.64289 | 100.66241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351469 | Plekhb1 | NCBI_Gene:27276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030701 | MGI:1351469 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family B (evectins) member 1 |
7 | gene | 100.67499 | 100.67814 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594241 | Gm35082 | NCBI_Gene:102638545,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108866 | MGI:5594241 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35082 |
7 | gene | 100.70664 | 100.84166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442372 | Fam168a | NCBI_Gene:319604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029461 | MGI:2442372 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 168, member A |
7 | pseudogene | 100.73805 | 100.73863 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753785 | Gm45209 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109035 | MGI:5753785 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45209 |
7 | pseudogene | 100.76062 | 100.76182 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781379 | Gm3200 | NCBI_Gene:100041204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097388 | MGI:3781379 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 3200 |
7 | gene | 100.81135 | 100.81264 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753529 | Gm44953 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109109 | MGI:5753529 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44953 |
7 | gene | 100.84585 | 100.86348 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443373 | Relt | NCBI_Gene:320100,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008318 | MGI:2443373 | protein coding gene | RELT tumor necrosis factor receptor |
7 | gene | 100.86975 | 100.93216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2673002 | Arhgef17 | NCBI_Gene:207212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032875 | MGI:2673002 | protein coding gene | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 17 |
7 | gene | 100.88231 | 100.88241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834321 | Mir3102 | miRBase:MI0014099,NCBI_Gene:100526508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093296 | MGI:4834321 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3102 |
7 | gene | 100.93763 | 100.97550 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2673874 | P2ry6 | NCBI_Gene:233571,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048779 | MGI:2673874 | protein coding gene | pyrimidinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 6 |
7 | gene | 100.95082 | 100.95156 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753121 | Gm44545 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109132 | MGI:5753121 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44545 |
7 | gene | 100.99657 | 101.01287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105107 | P2ry2 | NCBI_Gene:18442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032860 | MGI:105107 | protein coding gene | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.01862 | 101.01887 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753646 | Gm45070 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108895 | MGI:5753646 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45070 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.06122 | 101.06148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645951 | Gm5735 | NCBI_Gene:435996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109171 | MGI:3645951 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5735 |
7 | gene | 101.09286 | 101.28441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2448475 | Fchsd2 | NCBI_Gene:207278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030691 | MGI:2448475 | protein coding gene | FCH and double SH3 domains 2 |
7 | gene | 101.11355 | 101.11780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442785 | 6030496E16Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030496E16 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 101.15460 | 101.15514 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643600 | Gm6341 | NCBI_Gene:622673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083121 | MGI:3643600 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6341 |
7 | gene | 101.20767 | 101.21103 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3026972 | 6430502G17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6430502G17 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 101.23822 | 101.23928 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096209 | Gm47324 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111425 | MGI:6096209 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 47324 |
7 | gene | 101.26303 | 101.30227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920933 | Atg16l2 | NCBI_Gene:73683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047767 | MGI:1920933 | protein coding gene | autophagy related 16-like 2 (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 101.31709 | 101.34663 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1860093 | Stard10 | NCBI_Gene:56018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030688 | MGI:1860093 | protein coding gene | START domain containing 10 |
7 | gene | 101.31772 | 101.32623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141941 | Gm20476 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092364 | MGI:5141941 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20476 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.33813 | 101.33847 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791180 | Gm45344 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110099 | MGI:5791180 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45344 |
7 | gene | 101.34691 | 101.34798 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791456 | Gm45620 | NCBI_Gene:108167329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110239 | MGI:5791456 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45620 |
7 | gene | 101.34765 | 101.41259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916960 | Arap1 | NCBI_Gene:69710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032812 | MGI:1916960 | protein coding gene | ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 |
7 | gene | 101.34821 | 101.35542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594378 | Gm35219 | NCBI_Gene:102638725 | MGI:5594378 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35219 |
7 | gene | 101.35127 | 101.35444 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791384 | Gm45548 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109656 | MGI:5791384 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45548 |
7 | gene | 101.41089 | 101.51282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804952 | Gm45837 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030653 | MGI:5804952 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45837 |
7 | gene | 101.42169 | 101.51283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446107 | Pde2a | NCBI_Gene:207728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110195 | MGI:2446107 | protein coding gene | phosphodiesterase 2A, cGMP-stimulated |
7 | gene | 101.47538 | 101.47544 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2676824 | Mir139 | miRBase:MI0000693,NCBI_Gene:387157,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065446 | MGI:2676824 | miRNA gene | microRNA 139 |
7 | gene | 101.51819 | 101.53866 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594522 | Gm35363 | NCBI_Gene:102638917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110301 | MGI:5594522 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35363 |
7 | gene | 101.54787 | 101.55746 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011950 | Gm19765 | NCBI_Gene:102638993 | MGI:5011950 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19765 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.55245 | 101.56087 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107546 | Art2a | NCBI_Gene:11871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092517 | MGI:107546 | polymorphic pseudogene | ADP-ribosyltransferase 2a |
7 | pseudogene | 101.57342 | 101.57436 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644555 | Gm7027 | NCBI_Gene:630138,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067121 | MGI:3644555 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7027 |
7 | gene | 101.57573 | 101.58560 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107545 | Art2b | NCBI_Gene:11872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030651 | MGI:107545 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosyltransferase 2b |
7 | gene | 101.58159 | 101.58283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825632 | Gm45995 | NCBI_Gene:108167451 | MGI:5825632 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45995 |
7 | gene | 101.66359 | 101.79551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1100517 | Clpb | NCBI_Gene:20480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001829 | MGI:1100517 | protein coding gene | ClpB caseinolytic peptidase B |
7 | pseudogene | 101.79054 | 101.79085 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791216 | Gm45380 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110360 | MGI:5791216 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45380 |
7 | gene | 101.81831 | 101.82273 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106633 | Phox2a | NCBI_Gene:11859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007946 | MGI:106633 | protein coding gene | paired-like homeobox 2a |
7 | gene | 101.82263 | 101.83823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333787 | Inppl1 | NCBI_Gene:16332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032737 | MGI:1333787 | protein coding gene | inositol polyphosphate phosphatase-like 1 |
7 | gene | 101.83650 | 101.84453 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3708759 | Gm10602 | NCBI_Gene:102639173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073985 | MGI:3708759 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10602 |
7 | gene | 101.83999 | 101.85719 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95569 | Folr2 | NCBI_Gene:14276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032725 | MGI:95569 | protein coding gene | folate receptor 2 (fetal) |
7 | pseudogene | 101.85296 | 101.85328 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791155 | Gm45319 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110295 | MGI:5791155 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45319 |
7 | gene | 101.85833 | 101.87079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95568 | Folr1 | NCBI_Gene:14275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001827 | MGI:95568 | protein coding gene | folate receptor 1 (adult) |
7 | gene | 101.86371 | 101.90185 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922680 | Anapc15 | NCBI_Gene:75430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030649 | MGI:1922680 | protein coding gene | anaphase prompoting complex C subunit 15 |
7 | gene | 101.87086 | 101.87958 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594756 | Gm35597 | NCBI_Gene:102639241 | MGI:5594756 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35597 |
7 | gene | 101.88118 | 101.88128 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452432 | Gm22655 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093388 | MGI:5452432 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22655 |
7 | gene | 101.89837 | 101.90641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3769724 | Tomt | NCBI_Gene:791260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078630 | MGI:3769724 | protein coding gene | transmembrane O-methyltransferase |
7 | gene | 101.90584 | 101.92668 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913758 | Lamtor1 | NCBI_Gene:66508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030842 | MGI:1913758 | protein coding gene | late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 1 |
7 | gene | 101.91298 | 101.93392 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916608 | Lrrc51 | NCBI_Gene:69358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064307 | MGI:1916608 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 51 |
7 | gene | 101.93400 | 102.01496 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443665 | Numa1 | NCBI_Gene:101706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066306 | MGI:2443665 | protein coding gene | nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.94596 | 101.94651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779801 | Gm8523 | NCBI_Gene:100417414,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110150 | MGI:3779801 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8523 |
7 | pseudogene | 101.95697 | 101.95728 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791148 | Gm45312 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109872 | MGI:5791148 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45312 |
7 | gene | 101.97966 | 101.98229 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444705 | C030040A22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C030040A22 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 101.98008 | 101.98026 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791149 | Gm45313 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110287 | MGI:5791149 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45313 |
7 | gene | 101.98867 | 101.99095 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621946 | Gm39061 | NCBI_Gene:105243016 | MGI:5621946 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39061 |
7 | gene | 102.01489 | 102.01869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333800 | Il18bp | NCBI_Gene:16068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070427 | MGI:1333800 | protein coding gene | interleukin 18 binding protein |
7 | gene | 102.01914 | 102.07244 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922462 | Rnf121 | NCBI_Gene:75212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070426 | MGI:1922462 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 121 |
7 | gene | 102.06549 | 102.08376 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5546359 | Xndc1 | NCBI_Gene:102443350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099481 | MGI:5546359 | protein coding gene | Xrcc1 N-terminal domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 102.06549 | 102.09686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5546370 | Xntrpc | NCBI_Gene:102443351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070425 | MGI:5546370 | protein coding gene | Xndc1-transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 2 readthrough |
7 | gene | 102.08312 | 102.09686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109527 | Trpc2 | NCBI_Gene:22064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100254 | MGI:109527 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 2 |
7 | gene | 102.09688 | 102.10949 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107948 | Art5 | NCBI_Gene:11875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070424 | MGI:107948 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosyltransferase 5 |
7 | gene | 102.10171 | 102.11393 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107511 | Art1 | NCBI_Gene:11870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030996 | MGI:107511 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 102.11126 | 102.11698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3609260 | Chrna10 | NCBI_Gene:504186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066279 | MGI:3609260 | protein coding gene | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 10 |
7 | gene | 102.11339 | 102.12206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621947 | Gm39062 | NCBI_Gene:105243018 | MGI:5621947 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39062 |
7 | gene | 102.11940 | 102.21019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109404 | Nup98 | NCBI_Gene:269966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063550 | MGI:109404 | protein coding gene | nucleoporin 98 |
7 | gene | 102.21021 | 102.23857 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385286 | Pgap2 | NCBI_Gene:233575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030990 | MGI:2385286 | protein coding gene | post-GPI attachment to proteins 2 |
7 | gene | 102.23912 | 102.25605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928370 | Rhog | NCBI_Gene:56212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073982 | MGI:1928370 | protein coding gene | ras homolog family member G |
7 | gene | 102.26151 | 102.43732 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107476 | Stim1 | NCBI_Gene:20866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030987 | MGI:107476 | protein coding gene | stromal interaction molecule 1 |
7 | gene | 102.36097 | 102.36348 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443525 | A630057J21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A630057J21 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 102.37750 | 102.37834 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010440 | Gm18255 | NCBI_Gene:100416793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110175 | MGI:5010440 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18255 |
7 | gene | 102.44169 | 102.46977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98180 | Rrm1 | NCBI_Gene:20133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030978 | MGI:98180 | protein coding gene | ribonucleotide reductase M1 |
7 | gene | 102.45825 | 102.45926 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791235 | Gm45399 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109940 | MGI:5791235 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45399 |
7 | gene | 102.47046 | 102.47668 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825633 | Gm45996 | NCBI_Gene:108167452 | MGI:5825633 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45996 |
7 | gene | 102.47658 | 102.48168 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030377 | Olfr543 | NCBI_Gene:257947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044814 | MGI:3030377 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 543 |
7 | gene | 102.48203 | 102.48831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030378 | Olfr544 | NCBI_Gene:257926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043925 | MGI:3030378 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 544 |
7 | gene | 102.49147 | 102.49957 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030379 | Olfr545 | NCBI_Gene:258837,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044824 | MGI:3030379 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 545 |
7 | gene | 102.49227 | 102.49372 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039577 | BC049285 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence BC049285 |
7 | gene | 102.50548 | 102.50642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621512 | Gm38627 | NCBI_Gene:102642720 | MGI:5621512 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 38627 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.52035 | 102.52106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649082 | Gm8556 | NCBI_Gene:667284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109822 | MGI:3649082 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8556 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.52069 | 102.52166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030380 | Olfr546-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109906 | MGI:3030380 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 546, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.53475 | 102.53569 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030381 | Olfr547 | NCBI_Gene:259083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073979 | MGI:3030381 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 547 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.54090 | 102.54589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030382 | Olfr548-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073978 | MGI:3030382 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 548, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.54987 | 102.55584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030383 | Olfr549 | NCBI_Gene:259105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073977 | MGI:3030383 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 549 |
7 | gene | 102.55792 | 102.56549 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106657 | Trim21 | NCBI_Gene:20821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030966 | MGI:106657 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 21 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.56848 | 102.56973 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645143 | Gm5339 | NCBI_Gene:384699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109756 | MGI:3645143 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5339 |
7 | gene | 102.57143 | 102.58301 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030384 | Olfr550 | NCBI_Gene:259108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073975 | MGI:3030384 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 550 |
7 | gene | 102.58351 | 102.59189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030385 | Olfr551 | NCBI_Gene:258750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073974 | MGI:3030385 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 551 |
7 | gene | 102.59777 | 102.60813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030386 | Olfr552 | NCBI_Gene:259106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073973 | MGI:3030386 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 552 |
7 | gene | 102.61128 | 102.61822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030387 | Olfr553 | NCBI_Gene:233578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073972 | MGI:3030387 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 553 |
7 | gene | 102.63843 | 102.64256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030388 | Olfr554 | NCBI_Gene:258322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073971 | MGI:3030388 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 554 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.64763 | 102.64822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781174 | Gm2996 | NCBI_Gene:100040840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110251 | MGI:3781174 | pseudogene | predicted gene 2996 |
7 | gene | 102.65882 | 102.65977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030389 | Olfr555 | NCBI_Gene:259107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073970 | MGI:3030389 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 555 |
7 | gene | 102.66490 | 102.67327 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030390 | Olfr556 | NCBI_Gene:258749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073969 | MGI:3030390 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 556 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.67654 | 102.67669 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791523 | Gm45687 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110352 | MGI:5791523 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45687 |
7 | gene | 102.67758 | 102.68733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142077 | Trim68 | NCBI_Gene:101700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073968 | MGI:2142077 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 68 |
7 | gene | 102.68545 | 102.68622 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791363 | Gm45527 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109618 | MGI:5791363 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45527 |
7 | gene | 102.69591 | 102.70071 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030391 | Olfr557 | NCBI_Gene:258358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073967 | MGI:3030391 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 557 |
7 | gene | 102.70221 | 102.71206 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030392 | Olfr558 | NCBI_Gene:259097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070423 | MGI:3030392 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 558 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.71138 | 102.71148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791524 | Gm45688 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110376 | MGI:5791524 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45688 |
7 | gene | 102.71215 | 102.71907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109302 | Olfr33 | NCBI_Gene:18332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066273 | MGI:109302 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 33 |
7 | gene | 102.72321 | 102.72749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030393 | Olfr559 | NCBI_Gene:259116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066272 | MGI:3030393 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 559 |
7 | gene | 102.73458 | 102.73471 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453987 | Gm24210 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088888 | MGI:5453987 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24210 |
7 | gene | 102.73851 | 102.75947 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2157548 | Olfr78 | NCBI_Gene:170639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043366 | MGI:2157548 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 78 |
7 | gene | 102.75182 | 102.75937 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030394 | Olfr560 | NCBI_Gene:259117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110008 | MGI:3030394 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 560 |
7 | gene | 102.77122 | 102.77686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030395 | Olfr561 | NCBI_Gene:259096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073966 | MGI:3030395 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 561 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.78148 | 102.78243 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030396 | Olfr562-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:259090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110122 | MGI:3030396 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 562, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.79125 | 102.79234 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030397 | Olfr563-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:259157,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110074 | MGI:3030397 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 563, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.80348 | 102.80443 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030398 | Olfr564 | NCBI_Gene:258356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048469 | MGI:3030398 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 564 |
7 | gene | 102.81331 | 102.90171 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030404 | Olfr570 | NCBI_Gene:259114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073964 | MGI:3030404 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 570 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.81755 | 102.81849 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030399 | Olfr565-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109596 | MGI:3030399 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 565, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.85534 | 102.85877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030400 | Olfr566 | NCBI_Gene:258168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060888 | MGI:3030400 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 566 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.86116 | 102.86129 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791525 | Gm45689 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110152 | MGI:5791525 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45689 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.86392 | 102.86478 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030401 | Olfr567-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258140,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109878 | MGI:3030401 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 567, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.87712 | 102.87806 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030402 | Olfr568 | NCBI_Gene:259095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073965 | MGI:3030402 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 568 |
7 | gene | 102.88371 | 102.89567 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030403 | Olfr569 | NCBI_Gene:259092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062142 | MGI:3030403 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 569 |
7 | gene | 102.90509 | 102.91754 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030405 | Olfr571 | NCBI_Gene:259089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043310 | MGI:3030405 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 571 |
7 | gene | 102.92441 | 102.92861 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030406 | Olfr572 | NCBI_Gene:259093,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073963 | MGI:3030406 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 572 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.94164 | 102.94258 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030407 | Olfr573-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052785 | MGI:3030407 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 573, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 102.94847 | 102.94951 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030408 | Olfr574 | NCBI_Gene:258357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045824 | MGI:3030408 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 574 |
7 | gene | 102.95227 | 102.95878 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030409 | Olfr575 | NCBI_Gene:259118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066269 | MGI:3030409 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 575 |
7 | gene | 102.96266 | 102.97516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030410 | Olfr576 | NCBI_Gene:258248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073962 | MGI:3030410 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 576 |
7 | gene | 102.97118 | 102.97594 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030411 | Olfr577 | NCBI_Gene:259113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043354 | MGI:3030411 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 577 |
7 | gene | 102.98161 | 102.98932 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030412 | Olfr578 | NCBI_Gene:259119,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045792 | MGI:3030412 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 578 |
7 | pseudogene | 102.99893 | 102.99975 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3031361 | Olfr1527-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:259158 | MGI:3031361 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 1527, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.00461 | 103.00520 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030413 | Olfr579-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258141 | MGI:3030413 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 579, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.01314 | 103.01449 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030414 | Olfr580-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110143 | MGI:3030414 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 580, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.02909 | 103.02965 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030415 | Olfr581-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109845 | MGI:3030415 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 581, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.03802 | 103.04404 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030416 | Olfr582 | NCBI_Gene:259055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073961 | MGI:3030416 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 582 |
7 | gene | 103.05130 | 103.05226 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030417 | Olfr583 | NCBI_Gene:258752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073960 | MGI:3030417 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 583 |
7 | gene | 103.08188 | 103.08831 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030418 | Olfr584 | NCBI_Gene:259056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073959 | MGI:3030418 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 584 |
7 | gene | 103.09772 | 103.09875 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030419 | Olfr585 | NCBI_Gene:259091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078080 | MGI:3030419 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 585 |
7 | gene | 103.11840 | 103.12564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030420 | Olfr586 | NCBI_Gene:259115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066268 | MGI:3030420 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 586 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.13438 | 103.13532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030421 | Olfr587-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080891 | MGI:3030421 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 587, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.13574 | 103.13604 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705492 | Gm15120 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082714 | MGI:3705492 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15120 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.14088 | 103.14786 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030422 | Olfr588-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:259094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084262 | MGI:3030422 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 588, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.14799 | 103.14867 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705687 | Gm15116 | NCBI_Gene:100417214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083254 | MGI:3705687 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15116 |
7 | gene | 103.15479 | 103.15636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030423 | Olfr589 | NCBI_Gene:259054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051362 | MGI:3030423 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 589 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.16585 | 103.16675 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030424 | Olfr590-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084356 | MGI:3030424 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 590, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.16707 | 103.17834 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030425 | Olfr591 | NCBI_Gene:258139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057461 | MGI:3030425 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 591 |
7 | gene | 103.18480 | 103.19297 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030426 | Olfr592 | NCBI_Gene:404317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073956 | MGI:3030426 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 592 |
7 | gene | 103.21186 | 103.21285 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030427 | Olfr593 | NCBI_Gene:258378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073955 | MGI:3030427 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 593 |
7 | gene | 103.21700 | 103.22231 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030428 | Olfr594 | NCBI_Gene:258246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073954 | MGI:3030428 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 594 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.23563 | 103.23659 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030429 | Olfr595-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083383 | MGI:3030429 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 595, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.24974 | 103.25250 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3051372 | Usp17ld | NCBI_Gene:384701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057321 | MGI:3051372 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like D |
7 | gene | 103.26088 | 103.26100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454948 | Gm25171 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095000 | MGI:5454948 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25171 |
7 | gene | 103.26712 | 103.26723 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453327 | Gm23550 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094572 | MGI:5453327 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23550 |
7 | gene | 103.27155 | 103.27187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453750 | Gm23973 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065254 | MGI:5453750 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 23973 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.29700 | 103.30042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825651 | Gm46014 | NCBI_Gene:108167486 | MGI:5825651 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46014 |
7 | gene | 103.30565 | 103.31278 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030430 | Olfr596 | NCBI_Gene:100041187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073953 | MGI:3030430 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 596 |
7 | gene | 103.31632 | 103.32280 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030431 | Olfr597 | NCBI_Gene:258135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073952 | MGI:3030431 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 597 |
7 | gene | 103.32357 | 103.32989 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030432 | Olfr598 | NCBI_Gene:257975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073951 | MGI:3030432 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 598 |
7 | gene | 103.33592 | 103.33956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030433 | Olfr599 | NCBI_Gene:258726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073950 | MGI:3030433 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 599 |
7 | gene | 103.34348 | 103.34967 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030434 | Olfr600 | NCBI_Gene:259048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045540 | MGI:3030434 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 600 |
7 | gene | 103.35709 | 103.36266 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030435 | Olfr601 | NCBI_Gene:258311,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109951 | MGI:3030435 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 601 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.36752 | 103.37244 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030436 | Olfr602-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082739 | MGI:3030436 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 602, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.38306 | 103.38618 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030437 | Olfr603 | NCBI_Gene:259073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059874 | MGI:3030437 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 603 |
7 | gene | 103.41507 | 103.41988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107698 | Usp17lc | NCBI_Gene:13532,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058976 | MGI:107698 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like C |
7 | gene | 103.41581 | 103.41593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455551 | Gm25774 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080367 | MGI:5455551 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25774 |
7 | gene | 103.44041 | 103.44544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030439 | Olfr605 | NCBI_Gene:258156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109659 | MGI:3030439 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 605 |
7 | gene | 103.44905 | 103.45353 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030440 | Olfr606 | NCBI_Gene:259098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073949 | MGI:3030440 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 606 |
7 | gene | 103.45553 | 103.46415 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030441 | Olfr607 | NCBI_Gene:546989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081945 | MGI:3030441 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 607 |
7 | gene | 103.46988 | 103.47136 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030442 | Olfr608 | NCBI_Gene:258751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073948 | MGI:3030442 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 608 |
7 | gene | 103.49003 | 103.49806 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030443 | Olfr609 | NCBI_Gene:259086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046396 | MGI:3030443 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 609 |
7 | gene | 103.50538 | 103.51212 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030444 | Olfr610 | NCBI_Gene:259085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045584 | MGI:3030444 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 610 |
7 | gene | 103.51646 | 103.52085 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030445 | Olfr611 | NCBI_Gene:258722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096584 | MGI:3030445 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 611 |
7 | gene | 103.53722 | 103.54272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030446 | Olfr612 | NCBI_Gene:545985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094119 | MGI:3030446 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 612 |
7 | gene | 103.54807 | 103.55551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030447 | Olfr613 | NCBI_Gene:259104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078624 | MGI:3030447 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 613 |
7 | gene | 103.55608 | 103.56380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030449 | Olfr615 | NCBI_Gene:259084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073947 | MGI:3030449 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 615 |
7 | gene | 103.56375 | 103.56914 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030450 | Olfr616 | NCBI_Gene:259103,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047544 | MGI:3030450 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 616 |
7 | gene | 103.57306 | 103.58679 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030451 | Olfr617 | NCBI_Gene:258838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073946 | MGI:3030451 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 617 |
7 | gene | 103.58127 | 103.58138 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456283 | Gm26506 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096906 | MGI:5456283 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 26506 |
7 | gene | 103.59010 | 103.60045 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030452 | Olfr618 | NCBI_Gene:259049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073945 | MGI:3030452 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 618 |
7 | gene | 103.60058 | 103.60486 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030453 | Olfr619 | NCBI_Gene:259080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073944 | MGI:3030453 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 619 |
7 | gene | 103.60489 | 103.61253 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030454 | Olfr620 | NCBI_Gene:258808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045132 | MGI:3030454 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 620 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.62902 | 103.62996 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030455 | Olfr621-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:667639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081315 | MGI:3030455 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 621, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.63845 | 103.64270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030456 | Olfr622 | NCBI_Gene:259087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050085 | MGI:3030456 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 622 |
7 | gene | 103.65770 | 103.66370 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030457 | Olfr623 | NCBI_Gene:259126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099687 | MGI:3030457 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 623 |
7 | gene | 103.66546 | 103.67119 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030458 | Olfr624 | NCBI_Gene:258189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045780 | MGI:3030458 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 624 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.68272 | 103.68368 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030459 | Olfr625-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073943 | MGI:3030459 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 625, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.69157 | 103.69212 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030460 | Olfr626-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081038 | MGI:3030460 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 626, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.69958 | 103.70075 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030094 | Olfr260-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082077 | MGI:3030094 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 260, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.71467 | 103.72117 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030077 | Olfr243 | NCBI_Gene:436002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094822 | MGI:3030077 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 243 |
7 | gene | 103.73037 | 103.73332 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030462 | Olfr628 | NCBI_Gene:259159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096516 | MGI:3030462 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 628 |
7 | gene | 103.73977 | 103.74494 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030463 | Olfr629 | NCBI_Gene:258818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047545 | MGI:3030463 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 629 |
7 | gene | 103.75348 | 103.75735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030464 | Olfr630 | NCBI_Gene:259102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050281 | MGI:3030464 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 630 |
7 | gene | 103.76581 | 103.77159 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341789 | Olfr69 | NCBI_Gene:18370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058662 | MGI:1341789 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 69 |
7 | gene | 103.77436 | 103.77970 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341790 | Olfr68 | NCBI_Gene:18369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061626 | MGI:1341790 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 68 |
7 | gene | 103.78459 | 103.79183 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341911 | Olfr67 | NCBI_Gene:18368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047535 | MGI:1341911 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 67 |
7 | gene | 103.81252 | 103.81400 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5474850 | Hbb-bt | NCBI_Gene:101488143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073940 | MGI:5474850 | protein coding gene | hemoglobin, beta adult t chain |
7 | gene | 103.82652 | 103.82810 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5474852 | Hbb-bs | NCBI_Gene:100503605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052305 | MGI:5474852 | protein coding gene | hemoglobin, beta adult s chain |
7 | pseudogene | 103.82959 | 103.82996 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642219 | Gm15115 | NCBI_Gene:108167487,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083967 | MGI:3642219 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15115 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.83263 | 103.83373 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96026 | Hbb-bh3 | NCBI_Gene:15134,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083216 | MGI:96026 | pseudogene | hemoglobin beta, pseudogene bh3 |
7 | gene | 103.83880 | 103.84073 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96025 | Hbb-bh2 | NCBI_Gene:436003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078621 | MGI:96025 | protein coding gene | hemoglobin beta, bh2 |
7 | gene | 103.84164 | 103.84316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96024 | Hbb-bh1 | NCBI_Gene:15132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052217 | MGI:96024 | protein coding gene | hemoglobin Z, beta-like embryonic chain |
7 | pseudogene | 103.85002 | 103.85015 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96023 | Hbb-bh0 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085700 | MGI:96023 | pseudogene | hemoglobin, beta, pseudogene bh0 |
7 | gene | 103.85175 | 103.85322 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96027 | Hbb-y | NCBI_Gene:15135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052187 | MGI:96027 | protein coding gene | hemoglobin Y, beta-like embryonic chain |
