Drawing and Bitwise Operations

Last updated on 2024-03-19 | Edit this page



  • How can we draw on scikit-image images and use bitwise operations and masks to select certain parts of an image?


  • Create a blank, black scikit-image image.
  • Draw rectangles and other shapes on scikit-image images.
  • Explain how a white shape on a black background can be used as a mask to select specific parts of an image.
  • Use bitwise operations to apply a mask to an image.

The next series of episodes covers a basic toolkit of scikit-image operators. With these tools, we will be able to create programs to perform simple analyses of images based on changes in colour or shape.

First, import the packages needed for this episode


import imageio.v3 as iio
import ipympl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import skimage as ski

%matplotlib widget

Here, we import the same packages as earlier in the lesson.

Drawing on images

Often we wish to select only a portion of an image to analyze, and ignore the rest. Creating a rectangular sub-image with slicing, as we did in the Working with scikit-image episode is one option for simple cases. Another option is to create another special image, of the same size as the original, with white pixels indicating the region to save and black pixels everywhere else. Such an image is called a mask. In preparing a mask, we sometimes need to be able to draw a shape - a circle or a rectangle, say - on a black image. scikit-image provides tools to do that.

Let’s repeat the challenge at the end of the Working with scikit-image episode, to select only the leftmost cell of HeLa cells image using a rectangular selection.

A Python program to create a mask to select only that area of the image would start with a now-familiar section of code to open and display the original image:


# Load and display the original image
cells= iio.imread(uri="data/hela-cells-8bit.tif")

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

We load and display the initial image in the same way we have done before.

NumPy allows indexing of images/arrays with “boolean” arrays of the same size. Indexing with a boolean array is also called mask indexing. The “pixels” in such a mask array can only take two values: True or False. When indexing an image with such a mask, only pixel values at positions where the mask is True are accessed. But first, we need to generate a mask array of the same size as the image. Luckily, the NumPy library provides a function to create just such an array. The next section of code shows how:


# Create the basic mask
mask = np.ones(shape=cells.shape[0:2], dtype="bool")

The first argument to the ones() function is the shape of the original image, so that our mask will be exactly the same size as the original. Notice, that we have only used the first two indices of our shape. We omitted the channel dimension. Indexing with such a mask will change all channel values simultaneously. The second argument, dtype = "bool", indicates that the elements in the array should be booleans - i.e., values are either True or False. Thus, even though we use np.ones() to create the mask, its pixel values are in fact not 1 but True. You could check this, e.g., by print(mask[0, 0]).

Next, we draw a filled, rectangle on the mask:


# Draw filled rectangle on the mask image
rr, cc = ski.draw.rectangle(start=(70,20), end=(391,211))
mask[rr, cc] = False

# Display mask image
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.imshow(mask, cmap="gray")

Here is what our constructed mask looks like: Cells rectangle mask

The parameters of the rectangle() function (70,20) and (391,211), are the coordinates of the upper-left (start) and lower-right (end) corners of a rectangle in (ry, cx) order. The function returns the rectangle as row (rr) and column (cc) coordinate arrays.

Check the documentation!

When using an scikit-image function for the first time - or the fifth time - it is wise to check how the function is used, via the scikit-image documentation or other usage examples on programming-related sites such as Stack Overflow. Basic information about scikit-image functions can be found interactively in Python, via commands like help(ski) or help(ski.draw.rectangle). Take notes in your lab notebook. And, it is always wise to run some test code to verify that the functions your program uses are behaving in the manner you intend.

Variable naming conventions!

You may have wondered why we called the return values of the rectangle function rr and cc?! You may have guessed that r is short for row and c is short for column. However, the rectangle function returns mutiple rows and columns; thus we used a convention of doubling the letter r to rr (and c to cc) to indicate that those are multiple values. In fact it may have even been clearer to name those variables rows and columns; however this would have been also much longer. Whatever you decide to do, try to stick to some already existing conventions, such that it is easier for other people to understand your code.

Other drawing operations (15 min)

There are other functions for drawing on images, in addition to the ski.draw.rectangle() function. We can draw circles, lines, text, and other shapes as well. These drawing functions may be useful later on, to help annotate images that our programs produce. Practice some of these functions here.

Circles can be drawn with the ski.draw.disk() function, which takes two parameters: the (ry, cx) point of the centre of the circle, and the radius of the circle. There is an optional shape parameter that can be supplied to this function. It will limit the output coordinates for cases where the circle dimensions exceed the ones of the image.

