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Concept Set Evaluation

This stage involves running the script on two outputs: the filtered marea output (pubmed_filt_abst.tsv) and the WordNet replacement output (pubmed_wn.tsv), resulting in two sets of metadata and vector files.

The objective here is to assess whether replacing non-medical concepts with synonyms improves the efficiency of medical term embeddings.

Overview of Concept Sets

Refer to concept sets for information on how we generated biomedical concept sets for testing. The wn2vec scripts leverage concept sets to evaluate the quality of concept embeddings, drawing gene sets from MSigDB and clinical concept sets from MeSH.

Additionally, we used 965 gene sets. The format of the wn2vec conceptset file is

HAY_BONE_MARROW_NEUTROPHIL  M39203  ncbigene55365;ncbigene23129;ncbigene8935;ncbigene3920;ncbigene221; (...)

i.e., name, id, and semicolon-separated list of concept identifiers. For instance, ncbigene55365 refers to TMEM176A (transmembrane protein 176A; Homo sapiens) which has NCBI Gene ID: 55365.

Gene Set Transformation Script

Function: Converts gene sets from MSigDb into WN2VEC format.


  • -i input directory with gene sets (MSigDb) files.
  • -o output file for a .tsv file with the required format for WN2VEC. Default ../data/gene_sets.tsv .
  • Example: python -i ../data/kegg_canonical_gene_set -o data/gene_sets.tsv

To test different gene sets, alternate the input directory to a specific gene set directory.

Mesh Set Importer Script

Function: Downloads and formats mesh sets from Mesh Database.


  • Reads data/mesh_target_ids.tsv for target mesh IDs.
  • Saves formatted data in ../data/mesh_sets.tsv.
  • Example: python

Embedding Comparison Script

Function: Compares embeddings from pubmed_filt_abst.tsv and pubmed_wn.tsv using selected MeSH and gene sets.


  • -i: TensorFlow file directory.
  • -c: Concept set directory.
  • -p: Prefix for PubTator TensorFlow files.
  • -w: Prefix for WordNet TensorFlow files.
  • -o: Output file name.
  • Example: python -i ../data/metadata_threshold -c ../data/bio_geneset.tsv -p pubt -w wn -o comn_concepts.tsv

Concise Results Interpretation

  • Objective: Evaluate the impact of synonym replacement on embedding efficiency.
  • Method: Compare mean distances in concept clusters between pubmed_filt_abst.tsv and pubmed_wn.tsv.
  • Criteria: A true count is recorded if a gene set/mesh set’s mean in pubmed_wn.tsv is lower than in pubmed_filt_abst.tsv.
  • Threshold: Consider sets with at least 3 common vocabularies in the metadata files.

The results highlight the effectiveness of synonym replacement in improving the clustering of biomedical concepts.