7 | gene | 103.87944 | 103.88625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341906 | Olfr66 | NCBI_Gene:18367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058200 | MGI:1341906 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 66 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.88257 | 103.88310 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3709029 | Dnajc19-ps | NCBI_Gene:100503724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083854 | MGI:3709029 | pseudogene | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C19, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 103.88948 | 103.89449 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1341900 | Olfr64 | NCBI_Gene:18366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063615 | MGI:1341900 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 64 |
7 | gene | 103.90349 | 103.90865 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1341910 | Olfr65 | NCBI_Gene:18365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110259 | MGI:1341910 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 65 |
7 | gene | 103.91506 | 103.93067 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030465 | Olfr631 | NCBI_Gene:258961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042219 | MGI:3030465 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 631 |
7 | gene | 103.93435 | 103.94058 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030466 | Olfr632 | NCBI_Gene:259123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073938 | MGI:3030466 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 632 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.93975 | 103.93991 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791491 | Gm45655 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109837 | MGI:5791491 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45655 |
7 | gene | 103.94444 | 103.94896 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030467 | Olfr633 | NCBI_Gene:258351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073937 | MGI:3030467 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 633 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.95641 | 103.95737 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030468 | Olfr634-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080751 | MGI:3030468 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 634, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.97115 | 103.98754 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030469 | Olfr635 | NCBI_Gene:259122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094520 | MGI:3030469 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 635 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.97336 | 103.97711 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645929 | Gm4886 | NCBI_Gene:233614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082281 | MGI:3645929 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4886 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.98910 | 103.99004 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030470 | Olfr636-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055621 | MGI:3030470 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 636, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 103.99598 | 103.99664 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030471 | Olfr637-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084236 | MGI:3030471 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 637, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 103.99875 | 104.00436 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030472 | Olfr638 | NCBI_Gene:259124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094063 | MGI:3030472 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 638 |
7 | gene | 103.99880 | 104.13741 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030477 | Olfr643 | NCBI_Gene:259081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109824 | MGI:3030477 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 643 |
7 | gene | 104.00623 | 104.01730 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030473 | Olfr639 | NCBI_Gene:259088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066263 | MGI:3030473 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 639 |
7 | gene | 104.01869 | 104.02557 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030474 | Olfr640 | NCBI_Gene:258819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066262 | MGI:3030474 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 640 |
7 | gene | 104.03544 | 104.04207 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030475 | Olfr641 | NCBI_Gene:259075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073932 | MGI:3030475 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 641 |
7 | gene | 104.04653 | 104.05267 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030476 | Olfr642 | NCBI_Gene:258326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049797 | MGI:3030476 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 642 |
7 | gene | 104.05360 | 104.06145 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924125 | 4930516K23Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090219 | MGI:1924125 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930516K23 gene |
7 | gene | 104.06629 | 104.07187 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030478 | Olfr644 | NCBI_Gene:259125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110012 | MGI:3030478 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 644 |
7 | gene | 104.08179 | 104.08546 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030479 | Olfr645 | NCBI_Gene:258247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051340 | MGI:3030479 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 645 |
7 | gene | 104.09732 | 104.10977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030480 | Olfr646 | NCBI_Gene:259058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073931 | MGI:3030480 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 646 |
7 | gene | 104.12791 | 104.12983 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918230 | Ubqln5 | NCBI_Gene:70980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055643 | MGI:1918230 | protein coding gene | ubiquilin 5 |
7 | gene | 104.14062 | 104.14332 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045291 | Ubqln3 | NCBI_Gene:244178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051618 | MGI:3045291 | protein coding gene | ubiquilin 3 |
7 | gene | 104.14826 | 104.15056 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685336 | Ubqlnl | NCBI_Gene:244179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051437 | MGI:2685336 | protein coding gene | ubiquilin-like |
7 | gene | 104.15301 | 104.16483 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443346 | Olfm5 | NCBI_Gene:244180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044265 | MGI:2443346 | protein coding gene | olfactomedin 5 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.16738 | 104.16834 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030481 | Olfr647-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083513 | MGI:3030481 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 647, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 104.17760 | 104.18339 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030482 | Olfr648 | NCBI_Gene:258746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042909 | MGI:3030482 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 648 |
7 | gene | 104.18899 | 104.19598 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030483 | Olfr649 | NCBI_Gene:259057,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044899 | MGI:3030483 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 649 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.20344 | 104.20786 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030484 | Olfr650-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081859 | MGI:3030484 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 650, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 104.21878 | 104.23515 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2137352 | Trim6 | NCBI_Gene:94088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072244 | MGI:2137352 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 6 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.22159 | 104.22298 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648748 | Gm8667 | NCBI_Gene:667497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109712 | MGI:3648748 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8667 |
7 | gene | 104.24444 | 104.26224 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2137359 | Trim34a | NCBI_Gene:94094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056144 | MGI:2137359 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 34A |
7 | gene | 104.26147 | 104.26217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6096073 | Gm47248 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111737 | MGI:6096073 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 47248 |
7 | gene | 104.26339 | 104.28842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646853 | Trim5 | NCBI_Gene:667823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060441 | MGI:3646853 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 5 |
7 | gene | 104.26468 | 104.26479 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454623 | Gm24846 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088658 | MGI:5454623 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24846 |
7 | gene | 104.26522 | 104.26590 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4821182 | Trim12b | NA | NA | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 12B |
7 | gene | 104.29989 | 104.31585 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923931 | Trim12a | NCBI_Gene:76681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066258 | MGI:1923931 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 12A |
7 | gene | 104.31051 | 104.31106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925028 | A430102O06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A430102O06 gene |
7 | gene | 104.31502 | 104.32484 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3705170 | Gm15133 | NCBI_Gene:622070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087175 | MGI:3705170 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15133 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.31907 | 104.32018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5009952 | Gm17788 | NCBI_Gene:100048312 | MGI:5009952 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17788 |
7 | gene | 104.32947 | 104.33691 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4821264 | Trim34b | NCBI_Gene:434218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090215 | MGI:4821264 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 34B |
7 | gene | 104.33875 | 104.35336 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4821183 | Trim12c | NCBI_Gene:319236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057143 | MGI:4821183 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 12C |
7 | gene | 104.34009 | 104.34019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531377 | Gm27995 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098399 | MGI:5531377 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 27995 |
7 | gene | 104.35182 | 104.35575 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595589 | Gm36430 | NCBI_Gene:102640341 | MGI:5595589 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36430 |
7 | gene | 104.35538 | 104.36988 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4821256 | Trim30b | NCBI_Gene:244183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052749 | MGI:4821256 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 30B |
7 | gene | 104.35540 | 104.36988 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621410 | Gm38525 | NCBI_Gene:102640171 | MGI:5621410 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 38525 |
7 | gene | 104.35616 | 104.36269 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825634 | Gm45997 | NCBI_Gene:108167453 | MGI:5825634 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45997 |
7 | gene | 104.37912 | 104.40085 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4821257 | Trim30c | NCBI_Gene:434219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078616 | MGI:4821257 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 30C |
7 | pseudogene | 104.40540 | 104.40653 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791307 | Gm45471 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110114 | MGI:5791307 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45471 |
7 | gene | 104.40902 | 104.46519 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98178 | Trim30a | NCBI_Gene:20128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030921 | MGI:98178 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 30A |
7 | gene | 104.42327 | 104.42338 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455182 | Gm25405 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064907 | MGI:5455182 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25405 |
7 | gene | 104.47001 | 104.50785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3035181 | Trim30d | NCBI_Gene:209387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057596 | MGI:3035181 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 30D |
7 | pseudogene | 104.49906 | 104.50215 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643716 | Gm16464 | NCBI_Gene:672495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082154 | MGI:3643716 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16464 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.52861 | 104.52909 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643499 | Gm6574 | NCBI_Gene:625305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083248 | MGI:3643499 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6574 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.53296 | 104.53536 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4821258 | Trim30e-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:625321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073929 | MGI:4821258 | pseudogene | tripartite motif-containing 30E, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 104.55013 | 104.55442 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030485 | Olfr651 | NCBI_Gene:258809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073928 | MGI:3030485 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 651 |
7 | gene | 104.56090 | 104.56863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030486 | Olfr652 | NCBI_Gene:259050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073927 | MGI:3030486 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 652 |
7 | gene | 104.57731 | 104.58412 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030487 | Olfr653 | NCBI_Gene:57250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073926 | MGI:3030487 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 653 |
7 | gene | 104.58702 | 104.59072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030488 | Olfr654 | NCBI_Gene:258377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073925 | MGI:3030488 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 654 |
7 | gene | 104.59530 | 104.60178 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030489 | Olfr655 | NCBI_Gene:258817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051182 | MGI:3030489 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 655 |
7 | gene | 104.61396 | 104.62160 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030490 | Olfr656 | NCBI_Gene:259078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073924 | MGI:3030490 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 656 |
7 | gene | 104.62479 | 104.63748 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030491 | Olfr657 | NCBI_Gene:258309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073923 | MGI:3030491 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 657 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.63411 | 104.63462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588865 | Gm29706 | NCBI_Gene:101055662 | MGI:5588865 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29706 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.63464 | 104.63522 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010596 | Gm18411 | NCBI_Gene:100417128 | MGI:5010596 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18411 |
7 | gene | 104.64288 | 104.64731 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030492 | Olfr658 | NCBI_Gene:259051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070421 | MGI:3030492 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 658 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.64725 | 104.65321 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3582591 | Usp17le-ps | NCBI_Gene:667882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082084 | MGI:3582591 | pseudogene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like E, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 104.66675 | 104.67495 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030493 | Olfr659 | NCBI_Gene:259052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073922 | MGI:3030493 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 659 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.67872 | 104.67909 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030494 | Olfr660-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081694 | MGI:3030494 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 660, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 104.68650 | 104.69135 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030495 | Olfr661 | NCBI_Gene:258743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073920 | MGI:3030495 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 661 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.69230 | 104.69343 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644209 | Gm6593 | NCBI_Gene:625495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109821 | MGI:3644209 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6593 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.70021 | 104.70065 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030496 | Olfr662-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404413,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109832 | MGI:3030496 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 662, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.70357 | 104.70460 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030497 | Olfr663 | NCBI_Gene:257914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109806 | MGI:3030497 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 663 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.73338 | 104.73436 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030498 | Olfr664 | NCBI_Gene:667918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051885 | MGI:3030498 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 664 |
7 | gene | 104.76796 | 104.77747 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107697 | Usp17le | NCBI_Gene:625530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043073 | MGI:107697 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like E |
7 | pseudogene | 104.82115 | 104.82228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645730 | Gm4887 | NCBI_Gene:233637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086229 | MGI:3645730 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4887 |
7 | gene | 104.84026 | 104.84260 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3051498 | Usp17lb | NCBI_Gene:381944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062369 | MGI:3051498 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like B |
7 | gene | 104.85701 | 104.86267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107699 | Usp17la | NCBI_Gene:13531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054568 | MGI:107699 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like A |
7 | gene | 104.86799 | 104.87177 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791392 | Gm45556 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109641 | MGI:5791392 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45556 |
7 | gene | 104.87803 | 104.88291 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030499 | Olfr665 | NCBI_Gene:258810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073917 | MGI:3030499 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 665 |
7 | gene | 104.89182 | 104.89595 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030500 | Olfr666 | NCBI_Gene:259100,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063582 | MGI:3030500 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 666 |
7 | gene | 104.90875 | 104.91334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791108 | Gm45272 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109734 | MGI:5791108 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45272 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.91101 | 104.91138 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791111 | Gm45275 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110330 | MGI:5791111 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45275 |
7 | gene | 104.91474 | 104.92148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030501 | Olfr667 | NCBI_Gene:259062,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056782 | MGI:3030501 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 667 |
7 | gene | 104.92229 | 104.92806 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030502 | Olfr668 | NCBI_Gene:259061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057770 | MGI:3030502 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 668 |
7 | gene | 104.93424 | 104.94048 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030503 | Olfr669 | NCBI_Gene:259045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073916 | MGI:3030503 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 669 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.94297 | 104.94325 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791109 | Gm45273 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110284 | MGI:5791109 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45273 |
7 | pseudogene | 104.94918 | 104.95043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643907 | Gm5900 | NCBI_Gene:545987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094685 | MGI:3643907 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 5900 |
7 | gene | 104.95711 | 104.96262 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030504 | Olfr670 | NCBI_Gene:384703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044705 | MGI:3030504 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 670 |
7 | gene | 104.97248 | 104.97913 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030505 | Olfr671 | NCBI_Gene:257910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094531 | MGI:3030505 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 671 |
7 | gene | 104.99576 | 105.00203 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030506 | Olfr672 | NCBI_Gene:258755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051172 | MGI:3030506 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 672 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.00422 | 105.00517 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030507 | Olfr673-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110041 | MGI:3030507 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 673, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.00631 | 105.00726 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030508 | Olfr674-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109671 | MGI:3030508 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 674, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 105.02137 | 105.02846 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030509 | Olfr675 | NCBI_Gene:258147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096773 | MGI:3030509 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 675 |
7 | gene | 105.03157 | 105.03775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030510 | Olfr676 | NCBI_Gene:259099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073915 | MGI:3030510 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 676 |
7 | gene | 105.05137 | 105.05901 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030511 | Olfr677 | NCBI_Gene:258355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073914 | MGI:3030511 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 677 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.06023 | 105.06087 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646463 | Gm8913 | NCBI_Gene:667987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109676 | MGI:3646463 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8913 |
7 | gene | 105.06448 | 105.07164 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030512 | Olfr678 | NCBI_Gene:258753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073913 | MGI:3030512 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 678 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.07692 | 105.07818 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010174 | Gm17989 | NCBI_Gene:100416234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109972 | MGI:5010174 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17989 |
7 | gene | 105.07843 | 105.08008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791393 | Gm45557 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110293 | MGI:5791393 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45557 |
7 | gene | 105.08120 | 105.09064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030513 | Olfr679 | NCBI_Gene:259046,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096029 | MGI:3030513 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 679 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.09070 | 105.09282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030514 | Olfr680-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041885 | MGI:3030514 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 680, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.10603 | 105.10782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010175 | Gm17990 | NCBI_Gene:100416235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110117 | MGI:5010175 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17990 |
7 | gene | 105.10831 | 105.11020 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791394 | Gm45558 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109742 | MGI:5791394 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45558 |
7 | gene | 105.11684 | 105.12552 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030515 | Olfr681 | NCBI_Gene:404318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095248 | MGI:3030515 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 681 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.12637 | 105.12843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030516 | Olfr682-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059768 | MGI:3030516 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 682, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 105.14084 | 105.14701 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030517 | Olfr683 | NCBI_Gene:259047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044120 | MGI:3030517 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 683 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.14541 | 105.14555 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791210 | Gm45374 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109918 | MGI:5791210 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45374 |
7 | gene | 105.15469 | 105.16365 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030518 | Olfr684 | NCBI_Gene:244187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047225 | MGI:3030518 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 684 |
7 | gene | 105.17842 | 105.18601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030519 | Olfr685 | NCBI_Gene:258160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047794 | MGI:3030519 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 685 |
7 | gene | 105.20186 | 105.20749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030520 | Olfr686 | NCBI_Gene:259072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048425 | MGI:3030520 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 686 |
7 | gene | 105.22772 | 105.27654 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030521 | Olfr687 | NCBI_Gene:668035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073908 | MGI:3030521 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 687 |
7 | gene | 105.28809 | 105.28906 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030522 | Olfr688 | NCBI_Gene:259161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073909 | MGI:3030522 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 688 |
7 | gene | 105.31117 | 105.31966 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030523 | Olfr689 | NCBI_Gene:258745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073907 | MGI:3030523 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 689 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.32666 | 105.32721 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791167 | Gm45331 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110265 | MGI:5791167 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45331 |
7 | gene | 105.32823 | 105.33410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030524 | Olfr690 | NCBI_Gene:56860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050266 | MGI:3030524 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 690 |
7 | gene | 105.33551 | 105.34227 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030525 | Olfr691 | NCBI_Gene:259063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043948 | MGI:3030525 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 691 |
7 | gene | 105.36823 | 105.36935 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030526 | Olfr692 | NCBI_Gene:258352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073906 | MGI:3030526 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 692 |
7 | gene | 105.37121 | 105.40005 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921599 | Fam160a2 | NCBI_Gene:74349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044465 | MGI:1921599 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 160, member A2 |
7 | gene | 105.37504 | 105.37838 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643909 | Gm5901 | NCBI_Gene:100503879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078611 | MGI:3643909 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5901 |
7 | gene | 105.39745 | 105.40910 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2664099 | Cnga4 | NCBI_Gene:233649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030897 | MGI:2664099 | protein coding gene | cyclic nucleotide gated channel alpha 4 |
7 | gene | 105.40031 | 105.40189 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5805000 | Gm45885 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110366 | MGI:5805000 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45885 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.41270 | 105.41544 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643689 | Gm4972 | NCBI_Gene:244189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109609 | MGI:3643689 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4972 |
7 | gene | 105.42556 | 105.47090 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99479 | Cckbr | NCBI_Gene:12426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030898 | MGI:99479 | protein coding gene | cholecystokinin B receptor |
7 | gene | 105.48008 | 105.48230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923422 | Cavin3 | NCBI_Gene:109042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037060 | MGI:1923422 | protein coding gene | caveolae associated 3 |
7 | gene | 105.48193 | 105.48324 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791503 | Gm45667 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109735 | MGI:5791503 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45667 |
7 | gene | 105.48264 | 105.52267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5596006 | Gm36847 | NCBI_Gene:102640889 | MGI:5596006 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36847 |
7 | gene | 105.54490 | 105.55428 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621948 | Gm39063 | NCBI_Gene:105243022 | MGI:5621948 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39063 |
7 | gene | 105.55436 | 105.55839 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_98325 | Smpd1 | NCBI_Gene:20597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037049 | MGI:98325 | protein coding gene | sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1, acid lysosomal |
7 | gene | 105.55846 | 105.58192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107765 | Apbb1 | NCBI_Gene:11785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037032 | MGI:107765 | protein coding gene | amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1 |
7 | gene | 105.59161 | 105.60014 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105112 | Hpx | NCBI_Gene:15458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030895 | MGI:105112 | protein coding gene | hemopexin |
7 | gene | 105.60446 | 105.63357 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1860040 | Trim3 | NCBI_Gene:55992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036989 | MGI:1860040 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 3 |
7 | gene | 105.62282 | 105.62470 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791468 | Gm45632 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110077 | MGI:5791468 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45632 |
7 | gene | 105.63420 | 105.64042 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924182 | Arfip2 | NCBI_Gene:76932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030881 | MGI:1924182 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosylation factor interacting protein 2 |
7 | gene | 105.64006 | 105.65699 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1315196 | Timm10b | NCBI_Gene:14356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089847 | MGI:1315196 | protein coding gene | translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 10B |
7 | gene | 105.64055 | 105.68444 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804914 | Gm45799 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110234 | MGI:5804914 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45799 |
7 | gene | 105.64234 | 105.64248 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452281 | Gm22504 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064897 | MGI:5452281 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22504 |
7 | gene | 105.65081 | 105.72180 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924755 | Dnhd1 | NCBI_Gene:77505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030882 | MGI:1924755 | protein coding gene | dynein heavy chain domain 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.69004 | 105.69058 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704298 | Mrps36-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:100042811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081911 | MGI:3704298 | pseudogene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein S36, pseudogene 2 |
7 | gene | 105.73173 | 105.73739 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914251 | Rrp8 | NCBI_Gene:101867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030888 | MGI:1914251 | protein coding gene | ribosomal RNA processing 8, methyltransferase, homolog (yeast) |
7 | gene | 105.73659 | 105.74292 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1195267 | Ilk | NCBI_Gene:16202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030890 | MGI:1195267 | protein coding gene | integrin linked kinase |
7 | gene | 105.73939 | 105.74438 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1346320 | Taf10 | NCBI_Gene:24075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043866 | MGI:1346320 | protein coding gene | TATA-box binding protein associated factor 10 |
7 | gene | 105.74481 | 105.75228 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1336194 | Tpp1 | NCBI_Gene:12751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030894 | MGI:1336194 | protein coding gene | tripeptidyl peptidase I |
7 | gene | 105.75299 | 105.78832 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685011 | Dchs1 | NCBI_Gene:233651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036862 | MGI:2685011 | protein coding gene | dachsous cadherin related 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.76232 | 105.86365 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783089 | Gm15645 | NCBI_Gene:626055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086414 | MGI:3783089 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15645 |
7 | gene | 105.80321 | 105.81110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351608 | Mrpl17 | NCBI_Gene:27397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030879 | MGI:1351608 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L17 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.82326 | 105.85601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924950 | 9130208D14Rik | NCBI_Gene:77700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086513 | MGI:1924950 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 9130208D14 gene |
7 | gene | 105.82326 | 105.82381 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5805027 | Gm45912 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109685 | MGI:5805027 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45912 |
7 | gene | 105.88530 | 105.88687 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791520 | Gm45684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110141 | MGI:5791520 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45684 |
7 | gene | 105.89512 | 105.95397 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782245 | Gm4070 | NCBI_Gene:100042856,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078606 | MGI:3782245 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4070 |
7 | gene | 105.90157 | 106.09334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5313110 | Gm20663 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093378 | MGI:5313110 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20663 |
7 | pseudogene | 105.92434 | 105.92869 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011037 | Gm18852 | NCBI_Gene:100417829,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099241 | MGI:5011037 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18852 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.03817 | 106.03920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5521071 | Gm27228 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099276 | MGI:5521071 | pseudogene | predicted gene 27228 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.07573 | 106.08405 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3703149 | Gm8979 | NCBI_Gene:668108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095649 | MGI:3703149 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8979 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.09121 | 106.09247 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5520992 | Gm27149 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098426 | MGI:5520992 | pseudogene | predicted gene 27149 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.12317 | 106.12473 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644465 | Gm8982 | NCBI_Gene:668117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098987 | MGI:3644465 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8982 |
7 | gene | 106.15654 | 106.21534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921808 | Gvin1 | NCBI_Gene:74558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045868 | MGI:1921808 | protein coding gene | GTPase, very large interferon inducible 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.18574 | 106.19010 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011038 | Gm18853 | NCBI_Gene:100417831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098934 | MGI:5011038 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18853 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.28645 | 106.28748 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5520993 | Gm27150 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098945 | MGI:5520993 | pseudogene | predicted gene 27150 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.32240 | 106.33069 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704114 | Gm8989 | NCBI_Gene:668128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095457 | MGI:3704114 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8989 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.41785 | 106.44107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647753 | Gm4759 | NCBI_Gene:209380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053541 | MGI:3647753 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4759 |
7 | gene | 106.42671 | 106.42685 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452149 | Gm22372 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077777 | MGI:5452149 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 22372 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.50389 | 106.52920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644223 | Gm8995 | NCBI_Gene:668139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063286 | MGI:3644223 | pseudogene | predicted gene 8995 |
7 | gene | 106.56104 | 106.56793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621950 | Gm39065 | NCBI_Gene:105243024 | MGI:5621950 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39065 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.59555 | 106.64465 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3584360 | Gm1966 | NCBI_Gene:434223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073902 | MGI:3584360 | pseudogene | predicted gene 1966 |
7 | gene | 106.67500 | 106.68058 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030527 | Olfr693 | NCBI_Gene:258445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051680 | MGI:3030527 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 693 |
7 | gene | 106.68498 | 106.69181 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030528 | Olfr694 | NCBI_Gene:258444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064223 | MGI:3030528 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 694 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.68500 | 106.68520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753433 | Gm44857 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109011 | MGI:5753433 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44857 |
7 | gene | 106.71103 | 106.71640 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030529 | Olfr695 | NCBI_Gene:258591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108948 | MGI:3030529 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 695 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.72885 | 106.72982 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030530 | Olfr696-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109365 | MGI:3030530 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 696, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 106.74083 | 106.74244 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030531 | Olfr697 | NCBI_Gene:258592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051591 | MGI:3030531 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 697 |
7 | gene | 106.74989 | 106.75540 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030532 | Olfr698 | NCBI_Gene:258595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059087 | MGI:3030532 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 698 |
7 | gene | 106.78796 | 106.79320 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030533 | Olfr699 | NCBI_Gene:258180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096714 | MGI:3030533 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 699 |
7 | gene | 106.80540 | 106.80883 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030534 | Olfr700 | NCBI_Gene:258593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094493 | MGI:3030534 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 700 |
7 | gene | 106.80993 | 106.81410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914885 | 4930458B22Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109861 | MGI:1914885 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930458B22 gene |
7 | gene | 106.81413 | 106.82147 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030535 | Olfr701 | NCBI_Gene:66786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036744 | MGI:3030535 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 701 |
7 | gene | 106.82349 | 106.83389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030536 | Olfr702 | NCBI_Gene:258590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056863 | MGI:3030536 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 702 |
7 | gene | 106.84336 | 106.84621 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030537 | Olfr703 | NCBI_Gene:258589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073901 | MGI:3030537 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 703 |
7 | gene | 106.86319 | 106.87092 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030538 | Olfr704 | NCBI_Gene:257902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073900 | MGI:3030538 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 704 |
7 | gene | 106.87187 | 106.87689 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030539 | Olfr705 | NCBI_Gene:259034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109058 | MGI:3030539 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 705 |
7 | gene | 106.88259 | 106.88816 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030540 | Olfr706 | NCBI_Gene:258350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109354 | MGI:3030540 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 706 |
7 | gene | 106.89045 | 106.90124 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030541 | Olfr707 | NCBI_Gene:194433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069390 | MGI:3030541 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 707 |
7 | gene | 106.90800 | 106.91626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3031366 | Olfr1532-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073899 | MGI:3031366 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 1532, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.92287 | 106.93222 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030543 | Olfr709-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062553 | MGI:3030543 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 709, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 106.94391 | 106.94831 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030544 | Olfr710 | NCBI_Gene:258594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045581 | MGI:3030544 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 710 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.95223 | 106.95267 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753158 | Gm44582 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108933 | MGI:5753158 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44582 |
7 | gene | 106.95325 | 106.96394 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104713 | Olfr6 | NCBI_Gene:233670,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036647 | MGI:104713 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 6 |
7 | gene | 106.96969 | 106.97545 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030545 | Olfr711 | NCBI_Gene:259037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045013 | MGI:3030545 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 711 |
7 | pseudogene | 106.98832 | 106.98967 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030546 | Olfr712-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109246 | MGI:3030546 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 712, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 106.99540 | 107.00607 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97432 | Olfr2 | NCBI_Gene:18317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070417 | MGI:97432 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 2 |
7 | gene | 107.03117 | 107.04099 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030547 | Olfr713 | NCBI_Gene:259036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073898 | MGI:3030547 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 713 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.06867 | 107.06989 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010176 | Gm17991 | NCBI_Gene:100416236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108862 | MGI:5010176 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17991 |
7 | gene | 107.07098 | 107.07780 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030548 | Olfr714 | NCBI_Gene:259035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049674 | MGI:3030548 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 714 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.07526 | 107.07564 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753599 | Gm45023 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109391 | MGI:5753599 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45023 |
