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Development Guide

Project Dependencies

Python Version

All packages in the geneweaver-* ecosystem depend on Python version 3.9 or higher.

If you need to manage multiple version of python on your development machine, we recommend using pyenv to manage your python versions.

Support for Python 3.7

It's possible that some of the packages in the geneweaver-* ecosystem will work with Python 3.7, but this is not guaranteed, and is not tested.


All packages in the geneweaver-* ecosystem use poetry to manage dependencies and build packages.

The Python Poetry Documentation maintains a list of installation instructions for all major operating systems.


All packages in the geneweaver-* ecosystem use PyTest as their test runner.

Package Based Architecture

Package Based Architecture

The geneweaver-* ecosystem is built around the concept of a package based architecture. This means that each package in the ecosystem is designed to be independent of the other packages. This allows for the ecosystem to be extended and modified without breaking the other packages.

For more information, see the Package Based Architecture page.