Lines can be drawn with the ski.draw.line() function, which takes four parameters: the (ry, cx) coordinate of one end of the line, and the (ry, cx) coordinate of the other end of the line.

Other drawing functions supported by scikit-image can be found in the scikit-image reference pages.

First let’s make an empty, black image with a size of 800x600 pixels. Recall that a colour image has three channels for the colours red, green, and blue (RGB, cf. Image Basics). Hence we need to create a 3D array of shape (600, 800, 3) where the last dimension represents the RGB colour channels.


# create the black canvas
canvas = np.zeros(shape=(600, 800, 3), dtype="uint8")

Now your task is to draw some other coloured shapes and lines on the image, perhaps something like this:

Sample shapes

Drawing a circle:


# Draw a blue circle with centre (200, 300) in (ry, cx) coordinates, and radius 100
rr, cc = ski.draw.disk(center=(200, 300), radius=100, shape=canvas.shape[0:2])
canvas[rr, cc] = (0, 0, 255)

Drawing a line:


# Draw a green line from (400, 200) to (500, 700) in (ry, cx) coordinates
rr, cc = ski.draw.line(r0=400, c0=200, r1=500, c1=700)
canvas[rr, cc] = (0, 255, 0)


# Display the image
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

We could expand this solution, if we wanted, to draw rectangles, circles and lines at random positions within our black canvas. To do this, we could use the random python module, and the function random.randrange, which can produce random numbers within a certain range.

Let’s draw 15 randomly placed circles:


import random

# create the black canvas
canvas = np.zeros(shape=(600, 800, 3), dtype="uint8")

# draw a blue circle at a random location 15 times
for i in range(15):
    rr, cc = ski.draw.disk(center=(
    canvas[rr, cc] = (0, 0, 255)

# display the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

We could expand this even further to also randomly choose whether to plot a rectangle, a circle, or a square. Again, we do this with the random module, now using the function random.random that returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.


import random

# Draw 15 random shapes (rectangle, circle or line) at random positions
for i in range(15):
    # generate a random number between 0.0 and 1.0 and use this to decide if we
    # want a circle, a line or a sphere
    x = random.random()
    if x < 0.33:
        # draw a blue circle at a random location
        rr, cc = ski.draw.disk(center=(
        color = (0, 0, 255)
    elif x < 0.66:
        # draw a green line at a random location
        rr, cc = ski.draw.line(
        color = (0, 255, 0)
        # draw a red rectangle at a random location
        rr, cc = ski.draw.rectangle(
            start=(random.randrange(600), random.randrange(800)),
            extent=(50, 50),
        color = (255, 0, 0)

    canvas[rr, cc] = color

# display the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

Image modification

All that remains is the task of modifying the image using our mask in such a way that the areas with True pixels in the mask are not shown in the image any more.

Loading images with imageio: Read-only arrays

When loading an image with imageio, in certain situations the image is stored in a read-only array. If you attempt to manipulate the pixels in a read-only array, you will receive an error message ValueError: assignment destination is read-only. In order to make the image array writeable, we can create a copy with image = np.array(image) before manipulating the pixel values.

How does a mask work? (optional, not included in timing)

Now, consider the mask image we created above. The values of the mask that corresponds to the portion of the image we are interested in are all False, while the values of the mask that corresponds to the portion of the image we want to remove are all True.

How do we change the original image using the mask?

When indexing the image using the mask, we access only those pixels at positions where the mask is True. So, when indexing with the mask, one can set those values to 0, and effectively remove them from the image.

Now we can write a Python program to use a mask to retain only the leftmost cell of the HeLa cells image. We load the original image and create the mask in the same way as before:


# Load the original image
cells = iio.imread(uri="data/hela-cells-8bit.tif")

# Create the basic mask
mask = np.ones(shape=cells.shape[0:2], dtype="bool")

# Draw a filled rectangle on the mask image
rr, cc = ski.draw.rectangle(start=(70,20), end=(391,211))
mask[rr, cc] = False

Then, we use NumPy indexing to remove the portions of the image, where the mask is True:


# Apply the mask
cells[mask] = 0

Then, we display the masked image.


fig, ax = plt.subplots()

The resulting masked image should look like this:

Applied masks

Key Points

  • We can use the NumPy zeros() function to create a blank, black image.
  • We can draw on scikit-image images with functions such as ski.draw.rectangle(), ski.draw.disk(), ski.draw.line(), and more.
  • The drawing functions return indices to pixels that can be set directly.