7 | gene | 107.09322 | 107.09981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109148 | Olfr17 | NCBI_Gene:18314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073897 | MGI:109148 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 17 |
7 | gene | 107.10375 | 107.11037 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647188 | Olfr715b | NCBI_Gene:384732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062987 | MGI:3647188 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 715B |
7 | gene | 107.11339 | 107.12782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804983 | Gm45868 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110209 | MGI:5804983 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45868 |
7 | gene | 107.12527 | 107.13108 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030549 | Olfr715 | NCBI_Gene:258776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060503 | MGI:3030549 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 715 |
7 | gene | 107.12743 | 107.19810 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924108 | Nlrp14 | NCBI_Gene:76858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016626 | MGI:1924108 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 14 |
7 | gene | 107.13833 | 107.15058 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030550 | Olfr716 | NCBI_Gene:258597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073896 | MGI:3030550 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 716 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.19873 | 107.20025 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3781939 | Gm3765 | NCBI_Gene:100042278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086261 | MGI:3781939 | pseudogene | predicted gene 3765 |
7 | gene | 107.20455 | 107.20587 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918906 | 4930513L20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930513L20 gene |
7 | gene | 107.20945 | 107.21092 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923822 | Rbmxl2 | NCBI_Gene:76572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073894 | MGI:1923822 | protein coding gene | RNA binding motif protein, X-linked-like 2 |
7 | gene | 107.24302 | 107.30040 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645719 | Platr28 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057215 | MGI:3645719 | lncRNA gene | pluripotency associated transcript 28 |
7 | gene | 107.31965 | 107.31976 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454709 | Gm24932 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076951 | MGI:5454709 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24932 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.36577 | 107.36704 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011218 | Gm19033 | NCBI_Gene:100418145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109078 | MGI:5011218 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19033 |
7 | gene | 107.37071 | 107.54866 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926373 | Syt9 | NCBI_Gene:60510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062542 | MGI:1926373 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin IX |
7 | gene | 107.51753 | 107.51955 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925052 | A930026C06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930026C06 gene |
7 | gene | 107.56743 | 107.59136 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2679264 | Olfml1 | NCBI_Gene:244198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051041 | MGI:2679264 | protein coding gene | olfactomedin-like 1 |
7 | gene | 107.59295 | 107.59351 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753349 | Gm44773 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109374 | MGI:5753349 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44773 |
7 | gene | 107.59505 | 107.74858 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_894649 | Ppfibp2 | NCBI_Gene:19024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036528 | MGI:894649 | protein coding gene | PTPRF interacting protein, binding protein 2 (liprin beta 2) |
7 | gene | 107.62397 | 107.62516 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923929 | 5330417H12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049740 | MGI:1923929 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5330417H12 gene |
7 | gene | 107.71973 | 107.72440 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918337 | 4933409K08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933409K08 gene |
7 | gene | 107.74845 | 107.75820 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444415 | Cyb5r2 | NCBI_Gene:320635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048065 | MGI:2444415 | protein coding gene | cytochrome b5 reductase 2 |
7 | gene | 107.78091 | 107.78645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753616 | Gm45040 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109402 | MGI:5753616 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45040 |
7 | gene | 107.78154 | 107.80121 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045251 | Ovch2 | NCBI_Gene:244199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048236 | MGI:3045251 | protein coding gene | ovochymase 2 |
7 | gene | 107.81226 | 107.81634 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030301 | Olfr467 | NCBI_Gene:257919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066242 | MGI:3030301 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 467 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.81622 | 107.81708 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030302 | Olfr468-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109192 | MGI:3030302 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 468, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 107.82057 | 107.82554 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030303 | Olfr469 | NCBI_Gene:258418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095910 | MGI:3030303 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 469 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.84051 | 107.84086 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643924 | Gm5002 | NCBI_Gene:257773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108863 | MGI:3643924 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5002 |
7 | gene | 107.84291 | 107.84749 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030304 | Olfr470 | NCBI_Gene:258417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109542 | MGI:3030304 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 470 |
7 | gene | 107.84746 | 107.86256 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030305 | Olfr471 | NCBI_Gene:626674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109788 | MGI:3030305 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 471 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.86297 | 107.86398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642344 | Gm10156 | NCBI_Gene:626661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066245 | MGI:3642344 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10156 |
7 | gene | 107.89790 | 107.90776 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030306 | Olfr472 | NCBI_Gene:258770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073893 | MGI:3030306 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 472 |
7 | gene | 107.93045 | 107.93566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030307 | Olfr473 | NCBI_Gene:258771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095212 | MGI:3030307 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 473 |
7 | pseudogene | 107.95134 | 107.95236 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3779859 | Gm9449 | NCBI_Gene:669301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108892 | MGI:3779859 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9449 |
7 | gene | 107.95464 | 107.95557 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030308 | Olfr474 | NCBI_Gene:258488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094197 | MGI:3030308 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 474 |
7 | gene | 107.96480 | 107.96951 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030310 | Olfr476 | NCBI_Gene:258926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095301 | MGI:3030310 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 476 |
7 | gene | 107.98669 | 107.99272 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030311 | Olfr477 | NCBI_Gene:258928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096151 | MGI:3030311 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 477 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.01898 | 108.01970 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643910 | Gm6702 | NCBI_Gene:606539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108844 | MGI:3643910 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6702 |
7 | gene | 108.02997 | 108.03399 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030312 | Olfr478 | NCBI_Gene:258729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094426 | MGI:3030312 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 478 |
7 | gene | 108.05069 | 108.05678 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030313 | Olfr479 | NCBI_Gene:257891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043855 | MGI:3030313 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 479 |
7 | gene | 108.06488 | 108.06735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030314 | Olfr480 | NCBI_Gene:56861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063120 | MGI:3030314 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 480 |
7 | gene | 108.07985 | 108.08582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030315 | Olfr481 | NCBI_Gene:258927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054236 | MGI:3030315 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 481 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.08186 | 108.08214 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791211 | Gm45375 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109670 | MGI:5791211 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45375 |
7 | gene | 108.09300 | 108.09759 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030316 | Olfr482 | NCBI_Gene:258728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059031 | MGI:3030316 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 482 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.09321 | 108.09457 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782376 | Gm4199 | NCBI_Gene:100043059 | MGI:3782376 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4199 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.09413 | 108.09449 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753446 | Gm44870 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109484 | MGI:5753446 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44870 |
7 | gene | 108.10085 | 108.10594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030317 | Olfr483 | NCBI_Gene:258730,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078118 | MGI:3030317 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 483 |
7 | gene | 108.12047 | 108.12053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455201 | Gm25424 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088237 | MGI:5455201 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25424 |
7 | gene | 108.12069 | 108.12745 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030318 | Olfr484 | NCBI_Gene:258492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110171 | MGI:3030318 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 484 |
7 | gene | 108.15892 | 108.15987 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030319 | Olfr485 | NCBI_Gene:258041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108995 | MGI:3030319 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 485 |
7 | gene | 108.17180 | 108.17274 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030320 | Olfr486 | NCBI_Gene:258489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096068 | MGI:3030320 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 486 |
7 | gene | 108.18460 | 108.18573 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621951 | Gm39066 | NCBI_Gene:105243025 | MGI:5621951 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39066 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.20314 | 108.20379 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011129 | Gm18944 | NCBI_Gene:100418009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108916 | MGI:5011129 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18944 |
7 | gene | 108.20887 | 108.21464 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030321 | Olfr487 | NCBI_Gene:258042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095929 | MGI:3030321 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 487 |
7 | gene | 108.25162 | 108.25835 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030322 | Olfr488 | NCBI_Gene:258727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096465 | MGI:3030322 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 488 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.26953 | 108.27035 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647052 | Gm6007 | NCBI_Gene:546990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109174 | MGI:3647052 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6007 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.27675 | 108.27771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030323 | Olfr489-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109639 | MGI:3030323 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 489, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 108.28589 | 108.28893 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030324 | Olfr490 | NCBI_Gene:258491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109884 | MGI:3030324 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 490 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.30789 | 108.30830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753170 | Gm44594 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109004 | MGI:5753170 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44594 |
7 | gene | 108.31345 | 108.31883 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030325 | Olfr491 | NCBI_Gene:258731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094612 | MGI:3030325 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 491 |
7 | gene | 108.32273 | 108.32367 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030326 | Olfr492 | NCBI_Gene:258490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109497 | MGI:3030326 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 492 |
7 | gene | 108.34604 | 108.34698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030327 | Olfr493 | NCBI_Gene:258307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093980 | MGI:3030327 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 493 |
7 | gene | 108.36534 | 108.36844 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030328 | Olfr494 | NCBI_Gene:258732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109631 | MGI:3030328 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 494 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.38764 | 108.38785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791228 | Gm45392 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109934 | MGI:5791228 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45392 |
7 | gene | 108.39317 | 108.39751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030329 | Olfr495 | NCBI_Gene:258361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110253 | MGI:3030329 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 495 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.41710 | 108.41803 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030330 | Olfr496-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109426 | MGI:3030330 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 496, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 108.42042 | 108.42491 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030331 | Olfr497 | NCBI_Gene:258733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095239 | MGI:3030331 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 497 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.45898 | 108.45933 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753187 | Gm44611 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109081 | MGI:5753187 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44611 |
7 | gene | 108.46533 | 108.46758 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030332 | Olfr498 | NCBI_Gene:258304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096679 | MGI:3030332 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 498 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.47574 | 108.47741 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030333 | Olfr499-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109213 | MGI:3030333 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 499, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.48591 | 108.48686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030334 | Olfr500-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108939 | MGI:3030334 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 500, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.50806 | 108.50900 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030335 | Olfr501-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110204 | MGI:3030335 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 501, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 108.52083 | 108.52506 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030336 | Olfr502 | NCBI_Gene:258734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058014 | MGI:3030336 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 502 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.52740 | 108.52907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645491 | Gm5053 | NCBI_Gene:269980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109250 | MGI:3645491 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5053 |
7 | gene | 108.54453 | 108.54550 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030337 | Olfr503 | NCBI_Gene:259143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060759 | MGI:3030337 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 503 |
7 | gene | 108.56484 | 108.56579 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030338 | Olfr504 | NCBI_Gene:258163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060105 | MGI:3030338 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 504 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.56625 | 108.56683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010595 | Gm18410 | NCBI_Gene:100417127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109306 | MGI:5010595 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18410 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.56685 | 108.56737 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753441 | Gm44865 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108837 | MGI:5753441 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44865 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.57406 | 108.57542 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030339 | Olfr505-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108998 | MGI:3030339 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 505, pseudogene 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.57903 | 108.58149 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011312 | Gm19127 | NCBI_Gene:100418299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109471 | MGI:5011312 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19127 |
7 | gene | 108.61079 | 108.61534 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030340 | Olfr506 | NCBI_Gene:258215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058244 | MGI:3030340 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 506 |
7 | gene | 108.62181 | 108.62276 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030341 | Olfr507 | NCBI_Gene:258738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061000 | MGI:3030341 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 507 |
7 | gene | 108.62999 | 108.63163 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030342 | Olfr508 | NCBI_Gene:258769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063764 | MGI:3030342 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 508 |
7 | gene | 108.64434 | 108.65191 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030343 | Olfr509 | NCBI_Gene:258369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049280 | MGI:3030343 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 509 |
7 | gene | 108.66642 | 108.67026 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030344 | Olfr510 | NCBI_Gene:258308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096209 | MGI:3030344 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 510 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.69611 | 108.69652 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030345 | Olfr511-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109070 | MGI:3030345 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 511, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 108.71332 | 108.71438 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030346 | Olfr512 | NCBI_Gene:258719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056946 | MGI:3030346 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 512 |
7 | gene | 108.75097 | 108.75680 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030347 | Olfr513 | NCBI_Gene:258718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051200 | MGI:3030347 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 513 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.79500 | 108.79516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753808 | Gm45232 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109207 | MGI:5753808 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45232 |
7 | gene | 108.82506 | 108.82600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030348 | Olfr514 | NCBI_Gene:258721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066241 | MGI:3030348 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 514 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.84324 | 108.84358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030349 | Olfr515-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109406 | MGI:3030349 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 515, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 108.84479 | 108.85053 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030350 | Olfr516 | NCBI_Gene:258720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062434 | MGI:3030350 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 516 |
7 | pseudogene | 108.86542 | 108.86650 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010177 | Gm17992 | NCBI_Gene:100416237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109553 | MGI:5010177 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17992 |
7 | gene | 108.86721 | 108.87238 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030351 | Olfr517 | NCBI_Gene:258136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066240 | MGI:3030351 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 517 |
7 | gene | 108.88019 | 108.88501 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030352 | Olfr518 | NCBI_Gene:258303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046431 | MGI:3030352 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 518 |
7 | gene | 108.89346 | 108.89442 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030353 | Olfr519 | NCBI_Gene:277935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066239 | MGI:3030353 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 519 |
7 | gene | 108.92185 | 108.93018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444084 | Nlrp10 | NCBI_Gene:244202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049709 | MGI:2444084 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 10 |
7 | gene | 108.93442 | 108.94295 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913335 | Eif3f | NCBI_Gene:66085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031029 | MGI:1913335 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit F |
7 | gene | 108.95034 | 109.03446 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2651573 | Tub | NCBI_Gene:22141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031028 | MGI:2651573 | protein coding gene | tubby bipartite transcription factor |
7 | gene | 108.95066 | 108.96153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041253 | BC049265 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence BC049265 |
7 | gene | 108.95075 | 108.96153 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477093 | Gm26599 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097220 | MGI:5477093 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26599 |
7 | gene | 108.95416 | 108.95526 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621952 | Gm39067 | NCBI_Gene:105243026 | MGI:5621952 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39067 |
7 | gene | 108.96968 | 108.99208 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591468 | Gm32309 | NCBI_Gene:102634811 | MGI:5591468 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32309 |
7 | gene | 109.03427 | 109.08337 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443887 | Ric3 | NCBI_Gene:320360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048330 | MGI:2443887 | protein coding gene | RIC3 acetylcholine receptor chaperone |
7 | gene | 109.07614 | 109.07624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455227 | Gm25450 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094199 | MGI:5455227 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25450 |
7 | gene | 109.13856 | 109.17534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102812 | Lmo1 | NCBI_Gene:109594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036111 | MGI:102812 | protein coding gene | LIM domain only 1 |
7 | gene | 109.14263 | 109.15256 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753357 | Gm44781 | NCBI_Gene:108167455,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109107 | MGI:5753357 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44781 |
7 | gene | 109.20830 | 109.22420 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753600 | Gm45024 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109001 | MGI:5753600 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45024 |
7 | gene | 109.25293 | 109.25699 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591722 | Gm32563 | NCBI_Gene:102635152 | MGI:5591722 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32563 |
7 | gene | 109.27921 | 109.43908 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2152419 | Stk33 | NCBI_Gene:117229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031027 | MGI:2152419 | protein coding gene | serine/threonine kinase 33 |
7 | pseudogene | 109.38736 | 109.38889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648833 | Gm9105 | NCBI_Gene:668320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081370 | MGI:3648833 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9105 |
7 | gene | 109.43862 | 109.44490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921543 | 1700095J03Rik | NCBI_Gene:74293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085407 | MGI:1921543 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700095J03 gene |
7 | gene | 109.44900 | 109.51676 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2152406 | Trim66 | NCBI_Gene:330627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031026 | MGI:2152406 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 66 |
7 | gene | 109.49410 | 109.49511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918500 | 4933428C20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933428C20 gene |
7 | gene | 109.51915 | 109.52237 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1347076 | Rpl27a | NCBI_Gene:26451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046364 | MGI:1347076 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein L27A |
7 | gene | 109.52012 | 109.52025 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819498 | Snora3 | NCBI_Gene:100302499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065016 | MGI:3819498 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 3 |
7 | gene | 109.52125 | 109.52137 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096133 | Gm47284 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105232 | MGI:6096133 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 47284 |
7 | gene | 109.52128 | 109.52141 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454665 | Gm24888 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077575 | MGI:5454665 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24888 |
7 | gene | 109.52391 | 109.70362 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108517 | St5 | NCBI_Gene:76954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031024 | MGI:108517 | protein coding gene | suppression of tumorigenicity 5 |
7 | gene | 109.69952 | 109.70361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753440 | Gm44864 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109499 | MGI:5753440 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44864 |
7 | gene | 109.70367 | 109.71219 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041226 | Akip1 | NCBI_Gene:57373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031023 | MGI:3041226 | protein coding gene | A kinase (PRKA) interacting protein 1 |
7 | gene | 109.71218 | 109.72393 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928824 | BC051019 | NCBI_Gene:57355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031022 | MGI:1928824 | protein coding gene | cDNA sequence BC051019 |
7 | gene | 109.72746 | 109.73173 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928820 | Ascl3 | NCBI_Gene:56787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035951 | MGI:1928820 | protein coding gene | achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 3 |
7 | gene | 109.73583 | 109.75288 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915254 | Tmem9b | NCBI_Gene:56786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031021 | MGI:1915254 | protein coding gene | TMEM9 domain family, member B |
7 | pseudogene | 109.75232 | 109.75528 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921136 | 4930431P19Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109147 | MGI:1921136 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA 4930431P19 gene |
7 | gene | 109.75805 | 109.78203 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925843 | Nrip3 | NCBI_Gene:78593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034825 | MGI:1925843 | protein coding gene | nuclear receptor interacting protein 3 |
7 | gene | 109.77461 | 109.77472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452599 | Gm22822 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094713 | MGI:5452599 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22822 |
7 | gene | 109.79868 | 109.86568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1928765 | Scube2 | NCBI_Gene:56788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007279 | MGI:1928765 | protein coding gene | signal peptide, CUB domain, EGF-like 2 |
7 | gene | 109.84478 | 109.84724 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104521 | Phxr5 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | per-hexamer repeat gene 5 |
7 | gene | 109.89378 | 109.96047 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201681 | Dennd5a | NCBI_Gene:19347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035901 | MGI:1201681 | protein coding gene | DENN/MADD domain containing 5A |
7 | gene | 109.97219 | 109.98693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1289225 | Tmem41b | NCBI_Gene:233724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047554 | MGI:1289225 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 41B |
7 | gene | 109.98808 | 109.98813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454619 | Gm24842 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089306 | MGI:5454619 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24842 |
7 | gene | 109.99838 | 110.15120 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917031 | 1600010M07Rik | NCBI_Gene:69781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101585 | MGI:1917031 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1600010M07 gene |
7 | gene | 110.00358 | 110.00372 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452877 | Gm23100 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065389 | MGI:5452877 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23100 |
7 | gene | 110.01825 | 110.05661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2152414 | Ipo7 | NCBI_Gene:233726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066232 | MGI:2152414 | protein coding gene | importin 7 |
7 | gene | 110.02321 | 110.02334 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455413 | Gm25636 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064600 | MGI:5455413 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25636 |
7 | gene | 110.04636 | 110.04655 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819494 | Snora23 | NCBI_Gene:100379145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064451 | MGI:3819494 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 23 |
7 | gene | 110.05799 | 110.06132 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3034216 | AA474408 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073867 | MGI:3034216 | unclassified gene | expressed sequence AA474408 |
7 | gene | 110.06122 | 110.09540 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277969 | Zfp143 | NCBI_Gene:20841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061079 | MGI:1277969 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 143 |
7 | gene | 110.11886 | 110.12002 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107300 | D7Wsu130e | NA | NA | unclassified gene | DNA segment%2c Chr 7%2c Wayne State University 130%2c expressed |
7 | gene | 110.11999 | 110.12174 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804934 | Gm45819 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109904 | MGI:5804934 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45819 |
7 | gene | 110.12198 | 110.14330 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_103075 | Wee1 | NCBI_Gene:22390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031016 | MGI:103075 | protein coding gene | WEE 1 homolog 1 (S. pombe) |
7 | gene | 110.22170 | 110.28351 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1298390 | Swap70 | NCBI_Gene:20947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031015 | MGI:1298390 | protein coding gene | SWA-70 protein |
7 | gene | 110.27778 | 110.28153 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791351 | Gm45515 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109799 | MGI:5791351 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45515 |
7 | gene | 110.28550 | 110.28914 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592020 | Gm32861 | NCBI_Gene:102635559 | MGI:5592020 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32861 |
7 | pseudogene | 110.30199 | 110.30796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648395 | Gm9132 | NCBI_Gene:100862242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110102 | MGI:3648395 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9132 |
7 | gene | 110.30801 | 110.61495 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921831 | Sbf2 | NCBI_Gene:319934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038371 | MGI:1921831 | protein coding gene | SET binding factor 2 |
7 | pseudogene | 110.42504 | 110.42560 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647641 | Gm9064 | NCBI_Gene:668246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091117 | MGI:3647641 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9064 |
7 | pseudogene | 110.51739 | 110.52721 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3809877 | Gm10087 | NCBI_Gene:102633269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060777 | MGI:3809877 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10087 |
7 | pseudogene | 110.52207 | 110.52266 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4938046 | Gm17219 | NCBI_Gene:100417540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090855 | MGI:4938046 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17219 |
7 | gene | 110.59895 | 110.60292 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825664 | Gm46027 | NCBI_Gene:108167513 | MGI:5825664 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46027 |
7 | gene | 110.62628 | 110.63936 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579569 | Gm28863 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099803 | MGI:5579569 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28863 |
7 | gene | 110.62766 | 110.62982 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108058 | Adm | NCBI_Gene:11535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030790 | MGI:108058 | protein coding gene | adrenomedullin |
7 | gene | 110.69016 | 110.69973 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5434478 | Gm21123 | NCBI_Gene:100861673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109700 | MGI:5434478 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 21123 |
7 | pseudogene | 110.71204 | 110.71349 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011092 | Gm18907 | NCBI_Gene:100417932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109749 | MGI:5011092 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18907 |
7 | gene | 110.73966 | 110.74350 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621953 | Gm39068 | NCBI_Gene:105243027 | MGI:5621953 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39068 |
7 | gene | 110.76577 | 110.76959 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3588258 | B430319F04Rik | NCBI_Gene:619306,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110062 | MGI:3588258 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B430319F04 gene |
7 | gene | 110.76793 | 110.81241 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096344 | Ampd3 | NCBI_Gene:11717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005686 | MGI:1096344 | protein coding gene | adenosine monophosphate deaminase 3 |
7 | gene | 110.77927 | 110.78280 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621954 | Gm39069 | NCBI_Gene:105243028 | MGI:5621954 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39069 |
7 | gene | 110.79947 | 110.84446 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914400 | Rnf141 | NCBI_Gene:67150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030788 | MGI:1914400 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 141 |
7 | gene | 110.80248 | 110.80259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096129 | Gm47282 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106468 | MGI:6096129 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 47282 |
7 | gene | 110.85061 | 110.86324 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2136348 | Lyve1 | NCBI_Gene:114332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030787 | MGI:2136348 | protein coding gene | lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1 |
7 | gene | 110.86826 | 110.98291 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338023 | Mrvi1 | NCBI_Gene:17540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005611 | MGI:1338023 | protein coding gene | MRV integration site 1 |
7 | gene | 110.90498 | 110.90585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3840146 | Gm16336 | NCBI_Gene:100504184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087160 | MGI:3840146 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16336 |
7 | gene | 111.02895 | 111.05638 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109345 | Ctr9 | NCBI_Gene:22083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005609 | MGI:109345 | protein coding gene | CTR9 homolog, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component |
7 | gene | 111.06775 | 111.08303 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109207 | Eif4g2 | NCBI_Gene:13690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005610 | MGI:109207 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4, gamma 2 |
7 | gene | 111.07606 | 111.07623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453039 | Gm23262 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088948 | MGI:5453039 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23262 |
7 | gene | 111.08306 | 111.12268 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922729 | 1700012D14Rik | NCBI_Gene:75479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110424 | MGI:1922729 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700012D14 gene |
7 | gene | 111.09011 | 111.09282 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791214 | Gm45378 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110326 | MGI:5791214 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45378 |
7 | gene | 111.21037 | 111.22100 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592257 | Gm33098 | NCBI_Gene:102635869 | MGI:5592257 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33098 |
7 | gene | 111.28291 | 111.28568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592304 | Gm33145 | NCBI_Gene:102635934 | MGI:5592304 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33145 |
7 | gene | 111.36630 | 111.39561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918577 | 5430402P08Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109808 | MGI:1918577 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5430402P08 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 111.38669 | 111.38733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644750 | Gm5338 | NCBI_Gene:384658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109867 | MGI:3644750 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5338 |
7 | gene | 111.47166 | 111.78007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446239 | Galnt18 | NCBI_Gene:233733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038296 | MGI:2446239 | protein coding gene | polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 18 |
7 | gene | 111.79292 | 111.79301 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455564 | Gm25787 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077902 | MGI:5455564 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25787 |
7 | pseudogene | 111.85793 | 111.85855 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791424 | Gm45588 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110065 | MGI:5791424 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45588 |
7 | gene | 111.94718 | 111.94733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453122 | Gm23345 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065751 | MGI:5453122 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23345 |
7 | gene | 112.00978 | 112.01247 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592363 | Gm33204 | NCBI_Gene:102636009 | MGI:5592363 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33204 |
7 | gene | 112.02195 | 112.02349 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782134 | Gm3960 | NCBI_Gene:100042678 | MGI:3782134 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 3960 |
7 | gene | 112.02348 | 112.11166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922246 | Usp47 | NCBI_Gene:74996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059263 | MGI:1922246 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 47 |
7 | gene | 112.11602 | 112.15912 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354952 | Dkk3 | NCBI_Gene:50781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030772 | MGI:1354952 | protein coding gene | dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 3 |
7 | gene | 112.18683 | 112.18785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621956 | Gm39071 | NCBI_Gene:105243030 | MGI:5621956 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39071 |
7 | gene | 112.19956 | 112.20399 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621955 | Gm39070 | NCBI_Gene:105243029 | MGI:5621955 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39070 |
7 | gene | 112.21694 | 112.21783 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592406 | Gm33247 | NCBI_Gene:102636075 | MGI:5592406 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33247 |
7 | gene | 112.22584 | 112.41311 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444947 | Mical2 | NCBI_Gene:320878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038244 | MGI:2444947 | protein coding gene | microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 112.36831 | 112.41310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918127 | Micalcl | NCBI_Gene:100504195 | MGI:1918127 | protein coding gene | MICAL C-terminal like |
7 | gene | 112.42750 | 112.59169 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1931144 | Parva | NCBI_Gene:57342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030770 | MGI:1931144 | protein coding gene | parvin, alpha |
7 | gene | 112.45957 | 112.46591 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825635 | Gm45998 | NCBI_Gene:108167456 | MGI:5825635 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45998 |
7 | gene | 112.52663 | 112.53631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2445046 | Parvaos | NCBI_Gene:102636183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085049 | MGI:2445046 | antisense lncRNA gene | parvin, alpha, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 112.59653 | 112.68008 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916875 | 2310014F06Rik | NCBI_Gene:69625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085945 | MGI:1916875 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310014F06 gene |
7 | gene | 112.61810 | 112.61822 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453931 | Gm24154 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093002 | MGI:5453931 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24154 |
7 | pseudogene | 112.65278 | 112.65340 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791309 | Gm45473 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109611 | MGI:5791309 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45473 |
7 | gene | 112.66846 | 112.67226 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623336 | Gm40451 | NCBI_Gene:105244929 | MGI:5623336 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40451 |
7 | gene | 112.67932 | 112.90681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101876 | Tead1 | NCBI_Gene:21676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055320 | MGI:101876 | protein coding gene | TEA domain family member 1 |
7 | gene | 112.71395 | 112.71408 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5690854 | Gm44462 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106046 | MGI:5690854 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 44462 |
7 | gene | 112.95396 | 112.95746 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925998 | Rassf10 | NCBI_Gene:78748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098132 | MGI:1925998 | protein coding gene | Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family (N-terminal) member 10 |
7 | pseudogene | 112.97205 | 112.97290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644531 | Gm5599 | NCBI_Gene:434227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110109 | MGI:3644531 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5599 |
7 | gene | 112.98336 | 113.01089 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592745 | Gm33586 | NCBI_Gene:102636550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110207 | MGI:5592745 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33586 |
7 | gene | 112.99429 | 113.00498 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592686 | Gm33527 | NCBI_Gene:102636470 | MGI:5592686 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33527 |
7 | gene | 113.04890 | 113.05077 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623337 | Gm40452 | NCBI_Gene:105244930 | MGI:5623337 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40452 |
7 | gene | 113.10017 | 113.14202 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922489 | 4930543E12Rik | NCBI_Gene:75239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110009 | MGI:1922489 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930543E12 gene |
7 | gene | 113.11970 | 113.11981 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453439 | Gm23662 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088671 | MGI:5453439 | rRNA gene | predicted gene, 23662 |
7 | gene | 113.15160 | 113.15762 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592818 | Gm33659 | NCBI_Gene:102636654 | MGI:5592818 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33659 |
7 | gene | 113.17847 | 113.31413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096381 | Arntl | NCBI_Gene:11865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055116 | MGI:1096381 | protein coding gene | aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like |
7 | gene | 113.24359 | 113.26290 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592880 | Gm33721 | NCBI_Gene:102636729 | MGI:5592880 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33721 |
