Now we have two files to compare. We have the marea output which was filtered by year (pubmed_filt.tsv
) and WordNet-transformed text (pubmed_wn.tsv
Transforming input text
To ensure that we have fair results after embedding, the input text should be in the same formart. Currently pubmed_wn.tsv
have only one column which is abstracts, we are going to remove extra columns from pubmed_filt.tsv
to have same formart.
Run the following comand in your terminal
For Unix-like shell (like Mac) use:
awk -F'\t' '{print $3}' pubmed_filt.tsv > pubmed_filt_abst.tsv
Get-Content pubmed_filt.tsv | ForEach-Object { ($_ -split "`t")[2] } | Set-Content pubmed_filt_abst.tsv
Word2Vec Embedding
This step has to be run twice, first for
and second forpubmed_wn.tsv
before going to the following step. -
Word2vec converts the texts from abstracts to build word embedding using Skip-gram and negative sampling using Gensim Word2vec model.
We used a continuous skip-gram model, where we were predicting words within a certain range before and after the current word in the same sentence.
The model is trained on skip-grams, which are n-grams that allow tokens to be skipped.
The context of a word can be represented through a set of skip-gram pairs of (target_word, context_word) where context_word appears in the neighboring context of target_word.
The training objective of the skip-gram model is to maximize the probability of predicting context words given the target word.
Running the Word2Vec Script
takes three command-line options:
: Path to a .tsv file with abstracts (eitherpubmed_filt_abst.tsv
). -
: Name of output vector file (ex.wn_vector
). -
: Name of output metadata file (ex.wn_metadata
Remember to run this code twice with separate paths for the input and different names for vectors and metadata if you want to compare two separate files.
Note: all custom vector names should end with _vector
and metadata should end _metadata
To run the code:
On local laptop:
- Locate the file you are running, then use Python to execute
with the appropriate arguments. - Example:
python run_word2vec.py -i pubmed_wn.tsv -v wn_vector -m wn_metadata
- Locate the file you are running, then use Python to execute
On High Performance Computing (HPC):
- Run the singularity file
assbatch -q batch word2vector.sh
- Run the singularity file
The output files consist of:
- A vector file: contains a list of vectors equal to the number of vocab size and the metadata. The vector file has 128 dimensions for each vocabulary.
- A metadata file: contains a list of vocabularies.
Once this step is repeated twice for both the filtered abstracts and the corresponding WordNet transformed file, we have 2 metadata files and 2 vector files which will be used in the evaluation.