
Last updated on 2024-03-11 | Edit this page


This workshop is designed for a beginner with little to now

By the end of this workshop you will have:

  • Created 16 contianers.

  • Executed 12+ commands with containers.

  • Build 2 custom containers.

  • Build 2 websites and viewed them with containers.

  • Run the most common singularity commands (pull, build, exec)

  • Run the exec command command with bind mounts to access data.

  • Encounter 3 gotchas and discuss solutions to deal with them.

  • Gotcha 1: Repositories are managed by other users.

  • Solution 1: Keep good documentiaton on how your software was built.

  • Gotcha 2: Cant mount the current working directory.

  • Solution 2: Try the -B $PWD flag.

  • Gotcha 3: Cant mount the the directory with the data.

  • Solution 3: Try the -B : flag.