7 | gene | 113.29294 | 113.29534 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791191 | Gm45355 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109959 | MGI:5791191 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45355 |
7 | gene | 113.31563 | 113.37111 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916065 | Btbd10 | NCBI_Gene:68815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038187 | MGI:1916065 | protein coding gene | BTB (POZ) domain containing 10 |
7 | pseudogene | 113.32426 | 113.32466 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801929 | Gm15994 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082183 | MGI:3801929 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15994 |
7 | gene | 113.38558 | 113.38867 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97799 | Pth | NCBI_Gene:19226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059077 | MGI:97799 | protein coding gene | parathyroid hormone |
7 | pseudogene | 113.42037 | 113.42109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791450 | Gm45614 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110262 | MGI:5791450 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45614 |
7 | pseudogene | 113.44834 | 113.44892 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010965 | Gm18780 | NCBI_Gene:100417718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109779 | MGI:5010965 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18780 |
7 | gene | 113.51383 | 113.57151 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914670 | Far1 | NCBI_Gene:67420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030759 | MGI:1914670 | protein coding gene | fatty acyl CoA reductase 1 |
7 | gene | 113.53049 | 113.56499 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916545 | Far1os | NCBI_Gene:69295,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084984 | MGI:1916545 | antisense lncRNA gene | fatty acyl CoA reductase 1, opposite strand |
7 | pseudogene | 113.59277 | 113.59382 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592987 | Gm33828 | NCBI_Gene:102636878 | MGI:5592987 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33828 |
7 | pseudogene | 113.59286 | 113.59302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791448 | Gm45612 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109968 | MGI:5791448 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45612 |
7 | gene | 113.66692 | 113.66702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453477 | Gm23700 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089467 | MGI:5453477 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23700 |
7 | gene | 113.66963 | 113.68466 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621957 | Gm39072 | NCBI_Gene:105243031 | MGI:5621957 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39072 |
7 | gene | 113.70089 | 113.71100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645703 | Gm5600 | NCBI_Gene:108167501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073862 | MGI:3645703 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 5600 |
7 | gene | 113.72965 | 113.75217 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5580213 | Gm29507 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101755 | MGI:5580213 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 29507 |
7 | gene | 113.76600 | 114.04337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385287 | Spon1 | NCBI_Gene:233744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038156 | MGI:2385287 | protein coding gene | spondin 1, (f-spondin) extracellular matrix protein |
7 | gene | 114.04678 | 114.11778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914172 | Rras2 | NCBI_Gene:66922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055723 | MGI:1914172 | protein coding gene | related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene 2 |
7 | gene | 114.08690 | 114.08836 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791451 | Gm45615 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110248 | MGI:5791451 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45615 |
7 | pseudogene | 114.20863 | 114.20909 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791290 | Gm45454 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110407 | MGI:5791290 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45454 |
7 | gene | 114.21556 | 114.25471 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917599 | Copb1 | NCBI_Gene:70349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030754 | MGI:1917599 | protein coding gene | coatomer protein complex, subunit beta 1 |
7 | gene | 114.26455 | 114.27612 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1347005 | Psma1 | NCBI_Gene:26440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030751 | MGI:1347005 | protein coding gene | proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type 1 |
7 | gene | 114.31548 | 114.41516 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918295 | 4933406I18Rik | NCBI_Gene:71045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087475 | MGI:1918295 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933406I18 gene |
7 | gene | 114.36434 | 114.36522 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925198 | A930016I07Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930016I07 gene |
7 | gene | 114.41189 | 114.53925 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333863 | Pde3b | NCBI_Gene:18576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030671 | MGI:1333863 | protein coding gene | phosphodiesterase 3B, cGMP-inhibited |
7 | gene | 114.46405 | 114.46589 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593333 | Gm34174 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene%2c 34174 |
7 | gene | 114.54968 | 114.56562 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2449771 | Cyp2r1 | NCBI_Gene:244209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030670 | MGI:2449771 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily r, polypeptide 1 |
7 | gene | 114.62590 | 114.63646 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2151253 | Calca | NCBI_Gene:12310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030669 | MGI:2151253 | protein coding gene | calcitonin/calcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha |
7 | pseudogene | 114.69850 | 114.69965 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010784 | Gm18599 | NCBI_Gene:100417415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108349 | MGI:5010784 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18599 |
7 | pseudogene | 114.70522 | 114.70624 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782947 | Gm15500 | NCBI_Gene:100043295,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086583 | MGI:3782947 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 15500 |
7 | gene | 114.71655 | 114.72337 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2151254 | Calcb | NCBI_Gene:116903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030666 | MGI:2151254 | protein coding gene | calcitonin-related polypeptide, beta |
7 | gene | 114.74368 | 114.85038 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917942 | Insc | NCBI_Gene:233752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048782 | MGI:1917942 | protein coding gene | INSC spindle orientation adaptor protein |
7 | gene | 114.83238 | 114.83251 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454759 | Gm24982 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077644 | MGI:5454759 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24982 |
7 | gene | 114.85134 | 114.85457 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753593 | Gm45017 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108683 | MGI:5753593 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45017 |
7 | pseudogene | 114.92685 | 114.92778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648347 | Rps4l-ps | NCBI_Gene:627967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046411 | MGI:3648347 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein S4-like, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 114.93654 | 114.93686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452446 | Gm22669 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089348 | MGI:5452446 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 22669 |
7 | gene | 114.94212 | 114.94850 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753596 | Gm45020 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108419 | MGI:5753596 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45020 |
7 | gene | 114.94865 | 114.98397 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142163 | A730082K24Rik | NCBI_Gene:101786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108379 | MGI:2142163 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A730082K24 gene |
7 | gene | 115.01477 | 115.06682 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593384 | Gm34225 | NCBI_Gene:102637410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108722 | MGI:5593384 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34225 |
7 | gene | 115.13243 | 115.17120 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5593441 | Gm34282 | NCBI_Gene:102637487 | MGI:5593441 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34282 |
7 | pseudogene | 115.17199 | 115.17269 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644393 | Rpl19-ps10 | NCBI_Gene:668472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108401 | MGI:3644393 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L19, pseudogene 10 |
7 | gene | 115.17227 | 115.17235 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531066 | Gm27684 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099211 | MGI:5531066 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 27684 |
7 | gene | 115.39218 | 115.39830 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825636 | Gm45999 | NCBI_Gene:108167457 | MGI:5825636 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45999 |
7 | gene | 115.47087 | 116.04114 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98368 | Sox6 | NCBI_Gene:20679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051910 | MGI:98368 | protein coding gene | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6 |
7 | gene | 115.99527 | 116.01414 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753601 | Gm45025 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108489 | MGI:5753601 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45025 |
7 | gene | 116.03175 | 116.03255 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915719 | Sox6os | NCBI_Gene:68469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030664 | MGI:1915719 | antisense lncRNA gene | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 116.03940 | 116.10521 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929274 | 1110004F10Rik | NCBI_Gene:56372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030663 | MGI:1929274 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110004F10 gene |
7 | gene | 116.08176 | 116.09316 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916600 | 1700003G18Rik | NCBI_Gene:69350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087621 | MGI:1916600 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700003G18 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 116.08286 | 116.08463 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782538 | Gm4353 | NCBI_Gene:100043313,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091900 | MGI:3782538 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4353 |
7 | gene | 116.12349 | 116.30838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2445094 | Plekha7 | NCBI_Gene:233765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045659 | MGI:2445094 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A member 7 |
7 | gene | 116.28150 | 116.29148 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753443 | Gm44867 | NCBI_Gene:108167458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108650 | MGI:5753443 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44867 |
7 | gene | 116.33151 | 116.33419 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915302 | Rps13 | NCBI_Gene:68052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090862 | MGI:1915302 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S13 |
7 | gene | 116.33317 | 116.33326 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3851608 | Snord14a | NCBI_Gene:100302592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064741 | MGI:3851608 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 14A |
7 | gene | 116.33424 | 116.34818 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641651 | Gm10589 | NCBI_Gene:102637815 | MGI:3641651 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10589 |
7 | gene | 116.33425 | 116.33863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753353 | Gm44777 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108738 | MGI:5753353 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44777 |
7 | gene | 116.33727 | 116.44360 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1203729 | Pik3c2a | NCBI_Gene:18704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030660 | MGI:1203729 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 2 alpha |
7 | gene | 116.39655 | 116.39972 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753609 | Gm45033 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108500 | MGI:5753609 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45033 |
7 | gene | 116.40985 | 116.41080 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924901 | C430039J01Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108359 | MGI:1924901 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA C430039J01 gene |
7 | gene | 116.43478 | 116.43693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623338 | Gm40453 | NCBI_Gene:105244931 | MGI:5623338 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 40453 |
7 | gene | 116.44357 | 116.44432 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142184 | AV356131 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108461 | MGI:2142184 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence AV356131 |
7 | pseudogene | 116.49194 | 116.49241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591835 | Gm32676 | NCBI_Gene:102635299 | MGI:5591835 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 32676 |
7 | pseudogene | 116.49212 | 116.49240 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753607 | Gm45031 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108566 | MGI:5753607 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45031 |
7 | gene | 116.50435 | 116.54059 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1858179 | Nucb2 | NCBI_Gene:53322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030659 | MGI:1858179 | protein coding gene | nucleobindin 2 |
7 | gene | 116.54366 | 116.54575 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753727 | Gm45151 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108736 | MGI:5753727 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45151 |
7 | gene | 116.54686 | 116.54936 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442534 | 4732496C06Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108456 | MGI:2442534 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4732496C06 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 116.59805 | 116.59850 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647588 | Gm9197 | NCBI_Gene:668485 | MGI:3647588 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9197 |
7 | gene | 116.62512 | 116.62524 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422020 | n-R5s157 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084492 | MGI:4422020 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 157 |
7 | gene | 116.65788 | 116.66516 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825655 | Gm46018 | NCBI_Gene:108167502 | MGI:5825655 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46018 |
7 | gene | 116.69138 | 116.69149 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455200 | Gm25423 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088234 | MGI:5455200 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25423 |
7 | gene | 116.71768 | 116.72613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621959 | Gm39074 | NCBI_Gene:105243037 | MGI:5621959 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39074 |
7 | gene | 116.72628 | 116.73231 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825585 | Gm45948 | NCBI_Gene:108167337 | MGI:5825585 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 45948 |
7 | pseudogene | 116.80362 | 116.80450 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647051 | Gm6008 | NCBI_Gene:546993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108740 | MGI:3647051 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6008 |
7 | pseudogene | 116.82443 | 116.82585 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782551 | Gm4366 | NCBI_Gene:100043330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107383 | MGI:3782551 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4366 |
7 | gene | 116.95259 | 116.95270 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455831 | Gm26054 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064971 | MGI:5455831 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26054 |
7 | gene | 117.22862 | 117.32367 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621960 | Gm39075 | NCBI_Gene:105243038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108303 | MGI:5621960 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39075 |
7 | gene | 117.38098 | 117.67358 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2451073 | Xylt1 | NCBI_Gene:233781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030657 | MGI:2451073 | protein coding gene | xylosyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 117.38186 | 117.38376 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753729 | Gm45153 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108693 | MGI:5753729 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45153 |
7 | gene | 117.71938 | 117.75920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593921 | Gm34762 | NCBI_Gene:102638124 | MGI:5593921 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34762 |
7 | gene | 117.77679 | 117.77690 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453840 | Gm24063 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088116 | MGI:5453840 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24063 |
7 | gene | 117.84994 | 117.85134 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593981 | Gm34822 | NCBI_Gene:102638205 | MGI:5593981 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34822 |
7 | gene | 118.05056 | 118.05984 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594037 | Gm34878 | NCBI_Gene:102638277 | MGI:5594037 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34878 |
7 | gene | 118.10437 | 118.11619 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2389091 | Rps15a | NCBI_Gene:267019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008683 | MGI:2389091 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein S15A |
7 | gene | 118.11889 | 118.12966 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858943 | Arl6ip1 | NCBI_Gene:54208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030654 | MGI:1858943 | protein coding gene | ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 1 |
7 | gene | 118.13131 | 118.24367 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919742 | Smg1 | NCBI_Gene:233789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030655 | MGI:1919742 | protein coding gene | SMG1 homolog, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinase (C. elegans) |
7 | gene | 118.15348 | 118.15361 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455460 | Gm25683 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065874 | MGI:5455460 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25683 |
7 | gene | 118.18096 | 118.18237 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623339 | Gm40454 | NCBI_Gene:105244932 | MGI:5623339 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40454 |
7 | gene | 118.22940 | 118.23136 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753660 | Gm45084 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109045 | MGI:5753660 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45084 |
7 | gene | 118.24386 | 118.24555 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914995 | 4930583K01Rik | NCBI_Gene:67745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055159 | MGI:1914995 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930583K01 gene |
7 | gene | 118.25948 | 118.28042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594158 | Gm34999 | NCBI_Gene:102638428 | MGI:5594158 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34999 |
7 | gene | 118.27329 | 118.27536 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753731 | Gm45155 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108980 | MGI:5753731 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45155 |
7 | gene | 118.27986 | 118.27997 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453006 | Gm23229 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087922 | MGI:5453006 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23229 |
7 | gene | 118.32310 | 118.32865 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594242 | Gm35083 | NCBI_Gene:102638546 | MGI:5594242 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 35083 |
7 | gene | 118.32923 | 118.33260 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594468 | Gm35309 | NCBI_Gene:102638841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108856 | MGI:5594468 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35309 |
7 | gene | 118.35817 | 118.37007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591925 | Gm32766 | NCBI_Gene:102635420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118412 | MGI:5591925 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 32766 |
7 | gene | 118.38071 | 118.44891 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104966 | Syt17 | NCBI_Gene:110058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058420 | MGI:104966 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin XVII |
7 | gene | 118.48050 | 118.48335 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753228 | Gm44652 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109167 | MGI:5753228 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44652 |
7 | gene | 118.48511 | 118.49197 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442416 | Itpripl2 | NCBI_Gene:319622,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095115 | MGI:2442416 | protein coding gene | inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor interacting protein-like 2 |
7 | gene | 118.50966 | 118.53336 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107207 | Coq7 | NCBI_Gene:12850,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030652 | MGI:107207 | protein coding gene | demethyl-Q 7 |
7 | gene | 118.53584 | 118.58479 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443317 | Tmc7 | NCBI_Gene:209760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042246 | MGI:2443317 | protein coding gene | transmembrane channel-like gene family 7 |
7 | gene | 118.59185 | 118.59684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686541 | B230311B06Rik | NCBI_Gene:381914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109284 | MGI:2686541 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230311B06 gene |
7 | gene | 118.59730 | 118.67509 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921674 | Tmc5 | NCBI_Gene:74424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030650 | MGI:1921674 | protein coding gene | transmembrane channel-like gene family 5 |
7 | gene | 118.68855 | 118.68877 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753812 | Gm45236 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109357 | MGI:5753812 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45236 |
7 | gene | 118.68855 | 118.70578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891827 | Gde1 | NCBI_Gene:56209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033917 | MGI:1891827 | protein coding gene | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase 1 |
7 | gene | 118.71251 | 118.73702 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141942 | Ccp110 | NCBI_Gene:101565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033904 | MGI:2141942 | protein coding gene | centriolar coiled coil protein 110 |
7 | gene | 118.74020 | 118.84297 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918767 | Vps35l | NCBI_Gene:71517,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030982 | MGI:1918767 | protein coding gene | VPS35 endosomal protein sorting factor like |
7 | gene | 118.74045 | 118.74118 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916677 | 1700016B15Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108979 | MGI:1916677 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700016B15 gene |
7 | gene | 118.76802 | 118.76859 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753125 | Gm44549 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109303 | MGI:5753125 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44549 |
7 | gene | 118.78514 | 118.78720 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753126 | Gm44550 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109379 | MGI:5753126 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44550 |
7 | gene | 118.83257 | 118.83268 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455924 | Gm26147 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077667 | MGI:5455924 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 26147 |
7 | gene | 118.84222 | 118.85625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913606 | Knop1 | NCBI_Gene:66356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030980 | MGI:1913606 | protein coding gene | lysine rich nucleolar protein 1 |
7 | gene | 118.85575 | 118.97265 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3612188 | Iqck | NCBI_Gene:434232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073856 | MGI:3612188 | protein coding gene | IQ motif containing K |
7 | gene | 118.96767 | 118.96969 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753339 | Gm44763 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109517 | MGI:5753339 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44763 |
7 | gene | 118.97204 | 118.99521 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927596 | Gprc5b | NCBI_Gene:64297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008734 | MGI:1927596 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B |
7 | gene | 118.98504 | 118.98860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621961 | Gm39076 | NCBI_Gene:105243040 | MGI:5621961 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39076 |
7 | gene | 119.14075 | 119.18460 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685341 | Gpr139 | NCBI_Gene:209776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066197 | MGI:2685341 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 139 |
7 | pseudogene | 119.30125 | 119.30171 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782258 | Gm4083 | NCBI_Gene:100042871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108921 | MGI:3782258 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4083 |
7 | gene | 119.30612 | 119.30625 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453098 | Gm23321 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077653 | MGI:5453098 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23321 |
7 | gene | 119.44254 | 119.45928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914383 | Gp2 | NCBI_Gene:67133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030954 | MGI:1914383 | protein coding gene | glycoprotein 2 (zymogen granule membrane) |
7 | gene | 119.46271 | 119.47928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102674 | Umod | NCBI_Gene:22242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030963 | MGI:102674 | protein coding gene | uromodulin |
7 | gene | 119.46282 | 119.47248 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753164 | Gm44588 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109254 | MGI:5753164 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44588 |
7 | gene | 119.48659 | 119.52862 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919080 | Pdilt | NCBI_Gene:71830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030968 | MGI:1919080 | protein coding gene | protein disulfide isomerase-like, testis expressed |
7 | gene | 119.49868 | 119.50128 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610746 | Gm37518 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103258 | MGI:5610746 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37518 |
7 | gene | 119.51200 | 119.51430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504082 | Gm26967 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098014 | MGI:5504082 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26967 |
7 | gene | 119.51946 | 119.54555 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444086 | Acsm5 | NCBI_Gene:272428,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030972 | MGI:2444086 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 5 |
7 | gene | 119.55434 | 119.60069 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385289 | Acsm2 | NCBI_Gene:233799,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030945 | MGI:2385289 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 2 |
7 | gene | 119.60084 | 119.60483 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621963 | Gm39078 | NCBI_Gene:105243042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109478 | MGI:5621963 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39078 |
7 | gene | 119.60703 | 119.66251 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2152200 | Acsm1 | NCBI_Gene:117147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033533 | MGI:2152200 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 1 |
7 | gene | 119.60768 | 119.64347 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012135 | Gm19950 | NCBI_Gene:100503901,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109093 | MGI:5012135 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 19950 |
7 | gene | 119.61069 | 119.62044 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621964 | Gm39079 | NCBI_Gene:105243043 | MGI:5621964 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39079 |
7 | gene | 119.62652 | 119.63106 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804907 | Gm45792 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108884 | MGI:5804907 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45792 |
7 | gene | 119.69003 | 119.71457 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2681844 | Acsm4 | NCBI_Gene:233801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047026 | MGI:2681844 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 4 |
7 | gene | 119.71509 | 119.72361 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444479 | Thumpd1 | NCBI_Gene:233802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030942 | MGI:2444479 | protein coding gene | THUMP domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 119.72081 | 119.73576 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753442 | Gm44866 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109233 | MGI:5753442 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44866 |
7 | gene | 119.73080 | 119.73943 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621965 | Gm39080 | NCBI_Gene:105243044 | MGI:5621965 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39080 |
7 | pseudogene | 119.73989 | 119.74224 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647492 | Ppp1ccb | NCBI_Gene:434233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100153 | MGI:3647492 | pseudogene | protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit gamma B |
7 | pseudogene | 119.74280 | 119.74541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5012148 | Gm19963 | NCBI_Gene:100503918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109404 | MGI:5012148 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19963 |
7 | pseudogene | 119.75268 | 119.75283 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753542 | Gm44966 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108915 | MGI:5753542 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44966 |
7 | gene | 119.76088 | 119.78751 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_99538 | Acsm3 | NCBI_Gene:20216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030935 | MGI:99538 | protein coding gene | acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 3 |
7 | gene | 119.76868 | 119.79406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918401 | Eri2 | NCBI_Gene:71151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030929 | MGI:1918401 | protein coding gene | exoribonuclease 2 |
7 | gene | 119.79401 | 119.88270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919402 | Rexo5 | NCBI_Gene:434234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030924 | MGI:1919402 | protein coding gene | RNA exonuclease 5 |
7 | gene | 119.85280 | 119.89630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2679003 | Dcun1d3 | NCBI_Gene:233805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048787 | MGI:2679003 | protein coding gene | DCN1, defective in cullin neddylation 1, domain containing 3 (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 119.89580 | 119.95696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921169 | Lyrm1 | NCBI_Gene:73919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030922 | MGI:1921169 | protein coding gene | LYR motif containing 1 |
7 | gene | 119.89669 | 119.89837 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922137 | 4930456J16Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930456J16 gene |
7 | gene | 119.92267 | 120.09568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2683040 | Dnah3 | NCBI_Gene:381917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052273 | MGI:2683040 | protein coding gene | dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 3 |
7 | gene | 119.96634 | 119.99475 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5623340 | Gm40455 | NCBI_Gene:105244933 | MGI:5623340 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40455 |
7 | gene | 119.96982 | 119.96992 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5454994 | Gm25217 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088172 | MGI:5454994 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25217 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.06448 | 120.06503 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5010171 | Gm17986 | NCBI_Gene:100416230 | MGI:5010171 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17986 |
7 | gene | 120.10161 | 120.10321 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923088 | 4930560O18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109445 | MGI:1923088 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930560O18 gene |
7 | gene | 120.10235 | 120.12099 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925752 | Tmem159 | NCBI_Gene:233806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030917 | MGI:1925752 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 159 |
7 | gene | 120.12677 | 120.14541 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99214 | Zp2 | NCBI_Gene:22787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030911 | MGI:99214 | protein coding gene | zona pellucida glycoprotein 2 |
7 | gene | 120.15611 | 120.16600 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922323 | 4930505K13Rik | NCBI_Gene:75073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109414 | MGI:1922323 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930505K13 gene |
7 | gene | 120.17386 | 120.18559 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919324 | Anks4b | NCBI_Gene:72074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030909 | MGI:1919324 | protein coding gene | ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 4B |
7 | gene | 120.18638 | 120.20211 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102675 | Crym | NCBI_Gene:12971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030905 | MGI:102675 | protein coding gene | crystallin, mu |
7 | gene | 120.20389 | 120.32535 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2388708 | Abca14 | NCBI_Gene:67928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062017 | MGI:2388708 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 14 |
7 | gene | 120.32849 | 120.40769 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2388709 | Abca15 | NCBI_Gene:320631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054746 | MGI:2388709 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 15 |
7 | gene | 120.40965 | 120.54489 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2388711 | Abca16 | NCBI_Gene:233810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051900 | MGI:2388711 | protein coding gene | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 16 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.50466 | 120.51377 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647914 | Gm9165 | NCBI_Gene:668429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109326 | MGI:3647914 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9165 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.55316 | 120.55700 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644715 | Gm16475 | NCBI_Gene:546994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109578 | MGI:3644715 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 16475 |
7 | gene | 120.57936 | 120.58259 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825656 | Gm46019 | NCBI_Gene:108167503 | MGI:5825656 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46019 |
7 | gene | 120.58260 | 120.58982 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825657 | Gm46020 | NCBI_Gene:108167504 | MGI:5825657 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46020 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.58796 | 120.58842 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782281 | Gm4105 | NCBI_Gene:100042914 | MGI:3782281 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4105 |
7 | gene | 120.59077 | 120.62977 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592075 | Gm32916 | NCBI_Gene:102635628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109113 | MGI:5592075 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32916 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.59762 | 120.59847 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925802 | E130201H02Rik | NCBI_Gene:78552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044141 | MGI:1925802 | pseudogene | RIKEN cDNA E130201H02 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 120.62424 | 120.62457 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779699 | Gm7226 | NCBI_Gene:102640172 | MGI:3779699 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7226 |
7 | pseudogene | 120.62425 | 120.62441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753689 | Gm45113 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108911 | MGI:5753689 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45113 |
7 | gene | 120.62976 | 120.63489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753688 | Gm45112 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109304 | MGI:5753688 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45112 |
7 | gene | 120.63518 | 120.65952 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914253 | Uqcrc2 | NCBI_Gene:67003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030884 | MGI:1914253 | protein coding gene | ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase core protein 2 |
7 | gene | 120.65873 | 120.67756 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915233 | Pdzd9 | NCBI_Gene:67983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030887 | MGI:1915233 | protein coding gene | PDZ domain containing 9 |
7 | gene | 120.67030 | 120.67590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923170 | 4930588G17Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108935 | MGI:1923170 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930588G17 gene |
7 | gene | 120.67344 | 120.67757 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918818 | 9030407P20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097343 | MGI:1918818 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 9030407P20 gene |
7 | gene | 120.67762 | 120.73485 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446240 | Mosmo | NCBI_Gene:233812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046096 | MGI:2446240 | protein coding gene | modulator of smoothened |
7 | gene | 120.73569 | 120.80574 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041229 | Vwa3a | NCBI_Gene:233813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030889 | MGI:3041229 | protein coding gene | von Willebrand factor A domain containing 3A |
7 | gene | 120.73646 | 120.73996 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753237 | Gm44661 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108830 | MGI:5753237 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44661 |
7 | gene | 120.81236 | 120.83190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645276 | Gm5737 | NCBI_Gene:436008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109392 | MGI:3645276 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 5737 |
7 | gene | 120.83548 | 120.83556 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4413945 | n-TLtag1 | NCBI_Gene:102467559 | MGI:4413945 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA leucine 1 (anticodon TAG) |
7 | gene | 120.84113 | 120.84264 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595608 | Gm36449 | NCBI_Gene:102640377 | MGI:5595608 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36449 |
7 | gene | 120.84283 | 120.90745 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1195261 | Eef2k | NCBI_Gene:13631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035064 | MGI:1195261 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase |
7 | gene | 120.86551 | 120.88030 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783215 | Gm15774 | NCBI_Gene:105243045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085118 | MGI:3783215 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15774 |
7 | gene | 120.89070 | 120.89101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753623 | Gm45047 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109337 | MGI:5753623 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45047 |
7 | gene | 120.91752 | 120.91760 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4413922 | n-TLaag4 | NCBI_Gene:102467415 | MGI:4413922 | tRNA gene | nuclear encoded tRNA leucine 4 (anticodon AAG) |
7 | gene | 120.91774 | 120.94743 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1349452 | Polr3e | NCBI_Gene:26939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030880 | MGI:1349452 | protein coding gene | polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide E |
7 | gene | 120.95704 | 120.98231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1100885 | Cdr2 | NCBI_Gene:12585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030878 | MGI:1100885 | protein coding gene | cerebellar degeneration-related 2 |
7 | gene | 120.98244 | 121.01479 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921716 | Mfsd13b | NCBI_Gene:74466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030877 | MGI:1921716 | protein coding gene | major facilitator superfamily domain containing 13B |
7 | pseudogene | 121.01493 | 121.01568 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648545 | Gm9234 | NCBI_Gene:668548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058050 | MGI:3648545 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 9234 |
7 | gene | 121.02436 | 121.02446 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455701 | Gm25924 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088935 | MGI:5455701 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25924 |
7 | gene | 121.03279 | 121.07833 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914862 | Mettl9 | NCBI_Gene:59052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030876 | MGI:1914862 | protein coding gene | methyltransferase like 9 |
7 | gene | 121.03325 | 121.03510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642311 | Gm9905 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053358 | MGI:3642311 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 9905 |
7 | pseudogene | 121.03711 | 121.04027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644168 | Gm9179 | NCBI_Gene:102640624 | MGI:3644168 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9179 |
7 | gene | 121.03914 | 121.04355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753713 | Gm45137 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109206 | MGI:5753713 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45137 |
7 | gene | 121.04034 | 121.04048 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531373 | Gm27991 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099280 | MGI:5531373 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 27991 |
7 | gene | 121.05235 | 121.05632 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753477 | Gm44901 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108954 | MGI:5753477 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44901 |
7 | gene | 121.06285 | 121.06396 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917383 | 2210406H18Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109036 | MGI:1917383 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2210406H18 gene |
7 | gene | 121.06407 | 121.07480 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891393 | Igsf6 | NCBI_Gene:80719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035004 | MGI:1891393 | protein coding gene | immunoglobulin superfamily, member 6 |
7 | gene | 121.08165 | 121.16310 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2149209 | Otoa | NCBI_Gene:246190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034990 | MGI:2149209 | protein coding gene | otoancorin |
7 | pseudogene | 121.22325 | 121.22399 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645305 | Gm9240 | NCBI_Gene:668556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108502 | MGI:3645305 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9240 |
7 | gene | 121.25736 | 121.29585 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753655 | Gm45079 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108627 | MGI:5753655 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45079 |
7 | gene | 121.25876 | 121.25939 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922207 | 4930486N12Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108697 | MGI:1922207 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930486N12 gene |
7 | gene | 121.31297 | 121.39310 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595895 | Gm36736 | NCBI_Gene:102640740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108351 | MGI:5595895 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36736 |
7 | gene | 121.39161 | 121.50177 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333802 | Hs3st2 | NCBI_Gene:195646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046321 | MGI:1333802 | protein coding gene | heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 2 |
7 | gene | 121.46884 | 121.60933 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918562 | 4933432K03Rik | NCBI_Gene:75793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108811 | MGI:1918562 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933432K03 gene |
7 | gene | 121.47995 | 121.54024 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621966 | Gm39081 | NCBI_Gene:105243046 | MGI:5621966 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39081 |
7 | gene | 121.58990 | 121.59159 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916657 | 1700025J12Rik | NCBI_Gene:69407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108409 | MGI:1916657 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700025J12 gene |
7 | gene | 121.64202 | 121.70786 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923429 | Usp31 | NCBI_Gene:76179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063317 | MGI:1923429 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin specific peptidase 31 |
7 | gene | 121.70708 | 121.70801 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923863 | 1700069B07Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053081 | MGI:1923863 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700069B07 gene |
7 | gene | 121.73442 | 121.76848 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104695 | Scnn1g | NCBI_Gene:20278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000216 | MGI:104695 | protein coding gene | sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 gamma |
7 | gene | 121.76845 | 121.77784 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5596007 | Gm36848 | NCBI_Gene:102640890 | MGI:5596007 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36848 |
7 | gene | 121.83745 | 121.83907 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753316 | Gm44740 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108410 | MGI:5753316 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44740 |
7 | gene | 121.86504 | 121.91873 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104696 | Scnn1b | NCBI_Gene:20277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030873 | MGI:104696 | protein coding gene | sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 beta |
