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Exporting PDF file

Ispopret allows users to export PDF files of the isoform or protein domain graphics created by isorpret for each analyzed gene. To create the PDF file, isopret first creates a SVG file and then uses the program rsvg-convert to convert the SVG file to a PDF file (if desired, the SVG file can be saved itself).

Isopret creates a temporary file, writes the SVG to this file, and then starts a system process to run rsvg-convert. Thus, rsvg-convert must be available on your PATH. On most systems, it is sufficient to install the program system wide.

If isopret cannot find rsvg-convert, it will show an error dialog. In this case, you can save the SVG file and convert it to PDF using any method of choice.

Installing rsvg-convert

  • Macintosh

The easiest way to install the software is with brew.

brew install librsvg
  • Debian-flavors of linux

On Ubuntu and other linuxes with apt-get, use the following command.

apt-get install librsvg2-bin

Running rsvg-convert

If you are not able to get isopretGO to use rsvg-convert, but have it on your system and have saved an SVG file, this is the command that is used to convert the file to PDF.

commands = rsvg-convert -f pdf -o myfilename.pdf myfilename.svg

myfilename is the base file name of the SVG file and of the PDF file that will be created.