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GUI version

Isopret-gui is a Java application for investigating and visualizing overrepresentation of Gene Ontology (GO) annotations in differentially spliced or differentially expressed genes. Only the graphical user interface (GUI) version of isopretGO offers the full functionality.

Starting isopretGO for the first time: Downloading input files

IsopretGO can be started with a double click (assuming Java 17 is installed on your computer) or from the command line as

Starting isopretGO from the command line
java -jar Isopret.jar

First run

Appearance of the app when started for the first time.

You should now click on the Download button and choose a directory to which to download the data files required by isopret to run (these files include the inferred isoformGO function files of the project as well as other files such as the Gene Ontology json file). This step only needs to be performed once.

Choosing the HBA-DEALS file

It is assumed you will have run HBA-DEALS on RNA-seq files of interest prior to running Isopret. Choose the output file of HBA-DEALS.

Gene Ontology Settings

isopretGO offers three Gene Ontology (GO) overrepresentation algorithms. The Term-for-Term method is the standard procedure for assessing whether genes annotated to a specific GO term are more common in the set of differentially expressed genes than one would expect given the proportion of all genes that are annotated to the term. Formally, it is the upper tail of a hypergeometric distribution, which is also known as the one-tailed Fisher's exact test (Bauer et al., 2008).

The drawback of the term-for-term approach is that it does not respect dependencies between the GO terms that are caused by overlapping annotations. As a result of the true-path rule, each term in GO shares all the annotations of all of its descendants. Isopret also offers two algorithms for GO analysis that assess GO term overrepresentation that examines each term in the context of its parent terms, which we call the parent–child approach (Grossmann et al., 2007). In our experiments, the parent–child-intersection approach is generally more conservative than the parent–child-union approach.

Multiple testing correction

Isopret offers the following multiple-testing correction options for the GO analysis: Bonferroni, Bonferroni-Holm, Sidak, Benjamini-Hochberg, Benjamini-Yukutieli, None. The book Introduction to Bio-Ontologies provides detailed explanations of the GO Overrepresentation analysis procedures and multiple testing correction approaches.

First run

Appearance of the app after data download with an HBA-DEAL file chosen and the analysis set to Parent-Child Intersection with Benjamini-Hochberg MTC.

Running isopretGO

Finally, click the Analyse button to start the analysis. The tool will typically require less than 5 minutes to complete on a typical laptop or consumer desktop. Users can follow progress with a progress bar. If analysis is slow, consider starting Isopret with additional memory.

starting isopret with additional memory
java -Xmx 8g -jar Isopret.jar

When the analysis finished, two new tabs will appear, DGE (differental gene expression) and DAS (differential alternative splicing). See output for instructions on how to interpret the results.