7 | gene | 121.87936 | 121.98171 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685013 | Cog7 | NCBI_Gene:233824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034951 | MGI:2685013 | protein coding gene | component of oligomeric golgi complex 7 |
7 | gene | 121.98176 | 121.98912 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753563 | Gm44987 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108511 | MGI:5753563 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44987 |
7 | gene | 121.98672 | 122.02122 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921355 | Gga2 | NCBI_Gene:74105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030872 | MGI:1921355 | protein coding gene | golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 122.03416 | 122.06726 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914667 | Ears2 | NCBI_Gene:67417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030871 | MGI:1914667 | protein coding gene | glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial |
7 | gene | 122.06718 | 122.08220 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107301 | Ubfd1 | NCBI_Gene:28018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030870 | MGI:107301 | protein coding gene | ubiquitin family domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 122.08540 | 122.10189 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917566 | Ndufab1 | NCBI_Gene:70316,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030869 | MGI:1917566 | protein coding gene | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit AB1 |
7 | gene | 122.09608 | 122.09891 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753562 | Gm44986 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108573 | MGI:5753562 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44986 |
7 | gene | 122.10726 | 122.13299 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3040695 | Palb2 | NCBI_Gene:233826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044702 | MGI:3040695 | protein coding gene | partner and localizer of BRCA2 |
7 | pseudogene | 122.12974 | 122.13271 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3840124 | Gm16326 | NCBI_Gene:102631495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089631 | MGI:3840124 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16326 |
7 | gene | 122.13304 | 122.14904 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891689 | Dctn5 | NCBI_Gene:59288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030868 | MGI:1891689 | protein coding gene | dynactin 5 |
7 | gene | 122.13901 | 122.15940 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705099 | Gm15489 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086942 | MGI:3705099 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15489 |
7 | gene | 122.15944 | 122.16988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97621 | Plk1 | NCBI_Gene:18817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030867 | MGI:97621 | protein coding gene | polo like kinase 1 |
7 | gene | 122.16703 | 122.16804 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753561 | Gm44985 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108688 | MGI:5753561 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44985 |
7 | gene | 122.16989 | 122.18623 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1349436 | Ern2 | NCBI_Gene:26918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030866 | MGI:1349436 | protein coding gene | endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to nucleus signalling 2 |
7 | gene | 122.20862 | 122.22282 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917511 | Chp2 | NCBI_Gene:70261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030865 | MGI:1917511 | protein coding gene | calcineurin-like EF hand protein 2 |
7 | gene | 122.23526 | 122.24423 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589062 | Gm29903 | NCBI_Gene:102631606 | MGI:5589062 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29903 |
7 | pseudogene | 122.24930 | 122.25002 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589136 | Gm29977 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108708 | MGI:5589136 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29977 |
7 | gene | 122.26509 | 122.26520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453391 | Gm23614 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064532 | MGI:5453391 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23614 |
7 | gene | 122.26747 | 122.27387 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589218 | Gm30059 | NCBI_Gene:102631818 | MGI:5589218 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30059 |
7 | gene | 122.28875 | 122.63440 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97596 | Prkcb | NCBI_Gene:18751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052889 | MGI:97596 | protein coding gene | protein kinase C, beta |
7 | gene | 122.31306 | 122.31850 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753767 | Gm45191 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108752 | MGI:5753767 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45191 |
7 | gene | 122.36200 | 122.36378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753240 | Gm44664 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108522 | MGI:5753240 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44664 |
7 | gene | 122.40246 | 122.40560 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753239 | Gm44663 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108317 | MGI:5753239 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44663 |
7 | pseudogene | 122.44200 | 122.44342 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3650926 | Gm14388 | NCBI_Gene:668486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084230 | MGI:3650926 | pseudogene | predicted gene 14388 |
7 | gene | 122.44686 | 122.44713 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5456191 | Gm26414 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088299 | MGI:5456191 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 26414 |
7 | gene | 122.46344 | 122.46616 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753321 | Gm44745 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108455 | MGI:5753321 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44745 |
7 | pseudogene | 122.48418 | 122.48442 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3650925 | Gm14389 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087520 | MGI:3650925 | pseudogene | predicted gene 14389 |
7 | gene | 122.59094 | 122.59228 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753322 | Gm44746 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108341 | MGI:5753322 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44746 |
7 | gene | 122.67049 | 122.76939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859165 | Cacng3 | NCBI_Gene:54376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066189 | MGI:1859165 | protein coding gene | calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 3 |
7 | gene | 122.70029 | 122.70192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753325 | Gm44749 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108718 | MGI:5753325 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44749 |
7 | pseudogene | 122.83796 | 122.83829 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588918 | Gm29759 | NCBI_Gene:101055996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108529 | MGI:5588918 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29759 |
7 | gene | 122.92451 | 122.93579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621967 | Gm39082 | NCBI_Gene:105243048 | MGI:5621967 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39082 |
7 | gene | 122.93584 | 122.94036 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621968 | Gm39083 | NCBI_Gene:105243049 | MGI:5621968 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39083 |
7 | gene | 122.96569 | 123.00257 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_894835 | Rbbp6 | NCBI_Gene:19647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030779 | MGI:894835 | protein coding gene | retinoblastoma binding protein 6, ubiquitin ligase |
7 | gene | 122.96906 | 122.97046 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921201 | 4930413G21Rik | NCBI_Gene:73951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108452 | MGI:1921201 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930413G21 gene |
7 | gene | 122.99535 | 122.99593 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5012459 | Gm20274 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108551 | MGI:5012459 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 20274 |
7 | pseudogene | 123.01007 | 123.01062 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644964 | Gm6905 | NCBI_Gene:628696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108396 | MGI:3644964 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6905 |
7 | gene | 123.03110 | 123.19530 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385292 | Tnrc6a | NCBI_Gene:233833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052707 | MGI:2385292 | protein coding gene | trinucleotide repeat containing 6a |
7 | gene | 123.03137 | 123.16968 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804961 | Gm45846 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110230 | MGI:5804961 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45846 |
7 | gene | 123.03141 | 123.06830 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804962 | Gm45847 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109814 | MGI:5804962 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45847 |
7 | gene | 123.07559 | 123.10072 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621969 | Gm39084 | NCBI_Gene:105243050 | MGI:5621969 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39084 |
7 | gene | 123.21475 | 123.27439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919316 | Slc5a11 | NCBI_Gene:233836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030769 | MGI:1919316 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 5 (sodium/glucose cotransporter), member 11 |
7 | gene | 123.27915 | 123.37003 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917747 | Arhgap17 | NCBI_Gene:70497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030766 | MGI:1917747 | protein coding gene | Rho GTPase activating protein 17 |
7 | gene | 123.36978 | 123.43036 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353593 | Lcmt1 | NCBI_Gene:30949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030763 | MGI:1353593 | protein coding gene | leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 123.38267 | 123.38277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453336 | Gm23559 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088449 | MGI:5453336 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23559 |
7 | gene | 123.46229 | 123.46800 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1195271 | Aqp8 | NCBI_Gene:11833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030762 | MGI:1195271 | protein coding gene | aquaporin 8 |
7 | gene | 123.47538 | 123.50313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444060 | Zkscan2 | NCBI_Gene:210162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030757 | MGI:2444060 | protein coding gene | zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 2 |
7 | gene | 123.59202 | 123.63976 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589494 | Gm30335 | NCBI_Gene:102632195 | MGI:5589494 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30335 |
7 | gene | 123.94210 | 123.94221 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453565 | Gm23788 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084484 | MGI:5453565 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23788 |
7 | gene | 123.95896 | 123.96877 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504089 | Gm26974 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098160 | MGI:5504089 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26974 |
7 | gene | 123.97105 | 123.98345 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5504155 | Gm27040 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098129 | MGI:5504155 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 27040 |
7 | gene | 123.98287 | 124.39899 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333792 | Hs3st4 | NCBI_Gene:628779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078591 | MGI:1333792 | protein coding gene | heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 4 |
7 | gene | 124.14628 | 124.14641 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455536 | Gm25759 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077176 | MGI:5455536 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25759 |
7 | gene | 124.18672 | 124.29027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3708108 | Gm15338 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085899 | MGI:3708108 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15338 |
7 | gene | 124.18673 | 124.18713 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925453 | 4930551E15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930551E15 gene |
7 | gene | 124.34455 | 124.34872 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642912 | Gm16496 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 16496 |
7 | gene | 124.47654 | 124.49430 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705108 | Gm15339 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085892 | MGI:3705108 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15339 |
7 | gene | 124.49291 | 124.49305 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452945 | Gm23168 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087781 | MGI:5452945 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23168 |
7 | gene | 124.62567 | 124.70893 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920326 | 3100003L05Rik | NCBI_Gene:73076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086254 | MGI:1920326 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 3100003L05 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 124.69938 | 124.70007 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011193 | Gm19008 | NCBI_Gene:100418115 | MGI:5011193 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19008 |
7 | gene | 124.90761 | 124.91442 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753668 | Gm45092 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108623 | MGI:5753668 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45092 |
7 | gene | 124.91581 | 124.91620 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915977 | 1110032L06Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1110032L06 gene |
7 | gene | 125.06703 | 125.06949 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753669 | Gm45093 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108407 | MGI:5753669 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45093 |
7 | pseudogene | 125.07535 | 125.07650 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95754 | Glud-ps | NCBI_Gene:104277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108799 | MGI:95754 | pseudogene | glutamate dehydrogenase, pseudogene |
7 | gene | 125.21042 | 125.21692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589660 | Gm30501 | NCBI_Gene:102632426 | MGI:5589660 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30501 |
7 | pseudogene | 125.21945 | 125.21989 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439426 | Gm21957 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073844 | MGI:5439426 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 21957 |
7 | gene | 125.28402 | 125.34979 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918458 | 4933440M02Rik | NCBI_Gene:71208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045928 | MGI:1918458 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933440M02 gene |
7 | gene | 125.31666 | 125.32368 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825637 | Gm46000 | NCBI_Gene:108167459 | MGI:5825637 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46000 |
7 | gene | 125.31836 | 125.31952 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922457 | 4930533L02Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104236 | MGI:1922457 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930533L02 gene |
7 | gene | 125.33312 | 125.33368 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621970 | Gm39085 | NCBI_Gene:105243052 | MGI:5621970 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39085 |
7 | gene | 125.36886 | 125.37101 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923111 | 4930571K23Rik | NCBI_Gene:75861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090457 | MGI:1923111 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930571K23 gene |
7 | gene | 125.39798 | 125.40581 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589719 | Gm30560 | NCBI_Gene:102632502 | MGI:5589719 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30560 |
7 | gene | 125.41699 | 125.42889 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589876 | Gm30717 | NCBI_Gene:102632721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108814 | MGI:5589876 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30717 |
7 | gene | 125.44445 | 125.46365 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924285 | Kdm8 | NCBI_Gene:77035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030752 | MGI:1924285 | protein coding gene | lysine (K)-specific demethylase 8 |
7 | gene | 125.46764 | 125.49160 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914961 | Nsmce1 | NCBI_Gene:67711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030750 | MGI:1914961 | protein coding gene | NSE1 homolog, SMC5-SMC6 complex component |
7 | gene | 125.49156 | 125.49306 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918140 | 4921524M04Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921524M04 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 125.54727 | 125.54860 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643455 | Gm4973 | NCBI_Gene:244214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108615 | MGI:3643455 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4973 |
7 | gene | 125.55177 | 125.55206 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2151102 | A430106F20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A430106F20 gene |
7 | gene | 125.55212 | 125.57947 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105367 | Il4ra | NCBI_Gene:16190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030748 | MGI:105367 | protein coding gene | interleukin 4 receptor, alpha |
7 | gene | 125.57078 | 125.57212 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753452 | Gm44876 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108524 | MGI:5753452 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44876 |
7 | gene | 125.60325 | 125.63357 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1890475 | Il21r | NCBI_Gene:60504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030745 | MGI:1890475 | protein coding gene | interleukin 21 receptor |
7 | gene | 125.64095 | 125.70778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107887 | Gtf3c1 | NCBI_Gene:233863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032777 | MGI:107887 | protein coding gene | general transcription factor III C 1 |
7 | gene | 125.70786 | 125.87480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442760 | D430042O09Rik | NCBI_Gene:233865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032743 | MGI:2442760 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA D430042O09 gene |
7 | gene | 125.71084 | 125.71331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925204 | A930012M21Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA A930012M21 gene |
7 | gene | 125.87841 | 126.08277 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685483 | Gsg1l | NCBI_Gene:269994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046182 | MGI:2685483 | protein coding gene | GSG1-like |
7 | gene | 126.06291 | 126.06445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753450 | Gm44874 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108376 | MGI:5753450 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44874 |
7 | gene | 126.09195 | 126.09471 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589966 | Gm30807 | NCBI_Gene:102632839 | MGI:5589966 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30807 |
7 | gene | 126.10171 | 126.20052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2429950 | Xpo6 | NCBI_Gene:74204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000131 | MGI:2429950 | protein coding gene | exportin 6 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.16403 | 126.16840 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937964 | Gm17137 | NCBI_Gene:100417489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090559 | MGI:4937964 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17137 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.17612 | 126.17653 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937963 | Gm17136 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057945 | MGI:4937963 | pseudogene | predicted gene 17136 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.21488 | 126.21556 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011323 | Gm19138 | NCBI_Gene:100418320 | MGI:5011323 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19138 |
7 | gene | 126.22425 | 126.24824 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923978 | 1700123J17Rik | NCBI_Gene:76728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108676 | MGI:1923978 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700123J17 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 126.24238 | 126.24263 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753279 | Gm44703 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108309 | MGI:5753279 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44703 |
7 | gene | 126.24840 | 126.29502 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2135937 | Sbk1 | NCBI_Gene:104175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042978 | MGI:2135937 | protein coding gene | SH3-binding kinase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.29939 | 126.29994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642914 | Gm10155 | NCBI_Gene:100043495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066180 | MGI:3642914 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10155 |
7 | gene | 126.33704 | 126.35605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590087 | Gm30928 | NCBI_Gene:102632993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108417 | MGI:5590087 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30928 |
7 | gene | 126.36382 | 126.36959 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1342293 | Lat | NCBI_Gene:16797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030742 | MGI:1342293 | protein coding gene | linker for activation of T cells |
7 | gene | 126.36797 | 126.36804 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531148 | Mir7058 | miRBase:MI0022907,NCBI_Gene:102466797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099017 | MGI:5531148 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7058 |
7 | gene | 126.37006 | 126.37793 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920908 | Spns1 | NCBI_Gene:73658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030741 | MGI:1920908 | protein coding gene | spinster homolog 1 |
7 | gene | 126.38285 | 126.39726 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1329015 | Nfatc2ip | NCBI_Gene:18020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030722 | MGI:1329015 | protein coding gene | nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 2 interacting protein |
7 | gene | 126.39586 | 126.39775 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753717 | Gm45141 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108420 | MGI:5753717 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45141 |
7 | gene | 126.40845 | 126.41514 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88319 | Cd19 | NCBI_Gene:12478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030724 | MGI:88319 | protein coding gene | CD19 antigen |
7 | gene | 126.42843 | 126.44925 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917564 | Rabep2 | NCBI_Gene:70314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030727 | MGI:1917564 | protein coding gene | rabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 2 |
7 | gene | 126.44586 | 126.46311 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105058 | Atp2a1 | NCBI_Gene:11937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030730 | MGI:105058 | protein coding gene | ATPase, Ca++ transporting, cardiac muscle, fast twitch 1 |
7 | gene | 126.46699 | 126.47542 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201407 | Sh2b1 | NCBI_Gene:20399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030733 | MGI:1201407 | protein coding gene | SH2B adaptor protein 1 |
7 | gene | 126.47519 | 126.47625 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924851 | C530001K22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C530001K22 gene |
7 | gene | 126.48434 | 126.48651 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825638 | Gm46001 | NCBI_Gene:108167460 | MGI:5825638 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46001 |
7 | gene | 126.48735 | 126.49073 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923686 | Tufm | NCBI_Gene:233870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073838 | MGI:1923686 | protein coding gene | Tu translation elongation factor, mitochondrial |
7 | gene | 126.49171 | 126.50364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2446242 | Atxn2l | NCBI_Gene:233871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032637 | MGI:2446242 | protein coding gene | ataxin 2-like |
7 | gene | 126.50235 | 126.53201 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921926 | 4930456A14Rik | NCBI_Gene:105243053 | MGI:1921926 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930456A14 gene |
7 | gene | 126.54645 | 126.56641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926966 | Eif3c | NCBI_Gene:56347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030738 | MGI:1926966 | protein coding gene | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit C |
7 | gene | 126.56387 | 126.56398 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454373 | Gm24596 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084453 | MGI:5454373 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24596 |
7 | gene | 126.56592 | 126.56686 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642131 | G730046D07Rik | NA | NA | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA G730046D07 gene |
7 | gene | 126.56704 | 126.56715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455356 | Gm25579 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065341 | MGI:5455356 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25579 |
7 | gene | 126.57121 | 126.58582 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107537 | Cln3 | NCBI_Gene:12752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030720 | MGI:107537 | protein coding gene | ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal 3, juvenile (Batten, Spielmeyer-Vogt disease) |
7 | gene | 126.57947 | 126.57953 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530916 | Mir7059 | miRBase:MI0022908,NCBI_Gene:102465641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098540 | MGI:5530916 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7059 |
7 | gene | 126.58491 | 126.58911 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2176230 | Apobr | NCBI_Gene:171504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042759 | MGI:2176230 | protein coding gene | apolipoprotein B receptor |
7 | gene | 126.58901 | 126.59502 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384409 | Il27 | NCBI_Gene:246779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044701 | MGI:2384409 | protein coding gene | interleukin 27 |
7 | gene | 126.61558 | 126.61848 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621971 | Gm39086 | NCBI_Gene:105243054 | MGI:5621971 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39086 |
7 | gene | 126.62177 | 126.63518 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621972 | Gm39087 | NCBI_Gene:105243055 | MGI:5621972 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39087 |
7 | gene | 126.62325 | 126.63086 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891834 | Nupr1 | NCBI_Gene:56312,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030717 | MGI:1891834 | protein coding gene | nuclear protein transcription regulator 1 |
7 | gene | 126.64854 | 126.64959 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3698051 | 2510046G10Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066175 | MGI:3698051 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 2510046G10 gene |
7 | gene | 126.64930 | 126.67293 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922815 | Sgf29 | NCBI_Gene:75565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030714 | MGI:1922815 | protein coding gene | SAGA complex associated factor 29 |
7 | gene | 126.66796 | 126.66915 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442005 | D930031A20Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930031A20 gene |
7 | gene | 126.67287 | 126.69043 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_102896 | Sult1a1 | NCBI_Gene:20887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030711 | MGI:102896 | protein coding gene | sulfotransferase family 1A, phenol-preferring, member 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.68746 | 126.69003 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782976 | Gm6939 | NCBI_Gene:629029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082922 | MGI:3782976 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6939 |
7 | gene | 126.68893 | 126.69578 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915220 | Slx1b | NCBI_Gene:75764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059772 | MGI:1915220 | protein coding gene | SLX1 structure-specific endonuclease subunit homolog B (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | gene | 126.69540 | 126.69980 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913412 | Bola2 | NCBI_Gene:66162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047721 | MGI:1913412 | protein coding gene | bolA-like 2 (E. coli) |
7 | gene | 126.69977 | 126.70779 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1345961 | Coro1a | NCBI_Gene:12721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030707 | MGI:1345961 | protein coding gene | coronin, actin binding protein 1A |
7 | pseudogene | 126.72394 | 126.72441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109488 | Snrp1c-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:20631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108357 | MGI:109488 | pseudogene | U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 1C, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 126.74063 | 126.74218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921243 | 4930448A20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108382 | MGI:1921243 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930448A20 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 126.74268 | 126.74291 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753400 | Gm44824 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108554 | MGI:5753400 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44824 |
7 | pseudogene | 126.74956 | 126.74992 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753431 | Gm44855 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108649 | MGI:5753431 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44855 |
7 | gene | 126.75960 | 126.76582 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1346859 | Mapk3 | NCBI_Gene:26417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063065 | MGI:1346859 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 |
7 | gene | 126.76633 | 126.77565 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915866 | Gdpd3 | NCBI_Gene:68616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030703 | MGI:1915866 | protein coding gene | glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 3 |
7 | gene | 126.76808 | 126.77682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704300 | Gm9967 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055323 | MGI:3704300 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 9967 |
7 | gene | 126.77696 | 126.78051 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913340 | Ypel3 | NCBI_Gene:66090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042675 | MGI:1913340 | protein coding gene | yippee like 3 |
7 | gene | 126.78148 | 126.78556 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102539 | Tbx6 | NCBI_Gene:21389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030699 | MGI:102539 | protein coding gene | T-box 6 |
7 | gene | 126.78587 | 126.79250 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891763 | Ppp4c | NCBI_Gene:56420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030697 | MGI:1891763 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 4, catalytic subunit |
7 | gene | 126.79523 | 126.80951 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_87994 | Aldoa | NCBI_Gene:11674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114515 | MGI:87994 | protein coding gene | aldolase A, fructose-bisphosphate |
7 | gene | 126.79767 | 126.83022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916202 | Fam57b | NCBI_Gene:68952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058966 | MGI:1916202 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 57, member B |
7 | gene | 126.79977 | 126.79988 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028037 | 2900046D03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900046D03 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 126.80626 | 126.80656 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753432 | Gm44856 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108423 | MGI:5753432 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44856 |
7 | gene | 126.83047 | 126.83164 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925368 | 4930451I11Rik | NCBI_Gene:78118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045989 | MGI:1925368 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930451I11 gene |
7 | gene | 126.83721 | 126.84639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753430 | Gm44854 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108583 | MGI:5753430 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44854 |
7 | gene | 126.84699 | 126.85271 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109446 | Doc2a | NCBI_Gene:13446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052301 | MGI:109446 | protein coding gene | double C2, alpha |
7 | gene | 126.85096 | 126.86238 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141881 | Ino80e | NCBI_Gene:233875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030689 | MGI:2141881 | protein coding gene | INO80 complex subunit E |
7 | gene | 126.86197 | 126.86538 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142364 | Hirip3 | NCBI_Gene:233876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042606 | MGI:2142364 | protein coding gene | HIRA interacting protein 3 |
7 | gene | 126.86568 | 126.88630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915919 | Taok2 | NCBI_Gene:381921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059981 | MGI:1915919 | protein coding gene | TAO kinase 2 |
7 | gene | 126.88617 | 126.92868 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915992 | Tmem219 | NCBI_Gene:68742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060538 | MGI:1915992 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 219 |
7 | gene | 126.89162 | 126.89724 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5313097 | Gm20650 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093768 | MGI:5313097 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20650 |
7 | gene | 126.91572 | 126.91583 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453222 | Gm23445 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064734 | MGI:5453222 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23445 |
7 | gene | 126.92884 | 126.94790 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923739 | Kctd13 | NCBI_Gene:233877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030685 | MGI:1923739 | protein coding gene | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 13 |
7 | gene | 126.93889 | 126.94064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753311 | Gm44735 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108543 | MGI:5753311 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44735 |
7 | gene | 126.94214 | 126.95287 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5439453 | Gm21984 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095334 | MGI:5439453 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 21984 |
7 | gene | 126.94557 | 126.95032 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685014 | Asphd1 | NCBI_Gene:233879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046378 | MGI:2685014 | protein coding gene | aspartate beta-hydroxylase domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 126.95044 | 126.97061 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2385295 | Sez6l2 | NCBI_Gene:233878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030683 | MGI:2385295 | protein coding gene | seizure related 6 homolog like 2 |
7 | gene | 126.97172 | 126.97617 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443610 | Cdiptos | NCBI_Gene:381922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097075 | MGI:2443610 | protein coding gene | CDIP transferase, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 126.97591 | 126.98050 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105491 | Cdipt | NCBI_Gene:52858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030682 | MGI:105491 | protein coding gene | CDP-diacylglycerol–inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase (phosphatidylinositol synthase) |
7 | gene | 126.98686 | 127.01462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925638 | Mvp | NCBI_Gene:78388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030681 | MGI:1925638 | protein coding gene | major vault protein |
7 | gene | 127.00148 | 127.01648 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141883 | Pagr1b | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092534 | MGI:5141883 | protein coding gene | PAXIP1 associated glutamate rich protein 1B |
7 | gene | 127.01503 | 127.01735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914528 | Pagr1a | NCBI_Gene:67278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030680 | MGI:1914528 | protein coding gene | PAXIP1 associated glutamate rich protein 1A |
7 | gene | 127.01505 | 127.02110 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5662879 | Gm42742 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107068 | MGI:5662879 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 42742 |
7 | gene | 127.01753 | 127.02121 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916267 | Prrt2 | NCBI_Gene:69017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045114 | MGI:1916267 | protein coding gene | proline-rich transmembrane protein 2 |
7 | gene | 127.02145 | 127.02704 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1338823 | Maz | NCBI_Gene:17188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030678 | MGI:1338823 | protein coding gene | MYC-associated zinc finger protein (purine-binding transcription factor) |
7 | gene | 127.02773 | 127.04247 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109233 | Kif22 | NCBI_Gene:110033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030677 | MGI:109233 | protein coding gene | kinesin family member 22 |
7 | gene | 127.03147 | 127.03529 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5590908 | Gm31749 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108617 | MGI:5590908 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31749 |
7 | gene | 127.04611 | 127.04636 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455110 | Gm25333 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088660 | MGI:5455110 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25333 |
7 | gene | 127.04716 | 127.04725 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5690735 | Gm44343 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106521 | MGI:5690735 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 44343 |
7 | gene | 127.05016 | 127.08733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916286 | Zg16 | NCBI_Gene:69036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049350 | MGI:1916286 | protein coding gene | zymogen granule protein 16 |
7 | gene | 127.06846 | 127.07104 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753515 | Gm44939 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108327 | MGI:5753515 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44939 |
7 | gene | 127.07948 | 127.07959 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5452524 | Gm22747 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064429 | MGI:5452524 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22747 |
7 | gene | 127.09077 | 127.09405 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141979 | AI467606 | NCBI_Gene:101602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045165 | MGI:2141979 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence AI467606 |
7 | gene | 127.10711 | 127.12223 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914625 | Qprt | NCBI_Gene:67375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030674 | MGI:1914625 | protein coding gene | quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase |
7 | gene | 127.12363 | 127.14461 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98384 | Spn | NCBI_Gene:20737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051457 | MGI:98384 | protein coding gene | sialophorin |
7 | pseudogene | 127.15507 | 127.15601 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010746 | Gm18561 | NCBI_Gene:100417362,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108362 | MGI:5010746 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18561 |
7 | gene | 127.17196 | 127.17320 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753516 | Gm44940 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108717 | MGI:5753516 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44940 |
7 | gene | 127.19103 | 127.19124 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455512 | Gm25735 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092905 | MGI:5455512 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 25735 |
7 | gene | 127.19166 | 127.19608 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917483 | Cd2bp2 | NCBI_Gene:70233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042502 | MGI:1917483 | protein coding gene | CD2 cytoplasmic tail binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 127.19746 | 127.20847 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915699 | Tbc1d10b | NCBI_Gene:68449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042492 | MGI:1915699 | protein coding gene | TBC1 domain family, member 10b |
7 | gene | 127.20885 | 127.21430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97273 | Mylpf | NCBI_Gene:17907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030672 | MGI:97273 | protein coding gene | myosin light chain, phosphorylatable, fast skeletal muscle |
7 | gene | 127.21444 | 127.23313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858916 | Sept1 | NCBI_Gene:54204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000486 | MGI:1858916 | protein coding gene | septin 1 |
7 | gene | 127.23242 | 127.23313 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3809207 | Gm4532 | NCBI_Gene:100043580 | MGI:3809207 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4532 |
7 | gene | 127.23306 | 127.23818 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384725 | Zfp553 | NCBI_Gene:233887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045598 | MGI:2384725 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 553 |
7 | gene | 127.24427 | 127.25481 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442050 | Zfp771 | NCBI_Gene:244216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054716 | MGI:2442050 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 771 |
7 | gene | 127.25696 | 127.26071 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913672 | Dctpp1 | NCBI_Gene:66422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042462 | MGI:1913672 | protein coding gene | dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 |
7 | gene | 127.27188 | 127.27406 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_108388 | Sephs2 | NCBI_Gene:20768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049091 | MGI:108388 | protein coding gene | selenophosphate synthetase 2 |
7 | gene | 127.27326 | 127.27532 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753305 | Gm44729 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108806 | MGI:5753305 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44729 |
7 | pseudogene | 127.28600 | 127.28647 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4937145 | Gm17511 | NCBI_Gene:100502641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090460 | MGI:4937145 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17511 |
7 | gene | 127.28773 | 127.29190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591056 | Gm31897 | NCBI_Gene:102634273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108760 | MGI:5591056 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 31897 |
7 | gene | 127.29623 | 127.33514 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96606 | Itgal | NCBI_Gene:16408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030830 | MGI:96606 | protein coding gene | integrin alpha L |
7 | gene | 127.34279 | 127.34559 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384582 | Zfp768 | NCBI_Gene:233890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047371 | MGI:2384582 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 768 |
7 | gene | 127.37254 | 127.37605 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443581 | Zfp747 | NCBI_Gene:269997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054381 | MGI:2443581 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 747 |
7 | gene | 127.37976 | 127.40683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443580 | Zfp764 | NCBI_Gene:233893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045757 | MGI:2443580 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 764 |
7 | gene | 127.38226 | 127.38717 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926171 | 9130019O22Rik | NCBI_Gene:78921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030823 | MGI:1926171 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130019O22 gene |
7 | gene | 127.38967 | 127.39366 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141981 | E430018J23Rik | NCBI_Gene:101604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078580 | MGI:2141981 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA E430018J23 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 127.39789 | 127.39902 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926284 | Smt3h2-ps2 | NCBI_Gene:100043590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074184 | MGI:1926284 | pseudogene | SMT3 suppressor of mif two 3 homolog 2, pseudogene 2 (S. cerevisiae) |
7 | pseudogene | 127.41075 | 127.41100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592239 | Gm33080 | NCBI_Gene:102635839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108663 | MGI:5592239 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33080 |
7 | gene | 127.41896 | 127.42364 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916484 | Zfp688 | NCBI_Gene:69234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045251 | MGI:1916484 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 688 |
7 | gene | 127.43442 | 127.43939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753760 | Gm45184 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108483 | MGI:5753760 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45184 |
7 | gene | 127.44214 | 127.44916 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918381 | Zfp689 | NCBI_Gene:71131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048921 | MGI:1918381 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 689 |
7 | gene | 127.44864 | 127.46124 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3590645 | B130055M24Rik | NCBI_Gene:654803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086502 | MGI:3590645 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B130055M24 gene |
7 | gene | 127.45547 | 127.45687 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753686 | Gm45110 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108465 | MGI:5753686 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45110 |
7 | gene | 127.45961 | 127.47677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384565 | Prr14 | NCBI_Gene:233895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030822 | MGI:2384565 | protein coding gene | proline rich 14 |
7 | gene | 127.47750 | 127.49181 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104648 | Fbrs | NCBI_Gene:14123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042423 | MGI:104648 | protein coding gene | fibrosin |
7 | gene | 127.48925 | 127.48939 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530897 | Mir7060 | miRBase:MI0022909,NCBI_Gene:102465642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098267 | MGI:5530897 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7060 |
7 | gene | 127.49084 | 127.49093 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6096121 | Gm47278 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105918 | MGI:6096121 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 47278 |
7 | gene | 127.51044 | 127.51287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916610 | 1700008J07Rik | NCBI_Gene:629159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101225 | MGI:1916610 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700008J07 gene |
7 | gene | 127.51198 | 127.56122 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444036 | Srcap | NCBI_Gene:100043597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053877 | MGI:2444036 | protein coding gene | Snf2-related CREBBP activator protein |
7 | gene | 127.51958 | 127.56705 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5662852 | Gm42715 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107023 | MGI:5662852 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 42715 |
7 | gene | 127.52787 | 127.52800 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819499 | Snora30 | NCBI_Gene:100217442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065259 | MGI:3819499 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 30 |
7 | gene | 127.55914 | 127.57312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5578904 | Gm28198 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101845 | MGI:5578904 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28198 |
7 | gene | 127.56122 | 127.56694 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5613213 | Tmem265 | NCBI_Gene:105180375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106715 | MGI:5613213 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 265 |
7 | gene | 127.57334 | 127.58331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916211 | Phkg2 | NCBI_Gene:68961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030815 | MGI:1916211 | protein coding gene | phosphorylase kinase, gamma 2 (testis) |
7 | gene | 127.57602 | 127.57924 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825665 | Gm46028 | NCBI_Gene:108167514 | MGI:5825665 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46028 |
7 | gene | 127.58238 | 127.58861 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685012 | Ccdc189 | NCBI_Gene:233899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057176 | MGI:2685012 | protein coding gene | coiled-coil domain containing 189 |
7 | gene | 127.58870 | 127.60480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142048 | Rnf40 | NCBI_Gene:233900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030816 | MGI:2142048 | protein coding gene | ring finger protein 40 |
7 | gene | 127.59042 | 127.59590 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753335 | Gm44759 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108677 | MGI:5753335 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44759 |
7 | gene | 127.60390 | 127.60444 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915482 | 1700120K04Rik | NCBI_Gene:68232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099579 | MGI:1915482 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700120K04 gene |
7 | gene | 127.60703 | 127.61580 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444524 | Zfp629 | NCBI_Gene:320683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045639 | MGI:2444524 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 629 |
7 | gene | 127.64790 | 127.65141 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621974 | Gm39089 | NCBI_Gene:105243057 | MGI:5621974 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39089 |
7 | gene | 127.65706 | 127.65823 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753336 | Gm44760 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108766 | MGI:5753336 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44760 |
7 | gene | 127.66145 | 127.70894 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1332237 | Bcl7c | NCBI_Gene:12055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030814 | MGI:1332237 | protein coding gene | B cell CLL/lymphoma 7C |
7 | gene | 127.69093 | 127.70164 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621975 | Gm39090 | NCBI_Gene:105243058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108801 | MGI:5621975 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39090 |
7 | gene | 127.70849 | 127.70856 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3691607 | Mir762 | miRBase:MI0004215,NCBI_Gene:791073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076454 | MGI:3691607 | miRNA gene | microRNA 762 |
7 | gene | 127.71270 | 127.71819 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105115 | Ctf1 | NCBI_Gene:13019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042340 | MGI:105115 | protein coding gene | cardiotrophin 1 |
7 | gene | 127.71811 | 127.73217 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2684607 | Ctf2 | NCBI_Gene:244218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060034 | MGI:2684607 | protein coding gene | cardiotrophin 2 |
7 | gene | 127.74396 | 127.76948 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039600 | Fbxl19 | NCBI_Gene:233902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030811 | MGI:3039600 | protein coding gene | F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 19 |
7 | gene | 127.76981 | 127.77515 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039586 | Orai3 | NCBI_Gene:269999,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043964 | MGI:3039586 | protein coding gene | ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 3 |
7 | gene | 127.77610 | 127.80012 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446244 | Setd1a | NCBI_Gene:233904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042308 | MGI:2446244 | protein coding gene | SET domain containing 1A |
7 | gene | 127.78561 | 127.80380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6121614 | Gm49388 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108815 | MGI:6121614 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49388 |
7 | gene | 127.80009 | 127.80276 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704302 | 9430064I24Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108402 | MGI:3704302 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430064I24 gene |
7 | gene | 127.80060 | 127.80380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141879 | Hsd3b7 | NCBI_Gene:101502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042289 | MGI:2141879 | protein coding gene | hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 7 |
7 | gene | 127.80390 | 127.82455 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930705 | Stx1b | NCBI_Gene:56216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030806 | MGI:1930705 | protein coding gene | syntaxin 1B |
7 | gene | 127.81215 | 127.81351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753780 | Gm45204 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108808 | MGI:5753780 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45204 |
7 | gene | 127.82429 | 127.85099 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_893577 | Stx4a | NCBI_Gene:20909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030805 | MGI:893577 | protein coding gene | syntaxin 4A (placental) |
7 | gene | 127.86304 | 127.87683 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442943 | Zfp668 | NCBI_Gene:244219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049728 | MGI:2442943 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 668 |
7 | gene | 127.87622 | 127.88600 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3665412 | Zfp646 | NCBI_Gene:233905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049739 | MGI:3665412 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 646 |
7 | gene | 127.88544 | 127.89296 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2652890 | Prss53 | NCBI_Gene:330657,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044139 | MGI:2652890 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 53 |
7 | gene | 127.88623 | 127.89545 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439443 | Gm21974 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030804 | MGI:5439443 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 21974 |
7 | gene | 127.89306 | 127.89562 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106442 | Vkorc1 | NCBI_Gene:27973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096145 | MGI:106442 | protein coding gene | vitamin K epoxide reductase complex, subunit 1 |
7 | gene | 127.89757 | 127.89828 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924252 | 2200002A13Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108479 | MGI:1924252 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2200002A13 gene |
7 | gene | 127.90407 | 127.91022 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1276121 | Bckdk | NCBI_Gene:12041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030802 | MGI:1276121 | protein coding gene | branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase |
7 | gene | 127.91252 | 127.92584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915023 | Kat8 | NCBI_Gene:67773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030801 | MGI:1915023 | protein coding gene | K(lysine) acetyltransferase 8 |
7 | gene | 127.92572 | 127.93015 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923810 | Prss8 | NCBI_Gene:76560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030800 | MGI:1923810 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 8 (prostasin) |
7 | gene | 127.93264 | 127.94673 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924863 | Prss36 | NCBI_Gene:77613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070371 | MGI:1924863 | protein coding gene | protease, serine 36 |
7 | gene | 127.96679 | 127.98570 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353633 | Fus | NCBI_Gene:233908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030795 | MGI:1353633 | protein coding gene | fused in sarcoma |
7 | gene | 127.98257 | 127.98488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477184 | Gm26690 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097751 | MGI:5477184 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26690 |
7 | gene | 127.98440 | 127.98488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442200 | B230325K18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230325K18 gene |
7 | gene | 127.98971 | 127.99387 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1931465 | Pycard | NCBI_Gene:66824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030793 | MGI:1931465 | protein coding gene | PYD and CARD domain containing |
7 | gene | 127.99327 | 127.99660 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753781 | Gm45205 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108353 | MGI:5753781 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45205 |
7 | gene | 128.00190 | 128.00519 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782982 | Gm15533 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087530 | MGI:3782982 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15533 |
7 | gene | 128.00342 | 128.01139 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3612190 | Trim72 | NCBI_Gene:434246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042828 | MGI:3612190 | protein coding gene | tripartite motif-containing 72 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.01288 | 128.01324 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011551 | Gm19366 | NCBI_Gene:100502780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108437 | MGI:5011551 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19366 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.01566 | 128.01727 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648290 | Gm5738 | NCBI_Gene:436010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108696 | MGI:3648290 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5738 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.04125 | 128.04239 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3648098 | Gm9299 | NCBI_Gene:668675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108381 | MGI:3648098 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9299 |
7 | gene | 128.06170 | 128.06186 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5452586 | Gm22809 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064677 | MGI:5452586 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22809 |
7 | gene | 128.06264 | 128.11849 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96607 | Itgam | NCBI_Gene:16409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030786 | MGI:96607 | protein coding gene | integrin alpha M |
7 | gene | 128.06268 | 128.12816 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_6121583 | Gm49368 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108596 | MGI:6121583 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49368 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.12638 | 128.12721 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5804815 | Gm45700 | NCBI_Gene:108167515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108578 | MGI:5804815 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45700 |
7 | gene | 128.12953 | 128.15066 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96609 | Itgax | NCBI_Gene:16411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030789 | MGI:96609 | protein coding gene | integrin alpha X |
7 | pseudogene | 128.15381 | 128.15927 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010016 | Gm17831 | NCBI_Gene:100415813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108729 | MGI:5010016 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17831 |
7 | gene | 128.15438 | 128.22382 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3578624 | Itgad | NCBI_Gene:381924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070369 | MGI:3578624 | protein coding gene | integrin, alpha D |
7 | gene | 128.18177 | 128.18410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621976 | Gm39091 | NCBI_Gene:105243059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108531 | MGI:5621976 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39091 |
7 | gene | 128.19205 | 128.20333 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918223 | 4931431B13Rik | NCBI_Gene:70973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108354 | MGI:1918223 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4931431B13 gene |
7 | gene | 128.20543 | 128.20639 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104649 | Cox6a2 | NCBI_Gene:12862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030785 | MGI:104649 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A2 |
7 | gene | 128.21562 | 128.22079 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753426 | Gm44850 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108604 | MGI:5753426 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44850 |
7 | gene | 128.23445 | 128.23803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2442738 | 9130023H24Rik | NCBI_Gene:100043133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062944 | MGI:2442738 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 9130023H24 gene |
7 | gene | 128.23734 | 128.24510 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384586 | Armc5 | NCBI_Gene:233912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042178 | MGI:2384586 | protein coding gene | armadillo repeat containing 5 |
7 | gene | 128.24680 | 128.25570 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_102784 | Tgfb1i1 | NCBI_Gene:21804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030782 | MGI:102784 | protein coding gene | transforming growth factor beta 1 induced transcript 1 |
7 | gene | 128.26566 | 128.27243 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2181411 | Slc5a2 | NCBI_Gene:246787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030781 | MGI:2181411 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 5 (sodium/glucose cotransporter), member 2 |
7 | gene | 128.27138 | 128.29817 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2384572 | BC017158 | NCBI_Gene:233913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030780 | MGI:2384572 | protein coding gene | cDNA sequence BC017158 |
7 | gene | 128.28837 | 128.28843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4834322 | Mir3103 | miRBase:MI0014100,NCBI_Gene:100526559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093215 | MGI:4834322 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3103 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.31478 | 128.34106 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644024 | Gm6916 | NCBI_Gene:628781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108608 | MGI:3644024 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6916 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.32981 | 128.33000 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753226 | Gm44650 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108636 | MGI:5753226 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44650 |
7 | gene | 128.34431 | 128.34785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591866 | Gm32707 | NCBI_Gene:102635344 | MGI:5591866 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32707 |
7 | gene | 128.35879 | 128.36701 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621977 | Gm39092 | NCBI_Gene:105243060 | MGI:5621977 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39092 |
7 | gene | 128.37362 | 128.41920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915115 | Rgs10 | NCBI_Gene:67865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030844 | MGI:1915115 | protein coding gene | regulator of G-protein signalling 10 |
7 | gene | 128.40897 | 128.41234 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782950 | Gm15503 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084964 | MGI:3782950 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15503 |
7 | gene | 128.42994 | 128.43782 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591924 | Gm32765 | NCBI_Gene:102635419 | MGI:5591924 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32765 |
7 | gene | 128.43977 | 128.46172 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107913 | Tial1 | NCBI_Gene:21843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030846 | MGI:107913 | protein coding gene | Tia1 cytotoxic granule-associated RNA binding protein-like 1 |
7 | gene | 128.46179 | 128.47557 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591975 | Gm32816 | NCBI_Gene:102635493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108668 | MGI:5591975 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32816 |
7 | gene | 128.47801 | 128.47814 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454142 | Gm24365 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093125 | MGI:5454142 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 24365 |
7 | gene | 128.48794 | 128.50019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623342 | Gm40457 | NCBI_Gene:105244935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108626 | MGI:5623342 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 40457 |
7 | gene | 128.52256 | 128.52315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918169 | 4921520J07Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4921520J07 gene |
7 | gene | 128.52358 | 128.54698 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1352493 | Bag3 | NCBI_Gene:29810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030847 | MGI:1352493 | protein coding gene | BCL2-associated athanogene 3 |
7 | gene | 128.53893 | 128.53954 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917710 | 2610306O10Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108614 | MGI:1917710 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2610306O10 gene |
7 | gene | 128.59093 | 128.59334 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753697 | Gm45121 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108795 | MGI:5753697 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45121 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.59577 | 128.59630 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644893 | Gm7258 | NCBI_Gene:639030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096557 | MGI:3644893 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7258 |
7 | gene | 128.61078 | 128.69644 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141867 | Inpp5f | NCBI_Gene:101490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042105 | MGI:2141867 | protein coding gene | inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase F |
7 | pseudogene | 128.68854 | 128.68882 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5663717 | Gm43580 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107062 | MGI:5663717 | pseudogene | predicted gene 43580 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.69269 | 128.69320 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3801992 | Gm16044 | NCBI_Gene:100417490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081339 | MGI:3801992 | pseudogene | predicted gene 16044 |
7 | gene | 128.69644 | 128.74050 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1920977 | Mcmbp | NCBI_Gene:210711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048170 | MGI:1920977 | protein coding gene | minichromosome maintenance complex binding protein |
7 | gene | 128.72105 | 128.72204 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753249 | Gm44673 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108388 | MGI:5753249 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44673 |
7 | gene | 128.72839 | 128.72952 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753250 | Gm44674 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108648 | MGI:5753250 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44674 |
7 | gene | 128.73420 | 128.73430 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453560 | Gm23783 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088566 | MGI:5453560 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23783 |
7 | gene | 128.74418 | 128.74528 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753248 | Gm44672 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108720 | MGI:5753248 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44672 |
7 | gene | 128.74486 | 128.78484 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2450915 | Sec23ip | NCBI_Gene:207352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055319 | MGI:2450915 | protein coding gene | Sec23 interacting protein |
7 | gene | 128.77485 | 128.77496 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4422021 | n-R5s158 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077283 | MGI:4422021 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 158 |
7 | gene | 128.79519 | 128.92801 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592043 | Gm32884 | NCBI_Gene:102635592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108600 | MGI:5592043 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32884 |
7 | gene | 128.82635 | 128.82647 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455555 | Gm25778 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080363 | MGI:5455555 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 25778 |
7 | gene | 128.84306 | 128.84537 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621978 | Gm39093 | NCBI_Gene:105243062 | MGI:5621978 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39093 |
7 | pseudogene | 128.99734 | 128.99802 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643845 | Gm4768 | NCBI_Gene:210714,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108540 | MGI:3643845 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4768 |
7 | pseudogene | 129.05427 | 129.05510 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782436 | Gm4259 | NCBI_Gene:100043144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108785 | MGI:3782436 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4259 |
7 | gene | 129.25702 | 129.39141 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685936 | Plpp4 | NCBI_Gene:381925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070366 | MGI:2685936 | protein coding gene | phospholipid phosphatase 4 |
7 | gene | 129.39810 | 129.40330 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592186 | Gm33027 | NCBI_Gene:102635775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108713 | MGI:5592186 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33027 |
7 | gene | 129.59171 | 129.63574 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920230 | Wdr11 | NCBI_Gene:207425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042055 | MGI:1920230 | protein coding gene | WD repeat domain 11 |
7 | gene | 129.64413 | 129.65808 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592281 | Gm33122 | NCBI_Gene:102635904 | MGI:5592281 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33122 |
7 | gene | 129.65810 | 129.73165 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621979 | Gm39094 | NCBI_Gene:105243063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108580 | MGI:5621979 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39094 |
7 | gene | 129.66741 | 129.69396 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592407 | Gm33248 | NCBI_Gene:102636076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108481 | MGI:5592407 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33248 |
7 | gene | 129.76393 | 129.76465 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592557 | Gm33398 | NCBI_Gene:102636290 | MGI:5592557 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33398 |
7 | gene | 129.76478 | 129.79303 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592482 | Gm33323 | NCBI_Gene:102636184 | MGI:5592482 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33323 |
7 | gene | 129.81085 | 129.82380 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621980 | Gm39095 | NCBI_Gene:105243064 | MGI:5621980 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39095 |
7 | gene | 129.83305 | 129.85378 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753354 | Gm44778 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108576 | MGI:5753354 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44778 |
7 | gene | 129.91772 | 129.92472 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921540 | 1700102J08Rik | NCBI_Gene:74290 | MGI:1921540 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700102J08 gene |
7 | gene | 129.96216 | 129.97867 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782442 | Gm4265 | NCBI_Gene:100043150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108504 | MGI:3782442 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4265 |
7 | gene | 130.03509 | 130.03520 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5453624 | Gm23847 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065763 | MGI:5453624 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 23847 |
7 | gene | 130.08654 | 130.09491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621981 | Gm39096 | NCBI_Gene:105243065 | MGI:5621981 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39096 |
7 | gene | 130.16245 | 133.12335 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95523 | Fgfr2 | NCBI_Gene:14183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030849 | MGI:95523 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 |
7 | gene | 130.27326 | 130.31554 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592714 | Gm33555 | NCBI_Gene:102636510 | MGI:5592714 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33555 |
7 | gene | 130.30965 | 130.31594 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592766 | Gm33607 | NCBI_Gene:102636585 | MGI:5592766 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33607 |
7 | gene | 130.32607 | 130.34076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592820 | Gm33661 | NCBI_Gene:102636656 | MGI:5592820 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33661 |
7 | gene | 130.33488 | 130.33740 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621982 | Gm39097 | NCBI_Gene:105243066 | MGI:5621982 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39097 |
7 | pseudogene | 130.34352 | 130.35440 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644470 | Gm5903 | NCBI_Gene:546005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082988 | MGI:3644470 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5903 |
7 | gene | 130.37477 | 130.38295 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592930 | Gm33771 | NCBI_Gene:102636799 | MGI:5592930 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33771 |
7 | gene | 130.39149 | 130.52127 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333870 | Ate1 | NCBI_Gene:11907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030850 | MGI:1333870 | protein coding gene | arginyltransferase 1 |
7 | gene | 130.39833 | 130.39863 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1920695 | 1700048C15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700048C15 gene |
7 | gene | 130.45601 | 130.45767 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804834 | Gm45719 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108940 | MGI:5804834 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45719 |
7 | pseudogene | 130.51966 | 130.52971 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782452 | Gm4275 | NCBI_Gene:102636907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099422 | MGI:3782452 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4275 |
7 | gene | 130.52085 | 130.52127 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753223 | Gm44647 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109016 | MGI:5753223 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44647 |
7 | gene | 130.52725 | 130.52733 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531266 | Gm27884 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099232 | MGI:5531266 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27884 |
7 | gene | 130.53252 | 130.57312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915122 | Nsmce4a | NCBI_Gene:67872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040331 | MGI:1915122 | protein coding gene | NSE4 homolog A, SMC5-SMC6 complex component |
7 | gene | 130.55301 | 130.76771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928899 | Tacc2 | NCBI_Gene:57752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030852 | MGI:1928899 | protein coding gene | transforming, acidic coiled-coil containing protein 2 |
7 | gene | 130.60195 | 130.61949 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593524 | Gm34365 | NCBI_Gene:102637598 | MGI:5593524 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34365 |
7 | gene | 130.64456 | 130.64593 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621983 | Gm39098 | NCBI_Gene:105243067 | MGI:5621983 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39098 |
7 | gene | 130.65313 | 130.65439 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922358 | 4930513N20Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109225 | MGI:1922358 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930513N20 gene |
7 | gene | 130.70250 | 130.72852 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593442 | Gm34283 | NCBI_Gene:102637489 | MGI:5593442 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34283 |
7 | pseudogene | 130.76695 | 130.77413 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3779553 | Gm6108 | NCBI_Gene:108167461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109104 | MGI:3779553 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6108 |
7 | gene | 130.77064 | 130.77265 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2149837 | Etos1 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050189 | MGI:2149837 | lncRNA gene | ectopic ossification 1 |
7 | gene | 130.77407 | 130.82590 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3045247 | Btbd16 | NCBI_Gene:330660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040298 | MGI:3045247 | protein coding gene | BTB (POZ) domain containing 16 |
7 | gene | 130.86056 | 130.91331 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442213 | Plekha1 | NCBI_Gene:101476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040268 | MGI:2442213 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A (phosphoinositide binding specific) member 1 |
7 | gene | 130.86129 | 130.86633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645136 | Gm5602 | NCBI_Gene:434249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086108 | MGI:3645136 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 5602 |
7 | gene | 130.90827 | 130.90833 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5562779 | Mir7061 | miRBase:MI0022910,NCBI_Gene:102466219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104914 | MGI:5562779 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7061 |
7 | gene | 130.93611 | 130.98566 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1929076 | Htra1 | NCBI_Gene:56213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006205 | MGI:1929076 | protein coding gene | HtrA serine peptidase 1 |
7 | gene | 131.03205 | 131.12163 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106210 | Dmbt1 | NCBI_Gene:12945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047517 | MGI:106210 | protein coding gene | deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 |
7 | gene | 131.13771 | 131.14631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914681 | 4933402N03Rik | NCBI_Gene:233918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013668 | MGI:1914681 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933402N03 gene |
7 | gene | 131.14644 | 131.15058 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916745 | 1700029B22Rik | NCBI_Gene:69495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100759 | MGI:1916745 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700029B22 gene |
7 | gene | 131.17440 | 131.30645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918645 | Cdcp3 | NCBI_Gene:71395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006204 | MGI:1918645 | protein coding gene | CUB domain containing protein 3 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.26266 | 131.26613 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010892 | Gm18707 | NCBI_Gene:100417600 | MGI:5010892 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18707 |
7 | gene | 131.28359 | 131.30645 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142288 | BB114814 | NCBI_Gene:100043173 | MGI:2142288 | protein coding gene | expressed sequence BB114814 |
7 | gene | 131.30855 | 131.32229 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1202881 | Cuzd1 | NCBI_Gene:16433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040205 | MGI:1202881 | protein coding gene | CUB and zona pellucida-like domains 1 |
7 | gene | 131.32593 | 131.33143 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916568 | Fam24b | NCBI_Gene:69318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030858 | MGI:1916568 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 24 member B |
7 | gene | 131.33386 | 131.33693 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915473 | Fam24a | NCBI_Gene:68223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030859 | MGI:1915473 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 24, member A |
7 | gene | 131.33822 | 131.33859 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444523 | 9330174C13Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9330174C13 gene |
7 | gene | 131.33822 | 131.36284 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915527 | 2310057M21Rik | NCBI_Gene:68277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040177 | MGI:1915527 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 2310057M21 gene |
7 | gene | 131.37111 | 131.39448 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685945 | Pstk | NCBI_Gene:214580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063179 | MGI:2685945 | protein coding gene | phosphoseryl-tRNA kinase |
7 | gene | 131.38551 | 131.38595 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753199 | Gm44623 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108883 | MGI:5753199 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44623 |
7 | gene | 131.38865 | 131.41052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914393 | Ikzf5 | NCBI_Gene:67143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040167 | MGI:1914393 | protein coding gene | IKAROS family zinc finger 5 |
7 | gene | 131.39626 | 131.39854 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753200 | Gm44624 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109570 | MGI:5753200 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44624 |
7 | gene | 131.40124 | 131.40280 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753201 | Gm44625 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108910 | MGI:5753201 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44625 |
7 | gene | 131.41060 | 131.44894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914135 | Acadsb | NCBI_Gene:66885,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030861 | MGI:1914135 | protein coding gene | acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, short/branched chain |
7 | gene | 131.44047 | 131.44094 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753558 | Gm44982 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109399 | MGI:5753558 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44982 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.45689 | 131.45752 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010785 | Gm18600 | NCBI_Gene:100417417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108964 | MGI:5010785 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18600 |
7 | gene | 131.46173 | 131.47222 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621984 | Gm39099 | NCBI_Gene:105243068 | MGI:5621984 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39099 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.47247 | 131.47287 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753560 | Gm44984 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108989 | MGI:5753560 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44984 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.49351 | 131.49390 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753681 | Gm45105 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109087 | MGI:5753681 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45105 |
7 | gene | 131.54114 | 131.54603 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107160 | Hmx3 | NCBI_Gene:15373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040148 | MGI:107160 | protein coding gene | H6 homeobox 3 |
7 | gene | 131.54877 | 131.55887 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_107159 | Hmx2 | NCBI_Gene:15372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050100 | MGI:107159 | protein coding gene | H6 homeobox 2 |
7 | gene | 131.56022 | 131.57190 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1343463 | Bub3 | NCBI_Gene:12237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066979 | MGI:1343463 | protein coding gene | BUB3 mitotic checkpoint protein |
7 | pseudogene | 131.61415 | 131.61501 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646779 | Gm16477 | NCBI_Gene:677073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062758 | MGI:3646779 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 16477 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.67424 | 131.67491 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782768 | Gm4585 | NCBI_Gene:100043679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109066 | MGI:3782768 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4585 |
7 | gene | 131.75511 | 131.75782 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3045273 | 9030223M17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9030223M17 gene |
7 | gene | 131.78513 | 131.78658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753123 | Gm44547 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108839 | MGI:5753123 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44547 |
7 | gene | 131.82401 | 131.88386 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753122 | Gm44546 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109014 | MGI:5753122 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44546 |
7 | gene | 131.82477 | 131.82792 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593804 | Gm34645 | NCBI_Gene:102637964 | MGI:5593804 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34645 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.93239 | 131.93265 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592305 | Gm33146 | NCBI_Gene:102635936 | MGI:5592305 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33146 |
7 | pseudogene | 131.93246 | 131.93265 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753124 | Gm44548 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109340 | MGI:5753124 | pseudogene | predicted gene 44548 |
7 | gene | 131.93662 | 131.96374 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593884 | Gm34725 | NCBI_Gene:102638076 | MGI:5593884 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34725 |
7 | gene | 131.93787 | 131.93813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922899 | 1700016L15Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700016L15 gene |
7 | gene | 131.96614 | 131.99441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2441758 | Gpr26 | NCBI_Gene:233919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040125 | MGI:2441758 | protein coding gene | G protein-coupled receptor 26 |
7 | gene | 131.98829 | 131.99441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3039631 | BC058420 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence BC058420 |
7 | gene | 132.03269 | 132.15476 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926006 | Cpxm2 | NCBI_Gene:55987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030862 | MGI:1926006 | protein coding gene | carboxypeptidase X 2 (M14 family) |
7 | gene | 132.05864 | 132.05876 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4422022 | n-R5s159 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084630 | MGI:4422022 | rRNA gene | nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 159 |
7 | gene | 132.15417 | 132.15530 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783119 | Gm15677 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086814 | MGI:3783119 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15677 |
7 | gene | 132.23578 | 132.32353 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924840 | Chst15 | NCBI_Gene:77590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030930 | MGI:1924840 | protein coding gene | carbohydrate sulfotransferase 15 |
7 | gene | 132.31186 | 132.31408 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753467 | Gm44891 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109555 | MGI:5753467 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44891 |
7 | gene | 132.31491 | 132.31631 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011648 | Gm19463 | NCBI_Gene:100502937 | MGI:5011648 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 19463 |
7 | gene | 132.31566 | 132.31829 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641800 | Gm10584 | NCBI_Gene:100043682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109270 | MGI:3641800 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10584 |
7 | gene | 132.32160 | 132.32208 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753468 | Gm44892 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109550 | MGI:5753468 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44892 |
7 | gene | 132.36036 | 132.38658 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594067 | Gm34908 | NCBI_Gene:102638315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109137 | MGI:5594067 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34908 |
7 | gene | 132.40599 | 132.41741 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621986 | Gm39101 | NCBI_Gene:105243071 | MGI:5621986 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39101 |
7 | gene | 132.42003 | 132.42371 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621987 | Gm39102 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene%2c 39102 |
7 | gene | 132.42003 | 132.42371 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753469 | Gm44893 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108870 | MGI:5753469 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44893 |
7 | gene | 132.46025 | 132.46666 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594306 | Gm35147 | NCBI_Gene:102638626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108849 | MGI:5594306 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35147 |
7 | gene | 132.46592 | 132.46681 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825639 | Gm46002 | NCBI_Gene:108167462 | MGI:5825639 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46002 |
7 | pseudogene | 132.48353 | 132.48439 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782770 | Gm4587 | NCBI_Gene:100043683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108858 | MGI:3782770 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4587 |
7 | gene | 132.53824 | 132.54187 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594408 | Gm35249 | NCBI_Gene:102638764 | MGI:5594408 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35249 |
7 | gene | 132.55748 | 132.57640 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_97394 | Oat | NCBI_Gene:18242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030934 | MGI:97394 | protein coding gene | ornithine aminotransferase |
7 | gene | 132.59488 | 132.59964 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104806 | Nkx1-2 | NCBI_Gene:20231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048528 | MGI:104806 | protein coding gene | NK1 homeobox 2 |
7 | gene | 132.59739 | 132.59964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4439688 | Gm16764 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087657 | MGI:4439688 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16764 |
7 | pseudogene | 132.60762 | 132.60792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825658 | Gm46021 | NCBI_Gene:108167505 | MGI:5825658 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 46021 |
7 | gene | 132.61061 | 132.70642 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923679 | Lhpp | NCBI_Gene:76429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030946 | MGI:1923679 | protein coding gene | phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase |
7 | gene | 132.65738 | 132.65988 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783030 | Gm15582 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087348 | MGI:3783030 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15582 |
7 | gene | 132.71208 | 132.81389 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925188 | Fam53b | NCBI_Gene:77938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030956 | MGI:1925188 | protein coding gene | family with sequence similarity 53, member B |
7 | gene | 132.82723 | 132.85272 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919346 | Eef1akmt2 | NCBI_Gene:72096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030960 | MGI:1919346 | protein coding gene | EEF1A lysine methyltransferase 2 |
7 | gene | 132.83770 | 132.84022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791337 | Gm45501 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110159 | MGI:5791337 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45501 |
7 | gene | 132.85923 | 132.88511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926116 | Abraxas2 | NCBI_Gene:109359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030965 | MGI:1926116 | protein coding gene | BRISC complex subunit |
7 | gene | 132.87461 | 132.93120 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923933 | 1500002F19Rik | NCBI_Gene:76683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097595 | MGI:1923933 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1500002F19 gene |
7 | gene | 132.89688 | 132.90013 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825640 | Gm46003 | NCBI_Gene:108167463 | MGI:5825640 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46003 |
7 | gene | 132.91109 | 132.91973 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791338 | Gm45502 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109842 | MGI:5791338 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45502 |
7 | gene | 132.93114 | 132.98639 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_106441 | Zranb1 | NCBI_Gene:360216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030967 | MGI:106441 | protein coding gene | zinc finger, RAN-binding domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 132.97958 | 132.98355 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3783160 | Gm15718 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085663 | MGI:3783160 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15718 |
7 | gene | 132.98701 | 133.12435 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1201686 | Ctbp2 | NCBI_Gene:13017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030970 | MGI:1201686 | protein coding gene | C-terminal binding protein 2 |
7 | gene | 133.00144 | 133.00556 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921630 | 4932437C15Rik | NCBI_Gene:102639040 | MGI:1921630 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4932437C15 gene |
7 | gene | 133.09383 | 133.09563 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3026942 | D930021H04Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA D930021H04 gene |
7 | gene | 133.11653 | 133.12027 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2443202 | B930086L07Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110282 | MGI:2443202 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA B930086L07 gene |
7 | gene | 133.12355 | 133.12461 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594523 | Gm35364 | NCBI_Gene:102638918 | MGI:5594523 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 35364 |
7 | gene | 133.12825 | 133.14246 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922220 | 4930483O08Rik | NCBI_Gene:74970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109816 | MGI:1922220 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930483O08 gene |
7 | gene | 133.21595 | 133.22153 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594726 | Gm35567 | NCBI_Gene:102639206 | MGI:5594726 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35567 |
7 | gene | 133.31999 | 133.33320 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791508 | Gm45672 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109619 | MGI:5791508 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45672 |
7 | pseudogene | 133.40879 | 133.40948 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3645188 | Gm9330 | NCBI_Gene:668747 | MGI:3645188 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9330 |
7 | gene | 133.58702 | 133.60216 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921058 | Tex36 | NCBI_Gene:73808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030976 | MGI:1921058 | protein coding gene | testis expressed 36 |
7 | gene | 133.60226 | 133.61626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594784 | Gm35625 | NCBI_Gene:102639277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110026 | MGI:5594784 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35625 |
7 | gene | 133.60823 | 133.61626 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791507 | Gm45671 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109917 | MGI:5791507 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45671 |
7 | gene | 133.62635 | 133.62772 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579453 | Gm28747 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101546 | MGI:5579453 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28747 |
7 | gene | 133.63753 | 133.67302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919831 | Edrf1 | NCBI_Gene:214764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039990 | MGI:1919831 | protein coding gene | erythroid differentiation regulatory factor 1 |
7 | gene | 133.67427 | 133.68006 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2664387 | Mmp21 | NCBI_Gene:214766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030981 | MGI:2664387 | protein coding gene | matrix metallopeptidase 21 |
7 | gene | 133.68614 | 133.71052 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98917 | Uros | NCBI_Gene:22276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030979 | MGI:98917 | protein coding gene | uroporphyrinogen III synthase |
7 | gene | 133.70933 | 133.72115 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1913415 | Bccip | NCBI_Gene:66165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030983 | MGI:1913415 | protein coding gene | BRCA2 and CDKN1A interacting protein |
7 | gene | 133.72093 | 133.78278 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2141813 | Dhx32 | NCBI_Gene:101437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030986 | MGI:2141813 | protein coding gene | DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 32 |
7 | pseudogene | 133.73843 | 133.74019 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705631 | Gm15483 | NCBI_Gene:100043695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081431 | MGI:3705631 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15483 |
7 | gene | 133.74762 | 133.75304 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791506 | Gm45670 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109635 | MGI:5791506 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45670 |
7 | gene | 133.77686 | 133.88154 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914180 | Fank1 | NCBI_Gene:66930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053111 | MGI:1914180 | protein coding gene | fibronectin type 3 and ankyrin repeat domains 1 |
7 | gene | 133.88320 | 134.23215 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105378 | Adam12 | NCBI_Gene:11489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054555 | MGI:105378 | protein coding gene | a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 12 (meltrin alpha) |
7 | gene | 133.93962 | 133.93974 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453408 | Gm23631 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093032 | MGI:5453408 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 23631 |
7 | gene | 133.97608 | 133.97735 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923232 | 5033415L01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 5033415L01 gene |
7 | gene | 134.01532 | 134.01752 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3028071 | 6030403N03Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030403N03 gene |
7 | gene | 134.02040 | 134.03944 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621988 | Gm39103 | NCBI_Gene:105243074 | MGI:5621988 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39103 |
7 | gene | 134.09579 | 134.10028 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5011699 | Gm19514 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108478 | MGI:5011699 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 19514 |
7 | gene | 134.18490 | 134.19489 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921993 | 5830403F22Rik | NCBI_Gene:74743 | MGI:1921993 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5830403F22 gene |
7 | gene | 134.22747 | 134.23071 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444285 | A130023I24Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050066 | MGI:2444285 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA A130023I24 gene |
7 | gene | 134.26132 | 134.26188 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919483 | 1700023G08Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700023G08 gene |
7 | gene | 134.26578 | 134.52013 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1196431 | D7Ertd443e | NCBI_Gene:71007,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030994 | MGI:1196431 | protein coding gene | DNA segment, Chr 7, ERATO Doi 443, expressed |
7 | gene | 134.41027 | 134.41465 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595129 | Gm35970 | NCBI_Gene:102639727 | MGI:5595129 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 35970 |
7 | gene | 134.49819 | 134.50116 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782776 | Gm4593 | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 4593 |
7 | pseudogene | 134.66034 | 134.66166 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643231 | Gm9333 | NCBI_Gene:668750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108702 | MGI:3643231 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9333 |
7 | gene | 134.67060 | 135.17365 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2429765 | Dock1 | NCBI_Gene:330662,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058325 | MGI:2429765 | protein coding gene | dedicator of cytokinesis 1 |
7 | gene | 134.88191 | 134.93843 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3605068 | Insyn2a | NCBI_Gene:627214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073805 | MGI:3605068 | protein coding gene | inhibitory synaptic factor 2A |
7 | gene | 134.90067 | 134.90429 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791368 | Gm45532 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110167 | MGI:5791368 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45532 |
7 | gene | 134.90992 | 134.91191 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791433 | Gm45597 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109608 | MGI:5791433 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45597 |
7 | gene | 135.13151 | 135.13165 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454358 | Gm24581 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077150 | MGI:5454358 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 24581 |
7 | gene | 135.19176 | 135.19600 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921564 | 1700120G07Rik | NCBI_Gene:74314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100717 | MGI:1921564 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700120G07 gene |
7 | gene | 135.25870 | 135.27294 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642232 | Nps | NCBI_Gene:100043254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073804 | MGI:3642232 | protein coding gene | neuropeptide S |
7 | gene | 135.27466 | 135.27715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791175 | Gm45339 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109891 | MGI:5791175 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45339 |
7 | gene | 135.39565 | 135.39826 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595221 | Gm36062 | NCBI_Gene:102639844 | MGI:5595221 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36062 |
7 | gene | 135.39633 | 135.39954 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1926057 | 4930544L04Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073803 | MGI:1926057 | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930544L04 gene |
7 | gene | 135.41031 | 135.41362 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3028075 | Foxi2 | NCBI_Gene:270004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048377 | MGI:3028075 | protein coding gene | forkhead box I2 |
7 | gene | 135.42413 | 135.42991 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621990 | Gm39105 | NCBI_Gene:105243076 | MGI:5621990 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39105 |
7 | gene | 135.48583 | 135.49230 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595515 | Gm36356 | NCBI_Gene:102640242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109598 | MGI:5595515 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36356 |
7 | gene | 135.51146 | 135.52865 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142022 | Clrn3 | NCBI_Gene:212070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050866 | MGI:2142022 | protein coding gene | clarin 3 |
7 | gene | 135.53748 | 135.68629 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_97813 | Ptpre | NCBI_Gene:19267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041836 | MGI:97813 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, E |
7 | gene | 135.56616 | 135.56628 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3837207 | Mir1962 | miRBase:MI0009959,NCBI_Gene:100316818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088141 | MGI:3837207 | miRNA gene | microRNA 1962 |
7 | gene | 135.56686 | 135.56813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1925001 | 9230118N17Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9230118N17 gene |
7 | gene | 135.63593 | 135.65231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915015 | 5830432E09Rik | NCBI_Gene:67765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097471 | MGI:1915015 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 5830432E09 gene |
7 | gene | 135.68978 | 135.71641 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106035 | Mki67 | NCBI_Gene:17345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031004 | MGI:106035 | protein coding gene | antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67 |
7 | gene | 135.70919 | 135.70987 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791076 | Gm45240 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109910 | MGI:5791076 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45240 |
7 | gene | 135.74268 | 135.83319 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595590 | Gm36431 | NCBI_Gene:102640342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109831 | MGI:5595590 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36431 |
7 | gene | 135.85071 | 135.85445 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791077 | Gm45241 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110078 | MGI:5791077 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45241 |
7 | gene | 135.85368 | 135.85598 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2442260 | 6330420H09Rik | NCBI_Gene:319551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109898 | MGI:2442260 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 6330420H09 gene |
7 | gene | 135.89282 | 135.89447 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791276 | Gm45440 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110004 | MGI:5791276 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45440 |
7 | pseudogene | 135.90746 | 135.90781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791275 | Gm45439 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110113 | MGI:5791275 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45439 |
7 | pseudogene | 135.95279 | 135.95398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3645378 | Gm9341 | NCBI_Gene:668764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098031 | MGI:3645378 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9341 |
7 | gene | 136.15316 | 136.16032 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5595834 | Gm36675 | NCBI_Gene:102640661 | MGI:5595834 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36675 |
7 | gene | 136.16709 | 136.18161 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5595896 | Gm36737 | NCBI_Gene:102640741,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110396 | MGI:5595896 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36737 |
7 | gene | 136.26832 | 136.31851 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924633 | C030029H02Rik | NCBI_Gene:77383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110027 | MGI:1924633 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C030029H02 gene |
7 | gene | 136.28866 | 136.29233 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791262 | Gm45426 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109792 | MGI:5791262 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45426 |
7 | gene | 136.32014 | 136.32410 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642230 | Gm10579 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10579 |
7 | gene | 136.33222 | 136.34941 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5439416 | C230079O03Rik | NCBI_Gene:330664,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109633 | MGI:5439416 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C230079O03 gene |
7 | gene | 136.35319 | 136.35672 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5596008 | Gm36849 | NCBI_Gene:102640891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109981 | MGI:5596008 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 36849 |
7 | gene | 136.37363 | 136.39041 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589031 | Gm29872 | NCBI_Gene:102631569 | MGI:5589031 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29872 |
7 | gene | 136.49623 | 136.50355 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589090 | Gm29931 | NCBI_Gene:102631644 | MGI:5589090 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29931 |
7 | gene | 136.50903 | 136.50933 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454221 | Gm24444 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087869 | MGI:5454221 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 24444 |
7 | pseudogene | 136.65721 | 136.65827 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3644469 | Gm5904 | NCBI_Gene:546009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109894 | MGI:3644469 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5904 |
7 | gene | 136.66796 | 136.71060 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3644248 | Gm6249 | NCBI_Gene:621677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110101 | MGI:3644248 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 6249 |
7 | gene | 136.67709 | 136.68044 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589137 | Gm29978 | NCBI_Gene:102631708 | MGI:5589137 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 29978 |
7 | pseudogene | 136.81077 | 136.81265 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648409 | Gm9347 | NCBI_Gene:668771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110126 | MGI:3648409 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9347 |
7 | gene | 136.89447 | 137.13027 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96977 | Mgmt | NCBI_Gene:17314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054612 | MGI:96977 | protein coding gene | O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase |
7 | gene | 136.92094 | 136.92349 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791116 | Gm45280 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109721 | MGI:5791116 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45280 |
7 | gene | 137.09055 | 137.09642 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621993 | Gm39108 | NCBI_Gene:105243080 | MGI:5621993 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39108 |
7 | gene | 137.12380 | 137.12571 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1914801 | 4933409L14Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933409L14 gene |
7 | gene | 137.13256 | 137.13720 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621994 | Gm39109 | NCBI_Gene:105243081 | MGI:5621994 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39109 |
7 | gene | 137.14581 | 137.14946 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589220 | Gm30061 | NCBI_Gene:102631820 | MGI:5589220 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30061 |
7 | pseudogene | 137.16782 | 137.16810 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791335 | Gm45499 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110174 | MGI:5791335 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45499 |
7 | gene | 137.19367 | 137.32278 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_894289 | Ebf3 | NCBI_Gene:13593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010476 | MGI:894289 | protein coding gene | early B cell factor 3 |
7 | gene | 137.19849 | 137.20172 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791114 | Gm45278 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109847 | MGI:5791114 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45278 |
7 | gene | 137.23468 | 137.24261 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642555 | Gm10578 | NCBI_Gene:100038555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109722 | MGI:3642555 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10578 |
7 | pseudogene | 137.33574 | 137.33643 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791350 | Gm45514 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109677 | MGI:5791350 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45514 |
7 | pseudogene | 137.37084 | 137.37326 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010026 | Gm17841 | NCBI_Gene:100415960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109843 | MGI:5010026 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 17841 |
7 | gene | 137.37557 | 137.41192 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924502 | 9430038I01Rik | NCBI_Gene:77252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040139 | MGI:1924502 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430038I01 gene |
7 | gene | 137.43620 | 137.46859 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1353653 | Glrx3 | NCBI_Gene:30926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031068 | MGI:1353653 | protein coding gene | glutaredoxin 3 |
7 | gene | 137.46926 | 137.47218 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621995 | Gm39110 | NCBI_Gene:105243082 | MGI:5621995 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39110 |
7 | gene | 137.55711 | 137.56459 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791233 | Gm45397 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109973 | MGI:5791233 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45397 |
7 | gene | 137.63052 | 137.65403 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1923188 | 4930570E01Rik | NCBI_Gene:108167464 | MGI:1923188 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930570E01 gene |
7 | gene | 137.64909 | 137.65034 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791519 | Gm45683 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110145 | MGI:5791519 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45683 |
7 | gene | 137.73427 | 137.73796 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791518 | Gm45682 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110090 | MGI:5791518 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45682 |
7 | pseudogene | 138.06196 | 138.06260 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646505 | Gm5650 | NCBI_Gene:435235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109834 | MGI:3646505 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5650 |
7 | gene | 138.09751 | 138.12358 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589554 | Gm30395 | NCBI_Gene:102632270 | MGI:5589554 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30395 |
7 | gene | 138.10143 | 138.10154 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455575 | Gm25798 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064575 | MGI:5455575 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25798 |
7 | gene | 138.20897 | 138.39773 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1917821 | Tcerg1l | NCBI_Gene:70571,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091002 | MGI:1917821 | protein coding gene | transcription elongation regulator 1-like |
7 | gene | 138.41361 | 138.42176 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791522 | Gm45686 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110354 | MGI:5791522 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45686 |
7 | gene | 138.48666 | 138.60842 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5589910 | Gm30751 | NCBI_Gene:102632763 | MGI:5589910 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30751 |
7 | gene | 138.55423 | 138.56771 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1922437 | 4930543N07Rik | NCBI_Gene:75187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110037 | MGI:1922437 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4930543N07 gene |
7 | gene | 138.56188 | 138.56230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924206 | 2900001A22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 2900001A22 gene |
7 | gene | 138.70090 | 138.70330 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5589967 | Gm30808 | NCBI_Gene:102632840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109802 | MGI:5589967 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30808 |
7 | gene | 138.73353 | 138.82890 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5590033 | Gm30874 | NCBI_Gene:102632923 | MGI:5590033 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 30874 |
7 | pseudogene | 138.82074 | 138.82102 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791342 | Gm45506 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110241 | MGI:5791342 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45506 |
7 | gene | 138.83582 | 138.84627 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916796 | Mapk1ip1 | NCBI_Gene:69546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041775 | MGI:1916796 | protein coding gene | mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 interacting protein 1 |
7 | gene | 138.84608 | 138.88306 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1289252 | Ppp2r2d | NCBI_Gene:52432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041769 | MGI:1289252 | protein coding gene | protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, delta |
7 | gene | 138.88555 | 138.88598 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142370 | 6030427F01Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 6030427F01 gene |
7 | gene | 138.89084 | 138.90952 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109326 | Bnip3 | NCBI_Gene:12176,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078566 | MGI:109326 | protein coding gene | BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 3 |
7 | gene | 138.89096 | 138.89468 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791343 | Gm45507 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109881 | MGI:5791343 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45507 |
7 | pseudogene | 138.89925 | 138.90024 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5010443 | Gm18258 | NCBI_Gene:100416796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110237 | MGI:5010443 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 18258 |
7 | pseudogene | 138.91437 | 138.91551 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3643920 | Gm9358 | NCBI_Gene:668784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098199 | MGI:3643920 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9358 |
7 | pseudogene | 138.92972 | 138.93022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791504 | Gm45668 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110319 | MGI:5791504 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45668 |
7 | gene | 138.94073 | 139.08398 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921254 | Jakmip3 | NCBI_Gene:74004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056856 | MGI:1921254 | protein coding gene | janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 3 |
7 | gene | 139.01916 | 139.02100 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791449 | Gm45613 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109855 | MGI:5791449 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45613 |
7 | gene | 139.08598 | 139.10270 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1349764 | Dpysl4 | NCBI_Gene:26757,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025478 | MGI:1349764 | protein coding gene | dihydropyrimidinase-like 4 |
7 | gene | 139.10364 | 139.21331 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385336 | Stk32c | NCBI_Gene:57740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015981 | MGI:2385336 | protein coding gene | serine/threonine kinase 32C |
7 | gene | 139.19920 | 139.19930 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531357 | Gm27975 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098629 | MGI:5531357 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 27975 |
7 | gene | 139.21228 | 139.21319 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791164 | Gm45328 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110303 | MGI:5791164 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45328 |
7 | gene | 139.21286 | 139.24298 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923862 | Lrrc27 | NCBI_Gene:76612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015980 | MGI:1923862 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 27 |
7 | gene | 139.23297 | 139.23500 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591474 | Gm32315 | NCBI_Gene:102634820 | MGI:5591474 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32315 |
7 | gene | 139.24848 | 139.26990 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2142008 | Pwwp2b | NCBI_Gene:101631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060260 | MGI:2142008 | protein coding gene | PWWP domain containing 2B |
7 | gene | 139.27127 | 139.29708 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591645 | Gm32486 | NCBI_Gene:102635051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110115 | MGI:5591645 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32486 |
7 | gene | 139.35808 | 139.36090 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5591730 | Gm32571 | NCBI_Gene:102635163 | MGI:5591730 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32571 |
7 | gene | 139.38647 | 139.38898 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825641 | Gm46004 | NCBI_Gene:108167465 | MGI:5825641 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46004 |
7 | gene | 139.38911 | 139.57965 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2686961 | Inpp5a | NCBI_Gene:212111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025477 | MGI:2686961 | protein coding gene | inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase A |
7 | pseudogene | 139.54310 | 139.55150 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592856 | Gm33697 | NCBI_Gene:102636697 | MGI:5592856 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 33697 |
7 | gene | 139.57938 | 139.58280 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1352738 | Nkx6-2 | NCBI_Gene:14912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041309 | MGI:1352738 | protein coding gene | NK6 homeobox 2 |
7 | gene | 139.58298 | 139.60490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592190 | Gm33031 | NCBI_Gene:102635780 | MGI:5592190 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33031 |
7 | gene | 139.60091 | 139.68533 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444387 | Cfap46 | NCBI_Gene:212124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049571 | MGI:2444387 | protein coding gene | cilia and flagella associated protein 46 |
7 | gene | 139.60589 | 139.63505 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5621996 | Gm39111 | NCBI_Gene:105243084 | MGI:5621996 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39111 |
7 | pseudogene | 139.65954 | 139.66018 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782643 | Gm4459 | NCBI_Gene:100043472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083626 | MGI:3782643 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4459 |
7 | gene | 139.68405 | 139.68674 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591839 | Gm32680 | NCBI_Gene:102635307 | MGI:5591839 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32680 |
7 | pseudogene | 139.71936 | 139.71995 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3649022 | Rpl21-ps13 | NCBI_Gene:434253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056777 | MGI:3649022 | pseudogene | ribosomal protein L21-ps13 |
7 | pseudogene | 139.77467 | 139.77522 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646626 | Gm7380 | NCBI_Gene:664869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109905 | MGI:3646626 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7380 |
7 | gene | 139.77902 | 139.77913 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530824 | Mir6401 | miRBase:MI0021937,NCBI_Gene:102465215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098619 | MGI:5530824 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6401 |
7 | gene | 139.83409 | 139.87809 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1277167 | Adgra1 | NCBI_Gene:52389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025475 | MGI:1277167 | protein coding gene | adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1 |
7 | pseudogene | 139.88744 | 139.88838 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646627 | Gm4974 | NCBI_Gene:244229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109710 | MGI:3646627 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4974 |
7 | gene | 139.89470 | 139.94154 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923734 | Kndc1 | NCBI_Gene:76484,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066129 | MGI:1923734 | protein coding gene | kinase non-catalytic C-lobe domain (KIND) containing 1 |
7 | gene | 139.94379 | 139.94511 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1276125 | Utf1 | NCBI_Gene:22286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047751 | MGI:1276125 | protein coding gene | undifferentiated embryonic cell transcription factor 1 |
7 | gene | 139.95000 | 139.97898 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3802153 | Gm16201 | NCBI_Gene:102635948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086742 | MGI:3802153 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 16201 |
7 | gene | 139.95701 | 139.95804 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780212 | Gm2044 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085354 | MGI:3780212 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 2044 |
7 | gene | 139.95757 | 139.95762 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5562780 | Mir7686 | miRBase:MI0025037,NCBI_Gene:102465788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105165 | MGI:5562780 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7686 |
7 | gene | 139.95769 | 139.95776 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2676877 | Mir202 | miRBase:MI0000245,NCBI_Gene:387198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065502 | MGI:2676877 | miRNA gene | microRNA 202 |
7 | gene | 139.97230 | 139.97876 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2685939 | Spef1l | NCBI_Gene:381933,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073795 | MGI:2685939 | protein coding gene | sperm flagellar 1 like |
7 | gene | 139.97893 | 139.99312 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_107825 | Adam8 | NCBI_Gene:11501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025473 | MGI:107825 | protein coding gene | a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 8 |
7 | gene | 139.98681 | 139.98687 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5530721 | Mir7062 | miRBase:MI0022911,NCBI_Gene:102465643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099092 | MGI:5530721 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7062 |
7 | gene | 139.99596 | 140.03667 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921487 | Tubgcp2 | NCBI_Gene:74237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025474 | MGI:1921487 | protein coding gene | tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 2 |
7 | gene | 140.03639 | 140.04061 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917002 | Zfp511 | NCBI_Gene:69752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025470 | MGI:1917002 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 511 |
7 | gene | 140.04616 | 140.04997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106587 | Msx3 | NCBI_Gene:17703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025469 | MGI:106587 | protein coding gene | msh homeobox 3 |
7 | gene | 140.06988 | 140.08257 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915816 | Caly | NCBI_Gene:68566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025468 | MGI:1915816 | protein coding gene | calcyon neuron-specific vesicular protein |
7 | gene | 140.09339 | 140.09720 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_893573 | Prap1 | NCBI_Gene:22264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025467 | MGI:893573 | protein coding gene | proline-rich acidic protein 1 |
7 | gene | 140.09677 | 140.10540 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916314 | Fuom | NCBI_Gene:69064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025466 | MGI:1916314 | protein coding gene | fucose mutarotase |
7 | gene | 140.10571 | 140.11648 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2136460 | Echs1 | NCBI_Gene:93747,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025465 | MGI:2136460 | protein coding gene | enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase, short chain, 1, mitochondrial |
7 | gene | 140.11579 | 140.13722 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916983 | Paox | NCBI_Gene:212503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025464 | MGI:1916983 | protein coding gene | polyamine oxidase (exo-N4-amino) |
7 | gene | 140.13756 | 140.15079 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685015 | Mtg1 | NCBI_Gene:212508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039018 | MGI:2685015 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosome-associated GTPase 1 |
7 | gene | 140.15063 | 140.15488 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3582583 | Sprn | NCBI_Gene:212518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045733 | MGI:3582583 | protein coding gene | shadow of prion protein |
7 | gene | 140.16000 | 140.16476 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030356 | Olfr522 | NCBI_Gene:258954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051180 | MGI:3030356 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 522 |
7 | gene | 140.17322 | 140.17876 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030357 | Olfr523 | NCBI_Gene:258511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051051 | MGI:3030357 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 523 |
7 | gene | 140.19722 | 140.23114 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443796 | Cd163l1 | NCBI_Gene:244233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025461 | MGI:2443796 | protein coding gene | CD163 molecule-like 1 |
7 | gene | 140.19850 | 140.20596 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030358 | Olfr524 | NCBI_Gene:258055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050366 | MGI:3030358 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 524 |
7 | gene | 140.24728 | 140.30074 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2443685 | 5830411N06Rik | NCBI_Gene:244234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054672 | MGI:2443685 | protein coding gene | RIKEN cDNA 5830411N06 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 140.31573 | 140.31611 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3646082 | Gm6314 | NCBI_Gene:622335 | MGI:3646082 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 6314 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.31581 | 140.31606 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791292 | Gm45456 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109875 | MGI:5791292 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45456 |
7 | gene | 140.32086 | 140.32763 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030359 | Olfr525 | NCBI_Gene:258958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061489 | MGI:3030359 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 525 |
7 | gene | 140.33402 | 140.33855 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030361 | Olfr527 | NCBI_Gene:257939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062782 | MGI:3030361 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 527 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.34148 | 140.34220 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030362 | Olfr528-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110059 | MGI:3030362 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 528, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.34382 | 140.36167 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1333881 | Olfr60 | NCBI_Gene:18361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060112 | MGI:1333881 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 60 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.36851 | 140.37010 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030363 | Olfr529-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110257 | MGI:3030363 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 529, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.37187 | 140.37633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030364 | Olfr530 | NCBI_Gene:258512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060974 | MGI:3030364 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 530 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.38576 | 140.39230 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647257 | Gm6376 | NCBI_Gene:622973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109690 | MGI:3647257 | pseudogene | predicted gene 6376 |
7 | gene | 140.39905 | 140.40292 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030365 | Olfr531 | NCBI_Gene:258955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062712 | MGI:3030365 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 531 |
7 | gene | 140.41571 | 140.42164 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030366 | Olfr532 | NCBI_Gene:259028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063823 | MGI:3030366 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 532 |
7 | gene | 140.46337 | 140.46813 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030367 | Olfr533 | NCBI_Gene:258056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056883 | MGI:3030367 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 533 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.47874 | 140.47963 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030368 | Olfr534-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:404402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110169 | MGI:3030368 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 534, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.48422 | 140.49710 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030369 | Olfr535 | NCBI_Gene:258956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063230 | MGI:3030369 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 535 |
7 | gene | 140.50085 | 140.50740 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030370 | Olfr536 | NCBI_Gene:258513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052508 | MGI:3030370 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 536 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.52953 | 140.54108 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030371 | Olfr537-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:258200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110092 | MGI:3030371 | polymorphic pseudogene | olfactory receptor 537, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.56789 | 140.57579 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030372 | Olfr538 | NCBI_Gene:258201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095901 | MGI:3030372 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 538 |
7 | gene | 140.60127 | 140.61768 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333824 | Olfr46 | NCBI_Gene:18345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093942 | MGI:1333824 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 46 |
7 | gene | 140.62897 | 140.63880 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333885 | Olfr61 | NCBI_Gene:18362,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096069 | MGI:1333885 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 61 |
7 | gene | 140.64645 | 140.65309 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333749 | Olfr53 | NCBI_Gene:258962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094819 | MGI:1333749 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 53 |
7 | gene | 140.65701 | 140.67657 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621997 | Gm39112 | NCBI_Gene:105243086 | MGI:5621997 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39112 |
7 | gene | 140.65993 | 140.67858 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030373 | Olfr539 | NCBI_Gene:258963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059136 | MGI:3030373 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 539 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.66913 | 140.66981 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3030374 | Olfr540-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109892 | MGI:3030374 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 540, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.68195 | 140.69684 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1333826 | Olfr45 | NCBI_Gene:18344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066122 | MGI:1333826 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 45 |
7 | gene | 140.69727 | 140.70561 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030375 | Olfr541 | NCBI_Gene:258964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057997 | MGI:3030375 | protein coding gene | olfactory receptor 541 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.71747 | 140.72221 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3030376 | Olfr542-ps1 | NCBI_Gene:257845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110199 | MGI:3030376 | pseudogene | olfactory receptor 542, pseudogene 1 |
7 | gene | 140.76374 | 140.77499 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_88607 | Cyp2e1 | NCBI_Gene:13106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025479 | MGI:88607 | protein coding gene | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily e, polypeptide 1 |
7 | gene | 140.77723 | 140.78785 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1921325 | Syce1 | NCBI_Gene:74075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025480 | MGI:1921325 | protein coding gene | synaptonemal complex central element protein 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.78451 | 140.78505 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5588958 | Gm29799 | NCBI_Gene:101056211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107816 | MGI:5588958 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 29799 |
7 | gene | 140.79206 | 140.79245 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925720 | 1700112H04Rik | NA | NA | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 1700112H04 gene |
7 | gene | 140.80745 | 140.82220 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3039601 | Zfp941 | NCBI_Gene:407812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060314 | MGI:3039601 | protein coding gene | zinc finger protein 941 |
7 | gene | 140.81809 | 140.85633 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804900 | Gm45785 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110136 | MGI:5804900 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45785 |
7 | gene | 140.83502 | 140.83797 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916142 | Urah | NCBI_Gene:76974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025481 | MGI:1916142 | protein coding gene | urate (5-hydroxyiso-) hydrolase |
7 | gene | 140.83722 | 140.84569 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1925770 | C330022C24Rik | NCBI_Gene:78520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099590 | MGI:1925770 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA C330022C24 gene |
7 | gene | 140.84555 | 140.84677 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2655401 | Scgb1c1 | NCBI_Gene:338417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038801 | MGI:2655401 | protein coding gene | secretoglobin, family 1C, member 1 |
7 | gene | 140.84780 | 140.85102 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1916537 | Odf3 | NCBI_Gene:69287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025482 | MGI:1916537 | protein coding gene | outer dense fiber of sperm tails 3 |
7 | gene | 140.85338 | 140.85758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913128 | Bet1l | NCBI_Gene:54399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025484 | MGI:1913128 | protein coding gene | Bet1 golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein like |
7 | gene | 140.85696 | 140.86437 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141866 | Ric8a | NCBI_Gene:101489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025485 | MGI:2141866 | protein coding gene | RIC8 guanine nucleotide exchange factor A |
7 | gene | 140.86366 | 140.88231 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1927665 | Sirt3 | NCBI_Gene:64384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025486 | MGI:1927665 | protein coding gene | sirtuin 3 |
7 | gene | 140.88197 | 140.89864 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1345192 | Psmd13 | NCBI_Gene:23997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025487 | MGI:1345192 | protein coding gene | proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 13 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.89076 | 140.89224 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782990 | Gm15542 | NCBI_Gene:100043546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083396 | MGI:3782990 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15542 |
7 | gene | 140.89894 | 140.90045 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_105958 | Cox8b | NCBI_Gene:12869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025488 | MGI:105958 | protein coding gene | cytochrome c oxidase subunit 8B |
7 | gene | 140.90601 | 140.90798 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2669313 | BC024386 | NCBI_Gene:212965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109628 | MGI:2669313 | lncRNA gene | cDNA sequence BC023486 |
7 | gene | 140.92090 | 140.92919 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141990 | Nlrp6 | NCBI_Gene:101613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038745 | MGI:2141990 | protein coding gene | NLR family, pyrin domain containing 6 |
7 | gene | 140.94139 | 140.94766 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444047 | Pgghg | NCBI_Gene:212974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062031 | MGI:2444047 | protein coding gene | protein glucosylgalactosylhydroxylysine glucosidase |
7 | gene | 140.94896 | 140.95029 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1934923 | Ifitm5 | NCBI_Gene:73835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025489 | MGI:1934923 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 5 |
7 | gene | 140.94922 | 140.95594 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5804832 | Gm45717 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110104 | MGI:5804832 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45717 |
7 | gene | 140.95484 | 140.95599 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1933382 | Ifitm2 | NCBI_Gene:80876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060591 | MGI:1933382 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 2 |
7 | gene | 140.96722 | 140.96983 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1915963 | Ifitm1 | NCBI_Gene:68713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025491 | MGI:1915963 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 140.99215 | 140.99351 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3643009 | Gm7514 | NCBI_Gene:665143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110355 | MGI:3643009 | pseudogene | predicted gene 7514 |
7 | gene | 140.99479 | 141.00490 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592663 | Gm33504 | NCBI_Gene:102636441 | MGI:5592663 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33504 |
7 | gene | 141.00959 | 141.01077 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913391 | Ifitm3 | NCBI_Gene:66141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025492 | MGI:1913391 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 3 |
7 | gene | 141.01570 | 141.01792 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2686976 | Ifitm6 | NCBI_Gene:213002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059108 | MGI:2686976 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 6 |
7 | gene | 141.02913 | 141.02962 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4937021 | Gm17387 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091441 | MGI:4937021 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 17387 |
7 | pseudogene | 141.05159 | 141.05302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5791135 | Gm45299 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109703 | MGI:5791135 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45299 |
7 | gene | 141.05845 | 141.06096 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5621999 | Gm39114 | NCBI_Gene:105243088 | MGI:5621999 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39114 |
7 | gene | 141.06110 | 141.07240 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2652891 | B4galnt4 | NCBI_Gene:330671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055629 | MGI:2652891 | protein coding gene | beta-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl transferase 4 |
7 | gene | 141.07822 | 141.09051 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1891830 | Pkp3 | NCBI_Gene:56460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054065 | MGI:1891830 | protein coding gene | plakophilin 3 |
7 | gene | 141.09117 | 141.10061 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1344402 | Sigirr | NCBI_Gene:24058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025494 | MGI:1344402 | protein coding gene | single immunoglobulin and toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain |
7 | gene | 141.10121 | 141.11781 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918595 | Ano9 | NCBI_Gene:71345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054662 | MGI:1918595 | protein coding gene | anoctamin 9 |
7 | gene | 141.10593 | 141.10604 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5454739 | Gm24962 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088542 | MGI:5454739 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 24962 |
7 | gene | 141.12238 | 141.15761 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1351664 | Ptdss2 | NCBI_Gene:27388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025495 | MGI:1351664 | protein coding gene | phosphatidylserine synthase 2 |
7 | gene | 141.12286 | 141.12623 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592719 | Gm33560 | NCBI_Gene:102636518 | MGI:5592719 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33560 |
7 | gene | 141.16033 | 141.17286 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1195456 | Rnh1 | NCBI_Gene:107702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038650 | MGI:1195456 | protein coding gene | ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1 |
7 | gene | 141.17293 | 141.17408 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924609 | 9430063H18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 9430063H18 gene |
7 | pseudogene | 141.17782 | 141.17851 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3647422 | Gm5905 | NCBI_Gene:546015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110275 | MGI:3647422 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5905 |
7 | gene | 141.18122 | 141.18131 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5451796 | Gm22019 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077547 | MGI:5451796 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 22019 |
7 | gene | 141.18911 | 141.19401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96224 | Hras | NCBI_Gene:15461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025499 | MGI:96224 | protein coding gene | Harvey rat sarcoma virus oncogene |
7 | gene | 141.19411 | 141.21006 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1917802 | Lrrc56 | NCBI_Gene:70552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038637 | MGI:1917802 | protein coding gene | leucine rich repeat containing 56 |
7 | gene | 141.20999 | 141.21453 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919250 | Lmntd2 | NCBI_Gene:72000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025500 | MGI:1919250 | protein coding gene | lamin tail domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 141.21563 | 141.21866 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914235 | Rassf7 | NCBI_Gene:66985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038618 | MGI:1914235 | protein coding gene | Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family (N-terminal) member 7 |
7 | gene | 141.22138 | 141.22149 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2676886 | Mir210 | miRBase:MI0000695,NCBI_Gene:387206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065551 | MGI:2676886 | miRNA gene | microRNA 210 |
7 | gene | 141.22826 | 141.26275 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2141847 | Phrf1 | NCBI_Gene:101471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038611 | MGI:2141847 | protein coding gene | PHD and ring finger domains 1 |
7 | gene | 141.26271 | 141.26650 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1859212 | Irf7 | NCBI_Gene:54123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025498 | MGI:1859212 | protein coding gene | interferon regulatory factor 7 |
7 | gene | 141.26908 | 141.27679 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919290 | Cdhr5 | NCBI_Gene:72040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025497 | MGI:1919290 | protein coding gene | cadherin-related family member 5 |
7 | gene | 141.27833 | 141.27917 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99466 | Sct | NCBI_Gene:20287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038580 | MGI:99466 | protein coding gene | secretin |
7 | gene | 141.29197 | 141.29646 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_94926 | Drd4 | NCBI_Gene:13491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025496 | MGI:94926 | protein coding gene | dopamine receptor D4 |
7 | gene | 141.29718 | 141.33887 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1858496 | Deaf1 | NCBI_Gene:54006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058886 | MGI:1858496 | protein coding gene | DEAF1, transcription factor |
7 | gene | 141.32774 | 141.33716 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1918698 | Tmem80 | NCBI_Gene:71448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025505 | MGI:1918698 | protein coding gene | transmembrane protein 80 |
7 | gene | 141.33888 | 141.36302 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2138828 | Eps8l2 | NCBI_Gene:98845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025504 | MGI:2138828 | protein coding gene | EPS8-like 2 |
7 | gene | 141.35914 | 141.36511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444929 | B230206H07Rik | NCBI_Gene:320871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086844 | MGI:2444929 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B230206H07 gene |
7 | gene | 141.38649 | 141.38662 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455502 | Gm25725 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077716 | MGI:5455502 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25725 |
7 | gene | 141.39216 | 141.40298 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1274789 | Taldo1 | NCBI_Gene:21351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025503 | MGI:1274789 | protein coding gene | transaldolase 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 141.40652 | 141.40733 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3782719 | Gm4535 | NCBI_Gene:100043585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091083 | MGI:3782719 | pseudogene | predicted gene 4535 |
7 | gene | 141.40779 | 141.41414 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2387178 | Gatd1 | NCBI_Gene:213350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051007 | MGI:2387178 | protein coding gene | glutamine amidotransferase like class 1 domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 141.42645 | 141.42954 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1929898 | Cend1 | NCBI_Gene:57754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060240 | MGI:1929898 | protein coding gene | cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation 1 |
7 | gene | 141.42974 | 141.43789 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915517 | Slc25a22 | NCBI_Gene:68267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019082 | MGI:1915517 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, glutamate), member 22 |
7 | gene | 141.43811 | 141.44574 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1889507 | Pidd1 | NCBI_Gene:57913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025507 | MGI:1889507 | protein coding gene | p53 induced death domain protein 1 |
7 | gene | 141.44737 | 141.45158 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914436 | Rplp2 | NCBI_Gene:67186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025508 | MGI:1914436 | protein coding gene | ribosomal protein, large P2 |
7 | gene | 141.44880 | 141.44894 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3819508 | Snora52 | NCBI_Gene:100217419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064666 | MGI:3819508 | snoRNA gene | small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 52 |
7 | gene | 141.45519 | 141.46074 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1914103 | Pnpla2 | NCBI_Gene:66853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025509 | MGI:1914103 | protein coding gene | patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 2 |
7 | gene | 141.46087 | 141.46661 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2446129 | Cracr2b | NCBI_Gene:213573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048200 | MGI:2446129 | protein coding gene | calcium release activated channel regulator 2B |
7 | gene | 141.46148 | 141.46778 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3708765 | Gm10575 | NCBI_Gene:100126795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073787 | MGI:3708765 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 10575 |
7 | gene | 141.46736 | 141.47148 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096360 | Cd151 | NCBI_Gene:12476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025510 | MGI:1096360 | protein coding gene | CD151 antigen |
7 | gene | 141.47186 | 141.47515 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1913741 | Polr2l | NCBI_Gene:66491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038489 | MGI:1913741 | protein coding gene | polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide L |
7 | gene | 141.47524 | 141.49343 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1928097 | Tspan4 | NCBI_Gene:64540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025511 | MGI:1928097 | protein coding gene | tetraspanin 4 |
7 | gene | 141.49314 | 141.53989 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1915288 | Chid1 | NCBI_Gene:68038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025512 | MGI:1915288 | protein coding gene | chitinase domain containing 1 |
7 | gene | 141.51640 | 141.51860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791252 | Gm45416 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110400 | MGI:5791252 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45416 |
7 | gene | 141.56217 | 141.63301 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_101920 | Ap2a2 | NCBI_Gene:11772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002957 | MGI:101920 | protein coding gene | adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 2 subunit |
7 | gene | 141.61007 | 141.61375 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_4439906 | Gm16982 | NCBI_Gene:100036523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097170 | MGI:4439906 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 16982 |
7 | gene | 141.62070 | 141.62079 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531036 | Mir7063 | miRBase:MI0022912,NCBI_Gene:102466798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098759 | MGI:5531036 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7063 |
7 | gene | 141.63346 | 141.65532 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2663233 | Muc6 | NCBI_Gene:353328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048191 | MGI:2663233 | protein coding gene | mucin 6, gastric |
7 | gene | 141.69034 | 141.75469 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1339364 | Muc2 | NCBI_Gene:17831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025515 | MGI:1339364 | protein coding gene | mucin 2 |
7 | gene | 141.78896 | 141.81923 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104697 | Muc5ac | NCBI_Gene:17833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037974 | MGI:104697 | protein coding gene | mucin 5, subtypes A and C, tracheobronchial/gastric |
7 | gene | 141.83901 | 141.87309 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1921430 | Muc5b | NCBI_Gene:74180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066108 | MGI:1921430 | protein coding gene | mucin 5, subtype B, tracheobronchial |
7 | gene | 141.87481 | 141.91851 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1891808 | Tollip | NCBI_Gene:54473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025139 | MGI:1891808 | protein coding gene | toll interacting protein |
7 | gene | 141.92430 | 141.94350 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591698 | Gm32539 | NCBI_Gene:102635119 | MGI:5591698 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32539 |
7 | gene | 141.94370 | 141.94971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5141966 | Gm20501 | NCBI_Gene:102635300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092536 | MGI:5141966 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 20501 |
7 | gene | 141.94975 | 142.00425 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1923020 | Brsk2 | NCBI_Gene:75770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053046 | MGI:1923020 | protein coding gene | BR serine/threonine kinase 2 |
7 | gene | 141.99218 | 141.99224 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4834323 | Mir3104 | miRBase:MI0014101,NCBI_Gene:100526509,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092652 | MGI:4834323 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3104 |
7 | gene | 142.00853 | 142.06107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1919891 | Mob2 | NCBI_Gene:101513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025147 | MGI:1919891 | protein coding gene | MOB kinase activator 2 |
7 | gene | 142.05116 | 142.05308 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791466 | Gm45630 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109638 | MGI:5791466 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 45630 |
7 | gene | 142.07833 | 142.07844 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5455193 | Gm25416 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077409 | MGI:5455193 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 25416 |
7 | gene | 142.07949 | 142.09586 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_106626 | Dusp8 | NCBI_Gene:18218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037887 | MGI:106626 | protein coding gene | dual specificity phosphatase 8 |
7 | gene | 142.09576 | 142.13792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5591945 | Gm32786 | NCBI_Gene:102635453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109958 | MGI:5591945 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 32786 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.11166 | 142.11241 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791253 | Gm45417 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109592 | MGI:5791253 | pseudogene | predicted gene 45417 |
7 | gene | 142.11832 | 142.12521 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791454 | Gm45618 | NCBI_Gene:108167466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109859 | MGI:5791454 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45618 |
7 | gene | 142.13443 | 142.13709 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622000 | Gm39115 | NCBI_Gene:105243089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110091 | MGI:5622000 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 39115 |
7 | gene | 142.14334 | 142.14461 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5791173 | Gm45337 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110061 | MGI:5791173 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 45337 |
7 | gene | 142.15386 | 142.15396 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455147 | Gm25370 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088784 | MGI:5455147 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 25370 |
7 | gene | 142.15480 | 142.15819 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5588894 | Gm29735 | NCBI_Gene:101055862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109655 | MGI:5588894 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 29735 |
7 | gene | 142.16303 | 142.16702 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782737 | Gm4553 | NCBI_Gene:100043617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090471 | MGI:3782737 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4553 |
7 | gene | 142.17453 | 142.17601 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918873 | Krtap5-2 | NCBI_Gene:71623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054759 | MGI:1918873 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 5-2 |
7 | gene | 142.18943 | 142.19039 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642359 | Gm10153 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066101 | MGI:3642359 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 10153 |
7 | gene | 142.20136 | 142.20301 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1924465 | Krtap5-3 | NCBI_Gene:77215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046248 | MGI:1924465 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 5-3 |
7 | gene | 142.21153 | 142.21308 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3647476 | Gm7579 | NCBI_Gene:105243090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073786 | MGI:3647476 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 7579 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.22352 | 142.22477 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5011279 | Gm19094 | NCBI_Gene:100418241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109581 | MGI:5011279 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 19094 |
7 | gene | 142.22879 | 142.22997 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2149673 | Krtap5-5 | NCBI_Gene:114666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073785 | MGI:2149673 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 5-5 |
7 | gene | 142.23976 | 142.24111 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5623345 | Gm40460 | NCBI_Gene:105244938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110324 | MGI:5623345 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 40460 |
7 | gene | 142.24790 | 142.25528 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825659 | Gm46022 | NCBI_Gene:108167506 | MGI:5825659 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46022 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.25082 | 142.25154 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6096914 | Gm47762 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110254 | MGI:6096914 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 47762 |
7 | gene | 142.25765 | 142.25835 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3780598 | Gm2431 | NCBI_Gene:105243101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090455 | MGI:3780598 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 2431 |
7 | gene | 142.27376 | 142.27436 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3782743 | Gm4559 | NCBI_Gene:100043627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056885 | MGI:3782743 | protein coding gene | predicted gene 4559 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.27986 | 142.28094 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3704303 | Gm10013 | NCBI_Gene:100043629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089731 | MGI:3704303 | pseudogene | predicted gene 10013 |
7 | gene | 142.28321 | 142.29042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5805004 | Gm45889 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109936 | MGI:5805004 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45889 |
7 | gene | 142.28321 | 142.28975 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642866 | B130016D09Rik | NCBI_Gene:436015,NCBI_Gene:108167358 | MGI:3642866 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA B130016D09 cDNA |
7 | gene | 142.28785 | 142.29042 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642536 | E330027M22Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA gene%2c E330027M22Rik |
7 | gene | 142.29633 | 142.29712 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1354732 | Krtap5-1 | NCBI_Gene:50774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066100 | MGI:1354732 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 5-1 |
7 | gene | 142.30350 | 142.30459 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1354758 | Krtap5-4 | NCBI_Gene:50775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045236 | MGI:1354758 | protein coding gene | keratin associated protein 5-4 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.30581 | 142.30655 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649024 | Gm5054 | NCBI_Gene:270015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083812 | MGI:3649024 | pseudogene | predicted gene 5054 |
7 | gene | 142.32584 | 142.37378 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2444776 | Ifitm10 | NCBI_Gene:320802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045777 | MGI:2444776 | protein coding gene | interferon induced transmembrane protein 10 |
7 | gene | 142.37110 | 142.38267 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6121585 | Gm49369 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110040 | MGI:6121585 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49369 |
7 | gene | 142.37591 | 142.38804 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88562 | Ctsd | NCBI_Gene:13033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007891 | MGI:88562 | protein coding gene | cathepsin D |
7 | gene | 142.42479 | 142.42490 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5455920 | Gm26143 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077668 | MGI:5455920 | snRNA gene | predicted gene, 26143 |
7 | gene | 142.43446 | 142.44040 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1859867 | Syt8 | NCBI_Gene:55925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031098 | MGI:1859867 | protein coding gene | synaptotagmin VIII |
7 | gene | 142.44049 | 142.44441 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_105070 | Tnni2 | NCBI_Gene:21953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031097 | MGI:105070 | protein coding gene | troponin I, skeletal, fast 2 |
7 | gene | 142.45822 | 142.46072 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5608889 | D430042D18Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | Riken cDNA D430042D18 gene |
7 | gene | 142.46081 | 142.49487 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_96832 | Lsp1 | NCBI_Gene:16985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018819 | MGI:96832 | protein coding gene | lymphocyte specific 1 |
7 | gene | 142.49107 | 142.50677 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3642289 | Prr33 | NCBI_Gene:677289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043795 | MGI:3642289 | protein coding gene | proline rich 33 |
7 | gene | 142.49877 | 142.51621 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_109550 | Tnnt3 | NCBI_Gene:21957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061723 | MGI:109550 | protein coding gene | troponin T3, skeletal, fast |
7 | gene | 142.53269 | 142.54075 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1196612 | Mrpl23 | NCBI_Gene:19935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037772 | MGI:1196612 | protein coding gene | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L23 |
7 | gene | 142.54461 | 142.55860 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1306816 | Nctc1 | NCBI_Gene:330677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087090 | MGI:1306816 | lncRNA gene | non-coding transcript 1 |
7 | gene | 142.57553 | 142.57815 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_95891 | H19 | NCBI_Gene:14955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000031 | MGI:95891 | lncRNA gene | H19, imprinted maternally expressed transcript |
7 | gene | 142.57685 | 142.57692 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530865 | Gm27483 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099143 | MGI:5530865 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27483 |
7 | gene | 142.57706 | 142.57715 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3629709 | Mir675 | miRBase:MI0004123,NCBI_Gene:735280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076275 | MGI:3629709 | miRNA gene | microRNA 675 |
7 | gene | 142.57785 | 142.57792 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531168 | Gm27786 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098816 | MGI:5531168 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27786 |
7 | gene | 142.59166 | 142.62081 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5592307 | Gm33148 | NCBI_Gene:102635939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110125 | MGI:5592307 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33148 |
7 | gene | 142.60333 | 142.60362 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1930302 | Ihit1 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | Igf2-H-19 interval transcript 1 |
7 | gene | 142.65077 | 142.66682 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96434 | Igf2 | NCBI_Gene:16002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048583 | MGI:96434 | protein coding gene | insulin-like growth factor 2 |
7 | gene | 142.65077 | 142.66994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_6121625 | Gm49394 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115302 | MGI:6121625 | protein coding gene | predicted gene, 49394 |
7 | gene | 142.65492 | 142.65500 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3619420 | Mir483 | miRBase:MI0003484,NCBI_Gene:723874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070140 | MGI:3619420 | miRNA gene | microRNA 483 |
7 | gene | 142.65969 | 142.67036 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1195257 | Igf2os | NCBI_Gene:111975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086266 | MGI:1195257 | antisense lncRNA gene | insulin-like growth factor 2, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 142.66818 | 142.66971 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825642 | Gm46005 | NCBI_Gene:108167467 | MGI:5825642 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46005 |
7 | gene | 142.67866 | 142.74338 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96573 | Ins2 | NCBI_Gene:16334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000215 | MGI:96573 | protein coding gene | insulin II |
7 | gene | 142.71380 | 142.74325 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622001 | Gm39116 | NCBI_Gene:105243092 | MGI:5622001 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39116 |
7 | pseudogene | 142.75718 | 142.75788 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3646633 | Gm7290 | NCBI_Gene:640264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078192 | MGI:3646633 | pseudogene | predicted pseudogene 7290 |
7 | gene | 142.81525 | 142.85227 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3648397 | Gm6471 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073781 | MGI:3648397 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 6471 |
7 | gene | 142.83727 | 142.85758 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622002 | Gm39117 | NCBI_Gene:105243094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108952 | MGI:5622002 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39117 |
7 | gene | 142.89275 | 142.93113 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_98735 | Th | NCBI_Gene:21823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000214 | MGI:98735 | protein coding gene | tyrosine hydroxylase |
7 | gene | 142.96682 | 143.00803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_96920 | Ascl2 | NCBI_Gene:17173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009248 | MGI:96920 | protein coding gene | achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 2 |
7 | gene | 142.98897 | 143.00803 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3705185 | Tspan32os | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052281 | MGI:3705185 | antisense lncRNA gene | tetraspanin 32, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 143.00490 | 143.01964 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1350360 | Tspan32 | NCBI_Gene:27027,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000244 | MGI:1350360 | protein coding gene | tetraspanin 32 |
7 | gene | 143.02178 | 143.05369 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142382 | R74862 | NCBI_Gene:97423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059277 | MGI:2142382 | lncRNA gene | expressed sequence R74862 |
7 | gene | 143.05274 | 143.06793 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096398 | Cd81 | NCBI_Gene:12520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037706 | MGI:1096398 | protein coding gene | CD81 antigen |
7 | gene | 143.06809 | 143.07109 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1861712 | Tssc4 | NCBI_Gene:56844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045752 | MGI:1861712 | protein coding gene | tumor-suppressing subchromosomal transferable fragment 4 |
7 | gene | 143.06915 | 143.09464 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1861718 | Trpm5 | NCBI_Gene:56843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009246 | MGI:1861718 | protein coding gene | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 5 |
7 | gene | 143.10636 | 143.42705 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_108083 | Kcnq1 | NCBI_Gene:16535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009545 | MGI:108083 | protein coding gene | potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member 1 |
7 | gene | 143.12457 | 143.12480 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611549 | Gm38321 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102980 | MGI:5611549 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38321 |
7 | gene | 143.12779 | 143.12785 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610463 | Gm37235 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102333 | MGI:5610463 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37235 |
7 | gene | 143.13503 | 143.14061 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5579527 | Gm28821 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101062 | MGI:5579527 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 28821 |
7 | gene | 143.20346 | 143.29655 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926855 | Kcnq1ot1 | NCBI_Gene:63830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101609 | MGI:1926855 | lncRNA gene | KCNQ1 overlapping transcript 1 |
7 | gene | 143.21958 | 143.22022 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930303 | Naip3l1 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | NLR family%2c apoptosis inhibitory protein 3-like 1 |
7 | gene | 143.25137 | 143.25183 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530777 | Gm27395 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098857 | MGI:5530777 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27395 |
7 | gene | 143.27305 | 143.27325 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530771 | Gm27389 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098859 | MGI:5530771 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27389 |
7 | gene | 143.27357 | 143.27368 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531185 | Gm27803 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099151 | MGI:5531185 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27803 |
7 | gene | 143.29393 | 143.29415 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5530921 | Gm27539 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099240 | MGI:5530921 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27539 |
7 | gene | 143.29770 | 143.30162 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5610592 | Gm37364 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104012 | MGI:5610592 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 37364 |
7 | gene | 143.32277 | 143.36462 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1918403 | 4933417O13Rik | NCBI_Gene:71153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101360 | MGI:1918403 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA 4933417O13 gene |
7 | gene | 143.34444 | 143.34584 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5611323 | Gm38095 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103791 | MGI:5611323 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38095 |
7 | gene | 143.35042 | 143.35391 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5611293 | Gm38065 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104485 | MGI:5611293 | unclassified gene | predicted gene, 38065 |
7 | gene | 143.44761 | 143.44767 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531283 | Gm27901 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099103 | MGI:5531283 | unclassified non-coding RNA gene | predicted gene, 27901 |
7 | gene | 143.45834 | 143.46107 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_104564 | Cdkn1c | NCBI_Gene:12577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037664 | MGI:104564 | protein coding gene | cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C (P57) |
7 | gene | 143.45975 | 143.46064 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753308 | Gm44732 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108934 | MGI:5753308 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44732 |
7 | gene | 143.46253 | 143.46284 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1930299 | AF313042 | NA | NA | unclassified gene | cDNA sequence AF313042 |
7 | gene | 143.46334 | 143.46678 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5592822 | Gm33663 | NCBI_Gene:102636658 | MGI:5592822 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 33663 |
7 | gene | 143.47373 | 143.49933 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1336884 | Slc22a18 | NCBI_Gene:18400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000154 | MGI:1336884 | protein coding gene | solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 18 |
7 | gene | 143.50154 | 143.50315 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1202307 | Phlda2 | NCBI_Gene:22113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010760 | MGI:1202307 | protein coding gene | pleckstrin homology like domain, family A, member 2 |
7 | gene | 143.51358 | 143.54920 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1316687 | Nap1l4 | NCBI_Gene:17955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059119 | MGI:1316687 | protein coding gene | nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4 |
7 | gene | 143.53139 | 143.53152 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5453074 | Gm23297 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065118 | MGI:5453074 | snoRNA gene | predicted gene, 23297 |
7 | gene | 143.55723 | 143.60009 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1351477 | Cars | NCBI_Gene:27267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010755 | MGI:1351477 | protein coding gene | cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase |
7 | gene | 143.57067 | 143.57076 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5531014 | Mir7064 | miRBase:MI0022913,NCBI_Gene:102465644,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098593 | MGI:5531014 | miRNA gene | microRNA 7064 |
7 | pseudogene | 143.59620 | 143.59705 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783028 | Gm15580 | NCBI_Gene:102638628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082561 | MGI:3783028 | pseudogene | predicted gene 15580 |
7 | gene | 143.60009 | 143.60130 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3783027 | Gm15579 | NCBI_Gene:105243095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086828 | MGI:3783027 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 15579 |
7 | gene | 143.60766 | 143.62872 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2651928 | Tnfrsf26 | NCBI_Gene:244237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045362 | MGI:2651928 | protein coding gene | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 26 |
7 | gene | 143.62802 | 143.67061 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3041205 | E230032D23Rik | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109251 | MGI:3041205 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA E230032D23 gene |
7 | gene | 143.63481 | 143.64966 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930270 | Tnfrsf22 | NCBI_Gene:79202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010751 | MGI:1930270 | protein coding gene | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 22 |
7 | gene | 143.66581 | 143.68643 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930269 | Tnfrsf23 | NCBI_Gene:79201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037613 | MGI:1930269 | protein coding gene | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 23 |
7 | gene | 143.68876 | 143.75698 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1930265 | Osbpl5 | NCBI_Gene:79196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037606 | MGI:1930265 | protein coding gene | oxysterol binding protein-like 5 |
7 | gene | 143.76371 | 143.76699 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3033145 | Mrgprg | NCBI_Gene:381974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050276 | MGI:3033145 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member G |
7 | gene | 143.77335 | 143.77511 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753574 | Gm44998 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109421 | MGI:5753574 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44998 |
7 | gene | 143.77836 | 143.78450 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2441884 | Mrgpre | NCBI_Gene:244238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048965 | MGI:2441884 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member E |
7 | gene | 143.78009 | 143.78016 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5451841 | Gm22064 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076944 | MGI:5451841 | miRNA gene | predicted gene, 22064 |
7 | gene | 143.79558 | 143.82286 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1926164 | Nadsyn1 | NCBI_Gene:78914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031090 | MGI:1926164 | protein coding gene | NAD synthetase 1 |
7 | gene | 143.82315 | 143.84841 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1298378 | Dhcr7 | NCBI_Gene:13360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058454 | MGI:1298378 | protein coding gene | 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase |
7 | gene | 143.86684 | 143.90007 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2685344 | Acte1 | NCBI_Gene:102636989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031085 | MGI:2685344 | protein coding gene | actin, epsilon 1 |
7 | gene | 143.93311 | 143.93321 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5531396 | Mir6404 | miRBase:MI0021940,NCBI_Gene:102465217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099321 | MGI:5531396 | miRNA gene | microRNA 6404 |
7 | gene | 143.94927 | 143.95636 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593604 | Gm34445 | NCBI_Gene:102637703 | MGI:5593604 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34445 |
7 | gene | 143.97805 | 144.42449 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2671987 | Shank2 | NCBI_Gene:210274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037541 | MGI:2671987 | protein coding gene | SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 |
7 | gene | 144.00925 | 144.00934 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_4834324 | Mir3105 | miRBase:MI0014102,NCBI_Gene:100526562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093221 | MGI:4834324 | miRNA gene | microRNA 3105 |
7 | gene | 144.01907 | 144.02656 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5825643 | Gm46006 | NCBI_Gene:108167468 | MGI:5825643 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46006 |
7 | gene | 144.10959 | 144.11109 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5753575 | Gm44999 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109500 | MGI:5753575 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 44999 |
7 | gene | 144.36805 | 144.40693 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3649263 | Gm14372 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085745 | MGI:3649263 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14372 |
7 | gene | 144.41514 | 144.41928 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593780 | Gm34621 | NCBI_Gene:102637932 | MGI:5593780 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34621 |
7 | gene | 144.42613 | 144.43133 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5593720 | Gm34561 | NCBI_Gene:102637856 | MGI:5593720 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34561 |
7 | gene | 144.43572 | 144.47101 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_99695 | Cttn | NCBI_Gene:13043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031078 | MGI:99695 | protein coding gene | cortactin |
7 | gene | 144.46953 | 144.46999 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_3651797 | Gm14376 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085228 | MGI:3651797 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 14376 |
7 | gene | 144.47675 | 144.55373 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1924750 | Ppfia1 | NCBI_Gene:233977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037519 | MGI:1924750 | protein coding gene | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, f polypeptide (PTPRF), interacting protein (liprin), alpha 1 |
7 | pseudogene | 144.55280 | 144.55449 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5594785 | Gm35626 | NCBI_Gene:102639278 | MGI:5594785 | pseudogene | predicted gene, 35626 |
7 | gene | 144.56735 | 144.58151 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3642460 | Faddos | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073778 | MGI:3642460 | antisense lncRNA gene | Fas (TNFRSF6)-associated via death domain, opposite strand |
7 | gene | 144.57732 | 144.58246 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_109324 | Fadd | NCBI_Gene:14082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031077 | MGI:109324 | protein coding gene | Fas (TNFRSF6)-associated via death domain |
7 | gene | 144.58855 | 144.75205 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2142149 | Ano1 | NCBI_Gene:101772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031075 | MGI:2142149 | protein coding gene | anoctamin 1, calcium activated chloride channel |
7 | gene | 144.74161 | 144.77051 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2444533 | D930030F02Rik | NCBI_Gene:320688 | MGI:2444533 | lncRNA gene | RIKEN cDNA D930030F02 gene |
7 | gene | 144.74211 | 144.75001 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753506 | Gm44930 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108851 | MGI:5753506 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44930 |
7 | gene | 144.76314 | 144.76448 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3641809 | Gm10152 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103394 | MGI:3641809 | unclassified gene | predicted gene 10152 |
7 | gene | 144.76476 | 144.77057 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753505 | Gm44929 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109009 | MGI:5753505 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 44929 |
7 | gene | 144.78704 | 144.79181 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5594123 | Gm34964 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109442 | MGI:5594123 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 34964 |
7 | pseudogene | 144.79196 | 144.79245 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3780119 | Gm9711 | NCBI_Gene:677315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108874 | MGI:3780119 | pseudogene | predicted gene 9711 |
7 | gene | 144.83796 | 144.84445 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95517 | Fgf3 | NCBI_Gene:14174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031074 | MGI:95517 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor 3 |
7 | gene | 144.84737 | 144.86524 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_95518 | Fgf4 | NCBI_Gene:14175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050917 | MGI:95518 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor 4 |
7 | gene | 144.89412 | 144.89746 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5477287 | Gm26793 | NCBI_Gene:102638461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096999 | MGI:5477287 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 26793 |
7 | gene | 144.89653 | 144.90095 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1096383 | Fgf15 | NCBI_Gene:14170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031073 | MGI:1096383 | protein coding gene | fibroblast growth factor 15 |
7 | gene | 144.89931 | 144.91057 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_5622004 | Gm39119 | NCBI_Gene:105243098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108977 | MGI:5622004 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 39119 |
7 | gene | 144.91447 | 144.91464 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_104905 | Bc1 | NCBI_Gene:100568459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115783 | MGI:104905 | lncRNA gene | brain cytoplasmic RNA 1 |
7 | gene | 144.91510 | 144.93170 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_1919534 | LTO1 | NCBI_Gene:72284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031072 | MGI:1919534 | protein coding gene | ABCE maturation factor |
7 | gene | 144.92993 | 144.93994 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_88313 | Ccnd1 | NCBI_Gene:12443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070348 | MGI:88313 | protein coding gene | cyclin D1 |
7 | gene | 145.06904 | 145.07002 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5825660 | Gm46023 | NCBI_Gene:108167507 | MGI:5825660 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene, 46023 |
7 | gene | 145.16300 | 145.16696 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_5753757 | Gm45181 | ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108967 | MGI:5753757 | lncRNA gene | predicted gene 45181 |
7 | gene | 145.18163 | 145.28401 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_2385297 | Tpcn2 | NCBI_Gene:233979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048677 | MGI:2385297 | protein coding gene | two pore segment channel 2 |
7 | gene | 145.20582 | 145.20812 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1916283 | Smim38 | NCBI_Gene:100040049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109305 | MGI:1916283 | protein coding gene | small integral membrane protein 38 |
7 | gene | 145.22088 | 145.22252 | negative | MGI_C57BL6J_1922098 | 4833446E11Rik | NA | NA | unclassified gene | RIKEN cDNA 4833446E11 gene |
7 | gene | 145.30083 | 145.30956 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_2384823 | Mrgprf | NCBI_Gene:211577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031070 | MGI:2384823 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member F |
7 | gene | 145.31483 | 145.32409 | positive | MGI_C57BL6J_3033142 | Mrgprd | NCBI_Gene:211578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051207 | MGI:3033142 | protein coding gene | MAS-related GPR, member D |
R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7
Matrix products: default
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LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
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